#isabella bell beaufort
yourlocalqreator · 6 days
Drawing my OCs although I’m actually trying (No I don’t think I am😭)
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Catherine lands at Plymouth
Catherine saw the first signs of the popular rejoicing when her battered fleet finally made the Sound and dropped anchor off Plymouth Hoe on a bright Saturday afternoon, the second of October, 1501. For weeks the West Country had expected her coming; the topmasts of the foreign ships, the gay flutter of Spanish standards, the familiar cut of Stephen Brett’s rigging had packed the quay with gaily dressed citizens among whom were already a sprinkling of squires and their wives, the town barge with the Lord Mayor and a delegation of aldermen floated ready, and, as the first anchors dropped, a welcoming clamour of bells broke out over town and harbour. What makes it the more impressive is that Plymouth’s welcome was entirely spontaneous.The English of course had made elaborate preparations for Catherine’s reception. But everything had been based on the assumption that she would land at Southampton. So when she came ashore instead at Plymouth, the townsmen and local gentry were left to their own devices to offer their own, impromptu welcome. There was no royal officer at Plymouth to bid the Princess welcome.
Catherine may have been a girl not yet sixteen, hardly recovered from seasickness and fright and the wetting which even a princess could not escape in such squalls as her fleet had weathered, but she had been thoroughly trained in what was expected of royalty; when her ship was warped in to the quay she stood in the waist with the Archbishop and the Bishop and the Count of Cabra and her suite of honour ranged ceremoniously behind her. The welcoming crowds may have been a little dissapointed that as well as a coif (head covering) and hat, wich allowed her hair to hang down about her shoulders, Catherine reportedly also wore a veil. But no doubt they marvelled at the multicultural entourage she brought with her.
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As Catherine walked down the gangway, followed by her retinue, the first thing she saw through her veil was the Mayor of Plymouth and his aldermen, come to welcome her to England. The townsfolk were there too, cheering and waving, and there were banners in the streets. ‘The Princess could not have been received with greater joy’, wrote the elated Licentiate Alcaraz to Queen Isabella, ‘had she been the Saviour of the world.'  Not long after stepping on English soil for the first time, Catherine went in procession to the church to give thanks for her safe arrival. Meanwhile, a royal messenger was speeding away to the King, to tell him that the Princess whose arrival he had awaited for thirteen years was actually in his kingdom. Catherine stayed at the house of a rich merchant named John Painter, who provided lodgings and entertainment for the newly-arrived Spanish princess before her long journey overland to London and marriage. She remained there over a week, as the arrangements for her official welcome were hastily revised. 
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Margaret Beaufort, the king’s mother, noted the event in her Book of Hours, where only the most important occasions were recorded. While King Henry was not there to welcome his daughter-in-law in person, he did pen her a letter telling her of how happy and relieved he was that she’d finally arrived. Catherine’s arrival was such an important event that it warranted a specially commissioned account. The task of describing her journey into England appears to have fallen to the poet Stephen Hawes, with the commission almost certainly coming from Henry VII himself. He wrote his chronicle in the style of a medieval romance and gave it the title The Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne.  
Garrett Mattingly, Catherine of Aragon
Antonia Fraser, The Six Wives Of Henry VIII
Alison Weir, The Six Wives of Henry VIII
David Starkey, Six Wives : The Queens of Henry VIII
Theresa Earenfight, Catherine of Aragon
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Biographical Information
Born: September 13, 1987; Phoenix, Arizona
Immortal age: 17
Alias: Isabella Marie Swan (birth name), Bella (preferred name), Bells, Bell, Swan Girl
Physical Description
Species: Vampire/human hybrid
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"
Hair color: Dark brown
Eye color: Chocolate brown
Skin color: Pale
Family Information
Family members: Edythe Cullen (girlfriend/mate), Charlie Swan (father)♰, Renée Swan (mother)♰, Marie Higginbotham (maternal grandmother)♰, Beaufort Higginbotham (maternal grandfather)♰, Geoffrey Swan (paternal uncle)♰, Helen Swan (aunt by marriage)♰, Emmett Cullen (great uncle), Rosalie Hale (great aunt by marriage), Molly Swan (distant cousin)♰, Quil Ateara IV (distant cousin)♰, Quil Ateara V (distant cousin), Carlisle Cullen (coven mate), Earnest Cullen (coven mate), Alice Cullen (coven mate), Jessamine Hale (coven mate)
Special Characteristics
Abilities: Basic vampire abilities (with human limitations), Exceptional self-control
Special abilities: Mental shield projection
Occupation: Student at Forks High School
Loyalty: Cullen coven and Quileute wolves
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thearrangment-phff · 6 years
XXIV. Terms
January 2017
Isabella and Harry were able to be in their room until the New Year's Eve Ball that the Prince of Ligne was hosting. Most of the day and a half was spent talking and Harry had opened up more about his mother to Isabella. Which she thought was a big milestone in their relationship because she knew it was hard for him to talk about his mother in the first place. The stories never got to her death. They were mostly about his childhood and even got to talking about the divorce and how they struggled even more with the press.
New Years was a blur for Isabella. She remembered Harry and being with her family but once it hit midnight everything was forgotten. She woke up around 3 in the afternoon the next day only to find her mother had packed her a bag and informed her she was going to London to meet the Queen.  
The thought of a hangover was gone and filled with shock. Isabella was going to meet the Queen of the United Kingdom, Harry's grandmother, with a hangover. She stormed to her brother Alexander for remedies to get rid of any sign of alcohol then to her mother and grandmother Yolande for a refresher on etiquette.
When they finally landed in London, Harry's personal secretary had informed them they would be meeting the Queen on the second of January. So, Isabella had an extra day to settle in and not be so overwhelmed. Though she wasn't let off the hook with meeting company.
Charles had come to her saying he arranged a family dinner where she would be introduced to Camilla, William, Kate, and their children. Harry watched as Isabella smiled at her father but her hands told another story as the curled and began to shake. She continued to smile and excused herself away to get ready.
Harry was left alone with his father and the look on his face meant he wanted to talk.
"Before you ask everything is fine now. I think her family has family accepted me and the past couple of days were good."
"That's good to hear, but that isn't what I was going to say," smiled Charles.
"Oh, what is it then?"
"After dinner, we will host the heads of several royal houses Isabella is related to. We will be discussing the terms of the marriage between you and Isabella," explained Charles.
"Terms? We have terms? Wouldn't that also give away that this marriage was supposed to be arranged?" Asked Harry.
"We won't be giving anything away, but Isabella's parents have asked that we sit down and discuss terms. They won't be able to come but have sent family remembers as representatives," continued Charles.
"Pa, seriously? What terms are there anyway?!"
"Whether Isabella will be able to marry you for one. Prince Carlos, Duke of Parma is head to the Royal House of Bourbon-Parma and his brother is Dutch ambassador to the Holy See so getting the Pope's permission for your marriage may be needed. Another is whether Isabella will forgo her Catholic religion, another thing the Pope has to agree with. Whether she will keep her title is another question. Her dowry, the jewels, and the land that will come with her as well will need to be discussed. Shall I say more?" asserted Charles.
"No. Will that really need to be discussed?"
"From the looks of it, Isabella's family is trying to keep you away from everything she owns. If she were to die before you, you would gain nothing. You would be lucky to have children with her should that happen or else this is all for nothing."
"I understand," mumbled Harry.
"I have to go get dressed. I suggest you do the same then drive with Isabella to Clarence House in an hour. We will be waiting."
"Okay," replied Harry.
"Oh and Harry. Do not tell your brother about any of this." Harry gave his father a nod and turned around to look at the empty room. Isabella came out 20 minutes later dressed for dinner then Harry left her alone to go change himself.  
As Harry pulled up to Clarence House he caught a glance at Isabella messing with her engagement ring not saying a word, "Are you nervous?"
"A little. Though I shouldn't be," muttered Isabella.
"It's okay to be nervous. I was nervous whenever I met your family."
"I know. I just tired and this was unexpected. I'm just confused right now," replied Isabella still not looking up.
"What are you confused about?" Asked Harry.
"Nothing. Can we please drop it?"
Though Isabella wasn't impressed with Clarence House as Harry thought. She was acting weird since they landed in London. Isabella simply kept on messing around with her engagement ring without rarely talking, which for her was unusual.  
Isabella didn't pay attention as she was led through Clarence House. Her mind on clicked when she was standing in front of Harry's brother and his family. When she shook William's hand his immediate attention went to the ring on her finger then turned to his wife. Her eyes went slightly large for a second before calming down and smiling at Isabella.
"It's so nice to meet you. William and I were so excited to hear you were coming to London," smiled Kate.
"Yes. It's lovely to meet you too. Your children are absolutely adorable."
"Excuse George, he can be a bit shy sometimes," inputted William.
"That's no problem. My nephew is very similar," added Isabella before she crouched down to the little boy's height. Isabella stuck out her hand, "Hello. I'm Isabella, but you can call me Belle."
"I'm George," replied the little boy in a hushed manner.
"Hello George, how old are you?" Asked Isabella as he picked up three fingers, "That's a very big number," smiled Isabella as she got back up. "And this little one must be Charlotte. Oh, she is beautiful. Her name is lovely too, my grandmother and great-grandmother bore that name."
"Thank you. The name Charlotte does suit her very well now," agreed Kate.
"Let us all sit down to eat!" Announced Charles as Camilla stood by his side.
Isabella was seated between William and Camilla with Harry across from her. Kate was on Harry's left and Charles at his right with Charlotte closest to Kate and George with William. Camilla immediately struck up a conversation with Isabella about her family but once they got to Isabella's job working for the United Nations that's when Isabella got passionate. She mentioned working in favor of women's rights and for the welfare of immigrants and refugees escaping their either war-torn countries or leaving because of natural disasters. Isabella found Camilla the easiest to get along with at the table, save Charles and Harry.
William was able to put in a couple of thoughts but tending to George took all of his attention. Even then, Isabella found him to be aggressive and ignorant when trying to talk about either women's right or refugees. Kate had kept quiet, not bothering to contribute to the conversation.
When everyone was done Camilla had finally asked the question Harry had been trying to avoid. He wanted to tell his brother that Isabella had a title of her own in a more private setting, but the question came up and Harry had looked to his father in surprise.
"Isabella, what does your family do?"
"Well my father is a banker and my mother works for the Grand Ducal Family of Luxembourg," answered Isabella.
"Oh, she is a secretary or something?" Asked Kate.
"No. She carries out engagements on behalf of my uncle Henri when he first became Grand Duke."
Harry cleared his throat, "Isabella's uncle is Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg. Will, you remember the older Grand Duke when we were younger. He and granny are good friends."
"I faintly remember him. I don’t think Harry mentioned you were related to royal houses," replied Will.
"Surely you have no title since your mother is the princess right?" Asked Kate.
"I do have a title of my own actually. My mother married my father, an Archduke of Austria so I bare the female form of that."
"Though the monarchy doesn't exist so that title isn't anything right," added Will.
"The monarchy doesn't exist, but Isabella also holds the title princess in the Belgian nobility," corrected Harry.
"So many titles," interrupted Kate with an awkward tone.
"Yes, well coming from hundreds of years of royal blood can give you a few connections," agreed Isabella.
"Really? Harry and my father really didn’t clarify."
"My grandmother Josephine Charlotte was a Princess of Belgium. My other grandmother Yolande was born a Princess of Ligne. My grandfather was the Grand Duke and the other was the son of an Emperor."
"So the weddings going to be huge," joked William.
"Isabella is one of six," informs Charles.
"Oh, that sounds interesting! How many brothers? How many sisters?" Asked Camilla.
"The eldest is my sister Marie Christine. Then there's Imre, Christoph, and Alexander. Finally, there's me and my younger sister, Gabriella," answered Isabella.
"Do any of your siblings have children?" Asked Kate.
"My sister has 2 sons, my brother Imre has 2 daughters and my other brother Christoph has one daughter and another baby on the way."
The rest of the night was painful. Isabella answered everyone's questions, but sometimes in not a nice manner. Though in Isabella's opinion, most of them seemed like they were attacking her family. From the number of kids they had to the literal titles of Archduke and Archduchess being meaningless. She didn't take kindly to the comments made about her family being nothing.
Though she had a great shame from being a Habsburg her ancestors included families like the Medici's and Sforzas who paved the way for the Italian renaissance to occur. Kings and Queen of Spain and France. She was the descendant of prominent men like Louis XIV of France, Henry IV of France, Charlemagne, Ferdinand II of Aragon, and Henry VII of England. There were also great women like Isabella of Castile, Empress Maria Theresa, Margaret Beaufort, Catherine de Medici, and Caterina Sforza. She wasn't nothing and neither was her family.
Harry had tried to explain things to Isabella, but once she was mad there was nothing that was going to change that. Harry himself had accidentally said some rude comments about Isabella's family so he had been in that position. William was as oblivious to Isabella's family as Harry was in the beginning. Kate was even more ignorant of Isabella's life.
Isabella grew up speaking four languages. She was educated close to home until she decided she wanted to leave to England for a boarding school. Then decided that she wanted to move to the United States for a university. Rather than stay at her job working for her father she left a stable environment to work for the United Nations. When all of that was going on she would fly to France, Belgium, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg for weddings, birthday celebrations, and christenings. She rubbed elbows with other European royalty, both the disposed and the ruling.  
When Harry invited William to join he and their father to talk terms about his upcoming marriage to Isabella he had declined. Then Kate whispered some things in his ear and he changed his mind telling the table it would be a learning experience. Isabella was beyond annoyed by the time they were done eating. The only thing that cheered her up was the sight of Joachim and a mystery man who looked similar to the Belgium prince that Harry didn't know.  
With Charles, William, and Harry standing at the entrance entered a large group of men that Harry didn't know. Charles barely knew them. Just as in the beginning they shook the hands of Charles but could care less about William or Harry. William had no idea was going on and Harry's nerves had returned and stronger than ever.
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the-busy-ghost · 6 years
Idk what kind of genes Agnes Stewart, Countess of Bothwell was passing on but the fact remains that a bunch of her descendants were famed for their good looks and there might be an interesting legacy of family resemblance
So you have her eldest child (apparently) Janet Stewart, Lady Fleming who in her early forties became mistress of Henri II of France and was known as le Belle Ecossaise. Then her next child Patrick Hepburn, 3rd Earl of Bothwell, known as the Fair Earl. I don’t know about her children by Lords Home or Maxwell but her grandchildren followed in the family tradition- for example Mary Fleming was known as the Fair Fleming, and James Hepburn 4th Earl of Bothwell (i.e. Mary Queen of Scots’ infamous third husband) has been described as good-looking, or at least attractive. 
And given that Janet and Patrick were born to different fathers but shared a similar form of good looks (i.e. it’s been implied both were fair), and since we know Agnes was handsome enough herself to catch the eye of a King of Scots, I’d say it’s almost certainly from her that her descendants got their looks. 
She was a capable and formidable enough woman in her own right, and beauty is subjective, but since we don’t’ have a lot of representations of people in this period of Scottish history it’s interesting to trace that family resemblance back 
(I’m not sure if we can push it back further- Agnes was illegitimate so her mother Margaret Murray may have been a looker, but on the other hand her paternal grandmother Joan Beaufort, Queen of Scots, if it is her who is described in the Kingis Quair, was called ‘fair’, beautiful and golden-haired- and anyway, no offence to James I, but from what little we can infer about his looks I very much doubt that it was his genes that made his elder daughters Margaret, Dauphine of France, and Isabella, Duchess of Brittany, famous for their beauty. Either way worth noting too.)
I also should put as a disclaimer I have like almost no real understanding of how DNA works
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yourlocalqreator · 17 hours
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“Listen here you little shit, I will make your life a living hell until you can’t fucking breath another breath anymore”Isabella “Bell” Beaufort
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yourlocalqreator · 2 days
Isabella “Bell” Beaufort in Black ops 6
After the events of the Cold War, Bell is said to be dead however, in reality, she survived, all thanks to surgery but that doesn't heal in the fact that there are more problems other than Perseus.
Here's the real problem
Isabella realizes that adler is a traitor to the CIA, although Isabella is hurt by what adler did she also has a soft spot for him and his team and tries to help them
Not knowing that she's also being hunted down, Not by the CIA, Or Perseus, But by another organization. an evil organization from France known as the l'Ordre de Brutalité aka The IDB (For English the Order of Brutality aka TOOB)
Run by their leader, Alice “Storm” Hollow, and her little evil minions to destroy the population of France and to hunt down Isabella,while the CIA is hunting down Adler situation for being a traitor, her reasons are different
Now with the help of adler, Woods, Aguinaldo, and a whole new group of people stop the bad guys and finish Alice so that her wicked skeems would stop.
But how would that happen?
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yourlocalqreator · 5 days
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Isabella and adler talking
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yourlocalqreator · 6 days
Isabella has a fry in their mouth and dares Adler to steal it from them. Adler moves in, Isabella psychs them out by pulling the fry in a little. Adler tries again and Isabella puts the whole fry in their mouth, making Adler kiss them.
Adler Said I love you first
Isabella is always cold in winter time so Adler is very protective of Isabella when they’re outside and always has water and lighter clothing for Isabella in case they get overheated.
Isabella and Adler driving in heavy rain. It’s getting hard to see anything, so they pull over and find a covered picnic area to wait out the storm. They talk until it’s safe to drive again, and find out loads of new things about each other.
Isabella: "I love you Adler, but if you try to take me on that ferris wheel, I'm going to absolutely beat your ass."
When Isabella has panic attacks Adler comforts her
When it comes to movies Adler would choose war while Isabella wouldn’t mind
Adler getting thought French from Isabella
Isabella’s a switch and Adler a dom
Adler tells his corny jokes to Isabella on there first date
When Isabella gets cold Adler asked bell to wear his jacket.
Adler when bell meets him he asked himself why is she so fucking short
Adler and bell exchange head accessories, Isabella wearing Adler glasses as Adler wears Isabella’s balaclava asking her why is it so god damn sweaty while Isabella asked why are the sunglasses big
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yourlocalqreator · 7 days
Soo i saw somthing and i wanted to do it soo
Dose my OTP Become Cannon?
Here the silly link
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Winters an upcoming Female Cod OC but YAYYY MONTYS LOVED😍😍
TAGGING: You yes you if you see this 🫵🫵🫵
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yourlocalqreator · 8 days
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Yess Adler and Isabella deserve to be happy 😍😍😭
Here’s they silly little link 😍
Tagging: @alypink @revnah1406 @sleepyconfusedpotato and all of you
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yourlocalqreator · 1 year
Isabella and Aleks
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Isabella “Bell” Beaufort @yourlocalqreator
Aleksandra Clarke Rivera @alypink
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yourlocalqreator · 1 year
2 Girls, Same Name
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E’s Bell made by @efingart
Isabella “Bell” Beaufort by me
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yourlocalqreator · 1 year
Isabella “Bell” Beaufort
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Theme song: The Search by NF
Name: Isabella Beaufort
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Alias(es): Belle, Adlers Protege
Timeline: Black Ops Cold War
Rank: Agent
Status: Shot but healed up by Adler
Birth Date: November 27, 1954
Death Date: shot  by Adler but was taken care of
Occupation: CIA
Affiliation(s): Soviet until (Formerly)
Skin Tone: White
Eye Color: Hazel dark
Hair Color: brownish black
Hair Length: Waist Length
Hairstyle: Hair Down Ponytail,When she wears her Balacleva, a low bun
Height: 5,4
Weight: 90 lbs
Scars/Marks/Burns: The wound that she got shot at by Adler got healed but not to much
Tattoos: none
Physical Enhancements: none
Face claim: Lilly Rose Depp
Myers Briggs Type- ENFP
She is very gregarious, loves exploring, make an empathetic leader, is highly motivated, and is good at understanding and communicating with people.
 However, She oftentimes driven by a lack of self-confidence and have a very difficult time with strong emotions, stress, and conflict
Fear(s): Losing her loved ones, and her Team
Likes: Nice People, Victory, betrayal
Dislikes: Mean People, Enemies
Habit(s): Thinking
Flaw(s): Yes
Talent(s): Photography, and combat
Russel Adler
Helen Park
Mason Woods
Frank Woods
Lawrence Sims
Jason Hudson
Other Ifflitations
Abby Walker @revnah1406
Aleksandra Clarke R.@alypink
Anastasia Pérez Ivanov. @alexa-mwll
Vasily “Bell” Sokolov @welldonekhushi
Mila @efingart
Death's Mission:
Alex Keller
Adler (For a bit)
The Character’s Abilities
Fighting Style: Kung Fu, Krav Maga Tae Kwon Do, Vacom, Silat
Weapons: M16A1, 1911, M60, Tranquilizer Gun, MP5, Type 63, Gallo SA12, RPD, LW3 - Tundra, Pellington 703, Hauer 77, Recurve Bow, M79, War Machine, XM4, AK-47, any weapon obtained by the player
Preferred Weapon(s): A Weapon
(On a scale of 1 - 10; 1 being terrible and 10 being the best)
Agility: 9/10
Hand-to-Hand Combat:10 /10
Long Range Accuracy: 8/10
Defense:9 /10
Offense: 9/10
People Skills:9 /10
Birthplace: Paris, France
Father: Aleski Beaufort
Status: ???
Mother: Farina Lambert
Status: ???
Love Interest:Russel Adler(Later Married)
Character Background
She was born in Paris France and was adopted by 2 Russian soldiers who died after being assassinated. Before moving to Russia to become a soldier in the Soviet Union, she received a pendant from her mother as a gift, telling her to never give up when all things seemed hopeless before both her father and mother passed. She was a soldier of the Soviet Union and for Perseus, the main military force of the country.
  Sometime during her teen days as a Combrate, she befriended Arash Kadivar, who became her sparring partner and closest comrade. With the forces of "evil" approaching the Homeland, the military council of Of the Soviets decided to get the nukes in Solovetsky in order to expand Perseus' defenses. When Isabella and Arash were in the car they were talking about the nukes and the nukes detonating Solovetsky, but then Arash got out of the car then saying to her that Perseus thinks too highly of her before shooting both the driver and her. But then Adler, along with Mason and woods found Isabella who was still alive, and killed Kadivar.
Soon Adler took her into a place and started using MKUltra to brainwash her and transfer his memories onto hers with the help of Helen Park to help them find Perseus.
First, it was about the DaNang war back in the 1960s Meeting Adler and Sims. Bell helped the team and also gained the trust of the CIA and with missions with the help of the saying that triggered her by Adler, "Bell, we've got a job to do."
After the nukes were over and Adler shot her in the head he knew what he did wrong and never wanted to brainwash her again so he carried her to the safe house to fix her up. When she woke up he apologized for it took bell a moment to forgive him because she was mad but he was forgiven and now the rest of the team along with bell in 1984 catch stitch and his evil in Verdansk.
In Call Of Duty Deaths Mission In Rose Premonition, She died by her head getting exploded, In the final ending, she dies by getting trisected by a random barbed wire while falling from a building that's just broke
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yourlocalqreator · 1 year
Chapter One- it all Begins 
The Cruise was sailing away. Rose looked out the window and she could only see just the ocean in her room now she was waiting for 3 other people. She was nervous and her mind was just pure anxiety. Suddenly she hears knocking on her room door. She goes to the door and opens it
She sees a female, Isabella “Bell” Beaufort who has sage green head coverage, Logan walker, a ghost mask male who is in all black, And Alex Keller A normal looking guy
“Oh hey, your “Isabella, Logan, and Alex? Right?” 
“We are, And Rose, Right?” Alex asked as she nodded “Great we have the right room” Isabella and the two boys went in “Damn I didn’t know their beds were big and comfy,” Logan said as he put his luggage down and jumped on the bed “Yea, before the war in Afghanistan'' Alex said as he lay in his back relaxed  “Walkers right and I heard tonight before the war were going have a party downstairs” He chuckled “Wait really?” Rose asked, “Yea Did you not hear the announcer silly?” Isabella asked Rose “OH YEAAAA”  Rose remembered “ So got anything to wear for tonight” Logan Snickered. “I do” Rose Raised her hand as she felt the waves growing and rising the whole boat “You ok Rose?” Asked Isabella 
“Yea yea, Just got startled because of the waves uh I wanna go explore the whole downstairs plus that's where most people are,” Alex said “Yea me too,” Logan said “I'm in,” Isabella said 
“Rose, are you coming?” Asked Logan as all three People started to look at her thinking “I mean what could go wrong?” Rose then said “Yippee Rose come on”  Logan jumped as all 4 then walked outside their room. 
Once they used the elevator it took them down 
Once they got down “Woah” Rose was amazed at how big the main hall was like a casino. “Damn, whoever made this must have been rich,” Rose assumed. They walk around to see a lot of people having fun before the war but Rose could feel an eerie feeling that something is about to go wrong but shakes it off afterward. 
“Heyy Rosie's cheeks” Two Cuban girls Marina Garcia and Catalina Garcia startled her as she turned around “Oh Hey Garcia twins” She greeted them. Those 2 looked like Y2K babes. Then the 4 grabbed a drink just to hear  “Oi Rose I never knew you were here” 
“Alejandro Vargas?” She was surprised to see him there “Oh my god dude, It's been a long time since the Las Almas mission”, she said “yea I know, And I see you brought your little friends”, he chuckled looking at Bell, Logan, and Alex. “Hola, Vargas person,” Isabella said nervously. She looks at the groups from a far distance. She could see other soldiers, Henry McTavish,  and his boys getting a beer,  Lincoln, and Amanda holding hands, Daisy and Abby having their little girls' night, and fun for everyone I mean what could go wrong? She then feels a gust of wind. “The fuck” she said to herself but it was probably movement.
 “Hold up, is that Paint It Black  by The rolling stones??”  
Asked Logan as Daisy and Abby sang that song.
Then she overheard 2 boys talking about the titanic which
Made Rose start to go uneasy but shake it off as she looks at her metal keychain having 180.
and then flipping it over to see the cruise ship on its side of the ocean. ‘Hm, weird”
Then the waves grew 
And Bigger
There was a storm and thunder.
All 5 people started to notice and Stuff was moving from the one that said. Screams were heard as the cruise ship moved a lot 
“What the hell-”
“Guys come on”  She panicked and ran and Isabella and the three men started to follow her “Shit where do we go?” asked Isabella. 
Rose tries to look for a way out but she can't think then seeing one soldier fall to death not from the ocean the death slipping and cracking his back which made her panic “I DON’T EVEN FUCKING-”
 Soon the cruise started to speed up fast and when almost everyone lost their balance
 she sees Alejandro running, tripping, then the ship side went left and Alejandro and all the other people slit to the left where it had a shard of glass which impaled his throat.
She then saw Henry Mctavish Getting tied up and Impaled by the eye, She sees one soldier hanging on for dear life as she ran up to him “Here, Take my hand” Rose said as the male soldier held onto her but tripped on something else 
“FUCK I CAN HOLD ON UGH-” As soon He was struggling to get up as he letter go screaming as a glass shard cutter opened his eyes he fell there into the ocean As soon as she got up.
Rose looked around and saw people getting slammed. Impaled, Shot by shards of glass, even on the eye, People choking, and people trying to hang on to stuff and each other, it was like a bloody Fiesta. Alex flew outside at a fast speed but got impaled by a big Hook.  Logan's leg got tired by a chain that dragged him to an open electrical room and then electrocuted him until his body exploded. Isabella started to fly to the wall and broke her skull leaving so much blood. 
And Rose was trying to look for a way out. Rose looked at her friends as she was trying to get out but it was too late. All her friends die as she grabbed a dagger and stabbed the floor to let her hold on. She saw the lifeless bodies gathering on one side. The cruise ship started to tumble and tip to the left and everybody was already dying rose, let go shrieking as she joined the bodies and a table fell onto her which smashed her head making a lot of blood.
Then everything went black and it was all back to normal
Back at the table, she was scared and was about to cry. “Uhh is she ok?” asked one soldier 
Soon Hailey heard the boys talking about titanic 
And the song Paint it black also played on the karaoke, she starts to panic and then looked at her metal keychain which had 180 this time she turned it showing a picture of the cruise on the side. “Shit”
She then realized that her vision was a premonition.
“We have to get out of here” She whispered “What?” Logan wanted to hear it again “THE CRUISE  IS GONNA COLLAPSE” She gets up and runs to the middle “ What The Fuck is your fucking problem dude? In response, Oliver Tuffin, another soldier who became annoyed, said, “Were we all going to fucking die, are we all going to” she said he said, “No we’re not just calm down,” he replied. Meanwhile, Isabella whispered to Logan and Alex, “Maybe Rose is right.” Alex replied, “Yeah, I think she is right.” When Logan looked outside, it was broken. He knew what she was talking about when “Guys-  
Then they felt the waves grew 
And Bigger
“Oh fucking SHIT”
It was all real People started to scream as Rose  knew that everything in her Vision was a hunch, “ISABELLA, LOGAN, ALEX “ she ran to find them “ROSE” she found Then near the left Windows “Rose I think you were right,” Isabella said, “Everybody Break the window!” Rose yelled to everyone as she started breaking the window for a way out. Although 
The Cruise then started to speed up as everyone including Rose began to get out to the dock and held on to some. “Not today Satan” Oliver whispered hanging on a railing. Rose got her walkie Talkie turned on and said “BRAVO 6 CALLING FOR BACKUP”. “IS THIS SOME KIND OF STORM?” Asked Isabella.” LOOK I SEE THEM” Alex pointed out but did not price with the team, it was other people who had medics and people who tried to pick up many people. and there were so many in this Waterstorm 
All the helicopters also letter down for the struggling soldiers to escape the speed.
She said as everyone climbed up the rope, so did Hailey along with Isabella, Logan, And Alex. The storm became stronger as people rose faster to get in the helicopter
 She saw people falling off and ALOT people falling off, while Vargas on the other hand is struggling.” C'mon Vargas” Alejandro climbed and Grabbed Rose's hand as she helped him. So did Oliver, Montgomery “Blade” Kutzin.
Catalina and Marina. Just as the ship fell to its side once people were inside while a lot never made it.
One soldier was shocked as everyone was confused and surprised, and it flashed before their eyes. And Rose was even surprised but never saved anything “Rose... How the fuck did you know?” asked Alejandro but, Rose was so shocked that she can’t even comprehend the sentence 
 “I...I saw it, I saw it before it even happened, We were on the Cruise until The waves sped up the Cruise ship, and everything went crazy and there was blood everywhere and everybody was falling, Bodies gathered, Blood spilled, and squirted everywhere and- ” Oliver suddenly knew what she was talking about
“Hey, I think I heard about this before, the 180 plane crash, The route pileup, The devil's flight, The McKinley Raceway, and -” Oliver started to know what Rose yelled to get off the cruise for. “Oh shit... You were right, The accidents that I listed had one person save people just like you Hailey” Oliver said “What is that supposed to mean?” asked Logan “Well, I don’t know, that's all I can tell and I don't know that much about it all I can say that those were similar to you, Those dreams the 5 had, were real, just like yours Hailey” Hailey was getting it now “Fuck, So what now?” she asked the soldiers if they were gonna continue the mission or not “I don’t know, I mean Kate and Norris are with the others so I don’t know whos gonna be the Colniel” Alex said. 
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yourlocalqreator · 1 year
All these beautiful memories
They're haunting me
Wish I could burn them all
Your insanity is killing me
Burn down all these memories
Memories By Phuture Noize
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