#it felt like forever since i last drew them 😭
zzzenmui · 7 months
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choco choco nero give me some choco!!
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luna-draws · 1 year
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Man it felt like literal years since I last drew erasermic! Crazy huh?
My bad I’m just obsessed over one piece at the moment cuz of the live action and my brother is making me watch it (I have up in 4 episodes 😭) anywho I hope y’all like this,
I just need more wholesome erasermic content since we haven’t heard of them for the past 7 MONTHS!
People think they are dead I hope not 😭 I just love them and want them to be happy together with their children forever and ever I love them so much😭😭
Erasermic will live on! They have to!
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nat-seal-well · 1 year
Wip Wednesday :D
Kicking things off on my lunch break this morning (at 7 AM 😭)
Tagging @pinksparkl @evilbunnyking @serenpedac @ejunkiet @agentnatesewell and anyone else who has something they want to share!
The snippet under the cut is a little long, but it’s from the Halloween fic I’ve been working on :)
They bit their lip. “I’m afraid of dying.”
Nat felt like she had been staked through the heart.
Her reaction must have been obvious, despite the fact that she didn’t make a sound. When they opened their eyes, they offered her a smile of reassurance, when it really should have been the other way around.
“Marin…” she tried to say, but they cut her off.
“I know it’s dumb, because worrying about it doesn’t do any good. It isn’t like I can control it. But I’m still scared. Sometimes it’s easy to forget, but… but with everything lately, all the Agency stuff and the bounty and the trappers… and last week… it’s getting harder to ignore. Eventually it’ll go away again and get easier to deal with, because that’s always what happens. I just gotta get there first.”
Reaching out, Nat took their hand in both of her own and brought it up to her chest, over the heart between her ribs that felt like it was being strangled. “Mari, you know I will not let anything happen to you.”
“That’s the issue, though,” Marin said, sitting up so they could look her in the eye. “You can’t. Not really, I mean. It’ll happen someday, because that’s just how it works. I don’t know if it’ll be during a mission, or because of some sort of freak accident, or a health thing, or maybe I’ll just be really, really old. But it’s still gonna happen.”
Their words turned the blood in her veins to ice. She had thought about it too. Of course she had. Nat couldn’t keep them at her side, lovely and painfully mortal, and not think about it. She knew it slipped through her carefully-woven mask of self-control more times than it should have, no matter how hard she fought to keep it under her thumb. But not even that could be helped sometimes. Nat had been watching them more closely since the last mission, afraid that if she looked away even for a second she’d find them with a hole punched through their gut by a bullet, bleeding out and helpless on the floor.
…She also hadn’t been able to lock away the idea that kept creeping back into her mind.
It isn’t something they discussed yet. Neither of them had even danced around it. In fact, they hadn’t talked about it at all, in any capacity. Nat knew the avoidance couldn’t go on forever, though.
Not when it was her. Not when it was Marin. Not when it was the two of them, together. The conversation had to happen eventually, no matter how much she dreaded it. But ignoring what was right in her face didn’t make it go away. It was still there, no matter how often she kept throwing a sheet over it to keep it hidden. Marin was still aging, every single day, every single hour, every single second. Each breath and heartbeat drew them closer to the end, no matter how slowly it happened. She couldn’t pretend forever.
Sitting there on the blanket, under the cover of the night sky, she still didn’t think it was a discussion she was ready to have. That didn’t change the fact that it had to. Nat would never be ready for it.
So she inhaled to find the right words, and then—after a long, slow deliberation—she said, “Marin… I know we have yet to talk about it, but… we could take measures that would keep that from happening, in most ways. Barring a few limitations, of course. But you could—you would be with us. With me. Forever.”
The thought of it pained her as much as it brought her hope. Pain for what it would mean Marin would have to lose; Nat never mourned the loss of anything like she mourned the loss of her humanity, aside of course from her family. Marin would have to go through that, too, and she wouldn’t wish it on anyone, least of all them. But without that, she would risk losing them. No, not that. It wasn’t even a risk. It was an inevitability, something guaranteed to happen. And that hurt far, far worse.
She would have been willing to be the one to do it, if Marin asked. Nat would have volunteered to take care of the job herself when the time was right. All they had to do was ask. All they had to do was say yes.
Please, please, please. You have to say yes.
She wanted them to as much as it hurt her. She needed it.
But all Marin did was smile. They didn’t say anything for a long while, choosing instead to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear as they looked over the details of her face like they wanted to commit them to memory.
“I love you, Nat,” they began at last. And her heart broke even though they hadn’t given her an answer yet, because if that was how it was going to start, there was only one way it was going to end.
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🤎 Context/AU (Alternate Universe): Giselle and Sasha are best friends (have been since they were little) and live together. Sasha's been trying to let Giselle know that she's in love with her for the past year. Little does she know, Giselle has been in love with her the entire time and was simply waiting on her to notice/say something.
🤎 Giselle Gossamer: 28, ghostwriter
🤎 Sasha Sullivan: 27, blogger
🤎 CW/TW: Useless idiot lesbians, fluff, slight angst toward the end but quickly resolved, nsfwish at the beginning (make-out sesh), friends to lovers, pacing? We don’t know her 😭, hickeys/lovebites, this is technically an au for a Janet Jackson fic I wrote on wattpad, proofread but not really cause I’m running on sheer willpower rn
🤎 A/N: I wrote this a while ago, back in my wattpad days i still write over there sometimes and just spiffed it up a little bit for this lil love bug @certainlynotasimp Enjoy 🫶🏾🥹
🤎 Word count: 2.1k
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12th September 2016
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"Some people need a gesture as hard as a slap in the face to realize what's right in front of them."
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It baffles me how long it took Gigi to realize how I felt about her. In the end, it wasn't because she couldn't see, but because she didn't believe. Quite frankly, I didn't believe that she liked me back either. We'd known each other for years by that point. But...that's my little airhead above all else.
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Gigi flopped down on the couch next to me with a bag of popcorn, "Hey, boo. How are things going with your lady-crush?"
I shrugged, "About as boring as things go with crushes. I've been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response."
She shook her head as she tossed a kernel into the air, catching it with her mouth, "Wow, they sound dumb."
If only you knew, huh?
"But they're really not actually. They're really smart. Just…dense."
She tilted her head, "Wellll, maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don't know.... "Hey! I love you!" or something like that."
I nodded, "You're right. Hey, Giselle...I love you."
She pointed, "See! Just say that!"
I looked at her in complete disbelief, "Holy fucking shit."
She shrugged as she went back to munching on her popcorn, "If that flies over their head then, sorry Sasha, but they're too dumb for you."
She looked over at me, "What?"
"I love you, you big dummy. You're the numbnut I've been trying to catch this last year."
"Giselle Delilah Grace Gossamer, I just told you I love you and all you can say is really?"
"Well, if it took you a year to realize I was already in love with you, I'd say my response is fair."
I rolled my eyes as I mushed her face playfully, "I genuinely fucking hate you."
She shook her head as she leaned closer, "Actually, you just told me you loved me not even 5 minutes ago. Hell, not even 1 minute ago for that matter."
I shook mine back, "You're lucky you're my best friend."
She smiled, "I know. I love you, little shit."
I held a hand to my chest, "I'm fucking taller than you!"
She pulled my hand away, tugging my body closer to hers, "And I’m older. Now, are you gonna keep whining, or tell me you love me back so we can make out?"
I rolled my eyes, "I love you, Giselle."
She smiled as our faces drew near, whispering, "I know."
I giggled as our lips met, "Mhmmm."
She dropped her popcorn as she brought her hands up to cup my cheeks, my hands gripping her waist as she slid into my lap. She bit my lip, nibbling on it softly and I couldn’t help myself so I giggled, "Did you wanna make out or eat me, love?"
She let go of my lip, pecking my lips a few times, "Mmm, maybe both, but you'd have to take me out first. Can't fuck on an empty stomach."
I rubbed her thighs as I shook my head, "If you wanted to go on a date you could've just said that."
She chuckled as she kissed my jaw, trailing down to my neck slowly, "I just did, baby girl."
I raised a brow as I tilted my head to the other side as she got closer to my collarbone, "Are you sure? You're kind of looking to make a-oh," I gasped as she bit into my neck.
She smirked against my skin, "A little lovebite? Yeah, I know."
"Hm," she asked as she began to suck on the area she had just been biting into.
My mouth flopped open and closed aimlessly for a few moments as I shifted underneath her, "The-there's popcorn all over the floor and stuff,” I stammered, looking for an excuse to get away so I could catch my breath. Being under her while she sucked on my skin was making me feel feverish and left my head swimming.
She shrugged as she licked back up my neck, kissing my lips as she quirked up one of those maddeningly perfect eyebrows, "Yeah, what about it?"
I gripped her thighs, shaking my head, "You are the biggest flip-flop I've ever met, you know that? It just took me like 10 minutes to get you to realize that I was in love with you. Now you're not only in my lap, but you're-mmmmm."
She let go of the sweet spot with her teeth, leaning into my ear, "Problem? Sounds like you're enjoying yourself."
"I kind of actually do wanna take you on a date though….I know you were messing around, but…..I wanna take you out on a date. Like a real one and not just one of our best friend dates where we get super drunk at the end and almost make out," I responded as she pulled back.
She cooed as she squished my cheeks, "Awww, my little bestie-westie's in loveeeee."
I rolled my eyes, "You get on my nerves. Get your damn popcorn off my floor and I'll take you wherever you wanna go."
She narrowed her eyes as she looked me over before leaning in and kissing all over my face sloppily, "In a moment, please."
I giggled and squealed as she kissed my face, her hands moving to tickle my sides, "Giselle, you're supposed to be cleaning up!"
She kissed my forehead a few more times, her hands returning to my cheeks as she did so, "Mwah, mwah, mwah! Now, I'm done."
I looked up at her, smiling as I pulled her hands from my face, subsequently bringing her face back down to my level as I tugged, "I love you, Giselle."
Her hands slid out of my grip, fingers lacing through mine as she spoke, "I love you too, Sasha."
I licked her nose as she leaned closer, "Now get your mangy ass off of me and get that damn popcorn off my floor. I'm taking you to dinner."
She rolled her eyes as she let go of my hands, wiping her nose as she stood, "I fucking hate you sometimes. Fancy or casual dinner?"
"It's our first admitted feelings date, we're going somewhere fancy, dickhead."
"I'd have thought you'd go for something more meaningful, but you're the boss, I guess," she remarked as she bent over to scoop the fallen popcorn back into its bag.
I smacked her ass as I pushed off the couch, using my hold on it to pull myself up, "You're right, I am the boss and I wanna take you somewhere meaningful to me, it just also happens to be kind of fancy."
She reached back, yanking my hand, "Now just why would you think it's okay to smack my ass like that?"
I shrugged as she let go of my hand, "Not like I haven't smacked it before. Something change?"
"Uh, no, I still don't like that shit, don't play with me. Go shower or some shit."
"Mhm, what color are you wearing?"
"I don't know. Where are we going?"
"A French place."
"Remember that emergency hot nude and green outfit you got for me?"
"Awww, you're pulling it out for me?"
"Yeah, it's perfect."
"So, I guess I'll wear something similar then."
She stopped picking up pieces of popcorn, standing up straight, "Sash......you wouldn't happen to be taking me where I think you are, would you?"
"And where would you believe I'm taking you," I asked as she draped her arms over my shoulders, "For all you know I could be planning to kill you, G."
She shook her head, "See, I know you, Sasha Aquanetta Sullivan. And I know you're trying to take me somewhere you know is wayyy too expensive."
I shrugged as I rubbed her arms, turning my head to kiss the inside of her left arm, "We'll see. I'll be in my room showering and grossly shaving every inch of my body. Come hit my door when you're done getting dressed, okay?"
"Deal. Don't be a bum and actually get cute, huh?"
I pushed her arms off, rolling my eyes as I made my way towards the hallway, "You are the bane of my existence, Ms. Gossamer!"
"That why you keep me around, huh?"
"The jury's still out on that one, just hurry up and get your ass ready, girl!"
I opened my closet, looking over the rainbow of fabric that hung from the racks on either side of me, my hand stopping on a transparent piece of green clothing.
It's perfect.
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Sash must've really thought I was actually dumb all this time. Little did she know I was in love with her long before I realized she even liked me. Yeah, I thought it was just dumb hope, but it wasn't. It was to be expected though. What two best friends don't develop feelings when they've lived together since they graduated high school?
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I knocked on the door softly, "Sasha?"
"Come in."
I pushed the door open and she looked up from her foot that she was sliding a heel onto, smiling, "Wow."
I ducked my head, "Don't start the stupid, mushy shit. I'm still the same me, Sash."
"Well, I know that. You're still my little dumbass, but I've never seen your bum ass get all dressed up like this for anyone before."
"Well, I've never been in love before, either. Just......stop staring at me, creep. Put your shoes on. You look cute."
"I don't know, I feel like it's too.........something. I can't tell if it's not enough, or too much."
"You look perfect, Sasha. Now seriously, hurry up. It's supposed to rain later tonight and I will be damned if I get my hair wet for you. I love you, but not that much."
She rolled her eyes in feigned exasperation as she zipped up her shoe before sliding on the second, "Alright, alright. You happy now?"
I held out my hands, "Yes, now come on."
She took them as I stepped closer, pulling her up, "You know, just because you're older than me doesn't mean you get to rush me. It's still me taking you out and not the other way around. You ready?"
Our hands intertwined as we walked out of her bedroom. The house seemed to grow larger, stretching out before us as we walked. I had to admit that I had bolts of ecstasy shooting through me, all radiating from the palm of my hand. It was probably slick with sweat and anxiety.
That's embarrassing.
There was something about this walk right here though. The hallway was longer, her hand was warmer, it was surreal. I wasn't even sure I was awake at the moment. Hell, for all I know this could be some kind of fever dream.
I stopped walking as we got to the space just between the living room and dining room, "Wait."
She turned over her shoulder, her face full of concern, "You okay?"
"Come back for a second," I whispered, waving for her to stand in front of me.
She did so and I took her other hand, looking up at her nervously. Her thumbs ran over my knuckles as she lowered her voice, eyes searching mine frantically, "What's wrong?"
I choked on my voice as I responded, the words barely escaping my throat, "I can't do this..."
Nevertheless, she understood every one of them as she questioned, "Can't do what exactly?"
"Whatever this is. I can't do it just yet. Not right at this second, at least......Pinch me."
"So I know I'm awake and this is actually happening and not just some fever dream I’m gonna mention in the future only for you to look at me like I'm crazy. Pinch me. I'd tell you to kiss me, but I've done it thousands of times in my dreams and-"
She kissed me anyway. Lips capturing mine and effortlessly shutting me up as they went. One of her arms wrapped around my waist as the other trailed to my side, lingering for a moment before she pinched me and I broke away from the kiss, "Ow, okay, you can let go now, mom!"
She giggled as she kissed my forehead, "Well, you're fully awake, aren't you?"
"If this were a dream, that would've just made me hyper-aware of said fact, so yes, I am."
"Great, now let's go."
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🤎©️ All work belongs to sexysapphicshopowner. Do not use or repost my content in any way without my consent or permission. Thank you! 🤎
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🤎 Taglist 🤎:
@certainlmarseilleotasimp @trafalgardvivi
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moremaybank · 2 years
a request about being tristan and aurora sister and klaus be in love with you ( not aurora) and you come back because of the prophecy and klaus is your sire ( basically the TO3 plot with a happy ending) :)
pairing klaus mikaelson x fem!reader
summary you and klaus fell in love when he came to stay with your family, the demartels, in france. but he leaves you in the dust when problems arise. what happens when a millennium later, you and klaus reconnect due to a war between the sirelines? (based on the TO3 plot)
warnings slight violence
author's note I'm so sorry this one took a while to come out, I really just wanted to make sure I did your idea justice😭 I hope you enjoy, love! Also, thank y'all so much for 100+ followers, we've grown so fast and it means so much to me
klaus masterlist
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Klaus had never encountered a girl more enchanting than the Lady Y/N. He still dreamt of her, even after all these years. The traces of lavender and vanilla in the tresses of her hair. Her glowing smile accompanied by the dimple in her right cheek. Her bright eyes and how he swore they held the stars in them. She was magnificence personified. And that haunted him.
Klaus was laid on the field with Y/N's head on his chest. His fingers ran through her hair as she drew light patterns on him with her fingertips. "If only we could remain like this forever," Y/N spoke. She thought of returning to the castle, seeing the faces of the family that had resented her since she'd killed her mother in childbirth. She thought of how unloved and unappreciated she'd felt her entire life. And then she thought about the man next to her, and how he had been the one to see everything they hadn't. "I know, my love. But I promise you, one day, we will marry. And we will have all the time in the world to adore each other."
He was also haunted by the reminder that he'd lost her. How she'd told him that she loved him and that she'd spend her whole life running with him if it meant that they could be together forever. But Klaus refused, knowing Mikael would destroy her the same way he had destroyed Klaus. And she was too precious to him to ever put in harm's way. So he let her go. He let her go just as he'd been forced to let go of everything his heart had ever desired, all in the name of Mikael.
"Niklaus, please. Make me like you. Strong, powerful. That way you won't have to worry about my safety as you do now. We can run from Mikael together. I cannot bear the thought of him hurting you, or losing you forever. I refuse," she pleaded, her hands cupping his jaw as she looked into the blue orbs of the only man she'd ever loved. Klaus grabbed her wrists gently, "No. You are perfect as you are. And I will only ruin you. So that is why you must remain here where you are safe." He stared into her eyes one last time ensuring the compulsion took, before parting from her for the last time.
Klaus thought back to that night, as he always did. He and his siblings were planning to leave France. He'd been on his way to bid farewell to the woman he loved. The woman he'd been waiting for. The woman he would have to release from the captivity that was his adoration. But all of those thoughts were put on hold as his gaze landed on the floor at the bottom of the steps, where Y/N was lying unconscious with a large gash on her forehead. And he knew that parting from her would be in her best interest, no matter how much it tore him apart inside.
"Y/N! No, no, no!" Klaus exclaimed as he ran to his beloved. He bit into his wrist and pressed it against her lips, praying to whatever god there was out there to allow his blood to save her. He sighed with relief as Y/N slowly regained consciousness, her fingers wrapping around Klaus' wrist as he held her in his arms. When she released his wrist from her lips, she turned to look at him. "What happened to you, my love?" Klaus questioned. "I was in search of you. Rebekah spoke to me of your plans to flee. I could not let you leave, not without me. We belong together, Niklaus. Don't you see?"
Klaus shook off his feelings of regret as he heard someone enter the courtyard. He left his bedroom, walking over to the main area of the compound. He stopped in his tracks as his eyes found her, standing right there in front of him with her arms crossed and an unbothered look on her face. He thought for sure that his paranoia had turned into full-blown hallucinations. It couldn't really be her, could it? A thousand years after he had chosen not to turn her, chosen to set her free from the curse of loving a Mikaelson. "Y/N?"
"I wasn't going to show up here, but Lucien oh-so-graciously reminded me that you aren't too fond of surprises," she spoke, taking a swig of the bourbon she'd poured herself. Klaus took a few steps toward her, choosing not to get too close. "How are you alive?" He questioned. "Mikael came looking for you and your family the night you fled France. Someone took it upon themselves to reveal to him that you and I were...connected. He found me and he drove his sword through my heart when he realized I had no intention of giving up your whereabouts. And thanks to the powers of vampire blood, here I am."
Klaus should have known that Mikael would always find a way to hurt him and his loved ones, no matter what lengths Klaus had gone through to protect them. It was something that never would have changed, had Klaus not defeated him. "I didn't want this for you, Y/N. I didn't," Klaus told her, looking into those same eyes he'd been dreaming about for a millennium. They still held those stars, held the same fire in them. The fire he feared he would have burnt out if he'd stayed with her. "Stop. I didn't come here for this. I only came to make my presence in 'your city' known. That's all," she said, setting her glass down as she began to walk out of the compound.
Klaus watched Y/N as she began to walk away. He watched as he was losing her again, and he knew he had to at least try to stop it. He couldn't let her go again, not after all the years of regret and pain he felt over leaving her. So, he flashed in front of her causing her to jump slightly as she stopped in her tracks. "Get out of my way, Klaus," Y/N said, her tone meaning business. "No. I'm not going to allow myself to lose you again, not when I have the opportunity to stop it." Y/N rolled her eyes, "I'm only here for the prophecy. Once this is all over I'm leaving, and I'll never have to see you again."
Okay. Not gonna lie, that stung. But he understood why she was acting the way she was. After all, he had set the course. But that didn't mean he was done trying. He would never give up on Y/N. "I love you, Y/N," Klaus spoke, looking straight into her eyes. "Don't. You don't get to just tell me you love me after a thousand years like it's nothing," she argued. Klaus raised his hands carefully to rest on her shoulders, "Can you honestly say that you feel nothing for me? Nothing at all?" He looked into those eyes again, and he knew she felt it too. That flame between them was still burning so brightly.
Y/N stared back at Klaus, the man she'd loved with everything in her. And then she came to her senses, breaking their shared gaze and removing herself from his grasp. "A millennium has passed and yet you've been in my heart every single day. Every. Damn. Day. But do you know what else is in my heart, Klaus? The hurt and the pain you caused me when you left me with the family who despised me just for being born. All I had was you, and you chose to leave me. I promised you I would stand by you and you promised me an eternity alone," Y/N explained.
"Because I was an idiot! I let the woman I thought could only ever exist in my dreams slip through my fingers due to my own fear and paranoia!" Klaus exclaimed. "Y/N, I love you. I have loved you since the first day I saw you, and I have loved you every day since then. And if you give me another chance, I swear to you that I will make you happy. I will spend the rest of my immortal life loving you and protecting you. I will give you the life you've always dreamt of, and I will not cause you another moment of pain. Please, Y/N. Don't leave me. Don't leave me here without you, again, because my heart won't bear it."
Y/N's instincts were screaming at her now, 'Run. Run fast. Don't let him suck you into his world again, just to be spat out when you're an inconvenience to him.' But when she looked into the eyes of the man she'd known so well, she knew. She knew he was true. His heart was true. And so was she. So was hers. And so she kissed him with everything in her. Pulling away, breathless, she looked up at him.
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