#shush sara
bamsara · 6 months
"youve already written that trope" yesss. i like it a lots. i will be writing it again. 1000 stories of the same trope over and over again for ten million years
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loonarmuunar · 8 months
“Kai wasn’t allowed to ever let Sara see or know him” ok but have u considered
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deathgamegirl · 9 months
Café Date
Sara Chidouin’s classmates never would have thought of her to be yearning for romance—and, for the most part, they were right.
My piece for the free YTTD fanzine, Yuri Turn to Die!
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cosmignon · 8 months
why is literally anyone surprised jax is getting a little fanbase that wants to date him or ship him w/other ppl. have you forgotten your fandom basics? your self-ship 101? the archetypes ppl get drawn to? unbelievable.
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Genshin girls: Dehya, noelle, Eula, Shenhe, Kujou Sara. Ayaka And Yae Miko
Reacting to S/O’s mom leaning close to S/O and not so quietly asking when she should she expect grandchildren
(Genshin Impact) Dehya, Noelle, Eula, Shenhe, Sara, Ayaka, and Yae being asked THAT question by S/O's parents
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(Source: Yuushibadesu on twitter)
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Dehya laughed at the question and S/O's reaction, as they hurriedly tried to shush their mother.
(Dehya) "Hm...I'll just get back to you on that one!"
However, she does start thinking about it after the dinner.
Kids? She had so much to do to truly live up to the legend of the Lion, and having a kid was not on the agenda.
Dehya isn't sure she's ready for kids anytime soon, or if she would ever be. But, always time later to think about that, right?
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(Noelle) "Kids?!"
Noelle is way too young to be thinking about that!
She's just as flustered as S/O, watching the mother only laugh at their reactions.
(Noelle) "I'm far too busy, ma'am! I have to be accepted into the Knights of Favonius, and then there'll be so much to do afterwards!"
It's a topic she shoves into the back of her mind. Kids are the furthest thing from her agenda of things to do.
...Well, at least S/O's mother approved of her.
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Eula almost chokes on her food upon hearing the question.
(Eula) "A-Ah...kids?"
She tries to recollect herself and clears her throat.
(Eula) "I am glad you approve of me that much, ma'am but...Kids are not in my foreseeable future. I have many responsibilities to attend to as a Knight of Favonius."
Though honestly, she's using her position as an excuse not to talk about it.
First she'd have to get the approval of Mondstadt so her kid wouldn't get bullied, which would be impossible.
But, the hurdle of the parents approving of her was passed it seemed.
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(Shenhe) "Grandchildren?"
Funnily enough, Cloud Retainer had asked the same thing when Shenhe brought S/O to meet her.
And she still has the same answer.
(Shenhe) "I do not know."
She's not entirely opposed, but not in favor either.
Before anything else, Shenhe wants to feel emotions without the red string inhibiting her violent impulses.
Kids can come later.
That does not stop S/O's mother, or Cloud Retainer from asking constantly, however.
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Sara completely halts when she processes what S/O's mother had said.
(Sara) "G-Grandchildren...?!"
Her professional air is shattered for the briefest moment before responding.
(Sara) "Until Inazuma is fully stabilized, I'm afraid children is out of the question. I would like them to be raised when we can all rest easy, ma'am."
Sara is a little flustered, but she meant what she said.
Until everyone's safe, there can be no rest.
...She did wonder how much of her Youkai blood would be part of their child, however.
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Ayaka spits out her drink and coughs violently, being completely taken off guard.
(Ayaka) "A-Ah, please forgive the mess!" COUGH "i-I was not ready for such a question!"
Ayaka apologizes profusely while her cheeks did their best impression of a tomato.
She barely had time for herself, let alone S/O! The last thing she wanted to do was neglect their own child!
For now? Kids are absolutely out of the question.
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(Yae) "Hm, that is a rather good question S/O. When are we having kids?"
Yae gives a dangerous and teasing smile to S/O, tilting her head and enjoying the reaction of their pride dying on the inside.
In all fairness, Yae doesn't particularly care for children at this very moment.
It would add excitement to her life to be sure, but there were...more serious matters when it came to that question.
Such as Yae herself outliving S/O. Would their child live as long as her, or would she outlive them too?
Regardless, that was not the topic to bring up at a family dinner, so she lets those thoughts go unsaid.
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sapphire-writes · 1 year
Just Friends ~ modern!Aemond x Reader
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summary: You and Aemond are just friends.....right?
word count: 3.6k
note: a request for some friends to lovers ��
rating: Explicit (see more descriptive warnings under the cut)
warnings: fingering, titty sucking, slight praise, semi-public, language, alcohol use
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A group project with Sara, Jace, and Aliandra was perfect. All three of you had chosen History of the First Men as an elective this term for that very reason. Professor Karstark was known for his heinous group project that ran the entire semester. The four of you were great friends already, so when Professor Karstark announced you’d be picking your own groups, your heart leaped with joy.
Until he mentioned needing groups of five. 
You had no choice but to add another person to your tight-knit group. Luckily, Jace’s cousin was also in the class. You’d seen him around campus before, but Aemond Targaryen often kept to himself. When he wasn’t studying in the library he could be found keeping his frat boy elder brother out of trouble.
The Targaryens shared a house on King’s Ave; a notorious strip of off-campus housing for those attending Westeros University. All four siblings attended currently, Daeron just starting his freshman year. You’d thought it was cute that they all lived together, and you’d told Aemond as much upon first meeting him.
After spending time together on the project, you and Aemond became fast friends. He now knew your coffee order by heart, often bringing you a steaming cup before class. You’d camp out with him in the library, show him new music, order your favorite takeaway and binge shows together. And when you couldn’t do that together, you’d be texting about it, like you were right now.
You giggle at your phone, and Ali lifts her head from her computer screen. 
You’d been in Jace’s apartment, waiting for him to return with coffee for your group to continue working on the project.
“Texting loverboy?” she teases, pulling her dark curls into a messy bun on top of her head. 
Sara walks into the room at that moment, a bowl of popcorn in her hands, her lips parting in shock.
“What did I miss?” she cries, hurrying forward. 
You place your phone down, rolling your eyes.
“Nothing! He’s just funny, that’s all,” you tell them, trying to ignore the blush you know is blooming on your cheeks. Maybe if you concentrate hard enough, it’ll go away.
“Nothing my ass,” Sara says with a smirk, “That boy is sooo into you.”
“Will you stop it,” you tell her, “We’re just friends.”
“Friends don’t look at friends the way Aemond looks at you,” Ali argues, as the door to the apartment opens.
You shush your two friends as Jace walks in, his younger brother Luke trailing behind him. Jace holds a tray of iced coffees in his hand, causing Sara to squeal and press a kiss to his cheek before taking one. 
“Sorry I’m late, had to pick Luke up from practice,” Jace says, throwing his bag down on the floor. 
“Sup ladies,” Luke says with a grin.
“You smell like a wet dog,” Sara accuses, wrinkling her nose.
“Lacrosse season, baby!” Luke says, holding his arms wide. You and Ali pretend to gag and he lowers them.
“You guys are mean,” he pouts, heading towards the bathroom. 
“Did you pick Aemond up too?” you ask, curious where the silver-haired boy is. Ali mouths the word subtle to you and you stick your tongue out. 
“Don’t think he’s coming,” Luke calls from the bathroom, “Looked pretty busy on his date!”
It’s like someone slapped you. Ali meets your eyes, her own wide with shock.
“Date?” you ask, mouth suddenly very dry.
“We don’t know-” Jace begins, but Luke cuts him off, running shirtless out of the bathroom.
“He was at Stormy’s,” Luke begins, referring to the local coffee shop, “In a corner booth. You don’t sit with just anyone in a corner booth.”
“Okay Mr. Never-Had-A-Girlfriend,” Jace scoffs, sitting on the couch.
“I know what’s up!” Luke insists, though the tips of his ears turn red, “You sit in the back corner, that way if you want to put your hand-”
“Ew ew ew!” Sara says, covering her ears as she sits next to Jace, “Future brother-in-law, I’m begging you to shut up!”
“I know what’s up!” Luke insists, again, “I do!”
“Go shower!” Jace tells him, tossing a pillow at him. Luke mumbles something under his breath before heading back down the hall toward the bathroom.
“Who was he with?” Ali asks, sparing you the embarrassment of asking. Jace is clueless about your innocent little crush.
“Maris Baratheon,” Jace tells you all. 
Shit. Maris Baratheon makes total sense. Another girl in your year who takes her studies very seriously, much like Aemond. It doesn’t ease your nerves knowing she’s stunning as well. Long dark curls, and sapphire blue eyes. It would only make sense that they get together.  
“There’s a party at the soccer house tomorrow night,” Jace says, suddenly changing the subject, “I think we should go.”
“I’m in,” you answer, causing Ali and Sara to exchange a look.
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“Jacey boy!” Aegon says, throwing an arm around his nephew, “So glad you could make it.”
Jace pulls Aegon’s arm off of him as you enter the soccer house. The music is blasting through the speakers, some trashy remix of No Hands. Aegon hands you a cup which Sara snatches from your hands immediately. 
“First rule of uni, don’t accept a drink from Egg,” Sara says with a sneer. Aegon presses a hand to his chest pretending to be shocked.
“You’ve got me all wrong, love,” he teases, taking the cup back and taking a sip, “See? All clear.”
Sara takes it back, eying it suspiciously before taking a sip. You laugh and Aegon turns to you, a small smile on his face.
“My brother’s been waiting for you,” he tells you, fixing the backward baseball cap that rests on his head. 
Your stomach flip-flops, though you try to ignore it. Aegon hands you another drink, which you sip gratefully.
“Oh yeah?” you ask nonchalantly, and Aegon nods. 
“Haven’t seen you at the house in a while,” he says, as someone increases the volume of the music. 
“What?” you call but Aegon waves you off, before disappearing into the crowd. 
You take another sip from your drink, as Ali pulls you toward the center of the dancefloor. You don’t see Aemond, though Aegon said he must be here. You decide to spend some time dancing, trying to calm your nerves. You shouldn’t be feeling this way anyhow. Aemond is your friend.
Just friends.
You spot him across the room after a few songs play. He’s leaning against the doorframe talking to Cregan Stark. You can’t help the butterflies that fill your belly as he raises his eyes to meet yours. A soft smile appears on his handsome face at the sight of you, and the hair on the back of your neck stands up with attention. He looks good, though it's hard not to with that bone structure of his. Those pouty lips. 
“I’m going to go say hi!” you tell Ali, nodding towards Aemond.
She gives you a look of warning.
“You sure?” she asks and you nod, “Okay girl, I’ll be here!”
You move through the crowd of people making your way toward him. You smile politely at Cregan before hugging Aemond.
“Hey Aem,” you say, the scent of his cologne making you dizzy as you press your face against his firm chest.
“Hey,” he answers, the vibrations from his chest making you close your eyes. 
You wish you could just curl up with him here, leave the party and watch one of your shows together. You open your eyes. Can’t think like that, not if he’s seeing Maris. 
You pull away from him a little too quickly, the beer in your cup sloshing out the sides and onto your hand. You force a smile on your face.
“Where’s Maris?” you ask, making a point to look around.
“What?” Aemond asks with a chuckle.
“Maris! Your date!” you yell over the music. 
Aemond pouts, tilting his head to the side, confused at what you’ve just said.
“Maris is my mate!” Aemond calls over the pounding sound of the bass. 
You can barely hear him above the loud house music, the floor vibrates with how loud it is. The liquid in the red solo cup you hold wobblies, waves rippling across the surface. It’s so loud, you confuse about what Aemond has said, though you’re watching his lips carefully. 
“Maris is great!” is what you hear, causing your heart to drop slightly. 
You force a smile on your face, nodding at him. 
“I’m really happy for you two!” you yell back, taking a sip from the warming beer. Aemond’s eyebrows concave together in confusion and he shakes his head.
“Did you hear me?” he loudly asks, but of course, you can’t.
“What?” you yell, and Aemond sighs in frustration. 
Suddenly, he wraps his fingers around your wrist, gently directing you down the hallway. You let him guide you, careful not to spill your drink as you trail behind him. You catch Sara’s eye from across the room and she purses her lips at you. Whenever she does that you can’t help but think of Florence Pugh. 
He checks several doors until one to the bathroom opens, and pulls you inside with him. You enter the small space as he closes the door behind him. The music is muffled, making your ears ring as they adjust to the lower levels of sound. 
Aemond stands in front of the door momentarily, before moving further into the bathroom, as though not to make you uncomfortable by blocking it with his tall frame. You lean against the sink as he places one hand on his hip, dragging the other through his pale hair. 
“Why d’you think me and Maris are a thing?” he asks, faces scrunched in confusion. 
You can feel your heart beating frantically in your chest, and you try to ignore the nausea that churns in your stomach, the sour taste that fills your mouth at the thought of their date. 
“Um, Luke told me?” you tell him, as though it should be obvious, “Sorry if he put his foot in his mouth, but you were out in public! If you were trying to keep it on the low, you should’ve gone somewhere private.”
The corner of Aemond’s mouth ticks upwards into a slight smirk. 
“On the low?” he asks, standing up a little straighter. 
You place your cup on the edge of the sink. 
“Well, it sounds like you were surprised I knew,” you tell him, feeling your face flush. You hope Aemond can’t tell, and if he can, that he simply thinks it's because of your drinking, not the feelings you’re holding back. 
His eyes, blue and violet, roam your face, ceaselessly searching for any hint of jealousy or distaste. He’s been your friend for a while now, he can tell when you’re holding something in. 
“Maris and I are just mates,” he tells you so you can hear him this time, “She’s been thinking of studying in Oldtown next term. She wanted some advice.”
Your lips part, shocked at what he’s saying before you feel the fire return to your cheeks with a vengeance. Fucking Luke, starting drama for no reason. 
“Oh,” you say softly, curling your fingers against the lip of the counter, “Oh that makes sense.”
“Yeah, it does,” Aemond says, with a chuckle. He clears his throat suddenly, averting his eyes, “I um..sort of have a thing for someone else anyway.”
“Oh,” you repeat, “That’s cool.”
“But I’m kind of…nervous,” he admits, meeting your eyes once more, “I don’t want to ruin the friendship we have. But I can’t really ignore how I feel.”
You hold his gaze. He can’t be talking about you. Can he? 
“What should I do?” Aemond asks, “What do you think?”
“I think…well..” you nervously wet your lips, “I think….you should tell her.”
Aemond takes a step closer, placing one hand on the sink next to yours. You can feel the heat radiating off his body, his tall frame leaning towards you.
“Yeah?” he says in a gruff voice, “You really think so?”
You nod, and he brings his opposite hand to rest on the counter on the other side of you, caging you against it with his lean form. He’s so close you can almost feel his body pressing against you. You can smell his cologne, as he leans his face closer to your height. 
“I think you might be pleasantly surprised,” you tell him. 
Aemond’s eyes widen slightly before they fall to your lips. Pushing up onto your tiptoes, you bring your lips to his, kissing him gently. You pull away for a moment, gauging his reaction, but Aemond chases your lips with his own, capturing them in another kiss. His hands slide along the counter, finding purchase on your hips. He lets them rest there a moment, squeezing your hip bones before lifting underneath your ass to place you on the counter. 
You wrap your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss with a slight turn of your head as Aemond strokes the sides of your thighs. You can feel your arousal pooling in your underwear, and you clench your thighs together to no avail. 
Aemond’s hands caress the skin of your hips that was exposed as your tank top rides up. His hands dance to your belt and you drop your hands to begin unbuckling it. Aemond’s eyes drop to your quickly working hands. 
“Holy fuck… can I?” Aemond says between a kiss, “Can I touch you, please?”
“Yes, please, fuck,” you nearly beg while unbuttoning your jeans, “Please touch me Aemond.”
You slide the zipper down and feel Aemond’s hands on yours, hastily moving them out of the way. You wrap them around his neck as his slender fingers dip below the hem of the lacey thong you’d decided to wear. Sara has a very strict policy on party panties and demanded you wear your sexiest set. 
“Just in case,” she’d told you with a wink.
You could kiss her, with the expression on Aemond’s face as he looks between your legs.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he whimpers, the pads of his fingers rubbing circles around your clit.
You bite your lip, holding back a whimper of your own as he dips his fingers lower, gathering your arousal on his fingertips before going back to circling your clit. 
“Fuck-” you cry out as he lowers his palm, slipping a finger inside your clenching hole. Aemond swallows your cry with a kiss, slipping his tongue into your mouth. 
He experimentally curls the long digit against your walls, preening with the sounds this elicits from you, and the way you claw at the back of his neck. His cock is straining against the confines of his jeans, but he can’t find it in him to care at the moment; completely focused on your pleasure. 
“You’ve no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this,” he murmurs against your lips, kissing you hungrily. 
“Me too,” you whine, sucking on his lower lip. 
Aemond pulls away slightly, a half smile decorating his face.
“How long?” he asks, a second finger teasing at your entrance ready to join the first. You buck your hips, desperate for him to fill you up. 
“Since game night at Baela’s,” you gasp, as he sinks the second digit into your tight, wet heat. 
“I remember. You’re such a sore loser,” Aemond teases, curling his fingers against the rough patch of your walls that has you seeing stars.
Your head lolls, tapping against the mirror before Aemond brings his free hand to rest on the back of your neck, propping your head up.
“I’ve liked you, ever since you met Vhagar,” he tells you, letting his hand trail from the back of your neck to your shoulder.
Warmth floods your chest at the memory. It was one of the first times you’d hung out with Aemond actually. You’d come to the house after class and met the grumpy old tabby cat. Aemond had been thoroughly impressed at how you were able to coax her from her hiding place under the sofa.
She’d only hissed at you once, before sniffing the tips of your fingers and rubbing her head against them.
Aemond brings his thumb to rest on your clit, circling the button in tandem with the thrusts of his fingers, tearing you from the memory and bringing you back to the present. The added clit stimulation has you clenching around his fingers, the small bathroom filling with the squelching sounds of your soaked pussy. 
Your lower abdomen tenses, and you can feel the precipice of your orgasm creeping up on you, tingling up your spine. 
“God you’re so tight,” Aemond moans, and you grab the hair at the nape of his neck, tugging harshly. 
A whine leaves his lips as you do so, and you bring your lips to kiss his neck, sucking a purple lovebite onto the pale flesh. Aemond’s breathing is ragged as you do so, his fingers tugging at the spaghetti straps of your top, pulling it down to reveal your matching lace bralette. Aemond quickly works the front clip, letting your breasts spill free. Your nipples harden in the cool air.
He eyes them hungrily, as you pull away from kissing his neck, connecting your lips once more. Aemond’s hand moves to the side of your left breast, massaging the soft mound, just as someone knocks on the bathroom door. Aemond breaks away from your lips. 
“Just a second!” Aemond yells, before latching his mouth to your tender nipple and suckling harshly. 
Your fingers tangle in his hair, holding him against you as he swirls his hot tongue around the sensitive nub. Legs locked around his slender waist, you pull him closer to you, arching your back to press yourself harder against his mouth, against his fingers. 
“Aemond?” Aegon’s voice calls from outside the bathroom. The door handle jiggles. “You bastard open up!” 
Aemond releases your breast with a wet pop, dragging his lips up toward your neck to kiss the sensitive spot beneath your ear. His fingers never stop curling into you, the pads of his fingers dragging against your sweet spot while his thumb plays with your clit. He drags his teeth along your earlobe, biting down as Aegon knocks again.
“I have to piss!” Aegon yells, banging on the door causing it to shake on its hinges.
“He said just a second!” you snap, voice several pitches higher than normal as Aemond tugs harshly your slippery, wet nipple. 
“The fuck?” Aegon’s angry tone turns to one of confusion, “Yo is that Y/N?”
Aemond’s fingers slow as he pulls away from your neck, his hand still gripping your breast. The actions cause your imminent orgasm to begin to fizzle out and you whine in annoyance. You were so close. 
Aemond’s eyes meet yours, pupils dilated as yours must be. His jaw is slack, face flushed as Aegon laughs from outside the bathroom.
“I didn’t know you had it in you!” Aegon calls, “That’s my bro, finally getting the girl! Sara is going to lose her shit when she knows I found out first!”
You stifle a laugh, bringing your hand to cover your mouth at Aegon’s words. Aemond’s cheeks are red as he smiles bashfully, as though he’s not knuckle-deep in your pussy at the moment. 
“Have fun you lovebirds, I’ll piss outside,” Aegon calls, giving a final rapid fire of knocking before presumably leaving the door. 
“Do you think he’s really gone?” you ask through a giggle.
“Honestly, I don’t even care,” Aemond says, kissing you once more and resuming the movement of his fingers thrusting and curling in and out.
“Fuckfuckfuck!” you cry, as Aemond works you towards orgasm once more. Your legs shake around him and he brings his mouth to your opposite breast, lavishing it with the same attention he did the other. 
“Take my fingers so fucking well,” he murmurs, kissing the top of your breast, “Bet you’ll take my cock perfectly.”
“Yes-fuck yes!” you cry, nails digging into his shoulder blades through the soft fabric of his t-shirt. 
You can feel how hard he is, how big his cock is concealed under his jeans. Your mouth waters at the thought of it replacing his fingers, pussy tightly clenching around him. Aemond feels you tighten, a smug smile creeping onto his face.
“You like that idea? Want me to fill you with my cock?” he asks.
“Yes, please,” you whine, looking up at him through your lashes, “Please I need it so bad.”
“You’ll get it, pretty girl,” he promises, “Come for me, darling, that’s it.”
“Oh oh- oh!”
With a strangled cry your orgasm crashes over you as you clench around his fingers. A rush of arousal drips down his fingers and between your thighs as he fucks you through it, prolonging your pleasure. As you come down from your high, Aemond’s mouth is on yours in another passionate kiss. You moan into his mouth, whimpering at the overstimulation. 
Your hands drop to his belt and he chuckles, placing kisses down your neck.
“Can we go back to mine?” he asks, as you attempt to do the first loop. You pause looking up at him. 
“I’d love to,” you tell him, as he kisses you again. 
You spend the next several minutes reclipping your bra and fixing yourselves before opening the door. Aegon nearly falls on top of you both as he tries to pretend he wasn’t listening. Aemond smacks him on the shoulder as he tries to run away. 
“Couldn’t hear anything over this fucking music!” Aegon calls, as he smiles cheekily and disappears down the hall. 
Covering your face with embarrassment, Aemond loops his arm around you, placing a kiss on top of your head and leading you out of the party.
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note: hope you liked it!!
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Daemon Targaryen*Lunch
Sugar Baby Series Part Two
Part one
Pairings: modern daemon x reader
Platonic: jace, cregan, Sara snow
Warnings: possessive daemon, daemon being a bit pretentious but nothing major
Word count: 4k
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Masterlist Here
Call me when you quit – D.T.
You had told Sara all about the horror of your shift when she got home an hour after you and showed her the paper. “I mean he was hot,” she said as she handed you the paper back, “Couldn’t hurt,”
“But he said when I quit,” you said as you put it on the fridge with a magnet before returning to the sofa to drink your warm beer next to Sara, “Do you think its like a job thing?”
“I think it’s a sex thing,”
“Why do I need to quit to get laid?”
“Maybe he doesn’t fuck servers?” she said making you kick her with her foot, “Hey! He’s a Targaryen you know what they’re like,”
You rolled your eyes as you thought back to the horniest man you’ve ever met aka your ex-classmate Aegon Targaryen. “Yeah, well shut up. Heleana is nice, Aemond was before the whole manager thing- “
“Ugh don’t remind me,” she groaned as her head fell back, “Can’t believe I hooked up with him,”
You snorted at her expression, “Bet Jace cried when he found out,” you said, “Hey!” you whined, rubbing your shin that she’d kicked, “C’mon he’s a nice guy its not his fault he’s in love with you,”
“We’re just friends,”
“I’ve already booked off the wedding,” you smirked, moving quicker than her when she went to attack again. “However, one good thing happened tonight,” you said as you fished the money out your pocket that Daemon had gave you, “Dun dun dun,” you said as you waved the money in the air.
“No shit!” She said as she snatched it out your hands to count, “Dude is this all from that Daemon guy?”
“Yup,” you smirked as you snatched it back before grabbing the jar from under the sofa, “We made rent!”
“Woo!” Sara yelled as she jumped off the couch, “To another month of not being evicted!” Your cheers were shushed by your neighbour who banged on the ceiling with his brush, something you had grown used to since even walking past 10 pm was too loud for him, “Hey this means we’re like one shift short of next months rent,” Sara said as she ignored the banging to grab you both more beers.
“Are this what financial security feels like?” you laughed as you graciously took the bottle.
Sara laughed as she took her spot next to you again, “If you don’t call him I will,”
“Back off he’s my millionaire,” you laughed before taking another drink, “I’ll call him tomorrow, fuck it what’s the worst that can happen?”
“You get murdered?” she said making you glare, “Hey he might be rich but take pepper spray when you hook up,”
“Who says its for sex? Maybe it’s a job,”
“Yeah at a sexteraunt,” Sara snorted, “Ooo maybe he wants you to be his sugar baby,” the rest of the night was spent discussing the pros and cons of being a sugar baby and you kicking her several more times.
The next morning you woke up in the afternoon, thankful for your day off after a run of terrible shifts. Sara had left to hang out with her brother, and you were left to stare at the paper, your phone practically burning a hole in your pocket. “Fuck it,” you muttered as you punched in the number.
It rang and rang and just before it rang out and all hope was lost a deep voice answered the phone, “Hello?” Daemon said, sounded already so uninterested that you were close to hanging up.
“Hey um,” you began to choke out, pacing the room, “Its your server from last night. You chased me down to the bus stop and gave me your number,” you half laughed as you tried to sound calm.
“Oh yeah hi,” he said, his tone instantly perking, “So you quit?”
You bit your lip and tried not to groan, “Not just yet,” you said as you heard him sigh over the phone, “I want to know what im getting myself into before I make any big decisions that may affect my financial situation,” you said, throwing in any word you thought could make you sound smart.
“Sensible I suppose,” he said, and you swore you could hear his smirk, “You free for a late lunch and I’ll give you a rundown of my proposal?”
“Um yeah sure when?”
“30 minutes, the Red Keep on sixth street. You in?” he asked as you looked down at your stained pyjamas that smelled stronger than you’d like. Fuck it, you thought, before agreeing, already digging out some decent jeans out the hamper. “See you then love,” Daemon said before the phone clicked off.
“10-minute walk, 20 minutes to look like a person,” you muttered as you began to get dressed. You tried to keep it a semi casual vibe as you pulled on some dark jeans and borrowed one of Saras host button downs. She’d get over it. your hair was less manageable than your outfit, but you managed to at least brush it and wash your face, flinging on the lightest coating of makeup before you saw it had already been 20 minutes.
You quickly threw your shoes on and began running down the stairs as you pulled your leather jacket on. You jogged up to the restaurant, glancing in to see if he was there yet through the window when you noticed a black car pull up and you gulped when you saw Daemon step out and the car drive off.
He was in a lilac button up that seemed to perfectly match his eyes. It didn’t help that the sleeves were rolled up to display his forearms. His dress pants were clearly well fitted, and you couldn’t stop yourself checking out his tight ass. Hot was an understatement for the man. Somehow his dishevelled hair only added to the look.
He smirked when he saw you before raising an eyebrow, “Did you run here?”
“I live a couple blocks away, so I didn’t wanna be late,” you said as you stuck out a hand to shake.
If possible, he smirked wider as he took your hand expect instead of shaking it, he raised it to his lips, kissing your knuckles softly, “I would’ve sent a car if you asked,”
“Its alright,” you said as your face began to flush.
Daemon led the way in, instantly getting ushered over to a table and you both were handed menus. “Pick anything you like,” he said when he noticed your eyes scanning the prices first. “Technically it’s a company lunch,”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the fact even the rich liked to milk their own bosses even when its their older brother. After you had ordered Daemon leaned his arms on the table, his eyes gazing at you in a way your legs began to melt, “Tell me about yourself,” he said.
“Well, I’m- “you said as you started to rattle of your age and job experience, “And I plan on- “
“No,” Daemon said, raising a hand slightly, “tell me about you. not your jobs,”
You chuckled nervously, your eyes looking at the floor for a moment, “Well I have a roommate, Sara, she’s pretty funny when she wants to be but totally clueless. We moved into a little flat a few months ago when some stuff went down with my family and I ended up leaving college because of it all but that’s fine,” you said.
“What did you do in college?” he asked, and he seemed to be genuinely interested as he leaned forward, resting his chin in his hand.
The action alone made you almost blush, “Well it was prelaw, but it wasn’t what I wanted to do,”
“Well, what do you wanna do?” he asked.
“I want to become a writer,” you said as the server brought the food over and you thanked him with a warm smile before turning back to Daemon, “I never have time for it anymore with work but its my dream. I’ve always liked writing. Saras probably sick of hearing about all my ideas,”
“Tell me instead then,” for the rest of lunch you rattled on to Daemon about all your ideas and plans and he listened intently, asking questions and agreeing with your plans. “Seems like you have it all figured out,” he said as you both came to the end of your food.
“Yeah but no time, you get me?” you said, and Daemon agreed as he ordered himself a coffee, “Why did you want me to call you though?” you sheepishly asked the question you had been wondering all lunch. “You can’t really expect me to quit my job for one lunch date?”
Daemon chuckled at your questions, “Well darling I have a proposal,” he said as the waiter brought his coffee and he thanked him, “I’ve been traveling nearly every other day for the past seven years, it can get lonely. I’m sure with your work schedule you understand,” he said, and you nodded, folding your arms as a pit grew in your stomach that Sara was right, “In a way you would be working for me but don’t think of it as work. It would be dinners mostly, a gala here or there when I have to attend which I rarely do. Company really is all and of course I would compensate for your time,” he said as he began to sip on his coffee.
“I’m not a prostitute,” you rushed out before even thinking making Daemon choke on his coffee.
He quickly began to rush out an apology as the once composed man tried to steady himself, “I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression,” he began to rush out as he cleaned up the coffee he had spilt with a napkin. At least he isn’t a dick to server like his sister-in-law you thought. “We wouldn’t be having sex. Well of course if the time came and we both wanted we’d talk about it but- “Daemon ranted before finally composing himself. “Do I make more sense now?” he asked.
“So, I’d be like a sugar baby?” you asked looking at the table as you tried to take this in.
“If that’s what you prefer to call it, then yes,” Daemon said. You paused for a moment to try think this all through. “I don’t need an answer today but I’m free tomorrow night. I’ve got a table for two booked at The Highgarden’s tomorrow at seven. Think about it. and if you decide not to its no pressure,”
“I’ll think about it,” you said, finally looking up from the table, “You have to understand this is all a bit overwhelming,”
“Its alright,” Daemon said as he placed his hand over yours and giving it a gentle squeezed. You missed his touch as soon as he took it back to take the bill off the server. “You don’t owe me anything after all, we’re strangers, but you can’t blame me for wanting to be more,” he said as he placed enough cash in the check to cover the bill twice over. great tipper, brownie points. “After all, you look amazing even after your little run,” he smiled, and you knew your blush was showing. “I’ve got to get back to work love but if you need anything just call doll,” the nickname made it hard to stutter your goodbye. “For your troubles,” Daemon said as he placed an envelope on the table before walking out to the car that just pulled up.
You waited till the moment he closed the car door that had just pulled up for him to pull out your phone as you left the restaurant. Sara picked up on the first ring, “Oh my god you were right code red we need to talk,”
“We’re at Cregan’s get your ass over here and tell me everything!”
Within half an hour you were sat on Cregan’s sofa spilling everything that had just happened to him, Sara, and Jace, Cregan’s roommate. Jace was a really rich really oblivious kid who had everything paid for by his parents, but he was that normal than him being rich didn’t matter. “So, you’re going right?” Sara asked as she moved to sit on the arm on the couch, feet in Jaces lap who blushed bright red. She was holding the money Daemon had left you, counting it again to double check she wasn’t crazy.
“Is this guy even legit?” Cregan in his older brotherness questioned, “Is it safe?”
“This man has already paid our rent three times I say what could a month hurt?” Sara said grinning as her brother leaned over you to slap her head. “You’re just mad he didn’t pick you,”
“I’m not gay,” Cregan rolled his eyes resulting on all three of you giving a very convincing and drawn out suuure. “
Jace had finally managed to stop blushing and join the conversation, “What’s his name again?” he asked and suddenly it dawned on you.
“Daemon Targaryen,” you said, cringing as you spoke when Jace realised his uncle was trying to pimp you out.
Jace rolled his eyes with an over emphasized sigh, “Of course it is,” he groaned, “He’s a good guy even if this is insanely weird. But he won’t stiff you,”
“Yet,” Sara smirked resulted in several grosses.
“So, he won’t murder me in a dark alley?” you asked.
Jace shook his head, “He’s surprisingly cooled all things considered. He’s a bit eccentric but so’s everyone in my family. plus, then this way I won’t be alone at family reunion!” he said, instantly perking up.
“Oh my god no,” you dreaded to think how Alicent would be at a private event.
“Bestie not that I’m trying to whore you out,” Sara said as she handed you the money back, “but you’re broke. Like broke broke. Like eat cold food out a can on a Thursday broke,”
You groaned as you looked down at the money in your lap, “I suppose one date can’t hurt,” especially when its with one of the hottest men you’ve met, but you waited till Jace was gone before discussing his uncle’s ass.
Sara had insisted on shopping for a nice dress for your date. To be fair she was probably right. Your clothes ranged from your server uniform to pyjamas to the one club dress you owned and somehow you didn’t think they’d let you in under that dress code. Half the money from today’s envelope went to your outfit, something you dreaded at first, but you had to admit felt nice as you looked at yourself in the mirror.
“I’m so borrowing that at some point,” Sara said as she zipped you into the red dress. It was a red knee length dress, but it was that tight that all modesty the length gave it was lost, “Damn you look good,” Sara said as she watched you admire yourself.
“Thanks,” you said as you rolled your eyes and grabbed your purse. Daemon had text you earlier asking for an address for the car to pick you up and after insisting you didn’t need it, he sent it anyway. “And you can only borrow it for your date with Jace,”
“Hmm don’t tempt me,” she teased as she helped you clasp the necklace, she’d lent you. “Look at my baby all grown up,” she faked tears up as she looked over you one last time.
“Fuck off,” you laughed when your phone buzzed.
Outside darling. Be safe – D
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the way he signed off his text, “I gotta go. If im not home by 12 I’ve been murdered,”
“Don’t get blood on the dress,” Sara grinned as she practically pushed you out the door, “And oh bring home any leftovers I heard the food basically melts in your mouth,”
You laughed at your roommate before rushing down the stairs, doing your best to get past your nosey neighbour without being questioned. The shiny black Benz stood out like a pretty thumb in this ugly street. Daemon stood beside the door to the car and his eyes looked you up and down as you walked out the building, “How’d you know reds my favourite colour?” he asked, eyes still glued to your figure.
You laughed as you walked up to him, “Lucky guess? My roommate made me get it,”
“Tell Sara she has great taste,” even your last boyfriend hadn’t remembered her name for the first month, “You look wonderful darling,” Daemon said as opened the door for you, “Ladies first,”
“Thank you,” you said as you took his hand and Daemon helped you into the car, you quickly thanking the driver for the ride.
Daemon was chuckling when he slid in his side but said nothing and just nodded at the driver who started the car. “I hoped I gave you enough for the dress,” Daemon said as the car turned out of your street.
“More than enough,” you said as you felt the fabric, still obsessed with how it felt on you, “But Sara insisted I get something fancy for this place plus this feels way better than my other dresses”
Daemon laughed lightly as he took in your smile, “You could show up in a sack and you’d still look the best in the room,” he said, and you tried to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. “May I?” he asked, gesturing his hand over the fabric and you nodded, looking down to hide your flush as he felt the fabric over your thigh, “Feels nice,” he said, his hand still resting on your thigh making your stomach flip and the butterflies toss and turn.
“Thanks,” you said, not moving his hand as you continued to chat during the ride. Oddly enough despite most rich people feeling alien to you and usually pompous the conversation just seemed to flow effortlessly. Before arriving, daemon had asked to keep your arrangement under wraps to which you quickly agreed.
Daemon insisted on opening the door for you as you got out the car and wrapped his arm around your waist as he led you to the host. “Welcome Mr Targaryen and a date I see,” The host greeted him like an old friend, “and a very pretty one,” he added with a laugh. Daemon smiled but you felt his grip tighten around your waist, “right this way,”
You thanked the host as you sat down and took the menu off him, “There’s no prices,” you said, face scrunching with confusion.
“Don’t worry about the money love,” Daemon smiled as he glanced over the menu, “You’re worth every penny,”
Daemons sweet talking and flirting continued through the night. There was no awkward “what do you do” or “I heard you liked xyz” it was as if you already knew everything you needed and had started on date three.
The food was far superior to you had been used to. The three-course meal was a far step up from the McDonald’s saver menu. When you told Daemon what Sara had said about the to go box, he ordered a fresh salmon to be boxed up for her when you finished your meal, “You don’t have to do that,”
“She can consider it a thank you for that dress,” he said, that same sly smirk toying on his lips. “So did you quit that shit hole yet?” he asked as he sipped his 3rd coffee.
You cringed slightly at the question, “Look im all for this arrangement, it’s actually been pretty fun, but im not gonna give up my independence just like that. I’ve been working way to hard to just give up,” you started your mini rant, fully prepared for Daemon to stop you or make demands but he only seemed to laugh and smile at your determination. “What?” you finally asked.
“Nothing its just cute to see you riled up,” he said, sipping his coffee while you regained your composure, “You don’t have to quit your job, if anything I admire your attitude but I wish you worked somewhere that valued you more,” he said, placing his hand over yours and running his thumb over your hand, “Besides you need the time if you want to get serious about your writing,”
“I suppose,” you said, gnawing at your lip as you mulled it over, “Maybe I could do part time then write on the side and see you as well,”
“Sounds like a plan doll,” he said, and you rolled your eyes with a smile, “What?” he laughed, “Do you prefer love? Darling perhaps? Princess, sugar, pumpkin,” he began listing off names.
“Dolls fine,” you laughed, “Any of them. You’re paying after all,” you joked and for a moment he got serious.
“Just because I give you money doesn’t mean you can’t be yourself. Never give yourself up for a job. I did that. Seven years I’ve been wasting away on planes and cars. I’ve been back here for one week and I already feel more like myself,” Daemon seemed to be full of life advice and business tips.
By the end of dinner, you were tipsy on the finest Dornish wine you’d ever drank and amazed at the deal you had lucked out on. Daemon wouldn’t let you see the bill when he gave the server his card, but you knew it was far from cheap. He walked you to the waiting car, smile plastered on his face as he laughed at your crude joke. “You really are a little minx,” he said as he helped you into the car.
“Sometimes,” you grinned as he climbed in the other side.
When the driver asked where to Daemon turned his head to you, “Where do you wanna go?” he asked, his eyes looking deep into yours.
You looked at the time on the dash, 1120. You had practically stayed till the restaurant closed. You turned to the driver to give him your address, “Saras expecting me soon. She’ll think I got murdered if Im not home,” you half joked to Daemon.
“That’s alright love,” he said as he took your hand, placing a kiss to the back of it, “Your company is all I need,” you half wondered if he was disappointed, the other half wondering if you’d regret not going with him.
When you pulled up outside the apartment you turned to Daemon. “I’ll walk you in,” he said before you could say goodbye, his eyes on the men smoking outside your building. He leaned forward to his driver, whispering to lock the car.
You couldn’t help but laugh as Daemon let you out, his arm instantly wrapping around your waist. “Hey pretty lady,” Theon grinned as you walked past which only made Daemon tighten his grip.
Before Daemon could say anything, you turned to Theon and Robb, “Hey boys,” you grinned, sending Robb a wave. He looked far too stoned to even know what way was up, “Don’t be too loud tonight,” you joked as you walked past them and into the building.
“No promises,” Theon called after you.
Daemon raised an eyebrow, looking at you like an alien would, “They’re my next-door neighbours. Very gay, massive stoners,” you told him.
“Ahh,” Daemon said, nodding his head, “Forgive my scepticism. Im not used to this part of town,”
“Don’t worry you weren’t all wrong. My downstairs neighbour is basically crack as a person. Tin foil hats and all,” you told him in a whisper as you past his flat to go to the stairs. “I’ll tell you all about my crazy neighbours next time,”
“So, there will be a next time?” Daemon asked, eyebrow raised and a casual smirk on his face. “Glad to hear it,”
“This is me,” you told him as you reached your door, “Text me. I’ve got work tomorrow but we’ll make it work,”
Daemon smiled down at you, pushing a strand of hair out your face, “Can’t wait doll,” he said, his fingertips grazing past your cheek, “Would it be wrong if I kissed you?” he whispered, his touch resting on your jaw.
“It’d be wrong if you didn’t,” a sudden boost of confidence ran through you as you stepped forward, pressing your chest into his. Daemon didn’t need to be told twice before he closed the gap, his lips crashing onto yours as he pressed you into the door.
Your hands wrapped around his neck, toying with his silver hair. His squeezed your waist before sliding down to grip your hips. If sara wasn’t home right now you wouldn’t have let him leave. When he pulled away you were both breathless. “Until next time,” he said as he caught his breath.
“Next time can’t be soon enough,” you said as Daemon slipped an envelope out his suit pocket and handed it to you, all while keeping eye contact, “Goodnight Daemon,”
“Night doll,” he said as he kissed your hand goodbye and walked back to the stairs.
You took one last moment to compose yourself before opening the door to instantly be bombarded by Sara, “Omg your head blocked the peep hole what happened?” she said as she grabbed your hand and rushed you to the couch to sit between her and Cregan for some reason.
“Why you here?”
“To make sure you didn’t die?” he said like it was obvious, but you just rolled your eyes.
Sara slapped the pair of you as she gained back the attention, “Now what happened? How much did he give you?”
“I’m not sure,” you said as you finally opened the envelope, again marked only by his initials. “Holy shit,” you said as you took out the bills.
“He gave you a grand!?!”
Part Three Here
Taglist: @clairacassidy @valeskafics
@delicious-xx @pet1t3 @themotherofblood @avalyaaa @starkleila
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Winter Sun (18)
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18. The Calm before the Storm
Summary: When everything is this calm under such horrific circumstances, you know a storm is coming
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Fem!Targaryen Reader 
Warnings: Cursing, medieval and asoiaf customs, AGE GAP, Cregan is 12 years OLDER than reader), arranged marriage, war! and all that comes with it, death of a character, talk about war and battles, the dance is coming folks!. might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3 k
Notes: things are heating up!!
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“My brother died alone”, whined Jacaerys, at least by now, three days later, he had stopped crying, he raised from his chambers to eat and drink, and now he was drunk on arbour wine, but at least he was processing it
“He died on top of his dragon”, you said, caressing his arm, “like a true Targaryen”, you had to hide your own sadness and fears.
Aemond had killed him.
The man that had said that he was going to come for you when his brother is King.
His brother was King
“I should have been there, it should’ve been me”, he said
“No”, you said
“You don’t understand!”, he said, “that day he was so nervous, I told him to “man up””, he whined, “he didn’t want to go, he wasn’t ready, he told my mother so, and we made him go anyways” 
“You could have never predicted this”, said Sara, touching his other arm, you looked over the table at Cregan, and it was kind of comical how he was sitting there alone and you and Sara were comforting Jace
“I know… but…”, you only shushed him gently as you kept comforting him. You were snowed in Winterfell, and you and Cregan had to restrain him and prevent him from taking to the skies to return to Dragonstone, a few yards into the sky and he was sure to freeze to death.
Bitter tears fell down his cheeks
“My baby brother”, he whined, “he was only sixteen”, you laid your head on his shoulder
“They will pay for everything”, you said, determined, “they will”
But you weren’t certain, the last thing you wanted to do was make the North march on the South, to battle, were thousands could die, it was certainly not the best idea, but you had to do something, Cregan was sworn to Rhaenyra, if she said to march, they will have to.
Getting Jace into bed was tricky, he was drunk on wine and he stumbled down the corridors, Cregan grabbed his arm to pass it over his shoulders to help him to his chambers, you and Sara shared concerned looks
“We need to make reinforcements on Winterfell’s walls”, she said decisively
“You think he will come all the way here?”, you asked, fearful, she only looked at you worried
“He just might”, she whispered, in her eyes there was sadness, but you probably just imagined it 
You met Cregan again in your chambers, the nannies had taken Rickon, but they were soon going to bring him back to you. Cregan was so tense and silent, not with you, but you could feel it in the air.
“You are worrying”, he said
“You too”, you accused, he sighed 
“I am”, you shared looks, “we have barely survived winter and a war is coming”
“I know”, you whispered, and you couldn’t help but feel a little guilty, even if you had nothing to do with it, it was your family that was going to fight each other, “you don’t have to go”, you assured him, “we don’t have to fight this war”
“I’m sworn to Rhaenyra”, he said, “the Hightowers.. they betrayed her, they usurped the throne, they need to be brought to justice”, he said, and you realized this has somehow struck a nerve inside of your husband
“You don’t have to be the executioner of that justice”, you said softly
“I will support my Queen”, he said, “with us, as will others, we will be a great army, half the continent at the least, they will not stand a chance”
“They have dragons”
“The blacks also has dragons”, he said, “more by our counts”
“Still”, you whispered
“War comes at a great price, but in the end…”, he said walking until he held you in his arms, “we will prevail”, he said, you looked into his eyes and saw nothing but certainty 
“But Cregan…”, you tried to fight but he shushed you gently”
“My love”, he called back, his eyes had this immense power over you.
“But what if we do not prevail?”, you asked with tears in your eyes and a trembling voice 
“I’ll tell you why”, he said, he made you sit on the edge of the bed and he seated right next to you, “I will tell you a part of a speech my father gave me when I turned fifteen, in his eyes I was a man, and he believed I needed to hear this words”, you looked at him wide eyed, “I believe we will prevail because you need to believe certain things…”
“What things?”, you asked
“That people are basically good; that honor, courage, and virtue mean everything; that power and money, money and power mean nothing; that good always triumphs over evil; and I want you to remember this, that love... true love never dies”, he cradled your face between his hands, “You remember that, my love. You remember that. Doesn't matter if it's true or not. You see, a man should believe in those things, because those are the things worth believing in”, you close your eyes and just cherish the moment. You closed your eyes and he kissed your lips softly
“I love you”, you whispered, love-drunk and in a Cregan-haze
“I love you, my true love, my silver dragon, my summer princess”, he praised, and you buried your face in his chest as he held you. 
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“Aemond what have you done?”, Alicent snapped, “you killed Lucerys!”, Aemond but all ignored his mother, serving himself a cup of wine
“He was intended to rally allies against my brother”, he said, “what would you have me do?”, he asked then, looking at her
“Not killing him, we have given then a reason to throw the Kingdoms into war!”, she all but yelled, looking at him with teary eyes
“I think we gave them a reason to when we imprisoned them and usurped her throne”, he mocked
“You don’t seem upset that you killed your nephew”, she whispered, scared of what she saw in her son, her favorite and most favored son
“I did not command my dragon to swallow his”, he said simply, “Vhagar decided on her own to eliminate that threat”
“I don’t believe you, no one will”, she said with a trembling voice
“It happened what it needed to happen”, he said, “the war was going to start one way or another”
“I need to speak to my brother”, he said bitterly, and left the room 
To the surprise of no one, he found his brother - The King- in his chambers, laughing, already drunk and the sun had barely set on the horizon.
As soon as he saw him, Aegon began to clap and laugh hysterically
“If it isn’t the Kinslayer”, he laughed, Aemond flinched at the sour nickname, “don’t make that face brother”, he said, “I’m actually congratulating you”, hes aid bitterly, “our cunt of a sister will take months to weep and cry, you have given us the perfect opportunity to attack that wretched island and kill everyone on it”
“We have yet to prepare the army”, he said, “the Lannister fleet in on the other side of the country, an attack on that scale is going to take months to prepare…”, but Aegon moves his hand, dismissing his brother’s words
“The little shit is dead…”
“yes”, he whispered, Aegon looked into his brother’s eyes and laughed even harder
“You are here for her, aren’t you?”, he mocked, “Gods, brother, you are so predictable”
“She is in the North”, he said
“And she will remain there, until that freaking snow melts”, he said, it was funny, Aegon’s mouth moved but the words that came of it were his grandfather’s 
A marvelous thing
Aemond didn’t liked the answer, but it made sense
“We are assuming the Starks will side with the bitch, but they will nor march now, we have months…”
“And then?”, he asked
“When the Starks and the North show their true colors I will give you what you asked of me brother”, he said with a teasing smile, “I will strip those dogs of everything they have, and as they are marching we will burn them, they will never get past The Neck”
This didn’t pleased Aemond
He considered himself a patient man, but with you? he couldn’t wait no longer, but he had to
“And then?”
“You can go and get her yourself”, he said with that wicked smile of his, “but leave the pup to the northerners”
And with that Aemond left the room.
The armies were gathering, the dragons were restless, Westeros was going to burn.
And he couldn’t wait
As the Baratheon prepared his army, Aemond was preparing the Royal army, and together they were going to march North and burn everything and everyone that sided with Rhaenyra.
But it could take months
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You had not commented on it, but Jacaerys spent a lot of time gazing at your son, you only smiled and encouraged it, in his eyes was longing, and dreams of a future, a shy smile on his lips as he let Ricked grab his index finger in his small hand. 
Sara would often join him with a soft smile and kind words, they were spending an awful lot together, and Cregan grew worried, very worried.
But how could we deny him?
Cregan was growing distant, not with you personally, but you could tell he was preparing for something, he was getting in a tough mental state to be in.
He was preparing for war, for battle, for the hunt and for the kill of his enemies 
It wasn’t easy
You were growing restless as well, a storm could be seen on the horizon. you wanted the snow to melt, so you could go with Jace, fly back to Dragonstone and get your dragon, you will feel so much better once she is here, near you. Vhaelar was one of the biggest dragons in the family, well, nothing could compare to Vhagar, but… she was similar in size with Melyes, and just as formidable.
She was the hatchling of one of the Conquerors, after all, the same one she was expected to fight. 
But you were getting ahead of yourself.
As you looked at Rickon, sleeping soundly, unaware of the dangers and the cruelties of the world, you wanted to convince yourself that Aemond was not going to come for you, he wasn’t. Why would he want you to know? you had a child, you belonged to another man, surely he was now after a marriage pact with the Baratheons or the Tullys, or the Tyrells, the Lannisters even, why would he want you for? after all this time?
He had probably already forgotten you. 
You were interrupted by Cregan
“Autumn finally came back”, he said, “she was hunting but… she is here”
“Great”, you said with a wide smile
“I think it’s time”, he said, looking a you wide eyed, expectantly, and you sighed, but nodded
“Very well”
You stood by the entrance to the Godswood as Cregan took Rickon in his arms. He has told you he wanted to do this, you weren’t quite sure but you couldn’t deny him, you wanted to do the same when Vhaelar was here.
Between the trees appeared the dark fur of your husband’s direwolf, her golden eyes looked at his bonded human, but she approached slowly, lowering her head when she sniffed at the air and realized Cregan wasn’t alone, but in fact, she looked over him at you, and then back at Cregan.
You were amazed at how intelligent she was, she reminded you of Vhaelar in some capacity. 
“Autumn”, called Cregan, “this is Rickon”, he introduced them, still with your baby glued to his chest, he showed the little face of your son to the Wolf. And took a step forwards so he was at Autumn’s reach, that made you uneasy, but he was safe, safer than ever. 
Autumn came so close to him you gasped, but remained calm, because you trusted your husband completely 
The Shewolf sniffed at Rickon, and she drew a delightful, soft whine, identifying the boy as a part of Cregan, you guessed, and then she leaned in and lapped at his little face. Cregan laughed wholeheartedly 
“Good girl, this is your boy now”, he presented and you smiled widely, Rickon sneezed and Autumn drew back but then she leaned forwards again. 
She rested the tip of her snout on Rickon’s chest, and then, she took some steps back, to turn around and disappear back again into the woods. Cregan turned back to you with the brightest smile he had drawn since your son was born, and you, as well, were terribly happy.
That night Cregan has convinced you to leave Rickon to the nannies, you reluctantly agreed, so you could have a proper dinner, seated with your family, Sara, Jace, and the Lord and Ladies that had managed to come to Cregan’s calling. You were also celebrating the soon end of the winter season. The days were getting long back again, the sun was shining in the sky.
Even though a war was coming, you felt the need to celebrate, and deep down you were scared that what you truly wanted to do was enjoying what you had as long as you had it.
But you shake your head as you nibble on your lamb chop, certainly a delicacy that you could enjoy now the snow was melting. 
You looked over at Jace, that, omitting tradition, was not seated by your side but he asked to be placed next to Sara, at the other side of Cregan, and they were chatting amicably. 
You didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
To your knowledge, Jace was betrothed, promised to Baela Targaryen, daughter of Daemon, and Sara, well, Sara was too nice, kind and beautiful to have her hopes up by someone who was promised to another girl.
You needed to have a chat with them later, as you take Cregan’s hand in your and squeezed reassuringly , he looked back at you and smiled warmly, and then you both turned to look at Lady Bolton, to keep chatting with her about the Dreafort’s defenses and how she could assure you that the maester she had in her disposition had been in Dorne and he was certain he could replicate scorpions to take down the Green’s Dragons.
And how that was going to make a difference
If it was up to you would have made hundreds of them to palace them in the Winterfell’s battlements, but Cregan wasn’t particularly interested in the tale.
Even though you were already fully healed, mostly, your lack of sleep made you tired, so you excused yourself from the table and stood up to go back to your chambers. Cregan promised he was going to follow soon after, but you will not hold him up to that. 
The guards smiled at you as you walked by and you smiled back, but as you reached the last floor, your chamber’s floor, you came face to face witht he nannies, that had pale expressions in their faces
“What is going on?”, you asked
“My lady, we can’t go into the room”, squealed one
“Why not?”, but you did not care for the answer you ran down the corridor and over to your rooms and one of the nannies, the youngest and fastest, ran to fetch Cregan. The door was open so you couldn’t understand why… and then
“Autumn” you called, standing so still, she could easily jump you and maul you to shreds, the she-wolf looked back at you, and you gasped when you saw what she had on her jaws.
A puppy
And then you heard it, the moans and whimpers of puppies.
She leaned over the crib and placed the pup besides Rickon, and alongside her whole litter of six pups, all of them cuddling and sharing the crib of your son
You didn’t know if you were going to cry, or shout, or faint, or laugh or die with the cuteness.
She had placed her pups in your son's crib and you couldn’t believe it.
Cregan found you still on the doorway, smiling, and as he followed your eyes…
“It appears that she wasn’t hunting”, you told Cregan, and he only laughed loudly, “she was having pups of her own”, you said with a smile. Autumn laid down at the foot of the crib, and towards the door, protecting her cubs, all of them. 
“What a great thing”
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Taglist! ❤️ @severewobblerlightdragon @missusnora @stargaryenx @poppyreader @chainsawsangel @court-jester-stuff @batprincess1013 @eddiepicker 
@lyannesworld @arujee @kamisunshine @​​mss-nthng @partypoison00 @grimistangel @elleclairez @may-machin @prettykinkysoul @justagurlwithships @champomiel 
@laura-naruto-fan1998 @zoleea-exultant @devotedlythoughtfulanchor @zoleea-exultant @llleon666 @dark-night-sky-99 @bitchigoteverythingissues @harrypotteranna23-blog
@esposadomd @ajanauia @phantomtea19 @let-love-bleeds-red @kishie8 @dreamingofyourmoons @esposadomd @sandronebabyy @kemillyfreitas @​​trifoliumviridi @dreamingofyourmoons @darling-jace @biblichorr @ivvypg @mendes-bae @borikenlove @tssf-imagines @praline357 @alitaar @prettykinkysoul
More notes: that “speech” is from my favorite movie, “Secondhand Lions”, my comfort movie, and those words are what I sometimes have to remember myself hehe
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nekoashiii · 2 years
Sagau brainrot + headcanons
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Genre: Crack and sagau, cultish behavior cause once again sagau
proofread <3
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Alright so we read alot of fics where the characters such as archons are trying to break out of this game so they can meet their god, their creator face to face.
But why don't we add the part where EVERYONE gets together to break out of your device, including Tsaritsa and the fatuis.
For example, Dottore and albedo both team up to break out of their world, sure they aren't a fan of each other but they are willing to help another if they can meet you in person and serve you the way you want
Like kokomi, Raiden, pantalone, ayato, ningguang all financially helping albedo and Dottore with their experiments
But once they find out how, they will shatter the front screen of your device from inside and then proceed to walk into your world
Sure they are breaking the rules of existing but oh-
There you were, sitting on your couch with a...device..? Thing.. in your hand(a phone lmao)
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Ok headcanons start from here:
When they see you sitting on your coach with a blanket over your body watching a screen, "wait woah that screen is moving" Qiqi said
"shhhh quite Qiqi" venti shushed her
"so, how are we going to introduce ourselves to our grace?" Yae Miko said
"as much as I am thrilled to meet our god, it's better if we let the electro archon go in first, creator might know her.." Kokomi added
"Absolutely not, she finds us better to handle, at least we didn't cause war and steal visions unlike someone." Arlecchino said
"what the hell did you just say you fatui scu-" Sara said while turning her whole body towards the harbinger
"woah now cut the attitude miss, creator won't be satisfied if we are acting like this. It's better if the fatuis go first." Pantalone replied,
"the kamisato clan is way more prepared and more mannered than the fatuis, we should go first" ayaka said
Uh oh looks like an argument is about to go down
As you were watching an anime with your headphones plugged in, you failed to notice the argument going on behind you
Some were even ready to draw their weapon out on eachother, like they didn't team up for the last 8 months of their life
But the shadows moving behind you didn't go unnoticed
Absolutely panicking thinking someone broke in the house you turn around to face. The...characters from the game you downloaded 4 days ago?
Realizing that you are watching they quickly drop to their knees and introduce themselves to you
"..Im sorry. What. Did the pharmacist accidentally gave me drugs i shouldn't have eaten or.."
Hearing this, some were absolutely frightened, thinking the pharmacist poisoned you or gave you the wrong drug, they surrounded you, Dottore and tighnari checking your pulse while albedo and sucrose were checking the vitamins that you take
Jean giving you a glass of water while the children were staring at your mobile, thinking it was the device that you use to watch over people since humans were displaying to move in it
Oh well, absolute chaos started, you better hope you don't get headaches from it
Y'all I really like this. I want to continue writing about this sooo, slide in some of your ideas in my Askbox 😈💅✨
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bamsara · 9 months
"the 'power of love' trope is such an overused and cliche gimmick" i do not care i will love it always and forever. love prevails and explodes the enemy
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miryum · 1 year
Foundling Villa- Chapter 1
Royal!Charles Leclerc x Reader. Princess Y/n is arranged to marry Prince Charles. There will be many ups and downs that the author hasn’t planned out yet, but read along to find out more! (Yes, I know that sounds super cheesy) Warnings per chapter. Hope you guys enjoy!
Warnings: Swearing, arranged marriage, and a mention of misogyny
ao3 link   next chapter>>
“My lady, we’re crossing the border into Enza. We should be arriving in an hour.” You nodded at your maid, indicating that you had heard her. You didn’t look away from the window. 
“What do you think the prince will be like?” A younger maid gossiped quietly. The older maid shook her head at the inexperienced one, shushing her. “Sorry, ma’am,” the youngest maid whispered in your direction, head hung low. You think she’s named Elena. Your other maid who had been with you since you turned fourteen was a lovely woman named Sara. She knew not to interrupt your stupor. 
Elena’s words dug at you, though. What was he like? The prince and you had only communicated through one letter. Your family had urged you to write to him, and so you did. You received a short letter in reply. There hadn’t been any communication since.
Your mother had told you the carriage ride would be short. She was wrong. It was too quiet, giving you time to dig up anxieties you had attempted to repress.
You were starting to feel guilt about your last days in Williams- the kingdom that your mother and father ruled. You had avoided your family during the final nights of your stay. You weren’t sure if it was out of contempt or not wanting to see your brothers and sisters pitying faces. You had stayed huddled in your room, watching stoically as Sara and Elena tried to get your opinion on what to pack. 
At first, when your parents told you that for the prosperity of the kingdom, they were marrying you off to an obscure prince in Enza, you were angry. You had watched your older sisters get married off, one by one, each with varying results. One of your sisters gained a connection with their husband and fell in love. Another sister became sweet friends with their husband, and while there was no romantic love, there was a strong platonic relationship. Your last sister was married to a prick and rightly hated him. He was misogynist and had anger issues that bullied your sister into submission. 
If you got nothing else, you were satisfied with being friends with the prince. 
So your anger turned to sad acceptance. At least Enza was a beautiful place.
Your older brother had his choice of mistresses for his bride, in which all had been vetted to see if they were a proper fit to be Queen of Williams. Your youngest brother still had some years of freedom before your parents started pointing out the eligible ladies in court. 
But the prince of Enza had no choice. While his older brother needed a suitable queen and therefore had his pick, the younger prince was just another pawn in the game of hierarchical chess. The kingdoms of Enza and Williams both had something to gain from the other and you and the prince were simply the bond of that compromise. Enza, being the bigger and stronger empire, would protect Williams in times of need, while Williams, being a small mining community, promised to supply Enza with gold and iron. Neither kingdom could stab the other in the back with their heirs married.
“There’s a house,” you spoke for the first time during the trip. “A couple kilometres away from Enza’s palace. We’re going to pass it soon. It’s not far from the border.” You took a breath, shaking with the realisation of your future. “I’m going to buy it. The prince isn’t in line for the throne, so I’m not required to live at the palace. It has five bedrooms with adjacent bathrooms. The kitchen is a small thing, but manageable. There’s a sweet little fireplace in the sitting room, which, with a little bit of rearrangement, can double as a dining room. But my favourite part,” you paused and pointed out the window. “Look, there it is.” The two maids stared out the window with you, all three of you taking in a large farmhouse in the distance. Compared to William’s palace, it was small, but any peasant would think it was an empire. The house was three stories and coloured a light baby blue. The windows were painted a bright white that stood out in contrast. There was a wrap-around porch that a small swing hung from. “You can’t see it,” you said, “but the best part is in the back. There’s this large field that leads to a forest.” The house was long gone, but you still gazed out the window hopefully. Sara and Elena exchanged a glance. “I’m hoping to employ a small staff. I’ll have to get a cook, of course, and maybe a cleaner. And then a stable master.” 
“A stable master, my lady?” Sara wondered if she heard you right. 
“Yes. Wouldn’t it be lovely to finally buy a horse or two? You know that mother never wanted me to ride, so I’ve only ridden a couple times. I would love to choose a name and develop a connection with a horse.” 
“And what about the prince, ma’am?” Elena wondered. 
You shrugged. “He can choose whatever he wants. After the wedding night, I’m not required to stay. Neither is he. If he wants to stay at the palace, he can. If he wants to visit me, I’ll allow it. And if he would like to try and live with me… we’ll see how it goes.” After a moment of thought, you said, “I think I’ll name the house the Foundling Villa.” 
The countryside slowly changed to a small village and then a quaint market. You saw people milling about, carrying a carton of eggs, hauling water from the well, or dragging a cow through the street. Most people stopped and stared at seeing an aristocratic carriage prance through their streets. You pressed your body against the seat and stared straight ahead, knowing that it made it harder for people outside to see you. You didn’t want them to see you. You couldn't have them see you. 
Elena peeked out the window and a little girl waved excitedly at her. Elena waved back. The girl clapped happily and tugged at her mother’s arm. 
Slowly, the carriage turned to an inclined road and the palace came into view. Sara sucked in a breath and blinked owlishly at the sight before her. Elena muttered an, “Holy shit.” You frowned at it. It looked like it was overly compensating for something. It was a massive building built with large blocks of brick and stone that looked like it could house the entire population of Williams. The flag of Enza flew proudly from the spires. An impressive perron stood imposingly before you, laid with a red carpet. The King, Queen, and the three princes of Enza stood on the steps to welcome you. 
The reality of it all finally crashed down on you. You were supposed to marry a man who you had only heard of through one letter. You had only seen him in portraits. You were expected to move to another kingdom, which you had never set foot in, and never return home unless accompanied by your new husband. 
You shook your head widely and your hands clutched around the dress you’d chosen this early morning. “I can’t.” You stated, “Turn this around. I want to go home. Turn the carriage around.” 
“My lady, you must go,” Elena pleaded. “They’re waiting.” 
“No!” You cried, “I am not going to marry him! You can’t make me! I will not walk out there to my doom. Take me back to Williams.” You tried to sound stern, but emotion cracked through. Outside, you saw the youngest brother whisper something to your fiancé.
“Milady,” Sara tried her hand at calming you down. “Princess. Y/n!” You whipped around to look at her. “All you have to do,” Sara leaned forward and clasped your hands in hers. “Is go out there and bow to the King and Queen. That’s it. Then Elena and I will be with you the entire rest of the way. We’ll be by your side walking through the doors, finding your room, getting you prepared for dinner, and if you want, we could even take dinner in your room instead of with the family. But you must step out of the carriage.” 
Your jaw clenched and reluctantly nodded. Sara smiled softly and then knocked on the wall. The footman jumped down and opened the door for you. You exhaled, your heart pounding like you just lost a sprint, took the footman’s hand, and stepped out. 
And then you make eye contact with Charles Leclerc, Prince of Enza, and your future husband.
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Over tea
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Tea can either bring people together to enjoy it or start senseless fights. How interesting
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Wc: ~900
Your liking of tea has always been one of the few things known about you by the public. Other than your face or name, nothing much was known.
A perfect blank page for anyone to dream about any scenario they want.
" I just know it! One of the secretaries spoke as she stirred her coffee " great sage YN and mister al-haitham MUST be an item! Totally confirmed" She blushed lightly, imagining one of the steamy book cover that she managed to buy in Inazuma
The rest of the group looks at her attentively, this is one of their common lunch talks. Paperwork, unreasonable workers, talking shit about their boss and gossip about their favorite pair
" Oh?" The golden eyes of one of the boys open wide as does his mouth, letting out a bit of food " how are you so sure even?"
" Hear this'' she leans towards the table as if she was about to tell a top secret " al-haitham was on his desk, as usual right?" The rest of the group looked at her with total attention, breaths hitched "I had to deliver a letter but when I was about to enter I saw the great sage next to al-haitham so obviously I didn't enter. I didn't want to ruin my OTP's moment-"
" You just wanted to eavesdrop but sure "
" Shush! So I stood by listening and they were really like ' oh, haitham, you should take a break from work for a moment. We could go to my office and drink some tea' all while being very touchy feely and al-haitham kinda smiles knowingly before going so I had to leave the letter in the door -"
" Ehem!" One of the matra touches her shoulder, quickly dimming the environment " care to repeat that?"
Jumping from her chair she looks wide-eyed at the matra followed by two other matras " I swear I didn't mean to eavesdrop it was only an acc-"
The blond one steps ahead crossing his arms ready to fight " that is the problem! The problem is lying blatantly about possible affairs from the great sage! Everyone knows great sage and cyno are in love
" Obviously! And you said you stood by the door? Then how would you have known they were touchy feely and if he smiled or not! Only lies!"
The oldest steps in, trying to calm the other two down, seemingly he is their senior " you two only came because you wanted to warn them about lying about a public figure. Either way, young lass, do you know how severe lying about this is?"
Grasping the fabric around her chest she stands her ground, facing against the supposed 'boss' " I might have exaggerated with the touching part but the great sage WAS inside mister Al-haitham's office and they DID offer him to drink tea at their private office".
The blond one jumps in place, an offended look on his face " even then! How would you ever think they would fall in love with such a straight faced dull man!"
Sara gasps looking at him " straight faced! That is flavorful coming from you! You mean to say Cyno, the general mahatma is more expressive than mister al-haitham! I'm so sorry but that is plainly untrue!"
" I have only seen your so beloved 'misteir il-haithim" frown! I know you low level workers don't know how hard the sages' work is they need someone reliable and comforting like Cyno!"
The other matra chimes in rising reasons why Cyno is better than al-haitham, to each of them his coworker nods, while their superior looks somewhat embarrassed " Cyno has a whole personality outside of his job! He likes card games, he is protective of his friends, reliable, funny!"
Tte oldest gives a broken smile " O-Oh well maybe that one…"
" UP FOR DISCUSSION! But either way the great sage YN always laughs at his jokes!"
" Huh?!
"As cynos unofficial big brothers we have to help him get his happiness! He only relaxes when the great sage YN is around. I will not allow you bunch to sully it with senseless rumors"
" Yeah, plus Cyno spent three weeks next to the great sage! Obviously there should be something there"
The chubby and meek girl stands up " Well most of that time was spent believing the sage was a criminal! I wouldn't date anyone who thought that of me!"
The lanky matra gets closer, visibility mad by the vein in his neck " Cyno was only doing his job!"
" And?! I don't think my trust could easily be built if his first impression of me was that of a criminal!"
Looking down the window you look at the busy streets beaming with light and sound " I'm happy everything is as calm as usual" you say softly as you lean against your lover's chest, faintly smelling the white tea from his mug and his mouth. You wonder, would his lips taste like white tea?
He nods before resting his head on your own, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around you as if he was about to sleep with a teddy bear
No longer caring about making hypotheses, you give him a quick kiss, lingering around his face to notice any reaction. Looking carefully you see his lips turn the slightest upwards and his pale hair hiding the sprinkle in his eyes. Leaning down he gives a light kiss on your cheek
He tastes like tea, a lightly orange blossom taste lingering on the tip of your tongue. How much will the taste change if you add raspberries? Or maybe Jazmine? You will have to check then, surely your handsome lover wouldn't refuse any affection under the alibi of sharing a cup of tea
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equallyshaw · 7 months
i get to call you mine | connor bedard.
oc singer x insta edit.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
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@sarasings: what an absolute dream .. thankyou for all the love and support and for choosing me to be the winner of the voice '23! s/out to the amazing @niall.horan couldn't have had asked for a better coach🫶🏻 1/2
233k likes, 17.8k comments
@niall.horan: thankyou for the best first season, incredibly proud of you cali girl! cant wait to work together soon xx
↳ @sarasings: thankyou for all the support and love, cheers x
@masonmctavish: there she goes !!! congrats buddy
↳ @sarasings: thanku mas-- see you soon!
@kentjohnson: couldn't have picked a better winner !! so stoked for ya (:
↳ @sarasings: thankyou kent!!
@adamfantilli: hot diggity dog congrats s!
↳ @sarasings: thankyou a!
@connorbedard: so incredibly proud of you, so glad i could be there
↳ @sarasings: best surprise ever i luv u 🥺
@madisenbedard: still crying
↳ @sarasings: luv u sissy
@coltondach: best. finale. ever.
↳ @niall.horan: couldn't agree more!
↳ @kirbydach: I think he's dead
↳ @connorbedard: I think so too
↳ @sarasings: ahh thanku col!
@blakeshelton: congrats girl, you deserved it !!! knew you'd win since wicked games
↳ @sarasings: thank you blake, appreciate all the advice and support you've given me!
@sarasbff: I love you so so much bestie, so proud of you x
↳ @sarasings: love youuuuu
@melaniebedard: so proud of you sweetie, see you soon!
↳ @sarasings: love you mama mel!
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@sarasings: had the absolute best support group cheering from afar, my biggest fan. love you to the moon and back c
301k likes, 33.4k comments.
@madisenbedard: cutie pies
@masonmctavish: sobbing
@adamfantilli: cats outta the bag
↳ @kevinkorchinski: our fav couple no longer a secret 😭
↳ @adamfantilli: I know :(
@connorbedard: only the best for the best
↳ @sarasings: 🤍
@niall.horan: thank goodness I never have to hear another ft from yall ever again...talk about annoying
↳ @sarasings: oh shush!
↳ @kellyclarkson: he's crying in singleness
↳ @sarasings: bahahah
↳ @niall.horan: thankyou for outing me k
@reginapats: congratulations sara, so happy for you!
↳ @sarasings: love you guys, thankyou for all the support!
@sarasbff: so cute
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@connorbedard: so incredibly proud of this amazing girl that i get to call mine, love you s
138k likes, 45.9k comments.
@madisenbedard: woah hard launch
@masonmctavish: alright alright alright, idk how you ever got her to say yes still
@kevinkorchinski: I guess y'all are cute
@sarasings: I love you so stinkin much -- thankyou for all the support in the world
↳ @connorbedard: love you babe
@adamfantilli: besties
↳ @kentjohnson: my besties
↳ @sarasings: woah dudes, calm down.
↳ @connorbedard: I dont like you guys enough to be considered 'besties'
↳ @kevinkorchinski: sobbing
@melaniebedard: love you guys!
↳ @connorbedard: thanks mum
↳ @sarasings: love you more!
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
hope you enjoyed!
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ye-olde-rd · 4 months
How would you draw SHUSH agents like J. Gander Hooter, Sara Bellum, and Gryzlikoff?
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Yah :3 (sorry, I drew them designs for if they were in DT17,,, not the original ones)
Gahhh I wish we got a season 4 of ducktales… I’ve been rewatching the show with one of my partners and I’ve got some good ideas for a rebooted fearsome four GAHHH (well,, not for liquidator or quackerjack,, but ill get some ideas eventually! Just gotta finish the rewatch)
I could post some drawings of rebooted bushroot soon.. muhehe
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beanieman · 7 months
I got inspired by horror movie anon and now I have to ask. What role would the cast play as if they were in a romcom? I think putting them in that would be hilarious
Sara Chidouin - Sara is the lead's best friend who will be the wing man throughout the story. She will accidentally cause more problems then she will solve, but it's the thought that counts.
Joe Tazuna - Since Joe is the only character who is confirmed to have partner, he's the lead trying to impress the girl in the most goofy way possible because he's nervous to just ask her out.
Gin Ibushi - Gin is the love interests child who the main character is trying to impress. Of course, it won't be easy and it'll take 3/4 of the movie, but the heartwarming end payoff will be worth it.
Keiji Shinogi - Keiji is the parent the love interest is really worried about impressing, but he is comically chill about everything.
More Undercut
Alice Yabusame - Alice is the random celebrity cameo that's only there for the comedy. He appears for everyone to go "Wow! Alice Yabusame is in this movie!" and then the main character accidentally backhands him or something.
Reko Yabusame - Reko's role is to preform the end of movie band performance where a musician plays an upbeat song to close things out.
Nao Egokoro - Nao is the quirky main character who drives most of the comedy but also has a large arc about believing in her painting skills.
Kazumi Mishima - Mishima is the wise stranger that approaches the main character with life altering advice for the part of the movie that gets really serious.
Q-taro Burgerberg - Q-Taro is the baseball player who hits a rouge ball that knocks a soda out of the main characters hands and into the love interests lap.
Kai Satou - Kai is the oblivious love interest that the main character has a crush on. Most of the movie is just the wacky hijinks that take place trying to show Kai that the main character has feelings for them.
Kanna Kizuchi - Kanna is the matchmaker who's trying to convince everyone to date each other. She's really good at her goal and ends up pairing all of the main couples.
Shin Tsukimi - Shin is the guy that's just there for a slapstick gag. He probably gets hit by a car or something and is then never addressed again.
Ranmaru Kageyama - Ranmaru is the main lead that will likely be surrounded by discourse because he gets rejected like ten different times but still gets the girl because he's whiny "persistent."
Naomichi Kurumada - Naomichi is the straight man who is tired of all these hijinks going on around him. The main character shows up at his door asking how they can get a cardboard cut out of their crushes favorite celebrity crush, and he slams the door in his face.
Anzu Kinashi - Anzu is the friend who almost accidentally tells the love interest that the main character has a crush on them and the main character has a whole scene dedicated to trying to shush her in a wacky fashion.
Mai Tsurugi - Mai is the lead in a Christmas rom-com. She's the bubbly owner of a bakery, trying to add more fun to her life by being festive. Unfortunately, her mean boss hates Christmas. Thankfully, she meets her love interest, who will go through various wacky hijinks to raise enough money to buy the bakery for her.
Shunsuke Hayasaka - Shunsuke is the boyfriend who travels a lot for work. The main character ends up cheating on him when she gets with the film's main love interest, who values fun and spontaneity over financial stability.
Hinako Mishuku - Hinako is the main characters cynical child who is actively trying to sabotage their parents love life because they aren't ready to move on from the past.
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piebingo · 1 month
Wrapped up in napkins
3 times they have sandwiches and 1 time they don’t.
Day 1: sandwich @youngroyals-events
Read on ao3 or down below.
They wake up early. Too early, if Wille were to ask Simon. As it turns out, he doesn’t need to ask because Simon tells him over and over again, mumbling against Wille’s neck as he messily tries to keep him in the warmth of his single bed. Wille gets up anyway, soothingly shushing his sleepy boyfriend, and prepares their stuff.
There’s not much for him to actually prepare, he had done most of it last night knowing that the morning would go this way, but he still needs to dress, and then dress his frowning boyfriend. Wille thinks, knows , that half of the frown is just Simon being stubborn; he’s enjoying Wille taking care of him like this, it’s written in the slightly uplifted corner of his mouth.
He manages to drag Simon out of the house and into Sara’s car, where Felice is waiting for them. Her eyes are as small as Simon’s, her hair still wrapped in her silk scarf. She mumbles something that sounds like good morning and leans her head against the window.
Wille has just finished buckling himself in, Simon clumsily doing the same next to him, when Sara gets in the driver’s seat.
“There,” she says brightly, making her brother and best friend groan at the sound. She rolls her eyes, smiling at Wille, and gives him a cooler lunch box. “Breakfast sandwiches.”
Wille smiles at her and puts the lunch box at his feet as she backs off of the driveway.
It’s their first date in Stockholm.
They’ve started counting their dates as such. The first one in Bjärstad had been Rosh’s football game, the first one at Hillerska had been at the lake, the first one where they were free had also been at the lake, but in this nice spot in Bjärstad.
Wille thinks there’s something nice in having first everything, especially when many of their first had either been stolen or impossible to have at the beginning of their relationship.
So, this is their first date in Stockholm.
Wille has planned a whole day for them. He wants to show Simon everything, from his favourite place to where he used to go when he was growing up.
They are currently sitting down at this little secluded park, somewhere close enough to the palace yet far away that Wille can always forget, if such a thing is possible, that he is a prince —it’s not possible to forget, he’s always known that, but the place is good enough to pretend he can.
The blanket under them is the one from his dorm room at Hillerska. He hopes he will be able to bring it back there, if it reopens before next month. But for now, it’s serving as their picnic blanket.
Wille looks up at his boyfriend. Simon has his head thrown back as he leans back on his elbows. The sun is shining down on him, making him look golden. Wille is so in love.
“There,” Wille says, giving Simon the little bundle inside a green napkin —for tradition’s sake. “Sandwich.”
Simon smiles at him, their fingers brushing as he takes the sandwich from Wille’s hand. He thanks him with a kiss at the corner of his mouth.
“How has it been going?” Wille asks as he slips into the music room.
Wille had been waiting at Simon’s locker when the choir had gotten out, but Simon hadn’t followed his choirmates. Instead, the sound of the piano had resonated from the music room.
Simon sighs, looking up at Wille. He shrugs, mouth turned downwards at the corners, and continues playing the short melody.
“I’m coming back,” Wille says, turning away from the lovely sight in front of him. He doesn’t even wait for Simon’s answer before getting out of the room.
“There,” Wille says, placing two small packages on top of the piano. The green napkin is a familiar sight against the wood of the instrument. They often find themselves here, side by side on the piano bench, working through one of Simon’s songs together. Wille knows, by now, that they will most probably miss supper, but it’s not a worry if they have sandwiches ready for when their stomachs will undoubtedly rumble.
Plus one.
“I’m sick and tired of sandwiches.”
Wille groans, throwing his head back. “Me too.” When he looks over at Simon, he finds his boyfriend looking inside their fridge for the third time in the last five minutes. “I’d never thought I would say this about sandwiches. It used to be romantic.”
“I don’t think it has ever been romantic,” Simon snorts.
“Excuse you?”
“I’m just saying,” Simon says, smiling at Wille as he approaches his boyfriend. He takes Wille’s hands, running his thumbs over the back of them. “The sandwiches themselves aren’t romantic. But the intentions behind them have always been. There’s no intention behind a sandwich right now.”
Wille hums. He can’t deny this. He pulls Simon closer to him and into his arms, locking his hands behind his back while Simon’s arms come to rest on his shoulders.
As Wille looks around, he takes in how unfamiliar the sight is. It’s weird, in a way, because he knows this place like the back of his hand. It’s the first home they have ever shared together, the small apartment becoming the most lovely mix of them they could create. For the last three years, they have shared this home. They have hosted for their friends, studied for finals, and welcomed home the most adorable cat.
For the past week, they have been packing their lives away, putting everything in cardboard boxes and IKEA bags, ready to move into their new home as soon as they get the keys. Unfortunately, this has also meant that they have had to clean out their fridge, resulting in their meals consisting of sandwiches. Sandwiches for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, sandwiches for supper. Sandwiches for midnight snacks. Too many sandwiches.
“Do you want to order something?” Simon asks, nosing at Wille’s neck.
Wille nods before pressing a kiss to Simon’s temple. They can order food for their last supper in this little home.
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