#it could have been any TWRP song I listen to them a lot when I’m driving
spiciestmarinara · 8 months
🎶 when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your followers (positivity is cool) 🎶
Hello! These are pulled from the recent history on my main music app, in no particular order (w/ YouTube links for convenience) :
1. Ladybug - TWRP
2. Against the Kitchen Floor - Will Wood
3. Constant Craving - k.d. lang
4. Princess Andy - The Petrojvic Blasting Company (they go by just The Blasting Company now, they composed the soundtrack for Over the Garden Wall!)
5. The Moon was Yellow (and the Night was Young) - Ethel Ennis
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sappy "i've loved my spesh for a year now" post
one year ago today, i got into twrp.
that's not to say i wasnt familiar with them before june 3rd, 2019. my big love was nsp, so i very much knew and appreciated them! i remember when nsp played on conan i was so happy for all of them and hoped twrp was getting just as much credit as nsp because they totally deserve it! i remember listening to guardians of the zone a couple years back in david's car and latching onto rock n roll best friends (my first favorite twrp song and still one of my faves!) and listening to that a lot. i remember the third starbomb album coming out last april and thinking, wow, this is definitely their best album musically because of twrp's instrumentation! and of course, like everyone else, i was obsessed with starlight brigade when the video came out, and recognized it was twrp's song featuring dan, not just a dan project. but i didn't have their names memorized, and for whatever reason, i thought they were all silent performers? like, i thought none of them talked and sung only talked/performed with talkbox. (i mean, i was like 60% right? at least at the time.)
on this day last year, i was showing my best friend arin and suzy's (gg) hot pepper gaming videos and then i noticed twrp's in the related videos. i was like oh my gosh! i didn't know twrp did one of these! and you can imagine my surprise when sung and meouch started talking fhfhdjdlfj i was literally like WAIT THEY TALK??? I REALLY THOUGHT NONE OF THEM TALKED. it's always really funny to look back on. and even though they spent most of that video suffering i thought they were so funny and likeable that i was like. maybe i should finally actually get into twrp.
and holy shit.
there's so much to twrp that i know i didn't do it all in a day. it's hard for me to get used to a band by listening to all their music once, so i took it album by album. i started with guardians of the zone, because i was already very familiar with it. listened to that on loop for a while, then moved onto together through time since it was their most recent album at the time. then, i went backwards from there.
i searched for all the lore i could. i read wiki pages, spent literal hours reading reddit AMAs, watched every video on their youtube channel and the hour long compilation of their instagram videos. this all took place over the span of like? a few days? a week? it's hard to say really. i fell so fast.
from that point on, i have so many stories, we would be here all day. i remember listening to believe in your dreams on repeat the day i became a d*sney trainer, and the literal day after that, they released hidden potential. then of course, the release of return to wherever, which i listened to nonstop for ages. the album is my jam because i love albums with a cohesive theme and songs that blend into each other. it's hard to beat together through time, but rtw comes really close.
i saw them for the first time live on july 30th, 2019. unfortunately, something happened that night that changed my life for the worse. but that wasn't twrp's fault at all. the show itself was incredible. i'd never been to a general admission concert of one of my faves, it was absolutely surreal that they were all right in front of me. and of course, they put on a hell of a show. they always do. god, i love them.
on august 9th 2019, i went to my first sung stream. it was a party stream and i'm on the east coast, so i stayed up until 3 AM to hear sung give me my first talkbox shoutout. i recorded it and still have the video. it made me smile in the early part of a very dark time in my life.
i made a lot of friends in that stream, we all shared twitters and i'm still friends/mutuals with all of them! and i've only made more friends since, especially at nsp10. nsp10 was incredible for many reasons, but a big one was that the three hours my fiancé and i were waiting outside the venue to be let in, we were just walking around saying hi to my twrp friends, meeting a bunch of them for the first time. and i made new friends! i remember standing in a group, shivering in my heart boner cosplay, and one of the guys saying "you're artie, right? i follow you on twitter, i love your cosplay!" he seemed like he was really gathering the courage to say it to me, he had no idea how happy it would make me! (shoutout to logan! you're awesome!)
really, if any of my twrp friends are reading this, i love you to pieces. meeting you has definitely been a high point of the last 365 days.
again, i have so many stories. but since this is already so long i'm just gonna cut to march 5th, 2020. that was the night i met them. now, i'm not a shy person at all, and over the past few years i haven't really been very socially anxious. i'm able to carry myself in conversation, even with strangers. but i've never met a fave before. let alone four faves at once. so, naturally, everything i had planned on saying completely left my brain. but they're literally the best, so it was still an absolute dream. the first thing sung said when he saw me was "hey you look great!" (my outfit was clearly inspired by his own, fancy orange hat and all, so he probs wanted to Respect The Drip but he was right regardless and also HOLY SHIT) and i had my baby porg gary with me (the sunshine of my life) and they all interacted with him and it was super wholesome.
they played two nights in orlando, and i went to both shows because of course i did. first night was great, second night was even better even though that was my GA show. they played life party on night 2, which might as well be my favorite song of all time. it has carried me through every bad moment since i first heard it. big and small. i have a lyric from it tattoo'd on my arm as a constant reminder that i'm alive, and that is something to be ecstatic about. i also had more room to dance and move around on night 2, and dance and move around i did. then, when the show was over and scatman played, i got out everything else i had. august-november 2019 was actual hell for me, and i was still dealing with the aftermath of it all. but that concert high made me realize, holy shit! all of it is over! it doesn't matter anymore! twrp carried me through one of the roughest periods of my life, and met me at the finish line with a fucking gold medal. i fucking did it. now i have none of the bad, and all of the good. it was one of the best feelings i've ever had, and one of the happiest nights of my life.
since then, twrp continues to keep me going. of course the world has been a total shitshow, but everyone's streams (especially the twrp show) have been the highlight of my week every week.
i've always considered myself a very positive person, but last year was a very bad year for my depression, as well as traumatic at times. and i've always had problems feeling understood. i still do. but twrp said hey! literally nobody understands us. not even ourselves! but that's okay! we want you to be happy and feel loved and supported no matter what. and i really can't thank them enough for it.
this part is mostly for another longer post, but i wanted to mention it since it's also really important. i fully came to terms with being a mlm last year after years of compulsory heterosexuality, and twrp played a big part in me exploring and accepting that about myself. and i was already very secure in my gender identity when i found them, but hearing "this song goes out to all the ladies, fellas, and everyone in between" shook me to my very core. i've never loved a band that literally said "shoutout to trans/nb people" at every concert. god. i love them so fucking much.
so this was even longer than i expected (and i expected it to be long bc yknow. spesh.) but i just have so much love and gratitude for this band. every day of my life i'm so thankful that doctor sung, commander meouch, lord phobos, and havve hogan exist and are spreading all this love and positivity to their fans every day. i've never loved a band like this, and i probably never will. they are truly special.
and it's only been a year!!!!
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joyandeggs · 5 years
For the Character ask: Shoot, Kastro, Kite, Illumi, Knuckle (HxH) and Sonic, Metal Bat, Genos, and Iaian (OPM)! (I have no apologies, you requested lots 😂)
Meve, you always go above and beyond when sending me asks. I love you so much. ❤ So many boys!!! I will talk about them all!! Actually, I'll split this ask into two parts. You may have accidentally sent this ask twice, but no worries! I'll use this as part one for the Hunter x Hunter boys. 💓
Favorite thing about them: What can I say about Shoot that I haven't already gushed about constantly? 💓 One of my favorite things is his Nen, and how he uses it. I love his hands, and Hotel Raffelasia is such an interesting ability. Speaking of his hands...I love all of his features. His eyes, his face, his hair, his muscles... Getting distracted. There's so much that I can say. I love everything about him.
Least favorite thing about them: That we don't know more about him.
Favorite line: I have a lot of faves from him. One of them is when he tells Gon "I will live to thank you!" ❤
brOTP: Him and Knuckle, of course! 💓
OTP: I enjoy Nashuu from time to time. I think they're quite cute together.
nOTP: None that I can think of.
Random headcanon: I have a lot, but one of the biggest ones is that he'll use his Nen hands for everyday things when he's feeling lazy.
Unpopular opinion: He is definitely underrated. Even though I've been finding others that genuinely love him more and more everyday, which really warms my heart that I'm not the only one who does.
Song I associate with them: There's actually a lot of songs I associate with Shoot, which are mostly songs by Yuuji Ueda. 💓 This one, if I had to pick just one, and it is a song I hold very close to me and in my heart. For many reasons. Shine by The Northern Hues make me think of him, too.
Favorite picture of them: Oh Meve, there's too many to choose from, I love so many. Here's a few that I share all the time.
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Favorite thing about them: He just seems so...eloquent and respectful. Kastro has this lovely energy about him that I really can't put into words well enough.
Least favorite thing about them: We don't know anything about him really. Too short lived of a character.
Favorite line: I love it when he asks Killua "So, what do you think of me?" ❤ It was so cute.
brOTP: I'm going to go on a whim and say that he would get along with Flashy Flash from One Punch Man.
OTP: I don't have any.
nOTP: None that I can think of.
Random headcanon: Off the top of my head, to make something up on the spot...he really loves the shoreline of the ocean. An ideal spot for him to live if he weren't focusing on living it up in the tournament tower. Actually now that I think about it...maybe he focused on being in the tower so he could live comfortably. Maybe he was struggling growing up, so he wanted to try and have a better life.
Unpopular opinion: Even though...he does look like the typical pretty boy, he had potential to be more of a solid character.
Song I associate with them: Why is he making me think of Legend Of Zelda? He reminds me of Link too much.
Favorite picture of them:
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Favorite thing about them: It's really hard to explain why I love Kite so much. He's just such a unique character in the series. He's so different. I guess I could say specifically how he is as a hunter. He's seen as someone so memorable, especially with Gon but with his little group he works with. Someone who is not only a hard working, respectful hunter but also a big hearted, kind and warm person towards others.
Least favorite thing about them: How in the world does he look up to someone like Ging, I will never understand. Get away from him, I will come over there, shoo.
Favorite line: When he lets out the softest "O-Oji-san?" at Gon when they reunite...is the cutest thing in the world.
brOTP: I genuinely would see him being good friends with Morel, or even Shoot!
OTP: I don't ship him with anyone.
nOTP: Ging and Kite.
Random headcanon: He's so use to wearing his hat to where if he has to take it off or can't find it at the time, he feels naked without it.
Unpopular opinion: He did not deserve what happened to him. At all. 💔 None of it.
Song I associate with them: Hm. I have never thought about this before. He actually gives me Animal Crossing vibes. A specific song would have to be one of the nighttime tracks in New Leaf while it's raining. Or maybe the nighttime tracks in the original AC. Which that specific one is heavily nostalgic for me. Relistening to all of the Animal Crossing music makes me cry. 💗
Favorite picture of them: I actually love the ones from 1999 Hunter x Hunter. 💓
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He's so pretty! 💓💓💓
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I do love both versions of him though. I love the 2011 Hunter x Hunter him just as much. Look at that smile. ❤ He's precious.
Favorite thing about them: I just love the way he looks. He's pretty, yet scary. I also love his voice. Masaya Matsukaze is so good voicing him.
Least favorite thing about them: The way that he treats Killua. It just hurts me.
Favorite line: I honestly had to look back up on episodes, it's been so long since I watched him in episodes. Oh my gosh I still love the scene during the exams where he tells Hisoka "Okay, I'll be sleeping if you need me, good luck." LOL
brOTP: Illumi and Hisoka. They have a good dynamic, even though that might not be the best word to use.
OTP: I've seen Illumi and Hisoka together, and I honestly do like the idea of it sometimes.
nOTP: None that I'm aware of.
Random headcanon: I honestly can't think of any other than the obvious... When he does smile or laugh, he actually looks very sweet. Don't let that sweetness fool you though.
Unpopular opinion: Even though I like him to an extent, I did get tired of seeing him in the series. That was at the beginning of Hunter x Hunter when I watched it for the first time though. I don't have the same opinion anymore.
Song I associate with them: I can't think of any at all. He does remind me of what haunted house music sounds like.
Favorite picture of them: I just realized how much I love this panel, along with how Madhouse animated it in the show.
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Illumi is very pretty during the beginning of Hunter x Hunter. What is he so pretty for?
Favorite thing about them: Everything! 💘💘💘 Literally everything, ugh, he is just perfect. His smile is easily my most favorite. His eyes are super pretty. His strength, his kindness, and his knowledge. I truthfully admire how smart he is. Uhm. His voice!! Oh my god his voice is just 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 So so sexy. Wataru Takagi is a gem. His physique... An endless list of things. He really is the perfect man to me. On top of being the typical Japanese delinquent, everyone knows at this point that they are my weakness, of course that makes all of Knuckle my favorite. He makes me melt into a puddle.
Least favorite thing about them: Nothing at all. Aside from not knowing more about his story.
Favorite line: Oh, too many. "Everyone has a heart. That's what I want to believe." ❤ This actually made me cry when he said it. I also really...really love his inner monologue during the Chimera Ant Arc. The entire thing. Perfect.
brOTP: Knuckle and Shoot, of course! 💓
OTP: I like Nashuu from time to time. Like I said, they can be quite cute together.
nOTP: None that I can think of.
Random headcanon: I have way too many for him. Hm... I do see him around his mid twenties, if not just a year younger than Shoot. There's no way this man could be younger than 23 or 24.
Unpopular opinion: It is a huge bummer we never got to see him with his hair down ever. Could you imagine. 💓💓💓💓💓
Song I associate with them: Everytime I listen to Generous Dimentions by TWRP, or Over Your Shoulder by Chromeo...it actually makes me think of him. 💘 Now I'm embarrassed, oh my goodness.
Favorite picture of them: Meve, there's too many I absolutely love, help
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bdluejay · 5 years
TWRP + The Protomen Concert
So I just wanna infodump about the TWRP concert tonight before I forget everything (walls upon walls of text under the cut, youve been warned)
So it was a 1hr 45min drive up to Richmond and it was a fairly nice drive aside from the inevitable traffic. I listened to TWRP’s discography minus TTT because time. About 30 minutes into the drive I’m singing along, dancing a little, and then I realize. I forgot. My fucking. Tickets. Left em right at home. Fuck. So it takes me 20 minutes to overcome the shock and try to figure out what to do. I didn’t have enough time to turn around and drive back, but the interstate was too narrow and going too fast for me to pull over and figure out what to do so I kept driving and hoping that I was gonna figure it out when I got there. So the rest of the drive goes smoothly, not too much traffic, and I didn’t get lost after I exited the interstate! I got a spot on the lot right next to the venue so I didn’t have to walk at all which was awesome. So I get down to the end of the line and say, “Is this where the cool people are? Haha!” y’know, like a nerd, and I start talking to the people in line with me. And I shit you not, before I even get to say much, the person in front of me goes, “Hey, do you need an extra ticket?” Like, holy shit, really? How fucking lucky was I! I get in line right behind a person who has an extra ticket and they offer it before I even say anything. What a godsend. So I relax finally and enjoy talkin to the folks in line and try not to piss myself because I’ve had half a bottle of water and a smoothie in the past 2 hours.
So it turns 6 and the doors open and we come flooding in, I get to use the bathroom and the head over to the stage to secure a spot. I get about 3 or 4 people between me and the stage and I’m pretty content because it’s the closest I’ve ever gotten to the stage at a concert before.  Then I feel a tap on my shoulder and this guys says hi and gestures to my shirt (I was wearing the shirt for NSP’s Tour de Force tour) and asked which show I went to. Apparently we both went to the one at silver spring which was sick and we started talking about our mutual love of TWRP and a bunch of other stuff. He (collin was his name, im pretty sure?) was super sweet and nice and easy to talk to and we both went hoarse because we talked for the whole hour we were waiting for the show to start lol. He actually had some cough drops bc he was overcoming a cold and gave me one which was super nice.
SO the lights dim and the boys come out one by one, Havve, Meouch, Phobos, then Sung on his stupid hoverboard that I love. And they start playing Back in Town and I’m like o FUCK and they play generous dimensions and im like fuck yeah and they do their dumb schtick that never gets old “that was song #5, and next is song #11, and song #11 goes out to all the ladies out here tonight” and like a sucker i laugh and cheer every time. the setlist is super fuzzy for me but they played life party and i kinda almost cried cause god i really love that song a lot. and they played this like, holy shit amazing medley of a bunch of their songs all the way from 2nite to TTT and i totally wasnt expecting it at all but it was really amazing, i wish i had recorded the whole thing (fingers crossed that someone else has) but they played parts of pale blue dot which is my fave TWRP song and thats all i wanted and needed. ladyworld was awesome, and ending it with all night forever was absolutely perfect, kinda tying the whole set together with the beginning and end of return to wherever. TWRPs whole set was phenomenal and i had so much fun dancing and singing along. i didnt wanna blink the whole time because i wanted to see everything i could and they were just great and i gotta stop talkin about them cause im just gonna end up in a loop saying how much i love TWRP and how amazing they were tonight. 
but then. the protomen come out. and they play phantom racer. and just. holy. fucking. shit. twrp has such a chill vibe and their energy is good but the second the protomen came out the energy went from 100 to a MILLION. twrp and protomens performance of phantom racer was just. amazing. no, amazing is an understatement, but theres really no words to describe just how fucking fantastic they both were together. i wish i could relive that song over and over again forever. the feeling of absolute joy and excitement and happiness i felt during that performance is something i wish i could bottle and experience forever.
so onto the protomen. i had never listened to any of their music before the concert other than phantom racer. but holy SHIT. they fucking rocked it. i was blown away by how talented everyone was. the two lead singers were powerful and amazing, the music was just, *italian finger kiss* MWAH that good shit, like, tomorrow i gotta listen to all their music because every single song they played i immediately loved. and i cant neglect to mention their stage presence. these guys were so cool and intense and their whole vibe was so fuckin rockin. i mean, the metallic gray facepaint and bandanas and sunglasses and masks and helments and robot gun arms????? fuck YEAH!!!!! like i had hopeful expectations for the protomen but they blew me outta the fucking water holy shit. seriously i regret that i didnt listen to them beforehand or i woulda been headbanging so hard. also at the end one of the guys stage dove and i almost got to touch him but i was scared to get under him cause im not very strong and i didnt wanna drop a whole man onto myself. but yeah they were sick.
oh and speaking of headbanging there were a few dudes in front me who were SO energetic and pumped for the protomen like, it was infectious. they danced so hard and they like did this little dance with a couple other people that kinda reminded me of a ska dance?? like yknow the one where you just kinda kick your legs?? idk but they seemed to be having a lot of fun and it made me smile. they also had a 4 person mosh pit and i got knocked around a few times (its okay, i know how it is getting really excited and a lil too rowdy, i was fine) but like those dude were so fun and their excitement was so infectious i couldnt help but smile and have more fun. i got to talk with them some while we were in line for merch and since i was there for TWRP and they were there for the protomen we both gushed about how much we loved each band with all our hearts. they were also super sweet and walked me to my car because i was anxious to walk alone in a city that id never been to before.
so yeah!! tonght was an amazing experience that i hope to never forget. i met some super nice people and talked myself hoarse and had such an amazing time and im so glad that everything turned out how it did. thank you to twrp, the protomen, the broadberry staff, that one person in line, collin, and those two rockin protomen fans for making tonight a wonderful and perfect night.
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lygerzero14 · 7 years
Since it was the last one of this particular tour, I decided to do a complete recap of the final NSP/TWRP Rock Hard Tour show, including the VIP Q&A.
All kinds of spoilers below
(but is it really since I doubt they’ll do the same thing for their next tour *shrugs*)
So, I had bought the tickets before I decided to leave California and I flew back to go with my bro.  We had went to the first show in L.A. and now the last show in San Francisco.  He called it a NSP sandwich.
We got there around 4:30pm and waited in the VIP line.  There were a lot of people cosplaying as Ninja Brian, which made me happy.  I saw a few Danny cosplayers and one Egoraptor cosplayer.
When we were let in, we just all walked up to the stage and waited for Brian and Dan to come out.  The tour producer, JP came out and made us do a pledge not to upload videos to youtube. (kinda don’t understand that for the Q&A, some really good information comes out of those but whateves)
So Brian and Dan come out and of course there’s cheering.  And Brian starts off saying they love us more because we paid more money (the dork).
Gonna just do a few highlights.
Someone asked Brian an academic question and Dan was like, “I’ll take this one.”
A mother then thanked Brian for taking time to do these shows, even though it takes him from Audrey, cause she travels a lot too and knows how it feels.
Someone asked about Dan continuing the Leisure Suit Larry game and he said, he didn’t know cause Youtube has gotten pretty touchy lately and then he said quickly “Thanks to Pewdiepie” (didn’t he call out Pewds at a grumps live recently too?)  Then he said he’d see if he can talk Arin into it.
Oct 12 for Under The Covers 2 according to Brian.
Dan called on a Danny Sexbang cosplayer and said she was very well-dressed but she ended up having a question for Brian about academics and balancing that with the arts and Dan just went “Fuck!”
Brian starts talking about STEM, which is Science Technology, Engineering and Math and goes into how he balanced the different degrees and then Dan comes in and says, “I also am into STEM.  Sexually Touching Everyday Man.”  Then Brian says, “Did you say Sexually Touching Every Man?”  Then Dan says, “Don’t make this about your own agenda Brian.”
A guy asked what do they do in their spare time between shows….Brian said, “Fuuuck.” Dan said, “Just look at each other and think about how there’s no words to say.”
Dan said two days ago, Brian was listening to a Linguistics podcast and he was reading a book about plants. Then he said, “Oh my god we are lame.”
One girl asked them to flip her off and Brian said, “I would love to but it’s strictly against my morals.” (this guy) He still did it.
NinjaTupperwareSexRemixParty would be the name according to Dan, when they one day join TWRP to do serious music.
A question was asked about song titles that they wanted but skipped over.
Brian said the one he wanted sounded kinda creepy.  ‘Me Watching You Wanting Me Humping You’
Dan said they started a song ‘It’s Never Too Late To Give Up Your Dreams’ but said it was too depressing. (pretty sure Brian tweeted that on their twitter) but that song became ‘Orgy For One’ which they admitted was still kind of sad.
Someone asked Brian if he had heard of the book ‘Quantum Physics For Babies’ and he had and listed off a whole line of books and Dan asked if it was actually for little kids and Brian said yes.  Then Dan shook his head and said “What happened to playing in dirt with a stick?”
One girl asked if there were any bands they were recently into.  Dan said he was embarrassed but the band’s name was FartBarf.  Brian said it at the same time and Dan said, “Brian, shut the fuck up! Stop stealing my thunder every goddamn ti-FartBarf.” (They are so silly)
They have a song on the next album called ‘Smooth Talking’ that is, according to Brian, “a bunch of dumbass nonsense words.”  It’s his favorite song.
Most of the skits they write are usually intended to be animated but they may do live action ones again.
One girl was like “I love you and I’m legal, wink wink.”  Dan laughed and said, “So subtle.” And he took off his glasses and posed seductively.
Brian ended up talking pretty deep about particle physics and when he was done, Dan was like, “My entire brain shut down.”  Brian said he’d give him one of those baby books and Dan said, “I’ll love while I throw it.”
Someone asked Dan to say, “I’m a sexy widdle baby.”  Brian brought up the twitter account of the same name and he highly recommended it. Dan cuts him off saying, “It’s you, Brian.”  Brian said it wasn’t but he kept winking at us.  
Someone asked who Dan’s Dream Daddy is.  Of course Brian jumps in with, “It’s me.”  Dan said Robert, since he voiced him.
Brian did a shoutout to Quizmaster Quinn, saying he was a sad man who loved trivia, so based on him.
Someone asked their favorite NSP song.  Dan said it was one we’ve never heard, which would be ‘Danny Don’t You Know’ (although I had heard it at the L.A. show)
They took the extra stuff off their channel because they didn’t think it represented what they wanted it to be and wanted to focus on the music videos.  They may release a dvd containing the shorts.
The weirdest gift they’ve been given or asked to sign.  Dan said all of the lower parts.  Brian said one girl asked Dan to sign her boobs and looked at Brian and said she wouldn’t ask him since he’s married and he was like, “What the fuck!”  
Weirdest gift was a shoebox of randomly assorted knives with no note and they met the person a year later at Disneyland.
What would their opening song title be if their life was a musical?
‘Dicks! A Journey.’
After a while the show started.  MC Chris opened again and he confirmed that he was MC Pee Pants from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.  I don’t know why he didn’t say that at the L.A. show.  I was thinking he was just an imitator.  He was in quite a bit of episodes.  His voice is also a love or hate kind of thing.  I wonder if it’s his real voice.
TWRP came out after the longest build up ever, I was actually starting to get annoyed.  But they were awesome as always, hyping the crowd with their energy.  I do remember there being more in between segments at the L.A. show.  They seemed to just play through their set list.  I found it funny, how when Sung would say this is the last song and the crowd would go ‘awww’ and he has to remind them that they aren’t technically leaving.
Then TWRP leaves the stage and an animation plays of one of the many, probably non-canonical, first meetings of Danny and Ninja Brian.  It was pretty funny.  Danny saying that Ninja Brian was a homeless beggar he took in and Ninja Brian having saw an ad that said “Toe-thumbed single guy looking for best friend. Ninjas Preferred.”  
TWRP then comes back out and starts playing the NSP theme and NSP comes out, with a significantly shorter build up, thankfully.  Ninja Brian going around flipping everyone off and Danny being his joyful, bouncy self.
Ninja Brian was pretty energetic, he was running all over the stage, hyping the crowd and all I could think was this guy is 42 and has a Ph.D.…
They played ‘Cool Patrol’ and man, I love that song so much!
After the song, someone threw up a Danny Sexbang bra (it was blue with the star of david on each cup)…Ninja Brian put it down his pants and then a Ninja Brian bra flew up there and…he put it down his pants too.  This guy is 42.  
Then Danny segued into Unicorn Wizard, telling the story about how Arin randomly came up with it. Danny crouched on the ground and Ninja Brian kept trying to quiet the crowd and just as he is about to start playing, someone would make a noise and he’d cross his arms and glare at them.  This happened several times.  Danny starts getting annoyed, telling Ninja Brian to start the song.
(I didn’t notice this at first but as Ninja Brian is having his fit, Lord Phobos goes to Danny and says something and Danny starts laughing…isn’t Phobos one of the silent ones?)
Finally Ninja Brian starts the song.  There was quite a lot of attention on Phobos.  I also liked the ending.  Where they all failed to bring the song to a proper ending.  Just a whole lot of fail all around.
Someone threw up the picture of Dan as Papa Sexbang 69 from Ghost, Ninja Brian tried to take it, then a short game of keep away happened.  Then someone threw a cup up that said Danny on it and…Ninja Brian put it down his pants and offered it to Danny, who reached into Ninja Brian’s pants and took it out. Danny said he’s not putting his lips on that.  
Then he asked people not to throw stuff on stage.  That lasted about two songs.  Then people started subtlety tossing things to the sides of the stage instead of at them.
They then played ‘Spin Me Round Like A Record’.  Danny had some…interesting moves during this song.
After they were done. Ninja Brian did a Rock Fuck chant with the crowd.
The next song was supposed to be ‘Road Trip’ but my gosh, Ninja Brian milked the ‘Bloopy Reggae Jams’ and they ended up doing ‘Let’s Get Together and Do Butt Stuff’.  Just when Danny thought they were done, they start up again and he crouched down in curled up in a ball, like an anime character. I love Ninja Brian.  
Then they finally played ‘Road Trip’.  I really like how this song sounds live.
Danny called TWRP “The greatest backup band in the world.”  TRWP then went off stage and the stagehands pulled Ninja Brian over on his bigger piano.
The person behind me dressed as Ninja Brian managed to get their homemade plush Grubba on stage and Danny thought it was awesome.
Danny then took out his earpieces and winced at the loud cheers and did the heart symbol with his hands. Then a Danny chant started that Ninja Brian tried to stop by pointing to himself and the chant switched to Brian. Then Danny got upset and Ninja Brian started pointing to him to start the Danny chant again. (aww)
Then Danny said he and Ninja Brian have been in Ninja Sex Party for nine years now.  He said when they started out, they were doing shows for ten people in basements in New York.  And he said, this was better.
They then did the slow version of ‘Dinosaur Laser Fight’ for the longtime fans and everyone was singing along and holding their phones up with the flashlights on.  I gotta say, I just love listening to Brian play.
He said that it’s strange that he gets emotional over that song.
Then he had us do the golf clap and gotta admit his little laugh at that is adorable.
He had us take a pledge not to record the new music video and not upload it
Then they played ‘Pour Some Sugar On Me’ and it was…something.  Like I wouldn’t want to upload this anyway.  The Porn stars to Danny, Ninja Brian, TWRP ratio was greatly unbalanced. I didn’t like it.  Watching a bunch of girls in candy bikinis suck on lollipops…naw.
 Then Ninja Brian came out and a voice over talked about a piece written, recorded, arranged, produced, directed, scored, figured out, and done completely alone by Ninja Brian. TWRP came out and they played ‘Concerto in P Minor’.  This was very interesting to watch up close.  Man, it sounded so awesome.  Ninja Brian got up and shook the other’s hand but completely ignored Phobos.
After it was over, Danny came back out and Ninja Brian took the mic…and said nothing.
Then Dan talked about messed up stuff happening in the world and said fuck it.  Then they played ‘Everybody Wants To Rule The World’ and everyone was singing along.  I love Brian’s solo.  Danny patting Ninja Brian on the head was adorable.
After the song, someone threw an ankle bracelet…take a guess what Ninja Brian did.
The next song was a philosophy and lifestyle they live by.  ‘No Pants Dance’
For like a full minute, Ninja Brian just stared at Phobos, shaking his head.  Ninja Brian started grooving and thrusting his hips…huh.  Then he started staring at Phobos again.  Then Ninja Brian pulled a blue Yoshi plush out of his pants and threw it into the crowd at the end of the song.
Then someone threw a dollar on stage and Ninja Brian gave it to Phobos, then he took it back and Dan said, ‘Now you have to kiss him.’ The crowd started chanting kiss him and Ninja Brian did and Phobos took the dollar back.  
Then someone threw a penguin(from adventure time?) on stage…ya’ll know what Ninja Brian did and it created a huge bulge.  He then walked over to Phobos and pointed at the bulge and then at Phobos.  (Brian must not know that TWRP aren’t okay with shipping)
The next song was ‘Danny Don’t You Know’ and Danny reminded us of the pledge.  They really need to release this song though.  It’s really good.  And I could actually hear the lyrics this time, without those youtube red people yapping behind me. (by the way, I now know that I did see Michele up there last time)  The photoshop visuals are a lot funnier up close.
After the song they all left the stage.  A few minutes later Danny and Brian came back and people started chanting encore and Danny was laughing saying that’s what this was.  Danny joked that it’d be dickish if they just came back out to wave and then leave again.  Then Ninja Brian waves and walks off stage.  
They then played ‘Wish You Were Here’ and that song is just beautiful.  This was the only song my audio recorded perfectly.  Just having a piano helped a lot.  At the end, Danny and Ninja Brian hugged.
My footage cut off before they played ‘The Hit’ but I still had the audio.
Danny did his ‘Love everyone, forgive yourself’ speech, then they played ‘The Hit’
After they bowed, Ninja Brian lightly touched Phobos before going over to the other side of the stage to wave bye to the crowd with Meouch and Doctor Sung, who were taking a selfie. It was obvious Phobos was lingering behind on purpose.  
When it was just Ninja Brian and Phobos left on stage they approached each other and Ninja Brian kissed him again.  Then they slung their arms around each other’s shoulders and walked off stage.
And thus concluded my third NSP/TWRP concert.  
Gotta say it was still a fun and amazing show.  If you ever get a chance to go, do it.  
It’s worth it.  
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Jane and carlos ship meme can't remember if I already asked for this
You haven’t.
1.Whois the most affectionate?:
Afterlearning that showing affection and vulnerability isn’t somethingto be avoided at all costs, and more so, not being victimized andtaken advantage of by others that just reinforce his Isle-sourcedbeliefs, he just goes all out on showing his friends, hispseudo-family, and especially Jane as much love and affection as hecan.
2.Bigspoon/Little spoon?:
Theyalternate, depending on who’s having the worse day, the worse panicattack, or in the case that they’ve both suffered equally sucky andterrible days, who Dude or their current pet dog/s decides to snuggleup to.
3.Mostcommon argument?:
Carlos’scientific projects, and what he can or can not work on, at home orin the office.
Aftergetting access to proper education, professional mentorship,communication with his fellow inventor peers, scholarships, researchgrants, and most importantly, a lifetime membership at the HandyDandy Hardware store franchise, sometimes even the laws of physicsaren’t enough to limit Carlos’ trying to make his ideas areality.
As he borrows from Adam Savage, “I reject your reality, and substitute my own!”
4.Favoritenon-sexual activity?:
Discussionof their days, what happened, and what will be happening.
Janeenjoys the way Carlos lights up when discussing his latest project,results, and activities, even if sometimes her incredibly advancedthought process and infallible memory can’t keep up with him, andCarlos enjoys knowing that he’s serving as the sympathetic,attentive ear for whenever Jane needs to unload, and boy, does shehave some plenty interesting stories to tell, even if they are rants.
They’reboth all too used to being ignored, or outright being told to shutup, that their issues and concerns were less important than someoneelse’s—the most common culprits were Cruella, and of course,Audrey.
It’sREALLY nice to have someone who just up and listens, no questionsasked.
5.Whois most likely to carry the other?:
Carlosheavily relies on mathematics, physics, and Judo whenever he has todo anything physical. And however frail Jane’s mortal body lookslike, she can easily override the “limiters” and becomesuperhumanly strong.
6.Whatis their favorite feature of their partner’s?:
Janereally enjoys Carlos’ energy and sheer enthusiasm when he gets intosomething he really, really, really enjoys, such as dogs,science projects, or some other sort of achievement like an amazingblock in a friendly, non-professional Tourney game with friends.
Carlosloves Jane’s eyes, the one thing that she doesn’t—can’t,really—de-age or attempt to hide just how old, how experienced, andhow many things she has seen over her immortal existence, good, bad,and everything in between.
7.What’sthe first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings forthe other?:
Youcan watch this whole series in Descendants 2. I really don’tagree with many of the writer’s decisions and how they executed it,but I’m too lazy and tired to think up of an entirely differentseries of them getting together.
8.Nicknames?& if so, how did they originate?:
“Dr.de Vil” after Carlos officially gets his doctorate in MechanicalEngineering, “My Little Mad Scientist” because of all of hiscrazy, zany experiments, and “Fae’s Best Friend” when he onceasked, “If dogs are man’s best friend, what does that make me toyou?”
“BabyJane” as an affectionate, playful nickname, “Doggy Godmother”because of how experienced and skilled she is with taking care ofdogs, and “Blue” when Jane explicitly asked him to make up aspecial nickname that only he could use.
9.Whoworries the most?:
Carloshas learned that sometimes, there’s really nothing you can do butface whatever impending unpleasantness is coming your way, and thatall the fretting and hypothesizing in the world is better spentactually doing something, objectively and definitively finding outhow a decision/preparations/experiment will turn out.
Thataside, he’s mortal, worrying takes up a lot of his inherentlylimited energy, and Jane has no such constraints.
10.Whoremembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?:
Jane.Infallible Faerie Memory, baby.
Theyswitch, but Jane takes this role the most.
12.Whoinitiates kisses?:
Carlos.See No. 1.
13.Whoreaches for the other’s hand first?:
14.Whokisses the hardest?:
Jane.Initiation might be difficult and awkward for him, but bridging theinitial gap is kind of like opening the floodgates of affection,love, and messy, slobbery tongue-action.
15.Whowakes up first?:
Jane,by virtue of rarely, if ever actually sleeping, and only for a fewhours if she does.
16.Whowants to stay in bed just a little longer?:
Carlos.All that flurry of activity and thinking in a short span of timeequates to a LOT of forced, necessary downtime, and unlike hissmartphone, you can’t expect him to be completely ready to doa-zillion different functions and programs as soon as you press the“On” button.
17.Whosays I love you first?:
Again,see the Descendants 2 movie.
18.Wholeaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does itusually say?):
It’susually reminders of things that miss Carlos’ (admittedlyincredibly haphazard and disorganized) record keeping system, butsometimes she just goes on to say how much she loves him, or cutelittle things their pets have done that he might like to know about.
19.Whotells their family/friends about their relationship first?:
Jane,though it’s really easy to do so when your mother isn’tobjectively fucking crazy.
20.Whatdo their family/friends think of their relationship?:
FairyGodmother is super supportive and loving towards Carlos—sometimes alittle too much, as FG has a tendency to overcompensate with the“maternal support towards the boyfriend” because of lingering,unconscious guilt of never being around for Jane as much as sheshould have been.
Cruellathinks the whole thing is an absolute disgrace, especiallysince Jane can’t really get “anything of actual worth” fromCarlos. “Not that a homely face and run-of-the-mill body like herscan nab anyone worth marrying in the first place!”
21.Whois more likely to start dancing with the other?:
Carlos.Excessive amounts of energy that need to be released, yo.
22.Whocooks more/who is better at cooking?:
Jane.She’s had plenty of free time to fill, and even though Carlos doescook, he using his hands to work with machines and computers, notknives and fresh ingredients.
23.Whocomes up with cheesy pick up lines?:
“Youknow, Jane, when I think about us, I can’t help but feel like I’ma nut.”
“Anut? Why?”
“BecauseI fit so well with you, like you’re a bolt, and we were just madefor each other.”
24.Whowhispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear duringinappropriate times?:
Carlos.Look, Jane is not above and definitely into dirty talk, but Carlos isthe one who always feels the need to “shake things up” when Janewould rather they not be shook.
25.Whoneeds more assurance?:
Carlosisn’t the picture of absolute, constant self-confidence, but atleast he can’t completely, objectively remember every single timehe has ever felt like he could not do it, and it turns out thatdespite his best efforts and the confidence of others, he couldn’tdo it after all.
26.Whatwould be their theme song?:
Imay have used this before, and my apologies if I did, and also for mylimited song knoweldge, but “Body Image” by TWRP fits them verywell.
Jane’sphysical appearance remains a sore point for the rest of her life—shewas “beautiful” in high school, but what about college? The realworld as a “twenty-something” in as much as an immortal, agelessfaerie can be a twenty-something? How should she look as she, herfriends, and her lover age and grow older?
Justhow much gray should she have on her hair? Should she start changingher appearance to have more wrinkles, extra, unnecessary padding, alittle more stoop to her posture? Is it even fair to be simulating aweakening, failing body, when everyone knows full well she willeternally be a spry spring chicken blessed with divine strength andagility like a Grecian Avian Demi-God?
Regardlessof what she looks like, though, Carlos will always love her.
27.Whowould sing to their child back to sleep?:
Carlosdoesn’t really feel like he’s up to the task, seeing as all his“lullabies” were Cruella screaming at him at the top of hislungs, blaming him for all her problems, and loudly saying to hisface, message clear thanks to her facial expression, body language,and tone, that she regrets ever having him.
28.Whatdo they do when they’re away from each other?:
Carlosdoes science, Tourney, and “Guy Things” with Jay, the specificsof which change over time. In their teens and twenties, it’s goingout to town, getting into trouble, and possibly being arrested. Inhis thirties and forties, it’s meetings with the other dads and“with kids or serious, all-consuming careers” adults for thingslike weekend hunting trips, “bad-back friendly” Tourney teams andgames, and of course, embarrassing group bonding events with theirkids, their nephews and nieces, and/or godchildren, and so on and soforth for however long he lives.
Janegoes on with her numerous jobs and duties as a Fairy Godmother in anage mostly without magic, hanging out with her female friends withwhatever activities are “in” with them at the moment, and tryingto immerse herself in the present culture however well or awkwardlyshe can, if only so the inevitable generational paradigm shift of allof society around her gets less surprising and sudden.
29.oneheadcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart:
Carlosand Jane own a LOT of dogs over the course of their relationship. Asyou would expect, none of these puppers ever live as long as Carlosdoes, and it’s impossible for any of them to be an immortal Faelike Jane. Every decade or so, they lose a furry best friend orthree, bury and/or cremate them, and shelve a scrapbook filled withprinted photos and mementos in a special collection with all theirdogs.
Ithappens constantly. It’s inevitable. They know, and willinglyaccept that fact every time they are gifted a new puppy, or adopt onefrom the shelter.
Butstill, every single time, it hurts.
Andno time does it hurt the most, than the first time Jane has to fillin the very last pages of a scrapbook by herself, decide whereexactly it’s going to go in that giant wall of scrapbooks by herlonesome, figure out all by herself whether or not she’s going togo get a new dog, after she buried both her latest pet and herhusband.
30.oneheadcanon about this OTP that mends it:
Weknow from Mulan there’s definitely an afterlife—or enough of aperson that sticks around, that it’s basically them for all intentsand purposes. And thanks to connections with Lonnie, and the gradualweakening of the Magic Ban to the point where it’s really just aset of regulatory acts not unlike the laws governing ownership anddriving of a car, Jane manages to get an opportunity to see Carlosagain, along with all of their dogs.
Janehugs and kisses the ghostly, kind-of-cold Carlos in the middle of asea of dogs, before they both lie down and drown in all theslobbering, yipping, yapping, barking, licking, and tail-wagging,struggling to keep up with all the lapdogs who refuse to share withall the other lapdogs, the dogs that really did not like making newfriends, the ones that were just too eager to be friendly withabsolutely everyone they encountered--
--Alltheir dogs, of all temperaments, breeds, backgrounds, and what haveyou, Jane remembering all of them in infallible, exact detail,holding them in her arms once more, feeling their love and affectioneven if her hand goes right through them, and there’s no warmth, nofluffiness when she tries to pet them, just a muggy, slightlyunpleasant coldness.
Thereunion lasts for hours, the magicians, voodoo practitioners, andspirit callers officiating it having to clock overtime because theyhave just that many dogs, and Jane and Carlos want personal time witheach of their pets, however long each canine wants to be with boththeir owners once again.
Buteventually, even the most attention and affection hungry pup hastheir fill, even the dogs that want play time to stretch for on andon find themselves bowing out, and Jane feels that fatigue settingin, the kind that shouldn’t technically exist, but the power oftrying to imitate being normal and human can bring.
Janeand Carlos stand up, hug and kiss one last time, before Jane moves tothe side with the exhausted or just replaced summoners, Carlos andtheir dogs move to the other side. Hands waving, mouths open inpants, tails wagging, they say their goodbyes, before the latterdisappear, and all is quiet once more.
Janegoes home, and spends quite a long time alone immediately after, andtaking something of a semi-vacation from all her work and duties forthe time after that.
Butsome day, she plans on getting herself a new puppy, changing herphysical appearance once more to a woman definitely old enough to besomeone’s mom but not quite someone’s grandmother, putting out adating ad as she tries to get back in the “market.”
Shedoesn’t know exactly what she’s looking for, but she does knowthat they must love dogs.
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grumpiestgrumpdump · 6 years
All the Queen questions, tho
>-> Anyways…
Bohemian Rhapsody - What matters to you more than anything in the world?
It’s going to sound cliche, but my friends. My best friends. They not only ground me on my bad days, but help me build a ladder to get back out of the pit. They inspire me in so many ways to create (even if I am terrified to post my writing anywhere and hesitant at best with my art). They know who they are.
Another One Bites The Dust - What one thing would you wipe off the face of the earth?
Under Pressure - How stressed are you currently?
AHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAHHHhhhhooo god. Currently I think my mind is blocking out current stresses over my car. Which I am sure people are tired of seeing me reblog about.
We Will Rock You - What was the last concert you went to?
STEVEN WILSON AT THE VARIETY PLAYHOUSE IN ATLANTA, GEORGIA, BABY!! It was my fifth time seeing him perform, and my third this year alone. Seriously, if you’re into progressive rock or just some damn good music that is well written, produced, and mastered, go listen to him. He’s also done a lot of remixes of classic prog albums by King Crimson, Gentle Giant, and Jethro Tull.
Besides the Grumps/NSP/TWRP, Steven Wilson is my big thing.
Somebody To Love - Are you looking for somebody to love?
Not really. Would it be nice if it happened? Of course, but I’m not going to go looking. I’m pretty damn alright with being single.
We Are The Champions - What achievement are you most proud of?
Living to see thirty despite how much life has thrown at me and dealing with chronic pain. THAT ONE GOT DEEP.
Radio GaGa - What do you think of today’s popular music?
*cracks knuckles* Are you even ready for this rant? I’ll try to keep it short.
I hate it. Absolutely hate it. It’s overproduced, unoriginal, and at times degrading. Nearly everyone uses auto tune over vocal talent (there is a time, place, and level for auto tune). There’s no skill nor heart put into it anymore. It’s all about money, fame, and followers. Are there exceptions? Of course (namely thinking of Florence + The Machine here), as there always are, but the majority of it is just awful.
This is why I listen to things that aren’t inherently “popular” with the masses. A lot of metal, progressive (rock and metal), stoner, psychedelic, and doom. I’ve discovered a lot of bands who deserve so much more than what they have. Am I happy when they get mainstream attention? Of fucking course! Because it means that there is a moment in the constant flood of Gucci and “be beautiful and rich to be awesome” that is different. Is strong enough, even if for a moment, to stand against the flow and say “THERE IS SOMETHING MORE”. This is why I was so fucking excited when “Danny Don’t You Know” blew up, and Cool Patrol stayed at #1 on Billboard as long as it did. Why I lost my shit when Steven Wilson was interviewed by them after To The Bone came out, and they premiered the video for “Song of I”. For one moment, there was something truly original out there, and (maybe) some people saw it and said “this is fucking awesome, what have I been missing out on?”
That wasn’t as short as I thought it might be, but I could wax poetic about the state of the music industry and popular music for hours. Also... That's just my opinion. If you like popular music, have at it. I'm happy you can enjoy something I generally can't, and it does something for you.
I Want To Break Free - If you could move to any part of the world, where would you want to live?
With my platonic life mate in Michigan where she currently lives. She is the Dan to my Arin.
Love Of My Life - Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yep. I spent a whole fucking week listening to Steven Wilson’s “Hand. Cannot. Erase.” album because of it, and sobbing every time I heard “Routine” and “Ancestral”.
Killer Queen - What is your favourite thing about yourself?
My ability to name every Porcupine Tree album in chronological order in under 30 seconds, probably.
The Show Must Go On - What is something you will never give up?
Music. I can’t play a thing, and my vocals aren’t that great since I did some hefty damage to them, but I have an insane appreciation for music. Which is why I write for a music blog.
Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Name some of your favourite musicians.
OH BOY GET READY! I am not going to include NSP or TWRP because those should be a given, honestly.
Steven Wilson (and anything he has done which includes Porcupine Tree, Bass Communion, his solo stuff, and more), Opeth, Storm Corrosion, Diary Of My Misanthropy, Russian Circles, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Volbeat, Calabrese, Mastodon, Sabaton, Powerwolf, Alestorm, The Sword, Blood Ceremony, Deathbell, URSA, Elder, King Buffalo, Process of Illumination, The Night Flight Orchestra, American Murder Song, Riverside, Lunatic Soul, Marillion, Pink Floyd, Rush, King’s X, Minsk, Night Runner, The Necromancers…
The list could go on for a WHILE. I highly suggest checking some of these guys out. Some of them are smaller bands (like The Necromancers, Elder, King Buffalo, Diary Of My Misanthropy, and Deathbell) I or my friend found on Bandcamp.
Who Wants To Live Forever - If you could be immortal, would you?
No, because I couldn’t handle seeing everyone I love and care for grow old and die.
Fat Bottomed Girls - What are some traits you look for in a partner?
Someone who is understanding and accepting of the fact I deal with chronic pain and demisexual, who clicks with me on many levels (especially music), and… Is awesome? I dunno.
I Want It All - If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?
Right now, a fucking working car. That’d be GREAT.
0 notes
stagsprite · 8 years
All Of The Questions have fun!!
Hoooo boy1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? I would die of shame because that would be my mother 😂2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?We're not together but we're good friends! 3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?Weed, no, anything harder, yes. 4. Is your last name longer than six letters?It's exactly six5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?Sober!6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?Yep yep yep7. What does your last received text say?Don't forget about the artist party tonight8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?Uhh I dunno, we kissed a lot and all the time 9. Where was your last kiss at?Camden in my driveway10. When is the last time you saw your sister?Pfffft a year ago11. What do you drink in the morning?Nothing because I get sick xD12. Where did you sleep last night?My bed (scandalous)13. Do you think relationships are hard?They can be but overall, no14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?Nothing15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?Nah we'd probably listen to music or something16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?Both???17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?No one so far!18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?Sweatpants19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?Eh, who knows?20. Does anyone like you?I honestly don't know21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?No22. Is the last person you kissed gay?Very23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?One dude in Psych class24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?Many!! Many are planned out!!25. In the past week have you cried?Yesterday for like three seconds26. What breed was the last dog you saw? Mutt: lab/boxer/mastiff (my pup 💜)27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?Out28. Have you ever kissed a football player?Yes29. Do you think you’re old?Extremely30. Do you like text messaging?I'm trying to get better at it31. What type of day are you having?It's been pretty great32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? I want my septum pierced so bad!!33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?Cold!34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?My mom35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?Relationships 36. Are you a simple or complicated person?Pretty simple37. What song are you listening to?TWRP "The Hit"38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?Sincerely!39. Is there a person that knows everything or almost everything about you?Jazz40. What made you start liking the person you like now?Personality, probably41. When did you last receive a text message?Like two minutes ago42. What is wrong with you right now?Ho boy43. How well do you know the last female you texted?I know my mom pretty well xD44. Does anyone disgust you?My bio dad45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?Eh, not right now, I have so much stuff on my plate46. Are you in a good mood right now?Pretty good!47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?Jazz48. What color shirt are you wearing?Black49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?Yep50. Anyone you’re giving up on?No one!51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?Nope52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?No53. Do you like rain?Love it!54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?Casually, no. Abusively, yes. 55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?YEP56. Do you like to cuddle?very much so!57. Are you shy?Painfully58. Do you get along with girls?Yep!59. Have you dated the person you texted last?Nope xD60. What do you carry with you at all times?My phone61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?For money, yes. Voluntarily, hell no. 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?My longest was 11 so I think I got it63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?Kinda? I was talking to someone64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?YES BECAUSE IM SO TALL PEOPLE CANT REACH UP THERE65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?my cat got pregnant and looks adorable66. How old are the last three people you kissed?Currently: 17, 18, and 1867. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? Pay because I'm horrible at it68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? Zebra69. Do you have any stickers on your car? Two angel ones and two gay ones70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? Lil Wayne71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone? iPhone72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut? Like last week xD73. Do you like diet soda? Sure74. What color are the walls in your room? Steel blue75. Are you 16 or older? 16, about to be 1776. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? Never seen it77. Do you have a job? Yep!78. What are your initials? GEAM79. Did you ever have braces? Have them now80. Are you from the south? Unfortunately so81. What does your last status on facebook say? Probably something along the lines of "I haven't been on in a while, sorry!"82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? No he like ditched the country xD83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? Mom, definitely 84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics? I used to do both in like ?kindergarten?85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? Get Out86. Do you smoke? Nah87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? Flip flops88. Is your phone touch screen? Yes89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? Curly because it naturally is90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? Yep91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? POOL oh yikes rivers and lakes terrify me92. Have you ever made out in a car? Yes93. …Had sex in a car? Not yet xD94. Are you single or in a relationship? Single95. What were you doing last night at midnight? Sleeping96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? July 4th97. Do you like the camera on your phone? Yes!98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? Not really99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? Nah100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? Eh, no101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? Pfffft nope xD102. Name your favorite Kesha song: Dinosaur103. Do you have any tan lines right now? A slight Farmer's tan TBH104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? I think I have done this, actually xD There ya go!
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jasonisanerd · 7 years
My favorites from 2017!
2017 was a strange year for the people living in America. A reality TV star enjoyed his first year as president of the free world, the most popular smartphone brand just entered the quadruple digit pricing zone, and the biggest entertainment company in the world is dangerously close to becoming a monopoly after accusations of marketing gambling to kids. It’s really easy to be a reactionary critic and just focus on the negatives, but I want to go over what I felt were some of the best things to happen this year. Don’t think of this as a “Top Things of 2017” and more as a “Things that happened in 2017 that I think are interesting and worth thinking about and appreciating.”
--Stuff I didn’t get to--
Nioh, Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds, Black Mirror Season 4, Kendrick LaMar’s DAMN., Your Name’s Dub, and Dragon Ball Super.
-- Under The Covers Vol. 2 --
I was a big fan of Ninja Sex Party’s 2016 Cover Album “Under The Covers”, and it’s nice to see the album get a sequel in the form of “Under The Covers 2”. The concept for the album is to take a handful of 80’s pop songs and have them be performed by Danny Sexband and Ninja Brian, with backup instrumentals by TWRP. This results in some wonderfully catchy tunes and what I believe to be one of the band’s best singles, Like A Record. Definitely worth a listen.
-- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 --
Even though it doesn’t reach the same heights as the first, Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 takes the cake as the best looking film Marvel Studios has ever produced. It also caught me off guard to see it inject some remarkably powerful pathos to it’s ending. It’s a great film, just make sure you watch the first Guardians film first.
-- Yakuza 0--
Yakuza 0 snuck up on me and the rest of the gaming public by being a low-budget, charming adventure in 1980’s Japan through the fictitious entertainment and red light district of Tokyo called Kamurocho. Featuring perilous, fierce combat, a collection of diverse minigames, and nearly 100 hilarious, off the wall side quests. I’m obviously a fan of this game, but I can’t help but feel that I’m missing out on something by not having played the rest of the series. Looks like that’s something I’ll have to rectify with the coming year.
-- Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite--
Many people, myself included, dropped Street Fighter 5 after a lackluster second season. Thankfully, Season 3 looks to be a hell of a lot better. In the meantime, we’ve got Marvel vs Capcom Infinite. I understand the disappointment when it comes to the roster and especially the visuals, but in terms of actual gameplay and mechanics, I think it’s phenomenal. Arguably better than Marvel vs Capcom 3. I’m exited to see what characters will get introduced. And if this goes well, this could end up being the best MvC to date.
-- Content Cop: Jake Paul --
The YouTube channel iDubbbzTV has been growing steadily over the years, but grew substantially over 2016 with the erupting success of it’s show Content Cop. Which entered the YouTube zeitgeist with it’s savagely meticulous takedowns of various, sometimes despicable, YouTubers. The show saw it’s creative peak this year with Content Cop - Jake Paul. Despite it’s name it was a 30 minute behemoth of a video of Ian just destroying the human trash bag RiceGum culminating in an incredible diss track with a star studded cast including Boyinaband, H3H3, Jacksfilms, and even Pewdiepie. The Diss Track itself, Asian Jake Paul, is also in a contender for my favorite song of the year.
--Nintendo Switch--
There have been a great deal of great games this year, but how about an entire game console? The Nintendo Switch is Big N’s latest handheld and console as a result of being a hybrid of the two. People have raved about the switch over the past year, with games like Splatoon, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Golf Story, and especially The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild. All of these games are great commercial and critical successes, but my favorite is Super Mario Odyssey. Just about my favorite Super Mario game to date.
--From Zero To Golden--
While all of these were made by people I respect, The two part YouTube series “From Zero To Golden” was made by me! This is by far my favorite thing I’ve made this year, but I also look at it now, almost 8 months later, and can clearly see what I can improve for later videos. 
You can also watch it here!
--Honorable Mentions Rapid Fire--
iOS 11 is robust and incredibly useful. The ProCrastinators Podcast itunes release got me into one of my new favorite podcasts even with it’s slightly yellow tint (Also RIP Mumkey). Binging With Babish is a delicious cooking channel on YT and inspired me so much it got me cooking more robust dishes. It’s not crazy, but it’s great stuff. Played Neir Automata, haven’t finished it (partway through Route C).
--Persona 5--
Taken how big of a fan of Persona 4 I was, Persona 5 had a lot to live up to. Thankfully, Persona 5 exceeded any expectation I had of it and became my favorite game of 2017. A gripping, multi-layered story about how an oppressed group of teenagers battle against the system fueled by a fast, kinesthetically gratifying combat system. I almost want to say it’s better than P3 or even P4 for it’s gameplay, but that’s difficult to say because I feel they stride to do different things. Persona 5 however, is a great addition to the Shin Megami Tensei Canon and I’m definitely going to buy all of the spinoffs.
Look, life gets rough, and sometimes we all need a break. Especially in this day-and-age where it seems the entire world can burn down at the drop of a hat. Either through Violence, Nuclear Warfare, or cancerous fidget spinner memes. But, hey now that we can show our appreciation for the things we love through the power of the internet we can all find new ways to love what we do, as well as find new things to love. Hopefully that can carry over to the new year, and we can make 2018 better than previous years. Have a happy new year and here’s to 2018!
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