#it makes me ickkk
bookishforce · 8 months
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thegenderfluidace · 3 months
Hating the icky
Life is hate crimeing me rn
And during pride month as well smh
Can’t believe this snxjanxjnsksjs
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men who try to act like matty gives me the biggest ick in my life.
YESSS THE BIGGEST FUCKIN ICKKK. That’s why I hate most of the cis straight men in this fandom. They’re so obsessed with him they wanna be him. But THEY SOOO DONT GET IT. Cuz it’s never been about how he dresses or what he looks like. They try to wear suits and do the slicked back hair gel style and they speak in song lyrics and whatever and they copy his exact fuckin tattoos in the exact spots on their body as his. They think that will then make them into matty. It’s not about appearance and never has been. What makes Matty so attractive is that he’s original and authentic. Copying him is neither original nor authentic. In fact, it’s creepy and disgusting. Doesn’t make me attracted to them it makes me wanna file a restraining order on Matty’s behalf.
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raspberrysmoon · 2 months
You where right SAF was right up my ally
Heres a bunch of thoughts I had while watching
They really gave an actor named Curt Mega and character named Curt mega
Banana peel death lol (I hope he's not actually dead)
I love Mega's boss
Barb has such a big fat crush
Everything's a gun that's so RWBY core
Yes! Kill that beard
Call back to Spies are forever in Keep Your Eyes on the Prize (are those the song titles idk)
The writing is so good! So many characters make me laugh so much
Tatiana's actress is so good I love her singing voice what else is she in
What am i supposed to do if I get "Nazis are so bad" stuck in my head
The Deadliest Man Alive has a very nice voice and it just gets better when he sings
Do you typically try to tell your boss your going rouge?
Curt is so gae
Oop Tatiana is into bonage
I would have fun playing the mom
Hell yeah they're not doing it! Perfect troupe subversion
All the call backs to the opening song make my heart so happy
you have NO IDEA how mych joy this ask has brought me actually.
"curt mega IF THAT IS YOUR REAL NAME" vibes
CYNTHIA!!!!!! my girl fr
barb is MECORE
my favorite section of that song tbh. that apple? well.....
ickkk beard 👎
YESSS the saf (song) references everywhere are ao fun im so glad you noticed that
YESSSS tcb has some of my favorite starcanwrecked projects if im honest
right now, i think this is her only major role? she miiight be in pulp musicals (my friend andi would know, but i havent heard them yet) but otherwise i cant think of anything with singing. shes the mc in wayward guide by tcb though! her name is mary kate wiles
join the club 😔
oh hell yeah youre so right
hey, theyre a special subsect
my gayass son <3
??????? she is ?????? what
dude me too. curt i washed your tighty whiteys do you want some warm milk. incredibke character
mlm wlw solidarity <3
owens back :(
love the call backs all the time. the music is so clever i love it
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megbonney · 2 years
✃ 02/05/23
i'm not your lab mouse / but i'll be the bane of shadows behind you
why do blind men glamorise me so much? it's humourous, really. no matter how many times i say i'm not that good of a person, that i have more red flags than hours on spotify, that i'm not what they make me out to be, they still perceive me as someone who can do no wrong. i don't get it; i'm not looking for friends nor love. i'm comfortable where i am. so why do people feel so attracted to me? to my energy? why are these morons so dedicated to putting me on this high horse, making me this amazing woman who can do no wrong? also men don't know that i have other pronouns besides she/her. ickkk. right now i'm very 50/50. i'm not worried about a boyfriend but i can't help but think. was he into me the whole time? what did he think of me? could it have been something, something more than goofy glances across the room and looking at each other for a bit too long? or am i simply overthinking something that could have never been? i miss him, i guess. i'm bummed he can't even acknowledge me anymore. i just wish i had someone to love, someone to obsess about like the teenager i actually am. yet everytime, it's ruined. how hard is it to just like me? or pretend? and actually have my best interests at heart? i've been dreaming about him for the past month, maybe two. has he dreamt of me too? or am i still dwelling on something unobtainable? besides all this hokus pokus, i'm doing okay. my sim has the well balanced trait right now. i do worry that i'm a bore, but i also see myself as far from it. if he (derogatory, not the one from ^) is actually into me, actually wants me to be his valentine, i hope my ploy of pretending to be a lesbian and dating my girlfriend works. he reminds me too much of *****, and that's icky. anyway goodnight :-)
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breiffontcollector · 3 years
Man it feels like every discord server I liked being in the most completely stopped being active 2 months ago,,, sad
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satorhime · 2 years
*Exhales* I'm bit unsure what consoles you have. Itchio is definitely a big source of otome games as well as Steam. The Switch has been the most recent console I've acquired hence my previous recs but if you'd like older recs then persona 3, 4 and 5 are RPGs with romanceable characters. The Arcana is a romantic visual novel on mobile. Matches and Matrimony: A Pride and Prejudice is an old PC game.Sweet Fuse: At Your Side on PSP. I'm not giving up until your romance need has been fulfilled >///<!
the only thing about persona is that the main character is a dude and that’s another thing about me, i hate playing male characters ICKKK. i make an exception for mario, zelda and witcher tho. i’ve also played the arcana but i felt like it was just too cash-grabby for my tastes so i deleted the app. if it had a subscription i would feel better and play it. i don’t have a psp though, only the big playstation consoles 😭😭 i’ll look up the p&p game !!
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fallenfawnn · 3 years
You ever make out with a guy with a mouthful of his cum?
nope!! lol and i would nottttt. the texture/taste of cum is ickkk to me and i’ll swallow n stuff but holding it in my mouth for any period of time?? definitely not nope nope .
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kimnjss · 3 years
is this … dare i say joon simP ERA ???? (although he gives me the ickkk anytime he say some off the wall shxt bc its SUCH a contrast to him just being sorta sweet??)
like i get everyone has layers to their personalities but w/ joon it lowkey has me thinking if he really pushes the “im a h0e” persona bc thats what everyone expects from him like if he’s not that it wouldn’t fit his “image”
kinda like how when he showed yn 4 o’clock (his version) and how it didn’t “fit his image”
on another note he always making dumbasx tweets 😩🥱 …
📌 (also the actual mono album has a special place in my heart 🥺)
also yn lowkey teasing him in the messages 🤯 sighhhhhh how ✨ chaotic ✨ they both are lol
yoongi being a simP luv that
also before i forget looooool @ tae having to go to prom
also a quick mention of how joon going out of his waaay for yn (lowkey feel like its turning into more than him wanting into her pants … ofc it wont stop him from trying though 😩)
👀 yn wanting to come in when he come in hMmMm interesting 🤨
- 🍑
yn really knows how to pull it out of them that's for sureee ! the fact that she's been paying attention to him nd what he likes nd dislikes has him feeling all warm ,. poor man has no idea what to do .
nd you're one hundred percent correct abt his fuckboy persona . ofc no one is telling him to do it nd he very much enjoys himself when he's out nd having a good time - but also there is so much more of him that he keeps hidden away ., bc it doesn't match his 'brand' . the public sees him as one thing - so he just continues to be that thinking no one would care abt the rest - but the fact that yn seems to??? that's different for him .
but nah someone needs to take away his phone bc every time smth is going down - he's heading straight to that bird app .
omggg yesss! he really went the extra mile just so she could have a little bit of fun on set - if that doesn't say whipped i don't know what else will !!
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ticklish-babygirl · 4 years
10, 20, 70, 98, 99. Love your blog btw 😊
10 : What is your biggest pet peeve?
~ (I mean I’ve got a couple... eeek) I’d probably say hearing chewing noises and weird asmr like just nooooope... It irks me and makes me all squeamish, and not in the fun t-word kinda way.. LIke something crawling in your blood kinda ickkk.
20 : Do you still watch cartoons?
~ Yes I dooooo. Not new cartoons but older ones I watched as a kid :)
70 : Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
~ Not really? I imagine them to be proud of whatever they’re doing and enjoy and actively maybe growing and doing better but not like a set profession. (Ofc... I don’t really picture a future spouse firstly... 🙃)
98 : What’s your favourite colour?
~ Pink & Blue (can’t pick. I love them both..!)
99 : Do you miss anyone right now?
~ Yeah.. I haven’t been able to visit my grandmother due to COVID and I miss her. 
Thank you so much for your asks and awww bless I’m glad you like my blog!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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lady-raziel · 5 years
so like, dolls with buttons for eyes...?
MY FUCKING WORST NIGHTMARE. it’s not helped by the fact that when i was little people used to jokingly call me Coraline (like the Neil Gaiman book/movie) because my real name is Caroline and every time they would do that I would just be reminded of the absolute terror I felt seeing that. just the idea of anything having buttons for eyes makes me grimace and gag like ickkk
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amusims3 · 7 years
Replies & Thanks
this gonna be a long oen i think, been awhile.
firstly to friends who like & put nice comments on my wips and ccs!!! i love you guys~ @simsophoniques, @shaysugar, @trembling-hands, @fyachii, @enchantedunicornhideout, @simnovels, @thesimperiuscurse, @kyimu, @my-simension, @ktarsims, @wannabecatwriter, @itheaxel, @rosiesimming, @nekoi-sims there are probs more but i went back as far as I could! Thank you guys always <33333333333
CC sharing post:
smellslikepixeldolls: unfortunatly ppl stealing from everywhere :(
Ickkk idk why even it is free stuff!!
rosiesimming: I don't think going anywhere else will limit the possibility of people stealing. If they can download it, they'll claim it if they don't care. It's a shame, but it's the internet. :(
I guess I just had too high expections of people to be decent! It really is a shame to me
enchantedunicornhideout: Yeah people will keep stealing, so either you decide to not care about idiots like that, or you stop creating. It's just a shame it has to be like this, but there will always be idiots in the world, so try to not let them get to you.
I don’t think I would stop creating over it, I make my cc for myself mostly lol. I just wish there was easier or smaller way to share and have rude people just stay out of it haha.
ktarsims: I think that's basically a universal experience on the internet. Not just confined to tumblr, or to the sims community. The internet brings us all closer together in a way, because it allows communication that wouldn't be possible otherwise. Unfortunately, there's no way to prevent the idiots from having access. The only way I can really think of would be to have a private forum or discord or something, and only share/show the content there and never display it publicly.
That might be a good idea thank you! I just wouldn’t want to seem like I am inconveniencing the nice people for them to access my cc by having to have different accounts discord/etc. Because most people ARE nice. And turning off anon silenced the rude ones for now anyway! It’s just the people who silently download then monetize my cc with crap ads that get to me most.
nekoi-sims: Gotta agree with Ktarsims here. A private discord or smth would be best?
I will consider it! I have two finished dresses I am using that I wanted to share but now I’m not sure if I even want to bother on tumblr since the thiefs shop here lol
Turning off anon asks post:
simsophoniques: Best decision ever done you won't regret it
When I turned it back on I thought it would be good for shy ppl... Nope just people asking the same question over and over and telling me how I am doing things “wrong” etc. Much happy that I turned it off, you are right!!
Anon ask about dress post:
rosiesimming: She did warn us that it was temporary. She tells us all the time what will only be available for a short time and it's her choice as a creator. Seriously, she doesn't even have to make stuff for us at all. She doesn't have to share, so be grateful for what we do get. CC creators get way too much shit from people that don't even know how to make things themselves. Just...be fucking grateful. >.>
Thank you, I was wondering if my post was just very hard to understand or something since I suck at typing!!
kyimu: There were warnings and even if not, she doesn't have to warn everybody about things she's doing on her blog. She has so many beautiful creations, doesn't use adfly and so on. Just as @rosiesimming​ said - be grateful. If you don't want to miss something again, become one of her followers, she deserves it anyway.
Yes the best way to catch the limited downloads is to follow! All the other cc are free and open at all times. But occasionally I like to do special things for the followers who actually support me! And I have met soo many nice people from that first limited dress I made (like you)!! Also I have said before I don’t mind sending the limited downloads out to friends later on! still they just whine on anon or straight up ask, not even a “hi” sometimes LOL that’s not FRIENDS!
itheaxel: And amu always leaves them on for days before taking it down. ^_^ I think you're being reasonable. <3
I’m happy it works easily for you! That was my intention xoxo
thesimperiuscurse: Oh dear. That sounds a bit entitled, nonny. Amu is kind enough to share her wonderful cc, and that should be more than enough. And in the end, it's only one dress for a computer game! There are many, many other dresses you can download :3
Thank you :) this is my feeling too. That anon also sent 4 more messages explaining what I should do instead in their opinion, but apologizing.. but it was still saying i should change how i release cc. so.... i guess it’s not just one dress to her lol
ktarsims: All I can say, Nonny... is that because you aren't on Tumblr yourself, you seem to be unfamiliar with the way things work here. Lots of simblr's make things. Many, if not most, make at least some things that are time-limited. The rule of thumb here is that if you want something, you should download it immediately. You don't have to install and use it immediately, but download it right away, because later it might be gone. There's also no point to trying to make the cc creators feel bad. It's their own creation, and each of them does as they see fit with their own creations. They share, or do not share, as they're so inclined. Sometimes whole blogs disappear overnight because someone decides they don't want to be here anymore. Be grateful for what you get, and know that if you missed out on something due to delaying to download it, you've only yourself to blame. Go look for something else.
I know about those dispearing blogs... when I first got back into Sims 3 after uninstall....... so much cc was just gone or hard to find. or adfly 1 2 3 just to get to nothing xD I just moved on and found other peoples great cc that was available. I probably wouldn’t do that lol I don’t see the benefit of deleting my open downloads when so many people already have it anyway.
Other thanks
Thank you to those who include me in those memes things tags. I will do them eventally, was jsut away from my desktop and mobile is too hard to make those post for me.
I am also a bit behind on checking out all of your latest posts because tumblr mobile app is torture to me xD
and finally Thank you kyimuuuuu !! I can’t wait to play cats&dogs soon and have my kitties in sims 4 too. My next lace dress cc will be for you ❤ ❤
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