microscopiaiwm · 9 months
Cholesterol: Sources, Structure and Biosynthesis.
Elevate your online experience with our latest notes on topic, Cholesterol: Sources, Structure and Biosynthesis on our website https://microscopiaiwm.wordpress.com/ . "Unlocking knowledge one post at a time! follow microscopiaiwm #microscopiaiwm
Introduction Cholesterol is an extremely important sterol in the tissues of animals. It is an organic molecule and a type of lipid. It is a fat-like substance, which is waxy in texture, and found in all the cells of our body, as it is essential for carrying out many functions such as synthesis of hormones, synthesis of vitamin D and also acts as an integral structural component of the membranes…
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hevearesearch · 2 years
Isoprenoid Synthesis in Plants and Microorganisms
Editors: Thomas J Bach and Michel Rohmer Springer, 2013 Download PDF
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Okay! After a nap I feel a bit better. I can now positively identify the mystery liquid as a sample of hydrocarbonated water difused with isoprenoids taken from a lake on the planet Stromia Ursae 42. What gives the lake water it's unique hue and properties is the rare algae species that reside on the rocks in the lake bed. The algae releases toxic isoprenoids at high temperatures that are reached by the planet's harsh sun during the daytime.
Well there was my science lesson for the day! I hoped you learned something new. Smiles.
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bandnameserver · 3 months
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highonsprite · 3 months
What is Hyperimmunoglobulin D Syndrome?
Hyperimmunoglobulin D Syndrome, also known as Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency (MKD), is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the MVK gene, which encodes the enzyme mevalonate kinase. This enzyme is critical for the biosynthesis of cholesterol and other isoprenoids, and its deficiency leads to the accumulation of intermediates that trigger inflammatory responses.
Get a diagnosis at FirstChoice Rheumatology
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ankitas · 4 months
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helthcareheven · 6 months
A New Era of Healing: Transformative Infectious Disease Therapeutics
Infectious diseases have plagued mankind since antiquity. While public health improvements over the past century have helped control many infectious illnesses, new pathogens continue to emerge and existing ones adapt in the face of globalization and antimicrobial resistance. Researchers have made tremendous progress understanding the biology of infection and developing new therapeutic agents, but more work remains. This article outlines some of the latest advances in infectious disease therapeutics across different disease categories and research areas. Antibacterial Drug Development The rise of multidrug-resistant bacteria is a major public health crisis, and the dwindling antibiotic pipeline requires novel solutions. Several new classes of antibacterial agents are under development with activity against resistant pathogens. These include novel ß-lactams that evade extended-spectrum ß-lactamases and novel protein synthesis inhibitors that avoid ribosomal protection mechanisms. Phage therapy is also being revisited, with early clinical studies of engineered phages demonstrating safety and efficacy against difficult-to-treat infections like Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii. Alternative antibacterial platforms like antimicrobial peptides and small molecule inhibitors of virulence factors also show promise. Antiviral Drug Discovery While antibiotics face resistance challenges, antiviral drug development continues making progress against several important viral pathogens. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) represents a major success story, with over 90% cure rates now possible using direct-acting antiviral agents. Research on HIV continues as well, with newer integrase inhibitors and second-generation protease inhibitors demonstrating increased genetic barriers to resistance. Influenza remains a serious threat, but novel cap-dependent endonuclease inhibitors could provide the first truly universal flu drug. For other viruses like herpes simplex, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is a leading cause of community-acquired pneumonia as well as invasive pneumococcal disease such as bacteremia and meningitis worldwide. The development of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) targeting the most prevalent disease-causing serotypes has substantially reduced the global burden of pneumococcal disease. PCV7 was first introduced in 2000 and dramatically cut rates of invasive pneumococcal disease in vaccinated children.
Malaria Control Efforts Malaria remains one of the leading infectious killers globally, with drug and insecticide resistance complicating control efforts. Important infectious disease therapeutics advances include the development of artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) that help delay antimalarial resistance. Novel compounds also aim to complement ACTs through new mechanisms of action. These include the spiroindolone KAE609, which acts on the ATP4 transporter essential for parasite viability, and the Oz439 compound targeting the apicoplast organelle to block isoprenoid biosynthesis. Vaccine progress includes the RTS,S/AS01 candidate demonstrating promising reduction of malaria cases in young children in African clinical trials. Combined with improvements in diagnostics, vector control through insecticide-treated bed nets continues reducing malaria morbidity and mortality worldwide. Tuberculosis Treatment Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistance continues complicating tuberculosis (TB) treatment and control globally - about 20% of MDR-TB cases are estimated to further develop extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB). New and repurposed drugs aim to shorten treatment duration for drug-sensitive TB from 6 months to 4 months or less. Regimens including pretomanid, bedaquiline, and delamanid demonstrate potential to treat both drug-sensitive and resistant TB in significantly less time than current guidelines. New anti-TB therapies also target mycobacterial virulence factors and pathways specific to the pathogen. Developing rapid diagnostics to detect drug resistance and evaluating optimized dosing regimens are additionally helping curb the global TB epidemic.
Novel Antifungal Therapies Life-threatening invasive fungal infections negatively impact public health worldwide, especially in immunocompromised patients. Current antifungal drug classes include azoles, echinocandins, and polyenes, but limitations include toxicities, drug interactions, emerging resistance, and lack of oral options for many serious mycoses. Novel therapies in development aim to overcome these challenges. Novel azoles target the sterol 14α-demethylase enzyme through different binding properties than existing drugs. Echinocandin follow-ups show activity against resistant Candida as well as Aspergillus species.
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rnomics · 7 months
Microorganisms, Vol. 12, Pages 408: Pseudidiomarina fusca sp. nov., Isolated from the Surface Seawater of the Western Pacific Ocean
The Gram-negative marine bacterium GXY010T, which has been isolated from the surface seawater of the western Pacific Ocean, is aerobic, non-motile and non-flagellated. Strain GXY010T exhibits growth across a temperature range of 10–42 °C (optimal at 37 °C), pH tolerance from 7.0 to 11.0 (optimal at 7.5) and a NaCl concentration ranging from 1.0 to 15.0% (w/v, optimal at 5.0%). Ubiquinone-8 (Q-8) was the predominant isoprenoid quinone in strain GXY010T. The dominant fatty acids (>10%) of strain GXY010T were iso-C15:0 (14.65%), summed feature 9 (iso-C17:1 ω9c and/or 10-methyl C16:0) (12.41%), iso-C17:0 (10.85%) and summed feature 3 (C16:1 ω7c and/or C16:1 ω6c) (10.41%). Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylglycerol (PG), diphosphatidylglycerol (DPG), unidentifiable glycolipid (GL) and four non-identifiable aminolipids (AL1-AL4) were the predominant polar lipids of strain GXY010T. The genomic DNA G+C content was identified as a result of 48.0% for strain GXY010T. The strain GXY010T genome consisted of 2,766,857 bp, with 2664 Open Reading Frames (ORFs), including 2586 Coding sequences (CDSs) and 78 #RNAs. Strain GXY010T showed Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI) values of 73.4% and 70.6% and DNA–DNA hybridization (DDH) values of 19.2% and 14.5% with reference species Pseudidiomarina tainanensis MCCC 1A02633T (=PIN1T) and Pseudidiomarina taiwanensis MCCC 1A00163T (=PIT1T). From the results of the polyphasic analysis, a newly named species, Pseudidiomarina fusca sp. nov. within the genus Pseudidiomarina, was proposed. The type strain of Pseudidiomarina fusca is GXY010T (=JCM 35760T = MCCC M28199T = KCTC 92693T). https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2607/12/2/408?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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yeast-papers · 9 months
The potential of R. toruloides mevalonate pathway genes in increasing isoprenoid yields in S. cerevisiae: Evaluation of GGPPS and HMG-CoA reductase
Pubmed: http://dlvr.it/T0f6VT
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jhavelikes · 1 year
The human intestinal microbiota is composed of 1013 to 1014 microorganisms whose collective genome (“microbiome”) contains at least 100 times as many genes as our own genome. We analyzed ∼78 million base pairs of unique DNA sequence and 2062 polymerase chain reaction–amplified 16S ribosomal DNA sequences obtained from the fecal DNAs of two healthy adults. Using metabolic function analyses of identified genes, we compared our human genome with the average content of previously sequenced microbial genomes. Our microbiome has significantly enriched metabolism of glycans, amino acids, and xenobiotics; methanogenesis; and 2-methyl-d-erythritol 4-phosphate pathway–mediated biosynthesis of vitamins and isoprenoids. Thus, humans are superorganisms whose metabolism represents an amalgamation of microbial and human attributes.
Metagenomic Analysis of the Human Distal Gut Microbiome | Science
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babysgarage · 1 year
studying is shitty bc not only do you have to force yourself to listen to the dumb thing in the first place, you also gotta force yourself to read it, force yourself to understand it, force yourself to memorize it and force yourself to revise it in your head in your free time so it would stick?? but i don't want to think about isoprenoid compounds in my free time
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 years
The respiratory pathways produce the central building blocks for synthesis of a wide variety of plant metabolites, including amino acids, lipids and related compounds, isoprenoids, and porphyrins (Figure 12.14).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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biologia001 · 2 years
Las biomoléculas son las moléculas constituyentes de los seres vivos. Los seis elementos químicos o bioelementos más abundantes en los organismos son el carbono, hidrógeno, oxígeno, nitrógeno, fósforo y azufre, los cuales constituyen a las biomoléculas.
                               ¿PARA QUE SRVEN?
Permiten la formación de enlaces covalentes entre ellos, compartiendo electrones, debido a su pequeña diferencia de electronegatividad. Estos enlaces son muy estables, la fuerza de enlace es directamente proporcional a las masas de los átomos unidos.
Permiten a los átomos de carbono la posibilidad de formar esqueletos tridimensionales –C-C-C- para formar compuestos con números variables de carbonos.
Permiten la formación de enlaces múltiples (dobles y triples) entre C y C; C y O; C y N. Así como estructuras lineales, ramificadas, cíclicas, heterocíclicas, etc.
Permiten la posibilidad de que con pocos elementos se den una enorme variedad de
Biomoléculas inorgánicas:
Son aquellas que tienen una función fisiológica en los seres vivos, pero que no polimerizan. Por ejemplo, el CO2 es producto de desecho en la respiración, y también reactivo para la fotosíntesis. El CO2, no forma polímeros, por lo que no entra dentro de las biomoléculas orgánicas, que sí forman cadenas por la unión de monómeros.
Está el amoniaco (NH3), el CO2, el agua (H2O), entre otras, son ejemplos de moléculas inorgánicas que participan en los procesos de la vida, dirigidos por las biomoléculas
Biomoléculas orgánicas:
Son sintetizadas principalmente por los seres vivos y tienen una estructura con base en carbono. Están constituidas, principalmente, por los elementos químicos carbono, hidrógeno y oxígeno, y con frecuencia también están presentes nitrógeno, fósforo y azufre; también se encuentran moléculas con algunos metales de transición como el hierro, cobalto y níquel, se llaman oligoelementos y aunque se encuentran en cantidades muy pequeñas, son necesarios para la vida.
Las biomoléculas orgánicas pueden agruparse en seis grandes tipos:
Glúcidos o carbohidratos:
Los glúcidos (impropiamente llamados hidratos de carbono o carbohidratos) son la fuente de energía primaria que utilizan los seres vivos para realizar sus funciones vitales; la glucosa está al principio de una de las rutas metabólicas productoras de energía más antigua, la glucólisis, usada en todos los niveles evolutivos, desde las bacterias hasta los vertebrados. Muchos organismos, especialmente los vegetales (algas, plantas) almacenan sus reservas en forma de almidón en estructuras denominadas amiloplastos, en cambio los animales forman el glucógeno, entre ellos se diferencia por la cantidad y el número de ramificaciones de la glucosa. Algunos glúcidos forman importantes estructuras esqueléticas, como la celulosa, constituyente de la pared celular vegetal, o la quitina, que forma la cutícula de los artrópodos.
Los lípidos saponificables cumplen dos funciones primordiales para las células; por una parte, los fosfolípidos forman el esqueleto de las membranas celulares (bicapa lipídica); por otra, los triglicéridos son el principal almacén de energía de los animales. Los lípidos insaponificables, como los isoprenoides y los esteroides, desempeñan funciones reguladoras (colesterol, hormonas sexuales, prostaglandinas).
Los aminoácidos son moléculas orgánicas con un grupo amino (-NH2) y un grupo carboxilo (-COOH). Los aminoácidos más frecuentes y de mayor interés son aquellos que forman parte de las proteínas, juegan en casi todos los procesos biológicos un papel clave. Los aminoácidos son la base de las proteínas.     Es un grupo muy heterogéneo de sustancias químicas, tanto desde el punto de vista estructural como las funciones que realiza.
Las proteínas son las biomoléculas que más diversidad de funciones realizan en los seres vivos; prácticamente todos los procesos biológicos dependen de su presencia y/o actividad. Son proteínas casi todas las enzimas, catalizadores de reacciones metabólicas de las células; muchas hormonas, reguladores de actividades celulares; la hemoglobina y otras moléculas con funciones de transporte en la sangre; anticuerpos, encargados de acciones de defensa natural contra infecciones o agentes extraños; los receptores de las células, a los cuales se fijan moléculas capaces de desencadenar una respuesta determinada; la actina y la miosina, responsables finales del acortamiento del músculo durante el estado de la contracción; el colágeno, integrante de fibras altamente resistentes en tejidos de sostén de la planta y el tallo.
Ácidos nucleicos:
Los ácidos nucleicos, ADN y ARN, desempeñan, tal vez, la función más importante para la vida: contener, de manera codificada, las instrucciones necesarias para el desarrollo y funcionamiento de la célula. El ADN tiene la capacidad de replicarse, transmitiendo así dichas instrucciones a las células hijas que heredarán la información.
Algunas, como ciertos metabolitos (ácido pirúvico, ácido láctico, ácido cítrico, etcétera) no encajan en ninguna de las anteriores categorías citadas.
Los requisitos mínimos diarios de las vitaminas no son muy altos, se necesitan tan solo dosis de miligramos o microgramos contenidas en grandes cantidades (proporcionalmente hablando) de alimentos naturales. Tanto la deficiencia como el exceso de los niveles vitamínicos corporales pueden producir enfermedades que van desde leves a graves e incluso muy graves como la pelagra o la demencia entre otras, e incluso la muerte. Algunas pueden servir como ayuda a las enzimas que actúan como cofactor, como es el caso de las vitaminas hidrosolubles.
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veworsteam · 2 years
Carl zeiss zen lite software co-localization intensity
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This is an open-access article, free of all copyright, and may be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, modified, built upon, or otherwise used by anyone for any lawful purpose. Received: JanuAccepted: MaPublished: May 7, 2013 PLoS ONE 8(5):Įditor: Sung-Hwan Yun, Soonchunhyang University, Republic of Korea Metabolic pathways of primary and secondary metabolism thus may be coordinated and co-localized under conditions when trichothecene biosynthesis occurs.Ĭitation: Menke J, Weber J, Broz K, Kistler HC (2013) Cellular Development Associated with Induced Mycotoxin Synthesis in the Filamentous Fungus Fusarium graminearum. Initially localized in the cellular endomembrane system, HMG CoA reductase, upon induction of trichothecene biosynthesis, increasingly is targeted to toxisomes. Changes occur in the cellular localization of the isoprenoid biosynthetic enzyme HMG CoA reductase when cultures non-induced for trichothecene biosynthesis are transferred to trichothecene biosynthesis inducing medium. The immediate isoprenoid precursor of trichothecenes is the primary metabolite farnesyl pyrophosphate. Two cytochrome P-450 oxygenases (Tri4p and Tri1p) involved in early and late steps in trichothecene biosynthesis were tagged with fluorescent proteins and shown to co-localize to vesicles we provisionally call “toxisomes.” Toxisomes, the inferred site of trichothecene biosynthesis, dynamically interact with motile vesicles containing a predicted major facilitator superfamily protein (Tri12p) previously implicated in trichothecene export and tolerance. Our results show that trichothecene biosynthesis involves a complex developmental process that includes dynamic changes in cell morphology and the biogenesis of novel subcellular structures. Synthesis of these secondary metabolites is induced during plant infection or in culture in response to chemical signals. graminearum, which causes disease in wheat and barley and often infests the grain with harmful trichothecene mycotoxins. Among the most destructive of these species is F. Benefiting from the capability of the gatekeepers to induce pH-/temperature-sensitive release, along with the photothermal ability of AuNRs, the can exhibit a satisfactory anticancer performance without undesired drug leakage.Several species of the filamentous fungus Fusarium colonize plants and produce toxic small molecules that contaminate agricultural products, rendering them unsuitable for consumption. Moreover, the reversibility of the gatekeepers can make an on–off mannered drug release. The interplay between these dual gatekeepers allows the release of pre-loaded drug from the (i.e., incorporating LA and TA) only at acidic conditions under NIR light irradiation, without premature drug leakage under inactive conditions (neutral pH or no NIR light). The protonation–deprotonation of the TA layers according to change in pH can result in their swelling–deswelling to induce pH-sensitive drug release, while the solid–liquid phase transition of LA by NIR light-induced heat generation in AuNRs enables the NIR light-controlled release of preloaded drug molecules. The fabrication involves the incorporation of lauric acid (LA) as a thermosensitive gatekeeper, followed by the coating of tannic acid (TA) layers as a pH-sensitive gatekeeper. This work reports the fabrication of with independent sensitivities to pH and near-infrared (NIR) light for reversible on–off switching of drug release without premature drug leakage.
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cookiejarcannabis · 7 years
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Geochemistry of Oil Fields, East Java Basin: Biomarker Characterisation-Juniper Publishers
Biomarkers are molecular fossils derived from living organisms and these complex compounds are composed of carbon, hydrogen and other elements. Biomarkers show little or no change in chemical structure from their parent organic molecules in living organisms [1]. Biomarkers are very useful due to their complex structures, revealing precise information about the depositional origins. It has been recognized that biomarkers in oils and rock extracts reflect depositional environment [1-3]. Therefore, biomarkers are used to achieve the objectives in such study to know the characterization of oil samples.
Keywords:  Fossils; Biomarkers; Oil; Isoprenoids; Marginal marine
A study was conducted to analyze the oil characterizations in the oil Fields of East Java Basin (oil to oil correlation) based on biomarkers. The North East Java basin is located on the southeastern margin of a stable Sunderland micro continent, Indonesia. The biomarker data was obtained from GC and GC-MS analysis of normal alkanes, isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes.
Every item of organic matter deposited in specific depositional environment or source facies developed a specific biomarker. In geochemistry characterization of oil samples, biomarkers were carried out by doing pattern matching analysis and finger printing analysis through various geochemical crossplots.
Pattern matching method was done by using chromatogram GC of n-alkane and isoprenoids (Figure 1) also fragmentogram GCMS of terpane m/z 191 and sterane m/z 217 (Figure 2). The pattern matching shows that all oils have a relatively similar pattern, indicating that all the oil samples came from one family with deltaic to marginal marine source facies.
In addition, some biomarkers data from finger printing analysis that are used consist of:
A. Pristane/phytane ratio as an indicator of depositional environment. The results of this case study show that oil samples have pristane/phytane ratios greater than 2.0 and pristane/n-C17 ratios are roughly similar with range 0.66-0.84, indicating deltaic or transitional with terrestrial input and deposition in a relatively sub-oxic to oxic environment (Figure 3).
B. The resultant ratios pristane/n-C17 and phytane/n-C18 (isoprenoids/n-alkanes) of all oil samples range from 0.66 to 0.84 and 0.16 to 0.19, respectively reflect that all the oils were from humic and mixed kerogen (organic facies), deposited under transitional environment with oxidation to reduction conditions and show a degree of maturation (Figure 4).
 C. Total hopane/sterane ratio from 4 oils are the same type of predominantly sub-oxic to oxic terrestrial influence (Figure 5).
D. The ternary diagram of m/z 217 sterane C27-C28-C29 also show all the oils came from one family with a predominant estuarine or bay depositional environment (Figure 6).
Then, a crossplot of triterpane maturity parameter (Figure 7) show that all oil samples in the early mature stages [4,5].
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