#issues via posters
directdogman · 24 days
what about making fanmerch via another company - like for acrylic keychains & standees? :-o
I don't have an issue with fans making fan merch, but it gets legally complicated when you involve companies into the mix.
to specify what i mean: there's a weird technicality in the law about monetizing stuff, where if you can't prove you're the sole proprietor of something, you can lose the copyright for it. i don't actually have any issue with dt fans making stuff and selling them in of itself, but when you have fans submitting stuff to companies, it gets a little iffier.
most companies that allowed unvetted user submissions require people to say or agree that the thing they're submitting is their own to sell - this is to legally cover their own asses, so they can't be held accountable for copyright infringement and pass the buck to the uploader if there's a dispute. this is where the problem comes in, legally speaking. There's (unfortunately) legal precedent that if a copyright holder is seen looking the other way to others monetizing their IP in certain ways (like partnering with companies to produce mass-produced merch), copyright can become genericized. Whether or not this has affected indies of my size in the past, I'm not sure. Admittedly, I'm a little out of my depth with this question due to only having experience with the letter of these laws rather than practical experience.
So, I don't really have an answer for this question since I'm not a lawyer. if anyone out there has any legal resources that talk about case precedent in something like this, I'd happily declare a definitive stance! I certainly don't mind fans making money selling their own art ofc, I just also don't want to give a legitimate backdoor for bootleggers to legally undercut me + the artists on the DT production who make a living off my characters.
I will also say that I have been reading a lot of fan comments asking for stuff like acrylic keychains, posters, stickers, etc and I'm actually in the early stages of creating a permanent merch store of my own for this stuff since it would allow fans who can't afford the plushies (or missed previous campaigns) to snag merch of their favourite characters - and characters who won't be getting plushies for a while! This store'll likely be launching within a month of Mingus' campaign ending!
So, yeah. I really don't have any objection to fans making fan merch, it just gets more complicated when you involve companies into the mix. I certainly don't have a moral objection, I'd just be hesitant to outright approve of the practice in case it could cause issues later down the line. This is, to my knowledge, why Toby Fox has a similar stance. So, no personal objection to it but I'd have to speak to a lawyer to find out whether or not it's something I can officially approve of without there being weird legal consequences.
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cityof2morrow · 2 months
OFB Props: Signs 001 Mix
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Published: 7-14-2024 | Updated: N/A SUMMARY 100 posters, tags, and area signs to organize sale items on your commercial lots. Customize poster images, infographics, and barcodes/currency labels. Labels are color-coded in Simlish and English to make sorting objects easier: COOK (white label/for cookables, ingredients), DRINK (red label/ for edible beverages), EAT (pink label/for edible foods), GROW (green label/ for harvestables), HEAL (orange label/for functional medicines, motive boosters), CRAFT (brown label/for craftables, ingredients), STOCK (yellow label/for stockable foods, supplies), USE (blue label/for all other functional items), VIEW (gray label/for deco only items), and “other” (black and purple/barcode). These are general deco items, so you don’t have to sort by function/color unless you want to.
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DETAILS Pets EP or higher. Cost: $3 | Environment: +1 | Buy > Deco > Wall Hangings/Sculptures (some signs don’t have to be placed on walls) You need my Poster Pack (Simmons, 2024) for all poster recolors. Sale Poster 7 (barcodes/currencies), and Ceiling Sign Info 4 (infographics) – are also REQUIRED. Recommended textures sizes for new recolors are 512x512 (poster graphics) and 512x128 (bar codes/currencies, infographics). Simlish text is ideal since images may be reversed on the back side of some objects, or slightly stretched. *Thumbnails for the BACK side of the posters may not generate accurately in the catalog (default game quirk). Make sure you can see the back side onscreen when recoloring. Finally, you’ll likely need “moveobjects on/off” and “snaptogrid on/off” cheats when placing some items.
ITEMS 11 ceiling signs (160-440 poly, poster images on signs 1-6 appear on back side). 11 standing signs (188-440 poly) 3 curved standing signs (548 poly) 10 wall signs (220-224 poly) 5 curved wall signs (874-876 poly) 3 curved/winged signs (1072 poly) 7 hanging signs (269 poly) 6 Instore Mini Billboards (4t2 conversion by NekoSayuri, 2018; EA; 116 poly) 5 Lil’ Business Chalkboards (4t2 conversion by itsnotdissimilar, 2016; EA; 128 poly) 7 framed posters (64 poly) 5 unframed posters (12 poly) 4 taped, unframed posters (108 poly) 3 unframed, wrinkled posters (18 poly) 3 wrinkled tags (34 poly) 3 smooth tags (155 poly, poster images appear reversed on back side) 3 info/barcode tags (4-60 poly) 6 easel signs (512 poly) 6 sales card on stands (card mesh by Cathee, 2008; 40 poly).
DOWNLOAD (choose one) from SFS | from MEGA *collection file included
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COMPATIBILITY I recommend using Shift Everything (Lamare, 2022) or Object Freedom 1.02 (Fway, 2023) to enable floor-to-ceiling shiftability for all objects. This will also minimize shadow issues when shifting the signs. Some signs show a small gap between the frame and poster when viewed at close range. CREDITS Thanks: Sim Crafters, ChocolateCitySim. Sources: Beyno (Korn via BBFonts), EA/Maxis, Offuturistic Infographic (Freepik), Fonts (Gazifu, 2013; Ajaysims), Sims 3 (EA, 2009; 2012), Sims 4 (EA, 2014; 2020), Sims Mobile (EA, 2018), Supermarket Aisle Signs (Rockethorse, 2014), Synapticsims, Vector_Corp.
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Album Posters
100% My Mesh
32 Swatches
Search [TBZ] For Easy Find
*Glare on photo frames do not depict how they look in game*
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Early Access, Public 1.15.24
Blender Version
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Do Not Share My Content (Always Free After 2-3 Weeks)
Recolors Allowed Do Not Include My Mesh
Do Not Use/Altar My Mesh To Make Your Own Content
Do NOT Share IN Discords, Facebook Groups or Give Away In CC Folders.
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kemetic-dreams · 3 months
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Anti-literacy laws in many slave states before and during the American Civil War affected slaves, freedmen, and in some cases all people of color. Some laws arose from concerns that literate slaves could forge the documents required to escape to a free state. According to William M. Banks, "Many slaves who learned to write did indeed achieve freedom by this method. The wanted posters for runaways often mentioned whether the escapee could write." Anti-literacy laws also arose from fears of slave insurrection, particularly around the time of abolitionist David Walker's 1829 publication of Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World, which openly advocated rebellion, and Nat Turner's Rebellion of 1831.
The United States is the only country known to have had anti-literacy laws.
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Significant anti-African laws include:
1829, Georgia: Prohibited teaching Africans to read, punished by fine and imprisonment
1830, Louisiana, North Carolina: passes law punishing anyone teaching Africans to read with fines, imprisonment or floggings 
1832, Alabama and Virginia: Prohibited Europeans from teaching Africans to read or write, punished by fines and floggings
1833, Georgia: Prohibited Africans from working in reading or writing jobs (via an employment law), and prohibited teaching Africans, punished by fines and whippings (via an anti-literacy law)
1847, Missouri: Prohibited assembling or teaching slaves to read or write
Mississippi state law required a white person to serve up to a year in prison as "penalty for teaching a slave to read."
A 19th-century Virginia law specified: "[E]very assemblage of negroes for the purpose of instruction in reading or writing, or in the night time for any purpose, shall be an unlawful assembly. Any justice may issue his warrant to any office or other person, requiring him to enter any place where such assemblage may be, and seize any negro therein; and he, or any other justice, may order such negro to be punished with stripes."
In North Carolina, African people who disobeyed the law were sentenced to whipping while whites received a fine, jail time, or both.
AME Bishop William Henry Heard remembered from his enslaved childhood in Georgia that any slave caught writing "suffered the penalty of having his forefinger cut from his right hand." Other formerly enslaved people had similar memories of disfigurement and severe punishments for reading and writing.
Arkansas, Kentucky, and Tennessee were the only three slave states that did not enact a legal prohibition on educating slaves.
It is estimated that only 5% to 10% of enslaved African Americans became literate, to some degree, before the American Civil War
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cheritzteam · 10 months
[The Ssum] December Update - Harry Ending & Video Call Support and Season 2 Update Schedule
Hello, dear lab participant.
We’re announcing the updated schedule for <The Ssum>‘s December update.
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Harry Day 201 to Ending (71 days) + Full Video Call Support => December 20, 2023
June Season 2 (Half Season) + New Ssumone Season 1 (Half Season) => Q1 2024
*Please note that the original schedule for June’s Season 2 update, previously set for December this year as per November and in-app notices, is now shifted to early 2024. In December, we’ll introduce the update for Season 1 Ssumone Harry’s ending and exciting video call support. We apologize for the delay of Season 2’s new stories that many lab participants anticipated by the end of this year.
On top of Day 201 to his ending (71 days), exciting video call features will be added, thanks to the support from those who cherished Harry.
December 20, 2023
Experience a refreshed encounter with Season 1’s captivating Ssumone, Harry!
We deeply regret the delay for researchers awaiting June’s Season 2 and the new Ssumone. We are committed to meeting you as soon as possible in 2024.
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Through Cheritz and The Ssum’s official social media, we plan to provide weekly updates leading up to the release. You can easily stay informed by subscribing via the following links:
Cheritz Official Tumblr : Follow this blog now! Cheritz Official X(Twitter) : Link The Ssum Official Instagram : Link
We are committed to preparing the best possible content in the remaining time to deliver a more enjoyable experience.
Your continued support is greatly appreciated.
*We would like to inform you in advance that AI will be utilized in the December update content. It will be used in some of the video call backgrounds, leveraging outcomes from an AI tool that employs copyrighted sources as basic materials before completion. There will be no AI involvement in the characters, posters, or art for other games, and there are no future plans for such involvement. Please note that any claims of AI being used in characters are not accurate. For more details regarding AI usage, please refer here. This decision aims to provide faster updates to you. However, as it’s a sensitive issue for some, we ask for your understanding and careful consideration🙇‍♀️
Thank you.
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cycat4077 · 9 months
Gator's room: foreshadowing & clues
I went back to take a look at the scene of Gator in his room. While the "flag", girly posters, blaring heavy metal and handcuffs were an immediate stand out to all of us, I wanted to have a look to see if there were any other clues to who Gator is.
First up, here's his room:
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Let's look a little closer at the obvious foreshadowing.
Based on the previews and the Instagram post from the makeup artist (along with the subtle nods to Oedipus), it appears Ole Munch is going to torture Gator. We see him holding a knife to his eyes, and in the original trailer, Gator is bloody and blindfolded while being led by a noose.
Gator's own posters, decor, and drawings seem to depict this fate.
#1 The poster immediately behind his shoulder depicts a man with no eyes - potentially gouged out.
#2 The drawing below it has the eyes blocked out in colours that suggest necrotic (dead) tissue.
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#3 The animal skull on his wall obviously has no eyes.
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The Oedipus parallel and removal of his peepers were foreshadowed right in Gator's room from episode 3.
Linda's fate (mommy issues)
We learned in the last episode that Linda is dead. Roy tells Dot that he can burry Dot right next to Linda. When Dot confronts Gator and tries to win him over via his mother, Gator gets visibly emotional and shaken. We see hope and heartache run through him simultaneously. I think Gator knows instinctively that his mother is dead, but some small part of him hopes she is still out there.
I also think Gator's drawings depict his mother.
#1 This drawing not only depicts a person with eyes blacked out, but the drawing is clearly of a woman - possibly a corpse. She has breasts and long hair but is drawn in purples, reds, and blues; colours that represent bruises, blood, and dying flesh.
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#2 The other drawing with missing eyes is also of a woman. This drawing once again has long hair, but she is smiling.
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Perhaps Gator accidentally saw his mother's dead body. He has a drawing that represents a scary corpse (reality) and one that represents an almost comical one. Maybe the smile is how he tries to remember Linda - dead but somehow still smiling for him.
Other little things
#1 Robbed of childhood innocence. Gator's room is filled with "tough boy" items: swimsuit model photos, car photos, alcohol, heavy metal posters, etc. But he also has children's toy cars. The hot rod photos are in direct contrast to the toy cars on his shelf. The boy trapped inside the man. A boy robbed of his childhood by abuse and traumatic events.
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#2 Jack Skellington. I'm probably one of the only people on the planet who have not yet watched The Nightmare Before Christmas, but the Jack Skellington parallels go beyond just the mask Gator wore. To me, it looks like he also drew Jack - and yet another reference to death. The skull's mouth is sewn shut too, just like Gator is sworn to obey his father and not speak the truths about what Roy has done.
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#3 Red or Blue Pill? Again, I have failed to watch yet another classic film: the Matrix. But this poster seems to be a clear reference to it, I think.
According to Google, "The red pill and blue pill represent a choice between the willingness to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth by taking the red pill or remaining in the contented experience of ordinary reality with the blue pill."
And if there's anyone with the last name of Tillman who will be forced to see reality (and potentially change), it is Gator. Gator will likely be forced this "red pill" by Ole Munch, either finally seeing the reality of his father's ways, or by becoming the next sin eater.
Whatever the outcome, the poster must have some sort of meaning!
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That's all for now 😊 But I really love all the subtleties in this show! It's fantastically written and acted, and Joe is doing such an exceptional job playing this mutli-layered and morally ambiguous character of Gator!
A post by @familyfriendlyhoho got me thinking about the drawing on Gator's wall. I was thinking that his drawings represent his dead mother, Linda and that he may have accidentally seen her corpse. The post theorizes that:
"I feel like Gator knew Linda was dead. but worst, I feel like Roy showed it to him."
And I think that this is the most-likely scenario. Roy is sinister enough to do something like that to his own son. I can imaging Roy telling Gator to stop being a loser and become a winner and, to drive the point home, he could have led Gator to Linda's corpse warning "this is what happens to losers".
If so, Gator's drawings would depict the corpse he witnessed. Even here, before Gator gives himself the "I'm a winner" pep talk, we see him glance towards the drawing - a reminder of what happens to losers. He then feels the need to convince himself that he is not one, despite what his father says.
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Image Descriptions and Accessibility in General on Tumblr for New Users
What are Image Descriptions
Image Descriptions are text following a picture explaining what’s in that picture. They are primarily for blind/visually impaired people with screen readers and visually impaired people who can read text but have issues with pictures.
They also help people who have trouble:
focusing on/understanding a picture
reading text on images (ex low contrast, weird fonts, etc)
getting images to load
Without image descriptions posts are not accessible to many people, so if you can it's best to include a description or alt text every time you post an image.
Alt text vs image descriptions
Image descriptions are written in the body of the post itself, and have some kind of text before and after, to explain that what's coming up. They typically begin short and concise, but can expand to more detail.
Alt text is added to the image itself, and is what is read by screen-readers (which will otherwise just say "image"). There is no need to add any explanation before the description so you can just say "a description of the image". Alt text can only be added by the original poster, by clicking on the three dots in the bottom right corner of the image and clicking 'update image description.' It is typically short and concise.
On tumblr, alt text is currently available on web by clicking on the alt button (or via new xkit - accesskit - move alt text to captions below image). On mobile, alt text is available in some versions of the app through clicking on the alt text button. Image descriptions are visible on all posts, although if you put them under a read-more, that makes them less accessible. (Thanks to @911described for helping with this section)
How to Make Image Descriptions
Awhile ago I made this general guide. I learned from examples, so here are descriptions made by a bunch of different people. I've also made templates for a lot of common images you'll see on Tumblr.
Other Concerns
Gradient or all caps text make most screen readers read out the word one letter at a time. In addition, these plus text that is bold/italicized/underlined, in colors other than black, or in weird/fancy fonts are difficult for many people to read.
How Filtering Works
You can filter out both words/phrases and tags in the filtering section under the general section in the settings. When filtering out words from a post, it will look at both the text of the post/reblog chain and at the url of op and the rebloggers. When filtering out tags it will look at the tags of the specific post on your dash, and at the tags of the original post.
Tagging for Common Triggers
Don't sensor trigger warnings (for example don't tag suic!de) because then people who have them filtered will still see it.
Tagging for Flashing Lights
If you post a gif or video in a post that flashes, you should tag it with something like "flashing lights" and Not "tw epilepsy" because if any of the tags in the original post contains the world epilepsy it will show up in the epilepsy tag, which is dangerous. Check out this post from @photosensitive-despair for more info about tagging photosensitive content.
Tagging for Unreality vs Misinfo
Things that could trigger delusions/psychotic episodes/etc should be tagged with unreality. This includes:
content that has existential themes related to reality/things not existing (example: a philosophy such as solipsism, do not look up the term if unreality stuff is triggering for you)
extremely surreal content(example: sometimes content such as weirdcore/dreamcore aesthetics can fall under this umbrella but again this is very subjective)
content that reinforces or encourages common delusions(example: that one "im living in your walls" meme)
Things like rp blogs and fake/edited tweets should not be tagged with unreality, unless they contain triggering content. Consider tags like "fiction" or "misinfo." See this post for more info.
Addition from @mindflamer
You can look through the reblogs of a post to see if someone's already written a description. There is a button to see just comments vs. comments + tags which makes it easier. Scroll through looking for brackets [], ID, or Image Description. This is great to do if you can't write your own IDs for whatever reason, so that you can at least spread the version of the post that's described if there is one.
If you're not able to write IDs consistently, some is better than none. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. You can use the tag #undescribed to make it easy for those who need them to filter out those posts. Similarly, if you primarily tag triggers but can't for certain posts, you can use a separate tag on that to be filtered such as #untagged.
Please, if I forgot something, sound off in the notes and I'll update this post with it
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chalkrevelations · 2 months
Oh. My god.
So, last night, I reblogged a gifset of that conversation Pete has with Pol when they’re on stakeout, tailing Vegas, sitting around in the car, and Pete wants to know who Pol thinks would do a better job – Vegas’s bodyguard or Pete? And I added this bit of commentary:
My theory on the closest thing Pete has to a sexual fantasy at this point in the narrative and his life: Pete saves Vegas's life in some kind of shootout or assassination attempt that no one else could have protected Vegas from, thereby earning headpats from Thee Vegas Theerapanyakul, who Everyone Knows is a completely detached sociopath who usually has no more use for his bodyguards than as human bulletproof vests (which is somehow different from the main family for no reason I can discern but apparently exists?). Only now, Pete has proven himself and is both Noticed By and Special To this violent, emotionally inaccessible man (who, as an added bonus, is in a position of power over him). I mean, for whatever variables of "special" Pete can even conceptualize at this point, anyway. And I wonder how many times he's imagined this. It's Pete's very own mafia-filtered version of the Bad Boy fantasy in which you're the only one he cares about - you're the only one who can have that effect on him - and that makes you the Most Special-est Girl. C'mon, who's the most inaccessible Bad Boy in Pete's sphere? Certainly not Kinn, who'll just up and tell Pete that he trusts him the Very Most - even more than Pete's best friend! who Kinn is fucking! - the hot minute that Kinn's coercing Pete into doing something he really, really doesn't want to do. And you know Pete's daydream version of what makes him the Most Special-est Girl involves killing someone the best and quickest and most efficiently - because if he wins in the ring a fight, then the most emotionally inaccessible, violent man he knows (who, as an added bonus, is in a position of power over him) will love him, right? Not to mention, a guy with that many gun posters doesn't get stuck on Tankhun-babysitting detail and not have fantasies about proving his worth via violence. Listen, he just spends an awful lot of time standing around in Vegas's right-hand man spot like he's trying on the position during Ep 7, is all I'm sayin'.
… in which the vague allusions to Pete’s Daddy Issues were absolutely intentional. And I’ve also commented before about Pete finding another home with an angry man at the safehouse. And yet it wasn’t until yesterday’s post rolled up on my own dashboard and I saw it again today that the Brick Of Revelation hit me in the head and I thought about this through the framework of - my god! Pete and Vegas really do play out the very scenario that Pete warns Vegas about when you’re seeking the approval of your father abuser!
In the safehouse, Pete wins. He achieves his fantasy. He pulls the thorn out of the lion’s paw, and he gets the notice and special regard of Vegas Theerapanyakul, and he gets his world rocked on top of that, and then … then it turns out nothing changes. Vegas – the guy who expected that Pete winning in the ring would mean that his father would stop beating him, the guy who continues to seek his own abusive father’s approval, who keeps trying to win against Kinn, in the hope that Kun will stop treating him as a disposable whipping boy – Vegas goes right back to physically and emotionally abusing Pete. On top of that, the fantasy doesn’t play out in reality; Vegas literally tells Pete that he’s nothing special. (I mean, lies, of course, but the fact is that Vegas says it right to his face.)
I just. This is another one of those instances where I walked up to this revelation and even walked all the way around it, poking at it, but I just never looked at it straight on until this moment - the way Pete’s experience in the safehouse so closely mirrors his experience with his father. We watch Vegas continue to recreate the cycle of abuse, and we're like, "oh, dude, you need to make some better decisions," but we've also just spent 2.5 eps watching Pete, dispenser of this very wisdom, fall back into the same patterns he warns Vegas about. Because breaking that cycle and changing your behavior and your expectations is hard. Even when your head knows better. The things this show says about generational trauma and intimate violence and patriarchal control, I just ... god. Just, don't mind me, I have to go claw at some drywall for a while.
Also, it makes me wonder if Pete did kill his father. Because if he ran from home the same way he ran from the safehouse, if we’re supposed to look at this echo forward into the present of what happened in the past, then are we supposed to think that maybe there was a similar confrontation in the past, in which Pete struck out before he extricated himself from the trap he was in and ran?
Vegas is a lot younger and more resilient (and used to being knocked around) than Pete’s dad probably was, at that point.
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lumieron · 10 months
Related to my last reblog, I too would like to talk about my thoughts about the rentry editing community and the editing community in general as well.
Maybe it's just with a lot of new users, but I've been seeing a lot of issues with EDITORS crediting others, not just non-editors.
TL;DR: If using anything from non-official sources, if you cannot find the credit, don't use it. Literally if someone asks for credit, credit. (With the exception of commissioned art, like with Project Sekai birthday art, while it may be official, the original artist still needs to be credited)
This has been said several times by several bloggers but still must be said but please credit fanart. Not only that, not all artists want their art to be edited or used. Please read their bios before using their art. If it's not in something you can read, please translate it via copy and paste or whatever is easier for you.
Please don't re-edit edited images unless you have permission or the creator says its okay. This especially applies to the rhythm game editors, please make sure you're not editing card edits before posting
If a PSD isn't made by you and you're posting an edit using it, credit the person that made it. The person that made it contributed as much to the edit as you did, and should be credited.
This ALSO applies to gifs (stim and non stim). Gifs in general take time to make, and should always be credited to their creators (in a direct link to the post it was from). For stim gifs, crediting stimboards they were used in does not count unless it was somehow edited. (For filtered gifs, credit BOTH the person that edited it and the original poster)
THIS ALSO INCLUDES THE CENTER IMAGE FOR STIMBOARDS. If you use a gif or icon made by someone else?? Literally credit it. Don't try to claim it as yours, the original creators can usually recognize it as their own.
PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, CREDIT RENTRY GRAPHICS IF YOURE MAKING A RENTRY TEMPLATE WITH GRAPHICS THAT AREN'T YOURS. You're bringing both yourself and the people using your template unnecessary trouble.
Please credit renders if the creator asked for it!
And for the frequent rebuttals to this:
"I can't find the source!" Google has an option to search by plugging in an image called Google Lens, literally on the Google Images page. Yandex also functions similarly. SauceNAO works for art and anime-adjacent media, you might want to turn on safe search.
"I don't know where to find official art!" Okay, here are some links for several fandoms. Feel free to suggest more sites.
"I can't find high enough quality art!" See above link. If you are really desperate, you can mess around with the settings of Waifu2x or bigjpg to enhance and enlarge an image!
If anyone has anything they want to add on OR ask about, go ahead.
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a-killer-obsession · 2 months
Android!Killer notes and lore
Post will probably be updated over time as I think of more things 💙
Official name: Killer 2.0. Bounty posters call him Metal Man Killer. Marines considered him a new pirate, so he had to start his bounty from scratch, and as such is no longer considered a Supernova
Built by Kid to deal with his grief after Killer dies. Android contains his brain, retrieved from his original body after it took too much damage to support life
If you see posts with him interacting with original Killer its cos its just a fun lighthearted alternate timeline where Kid just built him as a replacement just in case. Don't ask me how he gave it Killer's personality, those posts are just for the giggles
Uses his original mask (repaired and restored) as headpiece. Lights have been installed in the holes to fill the gaps and hide the underlying electronics and brain
Helmet contains lenses for vision. Equiped with higher level vision such as nightvision, thermal imagining and xray
Aerial on side of helmet allows for better hearing as well as allowing others to communicate with him directly via den-den
Just as strong and agile as he was in his human body, though it did take a lot of physical rehab to get used to the mechanical body
Metal sections made from high quality metals making him essentially bullet proof
Basically, he's a purpose built super soldier
Water resistant, but not submerge safe. Kid is a skilled engineer, but hes no Vegapunk. Killer 2.0 can not submerge his chest section, or his systems will fail to work, and much like a devil fruit user he would sink like a stone. He can be pulled out and repaired, his brain is well protected, but he can't save himself
Chest, abdomen and buttocks are squishy, imagine the texture/firmness of those silicone chicken fillets you use to make your tits look bigger
Has a cock that's essentially a dildo that can emerge from a slit in the rubber between his legs, and yes it can vibrate
He can feel touch on most of his body, though mostly it just feels like pressure, he's basically a touch lamp, but Kid had Franky help him wire some parts to feel more, such as his hands and dick, allowing for pleasure, though he doesn't really have the ability to 'finish'. He can recieve an artificial boost of hormones to simulate pleasure and satisfaction but thats as close as it gets
Why did Kid give him a dick? Because he's a good friend, that's why totally no other reason
No mouth or asshole though, bit of an oversight on Kid's part tbh
Doesn't actually plug his hair in to sleep, those cables are entirely just scrap for show, hastily spraypainted to replicate Killer's hair. He does get plugged in to charge, but his cable comes out of the panel on of of his hands (both hands have charging cables for convenience so he can use whichever side is easier)
Lights flash when he's on charge because Kid stole the wiring and coding from some random electronic. He regrets it every fucking night.
Spends a lot of time oiling and polishing his hair cables and touching up the paint, it's sort of a force of habit but mostly it makes him feel more normal. Ties his hair up with zipties sometimes.
Serious mental health issues. I mean come on, the dude went through all the Wano bullshit, literally fucking died, and now he's not even human. Please someone get him some therapy. Sometimes uses his old lipstick to draw a big smile on his mask when he's having a mental breakdown.
Still loves to cook, but now he has to have a taste tester with him because he has no capacity to eat or taste
Kid obsessively does maintenance on him every single day because he can't bear to lose him again
Kid also needs therapy. This whole android situation is a cry for help tbh
Kid did his best to replicate Killer's voice, but there's something electronic and uncanny about it
All the Android AU posts
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
Children, today we'll learn that some accessibility tools can also do the opposite for some people. What's it called? Conflicting needs? Yeah, that stuff exists. You can be mad if someone dunks on an accessibility tool, sure, but some times that might just be because that tool fucks with someone else's accessibility to a space. No, we're not talking wheelchairs and elevators. Or glasses and hearing aids.
If you use a screen reader, and have to blast it at full volume because you don't wear headphones. That's an accessibility tool that helps you. Great right? It makes something more accessible to you the individual. But the screen reader blasting at full volume could also majorly fuck with someone who needs quiet and calm to concentrate. Conflicting needs, that's when you either find a compromise, or the person affecting the most people needs to find a better way, like wearing headphones. This is a pretty easy solution though, wear headphones. Don't encroach on some else's needs.
Plural kit is the same. For some it might be easier, but plural kit is actually a tool which will affect everyone around, because it's specifically built that way. If someone has a problem with screen shaking, it'll be a bother. People who have issues with "empty" accounts, for whatever reason. It might be anxiety or just feeling uncomfortable with a bot account front. The bot accounts aren't directly linked to the original profile, so the bot is basically just there. If you're not in an active conversation and can see the original sender writing the message, you basically have no way of knowing who wrote what. Which can become especially bothersome with an increased number of users, and increasing number of new PK "characters." People who block users on the server to avoid having to interact with them directly but also don't wanna start active drama, and don't just wanna leave a server because of one person. Yes if you block regular people you just won't see their messages unless you actively click the blocked message. There's no way to block the "characters" created by PK, neither by blocking the user using it, nor Plural kit itself. The profile is dead, you can't load profile banners, badges and the "accounts" about me. When you click a normal profile you can see if the person is a friend, view the full user profile, copy the profile ID AND block and report the person. Plural kit does not allow that. These profiles also can't use roles, or add pronouns to their server profile, meaning unless you wanna constantly misgender, you will have to remember one individual physical person's numerous "characters" and the pronouns. No blocking plural kit does not help. They have incredible spam potential, and it's not like that issue isn't known. Adding on, because I'm not completely sure. TAKE WITH A GRAIN OF SALT! While you can take message ID of a message posted via PK, you'll obviously only be getting the message ID of the message the bot reposted. When you have to report specific messages to Discord though, you are reporting both the message and the sender. If the same thing applies as previously mentioned, you're basically just reporting a dead profile, and the actual poster with the account can just skirt around being reported for their posts. I imagine the only active way to combat that is to have a bot that saves deleted messages and puts them in a log, but since plural kit is literally built around reposting and deleting messages... good luck.
Sure it's a tool that makes it easier for some people, but considering how many problems it has, and how invasive it can feel, especially with the inability to block, it does start to become a question of conflicting needs and comfort.
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gothsimquilafinds · 2 years
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clvsterfvck posters
a collection of posters from various bands and horror films
i have separated the film posters from the band posters just in case. the unseparated version has 51 swatches total, bands only has 39, films only has 12. base game compatible. note: not all band posters are pictured!! some bands have multiple posters. the black and white electric wizard poster is a little finicky, sometimes it'll place correctly & sometimes it won't. keep that in mind when resizing it.
the film posters are house of 1000 corpses, the vampire lovers, suspiria, eyes without a face (in french), brides of dracula (in french), blood of dracula, house of usher, the masque of the red death, kiss of the vampire (german), village of the dammed (french), the werewolf vs vampire woman, the blob (french).
download via dropbox + more info under the cut
download all
download band posters only
download film posters only
pls tag me if you use any of these! i'll absolutely like & reblog! let me know if you have any issues (other than the b&w electric wizard one). my cc will always be 1000% free- so i ask that you not upload to simsfinds/simsdom or lock behind any sort of paywall. i do not own any of the images used to create these posters pls don't sue me
i will be uploading the requests together (once i get more) later. that being said, please please please send me more band/film poster requests!! i am trying to stay away from band and film posters i've seen a lot of- namely emo/pop punk, nu metal, and modern horror. so if you have any requests that don't fit in those categories please send em my way!
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transspeciesculture · 11 months
We keep mentioning how transspecies as a term has existed long before the radqueer & transID communities formed, and started claiming it as part of those communities despite it's actual usage within nonhuman/fictional/unusual human species identifying spaces and objections from said spaces.
As a sort of quick thing to back this up, here are some examples before the year of 2020 (estimated beginnings of the radqueer/transID community)!
All of this excludes troll posting/mockery, and is focused on NH/FICT community's discussions. Some additional content warnings are provided for some of the e-mails, however.
This is not extensive, feel free to show us any other finds (excluding alt.horror.werewolves e-mails, we've already scoured trough everything. There is actually more mentions via that, but all from the same person).
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Mentions of term:
01 - "Gender-bender" e-mail, 1999. Included in this section due to the unclearness of if the original author of the e-mail identifies as otherkin or transspecies personally.
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02 - "On cosmic surgery and personal identity" e-mail, 2005
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03 - "Da Jakkal's work revisited" e-mail, 1999. Warning: has some outdated terminology/beliefs.
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04 - "Re: Introduction" e-mail, 2002
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05 - "Re: Shifters: in need of Help." e-mail, 1999. Warning: thread has mentions of an un-nameable native American creature.
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06 - "Re: Musing of the Week" e-mail, 1999
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06 - "Re: define were" e-mail, 1997. Warning: thread has mentions of an un-nameable native American creature. (This is the second time we've have to issue this CW. Sucks.)
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07 - "Re: Fun with Faith" e-mail, 1997. Same warning as above, unfourtunately.
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08 - "Re: Questions on Were's/Shifting/etc" e-mail 1997. Same warning, a lot of early instances of the word being used seem to all be from this one being, sorry.
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09 - "Re: Slithering into AHWW" e-mail, 1997
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10 - "Re: Odd Dreams" e-mail, 1998
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11 - "Shifters: WereBreeds" e-mail, 1999. Warning: has some outdated terminology.
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12 - "On the appropriation of trans narratives by therianthropes" article, 2013. Contrary to the title, it is supportive. It does mention the native creature again due to excerpting an AHWW member's ramblings, so thread with caution.
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13 - "An Introduction to Animality" article, 2009
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Usage of term for clear self identification (flags and symbols are included):
01 - "Re: A question to everyone out there" e-mail, 1997. Warning once again for mentions of an un-nameable native American creature, and questionable identity that may or may not be considered cultural appropriation (we have no place to say as we are not native). Still, it is an clear account of identification with the label and experiences that'd come to be associated with it.
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02 - "Chewing and biting (and intro)" e-mail, 1999. The poster at the time of posting already specifies that they do not identify with the label anymore, but used to.
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03 - "Transspecies Pride stamp" flag/pride graphic, 2017.
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04 - "Transspecies Flag" flag, 2018
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05 - "Why I call myself Transspecies" personal article, 2018
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06 - "Gender: Furry II (Now With More Scales)
07 - "Real Dragons: Transspeciesism" article, 2001
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bikenesmith · 7 months
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so yeah tumblr is definitely gearing up to sell our data to ai companies
(note: you must make an account to read the article. it's free + pretty fast, support independent media + all that)
share on twitter: link
highlights (alt text on image):
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("gage" refers to "cyle gage". yes, @/cyle, lol)
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key takeaways for us Posters:
they are taking data from as far back as 2014
they are operating off of the honor code, that ai companies will comply with tumblr user requests to have their data deleted from their databases. LMAO. i say "honor code" because "will notify", "advocate for", and "believe" are not words people use when discussing something they have legally mandated in like, a contract
if this content id issue is not fully + securely resolved:
your private posts and asks may be sold
your posts from deleted/suspended blogs may be sold
your explicit posts may be sold
how to opt out of ai data collection via tumblr settings. not sure what good this will do if your data was already picked up, perhaps in the collection discussed in these convos, but it's better than nothing!
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purpleyoonn · 1 year
okayyyy but hear me out.
a universe where soulmates have soulmarks but like no way to find them. So the governments come together due to increasing suicide and like homicide rates and create a way for celebrities to find their soulmates via soulmarks and posters.
The posters of these celebrities have small cameras in them and are only activated once the software inside recognizes a soulmark on the person who owns the poster and notifies the celebrity/company about the newfound soulmate. These celebrities then have every right to go and seek out their soulmate and bring them “home”. Each poster put on the wall is a sign of consent.
So mc, who doesn’t pay attention to like world media or anything is gifted a bts album for her birthday and doesn’t realize this means giving consent to the government to have the camera and monitor her for her soulmark; giving consent for hybe to track her down and “bring her back” to Korea for the boys. A huge miscommunication/misunderstanding issue ensure because mc didn’t know she was giving consent to this and the boys had though she was fully aware of everything.
(ignore me I’m in my delulu era ever since jungkooks last live😭)
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wip · 1 year
Hi! Are there any plans to add usernames back to reblog chains on desktop? Because as it is now, the original poster no longer gets any credit and neither does anyone who adds to a post. Plus it just makes posts confusing to read.
Answer: Hi there, @jumpingpuddles!
The good news is we didn’t remove them in the first place! We take attribution very seriously, and wouldn’t dream of removing the who-said-what part of the reblog trail. In fact, our Community Guidelines specifically call out “Misattribution or Non-Attribution” as something Tumblr is not for.
What’s probably going on here is that you’ve installed a browser extension that hides this attribution. As an XKit developer, I was made painfully aware (via misdirected feedback) when Tumblr Savior added an option to hide reblog attribution, which is enabled by default. I’ve already tried to convince the developer to change this default, to no avail.
So, you have two paths to fixing this issue on your end. The first option is you can configure Tumblr Savior to show this attribution again. The other option would be to uninstall it, and switch to using Tumblr’s own tag and post content filtering system, which persists filtered tags & phrases across browser profiles and devices.
If this didn’t help, or you don’t have Tumblr Savior installed at all, the other possibility is that you’ve got an overbearing cosmetic filter enabled in some ad-blocking extension. It’s very easy to create a bogus filter with element zapper features if you don’t understand the selector it’s creating!
Thanks so much for your question. And have a great day!
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