#it do be lookin like pi tho
castle-dominion · 1 year
c3x22 to love & die in LA
Ooh a plot heavy episode lol acab Dude it might be easier to hop than it is to crawl idk. Wow mafia lookin dude Lol the sarcastic "scary"
What time of day is this? Castle is here first! Lanie <3 I keep forgetting that bounty hunters are real. Arrest probs. Yep arrest. At least he still has a face.
Just like Murdoch! Ryan taking things back to s1 rly quick here with his outfit like that huh Silencers don't make them completely silent, they just dampen the noise
Royce has nice brown eyes & freckles
Beckett shut it Girl. Girl no.
She has a pic of him with her? That's sweet. (Also reminds me of george crabtree with a picture in his house with an awkward murdoch. if he wasn't so head over heels for julia he would be in love with... well pendrick but if he wasn't head over heels for pendrick he would be in love with george. Remember that time when william asked george out to the christmas ball?)
This is what it's like sitting in the back of a car with my two brothers & they put me in the middle Bro you could stand up to let her out, it's like the bus! It's castle obv. (could clip, but I won't)
I'll be your backup <3
"under the radar" cut to a fancy car Castle is so cocky Ew neat mural... I like maurice. Beckett has some really LA type clothing here...
Mob ties?
WAIT WHAT Guest house, reminds me of Japan. "Me too" XD apparently they went thru several iterations before settling on that.
Their little handshake
y'all PLEASE watch the bonus features if you can. Apparently this IS where they shoot Castle & even the camera ones are literally the ones who work on Castle. She's in rehab???
Raley & ochoa? That's VERY original castle /s. lmao doesn't huerve mean egg? what is that handshake? I love it RC: You're a cop, so it's your job. Rick go talk to ryan about his motivations & then make smth up for Raley! Update: I have now watched the audio commentaries & stuff for s1. Apparently Ryan was a boring character so Dever started carrying around Richard Castle books, probably borrowing them from beckett. Dever went "what is my character's motivation^/" & they said "idk" so he started reading castle books.
KB: *talking abt the case* KB: *trails off once she sees bootleg rysposito* (clipping)
GIRL "HOLA CHICA" IS EASIER TO WRITE THAN "GREETING IN SPANISH" WTF Aw look at them kiss in the morgue. LP: Wait is your friend that top-heavy tramp in reception? JE: Hm? What? HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO DISSOLVE? YOU MIGHT WANT TO SNAP SOME PICS QUICK. (clipping)
Did they call? How did rick learn abt the dissolving bullets? (love how he is on conspiracy websites tho lol) Girl??? Also the lockpick scene was ok except for the fact that she didn't physically unlock the door after getting the pegs aligned Watch ur fingerprints. No all the way back to new york? they're going to go back & then once in new york they'll have to come back to LA If royce can't hunt bounties then he'd totally be a PI Nice to hear LAPD instead of NYPD.
Ooh robbery homicide LMAO IT REALLY IS MUCH WORSE THAN ARREST. IT'S LIKE WHEN YOUR DAD SAYS HE'S NOT MAD JUST DISAPPOINTED. They often say "welcome to new york" & now it's "welcome to LA" & I think it's a nice change of pace.
Ryan outfit: patterned shirt, collared button-up as usual, tie. I love the little brother things here. Imagine if it was martha's acting school. Ryan just held up his fingers to say "line two" but montgomery saw & hun he might just hop on the phone too. JE: Sup girl? Hey she's genuinely being useful in the investigation. Or maybe not, maybe she's just telling them what to do even tho they can do it on their own See? Castle is smart enough
Now this is intense I love it. I also love how the man goes into the office just wearing his surfwear.
Ha not that good. Way ahead of you bro. These two are a great team. (tbh I'm clipping this bc I like seeing them do smart stuff)
Just like castle! Making up stories to mess with you! You're not so bad yourself castle??? Are u in a relationship? If she wasn't I'd say kiss kiss kiss. Huh her nails are painted.
Maurice my beloved lmao no it only melts nazis ok bud Could have yelled "coming, one sec" "We're not on the case anymore" I like Seeger's tie No, seeger went to the house for something. Wait it was for the gal who stole the stuff nvm.
Mum caught on right away that they would use the props YES RALEY/TAYLOR & OCHOA/HERVE! That's the dumbest thing ever I love how he just accepts that
This is so great. Apparently this is the same interview room as usual, they just changed it up a bit to make it look like the movie set. I mean you're right child molesters are the lowest of the low but they usually get killed so they are not actually IN prison. I like how we get to see the dramatic upset behind the set. update: OH it's bc we usually get to see people in the observation room like montgomery $500 is cheap af I wonder if they filmed that for the bonus features of the nikki heat film but they probably wouldn't include Reggie in there. Does this mean I can leave?
She's just walkin by stripping from all of the costume stuff they gave her None of the other ones are before a height measure thing, only Mannis is. He also looks to be above 6' even tho his profile says 6'0" update: THE EASTER EGGS FURIED CROWS
MAURICE! Also I can't tell if this guy is fancy, european, or gay. It's like that song, gay or european, & it's like dirk gently, possibly gay & definitely european.
Wow definitely not new york. Man has a tattoo. Oh of course they couldn't resist a shot of this. Does she have any bullet wounds? Appendicitis scars? I'm into girls but I'm not into this. (I'm into girls like Ryan who is not a girl. He is a lesbian to me though.) What accent is this? She grabbed his wrist now he's the one holding her hand? Weird
I thought that was the original plan lol RC: DOn't poke me! KB: Poke you? I want to kiss you! SO DO IT ALREADY (won't clip)
Decently obvious lie... (BESTIES HOW DO THEY BECOME GOOD ACTORS FOR 5X10 & HOW DID ESPOSITO LOSE ALL OF HIS "WE WERE TRAINED NOT TO GIVE UP INFORMATION" SKILLS?) Why did RM say this to espt instead of saying "you or you"? Also I'd def excpect esposito the "we were trained not to give up information" man to be good at lying. JE: *nods to ryan* RM: *Smiles as the two walk away* They are her brothers <3
RC out of the blue: Can i interest you in one of these robes? Seeger: ? No! Thank you!
Where in the world are they meeting her? Ok but the way Ryan whips his jacket around mm These two are partners & I love them He just answer's some stranger's phone with "yo" lol KB: ... ESPOSITO??? JE: BECKETT??? KB: Are you with mannis? JE, casually: Yeah I just shot him KB: JE: Why r u calling him? KB: Look we need to know where & when ganz is selling those bullets JE: Done JE, to mannis: Where's the deal going down? *gun pressed to his throat* DM: I'm hit man call an ambulance JE: Well my partner's on that KR: Nine, one... what comes after that one? DM: I;m in pain here man! JE gets the location out of him by pressing in on him & putting him in pain (acab) & then bringing the cell phone to the screaming man's voice & then he cracks, that easy, tells em where to go. KR comes in after that asking who shot royce which was a good call. It was Ganz.
the heck does "quarter of six" mean? Do you mean 5:15 or do you mean 5:45 or do you mean 6:15? I would say quarter TO six for 6.30, quarter PAST six for 6.15, third PAST six for 6.20 & half PAST six for 6.30. Yo where did beckett get a gun?
That's a sus buff tattooed guy She says "police" instead of nypd bc she doesn't have jurisdiction here & she is not lapd. Yo, nice knife! Mmm a smouldering cigar Hun u better have the safety on & the gun not cocked. easy way to lose a buttock. Glad we got a shot of her booty tho. She's not my type (except for maybe s1 beckett) but I can still appreciate a pretty lady.
Apparently she had to learn how to vault a gate on set that day in front of a hundred plus people. She tries to do most of her own stunts tho. I never imagined hell looked like you ugh good line good line First names <3 Girl u put the safety on right?
I like their little friendly ending together & then DX rick gives him a housecoat that's so great lol
I thought about it. But I knew I never would. I knew I couldn't
NOTE FROM A DEAD GUY SHIPS THEM. Care & love does not need to be romantic ig... Wait he wrote the note in all caps
I loved the costumes in this episode. V nice. v good.
It was a different episode today! I enjoyed it a lot! & I went five minutes overtime in my watch (I give myself double time to watch it) but other than that yeah I'm happy!
(Got some good clips here today)
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idontknowyettttt · 2 years
okay but why does Heath Ledgers’ forehead crinkle look like pi
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cy-berbyte · 3 years
Giga-Brained Cog Bosses HC Hours Feat BG
- They are all evil bitches. All of them. Post over— KWHDJBAJFBAJ OKAY BUT FOR REAL THO:
Non-Romantic HCS:
- VP detests cream pies with all his being, but regardless, has still developed a sweet tooth. He’s tried “toon food” before(aka candy), but decided it’s not good enough for his “Superior Cog Tastebuds” so he’s had some of his workers “Improve” them. Now his favorite candies are high quality Bon Bons that are dark chocolate (SPECIFICALLY 100% cocoa, like the REAL bitter stuff) on the outside, with motor oil on the inside! Yum! :]
- The other bosses don’t admit it, but they do sometimes steal VP’s chocolates for themselves. And yes, a toon has been unfortunate enough to steal and (try to) eat one, and they were saddened on the spot.
- Out of all four of them, VP is the one with the sweetest, most charming, and outwards personality, and he gives the biggest shit about fashion.
- Whenever he thinks about what he would wanna do if he wasn’t evil, VP likes to imagine himself as a director to plenty of hit (commercials and) movies, and he imagines himself living in a super luxurious studio. He hates how the toons have raided his HQ so much so to the point where it looks like the massive shithole you see in-game.
- CFO, like VP, also cares immensely about how he looks, wearing expensive jewelry like rings n necklaces, but when he’s not counting his money, he prides himself in how he carefully spends(steals. He steals.) to have only the finest to fit his tastes. He loves how much cleaner his HQ looks, and his private abode prolly has shit like marble floors or tables.
- Basically? The guy is a massive snob when it comes to architecture, and thus he’ll often watch shows about awful, awful multi-million dollar apartments that look like absolute dogshit just so he can laugh at them and stroke his own ego about how much better his place looks.
- CFO of course hoards money and pretty things like a dragon, but one of his special favorite objects are these tiny trains he owns. He’s like those dads that have a cool little mini train collection/display, and he loves them to death. The only one who knows about them is the VP, mostly cuz the VP genuinely thinks it’s cool, and VP caught him messing with them by complete accident.
- If he ever goes anywhere special, he’ll always nab a little “memento” for himself to remember the occasion.
- The CFO is the massive short fuse, surprisingly. When he’s not being an arrogant cockshit, he’s the quickest to piss off and his anger rivals that of the CEO’s, especially when it comes to his money being stolen (I personally like to think he’ll sometimes yell “I’LL HAVE YOUR HEAD FOR THIS.” when fighting toons).
- CJ, on the other hand, is as graceful and level-headed as you could imagine. If the boss cogs all go out for drinks one day-off, CJ would be the designated driver. He, of course, is the most serious and no-nonsense motherfucker.
- CJ’s unsurprisingly the smartest one of the cogs, his hobbies including reading law books and strategizing the most optimal ways to handle certain toon-related situations.
- Despite this, the judge is actually the most curious about learning new things, including toon behavior, thus he likes gathering information about everything himself when he’s able to.
- The judge is not actually blind, but he wears the blindfold because he has the ability to ‘see’ by sensing everything around him. He almost never opens his eyes because both his sight and his sense working at the same time is too much and thus overwhelms him. It’s considered his only “flaw” by the Chairman.
- The CJ often remarks that, if the world toons live in was not so painfully saturated, he’d actually find the flora... beautiful. He’d like to hang around Daisy Gardens the most.
- The blue muppet-lookin man absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, plays Microsoft solitaire on those old 90’s computers.
- The CEO may be as cocky and angry as the other bosses. However, he excels at the game of wits/cunningness and is absolutely the most chaotic motherfucker. It’s his way or the highway, he doesn’t care. The CEO gets what he wants when he wants, and if ANYTHING gets in his way, he’ll step on or control anyone to have his way and succeed. He can basically be the embodiment of “Murder, Manipulate, Mansplain”
- He’s the toughest out of the bunch. The CEO will absolutely be the one to start problems on purpose, he has the strongest guts and thus has no problem talking back to even the Chairman if he knows something’s not adding up.
- Golf is his main hobby, or lifestyle, of course. HOWEVER the CEO is also one to indulge in the ‘art of gambling’, as he puts it, and he’s pretty damn good at it! He loves raising the stakes and savors swindling the other bosses of their cogbucks, especially the CFO lol. Casinos are nice places to kick back and unwind at if the golf courses are undergoing maintenance!
- Being the final boss cog made, the CEO has the latest tech and runs with the least amount of issues or bugs. He likes to rub in the fact that he’s got the least amount of lag in his systems, the smoothest treads, etc.
- Roast-master supreme. Will absolutely have a toon’s entire bloodline rolling in their graves by the time he’s done roasting the fuck out of them.
- And speaking of roasts, the CEO is a very picky man when it comes to his things, such as his decor or his banquets. He will accept nothing less than perfection, nothing other than his ideal vision.
- CEO will play any kind of game if it peaks his interest, whether it be IRL or online, if it’s got a deal he can’t refuse, he’ll go for it... (This may or may not have resulted in him playing some unexpectedly-hilarious golf matches with Skipper on Kirby’s Dream Course)
-Out of all of the other cogs, the CEO is the lightweight when it comes to alcohol.
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s1utspeare · 3 years
hhhnnnnggggghhh im going feral about acting choices again
ok ok ok so like. i’m working on the Zhang Daddy Rishan Kinesthetics Masterpost but also I was watching Mystic Nine yesterday to Watch His Lines and I realized that??? Fo ye???? is a Chest Lead???? so then of course I dropped everything to determine what Leads everyone in m9 has (and I’ll be doing the rest of the dmbj characters later im sure) but I HAD to share because I’m literally insane about it. 
BIT OF BACKGROUND INFORMATION (asldighaldskfj y’all are really just going to get my entire theatre degree For Free): one of the easiest ways to Get Into Character and Embody Certain Traits is to decide how your character walks. They made us do this during movement workshops EVERY TIME (another thing we did during movement workshops was lie on the floor and scream. also there was an exercise where u just stared into each other’s eyes. anyway) because it’s like the best place to start, because even if u didn’t decide ANY physicality movements for your character except for what Lead they have, that’s still going to be a really good physical indicator of traits and characterization. And basically a Lead is just what body part Goes First when you’re walking (more on this in a bit). 
Anyway, there are four main Leads: 
Head: a head lead is someone who is known for being intelligent and logical. They do most of their character action inside themselves, and reveal it to the audience through lines and words. This is probably the most common lead because it’s the easiest to do. Wu Xie is 
Chest: a chest lead literally is following their heart. They’re guided by emotions, and are often fierce and very loyal to the people they care about. They tend to do most of their character action through expression.
Hips: a hips lead is confident in their body and the way they present themselves. They are usually very physical, though not necessarily active. Hips leads can also become stomach leads or crotch leads, depending on what the actor wants to emphasize in their character (stomach is grounded, sensible, and strong; crotch is a little bit sleazier/less trustworthy a first glance; think Pangzi vs Hei Xiazi). 
Feet: feet leads are the hardest to do, because they require an actor to have very good balance and poise. Feet leads are often people of action, and unlike physical characters who will use small bits of energy to keep continuously moving over time, they usually do bursts of energy at different times. 
Sometimes actors will mix and match Leads, or emphasize an even more specific body part (i.e. shoulders instead of chest, knees instead of feet, nose instead of head), but for our purposes, these four Leads will basically cover all of our stuff. 
Also! This works on people in real life, too! A fun exercise is to try and figure out which Lead you have (I say you, because it’s REALLY difficult to tell on other people, because while you do Lead with a certain body part, it’s entirely subconscious and thus very minimal). For example, I’m a Head Lead most of the time, except when I don’t want people to talk to me, or I want attention; then I switch to a Hips Lead. My roommate is a Feet Lead, and one of my best friends is a Chest Lead.
ANYWAY BACK TO MYSTIC NINE CHARACTERS! They are??? Super interesting??? 
Fo-ye: Like I said earlier, Fo-ye is a Chest Lead which BITCH??? I’M??? HELLO??? like you would think he’d be a Feet Lead or a Head Lead, but he’s a Chest Lead! It took me the longest to figure him out, I think, because I was looking for a Head Lead, but when he walks, it’s like there’s a string pulling him forward from his pectorals, which is SUPER INTERESTING. AND LIKE. IT MAKES SENSE? like fo-ye is smart and capable and active and yada yada yada, but he’s also super passionate? and often doesn’t think about things before he does them? He kind of just jumps in in the moment, doing whatever he thinks is best at the time, even if it comes back around to bite him. For a character with such a strong facade, that type of Lead is so revealing which puts him in very vulnerable positions, which is what it’s good that...
Ba-ye and Er-ye: are both Head Leads!! Like, ba-ye, obviously. He’s a stereotypical nerd, and they’re always Head Leads, but this bitch takes it to another level. Just look at him: 
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Head Lead lookin-ass. Anyway. But Ba-ye and Er-ye balance Fo-ye’s Chest Lead out very well (it’s funny that it takes two of them though). Er-ye’s Head Lead is also interesting, because it comes out a LOT when he’s doing opera. This could partially be because of the headdresses and costuming, but also I think that he’s very precision-oriented, and is constantly calculating everything in his head before he ever moves at all. 
Zhang Rishan: babes is a Foot Lead. Like. He’s so funny. If you watch him run closely his feet come to a stop before everything else and it looks like wind’s blowing him backward. It makes sense though?? especially considering how tense he is all the time?? like sir please calm down, ur so tightly wound, it’s exhausting. Makes the Feet Lead make sense tho, cause like. he’s ready to GO. ready for action! also it makes his connection with Ba-ye even better cause like??? they’re Opposite Leads??? and i love that for them.
Chen Pi: Chen Pi is actually a natural Head Lead, which was super surprising to me, because he seems like he’d be a Chest, but I think he gets most of that from Er-ye and copying him and his methods of doing things. HOWEVER when he’s trying to intimidate people (and especially when he has to deal with Idiots like Officer Lu and Henry Cox, those bitches), he switches to a really heavy Hip Lead to make him seem sturdier than he actually is. 
Yue Xinyue: I haven’t quite puzzled Xinyue out yet, but I’m pretty sure she’s a Chest Lead. Like Chen Pi, when she’s in disguise, especially as a man, she switches to Hips, which is a good strategy, since men are more likely to be Hip Leads, as their center of gravity is lower. 
Yatou: my beautiful and perfect wife. Of course she’s a Chest Lead. Her heart is so big. I love her (also emphasizes her compatibility with Er-ye hehe).
My point that I’m getting at (besides characterization) is that almost NOTHING that you see onscreen is an accident. Not to like, put actors on a pedestal (bc the REAL magic is the tech people), but acting is hard when you really do it like, for real. Rehearsals for filmed shows often take anywhere between 1-3 months because you’ve got to get ALL OF THE CHARACTERIZATIONS and physicality and everything figured out so that when it’s in front of the camera you’re ready to go (and that’s not even TOUCHING ON fight choreo, which I also love). As much fun as acting is, and as easy as it looks, I can guarantee that there’s a million things going through each of their minds, including things as simple as which body part goes first (also it’s SUPER awkward to go against your natural lead lmao, so like. Props to everyone i love them). 
Anyway! That’s the m9 main cast (i didn’t do the antagonists cause most of the time they’re Hip Leads anyway and also i didn’t want to go watch clips of Cox walking around, that’s boring). I think that @cross-d-a​, @jockvillagersonly​, and @lacommunarde​ were specifically interested in more acting meta, but I hope you all enjoy it as well!!! 
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aoshihugs · 3 years
character game!
⤿ gojo satoru
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⊹ first impressions?
genuinely the first thought in my head when i started reading jjk was “i bet he’s a fan favorite, kakashi lookin’ ass…” and i was speaking facts
i liked him better with his mask on for a while because it was weird seeing his eyes, but i’ve gotten used to it after that one teenage gojo arc so he’s cool either way
⊹ impression now?
i love him but i hate him but no i don’t yes i do HE’S SO ANNOYING but he’s been gone for so long that i kinda miss his odd behavior fr… come back old man we want the kids to be happy again
an odd man. you’re telling me he has GAME??? are you SURE??? like yea he’s pretty and smart and powerful but cmon now…
still very cool tho, we love an overpowered character with crippling loneliness!
he’s also kinda gender and i hate that
i hate his laugh /hj
⊹ favorite moment?
him laughing and pretending to step on the ants in front of the presidents… why must he be this way…
⊹ story ideas?
gojo goes to a pta meeting and is overwhelmingly underprepared for the stress of planning a bake sale for young megumi’s elementary school. he attends one meeting because he heard that they were lacking volunteers but did not know what he was going to be subjected to until he was put in charge of pies and puddings with no experience. megumi is a very mean but very funny kid in this.
papa’s pizzeria but it’s the students as the employees and the teachers ordering increasingly difficult pizzas. gojo has the worst orders just because he’s a dick. all the students rotate on the register and always find ways to switch prematurely when they see this mf walking in.
⊹ unpopular opinion?
he’s not exceptionally attractive! like… we’ve known anime fans have a thing for masked characters, cocky personalities, and pretty boys, none of which are bad traits at all! he’s very handsome and deserves the hype by all means, but i just don’t find him that attractive. i love his voice tho, 15/10 would recommend for sure
⊹ favorite relationship?
him and megumi i think??? i’m thinking of that one scene where he tries greeting young megumi and just ends up looking like a creep while the kid stands there like 😐😐 lmaooooo
me 🤝 megumi 🤝 unamused with gojo
him and yuuji are up there too fr. that scene of hjm pushing the cart and yuuji jumping out, only to be greeted by their unimpressed squad and distracted rivals was *chefs kiss*
⊹ favorite headcanon?
he winks at himself in every mirror, even when he wears his mask. he winks under the mask.
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duvayknox · 3 years
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She was hooked on HONEY BUNS and SKITTLES especially the GREEN Ones. And da Fack dat she was a DIABETICK wit da same issues as a DYING ADDICT seemed to ESCAPE Her. This is shit U kno when U have taken a ride on da WHITE HORSE knowwutimean?? The NOD is beautiful-baby. PLUS: U dont give-a-fuck bout the werld WICH is useful to a Man at sertain times in his life. Butt the COST 2 yo VEINS is reconstruction. U ever seen how da City fuck up the highway when they rebuilding the roads/Roads be so fucked up u gotta drive on the shoulder/ditches n shit be erry where. Aight. Well dems yo Veins inside yo body lookin jes like dat cuz they been done COLLAPSED like-a-muthafucka/Let sumbody show u their veins hoo been shootin up so long they done run outta places for the needle .... they arm look like POT HOLES in da street n shit. Sum Scabrous-Treacherous shit. But She aint know dat. Cuz she didden associate DIABETES wit being a DYING ADDICK. Its da exact same shit tho. She aint kno dat her rotting flesh is summa da same shit happens to-a-muthafucka hoo been shooting up HEROIN so long/and their system breaks down due to SUGAR--cuz its a DRUG too.
Butt she aint kno dis type-a-shit cuz she aint HIP 2 dis type-a-shit butt im 1 ov dem Niggaz hoo .... dat wut ever I PUTT in mah body wether its FOOD or DRUGS like da HEROIN im on. I been doing Heroin for 20 years butt im da type of muthafucka I always kno how much of wut 2 doo 4 wut. I been doing Heroin for 20 years/got a full time job butt dats cuz I got a good job. I got wut black folks kall a GOOD JOB/Make $35-$40-an-hour--befo Taxes. So I got a good job--butt I kno how 2 doo Heroin. Butt its a lotta muthafuckaz i grew up wit got on Heroin same time as I did butt they aint end up good as mee....knowutimsayin?? They have becum DIABETIKS cuz dats wut a Diabetik is. A Diabetik is a DYING ADDICK. Its da same muthafuckin shit. U ever seen a muthafucka wit they arm fucked up frum doing Heroin it aint a purrty picture-baby. It aint a purrty picture at all. And when u see a Diabetik & they feet start runnin n shit dats cuz ov all da SUGAR. See? When u doo HEROIN n when U git DIABETES its da SAME muthafuckin SIMPTOMS! Boff ov em AFFECK yo KIDNEYS....n U...and the only difference wit food is most ov da FOOD u EAT go 2 yo FEET cuz U digest frum da BOTTOM Up and then when u dooing da HEROIN u puttin dat shit direckly in yo VEINS .... n it go 2 yo HEART. Butt either way it Affecks yo KIDNEYS and u git DIA-muthafuckin-BETES. Im tryna SHO sumpen mayne. See-a lotta muthafuckaz dont kno dis shit butt I B tryna TELL peeps dis shit .... knowuthimsayin?? when ever Im talkin bout HEALTH .... Seewutimsayin?? Cuz yeah I kno I doo Heroin butt i talk bout Health too to other Heroin Addicks uknowutimtombout: the best way 2 use a needle/how to use a needle. Rite? If u ever noticed Diabetiks use a needle too. Thats wut I tole her.
Butt she say: I aint kno Heroin Addick like U doe.
I says: Butt U shoot up dont U bitch?
She said: Yeah.
I says: Aight. U use a needle dont U?
She said: Yeah.
So I says: Aight. Well-U a drug addick den. Jes cuz U use GRADE-A Pharmaceuticals dat cum frum a PIG dont mean shit.
Butt she was a young know-it-all hoe thawt she cood defy all da rules--and was still fuckin wit dem sweets last time I seent her: cakes/pies/cookies and candies n shit. SKITTLES was her thang. She loved that POISON. Not knowing dat Skittles were made wit DYES that were outlawed in sum countries even tho they were "legal" in the United States. So she still poppin dem SKITTLES and HOOKED on HONEY BUNS.
Butt I gots a GOOD JOB.
--the end-- Twitter: @duvayknox email: [email protected] 
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meetmeatthecoda · 5 years
Thank you so much for tagging me, @starcrier!! 😄 I’m sorry this took so long, friend, but here we go!! 😊 Enjoy or whatever 😂
Favorite snack? Right now, I’m obsessed with Annie’s organic cheddar bunnies. Those little buggers are tasty!!
Favorite place to go on vacation? The beach!! For sure. The boardwalk and the ocean waves can solve just about anything.
What’s a song that makes you dance immediately? Right now, It’s Strange by Louis The Child feat. K.Flay. I kept hearing it in that stupid car commercial and now it’s my jam. Whoops.
Tea or Coffee? And what kind? Coffee!! Preferably with indecent amounts of chocolate and whipped cream. My coffees are more like desserts honestly.
Do you play an instrument? LOL yeah, that’s kinda what I do. Flute & piccolo 😊
What’s your favorite type of personality? On other people? Hmmm, well, I’m like immediately drawn to people who go out of their way to make awkward people (me) feel at ease. Like just genuinely easy-going, kind, understanding people. Just chill. Yeah, those are good people, they help me relax and be more like myself.
Favorite Comedian? I don’t watch a whole lot of comedy but John Mulaney, for sure, I’m kinda in love with him. Also, Kathleen Madigan is great. And Kate McKinnon is just so cutely quirky, she’s adorable.
Gummy candy or chocolate? Chocolate, 1000%. But I also love me a bag of gummy bears.
What did you ‘want to be when you grew up’ as a kid? Ah, I had 3 very specific visions for myself: horse trainer, oceanographer, and author. Preferably all at once. I was a kid of many interests. Still am. Even though they have narrowed slightly in focus to all things music related. (It’d still be cool to be an author tho, no lie.)
What’s your favorite physical feature about yourself? LOL meh, I’m not super enamored with myself. I’m pretty tall, so that’s cool. My arms and fingers are kinda long from playing the flute, but I also have huge hands so idk. Probably also from playing flute. Sometimes I think my eyes are pretty.
When was the last time you watched a show or movie on a TV? I’m currently watching The Late Late Show with James Corden. I’m all about late night TV.
Unpopular Opinion? I don’t like Beyonce. Please don’t hate me.
Are you scared of bugs? Hell, yeah. Hate ‘em. Hate killin’ ‘em, hate lookin’ at ‘em, hate anything to do with ‘em. Just no. Please go be gross somewhere else.
Cats or dogs? Kitty cats. They’re beautiful. Especially mine ❤️
Are you allergic to any foods? No, luckily!
Does the description of your star sign match your personality? I… don’t pay attention to that stuff honestly.
Favorite type of accent? Aw, man, I just love accents in general. Other than American ones, of course, those are boring to me, too familiar LOL (I think I just like dissecting the differences in rhythms and cadences, how people pronounce different words. I guess that’s my music geek coming out.) In particular, I’m super attracted to British and Scottish accents. Like, yes.
Name the first song that comes into your head! The Waving Through A Window cover by Pentatonix. I’m obsessed. (P.S. @starcrier, my mom used to call the Jar of Hearts song Jar of Farts instead 👍)
Who is the sexiest famous person to you? Uhhh, James Spader. He’s sexy at any age. Also, Zachary Quinto comes to mind. He’s freaking beautiful. And Ryan Gosling. I have to conform somehow.
Cake or pie? I’m generally pro-cake. But my mom’s pies are the bomb.
When was the last time you read an entire book? Ooooh, probably last summer, unfortunately. I’m usually stuck reading music textbooks right now, which isn’t awful, but… it’s tiresome. I believe it was Portrait of a Lady btw. But I also read a lot of fanfiction. Easier to get through quickly and just awesome in general ofc.
Favorite junk food? I mean… pizza.
Do you like your height? Yeah, I mentioned that somewhere above. I used to think I was super tall cause I was a big kid, ahead of the growth curve or whatever, but now I think I’m kinda average. About 5’7’’ I think? I’d like to be taller but… it’s okay LOL
Apples or oranges? Mmmm, apples. But oranges are yummy too.
Do you like salad? Yes!! It’s certainly grown on me as I’ve gotten older, especially with yummy fresh veggies, cheese, and croutons. And dressing. Don’t skimp on the dressing.
What person inspires you the most? My family and my music professors. And that’s definitely more than one person. Sorry.
What is a song that has made you cry? Oof. On the Nature of Daylight by Max Richter. It’s most hard-hitting in the movie Arrival but it still packs a punch on its own ❤️
Thank you for this, my friend!! 😃 I’m sorry I’m so supremely uninteresting!! 😂 I’m gonna tag @ihaveyoulizzington, @james-baeder, @strawberry-pills​, @codewordpumpkin​, and @theythinkimabitch​!! 😀 And anyone else who wants to, of course!! 😊 Much love guys!! ❤️
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