laufire · 2 years
9, 13, and 14 for TVD. 1 and 8 for Black Sails
The Vampire Diaries
The character I'd most enjoy feeding to a pride of ravenous lions
I answered this one with Damon and I stand by it! But as a bonus, I'm throwing Matt in as well (rewatching the first episodes in the earlier seasons will do this xD).
The non-canon pairing I find the most intriguing
I'm going with Caroline/Elena (with some bonus Caroline/Katherine. That's MY favourite triangle xDD). I always found their dynamic interesting, but I couldn't enjoy it while I watched the show, because I could never be sure about how Caroline would end up. Now that it's all over, in every possible way, I find myself far more open to it. It's simply a kind of relationship I'm wired to pay attention to.
The character/story arc I find the most compelling
Caroline('s). Was it ever in doubt xD. Most perfect social climber narrative in existence, you can't change my mind.
Black Sails
What originally drew me to it
"Originally" it's hard to define here. It was already in my radar, distantly, and I think it might've been some gifsets or meta posts reblogged by @grapecaseschoicesoices @ishenwulf and others in my dashboard when the show ended that really made me notice it. I started this tumblr on the last months of 2016 and the finale aired in April 2017, so I was There when gifs from it made the rounds, when people discussed the ending (mainly Max's and Flint's), etc. That (Max) was what made me decide to definitely put it on the list.
The character with the greatest wasted/unexplored potential
I wouldn't put anyone on this list. Black Sails balanced it all pretty well, and it's natural that secondary characters, well. Remain secondary xD. There are some I would've gladly seen more of: Mr. Scott, the Maroon Queen, and Idelle are the first ones that come to my mind. But ultimately, I don't think anyone was wasted.
questions from this list
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highgaarden · 4 years
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where you cast those stones you wear;
Landon continues to stare at her blankly. “Sorry, there’s just this weird ringing in my ears. It sounds like you just asked me to be your boyfriend?”
Or, the one where Caroline breathes down Lizzie's neck for her questionable dating choices (cough, Sebastian), and Lizzie comes up with a plan to clean her slate. Enter Landon. 
lizzie/landon, background klaus/caroline, mikaelson-forbes-saltzman; ensemble teenager shenanigans at the salvatore school for the young and gifted. for @ishenwulf. gif by @mysticfall​
The thing that shocks Landon the most about fake dating Lizzie isn’t that it’s going well; the whole school believes they’re dating. It’s the fact that despite the whole school believing they’re dating… girls are still asking him out.
“It’s weird,” he says, eyes darting around to check if anyone’s listening to their conversation as they’re bent over their cauldrons. He hastily chops up some dried wormwood and tosses them into his potion. It splutters into a pale orange and sort of coughs up some funky-smelling bubbles. “Yesterday, Hope waved to me. She was actually waving to me - I checked behind me, Jed wasn’t there. And today she sat with me at lunch.”
Lizzie hums non-comitally as she chops up her wormwood into perfect inches and drops them by threes into her potion, which turns a brilliant gold, something sweet and inviting rolling out of it in heavy plumes.
“I mean, I’m pretty sure Hope’s not, she’s not a--” he stirs his potion as he increases the heat of the induction cooker, trying to get it into a thicker consistency. 
“A homewrecker?” Lizzie suggests, cocking an eyebrow.
“Yes,” Landon says, frustrated, silently thanking her for him not having to say it. “She knows we’re together, everyone does! And yet…”
Landon gestures with his hands, something neither of them can really interpret. He looks at her hopefully. She rolls her eyes. When they feel Ms. Claire’s sharp gaze on them they immediately slouch over their cauldrons, feigning concentration.
“It’s an Alpha thing,” Lizzie tells him begrudgingly, without looking at him. “Her wolf senses someone strong coming into territory. Someone who exhibits the signs of a capable mate. You’re prime meat, Kirby, because I have you tucked into my little green basket.”
“Ignoring the fact that you just likened me to butcher cuts,” Landon frowns, “so, what? She’s into me, she’s not?”
“Wow, all this from a wave hello?” Lizzie measures out a tablespoon of powdered root of Asphodel and scatters it in a circular motion onto the surface of her potion. “I knew you were gonna get your unmentionables in a twist, but not this much.”
“She’s never shown any kind of interest before.”
“The social order of the pack has changed, my little bird,” she says sagely.
“The hell’s that supposed to mean? We’re not part of a pack.”
“Miss Emo Pants seems emotionally attached to us enough to consider us her pack. Plus, you exhibited physical strength and aggression when you squared up with Sebastian two weeks ago.”
“You seem to really know her.”
“She’s my step-sister,” Lizzie huffs impatiently. “And a full moon’s coming. Hope doesn’t realise it, but she’s totally wolfing out on you.”
Landon blinks. He tries to register this information. “And… and you knew this, when you planned all this? Why am I asking, of course you did. You plan every single curl that drops down your forehead.”
“My curls never drop down my forehead,” she tells him primly. “But yes, I did. Our exit plans are in place.”
“Hope’s not a door, Lizzie,” Landon chastises.
“Funny,” Lizzie shoots back, “neither am I, but you don’t seem to have a problem with me being one. Doorway to popularity, doorway to Hope, doorway to actually being an interesting human being--”
“Care to share your conversation with the rest of the class?”
Lizzie snaps her jaw shut and groans inwardly: Ms. Claire is standing before them with a stern, perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised. Landon shakes his head fervently, “Nope, we’re good.”
Landon shoots her a look before bending over his work. They don’t talk for the rest of the class, after which he leaves as soon as possible.
read more
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lainelannister · 5 years
Sansa/Cersei - Sansa's coronation
I wear this crown for myself...but I also wear it for you.
A grin, sharper and more spiteful than she’d like to admit, tugs at Sansa’s lips as this thought crystallizes in her brain. Surely, Cersei would hate to find herself the recipient of the Queen in the North’s graciousness.
(And she’d hate the Queen in the North’s pity even more.)
The Lannister woman is dead now, found in the wreckage of the Red Keep, her lifeless body cradled in her brother’s lifeless arms. She holds no power, no sway...not even the ability to draw breath into her lungs, to feel the pulsing of her own heartbeat...
But a piece of her will live on, nestled in the Northern Queen’s mind and heart and soul, never to be quenched until The Stranger claims Sansa for his own.
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nrgburst · 5 years
ishenwulf replied to your post: reinadefuego replied to your post: ...
damn it that sounds like fun but the next round is so far away :(
I love trope bingo! It made my divorce from LJ way easier because I was already on DW just for that comm. I can message you when the next round opens, if you want! They used to do 3 month rounds, but I think the mods just got too busy to keep up with opening and closing them.
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klarolinedrabbles · 5 years
ishenwulf replied to your post: The 100 ended with introducing a grown up Hope...
Diyoza mentioned wanting to name her kid Hope in S5 ina convo with Kane
yaaas, thank you, I was like I feel like I've already said what I'm about to say, with the several characters in different shows naming their kid Hope, lmfsjnkdjfsnja,
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scienter · 6 years
ishenwulf replied to your post: I love autumn, but I’m not ready for summer to be...
Not sure how NE winters compare to Austrian ones but I’ve been ready for summer to be over since about the start of July trololol
If you’re looking forward to the end of summer I’m guessing probably not. lolol 
It’s the snow storms that make winter here miserable - particularly the blizzards & Nor’easters. Nor’easters are giant cyclonic snow storms with heavy snow, hurricane force winds, and flooding. This last winter we got four Nor’easters in three weeks. 
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And 2015 Massachusetts had a record breaking snow fall. Boston received total 108.6 inches (2.76 meters) of snow. Some people trapped in their houses and were forced to dig tunnels in the snow to get out. In short, Winter is a real bitch here, and I cherish the sweet relief of summer. lmao
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keensressler · 7 years
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rizzydaily · 7 years
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S02E10 / S02E14
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maevelin · 7 years
I think Good Behavior would be way more popular if just more people FOUND IT lol. It's shipping crack, for me. And the leads have so mcuh chemistry. Ratings weren't great so I was SHOCKED (in a good way) when they renewed it for S2 and now I'm just looking forward to it :)
Like...I am only in episode two and it is like literal fanfic coming to life! The actors are amazing. The chemistry is mind blowing. Great female character! The premise of the show is hella interesting. And the noir notes are working so well for this show. Plus the mix of comedy and drama! And it just sucked me in from the first minutes of the pilot. It is a pity that as a show is not as popular as it should be.
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fyeahklaroline · 7 years
ishenwulf said: tumblr does this to me all the time :( nothing to do but try again later..
Yeah it was the same yesterday and it's pretty annoying ... I'll take your advice and try again later ;)
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univcrse · 7 years
@ishenwulf yoooo its such a nice ship like im not done catching up yet but theyre so cute!!! but its also painful bc you know its doomed since you know the book endgames so all the amazing ships on the show are lost potential :’(
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laufire · 4 years
@ishenwulf replied to your post:
lmao ngl I outright cackled at the DE bits...it makes total sense though since these kids grew up in a world where DE were endgame and are married with kids and I'm sure they propagate that story of how they fell madly in love all the time
I can see that, but I think it bothered me that it didn't seem to serve any purpose in the current storyline lol. The Caroline stuff was about Lizzie, the Klaus stuff about Hope and Handon... but when Josie was all "yay I finally understand Elena we're going through something so similar" I was like... did I miss something here??? There were probably better ways to show a connection.
the one thing that peeved me was that there wasn't really any KC in it lmfao tho given who ended up playing Klaus (don't get me started) I suppose I'm also relieved 'sigh' 
LOL understandable. IDK, I wasn’t too bothered. Maybe because I knew beforehand or because the show has plenty of KC references otherwise lol. But it didn’t bother me that the only showed the check moment, since that’s one aspect of their relationship I find pretty amusing xD
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highgaarden · 4 years
Lizzie/Landon - "I think I'm the first girl to break a bed with a guy, without even having sex with him while doing so." (pls let them break a bunch of other stuff while actually having sex)
two-shot! read and comment on ao3, please!
where you cast those stones you wear;
rating: explicit chapters: 1/2 characters: lizzie/landon; background klaus/caroline, background hope/landon, background josie/penelope; the whole SS gang.
where you cast those stones you wear
part i
“There you are.”
Lizzie’s smile is the fakest ass fake smile he’s ever seen, and he’s seen a lot of them.
It’s how she smiles when Wade asks her for donations to his Anime club. Or when Dr Saltzman caught all of them at the Old Mill trying to make moonshine (Kaleb’s idea). Her smiles are especially at their fakest when she wants to pull Hope away from him for some magical assistance to whatever trouble she’s managed to get herself—
—and Josie, and Alaric, Raf, MG, (himself, though she’ll never count him) and probably half the school along as well—
—that week. “Just the person I wanted to randomly bump into in study hall.”
“Really,” he deadpans, not believing her one bit.
He shifts his book just a little closer to his chest. He’s not nervous, but her energy is full of it sometimes, and sometimes it’s just energy personified that bounces off the calm he tries to fill his study hall with.
You know, where they’re supposed to study – in silence, preferably – but with Lizzie, there’s never much of silence.
It’s with a bit of a niggling discomfort that Landon realises he’s learned her tells: Lizzie can talk up a storm, always, but it’s in tense moments that she can’t seem to shut up. Not that he’d ever tell her to shut up; he doesn’t know why he always just wants to be nice to her, despite her printing out posters of VOTE ARTISANAL JAR OF MAYONNAISE FOR HOMECOMING KING last semester and sticking them all over school.
 “Well?” Lizzie prompts, clicking her tongue.
Landon’s just sitting there, and for all his humble bragging about being at the top of their classes he’s just… sitting there, with a look that tells her he’s not quite registering what she’s just said to him.
“I’m—I’m sorry?” he finally says.
Lizzie sighs loudly enough for the entire study hall to send glares their way. Landon attempts to tamp down on their aggression, but all Lizzie does is just sigh louder.
Sorry, Landon mouths apologetically again, raising his hand at Wade, who looks close to crying over exam revision.
“Landon,” Lizzie says with finality.
“Lizzie,” Landon matches her tone. “I’m sorry, but you’re just going to have to repeat yourself.”
Murder is the only word that comes to mind with the glare she sends his way. But she decides to humour him.
“Wow, that’s so weird. I feel like I’m just mishearing you. Again, please—hey, I said please.”
Lizzie’s mouth moves around the words she’s telling him.
Landon continues to stare at her blankly. “Sorry, there’s just this weird ringing in my ears. It sounds like you just asked me to be your boyfriend?”
 Elizabeth Jenna Saltzman.
Asking him, resident emo-boy, a marginally competent bird as she always ‘fondly’ calls him, to be her esteemed partner.
“Am I hearing this right?”
Lizzie hisses right through her teeth, “Do not insult me, you moderately competent bird.”
He lifts his book as if to deflect the blow of her mighty glare. “Look, I’m not! I’m just – are you feeling alright? Been getting enough sleep?”
“Two weeks have passed since my mom’s come back, and I have thoroughly exhausted every single mother-daughter bonding activity ever, and she’s moved on from Oh Lizzie, my favourite daughter, I’ve missed you so much snuggling to Who is this Sebastian your father keeps mentioning lectures.” Lizzie adds flippantly: “I’m not vibing with it.”
“Super sexy perma-teen vampire but a complete misjudgement of character on my end.”
“And this isn’t?” Landon mumbles.
“I need to get my mother off my back, keep up.” Lizzie inches forward in her seat. The ends of her hair graze the table with how much she’s leaning towards him, making him look her in her wide, blue eyes. Always with the theatrics. “You’re just about at the exact opposite end of the Sebastian spectrum. Mopey, dependable, not obviously good looking, but your other qualities probably can make up for that. And you’re the kind of guy would probably wake up super early to get me a coffee and croissant before school, because that’s just how cheesy you are.”
“Don’t interrupt me. Anyway, it’s not just for my benefit either.”
“Somehow I find that hard to believe.”
Lizzie’s smile widens just a touch. “Heard your little crush on Hope just went up in flames.”
So is his face now, all puffed out and embarrassed. He lowers his voice and hisses, “How do you know about that?”
“Oh Landon. My sweet thrift store hobbit,” Lizzie sighs. “Everyone knows about it. You wear it like a badge of constant glumness. You didn’t speak to Jed for a whole week after he bought her a sandwich last week.”
“I could’ve bought her a sandwich too, big deal,” Landon mutters.
Lizzie raises a sharp finger and looks smug. “Ah, but you didn’t! See, my boy, you’ve got no game. Now imagine how much cooler your image would be if you were seen with resident popular girl,” she gestures to herself. “Your reputation would shoot up the ranks.”
“There are ranks?”
“Duh,” Lizzie says like it’s the most obvious thing. “And you, being a phoenix without actually possessing any unique phoenix qualities other than resurrecting – ”
“That’s not unique enough?”
“—looking like a pale artichoke in gym class doesn’t help, either. I am your salvation!” Lizzie finishes, hands on her hips and jaw raised like she’s standing centre-stage at their annual talent competition.
Landon narrows his eyes. “You think people will like me more if it looks like I’m dating you?”
“Now we’re getting somewhere. Move a little.” She takes a seat next to him gracefully, tucking her skirt under her thighs. “Listen. I need my mom to stop breathing down my neck. She’s been looking at me like she wants to give me the birds and the bees talk, with visual aid, flash cards and mini-theatre and I’d rather not go through that again. Once was more than enough. Pretty sure Dad wants her to exact power over my social life, since he doesn’t really have any say in that, and I’m looking at two semesters of constant surveillance. Or a twelve-step programme. And Professor M isn’t helping either—”
Landon shuts his book. “How does Professor M know about your love life?”
“Everyone knows about my love life, Landon. I’m interesting.” She rests an unwilling hand on his shoulder with a grimace. “And soon you will be too.”
“Because I’ll be dating you.”
“Fake dating,” Lizzie corrects primly.
“And you think Hope will like me, even though I’ll be unavailable?”
“There’s something to be said about wanting the unattainable, Landon. And trust me, you will be unattainable once you’re standing by my side.”
“Yeah, because everyone will think I’m nuts.”
“I resent that. Say yes.”
“Lizzie, I—” a panicked, helpless sort of look crosses Landon’s face. “This is really dishonest; I don’t think we should be…”
“Let me do the thinking for both of us, alright Little Bird?” Lizzie snips. “Getting back in my parents’ good books, the teachers off my backs for any sort of inevitable breakdown, and you… get to be Professor M’s potential son-in-law one day.”
“This is extremely coercive, you know,” Landon points out, but the protest is feeble at best. “And making me really uncomfortable. Nobody will buy it.”
“We’ll just have to put on a really good show,” she swears. “Say yes.”
 Two things happen the next two days:
Landon attempts to say hi to Hope, who looks right through him to greet MG a good morning.
During lunch break, by some kind of miracle, he joins Hope and Lizzie for lunch just in time to hear Hope say, “You were right about the bio homework, by the way. Your ideas aren’t that bad, Saltzman.”
Lizzie cocks an eyebrow at Landon. “Welcome, Kirby.”
“Oh, hey Landon,” Hope greets warmly.
Landon takes all of thirty seconds to make up his mind.
Lizzie’s phone vibrates in her bag. When she checks it, it’s from Landon.
Just one word.
 Every Friday evening, the rag tag group of upper-secondary students meet for some dumb study group Emma had made them all participate in, in an effort to like, ‘bond’ as ‘one’ ‘community’ or something.
It’s astonishing that all of them consistently make it every single week, but no one will admit it’s because they appreciate each other’s company. They’d chalked it up to Stockholm Syndrome.
Rafael comes when he feels like it, but he’s usually stuck in detention helping Dorian jar newton eyes or something, but even he tries to be on his best behaviour so he doesn’t miss much of these.
It’s during one of these study groups that MG, having been not-so-discreetly been spying on Lizzie and Landon whilst they all parroted off chemical equations to each other, demands: “Why are you touching him?”
He’s probably been watching them really closely since the Bomb had Dropped.
Lizzie makes sure to have Josie walk into them in the courtyard one day with her hand placed very carefully on Landon’s thigh, and shocks her twin so much she goes running through the hallways until she bumps into Penelope, and blurts out the scene she just witnessed, swearing her to secrecy.
Penelope, of course, tells everyone else.
Lizzie pretends to fidget with the hem of her shirt. “Excuse you?”
MG narrows his eyes. “You just… keep putting your hand on Landon’s arm. Willingly. Why.”
“Haven’t you heard?” Penelope smirks, whilst Josie turns red and avoids Lizzie’s glare, “they’re the Salvatore School’s It Couple right now.”
“Fake news,” Jed coughs into his notes, and Kaleb guffaws.
Hope doesn’t do anything but watch the entire exchange with curious eyes.
“Look, Penelope, you don’t have to believe it,” Landon begins, but he’s making mopey eyes at Hope, so Lizzie decides to cut in.
“As devastated as I am to admit it, Frodo’s been growing on me,” Lizzie sighs, the vision of a woman distraught. “Who knew I was into nerd porn?”
MG’s ears might as well be whistling, and Jed’s cough sounds like a choke now.
“Girl, say what,” Kaleb says in one disbelieving breath. “Tell me you’re not serious. You okay? Been getting enough sleep? Is this a breakdown thing, ‘cause Emma said we have to like, show solidarity and help you visualise your inner child and shit—”
Lizzie smarts at that, just a little. Her lips part to shoot some of her automatic sass bullets, but surprisingly nothings comes out. Landon secretly puts his hand on her knee in a secret show of solidarity.
“Kaleb,” Josie says sharply. “People can change.”
Lizzie eyes Landon curiously. He shoots her a small smile, which she looks away from.
“Exactly,” Penelope nods, but she’s smirking in a way that says she doesn’t buy a single thing, and is enjoying every second of watching Landon squirm under everyone’s scrutiny. “Who’d you lose the bet to, Lizzie?”
Lizzie, despite herself, starts to feel annoyed. “I’ll have you know, Penelope, Landon isn’t the short end of an already short bunch of sticks—”
Landon tries to figure out the compliment there.
“Then – then prove it!” MG blurts out. “Kiss. If you’re really a couple, then – Kiss!”
That stops Lizzie short. “Milton. Ew.”
“Really gross, MG.” Hope shoots him a look of distaste.
“Voyeur much?” Penelope smirks.
“Nah, I’m with MG,” defends Kaleb. “This is really entertaining and all, but it’s kinda starting to weird me out. Suck his face. No way you’d do that willingly.”
“You’re all wrong,” Lizzie tells them politely. Or as politely as she can. Things are a-movin’ and she’s excited; she can already feel her legs tingling when she accidentally siphons some of Landon’s magic from his hand on her knee under the table. She swallows down the smugness in her voice, because this is exactly where she’d hoped the day would go. She turns to Landon, and wills him not to look so pale.
“Pucker up, ‘90s,” she coos.
Keeping her face as forced-smiley as possible she leans forward and gives Landon a peck on his lips. A small little one. A peck really, bird to bird.
Landon, to her discreet pleasure, kisses her back.
When they part their chaste, publicly-acceptable form of display, everyone is looking at them, shell-shocked.
Penelope steals Jed’s can of Coke just so she could do a spit-take.
 “That plan worked out awesome. Score one to Saltzman,” Lizzie sighs victoriously as she plops down onto her bed. “Now on to Phase 2.”
“I really don’t want to know what Phase 2 is,” Landon mumbles. He’s got his arm slung over his eyes as he slumps three inches down into Lizzie’s plushy pink armchair.
“Phase 2 is Mom walking into us. She’s about to start baking downstairs. I know. It’s Tuesday. Ready?”
Slowly, Landon removes his arms. He stares at her. For like, a really long time. “What do you mean,” he widens his eyes, “by walking into us.”
Lizzie smiles deviously. Without warning, she lets out a very soft moan.
“Lizzie,” Landon hisses harshly.
“Yes, exactly, keep doing that,” Lizzie responds in a breathless voice, whilst she grins manically at him and flaps her hands, motioning for him to go louder.
“Lizzie,” Landon groans now, completely exasperated. “It’s barely been two days, I really doubt we’ll be having sex right now—”
“Yeah, keep talking dirty to me!” Lizzie all but bellows and jumps up on the bed, the mattress squeaking. She glares at Landon, who sighs, and very reluctantly joins her.
They jump up and down, and every so often Lizzie punches Landon in the arm so he lets out a believable grunt.
The mattress springs keep squeaking. Lizzie keeps up her panting.
After four more minutes of that, Landon’s a little out of breath, puts some spring in his jump, and lands in a pile of Lizzie’s haphazard pillows.
“Give it up, Lizzie,” he says, resuming his previous moping position of arm-over-eyes. “I think I pulled a muscle.”
“Sexy,” Lizzie says the way one might say ‘rancid foot’, but drops down next to him anyway. She stares at the ceiling, and they let out a long sigh.
After about another four minutes of moping, Lizzie turns to her side and swats Landon’s arm off his face. “Enough! Tomorrow night is another day.”
“That doesn’t even make sense,” he points out, before propping himself up on one elbow to face her. “About that kiss just now—”
“They totally bought it,” Lizzie can’t resist interrupting.
“You sure you okay with this?” he mumbles in that Landon way of his. He studies her face. She notes the dark circles framing his obsidian-blues.
“Getting cold feet already, Kirby?”
“No, it’s just that—”
Her door swings open. “Elizabeth, do you remember where your mum put the…”
Lizzie and Landon whip around to see a very livid Professor M, staring at them, at the space between them, at the sweat beading on Landon’s forehead, at Lizzie’s once-sleek French braid that has now shaken loose, at the two of them again, at the space between them, and once more at Landon.
“Professor Mika-Mikaels—” Landon squawks, turning white as a sheet.
The growl that emanates from Professor M seems to make the room tremble, and Landon all but stutters to a stop. Lizzie, however, is coming up sunflowers. She practically bounces to her knees and throws her hands up, eyes crinkling warmly, exclaiming, “What did you need of me, my beloved stepfather!”
“Well, darling, I was looking for your mother’s ridiculously expensive sea salt but now I’m looking for something else entirely,” he grits out through clenched teeth, despite being slightly mollified by Lizzie’s welcome.
“And that is?” Lizzie all but croons, making a very conscious move towards Landon. “We’re kind of in the middle of studying right now.”
“Banishing objects, hm? Your books are missing.”
“Invisique,” Lizzie sings in reply. Landon just wants her to shut the fuck up, right now.
Landon’s head disappears, which is a good thing, because he looks like he’s holding in from puking his guts out, the way Klaus observes him like he’s a piece of meat.
“You’re the phoenix, yes?”
“Yes,” Landon says squeamishly.
“Alright,” Professor M seems to deliberate, before flashing over to Landon, grabbing him and throwing him out the room and right down the stairs.
“Niklaus Mikaelson!” comes her mom’s furious bellow.
Screams erupt, there’s a clattering of feet, and Lizzie falls out of bed in a perfect traumatised swoon, back of her hand rested delicately on her forehead. “Stepfather! Can we not with the dramatics!”
“We’re going to have a talk about this later,” he warns with a finger wagging her way, his undisguised rage making his accent thicker.
“I’ll miss you when you’re suspended again,” Lizzie pouts.
He groans, already hearing Mom’s boots stomping up the stairs. “As shall I, my sweet.”
 At least Landon’s gotten used to resurrecting. Cause of death: the ire of Professor Klaus Mikaelson.
Lizzie’s waiting for him with a warm blanket when he starts to stir, her head facing the sky like she’s enjoying the sunset. Blinking groggily, he turns onto his stomach and rubs the back of his neck. He feels the weather-worn wood of the docks pressing into his face and he groans. That’s going to leave a mark.
“Welcome back,” Lizzie quips.
“Just because I can’t die doesn’t mean I wouldn’t appreciate some sympathy, Lizzie,” Landon mutters, throwing her a murderous look. “So what’s your damage.”
“Let’s see,” Lizzie says as she drapes the blanket over Landon’s crumpled heap of a body, face and all. “Two weeks of grounding. Mom suggested making it three weeks, but Dad intervened and said he’d rather us be on library duty instead for the rest of this semester.”
“Professor M also suggested throwing you out the window and have me try to levitate you before you hit the ground—”
“Jesus fucking Christ.”
“—but Mom was all Oh, maybe that’s a little too harsh,” Lizzie continues thoughtfully.
“A little?” Landon squeaks underneath the blue and white embroidered quilt. “Literally dying wasn’t enough?”
“But on the plus side, they were yelling so hard the entire school now knows we were caught post-doing the dirty.” Lizzie shoots him a grin. “On to Phase 3!”
“No!” Landon yells and clambers to his feet. “Lizzie, so far all your plans have kind of sucked for me, you know? How the hell is Hope supposed to like me now that she thinks I’ve slept with you!”
“Easy, lover boy,” Lizzie says, frowning. “This is the 21st century, she’s not a prude.”
“You don’t — you don’t know her like I do,” Landon says, burying his face in his hands and turning towards the water. “She’s not like y…”
He whirls around, hands already halfway lifting up like a gesture of apology but Lizzie’s already standing up, facing him squarely. Her eyes are narrowed as she takes him in coolly. “Not like?”
“Nevermind,” Landon says quickly. “Let’s grab some dinner, I’m starv—”
“Finish your fucking sentence, Frodo,” Lizzie says in a voice that is low and dangerous. Is it weird that he’s seeing some Klaus in the shadows of her face right now?
“Lizzie… let’s drop it.”
“No. Let’s hear you say it. Not like what? You were saying she’s not like me,” she hisses. Her fists are bunched into tight fists and he’s so glad she doesn’t have anything to syphon right now. He really hasn’t tried dying twice in the span of 12 hours.
“Look, I’m sorr—”
“Invisique,” she whispers.
He hears the wooden boards squeak as she runs away, and when her feet hit grass there’s no telling where she might be.
“Fuck you, Landon!” he yells and heaves a rock into the water with a loud splash.
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lainelannister · 5 years
for the porn drabble meme: Sansa/Jaime, AU where Ned is still alive and one of the things Jaime enjoys most about fucking Sansa is thinking about how much it will annoy Ned
Here you go!
Important note: this story takes place in an AU in which Joffrey and Sansa are never betrothed and Sansa never has the opportunity to discover how terrible Joffrey actually is.
Her husband comes to her bed that night, and she’s too astonished to even question this nearly-unprecedented event.
Lord Jaime Lannister returned to Casterly Rock earlier that day from one of his highly-regular visits to King’s Landing, but he didn’t arrive alone. Lady Sansa Lannister felt her jaw drop into a heavy and comical gape when she noticed the second figure on horseback riding through the castle gates- her father, the Hand of the King, who hasn’t been to the Westerlands even once since committing what she considered an act of great betrayal.
(“You promised that I’d wed the prince!” she’d exclaimed when her father informed her of the drastic change-of-plans. The King required coin, Margaery Tyrell’s dowry would prove too substantial to ignore, the Crown Prince would take the Rose of Highgarden as his bride, and- in the interest of further eradicating his debt- the King would grant a boon to the Lord of Casterly Rock by releasing his son from the Kingsguard and wedding Ser Jaime to the Hand’s daughter.)
Lord Eddard Stark very pointedly avoided looking his daughter directly in the eyes when she greeted him in the enormous castle courtyard. He sat by her side during the feast that evening, but when he’d make feeble attempts at small-talk, Sansa’s sullen reticence soon discouraged him from trying any harder. He exchanged a few words with Lord Tywin and one or two brief snippets of conversation with Jaime, and he seemed enormously relieved when the feast concluded and an attendant escorted him to the guest apartments directly beside Sansa’s own sleeping chamber.
In spite of Casterly Rock’s reputation from flawless construction, there’s an unquestionable gap between two stones on the wall separating Sansa’s bedroom from the guest quarters. When she holds her breath and presses her ear to the crack, she’s sure that she can hear her father’s quill scratching on a piece of parchment- probably writing a letter to Mother…Gods, how I wish she were here…
And then her door swings open, revealing her lord husband silhouetted by torchlight.
She can’t rightly recall the last time Jaime visited her chambers- six moons, ago? Maybe seven? But although she sometimes wonders whether she’s failing miserably at the business of being a lady wife, the infrequency of his appearances generally suits her just fine.
(On the night of the wedding, she’d tried to take some solace in the fact that her husband possessed a handsome face, broad shoulders, golden hair- but he’s so old. And then came the bedding- a strange, uncomfortable, clumsy affair, limbs tangling and elbows jutting and hands landing in all the wrong places. She half-closed her eyes and focused on the blur of gold and green, making the shameful choice to imagine Prince Joffrey there in bed with her rather than his venerable uncle- a brief pang of pain between her legs and a filthy stream of obscenities hissed into her ear, and then nothing. Hardly the stuff of songs.)
But he now closes the door behind him, and some peculiar burst of nerve compels her to ask, “Can I help you with something, my lord?”
He meets her stare directly (a rare occasion- he typically looks at her as seldom as he can possibly manage) and responds to her question with an elaborate eye-roll before kneeling down to unlace his boots. “Oh, yes. I’m eager to hear your thoughts on Valyrian literature…maybe some ponderings about religious philosophy…and, if you have time, perhaps you can offer advice on a few matters of high politics.”
A hot and indignant flush swallows her cheeks and her ears- she’s well-used to her husband’s mockery, but she can’t quite shake the hurt feelings that inevitably result.
He sheds his outer garments and crosses to the bed wearing only his tunic and smallclothes, and she can’t prevent her body from shrinking into itself, her back from pressing flush against the headboard.
Her husband follows her progress up toward the wall, but doesn’t lower himself down to the mattress right away. Instead, he leans over the headboard to brush his index finger along the crack leading into the guest chamber.
And he smiles, a strange and sharp-edged smile that she’s certain she doesn’t like.
His eyes are generally focused in her direction, but she can tell that his peripherals wander up, still tracing along the sliver of open space connecting the two rooms. But his hands venture beneath the hem of her nightdress, softly skimming over her calves and kneecaps.
“Spread your legs, my lady wife,” he instructs at a volume rather louder than necessary.
She does as she’s told.
His fingers guide her smallclothes down before venturing into the space between her legs, drawing patterns at different pressures and speeds until her breath catches, until she feels a dampness burgeoning in her sex and a sudden acceleration of her heartbeat.
She begins to widen the spread and tilt her hips up in preparation of his entry…but her husband instead slides down to lie on his stomach, his head vanishing into the tent created by her uplifted nightdress.
At the first swipe of his tongue, she impulsively kicks him hard in the hip, her muscles tightening as she anticipates some form of reprimand. But he only uses one hand to hold her ankle in place before continuing to explore her with his mouth, and one particularly well-timed and well-placed lick inspires a jubilant, perplexed, and highly-audible sigh of pleasure.
She can feel his laughter against her inner thighs, rumbling like thunder through a valley.
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queenapple · 7 years
ishenwulf replied to your post “I will get really mad if Archie chooses Betty. She doesn't deserve...”
I am an AV shipper so I hate this but structure supports this unfortunately :(((( Bc shows don't know if they'll be renewed S1 will often serve as a sort-of-capped story wrt what the writers intend and with Betty being a) RAS' fav and b) the pilot (a show's mission statement basically since they sell the show with it) had that endgame line about AB it looks bleak for me :((((((((( obv I could be wrong but even without the spoiler I wouldn't be surprised unfortunately
One of the endings might have had archiebetty be canon! That was probably the “no renewal” ending whereas it’s more open for the “renewal” ending (there were three endings filmed). Therefore the actual season ending that is going to be canon is archieronnie 
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rafaelsilva · 7 years
ishenwulf replied to your post “where’s this info about 2.16 coming from? ����”
what info?
that luke and magnus won’t be in that episode. i just found the interview where isaiah said he’s not in it but idk where the magnus thing came from. hmm.. :/
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