#it does say something that Dracula had to result to tricks and literally breaking in to get to Lucy but still
captainsparklefingers · 9 months
:( once again, poor communication kills.
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Trevor, Godbrand, Dracula, and Hector at a strip club
Boys at the Strip Club:
Gonna add a bonus to each of these where the reader is a performer, so you’re welcome for that.
Boy does not really have the money to be here, so he hangs more towards the back to let the people who can actually throw cash get the better view.
Prefers watching the pole dancers, likes the skill requires and often considers which moves he’d be able to do if given enough liquid courage.
Is known well enough by the bouncers that he can help get rid of unruly guests if they need it. This also means the girls know him well enough they can trust him to get them safely to their cars if he’s still sober by the time they need to leave.
Honestly at this point is something like an honorary employee.
Once his friends surprise him by buying him a private dance, boy is awkward as fuck.
Hard to express that you respect what the girl has to do to get by when her tits are literally close enough to motorboat.
S/O is a performer: He is there for every damn show, sitting towards the back, eyeing every person you perform for and mentally breaking their hands if they try to put the money a little too far into their g-string. When the nights are slower he’ll inch closer and let them perform for him. He’s got his arms crossed, squeezing his biceps to keep from tackling them off the stage. He doesn’t bother trying to hide the tent in his pants though, if anything he’ll palm it when they’re looking, let them know how much he appreciates their efforts.
Who let this hellion in here?
Always brings a rowdy troop of other men with him, but they always drink and throw down tons of cash so their volume is excused.
Front row seater, even if it means threatening another guy out of ‘his’ seat.
He knows better than to get grabby, learned that one the hard way when a 9-inch heel nearly took out his eye, but that doesn’t mean he won’t be hooting and hollering among the loudest in the crowd.
He’s started a fight more than once when someone tried to steal cash that had fallen on the floor though. If he’s got to throw cash to see that ass, than dammit the other guy has to as well.
S/O is a performer: He absolutely hams it up, letting the other men around him know he gets to tap that after hours. When it starts to affect your tips (and they tear him a new one about it) he’ll settle a bit, squirming all pent up in his seat when they’re performing and raking in the cash. On nights he couldn’t attend the whole show he’s still there to pick them up, needs to make sure his partner comes home safely.
Owns the fucking club.
Is the most defensive boss, makes sure all of the performers are taken care of, safe, and receive pay even on the nights that are slow. For that reason he has something akin to a personal entourage of badass women who could kill a man in heels around him at all times.
The bouncers are all personally approved by him, and the only time one coped a free feel the offender was sent home with a broken arm.
When he has the time though he does enjoy watching the performance, and will shell out cash from his own wallet for any performer gutsy enough to dance privately for him. Any touching permission he’s granted he takes very seriously and he’d never use his status to try and get more than the girl is okay with giving.
S/O is a performer: Correction, they /were/ a performer. Dracula had helped them get started as a performer, but once they started talking outside of working hours and then sleeping together he drew the line at other people seeing them naked. They do become second in command though, as they care just as much about the other performers as Drac does. However, when the club has closed for the night and the other staff have gone home, Drac will sometimes request a private show. Lights low, music sensual, and the whole room for just the two of them.
Who let this sweet bean in here?
Does not understand the whole affair or what’s so appealing about acting like a bunch of apes around a bunch of women just trying to do their job.
Once he’s there he can start to find the appeal, the excitement and music getting to him just before some alcohol does.
Tips everyone, especially the waitresses and even throws a couple bucks at the bouncers since they clearly deal with the worst of the crowd.
He’s the shy one in the crowd, which of course gets a lot of extra attention from the dancers. He tries more than once to convince them that yes he’s having a good time he’s just not loud but that doesn’t stop them from getting closer and closer with each trick.
Turns a bright cherry red when one girl accidentally slaps him across the face with her ass, much to the mirth of his friends. Gives her a $20 anyway.
S/O is a performer: He was not thrilled about the idea, but they clearly seemed to love dancing so much he couldn’t very well say no to them either. Watchers them from the front row, unabashedly swiping his eyes all over their body while they perform. In the beginning it was a game for them to fluster him by aiming a particularly lewd gesture his direction, but time goes on and he becomes very good at the game. He did have to tone it back though, after one particularly cheeky tongue waggle nearly resulted in his s/o falling off the stage.
-Mod Soviet
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