#it going to happen. like I'm perpetually waiting. and in the worst cases (like the terracotta dog) it completely ruins the reading
kashilascorner · 2 years
I think books official synopsis should only include things that happen very early on the book (I also think all books should include a shnopsis on the back cover or on the jacket or anywhere)
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paterklatter · 2 months
ok random rant on a platform that probably doesn't even know who ava tyson is, but it's so blatant that people are approaching her twitter history from a transphobic perspective. the transphobic 12 year old mr. beast fans have been praying for her downfall since she came out and of course when this stuff resurfaced everyone ran with it.
first, i hate how yet again i'm going to have to see a bunch of "allies" misgender a trans person because they "deserve it" which is a tendency that does honestly bother me. i see people say "it's fine that i misgender [chris-chan or lily tino or whatever trans person who did something bad], they're making the trans community look bad" but like, does it not click with these people that seeing other trans people get misgendered because they had their right to their gender revoked because it was decided they "deserve it". i know that it hurts me a little whenever i see it, and i can't imagine how much more it has to hurt for trans women, who are usually if not always the group targeted by this behavior.
second, the jump to calling her a pedophile is a little extreme. i will say that, speaking from experience, shadman was unavoidable on the 2019 edgy side of the internet. people would often talk about him or even post his straight up child porn as an edgy punchline. i didn't grasp the gravity of the shit he makes until years later because it was just normal. now, being a loud and open shadman fan, even in 2019, is a very bad thing to have on your record and it is worthy of suspicion but i think we should at least wait for a response before jumping to "pedophile."
now i also am aware that is not the only thing bringing people to the conclusion that she's a pedophile, but as far as i can tell, the message leaks were yet again edgy 2019 internet behavior. i have been in my share of discords and i have seen so many adults who have bad boundaries with minors, sending things like porn or otherwise overtly sexual content as a "joke", and for every one of those people who were genuinely grooming kids, five of them just thought they were being friends and didn't think there was anything weird about it. again, it's weird behavior and worthy of criticism but it's not straight up pedophilia and treating it like it is takes the weight away from, you know, actual pedophiles.
my concerns with the severity of the allegations aside, the fact is people are only approaching it like it's the worst thing ever to happen is only because of transphobia. it comes back to my point about the misgendering, people want any excuse to be openly transphobic as much as they want because "they're a pedophile." the people who are so quick to attack ava are the same people who didn't care when dr. disrespect was like. actually sending shit to kids. people were also quick to catastrophize about sketch, who i want to make clear didn't do like anything wrong, and saying he was a creep for having an only fans while streaming to a largely child fanbase even tho he. you know. went to great lengths to bury his past making porn. these cases are latched on to especially because of the ability to perpetuate the narrative of queer people are sexual predators.
also it's just like. annoying having blatant transphobia blasted in my face and i'm not looking forward to having to see ava tyson shit every time i open tiktok, just like i had homophobia blasted in my face when the sketch stuff happened.
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blindingdutchy · 3 years
lamentation | TWO
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{peter parker x fem!reader AU}
based on All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven
word count: 3,495
warnings: depression, anxiety, mental illness! angst, fluff if you squint really hard
18+!!! minors stay away
Peter Parker was relentless, insufferable, and extremely annoying. It all started the morning after what you'd decided to call The Encounter, and it had been unending ever since. Nearly a week had passed since that fateful night, and you'd yet to see a day at school where Peter didn't try his hardest to get under your skin.
On Monday he sat next to you in Calculus, and no matter how blatantly you ignored him for the entire class, he continued to whisper facts about himself and stupid little jokes to you. You wished you could say you hadn't listened, but ever since that morning you'd been unable to forget that his favorite color was red, his Aunt packed him a lunch every day that he threw away because she couldn't cook, and his middle name was Benjamin. Why he thought you needed or even wanted to know such things you weren't sure, but even more befuddling was the fact that you couldn't un-learn them.
When Tuesday rolled around he stepped it up a notch, much to your dismay. He sat with you during Calculus and insisted on jogging with you during gym class, feigning that he was out of breath despite your slow pace and the fact that you were certain he could run for miles without getting winded. He told you more jokes then, too. One of which you begrudgingly found yourself exhaling a little harder over whenever it popped into your head; what did one stranger say to the other? Nothing. They didn't know each other.
Wednesday was the worst, because Peter made a scene. You came into calculus late and the teacher scolded you in front of the class, at which point you got flustered and tripped over your untied shoe laces. Your books spilled to the floor and you tumbled to your knees in front of everyone, and the whole class laughed. But Peter? Peter just had to be the hero, and your blood boiled at his actions.
He'd dramatically swept all his books off of his desk, feigning surprise at the loud clatter as if he hadn't done it intentionally. When the teacher scolded him, too, he just apologized and made a show of picking up each of his things one by one. "Why did you do that?" you'd hissed as you sat down, scowling at the brown-eyed boy who just blinked at you innocently.
"Do what?"
He'd ran with you in gym class again, and he'd even followed you to your locker afterwards. In all the years you'd known of Peter, you had never known him to be much of a talker. In fact, he seemed like a rather shy boy who didn't like to branch out much. With you, though, that was far from the case. Silence was a pipe dream with him around.
On Thursday he sat next to you in Calculus, ran with you in gym, walked you to your locker, and went so far as to sit with you at lunch. You'd put your earbuds in and blasted music as loud as you could without hurting yourself too much, but every time you looked up you could see he was still talking. Part of you wondered why he was being so relentless, but you didn't want to ask. If you asked he would think you cared, and you didn't. You didn't care at all, and the sooner he figured that out, the sooner he would leave you alone.
Or, at least you hoped so. As you walked into school on Friday morning, you groaned at the sight of Peter waiting patiently beside your locker. "What do you want, Parker?" you gritted out, glaring at him as you twisted the dial to enter your combination.
He grinned in spite of your glare, "I'm walking you to Calculus today, obviously. How was your night, (Y/N)? Do anything fun?"
"What part of I don't need friends did you not understand?" you demanded, giving him a stale look as you swung the metal door open with a clang. Peter blinked at you, clearly not used to you actually speaking back to him, and further uncomfortable with your hostility. What did he expect? Did he expect for you to suddenly be happy? To not be completely fucked up anymore just because he started talking to you?
He replaced his lazy smile and shrugged, retorting, "You know my secret and I know yours. That makes us friends."
You wanted to scream at him. You wanted to shout, yell, stomp your feet, and throw a tantrum fit for a child. Friends were not something you wanted or needed, and you certainly didn't want to be friends with Peter Parker. You didn't want to be friends with someone just because they were worried you'd spill their dirty little secret, or because they pitied the girl who wanted to die.
The black hole in your chest was worse than ever that day, and it sucked away all the fight you had in you. So, with a roll of your eyes, you stuffed your earbuds in your ears and tuned him out once more. Just like he had at lunch, Peter continued to ramble even though he knew you weren't listening, and you pretended you didn't see his lips moving at the speed of light.
For once, at the very least, he at least shut up in class. You were thankful for the break from his incessant chatter, the endless monologue you couldn't escape from when you were stuck in a desk while Mr. Tinley droned on and on. Calculus was far from interesting, but you found yourself beyond relieved to finally be able to pay any sort of attention to the lesson.
Friday was steadily continuing along the same path every other day had since The Encounter. Peter thankfully parted ways with you after Calculus, but quickly rejoined you two classes later in Gym. From Gym he was glued to your side through lunch until you escaped to your Spanish class, which you thankfully didn't share with him, but the solitude was short lived. Your last class of the day was one you also shared with Peter, and prior to that day he had remained seated with his friends.
That day, though, he plopped down in the seat beside you with a cheerful smile. "Ready for our new project?" he asked, skipping the greeting he knew you wouldn't return.
"Huh?" you asked, blinking at him in bewilderment. New project? Our? What was he talking about?
Peter beamed back at you, clearly pleased that you hadn't snapped at him for once. "Our new project! Didn't you see the list on the door? We're partners." he explained, and you stiffened.
It was too big of a coincidence to truly be happenstance. All week Peter had been pestering you, perpetually following you around and talking your ear off, and now he just happened to be assigned as your partner for the final Speech project? He did something. That was the only logical conclusion.
Your eyes narrowed as you stared at him with as much intensity as you could muster. "Peter, what did you do?" you growled.
Peter's eyes widened at your tone, and he shifted in his seat nervously with a sheepish smile. "What do you mean?" he questioned coyly, and you scowled at him fiercely. "I didn't do anything, (Y/N)."
"Bullshit." you snapped, "I find it hard to believe that we just happened to be assigned partners after how obsessively you've been harassing me all week."
He gaped at you, "Harassed? What?" he stammered, "(Y/N), let's calm down--I haven't... I haven't been harassing you. I just want you to know I really do want to be your friend."
You scoffed at his excuse, "Shut up, Peter. Just leave me alone! I don't want to be your friend, okay? My lips are sealed. I won't tell anyone your secret, just leave me alone!"
With one finally glare, you lurched out of your seat and stomped to one far away from the still aghast boy. As you settled into your new seat, ignoring the strange looks from your classmates who witnessed your outburst, you wrinkled your nose and picked at your nails angrily. As much as you were angry with Peter, you were also angry with yourself.
You were angry that he'd stopped you, and you'd let him. You were angry at the world for letting your sister die. You were angry at your sister for saving you when she should have saved herself. Most of all, though, you were angry with yourself for how you were acting. Even though she wasn't there, you could almost hear your sister scolding you for how you'd treated Peter.
She always was the levelheaded, rational sister. The good sister. The better sister. She would have been ashamed of how you'd been ignoring Peter, ranting to you, "He's just trying to be there for you, idiot. Stop being such a jerk and let him help you. You need to stop being so stubborn..."
You listened eagerly to Ms. Lovell's lesson and instruction for the new project. It wasn't because you were genuinely interested, because you weren't, but it was something to distract you. It was something to drown out the voice of your sister that was echoing through your skull, rattling you to your core as you tried to keep your emotions at bay.
This was the hardest part of losing your sister. She'd been so close to you, so important to you, it was impossible to not think of her in every moment of every day. It was impossible not to think of what she'd have done, instead of what you had done. It was impossible not to think of what she'd have thought of your actions, what she'd have said to you, of what she'd have wanted you to do.
She had been your voice of reason, your confidant, your role model. She'd always been so much better than you, someone you aspired to be like, and now that she was gone the comparisons were so much heavier on your head. Why couldn't it have been you instead of her? She would never have had such a hard time like you were.
For instance, she wouldn't have been so bitter. She wouldn't have been so filled with rage, hatred, or despair. She wouldn't have blamed anyone, not even herself, and she wouldn't have hated the people who had killed you. She always did love a good superhero, and even if you'd have died at the hands of the Avengers like she had, she would have found a reason to still have faith in them. She would have forgiven them.
This project was going to be a tough one, and not just because you were going to have to work with Peter Parker. "This is going to be a persuasive speech, guys, so you're able to pick your stance freely so long as it pertains to the Avengers. For example, you could persuade us that they're bad, if that's how you feel." Ms. Lovell explained, "Just be prepared to face debate from the class. Each group has to face five full minutes of argument from the class and be able to firmly debate their stance."
A project in which you'd have to argue your stance pertaining to the superheroes that had killed your sister, and you were working with Peter-Spiderman-Parker. Great, you thought to yourself, this was going to be a nightmare. There was no way the two of you would agree on what stance to persuade; you hated superheroes, and he was one, for God's sake.
You glanced over at Peter, only to catch him already staring at you. The pair of you quickly looked away from each other, but you noticed the way his cheeks flared red in embarrassment. How long had he been watching you? Was he dreading the project now as much as you were?
He probably didn't know how you felt about the Avengers. Not many people really cared enough to read about what had happened to your sister, and you weren't exactly in the right state of mind to be out protesting the many shortcomings of the superheroes. You wondered, though, how he would react when he found out.
Lying was an option, but there was no way you'd be able to debate in favor of the Avengers without breaking. Could you debate against them without losing it either, though? You weren't entirely sure. It was a sore subject and you were certainly not looking forward to having to dedicate your time to speaking about them.
Peter lingered by his seat after class was dismissed, staring at you awkwardly as he told his friends he would catch up with them later. You could see the strange, weary looks they shot you, but you chose to ignore them. Everyone looked at you a little funny ever since the incident, and you'd long ago grown accustomed to it. This time, though, you couldn't help but think they were looking at you strangely for a reason other than your sister.
You had two options. You could suck it up and talk to Peter right then, or you could continue to ignore him until you were forced to do the project. Catching his warm brown eyes as he timidly watched you, you sighed. It was now or never; maybe if you were nicer he'd back off a little with the obsessive tendencies.
"So," you drawled, approaching him shyly, "how are we gonna do this?"
This was what she would have wanted you to do; that's what you chanted in your head as you forced yourself to at least seem somewhat approachable. "Uh, we could--we could meet up tomorrow? You could come to my apartment." he stuttered, scratching his neck awkwardly and fiddling with his backpack.
He radiated nervous energy, and the black hole inside of you consumed it greedily. You twiddled your thumbs just as nervously as you replied, "Do you, um, do you mind coming to my house instead? My parents are--they're a little weird about me going out because of... yeah."
God, his stutter was rubbing off on you, and you cringed at the way you stumbled over your words like a fool. It had been such a long time since you'd invited anyone to your house, let alone talked to anyone besides your parents and your therapist, and it was stressing you out. The exhaustion of the day was wearing you down rapidly, and having to socialize was making it worse.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course!" he spluttered, "Uh, could I get your number? So I can, like, text you when I'm coming?"
You hoped he didn't notice how much your fingers were shaking as you took his phone, struggling to type in your number as you mistyped multiple times. Once you'd saved your contact into his phone, you sent yourself a text so that you'd have his number too. You didn't exactly answer unknown numbers anymore, though if you were honest, you often didn't answer people you knew either. That was what drove your friends away.
Peter shot you a shy smile as you handed his phone back, and he asked, "Do you want to get started tonight, maybe? I could call you."
Biting your cheek, you paled. Tonight? You were exhausted, and the thought of having to talk for any longer made you nauseous. "No offense, Peter, but I... I really just need a break. This week has been a lot." you mumbled, avoiding his eyes as you stared at your feet.
"Oh, yeah, totally." he acquiesced, "I'll, uh, I'll see you tomorrow."
You didn't reply, only giving him a tight lipped smile that probably looked more like a grimace as you quickly walked away. Once you were out of his sight, your entire body drooped and the numbness steadily washed over you. It had been the longest day, and you were once again grateful for the escape from the overwhelming emotions.
Ever since she died, it was as if all your emotions were on overdrive. There were the many constant ones, like the guilt, shame, and anguish over her death. Along with those were more fleeting ones, like anger, disgust, and fear. Peter, though, he brought about a whole slew of new and equally as intense feelings that drained you.
He made you feel things like anxiety, apprehension, and hope. There was anxiety both due to his wild behavior in regards to you, but also because you feared he might tell people what he'd seen. The apprehension was due to your suspicion he was only so interested because you knew his secret, and was just as fearful that you would tell. But the hope, the stupid anticipation, was the worst.
It was the worst because a stupid part of you hoped he was genuine. You wanted him to really want to be your friend with no ulterior motives because, no matter how much you denied it, you really did need a friend. You wanted a friend. You wanted to let someone in.
You weren't buying it, though, because you were certain you couldn't handle the heartbreak of being wrong about his intentions and discovering he really did only care about his secret. You weren't going to let him hurt you, and if you had to shut yourself off from the world and hurt yourself to prevent it, then so be it. It was easier that way.
Peter Parker: hey i know you said you didn't want to start tonight but that doesn't mean we can't get to know each other
Peter Parker: so if you want, lets play 20 questions! i'll start. what's your favorite movie?
The typing cursor blinked at you tauntingly as you laid on your bed, huddled under the blankets with your thumbs hovering over the keys. That stupid part of you that wanted to make your sister proud begged you to go along with it, to let him be a friend, but you were terrified. You were terrified of the way you actually opened the text and went to reply without hesitation, something you hadn't done since before the incident. You were terrified of the way you wanted to reply, but the only thing that gave you pause was the fact that you didn't have an answer.
Movies weren't something you'd given much thought to in awhile. You knew all of your sister's favorite movies by heart, but your favorite movie? It was as if your brain opened an empty drawer. You didn't know what your favorite movie was.
You: i don't know
Peter Parker: what do you mean you don't know
Peter Parker: do you not like movies?!
You: i just don't know okay
You: i can't remember the last time i watched a movie.
That was a lie. You very well could remember the last time you'd watched a movie, and that was because it was with her. The weekend before she'd died, your sister had dragged you to the theater to watch some cheesy romance film she'd been gushing about for weeks. It was awful, but it was so utterly her that you'd weirdly enjoyed it. You enjoyed it because it made her happy.
Peter Parker: that's crazy wow
Peter Parker: no offense sorry
Peter Parker: it's your turn to ask
You: what's your favorite movie
Peter Parker: star wars but you can't ask the same question!! try again
You: fine
You: what's your favorite food?
Was talking to boys always this hard? You couldn't remember the last time you'd had to get to know someone, but you didn't think it had ever been so nerve wracking. Was something wrong with you? Was everything destined to be this hard now that she was gone?
Peter Parker: anything from Delmar's
Peter Parker: best sandwiches in Queens
Peter Parker: since you got a double and you technically didn't answer my first question, i'm asking you the same but also what's your happiest memory
Everything was always going to be hard. Reading his response, your lungs deflated in your chest and the numbness gave way to the all too familiar sensation of despair. She'd always loved Delmar's, insisting on getting the same sandwich from there every single Friday after school, and it had been your thing.
Would there ever be anything that didn't remind you of her? Remind you of the hole punched in your life where she used to be? It was hard enough dealing with the empty space in your room where her bed used to be, the empty chair at the dinner table where she'd used to sit, all the empty spaces she'd used to fill up. But the little things--the little memories of things she'd used to love--those hurt so much more.
You: i have to go
You: i forgot i'm busy tomorrow so we can't start the project
You: i'm sorry
SERIES TAG-LIST {ask to be added}:
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ask-crimson-weaver · 3 years
Uh, hey, Crim? Are you doing alright? Last I spoke with you, you very clearly expressed to me that you were anxious about returning to your dimension. I’m worried about you. Do you need any help?
To tell you the truth... nope, I am absolutely not doing alright at the present moment. Dare I say you could consider me as having been mildly but perpetually terrified throughout this whole thing. And I mean, technically? I probably could have waited things out outside of 42711a. But everything that was built into this whole mess and how it got started... I felt like I had an obligation to come back and try to do something. It's the principle of 'if I'm not there, and something happens, maybe there was something I could've done if I had been there'... and the fact that me hiding away like that, no matter how justified, made me feel like a coward. I keep hiding, but my mom keeps trying to get to me-- it's like she doesn't get that she's the reason I'm staying away in the first place. And sometimes I think someone's going to have to literally (and metaphorically) punch that into her for her to finally recognize it.
And... I appreciate the offer to help. But I really don't want anyone else coming here until my mom's been de-Phoenix'd. She hasn't ever tried going after anyone I know to get to me before-- 'keep family matters within our family' she'd say-- but I'm not sure if her current Phoenix-ness might change that policy, so I'd rather avoid bringing in people not already here.
Even with everything with my mom, and her nagging at my mind... I've got plenty of help. I've got Hannah here, and Harley-- heck, some of the Avengers and X-Men too this time around-- that're all on my side. If Memoria does manage to do anything to my mind, I'm more or less surrounded by people that're gonna keep me safe, and are working to try and stop it from getting to that point on top of wrapping up this whole matter altogether.
Yeah, I'm scared. But I trust them to make sure everything's alright if the worst-case scenario happens.
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chalmogsico-college · 4 years
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The witch Mint, the wizard Tortoise, and Luara who hadn't found her style quite yet, carefully made their way through the dark pine forest just outside of the school grounds. The perpetual frost that clung to the cold soil crinkled under foot as a sharp wind rattled the branches above them. The three mages were warm in their enchanted robes even as their breath fogged the air infront of them.
"I'm sure he's fine," Mint said, his arms crossed tight across his chest and his voice shaking just so slightly, "Hell, he was probably just running late. I bet he's already at the class room and we're going to be in trouble for not being there."
"No way," Luara replied, as she pushed onward towards the small cabin they knew was somewhere around here, "Professor Van Shamanov is never late, and you know how weird hes been acting over the last few weeks,"
"He's been acting weird because you keep trying to talk him into summoning a new familiar," Tortoise rolled their eyes, "Let the old bastard grieve,"
"Grieving is one thing, but his familiar has been dead for like a hundred years? He needs to move on, and like, its obvious he's capital L Lonely," Luara turns on her heel to follow a different path through the woods, hopeful that This would be the right one. She doesn't worry about getting lost, worst case scenario Mint's insane sense of direction would save them.
"Yeah, I'm going to side with Luara on this one, Tort," Mint nodded as Tortoise gasped in mock offense, "You heard what Headmistress said, the man's getting to the edge of what The Viper will allow. He shouldn't be all alone in the end, and you know he won't just make a friend or something. Too much of a loner,"
"Nope! He won't make new friends because his trio is broken," Luara said,
"And how would you know that?" Tortoise quirked a brow, "Been snooping on our favorite GILF?"
Luara stopped and turned to glare at them, and to their credit, Tortoise managed to not flinch or look away for an entire ten seconds, "He isn't a GILF because that would imply one of us wants to fuck him," Tortoise intoned like a scolded child as they dropped their gaze.
"Good neither." Luara turned to set back on their way as Mint snickered.
Eventually they did find their way to the rotting cabin, a full two hours after class was supposed to have started. Luara took the old brass knocker in hand and thunked it down hard against its strike plate three times.
A moment passed with no response.
Luara raised her hand to knock again as the door swung open on screeching hinges.
Professor Van Shamanov's impressive bulk filled the doorway as he stooped down to glare at his visitors from below the head jamb.
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His eyes softened as he saw his startled students, bending to step out of his home and closing the door behind himself as he spoke, "Hello," his voice was rough with too many years spent in fire warmed rooms, "I suppose I'm a bit late for class aren't I?" He untied his robe from around his waist to put it on properly as he started back towards the college.
"Yes sir," Luara never thought of herself as short until she was having to jog to keep pace with their frankly giant teacher's strides, "We were worried about you, its not like you to be late,"
"Yes, I know I've been out of it lately," He nods before changing the topic, "Did you three complete your assignment? Gathered all of your components for today?" he holds out a hand and whistls to call his staff to him, the gnarled thing shot out of the woods like a torpedo but he caught it with practiced ease before it could splinter itself against the trunks of one of the trees, "And are you positive the components you chose are the ones you want to use? The difference could very well change the course of you lives."
Mint fussed with the bundle in his pocket before nodding. Tortoise pulled theirs from under their hat and smiled as they held it up proudly. Luara pulled two from her coat, one wrapped in the yellow she preferred for her spell work, one in the soft lavender Van Shamanov did.
"Yeah, and I brought one for you two," Luara chirped as non chalantly as she could.
To all three students surprise the professor actually held out a hand for it, "I'm curious what you think I'd put in that circle," he huffed good naturedly.
Luara handed it over and giddily tossed a smirk over her shoulder at the others as Van Shamanov undid the bindings to open it up.
A moment later she crashed into him as he stopped dead in his tracks to turn towards her. Luara staggered a step back, "Everything okay professor?" She asked nervously.
"Who told you? I assume Katy, but Headmistress might have known as well," his gaze was focused on the items in his palm, a dried orchid bloom, a nickel ring, and a wishbone.
"Dean Deane ," Luara said with an averted gaze, it wasn't like the professor to show such open anger, "She thinks you need to summon a new familiar, and that if you had the same components you did for your first it might be easier for you,"
"Please do not snoop like this again." Van Shamanov said firmly before turning back on his path, "We will be quiet until we get to class," he commands.
The other two trios that made up their summoning 833 class perked up as Van Shamanov entered.
"My apologies for being late. Is everyone ready to begin?" He pulled a tarp from his desk drawer and tossed it into the air. It straightened itself out and settled ready for use in the clear spot in the center of the room.
He waits for the murmurs of agreement to die down before starting on his spiel, "I trust that every last one of you has put the necessary time and thought into what will be happening today. A familiar is a life partner, they will be at your side through thick and thin and will be entirely reliant on you for the magical energy that sustains their like. They will aid you in every way they can and do whatever it takes to help you as long as you return that favor. They are powerful and temperamental creatures of contract, harming or betraying them will be the last thing you do. If any one of you has any hesitations about this, any second thoughts, anything other than Full confidence in what you are about to do, what components you have chosen, or what you will say to them once they are listening, leave. You are not ready yet, and I say that without judgment, I'd rather see you leave today than with a disloyal familiar tomorrow."
He stood infront of his class, head held high as he finished his final warning and reminder and waited to see if any of his students would flinch. When he was met with only eager eyes and nervous smiles he grinned from beneath his beard, "Very good," he turned to who he has decided will go first, "Tortoise, you're up," he finishes firmly as he steps back towards his desk
"Wait, Why?" Tortoise hesitated to get out of their seat.
"Because I'm upset with Luara and I know she wants to go first. By asking you to go first I am acknowledging that as directly as I am ethically allowed to." He takes his seat at his desk as Luara pouts.
"Why not Mint?" Tortoise looked to his friend who blanched at the suggestion, "Never mind, I forgot he was a coward," they sighed and pulled their bundle of components and their wand from beneath their hat as they stood to go to the edge of the circle.
The bundle was dropped in the center of the interlaced runes. The room was near silent beside the soft crackle of the torches. With everyone's attention on them Tortoise knelt in one of the smaller warded circles that surrounded the larger summoning circle.
Their instincts told them to just start pouring magic into it, a show of power to attract an equally powerful familiar, but Professor Van Shamanov had warned them against doing that. Power and Impulsiveness were not a good mix. Besides, they were a wizard, without structure their magic would fizzle and drain too quickly for them to really get anything going.
So, they took a deep breath and reached out to the warding line, pouring magic into it to set it glowing and active. Familiars didn't tend to turn violent with their summoners even if they declined the offer, but it never hurt to be cautious. Then they found the connecting line, the one that wrapped around and around and around the circle, that conected it to the other they'd be reaching into to try and coax a familiar across the boundary from one universe to another. Finally, they found the call line and pushed a surge of power through it, along with the promise of their favorite dice set, a bell they found in the sand outside their childhood home, and a bracelet their little brother had made for them before he passed away.
Speaking the meaning of the offerings was not a necessity, but Tortoise always struggled with the ephemeral and passing concepts along a line like this was definitely more a witch's skill than a wizard's.
"I offer you a dice set with the blessing of The Raven, she's my patron and she could be yours as well. A bell I found when I was young, I carried it with me on a chain around my neck for many years, it doesn't ring anymore but it holds more memories than I could speak, and a gift from my little brother, he didn't know about magic, but he told me that it would protect me. And well… I haven't died yet? So, I assume it works," they take a breath to find their center, "I am called Tortoise and I ask for…" They paused, this was the part that even with the years they had had to think about it, he could never decide on, "I ask for a friend. Someone who's sturdy and who I can rely on."
A hushed moment passed as the candles flickered and the smell of ozone filled the room. At first a fine mist formed within the summoning circle, it glittered like a frozen fog as it passed from its world and into ours, though soon it was thickening around the offered items and taking a solid form.
Tortoise couldn't help but choke out a laugh as a galapagos tortoise took shape before him. Its dull grey shell alone was bigger around than the circle Tortoise knelt in,
"What am I called?" the tortoise asked with a smooth water thin voice,
"Wizard," Tortoise responded with the name that formed heavy in their mind as soon as the tortoise had taken shap. They grinned and stood and let the magic fade from the circle, to set Wizard free of the bindings on it that trapped her within it.
"I look forward to being your friend, Tortoise," Wizard said as she made her way out of the circle with the slow elegant confidence only a fey shaped like a tortoise could muster.
The rest of the class clapped and jeered, Mint shook their shoulder as they took their seat, and Luara clapped and half jumped out of her seat to take her turn before Professor Van Shamanov could call on someone elsee.
Tortoise couldn't stop smiling after Wizard got comfortable next to them, nor could they focus on their friend's turn. They had a familiar and they looked forward to being her friend.
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I'm Broken, Britain: Austerity strips you of everything in the end
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By anonymous
The festive season may seem a long time ago now, but for many of us it was the hardest period of time imaginable. I, like many others, am still waiting for the decision on my Personal Independence Payment (PIP) claim. I've been blogging on this subject for nearly two years now, since my first installment - I'm Broken, Britain: An Open Letter From an Anonymous Benefit Claimant. Twenty-two months on, and with this, my tenth blog, I am still without any money and no closer to finding out my fate. It simply never ends.
My own struggles are mirrored in the numerous tragedies I see, either personally or through the news reports on Universal Credit or PIP. The case of Reggie Duff was recently coered by the BBC. It's a story of humiliation and fear. The PIP process left me in the same place, not just financially, but also in terms of relationship and my self worth.
My family have had little choice than to pick up all of the slack left by the PIP process, from feeding me, clothing me, doing my washing, and my travel. For anyone with any sense of personal pride, this erosion of the most basic levels of independence is perhaps the most painful part of the whole process. It’s easier to go without, even when it's the essentials, than it is to ask for help from family on an extended basis. When you’re long-term ill or disabled, a sense of stubbornness and pride often creeps in, so to have this pulled from under you - to have to literally ask those around you for the most basic of financial help - really does start to chip away at mental health.
My own tribunal date is set for mid-March. It'll mark 25 months of waiting without any money coming in. My health is  bad anyway, which is why I was awarded indefinite Disability Living Allowance in the first place. The chances of it improving are highly unlikely, much as I hate to admit it. But under the PIP process, I was awarded zero points across board in its wilfully narrow criteria.
Within my waiting period, my health deteriorated. This year I have come out in all sorts of skin conditions, most likely connected to stress and lack of self-care. My hands are now in state of perpetual bleeding due to the rips and tears. Now have to contend with an invading rash and set of rather violent-looking spots. I would go to the doctors to get this looked at, but I live in one of the worst areas for patient/doctor access.
I have, ironically, become very acquainted with my own medical records though. For the past two years I've had all manner of paperwork sent to me. The tribunal process is pretty intrusive. Every single detail of my life and medical information has been dredged up in duplicate and distributed to all sorts of people and offices. When I need medical information to help me, it is unavailable. When it is there to punish me, it appears in duplicate. This is how austerity Britain functions.
The worst aspect to this whole rigmarole is just how much it's changed the dynamic of my relationship with my partner. They have had to work longer hours just so we can survive, which means we rarely see each other. They have had to walk the tightrope of offering to pay for everything, at the risk of alienating me and crushing my fragile sense of self-esteem further. They now pay for all of my medication, my travel and my dietary needs. We are no longer a partnership, and we've both spotted this.
My partner recently said that they have no problem or reticence in helping me, but they can no longer emotionally take the physical wincing that I unwittingly do every time the subject of money comes up, or when they are forced to pay for yet another thing for me. If we do happen to go out, which is rare, I am given pocket money just so I can be seen to go to my wallet to pay for something.
I have one more month of wait to find out what we're going to be dealing with, but I know all too well that there are so many others in similar circumstances who aren't afforded the relationships that I have. There is no doubt in my mind that, if not for the close and unconditional family support I receive, I'd be yet another grim mortality statistic. Coming to terms with that sense of vulnerability really hits home, in more ways than one.
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no i agree with everything you said. i realize that i overthink every word he says to me and i am aware that that isn't healthy. i always try to distract myself from thinking to much about him but i have to be honest here the second his name is mentioned or i see him i tend to be really excited and even a bit nervous. there was a time when you could really see that my mood depended on him and that was neither healthy for me nor for him and i try my best to change that every day. i am fifteen years old and in september i'm turning 16 which he knows too and told yesterday another favourite teacher of mine my birthdate lmao. to clarify i have never felt uncomfortable around him (except maybe for today, he was helping me for my upcoming physics test and he, i think, was trying to apologize to me because we had a fight yesterday about the paper that i'm doing on sexism in our school, but he was doing a terrible job at it so we had some awkward moments) and he really tries to be as private as he can be and not cross the line. we both try to do that but i know moments where we both crossed the line and that was really awkward, as an example, he once took me with him to the teachers lounge so i could talk to that other favourite teacher of mine and i at first was really confused on why he would do that and i noticed that other teachers were confused too. in his defence, i know he is a grown man, and he obviously isn't stupid, i really don't feel as if he knows that we cross the line sometimes. he is really nice and helpful to all of his students, and i think he doesn’t realize how close we are to one another. there was a time when he always came up to me during the class to ask me if i wanted to help him for the experiment that we did during the lesson, but the other students soon noticed that and started saying things like „oh of course it's always she that gets to help“ or „why does she get picked every time?“ and after that we never did an experiment in class or when we did one he did it alone. so i have to get him credit for that:) he truly is a kind human being and everyone at school wishes to have him as a teacher. (oh and the thing with him recalling our first ever lesson together is kind of an inside joke i think? i don't know i mean i told him once that he said last year that physics was basically just maths but 1000 times harder, and he was like „??you don't know the things we did last week but THAT you still somehow know and are angry with me for it“ and it was hilarious so he always tells me things i said during these 2 years and blames me for them) oh and btw i'm so thankful that you're so nice to me and try to give me the best advice you can. i really appreciate it!! i wish you all the best!! (&i hope if there are any grammar mistakes here that they don't bother you english is my fourth language so i always mix the grammar rules up in my head ahh!!!)
No need to apologize! It's amazing that you know four languages and I wish I did! We're all prone to mistakes and I know I make typos too even though English is one of my first languages. I understand everything you wrote perfectly fine!
Yes, you should definitely be careful for the sake of your reputation and his. Even though things are innocent other students might start rumors and not see it that way. His co-workers might become suspicious too and assume the worst case scenario if they notice too much preferential treatment. Unfortunately, there are actual incidents where these accusations and suspicions are proven true and the teacher is trying to make advances on their student (regardless if they are of age or not but either way it is still wrong!). If you feel like the lines are being too blurred and there are too many grey areas with your tc you have to take a step back. They should also know when to take a step back because their well meaning intentions are not public knowledge to everyone.
I've mentioned this on my blog before but towards the end of the year there was a day where all the seniors were dismissed early. I wanted to sneak back upstairs so I could help E pack up some things in his room for the end of the year. We also had this routine where we talk after school and I would walk with him to his parked car. The teachers did not have a parking lot so they had to park on the residential streets. E often parked in a spot that was in the direction of my walking route home anyway. E let me pass him and go into the staircase to get back up. He said he would meet me upstairs and if anybody asked I could just say I forgot something in the classroom. He was still chatting with some co-workers/seniors and was going to stay downstairs for just a few more minutes. Well, as I was waiting for him to come unlock his classroom door the librarian saw me and approached.
She asked why I was standing there because she knew I was a senior and I was meant to go home. I told her my excuse but she looked at me dead in the eye and sternly said "You seem like a nice girl. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you so you should go back downstairs." I was so anxious and stressed out! She outright accused E of having bad intentions without any evidence. I kept pacing back and forth in front of the school and had to wait another 20-30 minutes or so before I saw E come out with the co-workers in his department. I was scared to the point where I just ran up to him and said I had to urgently talk to him. His other co-workers just laughed it off because they always teased E about my massive crush on him (E told me this after I graduated). I told E everything that happened and quoted what the librarian said. He was so upset that she made that cryptic statement because he really respected her as a co-worker (obviously, he also thought she respected him and had a good opinion of him). He was also disappointed in himself for his lapse in judgment and how our friendship would be misinterpreted if he showed his favoritism too much.
Therefore, other students and teachers are quick to judge friendships between teachers and students of the opposite sex (especially if the teacher is male and the student is female). Society and people do perpetuate stereotypes based on the stories they tend to hear on the news of older men taking advantage of younger females. Therefore, it's understandable that some tcs don't want to get too close to their students or have to strictly maintain boundaries even for the students they have a soft spot for platonically. You also wouldn't want other jealous students to start bullying you or starting rumors amongst themselves.
At least you acknowledge the more unhealthy aspects of your crush on your tc and that's the first step towards improving your mindset to a more healthier one. Good luck! Feel free to keep me posted!
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