#it is my personal headcanon that ray fell into the lake as soon as they reached it judging by the way his hair was wet and sand's wasn't
firstkanaphans · 1 year
I need something nice and sweet for SandRay, like maybe (V)acationing together for the first time *_* thank you
You mean like the absolute gift that was episode 9??? (I realize you sent this in days ago, but I’m using it as an excuse to write more about their camping trip. I figured you wouldn’t mind 😂) Word Count: 1180
[V]acationing together for the first time
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When Ray woke up, he was alone. For a second, he wasn’t even sure where he was, but then memories from the night before came back to him: the fight with Mew, the drive to Nakhon Nayok, the confrontation with Sand. He was, quite frankly, shocked that Sand had let him stay, but he y would be lying if he said he hadn’t slept better in his arms than he had in weeks. Now, the sun was up, the birds were chirping, and Sand and Nick were nowhere in sight. 
Ray sat up, stretched, and then made his way out of the camper. He half-expected Sand, Nick, and all of their supplies to be gone, but they weren’t. Instead, Sand was standing just a few steps away from the door, minding the grill where he had breakfast cooking. Ray was so surprised that he froze right there in the doorway, sure he must be hallucinating. The camper door slammed shut behind him and Sand looked up.
“Sleep well, Princess?” he drawled. He looked annoyed, but not angry. It was a start.
Ray threw his nose into the air, determined to act like he knew what he was doing, even though he didn't. “I did. Thank you for asking.”
Sand rolled his eyes. “Breakfast is almost done. Take a seat.”
Ray did as he was told and then looked around in search of Nick, but aside from the sounds of meat sizzling on the grill, birds chirping in the distance, and wind blowing through the trees, the campground was quiet. “Where’s Nick?” 
“Probably halfway back to Bangkok by now,” Sand answered, turning off the stove and portioning out two plates of food. He handed one to Ray and then sat down at the table next to him. 
“He left?” Ray asked. Sand nodded. Ray knew he should probably feel guilty about that, but he didn’t. He was happy to have Sand all to himself again. He took a large bite of his eggs and moaned at the taste. It had been a while since he had eaten.
For several minutes, the two of them ate in silence. Ray wanted to talk, but he didn’t know what to say. So he said nothing. The meal was over half-finished before Sand spoke.
“You shouldn’t have come here,” he said.
It wasn’t the reception Ray had been hoping for, but it was the one he had been expecting. He tried to hide the disappointment from his eyes. “It’s a public campground,” he said with a shrug.
“Yeah, but it’s not a public camper. You can’t just barge in on other people’s vacations like that, Ray. What were you thinking?”
“I was thinking,” Ray said, “that I wanted to see you.”
Sand scoffed. “Bit of a long way to drive for a booty call. Especially when you’ve already got Mew waiting for you back in Bangkok.”
Ray thought about explaining that Mew’s feelings for him weren’t sexual—that they hadn’t gotten anywhere near crossing that line—but he didn’t think it would help his case.
“Like I said,” he repeated through clenched teeth. “I wanted to see you.” 
If Ray was being honest, it had been more of a need than a want. He had been so stupid, trading what he had with Sand for a chance with Mew—a chance that had never been anything more than a farce. Mew didn’t want him; Mew wanted Top. Ray had known that and yet he’d pursued him anyway, even despite the feeling in his gut telling him that things had changed. That what he had always thought he wanted wasn't what he needed. And now, he was left with nothing.
After his fight with Mew, he’d craved Sand's presence with a desperation usually reserved for alcohol. He’d needed to see him to know that he hadn’t ruined everything. To convince himself that there was still a chance—no matter how slim—that happiness was waiting for him over the horizon.
“I’ve missed you,” he said because it was true and Sand deserved to know it.
Sand didn’t seem pleased by his words. “I haven’t gone anywhere,” he said.
“Yeah, but...things have changed.”
“And whose fault is that?”
It was Ray’s. Everything was always Ray’s fault. Maybe he should just go.
“Are you mad I’m here?” he asked.
Sand glared at him as if he found the question offensive. “You shouldn’t have come. It was too late for you to be driving up a mountain. It was dangerous and stupid and—”
“That’s not what I asked,” Ray interrupted him. “If you don’t want me here, I’ll leave.”
“Not without me, you won’t,” Sand argued. “With Nick gone, you’re my ride home.”
Ray rolled his eyes. Sand was way too smart to be this oblivious. “Sand. Please. Just answer the question: Are you mad at me?”
Sand took three deep breaths before answering. “I’m mad,” he said and Ray’s heart sank, “that I’m not mad.”
Ray smirked. Now that was more like it. “Really?”
“God, I fucking hate you, you know that?” Sand snapped, getting up and grabbing both of their plates to dispose of. 
“It’s kind of romantic out here, isn’t it?” Ray teased, ignoring him completely. “Almost like a date.”
Sand didn’t answer him as he scraped their leftover food into a garbage bag and tied it off. Ray maybe should have given him some space, but that seemed like such a waste when they were somewhere so lovely. He stood and snuck up behind him to wrap his arms around his waist. Sand froze.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Hugging you,” Ray explained unnecessarily. To his surprise, Sand let him for a solid ten seconds before he set the plates down and turned in his arms.
“I didn’t tell you you could hug me,” Sand pointed out. Ray wasn’t aware he needed to ask for permission.
“Thank you for breakfast,” he said and then lifted up onto his tiptoes. “I’m going to kiss you now.”
And he did, placing a single, chaste peck on Sand’s lips. When he pulled away, Sand was standing in front of him with his eyes closed as if maybe, just maybe, he had enjoyed the kiss too. Ray preened and when Sand opened his eyes and noticed, he pushed him away.
“Go get changed into something of mine,” he snapped, ushering Ray back towards the camper. “We’re going to the lake.”
That did not sound like fun at all. “Why? So you can drown me?”
“No. So I can enjoy the rest of my vacation that you so rudely interrupted. You coming or not?”
Although Ray would very much like to turn up his nose at the thought of touching nature, he didn’t have the luxury of saying no. If it would make Sand happy, he would do it. After all, he owed Sand a little bit of happiness after everything he had put him through.
For the Fluff Prompt ABCs
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lastluvbug · 4 years
If you don't mind, can i request some headcanons for Rook hunt (twst) where he falls in love with a fem Reader? How will he court her/confess to her? Thanks!
Ooh, this was so much fun to write!! Thanks for the wonderful ask, love!
He’s in Love! (Rook Hunt Headcanons)
When he first stumbled across you, he wasn’t very intrigued. Sure, it was interesting that you didn’t have any magical prowess, but other than that? You weren’t anything special, not like his jaw droppingly gorgeous Vil.
Or so he thought. When word spread of your triumphs against the overblotting students, he suddenly found spying on you his new hobby.
Though it wasn’t very often thanks to Epel’s continued escape tricks, Rook used his stealth as a trained hunter to watch you during classes, or sometimes following from a distance when you would be hanging out with your friends.
It really didn’t take long at all for him to start wishing for something more than this one sided distanced infatuation. Maybe you didn’t take care of your skin as you should’ve, maybe you didn’t apply your makeup as flawlessly as Vil, but once he saw your smile, none of that mattered.
That first time he watched you burst into laughter, it was as if the world had busted out into song. The sun shined just a little brighter, the sky was just a little bluer, and hey—are those birds actually singing? Your smile made his day so much better, and if it weren’t for your friends, he probably would’ve marched up and confessed right then and there.
“How magnificent...” he’d whisper later at dinner, the image still stuck in his mind. He’d probably stay up, past the time when he’d usually fall asleep, and risk forming bags under his eyes planning how he’d approach you. In the morning, he made use of that plan.
To say it was incredibly smooth would be a hilarious understatement. He practically swept you off your feet; showering you in dramatized compliments and escorting you from class to class.
And that... basically became your routine. He’d pick you up in the morning sporting one of two personalities. The first, kissing up to you in a singsong voice that made a blush tint your cheeks as you attempted to respond to his bouyant flattery. The second, being much, much calmer, would be him offering an arm and giving you a soft smile as he was oddly quiet, just taking in the scenery as he enjoyed your company.
It was only when Vil pointed out his troubles that he realized—he fell for you, the sunshine to balance his rain, and he didn’t even know it.
From that point on, he became careful with his words, savoring your twinkly laughter and the adorable blush you would wear whenever he teased or complimented you.
Rook’s way of confessing was... most certainly unique.
In the golden hour of the afternoon, he took your arm, and motioned for you to follow him. No words were shared, but little did you know, his heart was fluttering with a new kind of adrenaline that he’d never felt before. It was far off from the high he’d get from hunting, but rather, a nervous excitement he couldn’t do well to channel.
As he led you through the forest, highlighted by the yellow rays peeking through the canopy of thick branches and leaves overhead, he motioned for you to stop once you were a fair distance from campus. Pressing you close to his chest, he pointed to a secluded part of the forest, where, to your surprise and delight, a family of deer lay, unaware of the sudden guests they had to entertain.
He watched with bated breath as you smiled, a light blush powdered over his pale cheeks as the deer cuddled against one another, settling in for the night. “I have something else I’d like to show you, my beautiful little angel,” he’d whisper against your ear, taking your hand and pulling you away from the slumbering animals.
This time, he wasn’t afraid to make noise, pulling you by your hand as you both loudly laughed, exhilarated by the speed. Soon enough, as if you weren’t already panting, you found yourself absolutely breathless as you stood at the edge of a glade, a lake with too shimmery water and surrounded by plush grass sprinkled with wildflowers greeting you.
“What do you think, mon ange?” He’d ask, and when you reply by jumping into the field, he’d follow, feeling a hundred feet tall merely by your presence there.
Later, still bathed in the disappearing golden light of the sun and kneeled by the water’s edge, Rook would approach you, a cleverly weaved flower crown held in his hands.
“Maybe I haven’t know you for very long, ma belle, but I cannot help the songs that sing themselves in my heart when you are around! Gorgeous as the freshly bloomed flower, delicate as the dew on a blade of grass, and kinder than any soul before, would you make this lowly hunter a blessed king of the land by becoming my one true queen?” He’d ask in that tone that always made you giggle, placing the crown over your head as he kneeled.
Of course you said yes—who wouldn’t?
Positively glittering with joy, he’d sweep you into his arms, twirling you around and sending you into a fit of laughter as he himself grinned broadly. Once he set you down, he wasted not a single second before grabbing your chin and pulling you into a deep kiss that finally sealed your approval, running his fingers through your hair as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
He’d rest his forehead on yours, dipping you down low as if you were in a dance, before whispering to you in the light that colored him almost heavenly.
“Together, we shall make whole kingdoms envious of our love. There’s is no one more fair than the maiden I hold in my arms—you are the l’amour de ma vie, the love of my life. I am pleased to be yours, forever.”
Here we are! This was honestly so fun for me to create, especially since Rook Hunt has some of the best dialouge in the game.
I hope you enjoyed, and thanks for reading!! Thank you @blackstrawberrynightmare for my first headcanon request!
Stay lovely!!
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