#it is 8pm
br1ghtestlight · 9 months
girl who is sooo sleepy and tired :(
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geaibleu-gaming · 1 year
thanks I hate it
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thefourpointedstar · 4 months
hey so like if you have even a tiny amount of the four pointed star's energy within you, you become unbound from fate and destiny if the world you are in has any. its by nature that the four pointed star unbinds you from such, and your actions while unbound will derail everything ever unless you play along! but you can also just fuck shit up and destroy 50% of the planet if you so wish. you are basicly a [G]od afterall, assuming you have the energy to spare and or time waste of course, any moment doing something in some random nowhere area is a moment you could be spending collecting shards of the star, to be more! and become more powerful to do more to collect more and so on and so forth. its easier to do anything if you are powerful.
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highstonedcat · 1 year
i want someone to eat me out right now
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januarynarwhal · 1 year
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I’m married with a kid and somehow I’m stuck with just these two clowns for company on a Friday night 😛
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pangur-and-grim · 5 days
it turns out that spending most of a busy day surviving off a single chocolate milk will make you sick the next day. just a PSA
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acorviart · 8 months
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whalefall ceramics 🐋
tested out my various blue underglazes, some of which look very similar to each other under clear glaze
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sleepysebris · 11 months
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last minute predictions literally right before the special airs
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obsob · 7 months
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the days are still dark but i have started to see wild flowers on my walks :)
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mod2amaryllis · 1 year
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despite everything
(happy 8 years undertale)
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sandeewithtwoe · 1 month
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Late night thoughts
Dust belongs to ask-dusttale
Dust: Either I’m going insane or someone is pulling a prank on me
Phantom Papyrus:
Dust: You’re right, it could be both
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With no speech bubbles ^
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windmill-ghost · 2 years
Exhausted from my long day of doing fuck all.
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l0stvegas · 2 days
About twoish years ago I had this completely inscrutable dream where there was a new cardinal direction (like north, east, west, south) that suddenly started existing and was basically east but on a different directional plane. The name of the dimension/direction called “Crust”.
The way the Crust functioned was that the laws of physics changed where approximately 1 out of every 100 times something attempted to move east as relative to a compass, you’d accidentally cross into the Crust plane and be caught in a weird limbo dimension where your surroundings were a forever-looping snippet of whatever you last saw before entering the Crust. Think of how the infinite stairs in Super Mario 64 or how looping backgrounds in old cartoons like The Flintstones worked. Except, the further you descended into the Crust, the more your surroundings would gradually saturate and grow brighter until you were left with solid opaque white surroundings, and you would completely lose your sense of time and direction if you progressed too far.
This was an issue because the only way to escape the Crust was to move extremely fast westward and hope you could break “through” the crust back into regular reality, and you had to do so through the approximate point you entered the Crust. Some people would travel into the Crust for minutes or hours at a time not realizing they were in the Crust until they were inconveniently far from their starting point. There were even a few individuals who got presumably permanently lost in the Crust when they descended too far in to know how to navigate to their return point.
It got to a level where people in the dream were creating weird, deep-fried memes about how the Crust ruined their commute to work, which @/solsticeinstars and @/morrighancorbel on Twitter tried to make recreations of based on my description. There would be school classes cancelled because their teacher got Crusted and they couldn’t find a substitute in time, or truckers that went missing because they got Crusted while on their route and, tired from the road, didn’t realize they were in it until the point of no return.
I have nothing else to add this dream just haunts me and I needed to share it here
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lorenzonuti · 5 months
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-- Its strictly forbidden to listen to music after 7:37 pm --
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pavus · 20 days
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She wasn't the first of her family to break free from the subterranean domiciles belonging to those who counted their number among the Ambassadoria. Her mother had not been the first, either. Fueled by the hunger to be something other than a diplomat or a diplomat's bored wife, Kehda made her choice when she was barely sixteen years of age, and not once has she regretted that decision. She was — after all — destined to be more, destined to be greater than four stone walls. Rebellion brewed in the blood her mother gave her, tying their lives together more intimately than through such a simple thing as her birth. She was a mirror of the woman, and the magisters of Minrathous met the arrival of another mouthy, pale-haired dwarf with sharp-toothed suspicion.
The Shadow Dragons, however, met her arrival with great interest.
𝐊𝐄𝐇𝐃𝐀 | Dwarf. Rook. Rogue. Saboteur. Shadow Dragon.
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petrichormeraki · 1 year
ive been up all night thinking about this. how do you kill evokers if they literally have totems of undying on them. is the player the only one that can use them? why? they're clearly modeled to LOOK like villagers/pillagers. why, then, can a stranger to this world that speaks not their language or look anything like them the only one that can harness it? was death that never really stuck to begin with not enough?
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