alyblacklist · 5 years
“#I knew Red would understand what Ressler did and why” did we even watch the same scene? 🤔🤔 Cause that was definitely Red making sure Ressler didn’t run around telling people his secret. And the “good” at the end was 100% a threat to keep keeping it quiet if I’ve ever seen one.
Given that I tagged my own gif set, the answer to your actual question of whether we watched the same scene should be self-evident.  But I assume what you really want is for me to explain why I said what I said in my tag and not just to tell me that you think I’m dead wrong?
There’s been a lot of discussion ever since Ressler began his investigation that Red would be furious when he found out, threaten Ressler, retaliate, etc.  I disagreed with that from the beginning because I felt that Red would understand why Ressler did what he did (and honestly wouldn’t have expected him to act differently).  I think Red knew in 609 when Ressler took the stand that Ressler had learned that Red was not the real RR.  I think he also knew then – because he has always understood how Ressler thinks and operates – that it wouldn’t be something he would just drop.  It started with Ressler working with Liz – something that would not surprise Red because he would expect Ressler to be team Liz if there are sides to choose between Liz and himself.  And it ended with Ressler working alone – something that would also not surprise Red because he understands Ressler’s tenacious nature, having been hunted by the man all those years.  When Liz admitted to Red that Ressler had helped her, Red also didn’t seem in the least bit surprised.  
I did not take the purpose of the scene as Red seeking to put a lid on Ressler.  He already knows Ressler hasn’t been running around spreading his discovery to the world.  He wanted to find out more about the Russians who had tailed him because that was a threat Red needed to handle.  Ressler offered up on his own that what he learned “stays with me.” Based on his tone and facial expression, I didn’t read that as him being nervous or fearful of repercussions from Red, but rather him offering his word.  So what you see as 100% Red making a threat, I see as Red accepting the word of a man he knows doesn’t give it unless he means it.  (Something Red himself asked of Ressler way back in the Troll Farmer when he sought his word, as a man of honor, that he would give Liz the benefit of the doubt).  The way they made eye contact and Ressler’s slight nod before turning away to me spoke not of someone who had just been threatened, but rather the mutual respect of two men who understand each other.  Just my take.           
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ihaveyoulizzington replied to your post “well, that’s an absurd confluence of events”
it definitely wasn’t filler. a lot of shit happened tbh with red and the overarching plot @miss-musings​
i think it’s one of those episodes that feels disconnected and disjointed without the full picture, ie not great as a self-contained, standalone thing but with information that’ll be important in the long run
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meetmeatthecoda · 5 years
Thank you so much for tagging me, @starcrier!! 😄 I’m sorry this took so long, friend, but here we go!! 😊 Enjoy or whatever 😂
Favorite snack? Right now, I’m obsessed with Annie’s organic cheddar bunnies. Those little buggers are tasty!!
Favorite place to go on vacation? The beach!! For sure. The boardwalk and the ocean waves can solve just about anything.
What’s a song that makes you dance immediately? Right now, It’s Strange by Louis The Child feat. K.Flay. I kept hearing it in that stupid car commercial and now it’s my jam. Whoops.
Tea or Coffee? And what kind? Coffee!! Preferably with indecent amounts of chocolate and whipped cream. My coffees are more like desserts honestly.
Do you play an instrument? LOL yeah, that’s kinda what I do. Flute & piccolo 😊
What’s your favorite type of personality? On other people? Hmmm, well, I’m like immediately drawn to people who go out of their way to make awkward people (me) feel at ease. Like just genuinely easy-going, kind, understanding people. Just chill. Yeah, those are good people, they help me relax and be more like myself.
Favorite Comedian? I don’t watch a whole lot of comedy but John Mulaney, for sure, I’m kinda in love with him. Also, Kathleen Madigan is great. And Kate McKinnon is just so cutely quirky, she’s adorable.
Gummy candy or chocolate? Chocolate, 1000%. But I also love me a bag of gummy bears.
What did you ‘want to be when you grew up’ as a kid? Ah, I had 3 very specific visions for myself: horse trainer, oceanographer, and author. Preferably all at once. I was a kid of many interests. Still am. Even though they have narrowed slightly in focus to all things music related. (It’d still be cool to be an author tho, no lie.)
What’s your favorite physical feature about yourself? LOL meh, I’m not super enamored with myself. I’m pretty tall, so that’s cool. My arms and fingers are kinda long from playing the flute, but I also have huge hands so idk. Probably also from playing flute. Sometimes I think my eyes are pretty.
When was the last time you watched a show or movie on a TV? I’m currently watching The Late Late Show with James Corden. I’m all about late night TV.
Unpopular Opinion? I don’t like Beyonce. Please don’t hate me.
Are you scared of bugs? Hell, yeah. Hate ‘em. Hate killin’ ‘em, hate lookin’ at ‘em, hate anything to do with ‘em. Just no. Please go be gross somewhere else.
Cats or dogs? Kitty cats. They’re beautiful. Especially mine ❤️
Are you allergic to any foods? No, luckily!
Does the description of your star sign match your personality? I… don’t pay attention to that stuff honestly.
Favorite type of accent? Aw, man, I just love accents in general. Other than American ones, of course, those are boring to me, too familiar LOL (I think I just like dissecting the differences in rhythms and cadences, how people pronounce different words. I guess that’s my music geek coming out.) In particular, I’m super attracted to British and Scottish accents. Like, yes.
Name the first song that comes into your head! The Waving Through A Window cover by Pentatonix. I’m obsessed. (P.S. @starcrier, my mom used to call the Jar of Hearts song Jar of Farts instead 👍)
Who is the sexiest famous person to you? Uhhh, James Spader. He’s sexy at any age. Also, Zachary Quinto comes to mind. He’s freaking beautiful. And Ryan Gosling. I have to conform somehow.
Cake or pie? I’m generally pro-cake. But my mom’s pies are the bomb.
When was the last time you read an entire book? Ooooh, probably last summer, unfortunately. I’m usually stuck reading music textbooks right now, which isn’t awful, but… it’s tiresome. I believe it was Portrait of a Lady btw. But I also read a lot of fanfiction. Easier to get through quickly and just awesome in general ofc.
Favorite junk food? I mean… pizza.
Do you like your height? Yeah, I mentioned that somewhere above. I used to think I was super tall cause I was a big kid, ahead of the growth curve or whatever, but now I think I’m kinda average. About 5’7’’ I think? I’d like to be taller but… it’s okay LOL
Apples or oranges? Mmmm, apples. But oranges are yummy too.
Do you like salad? Yes!! It’s certainly grown on me as I’ve gotten older, especially with yummy fresh veggies, cheese, and croutons. And dressing. Don’t skimp on the dressing.
What person inspires you the most? My family and my music professors. And that’s definitely more than one person. Sorry.
What is a song that has made you cry? Oof. On the Nature of Daylight by Max Richter. It’s most hard-hitting in the movie Arrival but it still packs a punch on its own ❤️
Thank you for this, my friend!! 😃 I’m sorry I’m so supremely uninteresting!! 😂 I’m gonna tag @ihaveyoulizzington, @james-baeder, @strawberry-pills​, @codewordpumpkin​, and @theythinkimabitch​!! 😀 And anyone else who wants to, of course!! 😊 Much love guys!! ❤️
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james-baeder · 7 years
5, 10, and 14
Thanks gurl, always coming through
5. Who plays candy crush in important meetings and who elbows them in the ribs to make them pay attention?
Red gets incredibly bored during Ressler or Cooper’s briefings so he pickpockets Lizzy’s phone and tries playing the games she has on there. Candy Crush is too small for him to really see what’s going on, but when she still had Floppy Bird he got a high score of 87 which he was quite proud of (he boasted about it for weeks, and while it annoyed her, she also found it really endearing). He gets elbowed in the ribs by Liz when 1) she realises he’s stolen her phone again and 2) he needs to pay attention because they’re getting to the important bits now.
10. Who moans and talks with their mouth full whenever they eat good food, and who tells them to stfu but can’t help laughing?
Red is definitely the noisy eater. Barely taking the fork out of his mouth before groaning and closing his eyes. “Oh my God, Lizzy. My life has changed, you have to try this,” eagerly reaching over the table with a heaped fork to feed her. She always frowns at his antics at first, but can never stop the giggle from bursting out of her when he takes another bite and emits an even louder groan. He says, “What,” with a mouth full of food whenever he catches her staring and she starts laughing again.
14. Who leaves notes in the other’s lunch and who tells them they’re dumb (but secretly has a collection of every note Person A has ever written them)?
Tbh they both do this. Red starts. He leaves post-its with red inked hearts and smiley faces and “you looked stunning today”s (and in rare cases, lines from romantic poems) in Liz’s files, and on her fridge, and in her lunchbox when she remembers to take a packed lunch. Liz catches on and sticks her notes to Red’s seat when he leaves the car to open the door for her, or on the brim of the hat she thinks he’ll wear the next day, or onto the bathroom mirror so he’ll see it when he shaves. Her notes have a compliment on them - dinner last night was incredible, your new cologne smells amazing, last night... - followed by Love you xx.
If anyone cares for more of these, they’re over here
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piketrickfeet · 7 years
the office!
my favorite male character: jim halpert
my favorite female character: kelly kapoor, pam beesley
my otp: jim/pam
my notp: michael/jan was a cluster
my other ships: jim/karen, dwight/angela
my least favorite character: gabe
my favorite season/episode: seasons 2&3 are 40+ episodes of perfection
who i would date off the show: jim, pam, erin
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theythinkimabitch · 3 years
Tagged by the lovely @sirtadcooper! Thank you!! ❤️
ancient or modern • bitter or sweet • chocolate or vanilla • coffee or tea • create or destroy • day or night • early bird or night owl • freckles or dimples • gold or silver • Greek mythology or Egyptian mythology • macarons or éclairs • hot or cold • thunder or lightning • typewritten or handwritten • secret garden or secret library • spicy or mild • dark magic or light magic • virtue or vice • clean-shaven Pedro or moustache Pedro • ocean or desert • mermaids or sirens • known or unknown • rough or smooth • moon or stars •  rain or snow • night out or night in • power or knowledge • space or deep ocean
And now for the tagging part: @agxntkeen @auchen @elizabethkween @grilledkatniss @james-baeder @imakayak-hearmeroar @ihaveyoulizzington@meetmeatthecoda @takadasaiko @thoughtfullyshadowypoetry @thesmileykiley @whimsyandsomething @withwhatiam @skiesfallithurts
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Will Meet Cute ever be completed?
as a matter of fact, it’s my next priority for a WIP update. and it weighs on me that it’s been so long, believe me. :|
it’s safe to say that—at the moment, at least—all of my current blacklist WIPs are still actively being worked on, albeit s l o w l y
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agxntkeen · 6 years
do you know any good blacklist/spader themed blogs to follow? I am cleaning 8 years of tumblr shame and millions of fandoms and finally need quality on my blog, ha.
I do happen to know some 😎
Blacklist blogs: @alyblacklist @nancyjocom @iloveredmorethanever @lizzingtonclub @theblacklistgifsdaily @ventingblacklist @timelessish @redsblcklist @lizzyscottkeen @elizareddington
Spader/Red blogs: @spadergifs @redalertworld @reddingtondaily @corman789 @spadrool @behindsilence @sexyspader
some other awesome people to follow: @elizabethkween @221beefcakes @elizared @reddxngton @pa-strahmi @meetmeatthecoda @thenopetrain @auchen @strawberry-pills @jesterbing @ihaveyoulizzington @ziamandcaryl
I feel like I forgot a bunch of people here and I’m really sorry, but feel free to reblog/reply to this and add more!
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ihaveyoulizzington replied to your post: that is the wrong fucking lesson to take from...
i hope the blacklister was foreshadowing “i found out the father of my child is a monster”
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meetmeatthecoda · 3 years
tbl fandom in 50 years
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@ihaveyoulizzington​ 😂😂😂
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james-baeder · 7 years
Boston Legal!
Send me a show or movie and I will answer 
Who I will protect at all costs: Everyone’s favourite cuddly asshole, love of my actual life, Alan Shore. (and to a lesser extent also Shirley)Who deserves better: Shirley (she was super in love with Carl but he was a total douche)Who was killed off too early: Nobody was killed (thankfully!) but I really like Tara so much and I was upset when she left Who I used to hate but now I love: The first time I watched it I didn’t really like Claire all that much, but the second time I started liking her a lot moreWho I used to love but now I hate: There’s no one like this. Sally annoyed me more the second time than the first time, though.Who needs to be killed off asap: No one on the main cast needs to be killed. That dude who kidnapped Shirley though, like, he’s up there.Who is unfairly hated: I don’t know if there’s really any hate at all, nevermind unfair hate so I can’t answer this???Who is unfairly loved: People really love Sally, like a lot, and while I don’t mind her, I don’t get it, tbhWho needs to sort out their priorities: Denny. Like. Just get a PA or something my guyWho needs a hug: Alan needs all the hugs and I am available 24/7 to bestow them on himWho needs to get out of their current relationship: Nobody? Like I said, Carl is the Worst, but Shirley loves him and they’re good for each other? It seems like Brad and Denise are also happy so who am I to judge. Who the writers love: They love all of the characters, that’s why it was such a darn good showWho needs a better storyline: Everyone had amazing storylines but I didn’t like that one where Denny got married and divorced in the span of like, 3 episodes. Also that whole Denise/intern thing creeped me out.Who has an amazing redemption arc: Alan, my love. From The Practice so season 5 of BL there is some major character growth and redemption going on. I love my terrible husband.Who is hot af: Tara tbh. 10/10 would bang. Also Alan. I don’t even need to say it. Judge Gloria, damn gurl. Who belongs in jail: Probably Denny. He has shot a lot of people. And there are some instances where Alan did things that is probably jail-worthy. Also A LOT of their clients.Who needs to be revived from the dead: The show
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piketrickfeet · 7 years
Parks and Rec?
Nah | haven’t seen yet | didn’t like/gave up | like it | love it | highly recommend.
this show is golden. so good i’m not even gonna unbold this!!
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piketrickfeet · 7 years
78 and 97!
78. do you sleep with your door open or closed? bedroom door open, closet door open, bathroom door closed so the cats don’t get in there lol
dark, milk, or white chocolate? dark chocolate til i die!!
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james-baeder · 7 years
Okay there's a lot so just pick whatever you'd like haha. For Lizzington: 2, 4, 8, 14, 25, 30, 34, 35, 40, and 47 :D
Thanks gurl. I already did 14 and 34 so I’ll do the others!
2. Who is the big spoon/ Who is the little spoon?
Red loves being the little spoon so much. He loves the way Liz will rest her hand over his heart or on his belly and the way she speaks very quietly while they’re lying like this. But he doesn’t mind being the big spoon when the situation calls for it.
4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
Oh my goodness both of them. Before Red even opens his eyes he’s kissing whatever part of Lizzy is nearest, be it her arm or her neck or her forehead. And his kisses are so soft and light that he can do it for a good 5 minutes before she wakes up. Liz is more aggressive in this area and will full on tongue kiss his neck to wake him up. He always startles awake and she loves to see his face go from alert to sleepy and in love. 
8. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/ Who sleeps in their pajamas?
Red has pyjamas cause he’s been woken up at odd times too many times in his life to not always be clothed. It’s mostly just an undershirt and some striped pants but still. Liz always steals Red’s shirt and couples them with her undies and she’s good to go.
25. Who wears the other ones clothes?
Inadvertently just answered that because yes. Red has amazing, expensive clothes that are always soft and always smells like him so she’s constantly stealing it. BUT Liz has a hoodie with QUANTICO emblazoned on it in huge letters, which she got a size too big, which Red loves wearing. It does stretch a little at his shoulders and around his arms but he doesn’t mind (Liz doesn’t either). He likes to say he would have made a good FBI agent while looking at himself in the mirror.
30.  Who likes long walks on the beach?
Red would much rather sit on a comfy chair with a drink in his hand, and enjoy the ocean that way, but Liz loves holding his hand and walking along the surf with him. When she was a little girl, all her favourite movies had this romantic scene in it and she always wanted to do it with someone she loves, so there they are. With their pants rolled up and their hands linked and she’s laughing fondly at him as he tells her another story of a sailing trip gone wrong 
35. Who goes overboard on the holidays?
Just take a guess. Red is incapable of controlling himself when it comes to living well and spoiling Lizzy so he rents the fanciest cars. Every night it’s a new 5 star restaurant. He buys her new jewellery almost every day. Liz tries to tell him multiple times that she doesn’t need all of this, and he doesn’t need to woo her because they’re already together, and he just laughs at her and kisses her cheek, and fastens a new bracelet to her wrist.
40. Who is the fun parent/ Who is the responsible parent?
Liz does take a more cautious approach in every day things like when cartoons are allowed to be watched and how many cookies can be eaten in one sitting. But she’ll always be up for a tickle fight and she always makes plans for weekends like going to the park or the zoo. Red is super cautious with the big stuff. There is always security in the building. There are people outside the school the whole time the kid is there, they have a permanent tail so nothing can go seriously wrong. He is pretty chill with the other, more internal things, though. He’ll sneak them an extra cookie, give them their first sip of wine when they’re 9, let them stay up late with him, stuff like that.
47. Who has the more complex coffee order?
Liz. Red can appreciate any cup of well made coffee so he orders whatever is on the menu and savours it. Liz only likes milk with certain coffees. Sometimes she doesn’t want sugar but sometimes she does. When she manages to drag Red to Starbucks she takes 5 minutes to decide and 10 to describe how she’d like her choice modified. (she was never like this before Red though cause she’s always just force herself to drink her off brand instant coffee that she made at home but then he started bringing her coffee or taking her to go get coffee and now she can’t go back)
(more questions here)
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james-baeder · 7 years
whichever of these you'd like: Harriet Smith, Frank Churchill, Catherine Bennett, George Wickham, Mrs. Gardiner, Colonel Brandon, Mrs. Croft
Why thank you!
Harriet Smith: Which is worse: physical pain or emotional pain?
Frank Churchill: Do you get cranky in the heat?
Oh geez Kate, idfk, have I ever complained to you about the heat AND HOW ITS THE WORST THING EVER??? How can you even ask this smh 
Catherine Bennett: How much does your personality depend on those you’re with?
Literally none, I’m always weird and introverted and shy (okay EXCEPT with my best friends the shy maybe converts to ‘it’s time to overshare!’)
George Wickham: Are you okay with burning bridges?
No, I hate it. I don’t like having enemies. I’ll always try and make up with the person after some time has passed. I’m friends with most of my exes.
Mrs Gardiner: Would you say you are nosy?
Not really, most of the time I really couldn’t give a shit
Colonel Brandon: How much do you hold onto the past?
Idk, a normal amount? I’m a much more live-in-the-moment-and-panic-about-the-future kind of person
Mrs Croft: Would you ever live on a boat?
Probably not. I like the ocean but not that much. 
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james-baeder · 7 years
Do both Gina and Holt from B99!
Gina Linetti:
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: Super good at Knowing stuff about other people. Amazing clapbacksworst quality: SO self absorbed damn ship them with: Herself/Anyone she’s feeling brotp them with: Jake mostly, but also a little bit with Amyneeds to stay away from: ??? Everyone is so pure on that show?? Maybe Doug Judy idk manmisc. thoughts: Lowkey wanna be her. Wanna know where she gets all her cool gear (i.e. wolf blanket and time for Gina’s Opinion jacket)
Captain Raymond Holt:
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang (tbh i wish i found him hot so i can check him out in that amazing captain’s uniform but it’s just not happening)hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: So good at being himself and working hard worst quality: No visible emotions??? What the hell rayship them with: His smart professor hubby Kevin Cozner brotp them with: Amy. Mostly because I would act exactly like Amy around himneeds to stay away from: Wunch!misc. thoughts: Too good and pure for this world. My legit fave. Would do anything for him. Wants to be invited to a dinner party.
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