#isaiah liveblogs writing
moominquartz · 2 years
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congrats to this person for submitting a comment i've never received or conceived before
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violetfaust · 3 years
(Belated) TFATWS 1.3 roundup
This will probably be surprising to anyone whom I’ve subjected to my megaton of tfatws reblogs--but ep 1.3 was my least favorite of the series so far. And unfortunately every time I try to put together my breezy little liveblogging impressions, I get immediately stuck wanting to write ten paragraphs of WHY it’s my least favorite, which, in so many words: too little Sam POV. And by this time, plenty of other people who agree with me on this have written plenty of thoughtful threads on why, so I am just going to...let it go. For the moment. (And maybe just make it a separate ten-paragraph post.) Anyway, tl;dr:
I still enjoyed the episode
I’m still loving the show
I still think we’ll get emotional and dramatic payoff; BUT
I’m disappointed with my fave’s treatment this time around.  
Okay! Got it down to one paragraph and a bulleted list. Onward.
I’m relieved that Isaiah is at least in the previouslys.
I dunno, man, that cheesy commercial alone doesn’t make the GRC seem like the good guys, even before you follow it up with Walker throwing his weight around.
“Do you know who I am?” And just like that, Walker shows his true colors and proves he’s not worthy of the legacy. Because he’s a person who allows power and fame to corrupt him.
So is Zemo Nazi/Hydra or is he just a Nazi/Hydra fanboy? 
“What are you reading?” “Machiavelli.” “Yeah, you definitely seem like the kind of guy to break out of high-security prison. This is a good idea.”
“We are NOT breaking him out!!!” *puppy dog eyes* “sigh. fine”
I know the fandom loves Zemo, but man he is a little bitch. It literally takes him three minutes to start breaking down both Bucky and Sam. How the fuck did he even get his hands on Bucky’s notebook? (see below) Excuse me, Steve’s notebook. <x3
“Heartbreaking: Worst person you know just made a great point.”--> Sam re: Zemo and Marvin Gaye.
So Karli is friends with a cute little girl, sees her mother/mentor die unnecessarily, and just wanted to be a teacher when she grew up, and we think she’s the villain? NO.
This is getting super long so....below.
Heartbreaking Pt. 2: Yes, Sam, Zemo is right and you look good in the suit. (That is impeccable pattern matching, btw. I did not watch seven seasons of Project Runway for nothing.)
Okay, I should save this for my ten-paragraph bitching post but: I KNOW the trope of “undercover guy has to eat something gross to pass” is objectively funny. But Sam is from Louisiana.  I can guarantee you the man has eaten frog and/or alligator AT LEAST once. In fact, since the family business is shrimping, there’s a non-zero chance that he has prepared and served super-gross foods such as six-inch sea cockroaches with heads and ganglia attached. He should NOT have been fazed by a cocktail with fresh snake gonads or whatever those were. You know what would have been a funny take? Sam knocks back the drink, then says: “Delicious. And [pointing to Zemo] one for my friend here.”  (AM is hilarious here though.)
“Power Broker, really?” Goes with “Smiling Tiger is a bad name” and “Battlestar? Stop the car!” (Frankly, a person still going by “Winter Soldier” does not have a lot of room to criticize here...)
How does Zemo wearing a cool coat and dancing like a cute dork make up for what he’s doing to Bucky here? Sebstan had tears shining in his eyes. 
Love language: “You good?”
The layers of Sam, an African American man from the South, watching another human, his friend, apparently being sold...
REALLY? Sam didn’t put his phone on silent? (Bless Sarah for being a civilian and not playing along...)
HOWEVER this is a pretty ugly reminder in this episode when Zemo is throwing around his zillions and his private plane while Sam can’t get a loan to save his family business.
Was it Sharon who killed Selby? I’m confused?
Sharon! Being the poster woman for landing on her feet. Good for her. And thank you, Sharon, for having a wardrobe of men’s wear in Bucky and Sam’s sizes. Although if you could have gotten one of them to wear that sequined number...
It is just hard to accept that Steve and the Avengers did her SO dirty that they simply ignored her in the two years they were on the run. (It also doesn’t gibe with Sam and even Bucky seeming to know Sharon, since they never met before CW.) Come to think of it though, I don’t remember how Steve even got himself pardoned after IW?
I’ve read the theories that she might be the Power Broker, which seems unlikely purely on the practical basis that if she was blipped for five years she’d lose her standing, but this is Marvel, so who cares about making sense? If she is, I hope she’s not treated as a flat-out villain; maybe she deliberately let Karli and her group get the SS serum rather than Hydra wannabes? 
Let’s hear it for Sharon--kicking ass and not even bothering with the names.
Nagel is the most villainous villain who has villained here so far. What a waste.
So there are up to twelve SS serum doses left. Calling it now: Walker is going to do whatever he has to in order to get his hands on one of them.
However I do NOT want Sam to take one. He doesn’t need to be superpowered to be a hero.
“Partners each convinced the other is the sidekick.” 
We’ve all been waiting for this callback.
That had better not be the last of Sharon. She has her own minion--this should be good.
Look: the only reason Bucky would even CONSIDER taking the shield is that Sam says he doesn’t want it. (And I’m not sure he even IS seriously considering it so much as trying to make Sam reconsider.)
So I said this elsewhere but: apparently Zemo is redeemable. Sharon killed about fourteen people this episode alone. Bucky killed “almost everyone he ever met.” Sam offed helicopters full of terrorists in ep 1. Karli’s victims are not exactly innocent--they are hoarding resources meant for those refugee children and sick people.  I am not giving up on my daughter for this. ;-)
Heartbreaking #3: Bucky and Sam were dead for five years so it’s not exactly fair to call them out for not visiting the Sokovia memorial but...would they have thought of it?
WAKANDA! Finally! They’ve been teasing it since ep 1 but I didn’t think we’d actually get there. (Although I’m 100% sure that Shuri is one of the nine numbers in Bucky’s phone.)
Not a lot of Sambucky this time around, although we did get
Sam being a sweetly worried boyfriend throughout. Sam calling him “Buck” at least three times--with no pushback. 
Bucky very determinedly NOT looking at ALL at shirtless Sam. Not at all. 
And POSSIBLY Bucky reading a self-help book about forming strong erotic love relationships. 
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matthewbane · 8 years
Answer all the questions, then tag 5 of your followers. I was tagged by @shadowrld​ @alishawainnwright​ and @bane-sexual​ - thank you!!!!!! <3
- What is the title of your blog? i would have let you - What is your age? 23 - What is your gender? female - How many followers does your blog have? it’s about quality not quantity, and my followers are a++ - What Shadowhunters character(s), ship(s), or actor(s) does your blog focus on? i think i focus a lot on matt, magnus, malec, jimon, and jace but i love and post about all my kids - What post(s) got your blog noticed? my edits and maybe my icons and liveblogging and stuff - Have you read any of the books in the Shadowhunters universe? yeah - If so, which one(s)? - i’ve read all of tmi and tid - Which book/series was your favourite? - i dont remember tid very well but of tmi, i like 4-5 for simon’s storyline but other than that they suck so - Who are your favourite characters from Shadowhunters? magnus bane is the love of my life, and jace is my son.. i’ve got the adoption papers right here - Who are your LEAST favourite characters? valentine, camille, sebastian - What is your favorite thing about the cast? how much they love fan interaction and all the work they put into the show!! - Who are your BROtps in the cast? the parabatri owns my ass, i also love sherdario and domberto shanegians, and em/kat moments warm my heart ALSO i live for dom praising isaiah omg - What are your top 3 favourite episodes so far from both seasons? ok 1x12 will always be my favorite, probably followed by 2x10 and 2x01? - What is your favourite fan event that the cast has attended so far? nycc ‘16 was lit - Do you write Shadowhunters fanfiction? not really - If so, what is your name on ao3, ff.net, etc? - my ao3 is matthewbane, but i havent written anything there lol
Tagging: @softdaddario​, @perpetual-j0urney​, @matthewlightwood-bane​, @claryfire​, @darquebane​, @ithilien-writes​, @intangibel​, @softmeliorns, @lukegarrobane @gaysimon and anybody else who wants to do it?? also dont feel obligated if you dont want to and sorry if you’ve been tagged already haha <3
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battlemagnus · 8 years
omg tysm alisa!!! @pure-magnus​ tagged me <3<3<3
This is the My Shadowhunters Blog tag! Answer all the questions, then tag 5 of your followers.
What is the title of your blog? okay? okay. let’s play.
What is your age? 19. i turn 20 this year in september rip
What is your gender? female
How many followers does your blog have? 138
What Shadowhunters character(s), ship(s), or actor(s) does your blog focus on? alec and magnus + malec. and harry, matt, dom, kat, and isaiah. just like. the entire gang i stg
What post(s) got your blog noticed? maybe some of my liveblogs ???? idk, i feel like most of my followers came from ao3
Have you read any of the books in the Shadowhunters universe? no
If so, which one(s)?
Which book/series was your favourite?
Who are your favourite characters from Shadowhunters? ALeC, but also magnus and jace???? and maia and madzie and meliorn :”)
Who are your LEAST favourite characters? valentine. and like...... to an extent, clary bc this season she is ?????????? //????????????????? idk she’s just been frustrating as all get out this season for me which sucks bc i did like her in s1 :”(
What is your favorite thing about the cast? just how genuine they all are???? like they genuinely love and care abt the show and their characters and they understand what they mean to a lot of the viewers (i’m especially thinking about alberto and harry, here, but it’s absolutely not just them) and just that like???? they Care So Much about what they do
Who are your BROtps in the cast? harry/isaiah/matt, but also matt/dom and kat/everyone 
What are your top 3 favourite episodes so far from both seasons? 210, 208 (unpopular opinion????), and 112 (in no particular order)
What is your favourite fan event that the cast has attended so far? i haven’t been in the fandom enough to really be able to answer this uH
Do you write Shadowhunters fanfictions? yes
If so, what is your name on ao3, ff.net, etc? i’m user @cougarlips [x] on ao3 :^)
i dont know who all has or hasn’t been tagged yet but !!! @highwarlok @highhwarlockbane @raphaellsimon @lightwoodlesbians and @preciousclary!!
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moominquartz · 2 years
just designed a cover for a longfic i'm planning to write for nano and hehehehehe i've never done this before. it makes me so giddy. and SO much more excited to write it!!!
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moominquartz · 2 years
so i now have my own ao3 account (found here if you're curious!) - the previous account i shared with the wife, i didn't have access to the email account. and now i'm getting emails that alert me to new kudos and. holy shit. i had no clue how frequently my works were being read & kudos'd. this is actually so good for my esteem in my writing LOL
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moominquartz · 2 years
considering writing an oc-insert fic rn just because i remember the unbridled joy one specific oc-insert fic brought me as a kid. it could never be the kind of fic i enjoyed as a kid, which was legendary. feels stupid to even consider this but i think it would be fun.
obviously that would have to be the priority: fun, for me and me alone! because oc-inserts get a bad rap and it'd probably be super unpopular!
but i'm trying to prioritize that. writing for myself rather than for the comments i get (or the lack thereof). it's just... difficult. yknow?
anyway. idk if i'll actually do it. it's just a thought. if i do it i might not even post it! because it'll have to be just for me. and that's okay. :)
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moominquartz · 2 years
i'm starting to dip my toes into writing again. it's kind of a frightening experience (which like, if you ever followed me while i was writing before, you probably know why - for those who don't know, the short of it is that i'm notoriously bad at maintaining a generous, fair-minded perspective about my own writing)
but i'm trying to build a healthier mindset for myself while i'm writing, and i'm doing that by intentionally following certain guidelines for myself.
i'm giving myself room to write without purpose. i will write without feeling like i have to share or finish. i will write without feeling like i have to strive for perfection. i will write and edit until i am either bored or satisfied. i will not cause myself undue stress by finishing something i’m not happy with, and neither will i force myself to share something solely because it's done.
i'm not going to post negatively regarding my writing. i will still allow myself to feel the way i feel about it, because i don't believe repressing negative emotions will do me any good. i can express that privately: in therapy, in journaling, in conversations with friends. i'm not going to bully myself online or flog myself publicly.
believe me, it's... difficult to abide by all of these immediately. it's a little like having to be my own motivational coach. and i'm sure that once i do have something ready to share, i'll have to come up with other guidelines or amend these further.
but that's okay. it's a start. i'm preemptively forgiving myself for any time i may "break" one of these rules. but that's okay.
i'm going to be okay.
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moominquartz · 4 years
oh shit. it’s already jamweek part 2. my brain hasn’t allowed me to make fic recently... f
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moominquartz · 5 years
i’m putting a TON of work into this steven universe fae/magical creatures/monster hunters au thing i’m doing and... i might use some of that research to create my own ocs? like my own, original story?
i just hope that that like... will be fun & interesting... and that i won’t feel bad rehashing the same stuff... or maybe i will
hnnnnnng. i just want to make oc’s. i just want to write an original story. but adhd has my brain solely on su rn and that makes creating original content SO HARD
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moominquartz · 5 years
hhhh i’m writing another oneshot for femslash february that is one of the rarest rare pairs in the su fandom and my one hope is that people will read it...
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moominquartz · 5 years
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HELLO EVERYONE! I’m really happy to announce I’m participating in @badthingshappenbingo! If you’d like to request something from me, please send me an ask with the character + the prompt from the ones above! :)
However, please know I am already working on the following:
Confined to Bed Rest
Touch Starved
Survivor’s Guilt
Being Watched
Everything else is fair game! I’m currently super invested in writing Steven Universe fics, so that’ll be the ones I’m most tempted to take, but I’ll also take prompts for Tales of Vesperia, Zestiria, Symphonia, & Abyss.
Disclaimer here that I may not be able to get to everyone (especially if there are double requests), but feel free to request 1-2 at once. :’)
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moominquartz · 5 years
ajdfghkjdfshkjg ok so sometimes, when ppl comment on Only 17 (my “steven gets therapy” fic), they’ll refer to Dr. G (the therapist oc i made) with he/him, and... i’m like
should i be flattered? does that mean i’m writing in a super masculine way without even intending to? first person always feels effeminate to me but that’s bc 95% of what i read as a teen was 1st person teen fiction with a female mc
or should i be insulted, cuz... i said in not one, but TWO chapters that her first name is virginia, and ALSO! I SAID SHE’S A MOM! like jdfghkjdfh what more do yall WANT from me
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moominquartz · 5 years
OK Y’ALL i’m writing the chapter of my steven therapy fic where we delve into the whole thing about his mom. dedicating an entire chapter to this bad boy but i’m struggling because there’s SO MUCH.
wanna help me out? reply to this post or reblog it and tell me something specific you’d really like to be addressed about it!
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moominquartz · 5 years
apologies for the lack of read more, i am on mobile.
i just... genuinely hate my writing right now. and i HATE that i hate it. what the hell is wrong with me. what the HELL. why does it always hit me hardest immediately before, during, & after posting something? i see people taking joy in it! why am i not?!
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moominquartz · 5 years
I think... if I do another multi chapter fic, I'm not gonna do it like this 😅 I'm not gonna post it super late, get real anxious, then be unable to sleep. I'm gonna post it at a normal time, like a normal person
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