#it is terriblé
thatsnotbuddies · 7 months
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@nhlflames: Do you believe aliens exist?
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autoplaysdigimon · 4 months
I think mobile gaming has made me actively worse at gaming in general??
Like, I'm playing Monster Hunter Now because it's pretty fun and sometimes you just gotta kill a dinosaur in the butt. The controls are: tap to attack, swipe to dodge. If you're far away from the target, tap to run up to it.
I'm replaying Kingdom Hearts because nobody ever said that I was an original motherfucker, and I find myself just mashing the attack button to run up to enemies. Like, come on, Sora, you know what I mean for you to do, don't just swing the keyblade at the air?????? Do better!
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justpinmeagainstawall · 11 months
Craziest thing you've done when you got desperately horny?
lük. I don’t wanna say 😭😩😂🙈 it was embarrassing 😭😂 and I am shy 💀 dm me or something 👉🏻👈🏻
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
Scoups don't you remember what happened to one (I don't remember the name srry XD) in the first episode. Now you have more context about its fate 😅🤡
I remember but I didn’t reminder the box thing….if there WAS a box thing LOL
Bro what a terrible fate
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teddykaczynski · 7 months
moving is so . terriblé
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flanbolt · 8 months
I had some nasty coffee and nasty ice creams and I have psycitrust appointmoint later today is starting terriblé
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Louieee eet is terriblé!!! My adderall! My adderall was not at la pharmacie! Zere is, zey said, un manque! What will I do, Louis? What will I do, now zat I am at ze mercy of my own mind? Ce putain de merde! I do not know ‘ow I will survive 😞
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gobackimhaunted · 1 year
the fact that there are some people whose favorite album is not speak now…..terriblé
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mndvx · 2 years
How many languages do you speak?
french and english, i lost all my german from middle school when i reached high school thanks to the most awful at her job teacher and dropped out of spanish class by my second year of high school bc i was just terriblé at it
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oawtor · 2 years
'²² 12th Winter Week.
I. Physical Pain 2, ou 4 Days Lasting?, ou The Stiff-necked Bleakness 2, ou Gnawing Sadness 2, ou The Gloom Drub 2, ou Too Much Pain, ou Hurrrrrrrrrting, ou Doendo Demais, ou P'ra Quê? — 4 set 2022, domingo.
1. You have to read journals, okay? Somerall. 3. Foroday: Bufê 🥈; 2E 🥇; 2B 🥈. 4. Dor. 5. Foromorrow: Bufê 🥈; 2E 🥇; N4 🥈.
II. The Day Today, ou One for Another — 5 set 2022, segunda.
1. Yeah. 2. Foromorrow: Bufê 🥈; 2E 🥇; N4 🥉. At the N4, nuggets and farofa. And don't forget to pay the bills and cut the hair. Analyse shopping too. 3. Watching this... →
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III. And the Pain Goes on 2, ou 2 Days Lasting?, ou Runaway 2, ou Shifting Cockroaches, ou Too Much Pain 2, ou Ruins 2 — 6 set 2022, terça.
1. ... 2. Im sad. Again. But aroknow if the reason is the same ofolways. Quer dizer, I think that have to some a ver com os insetos of course. They don't stand their existence. So. Forever. Sadness forever. Porque nada está como deveria. Yuno? Coisas boas, paz. Nada disso. Sujeira. Cansaço. Atividades incompletas. Não sei o que fazer. 3. Aroknow. I don have money iuno? To redecorate all the stuff. Weller. Wellerer. Enfim. Triste, como sempre. And the 80s? Right. There is a pearl... Yeah. Sad, anyway. Because I don't get what makes me happy. And what makes me happy? A beautiful life. And what is a beautiful life? Just this. Beauty. For what? Agrada aos olhos. And? And nada. Depois dos olhos... estarem felizes. I will equipar each coisa. And... nada. As coisas estão equipadas. I will love. And... I will live. Beleza. Recurso. Amor. Weird. 4. Medals: Bufê 🥈; 2E 🥇; H17 🥉.
IV. Sad, for Instance, ou Hollow Heart 2, ou Onze Medalhas de Prata — 7 set 2022, quarta.
1. Im sad because I cant do all of I want to do in a day. Its terriblé. :(. I want more time. E que o sol se ponha somente às 32h. That'll be awesome. Waiting for this to happen. Infelizmente o Sol não vai parar para sempre. Com essa duração. 2. Im sad. Point. Não dá. Não dá. Sei que tem muita alegria para mim na frente. Mas a dor é grande. Não poder ter essas horas totais é doloroso demais. Mas enfim... Vamos pensar um pouco. Hum... Tá. Não quero gastar com livros. Tenho muito o que ler. A não ser que eu faça PSLs e encaixe de tudo um pouco. Para não ficar nessa obrigação de ler o que tenho. But it's not an obligation. It's a enfim. Enfim. Não sei. Melhor fazer PSLs. E a primeira será A Paleta Azul de Gregory Dörff, com 11 livros. Cada livro deverá ter as seguintes cores predominantes na capa: Amarelo; Azul; Branco; Cinza; Laranja; Marrom; Preto; Rosa; Roxo; Verde; Vermelho. Sendo que o Azul deve ser o volume mais grosso. 3. But it would be better if I read just the way what I havor to readder. Quer dizer, Agatha. Mas principalmente o que eu já tenho. É muita coisa... mas acho que posso ir encaixando o que leio nas PSLs. 4. Foromorrow Medals: H17 🥉; 2E 🥇; H15 🥉.
V. Ruins III, ou Runny Nose 4 — Again?, ou No Love, but Sadness and Hurt, ou Physically Smashed, Trodden, ou A Broken Life — 8 set 2022, quinta.
1. Dor. Saudade. Dor. Dor. 2. Im bad. 3. What I gonna do now? Theres nothing. :(((((. 4. I really want to buy SdA, but well... I have muito p'ra ler. Still saddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. 5. How? 6. A falta de amor quebra a minha vida. E a sua. A tristeza é a dor da alma. Se há tristeza, algo não vai bem em seu ser. Ele está quebrado. Algo o está quebrando. Localize esse algo. 7. Enquanto você estiver quebrado, sua vida continuará quebrando. 8. Medalhas: 2E 🥇; H15 🥉; G3 🥈. 9. Notei que os motivos da tristeza variam no decorrer dos dias. Humm... Às vezes é amor ou a casa ou something else... Mas o que me entristece num dia não me entristece no outro. De qualquer forma, hoje o ensinamento foi sobre a vida quebrada e o quanto ela é inevitável... Okay. But e agora? Amanhã por certo haverá outro ensinamento. Vamos aguardar. Com muita tristeza, é claro. Não há o que fazer. Simples assim. É ficar triste e esperar as pérolas. Em suma, é isso. E preservar os 80. Como aprendido antes. Tudo se reúne aqui. Basicamente, nos últimos dias, Deus me deu três pérolas: os 80, a D/D e agora a quebra.
VI. Stilly — 9 set 2022, sexta.
1. Okay, o dia começou light. I miss Derry, right? Okay. I read Acts 18. And saw A Parada. And I have studied a pic of English. And that's it. At's so greatten. Ogah. Humm... Wellever. Humm... Now just digest. O que me lembra de ler REVISTAS!!! Please, right??? Look at that, Williams! Owrite? Huh. Ogah. Humm... Ogah. I have the roupa and the stove right away. And shopping a lot away. Buy meats and all. See the jars. And buy the cookies or wellever. The feijão enall. 2. Aronow how I gat the gadger that I have. Well, there's the compolo. And the mixture. But not mine money erall. So. I need deodorizer. Humm... And that's it. Until I can remember. Xampu it's okay. Sabonete, preciso. For now. But I can't posso sair gastando. Se não, vou precisar. Não sei... Enfim. Não quero sair gastando. Então não vou. Porém there are coisas para gastar. Tipo. O lanche no DF. E aí? É uma tarefa a ser quitada. Quitarei? Ou não? É o tipo de tarefa que se cumpre sozinha, sem eu precisar me esforçar. Pois tem uma data específica. No mais, nada é muito urgente. 3. Thereare too much magazines inthere iuno? Humm... Aronow. I think Im gonna pass this out. Humm... É. So what now? Maybe check The Spheres. 4. I have so much to buyrer iuno? But I will not enlist everything yuno? Just wellever. Amin, coisas. O tempo não é preciso. O recurso não é preciso. O amor não é preciso? Não 15. Não é assim que tem que ser. Tem que ser tudo na ordem de Deus, que é sempre perfeita. Cada coisa em seu tempo. Muito melhor. Com calma. Relaxadamente. Tranquilamente. Tranquilamente. Tranquilamente. →
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→ A lot of pearls right here. Just collecting them... for a future usage. 5. Okay, I'm just sentindo uma falta. Mas que falta é essa? Não sei. Estranho. Vou seguir As Esferas. É melhor. Want to see some horror movie. 6. I need rings urgently. 7. In fact, I can wait for all of the things I say I want or need... Enfin. Já são 12h02. E tenho de me deitar. Mas estou um pouco cheio. E já vejo que isso será um problema. Acho melhor comer bem na Comida e incluir a Ceia nela. Se não, vou ter que ficar esperando a digestão. Não dá. Ogah? Ver isso. Mas é quase certo. Foromorrow: Leitura 🥇; Vídeo 🥉; Transmissão 🥈.
VII. Startled Sneezes, ou Hollow Heart 3 — 10 set 2022, sábado.
1. Im just a little sad. And the reason is the same of always. But Im not derrubado. Mas simplesmente empty. I wosh produce something. I know I am collecting dera, but... Mão na massa. 2. Don't forget to pay the water bill na Monday. 3. Medals foromorrow: 2E 🥇; H12 🥈; G2 🥈.
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weyrleaders · 2 years
air conditioner went out at like 5 am (its death throes woke me up however i didnt know that’s what had happened just that it made a Racket) so i only got like four hours of sleep because it got too hot for me to be comfy and i feel, as the kids say, terriblé
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franken-mailman · 2 years
Nothing reminds me of my mother [terriblé]
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candidcanine · 4 years
true pain is staring at an 8k+ word fic draft and knowing that you're 99.9999999% certain you won't finish it by the time it's supposed to be posted
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shibaraki · 3 years
Long distance relationship with Oikawa HCs
I saw bea (@yujikuna) post that the HC she hates most is that oikawa would cheat once he got to Argentina n I agree so here’s a lil something. Having been in a LDR before this is kinda from experience. And it’s SFW!
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Scheduled video calls and dates. He has yet to ever miss one or be late to one. Sometimes you’ll cook together, or watch a movie or sci fi documentary together, sometimes you might end up simply talking to each other for hours. On the odd occasion that you fall asleep on camera, he doesn’t hang up, he props his phone up on his dresser facing him and lies down with you.
Texts you updates all throughout the day. Sends you pictures of everything he’s doing along with selfies of himself and his friends. Always signs them with “it would be better if you were here” or “I miss you”
Voice notes too. He has an alarm for when he knows you’ll be waking up so he always makes sure to send you a (looong) good morning voice note (usually 5 to 10 minutes and you listen to it while you brush your teeth). There are others too that are mostly spontaneous, sometimes the team takes his phone and sends you memos, but mostly you get them when he’s drunk and missing you more than usual. He’s all choked up and snivelling and whiny, it’s so adorable and it makes your heart ache. He even sang to you once — you saved it (and he will never forgive you for it)
You’re his phone background and his laptop background, he even has a keyring with your photo in it… he’s obnoxiously in love with you and wants everyone to know about it. Wants everyone to know about you.
Shows people pictures of you all the time. If someone hits on him he finds some way to worm your name into the conversation, flashing them a selfie you had sent him earlier. “Aren’t they gorgeous?” He’ll grin proudly, instead of saying ‘I wouldn’t look twice at you. Look what I have waiting for me at home’.
Sporadic ‘I’m so in love with you’ ‘I can’t wait to see you again’ ‘I miss you so badly’ ‘you’re my favourite person’ ‘I’m so lucky to have you’ texts littered throughout the day. He’s so scared you might doubt him, or forget, or find someone else while he’s away. “That’s impossible, baby,” you reassure him. “I’ll never find anyone else like you”
Care packages. You send them to each other, he receives all his favourite sweet things, some masks, some of his favourite drinks, hand written letters from family, things like that. You receive some foods you’ve never tried, some little trinkets that made him think of you, a gift or two for his family, once he even sent a t shirt in a zip lock bag along with his favourite cologne. “I wore it all weekend, did it still smell like me?!” It did. You sprayed the cologne on your pillow.
Even though the care packages should be enough, Tooru is a romantic at heart. When he’s walking through the market and sees a pretty postcard he can’t resist writing a little love letter on it and sending it to you.
Because of time zones each of you has two birthdays and Tooru is determined to treat it as such. That means twice of everything - twice as many gifts, cards, calls and posts on social media.
He spent his first pay check on a pair of those expensive bond touch bracelets, one for you one for him, and you both cried over Skype the first time you used them. When you’re wearing them it’s three taps to say I love you.
Your favourite bar has an app for table service. Whenever you’re there with your friends he buys you a round of drinks.
As something to do together you learn Spanish alongside him, often attempting to speak it to each other on calls and giving each other ‘homework’ to do. Naturally because he’s immersed in it he learns it quicker, but he enjoys tutoring you. Gets so excited when you start stringing sentences together, especially when you can respond when his teammates are greeting you over his shoulder.
Surprise trips. He always tries to come home for New Years, but he has surprised you on your birthday before. Likewise you have surprised him for your anniversary, something you made happen with some help from his team.
He misses you desperately but finds himself falling even more in love with you because of how supportive and proud you are of him. He had been so worried you’d end it when he told you he was moving to Argentina, but the thought never even crossed your mind. He trusts you implicitly and you trust him. He vows to you that one day soon all this yearning will be worth it.
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tooquirkytolose · 2 years
I don't think I've ever actually sent in an ask before, which is a crime and a half since you're like,, probably my favourite account that I follow. So anyway I just wanted to let you know that I think you're so creative. Every comic has such a unique story, your characters and themes are so genuinely interesting and compliment each other brilliantly, not to mention your art is really nice to look at. I don't know how you do it but I admire it greatly and am infinitely glad I stumbled upon your account this year because it's been such a joy to follow!
I do this everytime i make a comic tbh
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rhellireda · 3 years
this game so far is what I imagine sex with a man is like: constant build up with no finish
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