#it keeps me up at night I NEED IT SDAS
spicyliumang · 8 months
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For the love of everything RGG drop a HD version of this render right NEOW ‼️
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readwithkath · 6 months
2023, November 8
When I am alone in the crevasses of the night. I always wonder if my introversion is a choice or a result of deep loneliness. I would wonder if me being an introvert is a measure of my maturity or a measure of all the times I've been socially worn down and rejected. Do I like being quiet, or did I just get tired of nobody listening to me? Do I like to be alone, or do the people who surround me just make me feel alone? I recently learned to love my own company and I think I'm a great person that sometimes I find peace by myself but is this a genuine desire or out of necessity? 
I remember I was 7 when my dad told me how friendly I am because I could easily strike up a conversation with anyone. Since then, I have always seen myself in that way. But how come I grew up having no friends? I have lived my entire elementary and highschool days having no genuine friends. I was that kid who was never invited to slumber or birthday parties. I am the child who eats lunch alone. I am that student who never excelled in academics so I was always left out when it comes to groupings. My classmates would always invite me out of pity or when they needed me because they knew I was the most skilled artist among our batch. I would always volunteer to do all of the things related to art. I would work so hard because if I didn’t I know they would kick me out and talk back behind me because I’m stupid. 
In grade 6, I finally found someone who I thought was my best friend. We write stories together, watch anime, and finally I have someone to eat lunch with. School life became fun because of her. But after the school year ended, she started eating lunch with a different group because we were placed in different sections. I feel betrayed and hurt every time I see her laughing with her new friends. I felt that she got bored with me because I have no friend group and she was all I have. Who would want to be friends with a lonely person? 
Since then, I would spend most of my breaks at the library. I honestly have no idea where I belong when I go to school. I was just a "floater" I never belonged to any friend group. I was always the "extra". I think the library is the only place that can justify why someone can be alone. I have no one I can talk to, so I would just read a book and imagine I was the main character and it’s friends are my imaginary friends too. People have no idea why I love to read. They don’t know that I feel the happiest and loved from books more than what I experienced from people in life. I already feel lonely at school, what more when I go home? I would always go home to an empty home. My parents are always too busy and unavailable. I was also never close with my siblings. And now that I’m an adult, my siblings moved out to live independently and my parents always come home late because of work. I spend most of my time alone and it really makes me feel lonelier than before. 
My loneliness even became more evident in college. I made some friends and for the first time I have something I can call my very own friend group. But the very same group disbanded as soon as we got separated and put into different blocks. I was desperate to keep us together because they were all I have but the very same friends easily made new friends with their new blockmates, and I was replaced and forgotten. Why do people always treat me like that? Like I’m replaceable and a nobody? How come they never missed me just like how I missed them? I would always invite them out for lunch to keep our connection but they would always cancel for their other friends. Paano ako? Hindi ba din ako friend? Do I need to kneel and beg for their time? I would never forget that one time I cried while eating alone at SDA Caf missing those friends I loved but never loved me and how I was forced to eat alone in the restroom on the 12th floor because once again, I felt that I never belonged anywhere. 
People always ask me what’s my definition of friends? To be honest, I don’t know what to say because I feel like I never really had one. I never had a friend who works hard to stay connected with me. Who would chat me to ask how I am, how was my day or share their interests with me. It was ALWAYS me who needs to reach out to them and ask to hangout. And because it’s ALWAYS me, I have no reassurance if they see me as their friend too. So when these people asks me what’s my definition of friend, I would say someone who’s there for me or who chats me. They would disregard it and say for them a friend is someone they don’t chat every day bla bla bla. THEY DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT I FEEL. ALL THEY THINK ABOUT IS THEIR DEFINITION OF FRIEND BUT NOT MINE. How come no one tries to understand or see how tired I am of seeing them not putting an ounce of effort to connect with me? Why is it always me who needs to do things for them? They don’t understand how I feel lonely and that I need them! They expect me to be a low maintenance friend BUT I CAN’T when I never had a real friend and not a single friend stayed with me even if we lose connection! 
I would never understand what it feels like to have a friend. I strongly believe that friendship is something you have to EARN and not freely given. I also believe that LOVE is something that needs to be earned because no one has ever loved me freely. To have friends, I would let people use my talent so I can be useful for them in school projects. I would buy my friends expensive gifts like Kpop albums, clothes, or anything they desire. I would give it to them in hopes they will keep our friendship and will not think I’m worthless because I know deep in my heart that I will always be replaceable. But every freaking time they meet new friends, I am always left in the past and forgotten. 
So it HURTS. It really hurts that MY FIRST AND LONG TIME FRIEND will use my pain to hurt me. I was losing my mind because I don’t understand why he felt so distant. He would ignore me in chat for weeks because he is "busy" but when we hang out in real life he would ignore me and is ALWAYS in his phone chatting every damn person who is chatting him besides me. He would also always mention this new “girl” friend to me, he would compare me to her and how he would recommend anime to her while she recommended books to him. NOT ONCE IN OUR 8 YEAR FRIENDSHIP HE DID SOMETHING LIKE THAT TO ME. HE NEVER RECOMMENDS ANIME TO ME DESPITE ME RECOMMENDING A HUNDRED BOOKS TO HIM, I EVEN FREAKING DOWNLOADED BOOKS FOR HIM BUT WALA. HE NEVER SHARED ANYTHING TO ME. No matter how many times I recommend books to him he won't read but this new girl can make him read a book that I've been telling him for a long time! I would ask him what he learned from what he reads but he wouldn't say anthing YET HE WOULD TELL IT TO ANY GIRL FRIENDS HE HAS IN ALABANG. WHY IS HE UNFAIR? He never shared anything about him nor joked around me but he jokes around other people. WHY IS HE DIFFERENT WITH ME? I HATE HIM. I REALLY HATE WHAT HE MADE ME FEEL. HE MADE FEEL WORTHLESS. Of course I would get jealous and emotional when I’m being treated like a nobody! I treated him like my closest friend and I would share all of these things to him yet you know what he did God???? HE TALKED TO HIS OTHER FRIENDS ABOUT OUR CLOSENESS AND MET UP WITH ME TO TALK ABOUT DISTANCING. IS THIS THE ONLY THING HE KNOWS? DISTANCING? WHEN I ALREADY TOLD HIM I FELT HE WAS DISTANT HE WANTS TO DISTANCE MORE? AND HE FAVORED AND LISTENED MORE TO HIS NEW FRIENDS? AGAIN?
BUT Why Lord? Why does my friends love their other friends more than me???? WHY WOULD NO ONE LISTEN TO ME? What is it that they have that I don't??? What is wrong with me? I gave them expensive gifts! Put so much effort in giving. I’ve always been there for them but why was I never enough???? Why are my feelings and words so meaningless to them but they would listen to other people but not me? I hate myself! 
BAKIT GANUN LORD. WHY ARE THE PEOPLE DECIDING THINGS FOR ME. DECIDING TO REPLACE ME. DECIDING TO USE ME. DECIDING TO WHEN TO BE DISTANT FROM ME. WHY DON’T I HAVE ANY SAY. WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO ADJUST? WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO SACRIFICE? WHY DO THEY KEEP PUSHING ME AWAY? JUST WHY LORD? I JUST WANTED TO BE THEIR FRIEND. AM I TOO MUCH?? I REALLY HATE EVERYONE AROUND ME. I HATE THEM WITH ALL MY LIFE. I DON’T WANT TO HAVE FRIENDS ANYMORE. I GAVE UP AND NO LONGER DREAM OF HAVING ONE. I hate that I have to agree with everything they say about our friendship! I hate that I have to forced myself to be okay when they couldn’t spend time with me. I hate that I had to forced myself to be quiet because my stories are too much them. I hate that I had to tone down myself because I'm too talkative. I hate that I have to give way and just understand na they can’t hangout with me because they already made plans with their new friends. I hate that I always have to be understanding. I hate that my friends ask me to not hangout that much because they’re saving money BUT THEY WOULD HANGOUT MORE WITH THEIR NEW FRIENDS WEEKLY. I hate that they don’t see how they treat me. A FREAKING SECOND CHOICE. A BACK UP FRIEND. They don’t know that feeling because I HAVE NEVER DONE IT TO THEM BUT THEY WOULD DO IT TO ME. 
I FELT betrayed as well that they talked behind my back. My friends would discuss about my friendship with this person. I was so hurt I found out my so-called best friend was one of the people who told my other friend to distance from me because we're having conflicts. CONFLICTS? WHAT? WE never had conflicts just MISUNDERSTANDINGS. And I know our relationship wasn't toxic as before because before we would fight everyday BUT now we didn't. so I DON'T GET WHY SHE HAS A SAY ABOUT MY FRIENDSHIP WITH THIS PERSON WHEN SHE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT OUR FRIENDSHIP. AND WHY THIS PERSON RATHER LISTEN TO MY BEST FRIEND WHEN IT'S OUR FRIENDSHIP WE'RE TALKING ABOUT. And it became clear to me that my voice never mattered to them. What I felt never mattered to them. That they would always favor my best friend more than me. It has always been like that. When the four of us hangout, I would always feel the extra one. The one who always misses the fun because I live far from them while they're all in the south.
I also know my best friend has her own life and problems but I couldn't help and question our friendship too when it's always me who reaches out to her, asks her day or asks prayer requests. I would listen to all of her problems but when I needed her the most she was not there for me. To be honest God, I honestly think I don't have a best friend. Sometimes I feel bad to have one because I want my friendships within the girls to be equal. But I almost believed that I do have a best friend but now I'm sure that I do not.
After all these years, what did I learn? for now I learned that it’s better to have no friends. I am exhausted. Exhausted of trying to earn a spot in their friendship. I barely recognized myself anymore. I used to be colorful but now I'm all dull. Now I find myself stuck and alone in my house with no desire to make new friends. I no longer desire to reach out and sacrifice for people. I know as you get older, your circle of friends will shrink. I find myself being selective with my circle because I now know not everyone is a friend to me. Now I find this circle is more of a square or even a triangle. I realized all of my friends back in Elevate were just acquaintances. So many people told me that they’ll be there for me BUT FOR 6 MONTHS NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM REACHED OUT TO ME. I ROTTED IN MY ROOM FOR 6 MONTHS. I WAS HOPELESS, DEPRESSED. I WANTED TO DIE. I survived those 6 months alone and with few people but most of them I spent alone. I have always been alone since I was a kid so I keep telling myself I can do it and heal alone.
I don’t even know how to tell my family that they’re all I have. I have no friends who can comfort me but even my sisters live far from me. Maybe I was really destined to be alone in this life. To have no one. I would comfort myself and talk to myself because I have no one. No one sees I’m drowning. No one cares to reach out to me. No one really made an effort to be my friend. It’s cruel Lord that I wasted my life on people who didn’t genuinely care about me.
What is the purpose of living when no one wants you? I honestly don’t wanna lie but I do look forward to the day I’ll die. I want this deep loneliness to end. I do believe that maybe in the next life, I wouldn’t be so lonely anymore. I’m too ashamed to tell my 12 year old self that I failed her, that in the end I have never made real friends in adult life.  I know that the social butterfly still lives within me, but I'm not as comfortable or as open as I used to be. Maybe if those insecurities of being too much or too little didn't root itself in my mind, I would have a million of friends. Maybe if I didn’t have any bad experiences with friends, I wouldn’t be so introverted that I’ll choose to go out and keep reaching out to people because my dad says that’s what I’m good at. 
But I’m starting to get comfortable with my quiet side. It's really hard but I’m starting to get comfortable with solitude to the point I can easily cut off people. I feel more at peace when I’m alone than hanging out with people who make me feel alone. I already experience this a lot of times because I’m boring and quiet. People mostly prefer the extroverted ones. I wish I was never boring so I was never overshadowed. It’s so funny that now that I’m an adult, I find myself hiding behind my books again. My safe place. The only place where no one can judge me, the only thing that keeps me alive, so many good stories and lives I haven't read yet. But when I fell intro depression few months ago, it also took away my passion to read. I was so heartbroken that the only thing that I love in this world no longer sparks joy in me. I barely read books and even if I try I can no longer imagine things like I used to be. I read with my eyes but not with my heart and mind. No matter how many times I try I no longer feel it's magic. I hate that my brokeness led me to this feeling, of no longer enjoying things that defines me. Now I just forced myself to read - as if I was forcing myself to devour something without flavor.
I just want TO DISAPPEAR SILENTLY AND LIVE QUIETLY than going back to my old extroverted self who would put herself out there and will do everything for her friends only to let them walked all over her again. I'm exhausted for trying so hard. Exhausted from going, doing, and serving. Exhausted from subconsciously finding my worth in relationships and how “useful” others think I am. Exhausted from trying to EARN belonging.
I know the "extrovert" kath is still somewhere inside me. But for now, she’s going to be still and rest and give herself grace.
I’m building my walls again, taller and higher this time and I wouldn’t let anyone break my heart again. I cannot afford it because it took me a LOT of pain and suffering to pick up all of the pieces of myself, and a big chunk of it was lost. I was no longer the Kath my friends knew. Would they even noticed when they never cared about me? And have never been interested about my life? I honestly think not. But who cares? This time I won't overthink and give importance to what other people think about me. I will befriend and love myself first when no one does. I will prioritized my needs before theirs. I was always taught that I had to serve other people's first. That's what I did God... but how come it doesn't bless me instead it just lead me to being a doormat, burnout and so much heartbreaks? How come it lead me to depression and traumas? I'm honestly confused to where should I set a boundary. I'm confused if my needs matter and are important. Should I continue to give and give until I have nothing to give to other people? While I receive nothing? While I just let people treat me like back up a friend? A nobody? Someone they can use for their self? I'm really lost and confused. I need to reevaluate my life and my relationships. So for now, I hope it's okay for me to choose myself first. To not feel guilty when I buy myself gifts. Not be guilty when I ignore messages and enjoy my solitude. To not feel guilty when I refused someone or turning down events. To not feel guilty when I no longer talk to people like how I used to. So it's really hard to tell if my introversion is a choice, a part of me growing or is it a result of how the people around me put me down. Maybe it's both.
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imo-chan-imagines · 3 years
『 As your boyfriend | BNHA Headcanons 』
From the good, to the bad, to the downright adorable.
Characters: female!reader, Aizawa Shouta
Tags/warnings: Boku No Hero Academia (anime), 18+, explicit descriptions of sex, smut, fluff, soft dom Aizawa, relationship, headcanons
A/N: Right, so I'm simping for this man biG TIME, but I'm only on season 3, so no spoilers or anything, please. This is my first BNHA post (and it turned out way longer than I was intending 😅) Please let me know if you want more in the future!
Also, I have a repetitive strain injury, so typing stuff is taking a while at the moment. Sorry about that. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy ♡ ~Imo
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☆ Aizawa Shouta ☆
I'm not going to lie. Shouta can be a big ol' grouchy pants sometimes, and it's basically impossible to win an argument against him makes you want to tear your hair out, sometimes
But most of the time, he's just tired and in pain, and he doesn't mean to be so crotchety
He's not the type to make excuses, though. That's childish. He means his apologies, even if they're simple
He'll normally initiate an apology by gently wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his forehead on your shoulder 🥺
Physical contact is incredibly personal and intimate for him. He doesn't just touch anyone, or allow them to touch him
You're special 💞💫
Soft, gentle touches, like his fingers interlacing with yours, or his leg brushing up against you, are basically his way of saying 'I love you'
Catch me crying in the corner, a'ight? 😔
He rarely ever raises his voice. Like, ever he doesn't need to, and is aware that it can be scary
He's definitely the kind of guy to forget to tell people that you're dating, simply because he doesn't see how it's relevant or anyone else's business 🤦‍♀️
I mean, he ain't wrong, but–
And his mood switches between 'antisocial' and 'clingy' like a mechanical metronome did someone say 'cat'?
Sometimes, you'll be lucky if he speaks more than three words to you together in a whole day nothing personal 🤷‍♀️
But on other days, he literally won't let you out of his arms for the world he's complicated, okay?
You have missed many a parcel delivery because he wouldn't let you get up from his lap to answer the door 🙄😂
Boundaries and responsibilities are key and highly respected by Shouta, and he would NEVER erase your quirk without your permission, unless he literally had no other choice like someone's going to get hurt, or something
Is generally quite serious so what's new? but you're one of the few people he can relax around when he feels like it
9/10 of his jokes are dad jokes 😎 hell yeah
Takes a hard stance in financial debates, but is constantly broke af 😶 says he'll buy you dinner and presents you with some instant noodles with a 'Reduced To Clear' sticker on them
Will take a bite of your food/steal some off your plate without asking, and literally say nothing to defend himself #gremlin
Is incredibly shy and uncomfortable about being ~le horny~ until you've been together for literally forever
Even then, he's still shy about it when he has to bring it up and it's pretty cute, let me tell ya
It took him forever to admit to you that he gets turned on when you eat ice lollies
Guess what you do whenever you want to mess with him like a little brat 😛
But if he's in the mood, he will 100% whisper something dirty in your ear, even if you're completely alone and probably well past third base
He does it because he knows your pussy will clamp around him at the sound of his voice 😳🥵
*fans self profusely*
Genuine, unadulterated smiles are rare with Aizawa, but when he does 🙌 Heaven hath opened its gates and allowed an angel walk amongst mere mortals 🥺🤧
If he lays his head on your chest, he will fall asleep like that *snaps fingers*
Surprise nose and forehead kisses to show he loves you ❤
Calls you 'Kitten' this is basically already canon at this point
And he's all about those deep talks with you at 3 am when he can't sleep
Speaking of insomnia!
It's cheesy, but you're like a soothing balm. The warmth of your body makes him feel safe, your touch helps him relax, and your voice soothes him to sleep
He's never slept as well as when you're beside him 😭🤧
When cuddling, he likes to be the big spoon but will accept being the little spoon if you if you press your boobs against his back and ask really nicely 🤭
And he loves you stroking his hair and running your fingers through it 🥺
Netlix nights and pillow/blanket forts!!
Rainy days are a godsend. Staying inside all day under the blankets, with the soft sound of the rain falling outside and no-one to interrupt you – literal paradise
He makes mean hot cocoas and Irish coffees 😋 I feel like this man lives off Irish coffees 😂🤣
Wears a lot of black and grey sweatpants at home 😗 which highlight the outline of his dick just right, if ya know what I'm sayin' 👀
Doesn't like going out for dates and prefers staying inside and doing stuff together same, honeyy
But if you really like going out, he will somewhat begrudgingly agree to it and get all dressed up for you, just so long as he gets his fair share of home-dates, too 🤗
But if you also don't like going out... the two of you will basically never leave the house, except to get groceries in your pyjamas from the 24-hour convenience store down the road at one in the morning oddly specific, I know, but you get me
And sorry, but I don't make the rules
Well, actually, I do. But shush
We all know that Shouta cleans up *chef's kiss* So when you go somewhere ~fancy~ he always looks so damn fine 😩
But he has very little idea that he's hot he sees himself as a tired, walking dumpster fire🚶‍♂️🔥
Shouta will 100% turn into a crazy cat dude with 15+ cats if you don't stop him I never said you should, though 🙃
And is a 'minimalist texter' – basically, if he can't answer a text with 'yes', 'no,' 'maybe', or 'OK', then he probably won't answer it at all 😭😂
Especially if you try and sext him or send him your nudes while he's at work. He'll probably lecture you when he gets home and depending on just how much you turned him on, he might proceed to teach you a lesson...
But wear his shirt, and just his shirt or his hoodie and he's yours
Heart eyes, motherfucker 😍
And, depending on how you two are feeling that day, you may or may not end up getting dicked down on the nearest semi-flat surface right then and there 👀
But don't misunderstand. This is an incredibly tired man you have here, and his libido actually isn't through the roof sorry, ladies so this kind of thing isn't an everyday occurrence
But when he dicks you down, he dicks you down goooood
Shouta's not big on PDA, but makes up for it in private. We're talking hands and kisses all over your body he leaves nothing unloved 😏
And while he's not big on PDA, he is big on sneaky displays of affection or 'SDA', as I like to call it
Like subtly grabbing your butt for a second, or his hand on your thigh under the table at a dinner etc. especially around other people
But what really gets him going is slowly removing your clothes and taking you fully naked, spreading your legs wide and holding them open he likes the view 😍
He lowkey highkey worships your body 🙏 and will literally not shut up about how fucking pretty you are, and how fucking good it feels inside you his words, not mine 😳
Groans and growls a little when he's getting close/cumming especially when he's being a little rough and likes to cum together, but knows it's not always practical
He tends to be a gentle dom, but can get just a teensy bit 🤏 rough if he's too into it – but nothing outrageous
We're talking rough thrusts and a brutal pace, maybe holding onto you a little too hard and, waaahh, he gets so embarrassed if he leaves bruises
Is also into a little bondage, but again, only light stuff – restraining your wrists with his hands or his tie or his Capturing Weapon 👀 maybe blinding-folding you if you're okay with it
If you're not blindfolded, then I'm afraid he's all about that eye contact
Eating out your pussy? Eye contact. Pounding you into the mattress? Blazing eye contact. Rearranging your guts in front of the mirror? Fucking eye contact
But all jokes aside – he's too used to taking without consent with his quirk, that he's kind of paranoid about it comes to sex but it's adorable and sweet, and honestly, still kind of hot
And speaking of eating pussy – goddamn does he like to please you. Like cream to a kitty 😛
Oh, and he just loves it when you suck on his fingers as he's pounding into you 🤤
And he likes to leave love bites in personal, inconspicuous places and sometimes on your neck
He's marking his woman 😌
When he gets suuuper horny, he likes to fuck you from behind, standing upright in front of the mirror. It's a specific kink he has of watching himself stretch you out as the length of his cock disappears inside you...
I can get behind that, lemme tell yaaa
I said he tends to be dominant, but female doms – fear not!
Shouta is quite flexible when it comes down to it and is kind of lazy, lmfao so he definitely has time for laying back, having the control taken away, and having his dick ridden
For him, it's really all about communication and what you're both comfortable with
I will say this, though: sometimes, his cat watches you while you're banging 😅😂
The first time it happened, you freaked out and refused to continue because – how could you??? But eventually, you just kind of got used to it 🤷‍♀️
The same way you've got used to it following you to the bathroom every time you go to take a shit 😭
So now, you just kind of laugh about it, which helps keep things a little lighter 🤗
After sex, he does like to snuggle, but you'll be lucky if he stays awake for more than 30 seconds it's one of the few times he actually can sleep well
If you're ever out and about, or even inside, and cold, he'll wrap you up in his clothes/scarf/blanket like a sushi roll like Eren wrapping up Mikasa in his scarf, all deadpan and everything 😐
It's not that often, but when he gets drunk, he gets all soft and emotional, and starts babbling about how he can't believe he got so lucky to be dating you, and that he's sure he hasn't done anything to deserve it mah heart
He's pretty sure he wants kids, but he doesn't feel like now is the right time, and is lowkey afraid that it's never going to feel like the right time
He also constantly doubts himself, wondering if he'd actually able to look after them and protect them the way a father should class 1-A got him second-guessing himself 🥺
Besides, it's not all about him. You clearly have a say in it too, and he doesn't want to force you into anything
Again: communication and comfort zones
Dating Aizawa definitely has its ups and downs, and it's not smooth sailing, but he's prepared to work for a life with you because he's found a connection with you that he hasn't feel with anyone else
He knows that you're both far from perfect, but hopes that, for once, you might just make something good, and make it last 🥰😇
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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snappedsky · 4 years
Fanatics 73.5
We finally learn what's happening to the rest of the Battalion. Previous! Next! 
Government of Doom Part 5
           Zim’s house is quiet, completely covered in impenetrable metal plating. On the roofs of the surrounding buildings in the cul-de-sac, four pairings of SDA agents are watching it closely, waiting for the slightest change. They are professionals, working in shifts to keep from getting tired eyes. And while they think they’re ready for anything, they could never be ready for what happens next.
           A young man walks down the street straight for Zim’s house. All four groups immediately perk up, recognizing him to be Johnny C. But before they can act, they’re all swiftly killed- necks snapped, skulls crushed, throats slit, and heads smashed by four individuals they were not expecting.
           The Night Terrors leap off the buildings and join Johnny as he enters Zim’s yard.
           “You sure you’re up for this, Nny?” Reverend Meat asks, noting Johnny’s pale, sweaty complexion and matted hair.
           “Yeah, you look dreadful,” Eff adds, “like even worse than usual.”
           “I’m fine,” Nny insists gravelly, “this is nothing.”
           When they approach Zim’s house, Johnny knocks heavily against the metal plating. “Hey! Open up! It’s Johnny!”
           There’s no response for a second. Then the plating around the door disappears and Skoodge opens it.
           “Come in, quickly,” he orders. Everyone hurries inside and Skoodge closes it after them, the metal plating returning.
           “What’s going on out there?” he asks frantically.
           “Squee and the others have all been captured by those agent assholes,” Johnny replies as they march through the house. “We gotta find them.”
           “Oh no!” Skoodge exclaims.
           They take the elevator down to the lab and Johnny starts to make a beeline for where the captured agents are in their glass cage, but stops at the sight before him.
           The agents are all curled up, rocking back and forth, and covering their ears, as Gir bangs tunelessly on a toy keyboard and squeals, “doom doom doomdoomdoom dooooooooom!”
           “It’s his Doom song,” Skoodge clarifies, “he’s been singing it since you guys left.”
           “Wow,” Johnny comments, “he’s almost better at torturing than me.”            He ignores Gir and stomps up to the cage, slamming his hand against the wall. “Where’s your headquarters?”
           “Doom doom doom,” one of the agents mutters feverishly while the others whimper and moan.
           Johnny glares at them incredulously while Skoodge passes by. “You’re not gonna get anything out of them,” he says as he approaches the main computer. “Fortunately, I got a better alternative.”
           “‘Puter,” Skoodge demands, “track Zim’s PAK.”
           “Tracking,” the Computer replies apathetically. A view of Earth appears on screen briefly before zooming in on the United States, into Nevada, and stopping over a flashing pink dot.
           “There he is,” Skoodge says.
           “Nevada,” Nny groans, “how are we supposed to get there?”
           “We can use the Epic,” he suggests.
           “It’s back at Devi’s I think.”
           “No problem,” Skoodge grins, “‘Puter, recall the Epic.”
           Everything’s quiet for a moment and then a sound similar to a jet engine echoes through the walls.
           “There we go,” he says and walks for the elevator. “I can drive.”
           “Ooh, we get to fly in the flying car,” Reverend Meat cheers excitedly.
           “I am coming too,” Mimi declares, “my master is in danger.”            “Fine,” Skoodge nods, “Gir, Minimoose, you stay and watch over the prisoners.”            Minimoose squeaks while Gir continues singing.      
           “Alright, let’s go already,” Johnny orders impatiently. Everyone rides the elevator and quickly exit the house, the metal plating closing back up behind them. They all get into the Epic and Skoodge punches in coordinates to Zim’s location.
           “Here we go!” he booms as the ship takes off into the air at such velocity, it pushes everyone up against the seats. “We’ll be there in no time!”
           Meanwhile, deep within the SDA facility, Zim is suspended inside a metal laboratory. His arms are hanging from the ceiling by metal cords and his legs are bound to the floor. His PAK is connected by only a few cords, giving his body just enough power to stay alive. Robotic arms coming out of the ceiling are removing all the items, which seem very miscellaneous: a couple large knives, a bat, a few books on the supernatural, two laser guns, and many alien devices.
           Zim pants heavily, too exhausted to try fighting back. But his antennae twitch slightly when a beeping emits from his PAK and he grins.
           “Hear that!” he shouts weakly, “that means my PAK is being tracked! My loyal minions are on their way to rescue me!”
           Through a one-way mirror, a head scientist named Mackey is controlling the robotic arms. He stops for a minute at Zim’s words and turns to his assistant.
           “Warn the Director,” he orders. The young man nods before hurrying off and Mackey faces the controls again. But his work is a little more hesitant as he is slightly unsettled by the grin plastered on Zim’s face.
           In a similar lab, Tak is in much the same situation. The only difference is a wire attached to the metal plating on her face. Whenever it looks like she might try to retaliate, the head scientist in charge of her capture- a woman called Nel- sends a large shock through the wire. This keeps Tak compliant.
           Nel would never admit it, being a professional, but she does love the way the alien’s body convulses with each shock. So she’ll take any excuse to punish her, even the slightest twitch of a finger.
           Tak pants heavily through gritted fangs. Even with her PAK detached, she would be able to escape if it wasn’t for those blasted shocks. When she gets out of this- and she will- she’s gonna make that scientist pay. She’ll make them all pay.
           Pepito is thinking the same thing as, a few labs over, his throat gets hoarse from screaming. He is shirtless, bound to a metal table by silver chains that sear his flesh. Twin scientists named Lark and Stark stand over him, both wearing large crosses as they test the sensitivity of his horns, by squeezing them with clamps.
           “Intriguing,” Lark comments as Pepito writhes. “They must be full of nerve endings, like teeth.”
           “Yes. Imagine what the Christian church will say when they find out the Antichrist has such a large weakness,” Stark remarks.
           “Indeed,” his brother agrees, “but his energy levels remain stagnant. I thought for sure stress would activate his powers.”
           “Could be the silver. But if we remove it, we risk allowing him the freedom to destroy the facility.”
           “Too true. For now, let’s continue testing the limits of his body. The Director wants us to document every single thing.”
           “He is so thorough.”
           The two brothers nod agreeably. Beneath them, Pepito pants rapidly, trying to think about something other than the pain. Where are his friends? What’s happening to them? He wants to question these scientists, but the words get gargled in his throat.
           He needs to get out of here. But they were right. The silver chains are preventing him from using his powers. If he could just muster up a little, he would blow them both to bits. If only.
           Finally, in a lab that looks more like a hospital room, a heart monitor beeps rapidly in accordance to Squee’s anxious vitals. He is strapped to a metal table, an IV in his arm and probes attached to his temples. The room is dark but he can make out the silhouette of someone standing on the far end, writing on something.
           Lights suddenly turn on, nearly blinding Squee as a door opens and someone else enter the room.
           “Director!” the first person exclaims, lowering her clipboard.
           “Hello, Doctor Theresa,” the Director smiles warmly as he approaches. He looks over at Squee, who glares at him through squinted eyes as he adjusts to the brightness. “How is he?”
           “His vitals have yet to settle down,” Theresa replies, “it’s a wonder he hasn’t had a heart attack yet.”
           “Well, you can’t blame him,” the Director laughs, “waking up in this situation.”
           He approaches the foot of the table and Squee does his best to squirm away.
           “Hello, Squee C,” he says, “I am the Director, the head of the Supernatural Destruction Agency.”
           “Destruction?” Squee grumbles, “seems dramatic.”
           “You, my boy, are a…marvelous specimen,” the Director says, “your supernatural energy levels are the highest I’ve ever seen in a full human. They’re even higher than some paranormal creatures. You must be able to perceive things that most humans could never even dream of. I modified my mind and body to achieve sight like yours, and I’m sure you’re still stronger.”
           “That’s…flattering…” Squee comments uncomfortably.
           The Director smiles. “I was hoping to use this machine on the Antichrist, but I’m afraid it’s too risky. On you, though, it should work swimmingly.”
           He grabs one of the probes attached to Squee’s head, running his hand along the cord until it reaches a large rectangular device beside the table. It almost looks like a giant car battery with a screen on the side showing what appears to be energy readings.
           “This is a charger that siphons supernatural energy and converts it into electrical energy, to power devices,” the Director explains, “when we come across creatures with especially high natural energy levels- like yours- we attach them to the device and use them to charge our technology. It makes for a cheaper power bill, let me tell you.”
           He chuckles delightfully while Squee glares in disgust.
           “Now then,” he sighs contently, “you may feel some intense pain.”
           He pushes a button on the charger and a burning, white hot pain runs through Squee’s skull and radiates throughout his entire body. Screams rip through his throat as he writhes in his restraints. It feels like his brain is being sucked out through those tiny tubes.
           The Director and the doctor seem unbothered by the screams. She keeps an eye on his skyrocketing vitals while he watches the power levels on the charger rise with wide, sparkling eyes.
           “Look at this, Doctor,” he says excitedly, “we’ve never achieved power levels this high before! With this, we’ll be able to upgrade all our devices. Perhaps even power the entire facility!”
           “He is just one boy, Director,” Theresa points out.
           “One boy with tremendous power,” he argues, “think of it. We’ll be able to perfect our tracking process. Instead of scanning the energy levels of one area, we’ll be able to do individual beings. No more trial and error with capturing. We’ll know for sure what creature is giving off supernatural energy and neutralize them right then and there.”
           “Won’t…let you…”
           “What’s that?” the Director turns to Squee. He squirms slightly as he grits his teeth and glares at them.
           “I won’t…let you,” he snarls, “I won’t…be your…battery. I won’t…let you hurt…innocent creatures. You won’t…get away with this.”
           “I’m afraid there’s nothing you can, my boy,” the Director says, smiling pityingly as he pats Squee’s leg.
           The door suddenly opens and a lab assistant rushes in. “Director, sir. You need to hear this. It’s important.
           “Alright, alright, I’m coming,” the Director nods, “keep an eye on the boy, Doctor. Make sure he doesn’t die.”
           “Yes, sir,” Theresa nods as he leaves with the assistant. She continues to watch Squee’s vitals as the charger rips through his brain.
           I have to do something, Squee thinks. I can’t move, so I can’t write. But maybe if I focus really hard, I can still create something. Maybe if I focus…
           I need to make something, anything to destroy these machines and help me escape.
           Focus! I need to focus! And create!            The charger suddenly starts beeping, startling Theresa. She looks at the energy levels on screen in bewilderment as they light up red.
           “Wh-what?” she exclaims, “the power’s going up! It-it’s completely off the charts!”
           She looks at Squee and jumps back. “Wh-what is that…?”
           A black cloud is manifesting over Squee’s head, his eyes closed and face twisted with exertion. The cloud continues to grow and grow until the middle starts glowing red and orange, like fire.
           Theresa dives to the floor as the cloud explodes. It’s small, but the noise echoes through the whole facility.
           Theresa looks up at the destruction of the machines and Squee rising from the destroyed table. “What-what did you do?”
           He looks at her, swaying a little on his feet. “Well, I-I’m a little unsure, but I think I um created an explosion. So…that’s kinda cool.”
           Dusting himself off, he stumbles out of the rubble and heads for the door. “Anyway, bye.”
           He’s just about to leave but stops short. “Oh, wait a sec.”
           He looks back at her and she flinches from his dark glare. “Where’s my stuff?”
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foodstreetsindelhi · 4 years
Food Items to Have in Delhi
In the event that you ask a Delhiite what are two things that truly stand apart for them about the city, it would be the rich history and the mouth-watering food. Presently, I need to concede this blog sure got me all excited. It's intense being conceived in a city which offers such a rich decent variety of foods, add to that the reality I'm Punjabi, and kid do we love to eat! Delhi is a mixture of different societies and races who improve the assortment of the gastronomic range in the city.From Chandni Chowk to Majnu ka Tilla, Delhi is packed with numerous culinary joys. So with no further ado, I present to you my rundown of top 10 celebrated street food of Delhi. 1. Paranthas From being the ideal beginning to a "solid" morning in most Delhi family units, to a feast for hungry understudies and even a late-night nibble, paranthas are unquestionably on the highest priority on the rundown with regards to my preferred food in Delhi. Look over a plain one or select a stuffing of your decision - potatoes, cauliflower, radish, eggs, keema, bananas or even the previous evening's left over dal - the choices are in abundance. Where would i be able to attempt this dish? Paranthe Wali Gali in Chandni Chowk, whose past clients incorporate any semblance of Maharajah of Kashmir and even Prime Minister Nehru and his family; Moolchand Parathe Wala situated in South Delhi was SRK's preferred when he used to live in Delhi. 2. Chaat On the off chance that there is one thing that keeps the Delhi food scene ticking it's the Street Food. With an assortment that is unequaled, eating in the city of Delhi is an intense training in the history and culture of the spot. Chandni Chowk is without a doubt the Street Food Capital of Delhi, and keeping in mind that no manual can really pinpoint the best places for Chaat, there are some milestone food frequents that truly stick out. Obviously, in the event that you aren't happy to travel that far, fret not for there are a lot of choices for road food in Delhi. Where would i be able to attempt the dish? UPSC building, Shahjahan Road; Bittu Tikki Wala, Karol Bagh; Daulat ki Chaat, Chandni Chowk; Natraj Dahi Bhalle Wala, Chandni Chowk 3. Spread Chicken Here's an intriguing anecdote about the cause of one of the most satisfying dishes on this planet. It started during the 1950s in Moti Mahal Restaurant, Daryaganj, an area avoiding the Walled City. Known for its Tandoori Chicken, the cooks there incidentally hurled the sauce comprising of spread, tomato and chicken juices with roasted chicken pieces; the rest is history. Today, this dish can be found in pretty much every non-veggie lover eatery and expressway dhabas and is best delighted in with rice or naan. Where would i be able to attempt this dish? Moti Mahal, Daryaganj; Havemore, Pandara Road Understand more: The Best Luxury Hotels in Delhi 4. Kebabs Whoever thought flame broiled pieces of meat or fish marinated in fragrant Indian flavors couldn't give you bliss should reconsider. While we Delhiites have a great deal to be appreciative for to the Mughals, Kebabs are one of them. Regardless of whether it is Kebabs being conveyed to your vehicle, a quintessentially Delhi experience, to food slows down and high end cafés over the city, attempt this well known dish and you will be snared for eternity. Where would i be able to attempt this dish? Alkakori Alkauser, R K Puram; Ustad Moinuddin Kebabs, Lal Kuan; Ghalib Kebab Corner, Nizamuddin; Salim's Kebabs, Khan Market; Aap Ki Khatir, SDA 5. Chole Bhature Here's a suggestion: This dish is best delighted in on a vacant stomach. Rich, hot and substantial, this is one of the most well known Punjabi dishes and is certainly on my rundown of top 10 must-attempt dishes in Delhi. Try not to be astounded on the off chance that you discover it on the morning meal menu of eateries over the capital. You can discover this lip smacking dish at all food joints, be it neighborhood joints or cafés, given its prominence with delhiites. It is commonly went with Lassi. Where would i be able to attempt this dish? Sitaram Diwan Chand, Paharganj; Chache Di Hatti Kamla Nagar 6. Biryani A most loved of the Mughal Emperors, the Biryani has stood the trial of time and is today appreciated all over India. This poultry or meat based dish is set up in an earthen pot and the top is fixed with batter so the flavors, flavors and smells are absorbed. The Biryani encounters in Delhi fluctuate from the business chains and street side dhabas, to the Sufi sanctums and five-star inns. Where would i be able to attempt this dish? Dum Pukht in ITC Maurya; Al Kakori Al Kauser, R K Puram, Deez Biryani and Kebabs, Defense Colony 7. Nihari As you enter Old Delhi and stroll into the serpentine paths, you can't resist the urge to be attracted to the fragrance of one of the locale's mark luxuries, the Nihari. This rich, hot stock of moderate cooked meat is served nearby hot baked rotis or ideally khameeri rotis. The dish was a most loved inside the illustrious families, who used to devour it in the mornings. Today it fills in as the perfect sustenance for workers, cart pullers, coolies and numerous others hoping to launch their day. Where would i be able to attempt this dish? Bara Hindu Rao region; Karim's close Jama Masjid 8. Rolls Alright, so we won't remove the credit from Kolkata, where the first Kathi move formula was grown, however Delhi has its own tasty variations. From road slows down contribution an assortment of moves, to general stores loading up on solidified alternatives and even the elegant Delhi eateries, Kathi rolls are a befitting food choice for occupied Delhiites in a hurry. Where would i be able to attempt this dish? Nizam's, Connaught Place; Khan Chacha, Khan Market; Qureshi's Kabab Corner, South Extension-II 9. Momos This one packs the prize for being one of the most well known tidbits, be it in office buildings, birthday events or even mixed drink parties. It isn't phenomenal to discover merchants outside pretty much every place of business, lodging territory and commercial center selling Momos. These delicious dumplings are accessible in both veggie lover and non-vegan alternatives and are appreciated with the blazing red sauce. Where would i be able to attempt this dish? Kamla Nagar Market; Nagaland Food Stall in Dilli Haat; Sikkim House, Panchsheel Marg; Cafe Brown Sugar, GK advertise; Yashwant Complex, Chanakya Puri, Majnu ka Tilla, North Campus. 10. Treats You are presumably acquainted with this line utilized over all Delhi family units "Khaane ke baad kuch meetha ho jaye" ("Let's eat something sweet after a supper"). With the broad assortment of treats offered in the capital, it is difficult to state no. From the steaming hot Jalebis and lip-smacking Rabri Falooda, to imaginative Kulfis in flavors like Custard Apple, Tamarind and Aam Papad, the delightful Motichoor Ladoo produced using unadulterated desi ghee and Blueberry Cheesecake; Delhi sure loves its desserts! Where would i be able to attempt this dish? Giani di Hatti, Chandni Chowk; Old and Famous Jalebiwala in Chandni Chowk who has served big names like Late Raj Kapoor and Indira Gandhi; Kuremal Mohan Lal Kulfiwala, Chandni Chowk; Big Chill Cafe, Khan Market; Ghantewala Halwai, Chandni Chowk Since you know my rundown of top 10 well known dishes of Delhi, the time has come to take off and satisfy your taste buds. Remember to compose back with your preferred spot.
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saltine-kakyoin · 5 years
ok i CANNOT take it anymore I simply MUST know. spill the beans on the Star Catinum scene please 🙏🏼🙏🏼💝💝💝🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 I have been wondering for SO LONG and I am SO CURIOUS
OKAY SO BEFORE I GET INTO THIS, LEMME PROVIDE SOME EXPOSITION! :3 the Star Catinum Scene was heavily inspired by the one fan art of splat w the BIG dinner plate eyes, the one where’s he’s like owo and then O W O. it reminded me of a cat! and then i thought of this one post i saw ages ago about how much it’d suck if catra’s eyes went all big + dilated in the middle of one of her fights with adora, and then... the dots connected and, to quote my main man kronk, it was all coming together now :3 another big part of this is the adventure i had w coffee in ny, which we’ve talked about here in there in chat! w that said, lemme dive right in!! this might get long, so i’m gonna put it into a readmore just in case!
sO. the star catinum scene is from the sda, which means kak is roomies w camille in paris while jotaro is grappling w friend/family withdrawal in florida! Jotaro travels + visits everyone when he can, bc he is just. Mad lonely in florida. he might grump about all of the crusaders, but he really do be lovin + missing them, you know? On Kak and Camille’s end, this is normally fine! however, the visit that takes place in the star catinum scene is like. towards the later end of the semester for Kak, and inconveniently RIGHT in the middle of one of his final projects for the semester. So! Instead of trying to juggle the project + jotaro, he decides, fuck it! I’m gonna go crazy go stupid and finish it in advance so I can devote all of my attention to jotaro + what he’s been up to when he arrives. :)
nonetheless, jotaro’s visit sneaks up on him, in the way that these kinds of situations do, and he really becomes unhinged that week! He’s gone, painting for nights on end, leading up to Jotaro’s arrival + distressingly, he’s still not done the day/night before jotaro’s set to arrive! Kakyoin is normally a pretty levelheaded and rational guy, but all pretense has jumped out the window. he just Needs to finish this project at this point. SO. that night right before jotaro flies in, Kak stops by the cafe right underneath his and Camille’s apartment that’s run by a turkish and indian couple, and orders two large cups of their most intense brew. With his project and his coffee in hand, he sets off for a parisian rooftop to finish what he started, chugging the first cup as he goes. The first cup is nice, and really gets him going and in the mode! however, he gets so hyperfocused on the painting that he forgets there’s a second cup- at least, until he almost trips on it hours later! And then he’s like. Oh. Oh GOD. there’s a second cup! full of coffee! what do? The small voice of reason that’s been dwindling throughout this week is like: noriaki....whatever you Do, do NOT drink that cup. just let it go. toss it. But another, louder part of him is like: but you are getting kind of sleepy tho.. and are you done with your project yet? No? Then why waste the money by throwing the cup away? Just drink it dude...
So, he drinks it! which is fine and dandy for all of five minutes, until the caffeine REALLY begins kicking and oh, oh god. he should Not have had the second cup of coffee...Filled with regret and too much energy to handle, he feverishly finishes up the painting, slowly losing a grip on reality with each stroke! it almost feels like his body is trying to exorcise itself, which he can’t really blame it for. almost drunkenly, he stumbles back to his and camille’s apartment- thank god for hierophant catching his missteps and making sure the painting isn’t tarnished on the journey! He stumbles back into the apartment, which is pretty dark beyond the light peeking out from camille’s bedroom + the flickering glow of the flames from her new candles. she steps out of her room when she hears he’s finally home, and ooh. Kakyoin may be lost in the caffeine sauce, but he can almost Feel the concern radiating from Camille’s person. she barrages him with a bunch of questions, seemingly all at once. wherewereyou? are you okay? isitfinished? whendidyoulastsleep? Most importantly, are you going to be well enough to get pick Jotaro up from the train station in a few hours? 
Kakyoin waves these questions off as his body plummets into the wonderfully plump cushions of their sofa- painting,i’mfine,yes,idon’tknow, and Yes. just let me close my eyes for a moment...i’ll be fine just wake me up when it’s time to get jotaro. And then, he slips into a deep deep slumber. 
 (i’ve gotta get ready for work soon, so i’m gonna copypasta the rest from my explanation of it to jules!! which is grand bc i feel that explanation captures the fever dream quality of it much better than i am here!)
Camille watcches him melt into the couch + basically enter a coma with mounting anxiety. Normally Jotaro calls when he's arrived at the train station from the airport, and despite the early hour she doesn't really expect this time to be any different. However, it's normally Always Kakyoin that goes to get him. and then they go out for lunch, or dinner, or breakfast. or just a random snack run at the oddest hours of the day. Normally Camille hardly interacts with Jotaro, and she’s used to their interactions always falling flat.. she doesn't know why. Kakyoin assures her that that's just how Jotaro is: quiet, expressive in his own ways. but it gnaws at camille
So anyhow, she waits for Jotaro to call with Dread, because the situation can go one of two ways: kakyoin emerges from his like 2 hour nap after not sleeping for at least a day or two, and the entire visit is off because Kakyoin himself is off skelter. Or, she answers the phone and gets jotaro from the train station Herself + maybe makes him dislike her even more! both options make her stomach drop, and she can't stop her eyes from constantly drifting over to kakyoin, who looks a little too still, a little too cold, a lot of too worn out. She grabs her nicest, most comfortable blanket and throws it over him.. maybe it'll help him sleep better, and hopefully it'll help ease her mind
she does some meditation until jotaro Finally FINALLY calls. Kakyoin is the lightest sleeper known to man for reasons that Camille is unable to understand, so she leaps on their telephone. jotaro's voice is something that strikes fear in her, and having his voice right up in her ear at like 3 am is the least ideal thing ever. it throws all of her meditation out the window, and the harebrained anxiety is Back.
hurriedly, she tells jotaro that they'll be over to pick him up soon! and she can't help but notice the deflated, "Oh." she gets back in response, which baffles her even further. (jules said that was bc he was just waking up from his own personal red-eye flight fever dream nap, and I cannot agree more!) Sure, it's normally always kakyoin that gets jotaro, but what's so wrong with her tagging along? It's not a far walk from their apartment to the train station- what if she just wanted to get out of the house? anyhow, the thought only serves to make camille more nervous.
she decides right after hanging up that No. She is Not going to wake kakyoin up for this- he really needs the sleep, jotaro be damned. it's not like they're going to get up to anything at this hour anyways. She shimmies into her outerwear + yeehaws over to the gare du nord, where she finds jotaro pretty quickly (he’s so tall!). he's like, "Oh- you. Where's Kakyoin?" and she spitballs the entire thing to him because Camille is just a motormouth when her nerves are high
Camille is expecting Jotaro to be miffed, just a little bit, but surprisingly, he's pretty chill about the whole thing. He's grateful to Camille for coming to get him, because otherwise he'd get hopelessly lost in the maze of the city. This is where Camille begins to realize, hm.. perhaps she was too harsh of a judge..mayhaps.. jotaro really is just Like That, as kakyoin has said at least six times before.. what a concept.
They start walking back to the apartment, and Jotaro's mostly concerned about Kakyoin and why the dude's currently comatose on their couch. Camille just keeps rambling and maybe giving out more information than she should, but Camille is just like Polnareff in that regard. she doesn't notice his gaze soften at their similarity, or at the concept that kakyoin would work himself raw just to make time for jotaro's visit... (which Kakyoin shouldn't have to, not for his sake! but the concept pokes at the small beast in jotaro that fancies kakyoin, which.. ugh. that's an entire thing for him to wrestle with.)
so they make it back to the apartment, and camille urges him to be really quiet as they enter- 'did you know, kakyoin's a super light sleeper? i stubbed my toe and cursed once and it woke him up! it's a little odd, i wonder why he's like that.' but jotaro knows. he learned why early sometime in their third year, an admittance uttered in the pitch black of the ocean at an ungodly hour. death 13, a stand he never met, or at least one that he doesn't remember meeting? and yet one that had such a profound impact on kakyoin. in the present, he puts more thought into his footsteps as they cross the threshold between the apartment commons and kakyoin and camille's apartment.
And oh, there he is. buried under a heaping white blanket, with only the left side of his face poking out. jotaro grins ever so slightly, looking at the noodle strayed madly across the side of his head that jotaro can see- how intensely had kakyoin flung himself at the couch? he feels like his eyes rest on kakyoin a moment too long, and maybe camille feels it too. or maybe her mind is just buffering- kakyoin had said she was squirrel-minded sometimes. as if her brain were leaping from one thing to another at such incredible speeds that she herself struggled to keep up with it
camille whispers so lightly that jotaro almost doesn't hear her. but once he does catch on to what she is saying, something takes hold of his heart and tries to drag it under. She's afraid to wake Kakyoin up and ask him to move because he really needs the sleep, but that means jotaro's pick for bed is either her bed (sized for one petite camille and therefore most Definitely not fit for one giant Jotaro) or kakyoin's (which is better suited for jotaro's height but also DANGEROUS)
he feels her eyes upon him like a searing iron on flesh. camille means well, and camille has No Idea what feelings he has- he knows she doesn't think anything of his silence, his deliberation...but god. in this tiny apartment lit only by candlelight, it sure feels like she's peering into his soul and judging him. nonetheless, he ends up choosing kakyoin's bed. his flight was long, and camille's bed is just. not cut out for him! that, and it'sonlyonenightit'sonlyonenightit'sonlyonenight. once kakyoin is up tomorrow.. or whenever he's up......he and jotaro can just switch beds and there'll be no problems. this is what jotaro tells himself, but his mind still runs rampant as he lies in kakyoin's bed. thisiskakyoin'sbed. this is where kakyoin sleeps Every Single Night. this is where kakyoin would be sleeping Right Now if he hadn't run himself ragged in preparation for your visit. he did that for youforyouforyou! but also.. he should not have done that for you- you always have this effect. it's an endless cycle all night long- jotaro is thankful when the exhaustion from the airport finally shuts his brain up
needless to say, jotaro feels like shit when he wakes up. camille feels like shit when she wakes up. nobody had a good night except for kakyoin, and that's only if you count out his feverish journey back to the apartment as his body tried to violently keep itself from tearing apart at the seams due to drinking Way Too Much strong coffee. camille's already up when jotaro clambers out of kakyoin's room, starting the pot for the morning. she takes one look at him and empathizes, asks how he takes his coffee. they chat quietly as it brews- camille tells him that the only person she thinks got a good night's sleep is kakyoin, who is still out of it. bemused, she tells jotaro how she misjudged where the counter was earlier and accidentally ended up slamming her mug on it, which she was SURE was going to wake up kakyoin. but behold... the beast still slumbers!
this is a really pivotal moment for jotaro and camille's friendship, this quiet morning talk. they don't talk about anything in particular, just whatever floats into camille's mind. they're both too tired to really care about any preconceived notions they had about the other, which is how they both learn that they had horribly misjudged the other. huh, would you look at that!
at some point as they're chatting, star platinum peels away from jotaro to go check on kakyoin, which used to happen often, especially back in tibet. this would annoy jotaro any other time- he very distinctly remembers kakyoin harshly telling him i'mfinei'mfinei'mfine, i'm not going to break or anything. but star (and thus, by extension, jotaro..) has always been the type to Need to check. star has always been a bit more anxious about kakyoin after dio, which jotaro really thinks is pretty fair. seeing your best friend getting rolled into a helicopter with a giant gaping hole in his abdomen will do that to you!
but anyhow. star peels away from jotaro to check on kakyoin, and jotaro allows it. he is concerned about kakyoin- although jotaro's guilty of it, too, it's no good to be staying up for that long and knocking yourself straight out with old coffee. he keeps chatting with camille through all of this- star platinum is up to Risky Business, but camille can't see him. jotaro's fine
(except camille CAN see him and she's too petrified to say anything about it lmao)
so while he and camille keep chatting, star platinum hovers over to kakyoin, and really takes the dude in. admittedly, kakyoin looks worse for wear. his skin has an odd pallor to it that makes jotaro feel a little queasy, and the bags under kakyoin's eyes don't go unnoticed either. his brow is deeply furrowed, and absently jotaro wonders what's plaguing kakyoin in his sleep. it's always been like this, since death 13. since the coma. he wants to smooth kakyoin's brow out, to run his thumb along it. but that's dangerous.
instead, star acts on instinct and reaches out to push The Noodle, the damnable beast, out of his face. star moves slowly- he doesn't want to wake kakyoin up, after all. it was just in the way. Of Kakyoin, that is. Not Jotaro looking at his face. Never that.
however, jotaro gets caught up in the thought, and in the implication of the thought, and star's finger brushes against kakyoin's ear way more than he had intended to (read: he hadn't intended to!! *cue internal screaming*), and oh. god. oh god. kakyoin's index finger fidgets, and then his eyebrows relax. has jotaro fucked up. oh god. if he woke up kakyoin he might just chuck himself out the window and into the traffic below them
as jotaro's thinking this, star platinum, the fucking beast, remains firmly planted in front of kakyoin. despite all the sirens going off in jotaro's mind, it stays there. most times, he feels like star platinum and he are pretty well in sync. but sometimes, he wonders if star platinum has a will of its own- is it Really just jotaro floating around in there? he wondered this at the very beginning, in that jail cell, and he begrudingly wonders about it now. getbackinhererightnow, and Yet! star platinum remains, taking in kakyoin with wide eyes. beside him, camille takes a very long sip of her coffee.
kakyoin wakes up slowly, as if sleep is not yet done with him. when he finally does manage to crack open his eyes, he blinks once, twice. slowly. why is it so bright. why is it so Purple? once his brain finally rejoins the land of the living, he is able to discern what the purple nebula before him is- it's star platinum? looking at him with eyes the size of dinner plates? his mouth utters the stand's name before he can quite process what's going on, but the second he does, splat is gone. faintly, he hears a choke from across the room, and that's what finally wakes him up. his gaze is drawn over to his and camille's kitchen, where camille is very pointedly digging around in their fridge. but next to her is the hulking jotaro kujo, choking on what kakyoin... judging by scent alone, guesses is coffee.
the scent triggers something in kakyoin’s mind, and then it all hits him like a train- overwhelming and all at once. oh dear god, he slept for far too long. he missed jotaro's arrival completely! and now jotaro is here choking on coffee in their kitchen. Jotaro is here!! and kakyoin was only just now waking up, disgustingly sweaty, under a mountainous blanket- camille's? oh dear god. what a nightmare!
in any other circumstance kakyoin would go to hug jotaro or shake his hand, but this. this was not it. his breath smelled like coffee that was much too old and God, he was so hot! he felt like his clothes had been glued to his skin. he yells out some sort of greeting, some acknowledgement that hey!! it's jotaro! but the words are jumbled and a pretty pitiful mix of english, japanese, and french. and then he vaults over the couch and into his room, WHERE! Jotaro's suitcase is?????? he trips on it, yells out some sort of profanity, grabs some clothes, and proceeds to promptly lock himself in the shower for at least fifteen minutes.
in these fifteen minutes, it's just intense kill bill sirens on all ends. kakyoin's like FUCK MAN I MISSED PICKING UP JOTARO, I CAN'T BELIEVE I SLEPT THROUGH ALL THAT! AND WHY WAS STAR LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT? AHHHH; jotaro is just. lost in the sauce. star platinum you fucking bastard you should have withdrawn much earlier! that was too close! and camille. camille just hyperfocuses on achieving the perfect blend of coffee and creamer for her second cup while pretending she did NOT just witness whatever that super tender super intimate scene was. just smile and wave camille, smile and wave and nobody will ever know you saw a thing....
they collectively pretend to agree nothing happened when kakyoin gets out of the shower. jotaro, needing something to do with his hands before his body implodes, makes kakyoin some calming drink- something his father no doubt made often during busy tours. their fingers brush when he passes the cup to kakyoin, but you know what? we are NOT going to think about it. kakyoin nurses the cup gingerly, and camille, the saint that she is, bubbles up an entirely new conversation.
and that's basically it! jotaro falls deeper down the rabbit hole, kakyoin becomes Confused, and camille begins taking notes on the Hopeless Case of One (1) Kujo Jotaro lol
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cripdeaf · 5 years
Today has been kinda shit
I was happy this morning because I spoke to the program lead at TAFE (also Deaf) about an assignment that’s causing me problems because it’s big and all in English (both material and how we’re meant to submit it), and if in English I’m going to need one-on-one support, though I’d much rather just do it in Auslan. I fucked up big time going to Ablelink + Able Australia + Deafblind Victoria yesterday (got so anxious I stopped being able to communicate in both Auslan and English, so I felt like an incompetent asshole), so it made me feel a lot better that I wasn’t struggling to communicate today.
And then this afternoon happened, and went downhill from there. We had a comprehension assessment, and I fucked up the English written component (I missed a word and wrote “Kate” instead of “Kate’s”) and was chastised by my teacher (who was really understanding about my difficulties with English this morning—also Deaf herself), then we had to do our signed component, which was in a fucking hallway so people (teachers included) kept walking through, and then my teacher got in the way of the video right at the end too, so my partner and I don’t have an acceptable (by the school’s standards) video to upload.
Now I’m exhausted, my chair’s fucking heavy and shit so even though I want to go out for a roll, I can’t because the area is a nightmare to navigate with this old sack of shit—the NDIS is still unhelpful wrt my mobility needs. They’re pretty much only helpful with Deaf stuff, not even blind stuff or my actual mobility needs.
To make matters worse, my OT completely fucked up my SDA report (apparently I have Muscular Dystrophy now, according to him???), so now I need to submit a complaint about that, I have TAFE tomorrow, Deaf social I don’t know anyone at tomorrow evening, and Fringe Festival events on both Saturday and Sunday nights. The last three I’m looking forward to, but I worry about now I’m feeling fucking awful. Monday is my ERG, so that’s going to be (not) fun. The next Monday I have a meeting. The Monday after another MRI, and two days later a rheumatology appointment at an inaccessible practise. The Monday after that, see my ophtho again, and... I just need to fucking stop for a little. My life is fucking go, go, go, go. No room for room. No room for me time. I’m also fucking moving now (against my wishes, because fuck safety and inaccessibility), so I have to deal with that too.
Fuck life right now.
I need rest. I need me time. I need things to slow down. I can’t keep up. It’s fucking crushing me.
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dddainuhsoar · 5 years
Fairy Guan Shan. Elf he tian and dragon she Li that is keeping Guan Shan locked in a tower and he tian is the one to save him.
send me an fantasy au and i’ll write you a short fic
¡hola! i’m not great at writing about a damsel in distress, i’m gonna be honest! but i love the idea of a winged guanshan *_* and that’s ironic because in this short fic, i took his wings away from him. so for this, i was thinking guanshan is a fairy who had his wings taken from him by the dragon, and guanshan wants to get them back. so he recruits the help of hetian, the raven elf, who was once a mighty warrior but is now a vagrant thief, but that’s fine too because guanshan wants to steal his wings back AND a bunch of gold if they can.
(but actually dragons are deeply respected and honoured in Chinese culture and they represent kings or emperors so ajfl;sda idk maybe that’s another fic idea for another day)
so that’s the backstory i had in mind and here’s a small snippet of what could be part of the whole story. hope you like it!
not proof-read. fluff. disclaimer: don’t know where i was going with it.
hetian dreams of the fairy that night. he’shad dreams of him before, but this one is different. because this time,guanshan has wings. guanshan has never described his wings before, but hetianis certain these are exactly what they look like. they’re golden, andthe sunrays blend with their shadows. hetian reaches out and traces where awing meets skin. that’s when guanshan turns around and hetian awakes.
the red-headed fairy is across the room,washing his face in the basin of water put out for them by the fire. therearen’t any wings on his back.
“i dreamt of you,” hetian says as he sitsup in the bed they shared. when he touches the spot next to him, he can stillfeel the warmth of a body.
guanshan wipes his face with a rough clothand then glares at his companion. “when i was right next to you?”
“it’s nothing indecent,” hetian clarifies.“you had your wings in my dream and i was simply admiring them.”
the expression on guanshan’s face softensminutely. he tosses the cloth over his shoulder and stands. he approaches thebed. “how did they look?”
“they’re golden.” hetian feels like he hasbeen awarded when he sees the small smirk creep upon guanshan’s lips. “they’rebeautiful.”
“and valuable,” guanshan adds. he bendsand kisses hetian softly. “that’s why we’re getting them back.”
“seems like a waste though,” hetian says,tangling his fingers in guanshan’s hair. he tugs the fairy down, forces him totumble on to the bed. “you look wonderful with them.”
“i don’t need wings,” guanshansays. he brackets hetian’s head with his arms, props himself over the elf. “themoney we could get from them, though, that’s useful.”
“if we steal enough gold from the dragon’sstash, you may keep your wings.” hetian’s hand slips onto guanshan’s back,draws a line from the bottom of his spine up. he smiles when guanshan shiversagainst him. his hands start to map out the scars where guanshan’s wings shouldbegin.
“forget it,” guanshan says. “it’s not likei can reattach them.” he kisses hetian’s cheek and peppers kisses down to hisneck.
“are you upset?” hetian asks, pattingguanshan’s head. “about losing your wings?”
“no,” guanshan says into hetian’s jaw.
they’re quiet for a bit, hetian feelingwarmer with every peck of guanshan’s lips, guanshan feeling lighter with everytap of hetian’s fingers against his back. hetian’s hand eventually returns toguanshan’s hair and he pulls on the red strands. guanshan looks up at him,familiar glare on his features.
“do you want me to kill the dragon foryou?” hetian asks. “i’ll rip his wings out.”
guanshan rolls his eyes. “they’reworthless.” his lips continue their track down hetian’s chest.
he’supset, hetianconcludes. i’ll rip them out. and i’ll keep his wings too.
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stone-man-warrior · 5 years
April 18, 2019: 12:15 pm:
I have somethings to add about last night’s third trip to Wal-Mart and to In-&-Out-Burger.
First, I want to mention that when I write about these experiences, I do so directly into the text box provided by Tumblr, as I did with Google+. I do not use a third party text editor, though I might need to in the future. As I write, I make mistakes in the text. Spelling errors and other grammar mistakes. I fix them as a type. Also, often, I am writing while being attacked with the nitrous gas or shortly afterwords. Even so, I repair most of the spelling and other errors as I write. Some of the errors I can recall changing, and that is what I need to say about it. The mistakes that I fix, and correct, are not reflected in the final output. When I press the “Post” button, many of the mistakes are still there even after I have corrected them. I am not a reporter and I was never trained to do typing the way professionals type, so it takes me longer and I am no good at it. I know that I am no good at it, so I proof the pages before I post them most of the time. I need to say this because of those who are claiming that I am copying their work. Every entry has a time stamp at Tumblr someplace, and if you re-open an entry post to edit mistakes, the time stamp changes, but the information that was changed is not noted anywhere. For that reason, I usually just leave the mistakes even though it makes me appear drunk, which is the goal of Big Media, Verizon/Yahoo, who are the operators of Tumblr. They are using the same tactics that Google+ did, the platform sometimes changes my text, does not reflect the corrections I have made, and they sometimes completely delete entries and parts of entries.
I had made an important entry about the Notre Dame fire the other day, and it is completely gone. There is no record of what I wrote about the Notre Dam fire a few days ago.
So, I need to say that the entries I made over the past three days are filled with errors that were corrected prior to posting the entries, yet, the mistakes remain despite having done the editing.
About that shopping trip.
There are two things I need to add after having some time to recall the events.
One is at the Wal-Mart late last night when the return counter was closed. This addition can be verified by those who have access to the recorded information from the implanted microphone transmitter in my jaw.
As I approached the front door at the Wal-Mart, two terror soldiers in the parking lot spoke to one another. One said “look who’s here”. They were referring to me and they both began to walk towards the front door of the store. I was about fifty feet behind those two. They approached one particular door of the two that are available to enter the store, then sidestepped to the other door. I saw that. So I looked at the door as I walked towards it and noticed the pneumatic, electric guillotine that they use there from time-to-time. It was on the inside of the front door, and consists of a frame, with a horizontal blade that moves vertically, and some pneumatic, or hydrolic rams that move the blade, which is about 40 inches wide and about 8 to 10 inches tall. The blade is operated automatically, and I do not know any more about it’s construction. The framework for the guillotine is arranged just inside of the store entry, and appears as part of the entry. Citizens who go through the door are cut in two vertically as they enter the store, there are three terror soldiers with carts right there waiting on the inside of the entry to cart away the victims, and clean the mess. The two black guys were part of the cleaning crew.
When the guillotine is at the Wal-Mart, there are visual clues for the terror soldiers to see. The visual clues are there to protect the terror soldiers from walking into the guillotine. I do not know all of the signs, I do know one, that has been present every time the guillotine has been present to my knowledge. There are some chrome gates that are installed inside of the store, just beyond the McDonald’s. The gates can be seen from the parking lot. The gates are put there temporarily when the guillotine is in place, the chrome gates are removed when the guillotine is taken down. So, if those chrome gates are there, then the guillotine either is there, or will be there soon, or was there a short time ago.
So as the two terror soldiers approached the door and side stepped, I saw the blade of the guillotine move up and down from the parking lot. I have seen this a hundred times at different locations including Fred Meyer and Bi-Mart. At the Wal-Mart, when the blade moves up and down, from the parking lot it appears to me as a window washing squeegee. So, that is what I said out loud when I saw it, “the window washers are here”. Then I said “Darn, they brought the guillotine”. I opened to door and saw it there, and then said “I am going to go right through this fucking thing”, and I did. There was a lot of poison gas at the time. It was not a good idea, I don’t recommend going through the guillotine, but that is what I did. I said out loud “I am going through this thing and I am going to take a picture of it.” So i went through it, and was not harmed, I ducked under the blade and went through quickly, being careful where I stepped as not to get my heal hung up in it on the way through. The terror cart driver inside the store lunged at me while saying “you take a picture and you die”. I decided to keep walking, so no photo was taken. I lit my lighter and the cart driver stayed away from me. By the time I had reached the two black guys, I had forgotten about the guillotine until I returned to the entry on my way out. I walked through it again, but was not interested in getting a photo with the two black guys behind me saying “$50,000 to take this guy out”.
As I reached my car, I heard some people in the entry shouting “he walked right through it... twice!” there was excitement about the idea that I had walked through the guillotine without getting cut.
And that concludes the additional information about the failed return of the short pants last night.
Also, after having the night to put my memory back together, I recall the horse face gal at the In-&-Out Burger after the Wal-Mart. The gal took out a sword at the time I ordered. I took it from her and turned it around, and put it through her from the chest, diagonally to her lower back. Her nitrous tank popped and she did not feel it. That is one of the things she was saying to the large couple that came in behind me. She said “I am run through, but I can’t feel it.”
The horse face gal finished the entire transaction, including making my vanilla shake, while having the sword completely through her.
And that is all I need to add about that.
For a long time, when I had the account at Google+, these same kinds of things were happening. I did not write about them very often. Anyone who reads these accounts of real experience of real terrorism will not understand, it will be discounted. I knew it would in the past, and I know it will now, but it’s true. Over time, I have become more aware that there are no public safety people, no FBI, no National Guard etcetera, so, I guess it really does not matter if any one believes it or not. No help has come. I kill terrorists in defense and say so online, and no one does anything about it. I have also become more confidant in my ability to fight against the SDA/SAG terror soldiers. They use heroin and have been exposed to a lot of Nitrous Oxide/Versed gas over many years. They are not difficult to kill. Even so, the FBI, the US Military, and all of the police nation-wide are so scared of them, that they won’t fight them. Instead, they just let this one old guy do all of the fighting even though they know I have lost my family to the terrorists. I don’t know who is more offensive anymore. Is it terrorists with poison gas who kill the population, or is it the national security and US Military that refuse to do their jobs, won’t fight against the terrorists to protect the citizens that are being slaughtered?
Judge Lindi Baker
Governor Kate Brown
Senator Greg Walden
Attorney General Jeff Sessions
Governor John Kitzhaber
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
(Scalia came to help, was killed by terrorists Loreena Chapman & Micheal Brassil at Rays Food Place in Merlin Oregon on a Saturday morning at about 9:15 am)
Those, and a whole bunch of very famous, terrorist actors and musicians have been killed at my home or by other means of attacking me.
Chris Cornell
George Wendt
Joe Satriani
Tom Petty
Those are just a few of the SAG members that came to kill me, but were killed in defense, and there deaths are either not announced, or were faked to appear as they died some other way.
All of the people above died in Josephine County Oregon while trying to delete this page and kill me. That is a short list. The list is much longer of famous deceased Screen Actor Guild members and US & State Government officials.
I say all of these things online, they are true, real, this shit happened, and no one has asked me one, single question about any of it.
The baby is on fire, and there is no one watching the baby.
Use a lighter, burn candles, the nitrous gas is flammable, a small flame clears the air so you can breathe and think clearly.
(I read this through, I corrected most if not all of the mistakes, if it turns out that there are a bunch of errors after posting this, then it was Tumblr and Verizon that made it happen. There should be no mistakes in this post, or only a few that I may have missed. Fished at 1:51 pm)
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outhereontheprairie · 6 years
North Dakota Farms: The Hoffman Homestead
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This post is about places and people dear to my heart. And for me, what is a classic North Dakota experience from my childhood. 
I was raised in the Seventh Day Adventist church, my parents and their families going back on both sides are all SDA. And although I’m not a member of the church anymore, and haven't been for years, I still do love certain things about it, and certain people who still belong to the church. 
Those people don’t just include my family, they also include some friends too! Including my dear childhood friend Bethany. Our parents went to SDA boarding school in central ND together. My dad even was roommates with her dad for a year. 
Bethany first mentioned visiting her family and exploring abandoned places last fall when I was going through a difficult setback. And she definitely kept her promise and really came through for me! First thing this spring (the first week of May) we were all ready to go for a day at her parent’s farm in southern ND near Streeter. And my dad tagged along too! He likes exploring abandoned places. 
The places we explored will have their own posts. For this post I want to dedicate it completely to Bethany and her wonderful family and their lovely little farm and the culture of SDA and of the country.
The farm has only been occupied for the last few years, actually. Before, it was sitting empty for about 10 years if I recall correctly. When Bethany’s parents moved in it needed a lot of work! It was, in all actuality, moving into an abandoned farm house and getting it livable. (Something I’ve often dreamed about, myself!) They did a beautiful job with the house and it is so cute and cozy now! And their views from the house are dreamy to a prairie lover such as myself. Miles and miles of prairie and hills in each direction! 
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Another project they took on was taking what looked like a very decrepit summer kitchen with a hole in the roof and making it into a tiny house for their son and his wife. From their photos, it looked like insurmountable odds! But it’s beautiful now! (See below).
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This pasture behind the house, I am told, is a nice place to walk. Through the gate (below) you can walk the hills and find an old grove of trees that used to belong to a long gone homestead, as well as some Indian rings. And believe it or not, a main road in the area used to run through there - long grown over now. 
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Below: my dad talks to Beth’s dad Kimber in front of what once was the barn. Anyone want some barn wood? :)
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The barn was already too far gone to save by the time they arrived on the property. It looks like a big, fallen beast in the farmyard and I think it adds to the character of the place!
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Below: another view of the summer kitchen/tiny house.
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After some socializing we left for our first destination in their van. Bethany had her almost 2 year old son along and he was such a trooper!
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Below: taken as we were leaving the first homestead.
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After two homesteads and one church we returned to the house where Linda was making a lovely lunch for us!
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Everything was delicious and healthy! SDAs tend to be vegetarian or even vegan. I was raised vegetarian and continue to be (with many vegan meals thrown in during the week). Our meal was vegan! Linda is very good at putting together a nice lunch, and don’t even get me started on her home made spaghetti sauce - so good!
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Above: Kimber stands in the doorway. 
Below: my dad, with his latest treasure. Dad collects license plates - he had 48 of the 50 states before we went to the farm, and now he has 49 states thanks to Bethany’s sister in law! She came from Delaware and wasn’t using her plates anymore. It really made dad’s day!
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Afternoon was spent exploring history - a tabernacle in a church camp and an original, old summer kitchen. I also got to meet two wonderful, very North-Dakotan/German women. But we’ll get to that later. 
It was evening by the time we finished at the summer kitchen and too late to continue on to more abandoned places. Dad wanted to get going (well, until he got to try out the VR systems Beth’s brother and husband are working on in the basement! Dad got to fly some sort of plane and was occupied for awhile.)
So while I was waiting, Linda gave us popcorn and home canned pears which just melted in your mouth! 
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The golden hour approached and dad tore himself away from flying his visual plane. 
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Bethany knows how much I love hymns. I grew up singing every hymn imaginable and performing many of them for special music as well as leading the church in the hymn portion of the church service both at my local church and at boarding school. Her family enjoys gathering around the piano (that Kimber plays beautifully) and singing hymns on Friday nights and Saturdays - AKA “Sabbath” to Seventh Day Adventists. Sabbath is something I grew up observing. It’s a time of rest and reflection on spiritual things for SDAs, and they also attend their main church service on Saturday morning.
Anyway, even though it was a Sunday evening, they were kind enough to make sure we sang at least one hymn for my benefit (which was so sweet and made my heart so happy!) They chose one of my favorites (most of them are my favorites, to be fair) that we actually saw on the cover of a hymnal at the tabernacle - Showers of Blessing. 
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Above: a little bit of modernity in the midst of our hymn singing in the old farm house :) 
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Kimber does a lovely job on the piano!
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Above: dad, who even joined in a bit!
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We ended our singing session with two children’s church songs for little Lucas! It was so fun and brought back some memories of when I was little at VBS or Sabbath school (SDA version of Sunday school). 
Above and below you can see Lucas getting into the actions of “The House on the Rock” song. The rains came down and the floods came up!
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Before we left we took a few photos. Dad wanted one with Kimber - who, in high school, he apparently shared sardines with!? Bethany and I had a good “EW!” session over that one! Haha. 
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It was great to see dad having such a great day and fun with an old friend.
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Then it was my turn with Bethany and Lucas. We both agree that we weren’t looking our best after a day of tromping around abandoned farms and general old ND history on the prairie out in the heat, trying to keep off the ticks. But I think she said she preferred this photo so this is the one I’ll use :)
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Below: as we were pulling away, Lucas was being fascinated by all the ant hills near the farm house! He is such a sweet, smart little guy.
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It was hard to say goodbye! I hope I see them all again soon. It was one of the best days I have had so far this year. I enjoyed every moment. Thank you so much to Bethany and her whole family for the wonderful day! 
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Dad and I drove home in the sunset and reached Bismarck a few hours later. We ducked into Burger King (of all places - not my favorite) for a little drink/snack and while we waited we both hopped around on the floor like lunatics trying to play a kid’s game that was projected onto the floor. Overall, it was just a very happy day!
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I guess I had hoped to convey more about my childhood and the SDA culture to you all, but I may continue with that in my post about visiting a now empty church that I grew up attending VBS at with Bethany and her family. So stay tuned for that and more posts about abandoned places and North Dakota history!
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weannewashere · 6 years
I lost my grandpa. He was my biggest fan, present at all the major events in my life, always reminding me to include “Razon” whenever I write my name so that people would know I was his granddaughter. For all those times he was there for me, I wasn’t by his side when he passed - I missed it by a few hours. Cancer takes the best people, and it had been months of going in and out of the hospital and nights spent in pain. His death was my first major loss in 28 years.
I started teaching. Four subjects, six classes. For the first five months of 2017, I slept at 10PM and woke up at 1AM to prepare lessons for college students who I hoped would be convinced to care about health inequities and the world beyond their immediate neighborhoods. The non-stop preparation made me miserable, but hearing that our classes made them rethink the way they view public health made me think it was all worth it.
RJ and I stopped talking. We had broken up in early 2016, but the slow, tricky fade that comes with “maybe we should give it another chance” and “let’s still try to be friends” dipped into 2017. It’s difficult to take responsibility for a falling out because essentially you’re admitting to being the villain, but I’ll admit that by the end of the story, I was the person hurting someone who genuinely would’ve given me his world at that point. It wasn’t fair to him that I stick around much longer. We’re no longer in each others’ lives now, but every now and then I see him post about his adventures on Facebook – a marathon here and there, a conquered mountain over the holidays, a dive in some paradise – and I’m sincerely glad to see that he’s happy and doing what he loves.
I fell for someone. How do I talk about it – being fidaa for someone you’re not just attracted to but whose qualities you also genuinely admire and respect, and finding out the person feels the same way? Do I talk about the fairy tale part – the long walks on the beach and the conspiratorial winks, the dinners in palaces and the forehead kisses, the airplane flights, the midnight waltzes, the talking about the future? Getting to know his family and his dog and being shown his childhood photos, entering his world and being allowed to see the many different sides and nuances to him? Or do I talk about the part that comes after – the reality of distance, the weight of expectations, the resistance of religion and culture? Having to choose between a friendship or a relationship and deciding in the end to go with the safer, some say smarter, path even if it leaves behind a dull ache? A lot of it feels like a lifetime ago, a function of things happening and ending so fast, I suppose. Maybe we were in over our heads, maybe we gave up too easily or maybe we gave it the best we could. It’s still something I think about every now and then, but no matter how things worked out, I’m very thankful Vishal became and still is part of my life.
I got rejected for a scholarship I had based a lot of my dreams and plans on. It’s funny how one sentence can completely change the direction of your life – suddenly I didn’t have an escape plan from my mundane life anymore, suddenly I didn’t seem good enough or smart enough or inspirational enough, suddenly my global health dreams seemed even further away, suddenly the possibility of a relationship with someone I deeply cared about was quashed. But they say when God closes a door, some way He opens a window. I’m still trying to find where those windows are haha and sometimes it feels like I’m trying to break some of them open by myself, but I’m trusting His plan, and who knows where it will take me.
I got disillusioned with religion. That’s hard for me to admit out loud, a pastor’s kid and a relatively active member of the church, but I promised myself I’d be vulnerably honest with this blog post. My spiritual life definitely took a dip last year as I struggled with the concept of tradition, legalism, exclusivity, and how religion can divide and dismiss people. My tiny SDA bubble was popped and I had many different conversations with friends from different faiths – Hindus, Catholics, Taoists, Buddhists, deists, atheists – all wonderful, intelligent people whose beliefs and values were sincere and valid. I questioned almost all of my own beliefs, trying to reconcile what I had always been taught with the ones I was now coming across, hoping God wouldn’t feel betrayed by my doubts and instead recognize that I was sincerely trying to find out the truth about Him. I’ve been praying more and more lately though and working out my faith again, asking that I become the type of Christian that reflects the goodness of Jesus.
I lost my phone. It wasn’t just a gadget – I had bought it in Geneva and it contained all my memories since then, everything I’ve discussed here. Audio recordings of my grandpa snoring and saying “I love you” that I had kept because I didn’t want to live in a world where he wasn’t able to tell me that anymore. Thousands of meaningful Whatsapp messages. Photos of everywhere I’d been. But oh well. If anything, losing my phone was probably the universe telling me to move forward and start anew with a blank slate.
I realize now that I’ve been talking about 2017 with what feels to me like a very somber tone, when actually, it was quite an amazing year when I think about it. I traveled to seven different countries in five months. I stepped on the marble floors of the Taj Mahal, saw the lights of the Bund and The Peak in their full glory, presented a paper in Thailand, watched the sun rise over Angkor Wat, swam with millions of sardines in Moalboal, and went scuba diving in Boracay. I adjusted to work and have somehow regained my old motivation and productivity back, while maintaining work-life balance. I met new people – Ines, Adrian, the La Union peeps, Jessy. I reunited with old friends – my AUP kids, my Salty Interns, my ISKRABS. I went ahead and applied for grad school anyway, because I can just pretend tuition fees don’t exist, right? Haha. I learned how to float, it turns out all you need to do is to keep breathing (ooh is that a metaphor for life). I stopped being apologetic and embarrassed about my feelings and emotions, because they’re just as valid as everyone else’s. I became both hopeful and cynical, reflective and extroverted, affectionate and uninhibited, determined and purposeful. I’ve said that my entire 2017 was a plot twist, a year I couldn’t have predicted when I started it months ago.
Which now brings me to 2018. It’s been a while since I’ve started a year with what feels like a blank slate – I have no blocked-out dates on my calendar, no confirmed major events or trips to look forward to, no sure milestones planned. I’m not sure how I feel about that. From where I stand it feels like a filler year, and part of me just wants to get it over with and skip over to 2019. But the optimistic part of me says that maybe the vagueness of this year is why I should be excited – there’s so much room for 2018 to surprise me. Anything could happen. And maybe anything will. But I’ll stay on my toes and drive my own life, because if there’s anything I’ve learned from this year, it’s that my life is a product of my choices.
I honestly don’t want to close my 2017, but like the protagonist narrating the end of a feel-good movie where she undergoes significant character development, sheds some naivete, and finds herself standing alone yet strong in the end, I’ll end this on a positive note and give the future a chance, for the best is yet to come. The best is yet to come.
Happy new year, y’all.
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icechuksblog · 5 years
A young Kenyan father, Timon Makswell shared a heartbreaking post after his little daughter was allegedly forcefully taken from him by his late wife's family. Read below : To my late wife Rena, am really sorry I have failed you, I was not able to keep the only last promise I made to you before you left this world of keeping our baby Tamara safe, away from danger and taking care of her.To my little girl Tamara, dady is really sorry I could not be able to take care of you any longer. I know I have failed you, I was the only person who was to protect you from these people but instead I chose to let them have you.“Let’s shoot him”, said one officer as the other four cocked their guns and pointed them at me. This is how I almost got shot yesterday night at Spring Valley police station in Saika. My only crime was taking away my daughter who is currently nine months and taking care of her after my wife died in October 2018.When I met Rena in 2015 at their farm in Laikipia and started dating her, she was a very jovial and very hard working lady. I did not know that she would someday be the mother of my child and who would later die and leave me with a four months old baby girl to take care of; we started dating as any other young people would but the only difference we had from other people was the kind of love that we had for one another. Then I started noticing Rena getting weak, and when I asked her she told me that she had been diagnosed with some liver problems but she was already on medication and she promised me she will be ok. I made an effort of making sure that her parents knew about her condition and this is how I got to meet my father and mother in law. Months went by and Rena was now recovering well and could do any work, things never got better in 2016 when we all thought she had recovered fully. This is the time we went to her parents and I asked them to allow me marry their daughter, but before we got home Rena cautioned me that her parents wouldn’t like it since they were against their family marrying from other tribes; I did not want this to stop me from marrying the woman I loved, and to my surprise when we got home and it was time to say why we had visited I did not experienced any resistance.We went back to Laikipia town where we were staying and continued with our daily hustles, and months passed (though we could visit their home frequently) and in August 2017 Rena got pregnant. We were so happy and worked as twice as hard now that we were expecting a baby. Then the sickness returned and we thought it was just due to her being pregnant, this time it did not go away and Rena had to stop working. At 4months, Rena’s health started getting worse. We didn’t know what to do, we visited all hospitals in Laikipia to see if we could get some help but nothing changed. Then came the delivery time and since Rena had grown so weak, the doctors at Rimuruti advised that she delivers through C-section. After 3 days of staying in the hospital we were allowed to go home and this is the time when things started getting thick for us. Rena could not sometimes even get out of bed by herself, there was no breast milk and the baby was almost starving. I had to talk to Rena’s mother to give us advice on what we could feed the baby on( being our first child) and she suggested cow milk.Rena’s sickness went on for about two more months without a change, I was now the only provider to both of us and sometimes I could not even go to work because I had to look after the baby. Then Rena suggested that since she had about two acres of land that she had bought with money from her business I should call her father to come and help us sell the land so that she can seek medical attention in Nairobi. When her dad arrived in our house that day and we told him why we had called him he almost went mad, he said he can not sell that land even if Rena was dying. All this time Rena was all tears and begging him to just sell the land but he insisted and said no. He then told us that he will talk to his brother who works at Better Living in Nairobi (next to Maxwell SDA) to help us out. A month went by and in September 2018 we got a call from Rena’s uncle that we should go to Nairobi. I went and borrowed some money from one of my friends promising to pay back once we get to Nairobi. We left the next morning and I we carried was a mattress. Rena was so weak, she could not eat anything and would stop to rest after every three minutes of walking. When we got to Nairobi that evening we were given a servant’s quarter in the uncle’s compound in Harlinghum. The  next day Rena was taken to the hospital and the doctor said she should be on drip because she was very weak then return the next day for more tests. The tests were carried out the following day, and to our surprise the doctor told us that Rena had been bleeding internally from the C-section that she had and that her liver was not improving either. He then gave her some medicine that she needed to take from home. That night I had to talk to Rena’s uncle about looking for a job since I didn’t want to be a burden to the family. He told me that he would get me some job at Better Living which he did after one week. During this time, I was the one nursing Rena and taking care of our baby and when the time came for me to report to the new job that I had just landed, I requested Rena’s aunt to help me with looking after the child while I was at work though I would be returning after every four hours to check on Rena since she could not Annette go to the toilet by herself. She never helped, sometimes I would come back to check on Rena only to find the child crying by Rena’s side because she didn’t have the energy to lift her. Rena’s health was now worse than it  was when we came to Nairobi, her body started swelling and got to a point that the doctors at Better Living had to draw out the excess fluid, this got me so worried. I kept asking God why he gave me a family only to take the mother of my child away then I had this little voice in my head telling me that “this is also how you came into the world”, but not exactly because for me and my sister we were raised by our grand mother after our parents passed away when I was 4 years old and my sister was 2 years old. But what about my baby girl, what will happen to her since I don’t have parents and even my granny is no more and the way Rena has been insisting that should she die I should not give our child to any of her relative? Time was running out so fast for Rena, and in October 2018 she died leaving me with just a 4 months old baby. I got so confused, I did not know what to do or whom even to talk to and what was going to happen to my child. I was so afraid she was going to die and follow her mother. When I called Rena’s father and asked what I should do he bluntly told me that he don’t know and that I should talk to his brother (this is one of those families where the one who has money makes decision for everyone) but I had no choice to talk to him and ask him if they can allow me to go and burry my wife at my rural home. It was a rude shock, his uncle told me that I had not performed the customary marital rights to their daughter and that there is no way they were going to allow me to burry their daughter, he told me that none of my relatives are welcome to Rena’s burial. I later came to learn that during the time Rena was sick in Nairobi this family was busy making birth certificate for my daughter. But trouble started after Rena was buried in Laikipia, when we got back to Nairobi with the child Rena’s uncle told me that I should leave them the child and go stay on my own, when I inquired with one of Rena’s cousin he told me that the family had taken two children from one of their in laws after their mother died and that they use these children to ask for funds from donors pretending that the children are total orphans. This is when I realized why Rena had insisted that our child should not be taken by anyone but should stay with me. I had to make a choice between losing our only child and betraying the wishes of my wife and leaving the job I had and starting from scratch, and as you guess any parent could have chose to leave and start a fresh and that is what I did. I then moved to Saika and started looking for a job which one of my friends helped me to secure. I then started getting calls from Rena’s uncle and Annette Kimuomi her sister that I should return their child or they will frame me and take away the child from me. It got to appoint when Annette Kimuomi gave my number to some woman who told me she was from the DCI office in Kileleshwa and that they wanted me to go to that office with the child and give a statement. But after consulting with a friend he told me not to go since these people were so determined to take my child and that they would anything to have this child. I continued getting threats to a point I had to go to the police and report but the officer I got advised me to go to children’s department and they would be able to help. I visited the office as advised and I was given a letter to take to court so that this family can be summoned, and then something told me to call Rena’s father and inform him that I have been receiving threats and that I was taking the matter to court. Rena’s father apologized and told me those people were acting on their own without his permission and that he would like us to meet with mediators from both sides so that we can solve this issue at family level. He even gave me a date and I had my guys ready but he never showed up, he did not even call. The threats also stopped, and I got releaved thinking that finally they had decided to leave us alone until yesterday at around 5.30pm when I stepped out to buy Tamara milk (she was a sleep) only to be surrounded by police officers who then hand cuffed me and took me to Spring Valley police station in Kayole.None of the officers told me why I was being arrested, and when we arrived at the station the first person I saw was Annette Kimuomi! Then one of the officers told me that Annette Kimuomi had reported that I had kid napped Tamara and that I have since stopped her from taking medication. Annette Kimuomi had told the officers that Rena died of HIV and that Tamar was born positive, so the officer told me that these people have money and they can do anything so if I  know what is good for me then I should give them the child. I stood my ground and refused to tell them where the child is, I made a few calls to some a few friends who even came to see if they could help but the officers chased them away! It was now 8.30pm am still being held at the police station, no occurrence book was done and when the officers realized that I was not willing to give up the baby one of them went back to talk to Annette Kimuomi and when he came out he called his other two colleagues and talked for a few minutes.This is when they surrounded me and on of them said, we going to shoot you now as the other four cocked their guns and pointed at me. Then I started thinking to myself, what will happen to my child if I die because it seems these people are willing to got to any extent even if it means killing me so that they can take my child. I gave in, because this is the only way I could have lived to fight this off. I was bundled into the police vehicle and they took my child, that is how I lost my child then one I promised her mother that no one  would ever take away from me. I know I have failed but I still ask myself is there justice in this world?, what did I ever do to this family to make them treat like this?, did I have to die to save my child, and had it be the police to take away my child? Why did Annette Kimuomi have to drug the name of my wife in mad lie that when the whole family knows that Rena died because of liver problem and post birth problems? As I write this am still shaken because I do not know what their next move is going to be, they may even send someone to kill me so that my story is never heard. For those who are reading this please I beg you, please help me get my child back please.
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on http://webpostingpro.com/parents-of-killed-santa-safari-tour-worker-travel-to-lapland/
Parents of killed Santa Safari tour worker travel to Lapland
The mother and father of a Santa tour manual who become stabbed to demise in Lapland have traveled to Finland, it is understood. The sufferer has been named regionally as Rebecca Johnson, from Burntisland in Fife.bing travel
Her frame changed into discovered in the Finnish village of Kuttanen on Saturday.
The 26-year-old was a member of the Santa Safari team which matches with Oxford-based totally tour operator Trans Tour to organize Christmas-themed tours to Lapland.
Her 36-12 months-antique Czech boyfriend is in police custody. Ms. Johnson turned into a member of the Sled Dog Affiliation of Scotland (SDAS), who said she became a “shiny and bubbly younger lady” who “lived for her puppies”.
In a declaration on the SDAS website, the Affiliation stated: “Our mind exit to her buddies and own family at this tough time, mainly so close to Christmas, a time to be with your family.
Rebecca became an eager musher who turned into a notable supporter for SDAS,
Generously giving many ManMat prizes for our race competitors.” A minute’s silence could be held for Ms. Johnson at this weekend’s Darnaway race, observed with the aid of a group for certainly one of her favorite Dog charities, SDAS added.
Speaking to the Courier newspaper, Ms. Johnson’s remarkable-aunt Val Laing, who lives in Burntisland, stated her terrific-niece would be greatly overlooked. She stated: “Rebecca turned into a beautiful lady. “I had come home from Edinburgh whilst her granddad was on the telephone to tell me what had happened. I could not take it in at the beginning. “For her parents and grandparents to lose her just before Christmas is devastating. I will be there for them but I don’t know how they’re going to manage.”
Desperation to Relieve Insomnia – What Really Killed Michael Jackson
I bear in mind the day I heard about Michael Jackson’s dying. It becomes on June 27, 2009, days after it happened. I used to be flying home from an in-depth week-lengthy path where I hadn’t had access to information of any kind. What I don’t forget maximum as I watched the tale unfold on an airport T.V., is not the grief at losing this gifted performer nicely earlier than his time, or anger at his doctor for irresponsibly offering a deadly aggregate of drugs, however compassion and information toward the King of dad.
On the time, Michael Jackson and I shared an illness
We had each spent decades suffering from falling asleep at night time. Notwithstanding unlimited funds for medical care, Michael couldn’t discover a treatment due to the fact conventional medication does now not have healthy answers for insomnia. The standard route of remedy — pharmaceuticals — was given out of hand. Michael died of an overdose of Propofol combined with different sedatives. Propofol is an effective anesthetic administered intravenously in hospitals to set off and maintain anesthesia all through surgical treatment. It isn’t always designed or authorized for person use at domestic. Michael’s private physician, however, had been administering the drug to him frequently so that he should doze off at night time.
I had simply spent a week averaging handiest 2-3 hours of sleep each night time, which was a normal, even anticipated reaction for me on every occasion I hung out away from domestic gaining knowledge of something new. I was exhausted and achy from my week of insufficient sleep. After I discovered the details of Michael’s demise, I absolutely understood why a person might be desperate sufficient to show to such powerful sleep inducing drugs.
I once had my personal four-yr stint with sound asleep drugs
Ending most effective once they stopped working. The rebound insomnia changed into some of the worst I had ever killed and it took almost a full year to stabilize after it. Any other alternative might have been to keep taking increasingly more powerful drugs until locating something as sturdy and threatening as Propofol
I imagine this is how Michael ended up needing this sort of strong drug to do what our bodies were intended to do evidently each night time. I had become one manner and he had turned the other, yet nevertheless, I understood all too nicely the desperation of needing sleep extra than something and certainly not being capable of getting it.killed it meaning
Subsequently, a couple years after Michael’s loss of life, I found what I was searching for over the direction of just about thirty years — something that reliably and obviously enables me to sleep every night time. That something is EFT,
The Convenience Of Concierge Services During Holiday Travel
While touring, you need to have the most enjoyable time possible. But with such a lot of activities, it can be in reality difficult to live comfortable and to have the whole thing so as. Concierge offerings come into the image to take the burden off your shoulders so that you have lots of time to do what you want to do maximum now not traumatic approximately non-public things that want to be finished. Concierge services can be residential, corporate or private; the non-public offerings are what you’ll need Whilst getting ready for a vacation travel.
Travel packages
Typically talking, you may have a manager to attend to your each day responsibilities consisting of making smartphone calls, making hotel reservations, arranging spa services, reserving delivery and even coordinating bags help. A number of the service providers will essentially be open to provide you any kind of assistance you could need consisting of pet care, dining bookings and buying tickets to activities that you want to enjoy throughout your holiday. The offerings you can revel in can be as personalized as possible and they may:
Save some time
That is due to the fact you may not spare your precious excursion time looking to get the entirety in order. You absolutely want to make your request and your concierge could be at the duties right away. you’ll have all your errands run for you as you spend valuable time doing what you want in your journey destination. you will have more time to relax, explore, revel in and analyze if you have a trustworthy supervisor coping with all your personal obligations.
Shop your cash – It may appear ironical because the greater services will truly fee you something.
However, the truth is while you select to have a concierge you stand to experience offerings from different service vendors and carriers working together with your company. This will increase the chances of taking part in discounts from the partners, consisting of unfastened upgrades, special perks and treatments and complimentary blessings for various services and products. you can get the rare danger of playing loose trials, improvements, and discounts at top spas, eating places, transportation, and leisure companies.
When seeking out the fine service issue in your travel needs, you ought to test out
Lapland For Children – A Lifetime Experience
Each time we take our youngsters on holidays to any place, we continually marvel whether or not they’ll enjoy this escapade or no. whether the vacation spot may have something so as to preserve them engrossed. You will usually want each trip along with your family and kids to be the most memorable one. Nicely, with Lapland, You’ll have no such problems, be relaxation assured that your kids may have a ball of a time!! Study directly to discover how you could make Lapland for youngsters an entire life enjoy!Lapland Europe
All of us realize how youngsters love Santa and anticipate them eagerly in Christmas
What in the case did you instruct them that they could meet him here in Lapland? you may take them to peer Santa’s house, his toy manufacturing unit, his reindeer, and sleigh, meet elves and talk to real Santa Claus. This dream of your infant can come properly only in Lapland. The Santa’s residence in Arctic is in Lapland. you can fly to Santa Claus airport and walk immediately to Santa’s residence. Lapland for children is a completely unique way to rejoice white Christmas with Father Christmas himself. There are many applications available for a visit to Santa Claus. Costs range depending on the time you pick out to visit.swedish Lapland
Assembly Santa Claus is not the simplest element in Lapland for kids.
There are various adventurous sports for youngsters in Lapland. you could take your kids for canine sledding or reindeer sledding. It is a brilliant adventure for youngsters mainly in the event that they have passed the age of going loopy over Santa Claus. In reality, There are many excursions from January to entertain youngsters that do not consist of a trip to Santa Claus.lapland map
Then there’s Ice resort for children for an awesome enjoy. Seeing a hotel made of ice and snoozing a night on an ice mattress is positive to amaze the youngsters. They simply might not get to see this or revel in this, anywhere else. With motel Fees as little as $300 it makes it pretty low cost. Then there’s the arena’s largest ice fort for youngsters to see. Also many sports like skiing can entice them to stay and revel in this new vicinity.
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stone-man-warrior · 3 years
April 13, 2021: 12:45 pm:
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There is no COVID disease. There is no Corona Virus disease.
Therefore, there is no vaccine for either of the terrorists Russian Mother of all Hoax lies.
In February I was attacked in my home while sleeping, two different kinds of poison substance was injected into my leg with a single weapon, as I was struck repeatedly in rapid succession by the assassin who came into my home with a key obtained by the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office.
You have seen the photos and read about the results I have explained since then.
I contacted the President of USA to ask for help, that note is available here on the February 13 entry, and so is the receipt letter that was sent back to me from WhiteHouse.gov.
no help has come.
The medical providers I went to turned me away.
Last night, I felt as though the leg poisons had been stabilized, the burning sensation was nearly all gone, and the swelling was also under control, was not hurting for a number of hours, so, I still have those open wounds, they won’t heal. I am a big fan of neo-sporin for treating open wounds, and I tried using neo-sporin and the generic Equate brand in the beginning of the symptoms back in February, and I had found that the neo-sporin antibiotic products were not only making the sores worse, the stuff was causing pain levels that are indescribable, a burning sensation that feels as if it is fire and ice all at once was the result of the application of neo-sporin and the Equate generic products.
Like I said, I have been using those products all of my life to treat all kinds of wounds, as a carpenter, I used a lot of antibiotic ointment to treat wounds throughout my career, as carpentry and injury, are indeed the same profession.
So, last night I tried the antibiotic ointment again.
This time, having learned of the pain it caused before, I was cautious, and I only used a small amount on two of the open sore areas, that one that hardened up like granite, and another smaller one that is also hardening like that.
I feel it’s super important to say the results of that application of the neo-sporin, I used the name brand of a product I trust and I don‘t feel that there is anything wrong with the neo-sporin product, I feel as though the poison I was injected with reacts to the application of neo-sporin in a way that is so unbelievably painful that I almost began to tear my skin off in effort to relieve the pain I was experiencing this morning at about 8:00 am.  The pain was so bad, that I did reach to my wound and scratch a tiny piece of the open sores off before I realized it was a bad idea to do that, I had awakened from a solid sleep to that sudden urge to peel away the burning pain.
That happened after I already rinsed the neo-sporin off last night. The application of that small amount of neo-sporin was such that the burning sensation spread all through the area where the open sores are still not healing immediately, and within about a half hour, I had already rinsed it all away with peroxide, twice, then tried to get some sleep. After a lot of massage to move the blood around in my leg, I was able to fall asleep at around 3:00 am, then woke to that absolutely unbearable burning sensation at about 8:00 am.
So, in event that others are attacked with the same poisons that I was attacked with, please know that the neo-sporin style of topical antibiotic ointment is going to make the victims crazy with the level of pain that follows the application. The poison is made a thousand times worse by addition of the ointment.
Peroxide is the only thing that is helpful for treating the infection. Vitamin E capsules opened up, and the contents of the gel-caps smeared around on the surface of the open sores is somewhat soothing, but does not last as a pain reliever, it does keep the air out of the wounds, and it adds much needed moisture to the wounds to keep them from cracking or peeling pre-maturely.
1:57 pm:
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I have come to the conclusion that the more yellow is in the wound after rinsing with peroxide, that mean the more burning painful feeling I am experiencing.
The neo-sporin episode completely ruined the progress I had made happen, and the red inflamed areas returned, there was very little redness last night until application of the antibiotic ointment.
As you can see when compared to earlier photos, the swelling of the right foot is now nearly non-existent, no more foot swelling for two days so far. That is good news.
The only place I put some neo-sporin was on that sore on the right side of the ankle in the middle photo, and, some on the two very small sores at the very upper part of my shin shown on the bottom photo, and those three sores are different than all of the other sores, those are hardening up like granite in the scab area, it’s not possible to pick away at them, or make them flake off to try to promote new skin growth, they are absolutely rock solid, and that is why I chose to try the neo-sporin once more after after already learning that the stuff is making the pain far worse. This application last night of the ointment was by far the most painful part of the experience so far, the good news is that the pain is diminishing at a nominal pace with peroxide rinsing.
Other information that others may find helpful if the Corona terror soldiers come to attack you the same as they did to me, is that I still maintain full range of motion of the ankle and knee, the toes however, are not moving the way I want them to. You can snap your fingers, and, you can sort of snap your toes together, but I have not been able to snap my toes since February. The toes and foot suffer, while the ankle, so far, is OK. There is limits to the ankle motion that occur due to the skin on my shin and the sores are painful with movement, but I am able to move the ankle in all directions, with a lot of grief from the skin and sores. The more vitamin E I put on there, the more I can tolerate motion at the ankle.
It takes about 12 to 15 of those vitamin E gel-caps cut open and smeared around to do a treatment that lasts about 4 hours before it soaks in or is rubbed off.
3:07 pm:
Trending on Twitter terror command central:
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Please, look at the news with new eyes, news from any and all news networks and news personalities. If the Twitter account is marked with a “Verified Account” status symbol, that is an account of a Twitter terror command SAG leadership associate, any information from such accounts is all bullshit on it’s face value, every story serves a purpose to advance the British/SAG/Canadian/Vatican plan to take over and rule the entire world.
Just study the current and historic places where Britain, Spain, Portugal, France, have taken over during the past 500 years or so. Add to those other places where German, Sweden, Dutch, other “Viking” sort of groups also have invaded and there you will begin to see that there is a common goal among all of those groups to take over and rule all of not only the land and resources, but to conquer, control, or completely eliminate differing cultures of peoples around the world, and, you will begin to see that the “Viking” sort of groups have a plan in mind that differs from the British/Spain/Portugal/France alliances.
That trending Tweet includes that there is a “anniversary” requirement before any work is to be done with regard to bringing the US Troops home.
You need to seek out, find, identify and remedy the notion that there must be “anniversary” in order for our US Government to act on almost anything that makes sense. The whole sensible ideas that are talked about get swallowed up by this mandate that a “anniversary of catastrophe” of some kind has to take place before any sensible acts of governance will happen.
The wording is also suspicious, as it says that Biden will make an announcement by September 11, it does not necessarily say that there will have been any progress, just an announcement is what I read.
The “anniversary of catastrophe or tragedy” is terror code, it means “this story is a revolutionary statement” and that is a way that the terror army knows that there are components within the story that concern the terror goals of global domination advance. All the terror soldier in the field needs to see, is the “anniversary” statement is built in to the information, and that tells them they need to do a more in depth study of the information presented, so that updates, marching orders, commands, etc. can be gained quickly in the mainstream news, while also shows a priority level, one of “Revolutionary Priority” is stated with the inclusion of a mandated “anniversary” in the story.
The truth about Afghanistan US military presence, is that there are no US Military in Afghanistan, they were all killed by the French, British, and other so called “Friendlies” and Canadian’s were sent over there to wear the US uniforms. occupy the bases, control the US equipment, and all that is done so that the SAG/SDA Heroin Poppy productions can be perpetuated to control the terror army with.
The SDA terror soldiers are heroin powered, they maintain loyalty to the source of the heroin. so, those who control the heroin, also control the vast, millions of SDA Canadian terror army soldiers.
US Troops are not going to return home from any bases they have been sent to anywhere, they cannot come home, because they were all killed by what has been persevered perceived as their own command, while that command, in reality, is a fascist regime in place throughout all of the US Government, all of Congress is all shills. all are actors, all of the state governors are all shills, all are actors, they are all SAG members.
The real leadership is hidden on the island of Kauai, at Kauai Ranch, and consists largely of British Knights who are all British House of Lords and British musicians.
The remaining US citizens need to wrap their heads around that kind of truth and find a way to remove Twitter from the internet, just to get started on recovering the USA that was taken from them.
7:34 pm:
Local Conditions:
I walked to the mailbox just now, it’s been quite a long time since I have walked that far.
The walk was painful.
As I stepped outside, I heard non-descript audible signals come from Chartrand’s terror cell.
As I reached the place on my driveway nearest the Offensive Monroe Surveillance travel trailer I heard some signaling that is relatively new, the sound of some rumbling noise, I don’t know what the noise actually is, but I do know that the sound of rumbling has been made to happen as I reach my driveway gate the past few times I have been on a walk that far. That rumbling sound alerted at least two terror cells to do activity, one was a Shark Maneuver where the terror bastards time a drive-by to happen just as I reach the mailboxes, that makes an opportunity for the terror bastards to do a number of different things, one of them is to have a chance to run me over, as the mailboxes are such that I need to stand on the roadway to collect my mail. My son was once run over on his foot as he and I were both pinned against the mailboxes by the Phillips terror cell many years ago, and I have been completely run over by a truck. also driven by people who drove to the Phillips terror cell at 507 Jackpine while I was still laying injured on the roadway after being run over while walking in front of my driveway in 2012.
Today, someone driving one of the vehicles that belongs to the Myers terror cell at 560 Jackpine was the Shark, the car was as quiet  as a car can be, had I not looked behind me, they would have run me over as the car was pointed at me as I was about to cross the street at the mailbox area, and the driver made no attempts to move the vehicle a safe distance away, he kept driving as if I was nit standing on the roadside. There is no sidewalk here, it’s a rural gravel road on a dead end street with only a few residential dwellings on it. yet someone is always driving by almost every time I take a walk to the road, and they are signaled to do those Shark Maneuver drive-by attempts to run me over by virtue of listening devices they hid around my door to my house, and with use of cameras that are all over the place at Monroe terror cell. The Monroe cameras are moved from place to place, so I don’t always know where they hid the cameras they use for trying to kill me with.
The driver and passenger of the Myers white colored Cross-over style car were both impostors, neither the driver nor the passenger were people that I recognize as people who live at the Myers terror cell, but were driving the Myers car and went into the Myers driveway.
The other thing that happened, is the door to the Offensive Monroe Surveillance Travel Trailer was closed when I was on my way to the mailboxes, but when I returned to my driveway, that trailer door was wide opened. they use that trailer sometimes to make a story that I live there, and sometimes the current Deb Monroe claims to live at my home. Sometimes I hear a phone call to a 911 operator and the girl is pretending to be scared, is crying and says that I am inside her house to the emergency operators. That story happens at least once per month, I don’t know what use it has, as so far, I have not seen emergency response to the call that I can plainly overhear happening from time to time.
So, audible signals made with rumbling sounds, maybe the kind of sound of a plastic trash can on wheels being rolled someplace, or possibly a noisy trailer leaving the Chartrand terror cell, and that is what I suspect, a trailer, as the sound I heard seemed to have gone down the road as I was at my driveway gate. I suspect that those fake Myers were staged at the Chartrand terror cell, heard that I was outside, got into a car with a trailer on it, drove to 315 Jackpine where they had the Myers white Cross-Over car stashed there, waiting for this so that they could drive there, switch cars real quick, then come back down the road for a chance to run me over. I have seen that kind of thing happen often, but they usually keep the return vehicle at Strong’s terror cell on Russell Road, and go there, to switch cars, then come back in a different car to run me over.
I suppose the trailer door was opened so that someone can claim that I was in the Monroe trailer if they had been successful at killing me today.
More than a week since I checked my postal mailbox and there were only two items in the mailbox, a Josephine County Food Bank donation envelope, and a real-estate advertisement.
If people have tried to send me anything in the mail by USPS mail, I don‘t receive it, any special mail sent to me is stolen by the mail carrier and either kept by the mail carrier, or placed into the Monroe’s mailbox. I suspect that many of the cameras and electronic devices, and the plethora of different kinds of lights that they have obtained at Monroe’s over the past three years or so is stuff that people sent to me for home security, but Monroe’s have all of that, and lot’s of  it to use for killing me instead.
8:31 pm:
I am still waiting for nbc/Universal/Comcast to show us that video of the woman who was said to have been chasing a moving SUV and trying to open the door of the thing while it was going around in circles in the street that they teased us with last night.
8:48 pm:
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Filmed in “Supermarionation“
Pit of Peril is one of the most offensive television programs ever produced.
I did the full decode in around December last year. The episode tells in code how Lindon B. Johnson set-up our US Military servicemen to be killed in Vietnam were they were murdered by their own command.
That Tweet from the terror bastards who occupy US Congress is about what the Pit of Peril episode of Thunderbird’s explained to the terror army back in 1965 on television, hidden in a children’s puppet show cartoon presentation on Saturday Mornings.
I had set out to decode as many of those Thunderbird programs as possible, but by episode 8 or 9 I had been attacked at my home so many times that I decided what I had already decoded was enough that US national security personnel could see what I was seeing in the episodes and continue.  What such nsa may not realize is that I have insider information, from my youth at a time when I was part of a group of people, the people that are called “Amp Guru” of Vatican Choir terror high command. All of those musicians I report about, they are “Amp Guru”. I was considered as  “Inside of the Tracy Office”  and I can prove it. The information is not something I am making up.  I am trying to gain my own freedom by exposing truth so I can get some help to come to Oregon, and learn how to stop the terror take over of USA.
9:42 pm:
Real quick, additional information about my decode of the various so called COVID Vaccines, as I was explaining the other day:
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The items above are “Trending” on Twitter.
I say that the vaccines are a terror code that translates to something like: “name your poison“.
I also suggest that there are recreational drugs included in the list of coded “Vaccines”, as I explained, the Astra-Xenica so called Vaccine is quite obviously a way to say “SAG/SDA terror army Heroin and it’s distribution criteria“.
This “pausing” of the so called Johnson & Johnson Vaccine is suspicious for a number reasons, and one of the reasons is coming out of the White House and is included in statements and instructions made by the (occupying) US President, Joe Biden.
(to be clear, Donald Trump also was an “occupying president”, All of the US Presidents since Richard Nixon have been false flag, treasonous, shill puppet place holders for other power mongers who hide in plain site, are all SAG actors and musicians, British House of Lords members and officers of global corporate giants. Ronald Reagan, on the other hand, was not a shill puppet, he was “the real McCoy” of treason in the white house, as the President of Screen Actor Guild, Reagan was not a puppet, but rather, was the puppet master’s set builder, he built the stage floor, the trap doors in it, the false ceiling above the puppet stage, and galvanized all of the strings that would later control the puppets who followed him to the White House. USA has not had a real US President for more than fifty years.)
I say that the J&J Vaccine is terror code for “Cocaine” and is a Hollywood specific item.
Think about the “Pause Button“ on your music and video equipment, it is a symbol composed of “two lines”.
Pause = Two Lines = Cocaine
Then, that other tweeted information about the US Afghan Troops, that is said to have an anniversary associated with September 11, 2001, and the specifics include those two big towers that that were demolished that day, were also two great big vertical lines, as Joe is using them to say his thing on twitter.
The Two Towers = Two Lines = Cocaine = Pause = Johnson & Johnson Vaccine
What further specifics are included is not clear, but, I saw some tweets somewhere on twitter that made me immediately think about the towers, the pause, the button, and cocaine as the coded message. Those tweets I cannot recall what they were about, however, the decode to them was basically “a scale of white pounds”.
So, savvy sleuths may be interested in looking for more about this Biden and cocaine terror connection, and I suggest to have a close look at everything that Hunter Biden is said to be smoking this week, be it parmigiana cheese, cheesecake, or crack cocaine.
That’s all, I am feeling very sore, and suddenly I feel sick, and my vision is not working as the poisons are coming out of my eyes in tears, they feel very cold tears, I need to lay down.
(Additional: 4-14-2021: 1:29 pm: I suspect a statement from Lindsey Graham will follow this news from Biden about Troops in Afghanistan. Graham has a history of public statements made following news of US Troop withdrawal. His purpose is multifaceted, one of them is to keep the face value of the news story about troop withdrawal alive and well, in effort to do cover work for the president when troop news statements are made, Give it a week or two, by May 1, I suspect Graham will show up with some compelling reason about why the troops need to stay where they are, thus supporting the fake face value story, while simultaneously making argument that will ultimately prevent any troops from returning back home. The troops may be said to be reassigned to some other fake duty somewhere else, but there will never again be a presidential statement made that leads to US Military ever returning back to USA after deployment to overseas duty. The last time we saw US Military come home in large numbers on ships at US Ports, was at the close of the Vietnam War, and the men were spit on, while news media drooled at the chance to report the lougies. Watch for Lindsey Graham statements in the coming weeks.)
(more additional: 4-14-2021: 2:06 pm:  Labels. news media makes them up, they flood the TV, newspapers, radio, with news stories that rely on labels. The labels serve to support the false face value of the news, while providing terms that last a long time for use and re-use over and over again as terror communication tools for describing events of particular aspects of the global domination campaign set forth by Britain, and with alliance of US news media and SAG. Antifa, Proud Boys, Three Percenters, Al Quiada, Taliban, Uighur’s ... and hundreds more such labels are invented by SAG news media for advance of the British global offensive.
Taliban = “The people who don‘t count” = US Military Personnel
It’s backwards from what we are told at the face value, it’s the ass value presented by SAG news media, for the takeover and kill of USA,)
This story below is also about the Johnson & Johnson cocaine pause (paws). “The J&J white is going dark”
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Additional: 4-14-2021: 2:34 pm:
(Biden uses a super subtle body language in all of his speeches, it’s always the same motion he makes. Biden begins to speak, then, after he gets started, shortly after the speech begins, he leans from one side, to the other side, very tiny bit of motion. Here, at the 1:10 mark [think about two legs of power, each leg is 110v, for a total of 220v, and, that there is acceptance of a ten volt variance per power leg, which can be 120v max, 110v at minimum, for a total of 240v Max Power. You need to have that information with you when decoding terror comm from the high power levels.] Biden favors his motion to the right of the screen, so far, I have only rarely seen Joe move left with this super subtle comm style he does.)
(correction: I read that wrong. The video is 1:10 in length of the edited time, the list happens at 0:06. My bad. That means that particular edit, is only half of the “Cup of Joe” statement. The list being edited to happen at 0:06 is suspicious of “Half Dozen“ or “Winchell’s Mahony Time”. If Winchell’s Mahony, then that is more inclusive of even older terror comm done with puppets on children’s television programs in the 1960′s, and, the Winchell’s Mahony Time can be associated to Simi Valley California, Rocketdyne, Los Angeles Police Departments [Rampart Division], to Bob Hope, USO shows during war-time onboard US navy vessels and US Military bases, and associated to the Windsor British Royal Family when they installed the Winchell’s Donuts shops in the Los Angeles area for the purpose to kill & replace real police with SAG Friendly Police by virtue of the existence of the Winchell’s Donuts where young, pretty women armed with nitrous oxide were specially trained by SAG to lure the police into traps at and around the Winchell’s Donuts shops. The donut shops provided that the officers had a clean place to take a break, and use a restroom without having to go all the way back to the police stations for that. The Winchell’s Donuts are important consideration, and are an additional decoding tool for use when decoding the Thunderbird’s TV puppet show coded terror comm. Understanding how the Winchell’s played the role they did in the demise of Hollywood and the Greater Los Angeles area in the 1960′s is key to decoding the Thunderbird’s episodes. Winchell Mahony Time is a predecessor to the Thunderbird’s, and served the same groups of British terror cells that were already in California at the time. For more about the progression and outcome of the Winchell’s Donut elimination of real police in LA, study of “Max Headroom” will prove valuable. However, I don‘t believe there are any real recorded times of when the character “Max Headroom” invaded the television airwaves at random times. There was no program featuring the “Max Headroom” character in 1972 in the Los Angeles televised viewing area, but “Max Headroom” was known to show up on any channel, at any time of the day, without warning, and as an interruption of the regular programming. Very few people are going to know about “Max Headroom” and the way the character showed up on TV randomly to say marching orders in the LA area in around 1972 - 1974 or so. There is another part to the “Cup of Joe”. Where and when it will show up is not known, so, stay tuned. I am going to suggest that the edit of Joe’s lean to the right happening at 0:06 is the same as saying “One of two” and specifically two police sitting side by side in a squad car, each one has a side arm, loaded with six shots. Biden brings one SAG cop, and the side arm with him symbolically in the edited video I linked. Again, that means there is one more part, the other SAG fake cop, also loaded with six. I looked at the length of the other two video’s featured in the Twitter Trending Terror comm. One is 1:05, the other is 1:03 in edited length, the one I linked is 1:10 in edited length.
1:05 means “head” and has a double meaning of “The Son”
1:03 means “The Ghost”
1:10 means “The Leg” and has double meaning as “The Father”. and that also extends to “Fathering” making the statement “Erection”
It’s important to consider who in SAG media actually did the edit of the video’s. The reason is complicated, but the short explanation is: “There is no Joe Biden”, he is a product of “Time Warp Terror”, so, the people who did the edit, essentially, are the “Joe Biden”)
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Trump set up the return of US troops in Afghanistan as a May 1 date deadline.
“Deadline” being the operative word.
I suspect something that I would rather not say, but I am going to say it anyway, is a long shot, is way out in left field, but with caution, I need to advise of possibility of a Trojan Horse that could be brewing up, and some vigilance of the possibility applied.
The US Military cannot come home, they were killed overseas by their own false command. The Canadian terror army is in place, wearing the US uniforms, operating and controlling the US equipment, and could have been running drills to practice for a Trojan Horse event while in overseas places. Canadian terror soldiers onboard US navy boats, returning to US ports, guised as returning US troops, is the kind of Trojan Horse I am seeing is possible, could happen, and the May 1 Deadline was moved to a September 11 Deadline, as more communication coded into the face value of the story.
(remember those two “navy vessels”, the “Comfort” and the “Mercy”? There is no corona virus, yet those two “Red Cross US Boats” were able to dock at west coast and east coast ports simultaneously. What was their true purpose under Donald Trump’s command?)
I already learned that the presidential terror comm typically has three completely different messages in the same statements, The “Father, Son, Holy Spirit” rules were easier to see when Trump was president, but I feel that Biden’s cabinet uses the same formula, where you can decode the same story to render a major terror event, a minor terror event, and a “ghost story” that is very difficult to decode, is what I already learned while studying the Donald Trump ways of doing the coded messages.
I want to advise that the “cocaine” reference I see in the story seems to be the “ghost” of three coded messages in this set of Joe Biden terror commands that are using the troops in Afghanistan as a supporting subject. I want advise that by September 11, we could see US navy boats manned with Canadians come to US ports, and attack at home, Canadians under British command guised as US troops.
That leaves one more coded message that I am not seeing yet.
Part of why I am seeing what I see here has to do with inside information that I have about the way the World Trade Center was “attacked”, in reality was demolished with controlled explosives, made possible by an army of Canadian SDA who went to new york in great numbers for the purpose of being sort of watch dogs, and to do nittrous oxide/Medazolam gas release in a big way around that area while SAG pyrotechnics professionals set the explosives, and made some preliminary cuts in the steal, and removed some key joinery rivets in the structures around the elevator shafts. That work was done by that so called group of “artists” called “Green Gelatin“ who were said to have rented out the entire floor of one of those two towers in advance of, and including the time that the towers were imploded.
The inside information beyond that, is concerning the so called “Millennium Bug”, that horrible computer glitch that was going to destroy civilization as we knew it. That episode is exemplary of SAG news media blatantly terrifying the living daylight out of vast numbers of people world-wide.
That “Millennium Bug” with a “deadline” of 1-1-2000, was the original SAG/Britain planned date that the WTC towers were planned to have come down.
There was a delay. There was “Some kind of hold up”. A “Pause” took place, and the new date of bringing down the WTC towers was agreed to coincide with “Emergency 311 911 Phone Systems”, so, September 11 2001 was the agreed upon reschedule of the demolition of the towers after some kind of hold up prevented the original date if January 1, 2000 from going forth as a symptom of the so called “Millennium Bug”.
All of that information and more can be placed and fit into this Joe Biden Afghan Cocaine Trojan Horse COVID Corona Virus “list to the right” that he and his Russian Comrades are planning to happen.
Unrelated reminder: Microsoft Windows Version ME was the “Millennium Edition”. There may or may not be more to know about the Microsoft ME version.
It may turn out that the Microsoft Windows nt version really meant “not today”.
If so, we have to have another look at that “Pause Button“ on the audio and video equipment we have. Those two lines.
Two towers, two lines. Microsoft.
Think Viagra for a moment.
Two Erections. Two Dicks. Two BBC’s.... Microsoft, Windows nt ...
“Johnson & Johnson“
“not today.”
“Wait until September 11 for the emergency”
Think about Melania Trump for a moment: “Headache. not today”
“Headache!” is an OSHA Approved Safety Advisory Statement. The term “Headache” when shouted at a construction job site, or, any place where the “Headache Ball” of a over-head crane is operated, is the kind of statement that saves lives if portions of the building begin to crash down around unsuspecting construction workers and/or crane operating personnel.
It gets weird right there, so, I am going to leave the rest of that to people who are better equipped to withstand ridicule when they protect USA from a British invasion.
Big Johnson ... incoming!
4-14-2021: 5:10 pm:
That Yes song I linked yesterday, “City of Love”, also has an “insider story” that goes with it.
In terror circles of SAG musicians of Amp Guru, “City of Love” is spelled: “Sitty of Love” is the thing you are sitting on, unless you get bent over.
The words get changed among the insider circles to:
“We’ll be waiting for your wife, we’ll be waiting for your wife to cum”
Terror comm is like that. There are no real rules to it, there are no complicated algorithms.  The comm is crafted by the drug addicted rock stars and SAG actors from Hollywood, so, it’s done with sex and bodily functions. That way, no one will see that there is any terror communication going on.
Works good.
They killed tens of millions of US citizen voters, all of the disabled people and Medicare beneficiaries, and, most or all of the US Military, and no one has noticed.
4-14-2021: 5:08 pm:
Pre game primer from Graham:
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0 notes
stone-man-warrior · 3 years
March 29, 2021: 5:34 pm:
Horrible poison attack leg rash update:
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The first thing I need to explain is that when I take photos and send them in a text message to my email with my cellular phone, there is always some kind of interference that prevents me from downloading the photos to my computer from the email, today the interference was the email would not respond when I click the download button. That is one of the conditions that causes interference such that I must take extra steps in order to download my photos, such as refresh the page, or open a new window for the email page ... I have to keep trying until I am able to get the thing to work. Other times the interference is that the photos are sent to the Spam Folder where they won’t download from, and again, I must take extra steps in order to download my photos.
The people at the Centurylink/Google/Tumblr consortium of terror cells are the ones doing that, it allows the someone else is able to get my photos faster than I am able to get them, and has been happening to me for many years with each time I try to send photos to my email from my cellular phone.
Other than the terror interference, the conditions of the poison rash look as though they are improving, however, the poisons are still inside the leg, and they are causing great pain and anxiety of fear for not having access to medical providers, and, knowing the reason for that is that all of the doctors in Oregon were either killed or are held captive, some of the doctors were not killed, but are forced to serve the terror army while in captivity. That is scary all by itself.
Last night, I took advantage of some places where the dead skin began to peal away, and over night, I was able to gently peel away much of that cardboard-like area that was on my shin. There is fresh, pink skin there below the wound areas. The problem is that the poisons are killing the new skin as soon as the new skin is being formed.
With some aggressive manual massage in effort to move some blood to the affected areas, I am noticing more coldness in my toes today. The aggressive massage is beneficial for moving some blood to promote healing, while at the same time is making other symptoms worse, the coldness, numb, swollen feet is the result of pushing some blood around to heal the skin at the wound areas.
It’s a “two-part, opposite extremes” terror attack done intentionally, carefully thought out to produce maximum grief, pain, and difficulty to know what is wrong with the leg and foot,
It’s clear to me that the terror soldier who attacked me was knowledgeable about how the poison would cause the problems I am having, I have no doubt that the attacker was someone who has medical training.
The Christian SDA Canadian terror soldiers are pirates, the identify with pirate themes, details about ships and sailing, and the “pirate way” ... “pirates say Aarrgghh!”. I suspect one of the poisons that was injected was Freon, the stuff used in airconditioners, and has an “Aarrgghh! Value” (R-Value). I suspect the other poison could be battery acid. If so, the Freon is staying in and around my toes, and the front part of my foot, even if I massage it away, the cold and swelling returns to the foot, and is very painful. That other major symptom is burning sensation, is very painful, and that condition lingers at the areas where the lesions are at. Another major symptom is the muscles that run along the length of my shin and calf are also extremely painful, they make a very intense muscle spasm sort of pain, as if the muscles are locked in a cramp, seized, and stiff, difficult to move the foot heal-to-toe for walking, and the whole calf from knee to toes swells up like a balloon when I make attempts to walk normally in my house to the kitchen and back to the living room. The swelling is such that it makes my pants bind up at the calf and knee, and I am wearing the most baggy, roomy pants I have.
I know who attacked me. I know exactly who it was. I don‘t have a name, I do have a nick name, a place of perceived employment, and a very detailed physical description of the terror soldier who injected me with poisons.
What I don’t have, is access to public safety personnel, law enforcement, or FBI to make a attempted murder report to, attempted murder as part of a terrorist plan to takeover USA.
Such people are not available to make reports to, and medical help is not available to US citizens in Oregon.
I have been begging for help while explaining everything I know about the terror offensive to takeover USA for many years, yet, no one has contacted me other than more terror soldiers.
Please send help to Oregon, help to stop the terror take over, and stop the mass murdering of US Citizens who are being systematically exterminated throughout the nation.
Please send medical services to Josephine county Oregon.
Joe Biden will not participate in stopping the terror takeover of USA, he is a result of the takeover, is a special operative shill in the White House, same as congress is, they are all SAG actor/shill terror operatives and are loyal to Britain, not USA.
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stone-man-warrior · 3 years
Duplicate because the account is hijacked again, cannot make necessary editing because of terror hijack of the account:
February 5, 2021: 4:33 pm:
I have been placed into the Jesus Gauntlet, it's been underway for three days now, since Tuesday night when the initial assassin attacked me in my driveway. That one is believed to have been Sean Sparacino. The assassin was wearing Pixel Suit electronic invisible, wearable video screen costume that operates with an array of built in cameras that are arranged to display the area that is towards the back of the suit, onto the front of the suit, such that a skilled assassin is able to hide within brush, or anywhere in such a way the when the victim approaches the area, there is nothing to see other than the items or brush that is present in the area where the suit is worn. Usually, the assassin crawl on the ground to achieve maximum stealth camouflage, then the (they) stand up at the moment of the attack, or, simply extend a sword such that the victim will trip over it while the assassin is crouched low, near the ground, blending in, not casting a shadow. The sword or any other items the assassin has is visible, but are camouflaged differently. Head, hands, and feet remain visible, but are camouflaged differently for maximum stealth.
Sean Sparacino, or who ever it was that night lost his head when I saw the sword, still in the scabbard, grabbed it, turned it around and cut the assassins head off, then thrust the sword into the assassins neck, and placed his head onto the handle of the sword.
Sean became a Joe Biden Bobble Head Doll.
His nitrous oxide tank ignited, and launched to the other side of my yard, nearby 520 Jackpine in the woods, when I lit my lighter after defending. After that, I went to check my mailbox, and wrote about the conditions of the neighborhood, and some other stuff about Shane Welsh.
I needed to go to Pain Specialists of Southern Oregon on Wednesday, and they are the people who initiated and set the Jesus Gauntlet into motion.
The ride to Medford was filled with obstacles and many terror soldiers were positioned along the route to Medford. Once I arrived at the Pain Center of Southern Oregon, I had to knock on the door to be allowed to go into the clinic after I said who I was and that I was there for appointment with Paul Leppert. There was confusion as I entered the office to check in, as one by one the staff came into the waiting area to look at who I was, and one by one all of them said: “That's not Sean” and “But where is Sparacino?” and a small frenzy of activity took place behind the wall in the exam room area.
Once I was inside of the exam room, room #2, after the 450 pound male nurse took my blood pressure (151/93), that is when a sword came through the wall from exam room #3, down low, in the far right corner of the room, behind the chair I was seated in while waiting for the doctor to arrive. That is the fourth time I have encountered the sword that gets thrust through the wall at the chair where I was seated. It comes through and is moving around a little, to my right. So, I have a way of dealing with just exactly that kind of attack, I can't say how for my own safety in the future, but I was able to take the sword, make a slightly bigger hole in the wall, and pull the sword through the wall completely. I set it down on my coat and waited for the doctor while listening carefully to activity in the adjoining room and hallway, and I lit my Bic Lighter often while doing that. Paul Leppert thought he had stuck me with the sword, since it went all the way through the wall, so, he comes in saying: “So! How bad is it?” referring to the sword wound that he thought I had.
The sword was in my coat on the exam table, out of view. I showed Leppert that rash I have, and he refused to treat that, said I need to go to a different doctor, or hospital, or urgent care to have treatment remedy for that rash, which is worsening at rapid pace.
The appointment only consisted of Paul doing electronic prescription to Walgreen's for one medicine that I have been seeing him regularly for about six years at regular intervals, and that only serves as a means to alert other assassins to come to my home to do a “Kill & Replace” because I am a Medicare patient and have a fixed income that can be perpetuated after the kill, and when the kill is successful, my health records then would be used to furnish SAG members with “MAX Medicare Part D” into a terror system of a “drug pool” they call “Club Med” as I have documented about in great detail.
During the appointment, Paul Leppert began to play role of both doctor and patient, he asked some questions, and then answered the questions he had asked. He was in contact with others outside of the exam room with use of hidden communications device. Paul was in contact with that very large 450 pound male nurse, and was also in contact with others, I could hear some of the sounds of the voices whispering back to him.
I had forgotten about the sword that came through the wall by the time Leppert used the in room computer to do the proscription. After that, and begging for treatment of that very painful rash I have and being refused to have treatment provided for that, he was ready to leave the room, about fifteen minutes had passed, so, I went to put on my coat, saw the sword, remembered all of the other times the fucking sword has come through the wall, and Paul asked: “where is the sword?”, so, I picked it up, and ran him through with his own sword, vertically, from sternum downward, and that ruptured the nitrous oxide tank he carries rectally holstered, the gas was thick in the room and hallway after that.
Paul announced: “I am going left” as he exited the exam room with the sword lodged in him.
That is the seventh time I have defended against Paul Leppert with his own sword, I have run him through with his sword in defense on six previous occasions, some of that is documented in this account here on Tumblr. The son of bitch keeps healing to attack me again later on, he has his own private little hospital next door called Crater Lake Surgery Center, and he and other terror soldiers are able to get the very best medical treatment there is, while the US Citizens are exterminated at the Asante Hospitals. Asante has taken control of all of the medical clinics and hospitals. Asante is the leading murderous terror cell in Oregon currently.
In the hallway, Paul went to Exam Room #6 while saying that he had been run through, and some nurses went in their to treat his wound.
I waited to get my new appointment for next time there at the back office nurse station, and that very big male nurse came out of Exam Room #4 directly behind me as the nurse in front of me ducked under the service counter, and that big nurse shot me in the head with a .25 caliber gun, the ones I have written much about, have no barrel, the bullet brass is the barrel. So that bullet bounced off my head, and the other female nurse began to sign my name on some documents that I was supposed to sign.
She asked me why I did not fall over when that nurse shot me, and she explained that she had signed the documents for me because she thought my hand had been cut when I grabbed the sword that came through the wall in the exam room.
I was told I needed to provide a urine sample, so I did, and was shot again by a female who went into the opposite restroom after taking the shot. The bullet bounced off my coat, and I just went into the restroom to do the urine sample wishing that national security would show up to see what kinds of poisons show up in the urine sample.
There was much activity on the way out of the Pain Specialists of Southern Oregon, a whole bunch of Canadian terror soldiers and SDA fake patients showed up there by the time I left the building, and when I did leave, the exit was locked, no one could leave, so I had to wait for a receptionist to unlock the door so I could go to the pharmacy, and then go home. Two special assassins in a black late model pick up truck w/crew cab dark short hair and short beards each about 40 years old, had just arrived as I was leaving out of the office door.
The ride home was filled with obstacles, there was at least two state police in shoulder of the freeway on the way back to Grants Pass … they were not interested in me or what happened at the terror doctor. Every time I defend and kill terrorists at the terror doctor, I wind up passing by at least one State Police car on the return trip home.
I went to Grants Pass Walgreen's on William's Hwy. There, more terror happened, and at least one terror soldier ignited and burst into bits in the pharmacy behind the service counter, it was one of the Pharmacy Technicians, but was not, instead, it was a special assassin operative, I think I know who that was, a woman by the name of Chey Bickers, if so, she is white, about 58 years old, blond shoulder length “Bob” haircut, about 5'4' tall, about 150 lbs, has a very gravelly voice, used to drive a older white Toyota truck w/shell and bumper sticker that says: “If this truck is speeding, it's stolen”. Ms. Bickers is associated with the County Courts terror cell, and also is close with Sean Sparacino as a Li'l Pantry terror cell special operative. Chey used to own a clothing store called “Chey Boutique” next to Li'l Pantry in Merlin Oregon next to Mikey's Video Rental.
At Walgreen's, they sell some small 1/32 scale toy cars that I have been collecting, and I bought three of them along with my prescription, one of the toy cars is made by a different manufacturer than any of the others that I have seen, it's a 1960's Batmobile, made in Vietnam, rather than China like the others are, that one has a hidden camera inside of it, so, I put that one on my kitchen window long enough to see that BBC news on Twitter was making some Tweets that seemed to be in response to having put the car camera in the window, so I moved the Batmobile Camera car to a different window, and again, BBC news seemed to have made a comment about the car camera in the window, this time, after moving the car camera to a window by my front door, they seemed happy about that location, so, I put the Batmobile car camera into the refrigerator where it is looking at a jar of Olives.
Since the Walgreen's visit, a whole bunch of terror soldiers have come to my home, today they were on the roof of my house blowing poison gasses into my chimney. There were others on Jackpine using a tractor in my driveway, and the truck & trailer for that was parked at Chartrands 376 Jackpine, was a brand new unlicensed Ford F-350 (or F-250) with crew cab, dual wheel, black, and had a tilting tractor hauling trailer attached to it when I went to Walmart earlier today.
I don't want to talk any more about Walmart right now, conditions are the same, the place is filled with Canadian terror soldiers who fog the aisles with nitrous oxide so that the victims will be primed for take out at the checkstand, same as has been the case for two decades.
The Jesus Gauntlet is still underway, however the assassins are coming to my house, I don't need to go anywhere to run this part of the Gauntlet.
All in all, I estimate that twenty terror soldiers have been killed as a result of this weeks Jesus Gauntlet so far, I only wrote about the highlights.
No help has come, there are no signs of helpful people anywhere.
Please send help.
Please send US Military.
Bring your own Hospital.
Be prepared for poison gasses, study this account, be prepared for 50,000 armed terror soldiers in Josephine county, and additional 75,000 armed terror soldiers in Jackson county. Their weapons are concealed, and small,  mostly is airborne gasses and .25 caliber guns, but they have an air force and rail road systems, and trucking services that can bring and deploy many soldiers, various airborne gasses, and larger weaponry on very short notice.
Millions of terror soldiers throughout the state of Oregon.
Millions more are in California.
(Millions = 1,000,000 plus more ... )
I am the last remaining US Citizen in the state of Oregon. All of the others are either dead, or are held captive as slaves.
Please bring medical services.
There is no US national Guard any more, all of the US Guard were killed in around 2002-2004, the bases are occupied by Canadian impostors, the officers there are Screen Actor Guild trained actors who are able to fool other military officials.
Please send help. Study this account first. You must remove Twitter from the internet before the help is deployed or else the help will be fooled by a vast army commanded from Twitter.
(this entry written in external text editor)
6:54 pm:
At least four of the terror soldiers killed I suspect were California State Police Highway Patrol fake officers that are called “pigs”. It’s not a derogatory statement, “pig” is a rank among the terror army, and has been since it’s first use in reference to police.
On Twitter, the news stories this week about a “Chipageddon“, or a shortage of computer chips, is coded stories that are in reference to those CHP that were here at my house last night and the day before. There may still be some CHP terror cell members at Chartand 376 Jackpine, Clyde Baum’s at 333 Jackpine, at 315 Jackpine, and at Strong’s at 3747 Russell Road. They have been attacking from 520 Jackpine, and from “Donkey George” terror cell one house south of 3701 Russell Road.
I suspect at least two of the terror soldiers who were killed, to have been people from Arizona, specifically from the Arizona Mohave County Tax Assessors Office.
I also suspect some were from Pain Specialists of Southern Oregon and Walgreen‘s Pharmacy terror cells.
Many have died, killed in defense since Tuesday.
7:19 pm:
(see previous post)
This is the rash that the terror doctor refuses to treat. This is caused by repeated exposure to poisons I am subject to that are blown into my house by the neighboring terror cells. This rash started out about the size of a dime five years ago at the same time when the Monroe’s moved in next door, and they brought with them a Nissan Quest Van, a black one with the logo for “A-1 Exterminator’s and Pest Control” on it. A-1 Exterminator’s is located on 7th St. in Grants Pass, and to my knowledge, no one who lives at Monroe’s works at A-1 Exterminator’s, yet the A-1 Van has been parked there for five years in the evenings and on weekends.
If you get a rash like this one on my ankle shown below, it is very painful, and it is the kind of rash that itches such that you keep scratching at it right through to the bone. The desire to scratch at that, is overwhelming.
They will poison you with gasses that make you have uncontrollable coughing fits, and a rash like that one, then someone will say you have Corona Virus, they will tell you to go to a hospital after the (they) poison you, and at the hospital is where the exterminate you permanently so that a Canadian SDA Terror soldier Christian Crusade Pirate can take your place at your own house, to prey on all of your family. Then, the bastards vote while using your name and voting status, for the shills that Screen Actor Guild puts on the voting ballots for every elected office there is, from County Water Master, to Parks & Recreation Director, to City Mayor, to County Sheriff, to State Governor, to US President.
It’s all fake voting. The Corona Virus is a mass murder scenario played out against the citizens by SAG news media, and the government elected officials that SAG already arranged into the offices of government by killing and replacing tens of millions of US Citizens over the past fifty years.
US Voters are all Canadians now.
There are no more real US Citizens any more, and if one shows up somewhere, the terror bastards track them down, and kill them.
7:55 pm:
The CHP assholes are nearby right now, they have a remote control that can operate the courtesy lights and other electronics of vehicles that are equipped with on board engine computers that are California Emissions Control Compatible. The car does not have to be a “California Car”, just one that the factory installed a computer this is compliant with the special California Emissions rules. Part of what the CHP terror bastards can operate is to remove two cylinders from the firing order of the ignition system, with a remote control, to make your car run bad, and you will take it to a COVID take out exterminator service provider.
The courtesy lights just came on in my car in the driveway, by a California State Police Murder Pig, with a remote control, who is within about 500 - 1000 feet away from where I am. I have to go disconnect the battery, while down range from a murderous terror soldier who’s day job is as a California Highway Patrol.
I am in Oregon, yet the CHP came all this way to kill me, by orders from Joe Biden terror cell at the White House.
8:12 pm:
I remember learning about the two cylinders that are removed from the firing order in the electronic ignition system of California Emissions Compatible Vehicles from a CHP officer back when my family was held captive in 1998 - 2002 or so.
There is a radio controlled application called “Two in the bank of the heads” because the feature is secret knowledge, and every time someone is targeted and they make the six cylinder car run on only four cylinders, or an eight cylinder car run on only six cylinders, with use of a remote control pointed at cars that are fitted with California Compliant Onboard Engine Computers, the bastards make a lot of money when the car is taken to service station, and the terror CHP treasonous mass murderous CHP Pig kills the victims at the service station, and, the children and females are kept as sex slaves to please the terrorist California Canadian CHP Pig. The CHP terror Pigs empty the victims bank account, take all of the victims valuables,  while the victims real estate is handed over to SAG terror HQ so a terror family cell replacement can move into the victims house.
The (They) take the women and children as slaves.
My car is 2002 model, has a California Compliant onboard computer from the Ford Factory installed when it was new, for the purpose of mass murder of US Citizens that long ago. My guess is the CHP Pig remote that works the vehicles has been part of “California Emissions” ever since the time the California Emissions was mandated.
That’s a long time, and a lot of dead US Citizens, because the baby is on fire, and there is no one watching the baby.
Who was California Governor at the time when the CA Emissions was mandated? Find him, give the son of bitch the Spanish Inquisition, Pronto. Then, take all of the US State governors and US Congressional members to Easter Island, and drop them off permanently. That is too good for them, but, something has to be done, and that is a humane and appropriate remedy given the circumstances and the shear numbers of terror bastards that will be taken to Easter Island once the truth is fully known.
That is why the application on the remote control is called “Two in the banks of the heads“. It’s for “Kill & Replace”, for a profit.
9:40 pm:
Today at the Grants Pass Oregon Walmart, was the same as every other time I have been there over the past twenty years, the same exact people, saying and doing the same exact things as the last time or other time I was there. The same people in the same places, dressed in the same clothing as the last time I was there, or other time. Today, the lady that hangs out in the coffee aisle and stands in the way, while looking at me and pointing at the largest size of Folgiers Coffee, and she says: “This size costs exactly the same at Costco as it does here. it’s $10 here and at Costco too, I don‘t drink coffee, but I am gonna get some just because it costs the same here as it does at Costco ... and because I live in Glendale”
That, happens often. That same lady, that same story about $10 Folgiers at the Costco, and that she lives in Glendale.
Same... same... same... same... same... saaaaaammmmmeeeee...
That is only one of many. The are all Canadian terror soldiers.
There was the young fat guy who looks exactly like the driver of the “Bekin’s Cross Town Movers Truck” that I reported about not long ago. I saw the Bekins Cross Town Movers Truck while on my way to Walmart, then, that guy who looks like the driver of that truck, is young, is fat, has a short black beard, is always staring at his smart phone, he follows me into the store, follows me to the Deodorant aisle, while staring at his phone, then continues to follow me around the store. That happens often, same guy, arrives at the same time I do, walks through the parking beside me about 30 feet away.... same, same, same, same...
There was the lady who shows up in the place where the Gold Bond is supposed to be, but is not on the shelf, so, she comments about what I am looking for, and I always say “They saw me come in the store, so they took everything I want to get off of the shelves” then she says “That is the same thing that happens to me when I come in to the store”. So, I point out: “Look, you can get ‘Monkey Butt Foot Powder, but not the Gold Bond” then she laughs about the Monkey Butt Powder product.
Same, same, same as the last time or other time I went to the Walmart.
I went to buy a camera in the electronic department, the same one that has been on display for years, I keep going there to the camera aisle to buy the non-wireless Canon Sure Shot for $129, but when the associate opens the case, that one is never there, the associate usually says the other Canon Sure Shot is there, the one with the Wireless feature, and I can buy that one, but today I cut him short, I got angry and told the terror bastard exactly what is happening and that he knows everything there is to know about the built in wireless spy device in all of the wireless capable cameras, that is what the wireless feature is put there for, to listen to what you are doing, all of the terror soldiers have a smart phone app that accesses the wireless from the cameras that are wireless equipped. The bastard tried to play innocent, says “We have not had this camera on display for as long as you say.... blah, blah.,, Christian terror innocent blahabababalalalala...”
Same, same, same as last time I got angry about the camera that you cannot purchase, and it was the same Walmart vested terror bastard who lied to me about the camera as last time I got angry about it.
There was more examples of Same, Same, Same..... same, as last time terror soldiers in the store today as there always is.
So at the checkout, I asked the yellow vested Walmart terror bitch if she could explain to me why every time I come into the store since 2002, the same people are saying and doing exactly the same things in the same places as was the last time I went to the Walmart... and it was innocent Christian terror bitch “I don‘t know what you are talking about... blahbalallalballalblahhhh” all over again.
That is when three terror Walmart yellow vest terror bitches all rushed at me real fast, came out of nowhere, surrounded me, and a fourth one was not far away... all they could do is keep interupting my question about the terror army fake shoppers, insisting that I put my mask back on, and then one of them gave me a paper mask...”You have to wear a COVID Mask,,, put the mask on...”
I am convinced that part of the mask mandate is to make sure national security cannot access the radio control capable cameras at the checkout register, so, they force the mask on everyone so the terror army cannot be identified positively. So, I am going to keep taking off the mask when I get to the Walmart Checkout while wishing for some help to come, maybe the nsa will stop jacking off soon, and access the radio controlled wireless cameras that are installed in the checkout registers at the Walmart, then, they will at least what I look like, and that I am not going to hide like a candy ass terror pansy,
I suggest all of the slave soldiers to remove the mask at a Walmart Checkout camera, so that nsa will see who you are to help everyone.
10:29 pm:
“Greek Alphabet White House Terror Cell” Identification Update:
Greek alphabet update 2-4-2021:
Alpha = Donald Trump
Beta = Melania Trump
Gamma = Mike Pence
Delta = Karen Pence
Epsilon = Mike Pompeo
Zeta = Susan Pompeo
Eta = Kamila Harris-Emhof
Theta = Doug Emhof-Harris (suspect associotion to Asante Health Three Rivers Medical Center Emergency Room Dr. Janet Eoff and address at 598 Jackpine Dr. Grants Pass OR 97526)
I was able to determine that Kamala Harris and her husband are Greek Alphabet terror cell members.
Study this account and my suspended Twitter accounts to learn more about the Greek Alphabet WH terror cell, I think they call it: “Grecian Formula 16″, where “Grecian” is reference to “Grease”, not “Greece”.
Formula is reference to Medazolam/nitrous mixture.
and 16 is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC.
11:40 pm:
(there still is a Centuryink terror bastard from the Google/Centurylink/Tumblr internet terror consortium terror cell fucking with my computer over the internet. The Norton Symantec 360 LifeLock is used to for continuously turning off my number pad on the keyboard, I have to push the “num/lck” button every time I need to use a numeral.
The letter M is somehow interesting to the candy ass pansy at the Centurylink/Google terror cell, they are making it such that the M won‘t make an M unless I hold down the M and keep pushing the fucking thing until it makes an M.
All of this bullshit makes it very difficult to stay focused on the small, complex details I need to help you to save your own lives, so, please send help.)
At the Walmart Electronics special check out counter area there are three cash registers there and a large L shaped counter for service. There are some home security products there within view behind a wrought iron gate of a shelving unit, you can see the home security products are right there in front of you at the Walmart and that they are in stock. I challenge a national security officer to go into the Walmart without saying who you are, and you have to show up to Grants Pass completely secret for you to learn anything, you would have to come by car from a thousand miles away, otherwise they know who you are and you won’t learn anything. I challenge you to try to purchase a home security camera system at the Walmart in Grants Pass.
Heck, I challenge you to make an attempt to contact FBI to report terrorism in Oregon, but again, you would need to be completely one hundred percent anonymous and use a phone that is not a smart phone, just a regular cellular phone. You need to answer all of their questions honestly, and be at a location where you say you are when the FBI On Call Duty Agent answers the call at the FBI Field Office. You can call any of the five Oregon FBI Field Offices to learn this way, but, if you and your team look or behave in any way as if you might be real police, the terror scout children they send to cruise around where you are at will know, and they will report back to the FBI field office about who you are, and bring all of your vehicle ID to the terror FBI field office. You would need to absolutely be a real citizen, and, one who just fell off the bus so to speak, because there are no US Citizens in Oregon, and the terror bastards at FBI know that I am the last one, so, good luck with the challenge if you choose to accept it, there really is no way that it can work in such a way the real police could learn anything, unless you could arrive stealth, and as a US Citizen in every way.
I double dog dare you to use movie style makeup, to look like me, and go anywhere in Oregon, I’ll wager you last two hours before they capture you and cut your arms off to make you have sex with a horse.
What I wanted to say about the Walmart electronics counter is that at that counter there is a big sign that says: “Wireless” vertically, is a display banner at the corner of the L shaped service counter attached to a post. Also attached to the post is a smaller sign that says: “We card everyone for alcohol... etc.”
The thing about that is that it’s the only place in the store that has such an “We card for alcohol” sign, and, the only sign is at the electronics department checkout cash register.
What kind of bullshit do you suppose could happen when there is advertised “Wireless” and “We card for alcohol” at the same corner post at Walmart electronics department?
I wonder how many US Citizens the national security has wrongly arrested and thrown into the fake county jail in Josephine county? That jail is not a jail, it’s a extermination center, and anyone that nsa sent there because some asshole at Walmart pretended to be at a liqueur store claiming the customer was drinking and drove away drunk. That is standard Josephine county terror, where the nsa is weaponized against the citizens they are supposed to protect.
I’ll wager that nsa are the ones who are responsible for killing my children, with some kind of lie told to them by the Walmart and Sheriff, and they were taken to the jail by the people who said they would help... nsa... US national security.
They may as well be on the terror army pay role.
Offensively useless.
0 notes