#it fuels his fake beef even if most of that wears off with age
floorpancakes · 1 year
i like to copy paste my denial ridden overconfident but secretly confused and spooked to late bloomer nb experience onto watanuki because it makes sense with his canon personality and experiences but ALSO its so funny to imagine him waking up one day and being slapped with pronouns directly to the face like a clown pie to a clowns face
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oddlyhale · 4 years
IronQrow Villains AU
Ironwood and Qrow as villains in the RWBY show AU.
Ironwood is based off of the Three Snake Leaves fairytale, a story about a man who revived his dead wife with Three Snake Leaves. However, reviving her only brought him betrayal, as she lost love for him and tried to kill him with her lover. Able to survive, the man went to the King and told everything the Princess had done. She was then punished with her lover to be drown in sea on a sinking ship.
Qrow is now based on The Juniper Tree fairytale, a story about a young boy who was killed by his greedy step-mother that wanted the inheritance he would get from his father. She killed him, cut him up and served him as dinner to his unknowingly father, and forced her daughter to bury his bones under a juniper tree next to his real mother. The boy became a bird, singing about his story and received three gifts from strangers that listened. He gave the gifts to his family: his father got a gold necklace. His sister got lovely red shoes. And his evil step-mother got crushed under a millstone.
In this AU, for Ironwood:
He fakes being a good headmaster, only to reveal his true identity once the fall begins.
He is a man masked under oxygen, for his first death caused him breathing problems.
His semblance is to revive the dead, however he tries not to use it often, as it causes him immense pain and can run his aura dry.
HIs goal is to find his wretched ex-wife and murder her for what she did to him (she’s not dead in this one.)
In this AU, for Qrow:
Qrow is a bit psychotic. Not theatrically insane, like Tyrian, but he’s on a level of kalopsia (delusions of seeing things more beautiful than what they are.) He is quietly energized by mayhem and distress.
His semblance is shapeshifter, accommodating by being handsy with building his own crazy weapons. HIs favourite weapon is a giant hammer made of millstone.
He plays the ‘nice uncle, playful drunk’ for a while, under the Fall hits. Turns out his ‘drunkard antics’ were just him covering up his manic laughters and bursts of rage.
He doesn’t try to kill Ruby or her friends, but he warns her to not come for him, or he will kill them without hesitation.
His goal is to live ‘beautifully’ and die in the deepest pit of bliss. By that, he wants to live to cause harm and art, and die a masterpiece himself.
About the relationship:
Ironwood and Qrow are married (James proposed.)
Qrow is utterly in love with Ironwood, as is James for Qrow.
James finds Qrow to be the most endearing psycho he’s ever met, figuring out how Qrow has a hidden humanity about himself, as he cares deeply for music and art.
Qrow was smitten the first time he met James, immediately wanting to be his.
The two men met each other years ago, back when James was to be happily wed to his queen. He was thrown off the ship by the crazy woman and her secret lover, nearly drowning, had it not been for the single loyal servant that saved him. James’ semblance unlocked that day out of panic, thoughts of dying only fueling his semblance to be released. His body revived itself, waking James on the raft that the servant was on, but the act left James badly injured.
The servant was weeping, both in joy to see their master was alive, but in horror as to what had happened to James’ body. His right arm, his right leg, gnawed off by the active sea beasts in the water. His hip was chewed at, nearly severing him in two. Despite being alive, the only thing his semblance couldn’t do was regenerate some new body parts. And yet James was conscious, despite the bleeding and pain. Alive and pissed.
His lungs were filled with water, only a dead person could carry so much. Once they arrived at shore, finding no persons in sight to help, the servant ran out to the land to see if there was any civilization nearby. James laid in the raft in pain, waiting for the servant to return.
Somebody finally came, but it was not the servant. It was a lithe and tall man with dark hair and pale skin, eyes bright red like rubies. He stumbled onto the beach after seeing the frantic servant run into the village nearby, curiously wanting to see what the fuss was about.
“My,” Qrow smirked down at James. “You look like you need a hand.”
James stared blankly at the man, as if he were incredibly unamused. Until he replied, “are you pulling my leg?”
Qrow couldn’t help but burst into a short fit of laughter. James did too, but not for long as he was cut short. His back was killing him.
“I can get you a new body. And some.” Qrow assured. “Come with me. I know somebody.”
“At this point? Fine.” James huffed. After being betrayed by his queen and almost eaten alive by sea beasts, he could hardly imagine this stranger could make anything worse.
Qrow took James to the Whale, to Salem. After some convincing, Salem allowed Qrow to let James stay, so long as he was the one watching their new guest. Qrow agreed happily.
Qrow’s story was only filled with pain. He learnt from a young age that he was never loved by his step-mother, and being left behind by his sister. His step-mother murdered him in his sleep, cutting him up and serving his flesh like he was grade-A beef. His soul took the form of a crow, fueled by the rage he had for his step-mother. He wanted her dead, and by luck, he met Salem. She granted him the wish to have his vengeance, helping him turn back into a human. He was only a little boy still when he met Salem, growing up to look to her as his new mother.
After killing his step-mother, Salem took him in and had been at her side since.
James was soon recovering, but his rage was building deep within. All he could think of was his wretched wife, who was almost successful in killing him. She knew he couldn’t swim. How the sharp teeth of the massive sea monsters would eat at his body. He was ready to kill her, avenge himself.
James’ internal injuries couldn’t be fixed. He had to constantly wear a breathing-mask to help inhale more oxygen that his fragile lungs couldn’t take in normally. It was pain, feeling like he aged 50 years, even though he was only 20 at the time. From what he learned, Qrow was also the same age, at least feeling comfort in knowing somebody his age was around.
During James’ recovery - while Salem was mildly interested in this loner - it was Qrow who was the most intrigued. He loved coming to see James, see his progress so far. A new robotic arm, a new robotic leg, and some new parts had to be added in. Unfortunately, it meant much of James’ lower-half had to be remade, Half of his waist was not salvageable, meaning he’d have to lose a hip and his genital area. James didn’t care, wanting to be fixed already, and out of the stupid medical bed. Wanting to be strong again.
Though, he made a joke about giving him a massive metal cock, barking out laughter when he saw Qrow’s reaction of giggling like an embarrassed old woman. But, his wish was curiously granted.
As James was back up on his feet and trying to adjust to this new body, it was still Qrow who helped him. To the others that were residents of the Whale, they were surprised at how much time Qrow spent with James. Knowing the guy, Qrow could hardly process empathy. He would laugh at burning houses full of orphans, and dance on a dying man while he’s down.
But now, he was the most gentle, tender and kind to this perfect stranger.
Would you believe it when this story ends with the two marrying? After knowing each other for 5 years? Well, that’s how the story went. The two men fell in love, not caring for how crazy their lives would become. James loved this psychopath. And Qrow loved this vengeful man.
James was quick to become compliant in Salem’s plans, to start a new world and have their wishes granted. What he wanted was that bitch of a wife dead, and anybody else that associated with her existence. He didn’t care anymore if they were innocents, they had to be taken out. Feeling the same pain he felt.
Qrow had no goals, other than to live and serve Salem. To be the perfect little dog and grant her every wish. But now, his devotion turned to James. He loved him to bits, and would kill anybody for him. Already, James had killed quite a few people for Qrow, and that was probably one of the most romantic things he’s ever received. The only painful thing he could think is to live a life without James. Even his devotion for Salem couldn’t keep him alive.
Despite their chaotic life, the two surprisingly had a well-adjusted marriage and relationship. It was contentment, understanding and fun. They adored each other the same way they first met, and it seems that their honeymoon phase never ended, after 15 years together. They’d have a wedding dance next to a pile of dead bodies if they could, and they’d still be completely enamored by one another.
During the years together, the two had begun building their false identities among the people. Qrow had contact with his family, still there as Ruby and Yang were young and had grown to attend Beacon Academy. Ironwood had stolen the identity of a previous soldier of Atlas, taking their place and soon becoming the headmaster and general of Atlas. Their appearance was nothing to be judged, coming off as noble and normal.
When the time came for Beacon’s Fall, Qrow was the first to act. After the death of Penny 1.0, he had gone to murder the others in the Beacon Vault. He was successful in killing Glynda, Ozpin and the Maiden (transferring her powers to Cinder who is still in the gang), but he pretends to have no success in killing Ironwood, giving false hope to the heroes that at least one of their own is OK.
After that, he went out to go kill some more civilians of the Academy. Ruby and Yang realized their uncle was part of the evil team, and are broken by the betrayal. Qrow was quick to dismiss them as his family, skipping off merrily back to Salem.
When time passed and it was time to arrive at Atlas, it would be Ironwood’s turn to betray the teams. While cooperative and kind, Ironwood legitimately had no remorse for any of the kids. Quite frankly he wanted them dead, as well as the Ace Ops.
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mythgirlimagines · 4 years
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Now that it’s Tuesday, a new Myth has been introduced to your inbox and soon, your blog! Give a salute to Myth, the Former Ultimate Police Officer!
As a child, Myth has always had a strong moral compass and an even stronger sense of justice. With the push of her father, who happened to be in law enforcement, Myth studied hard and eventually graduated from the same academy that her father graduated in. Because of her age, gender, and the fact that her father graduated the academy with mere luck, many people at the academy doubted her skills. However, this is fueled Myth’s desire to succeed and prove them wrong. And that she ended up doing, for she wounded up apprehending criminal after criminal, and eventually attended Hope’s Peak as the Ultimate Police Officer. Even as a Former Ultimate, she still has a strong sense of justice and seeks to guide the Ultimate and Jr. Ultimate students towards the path of proper morality, and away from the path of criminal intent.
Wyre Anon, Former Ultimate Lifeguard
Having grown up around water as well as having a desire to be viewed as a hero amongst people, Wyre decided to become a lifeguard. Despite Wyre‘s rough and tough, delinquent-esque personality, Myth and Wyre are great friends. Myth met Wyre when she was little and she accidentally slipped and fell into the pool. Wyre ended up saving Myth and the two have been friends ever since, quickly bonding over their desire to assist and help others. Myth regularly disciplines Wyre just in case Wyre gets a bit too rowdy.
Outfit: A white tank top with ripped sleeves and a Red Cross on the front, the same whistle that Myth has, red and white swim shorts, tan sandals, regularly wet and droopy hair, swimming goggles on top of their head.
Anon Scar, Ultimate Toymaker
With a secret soft spot for children and an elaborate style of dress and speech, Scar is well-known for her dark and creepy, yet adorable toys. Although she is mostly known for her porcelain dolls in gothic lolita dresses, she is also known for her creepy-cute plush animals and hand puppets/marionettes. Despite trying her best to keep up the whole “Dark Overlord of the Amusement Realm” charade, Myth knows that she has a lot more in common with Scar at first glance. The two girls formed a kinship over their love of children, but not without Myth being christened “Blinding Overlord of the Judgement Realm”. 
Outfit: A black and purple gothic Lolita dress with a black top hat, two bat hairclips on each side of her bangs, a pink and white eyepatch on her left eye, purple lipstick, purple gloves, black and purple stockings, black heeled boots, a pink and white coin purse. 
Fusion Anon, Ultimate Seamster
Having been raised by the Former Ultimate Beautician herself, Fusion Anon knows all there is to know about fashion and clothes. Fusion’s kind-hearted and paternal nature has made him a massive hit amongst the clients at the boutique run by both him and his mother. Despite Myth not really wearing much apart from her uniform, she can tell that Fusion puts his heart and soul into sewing and mending clothes. Fusion also had Myth model for a couple of his newer fashion lines, and needless to say, Myth was thinking of wearing them to the next formal event. 
Outfit: A blue and brown sweater vest over a white dress shirt and a red bowtie,   the same pants, socks and shoes from his original design, a black and brown top hat resting on top of his massive afro, bandage wrapped hands, glasses from original design.
Fusion Anon II, Ultimate Street Artist
Having been born and raised on the streets, Fusion II has taken to tagging buildings and trees with spray paint and adopted a sarcastic and flippant demeanor to go along with that. Fusion II was eventually nicknamed “Rainbow Rapids” by her neighborhood, for both her colorful and radiant artwork and the rapid speeds that she completes said artwork in. Myth and Fusion II have quite the beef going on, which is understandable, given their talents and backgrounds. Fusion II had bad experiences with cops and thus tries to steer far away from Myth at all costs, and Myth is intent on reforming Fusion II, no matter what it takes. Just how long could this cat-and-mouse game go, and who will come out on top.  
Outfit: A grey hoodie splattered with different colors, black gloves, a black facemask so she doesn‘t inhale the paint fumes, a black belt with spray cans, black tights with a rainbow gradient stripe on each end, white sneakers. 
Just Anon, Ultimate Intellectual Prodigy
Having been born with high learning capabilities and a massive IQ for his age, Janon wounded up acing aptitude test after aptitude test. Unfortunately, Janon’s natural intellect made him see no point in putting actual effort into anything because he knows that he would just ace it anyways, and as such, he is very lazy and apathetic to just about everything and everyone. Janon and Myth have a mutual dislike of each other. Janon hates Myth for her goody two-shoes, stick-in-the-mud personality and Myth hates Janon for his freeloading and vulgar attitude. Similar to Fusion II, Myth is desperate to reform Janon and spark that flame of interest inside his icy-cold heart.
Outfit: Basically what he wears underneath his original outfit.
Sparkle Anon, Former Ultimate Chess Player
Having garnered infamy for her eccentric fashion sense and loud and dramatic personality, Sparkle, or as she calls herself, “SPARKLE, THE SPECTACULAR STRATEGIST!” fancies herself as a regal army leader and the chess pieces as her loyal soldiers, even in the middle of tournaments. Despite that, Sparkle remains an intelligent and analytical prodigy, managing to dominate tournament after tournament with her strategic expertise. Myth may be confused by Sparkle’s flair for the dramatics, but she can’t help but appreciate Sparkle’s intelligence and strategic mindset. 
Outfit: A black and white knight costume with a checker-board patterned cape and a prop sword, her hair in a side plait, glasses from original design.
Egg Anon, Former Ultimate Scout, and Wet Sock Anon, Former Ultimate Security Guard
When Myth heard that the founder of the first non-binary scout troop and a masterful security guard would be attending the Kibo-Con with her, she was ready for morally upright individuals, much like herself. What she wasn’t expected were evil twins that dispense only the pinnacle of cursed thoughts. Despite this, according to testimony by others, they are more morally upright then their cursed drivel would suggest, so Myth can’t hate them. Wet Sock may or may not have growing feelings for the adorable police officer, but they know that Myth is a cop and wouldn’t have time for romance. 
Egg’s Outfit: A tan scout outfit with a green sash filled to the brim with merit badges, glasses from original design.
Wet Sock’s Outfit: Black T-shirt, black headphones, black jeans, black loafers, dark sunglasses.
Curious Anon, Jr. Ultimate Private Investigator
With a calm and pensive attitude, Curious is the prodigal scion of a family of influential detectives. Even at the age of 12, Curious has wowed their clients day after day with their deductive skills and ability to bring the true culprit to justice. Because Curious’s parents and Myth’s father sometimes collaborate together as business partners, Myth actually knows Curious and they regularly work on criminal cases together. Myth and Curious both get along very well for their similar talents and justice seeking personalities, despite the age gap between the two.
Outfit: Their original outfit, but with the addition of a dark brown trench coat and lighter brown gloves.
Anon Nerd, Former Ultimate Grave Digger
Because Nerd has to dig holes for the graves as precisely as possible, as well as having to look at dead bodies all the time, Nerd is cynical, high-strung and prone to exploding at unwitting individuals. Ever since Myth established dominance at the Kibo-Con, Nerd fell head-over-heels with this diminutive, yet dominant, police officer. But unfortunately, Myth is too put off by Nerd’s vulgar nature and short temper and too overworked to pursue a relationship with him. 
Outfit: His original outfit, except with brown gloves and boots, as well as a black tie with a skull design.
Eldritch Anon, Ultimate Tutor
Despite Eldritch‘s skittishness, Eldritch is really good at both leading a group and assisting others in their schoolwork. Eldritch originally started tutoring as a way to secure a scholarship to a prestigious university. While Myth likes Eldritch‘s mental fortitude, his social and psychical fortitude definitely needs work in Myth’s book. Myth regularly gives Eldritch confidence lessons that she learned in her police academy, in order to help Eldritch become more assertive and more trusting of others.
Outfit: A patchy brown jacket, a black turtleneck, blue jeans, black loafers, longer hair in a ponytail, fake glasses to look smarter.
Dream Anon, Ultimate Ghost Hunter
As the producer and star of the show “NRG Code”, Dream’s charisma, childlike energy and parkour stunts are more remembered by her fans than her actual incompetence at her job. Despite not finding a single ghost in her entire TV career, Dream is determined to find one at all costs. While Myth thinks that ghosts are just a bunch of supernatural bullhooey, Dream’s energy and hyperactivity are almost impossible to ignore. Dream actually took Myth along with her on a couple of ghost-hunts, so Myth can “arrest the criminal-ghosts”.
Outfit: A black puffy vest with a scary design on the back over an oversized purple sweater with black stripes on the sleeves, dark blue jeans shorts, knee-high black socks, white and red tennis shoes. Has a ghost vacuum strapped to her back.
Iris Anon, Jr. Ultimate Competitive Eater
After trouncing many foes in multiple eating competitions, as well as breaking the world record for most mini-blueberry pancakes eaten in under a minute, Iris has also garnered fame for her mukbang channel “The Human Black Hole”. Even though Iris is adorable, Myth can’t help but feel concerned for Iris‘s health, considering how much Iris can eat in one sitting. Iris, being a massive fan of true crime, loves following around Myth and Curious and accompanying them in investigations. Although both Myth and Curious are wondering, where do the calories even go?
Outfit: A blue and yellow letterman’s jacket over a black shirt, glasses from original design, red bandana around her neck, gold medals from her eating competitions, light blue jean shorts, knee-high black socks, white sneakers, a blue baseball cap with a star on it, hair worn in two low buns.
Purple Anon, Ultimate Freelance Artist
Known under the internet pseudonym of “ultravioletprose”, Purple is renowned on the internet for her elaborate and complex digital art of whatever the commissioner wants her to draw. Unfortunately, although Purple is as cordial and polite in real life as she is on the internet, she is also avoidant of others unless a screen is separating them. Myth isn‘t much of an arts and crafts person, but even she can tell that Purple’s digital art are purely and simply masterpieces. 
Outfit: A black hoodie hood-up with purple stripes on the sleeves, a black skirt, black and purple striped stockings and black Mary Janes.
This series will be focused on this headstrong cop as she tries her best to interact with others, while reforming a couple of misunderstood delinquents at the same time. 
As usual, Myth still has her glasses and undyed hair. Myth‘s brown hair goes down to her shoulders and curl up at the ends. She also has two star hairclips parting some of her bangs apart. On her head, concealing an ahoge, is a black and pink police cap. Myth wears the black uniform of her police academy, with a pink polo shirt underneath and white gloves. Around her neck is a grey whistle that she got from Wyre before being sent off to the police academy. Clipped to her belt is a black gun in a brown holster and grey metal handcuffs. 
In contrast to the laidback and flirty attitude of Romantic!Myth, PoliceOfficer!Myth is headstrong, hardworking, and has no time for romance to interfere with her fight for justice. PoliceOfficer!Myth is outspoken, determined, and definitely no pushover. PoliceOfficer!Myth uses her position as a police officer in order to protect the civilians of her hometown. But also she found herself working with children and juveniles, acting as a counselor and redirecting them towards the path of morality, which is why PoliceOfficer!Myth is so intent on reforming StreetArtist!FusionII and ChildProdigy!Janon. PoliceOfficer!Myth gets along the most with people of similar professions, such as PrivateInvestigator!Curious. 
——————————————————- What do you think of PoliceOfficer!Myth? I’d love to hear everyone’s opinions on this AU!
-Fusion Anon
Interesting! My grandpa used to be a police officer, I think
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