#it ruins her vocal health AND her singing bc her first cover was not like this
neon-vocalist · 5 months
blaise shinryu i will always love you but would it kill you to have an ounce of good vocal technique like…. ever?
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sweetnestor · 7 years
Story of Another Us | Week 7, Part 1
university au, platonic af, now on ao3!
this is the point where we (I, the lazy author) start skipping weeks, so donut fret for not finding weeks 5 and 6 bc they donut exist :)
previous chapter
Tell me if you wanted it at all
“Let me hear you,” Jack said.
I remained quiet, my face beet red.
“Come on, Bellers,” he coaxed.
“I don’t sing in front of people!” I blurted out, tangling my fingers together nervously.
“You sing in front of me!” interjected Mark, who was sat next to Jack on the sofa.
I hesitated. “B-But that’s different…”
“No, you always want someone to hear you sing before you post it on your channel!” he told me. “And it’s just me and Jack, there’s nothing to be afraid of.”
I looked down at my keyboard. I was excited to sing for them earlier, but then the time came and I got cold feet. One of the few things I was proud of about myself was my ability to sing. I had perfect pitch since I took classes as a child. I could sing big vocals like it was nothing, high notes came easy to me. It was just intimidating every time someone heard me sing. I was being watched and judged and I was never good under that kind of stress.
But it was just Mark and Jack. I shouldn’t have been so nervous, but I was always nervous. I inhaled deeply and played the first few notes of the song I had chosen.
“I can still taste the ocean, like it was today…
You said ‘please keep on holding my hands’ and the rain it came too soon,
I will wait for you to love me again”
I kept my eyes on my fingers pressing the keys. In all honesty, I only wanted to sing this particular song to Mark because it made me think of him. I figured I would hint at it in the description box if I decided to be brave.
“Guess I was running from something, I was running back to you…”
Have you ever listened to a song and you just wanted to live in it? Or inject it into your veins? I had strong feelings when I heard this song, feelings similar to when I realized I really loved my boyfriend.
I took a quick glance at the two guys. They both had matching grins on their faces. I kept singing, slowly detaching myself from reality and getting lost in the music. And then came my favorite line:
“The darkest night never felt so bright with you by my side…”
That particular line always made me emotional. I was full of darkness, I was negative. But I had Mark, and he was my light in this mess that was my life. I hadn’t realized how down I was until I wasn’t really there anymore. I didn’t expect him to “heal” or “fix” me, I just needed his help.
“What did I tell you?” he said to Jack when I had finished. “She’s incredible, right?”
My face went back to red.
“Yes, she is!” Jack agreed. “You’re really talented, Bella!”
“Thank you,” I responded.
“They’re going to love you,” Mark told me.
The next time I sang Outer Space, I had my camera on. I did it one take and just uploaded the video. I did covers every now and again on my channel. Those, along with the occasional daily vlogs, were insanely popular compared to my makeup tutorials/rants.
Mark went back to his house after I posted my video. He was always busy with whatever projects he had going on. He was script writing, preparing sketches with Matt and Ryan, editing videos, and slowly but surely working on a tour. That was mainly why I barely saw him these days, even when I stayed at his house. The only reason why it didn’t bother me that much was because I had Jack to keep me company.
Once I thought of that, it dawned on me that he wasn’t going to be here permanently. The semester ends in May, then he would be going back to Ireland. What would I do then? He was the only friend I had. I never realized how alone I was until he came along. I had fun with him. He was slowly taking me out of my shell.
I mean, yes, I had Mark. But like I said, he was always busy, and it’s considered “healthy” and “normal” to have other friends besides your boyfriend. I didn’t know what I was going to do when I was alone again.
What did I do to distract myself from my future of crippling loneliness? I isolated myself in my bathroom and washed my collection of makeup brushes. When you’re a socially anxious makeup artist who uses online shopping as a coping mechanism, that takes up a lot of time. I had barely gotten through one brand of brushes before I heard footsteps out in my room.
“Baller!” Jack called. That’s a new one.
“In here!” I replied, reached over from the sink to open the door.
He came over and saw me, tilting his head. “What are you doing?”
“Washing brushes,” I said.
“All of those?” he asked in surprise, pointing to the giant pile on the counter.
I shrugged. “I’ve been putting off cleaning them.”
“Do you need help? Looks like you’re going to be here a while.”
“Sure, if you’re not busy.”
He happily approached the counter and stood next to me by the sink. I handed him a dirty brush and showed him how to properly wash it. It was simple, and now that there were two of us doing, things were getting done faster.
“So, what got you into makeup?” he prompted after a while. “Why do you like it so much?”
Oh man.
“Are you sure you wanna hear that story?” I asked in response.
I sighed. This was a tough subject. “To put it shortly, there was a point in my life where everything sucked. I mean, there’s been plenty of times where everything sucked, but this one was pretty bad. I just wanted to feel good about something, so I bought a cheap little eyeshadow palette and wore that whenever I was down. Of course, that expanded and escalated, and here I am now.”
Jack nodded. “So you wear makeup when you’re sad?”
“I used to. But now I do it because I love it and it’s fun. I actually went to beauty school and everything, but I never finished it because of YouTube.”
“Well, that’s cool.” Jack put one brush aside and picked up another. “I didn’t know it was personal, by the way, I’m sorry if I was prying or anything.”
“No, it’s okay. I’ve wanted to make a video on why I got into makeup for a long time since I never talked about it, but I don’t want to seem depressing. Like… I want something like that to be helpful instead of just sharing my sob story.”
“It must be really serious then. Don’t worry about how you’ll sound. If you think you need to talk about it, then do it. If you think it’ll help someone, that’s even better.”
It was itching at me now that I had spoken out loud about it. I had never talked about this with anyone. Not Mark, not even my therapist. It was like a crying fit stuck in my throat and it refused to come out. Not that I particularly wanted it to, anyway.
“I’m still thinking about it,” I  concluded.
“Well, no matter what you decide,” Jack said, “you have my support.”
“Thank you.”
He was so easy to talk to. I was fighting myself not to just spill everything out and burden him with the things that I’ve done. I couldn’t expose him to how bad I really was, and I really didn’t want to tell him something that I couldn’t even tell to my boyfriend.
Ironically, Jack asked if Mark knew this deep, dark story, and I said no. I hadn’t told anyone.
“Do you think you need to talk about it?”
“Yeah, but not anytime soon.”
“Should I be worried?”
“No. It’s a thing of the past.”
Exams and midterms still took place. It was mainly for the students transferring to actual universities after YTU closed for good, but everybody attending still had to take them. I was never good at studying, or good at school in general, but I managed to get by.
One of my classes, English, required group work, and that was a nightmare. I was interacting with others, but I still remained friendless. My yoga class sometimes involved partner poses, but I had Jack there to help me. That was probably one reason why we got closer.
But alas, Jack was leaving soon and then things won’t be the same anymore. I had Sophie - kind of - she was more of an acquaintance. She would mostly talk and I would listen. She had plenty of other friends, and her best friend, who I had in my yoga class. I was easily replaceable.
I had Mark too, but he was spreading himself thin lately. As much as he denied it, he was slowly stressing himself out. I would try to help him, but I was afraid of making him snap. He was just busy all the time, practically leaving me alone with Jack. Maybe that was another reason I got close to him. But that’s what Mark wanted, right? He wanted me to have at least one friend so that way, he didn’t have to worry or feel guilty that he was away from me all the time. That wasn’t a bad thing, I did need friendship.
It was a typical warm day… well, it wasn’t warm to me. Jack was a bit miserable, claiming it was “hot as fucking balls.”
“This is nothing compared to the summertime,” I told him, amused. “In my hometown, it’s all desert, so you’d get the dryest heat of your life. Oh, and during the spring, it’s so windy that you’re pretty much eating dirt.”
We were both out of class early due to exams. We had extra time to kill. It was nearing five o’clock and the campus was particularly barren. I didn’t have any videos to film today, and Jack liked to film well into the night.
“Can we go to the Tube?” he asked. “I heard it’s good.”
“Really?” I asked in response, my stomach immediately flipping over.
The Tube was a diner/bar specifically for vloggers, and it was connected with the university. I had only been there once, and I ended up having a panic attack in the bathroom. That was the last time I went to a restaurant… until I started dating Mark.
“Yeah, I’ve never been there! Please?” Jack asked, giving me and exaggerated pout.
I had to give in. I didn’t want to ruin everything, even if it meant sacrificing my own comfort and mental health. We walked down the street to the diner, my jaw clenched shut from the nerves.
Jack went to order us drinks while I found us a booth. It wasn’t particularly busy today, but there were intimidating vloggers scattered here and there. Some of them were looking at Jack, who was far more known and respected than I was.
He came over to the booth with two beers and sat across from me. “I don’t know what you like, so I went with Coors.”
“That’s fine,” I said, accepting the bottle and taking a gulp. Alcohol helped me relax in social situations. “I actually don’t drink that much.” Because I never go outside, therefore I had no reason to cope-drink.
“How come?” he asked. “You strike me as someone who does shots and cocktails.”
I shook my head, chuckling a little. “Nope. The idea that a liquid can impair your thoughts and actions is a bit terrifying.” Yet it’s one of your maladaptive behaviors. Okay then, Bella.
Jack rolled his eyes, amused. “Are you a lightweight, Bellers?”
I was embarrassed by that little fact for some reason. “No…”
“Chug your beer, then.”
“iChale! No way!”
“Come on! I’ll do it with you! Look!” Without missing a beat, Jack took his own bottle and began to down it.
Fuck it. This bout of nerves and anxiety wasn’t going to go down by itself. I tipped down my beverage, though I didn’t feel any different once I finished it. Beer never really did it for me, I needed something stronger.
“You drunk yet?” Jack jokingly asked when he put down his empty bottle.
“It’s gonna take more than that, mijito,” I said back.
At one point, a waiter came by and replaced our drinks with new ones. Jack ordered some food as well, and we got settled in.
“So, how’d you meet Signe?” I asked.
“She made some art of me, and I started talking to her on Tumblr,” he replied. “There was this time where she was streaming, she was drawing a picture of me. I went onto the stream and watched a little bit, and I told her ‘you better draw me pretty.’ She told me to go fuck myself.”
I giggled. “How romantic.”
“Yeah… I really miss her.” He took another sip of his beer. “How did you and Mark meet?”
“It was here at YTU. We had some classes together, and we were partnered together on a project,” I said. “And you know me, I was super quiet and awkward. Except, when he tried to make conversation with me, I did not want to cooperate.”
“Same old Bella,” Jack commented, smiling. “So you were friends before you started dating?”
“Yeah, we only started dating in October, but we’re pretty close.”
“Do you not drink because he can’t?”
“It’s a personal choice. You’d think with all the shit I have in here-” I pointed to my head “-I’d be a raging alcoholic. But no.”
“That makes you a very strong person. I respect that.”
I smiled. “Thanks, dude! Wanna do a shot or two?”
When the waiter came with our food, I managed to order two tequila shots. One bright side of my drinking-in-social-situations habit, I could do things on my own without shaking as much. However, I was still too polite and shy to say anything when we were presented with a whole plate of tequila shots.
Jack was giggling once the waiter had gone. “Is this what you ordered?”
I hesitated. “I did say a shot or two…”
“Oh, tiny little Baller. Ready?” He took one small glass and held it up.
I took a deep breath and held up my own. “Let’s do this. To… friendship?”
“To friendship!”
And down went the first shot.
It burned my throat, but not enough to make me want to throw it back up. It just made me want to drink more. I was feeling better and more free as the alcohol set into my system. More people entered the diner, and I wasn’t plagued with the urge to hide in the bathroom. But if I did feel that, then I had more tequila to help me out with that.
I looked through my phone at one point, some time after emptying two more shot glasses. I was making sure I didn’t receive any texts from Mark. As usual, I had no new notifications, so I scrolled on Tumblr, and my heart began to burst.
“Jack,” I said urgently. “I need to tell you something.”
“Tell me,” he replied, leaning forward in his seat. His cheeks were flushed.
“You fans are so fucking nice, dude. I love them.”
“I know! Thank you! They’re being nice to you?”
“They’re drawing fanart, and they say my makeup is pretty!” I could have cried in that moment. “They also have this funny idea that we should be together.”
“That's called shipping,” Jack pointed out.
“I know, I'm just thinking,” I said, “maybe the shippers are going to my head or something.” I hesitated. “Do you think if you didn't have Signe, and I didn't have Mark, that we…” I let my sentence finish itself.
He actually considered it, looking at his empty shot glass with a lot of thought. “I don't know. I can't imagine myself with anyone but Signe. You and me? Maybe… in another life probably.”
“Another story,” I added. “Una historia de otros nosotros.”
“I'm going to pretend like I understood that.” Jack chuckled. “Do you actually think we could work?”
I shrugged. “Maybe. I mean, we're complete opposites, but maybe that's not a bad thing. You bring out my happy, energetic side, and I…”
“You teach me how to shut the fuck up,” Jack continued. “No but really, you taught me more about anxiety.”
“You make me want to be a better person,” I said, my words slurring a little bit. “You’ve made me feel less lonely. God, you're such a nice, good person Jack! I don't deserve a friend like you!”
“Aw, you're so sweet, Baller!” he replied. “I'm glad we're friends on some level, y'know? Sure, in another story we could be more than that, but I'm happy where we are right now. Besties, and nothing more.”
“Exactly! We should get bracelets or something...” I could have cried, this was such a nice moment. I really did love Jack, as much as you can love a good friend.
“If you and Mark ever break up, I'm still hanging out with you,” he said. “That's how close I think we are.”
“Bros before hoes doesn't apply to me?”
“You're a bro! The best bro, queen of the bros!”
“You sound like Felix.” I giggled.
“Maybe that's a sign we've had too much to drink. Let's call someone, shall we?”
“Yeah, let’s do it.” I pulled out my phone, somehow managing to dial Mark.
“Bellaboo!” he greeted upon answering.
“Hi Markimoo!” I greeted back, giggling like a little girl. “My love, my life, my wife!”
He chuckled on the other line. “Where are you?”
“Me and the Jack decided to have special friend time,” I explained. “We’re having fun, but maybe too much fun. There was tequila involved.”
“Oh, I understand. Can you drive, babe?”
Everything he was saying was funny. “I don’t think so. Could you be the bestest, sweetest person ever and pick us up? Estamos cerca del universidad, si sabes?”
“English, honey,” he told me.
“Y’know that one bar, restaurant, thing by campus? That’s where you’ll find me and my son.”
“Jack is your son now?” Mark laughed.
“Yes, I adopted him, and we’re raising him together! Right, Jack?”
“Right!” he replied even though he didn’t hear what me and Mark were talking about.
“Okay, I’ll be right there, baby,” Mark told me.
“Thank yooouu, I love yoouu,” I sang before hanging up.
next chapter
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