#and she can’t even stay on pitch because she’s trying so hard to be rough and loud so really
neon-vocalist · 5 months
blaise shinryu i will always love you but would it kill you to have an ounce of good vocal technique like…. ever?
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woso-fan13 · 1 year
Whumptober 2023: 5 (Barca)
No. 5: “You better pray I don't get up this time around.”
Debris | Pinned Down | “It's broken.”
For whatever reason, Madrid really had it out for you. Usually, they were a little rough with everyone, but today it seemed like you had a target on your back. Multiple players had gotten yellow cards because of what they did to you- illegal tackles, hair pulling, the works. It was an attestment to how well you were playing, but it still hurt. 
Your teammates had refrained from getting revenge, not that they didn’t want to. But you popped up from the ground every time, giving a thumbs up to them. Were you really okay? No, but you needed your teammates to not start attacking the opponents so you smiled through the pain. 
The final whistle had just blown, but before you could stop you felt a Madrid player tackling you. Your head crashed into the pitch, bouncing from the impact. Your legs were slit open from her cleats, blood dripping. It was bad. 
You can faintly hear shouting- you would later learn it was your teammates yelling at your attacker. You squint your eyes open, not remembering shutting them. The sun was hurting your eyes, but, as you went to close them again, a gentle hand rested on your cheek. 
“Cálmate pequeña, estás bien.”
You know that voice, but you can’t remember who it is. You can, however, remember that the person who hurt you spoke Spanish. Whining, you try to move away from the voice, afraid that whoever it was would hurt you again. 
Alexia frowns at your reaction, again trying to soothe you. But, when you hear the Spanish, you try to move away. This time, though, she could hear you mumbling- pleading to her not to hurt you. Her heart broke. 
She stands from where she had crouched next to you, quickly shifting to kneel by your head. Grabbing your shoulders, she pins you down. You cry out, helpless. Alexia wants nothing more than to scoop you into her arms and hold you. She wants to reassure you, but she can’t. All she can do is keep you still so you don’t injure yourself even more. 
“It’s okay,” she says quietly, “we’re going to help you.”
“Lucy, Kiera,” she shouts, “I need help.”
Upon hearing their names, the two girls race towards you. They knew it must be bad, if Alexia couldn’t calm you down they didn’t know how they would be able to. Dropping to their knees on either side of you, they look to Alexia as to how they can help. 
“You need to take her,” Alexia says, emotion evident in her voice, “please. She’s afraid of me, I think she might react better to you.”
With a confused look, Lucy and Kiera nod. Lucy moves to take Alexia’s spot, pinning you down to the pitch. Kiera cups a hand to your cheek, leaning down and speaking quietly to you. 
The medics arrive soon after, trying to shoo the women away. Neither are deterred, staying where they are and only shifting to allow the medics room to assess you. They quickly begin to assess you, clearing your spine and allowing Lucy to release her grip. It’s clear that you have a concussion and your legs will need to be taken care of, but for now they wrap the cuts up in gauze. Once you're calmed, it would be easier to treat you. 
“You’re alright, little bit,” Lucy says, pushing the baby hairs off of your face. 
You whine again, but your eyes flutter open and the women watch as you look around dazedly.
“I- I wan-” you can’t seem to find the words, but the others know what, or who, you’re looking for. 
“She’s right here, she’s coming” Kiera assures you, gesturing Alexia back over. 
She crouches by your side. Once she’s in your line of sight, you pitifully reach your arms out to her. Combined with the pout on your face, it’s hard to resist. 
“Lexi, please,” you beg. 
Alexia can no longer contain herself, moving to sit fully on the ground. She reaches down, hands under your shoulder blades to pull your torso up. Once you’re close enough, you flop into her body.
“Shh, mija, I’m right here.”
Your hands are tangled in the back of her jersey, ensuring she won’t pull away. Not that she ever would, she’s not leaving your side. Awake and oriented, you snuggle into Alexia as she holds you close. 
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phoenix-manga · 2 years
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Little Cherubi, Where Are You Off To? Part 2
Summary: Having Ace and Deuce to look after Phoebe might become problematic with them juggling studies and babysitting. So, they decide to constantly switch babysitters so there would be no problems!
But… nothing is ever going to be easy in NRC.
[Story Under the Cut]
Bringing back Phoebe as a Cherubi was… a shocker to the Pokémon in Ramshackle dorm to say the least. It took quite a bit of convincing from Furret and Grimm to get the others to settle down.
Of course, her scent still stayed the same even as a Pokémon so it was a huge factor in convincing the Pokémon.
Phoebe was now sitting on the couch with Audino’s ears prodding at her little body to check on any problems. Grimm and Furret sat on the couch with her as they laid down in exhaustion.
When she found nothing wrong, she simply pats Phoebe on the head with her little paws and heads to the kitchen to make her some tea.
“There seems to be nothing wrong with you, I’ll get you some tea in the meantime” Audino’s voice was gentle and sweet.
It was really surreal to hear her Pokémon talk and with variety of voices. Of course, those who are big in size obviously have deep and rough sounding voices while the little ones have a smaller and rather high-pitched voice.
There were also the water types who sound… incomprehensible when on land but sound so clear in water.
Audino comes back with tea and Indeedee followed suit with a tier stand full of fruit and candy. Grimm perks up at the sight of tasty snacks and he began to munch on a couple of candies while Furret helps Audino tip the teacup for Phoebe.
“I never thought how hard it was to not have hands… I think I might just feel bad for Pokémon who don’t have them…”
She sighed as she gulped down the tea to relax her nerves and laid down on a soft pillow. Her eyes felt droopy and she could feel herself going off to dreamland.
“Phoebe! Are you here?! If you don’t answer I’ll assume that a hawk ate you!”
“Deuce, hawks eat meat NOT fruit!”
Oh, for Arceus’ sake, she can’t get a single moment of peace in this world can she?
Rolling off the couch, she wobbled over to Ace and Deuce who looked disheveled from all the cleaning and possibly the running they did to get here.
“You two should relax! I couldn’t send you a message because Dexter flew off and even if I had that phone around, it’s not like I can type!
Anyway, don’t go nuts because I’m not going anywhere. Did anyone else see you running around like headless Torchics?”
“Uhh… funny that you mentioned “anyone else”…”
As soon as Deuce said that more footsteps were heard approaching the porch. Much to Phoebe’s surprise the rest of the first-year gang, excluding Sebek, came over looking just as frazzled as the other two.
“I heard that Phoebe was turned into a walking cherry!? Is she alright, I ain’t letting anyone’s big foot turn yah into mush-“
“Careful, Epel! She might be on the floor!”
“Sh*t! You’re right!”
Epel immediately got onto his knees and carefully crawled while his eyes scanned everywhere for the walking cherry.
The moment his baby blue eyes saw Phoebe, he darts towards her and held her in his arms as if he was a mother trying to keep her baby out of any danger.
“Thank the seven, you’re fine! Those two had me scared-”
For a moment, Epel took a good look at Phoebe’s form, and he experimentally squished the round face, and it was like a plush toy. Phoebe didn’t say anything because it felt like a massage to her.
He only ceased his actions when Jack called out to him about putting Phoebe down.
Jack on the other hand, he kept staring at those stubby little legs as Phoebe waddled around explaining to them what occurred in the laboratory and how unfortunately, she has to wait this out while Ace and Deuce have to look after her.
But that was going to be a challenge, because there was no guarantee as to when Phoebe would return to normal, plus the fact she has duties at Ramshackle and that most “human activities” would be impossible to do.
“I wouldn’t want to burden Ace and Deuce with their studies. Professor Crewel is definitely going to talk to Crowley about giving me a break but… you guys would get double the work and that doesn’t sit right with me…”
“*sniffle* Aww, Phoebe…”
Deuce looked-teary eyed at her concern for them.
Ace looked to the other two and had an idea.
“Say, how about we take turns looking after Pheebs, then?”
“I mean, it’s much better than having to keep an eye on Phoebe in Heartslabyul all the time when we are busy following the rules… How about it?”
“I agree with Ace, plus I don’t cause any trouble… unlike a certain cat and red head… So, I promise I won’t be a bother!”
“Hey!”, “Funya!?”
Ace and Grimm looked at Phoebe, offended at the call out. But she simply ignored them and looked up to the other two.
Jack and Epel looked to each other and considered their options before nodding in agreement. It’s a sound plan, so they began to schedule out the time they need to look after Phoebe.
The next few days went like this; Ace and Deuce have Phoebe in the morning classes.
At PE, Epel would look after Phoebe since his PE is not the same as Ace and Deuce’s.
After class, Jack has no other duties unlike the Heartslabyul duo who have to take care of flamingoes and Epel with his “beauty” lessons.
So, he goes on a light jog with Phoebe riding in his backpack. He made sure his footwork wasn’t too rough and it was a smooth ride. Phoebe enjoyed feeling like she was tall.
And once the jog was done, he would take her back to Ramshackle, he even tucks her in.
It was a perfect plan that went alright for once.
Of course, other students soon found out about the beast tamer’s current predicament. The students have quite mixed reactions, others were curious and wanted to see what she looked like, they either were disappointed or would want to give her a hug.
Of course, gossip like this would reach the students that Phoebe knew personally.
In fact, during lunch time with Ace and Deuce, they met the senior Heartslabyul members.
“No way! Little Pheebs became this cute?”
Cater took out his phone and snapped away at Phoebe who was being hand fed sliced fruits by Deuce. Though Phoebe would have wanted something other than fruit, she doesn’t know if eating human food would affect her stomach.
And she is certainly NOT eating Pokémon food!
Riddle kept glancing at her from time to time, his cheek dusted pink from how adorable she was. Oh, how he just wants to put her in a little laced basket and bring her around.
“W-well, Ace and Deuce… As your dorm leader I hope you two make sure that there is not a scratch on Phoebe otherwise it’ll be off with your head, understood?”
“Yes sir!”
Ace rolled his eyes and didn’t find Riddle’s behavior strange. Ever since the overblot incident, he’s been a protective older brother to Phoebe ever since.
Trey just looked at the scenario with slight amusement. It was kind of ironic that he just so happens to have a little cherry tart behind him.
He was going to give it to the boys for their efforts in looking after Phoebe so far but… would it count as cannibalism if Phoebe ate it?
He’ll leave it in her room, when she turns back later.
When it was Epel’s turn to look after Phoebe, there was a certain huntsman who was quite intrigued by the rumors that involve the beast tamer of Ramshackle.
It was at the time when Epel was in his etiquette lessons with the other students that the hunter struck. Phoebe was placed in a very soft cushion by the wall as Epel struggles to memorize the several forks arranged in front of him.
Even when she was seated by the wall, other Pomefiore students who just happened to pass by couldn’t help but coo over her lovely shade of pink and those beady little eyes.
‘(He’s probably “thinking, why would you have so many forks anyway? Forks are for stabbing and that’s it”)’ Phoebe thinks to herself.
A shadow came to her left side and she felt huge hands carry her. She was face-to-face with the hunter himself. His expression made Phoebe wonder what on earth he was planning on doing.
Sure, he was constantly with a bow and almost shot arrows at her Pokémon once but that he didn’t really target them on purpose after that fiasco…
He wouldn’t try to make a cherry pie out of her, now would he?
“Tres bien! The lovely trickster tamer has turned into a pink cerise, how unfortunate yet… those golden little beady eyes express such exquisite innocence~! Oh, how Roi du Poison would show such interesting expressions if he were to see you right now, in fact-“
Without even notifying Epel, Rook whisked her away to Vil’s room. The dorm leader was facing his vanity mirror trying a new shade of makeup.
When Rook opens his door a bit too loud, the young man didn’t even flinch. Probably accustomed to the hunter’s antics to be even surprised at what he does.
“Roi du Poison, please gaze upon this wonderful being~! I’m sure you won’t be disappointed”
Vil didn’t respond as he continued to apply his eyeliner and blush to finish the entire look. When he was done, he finally put his attention to Rook as he held Phoebe towards him.
His handsome face studied her form, Phoebe felt like her entire soul was being judged with the way Vil kept a neutral face.
“H-hey, Vil…” Phoebe muttered.
“Oh? The little beetroot has become a cherry I’ve heard. I must say, this is a far cry from… what I envisioned you’d be”
Why did that feel like an insult? Or maybe because she is accustomed to his rather perfectionistic attitude that she expected him to say something like this in the back of her head.
Vil carefully plucked her off Rook’s hands and sat her on his vanity mirror. She had no idea what he was going to do when…
*Spray, spray!*
He plops her down onto soft silk which wrapped around her stubby legs, then he sprayed some form of perfume on her. But it didn’t smell like the ones that overpower her sense of smell. It was a pleasant yet light scent that felt like she was in a lush forest with none of the smell of dirt.
Then Vil opened one of the drawers and took out a few lace ribbons then proceeds to tie a rather intricate knot on her stem.
Out of nowhere, he used his magic pen to conjure some colorful lavenders, pink roses and carnations to place around her.
Phoebe was still in a daze, wondering what the heck he was doing while not saying a word to her.
“Oh, how lovely~! Such a magnifique bouquet, Roi du Poison!”
“And the colors of the flowers only accentuate that shade of pink this little cherry has.”
Phoebe was unable to move due to the flowers and ribbons but from what she can guess, he decided to turn her into a little flower arrangement all of a sudden.
This kind of thing was alright with the baby Pokémon being covered in pillows and blankets but this just feels odd to her.
“Oh, forgive me. I couldn’t resist trying to accommodate your form into something beautiful. Truth be told, I have been trying my hand out on flower arrangement skills for my photo shoots.
The ones brought from the store simply didn’t cut it, so I wanted to make gorgeous bouquets to bring out the style I wear on set. Do forgive me for using you as a centerpiece”
“O-Oh! Uh… no harm done just… maybe warn me next time? And could you possibly get me back to the dining room? Epel probably doesn’t know I’m here…”
“Of course, in a moment. I need a good photo of you to post on my magicam to see if the arrangement was good enough to surpass my last one”
Vil took out his phone and proceeded to take a really long time getting the right photo. He had Rook take out lights from his closet to arrange them accordingly and even backdrops and curtains.
This guy was well-prepared and very dedicated to his career, if Phoebe had to say anything.
Finally, the exhausting photo shoot was done and Rook casually sauntered her over to Epel who was running around trying to find Phoebe. The country boy certainly didn’t appreciate his friend being kidnapped mid-lesson out of nowhere.
“What in tarnation are you thinkin?! Just snatchin’ up Pheebs like that and you run off like a weasel without even telling me!”
He gave the hunter a good verbal beat down that didn’t even faze Rook in the slightest.
Jack was at least menacing enough to keep the other guys from messing with her. But maybe there were some people who aren’t fazed by his snarl and bared fangs.
The guy didn’t even look apologetic! His grin just widened like a Cheshire cat before Epel took Phoebe from him and stomped away.
After that, she was now with Jack again.
One of those just so happens to be an eel with mood swings.
“Ahahaha! No way, I wanna take her to Octavinelle and see if she fits in Jade’s terrarium. He told me to get cherry blossoms but there’s none! A cherry is good enough!”
Floyd has Phoebe in his arm as he bulldozed through the hallways with Jack hot on his trail. The damn twin managed to pluck her out of Jack’s makeshift sling while jogging through Main Street.
Luckily for Phoebe, Jack has sensitive ears and manages to dodge Floyd’s first attempt at swiping her. But then he proceeded to trip Jack by kicking the back of his knees and snatching little Phoebe off his sling and sped off.
The vertigo was making Phoebe ready to puke from all the parkour Floyd was doing to avoid Jack.
‘(Someone help me before I- urk! Before I vomit!)’
“Let go of my trainer you Huntail!”
All of a sudden, Floyd was knocked onto his knees by Furret and he unceremoniously flopped onto the floor with a huge thud.
Phoebe rolled a few feet away before she was picked up by black paws.
“Funya! Let’s get her away from this guy!”
It was Grimm and Furret! They must have heard what was happening and rushed over here.
Grimm grips Phoebe in his paws and runs as fast as his legs could carry him. Because Floyd got up and the look on his face was something that would stay in his mind and give him nightmares.
“Hey, did you just trip me…? Get back here… I’ll squeeze you…”
“Funya! Book it, Furret!”
Sweet Arceus, Phoebe felt chills as she saw the dilated pupils on Floyd’s eyes. This was not good. If only there was some way she could at least slow him down.
Floyd was on the ground once more but only this time he seemed to be struggling to get one of his legs up from the floor. Phoebe looked back and noticed that there was a grass tied in a knot on his pant leg.
But Furret doesn’t know Grass Knot! Unless…
Did… She just managed to use Grass Knot?
That little trick of hers managed to give Jack enough time to wrestle Floyd to keep him on the floor. He held on tight to give Grimm and Furret to gain enough distance to lose Floyd.
Speaking of the eel, he was now tugging on Jack’s blazer trying to pry his muscled arms off him.
“You wanna get squeezed too, Sea Urchin? I’ll gladly do it with everything I got…”
“Run! I got him! Ow! Don’t worry about me!”
The two made a beeline for the alchemy lab, hoping that Professor Crewel would keep that crazy eel out.
Just as Grim made a sharp turn, he bumps into a familiar dragon fae that was walking in the empty hallway in the far end of the campus.
“Oh? What a strange sight this is… Hmm? A cherry?”
Phoebe looked up to see a familiar face… and horns.
“Charizard Guy! It's me, Phoebe!”
Malleus looked at the little cherry hopping towards him. Using magic, he floated the little one to his face, and his green eyes widened when he saw those amber orbs staring into his own.
This was Phoebe, his child of man!
“This is… certainly a surprise…”
They would have explained what happened to him when they heard Floyd approaching fast.
“Funya! No time to explain! You gotta hold him off so we can make it to the professor to get my henchman back to normal!”
“I see… in that case”
Malleus snapped his fingers just as Floyd turned the corner. The eel was mere inches from the group when he was tackled by a certain green-haired student.
“I’ll rip you like seaweed…”
As Sebek held him back, Malleus calmly walked with Phoebe in his arms while Grimm and Furret followed behind him.
Grimm barged into the alchemy lab with a loud slam of the door, said professor was glaring at the two and was about to scold them for their manners but Grimm beat him to it.
“Pups, what have I told you-“
“You can throw me to the dogs later! But right you gotta help us turn her back before that eel tries to make a basketball out of her!”
Crewel looked at the disheveled Phoebe in Malleus’ arms with concern before he realized something. He browed through the shelves full of vials and took one.
“Perfect timing then. I just so happened to finish making a reverse potion after days of trying to figure out the contents from Spade’s cauldron. I was planning to give it to you after class but I guess better now than later… Hand her to me”
Malleus placed Phoebe in front of Crewel. The man helped her angle her round body to be able to drink the contents in the vial.
It had a menthol taste too it, a bit too much in fact that it feels like an Ice Beam was about to go off in her mouth.
A white smoke started to surround her body until got bigger and bigger. When it finally dissipated, she was back to her human form. The uniform she was wearing was still there when she turned back.
“Finally! I thought I’d never go back to being myself! As fun as it was to be a Cherubi… I find it hard to live without the use of opposable thumbs…”
Phoebe sighed as she got up from the floor. Crewel looked her over, seeing if there were any other limbs she might have grown. When there was done, he simply dusted off her uniform from any dirt and sent her on her way.
“Now, be careful of any stray mutts that might be rampaging through the halls… especially a certain ocean mutt-“
“Pink cherry!- Ah…”
“You’re back to normal… boo that’s boring”
Speak of the devil, Floyd barged into the alchemy lab with a slam from the door.
Floyd’s terrifying predator gaze turned into a blank look as he sees Phoebe was back to normal. Furret and Grimm stood by her, ready to fight him off again.
“To be honest, I wished to hold you as a walking cherry for a little while longer, child of man…”
“Not you too…”, she could only sigh.
The whole “Phoebe turned into a waking cherry” incident was finally over.
But Phoebe has noticed how some were missing the small cherry. Too bad, she has had more than enough thrill from being a Cherubi.
No thank you!
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
ocean paradise
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↳ bottom shinso (human) x top reader (merman: blacktip shark)
summary: Just… some merman porn
w.count: 2094
content warning: smut, porn without plot, monster sex, merman x human, double dicks, double penetration, watersports / omorashi / pee, lots of cum, riding
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Shinso stood in the middle of the crowd, holding on to his father’s hand tightly, not really knowing what was going on, only for the 5-year old to get picked up by his mother.
“Let’s go Honey, it’s not safe here anymore!”, she said, following the crowd that had seen a shark’s fin in the ocean, thus scurrying back onto the mainland.
As Hitoshi looked over her shoulder though, he could see the shark fin disappeared, and instead, a head broke through the surface – e/c eyes met his lavender ones.
And that’s when he first saw you for a split-second, before you dove back into the depth of the ocean.  
Chuckling, he opened his eyes and looked into the starry night sky, before a “Why are you laughing, Toshi?” made him turn his head – he had been floating on the surface of the ocean.
“Just thinking back to the moment I first met you.”
“Ohh, you mean the shark incident?”, now you chuckled as well, your arms tightening around his waist as you pulled him closer against your chest.
“Hmh…”, then he turned around, looking straight into your e/c eyes as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, carful to not touch your gills at the side of your neck though.
“When I told them I saw a mermaid, they all thought I just wanted them to talk to me so I could use my quirk on them… No one believed me…”, tilting his head slightly, he then smiled as you looked a little confused, “But I think in the end, it’s best that only I know you exist, you know?”
“Hmmm, I think so too!”, you then nodded and smiled brightly as well, before leaning in and kissing all over his face.
“Your just mine. My mate. Hehehe!”, the cute, little laugh almost melted Shinso’s heart as he bit his lip for a moment, trying not to get too overwhelmed, only to cup your face, his thumbs brushing over the rather rough skin, and then pulling you in for a real kiss.
Instantly, you held him tighter and leaned in deeper, yet careful that your teeth weren’t hurting him when you brushed against his lips and, in the end, push your tongue inside to play with his, Hitoshi softly moaning into the kiss as your hands slowly wandered down to his hips and then one sneakily slipped onto his ass to softly squeeze.
“Do you have to go already…?”, your purr was so strong it resonated within his own chest, wondering once more if you could actually brainwash him with your singing and drown him.
“Yeah… But… One last time, yeah?”, Hitoshi mumbled against your lips, feeling the grin form on your own, before you pulled back a bit to look at him.
“Hmmm, I like that! I wish I could just take you with me though.”, a sad sigh escaped your lips as you finally let your finger push between his cheeks and against his little hole, earning his blissful gasp as he willingly snuggled closer, whimpering a mere “Me too…” because the thought of living as a merman was kind of intriguing…
Yet, for now, he just lived as a human by your side, visiting you as much as he could and making love underneath the starry sky.
“Hitoshi…”, the little growl that escaped your throat when his nails softly scratched over your chest made him smirk a bit, only to repeat the gesture once more to rile you up as well; all while your finger suddenly pushed inside, his insides fluttering in excitement as he pushed back into your touches.
“Don’t… waste too much time, yeah?”, he whined against your lips.
“But… They’re big…”
“I can take it! You know that…”, was his only answer as he pushed his hips against your tail, immediately knowing that your sheath has also opened as two weirdly shaped cockheads poked out.
“But Toshi-“
Though, he interrupted you as he smashed his lips against your own, both of you moaning almost in synch when he wrapped his legs around your shark tail to rub his cock against yours, spurring you on more and more and feeling your dicks grow underneath the grinding.
All while you had added another finger to thrust into his ass, trying your best to “prepare” him, though, to be honest, Shinso was used to taking your cocks and with how impatient he was, it was hard for you to hold back as well.
One hand grabbed your dorsal fin, the other finally slipped down to grab both of your cocks, your high-pitched moans sounded like you were singing, truly beautiful and enough to make him rock-hard and wanting more.
“Y/n… do it…Please.”
“If… you want, then, I won’t hold back, Toshi!”, then you grabbed him, earning his surprised gasp, before he blinked a little in surprise when you swam towards the beach with him.
“Hitoshi…? Can you do the thing we did last time?”
Your e/c eyes were almost reflecting the ocean as you looked into his lavender ones, and then, he understood, a big smirk playing around his lips.
“Oho? Do you want to watch me so badly, Y/n?”
“Yes… please.”, pecking his lips over and over again, Hitoshi couldn’t help but giggle – you were more like a puppy then a ferocious shark, really.
“Fine. Only because it’s you, Y/n.”, his deep chuckle made you shiver in anticipation, before you finally reached the shore where you turned around, half-sitting and propped up on your elbows, your shark tail still engulfed by water so you wouldn’t dehydrate too quickly.
Crawling on top of you, his hands were back to rubbing your dicks, one curved, long and rather thin, the other thick with little nubs and bit shorter. Shinso has shown you last time what it meant when he said he would ride you, so it was not even surprising him that much that you wanted to do it again, knowing how much you loved watching him last time.
“You’re really spoiled, Y/n, you know?”, he then laughed when he moved closer, lifting his hips and reaching back to adjust your cocks.
“I just… love you, Toshi. I want to watc-“, though you couldn’t speak much longer when his hot, tight insides suddenly engulfed you, Hitoshi also throwing his head back with a loud, blissful moan as your thick, weirdly shaped cock finally spread him open, the precum you leaked being so much and gooey, making it easy for him to slip your dicks in.
Digging his fingers into your chest, he was gasping your name when he pushed down until, an inch or so down, he reached your second dick, your thick head that had almost spikes around it, though much rounder at the end, spreading him even wider, the long spike-like protrusions almost making him cum on the spot just from entering your cocks and feeling them ‘scratch’ along his sensitive insides..
“Oh God-“, he could only moan out loudly when the little nubs and spikes gave his insides just the right amount of feeling that his cock was bouncing so pathetically without even being touched, almost releasing just from that as he swallowed both of your dicks at last, ramming his hips down onto your tail.
“FUCK!”, arching his back, you simply watched, completely smitten once more as you loved to see him losing himself so much, that’s why you wanted to do it again like last time.
“Hitoshi… You’re so… beautiful.”, you barely managed to choke out as well, his ass was so tight around your cocks, it was almost too much for you too.
Shinso vividly felt your cocks leaking so much thick, gooey precum and in the end, he held on with both hands against your chest as he started grinding his hips, first, rather slow, only to lean back, hands pushed into the sand besides your shark tail, and then rolling his hips, showing off everything, just like you wanted him to.
“AAAHnh Look at me- Y/n! AH! MHN! Y/n!”, moaning out your name without restraint, hoping that no one was around at night, though he also didn’t really care that much, as he cried into the starry night, hips slamming against your tail, swallowing your cocks so effortlessly – his own bouncing from all the vigorous movements.
You wanted to grab and hold him, but, with your dorsal fin in the way, you had to keep upright on your shaky arms as you watched him attentively.  
Thrusting his hips down, he stopped for a moment, trying to catch his breath as he grinded your cockhead against his deepest spot, making it difficult for him to even stay in this position. Shinso’s arms felt like jelly, he was shaking and shivering, muscles tensing – but he didn’t want to stop, even if he could feel the hot waves of pleasure in his lower abdomen almost overwhelming him.
Once more, he cried out your name in delight when he raised his hips, just to slam them down again, your cocks rearranging his insides, the weird shape and little nubs and spikes making it hard to hold himself together.
“Y/n! I- I- AhNH! Can’t hold-!”, he moaned out, pushing his body back up so his face was close to yours as he started ramming your dicks into him once more, hips shaking vigorously.
You took the chance to lean your forehead against his, breathing a mere “D-Don’t hold… back… Toshi!”, your tail thrashing in the water as your own orgasm was so close.
One last time, Shinso used all his strength, gasping for breath so desperately as he moved his hips against your tail, your cocks stirring up his insides, your thick, gooey precum making everything so messy and wet – it was overwhelmingly amazing, truly.
“Y/n! Y/n!”, he moaned out your name so lustfully, his thighs quivering and a hot, warm feeling seething in his lower abdomen, though before he could realize what was going on, he couldn’t stop.
Desperately crying out loud and throwing his head back, his cock was overflowing with warm liquid that pooled at your own belly, your gasped “Toshi!” only making him sob as he couldn’t stop wetting himself, being impaled by two cocks just felt too good.
And in the end, the mere view of him loosing himself was enough for a violent wave of sheer lust to sweep through your body as well, your cocks moving and throbbing on their own inside of him only intensifying the lustful bliss as he didn’t stop peeing himself.
That’s when you released as well, a siren-like sound escaping your throat, it was high-pitched and yet, it wasn’t unpleasant, more the opposite, only for Shinso to arch his back, his warm liquid hitting your chest as you stuffed him full with your seed – thick, gooey cum filling up his ass as he slowly regained control over his body again.
Heavily gasping, a few spurts of pee were the last thing his pathetically throbbing cock managed to produce; Shinso’s head was spinning, especially as you just didn’t stop squirting your cum into him, his hole already overflowing and covering your tail in the sticky fluids mixing with his own he released.
And then, you stopped and your cocks that were wiggling inside of him came to a halt as well. That’s when he almost collapsed on top of you, thus you quickly managed to grab him and somehow slither and shuffle back into the cold ocean, though with how hot Hitoshi felt, it was just right to cool him off as he barely hung onto you.
Your cum that was still seeping out of his ass, even though he was already stuffed with your cocks, was drifting away in the water as you held him tightly.
In the end, he barely managed to press out a “Fuck… That was… fuck…” as he rested his head on your chest when you laid on your back so he was basically resting on top of you on your chest as you drifted through the ocean, not wanting to part as you kissed his head and face all over.
“You were… amazing, Toshi.”, a dreamy sigh escaped your lips, before you started to purr again while you held him tightly and kissed him all over.
Hitoshi didn’t want to move even one inch, staying with your dicks inside for as long as he could and still relishing your moments together. He didn’t need to rush home anyways.
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@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
writer’s note: day one of mermay already begins with THIS, so… it shows in which direction we’re going hurrhurr though I have a few more kinky shit planned, but for now, hope it was enjoyable! also, was craving some change sooo… new blue banners hehe
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redhairedfeistynerd · 3 years
Mask and You Shall Receive
This is for @jtargaryen18 Friday the 13th Flash Fiction Challenge. I chose the quote “She can’t hide; no place to hide” and there will be a hockey mask.
Words: 1400+
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: 18 +
SMUT, rough sex, sexual fantasies, and I’m going to warn dub con/non con because of what did/did not transpire
Please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works. I appreciate likes, comments, and reblogs! Thanks for reading!
Summary: A lover of horror films, you reveal one of your fantasies to your darling husband.
It was only the nights that Steve worked late, that you kept the ensuite light on. A childhood routine that stuck with you on the nights your mom was out, or perhaps on the evenings, after watching a scary film with your babysitter; despite the warnings from both of your parents that the nightmares would come. It’s the darkness at this very moment that has surprised you.
But it isn’t the pitch black that has pulled you from your sleep, it was the movement, the hand that had shifted across your stomach and pulled your t-shirt up passed your breasts, sleep shorts long abandoned during this summer’s heat wave. His breath, warm against the back of your neck comes in quick bursts. A leg had been pushed between both of yours, the top angled slightly back as he had needed the space to enter you. You were usually such a light sleeper, and you were surprised that you had missed the push it took for him to insert his large cock deep within you.
The thrusts came in quick, rough bursts, not the usual pace Steve Rogers took.  His hands are greedy, running over your breasts, left to right, left to right before pinching one of your nipples with such force, that a scream escaped from the corner of your mouth that wasn’t pressed into your king size pillow. The sheets under you burn fire into your skin and he forcefully keeps pushing in and out.
“Steve. Steeeve,” you panted out. “What… oh fuck, right there, that’s it baby,” you spit into your pillow, the saliva smearing across your cheek and leaving the space under your face damp.
He’s handsy with you tonight, his grip on you fierce. There’s no kissing, no passionate words escaping his mouth. It’s different, not feeling his lips all over you, how he’d lick the back of your neck and nip at it, tonight he’s all hands, molding your breasts into a masterpiece. Squeezing as hard as he can and pulling the flesh away from your chest.
The grunts get louder, the quick in out of his cock intensifies. His sweaty chest presses and slides up your back. You can’t remember it ever being this wet before, your back, between your legs, the back of your neck where his breath repeatedly hits. The sounds coming from your cunt are loud, you can feel your fluids dripping and coating the inside of your thighs as he moves with fervor in and out of you. You push into him more, clenching around him and shoving your ass into him with force.  It spurs him on, his movements rough, not the warm, sweet love-making that Steve Rogers usually bestowed upon you.
There’s a neediness within you; one where you need his mouth on you, those plump lips roaming across your skin, the taste of his saliva mixing with yours. You shove back against him, and raise your head from your pillow; you’re able to turn your head and reach your hand around to grab Steve’s head for the kiss you’re craving. But as your hand tries to pull his hair and pull him closer to you, your fingers run across…material at the back of his head? He’s resistant to your motions, and as you pull his head closer, cold, hard plastic hits your head. It’s not your husbands face that you make out in the darkness, it’s the popular horror movie character that you had mentioned that night, many months before. You’re intrigued that he’s chosen this night, Friday the 13th, to play out this sexual fantasy with you.
“I’m not going to call you Steve anymore,” you pant into the darkness, “It’s Jason fucking me now. Aren’t you, Jason? Ramming that huge, murderous cock into me, those deep wet breaths and moans into my ears.”
No words escape his mouth, but a guttural moan fills your room, and you can’t help but smile as you grind into him harder.
“Oh Jason!”
The mask digs into the back of head as he picks up the pace. It’s relentless, its almost painful, and everything that you had fantasized about.
Boosting your upper body, you adjust your arm into the meatiness of your mattress, pushing back with all your weight, using Steve’s cock with more force as your orgasm crawled up and over your skin. Gripping the sheets, your scream out his name, dousing both of you with your juices. He isn’t far behind, grabbing a fistful of your hair and pulling your head back, each hard thrust coinciding with a deep moan as he comes inside you.
His fist loosens in your hair after he finishes, his chest, still pressed against your back is hot and sweaty.
You’re finding it hard to keep your eyes open after this unexpected adventure and fall asleep to the movement of your husbands’ breaths.
The bed is empty when you wake, hours later than usual, your head throbbing. Strange. I only had that one glass of wine with dinner. The other half of the bed is cold, the sheets tucked in as if Steve had never slept beside you during the night. But he was here. That ridiculous mask on, the one you had joked about him wearing when you two drank too much one night while watching Friday the 13th.
“Shh, quiet, I love this part” as you cover Steve’s mouth to hear, “She can’t hide; no place to hide.”
You were discussing the strangest fantasies you thought about and revealed to your somewhat vanilla husband, that something about Jason Voorhees turned your crank. The mask did something to you, caused a wetness between your legs. As embarrassed as you were exposing your deep, dark fantasies to Steve, you saw a glimmer in his eyes at the thought of entertaining you in this manner. And the sex that night, rougher than usual, sweaty, Steve’s vanilla tendencies dissipating as he burst, thrusting so, so deep inside you.
You find your husband in the kitchen, spatula in hand as he cooked breakfast on the stove.
“Well, look at you. First you rock my world last night and now you make me breakfast? Keep this up and I might stay awhile,” you say smiling and give him a quick hug from behind.
“What are you talking about? I stayed late working on a plan with Tony for the new recruits,” he said, giving you a look of confusion. “You got some boyfriend I don’t know about, sweetheart?”
 The name makes you blush, even though its nothing new. “Oh, stop it. Last night was incredibly memorable.”
Steve gave you a look of confusion and before you can say anything, the doorbell rings. You look to him, wondering if maybe one of the guys are stopping by but he shrugs and places your breakfast down in front of you.
 “I’ll get it babe! Start without me, OK?” A quick jog to the front door, unlocking and opening it, reveals a package leaning against the side of the house. As you step out, feet bare on the already warm brick path, you lean over to pick up the bagged package, and a light shape catches your eye, laying on the grass. You take a few steps further to see the item clearly.
 It’s the mask from last night and it lays glossy plastic shining in the warm sun, on the front lawn, owner long gone. You feel the blood draining from your face, anxiety creeping up slowly and fear slowly closing in, your legs beginning to shake when you hear Steve call your name.
 You turn to see Steve watching you from the front door. Swallowing down the lump in your throat, trying to hold back your tears and keep yourself from appearing frightened. Moving away from the sight of the mask, you shift your body and try to remain calm as you walk by your husband, giving him a smile before you make your way up the stairs and into the shower to cry and release the horror you feel within. What exactly happened last night?
 Steve waits until he hears your bedroom door close and makes his way out to the front lawn. Picking up the mask, he tosses it into the air, catching it, a smirk and chuckle escaping his face before he heads back into the house, closing the front door behind him. He listens, making sure he can hear the shower running in your room before he opens the hallway closet, reaching up to hide the mask under a pile of junk that belongs to him that you’ll never sift through.
“Next year baby, next year we’ll play again.”
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thyshadowwriter · 3 years
Lost & Found. Chapter 3.
Ivar Ragnarsson x oc.
Summary: being rescued by Helga in one of the raids and reluctantly tolerated by Floki, a young girl finds herself amidst a strange place with strange people, but if adapting to the cultural shock wasn't hard enough, catching the attention of the volatile and beloved son of the Queen would soon prove to be the ultimate proving. That is if she realizes just how much being around prince Ivar is walking on thin ice.
Author's note: family dynamics and fluff.
Tagging: @youbloodymadgenius
Understandment is hard when you can't speak to each other, but gestures may reach further than words.
A few weeks after they returned, Floki's home had fallen into a strangely peaceful routine.
Floki would do his work, busy with Bjorn's request, while Helga would teach Revna their language for hours a day, every day, their voices being background noise for him.
Helga was radiant with joy. She loved taking care of Revna, spending a lot of time combing the long hair and doing beautiful and intricate braids while talking to her, to which Revna would sometimes reply and even if they couldn't understand each other an odd sort of dialogue would emerge.
While this arrangement made Floki uneasy, he could be thankful for his wife's happiness, she hasn't been happy in a long time. Even if happiness was a passing moment, it hurt him that Helga carried so much sorrow, most of which, if not all, he knew to be his fault.
Now, Revna was sitting on the chair shaking her leg and looking down, Floki occasionally looked at her and he didn't need to understand her words to understand her lately. She wasn't allowed outside yet and that was getting to her.
Helga came with a bowl of stew for Revna and tried to hand it to her.
"Here, I brought you food." Helga said to Revna.
She looked at the food then turned her head away to the floor and continued shaking her leg.
"You need to eat to get better, please." Helga tried to reason with her.
Revna answered with a small grunt, resting her head on her hand.
"What is it, my dear? You were doing so well." Helga said to her stroking her hair.
The girl didn’t answer, but Floki did it for her:
"She's bored, Helga. I think she wants to go out."
The realization dawned on Helga, making her smile kindly to the girl, carefully caressing her head. Poor thing, she had every right to be bored, but Helga wanted her to get stronger before facing the city.
Helga sat behind Revna and cupped her face, making the girl look at her. She spoke softly, trying to make her understand:
"I know you're bored, but you need to get strong before I show you Kattegat" she gestured to the door "I'll show you everywhere, but please, keep eating well and get better."
The girl studied her face for a while, then gave her a pout but accepted the food. She ate slowly and in small portions, an empty stare in her eyes.
That was good, Helga thought, that was great. She begged the gods for another child and they gave her one, a beautiful girl that she had already fallen in love with and would do everything in her power to protect.
Not long after, the door swung open and Ivar came into their room, dragging himself until he was inside and on his usual spot like that was his second home, which has been since the day his mother brought him there.
"Hello, Floki. Hello Helga." Ivar greeted them.
"Ivar." Floki greeted him back, spotting right away the faux innocent smile the young prince had whenever he was up to be a pain in someone’s ass.
Ivar turned his attention to the girl, who was eating and either uncaring or ignoring his presence.
"Revna." He said her name with a slight pitch to his voice and squinting at her. He had her name memorized from the odd fit it made for her, but mainly it was for the fact she slapped his hand. No one in their right mind would dare to do it, and no one that ever as much as said something wrong to Ivar got to live much longer, let alone someone stupid enough to try their luck against him, those he took delight in dealing with. Though to Revna, he probably was just a harmless cripple. Ignorance is bliss, he thought.
Revna, apparently taken back from her thoughts, looked at him. Her dark eyes gazing upon him with a spark of curiosity and interest. She had memorized his face after his first visit, how could she not? The complete stranger with very blue eyes, pale skin and a fingertips rough and calloused like the ones found on peasants, slaves or warriors. This complete stranger that touched her like it was normal or acceptable, the nerve! 
The voice in her mind screamed: ‘Was it normal to him?’, “Is this normal these strange people I’m living with?’, ‘Was that how he acted around outsiders?’, ‘What am I even doing here?’, ‘What will they do to me?’  Questions, questions, they came and went in circles for all these days.
But she put a stop to them for now, like it or not, for good or ill, he was the only other sight she had other than the couple, she could indulge in a quick distraction from the walls of the home she was living in that were starting to feel smaller by each day.
"Ivar." She said, looking straight at him, trying to pronounce what she inferred to be his name as best as she could. Adding a pitch to her pronunciation, just like he did, just because she could.
His eyes widened and he tilted his head to the side, stare fixed on her and her every minimal movement. He was sincerely surprised that she actually spoke directly at him.
His name on her lips was carried by a foreign accent, it sounded different, almost like it belonged to someone else, but her gaze on him, with expectancy in her eyes and a hint of pride on the corners of her lips turned slightly upward left no doubt she indeed meant him.
Ivar heard her before, annoyed and agitated at his first visit, so he hoped to have the same effect, but now that she spoke camly, trying to pronounce his name correctly and seemingly proud of herself for it, she threw him off balance. He had expected the annoyance she had from before, he expected her disgust at him as she wasn't pleased with his touch, why would she want the hands of a cripple on her? He even expected fear from her, but he didn't expect to hear his name slow and soft on her lips, he didn’t expect to hear her trying to reach out for him and how his own name would sound so foreign coming from her lips.
He wanted her to say it again, wanted to hear the strange way his name sounded from her, but he didn’t know how to demand it, so he nodded at her, not really knowing what to say, not that it would matter. She probably wouldn’t understand him anyway.
Revna smiled proudly to herself, a beautiful smile, if he had to say anything, he mimicked her smile shyly, though he quickly felt self conscious under her gaze and looked away, trying to find somewhere other than her eyes to look at, but nothing seemed to quite hold his attention.
Ivar felt as Revna looked away from him and continued to eat, he glanced a few times at her, the shy smile he held gone as she paid him no further attention. He noticed, however, how her legs began shaking in a slow, lazy rhythm. A stream of thoughts began in his mind: ‘Is she playing with me?’, ‘Is she bothered by my presence?’, ‘Does she pity me?’, a frown forming on his face with each thought.
He turned his attention to Helga, who was distracted with the girl's hair:
"I haven't seen her around yet. Why? When are you going to show her off?” he made a pause before adding the last part venomously “Unless she is to be a house slave."
"She's no slave, Ivar. We're adopting her." Helga corrected him, a tad annoyed at the slave mention.
"Then why haven't I seen her outside, hm? If she's to live here as a free woman, then she needs to know her way around."
"It's too soon yet. She doesn't speak our language."
"It’s not too soon, it’s been weeks! And if all the problem is that she doesn’t speak our language, then it’s another reason to do it. She'll learn much faster by experience."
"I'll take her out when she's ready." Helga answered a bit tense. She didn't want to go into detail of why she was so careful but she also didn’t want to lie to Ivar, who by the frown seemed to be growing angry.
"She seems ready enough." He said pointing to her legs.
Revna stopped shaking her legs, staring at Ivar wide eyed and lips slightly parted as she just took the spoon from her mouth. She arched an eyebrow looking lost as a puppy in the forest. Good, Ivar thought. Revna then looked confused from him to Helga, who caressed her face reassuringly.
"So, why don't you take her outside?" Ivar insisted.
Helga couldn't find an answer to stop Ivar's questioning and looked to her husband for help. Floki seemed entertained, holding a smile of his own, but as soon as he felt his wife’s eyes on him and her silent plea he intervened.
"Since when do you care about things that don't involve you?" Asked Floki.
"What?" Ivar countered astonished, "What do you mean by it? Of course it involves me. I was in this home before her, I have a say in whether she can stay or not."
"Is that so?” Floki said amused, “In this case what your mighty self has to say?"
Without missing a beat and with a self assured tone that didn’t transpired his shyness just a moment ago, he answered:
"I say this girl better adapt to our ways else she brings the wrath of the gods down on us..."
"The gods love her, Ivar. They gave her to me." Helga interrupted him. She realized the mistake as soon as the words left her mouth.
"How can you be so sure?" He inquired, renewed curiosity in his eyes.
"I just know it."
"If you say..." he eyed her suspiciously, before continuing to Floki, "...I say she better learn manners. No one should dare to hit a prince and go off unscathed."
Floki chuckled from his spot then said:
"You deserved that one. You could have used some other way of introducing yourself rather than touching someone you’ve never seen before and is not here as a slave. However, I thank the gods for letting me witness your face that day."
"You old fool..."
"Ivar. Be patient with her." Helga said to Ivar softly. She was very aware of how badly he took insults, even when none existed.
"I am patient,” he countered, “but the girl needs manners."
"Ivar..." Called Floki.
Ivar sighed before continuing:
"However, I am willing to forgive her for you,” he said looking at Helga “and an apology from the girl, once she learns how to speak our language, of course."
"Ivar, she's just a child, give her some time, I'm sure she'll adapt." Said Helga, looking at Ivar while she tied the end of one of the braids on Revna's hair.
Ivar lived with them long enough to see she truly wanted that girl to be part of their lives. He had seen the glimpses of sadness throughout his upbringing, the lost gaze Helga had when she thought no one was looking, the unsettling feeling that lurked under the surface when she saw mothers with their newborn babies. Perhaps the surprise wasn't that she took a girl to raise, but that she took that long to do it.
But he loathed the idea that in Floki’s home would live someone that would regard him in the same way the rest of Kattegat did, an outsider to add insult to injury.
"If you say, I'll try to tolerate her. If at least she can pretend to not be annoyed whenever I’m here.” Ivar said as he pointed to Revna.
He couldn’t pinpoint exactly what about her shaking her legs was irritating him. If it was the repetitive pattern, the slow rhythm, the proximity of her feet to him, or what was to him, a clear display of her displeasure with his presence. Though why would she have smiled at him with that beautiful smile if she was annoyed by him?
‘She’s playing you’, His own mind answered the question.
Both Helga and Floki looked to each other confused as to what he meant, Floki being the one that asked:
"What do you mean by that? She doesn’t even know who you are to be annoyed at you."
He pointed to Revna’s legs, this time the girl didn’t even bother to look at him and continued eating as if there wasn’t an annoyed young man pointing at her for no reason at all. Which bothered Ivar even more.
Floki couldn’t help but laugh. It was like he was a naughty child again that got all pouty and angry until he got things his way. At least he didn’t scream anymore. Not as frequently at least. His boy was maturing.
"She's bored, Ivar. Been like that for a few days, it has nothing to do with you." Floki made a point to emphasize the last part.
Ivar stared at Floki speechless. His eyes open wide, darting from Floki to the surroundings as his lips parted, which pretty much told the boatbuilder that the young prince hadn’t considered a possibility that didn’t involve him. He then rolled his head before asking:
"Then what have you been doing with her all this time?"
"We’ve been taking care of her, Ivar. Teaching and getting her used to us before she faces the others." Answered Helga.
Ivar pondered her words for a while, then agreed with her.
"What does she do in her spare time?"
Floki was quick to answer that one:
"Snoops around the house, messes up my tools… Oh, she also has a fondness for magic tricks, they make her happy like a child."
“Yes. I’ve done a few for her and it never fails to get her attention.”
“That’s childish.”
“She is a child, Ivar. It’s no surprise at all.”
Ivar looked like he just realized what Floki said to him. Turning his attention back to Revna as she looked around the house with that same little pout on her lips. He had of course noticed she was young when he first saw her and when he touched her face. Younger than him, in fact. Skin too soft and face still with some roundess to it, but he didn’t stop to consider what that would mean. Of course she would be like that being so young and housebound, he knew the feeling all too well from the days and days and more days he had to be inside his home because he was too sick to go out without serious risk of breaking his bones.
Looking to Helga, who hadn’t got her hands away from Revna, he knew that was her doing. ‘Why won’t she let the girl out? She’s not crippled.’ was what he thought. He knew it was her because she had the same look his mother had when she would smother him with her love as if he was still a baby and not let him do anything food himself, which only got worse when his eyes would turn blue. He loved his mother more than anyone and anything else, but he hated feeling useless.
Maybe that was what Revna felt. He was strangely relieved to not be the reason for her annoyance. At least not this time.
Then a silly idea crossed his mind. He reached for a pouch of leather he carried and took a coin from it, he then got a bit closer to Revna and touched her foot. The girl gasped startled but relaxed when she looked down at Ivar, who expectantly tried to measure her reactions to him. She tilted her head and arched her eyebrow inquisitively at him, which coupled with the cute pout on her lips made for an adorable sight. He beckoned her to come closer to him.
“Go on, my dear.” Said Helga to Revna as she looked to Helga for permission.
Revna got off of the chair and sat on the floor close to Ivar, close enough to be within arm’s reach, but not close enough to accidentally brush her legs against his, she then rested her hands on her lap and looked at him with curiosity. He studied her expression carefully, searching for the all too familiar signs of pity and disgust but found none of those. Even though he noticed she kept a distance, he was pleased she sat near him.
He then showed her the coin, playing with it between his fingers deftly, she giggled, trying to follow the coin with her eyes and relaxing a bit from her position. He then halted his movements, holding the coin between his index and middle finger, Revna froze in her position as soon as he stopped and looked from the coin to his very blue eyes. There it was, that beautiful smile together with an innocent shine in her eyes.
He then put the coin flat against the palm of his hand, closing both of them into fists and bringing them close to his lips, he didn’t take his eyes off her, enjoying her full attention as she looked from his fists to his eyes. He blew air against his fists and slowly opened them, showing her the palms of his hands, the coin nowhere she could see.
Revna looked at him, giggling happily with a wide smile, a smile Ivar found to be quite beautiful and contagious, making him smile himself, although more reservedly. When she calmed down and silence fell between them, they were looking at each other’s eyes, hers filled with joy and his with pride for being the reason for it.
He soon felt self conscious again and looked away.
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bokugaos · 4 years
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length: 1.3k
pairing: bokuto x f!reader x akaashi
tags — pwp, dd/lg, oral (f.receiving), fingering
just want both koutarou and keiji ♡
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bokuto’s lips are on yours, rough but sweet and gone before you can kiss him back. “alright, feather, it’s akaashi’s turn.”
you’re caught between them, pressed to a firm chest as your knees bracket akaashi’s wide shoulders.
bokuto smirks, but doesn’t say anything more as he settles you against his chest. you don’t realize you’re trembling until silky, slightly calloused hands smooth up your inner thighs. he chuckles next to your ear, “it’s okay, baby, we got you.”
akaashi dips his tongue inside you once, moaning, and he starts lapping softly at your clit before completely stopping. you arch up a little, because it’s good but it’s more of a tease than anything else, and bokuto chuckles in your ear. “just lie back and let him make you feel good.”
the sound of that makes a shiver go up your spine, and you feel a fresh gush of slick oozing out to smear across akaashi’s chin. he doesn’t seem to mind, if the way he’s drinking it down is any indication. you scrabble at bokuto, hoping that having something to hold onto will help you, but patience has never been your strong suit.
it’s why bokuto’s holding you down, his arms across your waist and collarbones, and akaashi’s elbows planted on your thighs. and even then you’re can’t stay still—rolling your hips up, wanting faster, harder, more—but you can only get what he’s giving you. the same soft licks of his skilled tongue that are nothing but torture, for all that it feels so good.
it’s not what you expect—you didn’t think he’d be torturing you, for one thing—but it’s sure as hell effective. it makes you desperate, and you’re practically bucking and squirming against his face if it weren’t for bokuto’s grip on you. as it is, you’re held in place as akaashi flicks the tip of his tongue over your inner folds, teasing but never quite slipping inside.
your voice is high-pitched and breathy when you whine, “need more..!”
he hums, and it’s an acknowledgement, but he doesn’t give you what you need. you just get more of the same gentle, rhythmic licking, so you change tack. 
“daddy?” you crane your neck to look up at bokuto for a second, and seeing the mischievous set of grin on his face nearly stops you from doing so, but still, you have to try. “i can’t... this—”
he plants a kiss on the skin behind your ear. “i know, baby girl,”  his voice drops to a whisper, “but you gotta be patient.”
you shake your head, minute trembling starting in your thighs from the strain of fighting their grip, fighting to grind against akaashi’s face. “you should let her come soon,” bokuto chuckles, “her heart’s beating like a little rabbit’s.”
it shouldn’t be hot, making remarks about what your body’s doing, being told that you’ll get to come, comparing you to prey.
akaashi does it again and again, tracing your inner lips until they’re tingling, completely ignoring your clit. it doesn’t take long before you’re embarrassingly wet and desperate, fighting bokuto’s hold as you twitch and jerk. “please, i need—”
you don’t have to finish that statement, because that’s the moment he chooses to sink two fingers deep inside you, crooking them to push against the patch of rough spot on your inner walls as he slurps at your clit. your orgasm starts to build, and he doesn’t stop, doesn’t so much as give you a second to catch your breath as he sucks relentlessly, fingers pumping as he winds the tension in your body higher and higher.
“come on, little one. come on daddy’s tongue like a good girl.”
bokuto’s whispered words are so shocking, such a gut-punch of arousal that you come, broken little sounds falling from your mouth as your fingers grip akaashi’s hair. 
you’re grateful for bokuto’s hold on you after, slumping back against his chest as you pant, and akaashi waits a minute before sliding his fingers free. you’re dazed, and they’re kind enough to give you a few minutes to catch your breath, rolling you onto your side and sandwiching you between them. bokuto trails his fingertips up and down your arm. it makes you shiver, but it feels nice.
akaashi looks you in the eye as he puts his fingers in his mouth, cheeks hollowing as he sucks at your come.
“how does she taste?” bokuto’s voice is deep, husky, and it makes your cunt throb in anticipation.
akaashi hums, withdrawing his fingers from his mouth slowly. “delectable.”
he dips his head down, swooping down for a kiss, intent on letting you taste yourself in his mouth. it’s stupidly hot, and your heart maybe gives a little pitter-pat.
he pulls away and you almost pout, your brain is too hazy to gather yourself together and reach for him, to pull him back for another kiss. 
but he’s already kissing his way down your belly, moving dangerously close to your pussy once again. you wish you had the energy to push him away and instead, bokuto rolls you over, moving you into position.
oh god. you’re gonna die. death by tongue. death by akaashi’s tongue, no less, so it’ll be slow.
you’re even more squirmy when he starts mouthing at you again, twisting into and away from the sensation by turns. it’s too much when you’re this sensitive, just endless, pleasant torment.
the hot slide of his tongue inside you just makes it worse, makes your need to come that much more pressing, without providing the slightest bit of relief. you mewl, and akaashi makes a hungry sound before he does it again and again, thrusting his tongue as deep as it’ll go. you’re nearly crying, shamelessly grinding against his face without any of their hands to keep you still.
it’s good, so so good, you don't think you’ve ever been this wet and you’re kinda worried that you’ll drown him, but it’s not what you need. you don’t know what it is, exactly, but it’s more than this. “more?”
akaashi responds by sealing his lips around your clit and massaging with his tongue, and you have to bite back a yelp. you’re getting closer, the attention where you need it now, but something’s still missing. your head’s lolling on bokuto’s shoulder as you pant, hoping for a push over the proverbial edge.
when bokuto’s hands cup your breasts, you wonder if that’ll be what does it. but rather than squeeze them or play with your nipples, he just holds you. and it’s nice, but nice is not what you want right now.
your hands twine in akaashi’s hair, and you strain, trying to push yourself over, but can’t. you need to come, need to, it’s pounding in your head and making sweat bead on your hairline and—
in a flash, bokuto tugs you away from akaashi, sideways across the bed so he can lean over you. you can’t hold back a shout when he shoves his fingers inside you, fucking you with them harshly as he starts flicking his tongue across your clit, his other hand splayed over your belly.
it’s so different from what akaashi was doing, fast and hard and all you can do is take it, take him, and the orgasm you’ve been chasing slams into you.
you come shaking, his name on your lips, arching and spasming, heat flooding your body and endorphins flooding your brain.
akaashi grits his teeth, looking down at the almost painful curve of your back, offering up your cunt, reddened and pouty, clenching and spasming around bokuto’s long, thick fingers. you’re still screaming even after bokuto jerks his hand back out.
you’re wailing, your hips lifting even higher, and they’re both too entranced by the way your lower body is shaking uncontrollably, hips stuttering like it has a life of its own, pussy clenching around nothing as it keeps gushing clear stream out all over bokuto’s chest.
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perperam · 3 years
Do you have any Harlivy fic recommendations? Preferably something that is already completed?
okay okay so quick little tangent fact !! I actually just finished my undergrad degree in "english literature analysis & writing" and reading fics is so fun bc I get to analyze them and break them down and if it's particularly well written the stars align and it's just UGH so good. 
ratings are: E (explicit) M (mature) T (teens and up) and G (everyone) anyways here is a HUGE list of my favorite fics to date, their stats/details/plots, reasonings as to why they're on the list to begin with, and a short analysis:
SHORT STORIES (less than 30k words)
for your convenience they’re in order of length bc I’m focusing on this super hard rn
KISS YOUR BEST FRIEND CHALLENGE (T)  STATS — 340 words, shenanigans, fluff PLOT — Harley, TikTok and general Social Media queen, decides to do the trending challenge to kiss your best friend. The best friend? Her roommate and the woman she’s been crushing on for fucking ever: Poison Ivy.
AM I TOO CLOSE? (CAUSE YOU FOLD INTO ME LIKE A HEART WITH A BEAT) (G) STATS — 839 words, fluff, shenanigans PLOT — Harley genuinely wasn’t looking for trouble, but it’s hard to just have a day out when you’re one of Gotham’s most wanted. Running into Ivy, she takes drastic measures (and her hoodie into the mix) to distract the police from looking in their direction.
I’M HOME (G) STATS — 892 words, domestic fluff PLOT — After a long and rough day at work, Ivy comes home to Harley. Relaying the details of her day, she basks in the comfort of her girlfriend, who provides gentle questions and is a phenomenal listener. General cuteness.
CONFLICT DIAMONDS (G) STATS — 990 words, wedding shenanigans, banter, humor PLOT — Batman and Renee Montoya respond to a break-in at a jewelry store, except even though the owner is duct-taped to the wall, it isn’t really a break-in; Harley’s just trying to shop for a ring for Ivy, and that’s difficult to do when the owner is screaming in the corner. Batman and Renee both pitch in to help pick something nice for Harley’s girl, resulting in hilarious banter.
OF COURSE (T) STATS — 1.1k words, hurt/comfort (kinda), harley quinn animated tv show centric PLOT — In the aftermath of Ivy’s death, rebirth, and the fall of Joker Tower, Harley collapses onto the ground. Since she never mentioned that her parents are the reason for most of her injuries, Ivy isn’t sure why she’s so out of it.
PERFECT MORNINGS (T) STATS — 1.1k words, domestic fluff/bliss PLOT — Ivy, who usually wakes up early and before Harley, takes a moment to look at the countless muscles, ridges, scars, and tattoos on Harley’s body as she sleeps. General cuteness.
I’D LOVE TO CHECK YOU OUT (T) STATS — 1.7k words, university au, fluff PLOT — Harley visits the library virtually every day, and it’s definitely not because she needs to work on her university courses and homework. She finally works up the courage to speak to the alluring redhead she sees there every day while absentmindedly looking at a book on sharks. 
I’LL LOVE YOU IN THE MORNING (NOON, NIGHT) (T) STATS — 2.1k words, angst, hurt/comfort PLOT — A snapshot look into Ivy and how she comes to know, care, and love all the sides of Harley—from psychiatrist to criminal to girlfriend. She loves her throughout it all. 
DAY-DREAMING (T) STATS — 2.2k words, shenanigans, psychiatrist Harleen PLOT — Ivy’s falling for her psychiatrist—her humorous, intelligent, caring, and downright gorgeous psychiatrist. It’s difficult, to say the least.
WHAT HAPPENS IN THEMYSCIRA (DOESN’T) STAY IN THEMYSCIRA (T) STATS — 2.3k words, humor, wedding shenanigans, angst with a happy ending PLOT — In a surprise twist of events, Harley and Ivy were drunkenly married at Themyscira. When asked at the wedding if anybody had objections to the union of Ivy and Chuck, Wonder Woman and the Queen of Themyscira herself come to object. Ivy, for lack of a better word, wants to die a little.
NOT A ROCKER CHICK (T) STATS — 3.1k words, rock band au, fluff PLOT — The last thing Ivy wants to do is go to a rock band concert with her best friend, Selina. Despite her best efforts, she can’t help but completely fall into the rhythm of the band and their music, so different than her own norm. And okay, maybe the singer (who Selina was friends with and called “Harley”) was also kinda hot...
A TENDER HEART AMONG THE GREEN (T) STATS — 3.2k words, gotham city sirens raise Lucy au, domestic bliss PLOT — Harley and Selina come back home to the apartment to find Ivy passed out asleep with Lucy cuddling into the crook of her neck and Selina’s cats cuddling her legs. Knowing that Ivy would rather be caught dead than in such a compromising situation (after all, she is the Poison Ivy, who “hates humans”) the two take a photo, since it lasts longer. Shenanigans and cuteness ensue.
BUILDING YOUR GIRL’S SECOND STORY (M) STATS — 3.3k words, university/grad school au, angst with a happy ending PLOT — Snapshots of Harley’s battle with her violent and abusive boyfriend, Jack, and the way in which Bruce, his boyfriend Clark, and her best friend (and potentially lover) Pamela all love Harley and will do anything, anything, to make sure she gets the help, care, and love she needs.
A DIFFERENT KIND OF NORMAL (T) STATS — 3.6k words, coronavirus pandemic/quarantine au, family au PLOT — Ivy is requested by the Justice League to help create and manufacture a vaccine for the COVID-19 virus. As she works on the vaccine, she video calls Harley and their daughter Lucy, both of whom miss her very much. 
RABBIT IN THE GARDEN (T) STATS — 4.4k words, implied suicide attempt, hard angst PLOT — Winters are difficult to Ivy. When Harley comes home one day to see her submerged fully in water in the bathtub, the only thing Harley can do is cry and take her out. Ultimately Ivy is alright—but it doesn’t make it any easier.
WE WILL BE (EVERYTHING THAT WE’D EVER NEED) (T) STATS — 5.8k words, high school au, angst, hurt/comfort PLOT — Harley and Ivy are best friends from high school, living in the middle of Arizona. Ivy is absolutely head over heels for Harley, but the latter is in a growing and increasingly abusive relationship with the older “bad-boy” (literally) Jack. Eventually, the two grow together in more ways than one.  
WHERE THE RED FERN GROWS (EXCEPT NO DOGS DIE) (M) STATS — 9.7k words, domestic bliss, no powers just botanist & psychiatrist au PLOT — After her abusive ex-boyfriend tries to maniacally tear down the front door of her apartment with an ax as her best friend, Selina, pushes the table against the splintering wood, Bruce recommends that Harley gets a dog. She gets two German Shepard brothers—Bud and Lou—who lead her one day on their walk to the most beautiful flower shop owner Harley’s ever seen. The story of Harley and Ivy, told with Bud and Lou present to witness every moment.
THE MOMENT I AWAKEN GHOSTS (T) STATS — 11.7k words, falling in love, feelings & realizations PLOT — A deep look into Ivy’s feelings and how they evolve from general hatred against Harleen the psychiatrist at Arkham to a blooming, kind and gentle love towards Harley Quinn, the crown jester of crime. 
HARLEQUIN’S ISLE (T) STATS — 17.5k words, hurt/comfort, happy ending, shenanigans, humor PLOT — Harley and Ivy decide to go on a vacation on Bruce Wayne’s new eco-friendly plane, but in a surprise twist of events, things go terribly wrong, Ivy falls out of the plane, and the two (as well as all the other rich and wealthy big-name CEOS on the plane) get stranded on an island with someone actively trying to rob the investors. Harley and Ivy will fight them, god damn it, because they deserve this vacation and they will have it.
LONGER STORIES (30k words to 100k words)
YOUR LOVE (DÉJÀ VU) (G) STATS — 33k words, slow burn, mild angst, canon divergence PLOT — A what-if-Harley-found-Ivy-first fic, YOUR LOVE wonderfully illustrates Dr. Harleen Quinzel treating Ivy in a wonderfully humane and kind way, including learning floriography, the language of flowers, in order to better relate to her. Ivy is taken aback by her doctor's genuine care and begins to develop feelings, all the while Harleen falls hard and fast which wholly confuses and frightens her. The one caveat is that while this is happening, Harleen is also treating the Joker as well, who tries (keyword: tries) to manipulate her. Ivy and Harley dance a timid tango around one another as they try to navigate this new playing field of romantic feelings for one another, and things come to a breaking point when Harleen realizes that, perhaps, all of her patients have a point and that the real villains are not the ones inside the asylum, but rather the ones running it. FAVORITE DETAILS — I just love the way this is written. It provides a wonderful and almost skinny-love like romance (except this takes place in an insane asylum) as Harleen and Ivy both try to understand their strong feelings for one another. The way in which the rogues and other inmates/patients all look out for one another was very heartwarming, and Waylon and Eddie's thinly veiled camaraderie with Ivy—and her thinly veiled appreciation for it—were both lovely and created a really warm environment. It really underlined why Harley loved them because you love them too in the process, and see how she reaches her breaking point.  CHARACTER DEPICTIONS — Harley, as she is in all of my favorite fics, is depicted as an incredibly intelligent and talented psychiatrist. Her caring nature is wonderfully outlined in this fic as she helps Waylon, Eddie, Ivy, and everybody else in the asylum be treated with genuine respect and care, going as far as to get them personalized gifts. Her psyche fracturing slowly never once makes her seem unintelligent to the reader, even as she actively places a ditz persona in order to fool the rest of the asylum staff (and the Joker). Ivy, on the other hand, is illustrated in a way that perfectly shows how all she genuinely needed was someone to listen. She's sometimes harsh and crass but you can see how she begins to soften as Harley helps her and treats her with: you guessed it, genuine respect. FINAL VERDICT — I would get this tattooed on my ass if I could
NOVEL LENGTH WORKS (100k+ words)
ACROSS THE WAY (M) STATS — 128.7k words, slow-burn, tattoo artist & flower shop owner au  PLOT — Botanist and flower shop owner Pamela Isley moves to Gotham from Seattle in search of a new life. Her shop is located directly next to a tattoo shop—one that is incredibly loud and bothersome. Upon walking in to give the shop a piece of her mind, she meets one of the resident artsits, Harley Quinzel, and cannot get her out of her mind. The two become best friends, and feelings slowly start to develop. On a night when Harley is most vulnerable and in need of a place to escape, Pam offers her apartment as a refuge, and from that point on things are never the same again (in the best way possible).  FAVORITE DETAILS — The SIT sessions were a wonderful touch and I loved seeing the recovery of both Ivy and Harley, because it was so real. I also loved how once Harley got out, she did everything in her power to protect both herself and Ivy from Jack, and we got to see her and Ivy grow into their wonderful, healthy romance. CHARACTER DEPICTIONS — I love how all of the characters are illustrated; Selina, who is the caring best friend and genuinely does her best to help others around her all the while being her cocky, usual self. Pam, who escaped Seattle and started anew in Gotham and is the crass botanist and also the insanely kind and caring lover. Barbara is the adorable coffee shop owner, Floyd is the caring figure for Harley that she never had, and everyone is just wonderful.  FINAL VERDICT — literally go read this rn, what are you even doing
MAD LOVE: THE BEGINNING & MAD LOVE: THE FINAL CHAPTER (M) STATS — nearly 400k words total, angst, canon divergence, domestic fluff, slice of life PLOT — imagine YOUR LOVE except this is much longer, much more heart-wrenching, a whole lot more angsty, and Harleen's break with Harley is a lot more prevalent. Another what-if scenario of Dr. Harleen Quinzel meeting and treating the illusive Poison Ivy instead of the Joker, MAD LOVE shows an interesting depiction of the way they manipulate, hurt, care, and love one another. The entire story is riddled with well placed metaphors, recurring themes, and both Ivy and Harley's characters are illustrated in the most complex and interesting way. All throughout both the initial and the sequel, Ivy and Harleen play a metaphorical chess game in manipulation as a means to gain the upper-hand on the other, which creates a dangerous foundation for their following love story. In the sequel, "The Final Chapter," the story starts with Harley and Ivy—already married near the end of "A New Beginning"—having two kids and the entire piece spans over Harley's lifetime until she's on her deathbed, with Ivy still stuck at 33 years old beside her. I personally stopped reading the story after Harley died (I was too emotionally vulnerable to continue on) but if you continue reading on, you get to see Ivy move on and appreciate Harley's impact on her life as she finds love and happiness again after the loss of her wife. FAVORITE DETAILS — We get insight into both Ivy and Harleen's trauma, and how not everything can be fixed with love. Neither Harleen nor Ivy (or their actions for that matter) are characterized as perfect in any way, and the story never excuses any of their more-than-questionable actions; in fact they make MANY mistakes and manipulate one another throughout the story, and both have power over the other (Harleen is her psychiatrist, but Ivy could easily kill her, so emotional power over someone with immense physical power). CHARACTER DEPICTIONS — Harleen is depicted as an incredibly intelligent and capable psychiatrist, and the story somehow wonderfully mixes Harley's desire for violent chaos with Harleen's desire to help others. v Ivy is illustrated as the epitome of "I hate you and will not be nice unless you're literally either my wife or kids." She is seldom kind to others, is often crass, but an entire softy when it comes to Harleen and their children. She's a hard worker and is heavily involved in her research. Harleen, on the other hand, is equally cunning but more lighthearted, extremely athletic and active, the "fun" mom, and less into power trips (unless it's about Ivy). FINAL VERDICT — definitely the most interesting fics I've ever read in my entire fucking life, it's so complex and wonderful and a literal minefield of analysis worthy literature, I'd also get this tattooed on my ass if I could
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Congrats on the followers my friend!! You deserve all of them and many more!
I'd like to request a little something with Javier Peña, with the prompt "I can't stop thinking about you" (from dialogue prompts to make readers swoon). I'll let you decide how sweet or spicy it is, just however it strikes you. 😘
Thank you, and congrats again!!
Oh my gosh, JEN!!!! I love you so much! I hope you enjoy this slow-burn, sprinkling-of-angst-with a happy ending!
Here is a sweet "confessional" story for Javier x female DEA agent under the cut!!
The bar was half-empty, or half-full, you weren’t quite sure. And maybe it didn’t matter anyway, since you only had eyes for the man with the mustache across the table from you. He stubbed out his 5th (or was it 6th?) cigarette of the night into the amber glass ashtray on the table. You watched him purse those perfect lips and blow the stream of smoke up and away from the booth. His coffee-brown eyes came back to yours, the depths of them muted in the blue neon lights. You stared just a beat too long, and then blinked.
You shifted your attention to the table and stirred the last of your drink with your straw, watching the half-melted ice swirl in a lazy circle. Maybe tonight you would tell him how you felt. You lifted your eyes just in time to see Javier turn his head away from you to watch a very attractive woman walk by. He followed her with his eyes until she was out the front door.
Maybe not.
Javier turned back to you and waved over your head at the waitress for another round.
“You really want to stay?” You couldn’t hide the little bladed edge of irritation in your voice. Whether you stayed at the bar or not, you didn’t want to be around Javier any longer than you had to. You saw enough of him at work, and you weren’t interested in being his ‘pity date’ on a Friday night just because Steve couldn’t make it out for drinks.
Javier frowned at you, “I thought we were supposed to be celebrating tonight, amiga. Big win with the arrest warrant this week, remember? Why are you so cranky?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, and then rubbed your tired eyes. “It’s been a long week, and I just don’t feel very festive tonight. Okay?”
The waitress brought your drinks and Javier tossed a few bills on her tray. You picked up your third drink (fourth?) and watched Javier watch the waitress walk away. You downed your drink in record time and stood. “Right, I’m going home.”
“Already? We just got here.”
You snapped, “No, you just got here, I’ve been here all night, watching you watch other women. Not as much fun for me as it was for you. I’m done.”
You made for the ladies room and peed, then sat there for an extra two minutes, hoping that Javi would be gone by the time you got back out. You only got up when another woman needed the stall. You washed your hands as slowly as you dared, then dried them carefully and reapplied your lip balm at a snail’s pace. The face in the mirror looking back at you was your own, just sadder and more tired than you had seen her in a while.
When you finally emerged, Javier was right there waiting for you. He was leaning back against the wall opposite the ladies room, arms crossed over his chest, legs crossed at the ankle. Anyone who didn’t know him well would have thought he looked casual. You knew he was pissed off. The moment you swung the ladies room door open and stepped out, his dark eyes were on yours. It took your breath away, just for a moment, but that was long enough for him to unfold himself and take your upper arm in his strong grip.
“I’ll make sure you get home safe. I can’t let you travel home this late by yourself, Agent.” Agent. Fuck, he really was pissed.
You didn’t argue, partly because you knew he was in that mood, and partly because of the sensation of his hand, large and warm, wrapped firmly around your arm just above your elbow. It wasn’t painful, but something about feeling how strong his hands were, how he gripped you sent your mind running to the same places it had been running to for months.
Javier propelled you out of the bar to his car, opening the front passenger side door and standing like a sentry until you were tucked in and belted, then he closed the door with a pop. Neither one of you spoke until he parked the car on the ground floor of the garage at the DEA apartment block. Your apartment was just down the hall from Steve and Connie, two floors up from Javier. It was cozy, mostly. Nice to have neighbors who you already knew. Not nice when someone had a crush on someone else and couldn’t avoid them.
Javier turned the engine off and broke the silence first, “I’ll walk you to your door.”
You bit your lips together and nodded, sucking in a deep breath through your nose. Bad idea. The smell of Javier settled deep in your sinuses and stayed there: his cologne and cigarettes and the breath mint he was chewing, and something uniquely him, all of them mixing and intensified in the still air of the car. You blew the long breath out through your mouth and it took most of your hurt feelings with it.
You turned to him but you both spoke at the same time and chaos reigned for a moment.
“Why didn’t you want me looking at-”
“I’m sorry, Javi, I shouldn’t have-”
“No, you go first-”
“No, you can- Wait, what?”
Normally you would have laughed together and cleared the air, one of you deferring to the other to speak first. This time there was something tense. You had been on the verge of apologizing for snapping at him, a means of smoothing things over while sweeping your own discomfort under the rug. You’d hoped that if you could apologize for being sharp, you could get back to ‘normal’ and just be work partners. Like how it was before your heart got in the way. You thought maybe if you just did that enough, buried everything deeply enough, Javier would never guess how you felt.
And if Javier had been any other man, that might have worked. But he wasn’t the type to feign shyness to help ease your own shyness. Another man might have chuckled and looked away from you, played with his hands on the steering wheel to pass a few awkward seconds. Javier used those deep brown eyes to pierce your defenses and asked you the direct question you had been dreading since your outburst at the bar.
“Why didn’t you want me to look at other women?”
You paused, keeping your breathing even. You blinked a few times but you didn’t look away.
“I don’t care. Look at whoever you want. It’s none of my business.” A lie. And he knew it. And worse yet, you knew that he knew it.
“No amiga, you do care. Or at least you did half an hour ago.” You hated how intense he could be, so calm on the outside while he drew secrets out of panicked people via interrogation. “What is it that you don’t want me to know? What are you not telling me?”
“Nothing.” You put a hard backing to your next words. “Drop it.”
You turned and opened your door, not waiting for Javier to follow as you speed-walked from his car across the parking garage. You slammed through the door to the lobby and took the stairs two at a time to your floor, telling yourself it was necessary exercise, part of staying in shape for foot chases… not avoidance, not the fear of facing Javier and telling him your embarrassing truth. You heard his footsteps land a moment behind yours, and you didn’t bother holding the stairwell door for him. He caught it on the backswing and was just a step behind you as you approached your door.
“I can get inside from here just fine. Good night.” You spoke your words to the keys in your hand, to your doormat, anywhere but to him.
He reached a hand out to hold your wrist, and it was the most gentle touch he had ever laid on you. It matched his low murmur of, “Hey. Wait…”
You turned to face him, and you opened your mouth to repeat the lies, the denials, to try to say something that would brush over tonight’s embarrassment with a clean sweep and let you face yourself and him in the morning. But the look on his face, the way his eyes were soft instead of probing, the whisper of his touch on your wrist when normally he was rough with his high fives and his handshakes… suddenly your voice didn’t work.
Javier looked at you the way that you had hoped for months that he would look at you, but it wasn’t how you wanted this to go. This painful reveal of innermost secrets and feelings. You wanted him to want you, to be bowled over by you, not to pity you or treat you like an idiot. But still, that look on his face, it struck something deep within you and you decided that you would take that look however you could get it.
You opened your mouth to speak and so did Javier, but this time instead of speaking at cross purposes, instead of a jumble of words tumbling into each other, you both said the exact same thing...
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
Heat rose in your face at your own admission, at your absolute sureness that he would peel away from you, be upset at you for feeling too much, but the minute you realized his own words had matched yours, you felt the heat in your face ebb away, and before you could process it, before you could think, Javier mumbled a quick, “Fuck it,” and then his hand was on your waist and you were being pulled into his arms and you just went limp and let him kiss you.
The instant his second kiss landed, your brain came back to life and you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him as deeply as you could, not breaking off even when your next-door neighbor’s apartment door opened, not when it closed again with a soft bang, and not until you felt Javier’s erection grazing your hip.
You finally broke the kiss, breathing out a high-pitched, “Inside?”
Javier grabbed you firmly around the waist and pulled you tighter. “Inside.” His voice was nearly a growl, and you felt your panties get hot and wet.
You took Javier inside your apartment, slamming the door behind you. And you finally confessed everything, with your lips and your body and your legs wrapped around him until the small hours of the morning.
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lavishedinjimin · 4 years
all the good girls go to hell
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— synopsis: The Angels made a deal with Jeon Jungkook, the son of Lucifer, to help them bring Y/n back to her good, prim and proper self. Even though Jungkook grants the atrocious plan, he leaves a lesson that no one should give their trust to a wicked devil like him.
↳ pairing: jungkook x f. reader
↳ genre: smut, very slight angst if you squint hard enough
↳ rating: m/18+
↳ word count: 10k
↳ warnings: religious themes, heaven and hell, angels, devils (this fic is not a correct representation of these figures and is purely fictional), alcohol intake, cursing, hard dom jk, daddy! jk, fingering, multiple orgasms, orgasm denial, squirting, unprotected sex, breathplay, spanking, face fucking, filthy dirty talk, rough sex, jungkook and his demon cock ehe
a/n: title is inspired by billie eilish’s song all the good girls go to hell. her title inspired me to write this fic! please ignore if you find any errors <3
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“You’re not good enough.” 
“You look so pathetic, really.”
“Can you at least try to look hot?” 
“This is why no one likes you.” 
These words will forever haunt you until the day you die. 
It wasn’t your fault that you were raised very strictly, your overly-protective parents treating you like some kind of rare treasure that no one, no man, can touch. The fact that your parents still had to drive you home from school even at an age like this always irritated you to the brim of your existence. So now you can’t even have the freedom, the life of a normal young girl can have. 
Being raised strictly with a heavy-handed family – not to mention religious, too – has taken a toll on your mental health. There’s always the feeling of pressure wherever you go and whatever you do. The fear of not succeeding and disappointing your mom and dad is the worst feeling, like the Devil punching your gut repeatedly, as many times as he likes. 
Plus, some students at your school know you for your lack of “personality”, the boring one, the killjoy. You can’t even refute because it was all true. You never experienced fun, parties, how to have interesting conversations, how to interact with a large crowd, all because of your parents being so uptight in you. 
“Y/n!” The high-pitched voice of your mother calls from downstairs, and you were quick to scurry outside your room and find where she was sitting on the couch. “Yes, mom?” You say. 
She was dressed in a royal-blue dress that goes up to her knees, her hair fixed perfectly and the hairspray is clearly doing a great job of keeping her updo in place. She grabs her purse while your dad walks into view, dressed up in a neat suit. “We’re leaving for our business trip, Y/n. Didn’t I tell you that?” 
“Ah.” You sort of forgot about that. 
Quickly nodding your head, you force a fake smile that you know all too well, “Yes.” 
She gives you a weird glance before she fixes her makeup in a mirror, and your dad decides to continue for her. “We’ve hired a nanny to look after you, so that you won’t go out and about going behind our backs—”
“But dad! I really don’t need someone to babysit me,” You scoff. You weren’t a child anymore, what are they thinking! “I’m an adult. I can handle myself. Don’t you trust me?” 
Trust. Something they don’t have with you, whether they admit it or not. 
Your dad just sighs deeply and starts to walk closer to you. He places a hand on your shoulder as he looks straight into your eyes, giving you an authoritarian look. “Y/n, just do as you’re told and be a good daughter.” 
“I’ve always been one,” you scorn. 
“A good daughter doesn’t talk back.” Your mother retorts. 
This is why you can never argue with them. They never let you speak your own opinion or have your own voice. 
Your parents left exactly at 5 PM as they went on their flight to Madrid, leaving the house all to yourself only for tonight.
It was the next day, and you were sitting on the dining table, eating your cereal peacefully as you watched Netflix on your phone – until the doorbell rings. 
You stand up and quickly make your way to the front door, pouting when you already know that it is the person that was supposed to look after you. 
This is ridiculous. 
“Hello!” A bright, short middle aged woman appears standing on the doorway, her bright energy startling you. “Y/n! I’m May, nice to meet you!” She lifts her hand in front for a handshake, and you chuckle nervously, accepting it. “I’m here to look after you for ten days, hm?” 
“Uh, ah, yeah. C-Come in!” You tried to sound as positive and energized as you could to match her own energy, but you couldn’t. You step aside to let her in, pulling her luggage with her and she immediately takes up the design of the house. She was nodding her head, her arms crossed together while you accompanied her little journeys throughout the whole ground floor. You found her weird. 
“Uh, come follow me, my dad says you’ll be staying here at the guest room —” 
“Wonderful! I thought I was sleeping on the couch!” She claps her hands, excited that she has her own room. 
You look at her with big, shocked eyes, yet you can’t say anything. 
“O-Okay…” you mumbled, “Here,” you helped her open the door and she immediately set her things up. “May?” 
“Yes, my dear?” She stops unpacking her bags to look up at you. “I’ll be at the kitchen, okay? If y-you wanna ask anything, I’m right over there.” 
“Ah, that’s okay, Y/n. Your mother told me everything I need to know. Your bedtime is at eight and no midnight snacks!” 
Your heart drops down to the floor as you immediately encountered a wave of emotions. Why did it matter?! Why did your mom had to apply all these stupid rules when she’s not even around? You thought at the start that you’ll have some kind of freedom when your parents aren’t here, thinking that your nanny might be easier, but perhaps not. 
“Okay.” You say simply. 
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How else can you prove to people that you can be better? You're sick of everyone seeing you as the boring one, but your parents were the only thing that was keeping you from having fun. So you decide to be a little risky. 
Step one: Sneak out the house. 
Isn't that what people your age do? Usually they sneak out to party, to go hang out with their friends and have the time of their life. But you had none, no ‘best friend’, but a couple of lunch friends here and there. 
“I should try clubbing.” You mumble to yourself as you sit down on the plush comfort of your mattress. Until you hear your phone chimes, signalling a text. You grab your phone from the bedside table and frown when you see who the text was from. 
Mom: Remember to go to church later, Y/n. 
You didn't reply, instead, it got you thinking. 
Nothing will happen if you skip church, right? You've always attended Mass every Sunday with your parents, so there's absolutely nothing wrong with skipping at least once.
Besides, you need to plot your plans for tonight!
“What is this girl doing?” Armaros says in a deep whisper, his well-shaped eyebrows furrowing deeply while he watches Y/n on her phone, laying down on her bed as if church isn't just five minutes away from starting. 
Armaros rushes to the other side of the room to get a better view of her human who lays on her stomach, a white wisp of smoke trailing behind him. He shakes his head, crossing his arms together in front of his chest. “Y/n, Y/n,” he tuts, “What are you doing?!” 
He decides to step forward and reaches forward for his hand to caress the crown of your head. He chuckles when he sees your eyes expand in a quick second, your body abruptly sitting up straight from the tingling feeling in your neck. Your hairs stand up, a chill running down your spine. 
This was Armaros’ way of mustering his presence onto you. Your dad always taught that whenever you suddenly feel a chilling sensation out of nowhere, it means that your guardian angel is there with you and trying to send you a message. 
And you clearly know what he's trying to say. 
There was a slight feeling of guilt – uneasiness, even. But no. You've already decided that you weren't going to follow your old routine. 
Armaros’ jaw drops when you don't move from your position on the bed, only making yourself comfortable even further. ”Don’t you dare skip church...” he slowly whispers to himself. But he quickly shakes his head side to side, trying to be optimistic, “It's just one time. Just one time.” 
Time passes by faster than you think, you sink your teeth down on your bottom lip, chewing on it as you try to Google clubs near you. It was ridiculous, feeling so overwhelmed from all of the options the Internet is showing you. 
There was a generous list of bars and clubs with different ratings. It was a humane decision to choose the best one, right? So you went for a nightclub called ‘Soap Seoul’. Although, you feel your stomach churn when you scroll through the images attached to it; seeing all of the strange blue and red LED lights, big and tight crowds, and an HD picture of their bar. The bar was long and almost occupied the width of the whole club. You don't even know if you can stand such a place like that. 
But no. You can't back out now! You had to show yourself and to others that you can have some fun too. 
The club opens tonight at 8 pm, letting yourself have two hours to prepare. Rummaging through your garments of clothing, you try to find an appropriate outfit.
“I have nothing!” you whined, eyebrows furrowing in dismay. All you had were simple t-shirts and countless skinny jeans and leggings. Your dresses were almost knee-length and suitable for church – not for a nightclub! 
Armaros stands at a distance, shaking his head at you. 
Until, you heard a loud knock on the door, “Y/n!” May's voice shouts from the other side of the room, “Dinner's ready!” 
Oh no. 
Quickly opening the door, you stared at her with big, worried eyes. “May! I-uhh, I-I’m not gonna stay for dinner…” you mumbled, looking at the ground. 
“Oh, why is that?” she asks, a faint sad tone in her voice. You felt so sad and regretful that you didn't say anything to her because she already cooked your dinner. 
“I-I have plans for tonight,” you hold your hands behind your back, slightly getting embarrassed. 
“Are you going out with your friends?”
“Y-Yeah!” You lie. You've never lied before. 
“Ah, I understand. Have you told your mom?” 
She doesn't have to know. 
And there it was again, the chills in your neck appeared while your arm and leg hairs stood up. Armaros touches your scalp, desperate to seek your attention and bring you back to your old, good self. The angel didn't like that you were lying, for he was perpetually accustomed to your good deeds. It was making him anxious for what's about to come. 
But you ignored his message. May nods when you told her that she can have the food to herself. 
You feel a pang of guilt rush through your body when you shut the door behind you, your heartbeat suddenly racing faster. The nervousness in you made your head hurt. Is this the right thing to do? No. It wasn't. But you had to show people that you can be different. Will it be worth it? Of course. 
Thankfully, you spot a white dress that you've never worn before. It was a gift from your cousins that was supposed to be another addition to your collection of church dresses but it was too short for your liking. 
“Hm, maybe this will work…” you quietly mumble to yourself.
You tried the piece of clothing on, carefully examining your reflection in the full-length mirror. The hem of the skirt falls right above your mid-thigh, too high for your usual comfort but for the sake of dressing up for a nightclub — there was no problem. The dress was snug, hugging your body so that it accentuates your curves.
The dress was plain white and was relatively simple. You don't really know what people usually wear for nightclubs but you were certain that dresses were a part of the code. 
You looked for your black three-inch heel that you last wore during your highschool graduation, slipping it in carefully. Doing a little bit of makeup and applying a thin layer of lip gloss, you grabbed a purse and walked out of your room. 
“May, please don't wait for me, okay?” you say after walking past her. 
“W-Wait, I'm supposed to–”
“It's okay. I'll be okay.”
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“She's not gonna be okay!” Armaros declares, kneeling on one knee before Archangel Michael – the protector and the spiritual warrior, as he mentions Y/n's recent mischiefs.
After you've been to the nightclub the first day, you've never stopped. You became addicted. 
Sometimes you don't even tell May that you're going out, you just sneak out of the window and let May worry about you. You've happened to know how to drink as you get wasted every single night, hanging around with people that you don't know, people that are a bad influence on your good side. These past few days had you acting up like you’ve never before. You longed for alcohol and the feeling of it numbing your nerves, and there’s not a day where you didn’t get drunk.
Armaros’ power wasn't enough to stop you. Every single day he's been drying his best to send signals, to make you feel certain ways and speak to your consciousness that what you are doing is by far dangerous and wrong. But you never listened. 
You've skipped church, stopped talking to God, ignoring your parents’ phone calls, not doing your homework just because you're busy either getting drunk or making out with someone at the club. It's like you have been addicted to misbehaving. 
But for you, you thought you’re doing the right thing. 
“Armaros, are you doubting your powers?” Archangel Michael replies, running his fingertips along the sharp blade of his sword. 
“N-No, but, nothing seems to work. She's been ignoring my calls for almost two weeks. I just want the best for her.” Armaros’ voice fades at the end of his sentence. He was speaking with such sincerity because he really cares for Y/n. He truly loves her. “Why is she doing this?” He asks for help.
“Because, my dear, she's trying to prove something she's not for other people.”
Archangel Michael laughs quietly, staring at him endearingly. He points his sword at him, “She obviously tries to be immoral to fit in. She's rarely praying to God like she used to, rarely respecting the people around her. Ever since humans bullied Y/n for being herself – she starts to change. But the question is…”
He walks around Armaros, his eyes never leaving his. “Is this making her happy?” 
Armaros lowers his head and shakes his head. “I don’t know.” 
The Archangel grins and returns his sword back on the scabbard attached to his belt. 
“If I can't warn her to stop, then who else can?” The angel asks. 
Michael lifts an eyebrow up, crossing his arms together as he stands right in front of him. His mouth draws into a slow smirk, a hint of playfulness in his eyes as if a lightbulb appeared on top of his head. 
“You wanna have some fun, Armaros?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Stand up, stand up.” Armaros quickly obeys his superior’s command. The Archangel places a hand on his right shoulder, preparing to speak. 
“I have an idea. We call Jeon Jungkook up and–” 
“No! Absolutely not! I will not allow Y/n to come face to face with the son of Lucifer!” Armaros bellows, instinctively pushes Michael's hand away from him. 
“Armaros! It's just an idea!” Michael chuckles, spreading his arms to the side as he shakes his head. “And besides, I have to ask permission from our Highness anyway.” 
“And what will he do? Taunt her? Provoke Y/n to be more sinful?” Y/n's guardian angel asks, referring to Jungkook. “We both know how manipulative and cunning he can be!”
“No, no. We'll make a deal with him, of course! No devil will do anything without receiving something in return.” 
“This idea of yours, not to be rude, but is really out of this world.”
Archangel Michael snorts from the out of the blue pun. 
“Do not be afraid. If our Lord agrees to our plan, I'll be watching. I always will. Give me your trust, Armaros.”
Armaros sighs deeply, yet smiles up at him right after. “Okay, I trust you.” 
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“May, stop it,” you mutter angrily, pulling your arm away from her hold. May tries to block your way from going outside the house but you abruptly push her to the side. 
“Y/n! Your mom told you that–” 
“Told me what?! That I’m being independent? Unruly? That I should just stay home? I don’t give a fuck anymore, May. I’d rather hang out with friends than stay here and do nothing!” You bark at her. She was smaller than you and you were definitely giving off that intimidating vibes that you wanted to show. She isn’t the one wearing the pants in this house. You are. 
“Y/n, I will not tolerate this behavior!” May snaps, eyes glaring at you with her hands balled up into fists on her sides. 
Rolling your eyes, you let out a sour chuckle, “You sound like my mom.” 
May sighs deeply, the tiredness in her voice evident, “I’m just trying to keep you safe, Y/n. Just listen to me.” 
“I’m an adult. I can keep myself safe. Now, let me go and don’t wait for me.” 
“Bye May! Have a nice sleep!” 
“Y/n! Where the fuck are you?!” Emilia, one of the new friends you've met no longer than three days ago shouts through the phone as loud, blazing music muffled her voice. “Sophia and I are waiting for you! Get your ass over here!”
“I'm almost there, save me a drink already!” you giggle, looking out from the taxi’s window. 
Sophia snatches the phone out of Emilia’s hand to speak to you, “Y/n, you still remember the bet we made, right?” 
“Of course! It's not a huge deal, c'mon now.” You roll your eyes, faking a laugh. 
“We'll see!” Emilia giggles. 
The driver drops you in front of the nightclub and you throw him a couple of dollars. Stepping out of the car, your high heels clicking on the cement. Upon entering the place, you were immediately greeted with your friends. They were both wearing a tight dress – glittery red and silver – whilst you wore a black one that reached down to your middle thigh. You bought the dress only a day ago, special thanks to your Amazon Prime account . 
“Hey! Here, drink this,” Sophia hands you a single malt whiskey and you swiftly drown it down your throat without any problem. You reminisce back to your first day where you can’t even take a sip of beer without gagging. Now look where you are. 
“Ahh fuck, that tastes good,” you mumble through gritted teeth. 
“Why are you late tonight, Y/n?” Emilia asks as she leads you to the bar to order more alcohol. Her high pitched voice mixing with the loud music,”You know it's always 9 PM. Sharp.” 
You breathe out heavily as you watch Sophia pour three shots of straight vodka into a shot glass. She distributes the beverage to the two of you. 
“Well, uh–” 
“What?” Emilia snaps.
“I couldn't find a goddamn cab, that's why!” you hide your falseness with laughter, hoping they won't sense your lie. 
“Alright anyway, let’s go get wasted and you, Y/n – will be our first player.” Emilia smirks as she crosses her arms together. She analyzes your body, eyeing you up and down. You didn’t like it, and you felt worried. 
Your eyebrows furrow, confused and slightly offended, “What, why me?” You take a sip of your newly-ordered beer, trying to get comfortable on the plush-covered stool. 
“Because,” Sophia answers for her, “we need to know your… capacities.” 
You snort, “Capacities of what? My capacity of having to get into a m-man’s bed? Pffft… easy!” 
Sophia’s forehead furrows, glancing at Emilia with a knowing look before focusing her attention back to you. “Sure. Anyway, let’s have fun first and then…” she leans closer to you, her face inches away from yours. You feel your face redden in embarrassment, “And then you can choose your man.” 
It wasn’t that bad. It isn’t bad dancing around the dance floor, beer in hand, as you danced all your worries away. Emilia and Sophia were out there – somewhere, but you didn’t care about them at this moment. You let your body go with the beat of the loud EDM music, holding your hands up in the air as you whipped your head left to right. You had a huge smile on your face, the alcohol kicking in like it was meant for your body to consume. 
Sweaty bodies were bumping each other from left and right, and you for sure stepped on someone’s toe with your pumps. Nevertheless, you didn’t care. You were having your fun. 
It was until the song changed from upbeat to a more sensual, heart-pumping song from the loud bass. As if there was a switch inside you, you turned into a sultry mess. 
Wasted. You were wasted like hell. 
Your eyes turn into little slits as you look around the dance floor to try and find someone to play with. Taking a huge sip of your drink, your throat burns yet you tried to ignore it. 
“Ah-hah!” you giggle, walking – or should we say, stumbling – towards a guy with black hair parted in the middle, nicely dressed in a black button up tucked in some skinny jeans. The man locks eyes with you, licking his plump lips as his eyes rake your body. 
“Hey there, gorgeous,” he smirks, making you blush in red as he holds your waist and tugs you closer to him. The song in the background was helping you a lot to get into that seductive, sexy mood that you planned to have. 
“Hey,” you smile up at him, “I’m Y/n.” 
“What a pretty name for a pretty lady.” He starts swaying your body to the beat, going along with you. “I’m Seokjin. Nice to meet you.” 
Seokjin tugs your body closer until he holds the back of your head with one hand, making you look deep into his dark eyes. “Y-You’re a new face,” you slur, “You don’t belong here.” 
Unexpectedly, your eyes grow big when Seokjin throws his head back as he laughs almost hysterically. “What?” you question. 
The man slightly leans down until his face draws near to yours, and you can immediately smell the alcohol in his breath. You didn’t judge though, you probably had beer-breath too. 
“Baby girl…” Seokjin suddenly speaks deeply, making your heart jump from the sudden change in his voice. There was a sultry look in his eyes that made it hard for you to keep eye contact. “Baby it’s you who doesn’t seem to belong. You don’t know who I am.” 
“Well y-you don’t know me e-either!” You try to retaliate, although it was messed up with your embarrassing stuttering.  
“You really wanna know?” he whispers, his lips right against your lips, almost touching yours. You couldn’t breathe properly, wanting to pull away but his intoxicating scent was forcing you to him. 
You nod your head, not trusting your voice. 
“I own this place, baby.” 
You almost tossed your cup right across the room from his sudden confession, totally not expecting such a young-looking man to own such a place like this. Your eyes expand, body staying still. 
’Wait! Be sexy… be sexy…’ you thought to yourself after an awkward five seconds of silence. 
You decide to chuckle, biting your bottom lip slowly as you draw yourself nearer to him. He lifts a brow up in surprise, wrapping his arms around your hips and he closes the distance between the two of you. 
“Really? Well then,” you mutter, “I want you to own me too.” 
“Oh, finally. Someone straightforward.” 
“Well I – oh!” Seokjin takes you by surprise when he quickly tugs your arm and leads you to the second floor of the club. You haven’t been in this area before, looking so luxurious and well decorated. Although what shocks you is the series of doors that passes through a long, wide hallway. 
“Seok...Seokjin,” you whisper, but he looks at you with a smirk, a playful glint in his eyes. 
“C’mon baby,” he opens a door and walks you inside, locking it behind him. “Let’s have a little fun.” 
Let’s have a little fun. 
Yeah. I should. 
This is fun, right? 
Before you can even process things, Seokjin shoves your body to a wall as his hands start to wander down your sides. With flushed cheeks, you look at him like you’ve just seen a ghost but he clearly doesn’t mind, grinding his hips into yours. 
“Mmm, what a cute babe I have in front of me,” he groans, leaning forward to pepper wet, gentle kisses all over your neck and down to your shoulders. 
Something feels off. 
“Y/n, right?” he asks, his forehead furrows and you nod. “Can I kiss you?”
Your heart starts to rapidly pump inside your chest, feeling as if it’ll burst at any minute. An uncomfortable feeling starts to overwhelm your system, sensing your palms getting sweaty. You can’t look at his eyes, looking anywhere but him. 
“Uh, o-okay,” you straighten your back as you try your best to look confident. 
This is the perfect opportunity to tell your friends. Having sex with someone like him will absolutely impress Emilia and Sophia. 
Seokjin chuckles, shrugging, “Alright then.” And without any warning, he throws you on the bed and he quickly hovers above your body. 
“Mmph–!” he immediately presses his lips into yours before you can even react to everything that had just happened. He caresses your cheeks with both hands, his lips moving softly with yours. You try your best to keep up with him and his pace, but you can’t. There was something stopping you from giving him your all. Seokjin grunts nevertheless, humping you. 
Seokjin’s right hand snakes down to grab the hem of your dress as he teasingly pulls the fabric up, then lets it snap back down. There was a weird feeling inside your stomach, and it did not feel good at all. 
His hand slowly starts creeping up your leg, and that’s where you couldn’t hold it back. 
“Mmm, n-no,” you mewl, pushing him away from you. Seokjin stares down at you with a frown, head tilted to the side. 
Rapid heart rate, the back of your neck sweating, and chills all over your body occur all at the same time. You were panicking. 
“I-I…” immediately you stand up from the bed, hiking your stupid short dress down as much as you can. “S-Sorry,” furiously shaking your head from side to side, you stumble your way to the door. 
“Y/n, wait!” Seokjin yells, confused yet he felt sorry at the same time. “Let’s talk about it!” 
“No,” you whisper. You can’t do this anymore. There was no energy left in your body to talk, to process what just happened, to stand in this fucking club. Home. All you were thinking about was going home. 
You twist the doorknob open, trying to catch your breath as much as you can but you feel like you were going to pass out any minute. Making your way down the stairs, you run as fast as you can towards the exit of the nightclub yet a person catches your arm. 
“Y/n!” Your eyes widen when Emilia and Sophia stop you, observing your state. “What’s wrong with you?” 
“No…” you breathe tirelessly, “c-can’t do it…” 
“You failed?” Emilia snaps as she leans her body on one hip, resting her hands there. She looks at you with disgust, “But we saw the guy that you’re with! He was hot!” 
Sophia snorts, smirking as she stares at you sourly, “Proves our point. You’re nothing, Y/n. You had such an easy job, the guy’s already all over you and you just had to throw him? Where is he, let me get with him myself.” Sophia struts away, heels clicking as she flips her long hair over her shoulder, leaving you with Emilia. 
“What can I say, Y/n,” she smiles menacingly, the corners of her eyes crinkling, “You can never be like us.” 
Your whole body felt heavy, heavy like you were carrying a boulder behind your back. This isn’t what you had planned at all, everything was going so well until this! Your eyes started welling up with tears, blurring your sight. You had to go. 
Without saying a word, you quickly run away to the exit, ignoring Emilia’s insensitive laugh. 
What went wrong? Why did you feel that way? Negative thoughts were clouding your mind as you cried and cried to your poor, soaked pillow. 
Maybe you are just not enough. Perhaps you’re not meant to be like this. 
It was fun the first time around, and you were actually enjoying yourself. But the days passed and you sadly weren't doing this for your own pleasure anymore, but for the validation of other people. 
You should’ve stopped Seokjin from touching you when it clearly made you uncomfortable. There was a line and he crossed it, but you erased that line so you can finally say that you’ve slept with someone. But you guessed it wasn’t that easy. 
Grabbing your phone, you ignored all of the rude messages Emilia has sent you, blocking her and Sophia’s number. You turned off your phone, throwing it somewhere on the ground without care before you switched off your lamp. There was never a time that you’ve cried yourself to sleep, but tonight was your first. 
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“And what do I get in return for this deal?” Jeon Jungkook purrs with a low, dark tone, crossing his legs together as he sits on his father’s fire-blazing throne. Even though he has his own throne for himself, thrones on fire were way cooler. He scans the frightened angel from head to toe through the strands that fell in front of his eyes. 
“The A-Archangel says you will obtain a soul. A soul that is longing for hell.” Armaros stutters as he tries to keep eye contact with the devil’s hard glare. 
Jungkook chuckles, hanging his head low. “You mean to tell me…” he starts to stand up and walks towards the angel. Armaros tries his best to keep his guard up and stand as tall as possible. 
Jungkook circles around him, arms crossed while his right hand plays with his bottom lip, “That I should convince this little girl to prevent doing bad, bad things to stop her from going to hell?” He laughs hysterically. “That’s quite… an unnatural job for a devil, isn’t it? It’s completely the opposite of what i’m supposed to do. Tell Michael that his plan is utter bullshit.”
Armaros takes a deep sigh, closing his eyes for a brief second before replying. “Firstly, Y/n is not a little girl. And second, this job is easy. You have the skill to persuade humans to sin – what’s hard with doing the opposite? Besides, you’ll obtain a soul either way.” 
His words made Jungkook ponder and deliberate with himself. He stops in front of Armaros and shows him his signature imposing smile. “I can have my way with the girl, right?” He bites his lip, “Anyway I want?” 
This made Armaros’ eyes go wide, mouth opening but no words seem to come out properly, “I-I… w-well, um… yes? Yes? P-Perhaps? Just don’t do anything bad to her.” 
Jungkook scoffs, running his long tongue over his teeth as he smirks, “Define bad, Mr. Angel.” 
“You know… hurt her.” He gulps.
The devil squints his eyes, absolutely loving Armaros’ reactions. “Oh, don’t worry. I’m not gonna kill her, if that’s what you mean.” 
“I’m done with this conversation.” Armaros quickly chirps as he unfolds his large, white wings. “Remember what your main goal is, Jungkook. I’m counting on you.” 
Jungkook stops him before he flies back up. “Armaros…” he says, dragging his name long in his tongue. Armaros looks at him, eyes impatient, arms crossed together. 
“You know I’m a devil, right?” 
The angel chuckles, scoffing, “Oh, I know that alright.” He scorns, eyeing Jungkook up and down. Although the devil in front of him looks intimidating and his eyes are jet black, Armaros keeps his calm. “I’m only following orders. I didn’t agree with The Archangel in the first place.” 
“Do you know what devils do to… humans?” 
Armaros nods fully. 
“And what I might do to… that precious little girl?” Jungkook growls deeply, walking closer to him. He tilts his head down, looking at him through his lashes, “There’s a huge chance that I might not control myself when I see her.” 
“What do you mean?” 
Suddenly, black smoke appears from Jungkook’s right hand, summoning something beside him. The smoke appears to subside and at once, Y/n’s appearance can be seen through the thin air. Jungkook rests his hips on one side, twirling his hand so that her image spins around. 
“This is Y/n, right?” Jungkook studies your face, watching you read a book inside your room. “I’ve never seen someone so beautiful before.” 
“Jeon Jungkook!” Armaros bellows, his tone loud yet sprinkled with fear. 
“I’m just saying, Angel. You can’t stop me from trying to do devilish things to her.” Jungkook smirks, prodding his tongue on the inside of his cheek. “You might have to reconsider this deal of yours if you don’t want me to have my way with that pretty little girl,” He taunts, already warning Armaros.
“Jungkook,” Armaros’ nerves seem to heat up, slowly getting irritated although he tries to calm himself. He looks down, shaking his head as he pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “There’s no point in doing that. You think she wants to have an affair with someone like you?” 
The devil laughs loudly as he twirls his hand until your image disappears. This conversation further proves Jungkook’s argument that angels are actually dumber than they realize. 
“If you want me to help you, I will have my way with her. My job, my rules. Understand?”
Armaros feels defeated, but he can’t say anything but nod and agree to him. He can’t fight him anyway. Jungkook dismisses him, and with that, the angel ascends back up to earth. 
Jungkook can’t wait to have his fun. 
Prancing around, making friends, getting to know each other – Jungkook doesn’t want to do that. Instead, he’s very straightforward, saying words that he probably shouldn’t, he likes to say what he thinks no matter how bad it’ll probably hurt. 
That’s what he plans to do with you. 
If he gets his point clear, make you frightened, scare the shit out of you, then the job would be complete. 
You were currently on your laptop, scrolling through your pinterest tabs until you hear loud and frantic knocks on your door. “Y/n!” May shrieks, her voice quivering. “Someone’s at the door!” 
Oh no, you thought. 
Immediately hopping out of bed, you went out to see who it was with May following behind you. You peak out through the windows and suddenly, you inhale sharply from the man that you see. 
He was unfamiliar. Thankfully, it wasn’t Seokjin or Sophia nor Emilia, but rather tall, might you say handsome looking man waiting outside your doorstep. He was dressed in all black, his hair covering his eyes. 
“Do you know him?” May asks quietly. You shake your head slowly, “N-No.” 
“Y/n… I think you should just leave him.” 
“May, I can handle it. You can go now.” You say softly to her. 
“Are you sure—”
“Yes.” You spat a little harshly, blazing your eyes at her. May nods, sighing as she walks away to her room. 
Gathering the courage to open the door, you took a deep inhale and exhale, calming your nerves. 
Once you open the door, your eyes immediately fly to his dark ones. Your whole body suddenly shivers, the air around the place somewhat getting cold as if it was winter. 
You can't take your eyes off of the man. You have never met him before but it felt like you've known him for too long. There was a strange aura surrounding the two of you that you can't explain. 
“Hello.” He speaks first, giving you a sly smile. 
His voice. You've never heard such a dark and menacing timbre before. 
“Hi,” you gulp, “Who are you?” 
“May I come in?” Jungkook snaps, ignoring your question. He doesn't want to waste any time, that's for sure. 
You furrow your brows as you shake your head, “Answer my question first.” You blurt, blocking the entrance by placing your hands on either side of the doorway. 
“Hm,” Jungkook slowly shows you a deadly smirk, eyeing your body up and down. “You really wanna know?” 
What kind of a question is that? 
You quickly got annoyed, looking at him with a scorn. “Obviously!”
Feisty, Jungkook thought. 
“I'm the devil.”
There was a long pause, silence filling the air. This man is too handsome to be this dumb. You laugh hysterically, bending over as you hold your aching stomach. “A-Are you… oh my god… please tell me you're fucking joking!” you say with creased eyes. 
Jungkook already expected this reaction, and he only rolls his eyes without you noticing. 
“Mhm. You don't believe me?” he slowly pronounces his words, voice deep and sinister. 
“Nah,” you shake your head, giggling. 
“Aren't you religious?” Jungkook pushes you to the side without hesitation and enters, your eyes expanding slowly as his body suddenly comes in contact with yours. “Don't you believe in your God? You believe in angels, right?” He backs your body up and shuts the door loudly behind him. 
You felt a series of chills erupt from your system, his gaze locked on yours. You wanted to look away from his intimidating gaze, but you can't, for some strange reason. “Huh, Y/n?”
You gasp. “Wait, h-how do you know my name!?” 
Jungkook smirks at you, tilting his head to the side as he ignores your question again. 
Your body seems to move by itself, like you can't control your own limbs. The air thickens around the two of you as you feel your body submit to the man in front of you. 
Sighing, with a shaky voice you answer. “I do. I do believe in them.”
Although what shocks you is the way his eyes suddenly turn a bright shade of red. From deep black to red, his irises glow. 
“What the fuck–” you quickly back away, body shivering in fear until your back hits a wall. You rub your eyes, trying to see if your mind was only playing tricks with you. 
Jungkook grins and chuckles darkly, clicking his tongue. “Then…” he draws, walking closer to your frightened figure, “Can this convince you enough?” 
“S-Stop… stop playing games with me!” you whimper, feeling your palms get sweaty. “Your eyes are red!” 
“Hmm, I wonder why,” Jungkook snarls, forehead creasing, “Maybe because I'm the fucking devil?” 
And in a flash, Jungkook’s appearance changes from a tall, handsome boy into a dark red figure. Black, bat-like wings sprout from his back, long horns appearing from his forehead, a spear-like tail behind him. His lips and the area around his eyes were tinted in black while his fingers grew longer, sharper. 
You almost fainted then and there. 
“Oh— p-please,” your eyes turn watery as tears start to fall down your cheek, lifting your hands up to your mouth in shock, “please d-don't kill me!” Shutting your eyes to avoid the frightening image in front of you, your knees drop down to the floor with a loud thud. “I'm sorry, please f-forgive me! Don't k-kill me! Please!” 
“Oh, what a cute pretty girl you are,” the devil grins, his voice more gravelly now. He looks down at your frail self, amused. “I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to teach you a lesson.” 
You start to sob as your body shakes, “No! Please d-don't…”  
“Do you believe me now?”
“Yes! Yes I do!” you quickly reply, voice cracking. “I’m sorry s-sir, don’t hurt me!” 
Jungkook, satisfied with your reaction, morphs back to his normal human look within a few seconds. “Look at me.”
Slowly, afraid to anger the devil in front of you, you obey his words. You sigh in relief when he finally looks normal again, but you can't look at him the same way. 
“Stand up.”
You do so with wobbly legs. You felt so weak with your energy quickly drained so quickly. Wiping your tear-stained cheeks, you try your best to keep your composure. 
“Anyway, I'm Jungkook,” he gives you an award-winning smile, “I'm sent here to supposedly warn you from doing bad things.” He cringes, shaking his head. “Which, honestly speaking, I think is atrocious.”
He scans your body, biting his lip right after. “A good looking girl like you should have her fun.” 
You try to regain your senses back. A devil — a real devil appeared right in front of you. You can't seem to shake the thought away while he’s there looking so handsome in his human form. 
With a shaky breath, you ask him, “J-Jungkook? I'm really sorry. I don't know what I'm doing.” 
He snorts. Brushing his black hair away from his face. “Wrong. You know what you're doing.” 
Something in the air changes when Jungkook snaps his fingers. A thick, black smoke appears, capsuling the both of you in. “What is this?!” you question, terror overtaking your face. You watch your surroundings getting blurry, blackness covering the area. 
“Oh nothing,” he gives you a lopsided grin, “just making sure that your little angels can't see us.” 
Jungkook's eyes shine and his pupils enlarge, smiling as you notice how his teeth grow sharper. There were veins popping out in his neck, grimacing at you in pure excitement.  
“We can't afford your poor, guardian angel to stop us now, can't we? I don't want him to see us…playing.” 
“Playing?!” You gasp, eyes expanding in shock.. 
“Yes, baby. Angels are so fucking dumb, aren't they? Asking a devil to do their own work? Isn't that pathetic.”
You were locked to him like a magnet as your body seems to fill with utter desire in such a quick time. 
Was he doing something to you?!
A series of pleasurable chills erupt from your body, mouth getting dry as you look up at Jungkook with big eyes. 
His hand suddenly touches your bare arm, making you silently mewl from his chilling touch. He smirks at your reaction, “How dumb of them to trust the son of Lucifer himself.”
“Y-You… you're…” your voice fades, trying to process his words. 
“Mhm. Aren't you excited to play with me?” 
Maybe he's doing tricks to your mind, controlling your body – or maybe you’re just fucked up. Either way, you want him. 
You lust for him. 
Jungkook draws his lower lip between his teeth, his hands finding its way to your waist, holding you firmly until he unexpectedly pulls you to his body. He lifts a single eyebrow up, “Really?” 
Your heartbeat quickens. 
“I've… I’ve never been more sure.” Words seem to spill out of your mouth without your consent, as if it wasn’t you who’s speaking. But you don’t try to take your words back.  
Jungkook laughs and starts to lift you up without struggle, finding his way to your bedroom while the smoke follows the two of you. “Bad, bad girl you are.” He lowers you down on the mattress, sending you a seductive wink, “I'm so fucking proud.” 
He preps himself on his knees, capturing your thighs in between. His eyes run down your body, chills running down your spine from how hot he looks. His figure was so big and muscular, making you feel like he can destroy your frail self. 
“Look at this, you look so fucking delicious baby.” 
His hand suddenly flies down to your armpits, roughly handling you as he carries you up as he sits down on the bed, his back pressed against the headboard, as he places you in between his legs. 
You hold back a whimper as he pushes your body closer to him. Hearing him growl deeply made your cunt throb, feeling a strange wet feeling down there. 
“Demons can't help humans,” he mutters lowly, his lips right against the shell of your ear. “They want you to sin and sin and sin until the day you fucking die.” 
His hands play with your shirt until in a quick flash, he rips the cotton material in half, your body shivering as it has been exposed to the cold air. “Ohh,” you whimper, covering your body with your arms. 
“Nu-uh,” Jungkook grins behind you, “Don't do that, baby.” He leans down and starts pressing wet and sloppy kisses all over your shoulders, running his mouth up to your neck. “Don't try to hide away from me.”
He sucks on the soft skin of your neck, his big dick throbbing in his pants from the way you were constantly squirming. You were so sensitive, and it made him so horny. He hums, marking your skin in bright red and purple bruises. 
“Ahh, Jungkook,” you moan, throwing your head back until it rests right against his shoulder. 
His hands suddenly fly to your breasts, his long and slender fingers pinching and twisting your hardened nipples. You bite your bottom lip as you can't seem to open your eyes from the feeling. It was until Jungkook suddenly digs his nails into your nipples, pinching them roughly that made you jolt right up. 
“Oh, t-that hurts,” you cry, the stinging feeling of his sharp nails pinching your buds. Jungkook watches your face contort, digging his nails even harder. He feels your body twitch, hearing your gentle whines and mewls. 
“Ohhh you don't like it baby, does it hurt too much for your sensitive, precious body?” he mocks a concerned tone. “Hm?” 
He was playing games with you, that's for sure. You nod your head up and down, trying to push his hands away. “Mhm…” 
Thankfully, he does stop but he quickly cups your breasts with both hands. He feels your rock-hard nipples pushing against his rough palms, kneading your boobs until he finally lets go. 
“Take these off,” he instructs you to pull your shorts down, and you do so. With trembling hands, you swiftly tug them off of your legs. 
“Mmm, fuck,” he grunts behind you, his right hand lowering down from your stomach until it reaches the destination right against your clothed pussy. His fingers slowly trace down your slick, feeling how wet you are through your panties. 
He smirks cockily, “You're fucking drenched, baby. Are you this horny?” he rubs your clit in slow, circular motions with just the right amount of pressure with the tips of his two fingers, your legs shivering. “Want something to stuff that little hole of yours?” 
He pulls your underwear down to your thighs, and you instantly shake it off with your legs. Jungkook pushes your legs apart, forcing your knees up with your feet flat on the mattress. Your cunt flutters around air from the exposure. You whine when his left arm possessively wraps around your stomach, his biceps flexing when he holds you tightly. 
“Stay fucking still,” he growls, his warm hand cupping your bare cunt. He chuckles, prodding his tongue against his cheek as he plays with your folds. He uses two slender fingers to spread your labia apart and you can feel your glistening arousal drip from your hole down to your ass. 
Jungkook hums in satisfaction, spreading your lips wider, making you emit a moan. “Jungkook—”
“No. I want you to call me something…” he elongates the pause in his sentence to suddenly insert the tip of his middle finger in your pussy, causing you to jump. “Something else, baby.” 
“Ah-ahh, what?” your legs couldn't stop trembling as he pushes his finger deeper, your walls sucking it in deliciously. 
You can feel him smirk against the skin of your neck, he snickers, “Starts with the letter D.” 
Your eyes squint in confusion, tilting your head up to look at him. Jungkook, with his glowing red eyes, scans your face with a quirked eyebrow expectantly. 
Jungkook scoffs loudly and instantly pushes the rest of his finger in your cunt, immediately pumping in and out at a rapid pace. Your hands quickly hold onto his arm that was wrapped around you, mouth agape from the sudden thrusts. “Ohhh!” your body shakes, leaning your head against him. Electric waves of pleasure run through your body, being new to the sensation. 
He growls as he removes his finger out to slap your pussy harshly, hitting your sensitive clit. “Wrong.” 
“Oww…” you mewl, your hips bucking up from the sting. He does this again, and again, and again, making your eyes watery. He tightens his hold on you, stopping you from squirming too much. 
“Daddy.” He purrs. 
Your body instantly feel a series of shivers. 
“Call me daddy.” Jungkook bites your neck roughly while he inserts his digits back, this time using his middle and ring finger. You hiss in pleasure, eyes tempting to roll back when he brushes the sponge-like texture inside your pussy. 
“Shit, right there daddy,” you curse, rolling your hips against his hand for more. “Right there!” 
Jungkook feels his cock harden even more, precum dripping down his tip as it twitches against his clothes. The way you pronounce that certain word drove him crazy. Jungkook loves how your body easily crumbles beneath him as you allow him to have all the control. He pounds your pussy faster with his hand, putting his bicep to good use. 
You were about to cum, the feeling of a tightness inside your tummy, a ball about to burst at any second. You warn Jungkook, “Daddy, i-i think… I think I'm gonna c-cum,” you sob. 
“I know.” He says simply, fucking you harder. Suddenly, he pushes his index finger in, three digits stretching your walls out. You cry loudly, thrashing around him as high-pitched moans carelessly leave your mouth. “Shiiiiit, d-daddy!” 
“Need to stretch this little pussy out for my cock” he purrs, “cuz’ we don’t want that tiny hole of yours to split into two, right baby?” 
Your toes curl, nails digging into the skin of his arm as you fail to warn him that you're gonna cum any second now. Although he can feel the way your pussy was pulsing around his long fingers. He angled his hand until your clit was brushing against his palm, “Daddy! Ohh fuck, just l-like that!”
Until it all stops. 
All of the pleasure stops when Jungkook pulls his fingers out. 
“Fuuuuuuuck!” you yell, never been more frustrated before as he denies your orgasm. You were about to cum so hard. Your legs shake uncontrollably, scratching his arms as your body shudders. Your poor cunt pulsates rapidly from the sour loss. You were a whimpering, sobbing mess. 
Laughing dryly behind you was Jungkook, licking his fingers clean as he watches your dignity wash away right in front of his eyes. 
“Fuck you,” you scowl, pushing away his arms and turning to face him. “Fuck. You.” 
But he wasn't bothered at all, of course. He was the devil after all. He had no remorse.
Before you know it, Jungkook wraps his hand around your throat and swiftly pulls you close to his face. You gulp, terrified from the intimidating look in his eyes. 
Jungkook thinks that he can easily kill you then and there. If it were a different person, he wouldn't hesitate to snap their neck like a stick. Usually he would feel tempted to physically hurt a person in this kind of situation. But no. He likes you. He likes you too much to kill.
“Take my cock out.”
Even though you hate him for denying your orgasm so brutally like that, you nod your head. Jungkook removes his shirt as you scoot down. You were careful to unbutton his pants, heart rate going faster from the thought of seeing his cock right in front of your face. By the look of the large tent evident, he was gonna be huge. Jungkook watches you with heavy eyes, running his hand through your hair softly. 
You pull the garment down and your mouth visibly waters from the sight. The outline of his cock was evident from his briefs, long and thick and was certainly rock hard. You were so afraid to even touch it as you let your hands sit right on his thighs. 
“Haven't done this before?” he asks, rubbing your cheek with one hand. You shake your head, afraid to look at his glaring eyes. 
Jungkook chortles, quickly pulling his underwear down by himself.
His cock immediately springs out and rests on his abdomen. With wide, surprised eyes, you notice his red tip leaking so much precum, dripping down his abs. You involuntarily whine and wiggle your hips in need, your wetness dripping down your thigh. 
“Take it in your mouth.” He orders, voice strict and demanding. 
“Did I stutter?” 
“No daddy.” You whisper, looking away and finally gathering the courage to wrap your hands around his girth. You clench your thighs together when you feel him against your palm – warm and heavy, yet the skin was soft at the same time. When you stroke his shaft up and down watching how his precum pours down to your hands, providing you lubrication as it coats his cock. 
Jungkook throws his head back as he smiles down at you, feeling so good. He bucks his hips up repeatedly, meeting your timid strokes. 
His patience runs out and slaps your hand away, gripping his cock tightly. Suddenly, he slaps his dick on your cheek, making lewd and wet sounds. “Open your fuckin’ mouth.” 
Obeying his command, you wrap your lips around his leaking tip. You taste the saltiness of his seed on your tongue, trying your best to take more of him. His thick girth was making it hard for you as your jaw immediately feels sore. 
His hand flies to grip your hair, making you whine around his cock, causing vibrations. “Look at that pretty little mouth tryna’ take this cock,” he smirks, “Go deeper baby. Gag around my cock if you don't wanna be punished.” 
Your hips swivel in need from his words, pussy soaking like a river. You slack your jaw as you sink down on his cock, trying to ignore the harsh gags when his tip hits the back of your throat. Jungkook growls loudly above you, seeing that the corners of your mouth were dripping in saliva. 
He uses both of his hands to force you deeper. Your eyes start to water when you swallow just half of his big dick, already being too much for you. The harsh and wet gagging sounds were music to Jungkook's ear, loving to see you struggle. “Mhm, fuck yes,” he grunts, “Choke on that big dick.” 
He keeps you down there, feeling sinister as his devilish instincts get the best of him. He ignores your cries and pleads, only focusing on the feeling of the sweet vibrations whenever you moaned around him. Or whenever your throat closes around his shaft when you choked, it was all too good for him. 
You immediately tapped on his thighs furiously when you can't take it anymore, but what did he do? He starts fucking your mouth with sharp thrusts of his hips. You whimper, closing your eyes tight as your nails dig into the skin of his thighs. He grabs you by your head as he uses your poor mouth for pleasure. 
Trying to breathe through your nose, you ignore the burning sensation in your mouth yet it feels too good. “Ahhhh holy fucking shit,” he grunts, feeling your throat tighten, “Look at that – fuck. Bad little girl aren't you? Mhm? You're my bad, naughty girl.” Jungkook mocks, watching the stream of tears drip down your cheeks. 
Finally, he pulled out and there were thick strings of saliva connecting your lips to his cock. He groans loudly, his cock twitching as it lays back on his stomach. 
“Ohh, c'mere baby girl, come here.” Jungkook whispers and pulls your body close to him. You straddle his lap, feeling his cock beneath your folds that made you hiss. He wraps his strong arms around you, his face inches close to yours. You try not to be intimidated by his menacing eyes, but he notices this and clutches your throat with one hand, squeezing it again that made you inhale sharply. Jungkook sees your pout, your lips bruised from your numerous bites, and he chuckles. 
He tugs you until his lips are right upon your ear. “You wanna cum, baby?” 
Your body shivers from how deep and alluring his voice was, although you nod your head. “Please, daddy.” 
“Oh but do you deserve it? Do you even deserve a cock like mine?” 
You hate how frustrated he can make you. You punch your hands down on his chest, whining, “I-I do…” 
Jungkook quirks a brow up, immediately forcing your hands behind your back. He roughly grasps your wrists together with one hand, surely leaving a red bruise. He bites his lip, “You do?” He swiftly lands a spank on your right ass cheek, making you moan. “Then sink down on my cock.” 
With a puff of your breath, Jungkook helps you align his dick to your sopping entrance. You couldn’t breathe properly, anticipating what will happen as soon as you slowly sink yourself on his thick tip. 
“Ohhh daddy!” Your walls stretch out as you take his tip in, making you feel a harsh, stinging sensation as he rips your walls. If it wasn’t with his impressive girth, it probably wouldn’t hurt as much. Jungkook grunts, his cock throbbing from the feeling of your cunt fluttering around him. 
“Fuck yeah,” he watches your pussy take him further, your juices coating his shaft. He tightens his hold on your wrists, slightly bucking his hips up. Jungkook lands another hard, loud spank. 
“Daddy you're so b-big,” you moan, almost halfway down his dick but you can't take more of him anymore. Jungkook gets turned on from the sweet tone of your voice, the thought of tainting such a girl like you made him chuckle. 
Jungkook feeds himself from the idea of corrupting you, letting you know how it feels to truly rebel. Who the fuck cares about what your parents think? Humans are all going to die anyway, there’s nothing wrong with having a little fun. 
You start to bounce up and down slowly, your pussy rubbing against him, feeling the thick protruding veins upon your walls. You dig your nails onto your palm, eyes closed shut as you prop yourself up to your feet. 
“That's it, baby. Ride daddy's cock,” he insinuates, watching your face contort in pleasure. With your eyebrows knitted together, eyes shut and mouth wide open, Jungkook’s cock throbs inside of you.
“Look at that fucking face, cant take it?” he snickers. 
“I can, I can,” you pant tirelessly, legs getting sore. Your brows drew deeper as you concentrated on the feeling of his cock hitting your sensitive nerves so good, already so close to an orgasm from how big he is. 
But Jungkook wanted more. He wants it harder, rougher. He wants to shoot his hot cum so hard and deep inside your fresh womb, filling you up. He wants to wreck your body until you break. 
So he releases your hands free and instead grabs a hold of your waist firmly, keeping you still. He plants his feet on the bed and starts to thrust his hips up like crazy. 
Your jaw drops into an ‘o’ shape and you release a particular loud squeal. Your hands hold onto his broad shoulder, throwing your head back as he continues to drill your abused cunt. His balls slap against your ass, creating lewd slapping noises. 
“Dadddyyyyy!” you shriek, eyes expanding so wide from the unexpected bliss of electric currents shooting down your spine. You can't handle it, your orgasm snapping in a quick second. “I'm—!” 
Jungkook groans loudly when your pussy squirts your cum all over his dick and gushes all over his stomach. He fucks you through your mind-blowing orgasm, your eyes rolling back to your head as your legs shake from the unexpecting feeling. Your mind seems to cloud in lust as he doesn’t stop fucking you. 
“Shit,” he laughs, “look at this poor little girl.” Jungkook caresses your ass before he spanks it roughly, emitting a whimper from your mouth, kneading the bruised flesh right after. “Squirting all over daddy. You love my big cock so much, huh? You horny, desperate little slut.” 
Before you can even process what he just said, he flips you over until you lay down flat on your stomach. He hovers on top of you, keeping his dick in without pulling out. You yelp as he wraps his big hand around your throat, tightly squeezing your jugular without mercy. 
“A-ahhh oh—” you choke, letting your forehead down to rest on the sheets as he continues to pound you from behind. 
He had absolutely no mercy, using you as his little fucktoy for his pleasure, abusing your pussy like it was made for his demon cock. He chokes you harder, almost making you see stars. 
Your cunt throbs once again, signalling that another orgasm is coming near. “Ohhhh fuck fuck fuck fuck!” you moan, heavy puffs of breath coming out of your mouth every time he thrusts into you. 
Jungkook feels his nerves getting hotter and hotter, his cock aching to cum. He doesn't think of anything else but the way your walls clench so tightly around him. “Gonna break this motherfucking pussy of yours,” he growls, leaning down until his chest presses against your sweaty back. “I'm gonna fucking paint your walls with my cum, baby. You're gonna take all of it, you're gonna take all of daddy's cum in that tight cunt.”
Your legs squirm, hands closing into fists as you hit the bed over and over from how sensitive you become. Your hands claw the sheets tightly, back arching from the breathtaking pleasure. 
“Ahhhh daddy! Ohh my fucking— ahhh yes, yes yes!” your body crumbles, mouth wide open as you scream while you cum for the second time. Your pussy pulses so harshly around his dick, coating it with your juices, making it more wet for him. 
He groans, removing his hand from your throat and slaps your ass again. “Naughty little shit right here.” It was so messy, just how he likes it. His cum covered in your glistening arousal, fucking you through your high. 
He immediately flips you around again, making you face him. He smirks cockily from your flushed chest and face, noticing that you were having trouble opening your eyes. 
He leans down and rests his forearms beside your head, “Take it baby, take it.” he murmurs roughly, his balls getting heavier. “Take my fucking dick.”
Your legs never seem to stop quivering, everything around you seems blurry besides Jungkook's face. How does he still look so handsome and perfect? His black hair falls down his forehead, swaying with every hard thrust, his deep dimples peeking through when he bites his lower lip slowly while he savors the feeling of your warm, wet pussy. 
“Gonna cum in you baby,” he pants, holding your cheek in one hand. “Daddy’s gonna cum so fuckin’ hard for you.” You notice a dark, sinister forming his lips as he looks down at you. There it was again, that intimidating, almost teasing look. 
He growls roughly, hips staying still inside you as he dips down to gnaw at your shoulder. You hiss, whimpering when he sinks his teeth so harshly into your delicate skin, leaving an ugly mark. “Ah-ahh, daddy!” His cock spurts out warm strings of his seed, filling you up to the brim. 
“Mmm, mmm, fuck yeah,” he moans, “take it, Y/n.” 
When he pulls his cock out, his pupils enlarge as he sees your arousal dripping out of your cunt and onto your bed. He chuckles, stroking his cock a couple of times to milk himself furthermore, not wasting any of his sperm.
The two of you were breathless, breathing heavily. Your legs feel so sore and you can't feel them either, your ass stinging from his numerous rough spanks. 
“Clean yourself up, Y/n.” Jungkook suddenly throws you a wet towel, about to ask him where it came from, although he just stares at you blankly with a quirked brow. 
Gulping, you nod and start wiping yourself clean. 
He can't leave now. Not after all of this. 
There was something that attracted yourself to him. You can't seem to grasp what it is – but whenever Jungkook looks at you in the eyes, you feel like submitting. 
It was like your body doesn't belong to you anymore. He possesses your body now. 
“Crawl to me, my love.” He whispers, and you were easily drawn to his beautiful eyes. 
Still naked, you do as you're told and crawl towards the edge of the bed where he stands. He wears his pants, thankfully covering his goods. 
He sighs and softly caresses your cheek with a warm hand, making you flutter your eyes shut whilst leaning against his palm. He hums delightfully, smirking. 
“Surrender.” He purrs, eyes drooping down as he looks at you with such gentleness, almost with care. He leans down until your faces are mere inches away from each other. “Surrender to me, my love. And I’ll take you to somewhere you belong.”
Your eyes shimmer, batting your eyelashes as you gawk up at him with eagerness. “W-Where I belong?” you repeat in question.
“Yes, Y/n.” He smiles, showing you his perfect teeth. “Where no one will judge you, no one will criticize you for you. You can be whoever you want, you can do whatever you want. Isn’t that exciting, baby?”
Mouth getting dry, your nerves heat up once again, feeling nothing but anticipation. “Yes.”
Jungkook holds your face in two hands, compelling you to stare unswervingly at his red eyes. “Submit to me, Y/n, and you’ll never worry about this earth’s dreadful problems.” His voice gravelly yet dark, somehow different to his normal human speaking voice. 
You didn’t know what he really means by ‘submit’, or where he was supposed to take you. But your mind was telling you to go. Your consciousness speaks to you like someone was whispering in your ear what to do. You kneel before him, still keeping eye-contact. The air around the two of your shifts and it suddenly grows warm as your body starts to sweat.
“Where are…” your voice was breathy, “Where are you taking me?”
Jungkook starts to chuckle, brushing your hair back with his fingers. Suddenly, your heart races when he presses a tender, wet kiss on your forehead. Your eyes widen, heart beating out of your chest when he continues to kiss you down to the bridge of your nose, until it stops right upon your lips. He hovers his mouth right against yours, feeling his warm breath.
He whispers the words so ominously that goosebumps appear all over your arms and legs. “I’m gonna take you down to hell.” 
Jungkook watches your face go pale, all the blood leaving your face as you gaze at him with such big, surprised eyes. Without warning, he presses his lips against yours. You can’t keep up with him, his kiss rough and dominating. You whimper when his hand goes to wrap itself around your throat, pulling you closer. His tongue easily slips in your mouth, causing you to gasp. Jungkook smirks through the kiss as he controls the way your mouth moves. The two muscles dance together with such need and passion, hands getting sweaty. 
He bites your bottom lip, chewing on the soft flesh while he gently rolls it against his teeth. Jungkook growls, eyebrows furrowing. He can’t seem to get enough of you, wanting you all for himself. He’s addicted to you; your scent, your beautiful eyes, your body, he doesn’t want to leave this earth without you. 
He needs you down with him. 
Jungkook pulls out as he watches your flushed face, all out of breath. There was nothing else that you could do but whine about the loss of his lips. You were craving more of him. You pout, hoping that he’ll give in but Jungkook just shakes his head with a smirk. 
“Answer me, baby. Go down with me, and I’ll treat you so good.” He insinuates, “I’ll treat you like my own fucking queen. Don’t you want that?” 
You nod your head furiously, “I do want that,” you say softly. 
He clicks his tongue, “Tch, louder.” 
“I want it, please. Bring me with you.” Jungkook watches your pupils dilate, growing bigger as you speak. “Please.” 
Jungkook smiles. And within a flash, the black smoke that was encircling the two of you all this time thickens and starts to wash over the two of you. You cough uncontrollably yet Jungkook just stands there and watches. The smoke fills your lungs until you lose consciousness. 
Sounds of the crackling fire fills your eardrums, and your body tries to accommodate the scorching heat of your surroundings. 
Opening your eyes, you see that you’re nowhere in your room, or in the overworld. All that your eyes can see was miles and miles of dark red and black hills, huge torches of fire everywhere, scattered all over the place. There were girls and boys dressed in all black outfits, walking around the place with blank faces, eyes having stripped off of their emotions.
You look down on yourself and thankfully, you were wearing clothes. A tight red dress that hugs your body perfectly, enhancing your curves.
A soft voice calls out your name, and you whip around to see Jungkook in his demon form, smiling at you as he sits on his throne. You feel a warm, familiar feeling in your heart as if coming home and going to bed from a long trip. His blazing eyes lead you to a trance.
He beckons you to him for he lifts his right hand out to you. He eyes your body up and down, fixing his posture whilst he runs his tongue along his bottom lip. The way your hips gently sways as you make your way towards him – not losing eye contact – and how your irises burn in desire, it was all that Jungkook asks for.
Your legs move without your permission, leading you up the stone steps to his throne.
His hand was warm when you grasp it, although it was rough and almost hard unlike his human skin, you touch as if there was no difference. You weren’t afraid anymore. Jungkook signals you to sit on his lap, and you gladly obey. With legs on either side of his thigh, you straddle him.
“You’re mine, baby.” Jungkook snarls, “This is your place now.”
“I…” you speak for the first time, “I can’t see my friends and family anymore?”
He shakes his head no with a sly grin.
You exhale, a big smile painting your face. You’ve never felt so content and happy in your entire life.
“Then I love it here.”  
Jungkook makes sure that your angels can’t and won’t look for you anymore. He swears that he’ll protect you in every way possible, promising to shield you from anything that will hurt you. Jungkook looks at your beautiful red eyes, feeling your arms wrap around his neck as you pull him close. 
The last thing anyone should do is trust a devil — and that goes for your foolish angels. 
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comfortwriting · 4 years
Call Out My Name - F.W.
Fred Weasley X Reader imagine inspired by the song ‘Call Out My Name’ by The Weeknd.
Part 2 , Part 3
A/N: Your Feedback will be greatly appreciated! 
About: Fred is constantly in a ‘on and off’ toxic relationship and he uses the reader when he is lonely, overtime she falls in love with him but because she isn’t Fred’s girl - she has no choice but to walk away.
Themes: Heartbreak, unrequited love, sadness, longing.
Warnings: indication of smut, raw feelings of worthlessness, depression and anger.
Staring out of the train window trying to think of something to doodle in your notebook you couldn’t help but feel over the moon that you were going home for the summer, you had never felt like this before and you hated that you did - but after years of being strung along by someone and not being able to stay away from them - this feeling was bittersweet, hell, everything you had gone through was now nothing but bittersweet memories you just wanted to forget, almost like it never happened.
You fell in love with Fred slowly but the more time you spent with him you fell head over heels for him. This whole fiasco - whatever it was you had with Fred started three years ago, your first time spending the summer at The Burrow. Fred’s on and off girlfriend split up with him for the first time, Fred became withdrawn, not wanting to take part in his usual pranks or plan any new inventions with his brother George. At first, you believed that Fred wanted you around because he valued your friendship (a budding romance) and because you made him happy, but overtime you realised that this wasn’t the case at all - unfortunately you were just a stepping stone for him, someone to use when he couldn’t get what he wanted from the ‘love of his life’. 
You put your head in your hands and sighed deeply, the tears slowly pricking at your eyes, slouching in your seat you covered your house scarf (the one that Fred bought you) over your eyes, the memories flashing back to you like they happened yesterday.
We found each other I helped you out of a broken place You gave me comfort But falling for you was my mistake
Fred sat in his bed, his eyes red and puffy from all of the crying “I don’t know what to do, she doesn’t want me anymore” seeing him in such a state made your heartache, you had never seen him like this before - you were used to him bouncing around, always laughing and getting up to no good, not crying in bed too sad to be himself.
You sat on his bed and stroked his short hair that had been cut a few weeks ago “It’s going to be okay” you smiled at him softly “I know it might be too much to ask but why don’t we go for a walk? Get away from all the noise in this house, just this once.” you encouraged him.  
Fred contemplated your offer for a moment and then nodded “I can do that” he smiled, slowly getting out of bed. What started off as ‘just this once’ turned into routine - you and Fred going for stupidly long walks every morning you were at the burrow. 
Remembering the first time your hands brushed up against one another used to make the butterflies in your stomach soar but now all it does is hurt worse than before - rain now pattering down on the window.
Within months you and Fred did everything together, morning walks, quidditch in the afternoon basking in the warmth and orange glow of the sun, and then in the evenings you two would sneak downstairs whilst everyone lay asleep in bed.
“Hey Y/N” Fred whispered through the crack in the door, trying not to wake everyone up “fancy popping on one of those muggle horror movies you keep telling dad about?” 
You turned over, the landing light shining in your eyes and smirked at Fred, mirroring him “go on then.” 
Clutching your chest you could feel the pain of this memory hit you like a tonne of bricks, taking deep breaths you tried so hard to bring yourself back into the present moment... on the way home... leaving Hogwarts...but it didn’t work, like a leaf in the wind you were pushed back in relieving what you just wanted to forget.
The old and scratchy patchwork blanket sat over you and Fred, out of the corner of your eye you caught Fred glancing at you and smiling to himself. Turning to face him you asked what was so funny “nothing” he replied, yet he leaned in closer, his nose almost touching yours. Giving in, the two of you shared your first kiss and you could’ve sworn you felt sparks igniting within you. 
You brushed your fingers over your soft lonely lips reminiscing more of the memories that popped into your head as if they were being played on film. 
A few evenings later you and Fred were on the same sofa, covered by the same scratchy old patchwork blanket in the dead of night, yet this time instead this kiss lead to something much more, instead of sparks simply just igniting, burst into the biggest and most beautiful firework as you and Fred shared such an intimate moment together.
George had to admit that although he felt left out, he couldn’t deny how much happier Fred became when you were around - he started being himself again; pranking Ron and annoying Percy like it was going out of fashion.
But you had no idea that whatever you had with Fred would turn into the most intense rollercoaster ride you had ever been on.
I put you on top, I put you on top I claimed you so proud and openly
For the first time in your life you put another person before you and you deemed such an act ‘worth it’ at the time because you made mistakes out of your pure love for Fred, but you realised all you were doing was burning yourself out to keep Fred alight. Instead of getting perfect grades, you found yourself in enough detentions for everyone in your house.
In your mind Fred was yours, your boyfriend and he made you feel on top of the world and all you wanted to do was share your feelings and relationship to the world. Every Saturday morning you would be sat waiting at the Quidditch pitch to cheer on Fred, regardless whether it was a match or just practice.
You would write to your family and friends, telling them all about the soft haired troublemaker who swept you off your feet. “Looks like you’ve got another letter” George mentioned one morning over breakfast, your owl swooping up ahead delivering a reply. 
You smiled widely and nodded “Of course I do!” you giggled “My parents can’t wait to meet Fred this Christmas!”
George’s face dropped at your excitement, he cleared his throat awkwardly “I’m really sorry Y/N but did Fred tell you?” he asked, giving you a deep look of sympathy. 
You scowled and shook your head wondering what would get in the way of your perfect plans “tell me what?” 
George stayed silent for a moment but he tried his best to let you down gently “He’s back in contact with his ex, they’re working things out.”
And when times were rough, when times were rough I made sure I held you close to me
And for the second time, Fred came crying into your arms looking like he had been torn apart “She doesn’t think it’s going to work out, she said that it’s not the right time” you held him in your arms, cuddling on the sofa in the common room, rubbing his back with one hand and stroking his now long shoulder length hair with the other, you reassured him. 
“It’s going to be okay Freddie, you got yourself back on track last time and you’re capable of going it again sweetheart” you reminded him “you’ve got me and George, remember.” 
Within the months that came after, you two were inseparable once again, going to Hogsmeade on the weekends raiding Honeydukes and sharing a butterbeer or two in the Three Broomsticks but as always and like George predicted, once Fred’s girl came back into the picture, he dropped you again. 
You managed to break from your flashbacks for a moment, removing the scarf from your face. Checking your watch you had another hour or so until you would be arriving at Kings Cross Station, you slumped back down in your seat and doodled broken hearts and tears onto your open love letters to Fred, now hidden in your notebook.
So call out my name (call out my name) Call out my name when I kiss you so gently I want you to stay (I want you to stay) I want you to stay, even though you don't want me
“Well from the sounds of things you’re not in a serious relationship” you mentioned to Fred, taking off your muddy robes. George shook his head at you almost telling you off but you were both getting frustrated, the only difference is that you didn’t want to keep quiet anymore. 
“Not yet but I’m waiting for her” Fred said eagerly removing his robes too, George could feel the tension in the air and went to the common room.
“So what about us?” you asked bravely, your heart begging to hear what it wanted most. 
Allowing the last of your confidence that Fred had wiped away overtime, you walked towards him and cupped his face, kissing him softly, trying to convince him that you were the one worth waiting for but no matter what, deep down in your heart you knew Fred was thinking about her.
Fred kissed back and chuckled “us?” he flashed you a confused look “we’re the same as we’ve ever been, as we’ll always be” you felt crushed, this wasn’t the answer you were hoping for (and you now owed George all of your exploding bonbons) but you accepted your fate and left to find George so you could cry in his arms. 
“He never truly wanted me, did he?” You asked George, tears running down your cheeks. 
George shook his head “It’s always been about her Y/N, I’m sorry” you hugged George and cried into his chest whilst he held you.
“why can’t I be Fred’s girl?” 
Torturing yourself beyond repair you couldn’t stay away from Fred, no matter how hard you tried. You still found yourself supporting him at Quidditch, helping him study, you even engaged in conversation with him about his girl, how amazing she was and how happy she made him. You knew if he had the chance Fred would transform you into her if a single project came down to it.
Girl, why can't you wait? (Why can't you wait, baby?) Girl, why can't you wait 'til I fall out of love? Won't you call out my name? (Call out my name) Girl, call out my name, and I'll be on my way
Clutching your date and dancing lazily to the music you stared at Fred having the time of his life with the girl of his dreams on his arm, beaming up at him. You hoped this ball and your date would help you find a new spark and create new fireworks yet with every opportunity to do so all you did was wish for Fred, stare at him and act as if he were to realise you were the one with any coming moment - but it didn’t happen yet, it would never happen. You kept wishing over and over in your head for Fred to turn around, meet your gaze and to become blinded by your beauty when you had another admirer trying to break down your cold persona. 
I said I didn't feel nothing baby, but I lied I almost cut a piece of myself for your life Guess I was just another pit stop 'Til you made up your mind You just wasted my time
“Are you sure you don’t mind?” Fred asked, taking a bite out of his toast “Mum and dad are really keen to meet her and she’s never been able to visit over the summer before and with everyone else there we just wouldn’t have the room.”
The two of you continued to walk towards the castle, George following not far behind.
Fred was now inviting his girlfriend to stay with him at the burrow this summer, something you had always done up until this very moment - this was the moment you realised that everything had been a lie, Fred never cared, he never loved you, he had just used you each and every time the love of his life got bored, only to drop you as soon as she wanted him back. 
“Yeah it’s fine, I understand completely” you lied, feeling anger, despair and insecure like you had never before “I’ll just see you at the shop once the ball gets rolling.” Earlier in the year Fred offered you a job to help out with him and George at the shop, placing your own career plan at the ministry on hold.
“Oh bugger” Fred stopped his tracks looking a bit stressed “that's another thing i forgot to mention, we won’t be needing you to help out anymore as-”
“she’s helping out instead” you cut Fred off, finally reaching your breaking point you ran away from Fred and went to your dorm, packing your trunk. 
You're on top, I put you on top I claimed you so proud and openly, babe And when times were rough, when times were rough I made sure I held you close to me
“Are you seriously running back to him after what he did?” 
“He isn’t like that! you don’t understand, you can’t judge him - you don’t even know him!”
So call out my name (call out my name, baby) So call out my name when I kiss you So gently, I want you to stay (I want you to stay) I want you to stay even though you don't want me Girl, why can't you wait? (Girl, why can't you wait 'til I) Girl, why can't you wait 'til I fall out of loving? Babe, call out my name (say call out my name, baby) Girl, call out my name, and I'll be on my way, girl I'll be on my
Jolting awake the train came to a stop, you had finally arrived at the station. Taking a deep breath you picked up your trunk and notebook, getting off the train your scarf slipped off but you were too busy trying to spot your parents to notice. This was it, no more Hogwarts, you didn’t want to look back.
Feeling faint you ran into the toilets, throwing up the last of your pumpkin juice from the ride home, you stared at yourself in the mirror, washing your hands and splashing your face.
“Why can’t I be Fred’s girl?” You asked yourself.
On my way, all the way On my way, all the way, ooh On my way, on my way, on my way On my way, on my way, on my way (On my)
Reaching the exit of the station you spotted The Weasleys, welcoming Fred’s new girlfriend into a tight hug with delighted expressions on their faces. You looked to George and he gave a sad smile, he wanted to say goodbye but even that would be too painful for you to handle; after all, you weren’t just losing Fred, you were losing George, Molly and the rest of the family you loved so much.
Before you could turn around and continue to look for your family, Fred noticed you, he stopped for a moment and waved, holding your scarf up in his hands and shaking it. 
You wanted more than anything to run to Fred and collect it but instead you didn’t wave back or smile, you shook your head and spun on your heel, acting as if he were never there at all. 
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callsignavalon · 4 years
Published: 2/13
pairing: touya x sister reader
warning: incest, noncon, virginity, breeding, literally just kinda hardcore shit that makes people uncomfy
amorous entanglement
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The youngest sister.
A prize to be fought for, innocent, teasing, always following the rules and getting whatever she wants. You were the only one of your siblings that had daddy wrapped around your perfect little fingers.
Soft and warm and hiding all those deep fucked up thoughts in your perfect little head.
Touya knew his little sister couldn’t be as perfect as you pretended to be. How could it be so? Soft tits poking out of your little sundresses you didn’t wear bras with, cute nipples straining against your big tee shirt you wore to sleep in, or even in those nice little school button up shirts.
Touya imagined there was much more to your perfect little act. Why else would your small hands pull a little extra hard when you played with your big brother's hair?
Why would you sit in his lap when everyone was gathered around watching a movie? Did you not notice the way his cock would twitch under the thin fabric of your shorts? Did you not mean for his cock to fit perfectly between your thighs when you took the liberty of sitting in his lap?
He had seen your eyes linger just a bit too long when he’d be working out, cheeks flushed as you bit down on your tongue. The way you always insisted on ‘watching’ him play his games so you could learn, but really he knew you got off to watching him get so worked up over a game.
Sometimes late at night, when nobody should be awake he could even hear the soft mewling sounds of you playing with your pussy.
Touya let his mind wonder to what it would sound like if you moaned out for your big brother, your nii-san. He craved to have your pretty lips around his pierced cock, to watch drool fall Touya needed to know what your pussy felt like clenched around his cock.
He wondered if you were untouched, pussy free of anyone's touch but your own. Perfect and innocent and waiting for your big brother to use.
When the opportunity presents itself to Touya, he doesn’t even hesitate to take it. Just the two of you were home, and would be the whole day, he would take perfect advantage of finally tasting his sweet little sister. He had called you into his room, asking if you wanted to come watch a scary movie with him. ‘You can sit in big brother's lap if you’ll feel safer.’ he had said, easily convincing you to watch the movie with him.
“Stop moving, you make it hard to concentrate.” Touya growled with annoyance as he squeezed your hips, a little whine falling from you as he did. “Touya-nii, don’t wanna watch this anymore.
You lazily leaned into his chest, craning your neck to watch him. His grip on your hips didn’t falter, “What do you wanna do?” his voice comes out softer, quieter than normal. His palms smoothed over your stomach, rubbing and slowly moving under your shirt.
“Nii-san will keep you safe.. I can keep you warm and protected from those monsters..” He felt you shiver as he let a single finger drag softly from under your breasts and down your stomach, he almost couldn’t wait. But he had to drag this out, had to make sure he hadn’t been imagining all the little things you did, had to know he was right about you. Touya needed to know his sweet little sister was just as fucked up as he was, or he’d never forgive himself for what he was about to try and do.
“Touya-nii, why are your hands under my shirt?”
“Just want you to be warm, you keep shakin’ so I assumed you were cold.”
You weren’t cold, but you shrugged it off and settled into the warmth of your big brother's strong hands, eyes focused back on the tv in front of you. Touya waited, let you get back into a trance of watching the scary movie before his hands slowly cupped your delicate breasts. Your body shuddered against him, a small pout forming on your lips as your eyes peered up at him.
“What are you doinggg?” Fuck, that whine. That whiney little pitch your voice held that made your brothers cock harden and strain against his sweats. “Touya-nii.. Stop ittt.” His attention finally came back as you squeezed at his arms to push your big brothers hands away.
“But they’re so soft, can’t nii-san just hold them while the movie plays? I won’t squeeze.” But he did, he palmed at them, rolled them in his hands as soon as the words left his mouth. Your entire body tensed, your aching, untouched pussy clenching in response to his touch. No, no, no. This wasn’t real, it couldn’t be real. Your silence brought an unwarranted pinch of the soft bud of your nipple, a small squeak leaving your lips.
“Nii-san, s-stop.” You could barely get the words out, because you really didn’t want him to stop, but you knew it was wrong. You knew your cunny coming to life at the small touches was wrong, but all you’ve ever wanted was your big brother to touch you.
“It doesn’t feel good?” He asks, pinching and toying with your breasts, sure to leave bruises on the sensitive skin. Your head fell onto his shoulder, reddened face hiding within the warmth of his skin. “It does, but it’s wrong..” You mumble, nails digging into his arms as he continues the assault on your breasts, all while you hold back little mewls of pleasure from leaving your mouth.
“Tell me it doesn’t feel good, that you don’t want this. Fight me and push me away, and I’ll stop..”
“Nii-san just wants you to feel good.. wanna keep you safe in my arms..”
Your death grip on his arm falters, your face and body visibly relaxes as you let yourself slip into your nii-sans touches. “Always dreamed about touya-nii touching me..” It wasn’t a lie, from the very moment you were born touya had been the one who loved and cherished you. He took care of you when you got hurt, showed you how to do things, was gentle with you in his own way. Your big brother, your Touya-nii, has always made you feel safe and loved, so why deny the pleasure of him doing this for you? Why stop your big brother from helping out his sweet baby sister, just like he always did. This didn't have to be any different.
“M’gonna make you feel so good baby, let big brother show you how good you can feel.” His hand moved down your quivering body, palm over the entirety of your heat. Your hips met his hand before you could even think, not that you had a coherent thought anyways, you were only thinking of your nii-sans cock in you.
Touya didn’t wait long, one hand keeping you firm against his chest as long fingers rubbed rough circles into your sensitive clit. “F-feels good..” You cry out against his chest, face hidden as you try to muffle the sinful moans leaving your lips. Touya moved his fingers quickly and harshly, he would make you cum before you got your big brother's cock. He had no intentions of being gentle, your big brother had wanted to watch you cream on his cock for months, and he wasn’t gonna take it easy.
Your first orgasm ripped through you quickly, but his movements didn’t stop. Touya had you on your back, face buried between your thighs before you could even reject it. His thumb kept a steady pace on your clit, pierced tongue dipping into your warm and sensitive cunt. He had imagined this multiple times in his head, came so fucking hard everytime he thought of how his baby sisters pussy would taste on his tongue. And fuck did he wish he wouldn’t of waited so long. He was devouring you. Both hands under your thighs, holding you in place as your body writhed and shaked at his touch.
You big brother had his tongue shoved as far as it could go, slurping and lapping up your sweet juices like you were his last meal he’d ever have. Your tiny hands had a firm grip in his bright white hair, whimpers and loud pleas for your big brother flowing out your mouth. “Please, please, please..” you were so fucking pathetic under his hold, but touya wasn’t paying attention to your words, he was busy eating your precious cunny out. His forbidden paradise. Touya could stay buried between your thighs for hours, making you cum on his face until you couldn’t handle it. But your big brother could barely handle it, he had to fill up your pussy right now or he’d cum in his pants.
The sound of clothes being thrown off brought your attention back to the present, eyes wide as you take in your big brother's cock. Your entire body shuddered as you took it in, mouth salivating at the sight of your nii-sans pierced cock. He moved between your thighs and rubbed his swollen cockhead between your soaked slit, groaning as he watched you clench around nothing. He was about to push himself in to your perfect, welcoming cunny when your small hand reached forward to stop him. Touya’s head tilted to the side, watching your wide eyes stare at him nervously.
“You’ve never been fucked before have you?” When your head shook no, he couldn’t help but be slightly guilty for the way his cock twitched in excitement. “You want big brother to take your virginity? Wanna let your nii-san show you how good a nice big cock feels baby sister?” Your hips jut forward in response, nodding your head quickly as you watch your big brother. “Want touya-nii to fuck me good.” And he sure as fuck did.
Touya pushed the tip of his cock in, groaning as he sank his length further into your wet cunt. He lets out a few praises, giving you time to adjust to his length before he gives a few needy thrusts. He was being nice by giving those first few gentle moments, but he wasn’t going to hold back. His thrusts began quick, sloppy and showed his neediness for you as low moans left your big brother's mouth. He loved the way your tight virgin pussy clenched around him.
“Tell me how good I feel.”
“Let big brother touya know how good he feels in your pretty pussy.”
“Nii-chan..” you purr, pussy fluttering around him as you grip onto his arm. “Touya-nii’s cock feels so good in meee..” He rubs your clit, growling as you clench around him again. You were so fucking tight. Everything he could've ever imagined. His baby sister, you were perfect. Soaking wet on your big brothers cock, begging for him to fuck your pussy like good big brothers do. He was right about you, he knew his sweet little sister was just as fucked up and needy as he is. And god, would he fucking cherish your sweet little cunt.
“Nii-san owns this pussy.. gonna fuck you so good.. gonna cum in my little sisters virgin pussy..” he moans, thrusts getting sloppier as he starts to lose control. “Nii-san no,.. can’t cum inside.. can’t-.” Your voice was cut off by a loud moan ripping through your throat, Touya’s fingers rubbing quick circles around your swollen clit to silence your complaints. “Cum on nii-chans cock.. cum for me little sister, show big brother who you belong to.”
“Nii-san… wanna cum all over big brother’s cock..” He continues his assault on your clit and soon your thighs are squeezing around his waist, eyes slammed shut and head lolling to the side as you cum on your big brother's cock. A few more sloppy thrusts and you’re milking your big brother's cock as his hot cum coats your walls, filling your pussy to the brim. “Fuck, fuck, fuck..” He groans out, ramming his cock into your cunt, mixing your juices together.
Touya goes to pull out, but you clench your pussy down on him, tugging your brother closer and begging for him to stay in. “Please nii-chan, please stay inside me, don’t wanna lose you..” touya nods, warm arms wrapping you in his embrace as he lays on his side, pulling you with him. His hands soothe over your back, letting your naturally cool body warm up in his embrace.
“Love you touya-nii, never wanna love no one else..” He grunts, soothes a hand over your sweaty hair, kissing your head. “Go to sleep.” He says, and you do, a content smile on your face. You finally had your nii-san and he had you, the bond between two siblings that could never ever be broken. You’d forever be tainted by your big brother's touch and never wanted to let anyone take you again.
a/n: idk I’ve never wrote smut and lowkey love this but anyways pls comment hehe.
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So I watched Kindergarten Cop a couple days ago cause I had a bad day and that’s one of my comfort movies. And me being me, I thought this is really great but you know what it needs? That’s right, a/b/o stony. So here’s a stony Kindergarten Cop au for y’all:
Steve has been after Tiberius Stone for ten long years. He knows the crime lord can’t stay ahead of him forever, eventually he’s going to make a mistake, he just isn’t expecting it to be over Stone’s ex-omega, Tony Stark. Stark’s been missing for the last five years, took his and Stone’s kid and five million dollars and up and vanished into the night. No one thought a flashy omega like Stark would be able to disappear like that but no one’s seen him since so he must have managed it somehow.
He steps into the observation room and softly closes the door behind him, glancing at the sobbing girl in the interrogation room. Gabe’s in there with her, talking to her quietly.
“Any luck?” Steve asks.
Bucky nods. “Overheard her boyfriend telling Stone that he saw Stark in Shield, Washington a couple days ago. They were hoping to cash in on the reward money and leave the city.”
Steve gives him a sideways look.
Bucky grimaces. “Stone shot him instead.”
Phillips decides to send two people to Shield to track down Stark and convince him to come back to testify against Stone: Peggy, who had planned on being a teacher before she abruptly switched careers (for reasons no one knows) and so can try to find the kid at the local elementary school, and Steve, who has worked this case longer than anyone else at the precinct.
It all goes sideways though as soon as they land. Peggy comes down with a stomach bug or food poisoning or something that keeps her in the bathroom for twelve hours straight. Come morning, she’s in no shape to go wrangle a bunch of kindergartners so it falls to Steve instead.
“No,” he says, terrified at the thought. Kids don’t like him - and he’s frankly petrified by them.
“Oh it’s not that bad,” Peggy tries to tell him but ends up heaving over the toilet instead.
“Can’t do it.”
“Big bad alpha like you afraid of a couple kids?”
He goes. What choice do they have? “It won’t be that bad,” he reminds himself as he climbs the steps to the entrance.
It’s not. It’s worse.
First, he manages to stick his foot in his mouth by telling the principal that teaching isn’t that hard of a job. And then he gets to meet his class of 20 screaming children. And then he tries to calm them down but finds himself shouting as well. And then when he realizes that he’s shouting and stops - what kind of monster is he that he’s yelling at children? - the kids start crying and he can’t get that to stop.
So now he’s out in the hallway, desperately trying to reach Peggy on her cell to ask her to come in anyway. Even sick, he’s sure she can handle the kids better than he can.
“Having a rough time, huh?” a quiet voice asks from beside him.
Steve turns, nodding pathetically, only to be stunned by possibly the most gorgeous omega he’s ever seen, all big brown eyes and silky hair that Steve wants to touch and long legs. “Uhhhh,” he says intelligently.
The omega smiles knowingly. “Rough time in there?”
He pulls himself together enough to say shamefully, “You heard all that?”
“Oh darling, I think the whole state heard that.”
Steve groans. “I shouldn’t have yelled.”
“No, you shouldn’t have,” the omega agrees. “But look on the bright side, nowhere to go but up from here.”
He groans again and slides down the wall. “I don’t think I can do this.”
The omega crouches down beside him. “It’ll be okay. You shouldn’t have yelled but hey, you already know that wasn’t great so you’re a few steps ahead of the last substitute. And I’ll be right across the hall to help you.”
“Thanks,” Steve mumbles, still ashamed of his actions in that classroom.
“You ready to go back in there?”
“No,” he admits. The omega laughs but stands anyway, offering a hand to pull Steve up.
“It’ll be okay,” the omega repeats. “Mr...?”
“Rogers,” Steve supplies. “Steve Rogers.”
“Tony Carbonell. I teach third grade,” the omega replies. “You’re gonna be fine. Now you really should get back in there before they tear this place apart. Kindergartners are wild.”
Steve turns to look through the window to see the room in chaos.
By the end of the day, Steve is more tired than he’s ever been before. He’s covered in paint and various bodily fluids from where the kids have sneezed and coughed on him. His shirt has a hole on it from one of the kids tugging on it because she had to go to the bathroom. And he still has to clean up. And do it all over again tomorrow.
He’s never gonna say a bad word about teachers ever again.
He sits down at the desk for a moment, intending on just resting his eyes for a moment before he starts picking up. But - “You’re really bad at this,” a high-pitched voice informs him.
Steve opens his eyes to see one of the students - Morgan Carbonell, Tony’s kid - watching him. “Am I,” he states.
She nods. “You’re not as good as our last teacher. Or my dad. Or Mrs. Romanoff. Or Mr. Barton. Or-”
“Thank you,” he says dryly. “Is there anyone I am better than?”
She thinks about it, head cocked to the side curiously. “No.”
“But it’s okay,” she continues. “I’m gonna help you.”
And, well, that’s something.
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inkykeiji · 4 years
day 4 ❅ let’s go below zero and hide from the sun
i love you forever where we’ll have some fun
day three ❅ day four ❅ day five | series masterlist
character: todoroki touya | dabi
genre: smut + angst
notes: eeeeeeee meery christmas eve everyone, here’s day four!!!!! day four is my favourite out of the five, so i truly hope you all enjoy it as much as i do <3 as always, please pay attention to the warnings n stay safe!! | title credit: snowman by sia
warnings: 18+, pseudo-incest (stepcest), implied noncon, sub-drop, panic attacks, fingering, cockwarming, car sex, mentioned drug use, generally toxic relationships, size difference, verbal fights, tense family dynamics
words: 8.4k
“It’s nothing,”
Tender fingers tuck a tuft of alabaster behind his ear.
“It’s not nothing,”
“It doesn’t matter,”
Gentle lips place soft kisses along his jaw.
“It matters very much to me, niichan,”
“It’s—It’s stupid, fucking stupid,”
A small palm finds solace on his cheek, cupping it as a thumb strokes the skin.
“It’s not stupid if it’s hurting you, baby,”
  ❅           ❅           ❅           ❅           ❅           ❅    
Sunlight streams through the crystal window, tiny dust motes playing hide and seek between the rays, painting golden beams across the smooth skin of Touya’s bare back, his skin almost sparkling in the warm light.
A little whimper slips from between your lips as your eyelids stick together, sealed shut by dry salt, brow furrowing as you finally pry them open. They hurt, dry and tacky and squinting against the too-bright light, spitting a hiss through your teeth.
“Ow,” you whine as you try to roll onto your side, every muscle in your body aching and stuffed full of exhaustion.
You’re sweating—Touya is always way too hot, and this bed is decidedly much too tiny for the both of you—raising a heavy arm to try and shove the sheets down to your waist, only to find that you can’t. It takes your hazy mind a few moments to realize that the sheets are stuck to your skin.
Bleary eyes blink twice, raising your head off of the plush pillow with immense effort and gazing down at your naked body. The muscles in your arms are screeching in protest as stiff, sore fingers fist in the sheets, giving one hard yank and ripping the material from your body, a sharp gasp hitching in your throat.
Hard, dried cum is splattered across your entire torso, wincing a little as you arch your back and watch it crack on your skin. Vibrant petals of indigo and violet have bloomed across your body, growing in places you don’t ever remember them being planted in.
What the hell happened last night?
It’s hard for you to recall, really, eyebrows knitting as you think hard, sifting through all of your recent memories and trying to remember when someone spurted cum all over your body.
Everything from last night is nothing but a tangled mess in your mind, with loops and crisscrosses, certain memories seeming to overlap, to morph together the more you think about them. It’s as if you’re watching an old film through a thick cloud of fog, flickering and stained with sepia as the sound keeps cutting in and out, the projector stopping once in a while, stuttering and repeating frames or burning holes through the filmstock.
It takes every ounce of strength you have to roll your beaten body onto your side, yelping softly from the massive effort. A sudden rush of tears pricks your eyes, burning in your throat as you try desperately to hold them back, to swallow them silently like a good little girl.
But it’s hard, tiny hiccupped sobs attempting to climb up your raw throat, catching painfully in your chest as you strive to suppress them, to gulp them back down, to force them back into the core of your body and stay put. Yet they refuse to cooperate, becoming more and more vicious as they fight against you, causing you to cough and choke on them as they finally escape your lips, and you mentally berate yourself for such a stupid rush of senseless emotions.
Don’t cry. There’s no reason to cry. It’s too early—you’re going to wake him and he’s going to be—
“Baby?” Touya croaks, voice deeper than normal, hoarser than normal.
And, God, he sounds so fucking hot in the morning.
“M’fine,” you say, though the words just come out sounding garbled and wet.
“Baby, baby, no,” he’s saying softly as he pushes himself into a sitting position, sheet pooling around his waist and exposing his chest, strong arms hooking under yours as he pulls you up and into his lap.
“I’m sorry,” you whine into his neck, shutting your eyes tightly as tears begin to leak from the corners.
“For what, princess?”
You don’t know. You just are. Shaking your head in response, you shove your face against him, letting your tears drip off your jaw and soak into his skin.
“Alright, alright,” a large hand pets your back rhythmically, up and down, up and down, fingers tracing along your spine. “Niichan’s got you,”
“What’s going on?”
The unexpected voice startles you, and you freeze in Touya’s embrace.
“Is she okay?”
It’s groggy and rough, vibrating in his throat, and you nuzzle into Touya’s shoulder, chest hiccupping.
“I don’t—I’m not sure,” Touya responds, and you can hear it, that hint of worry laced in his voice, accompanied by a sprinkling of frustration, but it only makes you cry harder, entire body trembling against him.
The other bed groans as Natsuo slides out of it, bare feet padding against the hardwood, your mattress dipping as he sits on the edge a moment later.
“Aw, poor baby,” Natsuo purrs, a soft, massive hand clamping down on your tense shoulder, thick fingers digging into your muscles. “Was last night too much for you, sweetheart?”
His voice is so patronizing, and you whimper a little against Touya, who kicks his younger brother’s thigh with his foot.
“Don’t be an asshole,”
“Says you,” Natsuo scoffs. “I’m being serious. It might be sub-drop,” The bed shifts again, and then kisses are being pressed to the column of your spine, down, down, down your back, words murmured sweetly into your skin. “I’m sorry, babygirl,”
“S’wasn’t too much f’me,” you mumble, heat seeping into your cheeks as both men laugh.
“Definitely sub-drop,” Touya says with a sigh, resting a large palm on your head. “I’ll run a bath,”
“I’ll make some tea and eggs,”
Peaking out from Touya’s shoulder, you watch as Natsuo heaves himself off the bed, snatching his shirt up from the floor and slipping it on before exiting your bedroom with nothing but his Frosty the Snowman briefs as bottoms.
Touya gently deposits you on the bed, slipping out from under you and shaking his head with a chuckle when you whine loudly, making little grabby hands for him, muttering Yup, definitely sub-drop under his breath.
Touya pulls on a pair of grey sweatpants and a nondescript black t-shirt over his head before he returns to the bed, laughing again at the involuntary pout set on your lips.
“C’mon, brat,” he murmurs affectionately, wrapping your naked, cum-stained body in the sheet before he hoists you up, carrying you across the hall to the bathroom and placing you on the counter, still swaddled up.  
“Bubbles?” You ask, voice small as he bends to start running the bath.
“I dunno if we have any, princess,” he says with a small frown as he turns back to face you, sapphire eyes scanning the washroom quickly.
It turns out you do, in a pink bottle with faded Disney princesses on the worn label, hidden behind half-finished cans of old hairspray and expired toothpaste, covered in a thin layer of dust.
“Very fitting,” Touya snorts.
It must be over ten years old, but that’s alright—bubble bath doesn’t expire, does it?
Touya pours a bit too much of the syrupy magenta substance under the running water, resulting in you being encased in a mountain of foamy suds that reek of artificial bubblegum.
“Y-You’re not coming?” You ask, a frown materializing on your face as you watch Touya turn off the tap, wiping some of the bubbles that cling to his arm on his thigh.
“No, baby,” he says softly, kneeling in front of the tub. He guesses your next question before your dazed mind can find the word. “Because niichan wouldn’t be able to resist fucking you if he did, and that’s not what you need right now,”
“I could handle it,” you grumble, and Touya laughs, eyes glittering.
“It isn’t a question of whether or not you can handle it, it’s a question of whether or not you need it,”
But even without him snuggled behind you it’s nice nonetheless, your niichan cleaning your body slowly, unhurriedly, dragging a rough cloth across your skin and lathering soap in little circles, cleaning the sweat that has dried sticky and salty on your neck and collarbone, then elbow-deep in the water as he gently pries your thighs apart, scrubbing away the dried cum. Soft, murmured affirmations spill from his lips as he works, praising you for being such a good girl last night, for being such a good girl as he washes you.
Good girl, very good girl, his good girl, his best girl.
      ❅           ❅           ❅
Just past noon, Rei kicks you all out of the house.
“The Takasu Snow Park is open until four today,” she tells you curtly, practically shooing the five of you out of the cabin. “Don’t come back until it’s closed.”
She lets you take different cars, this time.
“And Touya, Shouto,” she calls from the doorway, lips pressed in a firm, thin line.
Both boys freeze at the sound of their names, hesitantly turning to meet their mother’s gaze.
“Don’t forget that you’re doing the dishes tonight,”
Shouto scoffs as he turns away, climbing into the back seat of Natsuo’s car, and Touya rolls his eyes, muttering something about being treated like a child, to which Fuyumi retorts that it’s only fair, considering the fact that he’s been acting like one.
      ❅           ❅           ❅
The Takasu Snow Park is just under an hour from the cabin. It’s surprisingly busy for Christmas Eve, filled with high-pitched squeals of excitement and bubbles of laughter as children wrapped up in brightly coloured snowsuits waddle around with tubes in tow.
And Touya drives right past it.
“Niichan, I think you just—”
“We aren’t going tubing, baby,” he says nonchalantly, a wicked spark glinting in his eye as he glances over at you, lips tugging up into a crooked smirk at the way your head quirks cutely, shaking it a little to indicate that you don’t understand what he means. “Niichan would rather play with that pretty pussy of yours instead,”
And he does, finding a shaded little nook just off the main road, snow squeaking under rubber tires as he pulls into it, partially obscuring his car.
“C’mere, princess,” he breathes, patting a thigh. “Come play with your niichan,”
You scamper across the center console and crawl into his lap, thighs straddling him and giggling a little as his fingers inch up, up, up, until they’re pushing your white lacy panties to the side and gliding against your slit.
“Something funny, pretty girl?”
“No, niichan,” you gasp as a finger dips into you, curling as he drags it out and repeating the action a few more times before adding another, your head finding purchase on his shoulder.
Nimble fingers work slowly, lazily, messily, Touya’s free hand busy scrolling through missed text messages on his work phone as he lets you pathetically rut against his palm, fucking yourself on his digits, craning his neck a little and allowing you to trace along the brilliant ink that stains his skin with your tongue.
And it’s nice. It’s almost romantic in a sense, just the two of you silently enjoying each other’s company, the only noise your gentle little mewls and a howling gust of wind every once in a while. The countryside, draped with freshly fallen snow from the storm yesterday, glitters in the late afternoon sun, the cloudless sky as blue as Touya’s eyes. You sigh dreamily as you gaze up at it, basking in the feeling of your niichan’s fingers buried inside of you, stroking your silky walls intermittently, just the two of you in your own little world, protected from everything else by the Audi’s bulletproof glass.
“W-Wanna cockwarm you,” the words are mumbled against his neck sleepily, your eyes lidded and heavy, only half conscious and barely aware of what you’re saying.
But you can feel his cock, hard and hot through dark denim, and it makes your little hole clench, fluttering around nothing. “Jus wanna be full, wanna be close,”
Touya’s chuckling as he shifts a little, hands slipping between your bodies to unbuckle his belt. “That so, princess? Is my baby girl being a needy little slut?” And despite the degrading words used, his tone is warm, gentle and full of compassion. “Niichan will let you sit on his cock if that’s what you want,”
“Please,” you’re whining, pulling back to gaze at him with bleary eyes. “Please, please,”
“Alright, greedy little thing,” he hushes you like he’s calming a fussy baby, shucking his jeans down just enough to let his cock spring out, using his thumb to push it forward, presenting it to you.
“So pretty, niichan, so pretty,” you’re mumbling as a small hand wraps around the base, squirming a little in his lap and lifting yourself to hover over him, knees digging into the leather on either side of his hips.
He lets you do all of the work, merely watching you through hooded eyes, an odd little grin present on his face. Touya doesn’t normally allow you to cockwarm him, hates how goddamn teasing it usually is, but he figures that today we have time to kill, so why not?
“There you go, baby,” he murmurs as you sink down on him, a loud moan getting caught in your throat. “You feel better now, huh? You feel better now that niichan’s stuffing your little cunt full?”
A soft whine is all you can manage, nodding dumbly against his shoulder. Yes, yes, you feel better, you feel right, you feel complete.
And you can’t help but hump him a little, hips rocking against his in tiny, shallow motions, clit catching on his pubic bone with every push forward and drag back.
“Yeah, that’s it, princess,” he breathes, though his eyes are still focused on his phone, reading an article about a drug bust you’re sure his gang was a part of. “Use niichan to get yourself off, come on,”
He tells you to go slow, to be careful, cute pussy still sore from the abuse it suffered last night, and you obey, hips moving in unhurried motions, just enjoying the feeling of him being inside you, of him being this close, of how good it feels, sweet little whimpers of niichan, niichan, being huffed out against his neck.
It takes a good half hour of grinding before you’re finally creaming all over his cock, body trembling in his arms as he hushes you through it, whispering into your hair how good you are for him, one of his hands gripping your hips and forcing you to keep moving until your body collapses against his, boneless and pliant. Touya affords you a few moments to come down, cock still buried deep inside you, twitching as it patiently waits for your breathing to calm.
He isn’t gonna fuck you, he tells you as he shifts your limp body off of his cock, not with how you were feeling this morning. But he doesn’t think it’s very fair to make niichan suffer with such a hard cock, especially after he just let you cum all over it.
You don’t think it’s very fair, either, murmuring your agreement to him as your hand wraps around the shaft, his cock jumping at your touch.
It’s still so wet from all of your own juices, aiding your hand as it pumps him, hard and fast the way he likes it, obscene squelching echoing throughout the car.
Heat floods your cheeks while you watch your motions, stomach curling in on itself as his cock gleams with your slick, and it’s so hot, that’s so hot baby.
It doesn’t take long to have him panting out those gorgeous sounds, throaty moans and broken little whines, and you can tell he’s close when his hips begin to shift, thrusting into your fist. But you don’t want him making a mess all over his nice car, or his pretty sweater, leaning down to close your lips around the tip and suckle, tongue swiping across his slit as your hand works.
He whimpers out a curse before his hips stutter, thrusting his cock into your mouth as it paints your throat with spurts of burning cream. And you swallow it all, like the good little girl you are, looking up at him with sparkling eyes as you thank him for his cum, and God he loves you, he loves you, he loves you.
      ❅           ❅           ❅
Christmas Eve dinner consists of a symphony of forks dragging across porcelain and spoons scraping against bowls. Rei tersely shoos everyone out of the kitchen the moment it’s over, brusquely ordering Touya and Shouto to get started on their chores.
The rest of the family shuffles into the living room, sitting stiffly on the couches, the television’s volume low as Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer plays on the screen.
Fuyumi tries to reason with her mother in a hushed urgent voice, tries to tell her that it’s a bad idea to leave the two of them alone, especially with Touya surrounded by so many objects that could potentially be used as weapons.
“They’re adults,” her mother responds, tone clipped. “And they aren’t alone,” grey eyes glance over at the kitchen, at her eldest and youngest standing together at the sink, frothy bubbles beginning to build as the tap runs. “I can see them perfectly fine from here.”
“Mom—” Natsuo begins, cutting himself off at the glare his mother shoots his way, swallowing his words and nodding instead. “—is right. Mom is right,” he looks over at his sister. “They’re fine, look at them,”
But his voice is high, thin, glassy, the words trembling ever so slightly as stone eyes dart towards his siblings, both with rigid shoulders, weighted with the thick tension suffocating the room.
“They should be fine,”
But it’s hard for you to watch, too much for you to watch, entire body consumed by sharp anxiety as you observe Touya’s stiff movements. His jaw is set, nostrils flaring as he glares down at the sink, frustration and anger and red-hot hatred beginning to ooze through his mask of passivity, to seep through the cracks Shouto’s dexterously created using hostile comments and snide glances as his tools.
And on Christmas Eve, that mask finally shatters.
Because Touya doesn’t have it in him to continue his act of indifference anymore, worn out and exhausted by the effort. Trembling hands pluck a spoon from the mountain of dishes sitting in the aluminum sink, wetting it with water and then laving over it with a soapy sponge.
He’s sure he’s coming down—even though it isn’t time yet, even though he knows, deep down, that the comedown is still a few hours away, even though he knows he knows his body better than this, has been swallowing oxys for so long that he’s got the comedown memorized, right down to the fucking second—but he swears he can feel it, can feel the migraine beginning to throb behind his eyes, can feel the cold sweat beginning to bead at his temples, can feel the chills beginning to course through his body despite how warm the cabin is, teeth grinding to keep from clattering.
The air stings his clenched teeth as he sucks in a breath, exhaling slowly, shakily, trying to force his mind to focus on the dish in his hand, on the warm water cascading over his skin, on the light scent of artificial lemon wafting from his sudsy skin. It’s fine, he’s fine, all he has to do is wash a few stupid dishes and then—
“Shut the fuck up and scrub,”
“I just wanted to—”
“I have nothing to say to you,” Touya growls, gaze hyper-focused on the plate he’s been cleaning for over a minute now.
A lie. He has a lot to say to him, but he’d rather not make their mother cry, again, desperately hoping that Shouto will just shut his mouth and finish cleaning his side of the skin so they can get this fucking over with.
Shouto sighs, deep and patronizing, scoffing as his chest rises with the force of it.
“You’re impossible,” he grumbles. “Why can’t you—”
But then it’s all bubbling over, acidic words flowing from his mouth before he has a moment to consider what he’s saying. He wishes Shouto would’ve just left it, would’ve gritted his teeth like Touya and finished their chores silently instead of trying to play some fucking martyr, instead of trying to fix something that has always been broken.
“I heard what you said in that fucking washroom,” Touya cuts him off, eyes finally flashing to his face, jaw clenching twice as he glares at his baby brother. “Don’t you ever fill her head with that bullshit again, do you hear me?”
“She’s my step-sister, too,” Shouto shoots back, scrubbing turned needlessly aggressive, eyebrows set in a deep furrow as he glowers at the bowl in his hands.
“I don’t care,” Touya hisses. “Stay the hell away from her,”
Something massive, sharp and shiny catches his eye as he turns to deposit the clean dish on the drying rack, quivering hand hovering over it in hesitation. A butcher knife, gleaming in the dim, warm light of the kitchen, stuck halfway in the knife block.
Beside him, Shouto snorts, rolling his eyes and shaking his head in disgust as he looks back to his hands, rinsing the bowl under a stream of hot water and placing it on the towel-covered counter.
“What? You gonna stab me? Really? In front of mom on Christmas Eve? Were the bloody nose and the black eye and the split lip not enough for you?”
No, of course not; it will never be enough for Touya.
“Why not?” Touya asks, voice calm, sounding almost serene, for the first time tonight. “It’s not like she’d miss you. I’m the one she took with her when she left, aren’t I? I think we both know that mom loves me more than she loves you—isn’t that right, scarface,”
And that—that has Shouto freezing mid motion, hand halting under the flowing tap water, half rinsed glass still in his grasp. It takes a moment for the words to sink in, Touya watching him almost lazily, that annoying indifferent smirk finally forming on his lips, achingly familiar.
Heterochromatic eyes glaze over and Shouto swallows roughly, jaw clenching twice as he turns towards his eldest brother, the glass clutched in his sudsy hand squeaking as his grip tightens. And for a moment, Touya thinks he’s won, breath bated as he waits for that first tear to escape, to roll down Shouto’s unblemished cheeks and fall crashing to the floor.
But then Shouto’s rolling his shoulders once, twice, puffing his chest out just a touch as he straightens to his full height, nearly a full inch taller that Touya, and exhales forcefully through his nose.
“Y’know, if you loved her—I mean, if you really loved her—you’d let her go,” His voice is sharp, clear, ringing throughout the kitchen, ringing throughout Touya’s head, bouncing off the walls in his mind and reverberating. “What you have, what you’re feeling, isn’t love—it’s obsession.”
That infamous smirk begins to fall, cobalt eyes narrowing at his baby brother’s words, breath beginning to quicken. Shouto sees it then—that final crack in the mask Touya’s so painstakingly crafted, in the mask Touya so expertly worn for so many years—and he strikes.
“It’s possession.”
No. He doesn’t want to hear this, doesn’t need to hear this—it’s all lies, isn’t it? Touya tries to scoff, tries to roll his eyes and shake his head at such ridiculousness, but it feels like his body’s encased in ice, frozen straight to the core.
“It’s insecurity.”
Blood rushes in his ears, but it fails to drown out Shouto’s crisp voice, his words slicing straight through the white noise. Touya wants to tell him to stop, wants to tell him to shut the hell up, wants to silence him by driving that huge knife straight through his fucking chest, but his tongue is glued to the roof of his mouth, refusing to obey his brain as it shouts at it to fight back, goddamn it!
“I meant what I said to her in that washroom,” his younger brother spits, words dripping with hostility as his eyes narrow, giving Touya a once-over like he’s the most pathetic thing Shouto has ever laid eyes on. “She does deserve so much better than you and you fucking know it, but you’re too selfish to let her go. That isn’t love.”
And it’s those final three words that finally have the mask breaking into tiny fragments and falling away, revealing glassy sapphires and a twitching nose, a trembling chin and a hard swallow. It’s those final three words that have it shattering concurrently with the glass in Shouto’s hand, shards clattering to the tiled floor, smashing into smaller pieces upon impact.
It catches Fuyumi’s attention first, who had been on edge and observing the pair sharply, body coiled and ready to spring at the slightest hint of danger.
“Shouto, your hand!” she cries as she leaps up, eyes wide and trained on the blood oozing from Shouto’s palm, rushing down his arm and dripping off his elbow.
But neither of them break their stare, Shouto entirely numb to the pain, Touya entirely suffocated by it, molars grinding together as he tries in vain to stop his chest from stuttering. It isn’t until Fuyumi grabs Shouto by the shoulders and forces him to face her that their gaze is broken, the youngest finally looking down to find his palm stained with viscous crimson.
Frantic sapphire eyes dart around the room, something akin to panic clawing at Touya’s chest, tearing him open from the inside out and making each breath more painful than the next. He needs to go, he needs to leave, he needs to get the hell out of this kitchen, out of this house, needs to, needs to, needs…
Feet stumble a little as he rushes up the stairs, catching himself on the railing twice as he ascends to the top. Someone calls his name, he thinks, but he can barely hear it over the intense ringing in his ears, his vision fading in and out of focus. The door to your shared bedroom slams open, brass knob whacking off the drywall and leaving an ugly little hole not unlike the larger one Shouto’s head left in the living room wall the day before.
Startled and gasping, your book falls from your hands and tumbles to the floor as Touya barrels through the threshold, making a beeline for the nondescript chest of wooden drawers tucked into the corner, yanking it open and beginning to riffle through the neatly folded clothing.
It sounds like he’s muttering something to himself, but you can’t discern what it is, heart beginning to thud against your ribcage. The tufts of hair at the back of his neck are coated in sweat, sticking to the skin, his breathing harsh and uneven as a curse hitches in his chest, rapidly moving onto the next drawer when whatever he’s looking for doesn’t turn up in the first.
A potent mix of adrenaline and dread floods your veins, and for a moment you’re frozen, little fingers curled so tightly in the sheets under you it’s painful, breathing stopped as you watch your niichan urgently rummage through the second drawer, his back beginning to hiccup.
For a moment, you aren’t sure what the hell is going on, unblinking eyes watching his motions in some sort of daze. For a moment, you’re terrified he might be overdosing, frantically searching for—for—you don’t even know, for some sort of antidote Natsuo might’ve given him, or something.
But then, he chokes out a pathetic little half-sob, trying in vain to swallow it back down akin to the first night you spent at the cabin, and then you’re leaping off the bed and rushing towards him in alarm, wrapping your arms around him tightly from behind, and he just…breaks. Collapses against the wooden chest hard enough to make the entire thing wobble, burying his head in his folded arms as his entire body shudders under the force of the sob that tears through his chest.
“Niichan!” you gasp, pawing at the front of his shirt, trying to make him move to face you. “Niichan, niichan, what is it? What’s wrong?” your own voice breaks with the threat of tears as you speak, heart racing in your chest.
He doesn’t respond, merely turns in your embrace and collapses on you instead, face buried in the crook of your neck as he weeps, big juddering breaths that have his entire back convulsing.
The action surprises you, a stark contrast from his stubborn resistance from the first night, but it worries you, too, such surrender uncharacteristic of him.
But your body’s running on autopilot, immediately petting his hair as your other arm tightens around his waist, clutching him. Soft hushes fall from your lips as you hold him, rocking your bodies slightly as you whisper into ivory tufts; it’s okay, you’re there, it’s alright, you’ve got him, you love him.
And the sob that rips from his throat as those last few words leave your lips is nothing short of vicious, has him coughing wetly into your neck and whining a little, large hands curling in the material of your dress as he tries to pull you closer, closer, closer.
“Baby, please, tell me what’s wrong,” you beg and your voice cracks, blinking hard against the tears flooding your own eyes. “Tell me what’s wrong so I can help, please,”
He shakes his head, whimpering incoherently into your neck.
“Please,” the word catches in your throat as tears finally escape your eyes, rolling down your cheeks in pairs. “Please, let me help, let me make you feel better,”
“I—I—I’m—” he tries, shaking his head again, but you urge him to continue, plead with him to try again. “Need to get out, n-need to—to make it stop,”
You aren’t sure what he means, but it doesn’t matter, body moving on pure instinct the moment the words are out of his mouth, little hand snatching the keys to the Audi off the surface of the dresser and dragging him along behind you.
      ❅           ❅           ❅
The road is empty, silent, entirely barren as the Audi weaves through it, fat snowflakes beginning to drift down from the wispy clouds that decorate the night sky, taking turns blanketing the full moon and softening it’s beams of ivory light.
You don’t drive very far. You haven’t a clue where you’re going, but it doesn’t matter, frenetic eyes searching for the first little secluded clearing you can pull into.
Touya is unsettlingly quiet, save for his soft sniffles and the gentle rustling of his clothing as he uses a sleeve to wipe at his nose. Hiccups are still catching in his chest, but he’s trying his hardest to stop them, to quiet them, growling a little in pure frustration each time one escapes. Your stomach churns uneasily at his muteness—you wish he would just say something, glancing over at him worriedly with your bottom lip sucked between your teeth, his sapphire eyes destitute, bloodshot and glassy as they stare indigently at his knees.
The small village that the cliff overlooks emits a warm glow of golden light, hovering hazily over it like a halo. Christmas lights are strung up on a few of the cabins, little glowing dots of red and green and blue lining the roofs. A dusting of snow has begun to collect, like gingerbread houses sprinkled with icing sugar.
Touya is still silent when you cut the engine, stays silent when you turn to peer at him from your spot in the driver’s seat, stays silent when you place a dainty hand on his bicep, rubbing soothing circles into the clothed muscle and sighing.
“Niichan, look at me,”
“Touya-nii,” you murmur, kicking off your boots and climbing over the center console into his lap, his arms immediately opening to embrace you. “What’s going on?”
His gaze still avoids yours, despite the fact that his hands are curling around your body, fingers digging into your flesh hard enough to make you wince, needing you close, closer. And his voice is so quiet, almost desolate as he answers.
“It’s nothing,”
Tender fingers tuck a tuft of alabaster behind his ear.
“It’s not nothing,”
“It doesn’t matter,”
Gentle lips place soft kisses along his jaw.
“It matters very much to me, niichan,”
“It’s—It’s stupid, fucking stupid,”
A small palm finds solace on his cheek, cupping it as a thumb strokes the skin.
“It’s not stupid if it’s hurting you, baby,”
Cobalt darts around the car, trying to look anywhere but at your face as sharp teeth sink into his bottom lip, an attempt to quell its quivering. A soft sigh leaves your lips as gentle hands cup his face, forcing his gaze to meet yours.
“Let me in,” you whisper, soft little thumbs caressing the ink under his eyes. “Let me help,”
Burning sapphire sears into your eyes, gaze penetrating and powerful as it shines with unshed tears, and you have to force yourself to not look away, to keep staring into those pools of gleaming blue, feeling as though you’re staring directly at the sun.
He doesn’t blink, but the tears collecting in his eyes become too many, too much, spilling over his lashline and cascading down inky cheeks, leaving little gleaming trails in their wake. He inhales deeply, holding the breath in his chest for a moment before exhaling slowly, the breath trembling.
“I don’t even know where to fucking start,”
And his voice is so low you nearly miss it, raw and hoarse and barely above a whisper.
“Take your time,” tiny fingers run through his hair again, his eyes closing with the motion, more tears dripping down his cheeks. “It doesn’t have to be complicated. Just…Tell me what’s bothering you,”
What is bothering him? It’s hard to say, not because it’s complicated, but because he doesn’t want to acknowledge it, doesn’t want to accept it, doesn’t want to admit that his baby brother’s words have affected him more than he ever thought they would.
If you really loved her…You’d let her go.
He does really love you, he wants to scream until his throat is sore, until his throat is bleeding, molars grinding at the thought of anyone thinking otherwise. He loves you so much, loves you too much, loves you more than he’s loved anything in his entire fucking life, he’s sure of it, positive of it.
He’s loved you since he first began stealing kisses from you, in the kitchen when mom wasn’t looking. He’s loved you since you tiptoed to his room, mumbling about a nightmare and seeking solace in his warm bed, in his warm arms. He’s loved you since you sobbed into his chest, that night you told him you wanted all of him, that night when he realized that you love him, too. He’s loved you since you let him permanently sear his name into your skin, branding you as his forever.
Yes, he’s possessive, and yes, he’s selfish, and yes, he can be a fucking asshole, but he does love you. Really loves you. He can barely remember his life without you in it, everything blurry and out of focus before you entered the frame. You’re all he’s got, all he’s ever had, all he ever wants, and the thought of you being unhappy, the thought of you wanting to leave, kills him, drives a large stake straight through his chest and clean out the other side, spearing him.
And yet, he fails to put any of these thoughts, running a mile a minute through his mind, into words. Patient as ever, you wait, petting his hair, planting kisses scattered across his face, tracing patterns on his skin as a war rages inside his head.
“I’m—It’s fucking pathetic,”
“It isn’t pathetic to be human, Touya,” you whisper sadly, little thumbs swiping across both cheeks. “You don’t have to keep it together every minute of every day,” you remind him gently, brushing his hair back from his forehead. “You’re allowed to be ‘weak’, too,”
He shakes his head, but refrains from arguing with you, because he can’t. Because he knows if he opens his mouth, if he tries to speak, he’ll start sobbing again. Sapphire tears away from your gaze, unable to hold your eyes anymore as his chin begins to quiver.
“I do really love you,” he whispers finally, head dropping, eyes squeezing shut against the prick of tears.
“I know you do, baby,” you say softly, fingers rubbing circles into his biceps, though he can hear the confusion laced in your voice.
“But do I—Do I des—”
He can’t. He can’t force those four simple little words out of his mouth, getting caught at the back of his throat, tangling into a giant ball that aches when he tries to swallow past it.
It’s starting again, that feeling from the kitchen, building in his torso, growing, stretching, higher and higher and higher until he can’t fucking breathe. A sharp gasp hitches painfully in his chest as he desperately tries to inhale, tries to suck an adequate amount of air into his lungs, coughing on the saliva pooling at the back of his throat.
“Do I—” the words escape his lips in a pitiful whine, voice cracking.
A sudden flash of blistering fury rips through his chest at his own cowardice. Disgust churns in his stomach, leaving a stinging bitterness lingering on his tongue, revolted at himself for getting so goddamn emotional over this, for letting Shouto’s words eat away at him, corrosive and parasitic as they take root in his brain, infecting his consciousness until it’s all he can fucking hear, think, see.
Tiny fingers find his face, hooking under his jaw and tilting it up, gently forcing him to look at you again. The pads of your fingertips dance along his skin, tracing along his jaw and then up his cheek to catch in the endless stream of tears.
You don’t say anything, because you don’t have to, tender little touches speaking volumes more than your words ever could, inspiring a bout of intense strength as he powers through the sentence, forcing the trembling words from his throat.
“Do I deserve you?”
And you’re so shocked by the question that your fingers halt, and his body stills, his breath stuttering in his throat, staring at you in an almost urgent manner, pleading with you to tell him the answer he’s so desperately seeking.
Salty water trickles over your thumbs, the sensation breaking you out of your reverie, response flowing from your mouth seamlessly, without a second thought.
“Of course you do,” your eyes search his face, studying his features slowly. “Where is this coming from?”
The question leaves your lips before you even know what you’re saying, but your voice is soft, kind, full of so much concern and affection as your fingers begin their ministrations again, tracing the ink decorating his cheeks.
He refuses to tell you, shakes his head as his lips press into a firm line, expression hardening. Blue fire ignites in his eyes, and you have your answer.
Shouto’s words from that first day in the washroom drift through your head, but you don’t press. Regardless of whether or not Touya had heard them on the twenty-first, it is fair to assume that Shouto must have said something along similar lines tonight, triggering this reaction.
Sighing, your expression softens, forehead falling forward to knock against his, hands still on either side of his face, keeping his gaze from escaping again as you speak.
“You—you’re sure?”
“Niichan, my niichan,” you murmur, pecking his lips in a chaste kiss. “That isn’t yours to decide, or Shouto’s to decide, or anyone’s to decide,” and your voice is so tender, filled with so much love as tiny fingers run through his hair, tension dissipating from his shoulders with each comb through. “It’s mine. And I’m telling you that you do deserve me,”
“Do I?” he chokes out brokenly, voice cracking and barely above a whisper. And the look on his face, azure eyes glazed with a thick shield of tears as they desperately search your face, chin trembling almost violently as he swallows a pitiful whine, pierces your heart; and you swear you can feel it shattering into a thousand little pieces, puncturing the surrounding organs and making your whole chest ache.
“Yes,” you whisper, tiny hands flexing on either side of his face as you grip him tighter, blinking rapidly to clear your own vision. “Yes,” you repeat, louder, stronger, fiercer, silencing whatever he was beginning to respond with by crushing your lips against his.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you’re murmuring between kisses, spit slicked lips sliding against his as he sobs into your mouth.
“I love you,” he mumbles against your lips, voice raspy with tears. “I love you, I love you,”
And, truly, you’re the only thing holding him together at this point—have been the only thing holding him together for a long time now. You’re the glue that keeps his life from falling apart, you’re the stitches that keep his very soul intact, sewing him back together each and every time he begins to unravel, keeping him complete, keeping him whole.
Fingernails dig into the skin of his cheek as you hold him in place, sucking his bottom lip into your mouth and nibbling, relishing in the quiet, broken moan you pull from him. A little tongue laps at the salty tears staining his cheeks, licks along his jaw as his hands grip the meat of your ass, trying to pull you closer as he breathes out your name.
“I love you,” you whisper, words punctuated by kisses down the column of his neck. “So much,”
A whine gets stuck in his throat, head tilting to allow you more access to move as large hands paw at the hem of your dress, rucking it up around your waist. Something pokes you, prods you, pushes up into you through the thick, rough denim of his jeans, and you inhale sharply, instantly consumed by overwhelming need—the need to feel him, hot and pulsing and driving into you, the need to make him feel better, to make him forget, to remind him that you’re his, and he’s yours, the need to be claimed.
It hits your like a fucking freight train, burns through your veins and shoots straight to your core, sharp spikes of heat that have you huffing out his name.
“I need you,” the words are whimpered against inky skin as you grind desperately against his hard cock, clawing at his chest, his biceps, his belt. “Niichan, I need you,”
“Yeah, baby?” he pants into your mouth, hands kneading your nylon covered thighs as he presses his clothed cock against your core, forcing a mewl of his name from your throat.
“Yes,” you cry pathetically, and it’s almost too much, the scalding, throbbing heat collecting between your thighs, hips gyrating in quick little circles as you try to alleviate some of the tension coiling tightly in the pit of your stomach. “Yes, yes, need you t-to fuck me, to—” a sharp gasp cuts you off as he bites into your shoulder, growling darkly against your skin. “—To fill me up, to remind me who I belong to,”
Strong, lithe fingers tear into your thin tights, hooking into the holes they create and ripping the delicate material. Dark eyes flit down, rabidly scanning your clothed little cunt, white lace soaked and stuck to you, outlining your folds. Touya chuckles, delivering a superficial slap with the back of his hand before pushing your panties to the side.
Niichan, niichan, you’re whining out the honorific, fingers tangling in his sweater and tugging roughly as his digits caress your slit, urgently shaking your head.
His lips tug down. “Baby, you know I—”
“No!” you pout, eyebrows knitted together, Touya’s eyes flashing dangerously at being so rudely cut off. “I don’t want your fingers, they aren’t enough,” Because the need to be filled, to be stretched, to be owned is almost voracious now, desire clawing at the pit of your belly. “Mark me, claim me, breed me, I-I’m yours,” you’re wailing, cunt achingly empty, the pulsing in your clit nearly too much to take.
A snarl rumbles in his chest, large hand snaking around your bent leg, wedging between your thigh and calve and gripping the back of your knee, hitching the leg closest to the center console up in one swift movement and planting your foot on the console box, thighs stinging from the sudden stretch.
One of your hands latches onto the handle above the door while the other clutches his shoulder, nails digging into the muscles through the knit of his sweater while he fiddles with his belt, squirming a little and shoving his jeans down to his knees.
Not a second is wasted as the head of his cock nudges against your fluttering hole, and then he stills. He wants you to beg, needs to hear you beg, and so you do, high-pitched and whiny as your hips instinctually wiggle.
“Please, niichan, please! Want it, need it, need you,”
And then he’s shoving himself into you, a hiss slipping from between your teeth, familiar, welcomed tears springing into your eyes, a guttural groan catching in his throat.
It stretches, aches, stings so good, so right, so perfect as he bottoms out, pressed snugly against your cervix, and pauses for a moment, cock twitching inside of you, strong hands on your hips preventing them from rocking forward and forcing you to just feel him for a second, every inch of him, buried deep inside you. The sigh that falls from your lips is nothing short of dreamy, mumbling about feeling whole again, and he chuckles.
Yeah, that’s right, princess. Only niichan’s cock can fill you up like this.
His thrusts start gradual, fingers flexing on your hips as they dig into the sensitive flesh, forcing you to slide nearly all the way off his cock before pushing you back down, hips pressing up to meet yours, cockhead grinding against your cervix as he stuffs himself in your cunt, gaining a little more speed with each motion.
No one but niichan could ever make you feel like this.
The words are whimpered between fierce, messy kisses, between ravenous, devouring kisses, between the clacking of teeth and the slurping of tongues, glistening saliva, sticky and sweet and laced with the taste of blue fire and Marlboros dripping off your chin.
And he needs to hear it—needs to know that you belong to him and only him, needs to know that you want him and only him, needs to know that only he is deserving of you, worthy of you—so you tell him, in breathy little whines, that no, no one could ever make you feel this good; yes, niichan’s the only one that can fill you up this fully, this wholly, this rightly, eyes rolling back and sharp cries echoing through the car as he pounds into you, deep little grunts falling from his lips in time with each snap up of his hips.
“Tell niichan—ah, fuck—tell niichan how badly you need his cum,”
Senseless babbling flows freely from your lips the instant he asks for it, forever incapable of disobeying a direct order from him—please niichan, need your cum so bad, need to feel it in my belly, need to feel it in my brain, please, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me!
“Christ,” he chokes out, hips beginning to falter, muscles bulging and tensing as he forces you to keep bouncing on him, hard and fast and deep. “Cum with me, baby,” he nearly begs, voice more wrecked than you’ve ever heard it before, inspiring a whole flock of butterflies in your tummy. “Be a good girl and make a—make a mess all over niichan’s cock,”
And it’s the sense of desperateness, of urgency, of sheer neediness sown deep into his broken voice that has you spasming around him, that evokes an orgasm so intense it makes you choke on your own scream as it slashes through you, gurgling on spit and tears as violent tremors course through your body.
Hot, thick spurts of cum fill you, your name escaping his lips in a cracked whine, his hips continuing to lazily roll against yours as you milk him for every drop of cum he’s got, as you beg him for more, more, more.
Overwhelmed by emotion, you collapse against his heaving chest, hiccupping out pitiful little sobs between your harsh breathing, and he hushes you, fingers petting your sweaty hair as he murmurs against your scalp—shh, it’s alright, he’s here, he loves you, you’re his, and you did so well.
“Do you want to leave?” the question is uttered softly, after your breathing has calmed to tiny sniffles, voice so genuine it’s almost painful, curled up in his arms as your bare cunt presses against his pelvis, cum still leaking out of you. “Just say the word and we’ll go, baby,”
Swallowing thickly, he’s silent for a moment, considering. Patiently, you wait, nuzzling comfortingly against his neck and licking at the sweat pooled in the dip of his collarbone. When he speaks, his voice is low and rough, laced with a hint of disbelief.
You pull back to gaze at him.
“Yes, really,” you whisper, catching a tear with the pad of your thumb and placing a soft kiss against his cheek. “You are more important to me than anyone else in that damn cabin by far, and I don’t care if it upsets them—if you want to leave, if you need to leave, we’ll leave. Say the word, and I’ll drive back, pack our shit, and we’ll be gone. You don’t even need to get out of the fucking car,”
Shining sapphire eyes study your face intently, searching for any sign of hesitancy, finding nothing but sincerity.  
“I love you so much,” he laughs wetly, more glistening tears escaping his eyes with the motion. “So fucking much,”
Tingling warmth blossoms in your chest at his words, at his laugh, conjuring a watery smile of your own as you pepper his face with kisses, soft lips ghosting across his cheeks, his nose, his eyelids and forehead until he becomes too impatient, large hands cupping your jaw and pressing your wandering lips against his.
Giggles erupt from your throat, and he’s sure that’s what liquid sunshine sounds like, allows the noise to wash over him, to bathe him in your everlasting light, to warm him to his very core. A little tongue darts out to lick teasingly along the seam of his lips, evoking an involuntary smile of his own before his tongue escapes to meet yours, another precious squeal of laughter echoing through the car.
Yes, he thinks, as your laughter vibrates against him, arms tightening around your waist as he cradles you against his chest. This is what love feels like.
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simpcxty · 3 years
You said you needed ideas so hear me out-
Sfw- trans! Reader (ftm) with Tsukishima who gives tough love and hates it when you have really bad dysphoria days. Snaps at anyone who misgenders you.
NSFW- oikawa would be such a tease when you get needy and shit. Like this fucker would tease you after you beg because he told you to beg.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! You have given me brain fuel, and for that. I love you 🧡
I have never written something in one day. Thank you, you have truly inspired me 😩👏
TW for Tsukishima: deadnaming and misgendering, deadname is your choice, but Y/n will be for your new name and Y/d/n for your dead name because no dads are mentioned here. Gets a little angsty but they figure it out.
I didn’t want to be disrespectful to anyone and choose a name that might be someone’s new name or dead name.
Also I’m sorry if my writing isn’t accurate for a ftm character. I did my best and I really hope you like it!
I did my best with the tough love but it does get a bit fluffy tbh.
Kei Tsukishima
Kei always tries.
He really does. You guys had started dating before you came out, and the switch from your dead name to Y/n had him caught off guard.
So did the sudden shift of pronouns.
But he didn’t leave, so he was trying to do his best all right?
But he’s already bad with emotions, these are a different kind that he doesn’t even know how to approach.
So he gives it the same energy he does with everything else.
Today though.
Something was very odd about today.
His normal words had you flashing him your best fake smile and turning away from him.
And trust me, he could tell the difference.
But for now, he chose not to comment.
Will it be one of those days today?
You didn’t like to talk about your Dysphoria but Kei always picked up on it.
Or at least he tried to.
He even had a custom made chest binder coming in the mail that should be here any day now.
But when you leave the room after Kei’s not incorrect but painfully blunt statement went straight to your very soul.
He replays the conversation in his head to see where he messed up.
He found himself doing that a lot.
‘I get that you’re trying Kei. It just sucks that other people don’t even bother.’
‘I don’t really think it’s that big of a deal. They’re stupid people who don’t even matter at least I’m trying. Imagine if I wasn’t?’
It made you question everything.
Did he even want to be trying?
Why are you being a nuisance?
Why are you putting him through this. He’s got much more important things to be focusing on as a senior in college this year.
You’re finally being true to yourself and putting him through unnecessary stress aren’t you? What is wrong with you?
All of these thoughts and more swarmed your head as you leaned against the bathroom counter trying to catch your breathing.
Stop it. Stop being such a big crybaby.
Kei Tsukishima doesn’t need a crybaby.
Why does it have to hurt so damn bad to just be a girl? He’d like you so much more as a girl.
“Y/n..?” His voice sounds so tired.
Damn it Y/n. Get your fucking shit together.
“Please talk to me.. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come out like that babe.. I just-“ his eyes almost seem dull when you open the door, only to brighten when you open the door and he gets a good view of you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say it like that, I just- I don’t, I don’t know how to handle this sometimes, but I don’t want you to think I don’t care. It’s just new, and I can get adjusted-“ he feels his heart clench a bit when your next words come out.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I couldn’t just stay who I was, I’m sorry I couldn’t just be a girl for-“ and he’s grabbing your face with his palms as tears start to well up in his eyes.
“Shut up. Shut up, because I love you however I can have you. I love you. I just want you, please don’t get confused and think I have a preference because I just want you Y/n. I love you, no matter who you are. Please don’t forget that.” The tears streaming down your face slow as he kisses your head and wraps his arms around you.
“Im sorry Kei.” He kisses your head again.
“Shh, stop it. Stop apologizing. You have nothing to apologize for babe, we do need to finish getting ready for class though okay?” You nod and he smiles.
When you get to school, he can almost feel the anxiety wafting from you.
But he doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arm around you and pull you along with him.
“You have me, okay? I’m just as much yours as you are mine babe.” You nod and expect him to pull him arm away, and he does, only to entangle his hand in yours.
“Tsukishima!” No- because he recognizes that annoyingly high pitched voice, and he’s not in the mood for it. Nor will you be.
So he picks up speed. Keeping his hand tight around yours and pulling you in front of him, only to wrap his arms around you slightly and speed up even more.
“Kei what are you doing?” You think he’s going to ignore you until he speaks up finally.
“Don’t want to deal with her.”
“Y/d/n can you-“ he stops right in his tracks and turns around to acknowledge the blonde.
“Alisa is it? See how easy was that? I wasn’t even sure. You know for a fact that isn’t the proper name that he goes by. So correct yourself, or don’t talk to my boyfriend or me. Got it?” She goes to speak again but Tsukishima already has you two walking again and his ears are flushed.
“Tsuki-?” You’re blushing and he tightens his grip on your waist.
“It wasn’t right, I’ll correct anyone who gets it wrong. Even myself.” You smiled and he manages to crack a small one.
Kei Tsukishima always tries.
I didn’t know if you still wanted a ftm character so this one is just written female.
Characters aged up 18+
“Beg.” You scoffed.
“I don’t beg.” Your hips are rising as he pressed his thumb harder against your clit and you whimper.
“I won’t do anything more until you beg.” You rolled your eyes and attempt to sit up. Only for him to wrap a hand around your throat and push you back down.
“Toru, I don’t beg-“ he tightens his grip around your throat and you whine.
“I said, beg.” The way he demands it in your ear has your thighs attempting to clam shut.
Key word, attempting.
“Are you gonna listen to a single thing I say princess? Or am I gonna have to leave you here like this?” You looked up at him desperately and his grip around your neck loosens a bit.
“Please, please just fuck me already. I need it Toru, it’s been too long please just do it already-“ you’re cut off with whines as his tip prods at your entrance, but the pressure on your clit is still hard and you know he’s waiting for more.
“Please! Please fuck me! I need you Toru please!” He chuckles and pushes in agonizingly slowly.
“Like you said babe, it’s been too long. I need to go easy on your pretty pussy.” You whine at that.
“Don’t want you to go easy- just fuck me rough please!” Tears of frustration pool in your eyes and he laughs.
“Awe, don’t cry princess, I’ll give you what you want. You begged so nicely.” The sudden snap of his hips has you unable to respond to his taunt.
Yeah so what you begged. You’re getting dicked down by this god of a man. I’d say that’s a win.
His hands were both on your hips now as he thrusted into as if his life depended on it.
“Missed you so much.” He whines and a particularly hard thrust has you reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck.
The new position has you sliding down on his dick so much easier, and the way he can just lift you up and down quickly has him whining more.
“M’gonna cum. Off.” He whimpers as you tighten and start to lift yourself off and grabs your hips. He’s never cum so fast but you don’t mind.
“T-Toru-!” He gasps as you tighten more and his hips thrust up desperately.
“Nevermind, I wanna cum inside. Please, please let me cum inside. You feel so good, just wanna cum inside your warm pussy hnngh~ please!” His hips are starting to falter and you know he’s getting closer as his hands tighten around your waist, lifting you up and down to meet with his sloppy thrusts.
“Please!” He’s begging and you almost laugh.
“Oh god please, just wanna cream inside you please!” He has to stop thrusting and you’d almost think he did cum.
But you knew better. His nails digging into your hips and his ragged breathing against your neck has you melting.
“Did you even really have to ask? Just cum babe.” Your words are so nonchalant that he’s whining and picking up his thrusts again.
“fuckfuckfuckohfuckyes” his voice is messy and it’s almost gibberish.
But as you tighten around him and his hips falter he’s moaning and whimpering into your chest and neck.
“So tight, ngHh shit~” he moans whorishly as you cum around him and cum spurts out of him and into you.
“You fuck me so good. So so good Y/n.” His hips are still sputtering and you’re wondering just how long it’s been since he’s actually gotten off.
“Thank you, Thank you so fucking much baby.” His cum is already spilling out of you and he’s still finishing.
This’ll be a fun cleanup.
He finally lays you down on the bed and lays his head in between the valley on your chest as he catches his breath.
“You begged.” He wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer, making you whimper while he stays inside of you.
“Do I need to remind you how you sounded when you wanted to cum Toru?” His head shoots up at that and his cheeks flush.
“But you’re so warm. So tight and comfy. I didn’t and still don’t want to leave.” He whines and wiggles his hips upward and you whimper. You can’t help but clench as he thrusts up again and whines again.
He keeps up the occasional thrusts. Neither of you have the energy for a second round. That much is obvious. But the bliss is overwhelming.
“Don’t want to pull out yet. Please don’t make me.” He whines and you just clench around him to tease.
“Fuck. Don’t do that. M’still hard and I’m ninety percent sure if you keep doing that I’m gonna stuff your already full pussy again.” You hummed and he wraps his arms around you.
“Empty threats. We’re both too tired, you know we’ll just go again when we wake up.”
“I’m gonna get you pregnant.” He says it confidently, you couldn’t even laugh at the statement. Because he probably and most definitely will.
“I mean if that’s what you want, I wouldn’t mind having a little Oikawa running around.” Almost all his stamina is back in that moment.
Congratulations you have unlocked
Breeding King with Toru Oikawa 🔓
Neither of you ended up sleeping that night.
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bangtangalicious · 3 years
the glow up | pjm (3)
pairing: jimin x reader
summary: after going off to college, you & your best friend committed to working out. a year later, the results show, and you cant wait for your hot hometown friends to see you. now all you wanna do is wild out and have lots of sex, and enjoy it without feeling insecure
genre: smut, childhoodfriends!au weightloss!au (is that a thing) friends-to-lovers!au
word count: 1.7k
warnings: dry humping, sleep sex/wet dream, feverishly rough sex, choking, technically dubcon but she was genuinely fine with it, slut shaming, cheating (?), basically jimin fucks you hard but he thinks he’s dreaming, creampie, unprotected sex
part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7                                                  masterlist
You woke up, the events of the morning seemingly like a world away. You became conscious suddenly to a warm presence snuggled up behind you. Jimin and you had talked for a while before returning to the party. You stayed back late helping him clean up until you both passed out from exhaustion.
The tension had been uncomfortable. Jimin decided not to bring up Taehyung’s outburst, and you too avoided the topic entirely. It was too confusing.
Jimin’s arms were wrapped around your hips tightly, his fingers gently stroking your stomach. He was totally knocked out, you could tell by the way he whimpered slightly when you tried to move. You sighed, trapped by him completely. You tried to wiggle your way out but as you shook your hips you felt something graze against your ass.
He was hard. Really hard.
Your eyes widened, unsure of what to do. It wasn’t his fault, you knew morning wood was a thing, and seeing how pressed up the two of you were, it was bound to happen. You tried to move again, but it only caused him to press even more into your soft flesh. A shaky breath left his lips at the contact. His hands loosened and slowly began sliding down your bikini bottom. You gasped.
“Jimin what are you doing” You hissed. No response was heard, all you felt was Jimin’s cock desperately prying for freedom from his trunks, now against your bare ass. He slowly rolled his hips, humming in pleasure. “Jimin. JIMIN.” He was still asleep, you realized.
You could move, but you knew if you moved now he would wake up, and then he would ask what happened. And you really didn’t want to have to deal with that. Or maybe. You liked the feeling.
You wondered what Jimin must be thinking about. Was it you he was fucking in his dreams? He had denied you earlier. Your heart dropped as you recalled his cruel comment about Taehyung having came in you, and that grossing him out so much he refused to have sex with you.
As you were lost in your thoughts, you didn’t realize the way Jimin’s hands had found your breasts, pulling you back into him with all his strength. You moaned in surprise. The feeling of his hands, slightly dry from the day in the pool but so large, covering the entirety of your breast and clutching it as if he was holding on for dear life.
You could feel his heart pounding against you. You wiggled your ass against him, seeing if he would react. He let out a high pitched whine, which cause goosebumps to spread across you. He sounded hot. You felt yourself getting wetter.
Apparently so did Jimin, because his hips bucked into you, his bulge dancing past your entrance in a quick thrust. You squealed at the sensation. The fact that he was acting involuntarily, following nothing but instinct, turned you on beyond reason. You felt him exhale heavily, his hot breath tickling the nape of your neck. He bucked his hips again, harsher this time, whining incessantly.
You could feel how bad his cock wanted to tear through the fabric and feel you. He thrust again. Then again. Harder. And harder. His hands clutching your breasts more aggressively each time. You couldn’t help but scream. It felt so good. He was like a dog just humping you so aggressively in heat. You felt animalistic and you loved it. You pushed back into him more, spreading your legs so he could rut right where you craved him.
His pace quickened. If anyone had walked into the room at that moment, they would see Jimin, eyes shut and lips parted, humping into your ass like there was no tomorrow, and you, pretty much naked, a moaning mess with your eyes rolling back in bliss.
“Jimin” You exhaled, turning your head as much as you could to try to see him. “Fuck, Jimin baby you feel so good”
His face was blushed pink, sweat forming at his forehead. He groaned as you spread your legs even more, allowing your wetness to seep through the fabric of his shorts. He let out a low growl.
Suddenly his eyes flew open, but he didn't stop. He was completely gone, you could see it in his expression. He his were lustful, almost frightening. He met your eyes briefly, not even comprehending who you were or what was happening before he flipped you over and yanked down his trunks. He grabbed your neck with both of his hands as he shoved his cock inside of you without any warning. You screamed out, not expecting the large girth. You were luckily wet enough for him to get inside you without too much resistence, but the speed had you crying out.
“Jimin—“ You tried to choke out but Jimin’s grip on you tightened. He fucked himself into you harshly, groaning at the way your pussy clenched down on him. He lowered himself so his chest was flush against your back as he continued to roll his hips into you. He grazed his teeth across your jaw before sucking it harshly. “Holy fuck” You muttered under your breath.
His pace picked up relentlessly, as if it were even possible for him to fuck you faster. Each thrust was practically splitting you opn. You tried to spread wider but you physically couldn’t. You were ruined under him, and you loved it. You felt yourself teasing your own edge with his cock hitting you in all the right ways. You cried out, nodding your head like an idiot, knowing full well that Jimin did not know nor care what you were doing.
You came like an avalanche, your body twitched and writhed under Jimin. You felt like you were going to lose your voice with how loud you were screaming as his pistoling cock did not give you a second to breathe. You gushed against him, your slick cum making his thrusts even easier. Before you knew it you felt him shoot hot com through you as he let out a loud moan. He buried himself as far into you as he could, pushing your face up against the headboard as his hands practically stopped your breathing. You felt dizzy, but so so good. He recoiled, laying down on top of you then, the full weight of him crushing you.
“Jimin!” You shouted as your ribs felt weak under the pressure. He blinked a few times before he suddenly jumped off of you.
“Oh my god” He whispered, looking at you, with his cum messily dripping down your legs and on your ass. You turned slowly, the soreness beginning to catch up with you. “What the fuck happened”
You exhaled, laughing slightly, “You tell me”
He shook his head frantically, worry filling his eyes, “Oh my god y/n…fuck…no. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do this. I had no idea I…” His face reddened, “I thought I was dreaming”
You giggled, curling your finger and motioning him towards you. He obeyed, crawling into your embrace. He held you like you were a delicate piece of glass that he almost shattered.
“I know. You were wild”
“I didn’t fuck” His frustration was evident as you stroked his back calmly, “I didn’t want our first time to be like this”
“Yeah I mean, being conscious is definitely better” You joked. Jimin shook his head.
“I can’t believe my dick has just been where Taehyung’s has. EW” He shuddered, looking at you in horror. Your face dropped.
“W…what? That’s still your issue?”
Jimin sighed, stroking your hair, “Would you wanna suck my dick if I had it stuffed in someone else’s vagina the day before?”
You shrugged. You guessed you understood his perspective, but that didn’t make his words hurt less. Jimin kissed your cheek.
“Please don’t take it the wrong way baby. It was so good. You felt so good. And I want you so bad. But it’s…too soon. I still just can’t believe you’d just let someone so random touch you like that.”
You nodded, wanting to put the discussion to rest before you bit his head off in retaliation. You reached over for your phone, seeing a few missed messages.
tae: im so sorry princess
You chuckled, raising your eyebrows. Taehyung was the last person who needed to apologize here. You glanced at Jimin, who was also on his own phone, hand caressing your thigh absentmindedly.
y/n: don’t be sorry omg. wanna hang?
“Do you wanna grab lunch?” Jimin asked softly, without looking up, “There’s a new taco place that opened up near here. I know you love Mexican so”
Your heart clenched.
tae: yeah i can pick you up. u still at jimin’s?
“Jimin” Your voice wavered. You had never been so conflicted in your life. Jimin was amazing, you adored him. He knew you better than anyone else and was so so sweet. But somehow this whole sex thing was making you question your willingness to redefine your relationship into something more. You weren’t sure if it was because of how amazing it felt to fuck Taehyung, or because Jimin was being an unapologetic little bitch about your promiscuity. “I think I need some space”
y/n: yeah, sounds good. b out in a few
He turned quickly, his eyes sad. You hated that you even had to have this conversation at all, “I just need some time to myself to figure stuff out. I’m not leaving you, I’ll come back. I’m just not sure if I wanna jump into this right now”
His eyes darkened and he pursed his lips. “Oh, okay” He faked a smile and kissed your nose again, lingering. “Just text me okay. Whenever. Whenever you’re done…doing what you need to do” You nodded. You got dressed and Jimin gave you some clothes. As you walked out the door his grabbed your wrist lightly.
“Y/n” His eyes were watery, “I’m still here for you okay. Please…” He inhaled sharply, “Don’t leave me”
You gave him a small smile, “I won’t Jimin”
You swallowed your guilt and nodded. You walked out to the street and looked at your phone.
tae: i’m down the curb. same car.
You grinned, turned and waved one last time to Jimin, before walking away, your fingers excitedly tapping your phone.
<-----previous                                                                               next----->
A/N: ~sips water~ 
taglist: (lmk if you wanna be added!!) @honeyspillings @hollowtree10
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