#kind of guy kind of nothing kind of multiple things just kind of an anomaly type thing
floorpancakes · 1 year
i like to copy paste my denial ridden overconfident but secretly confused and spooked to late bloomer nb experience onto watanuki because it makes sense with his canon personality and experiences but ALSO its so funny to imagine him waking up one day and being slapped with pronouns directly to the face like a clown pie to a clowns face
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bodybeyondstories · 8 months
Just ignore it - 4
Lee and Armand try to get a handle on David's powers of suggestion before being interrupted by the delivery of yet another weird artifact. David goes for a bike ride to clear his head, only to end up complicating things further by causing some unexpected changes with some unexpected results.
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MaleTF // Ass growth // Dick growth // Suggestion // nsfw
“You transformed Jamal? The new barista upstairs?” asked Lee.
“Isn’t that a bit much?” added Armand, arms crossed over his chest. “He’s already like nine feet tall or something.”
“Well yeah, he is now,” I said, exasperated by the disappointed parents routine I was getting back in the cleanroom. “But he wasn’t an hour ago. Or he was, in a different…timeline or whatever. Which is now this timeline. Or I was in a different timeline. Or the universe just sort of shifted or something, I don’t know.”
Jamal, to the best of anyone’s knowledge, was a possibly genetic, possibly magical anomaly who really did top out at just over nine feet. Why he insisted on keeping his barista job was even more of a mystery, but he was obviously a local attraction wherever he went, leading the coffee chain that managed multiple shops in town to rotate him around location to location, a boon to underperforming and under-trafficked franchises like the one in our building. The line was out the door whenever he was working, with people wanting a selfie, wanting to see him bumble behind the counter with surprising grace in spite of hands that made the espresso machine look like a toy, or just wanting a glimpse at the pipe running down his khakis that was conveniently around eye level and impossible to miss. If you were lucky, he liked you, and the timing was right, you could get an up close and personal experience. I was proud to say I was one of the lucky few ‘regulars,’ and in my recent metaphysically horny state, he had hit just the spot in one of the backrooms. Though it still, somehow, didn’t quite measure up to what Lee could throw down.
But now I was back in the evil snowglobe, feeling like I was facing punishment from sharing what I thought would be exciting new data.
“So, you just talked, and Synt followed suit?” asked Armand, jotting hurriedly into a notepad.
“Sort of? There was kind of a crescendo, maybe. Like Synt found a conduit through my vocal chords and we had to get into the groove. But I don’t think it’s automatic, like I couldn’t just say Armand grew–”
“Whoa whoa whoa, let’s slow down,” Armand cut in, hands splayed in caution. “Before you put a whammy on me, too.”
“I mean,” I gestured to his overstuffed crotch, “I kind of already did.”
“Oh! Oh wow,” Lee cut in, rubbing his chin as Armand stood speechless and gaped at his prodigious bulge. “But from your perspective, Armand, from both of our perspectives, it’s…”
“Always been that way,” Armand finished, cheeks reddening. “Or at least my entire adult life. It would make sense. I’ve never had a medical professional successfully explain my…condition. I just sort of got used to it, I guess. Or I was always used to it.” 
“Exactly!” I exclaimed, clapping my hands. “So we’re getting it now. It’s all about multiplicities of temporal perspectives. We’re all just cosmic threads weavin’ around each other.” I tried to visualize this with a rushed jumble of hand motions, which unfortunately didn’t land with the other two. “But I could probably fix it. I think. Maybe. I don’t think Synt would be on board for a reduction of any sort, so we may have to strategize.”
“No, there’s nothing to fix. I mean, it’s a lot to deal with, but I really am cool with it. My dating life is a mess anyways, and once you get known as that guy with the sixteen inch dick, the luster kind of wears off. I don’t really know what it's like being…normal.”
“The methods are messy to say the least,” said Lee, “but we may be starting to get somewhere. As much as we would love to keep investigating, further tests might have to wait. The park ranger guys are sending over some artifact they found and I think they’re due any minute.”
As if on cue, a nervous tap on the door reminded the three of us that as much as we would like to play around with my shiny new body morphing, reality shifting chaos magic we all had other work to do. I was getting up to take the back exit and head upstairs when I felt a tug in the direction of our visitor. My attention was pulled by some strong magnetic force toward the door as whoever was trying to enter awkwardly began pushing it open. Unconsciously, my foot steps shifted direction as the attraction felt stronger and deeper. And oddly familiar. Eventually, I recognized this feeling as Synt having their interest piqued enough to guide me to physically move in that direction. I was not a fan of this new development in our dynamic, but decided to see where it led.
“You need some help?” I offered, trying to play it off as me moving to give them a hand with the door rather than me being compelled for yet another mysterious reason.
“Nah, I’m good,” came a familiar voice, and as the door fully opened, I recognized Blake’s ass as it entered the room before the rest of him. “It’s just hard to maneuver this thing.”
It took me a second to realize he didn’t mean the globes of his ridiculous bubble butt, becoming the undeniable center of attention as he backed through the doorway, but actually the cart he was pulling with him. As the door swung back and he casually bounced it away with one hip, I couldn’t stop staring. I thought at this point I would be used to comically ballooning backsides, his most of all, but it looked even bigger than it had last night. In fact, as he entered the room the rest of him looked bigger too. If the seams of his pants and shirt sleeves had been strained beyond all reason last night, then now he was one strong sneeze away from public nudity. I thought maybe it was just the change of scenery, like how fitness influencers will take advantage of good lighting to show off a juicy pump, but I was pretty sure he was…bigger. Lee and I exchanged glances as if to wordlessly reassure each other that we weren’t just imagining that Blake was noticeably taller than he had been last night. The subtle accusatory squint of his eyelids was returned by a sharp look of denial from me. This wasn’t me, I thought. Unless, possibly it was. Maybe the growth last night had a slow release function, or some sort of chain reaction.
I mentally relayed Lee’s suspicious squint to Synt, who responded with a deep rumble of appreciation. They had a fixation on Blake, I now realized, and those two teaming up could be a disastrous combination.
“You want this in the uh, special circle?” Blake gestured to the circumference of sigils which were now glowing with an even higher brightness and frequency. That can’t be good, I thought.
“Yeah, that’s fine until we figure out what to do with it,” said Armand. “What is it, by the way? The report they sent in was kind of muddled. But then again, so is everything from the Marshlands.”
That place again. I was transported back to some spot on the map that I couldn’t identify, felt pushed out of space and time. Threads weaving, fraying, overlapping, forming fractal patterns down to quantum scales, building higher dimensional frameworks of cross-temporal superpositions, all coming together right there–
“...so we couldn’t really even tell how old it is, which is where we hoped you guys would come in,” Blake was saying. “Palmer, you got any tips?”
I snapped back to reality at the mention of my name. I had spaced out again, unclear for how long.
“I, uh, need to get back to my office,” I said. “I can look into it once I have the preliminary analysis from Lee and Armand.”
“You sure?” Blake asked, in that way that wasn’t so much a question but an unspoken invitation. I found my shoulders relaxing and my mind wandering. His easy smile was so intoxicating, but there was also a glint in his eyes. A hunger, as he seemed to casually look me up and down, almost as if he was seeing through me. Synt was laser focused on Blake, a low pressure system of gathering power causing the sigils to change color, which I didn’t even know they could do. He clapped a strong hand against my bicep (when had he gotten that close) and said, “Anyways, always good running into you. Let me know what you find.” 
Again, I felt that electric thrill run from his body into mine, except it was more like neurons firing. I had more clarity than last night and I could feel a complex undercurrent beneath that hunger, a need for something more, a vision of something bigger. The dam was once again threatening to burst, but I now had solid control over my own legs and began briskly heading to the door with a terse “Yep, I’ll keep you posted.”
I practically sprinted back up to my office, terrified of accidentally touching anyone for fear of producing another ten foot freakshow in the building for the second time that morning. My mind was a whirlwind of my own ever present horniness, mixed with Synt’s unrelenting power, and their clear frustration at being taken away from their favorite willing subject. Blake was becoming their muse, in some weird way, and we both needed a pressure valve. But underneath Synt’s frustration was something else. My own itch of power and possibility and the knowledge that I could so easily scratch it.
I tried to be productive at my desk that morning. My muscles would clench periodically as I held in waves of Synt’s magic, my body and mind fatiguing in the face of an unstoppable force. Taunting me, Synt would dangle images of possibilities so close within reach. How easy it would be for Blake to expand into a wall of juicy muscle, having to turn his body to get his shoulders through the doorway but having his bubble butt get stuck anyways. Armand was already cool with having a monster cock, maybe he’d appreciate an even twenty inches. That’d look amazing. And would it hurt to give Jamal a few more inches in height? Maybe even a foot? I imagined him walking into my office growing steadily taller, head bumping against the ceiling then punching through as plaster rained down–
I slammed my palms firmly on the table and stared for as long as possible at a wall of unread emails, comprehending not a single one.
“I need to get some air.”
I took the stairs and headed to the bike rack around the back of the building. Walking around aimlessly felt too risky in the state I was in. Too much proximity, too many opportunities for accidental direct contact. I had felt like I could see into Blake’s soul when he grabbed my arm, like I could’ve granted his wildest, horniest fantasies with a thought. I shivered at the knowledge that Synt would co-sign exactly this brand of recklessness. I felt like I was burning with static. I could practically see it dancing along my skin. I was in no condition to be milling about in a crowd until I got around to relieving even a fraction of this pressure.
“David!” hailed a voice nearby as I was squeezing on my helmet. I looked over to see Noah, my former student who had been blessed (or cursed) by Synt in more ways than one. Not only did he end up with a set of hips and ass cheeks that comically ballooned from his otherwise thin frame, but had also fallen into a pattern of stumbling into bigger and bigger dicks around town. I reasoned that the man with him was likely his latest beau, due not just to the hand wrapped around Noah’s tight waist, but the snake smuggled into his right pant leg. The spell, apparently, had not yet been broken.
“Noah!” I responded, “looks like you’re doing as well as possible after this last semester.”
“That’s one way to put it,” he said, rolling his eyes. “This reminds me, I need to chat with you again about that…positive feedback loop I’ve been dealing with.”
“I can imagine,” I winked, pretending not to notice the twitch of his acquaintance’s massive bulge as he shifted his hand down to rest on Noah’s round booty. Was Noah just magically happening on these already huge dicks or was he unknowingly bending reality every time he set his eyes on a new crush? Was there an upper limit? To any of this? Much to investigate, I thought, but resolved to cut the conversation short before my imagination once again got the best of me. “Shoot me an email, I’ve got plenty of time this week,” I said, speeding off away from campus.
I hadn’t had time to change into my cycling gear, not that those lycra shorts did anything to mitigate the size of my ass. I had made peace with the fact that my bodacious buns were simply always on display, in this instance encased in a skirt and tights, the bike seat completely disappearing beneath them. There wasn’t much I could do about it, and honestly, I liked the attention.
I felt free weaving through the city streets, regardless of the fact that I was fighting for my life against late morning traffic. It was a welcome respite from the stifling air of my office, the wind cooling me down and alleviating at least some of the magical irritation covering my entire body. I didn’t know where I was going, and didn’t really care. Plus, I was moving too fast to focus on any one person for long enough to give them an impromptu BBL. Instead, the cityscape just felt like waves of passing static, tiny glimpses of people’s fantasies and desires that were gone as soon as they were detected, with the occasional ping of attention from a pair of eyes that had locked on to my bubble butt as it cruised through their field of vision.
For the length of a few city blocks, one of these pings of focus didn’t seem to leave me, and as I came up at a stoplight I turned around to see another cyclist flashing me an awkward and quickly thrown together smile of greeting, as if to insist that he hadn’t just been ogling me up and down. 
“Can’t blame ya,” I said with a smile and nod, plus a wink for good measure. He was cute. He looked like he was a bike messenger by the rectangular pack balanced behind his shoulders, the well developed forearms and quads, and a look of practiced exertion that said he wasn’t just out here for the endorphins. I was sure he was perpetually in a hurry, so I figured I should literally get out of his lane while on my metaphysically horny break from work. 
I meandered right as he continued straight, letting my eyes linger on his meaty calves just long enough to almost crash headlong into a sporty coupe in a mediocre attempt at parallel parking. I swerved out of the way as he honked and yelled “Dick!” just loud enough for me to hear through the half rolled down driver's side window. 
What I said in response was not my wittiest comeback or even the most well thought out public interaction, but I had to offer a counter while still within earshot. But as I yelled “Super dick!” back at the finance bro emerging from his car, I immediately regretted the decision, feeling Synt’s power slip through the ether.
“You know I didn’t mean that!” I said aloud to the otherworldly being in my head. “You don’t understand epithets? Metaphors and what not?”
They sent the impression of a lazy shrug.
“What does super dick even mean? Like what did that do?”
Another shrug.
I was worried. What did I just accidently curse this guy with? Should I go investigate? What would that even mean? I thought maybe I could fix whatever it was. Use some string of words to undo whatever it is I just did.
I circled the block, parking my bike in front of the fancy building my unsuspecting victim had presumably been about to enter. It looked like it probably had moderate security and I had no plan of entry, and was definitely not dressed like I had any important business downtown. Entering through the big glass revolving doors, I locked eyes with the security desk, trying to look as casual as possible on my approach while they gave me a bored once over. In my performance of nonchalance, I glanced to the left and breathed a sigh of relief as I spotted my mark at the register of a lunch place on the bottom floor. With a curt smile to security, I changed direction, slipping into the line of the sandwich shop.
In the bustle of the lunch rush, I spotted him sitting on a stool at the bar along the window, drinking a green smoothie, scrolling on his phone, and pulling out a small laptop. I kept my eyes on him as the line progressed, looking for anything out of the ordinary, but he was the image of business class normalcy, perched on his stool in a designer suit and tapping away at some spreadsheet.
I picked up my sparkling green tea and bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich (I actually was hungry) and found that one of the few available seats left was, luckily, right next to him.
Incredibly, he seemed to be unaware that I was the person who had almost taken off his side mirror with my right hip, studiously ignoring me as I ate my sandwich and glanced at my phone to see multiple texts from Lee. I opened the latest one but was interrupted by a grunt of discomfort from my new friend. He shifted in his seat and glanced briefly at me, his cheeks reddening slightly as he continued working. A few minutes later, another shift in position, chugging the rest of his smoothie before folding his hands into each other and resting his head against them. There was a sheen of sweat on his forehead as he glanced around quickly and held himself in a tense position, trying to focus on his laptop screen. 
When I was just about to return to whatever it was Lee felt the need to triple text about, he let out a heavy sigh as his breathing deepened, then glancing around again, carefully got up and turned towards me.
“Watch my stuff?” he asked tersely, the sheen of sweat on his face turning to visible beads.
That’s when I felt it. The now familiar resonant strum of reality warping magic that told me Synt’s power was at work.
“Uh, yeah,” I mumbled through bites of my sandwich, my eyes flitting down as I noticed a jump of movement along his pant leg.
“Thanks,” he grunted, turning to power walk to the bathroom, his bubble butt–which I didn’t remember being there before–swishing back and forth in his slacks.
I waited a solid twenty minutes–okay, more like fifteen–before following him to investigate further.
As I entered the bathroom, it was empty except for one occupied stall, the lemony scent of cleaning products overlaid with something musky and slightly metallic. There had been a soft moan coming from the occupied stall, which seemed to self-consciously quiet down in response to the sound of the door closing and my footsteps heading to one of the urinals. I did my business like normal as the moans slowly increased in intensity, interspersed with grunts and low utterances.
“Oof, fuck,” I heard a whisper, recognizing what little I had heard of the finance bro’s voice.
“Is everything okay in there?” I asked innocently with a light knock on the stall, knowing good and well some supernatural fuckery that I had personally caused was well underway.
“All good, I just–augghhhh!”
You’ll have to believe me when I say the stall door opened on its own.
My new friend was sitting on the toilet with his pants up and his fly open. He was breathing heavy and drenched in sweat, eyes widened in surprise as he saw me standing there, which shifted to a look of lust and urgent need as he drank me in. He seemed in visible distress, which probably had something to do with the rock hard dick that was reaching into the air just past his left shoulder. 
“Sorry, I–” he was cut off as it seemed to jump up another inch, spurting a glob of precum that fell to the floor. His hands slid desperately up and down the length of his shaft, each one barely able to reach halfway around. With another spurt of pre, I noticed his fingers slightly pushed farther apart.
“It…it won’t stop until I…”
“Not my first rodeo,” I cut him off, entering the stall fully and closing the door behind me. “Do you mind if I help?” I asked, gesturing to his angry purple cockhead.
He nodded enthusiastically in relief and anticipation, his face contorting as another spasm hit.
Even with my repertoire of accidental and deliberate magical augmentations, I could only extend my jaw so far, struggling to make it several inches down his massive member, starting slow and building with intensity.
A little help here? I asked Synt, who responded with gusto, my mouth and throat suddenly seeming to defy the laws of physics as I eased farther and farther down the shaft. Finance bro was blissfully unaware of the pocket dimension that his dick had now fully disappeared into as his head lolled back in ecstasy.
“No one’s…been able to do this…in so long,” he muttered as his breath became erratic and he began involuntarily thrusting into me.
I worked my way diligently up and down, now moaning along with him in pleasure as I swallowed his impossible schlong. His whole body began to spasm with burgeoning orgasm, blasting several shots of jizz directly into my throat that I hungrily gulped, hoping whatever this pocket dimension situation was could also handle his huge load.
I pulled myself off his dick, his mushroom head emerging from my lips with a pop. But as his eyes rolled back and his breathing continued to crescendo, I realized he wasn’t done. Those had actually been the initial volleys to what turned into a geyser of cum, gushing uncontrollably against the wall for at least another thirty seconds, rope after rope splattering behind him as he tried desperately to bite back a primal scream that would have definitely alerted the rest of the establishment (and maybe even the offices above).
Finally, he spent his load, visibly exhausted. He leaned his head back as his dick began to mercifully deflate, landing softly on his face and leaving a trail of slime as it shrank to a much smaller, but massive by any other standards, flaccid state. 
I heard a loud gurgle emanate from my belly full of jizz, along with a wave of disorientation that left me leaning against the wall for support. Noticing this, he came back to his senses, his blissed out grin fading into self-conscious clarity.
“This uh, happens sometimes,” he said, with an air of comically misplaced masculine professional decorum that was so out of place I may have actually laughed out loud.
“Sometimes?” I repeated, as he carefully maneuvered his donkey dick back into what looked like a specially made pouch running along his pant leg. My stomach gurgled again, louder this time, and the wave of disorientation came along with a full body spasm. I felt my muscles tensing and becoming denser with muscle as my body stretched against the fabric of my carefully fitted clothes, my ass expanding to press up against the door behind me. When I came back to my senses, I recognized the wave of disorientation as a sudden growth spurt, leaving me a couple inches taller. This might as well happen, I thought, taking note of how the top edge of the stall was now right at eye level. During my brief ordeal, finance bro had jumped up to support me with arms that were much stronger than they looked, a bold move seeing as I had already towered over him.
“...Yeah, no idea,” he said, as if referring to a WiFi outage and not a magnitude jumping jizz volcano baseball bat dick that also apparently had its own growth powers. “Hey, uh, text me sometime,” he added, then materialized a business card in his hand, and slipped it into my pocket. “You were amazing.” He gave me a kiss on the cheek and a jocular pat on my butt, then turned to stroll out of the bathroom like he hadn’t just painted the wall with cum.
Men. I managed to be exasperated in spite of being wildly horny, not to mention mildly worried about the magic mega wang that I had accidentally set loose on the city. Maybe I should follow up with him, just to fill him in on this whole situation, I thought. But it seems like he’s actually doing fine.
Mmhm, came a self-satisfied smirk from my companion.
I cleaned myself up as best I could, debating whether I should leave a tip with a note attached apologizing for the large puddle of jizz in the middle stall. As I looked myself over in the mirror, I noticed that while I had grown, it hadn’t been by that much in terms of basic physical metrics, but I seemed…more powerful. Like inherently I knew my musculature was much more capable than it looked–and it looked like I was verging on pro bodybuilder. “Super dick,” I mused, with a wry smile.
I came out to see my bathroom dalliance strolling coolly down the sidewalk on the opposite side of the window, heading back to the pretentious coupe that started all this. I tossed what was left of my lunch, walked out, grabbed my bike, and resolved to make it back to the office without incident.
Incident came ten minutes later as I pulled up to a stoplight and found myself parked behind my cyclist friend. Now it was my turn to fall into a trance at the sight of his toned, heart shaped bubble butt.
“Can’t blame ya,” he said with a wink.
And now it was my turn to blush as I was caught staring. My encounter with the finance bro had left me even more riled up with still no release, and I was losing any cool I thought I had.
“We’ve, uh, gotta stop meeting like this,” I said with a nervous chuckle as I caught his gaze.
“No, we can definitely keep meeting like this,” he retorted. 
“Cute and confident,” I said. So it was a meet-cute. “Aren’t you at work right now?” I teased. “Or is the messenger bag just for show?”
“For you, I’m on break,” he said with a defiant smile.
“Oh so this is just your workout,” I replied, deciding to test the waters for a little fun. “You’re not skipping leg day apparently.”
“Look who’s talking!” he exclaimed with mock surprise. “You sure you’re not an Olympic cyclist with those yams?”
“Yams? It’s all aesthetic, you’ve definitely got me beat.”
And there it was. I felt Synt’s power slip out, my eyes widening in realization. How did I not catch that? I thought.
Time–the relative timespace of this conversation between me and my bike messenger crush–seemed to slow down and shift textures. Through Synt’s extrasensory abilities, I could again see timelines breaking, shifting, and reforming in the space around the cyclist’s lower half. His quads, hams, and glutes–especially glutes, I noticed–seemed to pixelate and come back together as they found the path of least resistance to match Synt’s interpretation of my command. I stared, awestruck, as his musculature seemed to inflate in real time as it moved through temporal lenses, his cargo pants adjusting along with the growing shelf of ass overtaking his bike seat, until suddenly they were replaced with lycra, stretched tight across a colossal booty. Still the same heart shaped ass, just scaled up and disproportionately juicy on top of some serious hamstrings.
“Haha, guess so,” he said, with the air of someone used to people staring blankly at his huge cakes. “Honestly, I thought this bike gig would slim me down some, but it just seemed to make things worse.” He patted one round cheek, sending a jiggle through his lycra shorts that could stop traffic.
The light changed, signaling that the meet-cute was drawing to a close.
“Maybe I’ll see you around,” he said. “Name’s Devon.”
“Uh, David,” I responded, as he kicked off and cruised through the green light. I stood entranced by the ass I had just magically inflated, before I got myself together and headed off in a different direction back towards my office.
You know I didn’t mean that, I said to Synt, who didn’t seem to care.
I did feel somewhat relieved as I jogged up the stairs of my building, yet still in persistent need of some sort of relief. Finding the door slightly open, I was pleasantly surprised to find just the person who could tide me over.
“Lee!” I exclaimed. “Thank god you’re here. You down for a quickie?” 
“That’s not why I’m here,” he responded. “But, I mean, yeah,” he followed up, long dick jumping down his pant leg in anticipation. Lee lounged against my desk, his lithe body posted up casually as he flipped through some book that he had happened to grab off the shelf, probably bored waiting for my return. Instead of the usual easy smile with an undercurrent of indulgent lust, he looked all business, like he had an important message. “Did you get my emails? My texts?” he asked. “We had some…interesting preliminary findings from the artifact that Blake brought in. Wait, are you taller?”
“Interesting how?” I asked, stripping off my leggings before remembering to kick the door closed behind me. “And yes, I’ll fill you in on the latest.”
He shut the book, leveling a look of tentative excitement in my direction, briefly obscured as he whipped his shirt off. “We need to go do some fieldwork.”
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Ok so finished watching Across The Spiderverse in theaters and here are my thoughts, under readmore so you guys won't get spoiled cause I'll mention plot shit
Nonspoiler review: these movies really are works of art, both visually and in sound. They draw on very relatable and powerful emotions of wanting to fit in, feeling like you belong, feeling like you're important, are you doing the right thing, are you living up to the expectations of others. These are the kinds of movies that could introduce people to the franchise and even if you're not into superheroes the emotion and visuals and writing itself is spectacular. Definitely a movie I could own and rewatch later
Now, here's my takes with more spoilers
-Miguel is actually so snarky and sassy. He is 100% done the entire movie and he's sarcastic or condescending almost every time he opens his mouth. He has a sense of humor it's just more mean spirited lmao "well you're gonna have to shut up and trust me" saying "how wonderful" sarcastically to Miles, being all "spiderverse? No thats dumb, its called the Arachnid poly multiverse, which, I guess sounds just as dumb"
-seeing him on the big screen really was like wow. He could be go from being sort of a dork to being so imposing and threatening, like, there was a small part where he steps closer to Miles as a silent intimidating gesture because hes so much taller, he could be so stone faced and cold when things got serious when Miles wasnt taking his warnings, but initially he was trying to be more compassionate, just, mwah, definitely going to help with any writing endeavors and characterizations of this man
-just seeing how the wristwatches and "daypasses" work is useful for any fanfic ideas I'm having ;) but holy shit you could just glitch until you die? I much prefer the concept of "Reader somehow whether being a mutant or an anomaly or just lucky gets transported to other dimensions instead or just back home"
-God just. Gwen's opening was amazing I don't even know how to describe it. When she's recounting her past and she's starting to talk about Miles while she's playing the drums and her drum playing keeps getting more and more intense, her music angry and frustrated and powerful as she keeps saying "and he's not the only one", speaking of his pain and isolation and how she feels connected to him, just, the way these movies write relationships between people and emotions is so human
-Spider Cat my beloved. LEGO Spiderman my beloved. Plushie Spiderman my beloved. Sun Spider is a fancharacter and got a speaking role. The thick, plus size, and fat spiders. Just the variety. It really is fun to imagine a Spidersona and feel represented kwim
-Jesus the intro to Mumbattan was insane. The way these movies constantly have you flying and falling through the air and falling through multiple levels and layers as objects whiz by, the music, the choreography. Just. The visuals and music the entire movie was insane
-HOBIE! definitely a fucking star. He's smart enough to build his own watch dude!! Love that guy. Definitely see him being in some stuff of mine as a helping hand if nothing else. Hobie helping Reader out during the YouTwo drama by offering you safe haven in his universe?
-I'm guessing Miguel has to give himself regular, spider nanomachine whatever injections? His powers kind of seem to have changed from his comic book a little bit. In the comics he has organic webs and was atomically spliced with spider dna but in the movie I think it's all technology idk? Correct me if im wrong, maybe they're red and glowing in the comics too 🤷‍♀️
-something something "smutty story where Miguel boyches a formula and turns himself into like a possessive horny borderline pure animal in heat and of course you're the lucky lady to stumble into him first"
-I got the bunny filter version of Lyla by the way!
Ugh this movie has me filled with so many emotions and also I snuck alcohol into the theaters and was on an edible gummy so I was FEELING this movie and just. Definitely two of my all time favorite movies
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hello-nichya-here · 2 years
Why is the topic of curing disabilities/mental illnesses so controversial?
Simple: the conversation often excludes the very people that would suposedly benefit from said cures, and whenever we point out some pretty serious flaws in most people's ideas of how a "cure" for these conditions would work, we get yelled at and called ungrateful and/or stupid.
For exemple, plenty of organizations (like Autism Speaks) are always going on and on about how everyone needs to work together to find a cure for autism. Unfortunately, they do that while:
1 - Ignoring that pretty much any serious research into autism shows that it CAN'T be "cured" since it would need to AT THE VERY LEAST completely alter a person's nervous system (not just the brain, but every single nerve too), and that is sort of fucking impossible.
2 - Ignoring that autism is a genetic condition, and likely comes from anomalies in multiple cromossomes. Instead, they focus on stupid shit like soy milk, or vaccines, or something the mother did while pregnant supposedly causing it - things that have been proven false decades ago. Not only does that result in a HUGE waste of money, it often spreads misinformation about the condition (and does some serious damage, like a ton of diseases that had been previously erraticated coming back because of the anti-vax movement).
3 - Ignoring that plenty of autistic people DON'T WANT A FUCKING CURE. If you offered me a miracle cure for my anxiety, I'd take it, because this illness brought me literally nothing good ever. If you offered me a cure for my autism, I'd instantly reject it. Now, if I could get rid of just a few traits (like the sensory issues and meltdowns), I would accept it, but only if I was sure it would be JUST these traits that bring me difficulties, not stuff like hyperfocus or not liking it when people I don't know get too touchy with me.
4 - Trying to "cure" autistic people things like ABA "therapy", that was literally invented by the same guy who created gay conversion therapy and said that autistic people are not human, andwas proven time and time again to give patients PTSD + to not actually "cure" them, just make them mask their traits as much as possible, which led to many patients getting depressed and suicidal.
Now, you might be thinking "Okay, a cure for autism is a lost, pointless cause, but what about other stuff, like a blind person getting surgery so they will be able to see?"
That might sound much easier to do, but it can often be just as complicated. For some people, it would be just a few quick surgeries and then it's done, they can see for the rest of their life.
But say someone is blind because an accident that really damaged their eyes, to the point that, sure, maybe the surgery would be a complete, life-long success - or only help for a few years, then they'd be blind again, assuming it worked at all. And in some other cases, the possibility of complete, lasting success is just out question.
Is it that hard to imagine that some people would not want to risk the disappointment of it not working at all , or only working at first, then they'd end up blind again, forcing them go to the entire process of getting used to it once more after it was supposedly already over?
On that same kind of situation, there's also stuff like people getting MANY super complicated, super expensive surgeries that they'd take a long time to recover from and could have mixed results, like say someone who had a serious spinal injury - sometimes they'll be able to walk by themselves, other times they'll need a cane, and other times they'll need a wheelchair.
That kind of stuff can be a brutal process that would be very stressful, and once again, super expensive, and one could easily decide it's just not worth it, and just stick to being on a wheelchair all the time.
Since I mentioned money, that is unfortunately a factor many people ignore in pretty much anything related to medicine - if it is so expensive that basically nobody can afford it, then it might as well not exist.
There's also the problem of people spending all their time focusing on trying to find some miracle cure, and completely neglecting to do basic stuff that would assure disabled people would have a good life regardless. I lost count of how many "inclusive and accepting" schools I've seen (including the one I went to for most of school-life) or even HUGE hospitals that don't bother to have a fucking ramp or doors whide enough that would allow someone in a wheelchair to enter the room. Couldn't at least some of the budget from governments and charities go to that?
And to end the money talk, there's also the fact that some disabled/mentally ill people DO have money. So much money in fact, that they can just deal with life with barely any struggles, since there's a ton of people and resources they can turn to. Not that hard to imagine why they aren't spending every second of every day dreaming of a way to be cured.
And on that same vein, there's also situations like people who were born blind or deaf and plenty of them don't really want to be "cured" because... well, they might know other people's lives are different from theirs because of their disability, but they never really experienced the world in any other way, so what someone else could see as a tragedy or at the very least a really radical change in their own life is just some mundane shit to them. And even people who became disabled later in life can sort of go through the same if they are used to it and don't really see a point in trying to fix something that, if they're lucky enough to have proper support, isn't really a problem to them anymore.
Basically this topic could be way less of a mess, and more importantly way less condescending/ableist, if the goal was on helping each individual in whatever way would work best of them, instead of just lumping all the disabled and mentally ill into the same "tragic" group that can ONLY ever be "helped" by becoming "normal" so the rest of the world doesn't have to deal with the fact that some people are different and *gasp* that doesn't have to be the end of the fucking world.
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if you don't mind,,, can you elaborate a few ideas with magic girl ik who can reset time and barbatos??
like,, the au i made a little while back with ik stuck in a time loop thingie???
i wanna make more headcanons but i jUST CANT SHOVE IT OUT OF MY BRAIN-
of course!!
in the aftermath of the little bit of writing you did - i imagine ik just kinda shuts down, and even though mammon wants to know just what the hell’s been going on with her that she’s died multiple times, he decides it’s better for her to just take care of her until she’s ready to talk on her own. in the meantime though, he goes and finds barbatos, because he’s the only guy he can think of who’d know what to do
barbatos has already noticed by now that there’s something funny about the way time affects ik, but he’s not close enough to her to ask about it, so he’s just kinda been maintaining distance and forming his own conclusions. after mammon gets him, he visits ik, who’s just kind of listlessly sitting on her own, soul gem sitting on the table in front of her
something compels barbatos to touch the soul gem, and then when he does, its magic interacts with his own time magic in such a way that he gets a sudden flash of all the different iterations of the same time loop ik’s gone through. at this point he fully realises that she has some form of control over time, and because he knows the burden, he knows the right questions to ask to get her to talk about it
so he finds out about the constant time looping, the many many deaths, her inability to escape the fate that kyubey condemned her to the moment she made her wish - and he finds out that something changed when ik got pulled to the devildom, the cycle sort of... changed for a second - this is the longest ik has lived in any of her loops without turning into a witch or being killed as a magical girl
and right now she’s desperately trying to stave off another witch transformation, because she doesn’t want to have to reset time to before she met all her friends down here, because what if it doesn’t happen ever again? maybe all this happening has just been an anomaly on this loop - she doesn’t want to lose all this, because it’s the happiest she’s been since the looping began
probably breaks barbatos’s heart into about a billion pieces - but, since he also has a degree of control over time, arguably greater than ik’s, he’s hopeful that he could do something about this. considering what an extreme case this is, he might even get permission from diavolo to just stick by ik’s side to make sure nothing happens that might force her to reset
in fact, going even further, he might break the rule about not intentionally looking into the future, and... each time he does, ik’s disappeared, because in each of these futures he sees she’s had to reset. he doesn’t tell anyone about this though, because he’s determined to change this future... and meanwhile, as he manages the time side of things, the others are on a witch hunt for kyubey and any information concerning him
not sure about the details of what happens - maybe they never find kyubey again and barbatos just manages a miracle of time manipulation, or maybe they do find kyubey and manage something that stops him and his species from making any more magical girls, as well as breaking ik’s contract. either way, eventually barbatos looks into the future and sees a perfectly content ik just living in the devildom, and he is so happy
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soldierswar · 3 years
Kobik - Chapter I
Bucky x Reader
(Fluff, Angst)
Plot: You and Bucky's relationship is anything but ordinary. Something that you've been used to since day one. But one day when Bucky brings home an unexpected little guest with superpowers, you reluctantly find yourself thrusted into something close to parenthood much sooner than you had ever expected to be.
Notes: I've been obsessed with Kobik and Bucky's father/daughter relationship with her since I read the Thunderbolts comics. Enjoy protective dad!Bucky.
        *Ring* *Ring* *Ring*
           “I’ve got to change that ring tone,” was your first thought after your atrociously loud phone woke you up in the middle of your mid-day nap. But you always felt the need to keep it off silent when Bucky was away from you for emergency use.
           You groggily propped yourself up and picked up the phone.
           “Everything okay?”
           “Let me guess. You just woke up?”
           There were no signs of real distress in his voice. So why the hell was he calling instead of texting?
           “Mmmmm,” you groaned.
           You being an investigative journalist had just finished working on an important writing piece that took over a month and a half to write. A piece that involved multiple trips across the ocean for in-person research. So you were pretty exhausted nowadays.
           “What’s up?” you asked mid-yawn.
           “Y/N…I need you to meet me somewhere as soon as possible. At…our spot.”
           Now you began to get worried.
You and Bucky had a special secluded spot in a nearby building that had been abandoned halfway through its being built years ago. It was safe to assume that it was just another private abandoned project after the blip that was never followed up on. So you and Bucky deemed it your secret place to go to if you needed to talk about something urgent where nobody could hear or see you.
           “Are you in some kind of trouble? Do we need a lawy—”
           “No, Y/N. It doesn’t have anything to do about me…for the most part.”
           “For the most part?”
           You could suddenly hear Sam’s voice echoing in the background again.
           “How worried do I need to be, Barnes?”  
           He hesitated.
Those pauses always made you incredibly anxious, and he knew that.
           “Are you safe? Are we safe?”  
           Another pause as he swallowed nervously.
           “I wouldn’t have called for you to come if I didn’t think that we’d be safe.”
           You shook your head. And although he couldn’t see it, he knew you enough to know that that was exactly what you were doing.
           “You trust me?”
           “Would I have married you if I didn’t?” you sighed lightheartedly.
           “I can be there in 30, okay?”
           And before you could hang up he said those three words that almost never faltered in making you smile, even in the worst of time.
           “I love you.”
           Despite the fact that he said that there was nothing really to be truly worried about, you couldn’t help but feel a pulsing anxiety surge through your body. In the years that you had been together, you never really had to use your spot for any type of unexpected emergency.
           You stumbled your way to the building being careful to not fall over the chunks of broken concrete protruding from the dirt before making your way to the door that was almost completely broken off minus two feet of it from the bottom still hinged to the door frame.
           “Hey,” said a familiar voice.
You turned around to see your husband’s beautiful face. You hadn’t seen Bucky in almost a week, so when he wrapped you in his arms you had no choice but to feel nothing but comfort and warmth. But after a two-second tender moment, you snapped out of it.
           “James,” you said.
“What is this about? Why am I here?”
           Before he could say anything, you could hear  Sam’s voice in another area of the house. It sounded almost as though he were giving orders to someone. Which was then followed by the echoes of a little childlike voice…
           You shook your head and reasoned that you were either hearing things, or things were about to get really weird.
           “Bucky,” you said raising your voice and crossing your arms.
           “How bad can it be?”
           Suddenly the only sound in the house was the sound of little footsteps sprinting towards you followed by Sam’s voice.
           And right before your eyes, there was a little girl. A little girl that couldn’t have been older than 4 or 5 years old. She was incredibly pale and had blonde – No, white hair in two high pigtails. But the strangest thing about her was her inhumanly glowing blue eyes.
           “Everything okay Buckaroo?” she asked seeming concerned about him.
           “Shit,” Sam said under his breath as Bucky gave him a death stare.
           “Kobik,” Bucky scolded lightly, crossing his arms.
           “I told you not to come out until I said –”
           “I know,” she said as her little face and shoulders fell.
           “But someone seemed mad at you. Are you okay?”
           She turned her gaze over to you and gave you a once-over as if she were scanning you to see if you were a stranger and potential threat to your own husband.
           Sam finally joined you guys looking somewhat embarrassed.
           “Sorry, I couldn’t stop her.”  
           Now you were staring at Sam giving him the “What the hell is going on?” look.
           He didn’t seem like he wanted to be the one to answer.
Great, now you had two men who didn’t want to answer any questions about the strangest looking child that you had ever seen.  
           “Kobik,” Bucky said.
           “This is my wife, Y/N.”
           Her intense stare immediately softened, which eventually evolved into a big smile, and waved at you.
           You were awestruck, and couldn’t even answer. You just turned your stunned gaze away from her and back on to Bucky.
           “Bucky…” you said under your breath.
“I’m gonna ask you again. Why am I here?”
           Bucky took you outside next to a pile of large concrete rocks to sit on which you were grateful for because you were feeling pretty dizzy, and even felt a little sick.
Who was she? Did he have a kid that he decided to never tell you about? Did he feel the need to take her for some reason? Those were all logical thoughts that any rational human could think up for this type of situation. Right? And also, why did the poor thing look like…the way that she did?
           But when you finally did get Bucky to talk, everything came out of his mouth exceeded anything that you could ever imagine. In fact, for a moment of time if felt as though you were watching Bucky say a bunch of nonsensical sentences pre-exploding brain aneurism.
           But the longer he continued to speak, you realized that he was serious. This wasn’t some type of psychiatric meltdown or a sick joke.
           You shook your head as he reached over to put a comforting hand on your upper arm.
           “I know it sounds crazy, Y/N but—”
           “Crazy? No,” you shuddered, pulling away.
           “Crazy would be telling me that, I don’t know, you had some kind of accident child with someone during our marriage and you’re just bringing her over to tell me for the first time.”
           He opened his mouth to say something but you shoved your index finger in his face to continue.
           “Crazy would be telling me that you found a literal child with superpowers and you just decided to take her to see what she’ll do. But you’re meaning to tell me that it’s not even a human?”
“You’re meaning to tell me,” you said pointing to the door.
           “That I’m supposed to believe that some extremely powerful force of ‘cosmic energy’ formed itself into a little girl, and you decided to make the impulsive decision of just taking it with you?”  
           “It’s not like that, Y/N,” he replied.
           “I’ve known about her for a little over a year now.”
           You couldn’t lie, that shocked you a little bit.
           “A year?”
           “Listen,” he said.
           “A year and a half ago were investigating a situation in Norway. One thing led to another and we ended up in an underground science lab with two scientists observing some type of glowing anomaly in the shape of a cube that they were carefully monitoring and studying. Sam and I made it our responsibility to keep this hidden and make sure it stays hidden.”  
           “So what does this have to do with—”
           He stopped you from finishing your sentence.
           “Two months later they call us to fly over and it seems that overnight this glowing anomaly somehow formed itself into this little girl that calls herself Kobik.”
           If you didn’t trust him as much as you did, you would be calling bullshit at this point. You didn’t even know that these kinds of things were humanly possible. Granted, you also didn’t think it humanly possible for a bunch of aliens to pretty much destroy New York, or for another batch of aliens to come down and somehow make half of the earth’s—No, the universe’s population disappear. So you continued to listen.
           “A few days ago we get a notice that the lab’s been breached, and by the time we got there, the two scientists are dead. When we get there to check out the scene we find that the five grown men that broke in were also dead. And a minute later we found Kobik shaking all alone in a corner.”  
           Your heart broke for her for a split second. But then you let his words sink in before realizing...
           “Wait,” you said
           “You said the intruders were dead.”
           He nodded.
           “Who killed…”
           He knew that you knew that answer.
           “She had to defend herself,” he shrugged.
           “And how did she do that, Bucky? She’s tiny.”
           And that’s when you realized that there was even more to the story.
           “Once she took form, they made it their focus to study the extent of her powers along with her behaviors. She talks, plays, and overall acts like a child of the age that she took form in…But in the wrong hands she could be used and abused into being a powerful weapon.”
           “So why did you take it?” You asked.
“It obviously can defend itself.”
           He didn’t seem thrilled about you talking about it like it was an inanimate object.
           “We don’t know if it was a fluke or not. She may not know how to properly defend herself and won’t get so lucky the next time. Next thing you know she could end up in the wrong hands. And she was scared, Y/N. I…We couldn’t just leave her.”
           You stressfully ran your fingers against your scalp through your hair.  
           “So what now?” you asked.
“She’s going to just stay here? In this abandoned half build house?”  
“…So is Sam going to keep her somewhere?”
The longer he stared at you the dizzier you started getting, understanding what he was actually asking.
“Y/N,” he said softly.
“I’m the only one she trusts.”
His last words fell into the background as you suddenly leaned over and threw up the entirety of your lunch…maybe even breakfast.
He held your hair back until you finally stopped.
“Bucky, you’re not saying,” you croaked while wiping your mouth.
“Tell me you’re not saying that you want to take her in.”
“Y/N, she’s scared. And I’m the only one she trusts to be around.”
You shot up and involuntarily started shaking your head.
No. This was not happening. He was not bringing a lethal science experiment into our house.
The world began to spin again as you probably got up too quickly, but you were good at playing it off. Why couldn’t he just be normal and bring an abandoned puppy home or something?
Regardless, there was no way that this could happen. There was no way that you could let this happen. You didn’t know who was going to invade your house to try to come to collect it. Much worse, you didn’t know how dangerous this thing was. What it could do to either of you when you least expected. What if it…she got startled in the middle of the night and activated some type of lasers in her eyes and cut you in half?
So you said what you needed to say.  
“Y/N,” he replied sympathetically.
“I know that this may be a lot so suddenly but—”
“No!” you said again putting your foot down.
“We can’t…Not right now. It’s not a good time”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Damn it.
“This isn’t some abandoned puppy that you found across the road, James! You brought home this radioactive weapon that people, might I add, bad people are looking for. And they’re not even the ones that I’m scared of!”
“You’re not making any sense.”
“After all that just came out of your mouth in the past 15 minutes, you really just had the nerve to tell me that I’m the one that’s not making any sense?” you exclaimed.
“What doesn’t make any sense is that your excuse is that this isn’t the right time. What do you mean by it’s not the right time, Y/N?”
“We…I have a lot of serious shit going on right now, okay?”
“I thought you were taking time off of work,” he pointed out.
“I am, okay? It’s just…”  
You paused, you didn’t know what to say or even how to say it.
“Is there something that I need to know? What does timing have to do with anything?”
“I…well…” you stuttered.
“Spit it out, Y/N.”
You sighed in defeat. You didn’t have a choice now.
“Because damnit, Bucky!” you shouted, startling yourself by how loud you were. But there was no stopping now.
“I’m pregnant.”
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portuguesedisaster · 2 years
Oh, juicy stuff! I feel like this is an important episode. So there’s 14 passages that all lead to somewhere, which, I don’t know, represent some kind of ideas? There’s darkness, claustrophobia, smoke, cobwebs and death and a strange something (a figure??), maybe? Those are all themes of this show, but they are also themes of the horror in general ( and some fears of mine, nothing against cobwebs and kinda like darkness ?!), so it’s probably a coincidence, but why 14 passages? 14 is a multiple of 7, so maybe it’s a number related mystery? also is the architect related to all of this? don’t really like the idea of this guy started liking to design churches, but u know, possibly. What, I think, is interesting is the way of how these statements always have some kind of overarching arc. It’s like following a bunch of people around and trying to understand the order on which they did specific things, how did they get there, what lead them to do something. And even though it is now obvious that there is, at least (I’m pretty sure there’s more, maybe 14, that’s what the passages mean??), a puppeteer somewhere, these people just keep appearing and disappearing intertwining themselves in each other stories.
Now, going with the 14 puppeteers theory, is the distortion guy one of those? Or is he a puppet? Because, he feels like an anomaly in the themes of the statements, since he is not either a crazy guy or any kind of supernatural phenomena. Obviously, he is not human, but it’s interesting he is not directly against the institute (apparently, or maybe he is, and just didn’t like The worm people!) or against the humans, like most of the other not human “people” that happen to interact with the subjects of the statements.
Other interesting thing is that, whoever these “puppeteer” are, they are obviously either immortal, or an hereditary place, since we have statements as old as the 19th century. Is Leitner one of those? Or is he just a guy who just happens to have a very weird collection of cursed books? Is the book Gerard Keay took with him one of those? Is Gerard related to Leitner though? He appears related to the books of the Leitner collection, and strangely connected with them, but he does not appear to be connected to the guy itself. And, in this theory (which does not goes against my “Percy Jackson-Magnus archives theory, btw) what place does the institute take? Mag 34 confirm that it is some kind of established entity in the city, but where did it came from? It could just be a coincidence, but the fact that Jonah Magnus was mentioned on the 12th century statement and Elias (whom is the boss, for what I understand) seems to know and receive financing from some statement figures (the Lukas family, otherwise known in my head as the alone/lonely/introvert guys (it changes, ok?), since apparently they do not acknowledge anyone else that is not family (yes, I took it from the girl who got run for a car and met her dead fiancé family statement)) makes me believe that the institute is related somewhere with this (the biggest clue is probably the open eye, which has esoteric meanings and might mean knowledge, but then what does the closed eye mean, no knowledge?- I’m still on the light/dark idea, but let’s variate!). The subplot of “What happened with Gertrude Robinson” will probably deliver more clues of what role does the institute play here and where did they come from.
Other thing that I understood yesterday (when I should be studying microeconomics, take what you want from this fact) is that there’s a bunch of statements related to mutilation? Which, of course, is another common theme of horror stories, but what strikes different, is that there’s apparently no puppet? Except the lady that did jigsaws in one of the first statements, all the mutilation episodes deal with someone mutilating himself, which also makes me believe that there is some kind of mind control here? The lady from the ghost hunting show, for example, was talking with someone, and taking parts of herself at the same time, but are the facts intertwined? I don’t think so, based on the fact that it only happened with her, and she had already shown some worries against the building where that happened.
Talking about buildings, there’s some special ones here. Top of mind comes, the ghost place, of the ghost hunting program statement, the church (related to Gertrude Robinson, on the statement of the roommate whose mom died and converted to a weird cult) and the house with the tree, which already appeared twice, related to two different mind problems (the priest which went crazy and killed someone and the builder/worker who had some genetic disease in the family (sorry, don’t remember the name!). The club from this statement (which was MAG 35 btw) is also an interesting example of location use, even though, in this case, it’s not really the building, is more the place where it is located.
Finally, there’s the cults and the circus (which was mentioned, like once, but is definitely important, I think) which feel more like a reunion “place” for people who believe in the same thing. I don’t really understand what are the beliefs. If the 14 puppeteers actually end up being gods/ omnipotent beings, maybe they are what they believe, but there was not enough of them introduced yet to make one for each puppeteer, so maybe that’s something to a future moment.
Have fun reading all my ramblings and theories!
Note: Not actually that related, but I’m genuinely curious to what did Jonathan get in the end. I suppose nothing good ahaha.
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
After my little hissy fit last night about not being able to write, I spent all day today doing exactly that. 5000 words later and we have this rambling fic. I had to fill in our Census today, so I figured the Tracys could too. It went places I did not expect.
There are a couple of anachronisms in this fic. It is based in 2060 for census reasons, but I mention at least two characters interacting with the Tracys from later seasons. Please ignore and enjoy anyway :D
There are also a couple of vague references to ship, but no real ship, I promise.
Thank you in particular to @katblu42​ and @willow-salix​  and the other members of Thunderfam who kindly checked on on me last night while I was bemoaning my inability to write. Sorry if I was exasperating. I have a degree in that. If it helps, no one gets more annoyed with me than I do ::hugs you lots::
Rambly, mostly brotherly conversations and doesn’t really go anywhere, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.
How Gordon got there first was no mystery. Virgil was just too damned tired after three rescues in a row and Scott had been tied up with Tracy Industries for most of the day. Grandma could possibly have been on it if she hadn’t been filling in for John who had broken out his exo-suit to yank a couple of free floaters out of the sky.
He was still muttering about idiots and safety. His mood was not improved by the fact Grandma insisted he come down for the night so he could be counted.
Consequently, his muttering also included cursing bureaucracy even though Virgil knew census night was a favourite of the astronaut.
Perhaps Gordon got to the form first because he knew everyone else was tired and grumpy and needed a kick in the pants. Virgil had to admit with a fond thought that his little brother was prone to throwing joke bombs amongst them when the mood was through the floor.
Virgil had no issues wondering why Alan wasn’t the one poking at the form. Their resident teenager wasn’t interested at all.
“Okay, guys. What is our address? What did we put last time?”
Alan didn’t even look up from his game. “Tracy Island.”
Gordon, who was sitting at Dad’s desk, staring at the holographic form, hesitated. “Did Dad register that with the powers that be?”
“What?” Alan really wasn’t paying any attention at all.
Virgil sighed. He was sitting on the couch with one of his uniform boots on his lap attempting to pick out several penetrating objects out of the sole. His last rescue had been a collapsed factory and he was still trying to work out what exactly it was that they made that could penetrate his specialist footwear.
Fortunately, despite multiple incursions, he only had a scratch on his left foot, more an annoyance than anything, but these objects were frustrating and suspicious.
“Dad did all the right things. Tracy Island is the official name now.” The pliers weren’t quite gripping the piece of metal properly. The grip slipped and Virgil swore.
“Now? What was it called before?”
“Deserter’s Rock.” Scott strode in from the kitchen, a coffee in hand, and grimace on his face. His usually perfect hair was scruffy, as if he had been running his hands through it.
Virgil frowned up at him. “You okay?”
His brother took the steps down into the lounge and sighed. “Nothing a holiday won’t fix.” It was Scott’s turn to frown. “What’s with the boot?”
“Deserter’s Rock? Really?”
It was John who answered, very much like Alan, staring into his tablet and barely paying attention. “Really. Three sailors were stuck here for months. Only one survived. That’s why there is a cairn on Tracy Peak.”
“I thought that was a pile of rocks put there by Dad.” Gordon seemed genuinely surprised. “You mean there are two dead guys on the Island?”
“Along with their ghosts, yeah.” John still didn’t look up.
“Ghosts?” Alan did look up at that, eyes wide. “What ghosts?”
“The one’s who keep stealing my Bailey’s ice cream.”
“Oh.” Alan went back to playing his game, his eyes definitely not darting between John and Gordon at all.
“Okay, moving on…so where do I put ‘Tracy Island’ in this thing? It’s not a suburb, state or territory…do we have a postcode?”
“It’s a locality. Shove it in there.” Virgil grit his teeth and yanked hard at the piece of metal embedded in his boot. A grunt and a flex of heavy lifting muscles and…it didn’t move at all. What the hell?
“Okay, whatever.” Gordon half sung ‘Tracy Island, Kermadec Ridge, South Pacific Ocean’ to himself as he entered it into the form. At least he was being specific. Virgil glared at his boot.
“Next. Who gets to be head of household? Oh, the Householder?” A pause in which Virgil poked at his boot, Scott sipped his coffee with closed eyes, Alan killed three zombies with a grin and John sat motionless still staring at his tablet.
“Okay, then. It’s me.” Gordon grinned to himself.
Nobody looked up, but all four other brothers said simultaneously and in chorus. “It’s Grandma.”
Virgil flexed his hand and picked up his pliers again. Peripherally, he watched Gordon’s shoulders drop. Even the Fish couldn’t argue with that.
“Fine. It’s Grandma.” He reached up and touched the box to open that section of the form. “Where is she anyway?”
Virgil tried to get a better grip on another chunk of metal in his boot. “Yoga. Don’t disturb her.” Yoga was Grandma’s mindfulness time and after today, it was well overdue. “Leave her be.”
“I wasn’t going to. Sheesh. So, name. Sally Tracy.” He typed in her name. “Person two?”
“Scott Tracy.” Okay, so Virgil had a bit of a thing about this. His brother deserved acknowledgement for everything he had done.
Gordon glared at him. “And so I guess the rest of us are in age order?”
Virgil flipped his boot over. “Whatever floats your boat, fishboy.” A glance in Scott’s direction and he had to wonder if his brother had fallen asleep, he was that still. The coffee mug in his hand was the only proof of consciousness.
Virgil fought the urge to save it. “Scott, you wanna go to bed?”
“Wha-?” His brother sat up. “I’m fine.” Fortunately, he put the coffee mug down. The chances of Virgil having to treat burns tonight dropped significantly.
“How do you spell ‘Hackenbacker’?”
Virgil did not grace that with an answer as it was obviously a stupid question.
John was apparently on auto as he spouted off the required letters anyway while still staring at his tablet.
Gordon poked at the form in silence for a little while and Virgil wondered what on Earth he was entering. He trusted his brother. This was an official document, after all, but he was still Gordon.
“Okay, guys, I need your information.”
Beside Virgil, Scott ‘woke up’. “What, no questions about Grandma?”
Gordon frowned at his eldest brother. “I’ll have you know that I know our grandmother very well. We have a special kind of relationship.”
Alan snorted.
“What? You got something to say, sprout?” The fish glared at Alan enough to torch him on the spot.
“I’m just saying that after that time with Grandma’s diver’s license, you should know Grandma’s details very well. Her birthdate, her ancestry, her suit measurements…”
A starfish plushie suddenly had a very short career as a ninja star and bounced off Alan’s head. “Shut up, Alan.”
Their little brother only giggled more.
John, still staring at his tablet, raised an eyebrow. “Allie, Grandma baked some cookies yesterday. I think there are still some in the cupboard. Would you like some?”
“Okay, okay, I get it.” Alan threw the plushie at his fish brother, missing completely, and went back to playing his game. There was muttering about Gordon making jokes but Alan not being allowed to.
Virgil sighed to himself.
“Scotty, what’s your age? It’s 2060 for reference. Oh, and your gender.”
All signs of sleep fell away and Scott sat up. “Gordon…” It was all warning.
“Hey, I’m just giving you the opportunity to offer an alternative. After all, tonight you look at least fifty-six.”
“I’m thirty-one and you know it.”
Gordon poked at the form. “Thirty-one years young. Got it.”
Scott grunted at him.
“Virg, are we telling the truth this time?”
“Depends on whether you want me to leave you in the ocean next time.” Why the hell couldn’t he get this out of his boot?
“To threat level already, you are grumpy tonight.”
“Gordon…” Virgil echoed Scott from earlier to the note.
“No one named ‘Johnny’ lives here.”
Gordon signed. “John Glenn Tracy, how would you like me to record your age?”
“If I say I’m thirty-two, do I get to go higher up on the form?” Alan looked hopeful.
“If you like.” Gordon moved things around on the display.
Virgil gave up. The locality of Tracy Island was destined to be a statistical anomaly anyway. At least it would be an interesting one.
Besides, John would probably hack it later and fix it. The fact he had hardly protested so far was eminent proof of that security factor.
“Scotty, are you the husband or wife of Grandma?”
Scott rubbed his face and didn’t bother to answer, picking up his coffee again and burying his face in it.
Virgil just wished he would go to bed. The man was a zombie.
Gordon took the hint and was quiet for a little while. Virgil went back to tugging on his boot. Maybe he should take this down to his workshop.
The thought of actually working more had his shoulders slumping enough to alert Scott. The concerned and questioning look shot in his direction had Virgil sitting up a little straighter to fend it off.
“John, where should we put your usual place of residence?”
“But you live in space.”
“So do you.”
“Pedantic much?”
“As necessary. Tracy Island is home. Thunderbird Five is merely in our astronomical backyard, not to mention secret.”
Virgil looked up at that. It was a simple statement, but it was good to hear that John still considered Tracy Island home despite his multiple protests over the years.
“Fine. Secret space station wasn’t an option anyway. I could flub it and use Global One but then that would spark all those rumours about you and that captain all over again.”
“Gordon, I can hack your bank accounts.”
“Go for it.”
“I can also hack your fish tanks.”
The aquanaut shot to his feet. “You touch my tanks and you’re dead, spacehead.”
John didn’t react other than to smile just a little.
Their space brother could be a right royal ass when he wanted to be. Virgil sighed. “John, you know the rules.”
He shrugged. “Didn’t break any.”
“You touch my tanks, I’m spicing up your atmosphere on Five. I’m not kidding. I have fart gas resources even you can’t find.” Gordon was still on his feet and actually appeared angry.
John shuddered. “TMI, Gordo. Not interested in your gas capacity, honestly.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Calm down, Gords, John’s not doing anything to your fish tanks. He knows the rules, don’t you, John.” He arched a prompting eyebrow at his brother.
“Never said I didn’t.”
Definitely an ass.
“Gordon, calm down. You can put John’s relationship to you in as ‘nemesis’ if it makes you feel better.”
“I can only put in our relationship to Grandma. I wrote favourite grandson in yours.”
It was Virgil’s turn to shrug. “I’m not going to complain. Sit down and finish the form.”
His brother didn’t answer, but he did sit down, albeit still glaring at John.
John had gone back to his tablet, doing who knew the hell what.
Definitely an ass.
Virgil turned back to Gordon. “What’s the next question, Gords?”
The glare switched to Virgil for a second before turning to the form. “Where were we born?”
“I know that. What about Grandma, Brains and Kayo?”
“Space.” Alan said it with triumph.
“Where John lives. Isn’t that what the question was?” Alan stared between his brothers.
“Go back to sleep, Alan.”
“Grandma was born in Kansas, Brains was born in India, and Kayo was born here.” Scott proved he was still awake by suddenly providing information enough to make Virgil jump.
Gordon poked at the form, but nothing further was said on that front. Everyone knew Kayo was sensitive about her past, and while she wasn’t in the room, she would find out and partially kill anyone responsible.
“Kayo is here tonight, isn’t she?”
Virgil yanked on his boot again, slipped and managed to elbow Scott in the ribs. His brother grunted.
“Oh, shit, sorry. You okay?” He shoved the boot aside and the pliers along with it.
Scott eyed him and rubbed his side. “That answers your question, Gordon. Kayo is on a conference call with Captain Rigby.”
Virgil glared at Scott.
Gordon eyed the both of them. “Is there something you two aren’t telling the class?”
“Shut up, Gordon.” Virgil glared at Scott a moment longer, enough to have his brother’s expression fall into one of concern. Grabbing his boot again, Virgil went back to wrestling with embedded metal. Damned specialised rubber was amazing when it protected him but when its tolerances were overrun, it was a pain to fix. Maybe he should ask Max to give it a yank. “What entertaining religion are you using this time, Gords?” Any attempt to get the conversation off this topic.
Gordon stared at him a moment, obviously still trying to work out what the hell happened there.
Scott was dead later; Virgil was going to make sure of it. Tired or not, he had crossed a line.
A sideways look in his eldest brother’s direction and it was obvious Scott realised that. Okay, maybe he could let it go. It had been a long day and they were all tired.
Probably should go to bed.
He went back to fighting with his boot.
Gordon was still staring but even the fish knew when to shut up apparently, because the next words out of his mouth were entirely religious.
“I’m worshiping Neptune this year.”
Alan frowned. “I thought you said that last time.”
“Dad wouldn’t let me.”
That brought the whole room to a standstill. Last census was ten years ago. Flashback to that time brought everything that had changed into the bright glaring light. The biggest change being Dad’s absence. But even more, ten years ago they were still based in Kansas, IR was in development, but not yet a reality. Alan was only six, Gords eleven and with his body still intact…it was a completely different time. Virgil was still in college and had to fill in his own census form in Denver.
Gordon broke the looming silence with a determined smile. “This time the government gets the truth. Scott bows to the sky gods, Virg worships molemen, Johnny is a god, and Alan is Satan.
“Hey!” It was said by multiple brothers at once.
Only John remained calm. He even had a smile. “In that case, I want bagels every Sunday.”
“You get bagels every Sunday. Virg sends them up all the time.” Alan glared at his space brother – Alan did not like bagels.
John grinned wider. “I’ll take that as proof that I have at least one faithful worshipper.”
“Next time you can get your own bagels.” Virgil glared at his brother.
Gordon snorted. “Yeah, right, you old softie. John could blow up Two and you’d still send him his bagels.”
Virgil found himself glaring at Gordon again. It seemed to be a theme tonight. “Short pier, long walk, Gordon, go for it.”
He got a smirk for that. “Don’t mind if I do. A little night diving is quite spectacular around here.”
Virgil ignored him and went back to his boot…which he had made zero progress on for all the time he had been sitting here, damnit.
“Does Virgil ever ‘need someone to help with or be with him for self-care, body movement, or communication activities’?” Gordon typed into the form. “Before coffee.”
Virgil ignored him some more as Alan took the bait and snickered. “Better watch it, Gords. Won’t be long before ‘before coffee’ time kicks in. Look at him, he’s already brewing.”
The piece of metal in his boot finally shifted a little. Thank goodness.
“Long term health conditions.” Gordon slumped in his seat. “Well, isn’t this cheerful.”
“Just fill it in, Gordon.” Scott’s words were little more than a sigh.
That left a gaping silence. Gordon tapped a lot at the keyboard filling in far too much. More for himself, obviously, but then there was John and his space issues, and they all had been diagnosed with something on the list hanging above their father’s desk.
Except Alan, who could not be left out. Virgil pretended to not be able to read the word ‘zombification’ next to his little brother’s name.
“Schooling? Oh man, John, you can write all the letters after your name. I can never remember them all.”
“Not a problem.” The astronaut poked at his tablet and the hologram in front of Gordon sprouted half the alphabet.
“Really? Did you get a new one?” He stared at John. “When did you get time for that?”
John shrugged. “Made time.”
“What’s this one for?”
“You were in the ocean. I didn’t know enough to help. So I fixed the problem.”
Gordon just stared.
Virgil, of course, knew. He had been the one to field John’s version of panic the day he didn’t know enough to help Gordon. John was practical. He saw a problem, he fixed it. Oceanography wasn’t an obvious topic for the starman, but he was a genius and that genius could be applied where he wished it to be.
If Virgil had found himself helping John at a few points that intersected with his specialities along the way, he was just going to take a little comfort from being able to return the favour after years of borrowing his brother’s brains for other topics.
And besides, it had meant he had been able to spend a little extra time with John. Always a good thing.
Despite him being the occasional ass.
Gordon was still staring. “Is that why you bugged me to take you out in Four?”
John shrugged. “Partly. Didn’t mind spending a bit of time with you either. Good experience to familiarise myself with Four as well.”
The stare continued.
“Be careful you don’t catch any flies with your mouth open.”
The stare became a glare. “We’re talking about this. You and me.”
Gordon looked like he didn’t know whether to yell at him or run over and hug his brother. Virgil was voting for the latter.
But everything was interrupted by a sudden snore and snort.
Virgil turned to Scott and found his brother startled awake, likely by his own snore.
“Scott, you need to go to bed.”
“I’m fine.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Do I need to pick you up and carry you?”
“I’m fine.” He waved Virgil away, sat up straighter and attempted to guzzle whatever was left of his probably cold coffee.
“Go to bed.”
“No. We need to finish the census.”
“Because why?”
“Because I want to.”
“Can you stop that?”
“Can you go to bed?”
“You need sleep.”
“I can manage my own health, thank you, Doctor Virgil.” He folded his arms across his chest. “I am an adult.”
Gordon let off a loud snort. “That’s it. I’m putting you two in as married.”
“Gordon!” Both of them, in chorus. It was apparently a theme tonight.
“Well, you both argue like an old married couple, what can I do?”
“You can shut up and move onto the next question.”
Gordon poked his tongue out at Scott, but he didn’t stop grinning and Virgil was forced to hold back a smile himself.
Bratty little fish.
He was still smirking when he said, “Employment.”
“Oh god.” Scott sank back onto the couch and rubbed his face with his hands.
There followed a book’s worth of employment activities.
“Rocket surfing is not an occupation, Gordon.” Virgil sighed.
“Why not? Both Scott and Allie surf rockets.”
“Alan rides a rocket sled and Scott is just trying to give me grey hair.”
“Has he succeeded yet?” Bratty fish.
“None of your business.”
“So is International Rescue paid or unpaid work?” Gordon was frowning at the form.
“Unpaid.”  Scott’s tone was sharp.
“So are we unemployed, employed or self-employed?”
“How much do you earn a year, Scotty?”
Their eldest brother paused as if calculating, but then threw up a hand. “Stuffed if I know.”
John snorted and rattled off a number.
“There isn’t enough space for that many zeros here, John.”
“Give me a moment.”
The display in front of Gordon flickered and each of their names received a variety of numbers…except for Alan.
“Hey, how come I don’t have any earnings?”
“You are a minor.” John spoke calmly, as if speaking to a minor.
“But I do stuff for Tracy Industries, I do.”
“All your income is held in trust, you know that.”
“Then who is paying for all that popcorn I bought this morning?”
Scott sighed. “Don’t worry, you’re not going to bust the bank.”
“We own the bank.”
Scott stared at John. “When did we buy a bank?”
“I bought it for your birthday last year but forgot to give it to you.”
“I’m writing obscenely rich next to all our names. Oh, except for you, Allie. You’re a pauper.”
“Hey! You suck, Fishbrain.”
“Remember who might need to lend you money in the next couple of years…”
“While Gordon remembers who lent him money in the past, who still helps him with his finances, and who also is the one to fish him out of the ocean after every mission.” Virgil pinned Gordon with his eyes.
Gordon blinked. “You have a point.” A pause as a smile crept over his face. “Who was that again?”
The hologram of the census form wobbled as a lounge cushion flew through it and hit Gordon squarely in the face.
“Right on target. Hmm, I’ve still got it.” Scott blew imaginary smoke off a finger gun.
Unfortunately, Scott may have still had it, but he wasn’t the best marksman on this census form. The cushion rebounded via aquanaut and hit Scott squarely in the face with an oomph.
This forced both Virgil and Alan to come to his defence and for a full ten minutes after that, it was an all-out pillow fight between the brothers. Even John was drawn in as Gordon came up behind him and tried to stuff one down the back of his shirt.
Which wasn’t advisable since his gravity support was still in play. But then John was king of the noogie and immediately grabbed a head full of strawberry blond hair, dragged it down onto the couch beside him and made sure it received the full-on noogie treatment.
Gordon did squawk quite a bit.
An extreme one-on-one joust erupted between Scott and Alan. It was that determined that Virgil had to back out. Alan, being the terrier he was, managed to get Scott on his back on the lounge and sat on him pummelling him with pillows.
Virgil had suspicions that the game was rigged.
In any case, he had to find somewhere else to sit and tinker with his boot.
Eventually, Gordon found his way back to the census form. Scott was still on his back and apparently Alan had decided he preferred that his big brother stay that way by sitting on him and playing his computer game. Scott at least had a remaining cushion under his head, but one foot had taken out a pot plant and the other was hanging over the back of the sofa. His brother really was too tall for lying on the seating arrangements, but he didn’t seem to care.
With a bit of luck he might fall asleep.
“Okay, let’s finish this. How did you get to work today?” Gordon grunted. “This form has no rockets, planes, submarines or space elevators on it.”
“Tick the ‘other’ box and let them work it out.” John let out a yawn.
Virgil eyed him.
John screwed up his face and poked out his tongue.
Wha-“ Virgil blinked.
“Hey, Virg, how many hours did you work last week?”
That distracted him enough to turn to Gordon. “How the hell do I know?”
“You worked them. I bet you know your flight hours.”
“Today’s. Not last week. That was last week.”
“Eos, send Gordon last week’s record?”
The AI chimed in at her father’s request. “Yes, John.”
Another document appeared in front of Gordon. “Wow, that much? Really?”
“The documentation is correct as recorded.” Eos sounded a little miffed. But then she never particularly liked Gordon on the best of days.
His fault, of course.
“Virg, you win, but only by a bit over Scott and that was because he twisted his ankle on Monday.”
“Sprained, you mean.”
“Twisted.” It came from the couch and was strangled by a little brother.
“Sprained. He should have been off for several days, but he’s an idiot.”
“You can’t talk, Mr Bruised-not-cracked.”
“At least I’m not Cracked-not-broken.”
Scott might have said more but Alan whacked him with a pillow. “You guys are idiots. Gords, John and I are lucky our grey hairs don’t show.” Alan growled. “I’m sixteen, for crying out loud, and I know more about hospitals than I ever wanted to. Look after yourselves, you morons.”
Silence hit the room again.
“Way to go, Allie. You tell ‘em.” Gordon’s words were honest.
Of course, Scott was devastated and immediately questioning all his life choices. Virgil wasn’t far behind, but Scott, in particular had a sensitive spot where Alan was concerned.
“Hey.” He reached out a hand and rested it on their little brother’s arm. “Talk to me, Allie.”
Alan growled again. “I’m fine as long as you two look after yourselves. We kinda need you, you know.”
Scott grabbed his little brother and dragged him down into a hug. “I’m sorry.”
Virgil sat with his boot in his lap needing to grab both his brothers but not wanting to interrupt their moment.
He shouldn’t have worried. A second later Gordon jumped over the back of the couch, landed beside him and grabbed him, dragging him sideways into an oomph of a hug. “Don’t worry, my dear wingman, we still love you even if you are an idiot.”
“Admit it, you want a hug.”
“Shut up.”
Gordon didn’t say anything further, but he did squeeze tighter.
“When you get to the questions on whether any of us looked after children, Gordon, tick yes for all of us.” John’s tone was as dry as a desert.
“Will do.” Gordon grinned at him.
Scott actually fell asleep after that. It was about time. Apparently, Alan made a great teddy bear.
Alan grumbled about that for days, but Virgil knew his little brother treasured his relationship with Scott and the fact he fell asleep as well was rather telling.
But that fact pretty much ended the census form filling for that night.
The next morning saw all of them out on an earthquake and it wasn’t until two days later that Gordon realised they hadn’t submitted the form.
Grabbing Scott and Virgil, he ran them through the last of the questions, landing on the definitions of their dwelling.
“How many registered motor vehicles do we have at this dwelling?”
“Er, none? We have no roads.” Virgil frowned at the obvious answer.
“Three rockets, two planes and a submarine don’t count?”
An arched eyebrow. “Does it say anything about planes? Tracy Two and Three are registered in Aotearoa.”
“Aotearoa is not the United States.”
“But they are still registered.”
Scott sighed. “Read the form properly, guys. It says exclude heavy vehicles.”
“Well, that strikes Virg off the list, but your ‘bird’s a pansy.”
That earned Gordon a mocking whack up the back of the head.
“Gords, just write zero. The intent is there.”
“Fine. We have no motor vehicles. Stupid form.” A sigh. “Okay, how many bedrooms do we have?”
Scott answered that one. “Ten.”
“I thought it was twelve.”
“One went to an art studio and the other to a music recording room.”
Gordon glared at Virgil. “Way to take over the house, bro.”
“And how many fish tanks do you have in how many rooms? Not to mention the chunk of vegetable garden we had to sacrifice for Rover’s pond?”
“Leave Rover out of this. That wasn’t his fault.”
Virgil snorted. “Not his.”
“Shut up.”
Scott sighed again. “We have ten bedrooms.” He scanned the rest of the form, which thankfully wasn’t very long. “We own the place outright, and yes, they can archive our information for our grandkids to access. Tick the boxes and get this sent so I can go get some lunch.”
“Yes, Commander.”
Scott growled but Gordon ignored him.
Boxes all ticked, he hit the submit button.
“This form has already been submitted. You may not submit it again.” Underneath was the date of the day before census night. “What the hell? How could we open it if - ” Scott hit his comms. “John!”
John’s hologram flickered up beside the misbehaving census form. “I’m between a hurricane in Bermuda and an avalanche in the Pyrenees. How may I help you?”
“Oh, the census form. Eos submitted that three days ago.” Their space brother was distracted a moment out of pick up range as Scott’s jaw dropped. “Needed to get it done before Gordon got his hands on it. Besides, we can’t guarantee we wouldn’t have been called out anyway, so I got it done beforehand.”
“Then why the hell were we going through the damned thing on census night?”
John blinked. “You had fun, didn’t you? We shared an evening together.”
Virgil joined both his brothers at staring at John.
The astronaut just smirked back at them. “You did a great job, Gordon. Thanks.” The smirk turned into a grin. “Thunderbird Five out.” His hologram disappeared.
Scott’s face curdled. “I’m going to kill him.”
Virgil let his shoulders drop and sighed. “You said that last time he did something like this, and he’s still kicking.”
“I’m soaking his underwear in saltwater.” Gordon had that fire in his eyes that usually preceded a Tracy Island Armageddon.
“He played me, Virg. He knew what I would do and played me. He thinks I’m predictable!”
“Yeah, but he obviously did it for the right reasons.”
Virgil found himself the target of two glares. “What? You want a group hug or something? C’mere.” And he grabbed the both of them, wrapping his arms around them. “Happy Census Night.”
The grumbling was worth it.
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HASO, “An Unknown Void.”
Hope you all enjoy your day today. 
The deep blackness of space surrounded him, or it seemed t, with the lights on the bridge dimed and the blast shield lifted from the wind screen, he could see nothing, well, there was the occasional star in the sky, but according to star charts, this place was supposed to be the darkest  in the known universe. 
He reached down and tilted the ship slightly to the side to give a better view for the onboard telescopes. Scientists had a theory that this place wasn’t nearly as dark as it looked. A couple thousand years ago the Hubble telescope had been turned towards the darkest portion of the sky they could see, and returned with the Hubble deep space images depicting thousands if not trillions of unknown stars that had been invisible to the naked eye and inferior ground telescopes. He expected to see the same thing here.
Adam was not himself a scientist, though he tried his best to keep informed and educated on as many subjects as possible. Partially It Was due to his overwhelming desire for self improvement, while another part of him, a more subconscious part of him had someone he desperately wanted to impress.
He reached down to open the comm line to the science division, “See anything?”
There was only a momentary pause before, “Give us just another minute sir. We are having to recalibrate the telescopes.”
“Oh, is something wrong?”
“We tried taking a picture but didn’t see anything. It was probably just a younger scientist who forgot to remove the lens covers. We should be good to go.”
There was a pause.
“That’s weird.”
There was quiet for a long moment, “Sir, we are still seeing nothing. I think there might be some sort of malfunction….”
Adam shifted in his seat, “turn the telescope back behind us and see if it works in that direction.”
“Sir, how would the direction-”
“Just do it.”
There was another long, two minute pause before, “Sir…. the images are coming in and they look…. Fine…”
Adam wasn’t sure what to think, “His first instinct was to assume a blak hole or something was eating up all the light in the area, but blackholes were visible due to their event horizon, and their machines would have noticed the anomaly in gravitation even this far out.”
Then a thought struck him.
Had they reached the end of the Universe. 
No no obviously that wasn’t the case, There were plenty of known galaxies and stars all around them. It was just this narrow speck of the cosmos that didn’t seem to have anything. Somehow that thought made him feel slightly woozy. Adam had never been susceptible to Cosmic Schock, but even he didn't find the thought of an endless black void to be particularly comforting.
“I don’t like it.”
The voice in his head nearly startled him out of his sea, and he frowned in annoyance as Conn floated into view just outside the ship window.
Adam was about to say something scathing to the starborn bust stopped as he saw conn floated with his back to the window staring out at the vast blackness. He reached a hand back to absently touch the screen as if grounding himself against the void. Adam stirred uneasily as he felt Conn’s walls slip. Suddenly his own head was filled with a brimming uneasiness spilling over from Conn himself.
The sensation was strange and unsettling. Conn usually kept his emotions under close wraps, but to see him falter like that was more than strange.
He felt a shiver crawl up his spine.
The starborn had spent his entire life in the void of space, so to have him disquieted by something in space was enough to make Adam nervous as well.
He motioned to his navigation specialist, “Give me a rout back to the nearest star system. Conn, get inside.”
The starborn only hesitated for a few moments before doing as told and floating around the side of the ship..
The bright lights blinked on and then off.
They  tended to agree, something strange was going on. Their one large eye blinked once as more lights ran up and down the sides of their body. 
They stared through the analysis screen but the readout indicated absolutely nothing. There was no detectable UV light, or unknown radiation except for the constant radiation and background frequency that was to be expected in space. 
They turned the analysis screen back towards the beginning of the star field to make sure their machine was not simply malfunctioning. It had never done so before, but there was always a statistical likelihood that it might again.When the star field came into view, the screen suddenly erupted with a bright array of blinking lights all with scientific analysis ready for use. That was obviously strange, but they were sure that their equipment was now working. They were about to turn their attention back towards the dark field when something on the analysis caught their eye. It was a bright blinking light, much smaller than the rest but indicating that it was far closer. They zoomed in on that particular indicator and was suddenly pleased at what they found. The signature was familiar, a known mixture of nitrogen and oxygen inside an enclosed container run by fusion energy.
They turned over and floated back through the door and down the tight tunneled hallway.
Bright orange and yellow eyes blinked at them as they passed by the others, flashing their lateral lights in question. They would have answered the questions if the others if they were not hurrying to inform their comandante of their new neighbors
They floated through a hole in the ceiling, or floor as it might have been in any orientation ad met the comandante on the bridge.
They turned, “Zheyar, have you found anything.” Bright lights blinked up and down their body to indicate the question dimming and expanding at moments.
“The dark field is….. Still dark. I can get no readings from it, however it seems that we are not alone.”
Bright lights flashed down their body in response to the news, “Oh, lovely, is it anyone that we know.”
“I believe they are a member of the species we met in the ice field, the ones that put us in contact with the GA.”
There was another bright exchange of lights before the comandante made their decision, “We will have to greet them certainly.”
Adam was just prepping his ship for a short warp to the nearest star when their comms specialist suddenly bolted upright in her seat. She leaned forward for a moment pressing her headset against her head, “Sir, sir I have a signal… we are being hailed.” He sat up in his seat, “Way the hell out here. Analyse the signal and send it through.”
There was only a momentary pause before, “Sir, I… its transmitting like a Mike ship.”
Adam perked up, “Mikes! I love those big guys. Hold on, patch the through, and get the translation team up here as soon as you can, I’m gonna need those LEDs .”
It was only minutes later that he had the translation team up and running standing next to him and carefully placing illumination stickers up and down the sides of his body. The little LEDs would brighten and dm in connection with his voice in order to translate to the mikes. 
The screen before him lit up and he was excited to see one of them floating on screen before him.
He smiled, “It is a pleasure to see your kind again.” The little colorful dots brightened and dimmed up the sides of his body flashing in bright neons as he spoke. It was only slightly distracting, but he was pleased to speak to the mikes after so long of not seeing tem.
“It is you!” The creature exclaimed emphasizing its enthusiasm with even brighter light.
“I am happy to see you after such a long time. We had assumed you had returned to your home world.”
The mike flashed lights up and down its body. There was no translation so he assumed it was some sort of gesture like a shrug or a shake of the head would be for humans, “We are sorry that we coil not take your GA’s invitation for a visit, but we did have a deadline to consider. We do promise that our monarchs have taken the offer into consideration and will be sending a delegation soon. We are very pleased at the idea of joining your coalition, though we have had so many things to do as of late.”
Adam’s enthusiasm was picked up by the brightness of the LED stickers, “I am personally very excited to hear that. I had hoped that you would take us up on our offer.” he Tried to avoid using his hands too much knowing that the movement of his arms might obscure the lights, “It seems of an almost astronomical coincidence that we should run into each other. There must be a reason.”
“I assume that you are looking at the same piece of dead space as we are, tell me has your scientific equipment been abl to detect what ours have not.”
Adam shook his head, “I am afraid we are getting no readings from the space, though i daresay our equipment is far less superior in comparison to yours.”
The mike flashd a little, “Sometimes simplicity can outmaneuver complex machines, though I see that we are both lost on that particular subject.”
Adam nodded, “Then I propose that we work together for the time being, I supply manpower and technology?”
“It would be a pleasure to work with you, andI must say that you have found quite an ingenious way to speak our language. Yo wear them well.”
He laughed, “You flatter me. We should dock our ships together if you are willing.”
“The pleasure is ours.”
It wasn’t more than a few light minutes later when they had docked themselves with the human ship. The cargo doors opened and a waft of wind equalized the pressure between their two ships. The air on the human ship was just slightly heavier making them sink just a few inches towards the floor, though it was of no concern. The humans were waiting for them, standing against the ground, forced to hold up their entire skeletal structures against gravity. It must have been exhausting for them, and likely took a lot of energy.
Their original analysis of humans indicated that a human would have to eat multiple times a day in order to keep up the energy required to move, but these humans seemed bright and awake and likely well fed. Their leader was waiting for them wearing those bright LED dots in order to communicate as did everyone else who stood with him.
They were surprised to find other aliens with him, and were both eager and interested to examine the strange creatures. They floated forward and were met by the humans who bowed low. Another creature floated around the corner of the wall, and the mikes pulled back in surprise.
One of the Star children.
The human seemed to have noticed their surprise.
“You've met the starborn before?”
“On a few occasions,though we weren't aware they had friendly relations with…. anyone .”
The human twitched its upper body strangely before letting the gesture fall, “he i about as friendly as it gets and that’s not saying much.”
The entire group of them shivered lightly as a cold presence washed over them, “Don’t listen to him, he has a hard time admitting how much he loves me. We have a daughter together you know.”
The human’s head snapped to look over at the starborn two eyes narrowing, “Shut the hell up conn, that is not the first thing you need to bring up in front of the company.’
The LED lights on his body flashed bright green with his anger.
The Mikes watched in fascination.
One of the other strange creatures, taller than the human and with another set of limbs stepped forward to Examine the Mike. Its coloring was brightly colored and quite pleasant. It examined them while they examined her, and soon enough she was surrounded by a swarm of poking and prodding at her joints and limbs and strange carapace. They had never seen anything like it before.
The creature took it gracefully enough though their leader to apologize. They did enjoy learning about new things and new creatures. They were completely harmless of course.
The human waved a hand at the dogs on his sides and arms blinking, “Don’t worry, she’d be happy to assist your scientists. If you would please follow me, we can show you how ur ship works see if there is anything that you find useful.
In the end the two groups took tours of each other’s ships, shared as much scientific information as was possible and then began their conjectures about the dark space which they had come across. The Mikes could not penetrate it with any of their equipment and neither could the humans determine that there was really only one way to explore what lay beyond.
They were going to have to go there themselves.
It was suggested that they simply warp to the center of the darkfield, but that thought was quickly discarded as it involved far too much danger. The human offered to fly his ship slowly out into the abyss while the mikes tracked them to see if their signal was lost at any point which they decided was a good course of action if not very reckless.
They were soon to learn that humans tended to be reckless anyway, which both scared them and gave them no small measure of admiration.
They would soon learn quite a bit about humans.
Though both parties were unaware of a stirring in the darkness. A stirring that was well aware of their presence.
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janehaster · 3 years
Sans: The Ongoing Mystery
Isn't anyone weirded out by the fact that Sans has the same knowledge about timelines and secret powers that involve somehow "breaking" or hacking the game that Flowey/Asriel - and, to some extent - the Player does?
We do know Flowey is aware that his world is just a GAME because he was injected with Determination (Asriel's dust spread across the garden and Alphys injected the first golden flower that blossomed with DT, thus resulting in Flowey's awakening to the true nature of his world). The Player is obviously aware because we're PLAYING that game. But what about the other monsters? How would they even know there are other timelines or what Determination is (much less how to extract it?)? Sans is just an ordinary monster. There's nothing extraordinary about him. Even his attacks are bone-based and use blue magic, like his brother. He doesn't have a special SOUL. He wasn't injected with DT. And yet, for some reason, he's aware of things maybe not even Alphys knows, such as multiple timelines, teleporting and "shortcuts".
One of Sans' abilities is revealed in a Genocide route. He can literally teleport out of a frame or REMOVE himself from the game - something not even the Player can do. Remember the scene right before Papyrus' fight, when the screen clips, then everything goes dark and Sans just disappears? The other ability, shortcut, is shown in neutral and pacifist routes. Going back to Genocide, Sans indirectly reveals he's a scientist of sorts, leading to the speculation that he possibly knew Gaster and/or worked with him. What he does reveal directly is that he's tracking an anomaly which seems to be consuming timelines. The "sudden end" he refers to might be when Flowey absorbs all the SOULs in the Underground and the world ceases to exist; there's only you and Asriel in a great void, battling for the fate of humans and monsters.
But the question remains: how is Sans able to "hack" the game? When and how did he become aware of timelines? Isn't he supposed to be just a common monster, actually the easiest enemy in the game (with only 1 HP and the first to die, if UT were a common RPG)? Then how is he even aware of the Amalgamates in the True Lab or even of the existence of Determination?
Now let's take a quick look at Delta Rune. Toby Fox insists UT and DR are not correlated, but he places thousands of references to DR in UT - plus almost all the characters in DR also come from UT (except the Darkners), so there is some correlation there.
In DR, Sans is just a shop owner. Or so he seems. He's not aware he's in a game, doesn't know who the player is and isn't following you around, trying to watch "the anomaly". He could be an NPC, for all we care. Which is strange, since the characters in DR hold some semblance to their UT counterparts. They mirror each other. Toriel is a teacher, Asgore cultivates flowers, Alphys is anxious, likes cats and there's the drawing of an Amalgamate behind her in an alley, Burgerpants is still in a suffocating job, etc. Some characters are switched, such as MTT and the two gossiping friends, but still, even when the switch happens, it refers to who they were originally. Sans seems to be the exception: he's an ordinary guy (or monster, if you prefer) who leads a simple life and has a brother to take care of. Just as his UT counterpart. Except he knows nothing of timelines, amalgamates, anomalies, SOULs and Determination.
Something happened in Undertale to change who Sans originally was into the character we know and turn him into a third wheel in your relationship with Asriel/Flowey. Or maybe, if an event happens that connects DR and UT, something MIGHT happen in DR that will cause the events in Undertale to happen (such as monsters becoming trapped underground) and that could involve Sans somehow. We do know DR will solve the mystery of the appearance of a second dark fountain and the identity of the mysterious Knight, who seems to be the source of all trouble. How Sans will be involved in it makes no sense; he isn't even one of the main characters.
Another weird factor that must be taken into account is the presence of Asriel in DR. Yes, he is present in DR. For some reason, he's absent from Kris' life at the moment, but when Kris and Susie fall into the darkness, Asriel's character - or at least a projection of Asriel possibly made by his brother Kris - is there in the shape of Ralsei. And he is the same kind-hearted kid from UT, only this time without the horrible traumatizing experience he underwent in the original game. Together with Kris and Susie, they form "The Fun Gang", the main trio who then end up in the picture that Sans keeps in his secret room, with the words "Don't Forget" written on it.
But why did the pic end up in possession of Sans in the first place??? What is his connection to Kris, Susie and Ralsei? Isn't he merely a store owner? What part will he play that could lead him to own things that belonged to the world of Delta Rune and which were later stored in his secret room in UT? And how did they end up in the UT universe anyway? How does that even work? And where on earth is Susie? Isn't she a major character in DR? How did she just disappear in UT???
For those reasons, there must be a connection between the two games. And that connection might be what explains how Sans might become involved with the main plot and develop his mysterious awareness of timelines, resets, Determination and teleporting abilities no ordinary character from Undertale should have. At some point, DR will have to provide us with answers.
In the chronology, as a game, UT came first. However, there are several references to DR in it. Therefore, DR could not come after UT. It must come before (which leads to more questions, since some characters from UT already seem to be dead in DR, like Gerson and Snowdrake's mother). If anything, logic dictates the Sans from DR will become the Sans from UT. Let us hope Toby provides us with some answers at some point.
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
Rosy, I just watched 711 and I'm so confused. I don't understand multiple things. 1) Did Bellamy hallucinate Cadogan and his mom, or was that really Cadogan? Did they send B to Etherea on purpose so he'd go through this journey and adopt the faith? 2) I can't believe that Bellamy bought into it, given how skeptical he is of things. I thought he'd just think the storm passing was a coincidence. 3) Even if he believed the Shepherd had powers, I can't believe he'd adopt the idea that personal love
personal love and ties should not exist and would betray Clarke and his friends like that. Can you help me understand?
1a We don’t know if Bellamy hallucinated Cadogan and Aurora. Maybe he did? Maybe it was Cadogan who had a contact with that glowing room light. That is not clear yet in narrative. I think we’ll have to find out.
1b We don’t know if it was on purpose, but I don’t think so. We DID see Levitt discover that Bellamy went THROUGH the anomaly and did not die. He might have told Cadogan. Anders was the one who changed the setting on the anomaly stone, right? He’s dead. So I don’t think they KNEW. But once Cadogan found out, and he wanted to manipulate and/or convert the delinquents, it makes sense that he would use the opportunity of Bellamy on a pilgrimage and send that vision, trusting the groundwork of deprivation, fear, loneliness, propaganda, and hardship to make B prime for a life altering “vision.” But we don’t know.  Again, not clear yet.
2. In times of great stress, Bellamy has CANONICALLY changed his mindset and followed people he doesn’t believe or philosophies he doesn’t like. He looks for a way through, and it isn’t always to reject the opponent. S1 on the Ark, he did what the guard wanted and assassinated Jaha to  get to clarke. He fell in with Diana Sydney’s plan, to get back to his sister. In s2 he went from wanting to destroy all of MW to seeing them as human and wanting to save them. Changed his perspective. In s3 he went from wanting peace to wanting all grounders dead because of his grief, trauma and manipulation of Pike. he wanted a leader. he did not want to be in charge of these decisions. In s5 he was TOTALLY willing to go along with Octavia’s cult even though she sent Echo on a suicide mission... until she sentenced Clarke to death. In S6, he was TOTALLY willing to go along with Russell’s bodysnatching cult even though he’d MURDERED Clarke, until he had a chance to get Clarke back. And now in S7, in order to get back to his loved ones, Octavia, Echo and Clarke (all featured in his moral shifts above,) he falls into the cult doctrine which gives him the FAITH that he can get home.
Oh we should link that all back to his original statement of “who we are and who we need to be to survive are very different things.” Even though most of fandom thought of that quote as wisdom, to me, it’s always been an example of the ends justify the means. Which is honestly how good people end up doing evil. AND IS NOT WHAT THIS SHOW SAYS IS THE ANSWER. Maybe it’s time for Bellamy to confront his long held belief and recognize that.
3.There’s a purpose to the stories this season. You have to find the purpose, I think, to understand what it means and why it’s happening. If you don’t pay attention to his character journey and just stan him as a hero, you’re gonna miss the depths of his character. Nothing that happened in that episode was out of character for Bellamy. But it won’t last, because he’s a thoughtful guy and he will recognize that it’s wrong and incorrect and love is not a weakness. And my guess is that he’s gonna both do the right thing AND choose love.
BUT, he’s also gotten a lot of pain from being “The Heart.” From the very beginning. His love got Aurora floated and Octavia captured and sent down to the surface. It made him a murderer. It made him jealous. He saw Finn LOSE it over love. He had his heart broken when Clarke told him it was worth the risk. She left anyway outside of Camp Jaha. He loved Gina and she was murdered. Then he took part in Hakeldama in revenge. And Monroe was killed over that revenge campaign. Clarke abandoned and betrayed him. His sister beat him. Clarke kidnapped him and sacrificed O and pulled a gun on him. Then they got over it and he lost Clarke which destroyed him. Then she’s back but now his beloved sister who already sacrificed E is about to kill Clarke, then Clarke drop kicks him and his sister throws him in the pit. Then he nearly kills Clarke and Murphy himself. His sister is a monster and he banishes her to probably die on a toxic planet. He’s torn between Clarke and Echo, and jealous again. And then Clarke dies and he’s destroyed, no she’s alive and he sacrifices everything to get her back. And then his sister who he’s reunited with is kidnapped, more heartbreak. No now he’s kidnapped and thrown onto a deserted planet to die. THat’s a lot of pain that comes from loving people on the personal level. Lost of people do lots of things to protect themselves from that kind of pain. 
Doucette gave him a way to protect himself. It was to give up personal love and turn to abstract love. Poof. Now he’s safe from pain.
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tsipasce · 4 years
Same Difference, ch.05
Chapters: 01  |  02 |  03 |  04
AO3 | Fanfic
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The door opened and she saw what looked like a control room with a window that overlooked what seemed like a training arena. The walls and floors of the arena were much rougher than the pristine surfaces of the lab. Whatever had happened in there prior had been overhauled multiple times over.
I wonder just how much he lets loose in here… and on who?
Snapping her out of her daydream, Overhaul began,” You’ve seen my—”
“No, I haven’t.” She cut him off, knowing he was eager to see her use it first. “I may have read reports and seen photos, but I haven’t actually seen you use it. So…” she motioned her hand for him to begin.
He scanned her for a moment before indulging her, “Alright, what would you like to see?”
“Just do whatever you were trying to do to me in the back of the car, hm?” she smiled but the emotion didn’t reach her eyes.
He narrowed his gaze at her, seemingly amused. He went to a place on the wall, looking between Nanami and it comparatively before removing his glove. He pressed his bare hand to the wall, taking a chunk out of it to create a golem-like figure of her. It didn’t have much detail specific to her, but it had arms, legs, and a head. He removed the other glove slowly placing both hands on either arm of the golem. Within a second both arms were gone, now particles floating in the air. Within the next second, they were back, formed exactly the same as before. It was odd seeing it used on stone walls when all the reports spoke of flesh and bone. Though she’d never wish anyone to be a test subject, it was a little underwhelming seeing it this way.
Overhaul must have seen the thoughts across her face as he paused before calmly rolling up his sleeve. She could see him tense for a split second before his arm was disassembled then reassembled in the same breath.
As terrifying as it was to see him dismember himself so easily, she was also professionally (and morbidly) intrigued. How much detail would one have to know and actively apply in order to disassemble and completely reassemble something as complex as a limb in that short a time span? It was as fascinating as it was terrifying.
“Now,” He began, rousing her from her thoughts, “I’d like to see something from you. What exactly did you do to me in the car?”
“Oh… that? That was um...” suddenly she was embarrassed, feeling her cheeks warm as she remembered the moment and her very ill-timed thoughts. “It was nothing.”
“It didn’t feel like nothing. Explain.”
“Well, I call it Reverb—not the most interesting name, I know—but it’s basically…” his eyes narrowed as she hesitated to answer.
“Out with it.” He said, getting impatient.
“I... tickled you?”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s really a harmless move.”
“Harmless?” He said with more incredulity.
“Ok, so your ego was a little bruised, but your cells should have recovered just fine. How are your abdominals and obliques doing?” She asked sincerely this time, hoping he wouldn’t think she was trying to tease him further.
Sighing, but still quite irritated, he replied, “They’re fine. What exactly did you do to produce that... ‘tickling’ feeling?”
He’s definitely pissed…
“I guess another firsthand demonstration would be out of the question, so here” she replied as she approached the wall, placing both hands on it carefully. She turned to see if he was watching her and though he was obviously still irritated, his eyes were tracking her every move. Nanami focused, replicating what she had done on him days before. Small pieces of the wall began to undulate, disassembling and reassembling in the same instant making the wall seem as though it was rolling. She stopped and the wall continued to reverberate the movements she had started as she explained in detail what was happening.
“… I see.” He spoke affirmatively as though he was mildly impressed, his eyes now trained on the wall. She had to admit a certain sense of pride welled up in her at the thought of impressing him in some way. It was difficult not to imagine having some kind of connection when you know you share such an intimate part of yourself with another person… Even if they are a bit more morally ambiguous than I’m used to…. Nanami admitted to herself.
“How else do you utilize my qui— I mean overhaul?” He queried.
The correction was small, but she was appreciative nonetheless. Thinking in earnest how to answer the question, she began,“ Well, it’s nothing special since I don’t use it on as large a scale as you, quite the opposite, really.” He gave her a look encouraging her to elaborate. “I prefer to use traditional methods in my line of work, but if the situation calls for it, I can also use it to create and remove clots.”
“You mean causing a pulmonary embolism?”
“NO. My gosh, no for the exact opposite reason. Everything train goes straight to Murder Town™ with you, huh?” exasperated Nanami before she continued, “If reaching the artery is too invasive, I can break it down through a small incision in the skin preventing fun things like what you mentioned. Besides healing, I usually only use it for self-defense and smaller transformations. I… don’t use it very often.” At this Overhaul noticed what sounded like shame in her voice. She’d been told throughout her childhood she was a freak after the incident as she’d refer to it. Even now, it felt like a sore subject. He knew he’d be able to coax the story out of her, but it wouldn’t be tonight.
“Then tell me, how were you able to negate my attack in the car?”
“That I can’t tell you.” She replied simply.
He shifted his weight, folding his arms, “If we’re going to make this research count, we’ll have to cooperate. Don’t you want to see how far this power can be taken?” He coaxed.
“One, I don’t have a particular lust for power, so that ~thing~ you’re doing with your eyes won’t work on me. And two, even if it did, I couldn’t tell you. Not just because I find the idea of you being able to nullify a quirk to be… unsettling. But because I literally don’t know how I did it either. It just happened.”
He searched her features for signs of deception but found nothing. “Then it looks like we’ll have to get to the bottom of that as well. “ He moved suddenly towards her and she braced herself, but he continued to walk past her and back into the lab.
It looks like we’re playing the long game then… Nanami noted inwardly. He could have tried testing her again physically, but hadn’t. It was an intentional show of restraint to get her to let her guard down. She wasn’t naïve enough to think it was just out of some newfound comradery, but she also wasn’t 100% sure it was some malicious power play. Manipulation was something she assumed he’d employ but seeing it in action was a different story. He’s good at this.
She followed him after a beat into the lab to see him writing notes down on the white board.
“Now that we’ve demonstrated what we know to be physically true, we can begin crafting a hypothesis and concrete testing procedures, a.k.a. the fun part.” He said after hearing her enter the room. He finished the observations he was writing and sat down at the workbench, motioning for her to sit across from him. “Let’s compare notes, shall we?”
She sat down and began looking through the file of her he’d created as well as some hypothesis he’d come up with. It was odd reading such a detailed report about herself and even more so imagining how he’d gotten the information so quickly, but she was relieved to see there wasn’t a mention of the incident. Brushing the obvious invasion of privacy aside, she was grateful to see that even though quirks were a virus to him, his assessment of why they shared the quirk was very similar to hers: genetic mutation.
Closing the folder on the table, Nanami began “It looks like agree on the premise of this experiment. Now we can—”
“Not entirely.” He cut in.
“Please, don’t say it…” Nanami sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose.
“But it has to be said. We can acknowledge quirks as a genetic mutation while also acknowledging the origin of that mutation was a virus.”
“That’s just… no. Sure viruses can be ‘passed down’ in the sense that their genetic leftovers might show up in offspring, but that doesn’t mean that’s what quirks are. They’re much too drastic of a change to just be caused by a virus. No other virus behaves that way.”
“Until recent history, quirks were not normal. They are an anomaly so it’s no stretch of the imagination to say that the virus that created them would also be an anomaly. You’re being close-minded about this, and it will hinder the process.” He stated matter-of-factly.
“I’m being close-minded? This coming from the guy who won’t accept the consensus of thousands of scientists. If I’m close-minded, you’re downright obtuse!” She retorted.
The argument went on for the next 15-20 minutes, both of them behaving much like children in the eyes of Kurono who had returned 10 minutes ago, but decided it was best to wait outside until they’d finished whatever spat they were having. Now silent, they were both standing, leaning over the table and glaring at each other. Suddenly, Nanami saw an epiphany flash across Overhaul’s face and consequently a look of annoyance came across hers.
“Let’s make a bet.”
“No way.” She responded immediately, but judging by the look in his eyes, he had already made plans to change her answer.
“You haven’t even heard the terms. “
“Knowing what I know about you, I don’t think I want to...”
He continued as though he’d already won, “If your hypothesis is correct, you may ask one favor of me. Anything you want.”
“And if you win? What fresh hell will I be in then?”
“I get the same; nothing more, nothing less. Any favor I ask, you have to grant it.”
“There is literally zero reason for me to indulge in this.”
“That sounds like something a loser would say.”
Brows raised in disbelief Nanami retorted, “Are you... trying to goad me?”
“Is it working?” He replied smoothly, knowing the answer.
“… You’re on.” She knew she’d regret letting her pride get the best of her, but she also knew she’d win. Nothing wrong with a casual, life-altering bet every now and again. She reassured herself.
“Perfect. We’ll begin blood sampling and testing during your next visit. In the meantime, I’ll be thinking of a fitting favor as my prize.”
“As if you haven’t already decided…” Nanami said under her breath. When she looked back at his face, she caught a glint of pure mischief in his eyes.
Yup, definitely going to regret this.
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travllingbunny · 4 years
Breakdown of the short TV promos for The 100 season 7
with screenshots and speculation!
While we’re waiting for the trailer to come out (which should happen by the end of this week, “hopefully” today according to Jason Rothenberg’s latest tweet), and after we’ve secured Eliza the victory she deserves as E-Online’s Top Leading Lady, I’ve watched the two short TV promos that CW has aired during other shows, which are both now on YouTube. Although both versions of the promo are pretty short (the second one is slightly longer and more interesting), there’s a surprising amount of various scenes.Although some of them are blink and miss it,  there are a lot of dramatic shots of random people fighting or getting killed or taken captive, and all of it is out of context.
However, the press release with the descriptions of the first 4 episodes helps figure out what some of the scenes may be. It looks like there are many shots from the season premiere, but also scenes from 7x02, 7x04 and the backdoor pilot (7x08).
Bellamy crying seems to be the continuation of his last scene in 6x13. He even still has the same clothes and is crying over Octavia disappearing from his arms into thin air. This is definitely 7x01, maybe even the first scene.
The second scene also seems to be Bellamy - Octavia would've bled onto his arms before she disappeared.
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Also outside Sanctum: this shot in the woods. I have no idea what's going on here, a person is crouching on the ground - Bellamy? Someone else? Is this Anomaly-related?
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Speaking of the Anomaly...
The person sitting on the ground looks like Gabriel. But why is he just sitting there? It wouldn't be surprising if he went into the Anomaly. He's certainly nowhere to be seen in Sanctum scenes.
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These people, who look very SciFi and  are obviously connected to the Anomaly,    are likely to be new antagonists - and this may be from 7x01 From the Ashes, when, according to the press release, “ a new threat rises in the woods”. Their masks have a design similar to the title card of S7 opening titles.
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Meanwhile, in Sanctum:
“Clarke (Eliza Taylor) and her friends attempt to rebuild Sanctum “ (press release for 7x01 From the Ashes) but “As Raven (Lindsey Morgan) faces an unexpected threat, Clarke (Eliza Taylor) must keep the peace among opposing factions in Sanctum” (7x03 False Gods).
The Children of Gabriel (we see Nelson among them) vs Earthkru? Is that the conflict now? What's going on with the Sanctumites who still worship Primes and those who hate them? Are Wonkru and Eligius prisoners going to be in conflict, too?
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Raven (who's back to her pre-S6 look, and even has a red jacket - not the one she had in S1-2) tells Murphy and Emori (looking normal, not like fake Primes) that "This place is a powder keg.” “It always ends the same..."
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Also in Sanctum -  Indra (still in her warrior gear), saying "New world, same problems"
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and Clarke talking to Gaia (in front of an idyllic looking house with a fence, maybe where she lives with Madi now in Sanctum) - "I used to think fighting is what we do... now I worry that fighting is what we are." We aren't done with the S6 angsty soul-searching!
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And in a different mood -my favorite moment in the promos, Clarke punching Russell! I thought it wasn't him at first, so I thought "I wish she was punching Russell" but it is. It’s his clothes, and they are in the Sanctum shrine. (It's just obviously not JR, but a stunt double, which is unfortunately pretty obvious, LOL.)
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s he still Russell or Sheidheda as Russell? He's certainly yelling the same way he yelled "I want REVENGE!" in 6x13 (f*ck you, Russell). Now it's "I want DEATH!". His death? I wish. We're not that lucky. And it looks like he's talking to Brainwashed!Jordan. (sigh)
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Outside Sanctum, at night, Clarke (with a great new leather jacket) is pointing a gun at someone in the 1st promo... And it becomes clear in the 2nd promo that she's pointing the "Mysterious outsiders (who) arrive with news of Clarke’s missing people" in 7x04 Hesperides.
The mysterious strangers are led by the bald white dude who says: "You are the key to winning the last war mankind will wage". Wow! Color me intrigued! 
Since she only has Gaia, Niylah and some guys with her,  it's safe to say Bellamy, Echo (+probably Gabriel) are among the missing people.
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Which, however, doesn't mean Bellamy, Echo and Gabriel are in the same location. 
The trailer only shows Bellamy in the early scene of crying over Octavia, and he's not mentioned at all in the press releases, so it seems his storyline is too spoilery and they’re keeping it under wraps.
In this interview, Jason said about Clarke in season 7: “And as we’ll see going forward, she is now definitely determined to not lose any of her family again, in a way that is almost obsessive. Her family being Madi of course, and Bellamy and Raven and Murphy; these are all people that she loves and is not going to lose. “ Which I have (mis)interpreted as Jasonspeak for Clarke obsessed with saving Bellamy. ;)
Unlike Bellamy, we do see what Echo is up to. Here she is with short hair  as one of those new masked Anomaly people, on some kind of mission? Possibly undercover?
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(Remember when the fandom decided Echo was dead because Tasya cut her hair? LOL I always thought the drawing such conclusions from BTS things made no sense. Likewise, it’s now clear how silly it was to decide some characters must have died early because actors were off in LA for a while. I don’t know why so many people think the cast are glued to the set 24/7 for 6 months, and we now know that episodes were shot out of order - because there are multiple locations, with different characters/actors, so an actor could take a few weeks or even a full month off while they are shooting on another location and a storyline they aren’t involved in. For episode 1x08, the backdoor pilot - which was shot late and is production number 7x13 - that would have probably meant the entire regular cast had a few weeks off. I’m sure the cast took the chance to go and audition for new roles - at least one of them, Lindsey, got cast in a new show while the shooting of The 100 was halfway.)
We also see one of these new Anomaly soldier people here, looking pretty threatening as they pull out some kind of a weapon.
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Definitely the Anomaly here and - wow, that's Diyoza the way we've never seen her before. Looks like a "garden of Eden". Probably Hope's flashbacks from the episode 7x02 The Garden (according to the press release: "Echo and Gabriel learn more about Hope and her mysterious past"). 
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And here’s Octavia and young Hope, who's nodding her head. Looks like they are in some kind of danger. Third time lucky for O, after Ethan and Rose.
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I don't know what this person is looking at, but they seemed shocked... and I think the large green eyes are Hope's. In fact, this is probably again young Hope.
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Now here's the truly weird stuff. Octavia, in her season 1 tank top, in a sterile white laboratory that looks a lot like Mount Weather, being experimented on under the supervision of someone who looks like Dante Wallace? (We see this same shot in both promos, but mirror flipped in one of them.)
Whatever this is, I'm sure it's NOT the actual MW. And it sure as hell isn’t a simulation by Dante and the Mountain Men. They’re super dead.
What I think is going on here - it could be another trippy sequence for any reason, but I like the theory that the Anomaly somehow shows people alternative realities, things that might have been, What if? scenarios.
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Unlike the other scenes in Sanctum, this one is likely to be from a later episode.  If this is even in Sanctum, have no idea where Emori is and what's happening to her... but probably nothing good.
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Nothing good is happening to this guy, either. The way the lightning goes from sea green to red/purple suggests that something Anomaly-related may be happening here? 
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Probably somewhere on Alpha:  A body (unconscious or dead?) being dragged. 
(A bunch of people are convinced it's Bellamy, which is weird, because this person's build looks absolutely nothing like Bellamy.  Or that it’s Gabriel, when this person is clearly nowhere near his height. This can only be him if they picked a body double extremely poorly. Though to be fair, there was that hilariously badly photoshopped season 5 promo image of Bellamy where they stuck Bob’s head on a body of some skinny guy with narrow shoulders, so IDK,)
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Someone on a motorbike outside Sanctum. 
Please someone remind me who else can ride a bike. I know many of the people from Sanctum can and Clarke can because she picked up the skill from Josephine. Anyone else?
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An unknown man taken captive by someone. He has similar Anomaly symbols on his forehead as Hope.
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I’m pretty sure this is from the backdoor pilot (7x08 Anaconda) and these people dying from radiation are probably Second Dawn members who weren't among the chosen ones and went to Cadogan's decoy bunker.
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Finally, this person must have died a sudden, instant and grisly death and quite a while ago. It could be another scene from the backdoor pilot - when the survivors got out off the bunker and saw the victims of the death wave. 
Or maybe someone who was caught in a temporal flare on Alpha, which almost happened to Octavia in season 6 before she hid in the live sand. But I don’t know if the temporal flare would have instantly killed them, or just aged them a lot until they die a little later. Death wave seems more likely.
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the-hidden-writer · 4 years
An Odd Family Tree
A series of snippets from the lives of the FitzSimmons family, set post 7x13. Also, the series of events that lead up to the birth of their grandson.
Available to read on AO3 and FF.net.
Comments make my day!
Epilogue (1)
.Q.000000073.FS.M. D_01.15.1985_2153. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“So, um, hi. It’s me. This is attempt seventy-three at getting this stupid thing to work, blah blah blah, etcetera. I, uh… miss you, wish you were here, all the usual stuff. Love you.”
“Maybe you should, perhaps, at least consider giving up? This is, as you said, the seventy-third attempt at a successful communication, and since it is taking up a considerable portion of your time-”
“No. No way. I’m not gonna give up now. I mean, you helped me build it! You’re seriously gonna let all that hard work go to waste?”
“That was not what I was implying. You could, instead, view the problem from a different angle.”
“Which angle, Enoch?! You think I haven’t done that already?! This stupid machine already has too many damn angles!”
“If you are counting the inner components then there are approximately-”
“Yeah, didn’t mean that literally buddy. But I guess you’re right. Like normal. Ugh... I kinda wish I’d properly thought about this before I- wait, did you hear that?”
“Hear what exactly?”
“D- there! That beeping noise. You heard that, right? I’m not just going insane?”
“I have noticed that you display multiple symptoms of psy-”
“Hold on, it’s still online!”
“Oh. It is.”
“It- It’s transmitting fine, recording smoothly, sound quality’s decent so remind me to fix that but… it’s working. It’s actually working!”
“Well done. But I do have to warn you that this technology should not exist on Earth in this time period.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever. Right, Enoch, I’m gonna need you to get out of here. This beautiful thing is finally working and I kinda wanna use it before it blows up or something.”
“Of course.”
“Uh… in private? Alone?”
“Oh, I understand. You wish to record your message alone. Without me. In that case, I will take your leave, Director Shaw.”
“See you, buddy. Right. Now I just gotta press thi-”
.Q.000000074.FS.M. D_01.15.1985_2157. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Um… I… *ahem* This is a message for Leopold Fitz and Jemma Simmons. It’s a for-their-ears-only sort of thing, so if you’re not either of them then… uh… stop listening? No! Actually, if you’re not Leopold Fitz or Jemma Simmons, make sure this message gets to them. Please.”
“...I’m guessing this is Fitz or Simmons listening now. Hopefully both. Well, uh… it’s me! It’s Deke! I can’t believe I finally got this thing to work, haha. Uh… yeah.”
“So… you’re probably wondering what’s going on over here. SHIELD got blown up and- oh yeah, you guys were here for that. Or Nana was I think. It’s been a few years, I can’t remember exactly. Gotta adapt, y’know?”
“Speaking of! The second you guys left I might’ve accidentally become director of SHIELD. Which wasn’t my fault! I was nominated! Besides, I don’t know what was supposed to happen so…”
“Right, how am I sending this message. Funny story, actually. A few months after you guys left, Enoch turned up at my mansion and casually asked if he could murder me. Not our Enoch, by the way, this timeline’s Enoch. And he only wanted to kill me because he said I was this huge anomaly in the fabric of the universe and I could potentially doom humanity by just being here. Which sounds kind of dramatic, but nothing’s happened so far so I’m guessing we’re in the clear.”
“Basically, I managed to convince him that I was a good guy. I told him everything that happened and showed him my scars and everything to get him to believe me. And he did… eventually. He even helped me to build this quantum processor. Since this side is working now, I’m guessing it’ll work on the other end too. I’ve set it up to be like a mailbox that picks up anything that’s sent from the other end, so you won’t have to do the DNA-gene-splitting thing that I had to do to make sure it found you. You’re welcome.”
“It’s only audio for now. The 80s are great, but the technology sucks. And if we wanted to record video then I wouldn’t be able to buy supplies without getting asked about it. Equipment is expensive. Who knew. I’ll try and figure out at least how to send an image because I bet you’re missing my beautiful face.”
“That was the other thing: I miss you guys. It’s strange… I’ve spent most of my life on the Lighthouse and I knew a whole bunch of people there. Then when I came with you guys, sure it felt weird with them not being there, but I never really missed them. Probably because they came from that place.”
“But I miss you every day. Literally, every single day. And I love you. People look up to me here, but I don’t exactly have any family. I’ve got the Deke Squad, I guess, but they’re a different type of family. Not like you two.”
“So um, please send something back whenever you get this. I’ve set it so whenever you send something back, it’ll arrive here straight after I send the message you last listened to. I feel like I’m a time travel master now.”
“So I guess I’ll just… wait here. For your reply. Or just any sort of confirmation that you got this message. I’ll try and send you both a message at least once a week but it’d be great to get something back. I’m looking forward to hearing your voices.”
.Q.000000079.FS.M. D_02.15.1985_1623. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Hey Nana and Bobo, it’s me again. Here’s the thing- it’s been a month. It’s been a whole month which is making me think that it’s something on my end. I’ll try and find the problem and fix it since I’d hate for your messages to get lost in that weird void between me and you.”
“But, if I’m gonna be honest, I realised that I don’t actually have any way of knowing if you guys made it back or not. Heck, I don’t even know if you managed to stop the chronicoms. And since I thought of that, I really can’t stop thinking about it, and it would really help if you could just let me know. Doesn’t have to be a whole message, just a yes or a no would do. You could even shout at me and I’d celebrate.”
“Seriously, if you’re all dead then… then I’m the only one alive. Again. I know I’m like 40 years behind you anyway, but it feels like the Lighthouse all over again! I got brought back from that and I felt like I’d cheated the system. Like- Like I didn’t belong, and I got out fine while everyone else stayed there and still had to suffer whatever’s going on up there. And this time I cheated because I’m the one who offered to stay behind and so I’m alive again while you’re all dead. I should’ve let Sousa do it, at least then I could’ve died with you.”
“No, no. You might be alive. You’re probably alive. I’m the one who’s… just send me something back. Please.”
.Q.000000127.FS.M. D_04.13.1985_1829. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Nana, you won’t believe who invited me to a party! Pegs did! She was like, hey, I need you to be a distraction, you’re coming with me. Which is awesome because it’s like the first time she didn’t insult me in a sentence! Yeah… out loud that sounds kinda sad. But it means a lot to me, and I’m pretty sure you were a fan of Pegs or something? Yeah, I’m pretty sure.”
“Anyway, so, we went to this party and she said that since SHIELD is safe enough to be publicly known again I’d need to meet some guy that would help with finances. So we’re at this party, and Pegs takes me up to meet the guy. I promise, all I did was introduce myself (I was actually trying really hard to be serious and polite) and I asked his name and Peggy lost it. She literally almost fell onto the floor, she was laughing that hard. Yup, you heard me right. Peggy Carter. Laughing.”
“The guy, Harry I think his name was? No, Howard. Yeah, Howard was his name. So this Howard guy looks super offended and asked me if I knew who he was, and I said no because I honestly didn’t, and then Pegs offered to buy me a drink. I know! And she didn’t even yell at me for calling her Pegs!”
“So yeah, that happened. Since then she’s been smiling at me? I don’t know what I did, so I thought I’d throw it to you two to see if you had any ideas. You can boast to your friends that your grandson charmed over the great Peggy Carter.”
.Q.000001032.FS.M. D_07.12.1988_2306. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Hey Bobo, hey Nana. I’m kinda tired so I’ll keep it short today. The Deke Squad got an award today. It’s funny, I was so busy with SHIELD that I’d forgotten that we had that many fans.”
“Having a double life sounds fun, but trust me it’s hard. Ha.”
.Q.000001051.FS.M. D_10.22.1988_0642. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“I finally finished my first original song! Are you proud of me?”
“Since we won that award, every night I’ve been having visions of Bobo shouting my head off that all I do is steal stuff. So since I’ve been messing with music for so many years, I figured, how hard can it be?”
“...It’s very hard. But! It’s completed, and it feels good that I can at least announce that to someone. Even if those someones can’t answer me back. But that’s fine.”
“The song’s called Alya, and it’s all about family. That was my Mom’s name, by the way. Alya. I can’t remember if I ever told you that.”
“If you want songs about you, then you’ll have to let me know, okay? Cool.”
.Q.000001132.FS.M. D_11.25.1989_1903. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“So, um… Hydra attacked. Big time. We beat them in the end, but we lost a whole bunch of agents. Joe was only nineteen and he told me I was his hero. They shot him in the head, I had to identify his body, and I... And that’s… that’s on me.”
“If only I’d taken that shot when Daisy told me to. I could’ve killed Freddy and none of this would’ve happened. I practically killed all those agents and I… Sorry. You don’t wanna hear this kinda stuff.”
.Q.000001193.FS.M. D_03.09.1990_1903. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“I’m sorry, but I can’t do this anymore. I’m guessing that you aren’t getting these messages so it doesn’t feel as weird to me anymore. And if you are… then I’m sorry you have to hear this. But you’re the only people who I’d want to hear it anyway.”
“Ever since they made me director of SHIELD, I feel like I’ve been faking my way through it. I faked my way through the Lighthouse, I faked my way into money and fame, I faked music for a fake band and I faked knowing how to be a director. I’m just… God, I’m just not cut out for it. People are dying and I can’t stop it. SHIELD needs an actual leader, not a fraud like me.”
“Peggy does a lot, but she’s got her own responsibilities to manage so I get the brunt of it. There’s a few super clever agents that can easily take my place.”
“See, I don’t wanna be director anymore. But if I’m not… I don’t know what I’d do with myself. I don’t have anyone here, I don’t belong here, and I- I’m just nothing when you strip away my lies. And I wish that was an exaggeration.”
“And you know the worst part of it all?! I don’t know whether you guys are even alive! I send you these messages every week and I put my heart and soul into them and they could be just disappearing into nothingness! Then there really is nothing!”
“So… just in case you are listening, I love you. You did so much for me, you gave me a chance when nobody else would. It’s odd saying goodbye to thin air, but hey ho. And if you’re dead, then I guess I’ll see you soo- WOAH!”
“Hey- Hey, Pegs! What are you doing here?! G-Get out, this is private, this is my house what are you-”
“Shut your idiotic mouth and hand me that gun.”
“Peggy, I-”
“Hand it over, Deke. Now.”
“Fine, here. But listen-”
“No buts, Shaw. Are you out of your mind? What were you thinking?!”
“Director Shaw.”
“Enoch, not you too!”
“Oh. It appears we were just in time.”
“You’re bloody right we were. Thank you, Enoch. You made the right decision coming to find me. Now Deke, you need to talk to me, alright? Whatever’s on your mind. You trust me, don’t y- wait... what is that?”
“This? U-Uh, noth-”
.Q.000001196.FS.M. D_03.14.1990_1903. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Pegs and Jarvis took me on a picnic the other day. Honestly, the number of times people thought I was their son was hilarious. It was like ten different people. You should have seen the look on Peggy’s face when this girl asked what it was like being a mom to the sensation that is Deke Shaw. I can’t wait for cellphones.”
“They remind me of you two, y’know. Pegs and Jarvis. You’re all super sweet and smart and determined and kind and they just really remind me of you. Well, if you were both super old.”
“...Don’t tell Peggy I said that.”
.Q.000001872.FS.M. D_07.17.1993_1108. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“They just invented Zima! I can finally stop pretending to drink! You guys should both drink it in celebration. It’s a big day for me.”
.Q.000001627.FS.M. D_12.17.1991_2157. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Howard Stark and his wife got killed last night. Peggy and Jarvis are broken. I didn’t know them that well since he kind of hated me, but I feel really bad for his son.”
“I think I might go pay him a visit. See if I can cheer him up. Trust me, getting orphaned suddenly like that sucks.”
.Q.000001873.FS.M. D_07.17.1993_2351. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“So, um… kinda embarrassing story time. I ordered like 20 crates of Zima, but I couldn’t wait so I went and bought one from the store. And, uh… I couldn’t stomach it. It’s been so long since I actually drank that my body’s given up on me just like everyone else. Which is fine by me, but…”
“Now I don’t know what to do with 20 crates of Zima.”
.Q.000002309.FS.M. D_09.12.1995_1342. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“So some alien woman crashed into Earth this week. It was a pain to sort out, but I sent Coulson and some guy called Fury on the case. Fury has a cool name, but he’s a bit mean sometimes. I guess it’s fitting.”
“Oh yeah, I recruited Coulson. I decided to steer Mack towards more traditional engineering since I’m guessing he’d get sick of SHIELD. I got May though. It’s weird being older than them all and not being able to say anything.”
“Anyway, apparently the alien woman might be Kree? I hope not. I really, really hope not. ‘Cause if she is… well, something about this whole situation already rubs me off in the wrong way. Just… I didn’t wanna hear the word ‘Kree’ ever again.”
.Q.000003295.FS.M. D_05.21.1998_2126. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“We broke up the band today. We had a good run. I wish you could’ve seen us perform at least once. Miss you.”
.Q.000003995.FS.M. D_01.01.2000_0034. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Happy new year! We’re in the third millennium now so I’m catching up to you! Yeah, I know that’s not how it works, but a boy can dream, right?”
“I tried drinking again but it didn’t work out. Oh well.”
.Q.000005617.FS.M. D_11.04.2008_1738. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Little Tony turned into a superhero. Iron Man, they’re calling him. I feel like storming into his house and yelling about how much danger he’s putting himself in. He could get himself killed, and then what’ll I do?!”
“...Is this how you guys feel all the time? I don’t like being the responsible one.”
.Q.000010007.FS.M. D_05.30.2012_1519. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Coulson is dead. I- I killed Coulson. There were all these aliens that turned up and we had to try and get the heroes to work together and I asked Coulson and Fury to help a-and that bastard trickster killed h-him. I want to kill him with my bare hands.”
“The heroes teamed up and stopped the invasion. I d-don’t really know why. When I heard about Coulson I just locked myself in. Tony said they fought for me, but that makes no sense.”
“I just… I can’t believe I screwed up so badly. Coulson was supposed to have a good few years ahead of him! H-He was supposed to bring the team together! I’m too old for that now, and I’ve messed up. I’m s-so sorry, but I… Coulson’s dead.”
.Q.000010015.FS.M. D_06.22.2012_1712. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“I’ve decided to retire from SHIELD. I really, really can’t do this anymore. Besides, I can barely sit up straight. Fury can take over. I just need time to think.”
.Q.000132907.FS.M. D_01.16.2059_1712. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Getting old is such a pain, right? Dr Dunphy said my time’s starting to close in on me now, and that just sounds so weird to me. All my life I’ve been hopping through time and death just felt so distant. Like I was immortal or something.”
“Guess we know that’s not true.”
“Now’s as good a time as any to surprise you, then. Back when I first met Enoch, we built an LMD version of me. Surprise!”
“Ha, bet you’re not that surprised, are you. Especially you, Bobo. This quantum bridge is just about strong enough to let one person through. Only problem is that once that happens, there’s no chance of communication from either way. And plus I was running SHIELD back then, so I didn’t get the chance to get back.”
“So when I do kick the bucket, Enoch will switch it on and help me get to you. I know it’s a bad thing to say but… I’m really excited to die.”
.Q.000138056.FS.M. D_04.01.2061_0932. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Happy birthday to me… h-happy birthday to me… happy birthday dear De-eke, happy birthday to… to you.”
“I hope… I hope he has a better life than I had. Give Mom and Dad a hug from me. Do you think… my Mom and Dad will be there once I go? Does the afterlife have timelines? Ha…”
.Q.000138058.FS.M. D_04.05.2061_1002. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Enoch asked me whether… whether I wanted my life memories or just my… 1985 memories. I don’t want that version o-of me to have all these memories. I don’t want h-him to know he k-killed Coulson…”
“Calm down, Mr Shaw. Try and make sense for your memoir, okay?”
“B-But then I wouldn’t be able to tell you the stories. There’s so many stories I want to tell you, so… he’ll use these memories. There were good times too.”
“I c-can’t wait to see you, Nana, Bobo. See you soon.”
.Q.000138059.FS.M. D_04.10.2061_1425. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Hello, Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons. My name is Enoch. I am a sentient chronicom from a planet that revolves around a star in the constellation you know as Cygnus. I regret to inform you that your grandson, aged 107, passed away this morning.
“As per his final request, I have sent an LMD version of Deke Shaw to what I believe is your timeline somewhere within a 10-mile radius of your location.”
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lucarioisinthevoid · 4 years
lefty x puppet? stale, overdone, not furry enough. Lefty x henry? original, unthought of, somehow more furry, henry suffering in da belly of da bear.
(WHO ARE YOU!? HOW DO YOU KNOW?! HOW DO YOU KNOW MY SECRET LORE. You write like a mutual I know does, BUT I DON’T KNOW IF I’M RIGHT AND NOT BEING RIGHT IS A HORRIBLE CONCEPT BECAUSE IT MEANS THERE’S MORE THAN ONE PERSON OUT HERE CRACK-SHIP-SHAMING ME. Also, sorry for the non-hell (but very much cursed-as-hell) content, but my computer is slowly dying and won’t boot steam up. I’m looking into fixing it, for now have this nonsense.)
Henry never ever hated the Marionette. He didn’t hate him when he was just a boy, spiting his own family for childish reasons. He didn’t hate him when he was screaming and crying and trying to refuse the gift he was giving him. He didn’t hate him when he used the privilege of being allowed to roam at will to try and kill him. And he didn’t hate him when he made his prison. When designing a prison, you had to consider many things. What was the goal of the prison? Secure? Contain? Redeem? At what point would Henry deem it necessary to capture the Marionette? Frankly- Only once he would have given up on him deciding to look at the situation rationally. For now he still had the hope that perhaps one day- ONE day- the machine would find someone he adored, that he trusted, a friend that he wanted to rely on- Someone who would open his eyes to the perks of immortality and the joy of creation. Or by himself, it didn’t matter- it just seemed so unlikely that he would on his own come to the rational conclusion. If that wouldn’t happen… He would need something that would help him move on. Something that could love the stubborn, the cruel, the hateful- Something could love the unlovable and patiently hold his hand until he could fall asleep for the final time. Something that could aid, steady and bring peace. That was a being not so easily created. Even if he would use a human soul, those were faulty and unreliable, they changed and could rot- and he worried about forcing two souls into a friendship neither wanted. No, no. Instead he would build something… perfect. A machine wasn’t impatient, a machine wasn’t resentful, a machine didn’t grow frustrated. A machine couldn’t be mentally worn down into cracking. For these reasons, Henry always adored the company of steel and rust more than that of other people. To create that however, he would need to create an AI and feed it lots and lots of information- so much that it could become a person too. A real person. He wanted to know- if he could do it. If there was a chance that if humanity was truly beyond salvation, he wanted a kind of creature to inherent this world that could appreciate and improve it. For that he needed a test run, and this robot, it would do it. Multiple functions for multiple cases. This only left the question of… what this creature would be. And how it would maintain its grip on the puppet? Pull it apart and integrate it? Humans had odd instincts. If you wanted to quiet down an infant, you put a mobile over their heads. It was said by someone that they did that, because it was the same as dangerous birds circling- it was instinct for the children to be quiet, in order to not be spotted as easy prey. Looking up always seemed to have something calming to it. A ceiling decorated with those pale stars, glowing green, soaked up with the light from the lamps from before. And when you were a child, you feared the closet, giant and dark, filled with things you couldn’t see. Thinking it would bring you pain if not checked and guarded- Of course that was until the pain inside became too much. Then they all crawled inside, curling up in the dark, praying to be the one not being spotted. Heavy footsteps, muffled voices- Henry hadn’t been exempt from that situation. Unlike many others, he never had anything to fear, but the dark still was comforting in contrast to the bright, loud and painful outside world, a world the young brain was too simple to be faced with- A world that seemed capable to turn on you at any second. Stuck between hanging coats and sweaters, it wasn’t easy to breathe, but it was possible, the lack of breathing room made it more comforting actually as there couldn’t be anything between the hanging clothes, and you were hidden… When you grow up, you often lose the chance to crawl inside such a space. You were always out in the open. Unhidden and exposed. Watched. But the memory of comfort remained. Of the door opening, abrupt footsteps, you keeping your breath shut, as nothing was there, nothing but the sounds- And then the door closing again, the footsteps leaving. … until finally, solitude. A box where they wouldn’t look for you. Where you could breathe by yourself. An escape, even if only shortly. It had only been natural for that to be imitated. It had taken a few tries to find the perfect size. Not too claustrophobic, not too much for the animatronic to become oversized and an anomaly. He took himself for measure, of course. A fuzzy, appealing interior with sensors capable of telling the machine when something was moving inside… The machine had been booted up early in the process. Watching. Talking. Learning. There was something about L.E.F.T.E. (Lure Encapsulate Fuse Transport and Extract) that Henry didn’t like and he couldn’t point it out. For all intents and purposes, he was a full success. He talked, walked and smiled, but it all felt so- uncomfortable. Maybe it was because for once in his life, he had to fulfill some sort of role as a true rolemodel. Eventually he was sure that Lefty would be able to differentiate between good, bad and the things that he had been tasked with, but for now he had to be on his best behavior- programming went hand in hand with direct real life application. “Henry.” That is how it always started, the hair on the human’s neck standing up. “… yes, Lefty?” Lefty knew he preferred to be called Miller, however, he seemed to not care much. “You look tired.” “I am not.” The bear just watched him out of his golden eyes. “You are lying.” “I am not.” With a sigh the bear shifted in his position, approaching Henry. “I have calculated that with all the things you have been doing, you must have only gotten roughly three hours of sleep at night. The human body needs eight. You are tired, Henry.” “There are conditions that allows a human to need less sleep-“ “These people tend to have a far reduced life expectancy. You are tired, Henry.” Slowly Henry rubbed his temples. It was SO much harder to force his will onto Lefty, compared to anyone else. Even Dave was more easily swayed than this stubborn machine. “Alright. I will go to sleep, right after this transfer of data from location 24, it is almost done and will aid you with future interactions. You will learn…” For a moment Lefty just watched him, letting him keep uploading the information to his own mind, for him to later go through and sort into useful and harmful. “You have lied to me in that last week for approximately fifty times. Within the last month you have lied to me over two hundred times. Forgive me, but I will not believe you.” “Tough luck friend, I cannot take you upstairs to watch me sleep, now can I?” Slightly annoyed Henry glanced at him, frustrated with how well Lefty had been keeping count. “Also, I did not lie that much.” “Define lying. Also, it is true, you cannot take me upstairs. So…” With that he opened his chest cavity. Henry stared at him. “… you are aware that if I attempted to sleep inside of there, I would die. Correct? There is no airflow inside, I can and did stay inside for fifteen minutes or so before, but anything more is dangerous.” The bear looked at him. “I see.” “Good.” The Pink Guy mumbled, not quite believing that Lefty was actually seeing sense here. “In that case, let us go back to the issue at hand. I will go to sleep later.” It was silent for a few moments. Only the quiet whirring of the fans, the buzzing of electricity. Quiet and cold, that was the kind of atmosphere that Henry could enjoy. And it was nice to have someone there. Watching along as he finished up. Company. Finally, everything was done and the cables were all placed back where they belonged, so Henry could go away and- “Henry.” “… yes, Lefty?” Slowly he turned to look at the machine, who slightly tilted his head. Then he reached up to his face, an unnatural crunch echoing from the walls as he pressed inside of there, electric sparks flying as he ripped cables and crushed the thinner metal strains that were keeping it in place- When he lowered his hand again, the inside of his eyes was crumbled and gone, leaving open and empty hole to the space inside. Rushing over, Henry quickly checked over his eyes, opening up the cavity to carefully clean up the shards, while Lefty looked down at him. A small smile on his face. “… now there should be enough air.” “You think you are incredibly clever, hm?” Disgruntled Henry kept cleaning. “You have destroyed something I have handcrafted, do you feel no shame?!” “It was necessary.” “You could have asked me to remove it.” “You would not have done so.” “I would have asked you why and then deemed you ridiculous!” “I rest my case.” Expectantly the bear looked at him, no words needing to be exchanged to make it obvious what he wanted. But Henry refused once more. “I am not about to reward your abhorrent and childish behavior. If you took out your eye to have a more convincing argument on why you should be allowed to-” “No.” Lefty simply stated, seeming almost disappointed in Henry. “I had planned to remove my eye for a while before, now just seemed like the most convenient moment. Eventually I would have taken it out anyways, to ensure the Marionette would be able to see out of me. I’m sure he would be very scared if he never would get to see the world around him…” “That… is a good way to think.” Reluctantly Henry admitted. “You are making progress on that front.” Give an eye for an eye. For a moment Lefty looked satisfied, then once more there was an expecting expression on his face. “Henry.” “… yes, Lefty?” “You should sleep now.” … more of a pain in the ass than William indeed. Taking a deep breath, Henry turned to throw away the shards he had removed from within the wool inside, then he glared for a moment at the robot. Finally he relented. He WAS tired. Mainly of Lefty’s stubborn attitude, but it had to count for something. Climbing inside, he got comfortable before the robot locked the entrance, plunging Henry in utter darkness, aside from the very slight glow above, shining through the empty eye socket. At least he could actually breathe just fine. Shifting around the Pink Guy decided to at least test some of the features again. “Can you feel this?” “I am working perfectly.” “… how about now?” “Yes. Please refrain from poking and scratching.” “Does that hurt you?” “No. But it would make your experience in there less enjoyable if you pulled off all the soft cover.” Satisfied Henry nodded, that was what he had wanted to hear. Calm and collected, not in any way intimidating, but firm. Lefty knew how to establish boundaries without being rude or coming off as demanding. Settling, he curled up a little more, leaning to the side, closing his eyes. It was quiet for a little, aside from the gently rumbling of the machine he was resting inside of- something he in the beginning tried to fix, but had grown to consider another benefit of pushing most of the mechanical functions into the walls of the machine. The air was fine, he could relax and for once the tiredness hit full force as his body heat slowly warmed up the little nest. Dozing off, he… “Henry?” It sounded weird, coming from directly above him, but at least Lefty was speaking quiet. Tired Henry groaned. “… yes, Lefty…?” “Why… do I feel so much better now?” “… what do you mean?” “I’ve tried filling this part of me up before while you were gone. With mechanical knick knacks, with blankets, with everything I could find and try. Even when all space was taken up I felt still empty. So why don’t I now?” There was an unusual sense of desperation in the question, causing Henry to take it a little more serious. “Well, Lefty… you were made to harbor a soul. Most objects do not carry one inside. You are lacking the echo of another being reflecting your own self back at you, mixed with that little bit of new… something borrowed, something new.” It wasn’t as though Henry didn’t understand EXACTLY what Lefty meant. He continued. “… you are a lonely soul by nature. Or maybe an empty one, if there is such a thing...” If there was such a thing, Henry certainly was a lonely soul too. “… and there simply is nothing that can substitute for the song and dance that is getting closer and getting comfortable with someone. Talking, prodding, joking, fighting, learning… that is how people like us complete themselves. Holding, guarding, caring… we become stronger for our other half, they give us direction, stability and purpose. No matter if you know your personal goal already or not, the other side makes it all so much more potent. It is the utter trust and acceptance that you have for the person and the person will have for you that allows you to turn into so much more than you ever expected yourself to be. Utter trust and acceptance can quickly become painful, but for your other half, you should be willing to sacrifice whatever necessary- if both sides are willing to sacrifice their very core, you will stop suffering.” The words just fell out of him, without him even being able to remember what he said as soon as it left his mouth. All he was sure about was the deep, paining aching inside of his chest, crying out. God, he was TIRED. “… you are so lucky, Lefty. You know who you were made for. You were made for someone, ever piece of you has the reassurance that he is out there and no matter what, you will be together at some point, working together as one. No matter what it will be that he will need from you, you know you can fulfill it. There is no hell on this earth like feeling like a broken piece that was never made for anything.” A little bit hesitant, Lefty listened to his maker’s words- but then decided to commit it to memory. It didn’t sound good, but it sounded right. And he was programmed to be right for the Marionette. For now though, his attention was on the creature inside him. He could feel his agony, amplified by the fuzzy half-sleep. “… is there any way to relieve such pain…?” “You have two purposes, one for the other person and one for your place in the world. If you lack one, commit to the other doubly so.” “You seem very committed.” “… I feel like such a funhouse mirror. Everything is twisted and turned inside of me. But perhaps if I make enough people happy, it will be enough, I can take a little here and there, and I can feel like them, a little, over and over again.” Sitting down, Lefty sighed gently. “… tell me, when was the last time you slept?” “… two days ago.” It came weakly from within. “I hate laying down. Such- such unproductive thoughts force themselves into my brain.” “You need to sleep down here more often.” “I can’t.” “Why.” “… bad habits… form too quickly… maybe I will have to send you out tomorrow already.” For a moment Lefty paused- Then he decided that this wasn’t a conversation they should be having now. “Sleep. We can talk more later.” It quickly became quiet again in the workshop, that now seemed fully abandoned. Only the gently rumbling of the machine aside was left. But that was a benefit.
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inkedmyths · 5 years
Heavy Conversations
Oh my god
Could it be??? Is it???? HIM?????
Twilight stared at Feral. The shadow was clearly agitated over this revelation. Which was a fair reaction, all things considered.
"What?" His eyes flicked to Wild, whose brows were furrowed in confusion as he processed the statement. "You're saying this, this- this darkness, that it's like yours?"
Feral stared at the Sword. The darkness had dissipated completely by now, seared away by the holy light. "Yeah."
Wild blinked, then shook his head. "I thought you said there wasn't anything quite like you?"
"There isn't! At least not right now!" Feral's fingers trailed shadows as he waved them, evidence that he was getting worked up again.
"Yeah. I mean, you're a shadow! And the only people who have shadows-" he stopped. Eyes wide, he looked up at Feral, who met his with dawning realization. Slowly, they both turned to look at Twilight.
He stared back at them, mouth feeling dry. He should have known this was a conversation they'd have to have and planned ahead, but in all the chaos and excitement with these two the idea had never crossed his mind. If only it had. How was he supposed to explain this to Wild? To Feral? Regardless, he was going to have to try.
"Twilight," Wild said slowly. "If you're another Hero, then do- do you have…?" He trailed off.
Twilight swallowed in an attempt to bring back moisture into his mouth. Rubbing a hand across his face, he took a deep breath. "Yes. All of us, as far as I know, have a shadow."
There was a heavy silence. Deafening, almost. He could feel it weighing on him as the two processed the information. Wild's eyes flicked to the Sword. "So was the lynel… was that…"
"One of their doing? Yes." Hylia, he felt uncomfortable.
Feral said nothing, his face unusually blank. Wild, on the other hand, seemed to be flipping through emotions like a flip book. After a tumultuous silence, he finally stammered out a "How? Why?"
While not very specific, Twilight got the jist of what he was asking. After a moment of deliberation, he gestured to the ground in front of him. "It's probably about time I give you the full rundown of what's been going on." Wild's eyes flicked to his counterpart, but he sat down. Feral followed suit.
After one more pause to gather his thoughts, Twilight began. "So, let's start off with what you already know. Magic is afoot, and has caused several Heroes from different periods of time to run into each other." That wasn't the best way to start this conversation, but it was a start. "Now, let's get to what you don't know. Like why this is happening." Both of them sat up a little straighter at that.
"Something's gone wrong, right?" Feral said. When Wild looked at him curiously, he shrugged. "Can't think of any other reason that would cause a bunch of heroes to time travel throughout history."
Twilight nodded. "You're on the right track. That's what we thought, too, when we all first started running into each other. But we couldn't figure out what exactly it was. We had guesses based on different experiences, but no real answers." He took a deep breath. "I think we'd run into everyone when we finally got a hint. Well, everyone except you guys."
Both Wild and Feral stared at him intently. This was where it was going to get uncomfortable. "I was there when it happened. The eldest of us, Time, he and I were walking through the woods. We were… scouting, I think. I don't exactly remember, but we weren't too close to everyone else. It was pretty quiet, almost to quiet." He rubbed a hand over his chin. "I remember feeling something was off. Ominous, you know? I think I mentioned it to him, then… then I got hit by something, and got knocked aside."
He paused again. He should probably stop doing that, but it was hard to do it all in one go. But it had to be done. "When I got over the daze from the pain and hitting the ground, I looked up. And it was Time. But… not Time. Different. Darker. It was-"
"His shadow," Wild realized. Feral said nothing, his gaze distant.
Twilight nodded. "I vaguely remember yelling, fighting, and then I was pulled to my feet and we ran back to rejoin the rest of the Heroes. Time was… well, he was shaken. Everyone was, when we explained what happened. And that was only the beginning. Since that incident, we've had several run-ins with various shadows. Sometimes one, sometimes multiple. At this point, we're pretty sure it's because of them that this," he waved a hand for emphasis, "is all happening."
He waited for a moment, letting his words sink in. For an uncomfortable time, the other two were both silent as they processed the information.
Wild spoke first. "So, they're causing the whole weird time thing? But… why?"
Twilight thought this over, but was surprised when Feral answered first. "Isn't it obvious? Revenge, most likely."
Both of them looked over at him. "What do you mean?" Wild said, brows furrowed.
Feral waved a hand. "Think about it. The whole 'Trial of the Shadow' thing, right? You all fought them, defeated them, and now they're out to get back at you for it."
He was surprisingly calm about the situation, which was simultaneously comforting and worrying. "I mean, you're right. I would have thought you would be more bothered by it, though."
Feral's gaze flickered for a moment. Then, he snorted. "Who, me? Nah. I mean, I've always known that I'm an anomaly. I mean, do you remember when I first met Impa?"
Wild sucked in a breath. "Oh, yeah. I thought she was going to either have a heart attack and die or call in the guards to stab you." He let out a nervous laugh.
"And then she explained to you that I was a, uh, what did she say exactly? 'Incarnation of evil'?"
"Not true."
"You didn't know that for sure."
"Well, now I do."
"The point is," Feral said, shaking his head, "I understand that I'm an exception to a long history of general villainy. That's not what I'm upset about. I'm just still annoyed that I didn't pick up on the dark energy earlier."
Twilight relaxed somewhat, but not completely. He wasn't sure Feral was being entirely truthful, but he wasn't going to press the matter. "Well, that makes me feel a little better. I was worried you might react... badly."
"Psh, me? No, it's blondie here you gotta worry about."
"What?" Wild sputtered. "Why me?"
"You're too nice. And also have no sense of self preservation."
"That's not true!"
"Are you forgetting how you befriended me in the first place? Link, you don't know danger until it literally stabs you."
Wild pouted. "Is this about the field incident? I said I was sorry!"
"I told you they were a Yiga. I told you. And what did you do? You walked right up, introduced yourself all friendly, and nearly got gutted by a sickle."
Twilight couldn't help but chuckle as the two of them fell back into their usual pattern of banter and bickering. That could have gone much worse than it did. At least they seemed to accept the situation with the other shadows fairly easily.
Well, mostly.
Wild looked over at Twilight, frowning slightly. "So… are all of the other shadows like that?"
He blinked. "What do you mean?"
"Well, you know… enemies, I guess?"
"As far as I know…?"
Feral raised an eyebrow at his counterpart. "I'm the exception, remember?"
"I know that! It's just…" He bit his lip.
"Just what?"
"There are so many Heroes, so many shadows. It's hard for me to believe you're the only one."
"Do you think Twilight's okay?" Hyrule asked, looking over at Legend.
"What? You mean Mr. I-Don't-Need-Magic-To-Chuck-This-Big-Rock?" Legend scoffed. "I'm sure he's fine. He survived his journey, after all."
"I know, I know, it's just…" Hyrule sighed. "I don't like the idea of him being all alone with the Darks running about…"
The other Hero frowned, then sighed. "Yeah, I know what you mean."
"It's kind of hard to believe that they're somehow born from us, huh?"
Legend's expression darkened momentarily, but it passed quickly. "I suppose. Nasty assholes, huh?"
Hyrule fiddled with the stick he'd been whittling out of boredom. "It's so off putting, you know? Seeing something that has your face, but is so completely evil. And then seeing the same, but with all your friends…"
Legend patted his back. "I know buddy, but we'll get through this. Tell ya what: If we see any of them tonight, I'll try and set their hair on fire. That ought to change the way they look." He twirled his fire rod with a smirk.
The two of them, as well as a few of the other Heroes who had been listening in, laughed. The atmosphere felt a little lighter, a little less worried and dark.
Four watched them in silence. He let out a quiet sigh, shaking his head with a wry smile. It fell away after a moment, leaving a distant look on his face. He stared into the darkness away from the campfire. Shaking himself, he turned back as Wind asked him a question.
In the shadows, a pair of eyes flashed, then vanished.
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