#it could be easy to join a study group on like fb or something but its a whole website i dont want to get used to
vern-a · 9 months
Watching a (french) lesson livestream vod (in english) and ilze (from latvia) is in chat! what a small world
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prorevenge · 5 years
Scare my friend away, I'll get you kicked out off university!
Sorry for my terrible spelling and grammar.
So, for context I am a transgender woman (22) who had just started transitioning at the time. I wasn't taking hormones but I acted a little more feminine, even the way I walked.
A young lad at the university, let's call him Liam made it known he fought I was gay because of the way I walked and he happened to be a huge homophobe. He told others I had a boyfriend, asked him out and tried to force myself on him. My friends who knew about my girlfriend obviously saw how false it was but nevertheless the rumour spread. I was studying games design and so as you can imagine every class and lecture hall was a sausage party. A lot of guys felt uncomfortable around me and one asked if I'd sit rather at the front ot far back. I knew it was so they could quarantine me to one space. (This was mostly down to the rumour of me forcing myself on Liam and not being gay in general).
About half way of the first semester past and slowly more people started talking to me, and clicked on the rumour was bullshit. I didn't really like talking to others so the isolation didn't affect me too much but It was nice to be able to chat. I began to show off my Super Sentai collection and people learned I was just a massive child at heart and not a predator. I even got talking to Charlie, a friend of Liam. He was also a Sentai lover and agreed to sell me a old mecha he got as he recently bought another with the paint more intact. I got the money and the next day I got to university ready to buy it.
However, he backed out via text and didn't speak to me for the rest of the day. When I was between classes I saw he had been carrying the mecha in a carrier bag with him so I knew he backed VERY last minute. We took the same bus home and there he finally let me buy it from him but he only asked for half the money as it was worth. I paid the full price but not without a fight. I never pressed why he backed out the first time as it was painfully obvious.
Later that night Charlie text me telling me that Liam demanded he to not sell it to.me. I ain't too sure how she knew I was buying it but Charlie is timid and I get Liam is a big lad. I told him it was fine and that maybe we should only communicate through text if that helps. He tells me he would rather hide the fact we talk at all and I understood.
Over the weekend me and Charlie text a ton about Sentai and mecha. We considered going to a shop we knew which sold a lot of model kits and mechas but the thought of being caught by Liam made him decline. The control Liam had over the lad now started to genuinely scare me. Just the thought of him was enough to instil fear in Charlie. I asked him if he wanted to take a train the next town over and go to another shop a tens of kilometres away but he told me he'd rather if I went alone and he'll go on his own another day.
I asked to what extent Liam talked about me but Charlie told me he talked about every gay student in a similar manner but he was fixated on me. I got back up after my rumour and even took a friend from him, apparently. He told me Liam even hated the idea of me passing the first year and going to the second. For some reason the idea of a gay man doing as well or doing better hurt his manhood. This is when an idea came to mind and I asked how he was doing academically and absorbed every detail.
On the first back at university I was in a foul mood. An anxiety attack kept me up all of the night before. I had very little plan how I was going to deal out my revenge. However, when I got into the building which we had a lecture in a few minutes I managed to just improvise on the spot.
I approached Liam with Charlie and a few other lads. I asked Liam how his day was and whether or not he could do with some help on his work. I knew he failed to hand in an assignment before and was struggling to finish another which due date was soon. He scoffed and declined. The other two lads not wanting to be around me walked off while Charlie was now the only one in earshot.
I told him I had finished the assignment he had to do and that I was pretty sure I was going to pass. I also told him how easy the assignment he failed to hand in was but that I should of helped earlier. He got mad and told me that I shouldn't provoke him. I told him I was trying to help. He, now loud enough for others beyond me snd Charlie to hear told me to "Shut the f**K up".
I, only speaking loud enough for me, Liam and Charlie to hear (Were in a big hallway, just to menrion) told him to watch his f**king mouth. He then shouted the big ol' F word (The slur for homosexuals) at me. A lecturer who was walking though the halls, a bunch of students, and me and Charlie all just heard him use a slur in a hall at someone he publicly thought was gay.
He was asked to move to the side by the lecturer and a hour later we were asked to give an interview. In the end I was a lot more honest than intended and told a student services worker I did provoke him. The worker said he suspected I did but something Charlie said in his interview convinced him that what I did was minor at best. I got a slap on the wrist and with the amount odf hate crimes Liam got reported against him before this he was kicked out entirely.
Though, I left university shortly after due to health reasons I am just glad to know he didn't get away with his homophobia. I check on his FB page and last I checked he joined a nationalist group and overall was struggling with money after losing his student loan.
TLDR: A homophobe hates the way I walk, scares a friend to not talk to me so we get him kicked out by making him shout a slur
(source) story by (/u/LexiTheMistake)
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rujvie07 · 5 years
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Michael Steverson, an American documentary and travel photographer based in South China’s Guangxi Province. Introduced to the wonder called camera from a very young age, he could never stay away from it. According to him, ‘The best photographer out there is the one having the most fun.’ He loves meeting people and captures their stories. He has a deep connection with India and Indian people. We, the photography enthusiasts follow his work and learn something new every day. Here, Michael talks about his family, work and his affection toward India…
Let’s hear him:
Tell us something about yourself:
I’m an American documentary and travel photographer based in South China’s Guangxi Province, where I’ve lived and worked for the past 13 years. Most of my work focuses on people in their everyday environment. While I do photograph landscapes and iconic architecture when I travel, and I also love street photography, I seem to gravitate toward people. For me, it’s the people who make a place appealing or special. I love the interaction, the connection, and I want to tell those stories.
Tell us something about your family:
I’m married to the most remarkable woman, Lily. She’s Chinese and the primary reason I’ve stayed in China all these years. We have four adult children spread out across the globe and we’re very proud of them. They’re each remarkable. We’re also blessed to have two lovely granddaughters in California. Oh, and there’s our little dog, Elvis.
How did your journey as a photographer start?
I was a very small boy when I first picked up my dad’s Rolleiflex TLR. I must have been 8 or 9. I played around with it for a few years but never anything more than snapshots around my grandparents’ house on the Kentucky River, where we lived at the time. I do remember loving the way the camera felt in my hands, the heft. I was intrigued by all the dials and settings and tried to read and understand the manual, but of course it was a struggle at that age. I did figure out how to load the film. I would shoot anything and everything and most of the results were absolute rubbish. My dad was a career soldier and had used the camera wherever his assignments took him. He was killed in Vietnam in 1967 and the camera remained a connection to father. My infatuation with photography wore off after a while. I was told we couldn’t afford the film and processing. As we all do as kids, I moved on to something else. I was hooked though. To this day I still “see” a lot of shots in square format! I wish I knew what happened to that camera.
How much Street Photography does take place in your routine?
Well, I do love street photography, but I’m not really a street photographer per se. As I said earlier, I’m typically more interested in meeting and talking with people as opposed to being strictly candid. Still, I do love it and I hope I have managed to catch some decent street images over the years. It’s without a doubt the most difficult genre of photography to do well. It’s evolving for sure.
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Interesting! Let’s talk more about it:
How was the response you received to Street Photography in the early years and how has it changed with time?
I think early on, a lot of people didn’t really “get” some street photography, surely myself included. At first glance, it can be easy to miss the details, or to not see the connections that form a story. I mentioned before the evolution of street photography. These days it seems everyone is chasing juxtaposition or layers or something “extra”. At times it feels to me almost gimmicky now. The problem is, only a few people can actually “see” those shots. Guys like Vineet Vohra, Siegfried Hansen and Tavepong Pratoomwong come to mind. These are all special photographers with unique vision and talent. They’re freaking unicorns and most of us will have a difficult time trying to reproduce their styles. I’d encourage folks to forge their own path. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take lessons or study great photographers or their images and I don’t mean we shouldn’t strive to get better via workshops and the like. I’m nearly 62 and I learn stuff every day and I’m still attending workshops! I just mean that at some point we all need to be true to our own creative vision.
Street Photography is challenging. Please share the critical situations you had to face during your photo-walks:
It can be challenging, yes. I have to say I’ve had very few “critical” situations arise on the street. We are all going to get those people who say no, and some folks are certainly more aggressive than others. I find that 98% of the time; a smile and a nod will go a long way to defuse those situations. I’m pretty open with folks and will even approach them after they’ve said no, hoping to perhaps break the ice. When that doesn’t happen, I simply walk away. I’ve rarely been afraid on the street. That said, there was this one night in Bangkok (song reference). I was out very late by myself; I was just exploring and not really aware of my surroundings. I turned a corner into an alley and suddenly found myself surrounded by a group of about 7 or 8 young men. It was instantly uncomfortable and they were definitely thinking about taking my camera. I quickly brushed by a couple of them and made it back to the corner where there was some foot traffic and got out of there. It was foolish. I admit I was scared at the time but didn’t panic. I’m a fairly big guy and they were all smaller guys and they hesitated just long enough for me to move. Still, they were a group. From that day I’ve become acutely aware of my surroundings and I’m no longer foolhardy in the pursuit of the shot. Be confident in your posture but yeah, be aware. Again, 98% of the time you’re going to be fine.
In how many countries do you work?
Wow. Too many. I’ve been just about everywhere in Asia now. 75% of what I do is China-based and more than half of that is produced specifically for the Chinese market. I’ve also developed a strong relationship with India over the last 6 years or so.
Please share your photography experience in India with us:
The India connection actually began with my affiliation with the Vohra brothers and APF (Artphotofeature) Magazine. I’d met Vineet on 500px and we just kind of hit it off. Soon afterwards, I met Rohit via Facebook and when they began their Facebook street photography group, I joined their admin team. Through that group, I met thousands of Indian photographers and soon enough made my way to Delhi and Varanasi. Since then I’ve made another return to Delhi, been to Agra and have been back to Varanasi twice more. My wife has joined me in India twice now and our daughter was able to make the last trip with us, where we got to experience the magic of Kumbh at Allahabad. Then there is Kolkata.
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Lily and I have developed a special affinity for The City of Joy. I’ve been there four times now and have been treated like family every time I’ve visited.
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I have to single out Sabya and Lopa Talukdar, as they’ve been instrumental in introducing us to the Kolkata photography community. There is something so special about India. It’s beautiful to be sure but it’s developing so rapidly that the infrastructure is hard-pressed to keep pace and that, of course, creates some unique problems. It’s the people though, who make India unique. There is something genteel about Indians, something genuine in their concern for their fellow man. I’ve never been treated with more kindness than when I’m in India.
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Tell us something about APF (Artphotofeature) Magazine and your role in it:
It’s funny. APF has, in some ways, become something of a runaway train. I don’t think any of us, when we started that FB street group years ago, foresaw how big or influential it would become, especially in Asia. The magazine continues to produce quality work and the FB street group is still going strong. Officially, I’m a Senior Contributing Editor at the magazine and I’m still an admin in the FB group, but man, it’s so large now that it is truly difficult to keep up. We (the admins) all have our own photo careers to maintain and let’s face it, Vineet and Rohit have become authentically famous in the street photography world. I’m not sure what the future holds, but I know I’ll forever be thankful for the opportunity to have been a part of APF.
How do you see the future of Indian Photography according to your experience?
The future is bright. India has so many great young photographers and there are so many strong photographers to serve as mentors and stewards for the next generation. Honestly, there are kids doing things today with smartphones that I can’t even approach. So, yeah I think the future is in good hands, and not just with street photography. I discover amazing young Indian photographers on Instagram every day.
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And about Indian Street Photography…
As for street photography, in particular, India is producing a hugely talented pool of young photographers. I’d name some of them off, but inevitably I’d leave someone out. India has to have the highest level of photography talent per capita, than anywhere else in the world. One unique thing to India, at least in my experience, is that people on the street are fairly amenable to having their photo taken. It’s much more so than in most other places and I hope that doesn’t change anytime soon.
What would be your advice to the young photo enthusiasts?
Over the years I’ve been asked for advice, especially from younger photographers, on just about everything you could imagine. The obvious things come up, like exposure settings, composition, what equipment I use, how I process my work, how I get published. Then there are the esoteric questions like, “What were you feeling when you took this shot?” Man, I’m 61. I can barely remember what I had for breakfast. I do my best to answer thoughtfully in ways that are relevant and helpful, but honestly, I’m not sure how effective or useful it is. I think all too often we let ourselves get bogged down in the details, the minutia, looking for shortcuts or magic bullets. Too much thinking, too much analysis, can be paralyzing. There is no substitute for just getting out there and shooting and remembering why you picked up a camera in the first place. You picked it up because it was fun.
The best photographer out there is the one having the most fun. Follow your own creativity, your own creative vision, your own passion and desire to create. Trust yourself. As long as you love what you’re doing, everything else will come with time.
What are your future plans ( Do they include India   )?
I’m slowing down some, but I still have things I want to do. I’ve got two long-term projects from here in China that will be published this summer, both of them more than a decade in the making. I just this week began a new relationship with arguably one of the best photo tour companies in the world, Photo Workshop Adventures. I’ll lead three or four photo tours a year for them. It’s a quality outfit and I’m really looking forward to it. Personally, I’ve kind of been thinking about visiting every Province in China and documenting the journey. Certainly its ambitious but I’d still like to try. I want to explore more video work and I definitely want to buy a drone. I also want to stay married, so the drone may take some work. As for India, I have a dream to somehow do something to give back to the people that have given me so much. It will involve another long-term project and the details are still being sorted out but I’m very excited about the possibilities. It would involve a move to India for an extended period, perhaps twice over the next few years.
Oh, did I mention I want a drone?
[Photographs By: Michael Steverson]
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c4nindia-blog · 5 years
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Michael Steverson, an American documentary and travel photographer based in South China’s Guangxi Province. Introduced to the wonder called camera from a very young age, he could never stay away from it. According to him, ‘The best photographer out there is the one having the most fun.’ He loves meeting people and captures their stories. He has a deep connection with India and Indian people. We, the photography enthusiasts follow his work and learn something new every day. Here, Michael talks about his family, work and his affection toward India…
Let’s hear him:
Tell us something about yourself:
I’m an American documentary and travel photographer based in South China’s Guangxi Province, where I’ve lived and worked for the past 13 years. Most of my work focuses on people in their everyday environment. While I do photograph landscapes and iconic architecture when I travel, and I also love street photography, I seem to gravitate toward people. For me, it’s the people who make a place appealing or special. I love the interaction, the connection, and I want to tell those stories.
Tell us something about your family:
I’m married to the most remarkable woman, Lily. She’s Chinese and the primary reason I’ve stayed in China all these years. We have four adult children spread out across the globe and we’re very proud of them. They’re each remarkable. We’re also blessed to have two lovely granddaughters in California. Oh, and there’s our little dog, Elvis.
How did your journey as a photographer start?
I was a very small boy when I first picked up my dad’s Rolleiflex TLR. I must have been 8 or 9. I played around with it for a few years but never anything more than snapshots around my grandparents’ house on the Kentucky River, where we lived at the time. I do remember loving the way the camera felt in my hands, the heft. I was intrigued by all the dials and settings and tried to read and understand the manual, but of course it was a struggle at that age. I did figure out how to load the film. I would shoot anything and everything and most of the results were absolute rubbish. My dad was a career soldier and had used the camera wherever his assignments took him. He was killed in Vietnam in 1967 and the camera remained a connection to father. My infatuation with photography wore off after a while. I was told we couldn’t afford the film and processing. As we all do as kids, I moved on to something else. I was hooked though. To this day I still “see” a lot of shots in square format! I wish I knew what happened to that camera.
How much Street Photography does take place in your routine?
Well, I do love street photography, but I’m not really a street photographer per se. As I said earlier, I’m typically more interested in meeting and talking with people as opposed to being strictly candid. Still, I do love it and I hope I have managed to catch some decent street images over the years. It’s without a doubt the most difficult genre of photography to do well. It’s evolving for sure.
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Interesting! Let’s talk more about it:
How was the response you received to Street Photography in the early years and how has it changed with time?
I think early on, a lot of people didn’t really “get” some street photography, surely myself included. At first glance, it can be easy to miss the details, or to not see the connections that form a story. I mentioned before the evolution of street photography. These days it seems everyone is chasing juxtaposition or layers or something “extra”. At times it feels to me almost gimmicky now. The problem is, only a few people can actually “see” those shots. Guys like Vineet Vohra, Siegfried Hansen and Tavepong Pratoomwong come to mind. These are all special photographers with unique vision and talent. They’re freaking unicorns and most of us will have a difficult time trying to reproduce their styles. I’d encourage folks to forge their own path. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take lessons or study great photographers or their images and I don’t mean we shouldn’t strive to get better via workshops and the like. I’m nearly 62 and I learn stuff every day and I’m still attending workshops! I just mean that at some point we all need to be true to our own creative vision.
Street Photography is challenging. Please share the critical situations you had to face during your photo-walks:
It can be challenging, yes. I have to say I’ve had very few “critical” situations arise on the street. We are all going to get those people who say no, and some folks are certainly more aggressive than others. I find that 98% of the time; a smile and a nod will go a long way to defuse those situations. I’m pretty open with folks and will even approach them after they’ve said no, hoping to perhaps break the ice. When that doesn’t happen, I simply walk away. I’ve rarely been afraid on the street. That said, there was this one night in Bangkok (song reference). I was out very late by myself; I was just exploring and not really aware of my surroundings. I turned a corner into an alley and suddenly found myself surrounded by a group of about 7 or 8 young men. It was instantly uncomfortable and they were definitely thinking about taking my camera. I quickly brushed by a couple of them and made it back to the corner where there was some foot traffic and got out of there. It was foolish. I admit I was scared at the time but didn’t panic. I’m a fairly big guy and they were all smaller guys and they hesitated just long enough for me to move. Still, they were a group. From that day I’ve become acutely aware of my surroundings and I’m no longer foolhardy in the pursuit of the shot. Be confident in your posture but yeah, be aware. Again, 98% of the time you’re going to be fine.
In how many countries do you work?
Wow. Too many. I’ve been just about everywhere in Asia now. 75% of what I do is China-based and more than half of that is produced specifically for the Chinese market. I’ve also developed a strong relationship with India over the last 6 years or so.
Please share your photography experience in India with us:
The India connection actually began with my affiliation with the Vohra brothers and APF (Artphotofeature) Magazine. I’d met Vineet on 500px and we just kind of hit it off. Soon afterwards, I met Rohit via Facebook and when they began their Facebook street photography group, I joined their admin team. Through that group, I met thousands of Indian photographers and soon enough made my way to Delhi and Varanasi. Since then I’ve made another return to Delhi, been to Agra and have been back to Varanasi twice more. My wife has joined me in India twice now and our daughter was able to make the last trip with us, where we got to experience the magic of Kumbh at Allahabad. Then there is Kolkata.
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Lily and I have developed a special affinity for The City of Joy. I’ve been there four times now and have been treated like family every time I’ve visited.
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I have to single out Sabya and Lopa Talukdar, as they’ve been instrumental in introducing us to the Kolkata photography community. There is something so special about India. It’s beautiful to be sure but it’s developing so rapidly that the infrastructure is hard-pressed to keep pace and that, of course, creates some unique problems. It’s the people though, who make India unique. There is something genteel about Indians, something genuine in their concern for their fellow man. I’ve never been treated with more kindness than when I’m in India.
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Tell us something about APF (Artphotofeature) Magazine and your role in it:
It’s funny. APF has, in some ways, become something of a runaway train. I don’t think any of us, when we started that FB street group years ago, foresaw how big or influential it would become, especially in Asia. The magazine continues to produce quality work and the FB street group is still going strong. Officially, I’m a Senior Contributing Editor at the magazine and I’m still an admin in the FB group, but man, it’s so large now that it is truly difficult to keep up. We (the admins) all have our own photo careers to maintain and let’s face it, Vineet and Rohit have become authentically famous in the street photography world. I’m not sure what the future holds, but I know I’ll forever be thankful for the opportunity to have been a part of APF.
How do you see the future of Indian Photography according to your experience?
The future is bright. India has so many great young photographers and there are so many strong photographers to serve as mentors and stewards for the next generation. Honestly, there are kids doing things today with smartphones that I can’t even approach. So, yeah I think the future is in good hands, and not just with street photography. I discover amazing young Indian photographers on Instagram every day.
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And about Indian Street Photography…
As for street photography, in particular, India is producing a hugely talented pool of young photographers. I’d name some of them off, but inevitably I’d leave someone out. India has to have the highest level of photography talent per capita, than anywhere else in the world. One unique thing to India, at least in my experience, is that people on the street are fairly amenable to having their photo taken. It’s much more so than in most other places and I hope that doesn’t change anytime soon.
What would be your advice to the young photo enthusiasts?
Over the years I’ve been asked for advice, especially from younger photographers, on just about everything you could imagine. The obvious things come up, like exposure settings, composition, what equipment I use, how I process my work, how I get published. Then there are the esoteric questions like, “What were you feeling when you took this shot?” Man, I’m 61. I can barely remember what I had for breakfast. I do my best to answer thoughtfully in ways that are relevant and helpful, but honestly, I’m not sure how effective or useful it is. I think all too often we let ourselves get bogged down in the details, the minutia, looking for shortcuts or magic bullets. Too much thinking, too much analysis, can be paralyzing. There is no substitute for just getting out there and shooting and remembering why you picked up a camera in the first place. You picked it up because it was fun.
The best photographer out there is the one having the most fun. Follow your own creativity, your own creative vision, your own passion and desire to create. Trust yourself. As long as you love what you’re doing, everything else will come with time.
What are your future plans ( Do they include India   )?
I’m slowing down some, but I still have things I want to do. I’ve got two long-term projects from here in China that will be published this summer, both of them more than a decade in the making. I just this week began a new relationship with arguably one of the best photo tour companies in the world, Photo Workshop Adventures. I’ll lead three or four photo tours a year for them. It’s a quality outfit and I’m really looking forward to it. Personally, I’ve kind of been thinking about visiting every Province in China and documenting the journey. Certainly its ambitious but I’d still like to try. I want to explore more video work and I definitely want to buy a drone. I also want to stay married, so the drone may take some work. As for India, I have a dream to somehow do something to give back to the people that have given me so much. It will involve another long-term project and the details are still being sorted out but I’m very excited about the possibilities. It would involve a move to India for an extended period, perhaps twice over the next few years.
Oh, did I mention I want a drone?
[Photographs By: Michael Steverson]
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Fine artist - street artist from Thessaloniki, responsible for large-scale visual artworks and co-organizer on the best festival for the street art scene in Greece. SAF kicks off in a few days and this month Greek street art will “host” Apset.. What’s the story behind your name? When and where did you created your first graffiti? It began with an anagram of my name (Ste-Set), and it turned into something else with obvious conceptual significance which characterized me a lot. I did my first graffiti in the middle of 98’ on bridges in Basilica, just outside of Thessaloniki where I grew up, with some paint colors of ironmongery, the line was pure. Time by time I went through different styles, styles, 3d, characters… My first style was ’Set’, with ’Nes’ from AGB … It didn’t take long until I joined the crew. AGB was one of the many teams that were integrated into one, 2G, with outstanding artists from all over Thessaloniki, but mainly from the center dealing with all the elements, writers, bboys, mc’s, dj’s and others for the hell of it. Back then we began as friends and then we became crew. Somehow that was the beginning…
What have you studied and how do you introduce yourself to those who do not know about you and your work? I studied graphic design at IEK in Thessaloniki and practiced in Poland. I worked for three years, based in Athens, on a project concerning the creation of theme parks for the Pacific Décor, in some of the largest municipalities in Greece, I have been involved with painting, sculpture, graphic design and constructions at that time, that was a kind of study too. Searching for my style from time to time, I’ve studied sculpture painting, hagiography, engraving, linear drawing, video and comics. For the last 5 years I’m a student in the Thessaloniki School of Fine Arts in the sector of painting. I’m not doing well with the titles, an ‘artist’ is enough, I think.
What’s it that draws an artist to create in public spaces, random walls and construction sights apart from the feeling that the streets are his home? Generally, we were street children who never found peace, street was a home for many people, we simply got familiar with it. It’s the feeling, this familiar sentiment, it was the adrenaline, the change and the evolution of the environment around us. It’s the tomorrow and our way of changing it like a sign turned on the other direction, on what we are waiting for… it is just a necessity.
You live in Thessaloniki but you work throughout Greece with very important collaborations like same84, urban act… Can Greek street art become an important exportable product? Most of the times is really hard to pursue to bring in 'today’ the minds and the situations that are stuck in 'yesterday’. It’s hard to fight yesterday looking at tomorrow with today stuck somewhere in between. It’s messed up situation… You are experiencing situations in many countries where things are for some reason easier to roll, or better organized or perhaps with more infrastructure to work as an artist, there is probably a little more education on the subject, not always and not everywhere though. It’s also not also easy to be absorbed in a country where artists are too many and the level too high. What we call art is also a kind of luxury in today’s Greece, when a person doesn’t have enough money to take care of himself how could he ever turn to art? However culture isn’t a luxury, in these times it’s a necessity. And of course it can become an exportable product, Greek writers have nothing to be jealous of from other foreign artists, we already have several notable artists, graffiti writers, street artists and street bombers who travel too much and are well known abroad.
For several years now I’ve been working with the Urban Act team which gives me the pushing force and opportunities to operate on large surfaces that I wouldn’t have had without it, at least on this amount. It’s essential to have good friends and partners you can share the same concerns and thoughts. For many years, Live2 was the one to share everything. In recent years, my main friend and collaborator in large murals is Same84, with whom we have shared several buildings throughout this time.
You create murals on huge surfaces. How difficult is that, how much time does that requires and which are the production stages of such a work in visual? It’s not easy, but the large size gives you another kind of boost and visual. Typically, I complete a mural within 3  to 5 days. Generally, in the large murals I try to work practically and methodically so that I don’t get tired, making sure to have as much fun as possible. I study enough before I begin my work to make the implementation easier. I have tried many ways of sketching , I don’t have a specific method or style in the design, each surface, location and theme’s different, so I can only say it comes out empirically.
The world’s increasingly beginning to realize that street art is very important when it comes to Greek reality, especially in those years of crisis that we need more joy and color but  less gray. In which way do you believe that art affects the public space but also the souls of people? Listen, ‘’happy themes’’ aren’t the exclusive reason of our creation, nor are we here to make the world around us ‘’better’’, It’s our own way to express ourselves and yes, to spread color and joy, but also to concern about things. It’s not enough for me to watch the world run around me, see a mural and laugh, It’s an equal success to stop and observe it… If even a little feeling comes up, whatever that is, then I’m ok, at least I have caused even for a short time a thought that flew away. It’s neither easy but nor the purpose too. Entering in someone else’s  space and neighborhood though without bothering to ask them it’s also an issue, but we need to communicate somehow, and that’s our way.
Co-organizer of street art festival (SAF) in Thessaloniki. How did it start, how often does it happen, what’s about, who will we see this year and what’s the goal? It began at Kodra camp in Kalamaria, 5 years ago when a friend-organizer asked me to paint there supporting their act. They did It just for fun. Energy, romance and extroversion were the elements that won me over. In the second year, I joined them. Now we are a group of young people, artists, musicians, designers, painters, creators.
SAF is held every year around mid-June at Thessaloniki International Fair and this year it’ll be the 5th anniversary event on 9-10-11 June. It is now the greatest encounter of artists in street culture. This year, as every year, we have an open call to young artists with more than 50 street artists from Greece and abroad, musicians, dancers, concerts, live graffiti, live dance shows, special dance shows, visual interventions, seminars, exhibitions and so much more.
From musicians and bands this year we have the honor to host : GENTLEMAN / EVIDENCE (dilated peoples) / DUB FX / LEAF DOG & BVA / ZENON / HATEMOST / TAF LATHOS and many others…
The objective, purpose and dream of Street Art Festival Thessaloniki is to bring together young people, creative individuals from Greece and all over the world. We give them the opportunity to express themselves, present their activities and have fun. Communicate their art with the general public in the way they know better.
Is there a plan for this festival to move to different spaces and places during the year? Creating something like a “show” with a beginning, middle and end? There are several shots we discuss and plan. The festival has an extrovert character and hosts more than 150 international artists each year. There are discussions about collaborations with companies and collectives from abroad but we can’t say anything until it’s announced. The key to us is to promote intercultural exchange of culture among young people without worrying about borders. We want young, creative people to co-create and exchange ideas and perspectives.
What’s that you miss the most from the ‘’innocent’’ years, when you just went out on the streets and painted without knowing that in the future this would be one of your main sources of livelihood? The good old days of carefree and careless friend groups and the freedom of not caring what I’m going to paint and where, the only thing that mattered was to finish the painting. I never imagined it could end up like this, but I feel very lucky for that.
10. In then years from now? I hope to be strong and to continue what I do. What we are living now doesn’t help us to look long-term, it has just made us ready to fight and be fast in our actions. Dreams are to be hunted, opportunities to fought for and failures to convince us not to give up. So I say, and let the time show..
Follow Apset: Fb Page \ Instagram \ SAF
Fine artist - street artist από την Θεσσαλονίκη, υπεύθυνος για εικαστικά έργα μεγάλης κλίμακας και συνδιοργανωτής τους καλύτερου φεστιβάλ για την street art σκηνή στην Ελλάδα. Το SAF ξεκινάει σε λίγες μέρες και το Greek street art “φιλοξενεί” αυτόν τον μήνα τον Apset
Ποια είναι η ιστορία πίσω από το όνομά σου; Πότε και πού έκανες το πρώτο σου graffiti? Ξεκίνησε με αναγραμματισμό του ονόματός μου (Ste-Set), και εξελίχθηκε σε κάτι άλλο με προφανή εννοιολογική σημασία όπου με χαρακτήριζε αρκετά. Το πρώτο μου graffiti το έκανα κάπου στα μέσα του 98’ σε κάτι γέφυρες στα Βασιλικά, λίγο έξω από τη Θεσσαλονίκη όπου και μεγάλωσα, με κάτι χρώματα βαφής σιδηρικών, ήταν pure η γραμμή Στην πορεία πέρασα από διάφορα στυλ, styles, 3d, characters… Το πρώτο μου style ήταν ’Set’, με τον ‘Νes’ από AGB… δεν άργησα να μπω και εγώ στο crew. Οι AGB ήταν μια από τις πολλές ομάδες οι οποίες ήταν ενταγμένες σε μια, τους 2G, με τσακάλια από όλη τη Θεσσαλονίκη αλλά κυρίως το κέντρο που ασχολούνταν με όλα τα στοιχεία, writers, bboys, mc’s, dj’s και άλλοι για το άραγμα και την αλητεία. Τότε πρώτα ήμασταν παρέα και μετά γινόμασταν crew. Κάπως έτσι έγινε η αρχή… Τι έχεις σπουδάσει και πώς συστήνεσαι σε εκείνους που δεν ξέρουν για σένα και για τη δουλειά σου; Έχω σπουδάσει γραφιστική σε ΙΕΚ στη Θεσσαλονίκη με πρακτική στην Πολωνία. Δούλεψα για 3 χρόνια, με έδρα την Αθήνα, πάνω στη δημιουργία θεματικών πάρκων για την Pacific Décor, σε μερικούς από τους μεγαλύτερους δήμους στην Ελλάδα, ασχολήθηκα με τη ζωγραφική, γλυπτική, γραφιστική και κατασκευές. Εκείνη την περίοδο, ήταν μια σπουδή και αυτό. Αναζητώντας ανά καιρούς το στυλ μου, έχω παρακολουθήσει μαθήματα γλυπτικής ζωγραφικής, αγιογραφίας, χαρακτικής, γραμμικού σχεδίου, video και comics. Τα τελευταία 5 χρόνια είμαι φοιτητής στη Σχολή Καλών Τεχνών Θεσσαλονίκης, στον τομέα της ζωγραφικής. Δεν τα πάω καλά με τους τίτλους, ένα ‘artist’ είναι αρκετό νομίζω.
Τι είναι αυτό που τραβάει έναν καλλιτέχνη να δημιουργεί σε δημόσιους χώρους, σε ξένους τοίχους και σε κοινόχρηστα οικοδομήματα εκτός από την αίσθηση ότι οι δρόμοι είναι το σπίτι του; Γενικά ήμασταν παιδιά των δρόμων που δεν βρίσκαμε ησυχία. Ο δρόμος ήταν σπίτι πολλών, απλά εμείς τον οικειοποιούμασταν. Είναι η αίσθηση, ήταν η α��ρεναλ��νη, είναι το γνώριμο, το οικείο, η αλλαγή και η εξέλιξη του περιβάλλοντος γύρω μας. Είναι το αύριο και ο τρόπος μας να το αλλάξουμε σαν μια ταμπέλα στραμμένη σ ’άλλη κατεύθυνση και σ’ αυτό που θέλουμε να ‘ρθεί… απλά είναι ανάγκη.
Ζεις στη Θεσσαλονίκη αλλά δουλεύεις σε όλη την Ελλάδα με πολύ σημαντικές συνεργασίες όπως ο Same84, Urban Act… Η ελληνική street art μπορεί να γίνει ένα σημαντικό εξαγώγιμο προϊόν; Ναι, υπήρχαν περιπτώσεις που έλειπα μήνες από την πόλη μου. Είναι σημαντικό να έχεις μια βάση και να ξαναφορτίζεις. Εφόσον μένουμε εδώ πρέπει να κοιτάξουμε καταρχάς πώς μπορεί να γίνει προϊόν που να εξυπηρετεί πρώτα την εικόνα στο εσωτερικό του. Είναι πολύ δύσκολο τις περισσότερες φορές το να προσπαθείς να φέρεις στο ‘σήμερα’, μυαλά και καταστάσεις κολλημένες στο ‘χθες’. Είναι πολύ δύσκολο να παλεύεις στο χθες κοιτώντας το αύριο με το σήμερα κάπου κολλημένο ανάμεσα. Μπέρδεμα… Βιώνεις καταστάσεις σε πολλές χώρες όπου τα πράγματα για κάποιο λόγο ρολάρουν λίγο πιο εύκολα ή καλύτερα οργανωμένα ή ίσως με περισσότερη υποδομή για να λειτουργήσεις ως καλλιτέχνης, μάλλον υπάρχει λίγη περισσότερη παιδεία πάνω στο θέμα, όχι πάντα και όχι παντού. Δεν είναι επίσης εύκολο να απορροφηθείς σε μια χώρα όπου οι καλλιτέχνες είναι πάρα πολλοί και το επίπεδο υψηλό. Εδώ που τα λέμε η ‘τέχνη’ είναι και ένα είδος πολυτέλειας στη σημερινή Ελλάδα, όταν ο άλλος δεν έχει να πάρει ‘ψωμί’ πώς να στραφεί στην τέχνη. ‘Ομως ο πολιτισμός δεν είναι πολυτέλεια, σ ’αυτές τις εποχές είναι ανάγκη. Και φυσικά μπορεί να γίνει εξαγώγιμο προϊόν. Οι Έλληνες writers δεν έχουν τίποτα να ζηλέψουν από άλλους του εξωτερικού, ήδη έχουμε αρκετούς αξιόλογους καλλιτέχνες, graffiti writers, street artists και street bombers που ταξιδεύουν πάρα πολύ και είναι αρκετά αναγνωρισμένοι έξω.
Εδώ και αρκετά χρόνια συνεργάζομαι με την ομάδα ‘Urban Act’ που μου δίνει βήμα και ευκαιρίες να λειτουργήσω σε μεγάλες επιφάνειες που χωρίς τη βοήθειά της δεν θα τις είχα, τουλάχιστον σε αυτό το ποσοστό. Είναι πολύ σημαντικό να έχεις καλούς φίλους και συνεργάτες που να νιώθουν και να μοιράζεσαι τους ίδιους προβληματισμούς και σκέψεις. Για πολλά χρόνια ο Live2 ήταν αυτός που τα περνούσαμε όλα. Tα τελευταία χρόνια ο βασικός φίλος και συνεργάτης στις μεγάλες τοιχογραφίες είναι ο Same84 όπου έχουμε μοιραστεί αρκετά κτίρια όλο αυτό τον καιρό. Το να επικοινωνείς και να τα βρίσκεις στο κομμάτι της αισθητικής, είναι πολύ σημαντικός παράγοντας προς την υγιή συνεργασία και εξέλιξη. Οι μίξεις των διαφορετικών στυλ, το κάνουν ακόμη πιο ενδιαφέρον. Δουλεύεις τοιχογραφίες σε τεράστιες επιφάνειες. Πόσο δύσκολο είναι κάτι τέτοιο, πόσος χρόνος απαιτείται και ποια είναι τα στάδια παραγωγής μιας τέτοια δουλειάς εικαστικά; Δεν είναι εύκολο, αλλά το μεγάλο μέγεθος σου δίνει άλλη ώθηση και οπτική. Συνήθως χρονικά ένα mural το ολοκληρώνω σε 3 με 5 μέρες. Γενικά στις μεγάλες τοιχογραφίες προσπαθώ να δουλεύω πρακτικά και με μεθοδικότητα, ώστε να μην κουράζομαι και να το χαρώ όσο περισσότερο γίνεται. Μελετάω αρκετά πριν, ώστε να έχω μεγαλύτερη ευκολία στην υλοποίηση. Έχω δοκιμάσει πολλούς τρόπους σχεδιασμού, δεν έχω συγκεκριμένο τρόπο ούτε συγκεκριμένη μεθοδολογία στο σχέδιο, η κάθε επιφάνεια, τοποθεσία και θεματική διαφέρει, άρα μόνο εμπειρικά πλέον μπορώ να πω ότι προκύπτει. Ο κόσμος ολο και περισσότερο αρχίζει να αντιλαμβάνεται ότι η street art είναι πολύ σημαντική για την ελληνική πραγματικότητα, ειδικά αυτά τα χρόνια που με την κρίση χρειαζόμαστε περισσότερη χαρά και χρώμα και λιγότερο γκρι. Πώς πιστεύεις εσύ ότι επιδρά η τέχνη στο δημόσιο χώρο αλλά και στις ψυχές των ανθρώπων; Κοίτα δεν είναι αυτοσκοπός τα ‘χαρούμενα θέματα’ ούτε είμαστε εδώ να κάνουμε τον κόσμο γύρω μας 'καλύτερο’. Είναι ο τρόπος μας να εκφραστούμε και ναι, να δώσουμε χρώμα και χαρά, αλλά και να προβληματίσουμε. Δεν μου αρκεί απλά να ‘τρέχει’ ο κόσμος γύρω μου, να βλέπει μια τοιχογραφία και να γελάει, επιτυχία εξίσου είναι να το δει και να σταματάει. Να σκεφτεί, να χαμογελάσει, αλλά και να προβληματιστεί… Αν προκύψει έστω και ένα μικρό συναίσθημα, όποιο και αν είναι αυτό, τότε εγώ είμαι οκ, τουλάχιστον προκάλεσα έστω και λίγο τον ειρμό που είχε στο φευγιό του. Δεν είναι εύκολο, ούτε και ο σκοπός τις περισσότερες φορές. Το να μπεις όμως στο χώρο, στο μάτι και στη γειτονιά του κόσμου χωρίς να τον ρωτήσεις ή να τον υπολογίσεις είναι και αυτό ένα θέμα, απλά κάπως πρέπει να επικοινωνήσουμε και εμείς και αυτός είναι ο τρόπος μας. Συνδιοργανωτής του street art festival (SAF) στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Πως ξεκίνησε; Κάθε πότε γίνεται; Με τι ασχολείται); Ποιους θα δούμε φέτος και ποιος είναι ο στόχος; Ξεκίνησε στο στρατόπεδο Κόδρα, στην Καλαμαριά, 5 χρονιά πριν όπου με κάλεσε ένας φίλος-διοργανωτής να πάω να βάψω και να στηρίξω τη φάση τους. Το κάνανε τα παιδιά για το χαβαλέ τους. Η ενέργεια, ο ρομαντισμός και η διάθεση για εξωστρέφεια ήταν τα στοιχεία που με κέρδισαν. Τον 2ο χρόνο εντάχθηκα και εγώ στην παρέα. Πλέον, είμαστε μία ομάδα από νέους σε ηλικία καλλιτέχνες, μουσικούς, σχεδιαστές, ζωγράφους, δημιουργούς.
Το SAF γίνεται κάθε χρόνο γύρω στα μέσα του Ιουνίου στο χώρο της Διεθνούς Έκθεσης Θεσσαλονίκης και φέτος προχωράμε για την επετειακή 5η διοργάνωση, στις 9-10-11 Ιουνίου. Είναι πλέον η μεγαλύτερη συνάντηση καλλιτεχνών στη street κουλτούρα. Φέτος, όπως και κάθε χρόνο έχουμε ανοιχτό κάλεσμα σε νέους καλλιτέχνες με πάνω από 50 street artists από Ελλάδα και εξωτερικό, μουσικούς, χορευτές, με συναυλίες, live graffiti action, live dance shows, special dance shows, εικαστικές παρεμβάσεις, σεμινάρια, εκθέσεις και άλλα πολλά.
Από μουσικούς και συγκροτήματα φέτος έχουμε την τιμή να έχουμε μαζί μας, τους: GENTLEMAN / EVIDENCE (dilated peoples) / DUB FX / LEAF DOG & BVA / ΖΗΝΩΝ / HATEMOST / TΑΦ ΛΑΘΟΣ και πολλούς άλλους…
Στόχος, σκοπός και όνειρο του Street Art Festival Thessaloniki είναι να φέρουμε κοντά τους νέους ανθρώπους, τους δημιουργικούς ανθρώπους της χώρας μας και όχι μόνο. Να τους δώσουμε την ευκαιρία και το βήμα να εκφραστούν, να παρουσιάσουν τις δραστηριότητές τους και να διασκεδάσουν. Να επικοινωνήσουν την τέχνη τους με το ευρύ κοινό με τον τρόπο που ξέρουν οι ίδιοι καλύτερα. Υπάρχει κάποιο πλάνο ώστε αυτό το φεστιβάλ να κινείται σε διαφορετικούς χώρους και τόπους μέσα στη χρονιά; Να δημιουργηθεί δηλαδή κάτι σαν “παράσταση” με αρχή, μέση, τέλος; Υπάρχουν αρκετά πλάνα που συζητάμε και σχεδιάζουμε. Το φεστιβάλ έχει εξωστρεφή χαρακτήρα και φιλοξενεί κάθε χρόνο περισσότερους από 150 διεθνείς καλλιτέχνες. Γίνονται συζητήσεις για συνεργασίες με εταιρίες και κολεκτίβες στο εξωτερικό αλλά ακόμη δε μπορούμε να πούμε κάτι μέχρι να ανακοινωθεί. Το βασικό για εμάς είναι να προάγεται η διαπολιτισμική ανταλλαγή κουλτούρας ανάμεσα σε νέους ανθρώπους χωρίς να μας νοιάζουν τα σύνορα. Θέλουμε οι νέοι, δημιουργικοί άνθρωποι να συν-δημιουργούν, να ανταλλάσσουν ιδέες και απόψεις.
Τι σου έχει λείψει από τα “αθώα” χρόνια, εκείνα που έβγαινες στους δρόμους και έβαφες χωρίς να ξέρεις ότι αυτό στο μέλλον θα γίνει μια από τις πιο βασικές πηγές βιοπορισμού σου; Οι πολλές και 'ανέμελες’ παρέες από την 'καθαρή’ την αλητεία μέχρι την ελευθερία του δεν με νοιάζει τι θα βάψω και που, απλά πρέπει να βγει. Ποτέ δεν φανταζόμουν ότι μπορεί να καταλήξει έτσι, αλλά νιώθω πολύ τυχερός για αυτό. Σε 10 χρόνια από τώρα; Ελπίζω να είμαι γερός και να συνεχίσω αυτό που κάνω. Αυτό που ζούμε τώρα δεν μας βοηθάει να κοιτάξουμε και πολύ μακροπρόθεσμα, απλά μας έχει κάνει να είμαστε ετοιμοπόλεμοι και να ελισσόμαστε γρήγορα. Τα όνειρα είναι για να κυνηγιούνται, οι ευκαιρίες είναι να παλεύονται και οι αποτυχίες να μας πεισμώνουν. Έτσι λέω εγώ και ας μας δείξει η πορεία.
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aiimaginesbts · 7 years
82 times
RULES: Once tagged, write a post with eighty-two truths & then tag twenty-five people (if you can) *me: but I don’t know 25 people!*
I was tagged by: @baxngtan​ - Thank you love  ❣️
WARNING: This is going to be extremely long, so unless you want to read on, you can skip past this.
BLOOD TYPE: O positive
NICKNAME(S): Bunny, Lord of Procrastination
FAVOURITE TV SHOWS: The ongoing ones I’m following are Game of Thrones and Big Bang Theory, but there are too many to count.
HAIR: Long brown hair.
HEIGHT: 160 cm
Personality / Lifestyle Wise:
My empathy, I suppose
Physical Wise:
FAVOURITE 3 COLOURS: All shades of blue, white and black
I’M ABOUT TO: Continue analysing my research results and write chapter 3 of What You Never Had in between.
DO YOU WANT KIDS?: Yes, but no more than 4.
DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED?: Yes, provided I find the right person. I’m extremely picky.
CAREER: Hopefully to become a lecturer after I finish my studies.
Most Recent:
My mum
Arashi’s Troublemaker
Have You Ever:
BEEN CHEATED ON: Not that I know of, but I know cheaters, people who have been cheated on, and the 3rd people in the relationship. It’s why I’m writing House of Cards.
BEEN DRUNK & THROWN UP: I don’t drink. 
HAD GLASSES OR CONTACTS: I have both, but nowadays I usually wear glasses because I’m lazy.
HAD SEX ON THE FIRST DATE: I’m not that easy.
BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: Yes. Sadly, more than once.
TURNED SOMEONE DOWN: Yes, once I grew some backbone. I could never say no when I was younger.
CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED: Yes, blubbered like an idiot.
In The Last Year Have You:
LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: Yes, I am easily amused so this is not newsworthy.
MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: I believe everyone I have met have affected me in some way.
FOUND OUT WHO YOUR TRUE FRIENDS WERE: Yes, once a horrible thing happened to me, false rumours spread around and it was only then I found that some ‘friends’ shunned me without giving me a chance to explain, yet some friends stuck by me even though I never told them what really happened.
FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: Yes. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. I prefer that you tell me directly if you have a problem with me though. How am I supposed to correct myself if all you do is talk smack behind my back?
Which Is Better?:
Lips. I like eyes too, but I’m drawn to lips first.
ROMANTIC OR SPONTANEOUS: Depending on the situation. A combination is also great!
SENSITIVE OR LOUD: Loud about opinions that are still sensitive of others.
TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: Troublemaker, cause YOLO LOL. But I’m probably the hesitant type because I overthink a lot.
A girl I’ve known since primary school.
SURGERY: A minor surgery to pull my right bottom wisdom tooth out.
VACATION: I think there were more before this, but the first that came to mind is Italy.
Do You Believe In:
Most of the time. I have had doubts about myself and I know many of my weaknesses, so I try to improve myself and I’m comfortable in my own skin.
LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: The romantic in me says yes, but logically no. I believe in instant physical attraction though. Claiming to fall in love by just the appearance without knowing anything about a person is foolish IMO.
All of them, other than some friends I made for games, whom I put on a Restricted list so they can only see what non-friends can see.
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: A pair of sugar gliders named Albus and (Ji)Minie.
DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: I hated my name during my undergraduate studies because the lecturers always set up groups/pairs by name and I always end up with boys that are useless. But I do like my name now, so I don’t want to change it.
WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY: I went out with my friends for lunch and they surprised me with a birthday cake :D 
Finish my studies
Write and write
Go on holiday
Find someone for me
LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: Just this morning before I headed back to my own house and then to my campus.
WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE ABOUT YOUR LIFE: It’s something sensitive that I’m not comfortable with sharing, but I do have something I’d like to change.
WHAT GETS ON YOUR NERVES: People who are always late.
Did you make it this far? I’m sorry for boring your pants off, but thank you for reading! You’re an angel <3
I TAG: I won’t do 25 people, I’m not popular lol. @sunshinehobi7, @angustdissin, @kimsshi, @lycanhaejin, @dailydoseofdia and anyone else who wants me to get to know them more :)
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realtalk-princeton · 7 years
I'm sort of worrying about making friends at princeton mainly because I am so shy. Like I've missed so many chances of talking to new people in my classes... like sometimes when people try to talk to me I just ignore them since I don't feel confident talking to them. (Plus I don't speak up in precepts)What should I do about? Just roll with it? I basically have no one :(
Response from Sulpicia:
I’m shy too, and a lot of people here tend to be on the more introverted side, so don’t feel alone! The good news is that there are lots of opportunities to make friends: you’re only halfway through this semester’s classes, you have a whole new set of classes next semester, and of course you can always join clubs/do random stuff on campus.
The bad news is that, if you want to make friends, you have to go out of your comfort zone and actually talk to people. If people are asking how you are or making small talk with you, they want to get to know you- I also sometimes feel awkward talking with people I don’t know well, but the important thing is to be friendly. If you share classes with someone or you do a club with them, ask them for a meal! Asking questions about them helps, because it means that you can mostly listen and don’t have to talk. If you’re ignoring people, they might feel like you don’t want to be their friend, so it’s important to speak up.
You can also try joining a club- even if you’re not close with any particular person, that’s a whole group of people who you can go to social events with or even just wave at on campus, which makes me feel less isolated. For what it’s worth, I would also try to speak up more in precept, since that might help you with your confidence. If you say something silly (as long as it’s not, like, monumentally dumb), nobody will remember, and I find that participating in class really helps me understand material.
I know that it seems like so much time has passed you by, but we’re only a quarter of the way into the school year, and there’s a lot of stuff that’ll happen between now and summer. In fact, I didn’t even really get close to a lot of my friends until November/December last year, and even this year, a lot of people who were more acquaintances last year have turned into better friends!
Response from Roonil Wazlib:
Just wanted to add my two cents onto Sulpicia’s great reply bc I am also a massive introvert! I totally get what you’re feeling - honestly, by the end of my freshman year, I could only really count like 2 close friends that I had. I also tend to not reach out to people because I hate small talk (something I need to work on), and sometimes I have moods where I just shut down completely and don’t want to be around people at all. If you’re like me, I always prefer to get to know people “organically” if that makes sense? Like we’re naturally getting to know each other as opposed to constantly going out of our way to try and become friends.  If someone reaches out to me first then that’s totally great but I’m too introverted to be the initiator a lot of the time lol. 
What really changed for me sophomore year was joining a new group that I absolutely love (and love the people in), and that kind of triggered the social change. But it isn’t easy to find the group that you click with, so some other things I’d suggest are a) going to office hours (if you’re STEM/in pset classes). This sounds really stupid but I actually met so many people by religiously going to ECO/ORF/COS office hours last year - I didn’t go with the intention of meeting people (I was just struggling af), but I just met so many other people and bonded with them over the struggle of the class. I really think mutual struggle creates a natural bond between people, and you can meet people that you can pset with in the future and hopefully develop friendships from there. It’s completely natural to just approach a random person at office hours and say “hey, have you looked at problem x yet?” and then continue a conversation about their name/major, friend them on FB, and ask them if they want to work together in the future. b) If you’re in your room all the time/work in your room a lot, stop doing that and work somewhere more public (if it doesn’t get int he way of you studying). Whenever I worked in my room alone, I just felt so lonely and trapped. I like working in Frist bc so many people are there, and sometimes if I’m at a table and an acquaintance needs somewhere to sit they’ll ask me if they can join - loneliness problem solved! Even if I’m not working with someone (or I’m at a library), there are still people surrounding me even if I don’t know them, so I feel a lot less alone. A lot of people become friends just by studying together a lot, so if you can find people to study with that leads to friendship. c) Don’t worry that because you don’t have friends now, it’ll affect the rest of your Princeton experience or something. A lot of my friends who graduated last year told me that their close friends changed every year, so it’s not like you’re “missing out” on this period where everyone is making friends and that how it will be for 4 years.
sorry this ended up being so long lol idk if it will be helpful but tldr i feel ur pain but you will be okay!!
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gayasianminimalist · 5 years
Dear past 3 Deanna’s,
Oh boy, this summer and past fall quarter I’m getting somewhere with everything in my life. Before I left for the summer I made this great elaborate diet and workout plan, and I’ve definitely gotten stronger in the gym. I’ve been able to lift more weight than my previous 3 years, so I’m proud of that!!! Still going strong with being pescatarian, I’m almost a year into it! I don’t think I’ll be stopping anytime soon either. As far as academics I’m doing better than anticipated but I could definitely put in some more work these last 2 quarters. It’s crazy, I’m 2 quarters from finishing my undergrad studies, and I’m going to have to find a job soon! i want to start a job no longer than a few months after I graduate. I’m also highly considering moving to SoCal post-grad, I think I’ve grown to like it better than NorCal. NorCal has its ups for sure and I was raised there, but the weather and amount of things to do in SoCal has definitely increased its appeal to me. LA is where I’m looking at right now, but only time will tell when I’ll move in for sure. Other than that things seem to be going smoothly in terms of my academics. The real excitement has built up around my dating life. It’s definitely going somewhere, a lot better than my 1st 3 years in college. So around halfway through fall quarter, I matched with this girl named Tracy from Tinder. She’s super cute and we started to have a good convo on there. We eventually exchanged numbers and planned for a date. We went on a date 2 weeks later and we got tacos, but the downside is that she’s not going to be in SD long term. She’s moving to Seattle in February, so there’s not really a potential for a relationship. She seems very career driven at the moment. She did a very good job reeling me in with our convo and I ended up just going to her place and cuddling one night. That was a week after our, actually less than a week after our first date. We tried arranging another one but she flaked last minute. I went on another date with another girl named Catherine a week later??? After the cuddle night? Either way I only went on that one date and I found out from my little Aaron that he had a class with her. He doesn’t really like her vibes so I was caught a bit off guard. I was supposed to go on a date with her that morning before my dinner with Tracy, but that got cancelled too. It was probably bad karma that I scheduled two dates on the same day. Well in the end I don’t think it matter too much since nothing will come out of either of those interactions. Now over Thanksgiving, I started talking to a new girl names Janelle. I’m still talking to her currently and hopefully meeting her in the near future. I’ve called her once i think and we’ve facetimed several times already. I’m hoping something more progressive will come from that, but I’ll have to see. Now going off on a bit of a tangent, at the beginning of fall quarter Alison added me to a FB group called Subtle Asian Traits which is a group where all these millenials make Asian memes that everyone can relate to. This eventually lad to the creation of Subtle Asian Dating and eventually Subtle Queer Asian Dating (SAD and SQUAD). Basically on the dating pages people have friends/themselves write a post about them and advertises to the page in hopes that people will DM them and maybe start something good. So basically I posted myself and I started messaging people I found cute and wanted to talk to. I’ve talked to a lot of girls since joining the page but I’m only talking to about 3 of them now. One who I talked to because of EDM, one because her friend messaged me about her, and one who friended me first and I DM’ed. The last person I like talking to most, but she busy so can’t talk all that much currently. Her name is Gray and she’s a gamer. We’ve talked on the phone a couple times now but she’s from Florida. But she came from my hometown and she said she wants to move to LA after graduating. Realistically, I’m not sure anything will happen since she’s far away and still over there for a bit. So I’m interested in Janelle and Gray the most at the moment, and I’ll see how things play out from here. So that’s my dating life, event though there’s not much physical happening. I mean if they were both in SD I probs would’ve seen them already at this point. Janelle is at Davis for undergrad and she’s doing a 5th year there, so I also don’t know for sure if we’ll get somewhere. But we both love EDM, raving, and getting lit. And those are all kinda things I want in my girl. Anyways, yeah things have been going for sure and not sure where my last 2 quarters will take me, but I’m as ready as I can be. I just have to keep everything in some  sort of balance and keep being rational.
-Deanna Wong   12/18/18
Dear Future Deanna, 
I think right now you have improved tenfold from when you started college. Not sure I have much advice to give, well I probably can. Don’t let your love life, if one person becomes serious, overtake you so much that you forget about your friends. Maintaining friendships is very important, and you’ll need them there if anything goes wrong. You need to unplug more, I think compared to most people you aren’t too engaged in social media. But don’t let it take you away from productivity. Really enjoy you last couple quarters in undergrad, you’ll never get this time back once you graduate. As people say, some of their fondest memories come from college. I’ve had a lot of unforgettable moments, but there is never enough of them. Don’t be too hard on yourself when you think something has gone wrong. In most cases things turn out fine when you look at things logically and problem solve. Also it’s alright to be a bit emotional, that’s a part of being human. If you need to cry somewhere down the road, just do it. It doesn’t show you’re weak and it doesn’t stunt your positivity. Stay positive to everyone around you, don’t let pessimists get to you. There need to be that one person that can reassure everyone else that everything will be fine. I think this might be my final advice letter to myself for the rest of undergrad. Spring Break maybe in the Grand Canyon, in which case I don’t need to fly home. My dad can come through SD and then drop me back off there afterwards. In any case, good luck to you and your last 2 quarters at UCSD! You’ll do great and no matter what happens, you have come really far in life and there is a lot of great things to come! Peace out!
-Deanna Wong   12/18/18
Oh my goodness, to be honest I think my whole college experience has been kind of cheesy. I was talking about girls the whole time and honestly I don’t even talk to any of them anymore. Tracy and Gray either message me or I message them every once in a while. But yeah other than that most of the girls I talked to last year are just a blip in my memory now. Sometimes I wanna give up on dating and now more than ever I’m just focused on my career and having chill time in this covid-19 chaos. The gays are also all a mess I don’t know when I’ll find the right person anymore or I could just be forever alone that would be fine. I could myself some new advice for the future and see if I follow through. I followed through with a lot of my own advice back in the day, I guess in hindsight I roughly know where I wanna go in life. And I’m pretty disciplined and well-rounded as a person. I just wanna strive to be a better version of myself everyday. Might not want to do stuff everyday but that’s ok. I love slowing down and taking it easy. And y’all take it easy too, have a great Sunday whoever reads this!
0 notes
Major 5 CPA Marketing Strategies
Top 5 CPA Marketing Techniques
affiliate marketing case study CPA STRATEGIES (Cost-Per-Action) Marketing is actually an online marketing income chance that's nearly the same as affiliate marketing and advertising. The difference between affiliate marketing and CPA marketing is the fact CPA networks pay anyone every time a consumer clicks on your link along with takes an actions - just like fills available their email address contact info, register upon the landing web-site as well as download and install an app on their cellphone. affiliate marketing The actions needed to benefit from CPA programs is dependent upon the specific program, although not like affiliate marketing, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT programs do not require an genuine purchase to be manufactured. This means that is actually much easier to profit from CPA programs since end users are only required for you to take a specific action, and then you get paid out. With affiliate advertising and marketing, the user has in order to result in a purchase and shell out for an item / service before you get given. This is only just one of the advantages CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT (CPA) marketing holds over internet marketer marketing. It is also easier to convert users along with CPA (CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT) programs since the programs are usually related to be able to global likes and dislikes - just like "Win the popular iPhone 6s" or "Win a $22.99 Amazon Present Card". Discover also a lot connected with diverse download CPA offers available on different systems - with these courses, your audience needs in order to get an app or sport on their phone for free, after which you actually get paid for just about every install you refer. These are most offers that targets a much more generic audience than a particular web marketing or weight reduction merchandise you'd promote through affiliate internet marketing. Now let's acquire a look at my top 5 strategies with regard to generating traffic and �volution for your CPA offers. 1 - Utilize a squeeze web page The most important part of succeeding in the CPA marketing marketplace is usually to make use of a squeeze page. Simply by using a squeeze page, you are usually increasing your possibilities intended for a conversion, while building a list of ready-to-take-action members concurrently. A squeeze web page is a simple "landing page" where visitors may land before they usually are given to the CPA offer. Your current squeeze page ought to contain pertinent information relevant to the CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT offer you you are promoting - ask users to enter into all their email address into your email subscription application form to continue. Once that they bring their email to help your electronic mail subscription application form, redirect them to the CPA offer. Also you can have your own auto responder mail these people an additional email which has a link to the CPA STRATEGIES present in case typically the redirect did not work in their browser, or perhaps that they closed the web browser way too soon. 2 - Employ Social Media Social growing media is a very important part of CPA marketing and advertising. A lot of users are rotating to Facebook or myspace, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ along with social music networks every day in order to catch the latest information, check up on their very own friends, search for vouchers and offers, and much considerably more. This means that they have the excellent place to be able to drop links to the squeeze pages / Offers of cpa. Simply by promoting your Offers of cpa marketing on social media, you are usually making use of millions and enormous amounts of traffic rapid along with if you do any good career, you could drive a lot connected with traffic back to your links. Typically the strategy to use here is to very first join some groupings in connection with the niche your own CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT (CPA) offer is concentrating on. In case you are promoting a demo offer for the new diets pill, then you definitely should join health and fat reduction associated groups / complexes in social media. Once an individual has joined a couple regarding groups, start discussing useful content with the team. Your content should supply some value - perform not merely drop back links! After a a number of blogposts, the group associates will probably start to recognize your own identify and you'll have got better authority in these kinds of groups. Now it's period to decrease a link to help your CPA offer rapid add a good explanation and tell the set why they should simply click on your current link. Furthermore add a creative graphic that related to the actual niche you're targeting. While shedding a link in these groups, make sure to put the link as nearby the top as possible not having commencing the post using the link. Start having a title, shed typically the link and then put a brief description. The explanation for this - when you create a long post of all social networks (except Twitter, where your tweets are limited) the article will be "shortened" together with a "... " hyperlink that will expand the particular write-up. You want your link to seem above the text that receives cut off so persons can click on the actual link even if indicate expand the post. 3 - Use Document Sharing Sites Document sharing sites enable you to show EBOOK documents with other people rapid they put your files particular site and any individual searching their site are able to see and read your documents. That is another way to help drive traffic back in your own CPA offers! By basically sharing a couple associated with documents related to often the CPA offer you are selling, you are equipped to drive hundreds for you to thousands of visitors again to your own personal link, delivering you more conversion rate in addition to more profit. You may be questioning what paperwork you can discuss here... it's actually quite basic. Break about different topics inside niche your CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT (CPA) give is targeting. Consider to find some different topics you can target. Then create a easy new document on your own word cpu and commence to write about the particular particular topic. If you're using a word model such as Microsoft Word, you can also decide on one of the templates that the software arrives with to generate a nice layout for your contract. My partner and i usually go with typically the "Reports" templates. Add some helpful information inside your file - anything more as compared to 5 pages would accomplish. The more helpful and also the considerably more closely associated the information anyone reveal is compared to the particular CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT offer you are usually promoting, the bigger the odds of getting more sales on your own clicks. Make positive you add a couple of links to your CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT offer you in the data! Share those on since many document directories seeing that you can. Be confident to add exclusive outlines for your document on each site, and also contain a link back to your own personal CPA offer with each one description. 4 rapid Employ Instagram Instagram is actually a sociable media network that focusses on multimedia - images and videos. This network is held by Facebook, and it's virtually as popular while Fb. Instagram received large numbers of exclusive daily readers, and there is millions involving new images and video tutorials submitted every day. Using Instagram, you may post pictures and videos, and a person can tag them so people can readily find these people. You can also similar to another person's posts, as nicely as comment on these. The more comments in addition to loves your post acquired, the higher quality chance of intending viral. Instagram also allows you to follow many people, and offers a "timeline" view with the hottest posts by people you actually follow. The greater followers you get, the more coverage your posts get. Currently to push traffic back in order to your CPA STRATEGIES offer utilizing Instagram can take a whilst to get started, although when you've tapped into this market, it is possible to drive lots of dollars' worthy of involving conversions each and every single day by Instagram only. To use this method, you actually should create a brand new Instagram account. Name your personal accounts something that corelates to the supply you with are promoting. You also require a landing page suggestions squeeze page organised about a custom domain rapid you CANNOT link directly to the CPA provide or you is going to be restricted. Add a profile photo that relates to your own personal niche market, and then add a bio that correlates to the offer anyone tend to be promoting. And finally add a hyperlink to your current squeeze page in the "Website Link" field when bringing up-to-date your profile. Today you need to add simply 1 new photo suggestions video per day in your Instagram account. You can easily find countless images with the internet related to your niche. Tag your current picture with popular tickets : there's many diverse apps as well as websites which will give you the actual most popular and trending tag words. Subsequently hit publish. Once you've extra your picture, start to keep to several of people in your current niche market. Also like a number of of their pictures, and as well comment on some connected with their posts. Do NOT junk - be innovative and considerate, and find an excellent balance between posting fresh images / videos, next other people, liking other bands posts and commenting on articles and reviews. Continue doing that and you'll soon start off building up followers and also driving traffic to your personal lead capture page. Just be-aware in which this drs MOBILE TRAFFIC so you have to make sure both equally your squeeze page and also the CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT (CPA) offer an individual are promoting are generally mobile-optimized. 5 - Make use of CONTEXTUAL TRAFFIC Advertising The last method for gaining a lot of profit together with CPA marketing is to use PPV advertising. PPV advertising is pay-per-view promotion, which indicates you pay out an sum based on the complete number connected with views your personal ad is in receipt of. This sort of advertising works, you only need to find the correct network. There is certainly several various PPV networks that you may help to make use of, and that will take a number of test and error before a person finally realize success - although keep at it and you will soon hit your 1st $100 day! PPV advertising and marketing costs as little seeing that $0. 01 every guest, which is really cheap. Imagine being able to help convert presents at $0. 01 every visitor. Which is insane! The one downside in order to using PPV advertising is actually the fact that many PPV marketing networks require a new large amount to start with. The majority of PPV marketing networks will only enable you to start off with an quantity of $50+ - this means you should include several startup capital if you want to employ PPV. If you don't have this much to spend right now, don't be concerned. There's still an potential to the!
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jobsearchtips02 · 5 years
70+ Private Tales on Tips on how to Make Critical Cash On-line!
In terms of creating wealth on-line, all of us have our personal story on how we first received began. For myself, it was truly again within the mid-90s within the AOL Net Diner Chat Room. I used to be making 46×860 graphic banners for folks and their web sites, and they might then ship me a greenback within the mail! Consider, this was approach earlier than something like PayPal was round. After that, I discovered myself on the planet of online marketing, and that’s when issues actually began to scale shortly!
Now that my story, it’s time so that you can examine how others received their begin with creating wealth on-line as nicely. Make sure you learn by means of every of the blogger, enterprise proprietor, and entrepreneur tales beneath to see which you relate to most!
Associated weblog posts and sources:
When did you first understand you may begin making ‘real money’ on-line, and with what technique?
I earned my first “online income” after I scored a job 20 years in the past working with greatest promoting writer, entrepreneur and agent of change Seth Godin at Yoyodyne, which was acquired in This autumn 1998 by Yahoo! In 1997 I used to be on the lookout for one thing thrilling and new and was decided to maneuver again to NY from South Florida and get again into the motion. I made a decision this new factor known as the “Internet” was the way in which to go. I learn an article about Seth Godin and since he talked about that though there have been no present openings, he was all the time looking out for expertise, I used to be decided to work with him at his start-up Yoyodyne. I despatched resumes to most likely 100 corporations and when Yoyodyne known as I knew it was meant to be (there is a little more to the story).
I’ve had a entrance row seat to the evolution of on-line advertising from what was conventional media and commerce first experiencing the transfer to digital, which was nothing greater than easy communication and catalog instruments, to full fledged digital commerce and communication… and now scaled Social Communication which so splendidly incorporates this Relationship element that’s for me, the last word worth. #FollowThePath #RonR… #NoLetUp!
Ted Rubin – TedRubin.com
When folks began asking me to assist them get extra “Likes” on their Fb web page. I noticed that I may run some Like-exchange bots and provides “Likes” to the Fb pages of small companies in my metropolis. It was not “real money” within the sense that it was some huge cash, but it surely was sufficient to maintain me in school whereas I labored on my subsequent startup.
Rafi Chowdhury – Chowdhurysdigital.com
What I believed was actual cash was after I hit about $100/day again in 2010 or 2011 with Maxbounty on NoNo Hair Elimination provide. There have been Three of us controlling all the SERPs and some different strategies principally driving most of their gross sales for that firm, aside from the infomercials they had been operating. I used to be shopping for site visitors in every single place again then, numerous Bing Advertisements and Faceook on the time. These had been the glory days when you may get away with something. I really feel blessed with the ability to make a greenback on-line and never having to exit and get a “real job” regardless that we most likely all work more durable and extra hours than conventional people, and have far more stress. Thanks for studying everybody! Hit me up on Twitter @pmkoom if you wish to join!
Patrick Coombe – Elite-strategies.com
I’ve heard of so some ways to earn cash on-line. In reality after I began out I used to be so overwhelmed and didn’t know what to strive to have the ability to earn cash. Two strategies I zeroed in are promoting my very own merchandise and promoting merchandise of others (online marketing).
I made my first buck in online marketing. It was near $100. I used to be so new to online marketing however I used to be not impatient with creating wealth. So I didn’t publish critiques with out making an attempt out any product.
I printed a assessment of a product after making an attempt it out myself (with screenshots and so forth. as a tutorial). And that assessment helped me make my first affiliate sale.
That’s after I realized that it’s certainly attainable to earn cash on-line. Then my fast subsequent sale got here from my e-book. I nonetheless depend on these two cash making strategies closely for my enterprise.
Jane Sheeba – Janesheeba.com
In 1997 I used to be massively right into a online game known as Half Life which you may play on-line. However… Web connections had been sort of garbage again then. Dial-up modems largely and some fortunate people had ISDN. So, I rented a small room in a constructing and promoted a LAN occasion. All I actually needed to do was discuss and community with people on the discussion board and we bought out the primary one. You could name this inbound now however actually it was simply relationship advertising. On the identical time I used to be learning laptop science at college and was simply actually within the early internet. Earlier than lengthy I used to be working round 1999 as an online developer and simply naturally ended up serving to the corporate out with search engine marketing and digital advertising. The remainder is historical past I assume.
Marcus Miller – Bowlerhat.co.uk
It began with a buddy who launched Running a blog to me again in 2007. It was the time after I realized about creating wealth by means of sharing my experiences and expertise on-line with different peoples and discussing concerning the merchandise I exploit on each day foundation.
I shortly began a weblog and made my first $100 inside first 60 days. Networking was and nonetheless is an important consider kicking some enterprise on-line. Since that day, I made greater than 30 on-line communities and couple dozens of Affiliate Area of interest web sites.
In 2011, I lastly determined to show my interest into fulltime job after I obtained a proposal to flip one in every of my web site for greater than six figures. That was the true second after I significantly began my Digital Advertising and marketing and search engine marketing profession.
Over the past eight years, I labored on number of initiatives specializing in Adsense, Amazon Affiliate, Clickbank Merchandise, and direct advertising of merchandise that I exploit on each day foundation.
Hamza Sheikh – TheDigitalNerds.com
I attended a web based advertising convention in late 2009 while working a full-time job as GM in a images firm. I bear in mind listening to the audio system as they defined how they made cash on-line and being impressed by the approach to life these companies allowed. A number of of these audio system had million-dollar plus companies they usually had been no smarter than me.
The seed was planted then that an ‘online’ enterprise was what I wished. When issues got here to an finish with my job I had already determined to go surfing. I attempted online marketing with minimal success earlier than my mentor advised promoting on-line advertising companies to offline companies.
I received began reselling web site design and search engine marketing companies, utilizing my mentor’s group to ship the work. As my enterprise grew (which it did shortly) I constructed my very own group in-house.
James Reynolds – SEOSherpa.com
In 2005, there was one week the place I slept maybe 6 hours in a whole week. My buddy Marcus Frind taught me how you can run direct hyperlink AdWords campaigns to True.com and different courting websites on Azoogle. I had expertise operating PPC for shoppers, the place it wasn’t my cash. I received a month-to-month price or wage, as an alternative– like after I labored at Yahoo!
However this time, it was actual cash. So I used to be clicking refresh each jiffy in my AdWords Editor, watching my spend rise sooner than my earnings. After per week, I used to be as much as $1,000 a day in spend and producing $1,400 a day in earnings. I used to be addicted.
I figured that $400 a day was virtually $150,000 a 12 months– sufficient for a good residing.
But, it wasn’t till I received these checks from the FedEx man that I noticed I used to be making “real money”. I’d get these checks and deposit them on the financial institution, questioning it they might bounce. They had been large enough to purchase a pleasant car.
Dennis Yu – BlitzMetrics.com
I made my first few kilos a really very long time in the past, I believe it was 1997. Ecommerce was simply beginning, large manufacturers didn’t perceive the Web and had been very sluggish to maneuver with the occasions. On-line enterprise was ripe for the choosing.
I used to be one of many first affiliate marketeers and managed to construct a bunch of internet sites throughout the vogue business that had been providing companies that the most important manufacturers couldn’t or didn’t wish to. Options like comparisons, interactive dimension charts, superior search actually helped to drive the web sites ahead and usher in a good residing.
Jon Tromans – Jtid.co.uk
First time I noticed I may make actual cash on-line is when I discovered that some bloggers had been making over six-figures per 12 months with online marketing. I made a decision it was time to place away the video games and begin making actual cash. However it wasn’t one thing that I used to be in a position to do instantly.
I began doing a little analysis and I discovered among the secrets and techniques to creating an ideal sum of money. The strategy is straightforward, work exhausting in your weblog, write about subjects which are fascinating to you, but additionally fascinating to a broad viewers, and monetize the content material with affiliate relationships.
As you place within the work, construct an e-mail listing and set up social authority. The best way to capitalize on the content material and social forex is to make use of affiliate relationships to start out creating wealth.
The important thing to creating actual cash on-line is to ascertain a plan of motion and comply with it whereas leveraging one of the best accessible affiliate applications associated to your area of interest.
Oscar Gonzalez – Notagrouch.com
I earn cash on-line by running a blog at ChristinaAllDay.com.
A number of folks get into running a blog simply to earn cash. I didn’t begin that approach. For me, my life-style weblog was one thing enjoyable to do in my free time. Then, I realized extra about social media, search engine marketing, and technique.
That technique half is a biggie. It means you’re not simply running a blog to weblog, like I did firstly. After I began studying about search engine marketing and how you can discover what folks had been looking phrase for phrase, how many individuals had been looking sure key phrases, and what the outcomes had been for these key phrases, I began seeing extra site visitors. Sure, this implies generally I wrote about issues I wasn’t loopy about, but it surely introduced within the numbers that manufacturers wish to see.
I believe the key is to not concentrate on working much less to make extra. Too many individuals are attempting to do this in on-line enterprise. It’s lazy and ignorant. If it had been straightforward to make “real money” on-line, then everybody would do it. It takes work. As an alternative, concentrate on giving folks what they need on-line.
Additionally, all of us see plenty of bloggers and on-line entrepreneurs selling how they’ll earn cash on-line, however I query what number of of them truly are creating wealth on-line by means of running a blog or one other on-line outlet… or if it’s simply promoting a course about creating wealth on-line. If you wish to earn cash on-line, I counsel you actually vet who you study from. On-line, it’s straightforward to brighten details (or simply make them up), so remember to totally take a look at what you’re studying and who you might be studying it from earlier than investing in schooling if that’s the route you wish to take.
Christina Nicholson – Mediamavenandmore.com _
I began my first on-line enterprise about 10 years in the past; I couldn’t get free time from my job to spend with my then 1-year-old daughter, and I had been pondering for some time about making an attempt to start out my very own enterprise. I didn’t begin out with social media, which got here slightly bit later; as an alternative, I took discover of the rising numbers of digital assistants in addition to the large demand for them.
So, I began pondering of ways in which I may get entangled; in the long run, I made a decision that I wished to assist others, so I began promoting e-books, in addition to toolkit for ladies who wished to arrange their very personal Digital Assistant enterprise. The e-books bought for $50, and the toolkit, for $200. It went nicely, however on the identical time, I began utilizing Twitter and realised the potential social media had for companies – so, I began on the lookout for a approach to get into social media advertising.
Lilach Bullock – Lilachbullock.com
I believe the primary month I earned income made me understand I may begin making ‘real’ cash on-line. I began this journey as a contract author and was in a position to gross $805 in my first paid month of labor (which was month two of my journey).
On the time it felt epically S-L-O-W, however in hindsight (over three years later), that’s not unhealthy! And one of the best half, is that it’s repeatable for these which are keen to work exhausting, put themselves on the market and provides it a good shot.
Gina Horkey – HorkeyHandbook.com
I began as a content material author in 2013, Then transfer on to studying about search engine marketing (search engine marketing) whereas having writing gigs on the aspect. Launch my very own weblog in late 2013 to share techniques and methods that I’ve realized and constantly examined over time in search engine marketing. Potential shoppers are coming in as they started to note my content material property – that is the place I began servicing search engine marketing to shoppers as a freelancer. 4 years have handed, I run my very own hyperlink constructing (search engine marketing) firm with 15 workers members servicing 20+ worldwide shoppers all around the world.
Venchito Tampon – Sharprocket.com.ph
That is one in every of my fabled tales…however isn’t all people’s first time? On the time, I had my very own website in a really non-lucrative area of interest. I received’t go into particulars, however I used to be getting numerous nice site visitors, however the area of interest was simply not a money-maker. What I used to be doing proper was search engine marketing.
So I wrote an article on my predictions for the place search was headed, and what measures the major search engines had been prone to make use of over the subsequent 4 or 5 years. To provide you an concept how way back this was, again then virtually no one was trying forward. Having a “vision” was a novelty.
I used to be not within the search engine marketing enterprise, however that article generated three search engine marketing shoppers. That’s after I realized that my web site wouldn’t generate a revenue instantly. It might show to be the staging that may launch a profession selling different folks’s web sites. That profession lasted a number of years, earlier than I started turning extra towards writing.
David Leonhardt – THGMWriters.com
Promoting my design companies and online marketing are my predominant two predominant sources of revenue on-line which together yield 6 figures of income a 12 months. Creating helpful shareable content material, with robust search engine marketing and a trusty e-mail listing have been the keys to success.
Jacob Cass – JustCreative.com
On the age of 17, I received extraordinarily annoyed after taking a handful of jobs and quitting or getting fired from each single one in every of them. I used to be unemployable and knew I may by no means get a job the remainder of my life. I started doing a web based search hoping to seek out others who felt the identical approach I did. I got here throughout a whole lot of entrepreneurs sharing these related issues and I made a decision to launch my first enterprise on-line. I launched a multimedia company throughout my senior 12 months of highschool and I used to be in a position to shortly purchase paying clients after 2 weeks of launching my enterprise. We had been service primarily based and providing digital media companies for different companies. Web site design, web site growth, app growth, social media advertising, video manufacturing and search engine marketing had been all companies that we provided to companies all around the world. This was the primary time I noticed that I may make actual cash on-line.
Jeet Banerjee – JeetBanerjee.com
After I received my first internet growth job on the age of 22 (~2007), I labored with a really small native internet growth company with a really particular area of interest – entrepreneurs creating wealth on-line. We constructed web sites for these folks, whereas I had simply gotten into the “business” of creating web sites – I noticed that folks had been utilizing my expertise to make their whole “business” work! I used to be constructing squeeze pages – the place you needed to choose in to get the goodies on the thanks web page, whether or not or not it’s an eBook, or teleseminar replays, no matter it may be. However I noticed first hand how folks would spend $10, $20, $50, even $195 simply to get entry to a digital good, or data, from an knowledgeable. That was when it clicked, even when I wasn’t all in favour of utilizing these strategies and instruments – it labored – folks had been already doing it. Even when only a few folks per thirty days had been to purchase in, and be pumped about your product, that was a residing and respiratory enterprise proper there. On the identical time I began my very own web site and was watching the AdSense cash trickle in by the pennies. So there have been a number of clear paths to creating “real money” on-line, and these paths had many branching paths linked to them – so I knew that the strategies, the instruments, and the proof of idea was all there at 22 – I simply had to make use of it, and so I did.
Andy Sowards – AndySowards.com
My first indication that you may begin making some critical cash on-line, is after I began to consider creating an internet site of my very own. A part of this course of was the precise join a internet hosting and registering a website identify. Whereas going by means of all the analysis and looking for which host can be greatest, I discovered that many of those internet hosting companies had one thing known as an associates program, which paid out a fee to website homeowners and companions on all referred leads and gross sales. This received me to start out fascinated about alternative ways I may earn cash on-line utilizing online marketing as nicely. I began my website and slowly started including completely different affiliate applications into the combination. It took some time to get issues shifting, however as soon as I began incomes just a few dollars per day, then the fireplace actually began burning and I wished to develop my earnings much more. Online marketing has fully modified the way in which cash is made on the planet at this time together with my life and fervour for entrepreneurship within the course of.
Ninja Weblog Grasp – Blogninja.com
In 1996, I began on on-line internet hosting and advertising firm making among the first database pushed web sites for small enterprise. We had been utilizing a beta model of chilly fusion and dealing with corporations of all sizes. I knew the way forward for commerce and advertising was on-line, so we had been promoting that imaginative and prescient. It was fairly early days so it took plenty of schooling for patrons. We later expanded the copy to turn out to be a service supplier. I believe we received about 10,000 members paying for entry earlier than we bought the corporate to a bigger supplier.
Rick Ramos – HealthJoy.com
I first began realizing I may make actual cash on-line after I began running a blog whereas I used to be recovering in mattress for months after breaking my legs in a development accident. I had plenty of time on my arms and began exploring Web Advertising and marketing. I may see it was attainable to weblog and earn cash by means of promoting. At first, this concerned having adverts on my weblog. Then, I began to maneuver past that and add associates and commenced monetizing different methods by means of sponsored content material. This included sharing insights about numerous merchandise, companies, and corporations. I turned my weblog right into a seven-figure job.
John Rampton – Calendar
I used to be in center faculty and my greatest buddy simply received grounded. We each wished to purchase the brand new Xbox 360 that was popping out and he proposed to start out a enterprise. After pouring by means of a number of concepts we ultimately signed up for a reseller account at Hostgator. Our partnership shortly fell aside however I discovered that I had a ardour for constructing and operating one thing of my very own. After posting adverts on some internet hosting boards I shortly received my first fee through PayPal and I used to be ecstatic. Realizing I may make a residing from my very own creation set me down on a live-changing course.
Cody McLain – SupportNinja.com
While you take a look at the web at this time, there are such a lot of alternative ways to earn cash on-line. From finishing surveys to doing freelance work, the choices are just about limitless. In case you have the suitable info and sources, you possibly can truly create an in-depth PDF information or on-line course to cowl something. Then it’s merely a matter of reaching out to the suitable audiences and seeing whether it is one thing they want to buy. All of it begins with a easy concept and loads of motion.
That is truly how I first received began with on-line advertising. I beforehand had work expertise in IT and left to enterprise out alone. It was presently that I noticed plenty of companies had been exploring completely different choices with their knowledge administration and cloud laptop. I went on to create a easy PDF information on enterprise useful resource planning software program, which truly did fairly nicely. Although I haven’t up to date the course shortly, there’s nonetheless demand for it at this time, and gross sales proceed to trickle in right here and there. It was at that time throughout these first few gross sales that I noticed the true potential of on-line advertising and the way anybody can begin creating and promoting one thing of their very own.
I believe the primary time I ever correctly realised I may earn cash on-line was utilizing a chunk of software program known as Construct a Area of interest Retailer. This allowed customers to arrange eBay area of interest shops on domains again when you may rank with a key phrase wealthy area, some content material and about 100 or so listing hyperlinks. This received me my first success – a $40 fee from eBay. This ultimately result in me to inspire myself to attempt to discover extra methods to earn cash, however that was my first success as an affiliate marketer, and as any individual who invested slightly little bit of money and time this was my first return on my funding. The location did ultimately earn me slightly bit of money – not an enormous quantity however one thing.
Sadly the software program has lengthy since stopped, but it surely did present the inspiration behind one other of my plugins eBay Feeds for WordPress.
Rhys Wynne – Winwar Media
I began my running a blog journey in October 2016. I used to be not realizing the ability of online marketing. Now, I like to put in writing on subjects associated to Web Advertising and marketing, Affiliate Advertising and marketing, internet Internet hosting and so forth.
In my preliminary months of running a blog I’ve written a assessment publish on a internet hosting program and different WordPress merchandise and insert my affiliate hyperlink to the assessment publish. Inside few days I had made a handful of $300+ fee. I used to be actually amazed and this manner I noticed the ability of online marketing and now it’s one in every of major methods to earn cash on-line.
Affiliate Advertising and marketing helps me to monetize my weblog by offering related services and products to my weblog readers. I like to say the professionals and cons of merchandise which I like to advertise because it makes the assessment publish extra real and person pleasant.
To turn out to be profitable in online marketing you must take a look at the services or products first. It should enable you to grasp the each side of the services and products which you wish to promote. This may enable you to create a killer assessment publish which generates extra gross sales and fee.
Vishwajeet Kumar – Imbloggingtips.com
Online marketing was all the time my favourite monetization technique from day one after I began selling CD’s and different music merchandise by means of a fan web site that I created about my favourite rock band. Online marketing permits anybody to start out creating wealth on-line shortly. You don’t must have large sources, you don’t must spend many months (and years) constructing merchandise. You can begin at this time and earn cash at this time. All you want is a few nice content material that solutions questions that actual persons are asking and a approach to combine related merchandise into that content material. With this, you’re able to go and begin creating wealth on-line.
Marko Saric – HowToMakeMyBlog.com
Making a living on-line is not any straightforward activity when first beginning out, however when you understand there’s a want for one thing and that you could accomplish it higher, that’s when actual enterprise concepts begin to move. That is one thing we noticed within the e-mail advertising and lead technology area. We knew if we may create a 100% clear and bonafide approach to ship high-quality results in companies and types, it will be a hit. It took longer than anticipated, as we’re centered on high quality over amount, however that is the kind of mindset it is advisable have when constructing any sort of brand name or making an attempt to earn cash on-line.
Tim Bourquin – Afteroffers.com
I noticed I may earn cash on-line by means of freelance writing. I had made pennies by means of different strategies however attracted just a few shoppers and noticed this might maintain my enterprise. Being a globe-trotting island hopper, I wished to seek out long run sources of revenue by means of which I may provide useful service and be paid. Enter freelance writing. I developed my writing expertise, received clearer on the worth I delivered to the market and made the extremely uncomfortable however daring step to enter enterprise for myself. I by no means seemed again.
Ryan Biddulph – BloggingFromParadise.com
As a digital service-based enterprise, I discover big advantages to the worth of search engine marketing in my advertising effort. There is no such thing as a different effort that’s fairly so scalable with comparatively little time funding.
The trick is consistency. Producing nice content material and incomes back-links to that content material are the substance of search engine marketing for my firm in 2017.
The outcomes are improbable! I’ve earned shoppers from hundreds of miles away, and it’s a constant technique for incomes new enterprise.
Relating to consistency, nice web site search engine marketing is constructed over time. Outcomes don’t come as you’re employed — it could take months for beneficial properties to lastly be realized. In any case, there’s actually no site visitors distinction when you’re on web page Three or web page 300 (each offers you zero internet site visitors). However when you hit web page 1 on your predominant key phrases, outcomes present wonderful ROI.
Sometimes, the method takes 6-12 months until you’re making an attempt to make content material go viral in a sooner time, however by producing nice content material alongside a constant effort to amass hyperlinks to your content material, you’re going to get there!
Andrew Lowen – NextLevelWeb.com
Now that I’ve my very own expertise and repair design firm, it’s humorous to look again on the expansion of the enterprise and the way it’s became what it’s at this time. After we had been first beginning out, all of us knew there was an ideal demand for brand design and visible content material advertising companies on-line, however on the identical time, there are many rivals on the market as nicely. As soon as we began to give you new and artistic methods to succeed in new audiences outdoors of conventional advertising and paid search, that’s once we realized the true potential of operating a enterprise on-line. One other necessary notice to make, is that we additionally had the conclusion that we may join with extra folks all over the world and never be centered on simply native markets. This was an enormous win for our enterprise and outreach, as brand and branding is a language all of us communicate.
Srish Agrawal – Srish.com
The primary time I noticed I may truly make good cash on-line was touchdown my first freelance writing job with an organization that offered me regular work for over two years. The necessity for on-line content material is nice in a number of niches, and over time, I used to be in a position to get a gentle move of labor from a wide range of shoppers, primarily long-term. I used to be making considerably extra working part-time than I ever had at any of my full-time jobs. I finally moved away from this work as I began making extra regular revenue from my teaching companies and merchandise.
Advances in expertise have made it attainable to take action many forms of work remotely, from teaching and consulting to internet design. An important piece of recommendation I’d give nevertheless, is specializing in doing one thing by which you might be really . Pursuing a specific sort of enterprise or service merely since you assume it is going to be straightforward to earn cash on-line doing it’s going to most likely backfire because you may not earn cash instantly, and if that’s your aim above all else, you’ll most likely get annoyed and quit actually quick.
You additionally wish to work in your mindset, and take care of fears and limiting beliefs you might have about working on-line and incomes cash for your self head on. Succeeding on this area requires a really completely different mind-set, and if this isn’t addressed, you’ll not get the outcomes you might be on the lookout for, regardless of how a lot motion you may be taking.
Kelli Cooper – Life Made to Order
I wrote a weblog publish on how you can resolve a really particular technical drawback. Just a few days later, I had somebody emailing me from one other nation asking how a lot I’d cost to easily implement that technical repair for them. I named what, to me, was an absurd value. They paid. I did the duty. It was then that I noticed the really international viewers that you could attain on-line. You’re now not restricted to creating wealth promoting to the identical folks in your small city / metropolis. It’s broad open.
Although my first “real money” on-line was decidedly not attractive – the sheer scale of the chance made me understand that different strategies may work as nicely. I may run an internet site funded with promoting, as a result of, once more, the dimensions of the Web removes geographic limitations. “Making real money online” is identical as “making real money offline” – all of the strategies and markets are the identical. It’s the dimensions that’s completely different – and thrilling.
Nathan Shivar – ShivarWeb.com
Social media and on-line search has been grabbing all the web consideration for the ease-of-money making that they current us with. However, let me be sincere with you – creating wealth on-line shouldn’t be a straightforward activity with all of the competitors on the market.
An intuition for survival in my ardour for digi-related companies and my realization that web supplies us with numerous conventions to earn on-line is when the thought hit me first.
My persevering with surveillance of this discipline has helped me purchase an in-depth data of the mechanisms that it withholds and utilizing this expertise, I can information you to decide on one of the best one on your aim accomplishments.
You must present meticulous consideration to each minutest element if you’re actually planning to adorn this for a long run. Right here, are among the most fascinating journeys that you could take as much as earn cash on-line:
Writing an e-book after which promoting these Creating fascinating apps that present impeccable person expertise Hunt for human intelligence duties, additionally known as as Mechanical Turks. This could earn you a whoppingly excessive sum of money. Create your weblog and market fascinating content material Upwork and 99Designs – Promoting skilled companies throughout these networks Electronic mail advertising Promoting audio books through audible
Vipin Nayar – Acodez
It took me just a few months on-line to essentially work out that the best approach to earn cash was to supply a service (at the very least to start with).
So, I took what I knew (internet design) and began serving to folks out totally free to start out with. Ultimately, I received just a few shoppers and it went from there.
In parallel, I additionally began constructing my viewers and web site and about 6 months in I began to see some site visitors and gross sales for affiliate merchandise. That isn’t one thing you possibly can anticipate from day 1, so plan slightly time if that’s your aim. Companies are far simpler :>
Ashley Faulkes – Madlemmings.com
I began my tech profession working within the gross sales division for a serious internet hosting firm. I spent all day answering questions for individuals who had been all in favour of creating wealth on-line. Most people I spoke with had been all in favour of constructing an internet site for his or her retail enterprise or had been all in favour of creating a web based retailer to promote merchandise. The job was fairly straightforward as a result of we had loads of inbound inquiries coming into our division so it was not a really “hard sell”.
After I first began I didn’t actually know a lot concerning the digital market, inbound advertising, online marketing or the like. The pay was not unhealthy however It actually may have been higher. After just a few years working in Gross sales, I moved over to the Advertising and marketing division. I used to be within the Advertising and marketing & Enterprise Improvement division and was tasked with increasing our associates program. I quickly realized that our associates (the profitable ones) had been making fairly a bit greater than I used to be for selling our merchandise and it was at this level in my profession that I made a decision to make a change.
I stepped away from my skilled profession and determined to leap headfirst into the online marketing world. I knew little or no about online marketing, search engine marketing, e-mail automation and the like. I now take into account myself to know a very good bit greater than your common particular person on this subject material however the business is consistently evolving and there’s all the time extra to study. Online marketing is an extremely aggressive discipline but it surely’s additionally very rewarding, If you’re contemplating making an attempt to earn cash on-line I’d suggest you do loads of analysis previous to leaping in.
Mike Brown – The Running a blog Buddha
I found I may make critical cash on-line by having a nicely optimized actual property weblog. My website Most Actual Property Publicity in actual fact is likely one of the most visited actual property blogs within the nation. What I found is that when you genuinely wish to assist folks you can be rewarded.
As a Realtor in Holliston Massachusetts, my focus has been to offer info that each patrons and sellers can use to make sound selections. The recommendation is predicated on being a prime producing actual property agent for the previous thirty years. With my data I’m able to assist folks resolve their issues.
Very often this has result in folks choosing up the cellphone and asking me to both work with them as a purchaser’s or vendor’s actual property agent. Web leads are nice as a result of those that are calling you might be already bought in your talents.
I’d encourage anybody who likes to put in writing to start out a weblog. It’s a good way to indicate off your experience!
Invoice Gassett – MaxRealEstateExposure.com
In 2004 I noticed I may make actual cash on-line, I believe I did a web based survey and was paid just a few dollars to do it. While the fee was small it opened my eyes to creating wealth on-line. I went on to make a MySpace Layouts web site which generated a very good quantity of site visitors and make me first rate cash. The strategy of creating wealth was utilizing Google adverts and affiliate adverts on the Myspace Layouts web site. Myspace died out in round 2008 so I needed to transfer onto one thing else which was music and leisure centered web sites.
James Norquay – ProsperityMedia.com.au
I noticed that I may begin making “real money” on-line by upgrading my pondering. As an alternative of making an attempt to show the web into an ATM machine, like I used to be deserved cash – I as an alternative requested a basic enterprise query: “What value can I provide to people?” As quickly as I noticed that producing income wasn’t about me, it was about my clients the sport modified. The essential enterprise idea of “value-creation equals revenue” is after I began making “real money”. I realized a high-value service (offering AdWords Administration), and the income adopted.
Michael Erickson – SearchScientists.com
Since 1998, I’ve been creating wealth on-line. The strategy I used to earn cash then and to earn cash at this time hasn’t modified a lot.
After I first began on-line, I used to be younger and broke, however had one robust talent that I used to be in a position to leverage for achievement. I had a expertise for seeing patterns.
For me search engine marketing was only a pure approach to construct a website. search engine marketing in it’s basic kind is simply talking within the language of how folks search.
While you write on this approach not solely does your website rank for what persons are on the lookout for however those self same persons are extra prone to convert since you are chatting with the way in which that they’re pondering. It’s wonderful how straightforward search engine marketing and creating wealth on-line turns into while you understand and perceive this basic fact. So preserve issues easy do some key phrase analysis then use that language as a method of making your website navigation and web page subjects. Should you do that you’ll begin making “real money” on-line.
Allan Pollett – AllanPollett.com
I knew that actual cash may very well be made since 2007 after I labored for an individual who was making extra money promoting on-line guitar classes out the again of his storage than folks working in company jobs within the metropolis. The second time it actually hit me was after I was working with journey and mommy bloggers who had been making greater than many people in company jobs, however had fewer enterprise expertise than us.
The principle technique I discovered was by means of freelance work. However I ended up increasing into completely different channels. I truly detailed the expertise in an annual revenue report on my different website.
There are such a lot of methods to earn an revenue on-line. However I do assume you will need to discover and stick to at least one core drawback that you could resolve so you possibly can scale up that area of interest.
Making the identical revenue that you’d get at a job for employment is unquestionably achievable from doing an exercise on-line. You simply must work out what’s your ‘thing’ within the on-line area after which carve out a slice of the revenue pie for your self.
David James – BusinessGrowthDigitalMarketing.com
I first realized cash may very well be made on-line after I stumbled upon a video introducing Google Adsense. I attempted it out and made just a few dollars, however the fact is that Adsense is one thing extremely exhausting to scale. It’s instantly tied to your site visitors, and as competitors grows site visitors is more durable and more durable to amass.
After I started prioritizing online marketing, that’s when my eyes had been really opened to the chances of creating actual cash. The chance to promote to the identical folks again and again was unbelievable to me on the time and confirmed me that actual companies may truly be constructed on-line.
With good methods in place, online marketing in the suitable market has every little thing that you may need. It’s maybe the perfect substitute for creating an precise product if you’re unable to, or don’t wish to for no matter motive. Between small ticket and large ticket objects, recurring and non-recurring commissions, cross-sells and up-sells, you possibly can take the identical customer and find yourself making fairly a bit of cash – way over an Adsense click on would ever provide you with!
James McAllister – Starlight-Child.com _
I’m a licensed English trainer who loves each writing and modifying. Truly, I like something involving phrases, studying included! As a word-lover who started running a blog in 2013, I found that web site homeowners had been in want of writers for his or her blogs. I truly discovered this out by means of a private expertise with visitor posting. I had visitor posted on Expensive Blogger, and the proprietor, Greg Narayan, liked my writing a lot that he employed me to put in writing a weblog publish for him every month. Thus started my freelance writing profession!
*Associated learn: 10 Classes Realized from My First Freelancing Shopper (who was each My Worst and Greatest Shopper)
Lorraine Reguly – WordingWell.com
The primary second I noticed you may make actual cash on-line was after I was sitting in Bangkok at 11pm one night time in 2010. I posted a assessment on my website of a web based course throughout it’s launch interval. Inside 5 minutes of the launch, I’d earned about $500 in commissions. This was an enormous eye opener for me, and helped me to appreciate there have been extra methods to monetize a website than simply adsense adverts.
Sean Ogle – LocationRebel.com
It was late 2011. I’d had just a few profitable web sites that did rather well by way of site visitors. My first venture made a loss, and the second was doing nice by way of development but it surely was actually tough to earn cash in that area of interest given the sources we had accessible & the extent of competitors.
The worth of offering free content material had been confirmed to me already. However I had my doubts as as to whether I may truly earn cash with a weblog.
So I picked a brand new area of interest that me and went for it. Created a great deal of content material and determined to concentrate on online marketing.
Then after some time, my exhausting work paid off. I received my first cheque by means of the publish. It was round $200 or so. A small quantity contemplating the effort and time I’d invested but it surely proved to me that it was attainable to earn cash with a weblog and that offered the motivation to maintain going.
Adam Connell – BloggingWizard.com
I first realized I may make “real money” on-line after I began working with Zoe Rodriguez, Founder and CEO of ZBody Health. She was utilizing influencer advertising as a car to drive site visitors to her web site. And it was by means of my partnership together with her that I first found the true energy of social media influencers and influencer advertising.
Since then, I’ve branched out into different types of digital advertising, together with search engine marketing, conversion fee optimization, content material advertising and even product launch advertising. However my actual ardour continues to be working with influencers and types to succeed in the suitable viewers, with the suitable content material, on the proper time to drive conversions and maximize ROI.
Shane Barker – ShaneBarker.com
I first made my revenue from AdSense approach again in 2010 and even earlier than that I do know I may earn cash on-line if I can drive extra site visitors from search engines like google to my websites. I all the time consider search engine site visitors is the KEY to creating extra on-line. You need to use that site visitors to place adverts, promote banner adverts, promote affiliate merchandise and what not?
Should you’re simply beginning out, ensure to concentrate on discovering your target market, use correct key phrases and attempt to enhance your search engine site visitors within the first 12 months. Then, determine methods to monetize your site visitors.
Anil Agarwal – BloggersPassion.com
It was promoting companies or software program on-line. It was in about 2012 after I made my first greenback promoting software program from the primary tech startup I’ve ever began known as Mailbird, you possibly can see it right here www.getmailbird.com. It began with making a easy web site with a touchdown web page to gather info from individuals who had been all in favour of what I used to be promoting, then establishing a fee gateway to allow folks to pay. Then I began experimenting with on-line advertising from content material, inbound, search engine marketing and Social Channels. I used to be very attentive to any clients that emailed me with inquiries concerning the product and that enabled me to additionally perceive what was most necessary to Mailbird customers. Then I arrange several types of pricing plans and examined and adjusted them because the enterprise developed.
Andrea Loubier – GetMailBird.com
I first realized I may make actual cash on-line after I launched a free Coming Quickly Web page plugin for WordPress. Within the first month the plugin received over 10,000 downloads and I began receiving characteristic request. I put all these options in a Professional Model and began to promote it. To my shock I bought near Four figures the primary month. It was that second I noticed I may promote software program, particularly a WordPress plugin, and ultimately match and exceed my day job’s wage. That was 5 years in the past and I’m joyful to say I’ve exceeded my expectations.
You all the time hear “find something people want, build it, put a price on it and sell it”. Nicely that’s precisely what I did. I ought to point out nevertheless that I spent near 10 years prior constructing merchandise and making an attempt to promote them. The kicker was I used to be constructing merchandise nobody wished. With my WordPress Coming Quickly Web page Plugin I used to be capable of finding a distinct segment that wanted to be crammed.
The excellent news is there are nonetheless numerous area of interest alternatives on the web ready to be crammed. You would be the particular person to fill it!
John Turner – SeedProd.com
I don’t imply to brag or something (and I perceive it may be exhausting so that you can consider) however… it took me only a few minutes after I received on-line for the primary time (again in December 31st, 1998) to appreciate all of the a whole lot of potentialities that having an internet site would open to me. Together with making a residing out of the Web!
I began on the lookout for how you can construct an internet site and, on the identical time, discovered applications that had been paying web site homeowners to publicize their merchandise.
I made my first dollars by means of online marketing selling on-line casinos. In round one to 2 years, I had earned round $10,000 USD and it was clear to me this was the suitable path to pursue.
Louie Luc – Buzznitrous.com
This isn’t new by any stretch of the creativeness, however I’ll say that E-commerce companies are a rising business for the on daily basis particular person trying to begin a brand new enterprise. We’ve got just lately had a ton of success serving to folks with their E-Commerce gross sales through Fb and Instagram promoting. So we ended up doing plenty of analysis and digging and also you really can create a really profitable aspect (or predominant) revenue by discovering a product that’s nicely obtained by and establishing your personal e-commerce retailer. You will have seen Oberlo and different corporations promoting this and it really can work. After all, you have to have a proof of idea (i.e. will folks purchase your stuff) and know what you might be doing in establishing your E-comm storefront in addition to be versed with social media promoting (after all, corporations like ours will help you out and have a modest funds to present it a go (whole prices for constructing every little thing and having some cash to check out will likely be within the $10Okay-$15Okay vary). However if in case you have an superior concept, you actually can do that this present day and we’re seeing increasingly folks and corporations popping up. We’ve got plans ourselves to present just a few merchandise a go to check out and plan to have this be a pleasant income stream for us in 2018.
David Reimherr – Magnificent.com
I used to be residing in Thailand on a protracted vacation after leaving a job at Microsoft. I used to be decided to determine a approach to make long-term worldwide journey attainable, so I used to be spending on daily basis learning something associated to digital advertising I may get my arms on (which wasn’t practically as straightforward 10+ years in the past).
Someday, I made $zero.40 sending affiliate referrals to motels and lodging web sites, and I used to be over the moon. It wasn’t a lot, however I knew that if I may make $zero.40, I may make as a lot as I wished as a result of the web is infinitely scalable. The subsequent day, I made $400+ utilizing the identical strategies, and though I’ve since pivoted from online marketing to operating a global digital advertising company, I’ve by no means seemed again.
Aaron Agius – Louder.On-line
Again the top of 2007, I used to be a really new, eager, and optimistic blogger. I’d began a weblog about weight-reduction plan/weight reduction, popped Google AdSense on, and was ready for the cash to roll in. To attempt to get some further site visitors to the weblog, I pitched a (a lot bigger) weight-reduction plan weblog with a visitor publish.
They liked it — a lot, they provided me a paid gig. And I made my first $20 from running a blog.
This primary $20 was swiftly adopted by extra, after which a payrise from that editor … inside a few months, I’d secured one other common freelancing gig with a distinct weblog. I’d truthfully no concept after I pitched that first visitor publish that freelance running a blog existed!
It took me eleven months to make my first $100 from AdSense … by which level I’d stop my day job to freelance for a bunch of blogs (and to comply with my fiction writing desires too, by taking a component time Masters in Inventive Writing). 9 years on, I’m nonetheless making a residing on-line, and I nonetheless do a little bit of freelance running a blog as a part of that. Alongside the way in which, I spoke at running a blog conferences and universities, and wrote Publishing E-Books For Dummies, printed by Wiley of their iconic collection.
Ali Luke – Aliventures.com
As a sports activities author and blogger, I first realized I may begin making ‘real money’ when my weblog started to develop and began receiving high quality focused site visitors.
For too lengthy, my internet site visitors numbers confirmed some promise but it surely was solely after I centered on answering folks’s questions and assist fixing their issues that that site visitors turned extra focused.
From studying just a few web advertising blogs and getting inspiration from folks like Zac Johnson, Spencer Haws and my good buddy Louie Luc, I made a decision to run some experiments with Google AdSense adverts and, in a while, affiliate hyperlinks.
My AdSense earnings had been good however I couldn’t actually depend on them as they weren’t that very a lot constant. After I added just a few affiliate hyperlinks to some particular articles, although, I used to be blown away with the outcomes!!
I bear in mind one morning checking my inbox and discovering dozens of latest affiliate earnings notifications. It was proper there that I noticed I may push it as much as the subsequent degree!
Mike Martyns – SoccerGearHQ.com
For me, I noticed it once we scaled our FB adverts from $3k a month to $10ok a month to $100ok a month. We saved rising the funds and couldn’t discover a plateau for diminishing returns. This was in 2014 after I was with a VC backed startup. My life hasn’t been the identical since.
William Harris – Elumynt
It was greater than 10 years in the past however I nonetheless keep in mind that “this it it” second vividly.
Again within the 2000’s period – Google rolled out updates each few months. Site owners would look ahead to the brand new search outcomes to go stay and research the most recent adjustments. In a type of updates, after months of exhausting work, my websites jumped into Google first web page for nearly all focused key phrases in a single day. I used to be getting 2 – 3x site visitors and affiliate gross sales. That was the second I noticed that I’m in one thing large and may go full time into online marketing.
The important thing to my success within the early days was search engine marketing. I used to be a search engine marketing nerd. I did plenty of research and testing to grasp how search engine algorithm works.
Jerry Low – Net Internet hosting Secret Revealed (WHSR)
It’s a humorous but poignant story truly:
I weblog about running a blog suggestions. My reader had a buddy who was all the time criticizing his weblog. Due to this fact, he determined to rent me as a running a blog coach. Consultations are fairly profitable. Getting employed for one-on-one teaching made me understand I may make “real” cash running a blog.
At any fee, the one that employed me had his buddy inform me what to do to assist him. We had a Three-way association in that respect.
The person who employed me has since handed away however he ended turning into among the best running a blog buddies I’ve ever had.
After I consider my late buddy. I bear in mind him fondly. Earlier than he left, he gave me the arrogance that I may make actual cash on-line. Fortunately, I’ve continued to take action ever since.
Janice Wald – MostlyBlogging.com
The time I noticed I may truly earn cash on-line was after I generated my first sale and fee from a child product assessment web site I’d created. I had no earlier expertise in online marketing after I created the positioning, however I did have a core competency doing search engine marketing and content material technique so I knew I may get natural site visitors to the positioning. However I had no clue if I may determine how you can make it worthwhile. The content material that earned me my first fee was this actually in-depth natural child mattress shopping for information that I truly wrote myself. My spouse and I simply had our first child and we’d been mattress procuring, so I had contemporary, first hand data to attract from for the information. Earlier than I monetized it, I performed outreach for the information first and it earned hyperlinks from a bunch of mother blogs, which helped it rank. After I’d completed outreach, I added Amazon Affiliate hyperlinks and Google Adsense. Inside just a few weeks, I made my first Amazon sale of an natural child mattress. It was just a few dollars fee, but it surely was actually thrilling and incentivized me to maintain going. I believe the important thing studying from that first website was doing outreach earlier than I monetized, so it didn’t appear to be my motivation was an online marketing play.
Ken Lyons – Measured SEM
My first contact with operating a enterprise on-line was in 2012 after I chatted with a very good buddy in Las Vegas. He and I come from the identical metropolis in Germany and I knew he began creating wealth on-line on the age of 14. I used to be annoyed in my job and had a nervous breakdown on the age of 23. Clearly, one thing needed to change. He suggested I comply with bloggers like Pat Flynn from Sensible Passive Revenue and research how they earn cash on-line. Being an online developer already, I shortly realized that I may promote my WordPress expertise by means of a weblog. At the moment, my final aim was to stop my job as a guide. I began my first weblog and inside seven months I made sufficient cash to stop my job.
I used the weblog (and nonetheless do) as a platform to promote my WordPress expertise. Over time the enterprise grew into an company with three full-time designers, a venture supervisor, a growth group, two co-founders, and me being the CTO. Running a blog has turn out to be much less necessary for my enterprise, as we constructed significantly highly effective relationships with corporations all around the world. They preserve us busy and we depend on networking and over-delivering to develop our company.
For 2018 nevertheless, we plan to implement a brand new running a blog technique and to considerably “revive” all of our company blogs.
Jan Koch – WP Mastery
After I noticed the primary teaching consumer’s first fee…that’s when the lights actually went on in my head. The case research I had seen had been immediately relatable—not simply aspirational. Positive, I used to be removed from being value my very own case research. However seeing these first few hundred dollars meant quite a bit.
In some methods, an much more necessary turning level occurred months later after I received my first fee of hundreds of dollars from a well-respected advertising knowledgeable. Having a world-class knowledgeable pay for me to assist them with advertising—and pay as a lot I used to make in 4 months at my final job—that, to me, meant I wasn’t simply dreaming of creating a residing off serving to folks get higher outcomes with advertising.
Peter Sandeen – PeterSandeen.com
I all the time wished to start out my very own weblog after I received into web. However, I knew it that we are able to earn cash on-line however wasn’t positive which is the suitable approach. I began All Running a blog Ideas within the final month of 2011. It shortly acquire recognition and inside Three-Four month I used to be in a position to generate my first revenue which was from a WordPress theme associates program. I began getting extra into online marketing by signing up with completely different applications which my readers would love. Inside a 12 months of beginning my weblog I noticed that YES I can truly make fairly good sum of money from my weblog. In the meantime, I additionally labored on few internet growth venture in earlier months of beginning weblog they usually had been in a position to enhance the revenue. Briefly, you possibly can truly make fairly good sum of money from running a blog, when you do your homework correctly and have some endurance.
Ammar Ali – All Running a blog Ideas
I used to be invited to talk at a big actual property convention in 2010, and whereas on the flight dwelling from Atlanta GA I used to be freaking out on the within. You see, I used to be fully broke at the moment in my life and I had spent each greenback I needed to get to that occasion so I may communicate …however with lease due in Three days and no cash in my financial institution I used to be stressed.
It should have been noticeable, as a result of I’ll always remember the second when the particular person sitting subsequent to me leaned throughout the aisle and requested … “Drew, are you okay?
Scott had been a speaker on the convention additionally, and we had turn out to be fairly good buddies in the course of the occasion. When he requested me that query I assume the severity of my state of affairs turned actual as a result of I instantly grabbed my pocket book and outlined a technique for creating wealth on-line.
Inside 15-20 minutes I had outlined a coaching course for realtors: 90 Day Weblog Blueprint.
I leaned over to Scott and confirmed him the define and requested; “do you think Realtors would pay to get access to this course?” He replied enthusiastically “Yes 100% I do!”
After I arrived dwelling, I examined the technique and was shocked …it labored! Inside 2 days of being dwelling I had made slightly over $Four,400 which was greater than sufficient to pay my lease.
From that, the Mailbox Cash System was born.
Drew Burks – EscapeTheJobLife.com
In TimeCamp, we had felt that we are able to make actual cash when the variety of paid clients began to extend. It pressured us to investigate the way in which we take care of the shoppers and perceive higher how you can encourage them to make use of time monitoring software program of their corporations. There’s a stereotype that this type of device is utilized by bosses to invigilate the workers, however in line with our customers, it’s only a delusion. A lot of the employers resolve to implement time trackers as a result of they wish to present the employees that it’s the greatest answer to enhance their time administration expertise primarily based on the productiveness studies they get on daily basis, week or month.
However the way it resulted in our on-line cash success? We began selling an acceptable tradition of enchancment amongst our present and potential customers. It straightforwardly elevated the extent of belief to our software program and triggered the income development.
Ola Rybacka – TimeCamp.com
I attempted a lot of small affiliate applications by means of the years however by no means noticed a lot in the way in which of return. It wasn’t till I began creating helpful content material to go together with fascinating affiliate applications (Amazon Associates for instance) that the month-to-month income turned definitely worth the funding.
Individuals search the web to get the solutions to questions they’ve. Often, we’re trying to study from the expertise of others earlier than shopping for a product. That is the place high-quality product critiques will be key to driving large affiliate gross sales. By being a trusted supply of data on a product persons are contemplating shopping for, they’re extremely prone to click on your affiliate hyperlinks, when you’ve put their thoughts comfy by offering an knowledgeable assessment and constructed their belief.
Excessive-quality, detailed content material is essential to being present in search outcomes the place high quality has turn out to be key to rank. Grow to be a trusted supply of data and folks will belief what you’re promoting.
Ben Brausen – BenBrausen.com
Again in 2006 I’ve already been acquainted with running a blog however I didn’t know that point that you could truly earn on-line. My first weblog was constructed out of ardour however who would have thought that it will turn out to be my doorway to on-line advertising.
Quick ahead a bit, in 2010 somebody in my connection taught me search engine marketing and opened up extra concepts about freelancing. Throughout that point, it wasn’t as rampant as now and folks would mistrust on-line jobs fearing they might fall to scams on-line. Most of the time, elder ones would inform me to ‘find a real job in the real world’ even powerful I’m constantly getting paid through distant work. And it was completely OK!
Mainly, for me making ‘real money’ was synonymous to discovering ‘career online’ which I took step throughout that 12 months. I’ve began working as a contract search engine advertising man in 2010 up till current.
Aside from the SEM companies I provide, I additionally keep collection of passive revenue producing websites I repeatedly keep. They’ve served as my guinea pigs in testing digital advertising methods particularly for search engine marketing and PPC.
Fervil Von Tripoli – FervilVon.com
I had two “aha” moments early on in my on-line profession. The primary was after I had a brick and mortar skilled companies enterprise. I used to be new to the occupation and wanted extra shoppers. It was 2006 which was comparatively early days for small enterprise on-line advertising. I didn’t have a lot of a advertising funds so I began a weblog and realized search engine marketing. Inside 6 months I had extra work than I may deal with. That was after I realized the potential of the web for constructing a enterprise.
My second “aha” second was after I hit $5,000 per thirty days in affiliate commissions through running a blog. I leveraged my search engine marketing data and began two web sites on the aspect. Inside 18 months these two websites had been incomes roughly $5,000 per thirty days. It didn’t take lengthy after that to hit 5 figures.
These had been two very vital milestones in my on-line profession that I’ll always remember.
Jon Dykstra – FatStacksBlog.com
Google AdSense is the primary technique by means of which I attempted to earn cash on-line. Although not a fast cash producing technique, AdSense was nonetheless a tried & examined and trusted technique. Additionally, because it was a free platform and the required eligibility standards had been straightforward, I discovered this technique to be one of the best from the remaining.
One other factor that I completely liked about AdSense is that it allowed me full management as to which adverts seem on my web site, which ensured that the worth proposition of my website was not compromised.
Since then I’ve moved on to Online marketing which has helped me enhance my earnings considerably. This technique has much more scope, due to the rise of quite a few on-line retailers, Amazon, being my favorite. As well as, though online marketing is difficult, when you acquire a agency foothold on this area, it may show to be fairly rewarding.
Nirav Dave – Capsicum Mediaworks
I first realized I could make actual cash on-line, after I obtain my first fee from the affiliate hyperlink on my on-line courting weblog, it a whole lot of kilos. The affiliate hyperlinks ultimately developed into personal model white label courting websites, which was much more profitable than affiliate hyperlinks.
However to get this actual cash I needed to do some good promotion. Within the previous days of search engine marketing internet directories labored very nicely. And it was sufficient to submit your website to few high quality directories and look ahead to outcome.
Evgeniy Garkaviy – Hope Spring Ecards
The second I noticed I may make ‘real money’ on-line was after I obtained my first referred consumer. As a contract author with a small portfolio to work with, and never plenty of expertise, I used to be working with just a few shoppers and making some first rate aspect cash. Which is strictly what I got down to do initially.
Nevertheless, after I obtained a chilly e-mail from an consumer, that had not solely talked about seeing my work on different, outstanding WordPress web sites, but additionally had obtained excessive reward from a consumer I used to be already working with, I knew that there was actually one thing to this freelance writing enterprise and the networking that comes together with it.
And that’s the principle technique I used to construct my freelance enterprise. – networking. Nevertheless, I additionally proceed touse my byline to direct site visitors to my web site, chilly pitch shoppers I’m all in favour of writing for, and ensure that these I already write for are all the time conscious that I’m accessible.
Lindsay Liedke – WPKube.com
I first beginning making actual cash on-line whereas consulting for a small eCommerce firm whereas getting my diploma in Web Advertising and marketing. It was a good way to check out the issues I used to be studying, and it was the primary time ever buying clients over the web. It was enjoyable and thrilling, and it received me hooked!
Harris Schachter – OptimizePri.me
I first began realizing that I may make good cash after I began making greater than my full-time job. I stop my full-time job again in 2008. In reality, it was a manufacturing unit job, and there was plenty of undesirable drama. I resigned from there as a result of the headache there wasn’t value it. Doing my very own factor labored, and I didn’t need to have another person telling me what to do on a regular basis.
Nevertheless, anybody that decides to enter their very own enterprise ought to by no means stop their “daytime job” or full-time till they’ll show to have at the very least sufficient made that they’ll survive and have further for emergencies and for my son. I by no means would’ve resigned my manufacturing unit job if I hadn’t been making sufficient to help myself or my household. It’s a threat to to depart a job on your personal enterprise when you don’t make objectives and preserve them. You by no means wish to be right here “starving artist.”
Nile Flores – Blondish.internet
To be sincere, to start with I had no concept that there was a web based world that might give us a lot cash and freedom in life. It was after I learn the e-book The Laptop computer Entrepreneur which opened up a brand new world of concepts and alternatives for me.
After that, I began my very own weblog and thru the weblog, I received plenty of freelance writing shoppers and that helped me to develop my data, find out about business SOP and earn a residing on-line. In reality, the luckiest second in my life was the time after I may give a sum of $15,000 to renovate his store. And the credit score to all these goes to my determination to step into the web world of freelance writing and running a blog
Swadhin Agrawal – DigitalGYD.com
After getting rejected to work as a barista at Starbucks 10 years in the past, I made a decision to browse the bookstore and stumbled upon a e-book on creating wealth running a blog by Problogger. I didn’t know a lot about running a blog then, however I believed it was going to be enjoyable studying about it.
I began a weblog and wrote about my ardour, which was espresso, a month later, I made my first greenback on-line by means of Adsense. It was the happiest second of my whole life.
That was after I noticed the potential of running a blog and making actual cash on-line, so I began extra blogs, optimised these blogs and monetize all of them by means of Adsense and in a while it went into sidebar adverts. I reached out to those that had been promoting on different blogs and requested them in the event that they wished to promote on mine. It was exhausting work reaching out to a whole lot of blogs, but it surely paid the payments, and it was value it. After just a few months, I flipped them for a extra vital revenue.
Aaron Lee – Wanting Peak
I believe most individuals perceive by now that you could earn cash on-line. The confusion for most individuals is how you can begin. What’s online marketing? What’s drop-shipping? Do I promote companies or merchandise? This might appear overwhelming.
For me, I began with online marketing and located distinctive methods to advertise merchandise. Not solely can I drive income from the associates, however including Adsense is a good way to complement the income on my websites that obtain above-average site visitors.
A few of these distinctive methods to drive affiliate income are to create in-depth tutorials or create instruments that hook into the affiliate merchandise API. Being an online developer, creating instruments is straightforward for me. For others, I like to recommend having a strong understanding of the area of interest you’re trying to go after with and deep understanding of the viewers.
Dario Zadro – ZadroWeb.com
I’ll simply take “online” as being concerned within the digital side of the world. It was by means of search engine marketing. It’s truly a comic story as a result of I first found search engine marketing by means of my internship for a digital advertising firm the place all I needed to do was touch upon boards, blogs, and so forth. and put hyperlinks in my feedback. Mainly, I spammed each feedback part that I discovered.
In a while, after I began my weblog, God and You, I noticed that the one viewers my website had had been my Mother and my brother. So, I made a decision, then and there, to learn the way to extend the site visitors that comes into my website. And that’s the place I noticed that search engine marketing can accomplish that a lot for an internet site. That’s after I determined to find out about search engine marketing by means of trial and error as a result of there have been no on-line tutorials, books, or another knowledge-based weblog about search engine marketing, so I needed to study all of it on my own.
That’s why I began a knowledge-based weblog, seo-hacker.com, to put in writing about every little thing that I’ve realized in my journey in educating myself about search engine marketing. Then, I went on a visit the place I met a lady, and we talked about random issues and I occur to say search engine marketing in passing. Coincidentally, her Uncle was truly on the lookout for somebody that may do search engine marketing for his or her enterprise. So, to make the lengthy story quick, the lady I met set-up a gathering between her Uncle and me, and I requested for fee in the course of the assembly (after all I instructed the Uncle that I used to be not an search engine marketing knowledgeable), and he agreed.
That’s after I realized that search engine marketing will help me acquire cash by means of the trade of my search engine marketing companies, and over time, I began my very own search engine marketing firm.
Sean Si – search engine marketing Hacker
To be frank, I wasn’t conscious of this incontrovertible fact that we are able to even earn cash from blogs. I began my first weblog to share the ideas and tips that I realized whereas experimenting with my laptop computer. I shared just a few theme modifications code snippets that I personally used to tweak the feel and appear of my web site. I used to be utilizing the Mystique WordPress theme at the moment. It was fairly a well-known theme again in 2011-2012. This theme modifications article began getting site visitors and somebody on the Web requested me if I can customise the theme in line with his wants. For a one hour job, he paid me $80. Once more, after just a few days, he employed me for the same job.
Rajesh Namase – TechLila.com
I started running a blog after I had numerous time to me and couldn’t return to my earlier search engine marketing job, as a result of my familial duties. And when Google AdSense paid me the primary buck, I noticed that there was a lot extra potential incomes to be made on-line. It was the primary technique that helped me generate my on-line revenue and as my weblog grew, I explored extra incomes alternatives.
With the launch of a number of blogs, I used to be in a position to set up my footprint. I got here throughout completely different on-line incomes applications and embraced the simplest of them. like most different bloggers, I discovered one of the best strategies after some hit and trials. The strategies that work greatest additionally fluctuate from one blogger to a different and infrequently the area of interest you might be concentrating on. Sponsored and promotional content material has additionally been an efficient technique. Moreover, I’ve additionally embraced some applications much like AdSense.
Nisha Pandey – SEOTechyWorld
My first encounter with the monetary aspect of on-line actions was in 1999. I printed a banner on a webpage and after the weekend I known as the consumer and instructed them that they’d over 10.000 views. They didn’t consider me and we tried it out the week after. The outcomes had been even higher, over 12.000 views. In 1999, we measured customer’s trough a go to counter on the web page. After this expertise, the consumer was keen to make use of banners/ digital advertising and didn’t hesitate to make use of cash on these actions. This additionally resulted in some huge cash occurring testing out what sort of message and design labored. The large (luxurious) drawback at the moment was that every little thing labored.
After these exams and expertise, I noticed that this needed to be one of the best and simplest advertising an organization can do. I used to be impressed with the way in which the advertising labored, imagining that the person is lively and centered on a display screen in entrance of them. As an alternative of strolling subsequent to a poster, listening to radio or watching TV.
I truly didn’t take into consideration the cash, I simply wished to study extra and “ride the internet wave”, and I’m nonetheless using the wave!
Slavisa Gacic – Nettrafikk.no _
I noticed I may earn cash on-line in 2002. I used to be consulting with a DVD etailer serving to them withbusiness growth instruments. I advised to the CEO that we must always attempt to get some site visitors from search engines like google, and he stated to me “Eric, great idea, go do it.” I began engaged on enhancing web page content material, and a 12 months later we had been doing tens of millions of dollars per 12 months from search.
Following that, I received concerned in a small startup with one enterprise accomplice, with a plan to develop the nice majority of our site visitors from search engine marketing. It was an schooling lead gen website. The method we used was that we created tons of content material. We wrote distinctive descriptions of a whole lot of faculties, and likewise for various diploma applications and metropolis school pages.
It labored extraordinarily nicely, and the positioning was very profitable. Primarily based on these early successes, I began doing plenty of search engine marketing consulting as nicely, and that’s what grew into Stone Temple Consulting.
Eric Enge – StoneTemple.com
It’s Time to Begin Making Even MORE Cash On-line!
If you’re already making good cash on-line, congrats! If not, proper now’s one of the best time to get began. With so many alternative methods to earn cash on-line, there’s actually no motive so that you can be sitting on the sidelines for much longer.
For anybody that desires to make use of the excuse they don’t have time or cash, that’s all it’s — an excuse. How a lot time are you spending watching TV each night time? And the way a lot cash are you losing on stuff you don’t want?
With that being stated, beginning a weblog is likely one of the best and most cost-effective methods to get began with a web based enterprise or model of your personal. It actually prices pennies per day, and is one thing that you could construct up and create in your spare time.
Don’t let 2018 be one other 12 months of “I wish I did that…” — take motion at this time!
from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/70-private-tales-on-tips-on-how-to-make-critical-cash-on-line/
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webart-studio · 6 years
10 Methods Affiliate Advertising and marketing Will Remodel Your eCommerce Enterprise
You’re all the time searching for an excellent advice, proper?
Chinese language meals, automotive mechanic, or the most recent tech gadget – we wish affirmation from somebody we belief that it’s an excellent purchase.
Primarily, affiliate marketing online is the eCommerce model of product promotion by a web based influencer.
Online marketing could be the strategic transfer you must enhance gross sales and join with purchasers you in any other case would by no means attain.
By 2020, U.S. affiliate marketing online spend is anticipated to rise to $6.Eight billion.
81% of manufacturers use affiliate marketing online packages.
16% of all on-line orders are generated by affiliate marketing online,
What is affiliate marketing online?
Online marketing is likely one of the solely advertising channels that provides a 100 p.c return on funding each time. It’s one of many solely techniques that let you pay for advertising spend after the sale.
The affiliate marketing online course of includes the service provider – that’s you – and the affiliate. The affiliate, or writer, is the corporate or person that promotes your merchandise and model on their web site. Your affiliate receives a fee when somebody clicks by to your web site and makes a purchase order.
One of the best associates can have:
A trusted web site that generates site visitors.
Up to date content material.
Affect on their viewers.
Invaluable content material (weblog, product critiques, how-to guides).
For the reason that affiliate is relying on commissions, you’ll want a sport plan for changing your website guests to product consumers. It’s all about offering associates with the best earnings per click on (EPC). Even in case you work with the most effective associates, they’ll promote your merchandise much less and change their focus to different eCommerce websites which have increased conversion charges and EPCs, so you must be strategic in your strategy.
With 38% of entrepreneurs calling affiliate marketing online certainly one of their prime buyer acquisition strategies, it’s value including to your eCommerce technique.
Listed here are 10 methods affiliate marketing online will rework your eCommerce enterprise.
1. Not directly develop your gross sales staff
Your entrepreneurial juices are flowing and also you’re able to develop your eCommerce enterprise with out limits. Should you’re only one particular person or a small group, affiliate marketing online can immediately broaden your oblique gross sales staff to incorporate specialists in your area of interest and past.
Associates are expert in driving high quality site visitors to your website.
High quality site visitors = Extra conversions.
Extra conversions = Greater income.
Greater income = Extra alternative to develop your eCommerce enterprise.
A extremely certified oblique gross sales staff that doesn’t waste time designing conventional advertisements, getting them permitted, and monitoring their progress? We’ll name {that a} advertising win.
2. Enhance buyer loyalty
Clients that proceed to help your model over time will spend 67 p.c greater than new prospects. Online marketing permits you to profit from the belief and experience of your chosen associates.
When a social influencer, affiliate marketing online blogger, or movie star indicators off in your product, they create their viewers with them. G-Shock has its personal set of followers and prospects, however now they’re benefitting from @elorabee and her almost 183,000 Instagram followers.
Picture Supply
3. A number of paths to conversion
What does success seem like on your eCommerce enterprise? In contrast to digital promoting, affiliate marketing online permits you to select what your profitable conversion can be by manually setting incentives. Select from conversions like:
Sale of a specific product.
E-mail seize.
Filling out a survey type.
Downloading a how-to information.
You may manually set incentives by affiliate marketing online by providing commissions on the success of your alternative. Your eCommerce enterprise is exclusive, so the way you fee success ought to be simply as distinctive.
Plus, affiliate marketing online rapidly will get your eCommerce web site in entrance of extra eyeballs by that includes your merchandise throughout the net. As a substitute of engaged on getting 1,000 new guests to a product web page, you may leverage a high traffic affiliate website and get guests to your website that approach.
Be certain to work together with your affiliate companions to optimize the trail to conversion. You must have them focus in your highest common order merchandise and ship site visitors to your highest changing pages to maximise affect.
4. Higher budgeting and ROI
You don’t need to spend a great deal of money hoping your advertisements hit the appropriate viewers or that Fb and Google’s algorithms gained’t change in a single day.
It doesn’t matter in case your advertising price range has a few commas otherwise you’re shaking your piggy financial institution, affiliate marketing online permits you to extra exactly price range for advertising campaigns.
It’s easy: Select your conversion goal. Supply commissions. Earn a living.
Since you solely pay out when merchandise promote, you should use your advertising price range for different income streams – sponsoring social media influencer posts, social media, or distinctive content material creation optimized together with your key phrases.
Plus, eCommerce affiliate marketing online has an unbelievable ROI. Because you’re paying a small share for every sale generated (usually 3-10%, primarily based in your vertical), you may see a return on advert spend of 10:1 or extra. After factoring in your merchandise COGS (price of products bought), revenue margin, and affiliate fee, you need to nonetheless have room for some stable income.
Most eCommerce affiliate marketing online commissions are paid out primarily based on a share of the product’s sale price. And you’ll set completely different commissions for various affiliate companions. For instance, you might wish to ship a coupon or loyalty website an IO (insertion order) with a fee of three%, whereas sending an influential blogger an IO with a fee of 10%. Get artistic! Inside your affiliate platform, you may create a number of affords on your associates. You simply wish to be sure to are as aggressive as doable – verify your competitor’s affiliate packages and match or beat their fee charges.
5. Improve credibility
When an affiliate promotes your service or product, you should use that promotion so as to add credibility to your small business. Use pictures, icons, or textual content to publicize the place your model has been used and reviewed.
Chelsea Krost, a prime influencer, showcases the place her model has been publicized with an “As Seen On” part on her homepage.
Picture Supply
6. Develop model ambassadors
Individuals are speaking about your model, and in case you’re not main the dialog, you might be unaware of what potential prospects are studying. Online marketing places your model within the arms of influencers who assist create model ambassadors.
When reliable influencers weblog about your merchandise, submit photographs of them or function them in movies, they’re telling all their followers and followers that your model is superior. It’s permitted, and 82 p.c of shoppers say they’re extremely more likely to comply with a advice made by an influencer.
Based on a survey of greater than 4,000 social media customers from the U.S. and Europe, an influencer:
Has 10,000+ followers.
Is somebody who manufacturers contact to assist promote services and products.
Shares data on manufacturers they love and critiques well-liked merchandise.
Is taken into account an professional of their area of interest.
The influencer’s followers grow to be your new model ambassadors by attempting the merchandise, posting in regards to the merchandise, and sending much more site visitors to your eCommerce website.
7. Consumer-generated content material overload
Have you ever ever sat down at your pc and had nothing? It’s a couldn’t-create-something-good-if-the-business-depended-on-it form of day. One very evident approach during which affiliate marketing online enhances your eCommerce enterprise is with UGC (user-generated content material).
Even for the Instagrammers who don’t have mass followings, this will make a distinction. Right here’s why:
The overwhelming majority of shoppers (92 p.c) say they flip to folks they know for referrals above some other supply.
Twice the quantity of gross sales are generated by word-of-mouth in comparison with paid advertisements.
Practically three-fourths of all shoppers rely upon social media for details about a product.
84 p.c of shoppers say they’ll go together with peer suggestions above all different promoting strategies.
When your followers and followers snap photographs, depart critiques, or submit movies about your product, use that content material as advertising energy. It’s all the time higher to have another person say what a killer model you might have than to proclaim it your self.
8. Tailor-made target market
With most paid advertisements, there’s a course of to focus on who sees your content material. You may goal prospects from traits like revenue and geographical location all the way down to hobbies and whether or not they want entire milk or soy of their cafè mocha (perhaps not but, however we’re shut).
However how have you learnt if these viewers members are truly seeing your paid advertisements?
And whenever you funnel your advertising money to Google Adverts or different comparable platforms, are the referral URLs what you’ll count on?
With affiliate marketing online, you management the place – and to whom – your model is marketed. You get to hand-select the web sites and companions that may promote your identify. Take management of the place your eCommerce model is being promoted with affiliate marketing online.
9. Speedy outcomes
Do you know that it takes 6 to 9 months to see the outcomes of a standard digital advertising marketing campaign? You may construct a home (or two), have a baby, or enhance your credit score rating in that period of time.
With affiliate marketing online, you’re counting on a company or influencer that already has on-line credibility, so there’s no educating, retargeting, or e-mail stalking to lure prospects to your web site.
One of many causes affiliate marketing online is so useful is that getting prospects is simple (whenever you evaluate it to a 9-month timeline anticipated from different advertising efforts). Fast buyer acquisition means you see instant outcomes with income and on-line site visitors.
You merely join an affiliate marketing online platform and start sending affords to associates. As soon as they settle for, they’ll start selling you an identical day. It’s a a lot speedier course of than website positioning, content material advertising, or different digital techniques.
10. Develop your area of interest
As a result of understanding your viewers is likely one of the first – and most essential – parts of promoting, affiliate marketing online is essential to your eCommerce development. Affiliate outcomes show you how to develop a distinct segment and plant your merchandise instantly in entrance of engaged, prospects.
What manufacturers are they following?
Which influencers have an effect?
What sort of content material do they discover partaking?
If you companion with associates to market your model, you study extra about your viewers. By means of evaluating your affiliate successes (and the not-so-effective ones), you acquire perception into the place your viewers hangs out on-line.
You want an affiliate marketing online technique to reinforce your relationship with prospects and strengthen partnerships with companies and social influencers you admire. This low-risk advertising model supplies perception into buyer conduct, helps you develop new methods for development, and finally boosts your income. Whereas the tactic will name on your time and vitality at first, you’ll quickly be properly entrenched in your particular area of interest with time to deal with what issues to you – operating your small business.
Visitor writer: Adam Enfroy is the Affiliate Partnerships Supervisor at BigCommerce. He’s keen about leveraging the appropriate strategic partnerships and software program to scale digital development. Adam lives in Austin, TX and writes about launching facet companies whereas working full time at adamenfroy.com.
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baehkhun · 6 years
dating older cougars
It is usually true that Sara tends to be idealistic however she can also be older cougar chat dedicated to never just settle in an effort to have a man. Sara tried to keep the conversations from getting too deep. Let’s face it, the courting scene right now is stuffed with younger folk who don’t know what it’s like up to now somebody. It’s free to register, search and try messages you’ve been despatched, however you’ll have to subscribe to reply or send the first message yourself. Over 60s dating isn’t normally something we grew up hearing about - in lots of cultures it’s been custom to remain single if you’ve misplaced a partner in your sixties. LoveBeginsAt stands out from other over 60s courting websites on the power of its search features and community. Meeting like minded individuals of an analogous generation through traditional means in our hectic fashionable lives just isn't so easy anymore that is why online dating sites like 'over 60s online courting' have change into so in style. Many senior people begin to suppose "the place can I meet native singles in my very own age group?" That is the place the web senior dating site come into help.
When you discover somebody you like, eHarmony will also assist you kick off the dialog. OurTime is a courting site which caters to the needs of singles over 50. Not only that however many individuals really use the positioning to seek out somebody to talk to. Bear in mind though that the people you'll meet online, or at actions, are going to be in an identical position. Life may be fun when you're dating. Needing a couple of extra pointers on making probably the most out of online courting? It works more than a relationship sites for older singles. Enterprise Insider estimates these numbers to grow to 2 billion folks and 22% by 2050. In accordance with the US Census, single seniors make up more than 17.7% of the US population. Be certain you're taking full advantage of our features and create an account that lets people know all your best bits.
You'll be able to create a free account using your e-mail or Fb profile, which is the sooner route as a result of it’ll pull in your info and photo. Try a free LoveBeginsAt profile immediately and begin your new courting adventure. I agree that online relationship may be very risky business. What are the most effective on-line relationship websites for over 50s? This implies most senior citizens prepared to hitch senior courting sites with members above 50.Are senior dating websites for over 50 mean all of the members are 50 plus? There are actually many dating sites for over 60 singles, however, this is claimed to be the most efficient and successful one. Nevertheless, it is likely to be clever for someone at the age of fifty to sign on with a senior courting site. How long has the positioning been providing the providers and how many energetic members does it have? They've been married for a few years and have two daughters together.
I'll should go check out your hubs now. I shall surely read your other hubs. You must read my newest as I blogged about Napkin Man which is the nickname for my date. There have been concerns about scammers on the platform, and this must have prompted the overly detailed web page catering to safety and precautions while using the positioning. While you will undoubtedly have heard of internet dating, the term might be all you find out about it. This dating catastrophe grew to become my first humorous internet story. The ritual of internet courting may differ from that of conventional courting some a long time ago, but it does not take long to get the hold of it - and you're by no means too previous to study! Been there some decades ago, and he was a mess. There are hundreds of online courting sites on the internet, which is why it may be difficult for the uninitiated to know where to start.
Courting sites for singles over 60 are designed to allow you to be your self and so they honor the fact that you have numerous expertise below your belt. What number of Funny Tales have you had with dating? Ironically I have freelance job writing date ideas for Seattle, do not judge a job is a job that pays at this point. You’ll find all the pieces from virtual winks to blog posts about the most effective first date ideas. First you'll want to find a velocity dating firm that holds offline occasions. This means at the beginning signing up with the appropriate dating service. Whether or not you’re divorced, widowed or just haven’t met the proper individual but, we’ll introduce you to singles over 60 who share your core values - these actually essential things that completely satisfied, long-lasting relationships are built on. Nevertheless it isn't sufficient to only be a part of a senior relationship service, and then sit back and look forward to things to occur. Through the mature singles free dating function the relatively 1st mobile courting company you choose to attempt won’t satisfy your wants subsequently make certain to take to your some others. Does it matter which on-line dating site you choose? Mekenzie, you did a implausible job on setting up the scenario and constructing the anxiety.
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The Advantages Of 60 Plus Dating
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A couple of years ago, my old senior high school boyfriend and I had the oppertunity to reconnect. Together in high school graduation for about annually and a half, we lived cardiovascular romance thinking our hearts would be bonded forever. Ultimately, two colleges and a four-hour car ride broke us up. Our lives don't connected on a regular basis and our activities were too different to maintain the connection going. I was the one that ended it with fundamentally the sentence "We are done, do not call me again." Click. One of the hardest hurdles to jump could be the first one through this a mean escaping . and doing something. You need to get moving, whether it be joining a gym the first time, walking, aerobics or cycling you aim would be to enhance your metabolic process and burn up those calories. Losing weight isn't rocket science, if you burn off more calories than you eat you will learn to shed the weight. Exercise will likely lessen your blood pressure level and even more importantly cause you to feel better.
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This is a man who is able to build your heart skip a beat by considering him. His words are customized on your ears to know so that you fall quick and hard for him. Hottie doesn't come up with a good boyfriend. He's all about him. He will show you he loves you one minute and break your heart the next. Everyone wants him and he knows it and yes it doesn't take much for him to lower you to definitely pursue somebody else. Stay away until you love being using a man who moves from woman to woman like it's his job! Dating sites certainly are a secure and confidential meeting examine talk and flirt to others. The convenience of online dating means there is absolutely no pressure to fulfill up if before too long you really feel they are not good for you. We also see privacy being an important factor in terms of dating and the conversations you have are merely between your both of you. Mature dating is therefore becoming a lot more popular with an increase in members daily. Join how to find your perfect match! Under normal circumstances, it may be nearly impossible to find a mate or partner that suits your interests and background. The online websites have added another dimension to dating. You can easily flick through countless profiles and zero in on the once that you can feel inclined to satisfy face-to-face. There is huge variety in choices within the virtual whole world of internet dating. Selection could be on first step toward age, sexual preferences, social standing, education and a lot of other factors.
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topicprinter · 7 years
Hey good people! So - I have been obsessing over Instagram for a bit more than an year and I have been through so much. I can't even begin to tell you.In the following blog I will share with you all my experiences, failures and successes with facts backing me up.I started out on Instagram with a Travel niche account about 11 months ago. This account I wanted to build 100% genuinely. No botting. No faking. Nothing. I spent 3-4 hours a day on Instagram. Liking and commenting on content that I actually adored. Not just spamming likes/comments to get attention.It took a lot of patience. I started with 700 followers (family/friends mostly) and ended up with 11.3K followers. We are talking about 3-4 hours a day for 11 freaking months.During these 11 months. I've done everything from buying and using virtually every bot out there. Opening around 30 accounts with different niches (botted). Buying offshore servers and running Fake Agent scripts. FL, MP, VT - I did it all. I bought 1000 Instagram accounts at one point. I botted them. Lost 300 of those accounts (got caught) - other 700 are still running. Spent a fortune on proxies, VPN, VPS, off-shore servers, FA, Bots and PVA accounts.Let me back up a bit (Glossary) VPN / VPS (Virtual private servers - I can't bot 1000 accounts on my laptop. I had to buy access to VPS with high config (24 cores / 64 gb ram) to run bots as they are resource intensive Proxies/IP (You can run 5 Instagram accounts on one IP address. So on my main IP (home) I ran 5 accounts. If I ran more than 5 I would get blocked. So I bought proxies. (dedicated proxies) I ran 3 accounts per proxy. FL,MP, VT - These are just some of the bots I used.Here is what I learned overtime. Something you will eventually realize yourself. Most of this you already know.FACTS / LESSONS1. Instagram IntroInstagram isn't stupid. Botting is not going to help in the long run. Yes I did manage to grow accounts from 0 to 38K in like 6 months but those days are long gone. Instagram has improved a lot! Its literally working 24x7 to crack down on these bots. So - this is a NO NO. Once again - this could have been done before. But no longer. Every other day I'm running into new problems with botting. My advice - don't chase this. (FL,MP ... all will soon go off)2. The Righteous MenGrowing 100% genuine is retarded. And I was one of the retards. Face it. Everyone is doing hanky panky with social media. Politicians, Celebs, Kids ... everyone.https://gizmodo.com/5970857/youtube-took-2-billion-views-away-from-sony-universal-and-others https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hhhuuRGfaU& http://www.refinery29.com/2017/06/157127/katy-perry-fake-twitter-followersAs you can see - everyone from Sony to Katy Perry to POTUS has fake followers. So - you are the one who is losing out by not making any hanky panky. This is a FACT.You can never grow BIG by being righteous unless you wanna waste a decade on it. If you got time. Then you can.3. World of SpamEven kids have learned to spam and grow. This has become a trend. Look into follow train / like train. Find out on Instagram about this. You will see what I mean.Example: https://www.instagram.com/p/BbyinUwlVtx/?taken-by=kyliejennerLatest post by famous Kylie Jenner. See her comments. You'll find tens of thousands of teens commenting LB, CB and some other non sense. These are SPAM tactics used by teens and kids. LB = Like back. You like their photo. They'll like back. CB = comment back. FB = follow back.WHY THE HELL DO YOU THINK EVERY ONE IS RESORTING TO FAKE FOLLOWERS, SPAM TACTICS, FAKE VIEWS, PODS, BOTS? (Something to think about)Anyways - you can spam on top celeb accounts (LB,CB) and if you are obsessed with it. You can get 1-2k likes and upto 100 comments. (Res assured these comments will be SUPER generic and copy paste)4. Engagement PodsTo me this was the closest way to make engagement happen. These are groups of people on Slack, Telegram, Whatsapp and EVEN in Instagram DMs who engage with each other.Its simple. I will like your photo. You like mine.But these 'pods' (if you find the right ones) are well moderated by admins - have decent people. Good quality Instagram accounts and all.You can safely get 2K likes and 500+ comments if you are in the right pods. It will be a lot of work but its worth itThe trick to engagement pods is to join ones that have high quality bloggers. There are also some networks that have exclusive pods for 10k+ accounts, 50k+ accounts and 100k+ accounts. You can imagine what miracles these can do for your posts. Getting 100 comments and 1000 likes from 100K+ profiles is MAGICAL.Advice - DO NOT use engagement pods that have 'rounds'. Those are filled with spam like / CPA Instagrammers who are there only for the purpose of scamming people.Join engagement pods that are of continuous cycle. I'll make a post on engagement pods and secrets to using them if I get a lot of requests for those down below.5. Holy Grail - the Instagram AlgorithmWhile everyone will beat around the bush as they don't know any better. At the time of this article being published - this is Instagram Algorithm.Instagram gives you 3 options to go big. 1. Pay them cash ( a ton of it - my advice? NEVER do that unless you're a millionaire) 2. Reach top post page for your hashtag (this will get you noticed between your niche audience) 3. Reach explore page (this is just pushing your content out into the 'front page' of Instagram)Lets talk about 2 and 3. Algorithm =If your post gets a TON of traction within first 60 minutes of going live on Instagram you will reach top post page for your hashtag.Case Study - I reach top post page for the most competitive hashtag once while learning about this.love (hashtag love)I made a post and injected 30,000+ likes to it (purchased) within first 10 minutes of post going live. I then managed to get 50 comments from 100K+ profiles via engagement pods.By 15th minute I was on #love top post page.This is how to reach the top post page.Lets say your hashag is #travel. You wanna get to top post page for that? Its easy. Search for #travel and see top posts under that and see how many likes they are getting. Find out average likes of all posts under top post page.So among 9 posts maybe average likes is 7000 likes for #travel.You need to get 7000++++ likes within first 60 minutes to reach top post page for that hashtag.If the hashtag is BIG and you keep your engagement running for first 60 minutes then you will probably stay on top post page for 24 hours.RESULT? Millions of people will naturally bump into your post. Make it pretty so they end up following you.LESSON Faking likes and reaching top post page = real traffic + real likes + real people / followersAbout reach explore page. You need way more traction than this.Technique is to reach top post page for 15 competitive hashtags. That by itself pushes your posts to explore.CASE : Once I targeted 30 top hashtags. Injected 30k likes to my post. Managed to get 177 comments in under 60 minutes via engagement pods from HQ accounts (10k+,50K+,100k+) ...I hit the explore page.RESULT? I gained 1100 followers in under 24 hours. They all engage with me till this day.This can be down on a massive scale.6. Content is KingYes it is. But everyone has good content these days. Every kid is decent at Photoshop and Lightroom and every iPhone is capable of doing wonderful things in terms of photography.Content is king - I guess so. Don't sweat on it. That part everyone can do and easy.Thats all for now. God damn. Haha. I had a lot on my plate I guess. Haha.One more thing - this is all that I have seen and noticed. Not encouraging anyone to juice stats or leave bots that they are already using or start buying fake shit. Do what you feel is right.I'll do another post on this sharing in depth about each topic (Engagement Pod, IG Algo in depth, Techniques used by Celebs, Social agencies to grow fast by faking it)Let me know if you guys need any of those topics covered!Cheers!
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djsamaha-blog · 7 years
Mom Bossing: How the Rules of Productivity & Online Work Change with Parenthood
I started my first online business in 2010, when I was a college student still scraping my way through school.
By 2015 I felt like I had gotten the hang of this online business,freelancing, and blogging thing. So I started Unsettle.
I wrote about things like productivity — why you need to set a schedule, engineer your environment, find what works and do more of it, and sometimes, take some serious risk to get where you want to go.
Those things still work, for most people.
But they don’t always work for me, or another small but mighty portion of the online entrepreneur population:
The new parent.
As a new mom of a 6-month old preemie, online business owner, content marketer and digital nomad, these are the lessons I’ve learned being pregnant with, delivering and raising a baby.
Lesson #1: Babies Are The Best Kept Productivity Secret
I’ve had a few people tell me that they fear becoming a parent will give them less time to work on their businesses.
To that, I’d say it’s true.
Between feeds and appointments and entertaining your little one, you have a lot less free time to build your side hustle or grow your empire.
But the time you do have you’ll spend far more productively.
I noticed this before I had Poppy with my coaching clients. My clients who are parents are bosses. They accomplish more in a single day than I used to in an entire week.
People like…
Tracy, one of my favorite clients and Unsettler from way back when, who has a day job, a 3 year old, a busy travel schedule and still has managed to grow her blog into an incredibly popular authority site on natural parenting.
Margot, another one of my favorite clients, who started her ecommerce business in 2016 when her son was still new, and has built it into an empire that has allowed her to quit her job and start a clothing manufacturing branch in the Philippines.
I have many theories as to why having families seem to spark so much effectiveness, but there are two main reasons:
Higher stakes. A few years ago, I quit my job in corporate HR to pursue my blog and freelancing full time from anywhere I pleased. That was easily one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, but the stakes were not very high. I could have failed and been fine. But now, I can’t fail. The stakes are higher. So I work.
Constraints. I used to have all day every day to write an article if I had a deadline. Now, I have to get my work done during the day otherwise I don’t get to spend time with my daughter.
Babies are the best kept productivity secret I’ve ever seen…
Just don’t do something stupid like have a baby just to become more productive 😉
How to Make it Work
I’m convinced that one of the reasons babies are such amazing productivity secrets is because they add accountability.
Think about it: when your boss or a client has given you a deadline, you meet it. Right?
It’s no different with your baby. You have multiple deadlines to hit throughout the day – one nap can mean you have 1 hour or less to finish an article, send pitches, or meet a deadline.
Do this to make sure you hit those deadlines and avoid getting sidetracked:
1) Get an accountability partner. Having an accountability partner skyrocketed my productivity when I started Unsettle. Our quick check-ins gave me the extra push I needed to show up and get the work done, otherwise I would 1) appear uncommitted to my work and 2) have to pay a penalty we negotiated in advance. I didn’t want either of those things, so I got shit done. Even if you feel intimidated to reach out to someone, don’t skip this step. Finding an accountability partner is productivity magic:
Fantastic accountability partners and where to find them: The first step is identifying your ideal partner. Remember that an accountability partner is someone who shares similar goals and is in a similar position as you, so look for them in places you would hang out:
Facebook groups in your niche. FB groups are ideal for beginners. If you don’t have an online network or belong to any groups yet, this is the place to start.
Search and join groups in your specific niche. Type your niche in the search bar, select “Groups”, and ask to join the top results.
The influencers you follow online might have their own private FB groups, and here’s where you’ll find engaged communities filled with ambitious people who have similar goals and obstacles as you. Don’t forget to join other unsettlers at the Unsettle FB group 😉
Get active in the groups. Ask questions, respond to other people’s posts, and contribute positively so you can get to know the members in the group. They’ll probably have the same questions and challenges as you.
Groups from online courses. If you’ve ever bought an online course, you already have access to a like-minded community. Your fellow course takers share some of your challenges and objectives,so they would be perfect accountability partners. Most courses have a dedicated FB group where you can talk to other members.
Instagram communities. Connecting with people through Instagram is easier than you think. If you are focusing your efforts on IG and posting on a constant basis, this is a great place to find other creators and entrepreneurs, even if you don’t have many followers.
Search community-related hashtags. For example, let’s say you’re in the photography space. You would search for #photographersofinstagram #photographerslife and #photographytips
Click the top photos and check the account of each photographer.
Look for two things in each account: a style you like and similar follower size.
Follow the accounts that fit this criteria and start interacting with them. Like their posts, comment, and respond to their stories. They will notice and do the same for you. From here you can start a genuine conversation through DMs and become friends.
Alternatively, you can also find these accounts in the comments of influencers’ photos. Go through the comments of your favorite IG accounts and you’ll find smaller but cool accounts just like yours.
Reach out: Now that you are part of engaged communities, reach out to someone you you’d like to partner up with. Use and tweak this script as need:
Script: Finding an accountability partner
Hi ,
My name is and I’m a fellow member of the Unsettle private Facebook group.
I set a goal for myself to achieve . I noticed that we both have very similar goals so I decided to reach out to you. I’m looking for someone to keep me accountable. This would include weekly 30-minute check-in calls to make sure we’re both on track to reach our goals.
Would you be interested in being accountability partners? If so, I’m available for our first accountability call:
Tuesday, after 7pm EST
Thursday, between 5pm and 8pm EST
Sunday, any time after 2pm EST
Set up a schedule: If you both agree to partner up, set up a check-in schedule. I recommend you check in twice a day – in the morning to tell each other your daily goals, and in the evening to talk about your progress. You can use any platform you like – Skype, Slack, Facebook, etc. It’s important you stick to your check-in schedule so neither of you falls of the wagon. Speaking of sticking to something…
2) Use Stickk or another goal-setting platform to help increase the stakes. Stickk lets you set a specific goal along with a monetary penalty if you don’t do what it takes to achieve that goal. The pressure of losing money lights a bigger fire under your belly to do whatever it takes to crush your objectives. Use this app with your accountability partner to raise the bar.
First, create an account on Stickk. Then…
Set your goal. Let’s say you want to grow your photography biz in the next 6 months:
Add the specifics. What will you do to reach that goal? How long will it take? When will you start? When will you report to your partner?
Choose your punishment for not sticking to your goal. You have several options:
Donating to an anti-charity: This option sends your money to a charity that goes against your values.
Donating to a charity: Stickk sends your money away to a random (good) charity.
Sending money to an enemy.
Sending money to a friend.
No money involved (don’t take the easy route with this option though!)
Optional: Add a referee. You have the option to add a third party that will verify you’re sticking to your agreement, but it’s not necessary.
Add your partner. The final step is to add your partner on Stickk.
Now that you and your partner know each other’s goals, created a check-in schedule, and raised the stakes, you can start pushing each other to smash those goals.
Ready to skyrocket your productivity? Click here to download the accountability partner agreement, along with all my SOPs + worksheets in a super handy swipe file.
Lesson #2: Deep Work Only Works When You’re Not on Baby Duty
When I was pregnant, I read the book Deep Work by Cal Newport.
It’s one of the best productivity books I’ve ever read, about ruthlessly cutting out all distractions to focus on “deep work” – the important stuff.
Deep work is a seriously crucial aspect of productivity, but I cringe at my previous self, who would say blanket statements like…
“If you’re really committed you’ll wake up earlier and do the work”
“If you let yourself get distracted when you’re in flow, you’re not serious”.
These blanket statements don’t apply to everyone.
I’m sitting here working on a Saturday afternoon, my baby wrapped like a burrito next to me on the couch. I periodically make sure that she’s breathing, because she’s sleeping and has been for a couple of hours, a rare long afternoon nap.
But every once in awhile, she begins to stir and my focus breaks.
That task-switching thing I’m always ragging on my clients to stop? That’s become the norm, at least in this work session and any work session I do while I’m on baby duty.
How to Make it Work
Studies show that scheduling your tasks makes you 3x times more likely to follow through than just winging it. In one study, researchers measured the effects of motivation on exercise. They compared the difference between motivation alone vs motivation + intention (planning). Here’s what they found:
The Control Group was instructed to keep track of how often they exercised over the course of two weeks, and given a few lines of a neutral book to read. The results: 38% of participants exercised.
Group A (Motivation) was also instructed to keep track of exercise frequency, but instead of reading the portion of the neutral novel, they were told to read a pamphlet outlining the benefits of exercise on heart disease risk. The result: 35% of subjects exercised.
Group B (Intention) was treated the same as the Motivation group, except for one thing: they were also asked to set a schedule for when they would get exercise over the course of the two weeks, as well as how long the workout would be and where it would take place. The result? An impressive 91% of participants exercised.
The study concluded that setting an intention allowed people to delegate control of their behaviour to the environmental cues (their schedule), so when they see their schedule, it triggers an automatic behaviour.
In other words, the decision to exercise was pre-made, so they didn’t struggle with it when the time came.
You will be more effective if you plan your future decisions and actions, instead of depending on your fleeting motivation every time you have to get something done.
The best thing you can do for your business right now is to set a clear plan of attack. It will let you make the most out of your shorter work hours.
There are two ways you can make it work:
Schedule and have your partner watch the baby. If you’re the primary caretaker, this might mean you have to work in the evening when your partner gets home from work. It sucks, but it works.
Work during your baby’s naps. This will not be possible during certain periods of your baby’s babyhood. When kiddo is a very new newborn, she’ll sleep around the clock, but you’ll either be adjusting to having a new baby or recovering from pushing that baby out, so it’s not realistic to tell you that you’ll be able to get much done in that time period. When Poppy turned around 4 months old, she began taking longer naps twice a day though, which allowed Ryan to put more time into Adventure Baby.
Lesson #3: My “Why” Has Completely Changed
When I quit the corporate rat race in 2014, lifestyle design was my main MO.
The goal? To be able to travel whenever I wanted, without asking for permission from a “boss” and fight for three weeks of vacation each year.
Now, lifestyle design is still the main reason behind why I love working online, but the goal is different.
Not only do I have to make sure that I’m, you know, providing for my family (I’m the primary breadwinner right now as Ryan’s on parental leave), it’s incredibly important Poppy to see me handling it.
I’m not going to pretend it’s all sunshine and rainbows, because that won’t serve her.
But I do want my daughter to not only know that she has options, but see us as an example of the ability to pursue those options.
Robust research shows that children of working mothers:
“Completed more years of education, were more likely to be employed and in supervisory roles and earned higher income”.
I want Poppy to see me working hard in a career and business that I love. I want her to know she doesn’t have to lose herself in her family (if she chooses to have one). And I want her to have the confidence to pursue the life she wants, too.
My “why” has evolved so drastically in the 5 short months she’s been my baby.
How to Make it Work
“Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress; working hard for something we love is called passion.” – Simon Sinek
The “why” behind the mission of your business is less important than why you have a business.
Having a business is no longer only about padding my savings account or earning the freedom to work wherever I want.
Those things are still important, but being the role model my daughter deserves has become much more important.
Here are a few ways to “find your why” and use it as a motivating factor to keep going:
Step 1: Do the Perfect Day exercise
First, grab a pen and piece of paper.
Now, close your eyes and picture the perfect day. Picture it in insane detail. If you woke up tomorrow in your perfect life, what would that look like?
Think about:
What time you'd wake up
Where you are (country, city, physical location)
What type of place you'd live in (money being no object)
Who you would wake up next to
What you'd do when you first woke up
What you'd eat
What you’d wear
Who you'd interact with
The type of work you'd do
What you'd do for fun
What your schedule would look like for the day
The skills you’d have
How much time you’d spend with your baby
When you open your eyes and you have a good grasp of what your perfect day looks like, write it down. There are three reasons this is a great exercise:
Knowing what your perfect day looks like helps you make it become a reality.
Daydreaming about your perfect day will make your vision crystal clear. You’ll uncover your true motivation – your why -, and you’ll know exactly what to pursue.
This exercise is not only the destination, but the roadmap.
When you have your vision of your perfect day, it acts as a roadmap for all of your decisions.
You can use it to filter every choice you make from now on.
If an “opportunity” crops up that you need to make a decision about, whether you take it depends on whether it helps you reach that perfect day, or whether the you in that perfect day would take the opportunity.
You'll get a renewed sense of your priorities and interests
When I did this exercise, in my daydream I woke up in a mid-sized house near the lake. I had never really defined my ideal home before, but that made it very clear to me that my priorities did not lie with having a mansion or a condo in the city.
The work I was doing in my daydream was work that allowed me to be location independent, work in a home office and give me the flexibility to make my own hours.
Digging deep into what you truly want will make your priorities obvious, and make it easier to let go of anything that doesn’t fit your vision.
Hint: The last time I did this, it was 2 years ago and now I’m living almost the exact life that I pictured in my perfect day. #winning
For instance, if you want to run a successful consulting business that lets you move to a new country with your family within a year, you’d focus your energy on building that biz and researching about your dream country, instead of remodeling your home or applying for a new job.
Step 2: Dip your feet
Unearth your why by taking action.
In his book Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor E. Frankl wrote there are three ways to find your meaning:
“(1) by creating a work or doing a deed; (2) by experiencing something or encountering someone; and (3) by the attitude we take toward unavoidable suffering”
Acting out at least a tiny part of your perfect day will create an emotional attachment to your why that you can’t get just by thinking about it.
If you want to move to Bali with your family, go there on a family vacation for a week.
If you want to trade your apartment for a boat and sail for months, rent a boat for a weekend and sail.
If you want to live off your art so you can spend all the time in the world at home with your baby, start working on a print you are determined to sell, or set up a website for your existing art.
You can test the lifestyle of your dreams at a small scale. This will help you crystallize your why and motivate you through the hardest of times.
Step 3: Remind yourself (constantly) of your why
It’s easy to lose your “why” while you’re trying to juggle your business and your baby, all while sleep deprived. Stay on track with constant reminders:
Download the Momentum Chrome extension and set your background as a photo of your why.
Use Hey Focus (productivity blocker app) when you’re trying to get things done. You can set your own quotes for if you try to pull up a page you’re not supposed to visit (for example, if you’re trying to write an article and you go to Facebook). Include a few quotes about your “why”, to remind you why you need to focus and get the work done.
Take breaks throughout the day to refocus. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, tired, or distracted, you have to break the pattern. Disconnect from your work for 30 minutes to breathe, take a walk, wash your face, stretch, make coffee, or call your partner. Do anything you can to improve your mood. When you are feeling better, think about your why to get motivated again.
Do a day review. At the end of each day, do a quick review of the progress you made. Write down everything you did that day and what you accomplished in your work, and determine if what you are doing is bringing you closer to your perfect day. Keeping track of your daily actions will make you accountable to yourself and help you refocus on the things that matter.
Get the Perfect Day exercise worksheet (plus all my SOPs) in my swipe file below:
Lesson #4: I’ll Always Have More Money Than Time
You can always make more money, but you can never make more time.
Ryan and I are doing what we can to challenge gender roles and stereotypes for the sake of our kid.
This means that instead of the primary caregiving role defaulting to me as the woman, we looked at:
Eligibility (I wasn’t eligible for Canada’s generous 8-month parental leave policy, Ryan was)
Income and earning potential
The research behind parental roles and breadwinning.
We determined that I would work (returning after a short maternity leave from Sumo) while Ryan took the parental leave to care for Poppy.
I’m incredibly lucky that I can grow my business, write for a company I love, and be a mom to the best baby on the planet while somebody I love and trust looks after her.
But here’s the thing…
Mom guilt doesn’t give a shit about my disdain for gender stereotypes.
There’s always something in the back of my mind, nagging me that I should be the one looking after Poppy. Telling me that I’m missing out and that I should be spending my time with her, not with Google Drive and Slack and WordPress.
When my friends who have babies get to go out during the day and enjoy their maternity leaves together, I have a pang in my heart.
When I overhear Ryan playing with Poppy in the middle of the day, my stomach clenches.
I used to be frugal because I believed I could afford the time to do so.
Now I realize that I have far more money than time, and I outsource literally everything besides content creation in my business.
That means that with Sumo + Unsettle, I’m doing only what I love and am good at and not spending time on the things that others can do better than me.
I don’t want to pull 80 hour work weeks to grow my business. I want to spend just enough time to do what I truly enjoy doing – writing – and spend the rest of my time with Ryan & Poppy.
And frankly it doesn’t matter how I spend that time as long as I’m spending it with them. It’s no longer work hard play hard. Now it’s work just hard enough and family-time hard.
The most worthwhile of times is when we’re doing very little. The other day, we had to do diaper laundry (Poppy’s in cloth diapers and your baby should be too) while we were hanging out in the Oregon Coast for a week.
I could have either stayed behind and let Ryan and Poppy go do the laundry while I got caught up on Unsettle email, or go with them. I chose to go with them and had such a blissfully fun time eating ice cream while playing with Poppy while we waited for our clothes to dry.
You can always earn more money. You can never get more time.
How to Make it Work
Okay, you need to hire somebody so you can focus on the important things in your business.
Here’s how.
1) Track all the processes and tasks in your business.
Write down everything you do in your business.
Instead of trying to remember everything you’re responsible for, track a couple of your days using a spreadsheet and identify all the tasks you do in your business (content creation, design, article promotion, responding to emails, social media management, email list management, landing pages, course creation, reaching out to influencers, etc). You want a full list of everything that keeps your business running. Then…
2) Figure out what only you can do vs. what you can outsource
Identify the essential business tasks only you can do, versus what you’re spending time on that:
Somebody else can either do,
Somebody else would be better at or
You could pay somebody less than your hourly rate to do it.
Get honest about what really moves the needle in your biz. What are those key things only you have the skills to do? Anything else that doesn’t fit into that criteria can get done by someone else.
If you try to do everything at once, you will limit your time and the quality of your output.
You are not being lazy or mediocre for outsourcing tasks, quite the opposite. You’ll free up time and brain space to focus on income generating activities, while everything else gets done just as good or even better than you expect.
3) Work out your hourly rate
How much is your time worth per hour? My average hourly rate is about $100/hour. Every time I’m doing something that I shouldn’t be doing (read: doing anything that isn’t creating content), I ask myself, would I pay a freelancer or VA $100/hour to do the same thing? If the answer is no, the funny thing is that I already am, by doing it myself.
Figure out your hourly rate so you can have a sense of how much you could pay someone else to take on your tasks.
Let’s say your rate is $50/hour. If you hire a VA for $10/hour (20% of your rate), you save $40/hour and can spend that time on tasks that increase your income.
4) Pull the trigger
Ultimately, you need to free up time to do what you do best in your business.
So many people fall into the trap of thinking that they can’t afford to hire anybody or outsource anything, because they’re not making a ton of money. After all, if you’re not exactly making bank in your business, how can you afford to pay somebody else to work in your business?
But if you’re not making bank, you can’t afford not to. You need to be focusing on revenue generating activities. You can’t waste your time doing the necessary but basic administrative tasks.
Do it like this:
Start small: Start by hiring somebody to take the most administrative tasks off of your plate, like uploading things into WordPress, setting up emails in your email service provider, creating social media images, and managing your calendar. On Upwork, you can find a decent VA for $10/hour or less. If you are extremely detailed in your instructions for them, you should have no problem with the quality of work. Starting off with a cheap VA will help you get a hang of how to manage other people, delegate tasks successfully, and feel the value of outsourcing.
Move up: As you begin to see the ROI of working with somebody, you can begin to level up and bring on more skilled contractors. A good VA who will take on tasks bigger than just basic paper pushing will cost at least $25/hour, but I’m not suggesting you jump right into paying $25/hour from the start. Look for experienced freelancers when you need help on more complex and sensitive business tasks like content creation and co-creation, implementing and tracking social media strategies, and brainstorming solutions.
Pass on the know-how: Record videos of you doing the tasks you want your VA to take on, and then show them the ropes.
Pro tip: Record video lessons for your VA easily in Mac or Windows like this… For Mac users: Open Quicktime, click on File, and choose New Screen Recording from the dropdown menu.For Windows users: Download a free app like Bandicam. Open Bandicam, choose your prefered recording mode, and hit REC to start recording.
Want to get the screencasts and SOPs I sent to Unsettle’s project manager? Click here to get a swipe file with scheduling worksheets, SOPs, screencasts, and everything you need to onboard your new hire.
Lesson #5: The Lifestyle I’m Designing Looks a Little Different
Last year, I visited over 29 cities across 11 countries.
I didn’t have an address because the world was my home. My mail was sent to my mom’s house, and I’d get it every several months whenever I saw her.
Now, lifestyle design looks a bit different.
I’m not going to say you can’t travel with a baby. In fact, I spend a lot of time proving that you can travel with a baby.
But doing the whole “digital nomad” thing has changed.
I’m currently writing this from an AirBNB in Cape Meares in the Oregon coast, so don’t think I’ve completely thrown the towel in on traveling as a lifestyle. But now I do it with a not-so-healthy dose of mom-guilt.
But then I had a baby. & I haven't stopped traveling, but it's no longer my “place”. Now I worry that Poppy doesn't have a “place”.
— Sarah (@petersonsar) September 8, 2017
Okay, so mom guilt. Check. But I’m still a digital nomad, right?
Well, sort of. Throughout my pregnancy I was anxious that I wouldn’t be able to travel when I became a mom.
I never knew that I wouldn’t want to travel as much.
Don’t get me wrong. I definitely still love travel. But I also love home.
I love lying on the floor of the nursery in Canada with a stuffed lion puppet on my hand, pretending the lion is eating Poppy’s toes.
I love waking up and going to a gym I have a membership to and getting a workout in before I start my work day in my home office.
And nothing feels better after traveling than coming home, sleeping in my own bed, and making dinner in my own kitchen after a long day of writing, editing, and trying to take over the internet.
How to Make it Work
Lifestyle design is all about designing the life that you want. Not trying to keep up with the life of your favorite Instagrammer or another family just because you think that’s what you should be doing.
This is where the perfect day exercise comes in again.
Go over your perfect day as vividly as possible whenever you need to recharge. Imagine how every aspect of your life would look like. What lifestyle would make you truly happy and content?
Decide travelling is part of your perfect day? It’s not so hard. Poppy went on her first flight when she was just a few months old. When she was 8 weeks old, we took her on a 3-state, 28 hour long road trip across several National Parks, cities, and monuments.
Travel looks a little different. But it’s still totally possible.
Mom Bossing Is Hard
Being a mom has made me so grateful for my business & for being able to work online. It’s made it so:
We can choose to raise Poppy wherever we want, rather than wherever we work
My earning potential is not limited by bureaucracy or the corporate pay scale
I don’t have to choose between my career, my sense of self, and my family.
It’s given me and my family options that I never would have had before.
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Hey, don't kill your momentum.
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eurolinguiste · 7 years
There are a ton of language challenges out there, so I thought it would be fun to get in on the game and start a 30 day language learning challenge.
I recently started the Add1Challenge (well, fairly recently) and I thought that this could be a fun way to boost my Croatian and make sure that I’m doing it everyday. But I didn’t want to do it alone, so I hope you’ll join me. That way, we can cheer one another on. Plus, it’s an enjoyable way to stay engaged with your language. We’re starting November 1st!
Without further ado, here are the daily tasks to complete this challenge.
30 Day Language Learning Challenge
Day 1 – Create a Pinterest board with some of your favorite language articles or learning websites.
You can follow me if you need a bit of inspiration or a place to start. I have boards you can “steal” articles from for each of the languages I am studying or have studied.
Day 2 – Schedule a lesson or language exchange with someone.
Not sure where to find a tutor or exchange partner? Baselang, iTalki, Lingoda, Verbling, E-Chinese Learning, et al. are all great options.
Day 3 – Listen to song and read along with lyrics – see how much you can work out.
If you’re up for a bit of a bonus, you can sit down and work on translating the lyrics into your native language.
Day 4 – Caption your next instagram post in your target language.
Bonus points if you even come up with hashtags that are used by Instagrammers who speak your target language.
Day 5 – Make sure you have at least one app on your phone that you can use daily.
My personal faves are Memrise, LingQ and HelloTalk.
Day 6 – Change your phone or computer language settings.
It’s funny how suddenly “needing” to figure out what words mean (I mean, how else are you going to use your device?!) leads to you learning them.
Day 7 – Take that lesson you scheduled.
You can do it! And it’s going to be great.
Day 8 – Watch a video on YouTube.
This can be a lesson or native video content – whichever is best suited to your level.
Day 9 – Create flashcards from the new words from your last lesson/study session.
This is something that I’ve started doing in the past few months (via Memrise) and it’s done wonders for me actually remembering the words and phrases I need to know.
Day 10 – Read something.
Anything! You can even join us as a part of the Language Reading Challenge if you’d like. Acceptable reading materials include: a magazine, news article, part of a book, an entire book, a comic, instructions to a video game, the back of the shampoo bottle, whatever.
Day 11 – Start following an Instagram or Twitter account for someone who writes in your language.
An easy way to find them is by deciding on a word or phrase (in your target language) and searching for it as a hashtag.
Day 12 – Learn five to eight facts about a country that speaks your language.
Bonus if you do this using the Wikipedia page for your country in your target language.
Day 13 – Teach someone a few words in the language.
It can be anyone who’s patient enough to let you do this – a friend, family member or co-worker. The point is to teach. It’s a great way to instill the information you’re learning.
Day 14 – Label the items in your home.
Or in just one part of your home. Sticky notes are the most socially acceptable way to do this. Don’t write on your roommates’ or parents’ things with Sharpie. They probably wouldn’t appreciate it as much as one might hope.
Day 15 – Write a FB post in your language.
Doesn’t matter if your friends don’t understand! Besides, that’s what that fancy little “translate” button is anyway. For them – not for you. Write your own post as best you can!
Day 16 – Look up something about the grammar that’s holding you back.
For me that’s usually, in some way, related to cases.
Day 17 – Chat with someone in your language.
You can do this through a group on social media, HelloTalk or even through the messaging feature on iTalki.
Day 18 – Go to a restaurant that serves food from a country that speaks your language.
See if anyone who works there speaks it. And if they do, try to order in the language.
Day 19 – Write down everything you can see wherever you are at this moment (in your target language, of course).
For example, at this moment, I’m at my desk so I see:
* a mess * a calculator * a cup of coffee * a phone * a laptop * a monitor * a bunch of papers * two highlighters * a tube of lip gloss * some cables * a pen * a stapler * pictures of Little Linguist * a note about something important taped to my monitor
Now that I have my list, I can work out what the words are in my language.
Day 20 – Listen to a podcast.
Again, it’s okay if this is a language lesson or native content.
Day 21 – Take notes in your language (a work meeting, class session, grocery list or to-do list).
If you’re still a beginner, do this with something simple (and maybe not super important). If you’re more advanced – challenge yourself. But also, don’t forget to buy the toothpaste just because you couldn’t think of the word in your language. Or that important project that was assigned to you at school or work.
Day 22 – Narrate something that you’re doing in your target language.
It can be the recipe for a meal you’re making, the chores you’re doing or whatever work task you’re doing.
Day 23 – Journal in your language.
It can be about anything. The weather, your routine, how much fun this challenge is or how bad Shannon’s sense of humour is. Anything goes, really.
Day 24 – Find a tutorial for something that you enjoy doing in your language.
It can be written or video. Some ideas to give you inspiration: a technology related tutorial, martial arts, yoga, any other sport, a recipe, book making, crafting of any sort, sewing, crocheting, or even video game walkthroughs.
Day 25 – Write out a list of vocabulary words you have trouble remembering by hand.
Sometimes this manual process does a lot for retention.
Day 26 – Take a moment to think about exactly what you hope to accomplish by learning your language.
Some inspiration:
* What will you be able to do when you speak your language that you couldn’t do before?
* What’s one thing you wish you could say in your target language that you can’t today?
* What one thing about the language will be a huge relief once you finally understand it?
Write down what you hope to accomplish and then take another moment to think of one thing that you can do THIS WEEK to help you step towards getting there.
Day 27 – Try to write a summary of the thing you read or watched earlier in the challenge in your target language.
It can be the YouTube video, the podcast or whatever it was that you read.
Day 28 – That one thing you wrote down, today’s the day to do it.
On Day 26, you wrote down one thing you could do that will help you step towards your ultimate goal. Whatever that thing was, today’s the day you’re going to do it (or start doing it).
Day 29 – Do some simple maths.
Any time you do any sort of math today (tallying up a price, use a calculator, or talk about numbers in general), try to do it in your target language. It’s okay to do it in your head or a whisper if it’s not the appropriate situation to do it out loud. Numbers are always a challenge in a foreign language because they’re one of the things we need to translate in our heads the longest. Start trying to train yourself out of this today! (Here’s a fun app I recently discovered that helps with numbers)
Day 30 – Create a video around 2-5 minutes in length of you speaking your language.
It’s okay if you read a script. Do whatever feels right for your level. Share it on Facebook or YouTube.
And that’s it! Congrats on making it through all 30 days.
Don’t forget to download the printable version of this challenge (and don’t feel bad if you do it out of order – that’s okay).
If you do the challenge, I’d love for you to share your progress with me. Feel free to tag me in your posts about it on Twitter (@eurolinguistesk) or Facebook and Instagram (@eurolinguiste). I look forward to seeing your progress.
PS. If you have any suggestions for activities for different days, I’d love to hear about the in the comments below. This may be something I host again but with different daily tasks!
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The post 30 Day Language Learning Challenge appeared first on Eurolinguiste.
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zerowastehome · 7 years
Ireland on the fast track to Zero Waste
With a full house and an enthused audience at my talk in Dublin this past March, I could tell that Zero Waste had good a chance of taking off in Ireland. What I did not foresee is the speed at which alternatives would come into place after my visit. To tell you more about it, I give the voice to Laura Cahill (at my left), member of ZeroWasteIreland FB group…
I cannot count the amount of times I looked at a picture of a zero-waste shop on the Internet wishing we had such facilities here in Ireland. On holidays abroad, I would be standing in a market bristling with unpackaged fruit and vegetables, eggs and nuts, salamis and pasta. Heaven, I used to think with envy!
Over the past decade, I got used to screening the shops for bulk or less wastefully packaged options. Putting the initial embarrassment aside, I use my Ikea glass boxes, linen bags and net produce bags with ease, and shop where at least some items are available with no packaging. Zero-waste living in a country with no bulk store has been tricky, especially when studying, working and raising children. I often failed. I did not have time to plan, or I was too tired to go to other than the local convenience store.
Fast forward to August 2017. After work and collecting my children from school, we are walking into my local Smallchanges Wholefoods Store where Peadar refills my bottle with olive oil. The lovely Íde from the Bring Your Own stall scoops my favorite tea leaves, rice and fusilli pasta into my linen bags. My 10-year old notices corn kernels, so we decide to get a small bag of those too. (…my boys are making homemade popcorn now, so goodbye microwave popcorn rubbish!) Walking out of the store I feel contended and happy. Now off to the greengrocer’s and my zero-waste shopping is done! Simple, pleasant, no-fuss.
So, what changed?
About a year ago, I joined the Zero Waste Ireland Facebook group. The group had just over a hundred members, but I was delighted to became part of a company of like-minded individuals. They share my frustration with packaging and desire to make the world a better place, one glass jar at a time. I found myself in a welcoming party where people share ideas without judging, and encourage without pressurizing. A lot of us in this group “grew up” on the Zero Waste Home blog, videos and book. We looked at Béa Johnson’s options for bulk shopping as something we might never achieve in Ireland.
Stepping right out of my comfort zone, I decided to invite her to Dublin. She has encouraged so many people to open zero waste businesses all over the world, why would it not work in Dublin? Off I sent my e-mail, and almost immediately she replied, saying that she would love to come over to Ireland!
Luckily, the Zero Waste Ireland Facebook crowd have some brilliant brains and helpful souls, so they helped me organise the visit. Over the process, the group was buzzing. Members shared the news of the Zero Waste Queen’s visit with their friends, colleagues and families. Owners of existing businesses joined and started to offer zero-waste alternatives of their products. By the time of Béa’s 14th March talk, Zero Waste Ireland had well over 6000 (Yes, six thousand!) members.
After her refreshingly energising and informative talk, in a jam-packed theatre in Trinity College, the excitement was still palpable in the foyer. Ms Johnson was surrounded by students, moms with babies on their arms, professionals in suits, pensioners, housewives, a wonderful mix of people from all parts of the country. She had time for everyone, was relaxed, pragmatic and down-to-earth. Even though she had given two previous talks earlier in schools, she was happy to go out for a pint of Guinness, and continue chatting to and inspire people until late.
And the magic happened.
Since her visit, five zero-waste shops opened: Bring Your Own, Bare Necessities, Minimal Waste Grocery, Bulk Store in Dublin Food Co-op, and Cré-Zero Waste.
Even better, some of these shops are mobile-shops, they travel within the city and the country selling everything from dishwasher detergent, to rice, nuts, grains, castile soap and bicarbonate soda. Their range of products are growing. As well as purchasing spaghetti and raisins, you can get your bamboo toothbrushes, reusable bottles and menstrual cups! They are in touch with their customers, they listen, and supply the demand. Shopping is easy and straightforward; the price is good; the produce is also of quality and available with not too much inconvenience for an increasing amount of people.
This summer, the country hosted its very first Zero Waste Ireland Festival. Not a single-use cup in sight, but hundreds of people shopping (using their own jars and bags), chatting over a (reusable) cup of coffee, attending talks, watching zero-waste related films and learning about the practicalities at workshops.
Over 13 years ago, I remember savouring the lines from a Thomas Merton book: “Why do we have to spend our lives striving to be something we would never want to be, if we only knew what we wanted? Why do we waste our time doing things which, if we only stopped to think about them, are just the opposite of what we were made for?” I remember looking at all the plastic packaging in my kitchen, the knick-knacks in my sitting room from well-meaning family members, the superfluous ‘must haves’ for the impending arrival of my first son. I gasped for simplicity and freedom under the suffocating clutter of waste.
It has been a long and slow journey for me and my family to move towards creating a minimal amount of waste, but the Zero Waste Ireland group and Béa Johnson’s visit to Dublin has accelerated the change. Not just for me, but for the whole country. Thank you!
The post Ireland on the fast track to Zero Waste appeared first on Zero Waste Home.
from Ireland on the fast track to Zero Waste
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