#it is So Study Material what if I read it 1000 times until the sun blows up
omentranslates · 1 year
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So I’ve seen a lot of discussion abt this line and how in the anime the subs say “I’m regretting that, a bit” and it’s my understanding that the English manga wrote “That was more than I deserve, maybe” and it kinda fascinates me bc like neither of them are wrong bc it’s both like. Lines like this drive me insane that we can’t have both bc it literally MEANS both of those things it isn’t one or the other in it’s original form like
もったいない is like Almost Always in my experience translated as basically “what a waste” but it’s like non-specific it’s one of those not necessarily literal expressions in a lot of cases and it’s mostly indicative of that sense of regret so like the expression itself FEELS more like what he says in the anime that he’s kinda like “damn maybe I shouldn’t have done that” bc as a phrase it’s used almost like “well that sucks” is in English like the interpretation the manga comes to is correct obviously but it’s not necessarily the only or even first one that you might come to AND ALSO the idea that the time with those girls would’ve been wasted ON HIM bc he doesn’t deserve it is closer to the literal meaning of the phrase (which “more than one deserves” is part of as like a secondary meaning when I looked into it actually I don’t think I’ve seen it used for that directly colloquially but it’s there in the dictionary) LIKE ITS BOTH BOTH VERSIONS REFLECTED DIFFERENT SIDES OF THAT LIKE NATURAL AMBIGUITY and I love shit like this in writing so much bc it’s one of those things that becomes clear the more you get to know the character and how THEY see things bc ultimately the context is what clarifies What They Meant by it like it seems so obvious Knowing Vash but the first time I read this I was like “oh does he have problems connecting :(” and then rereading it later like “WAIT ITS HIS TENDENCIES” it means. Both.
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mckinlily · 4 years
tagged by @void-tiger (thanks for the tag <3)
roses or daisies:
uh...both? Idk, I’m kind of a wildflower or at least variety kind of girl. Mixing big flowers with little flowers and other florist type stuff? Go for it. My team at work got me flowers when I had surgery last year, and they were really cool and sort of autumn-y but I know nothing about flowers so I have no idea what they were.
classical or lofi:
uhhhhhh...so I had no idea that lofi was a thing until just now. I know enough about classical music to appreciate it as an art form, but honestly my taste in music is super basic and just...bad. Music for me is mostly just background stimulation so I can focus on something else, so super predictable, all sounds the same pop music? Exactly what I’m here for. Won’t distract me.
sunrises or sunsets:
Sunsets. Does anyone really like sunrises better who isn’t trying to hard? (don’t answer that, I think I have members of my own family who do). But I love the spontaneity of a good sunset. Being able to just glance out the window and see a wonder of nature while you’re cooking dinner or whatever is great. Also sunsets are warmer.
honey or lemon:
Honey. It’s just so pretty and a unique color and watching it drip down all viscus and smooth...
coffee or tea:
I actually don’t drink coffee, so this is a pretty obvious tea. But I especially like herbal teas in the winter because they’re hot and just holding the mug is comforting and warms your up, but they don’t have all the sugar and richness of hot chocolate so they feel refreshing too.
enemies to lovers or friends to lovers:
Seeing as my favorite ship dynamic is “1000% committed to each other forever and no matter what + Mutual Awe/Respect” and THEN a dose of “Wait, what, you like me back????” I am definitely a friends to lovers girl. Honestly, stories that skip of the establishing deep friendship part often just feel off to me.
I don’t really like enemies to lovers if they’re actual enemies. But like, mutual irritants to lovers? “I started out annoyed with you but now we’ve gotten to know each other and oh crap, I think I have a crush”? THAT I can get behind.
rainy days or sunny days:
Sunny for sure. I don’t like when the sky feels too close and confining when it’s raining. And I just need the sunlight to feel like...awake and like a human haha. But I do like a big, powerful thunderstorm with warm rain. Unfortunately, we don’t get those where I live now. Just cold rain storms that feel like spikes of ice.
jupiter or mars:
SATURN. This answer is informed entirely by 3 year old me who read a “our solar system” book and immediately started making up fanfic about it  got really into the solar system and cemented Saturn as my favorite planet. I was really angry as a 3 year old that Jupiter beat out Saturn as the biggest planet, so Jupiter is forever on my “bad” list. And Mars is just dry and boring. No, I have not updated my opinions since I was 3 years old.
aphrodite or athena:
Athena, obvs. Most my life, my goal has been 1) be the smartest person in the room and 2) know EVERYTHING. I’ve only recently learned the value of say...be kind. Which is actually FAR more important, but I still really like knowledge and learning everything I can.
Also, I love pretty and beautiful things, but sex and romantic love aren’t really my thing haha
rome or greece:
I’ve always gravitated a bit more towards Greece. Rome feels just too bureaucratic and “rigorous engineering” to me. I like the more open ended science-y and artsy vibe of Greece. But then, I’m a woman so I’d probably hate actually being in either ancient society. Instead I’ll just study it from a nice, safe, several centuries distance.
sun or moon:
Oooo, both are good but probably the sun. It has so much COLOR to it and so many interesting properties and mysteries (How is the corona so hot? What exactly cause sun spots? What’s up with the magnetic field). And like again...COLOR. Did you know that the element helium is named about helios because it was first discovered as mysterious lines in the spectrum of the sun. We didn’t find helium on earth until much later. Spectroscopy is awesome.
1920s or 1990s:
well I existed in the 1990s, so clearly that makes the 90s much better. Also, I never quite got what was the appeal and glamour of the 1920s. I will say the 20s fashion is better than the 90s fashion so there is that.
blizzard or thunderstorm:
Oh boy. So blizzards SOUND cool, but then it’s cold and I think about having to DRIVE in the blizzard because this is Colorado and what, you think we’re going to close for a silly little thing like snow? The after effects of the blizzard, when it gets all quite like it only can when there’s lots of snow, and the streets have cleared off enough but most the snow is still untouched? That is much better. And sorta magical. Although still cold.
I...think I like thunderstorms. I did as a kid, but it’s been a while since I’ve seen a good one. Also high winds freak me out now, which is new. Idk why.
midnight memories or made in the am:
[googles] Ooooooh, so these are One Direction albums? Uh....I’m trying to think of what One Direction songs I like, but I’m only thinking of That’s What Makes You Beautiful which kinda annoys me these days so idk
sage green or vanilla white:
...are these more albums? Screw it, sage green. Although not my favorite shade of green, it is my second favorite color so there.
folklore or lover:
Like the Taylor Swift albums, right? Honestly, for a while I couldn’t get into lover, but I listened to folklore for like a month straight. betty made me literally stop the car to listen because “wait. is this about what I think it is??? is it?????” I also really like cardigan, and I listened to seven on repeat for weeks.
But I recently--like just two weeks ago--started to listen to lover, and I like it too. The Man is just on POINT. I like the miss americana song and nice to have a friend. 
Really, it just depends on the mood. Lover is more peppy and bubbly, and folklore is more low key, almost melancholy, and little waves lapping at the beach.
told you my taste is basic
croissant or macaroon:
Croissant. I like the idea of macaroons, but I haven’t really loved them in practice. On the other hand, flaky conduit for butter and carbs?? Sign me up!
ballgowns or pantsuits:
I would LOVE a ballgown if I had a place to wear it to. Why do we have fancy things to dress up for anymore? I want swishy and curvy and soft fabric and jewels.... 
I can not honestly see myself ever wearing a pantsuit.
hades or zeus:
I’m pretty hooked on Lore of Olympus right now, so Hades. But then, even in the source material, all the gods are jerks but Zeus makes them look like model citizens, so definitely Hades. 
platonic love or sensual love:
[squints] “sensual love...” is this an allo thing??
Ahem. Platonic love. Emotional connection. That’s what I’m all about. I want it SO BAD and to see it portrayed in deep, loving detail in movies and books ALL THE TIME. Also, theoretically I like the idea of like cuddling and hugs, but some of my family really HATE it, so I find it hard to be touching someone and not worry they’re hating it or that I’m invading their space.
light academy or cottagecore:
I....what? I have no idea what this is. Is this a home aesthetic?
Fun fact: despite considering myself a fairly artistic person, I SUCK at interior design. I try and I don’t know what it is, but I am SO BAD at it. If someone could decorate my room/house to look better than if a 9 year old went at it, I would so grateful and it would a VAST improvement. 
please help me
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peaceisadirtyword · 6 years
Birthday surprise (Ivar/Reader)
A/N: Hello!💜 This is a small fic I wrote for @cbouvier23 birthday!💕I’m very late lol, but anyway, happy birthday and I hope y’all like it. I had this idea a few weeks ago but I didn’t have the chance to write it until now, it probably is rushed and not very well written, but I'm trying my best♥️
Btw, thanks for all the comments and messages, I will try to reply to all of them soon😘 and I still have some fics to read! I hope I can reply all the comments and read all the fics you’ve tagged me in tomorrow morning!
Warnings: Smut, Ivar is not a very good husband, reader feels neglected but... 😈 I love Thora and Hvitserk.
Words: 2025 (this was supposed to be a 1000 words fic)
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gif belongs to @multi-fandomations
Ivar never forgot anything when it came to you. 
You should have known better, but you underestimated him, though you had your motives.
And there you were now, paying for it in the bed under him, moaning loudly with his hand on your throat, choking you. 
Since he became king of Kattegat, you had been feeling a bit neglected. You got it, those were hard times, he was still looking for Lagertha, Björn and Ubbe and he needed to work hard to gain the trust and respect of the people. But you hardly saw your husband, and that annoyed you. 
Of course he still had those small details that assured you that he knew you were still there, like making you sit on his lap during the feasts, caressing your hand softly as you sat next to him, with your head on his shoulder, watching him look at numerous papers and maps, tracing new plans.
Or those times when he came to bed in the middle of the night, grunting and breathing heavily due the pain on his legs and the tiredness. Ivar would rub his beautiful eyes and yawn before looking at you, asleep on your side of the bed, but facing his side and with one hand under his pillows, as if you were waiting for him to join you. He'd kiss your forehead softly and smile as you moved in your sleep, then he would lie down next to you, under the warm furs, and hug your cold body, which would immediately relax between his arms.
You heard him get up every single morning. As soon as the firsts rays of sunlight lightened up the room, Ivar abandoned the bed, leaving you alone again. 
You were proud of him, how could you not? He had managed to become one of the most powerful men in all Scandinavia, and he was already as famous as his father. He was known for his smart strategies and plans, and everyone admired him. 
But sometimes you wished he wasn't king. You watched some other couples with envy, sitting on your throne as Ivar chatted away with his men, drinking and laughing. He would stay there for hours, listening to his people, and when he turned around again, you would have left already, too bored. 
You sometimes wished to have a relationship like Hvitserk's and Thora's. He seemed completely devoted to her, and she looked so happy... During one of your long walks with Thora (who had become one of your closest friends in Kattegat), she had told you Hvitserk and her made love every night and every morning, that he woke her up with kisses and every time he had to be away from her for a few hours, he would kiss her lovingly and tell her how much he would miss her. 
You, on the contrary, couldn't remember when was the last time Ivar kissed you. 
You remember the last time you both had sex, though, and it repeated in your mind every single night, when you were laying all alone on your bed, touching your body with your own hands as you missed your husband. It had been on his new throne, after a feast. There was people still on the hall, most of them already passed away and the rest too drunk to notice what was happening. You had rode him for almost two hours, and didn't even try to hide your screams. Of course Ivar smirked the whole time, and took his time pleasuring you with his fingers and his cock. 
Maybe you should have talked to him, but you didn't want to make him angry or sad you knew how important was Kattegat... You couldn't risk the well being of an entire city only to have your husband for yourself for a few hours!
But would I risk it, though? Would it hurt if he took a free day and spent it with me in bed, making love and maybe conceiving a prince or a princess? 
Though you must admit, that day it hurt even more. 
Ivar left even earlier that morning. And you woke up a few hours later, when the sun was already up and you could hear the noises and screams from the people in the streets. 
A bit disappointed, you let the thralls braid your hair in a different way than they used to, put on a new dress Ivar had bought for you a fortnight ago, with brilliant colors and fine material. It was made in a very distant land, and the cheerful colors made your eyes stand out. You had been waiting for an especial occasion to wear it for the first time, knowing Ivar would like it. 
But when you got to the great hall, he wasn't there either. 
You tried to hide your disappointment as you greeted Thora, who came early to give you a beautiful new bracelet as a birthday gift. You had breakfast with her, a bit more cheerful when she proposed you to go to the beach for a walk. 
You were very glad Hvitserk found her.
Your husband's brother came in when you had already finished your breakfast, and hugged you so tightly you almost fell back.
"Happy birthday, little sister!" He said with a big smile, making you laugh as he lifted you up. 
"Thank you, Hvitserk" you smiled back at him.
"Ah, you look beautiful" he winked at you caressing your hair as he smiled "I still remember when you were a little girl, too small and too nervous, running before me and my brothers" he sighed "And now look at you, a grown woman, married to the brother she hated the most and the new queen of Kattegat"
"I'm younger than you and I've done more things" you smirked, winking at him.
Hvitserk rolled his eyes and Thora laughed, grabbing his arm and kissing him softly. 
Your smile faded immediately, and you looked away from them, only smiling again when you saw Ivar entering the hall, grunting as he walked with his crutch. 
"Hello" you smiled at him, waiting for him to maybe kiss you and wish you a happy birthday. 
Ivar didn't smile back, he only kissed your cheek and asked you;
"Do you have any plans for today?"
Before you could even answer, shocked to hear he hadn't remembered your day, Thora spoke.
"I thought we could go to the beach and spend the day in there, right, Y/N?" She smiled widely, and you managed to smile back though you wanted to cry. 
"Good idea" Ivar shrugged "It's sunny today... I'm going to rest a bit" he frowned, touching his leg. 
"Okay..." You bit your lip. Should you stop him before he left and tell him he was forgetting something? 
That he was forgetting about you.
Thora comforted you that day, and she managed to make you smile a few times, as you told her embarrassing stories about Ivar and Hvitserk when they were children. 
You ended up spending more time than you intended on the beach with her, and you had almost forgotten the disappointment of that morning when you went back to the great hall. 
But when you entered your room, wanting to maybe take a bath and relax for the evening, you found something you certainly didn't expect. 
There was an enormous table just in front of the bed. It was full of plates, with your favorite food in them. The room was illuminated by some candles and the thralls had changed the furs on the bed. 
You gasped, your heart beating faster and faster and your lips curved in a small smile. 
"Ivar" you whispered.
"Did you truly believe I would forget your birthday?" His voice came from a darkened corner on the room, and you bit your lip when he approached you, with his crutch in hand "I could never"
"You seemed so busy lately..." You didn't even tried to hide your happiness "I wouldn't have blamed you"
Ivar sighed softly, his blue eyes were fixed on yours, and his expression was relaxed. He wasn't King Ivar anymore, he was just Ivar, your Ivar. 
"What did I do to deserve you?" When he was close enough to you, he  reached to cup your face with his warm hand "My queen, I've been the worst husband in the world, haven't I?" 
"You haven't" you smiled, touching softly the hand that cupped your cheek with your fingers "I understand you have things to do"
"That's not an excuse" he leaned into you, pressing his forehead to yours "Please, forgive me"
"You're forgiven" you nodded, already hypnotized by his amazing eyes on yours.
Ivar kissed you. Oh, how you had missed his soft lips against yours, his taste, his passion... 
He grabbed your neck and kissed you until both of you were out of breath. You panted against his lips, your eyes still closed. 
"I hope you're hungry" he muttered, a mischievous smile on his lips. 
You didn't really eat a lot of food. 
Your body needed him, desperately, and you didn't even try to hide how much you wanted to touch him, to feel his hands on you again.
Ivar couldn't resist much more either. 
Soon, you were naked, moaning and screaming with his tongue against your clit and his fingers buried deeply in your sex, curling at the rhythm of his tongue's movements. 
Your hands were on his braided hair, and your hips moved against his mouth and his hand. His eyes fixed on you, studying your movements, the moans and sighs of pleasure that left your parted lips, even how you screamed when he bit softly on your clit and curled his fingers at the same time. He smirked every time you moaned his name. 
You came on his mouth, and he licked all the juices that rolled down your inner thighs. 
Then his lips traced a pattern on your skin, starting on your lower belly and continuing on your breasts, collarbone, neck and lips. You could taste yourself on his tongue, and it was the sweetest taste in the world. 
You tried to unbutton his trousers, wanting to return the favor, but Ivar didn't let you. 
Tonight is all about you, my queen.
He made you cum again, only with his fingers, with his forehead pressed against yours and his lips parted, looking at you amazed. Looking at you moaning his name in pleasure was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. 
Then he thrusted into you. 
You gasped and moaned in surprise, immediately moving your hips against his. Oh how much you had missed that feeling. His thick cock stretching your warm walls, hitting that secret spot just right, hearing his grunts and deep moans into your ear as his fingers caressed your neck. 
He started slow and passionate, enjoying every single sound and move you did. But Ivar lost control pretty easily. How could he not when he saw you throwing your head back? With your beautiful neck exposed, untouched... 
When his hand closed around your neck, you moaned again, and your walls clenched around him even more, making him growl and thrust even harder. 
"I can't believe you thought I would forget your birthday, Y/N" he sounded hurt, panting on your ear.
"I'm sorry" you managed to say, though it was difficult to focus when he was fucking you so good. 
It was the best birthday present you could ever ask for. 
When you came for the third time, you sobbed his name, your nails dug on his shoulders, scratching his back. Your walls tightened around his cock, making him hiss as he let go of your neck and grabbed your hips, thrusting even faster until he came too, his warm seed coating your walls. 
Both of you kissed again, this time the kiss was sloppy, but intense. Ivar bit your lip softly before breaking the kiss. 
"Rest a bit" he muttered, smirking when he saw your eyes closing involuntarily "I will tell the thralls to prepare a bath" he kissed your forehead "For the both of us"
Tags: @mblaqgi @alicedopey @lol-haha-joke @hallowed-heathen @ivarslittlebadgirl @naaladareia @tephi101 @captstefanbrandt @love-hate-love @titty-teetee @readsalot73 @moondustmemories @thevikingsheaux @therealcalicali @chimera4plums @blushingskywalker @awkwardfangirl02 @gruffle1 @justacripple @heartbeats-wildly @letsrunawaytotomorrow @inforapound @sallylebecks @cbouvier23
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nikolasfuturist · 7 years
Each week Nikolas Badminton, Futurist Speaker, summarizes the top-5 future looking developments and news items that I find to be inspiring, interesting, concerning, or downright strange. Each day he reads through dozens of blogs and news websites to find those things that we should be aware of.
In Future Trends – Printing Bricks from Moondust we look at printing bricks on the Moon, DARPA hacking the human brain, the changes in the job market, self-driving cars affecting pig production, and how electric vehicles ill mean fewer cars on the road.
Printing bricks from moondust using the sun’s heat
Bricks have been 3-D printed out of simulated moondust using concentrated sunlight – proving in principle that future lunar colonists could one day use the same approach to build settlements on the moon.
“We took simulated lunar material and cooked it in a solar furnace,” explains materials engineer Advenit Makaya, overseeing the project for ESA.
“This was done on a 3-D printer table, to bake successive 0.1 mm layers of moondust at 1000°C. We can complete a 20 x 10 x 3 cm brick for building in around five hours.”
As raw material, the test used commercially available simulated lunar soil based on terrestrial volcanic material, processed to mimic the composition and grain sizes of genuine moondust.
The solar furnace at the DLR German Aerospace Center facility in Cologne has two working setups. As a baseline, 147 curved mirrors focus sunlight into a high-temperature beam to melt the soil grains together. But the weather in northern Europe does not always cooperate, so the sun is sometimes simulated by an array of xenon lamps more typically found in cinema projectors.
The resulting bricks have the equivalent strength of gypsum, and are set to undergo detailed mechanical testing.
Read more at Phys.org
DARPA Is Planning to Hack the Human Brain to Let Us “Upload” Skills
In March 2016, DARPA — the U.S. military’s “mad science” branch — announced their Targeted Neuroplasticity Training (TNT) program. The TNT program aims to explore various safe neurostimulation methods for activating synaptic plasticity, which is the brain’s ability to alter the connecting points between neurons — a requirement for learning. DARPA hopes that building up that ability by subjecting the nervous system to a kind of workout regimen will enable the brain to learn more quickly.
Image courtesy of DARPA
Read more at Futurism
Theme 5: Jobs? What jobs? Technological forces will fundamentally change work and the economic landscape
“The combination of nanotechnology and AI will actually reduce the number and type of jobs (as we currently understand the term). I foresee significant economic, social, cultural turmoil over the coming 10 to 20 years, with millions of people thrown out of work – with little to no ‘official’ jobs available for them.
“Instead, the notions of a base living wage will continue to churn as a topic until eventually implemented. Automated vehicles yield the elimination of school bus drivers, truck drivers, taxi cab drivers, the purchase of cars themselves (as opposed to Uber-style access and ‘pay for time used’). This, in turn, impacts police forces (no speeding or parking tickets) as their revenue streams diminish, fewer ER doctors and nurses (as the number of accidents decline), massive change in the auto insurance companies and mechanisms. 3-D printing of structures (houses, apartments, boats, cars, etc.) yields massive layoffs in the construction and manufacturing industries. 3-D printing itself dramatically reduces the need for factories in China, Korea, etc., which in turn reduces the need for freighters plying the oceans (and the ones that are left will be autonomous with little to no crew). Nano-drones and robotic support for farming will dramatically modify (reduce) the number of people employed in the agriculture sector. The list goes on and on.
“So 60 to 80 million Americans alone will be thrown out of work in the next two decades. There is nothing the vast majority of these people can be trained on that will replace the income/work they do today. This just scratches the surface on the types of massive change coming.”
Read more at Pew Internet
Self-driving cars could affect pig production: futurist
With the growth in vegetarianism and the rise of laboratory-engineered meat substitutes, the future of hog production may lie as much in medical research as it does on the dinner plate, says a Canadian futurist.
Self-driving cars may become the catalyst for using pigs to create human organs, Nikolas Badminton told a packed house at Ontario’s London Swine Conference earlier this year.
Ninety people in the United States die each day in car accidents, and those deaths produce a significant number of the organs used in transplants.
Badminton said self-driving cars will eliminate this statistic and create a shortage of organs available for transplants.
To respond, researchers could turn to gene-editing technology already used by researchers at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, to create pigs resistant to PRRS (porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome) to alter pigs so they can grow human organs.
Controversy over the ethics could become a problem, but Badminton said that an organ availability crisis combined with acceptance of other technological advances, such as cloning, could change attitudes.
Read more at Western Producer
Self-Driving EVs Will Mean 200 Million Fewer Cars in U.S. by 2030, Study Claims
The next time you’re stuck in traffic, be sure to take a good look around you—because America’s roadways might look very different before you know it. A new study suggests that the advent of self-driving electric cars could initiate a massive change in the way transportation in the United States—and around the world—operates. Assuming regulators give autonomous vehicles the green light, that is.
The new report, conducted by independent research group RethinkX and released Thursday, suggests that within a decade of the governmental approval of self-driving road vehicles—or around the year 2030, by the group’s best guesstimate—95 percent of passenger miles traveled in the U.S. will be conducted in autonomous electric cars that can be summoned on demand, a laCruise Automation’s San Francisco Chevy Bolt. Those cars, the study says, will make up 60 percent of the vehicles on the road in America by that point. And since each of those shared self-driving EVs can replace multiple privately-owned cars, the study predicts the number of passenger vehicles on the road will fall precipitously—from about 247 million vehicles in 2017 to just 44 million.
Read more at The Drive
The post Future Trends – Printing Bricks from Moondust appeared first on Nikolas Badminton, Futurist Speaker.
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