#i cant control anyone obv and im not trying
antisocial-cvnt · 2 months
"you need my help" you literally are never there and always leave me.
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svampira · 9 months
🎯✂️🧠 per eden elias e brooklyn tripla combo
ask game
🎯 -What do they do best?
Elias, in spite of his horrible rancid personality, can be extremely charming when he needs to be, and his presence powers are op enough to be basically mind control at that point. <this does get him in trouble just as much as it gets him out of it. Physically he's very strong, but he only has 3 dots of melee and no combat disciplines, so he's kind of a flop for a vampire. When it comes to human abilities that carried off into his unlife, he's a great musician but that barely comes up and it's not why he was embraced.
Brooke can see the future👍🙏 she has way more control over her visions than the average malkavian, and her auspex in general is op as well because i love to cheat. Physically she's an extremely skilled acrobat, she was a gymnast her whole life and had just started teaching gymnastics before she died. She kills you then cartwheels out of the room🤸‍♀️
Eden's a sneaky guy👍 he can sneak in and out of somewhere without anyone noticing, eavesdrop on anyone and sneak out of most dangerous situations without having to resort to a fight (which he probably wouldn't win). He can hack anything 90s movies style but i literally don't know anything about that so im going to shut up
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Elias' worst memory is his "first" day on this green beautiful earth👍i have a lot of thoughts on memory loss in general i don't think he just blacked out and instantly knew he had no memories it was more of a gradual panicking. Not recognising who the man in front of him was even though it felt like he should have, to slowly realising he doesnt remember his own name and all of his memories are gone > and not even getting 5 minutes to deal with it before the stranger forces him to drink his blood then subsequently drains him. Just a shitty first night😔 hes not the kind of guy that dwells on things though by the time he woke up his sire had been executed so he just pretends he's fine with the whole thing
[This got way too long so im putting the second part under the cut. Read my oc's villain origin story👇👇]
For Brooke i think it was a specific moment when she was around 16 and realised she had no shot of making it as a professional athlete, both because she was being overlooked by her coaches and because she kind of shot up to 1.75m all of a sudden (now idk a lot about gymnastics. But ive never seen anyone in the olympics that was taller than 1.50m). That's genuinely her villain origin story just a chaotic ball of repressed anger, bitterness and dissatisfaction that she carried over into her adult life and turned her into the gotham villain she's now. Her real name isn't even (obv) brooklyn it's literally her villain name LMFAO i just realised
For Eden i think it was the moment he realised Brooklyn WAS real. She spent the better part of the first year they were turned trying to convince him they had a fight club situation going on. I think he found the idea of brooke being a fragment of his imagination more comforting than anything else, especially since it's not very uncommon for the type of vampire him and brooke are to have delusions/strange manifestations of their powers. He found out he was 90% less insane than he initially thought he was but it still made him trust himself way less + he was "forced" into hating brooklyn now for what she'd done even though she's his only link to his human life and still cared about her. Now im just feeling bad MAN im drawing him a better girlfriend
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
Elias is my fave i cant even lie at this point... i love that he's so pretty i love drawing him💖 writing wise I've talked about this before but i love evil characters that still kind of feel innocent in a way. Like he has no lived experiences before turning into a blood sucking monster and even though he can be cruel and horrible to both humans and people he actually cares about, it's almost like he's never really had a chance to be anything else. Your honour he's just like that. I also like that out of all my characters he's the silliest ^^ he doesn't take things too seriously he loves slacking off and doesn't know how to hold a grudge. Also boobs
When it comes to brooke I loooove evil characters all my ocs fucking SUCK and she's the absolute worst. She kicks puppies for fun she steals candy from babies she engages in emotional terrorism she loves scheming and plotting. Yet deep deep down even though she links Eden back to her bitterness and dissatisfaction with her old life she does genuinely love him, and does her best to look out for him even when she's tormenting him. Also i looove drawing her with new hair every time she's so fun + i have lots of horror illustration ideas when it comes to her and eden (brain courtesy of a STELLAR gift art i got during artfight)
For Eden I like that he's the only one who's trying to rise above his nature out of all my ocs (this obviouslydoesn't work out, but there was an attempt). He has the highest humanity out of all of them, he tries to avoid feeding directly from humans most of the time, and he's the only anarch (which means in the la of my oc canon he's basically opposed to every one of my ocs) . I loove that despite everything she puts him through he still loves brooklyn, but i also love love love that later on as the war between the camarilla and the anarchs worsens he starts legit trying to kill her (while she NEVER would. She did straight up torture him a couple times tho so there's no moral high ground). I love horribly dysfunctional relationships I'm weak for fucked up heterosexuals
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b0nywh0res · 2 years
hi!! so since im not active 24/7 anymore i feel like u missed a lot so little update!!
i lost most of my friends. ive had so many depressive episodes and then weird episodes where i would hate them and want them to die. so ig it makes sense but also they know that i have these episodes but wtv not everyone can handle that and i respect that. they didnt have to be such bitches abt it tho. i got them muffins as apology bc i rlly cant control those episodes and they fucking rolled their eyes at me. girl. ur acting as if ur not fucking toxic urself. at least own it omg.
L and i got sooo close irl. shes been way more touchy w me which i rlly appreciate bc its so comforting and makes me feel so much more loved than just words.
and uhm. today was the worst day of my life. i had a panic attack during english class so i left and decided to skip the next period which is allowed if ur in a bad mental state. i told a teacher and he was like okay fine but for some reason the secretary still called my mom? she was so mad bc she doesnt believe in mental illnesses and all that yk so i was too scared to go home. i told my homeroom teacher and she said that there was obv a bigger underlying issue that was causing this. i basically started sobbing and she was so kind to me and hugged me. she even started crying w me oml.
she said that one of the teachers saw me looking at pro-ana sites in class(probably tumblr i hate yall LMAO) and they told her. she wouldnt tell me who it was. if i find out who snitched i will hshdhsjdh. i fr cant let anyone know abt my ed but god i was so close to telling her everything.
she said that i dont have any adults in my life who i can rely on and that i carry way too much for a teenager. shes getting me a school therapists and tbh i dont think itll help much bc ive had a few before but shes so nice to me so ill try. idk if im ready to talk abt my ed yet but i def want to do smth abt my mood swings and everything that comes w it. its so tiring.
she couldnt rlly do anything abt my moms anger so she told me that it was just one day and that i could get through it and i would speak w her again tmr. heating her say that was a real relief ngl. my mom hasnt ever been this mad(except for that one time 3 years ago when she wouldnt allow me anywhere but the attic for 3 weeks) and its rlly scary. home situation isnt great and school isnt either but god id do anything to be at school rn.
all in all life still sucks, i love L and now im starting school therapy. woohoo.
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genderjeopardy · 5 months
This is a brief, kind of muddy and unreliable recollection of my coming out to my parents like an year ago so,
TW: transphobia, s**c*de mention
i still find it so incredibly funny that my parents waited MONTHS to have "The Talk" with me. when it happened, they started off by mentioning how they always noticed my "habits" (trying to grow my hair out, speaking in a higher pitched voice, using my mom's deodorant, etc.) but weren't explicit about their observations. they then reassured me that in that time period, they had became more "open-minded", "knew more about the world" and how they would accept me regardless of my "sexual orientation". me being me, i was obvs swept up in a newfound respect and love for my parents, and almost instantly decided to let go of any hatred or reservations about them that had been boiling inside me for quite some time.
alas, i made a terrible oversight and failed to pay close attention to their exact words. "Your sexual orientation". now, i dont and wont blame my parents for not being up-to-date with queer lingo, but the point remains that they were expecting me to tell them that i was like, idk, gay (mlm) or bi or wtv. at the end of the day, in their heads, i would still remain their son.
ofc, this realization sailed way over my head at that point in time. as a result of this, and me letting of my guard, i blurted out that i thought that i was maybe trans. like i just mentioned offhand about going to therapy to discuss abt my supposed dysphoria and wanting my parents to use my preferred pronouns.
as soon as i finished my sentence, i could just feel the entire mood in the room just do a full 180. my parents who were v committed to presenting a calm, rational aura till that moment, instantly gravitated to smtg closer to pure confoundment and, weirdly enough, grief (in retrospect this made way more sense). like i just told them their relative died or smtg. heads buried in hands, my father crudely commented abt me becoming one of the "psychopaths". mom just straight up warned me that she would end herself over this (i think this was just said out of frustration, but still), trying to talk while almost choking on her tears. it was rlly tough for me to process exactly what was transpiring but i subconsciously went from "open your heart out" mode to "damage control", reassuring my parents that i wasnt sure whether i was even trans, let alone ready and willing to socially and medically transition. the situation kind of came into more control from there, but the message was clear, from both sides. my parents knew that i was not "just gay", and i knew that my parents werent rlly approving of my potential transness.
from then on, i kind of subconsciously restricted myself; somewhat lowering my vocal pitch, not regularly shaving my facial and body hair, more compliant with my parents' requests to not let my hair grow too long (my mom would question me sometimes whether i was still considering "that thing" with the same tone one would use when discussing idk, a drug addiction).
i still like to think that its not rlly hatred, but just an apprehension of smtg alien, smtg so incredibly against everything that both my parents have been raised with. i still like to hope that maybe in the future, with time and effort from myself (in terms of understanding them and teaching them), things could very well change. but i also cant help but lie that obvs the things they said were hurtful. furthermore, my feelings abt my supposed transness have been way more inconsistent than what i'd hoped for. not regular enough for me to be confident that i desperately need to transition, but also not completely out of my mind to convince me that im cis. if i cant convince even myself, who am i to teach anyone else?
anyways, i just wanted to let it out for funsies, considering the wide (and funny) gulf between my parents working so hard to prepare themselves for me coming out as "gay", only for them to get blown away with a completely different concept.
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asakurahaos · 1 year
I feel so guilty cause i was supposed to get my blood drawn today and moms the one who does it bc i react badly every time, and she hates doing it bc of my reaction but also knows that my reaction would be much worse if someone else did it + she would be more gentle w me than anyone else so she does it anyways. I obv dont have control over my reaction, and we all know it, so dad came in to help me, and i was already getting into Shutdown/Panic/Uncontrolled arm&leg movement mode, except, instead of helping me settle down, seeing him there and trying to talk to me made it all worse. At that point i started letting out whines and other sounds (maybe words? I cant tell) and it upset mom and she missed my vein and decided to try the other arm instead, but i told her no bc i was already feeling like i was gonna puke and then pass out.
I feel extremely bad bc i know how hard it is for her to do this for me & how long it takes her to mentally prepare herself for it and i ruined it and will likely have to try again one of these days.
Like idk, i dont want to have to go through this shit every time, i want to just be able to get tested regularly at any docs office and not make my mom suffer and get tested like once every yr & a half to 2 yrs. Its been an hr now and i still cant uncurl from the corner of my bed bc thats the only way i feel safe and im too conscious of the place where she put the needle in. And if i look at it, theres barely a red dot where she inserted it and yet it just makes me spasm in discomfort & curl further every time i do, or if i brush it against something. Idk if there was some medical trauma from my childhood or its a sensory issue.. i doubt such a bad reaction would come out of nowhere.
Entry number 483528272528 on my 'i wish i was normal' list.
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transgenderer · 2 years
Please share more of your thoughts on Midsommar, I am curious
hmm, im not REALLY sure how many more thoughts i have
usually when i finish a piece of fiction i try to find some interesting discussion/analysis, unfortunately most things are either so popular that the big guys have moved in and filled the results with garbage or its so unpopular that theres just...nothing. so midsommar is mostly in the former group, and while there are some insightful analyses out there, i feel like everybody focused on the like, indoctrination aspect, which is generally the least interesting to me? getting someone recently traumatized to join a cult isnt *difficult*, yknow? its not some machiavellian brain magic, cult-joining is a well-established failure state of human reasoning. so anyway i guess the stuff im more interested is like *sigh* the "lore"? like, the culture of the hargas is intriguing to me. i think theres more details in the script and the directors cut? maybe ill read them. seems like a pain. hmm. watched this deleted scene, i dont really like how this changes the films.
also, if its not on indoctrination, i feel like analysis often focuses on the relationship with her boyfriend, which really doesnt feel like the core of the movie to me? idk, its not a realtionships thats bad in an interesting way. the cult is interesting, its specificities, its internal logic. i mean, i think its pretty intentionally far-fetched, the whole gathering thing where they send recruiters out to pretend to be normal, its all very...exaggerated. which is interesting! like, how does pelle's psychology works, why isnt he more affected by the outside world, how much does he think of himself as being deceptive.
oh! also, christian sucks, but i think its interesting to consider his perspective at the beginning, like, say you wanna break up with your girlfriend, you have for a long time, and then her whole fucking family dies. what the fuck! what the fuck do you do! you cant break up with her now! how long do you have to wait? like. obv dani's situation is worse but thats a very bad situation! what a nightmare!
oh! im not sure if i saw anyone point out that dani killing (indirectly) christian is a cool bit of classic indoctrination, like, you get somebody to kill for you and then they have the guilt associated with it, so it requires believing theyre good or youre bad, etc, its a whole thing! like with child soldiers, or in sparta, etc. good detail. what a carefully constructed film!
oh, i like how christian and his friends are definitely kind of shitty (why didnt josh tell them about attestupa! what the fuck!) but theyre not like, THAT bad, theyre a reasonable human level of bad. i feel like it would have been really easy for it to get out of control, all silly and exaggerated, but its not! even the harga are *mostly* grounded, theyre not THAT absurd. i mean theyre absurd. but just grounded enough you could sort of believe it, especially because cults really can get crazy.
oh, having the characters be on drugs half the time is a good way to make their passivity and stuff more plausible, like, theyre intentionally kept off kilter, which lets the harga get away with being more bizarre and terrible while them not leaving is still sort of plausible. also it lets you be more surreal and intense with your visual in a diegetic (and so less danger of feelign silly) way, etc
i really like the running detail where they verbally mimic when other people experience intense emotion. idk if this is the intended reading but to me it felt like an intentional blurring of the boundary between the self and the other, like, intense emotion when other people are feeling normal makes you aware that youre yknow, your own separate person, while the people around you screaming along with you makes it seem like youre sort of...mentally connected, it breaks boundaries between people. its good!
okay i had a lot more thoughts than i thought
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rottingsparrow · 2 years
Part 3!! Of rereading Lore Olympus. Episodes 21-30
⚠️Content Warning! This review contains the episode arc of Wolf in the Hen house, an arc ahout SA⚠️
So it seems to be better to post 10 at a time so that's what I'm gonna do, I'll try to post em daily since I usually read like 20 at a time but who knows.
Ep 21
Hermes lets gooo
Look naked persephone just in case you forgot that shes gorgeous
“Demeter sends her a lot of letters” didnt they not live near each other if not together what
Why does apollo introduce himself like that- oh i know bc rachel cant organically make someone bad shes gotta kinda force it /lh
Apollo is being a dick just let her talk like interrupting is a dick move and what he said obv
“Let me help you” “no thanks” yeah i mean she doesnt need help
Plus youre being a dick like
Ep 22
“Hes my brother” i dont care shes uncomfortable
Quick apollo make a comment about your sisters body so we know how much of a dick you are
Also why does she slip with the knife we dont see her and then ope she has a cut i feel like it couldve been done better
“Alot of blood” did you stab yourself wtf
I know they are gods but shes also the goddess of the hunt she should have stuff lying around for her or maybe animals
See the thing with apollo is he doesnt ask to do anything he just assumes its fine which is one thing but it feels like rachel hammers home the point so violently
“ let me help you!” use ur words king
“I dont have great control of my moods” get a therapist bestie
Also he has no reason to be overprotective he just met her what is it with men and becoming immediately attached to persephone
Cause shes so gorgeous and sweet and naive or whatever
which i think we should discuss the portrayal of her being naive and how it is a part of p*dophilic culture
Ep 23
Haha! I know you dont like this man so i will joke about it
Why is one eye golden bc he used his powers or
Stop grabbing her she just forgave you
Ur so uncomfortable around this man so none of us will pay any attention to you guys together
Are they watching carrie
Why. honestly just why
Ep 24
Hey uh just tw for sexual assault bc its that epsiode
“What time is it” “i came to see you” thats not an answer
Once again the he doesnt ask he just does
“Youve been flirting with me all day” has? She?
Like its gross and apollo is in the wrong but can we ask why we needed to see it, even part of it. Thats so intense
And also, how does it help the story. Genuinely. Did Rachel just do this bc persephone needed to explore her darker side i find it uncomfortable
She handles the topic fine but why was it necessary, i know its smth that happens but it feels so. forced into the story
I guess to get her out of the maidenhood thing but wouldnt it have been so nice to watch her make the decision on her own as a form of growth
Im glad we stop having to see it
I know why the pictures are used later but right now, why does he take pictures
Also its so weird that hes like “keep it between you and me” there isnt any reason for that other than like. Hes bad
Ep 25
Why did his name change for Aidoneus to Hades i dont know the stories that well
The shiny rocks are nice i wish we got to see his connections to gems more
I wish the titans looked more diff than the gods i know they are related but it would be cool
Why did Gaia say that he would destroy them
Vore :/
Glad hades has a therapist
Ep 26
i do like the fact that this episode is a call its nice
Omg they said the title
“Im the king of the underworld” ok and?? Anyone could tell shes crying
I like the small talk i know it doesnt move the story but its realistic
Hades hears her crying and is like. Im gonna bully you for it
Yeah its teasing and its cute if she wasnt already sad yknow
“Persephone why did you stop talking? I just completely called you out while you are upset”
Ep 27
Why was he in the mortal realm with minthe im curious
“It was different” rachel then retcons that and says it was a one time thing
It does sound like hes making fun of her
Her face and hermes proportions in that one panel oml
“I dont like talking about it” is a valid response persephone hades doesnt make you speak you just are very vocal
“The balance of power should always be in my favor” thank you rachel for showing why it is an unhealthy relationship
“I owe you question” never. Brought up again
Ep 28
“You dont get personal boundaries do you?” neither do you tf
Why do demeter and hades not like each other other than plot
“Working with someone doesnt mean youre compatible” works with minthe(and later works with persephone)
Why was demeter so intense to make her join maidenhood i know to protect her but like if she kept her with her she could be protected too right
Aw they fell asleep on the phone together
How did their phones not die tho
Ep 29
Oh wait look we see one dog that isnt the main three lets go
And hes wearing glasses its actually nice to be wrong
Artemis’ bangs are not long enough to pull into a bun oml
Ill say it: i hate how rachel portrayed zeus and heras marriage. Like they love each other and there couldve been a better way to do this then them arguing all the time
I know ive said it plenty of times but the lack of color consistency is annoying same goes for body types
So if he commands someone they have to do it or
Shes right tho he does whatever he wants
Hebe is cute
I do like how hera dresses
Ep 30
Hebe is so smart but like why let her be 8
Also let me see the other kids who is her sister that she is getting out of bed
“How about a test!” thats a terrible idea
New outfit!
“Persephone has big boobs” we know shes like supposed to be perfect or whatever
Imagine stopping aging at 19 gross also how does their aging work
“ i think ur depressed bc u arent challenged” hera. Stfu up
Also you cant say job and then have her be an intern
Also i know its just so they can be close to each other but god its so dumb
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SK8 The Infinity EP11 Overview:
hooww lovelyyy is this show!!!!!! why am i so invested in a skating match idk but take my heart anyways..
Nice recap/review/analysis time🛹:
i just love how this anime explores certain conflicts about passion and creativity and talents and such. im going to talk about the boys and their own personal fights but reki’s one definitely is one that i feel most, so im starting with that.
Reki and passion:
reki faces one of the fights that most shows leave for side characters,, it’s the idea that if you aren’t especially as talented or “gifted” like other people in a certain feild then it’s best to step aside and cheer on others and just not aim so high.. that idea to reki hit hard and now we got to see his outcome.. it’s a story telling us that we Can be the main character and not be as Great and Outstanding.. all we need is joy and love for what we do and as long as it’s fun then what more do we need? eventually our passion will pass through and we’ll create our own colors and i find that insanely lovely and im legit so proud.
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this scene is iconic.. reki forming himself and enjoying his passion.. then making a name for himself and langa baby being so proud and in love ahhhhhh.!/!9/&/9!
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Langa and connections:
for my boy langa and his personal struggle it has to be connecting.. he isn’t able to connect with other people, sometimes not even with himself.. he understands feelings vaguely, and honestly i cant diagnose him with anything even tho many suspect stuff but anyways. langa doesn’t know the exact values of relationships and things to himself or how to deal if something changed. he is trying and realizing the importance of valuing things, that connections need work and that it’s possible.. it’s so perfect how reki is there to help him navigate i just ah😭
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Adam and control:
adam is a control freak.. terrifying most of the time and kinda sad at times. he wants things to go his way.. he thinks that everyone should follow his textbook way of reaction and behavior and that he knows everything to get the outcome he wants.. always.. but people aren’t machines. they have feelings and consciousnesses that he can’t box. his biggest weakness that he deem his strength is his god complex.. he cant allow anyone who isnt so powerful to come close.. thus he ends up alone obv. he clearly doesnt learn and well idk ill be waiting for a redemption arc, but all i see is that since he cant control his aunties or act all powerful and mighty in his real life, so he turns his passion into his tool for satisfaction.. erasing all the love and making it a job on its own.. sad adam..
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i feel like this is long enough already so i wont be talking about the rest in this post *idk if another post tho* plus those three are the ones that shine most.. hope u enjoyed now with cute screencaps hehehe *bruh i just realized they are red (reki) blue (langa) and purple (adam) idk what u can do with that info but here we go*
boyfriends and family T-T
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angelsaxis · 3 years
even if kylo were planned to be redeemed from the start, when you have a trilogy instead of a series time is just not on your side. you can do a lot in a dozen or more episodes that you cannot do in a trilogy. im of the opinion that if they wanted kylo to be redeemed, the redemption should have started from TFA. he's no zuko lol and he never will be, but here's some changes I would make if given the chance (and if for whatever reason I decided to actually go this route rather than the Finn-kills-Kylo plot that's 10x more interesting)
under a cut bc its long as hell but its totally okay to rb and reply if you want!
First, Kylo's younger, close to Rey's age if not exactly her age. Makes it more understandable (a little) that he's making terrible decisions since he's a new adult who's got a lot of power in his hands.
kylo's insecure, idk how many temper tantrums he throws but we should see snoke in his ear more, feeding on his insecurities and pushing him to violence more. clearly he's still got that conflict of light vs dark in him, and the decision to kill his father eats him alive. that guilt is the light. snoke tells him he's weak with it. kylo takes out his frustrations on the people around him.
i barely remember the plot of TFA so I'm gonna say things ~more or less go the same~, but we're going to play on the fact that Kylo Ren and Finn are foils. Now, Kylo's symbol is his right hand--black-gloved and the holder of his lightsaber, a symbol of his turn to the darkside. Throughout the movie will make sure to make it clear that that hand is a sign of violence. Finn and Kylo fight, Finn kicks his ass (is still injured himself tho) but cuts off kylo's right hand. so now his hand and lightsaber are gone--the symbol of his power, obliterated. Finn says some "you can still be good, I know it" type stuff and hottails it out of there with rey and the rest.
Kylo ren, in a panic and seriously injured, climbs into his ship and tries to go back to snoke for Emergency Healing. Snoke's like "you failed me, you're weak, you're no longer my apprentice" and so kick out kylo. Kylo crash lands on some random inhabited planet, near death. first movie ends with finn being healed and ren being pulled out of his ship by the locals.
second movie starts, maybe finn's got mobility issues because he got sliced in the back. id love the idea of him fighting w a ligthsaber and leg braces on. but before I get distracted, kylo ren is unconscious on this backwater planet being tended by locals who have no idea who he is, except that he likes to wear a lot of black.
this is crucial--he needs time away from the heroes to actually start his redemption. idc what anyone says you cant be evil and then go start trying to be friends without learning how to be normal. kylo ren is not normal.
the locals do eventually figure out who he is and its a humbling moment for him, and the first time we see him treat people as people--but in the mean time, when he's not healing he's helping around the village. learning patience and self control and how not to take out his anger on the things around him, which is helped in a literal sense by the fact that he's got one arm anyways so and he's not a lefty, so there's not much he can do.
like i said, locals figure out who he is and are pissed. this is ren's first moment of reckoning. he apologizes but also thanks them for helping him despite how he was a piece of shit for a while (he's completely healed by now but still missing an arm). idk how much forgiveness there is but they make it clear in no uncertain terms that they're obviously not the ones he needs to be apologizing too.
so kylo leaves the planet (idk how i dont think of those things), changes his name, and joins the Resistance (under the fake name obv. lots of people dont actually know what his name is). maybe they've got an informant and so in a mixup, kylo finn rey and poe are all on the same ship. they see each other, finn + co start attacking kylo (naturally) and Finn (not one for killing. rey and poe might be of a different mind) has him on the ground and cornered, lightsaber at his throat, asking "what do you have to say for yourself" or something. and kylo says he's sorry. Finn's force sensitive so he can sense the honesty in it. kylo apologizes to all of them; personalized apologies and how he's changed and how he knows his ways were wrong. he wants to help. he's got a lot of info on the FO.
they still dont really trust him but they bring him back to the resistance. kylo tells as much relevant info as he can, and he gets a new arm, given to him by his new allies. he doesnt try to take control, doesnt take a command position the way finn poe and rey have, etc.
past this point idk how much more I have planned, but that's 80%+ of the redemption. Finn can take down the entire FO while kylo takes down snoke or something (since their pain/trauma stems from those sources anyways). im partial to kylo dying at the end of it all but i know folks dont like that. anyways this is my idea of what a decent redemption arc would look like for Kylo Ren.
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softxhariana · 3 years
34+35 live stream
description: ariana’s live stream before debut of 34+35 remix music video.
word count: 2.22k
A/N: little piece based off this live stream that ariana did in the countdown to her releasing the 34+35 remix music video with doja and megan. obvs not included every question but just a few fun bits and harry mentions for you x
also disclaimer, this is NOT real, if u don't wanna read about these two then don't, i’m not tryna act like they’re together it is fiction.
❤ anywayz hope u enjoy luvs xox
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❖   "HELLO EVERYONE! thank u for coming to this premier,” ariana smiled sweetly at the camera, as the video cut to a shot of her for the beginning of the countdown.
“we had so much fun making this 34+35 remix video for you, and uhh, we hope you love it.” she continued, playing with her hair. no matter how long she did this for she swore she would never cease to get slightly nervous in these situations. where it was her alone, in front of a camera. but her fans made her feel at ease, and she felt she owed them something, as she hadn’t done many quarantine interviews like other celebs have.
“i thought i would come celebrate and join the countdown with you guys. which is something that I've never done before, but i’m very happy to be here and i was very excited to get some questions from you all...” she held up the sheets of twitter questions she had received, “um that i’m gonna be answering while i’m here so, i cant wait to celebrate this together and countdown and answer some of your questions!” she finished with a smile.
and it was genuine. a real smile that her fans were thrilled to see.
ariana was genuinely so happy and content with her life right now. with her family, her music, her friends, harry. harry her FIANCE!! might she add.
everything just felt perfect, and after all the shit the last couple years had thrown her way, she appreciated the break.
 she got her love back, she was making music that she fully loved, and put her whole soul into, and she had fans who had stuck with her and supported her through some of the darkest times in her life, that were now able to experience her happiness and personal growth with her. so truly, little things like this, felt like the least she could do for them.
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“ohh this is a good one because its 34 35 related” she tucked her hair behind her ears, “@noirgrande said ‘ummm its just i wanna the end of 34+35 is it awww shit or nooo shit, i just wanna sing the song right”
“umm it is indeed no shit” she confirmed, smiling matter of factly at the camera before reciting the closing line of the song.
“@arianalocks1223 said ‘will we get to see the track list before the songs release?’” she paused for a second to process - which turned into a few more seconds, she was a bit slow today. she had told harry with full sincerity that she thought it was because she was getting old but he had just cracked up at her absurd statement, and told her that if that was the case he’d still think she was a milf
“you will!” she nodded with certainty, “indeed. ummm... i can tell you them now” she blurted, oops.
“i suppose thats not like... is that against the rules? can i do that?�� she turned, to question scooter who was supervising off camera, not wanting to get her label mad at her for releasing too much information, something she has a tendency to do. 
after getting the nod of reassurance from him she turned back to the camera, “so out of ‘POV’, you go into, um, an interlude called ‘someone like u’. after that is a song called ‘test drive’, after that is the 34/35 remix with doja and meg” she smiles lightly, “and after that is a song called ‘worst behaviour’, and after worst behaviour is... a song called ‘main thing’...” she finishes, a shy smirk forming on her face, dimples appearing, “so that’s the tracks.” 
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continuing with the countdown, ariana felt her heart warm at the love her fans were giving her and this album. she loved interacting with them and making them happy and proud of her so knowing she had done just that, was an amazing feeling.
“umm hesbloodsline... @hesbloodsline ... i’m really fond of this question because its really to the point, ‘where's the pig and where the fuck is harry?’” she smiled, holding in a laugh.
“piggy’s here, she's great, she's really doing so well and life is really good for her right now, she's really thriving and doing her thing” she ranted, a hint of sarcasm in her voice, “um, i make her big salads everyday that she likes, she's doing really great. she asked me to stop posting her as much because she's actually really offended by a lot of your jokes that you make on twitter, she asked me to have a word with you guys” she continued to joke, well aware that she probably found herself more funny than anyone else did right now.
“she doesn't like the jokes about being eaten, they really hurt her, umm yeh, and she asked me to convey that... no she’s great...” she finally decided to answer, “and harry, is on set today, so um, yeh thats where he is... but don't worry i will tell him to keep you in the loop, i’ve got you” 
ariana unconsciously let a small smile take over her glossed lips when talking about harry. he had been so excited about this new project and seeing him passionate and happy about anything he’s doing, always made her happiest.
“nicole! @nastyctrl. nicole said ‘who helped come up with the concept for the positions music video, love u sm ari’ love you so much to, i love you so much more” she paused, she loved this story,
“um this is actually a really funny story, dave and i had been going back and forth on several different concepts, and i couldn't, like... marry one... i couldn't really, like, really commit to one, i wasn't 100% sold. and it was missing a certain element of empowerment. and i kept, you know, trying to think of things that would make it more impactful cause i wasn't loving what we had...”
“anddd then me and harry were on this huge hike, and he just turned to me and was like, ‘what if you were the president?’ which was like, not at all fitting cause i was dying and complaining the whole time. but i was like,” she tried to imitate a shocked face through her smile and laughed 
“and when i called dave he was like ‘oh... kay, ill call you guys back’ and had the whole production team redo everything, and i had mimi pull completely different outfits and we completely started over cause that idea was what i was, craving and missing. and i was like, wow, thats so perfect” she smiled, shrugging her shoulders, “so yeh, honorary directing credit to harry styles, if you liked that”
“this is from @borderlinevinyl, who said ‘how much of the album was recorded at your little home studio?’ ummm..” she sang, looking off camera in thought, everything in quarantine had honestly just blurred into one so she was struggling to remember what exactly she recorded where,
“um... a lot of it was... i think i did parts of everything here and parts of things at tommy's i know i did, um, the final chorus ad-libs for positions at home” she began listing in her head, “i know i did all of off the table at home... i know i did the final chorus of my hair at home because we- i-” oops. she had to control the laugh threatening to leave her lips at the lack of subtlety in her correction
“-i got out of the shower and he was like ‘oh your whistles are really here right now’, and i was like y’know what... yeahh they are aren’t they” she laughed as she squinted her eyes and recited that part of the conversation, even trying to imitate his deeper accent.
she had been singing in the shower - as she always did - and harry joining her never seemed to stop her from belting out any whitney or old one direction classic she wanted to. he would even join in sometimes and they'd end up with their own mini concert, dancing around naked, shampoo and conditioner bottles in hand singing their hearts out to everything from high school musical to nicki minaj to fleetwood mac.
while it felt like too bold of statement to make as she truly revelled in and enjoyed everything they did together, showering with him was truly one of her favourite’s. whether it was steamy shower sex that had all glass surfaces in the room fogging up or letting loose and dancing and singing under the pouring water, every moment felt so intimate and sacred. it truly made her feel like they were they only people in the world. 
of course he would claim she was out singing him every time she whistled and would jokingly try to replicate the note but he was truly just in awe off the sounds that came from her mouth (in all senses of the word;)
"-and so i opened ‘my hair’ and just randomly did that” she continued, “um what else did i do here, i did the a lot of the backgrounds and ad-libs for 34+35 here, um, obvious was done at home, a lot of six-thirty was done at home”
caught in her own thoughts she only realised she had probably been droning on for too long when she caught scooters eye across the room and with a blush she shook her head as if to clear it, “this is an annoying answer, everything was kind of all over the place but i did a lot, a lot, a lot of the vocals for the album at the house" she finally finished the long answer, moving on quickly as she realised she didn't have long until the premiere and she wanted to answer as many of the questions as possible.
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“ok, second last question from hannah, ever- @everdxystxless, im sorry i don't know how to pronounce that” she laughs looking up at the camera with wide eyes, not sure how exactly how she was supposed to go about pronouncing the username, 
“im sorry, um, but anyway she say’s ‘ari baby, how do you feel about harry getting to do a movie with florence pugh, we know your a big fan of hers, ps. i love you so much!’ well hannah, i love you too” she replies, as she thinks back to when harry first introduced the two, after she had gotten over the initial fangirling, the pair became amazing friends. florence struck ariana as such a genuine, loving person and they shared the same dry sense of humour. plus ariana might of been just a little obsessed with her accent - not that she would ever admit that and scare the girl off.
“and... um, yeah, it literally, made me beyond happy, i was fully like, fangirling when i met her the first time” she laughs as she plays with her hair, “she honestly, probably was like, ‘who the fuck is this girl? what is she doing?’”ariana imitated, a faux scared/weirded out look on her face, playing the part of a mildly pissed off florence - which she luckily had never been on the receiving end of, “im sure i was being the opposite of subtle about it but, no, she really truly is the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful, talented human being” she emphasises, the thought of any news outlets of fan’s trying to spin a ‘jealousy’ story about this making her internally role her eyes,
“midsommar is, like, one of my all time favourite movies, and she's amazing in it, and harry’s like so fucking lucky its crazy. so yeah, thats insane”
"...so yeah... thank you so much! this was so much fun!” ariana exclaimed as she wrapped up the Q&A, smiling wide at the camera, she knew her fans were going to love the music video and she couldn't wait for them to watch it, plus interacting with them in this way always made her happy.
“i love you guys, i miss you” she reminded, “i am so appreciative of everything you've done for this album, for these singles, for this music. i hope that, um, that this makes you super happy, i hope it makes you smile...we had so much fun shooting it and um, the girls are so fantastic, so i hope you love this and i hope you love the deluxe!” 
ariana didn't know how many more ways she could say thank you and express her gratitude but she still had over a minute and a half so she’d have to come up with something, even if it meant she’d sound like a broken record
“i am so thankful for everything and for the love that you've shown this music i cant even begin to articulate it properly so, thank you! i appreciate it so much” she breathed out all in one, “but anyway, the video should be starting soon, so... i hope you like it, don't refresh! it’ll be here soon... i promise... just don't refresh” she urged dramatically, she was really dragging this out, “but yeh” she got out through laughs “the video should be starting anytime now, i love you guys” she blew a kiss to the camera before moving as close to the lens as possible “byee”.
🖤 there u go!! i hope you liked it, and any feedback would always always be welcomed and so so appreciated pls and thanku x 
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thegeminisage · 4 years
SUPERNATURAL SPOILERS RECAP because you can ALWAYS trust me to let you know what’s going on this show long after youve stopped watching it ok here we go spoilers under the cut obvs
so dean, sam, and cas are attempting to kill god and amara this season (she’s god’s twin sister, the “yin to his yang,” that was their problematic phrasing not mine, u can’t kill one unless u kill both)
anyway in order to do that they need to turn jack into a bomb - jack is lucifer’s biological son but they all adopted him and he was cool but then he lost his soul and killed mary winchester so now we hate him. fuck it. make his ass a bomb
anyway they had to go see THE adam and get one of his ribs. he’s like a stoner hippie dude who hates god because god abandoned the earth. he was cool actually and more importantly he was brown
anyway sam and cas aren’t down with jack dying so they were looking for another way and dean is like “lol u killed my mom die bitch”
the reason they’re using jack to do this is because death (now billie, who was formerly a reaper, and she’s super cool and super hot and has no tolerance for winchesters) has a library full of books that says how everyone dies, including god, and this was written in his book. so sam wants to read the book and he sneaks into death's library (???) but death isn’t there. you know who is there?
rachel miner is not playing meg, she is playing “the empty,” a personification of the “nothing after death.” anyway she’s so beautiful and wonderful and i missed her so much and she tortures sam a little and acts just like meg and she also tells sam that if jack kills god and amara then billie will become the new god and i guess this is a bad thing??
so sam takes the book and bolts and dean is like rushing jack down to the bunker where god and amara are trapped and sam is like NOOOO DONT
and dean was like sam im doing this because i felt like i havent even been alive until now because gods just controlled everything i cant take it hes gotta die
and sam wouldnt move and then dean GOT OUT HIS GUN??? HE POINTED IT DIRECTLY AT SAM’S CHEST???
and sam like tried to wrestle the gun away but dean punched him in the face and sam actually like JUMPED HIM to try and stop him but dean headbutted him off and of all people castiel was the one to be like wait sam why are you saying dont go and sam explained
and dean was like i dont give a fuck if billie becomes god id kill literally anyone id trade anyone to make chuck dead 
and sam put on his lil puppy eyes and he was like...what about me would u trade me :(
and then sam starts CRYING wait im gonna transcribe this speech fully
dean (who is near tears and shouting and also waving around the gun in his hand): chuck has to die. he has to! otherwise he’ll keep us tap-dancing forever. and i can’t live like that, man! i can’t live like that, i won’t!
sam (who has a bloody nose from where dean literally punched his face and head-butted him): i know you feel like that right now, okay? i know you do. but you gotta trust me.
(long beat where dean’s chin trembles)
sam: my entire life...you’ve protected me.
(dean lets out this incredible wonderful wordless harsh breath and turns away because he literally can’t hear this)
sam: from dad...
(dean turns back around to glare at sam in defiance like how dare u be bringing up dad right here & now)
sam: from lucifer...from everything. (he starts to tear up) and i didn’t always like it, you know? but... (he like really gets going crying for real now. they’re like running down his face.) it’s the one thing, in the whole world, that i could always count on. 
(dean starts welling up. sam nods and gives this really helpless resigned little shrug and half-smiles)
sam: it’s the one thing i’ve ever known that was true. (another long beat, long tearful glances) so please...put the gun away. just put it away.
(dean looks down at the gun like he’s surprised it’s even there)
sam (still weeping): and we’ll figure it out, dean, we’ll find another way, you and me. we always do.
(cue perfect tear from dean that doesnt quite fall. he puts the gun back in his coat)
^ that was the part that made me cry a little bit lmfao
uhhh and then god absorbed amara i guess which in any other episode would have made me REALLY mad and she deserved better 
and then he came in and yelled at all of them for not fighting each other like he wanted
and he said “oh castiel, self-hating angel of thursday. you know what every other version of u did after’gripping him tight and raising him from perdition’? WHAT THEY WERE TOLD.but NOOOT YOU. not the one off the like with a CRACK in his chassis.”
and then he was like “haha now jack’s gonna explode for no good reason bc u guys missed your shot” and the episode ended
anyway rachel miner. rachel miner rachel miner rachel miner. the entire first half of her scene i was just laughing maniacally and talking about how great she looks and how much i missed her. ugh i cant believe we get to win in 2020
oh yeah and a shot in the trailer for next week’s ep looked like this:
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 // the seancé
watched this while drinking and working my second job after my full time job (hence the drinking) when my supe called to tell me i didnt do enough work for them and could i start doing more because being tired after working an 8 hour day was just. unacceptable. (while i'm drinking during this ENTIRE call) anyway 🍸 i use nance/nancy interchangeably like luce/lucy
-"denial: smalltown USA's favorite pastime" 👌🏻👀
-the begrudging kiss + george w the coffee = lmfaooooooo awkss nance
-wonder who this FBI agent friend of owen's is since they never get to meet 😕
-"we just opened!" / "work ethic" how nancy views the claw/work is manifested in her constant lateness and skipping out. like she says "i never thought i'd be wearing this" its clear she has some of that upper middle class/white suburban bias against restaurant working that only becomes okay in the pretext of saving up for college. this is made ironic by ryan who jokes in s2 about having no money and working at a coffee shop, sharing nancy's opinion. also ironic is how a group of her coworkers "not my friends" at this same place she puts little appreciation into turn out to be her biggest support group
-carson & family dinners: seeing john sanders' texts w nancy and trying to keep up with what shes doing / makes you wonder how ryan would approach as a dad. judging by s2 he's less subtle than carson but possibly more effective for it (i have so many nancy&ryanthoughts but i'll wait till the reveal ep)
-steaks lmaooooooo what a white suburban dad thing to say
-"we are on the same side" / "why does it feel like we're on different teams" : laura/ace and nancy/nick mirrors (almost like some kinda men vs women showdown but these women do NOT trust these men...)
-why is the precinct "the least haunted building in horseshoe bay"? does lucy not haunt the police bc she knew karen was trying to get revenge/"justice" for her? or bc she doesnt want to haunt karen at all? and what of other ghosts? a police station seems like prime ghost material for officers of unsolved cases. is it chief mcginnis with his link to the supernatural keeping everything under control? if so, what happens when he leaves and tamura shows up? (based on the dress ep i cant remember if hes woke to the supernatural or not)
-"you would need an object lucy touched the night she died" nancy like -->😌it me
-okay. anybody who hugged lucy would HAVE to know she was pregnant?? like wtf
-LAURAAAA lmfaoooo
-UNPOPULAR OPINION: laura/nick - hatefuck - hes strong enough to top her with words AND hands - bringing out something tougher created by prison (like it rough/lose control) nick is presented to be so kind and almost always on top of his emotions but laura is def a canvas that can take a few hits. i can definitely see her being attracted to how much he doesnt really like her and wants to stop her from always getting her way. her pretentious ass motormouth is practically begging you to grab her by the arms and shake her to shut her up (and she would be begging you to shut her up too)(ik s2 nick/race talks/his mom ep would never ever do this to anyone but its a choice "what if" to me)
-this casting for teen candace to adult is on point
-so two days after lucy's death they pay him 50 grand from a shell company? he says it's for services rendered but then for what services? does everett know or suspect that the drews took lucys baby and pay them for taking care of an impertinence, including lucy, not really caring what really happened to her as long as shes no longer a threat to him? honestly could see a cover up. nance only does the reveal in her balmain tazer glory and we dont really get an honest reaction out of him iirc (the new actor they switched to shows wayyyyy less emotion than s1 guy) and he could easily fake surprise. obvs celia doesnt know bc s2 but whos surprised at that. i wonder what tipped her off that nancy could be ryans baby and prompted her to test. hmm. and payroll vs shell account. why would it have been paid differently. sus. 🤔🤔
-the irony of nancy picking at nick's story at the inn for karens deal + nancy straight up ignoring nicks proof w this transfer... like ep 1 "i'll tell you about my past if you tell me about yours" except...no, actually. "i'm just trying to solve this / it feels more like you're trying to solve me" its so true. and nancy really badgered nick into telling about his conviction but it was kinda payback for showing up at the claw and making her admit their "relationship" -like when george says "you need to be just as relentless", it was equal but nasty. like. nick never asked george for details about ryan that way. he even admits he doesnt wanna push her to ace after learning what not to do with nancy.
-this seance has nick so irritated w nancy lmfaooooo
-"half sister" so josh and patrices' last name is dodd- his grandpa must be a dodd also for the name of the shop. wonder why lucy's last name is sable, and where her dad is, and where josh's dad is as well- there's no mention of dads or stepdads anywhere for these two
-mcginnis knows theyre innocent / "work together" he knows they arent really suspects but he just wants to fuck with nancy. could be playful or just nancy's naivete. maybe he actually kinda missed her fucking around in his work and is trying to make up for the lost time when she withdrew from mysteries d/t her depression after kate
-nancy + knowing everybody else's secrets - nick's conviction, bess's family, george's affair, ace's deal w mcginnis and confronts them all in turn like nick and the secret phone, george from the meeting in the woods, bess from the passport/ring and acs's phone calls (they all somehow end up knowing all each other's secrets after a bit anyway)
-fuckin love Ted 😌🙏🏻💙
-when lucy grabs nancys hand i was just like "MOM!"
-if nancy had asked lucy if carson did it, she would have been spared the trial 👀🙃
-"even if you did, nothing was gonna stop you" true truuuuueeeee like. nick needs to be needed. nancy doesnt need him starting in episode 1. nick thinks that sex = relationship but nancy never saw it that way until she realized thats what nick wanted her to admit. "i wanna be with you / im trying" she is literally forcing herself to try and date him normally when thats honestly never what she wanted. and its nicks own fault here bc she never even wanted to be "official" but he forced that out of her too in front of coworkers no less. he set himself up to be disappointed
and lastly
-so carson stole the evidence, but what did he do with it? burn it like the dress?
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two (2) revolutionary girl utena persona aus
thiiiiis ended up way longer than expected and i still cut a fuck ton from the au 
P2 is a little too complicated to explain it to someone whos never played it so im gonna condense the events as well as i can. Jun (the character that looks like yusuke but with black hair) is the rose bride and tatsuya is in the role of utena for this au. When someone wins a duel they get the rose bride obv, but the main draw as to why these people fight for the bride is to get their wishes granted. And Jun has to follow everyone’s wish no matter what it is. Tatsuya defeats the school principal in a duel, gets Jun whos being a little shit because hes being controlled by Joker (no relation to the p5 one) and Tatsuya doesnt wish for anything (he also does not learn that Jun is the rose bride, as “Joker” is wearing a mask and tatsuya doesnt think to ask him to, yknow, take it off.) so Tatsuya doesnt particularly care when Michel beats him in a duel and gets Jun. Michel is then defeated by one of his cronies and then our wonderful protagonists lose track of the rose bride. 
  After a series of strange occurrences going on in the academy Tatsuya reasons that it must be because of the duels and hes gotta get the rose bride back before more people get cursed. He fights the student council president, who had been using Joker’s powers to elevate his status and curse any nay sayers. Then Tatsuya is challenged by “Prince Taurus”, one of the head duelists and a previous owner of the rose bride. Joker explains to Tatsuya what that guy’s wish was and tatsuya finally realizes that oh shit maybe he should not let anyone else use the bride like that. After defeating Taurus, Joker moves in to Tatsuya’s dorm and Tatsuya finally asks Joker to remove his mask so they can meet as people. Oh hey look its your childhood friend Jun who you dont remember due to Reasons. Since you have seen Utena you already know how the rest of this is probably gonna go. Duels happen, Tatsuya and Jun get closer, etc etc. Then Jun introduces Tatsuya to his parents. Long story short with them, Jun’s father (Nyarlathotep, whos basically the Akio of this story) was the one controlling Jun as well as the one who set up the dueling situation in the first place, and isnt too pleased at Jun gaining more freedom. Upset at Tatsuya getting closer and closer to freeing Jun fully from his clutches, he gets Tatsuya and Jun to move in with him. Idk how far you got into Utena since you said you didnt finish it but, Nyarlathotep is abusing Jun physically, emotionally, and sexually. Tatsuya doesnt know this and Jun is too afraid to tell him. 
  More duels happen, eventually Tatsuya remembers who Jun is, remembers that he promised Jun to be his prince, and learns how much Jun is suffering. Tatsuya fights Nyarlathotep, seems to be winning, but Nyarlathotep throws Jun at Tatsuya. Tatsuya instinctively pushes Jun behind him to protect him from Nyarlathotep, and haha oh no Jun just stabbed Tatsuya in the back. (this is literally just the end of utena but with different visuals, im condensing this a LOT sorry)
 Nyarlathotep stabs Jun a bunch of times for Reasons. Nyarlathotep tries (and fails) to open the door to end of the world, gives up and walks away. Tatsuya gets up and hobbles to the door, pries it open with his bare hands and finds Jun inside. He tries (and fails) to pull him out and nearly ends up skewered by all the swords that Jun got stabbed with. Jun is now free from Nyarlathotep’s influence and everyone got their memories wiped except for Tatsuya. 
  So this part of the p2 au is based on adolescence of utena, which is basically the show but faster and they win. Tatsuya goes back to the school, its been a year since the events of the first part, and hes trying to keep a low profile because if anyone remembers the events of part 1 Nyarlathotep will probably kill everyone. Jun is still the rose bride but hes no longer being abused by his parents since they are all free from Nyarlathotep’s influence. Tatsuya gets roped into a duel against his will, considers letting the next duelist (king leo) win, but then quickly decides not to once he realizes what letting King Leo win is gonna mean for Jun. Jun is horny on main for Tatsuya despite not remembering him, Tatsuya is trying (and failing) to not to fall in love again with Jun. more duels happen. Jun finally asks what tatsuya’s wish is because Tatsuya has never made a wish despite winning so many duels. Tatsuya wishes for them to be able to get out of the school for good. Jun says he cant do that but Tatsuya starts to pull him away. 
  Ok stay with me here this actually happened in utena
  Tatsuya gets turned into a car. Jun realizes with Tatsuya in this form he actually has a chance of escaping so he rides tatsuya (lol) in a race to escape purgatory the academy. They manage to escape and get their happy ending yaay.
  There are consequences to the rose bride and the prince leaving that are felt in the P5 au. Now that the rose bride and prince are gone, Philemon gives the powers to 2 new people to replace them. Except with one catch because of Nyarlathotep. The bride and prince dont know they are the bride and prince. So everyone must find them before the real duels can start
  Shido is now the head of the school with Goro standing as “prince”, Goro as the prince is searching for the rose bride because he knows that they must be alone and abandoned and he doesnt want anyone to experience what he had experienced (hes actually searching for them so he can take down shido) (Shido is looking for the rose bride to rule the world). 
Now enter Akira, who just transferred to the school for reasons™️. He accidentally pisses off kamoshida and gets a duelist ring from igor to fight him. Without the rose bride, people have started taking on false brides to give them power (whether they realize it or not) this manifests by a rose literally growing inside of them and blossoming out of their chest, in this case since the rose grows inside of the person, Akira has to bring it out of them, and free whoever/whatever the person has taken on for a rose bride. Kamoshida’s bride is Ann, Madrame’s is Yusuke, etc. Akira p much frees people’s hearts until hes approached by Goro, asking to work together to find the rose bride, and that if they do people will stop having the roses grow inside of them. Akira has been saving people’s hearts, but somebody is killing the people who had roses growing inside of them (wink wink nudge nudge its Goro)
  Shido’s palace/duel happens, Goro is revealed as a traitor (you know the drill) except that when Akira and Goro make it to the final race to escape(Goro gets turned into a car, utena is a weird show) goro reveals that he finally gets it. He wasnt the prince all along, HE was the rose bride all along and never realized it, and Akira was the prince. Akira runs to him but as soon as he reaches him Goro dissolves into a flurry of black rose petals, leaving behind an empty rose bride dress falling limp in Akira’s arms. Without the rose bride by his side akira cant truly escape the world hes in, but he still goes to free shido’s heart even if he has to do it alone. After the battle philemon tells him that Akira can either return to school and live out a fantasy where everyone is happy, or he can take the train to elsewhere in the hopes of one day finding Goro again. Obv akira takes the train, and thats where the au ends for now. I need to play p5r to fully incorporate it into the au but im thinking of there being a red herring with one of the girls as potentially being the rose bride
  Theres a bunch of minor stuff in this au like the one scene from the movie of shido (getting madrame) to paint an unconscious goro, and then “dying” after falling off a balcony once he realizes that goro was awake the whole time. Shido isnt actually dead (?) he fell and became the large rose bush in the school courtyard due to how big his twisted desires had become.
heres a rough sketch of goro’s car form
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ghouls-dream · 5 years
HC: So i decided to do that. For your enterteinment. i presENT YOU: ghost astrology. Papa Nihil - CAPRICORN : Since he is described as a powerful, firm leader with stamina and sexual energy (when younger). He seems to me like the old king in fairytales that refuses to give out his throne, no matter the fact that he's no longer suitable for it. Im not saying he's a bad person or anything, im just pointing out stuff i notice. And thats fine! Control and strictness is what keeps a good order and drives business ahead!
Papa Emeritus I - VIRGO: Now as the oldest one of the Emeritus brothers I strongly do believe he has the most of his father's influence, which doesnt necesserily make him bad or evil at all. In fact he tries his best to transform all the learnt lessons in something productive and useful for the new Papas! Basically helping them grow, teaching and showing them their ways in order for the bloodline to prospere. I imagine his number one mission would have been to fulfill his duty towards the Clergy and hiis father, but as well try to be a good exmaple for II and III.
Papa Emeritus II - ARIES:  He is the middle child. Not too old, not too young but perfect to be between the hammer and the envil. I imagine him as a quick learner, deffintely has a lot from his father's leadership characte (big dick energy i mean), he's always trying to be better and stronger, trying to prove himself, to find his place in the family. Emeeritus II would deffinitely be the problematic child in my eyes, but also very passionate about his little brother - he'd protect him at all cost, which would probably cause HIM a lot of arguments with his father (punishments for instance), but also be extremely respectful towards the Emeritus bloodline.
Papa Emeritus III- SCORPIO: As being the youngest of his brothers, I suppose that III would be full of energy! I think he'll have a lot from his father's sexul energy and stamina, but he'd lack the leadership and strictness, when it comes to ruling. He'd be more of a friend with every single person rather than being their "Boss" (lol). Of course if needed be, III would probably make a good leader and a Papa - he'd do his best to keep everything under control, maybe he'd look for help or seek advice from his older brother so Papa Nihil doesnt think he is not fit for the place. But in general i think he has a soft heart, full of lust and desire. Papa III might be a little manipulative, sassy, flirty and secretive at times but oh well its part of his charm!
Cardinal Copia- LIBRA: Deffinitely a sass machine! He was the character that i was like 100% sure about! Cardi is a soft boi, he aint ashamed of it and he loves showing it to the people around him. His undying love for his rats and his geniuane good character are one of his best traits! Cardi tries his best to prove himself worthy in front of Papa and Imperator, no matter how sceptic the patriarch is. I imagine he'd be the sensitive type that would be in good humor all day, being all goofy and friendly with every single person, while doing his best to fullfil everyone's expectations.. And in the end of the day he'd just lay in his bed, stare at the ceiling and become way too self-critical about everything he had done during the day, which would lead to his hidden anxiety and maybe depression.
GHOULS. ERA 4. Aether- TAURUS: Beefy boi is definitely a Taurus. There is no other sign that fits him more than this one! He's humble, a good friend, really talkative, extremely friendly not only with the other band members, but the audiance as well! Aether gives out the 'big teddy bear' vibe and he's not afraid to show it. He loves a good company, I suppose he'd be one of the good chefs around the ghouls and he'd be more than glad to share this talent of his with the others! I imagine Aether as the jolly sweet friend who's always there to help and is really passionate and protective of the people he loves. Also - really sensitive, even tho he might not show it.
Dewdrop - ARIES: Hyperenergetic, attention loving slut. He's the human form of the word 'firecracker'. Dew is like a magnet for troubles, no wonder why he broke his horn! I suppose he'd have a lot of bruises on his body, maybe even tattooes! He is the sporty type - likes running, hopping, skipping around and most of all - terorizing evey single soul around him. What's more - he is 24/7 aroused and he aint afraid to show it. He's well aware of the fact he intimidates people with his sexually agressive aura and he enjoys every bit of it! Also stomping on stage and the little "guitar battles" he has with Aether sometimes is what keeps his competative spirit alive and in shape!
Rain- CANCER Softboi allert!!! Absolutely no doubt that Rain is a Cancer. He is one of the "quiet" ghouls on stage. He's not a fan of the attention like Dew for instance, he just loves to enjoy what he's doing! The vibe he sends out to the people is also really soft - Rain wants every single person to feel the melody of his bass in their hearts! For him, being a part of the band is like being a part of "God's work" to spread the gorgeous art of music! Rain loves to be surrounded by the people he loves and most deffinitely has anxiety around new people and sometimes on stage. He feels at peace while playing the bass and is also really caring and loving, always trying to make others comfortable around him!
Swiss - LEO: Swiss boi is definitely a Leo. He radiates such a strong sassy, flirty vibe i cant even. He loves dancing (obvs), being in the center of attention but not as much as Dew. While the little jumpy-boi is demanding the crowd's adoration, Swiss just gets it not the agressive way. He just naturally gets all eyes on him with his swift moves, sexy ass body, grea talent and backing voice. He deffinitely is the star "in disguise". I imagine him off stage to be as sassy as on it, but way more flirty when it comes to giving autographs or even talking with someone. He just flirts naturally, he doesnt even need to try!
Mountain - AQUARIUS: IDK why i get this vibe from his. He's a little(lol) dork. I feel like Mountain's the "dad's joke on regular basis" type of friend, who always knows how to cheer up a situation. He's not a fan of being in the sportlight, he enjoys his place. I think he doesnt like arguments or confronting anyone anyhow, much like Rain, but if he has to go out there and defend his opinion or someone else's he'd be more than glad to do so. The civilized way ofc. As much as he loves drumming and all the loud noise around him, i have a feeling that Mountain would love to be left alone in peace after a show, have a walk or just simply take a shower and read some conspiracy theories or his favorite series.
Cummulus PISCES: Girly girly girl VIBES!!! I have a feeling that the short, sweet little ghoulette would be A) a shopaholic and B) your best friend in crime! She's the one serving looks, willing to gosip all the time and most probably try to turn Rain into her own live verison of the Ken-doll. In fact i think they're both really close since they have share a fair amount of common interests like music, small animals, taking care of others etc. I suppose they'd often go for duets or something. Also I think she's the "mother-friend" who apart from being super crazy and ready to do a lot of stuff (brunch, nights out, girly nights with Cirrus and others), Cummulus would be very protective around the people she loves! Also she has a great connection with the fans - they love her and she adores them!
Cirrus - GEMINI: Cirrus is definitely the one that's more "fiery" from the ghoulettes. Her stage presence is showing really well and she loves to communicate with each and every ghoul. In fact if she had the chance, she would get someone from the audiance on stage and jam with them! WHo knows maybe they'd become friends after the ritual? She is one of the ghouls that have the strongest need to be around others. I imagine her being really close to all of the ghouls  (mostly Cummulus ofc) and Cardi, almost as if she's the best friend of the group. Cirrus is definitely the ghoul that spends most of her time on the internet, chatting with fans maybe or simply spending time in tumblr or twitter, sharing her day and creating memes. Also big fan of posting funny photos of the ghouls and Cardi (Dew being super mad about it, tho)!
So uuuh yeah, that really turned out to be longer than i expected, but uuh I hope you like it guys! i did my best and i'll be super glad to hear what you think or even share your opinion on the matter! ILYSM
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kookmint · 6 years
If I'm being honest I didn't vote for Fake Love for SOTY. I voted for Shoot Out. It's not that I don't think Fake Love deserves to win, and I know it would mean the world to them, but honestly, it's not my favorite song of theirs. Plus, they're gonna win so many awards this year probably, and I think it'd be cool if Monsta X got some of that love too. It's really annoying when people parade around calling out fans and deciding by themselves that that person isn't worthy to be in a fan base.
So like I stated before, yes, vote for whoever you’d like! Its absolutely your right! But please try to vote for the song you really truly love! Not just because “theyre going to win so many awards anyways”. It makes it sound like charity. If you believe FL deserves that title, I mean vote for it, even if they will win many awards after it. All I’m saying is just try to keep your intentions pure! At the end of the day it’s whoever you wanna go for but just keep that in mind~ And yeah im really tired of people attacking others for being a “multi” or not streaming or not buying albums cause they can’t afford to. Since when do we care THIS deeply about #’s that we attack our own people...
anon said: Not surprised lol you can't say you like a song by another Korean artist bc some armys attack you saying that u're fake army or they tell you to listen to the song illegally or see their mv on vlive not to give them views bc you know, if you do this it's "stream" to them. So many dumb things... just enjoy the music.
Pretty much. Idk when this “pureblood” movement started but its only brought disgusting attitudes and a platform to ridicule anyone who doesnt follow b*s to the death. Like you said, enjoy the music!
anon said: I totally agree with you on your answer😤 i think some newer fans who have not been here since 2015 may find it difficult to understand that and that's sad
HNGGG i try not to separate “new” and “old” but it seems like a lot of new people who are unfamiliar with kpop have a deeprooted hatred for it or are embarrassed by it (or afraid of being made fun of for liking kpop) that they attack any group that isn’t them and try to strip them of part of their identity (aka kpop????) 
anon said: liking songs have never been this complicated ;_____; if i dont like the song despite they're my fave group, i dont like it period. i can vote other song which probably deserves better recognition? jeez kpoppies need to go outside, take a deep breath and find new hobbies jshshs
forreal? like my song likes are no one else’s business. you dont see us trying to force them to change their likes? and yeah i don’t like EVERY single b*s song (aka i literally only have like 5 that i dont like of the hundreds they put out so thats fair lol). Vote for a song that deserves the title*** !! i swear some people just sit on their computers all day and spew hatred
anon said: I agree with everything you've been saying! people just need to think more rationally about voting. At the end of the day it's important, yes, but there's no need to guilt-trip fans for voting other than for the boys. I, personally, did not vote for them in every single category they were nominated in because I follow a lot of groups and their journeys. Sometimes it's nice to let other groups take the limelight! In saying that though if people feel they deserve all the votes then that's fine too
Yes exactly, the guilt-tripping needs to stop. These people are not allowed to control others. And thats totally fine! You follow groups and you know how hard theyve worked and you know their journey! but no no no, its not about “letting other groups have the spotlight” its about voting for the song or album or artist you believe truly fits the description of the award! Try to avoid pity votes~ you know in your heart who you believe deserves it! 
anon said: There was a loonarmy alliance that lasted a day and then it was ended cause armys had sticks up their ass. "They're only benefiting from us." No Susan, didn't your mother teach you manners?
how come armys have no issue forming an alliance with western fandoms smaller than ours but when its a kpop fandom smaller than ours they are like FUCK YOU. It makes no sense, it circles back to them hating kpop lol. why cant people go a day without fighting, this isnt fuckin economics its about keeping the peace dammit
anon said: Love Scenario is gonna win SOTY anyways so y’all can keep fighting each other all you want, it don’t matter 😘
completely unneeded, you completely missed the point of this discourse, kindly fuck off. this is the crap that starts fights LOL 
anon said: I'm gonna be completely honest here and say that there's no other song worthy of soty than love scenario. And I'm a Hard core army. Like, the way love scenario took sk by storm really isn't comparable to what fake love did. I love bts, I really really do, but I say love scenario was a nation fave, whereas fake love was really just an army fave. You don't have to agree obvs but that's just my humble onion
and that is your opinion, yes! but remember a lot of people will not think the same exact thing as you dear, that’s how life is~ so vote vote vote for what ya believe in and lets just see what happens ^-^
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yehetingxing · 7 years
tagged by @holyxingsdick <33333
rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers
- Nicknames: Pandi, .... thats kind of it... 
- Zodiac sign: aries
- Height: 166cm/5′4
- Orientation: straight
- Nationality: french
- Favorite fruit: mmmmh.... pears?? i guess??? idk... i like most fruits....
- Favorite season: WINTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! AND AUTUMN!!!!!
- Favorite book: once again i dont rlly read so like :((( but i guess yixings book
- Favorite flower: ummm... all flowers r beautiful i dont discriminate 😂
- Favorite scent: coffee!!!! (high five blossomie) and umm... any...perfumes...that i like....
- Favorite animal: .... pandas... i dont think this rlly comes as a surprise since my nickname is pandi. i also love cats :))) i have 3 and theyre my children, dont touch them
- Favorite colour: greeeeeeeeeeeeeeen but every colour is fine tbh 
- Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?: HOT CHOCOLATE ALLLLLL THE WAYYYY
- Average sleep hours: ~4-5h on school days (i got muuuchhh better c:) and like 1328748h on weekends
- Cat or dog: cats obv :) but i still love dogs :)))) esp vivi
- Favorite fictional character: LUFFYYYYY, chopper, every manga character :(
- # of blankets: 2 and 3 during winter
- Dream trip: GO BACK TO CHINA, korea (obv), japan, hk+macau+singapore, malaysia, thailand and visit more of canada BUT THATS WAY TOO MUCH ISNT IT
- Blog created: wow... umm i have no clue... like a year and a half ago??
- Favorite song at the moment: .... bOI, THE WHOLE OF BTS’S HER, power -exo, what u need +lose control - king of china (yes im getting back into these song), company -  tinashe, just u - jeong sewoo, vixx lr - whisper, vvip - jo wuchan ft sikk & gaeko, we are - woo wonjae and moar but once again that will be too much :(
- Number of followers: like 5
- Favorite bands: this is quite obvious but EXOOOOO & BTSSSS those r my main but as u noticed i listen to a variety of artists and groups (and im multi fandom af but theres so many that i cant be bothered to write it down eventho theres like 5 more groups only but anywhoo)
- Favorite solo artists: ....help... welllll theres the whole china line of exo :)))))), i also rlly like offonoff, zico, zion ttttt!!!!!, dean!!!!!!, crush, sik k, heize, amber hehe,  and last but not leastttttttt JUNG HOSEOK WHENEVER HE’LL RELEASE HIS GOD DAMN FUCKING HIXTAPE!!!!!!!!!! (theres actually more but.... ye)
- Song stuck in my head: rn its what you like - lee gikwang (but it changes every 10 mins so)
- Last tv show i watched: cheese in the trap (i already read the webtoon so its not that interesting for me tbh... i already know everything thats going to happen)
- What stuff do you post: bts & exo mostly, ull see some cats passing by and some aesthetic skies, a lot of different kpop groups and eventually some shitpost of me crying over sehun and hobi :))
- When did your blog reach its peak: lol it still hasnt and probs never will :)))
- Do you have any other blogs: ..ha..haha... ha.. yeah.... not gonna share them cos one is just a blog made for a friend and i post shit abt her haha (she also has one for me :(( ), one is just where i reblog random recipes i should try one day if i ever wanna do smth with my life which will never happen, and one is where i reblog language stuff (mostly mandarin bc yes, i learn mandarin)
- do you get asks regularly: nooooo ahaha i wish :(( if u wanna ask random shit, hello :) im here :)
- why did you choose your url: cos yehet is sehun and hes my ub, xing is yixing and hes my other exo bias (along with bbh and pcy), i thought abt adding hobi since hes my scnd ub but idk.. my love wasnt as strong as it is now. also xing can mean star in madarin so i thought itd be funny to make yehet a verb describing a star... anyway my brain goes to weird places just go with it (also thanks to @holyxingsdick  for helping me choose that url)
- following: too many :( 573...
- posts: 7, 516 (less than expected tbh)
- hogwarts house: no fckng clue lemme go take a test. welp it says im mostly  gryffindor but i honestly have no clue :(
- pokemon team: IDKKKKKKKKK
- favourite colours: wasnt this q already asked?????
- lucky numbers: 94, 4, 9, 12, 7, 21, 88, 10, 6 (thats a lot IK!)
- what are you wearing rn: oversized black nintendo shirt and black sweatpants
- dream job: noooo clueeee, i guess u could say dancer but idk... maybe web designer if i continue liking it as much as i do rn :) but i keep my options open since i rlly dk.
i tag @bakinglover73 @jongin-trash @haneuuls @yerkezhanberkembayeva (r u even alive on tumblr? 😂) @ijustwantjongintobehappy @bias-yixing @anyone who reads this idk who to tag anymore :(
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