#it says ‘thank you for lending me your gun. you’re a true ally to the cause’
vintage-bentley · 4 months
Neil made it canon that Aziraphale has a gun. Then he took to social media to declare that apparently Aziraphale was in America during the 60’s being a feminist.
You know who else was in America during the 60’s being a feminist and also had a gun?
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solesurvivorkat · 4 years
FC5 Deputy GFH Dialogue
(Quickie ‘Katie IRL’ Update: So sorry for lack of writing... to be succinct, I might have a sleep disorder, possibly Sleep Apnea - been very tired/lethargic for several months now, finally have a test scheduled for late August. Will have to ‘make do’/power through fatigue until then. I will do my best to jump-start my writing {and my YT channel} until then!
Also - as for ‘I Need to Tell You’ (FC5 no-cult AU fic) - I don’t think I have a ton of readers for that one, so I’m just gonna stick to the movie-plot where I can & finish it up {the end is nearing!}. If anyone wants to read anything else from that ‘verse, lemme know & I’ll whip something up - otherwise, I’m gonna finish that up & get back to working on ‘The Book of John’ again, which is loooong overdue {poor Sarah’s been in John’s bunker forever, lol!}. THAT said... )
Deputy Sarah Rook
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(NOTE: My apologies if Sarah’s dialogue is similar to anyone else’s OC’s... I promise and swear that if it happens, it’s purely coincidental. I am adamant about not {purposely} stealing anyone else’s creativity! <3  Also, this is quite long... but it’s not everything in FC5, so if you like it & want even more, just lemme know, lol.)
With Fangs for Hire:
Boomer: “Aww, who’s my sweet, brave boy?” (kisses forehead) - “Good boy, Boomer!” - “I know what it’s like to have someone you love taken away from you... but don’t worry boy, you’re not alone. And I’ll do everything I can to make sure you never are again.” - “I won’t let Eden’s Gate use you, I promise.” - “Boomer, go!” - “Rae-Rae won’t have died in vain, I promise you.”
Peaches: “I’m... usually more of a dog person - but as long as I get to keep all my fingers and limbs, I’m satisfied.” - “Peaches, attack!” - “Us girls gotta stick together, right?” - “Hmm... one blue eye, one brown. Unique!” - “Needless to say, a cougar’s a very dangerous pet. Miss Mable never should have tried to raise you in captivity. Still... it can be handy to have a cougar for an ally.” - (gives affectionate pets) “Aww, my sweet little ‘danger kitty’...”
Cheeseburger: “You’re like a... big, dangerous teddy.” (laughs) - “Cheeseburger! How are ya, buddy?” - “Wade was sweet to look after you. I promise I’ll try to do the same.” - “I will not let Jacob take you.” - “Ohh, those big brown eyes of yours...” - “I can’t believe Wade not only found a collar to fit you, but also one that had cheeseburgers on it. Wow.” - “I’m glad you’re on my side, boy.” - “No, I can’t give you any more cheeseburgers. ...Stop looking at me like that, you know they’re not good for you. ...You’re on a diet, remember? ...  (sighs)  .....Okay, ONE burger. Don’t tell anyone.”
With other Guns for Hire:
(serious) “Sharky... just between us... you’re the best friend I’ve ever had.” - “Sharky... never change.” (smiles)
“Sharky, I know fire is your, uh- ‘specialty’, but... you need to try not burning down half the forest with us!” 
“Anything you say, Charlemagne.” 
“You and Hurk are a dangerous duo - in more ways than one.” 
(horrified, after hearing about his mom/parents) “Anyone who'd do that to an innocent baby doesn’t deserve them. You’re better off, Shark.” 
(cheesy grin) “I hope Eden’s Gate stocked up on ‘Shark repellent’!” 
(when fighting together) “Time for a ‘Shark attack’!” - “You’ve got us between a rock and a shark place!” - “Sarah and Shark, makin’ their mark!” - “You might be better off using your gun here, Sharky.”
“Disco, Sharky? Really? (sighs) ...All right, to each his own.”
“Hey Sharky, got a bad joke for ya - what’s a shark’s favorite bible story? ...’Noah’s Shark’!”
“Ride or die, buddy!”
“No matter what, I’ve always got your back, Sharky.”
(chuckles nervously/anxiously after seeing ‘serious/deadpan Grace’) “Sorry, I... joking around is kind of my ‘defense mechanism’...”
“A medal in the Olympics... that’s amazing, Grace. ...Er- no pun intended.”
“For what it’s worth... thank you for your service to our country.”
(after Grace mentions destroying copies of ‘Only You’, Sarah chuckles sadly) “Y’know, it’s funny... I actually used to like that song...”
“I know you want to protect your dad’s grave, I do completely understand... but we also need to help protect innocent people that’re still living too, you know? They need us... need you.”
"Hercules Drubman Junior - as I live and breathe." (smiles)
“Hurk, I... don’t think a rocket launcher is the best weapon to use right now...”
“As... ‘tempting’ as ‘Hurk’s Gate’ sounds, I... don’t think it’s quite for me.”
(at a loss for words) “...Oh Hurk...”
“Y’know Hurk... there is a lot more to life than beer, drugs, and sex...” - (Hurk {looks horrified}: “...Say whaat? What’choo talkin’ ‘bout, Dep??”)
“Hurk, just... be careful.”
(stares blankly, then slowly raises an eyebrow) “...Monkey... King/God??”
“No offense dude, but... if your dad doesn’t stop talking I may have to ‘accidentally’ shoot him.”
(sneaking around) “You’re not exactly the ‘king of stealth’. Why don’t... you hang back here for a minute? I’ll signal you or call out if I need you.”
“To each their own, but ‘partying’ is... not really my thing.”
(pointing in turn to Sharky, Hurk, then Addie, during ‘tongue-in-cheek’ suggestions for Sarah) “No, no, and HELL no.”
(Addie: "Punch it Chewie! ...Bet you got a kick out of that, you fuckin’ nerd.") “Hey- I love the reference, and I’m proud of who I am. ...Mostly.” (smiles)
“Addie, for the last time - no, I did not inspect John's underwear drawer when I was at Seed Ranch. I was a little occupied at the time.” (turns bright red as Addie looks thrilled) “...That- that’s not what I meant!”
(reluctantly) “Addie? I kind of need some... ‘womanly advice’.” - (Addie, eyebrows raised: “And you came to me?? Oh hunny...”)
“While I appreciate your... ‘openness’, no - I do not need ‘tips’ from you and Xander about ‘positions’.”
“Addie... ‘showing more cleavage’ is not going to help me with the Seed brothers or Eden’s Gate, despite your insistence.”
“...I am not playing ‘Fuck, Marry, Kill’...”
(after flying Carmina - and puking once landed) “Nick... if you ever make me do that again... I don’t know what I’ll do, but it’ll be bad.”
“Flying may be great for you, but I’m much happier with my feet on the ground.”
“I’ll protect you and your family as much as I can - that’s a promise.”
“Defending your business, plane, home, family, and friends like you have been... I’m sure your family would be very proud of you.”
“There he is, ‘King of the Skies’!”
“You and Kim... you’re lucky to have each other. I kind of envy that.”
“Rook and Rye - on land and in the sky!“
“I know fighting Eden’s Gate is important, but... don’t forget to be there for Kim too. We’ve [the Resistance] got this... Kim and your baby need you more.” 
(After Carmina's born) "How's Kim and the baby? You'd better be taking good care of my goddaughter!"
“I know we grew up in very different ‘environments’, but... I also know what it’s like to feel alone for a long time. No pressure, but... I’m here if you ever need someone to lend an ear.”
(re: Jess’s insane survival skills) “...You’ve got to teach me that/how to do that sometime.”
“You’re related to Dutch? Wow, that’s... kinda cool.”
“I thought I swore a lot, but... wow.”
“Yeah... I’m not one for small talk, either.”
In Combat
(to herself, stressed) “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph...”
“Aw shit...”
“Fucking Peggies!”
(to herself, quickly and quietly) “You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day...”
“Let’s kick some Peggie ass!”
(to herself) “I can do all things through him who strengthens me...”
“May God have mercy on you.”
“I don’t think my soul is the one that needs saving!”
(hears ‘Oh John’ on the radio & starts humming along. After a couple seconds, realizes what she’s doing and shakes her head, murmuring to herself) “...Damnit...”
“I’m driving? If you say so.”
“ ‘Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need... roads.’ “ (smug grin)
“I used to like driving. Found it kind of relaxing, most of the time. ...That was before I started having to get used to being pursued and chased down by Eden’s Gate trucks.”
“Time for... LUDICROUS SPEED!”
“Fasten your seatbelts... it’s going to be a bumpy ride!”
“Everything okay? Do you need a break?”
“I don’t know if you’re aware, but I spent most of my life in New England - Connecticut, actually. Born and raised. I moved out to Hope County only a few years ago, when the Deputy job opened up. Thought it’d be... a ‘fresh start’. ...Definitely didn’t expect anything like all this to happen.”
“I used to roll my eyes - or want to - every time the Sheriff and the other Deps called me ‘Rookie’. They thought it was so funny, on account of my last name and all, and me being the newest addition to the department. Now that we’re all spread out and fighting against the cult... I think I kind of miss it.”
“Some of the most horrible things imaginable... have been done by people who claim they had ‘good reasons’ behind their actions.”
“There’s an old proverb that states, ‘Hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works’. ...There’s a lot of wisdom in that.”
“God has a reason for everything, even if we don’t always understand why...”
“The right thing to do is not always the easy thing to do...”
“Faith is believing in things when common sense tell you not to.“
“Imagine the things we could accomplish... if we would just try.”
“ ‘Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.’ ...Make fun of me all you want, but it’s true.”
“I do love nature. ...You know... when it’s not being interrupted by religious idiots.”
“Courage isn’t the absence of fear... it’s deciding that something is more important than fear.”
“I’ll do everything I can... you can count on it.”
“Good to see you again.”
“Let’s do this.”
“Stronger together!”
“Until we meet again - stay safe.”
“Call me if you need me.”
“Done already? Aww, you’re killin’ me, Smalls.”
“God damnit... not yet...”
“This can’t be it...”
“I’m sorry... I tried...”
“I need some help!”
“Thanks... now let’s teach these assholes a lesson they won’t soon forget.”
“Never tell me the odds!”
“Never give up, never surrender!”
“Thanks for the help!”
“Thanks... our work’s not done yet!”
“Shh... ‘silence is golden’, remember?“
“Keep a low profile!”
“Be cautious...”
“Don’t let ‘em see you comin’...”
“ ‘Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise...’ ”
Being aimed at
“Watch where you’re pointing that.”
“I’m a much better shot than I let on. Just remember that.”
“Two hits - me hitting you, and you hitting the ground. I suggest you aim elsewhere.”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
By any body of water: “When I lived in Connecticut, I loved seeing the ocean. The lakes in Montana can be beautiful, but... it’s not quite the same.”
The Henbane: “Freakin’ Bliss.” / “Please promise me... that you’ll never, ever let me end up like one of Faith’s Angels.” / “Exploiting people’s weaknesses and fears to get them to do what you want... it’s wrong on so many levels.” / “Rachel Jessop wasn’t the first, or even the second ‘Faith Seed’... I wonder if she’s ever afraid of ending up like them.” / “God wants people to follow him willingly, to choose to do good - not be forced into it with trickery and fear. Even if - in an insane world - Joseph was right, it doesn’t excuse the things that Eden’s Gate has done. If they have a message to spread, this isn’t the way to do it.”
Holland Valley: “Saying ‘Yes’ to everything doesn’t make you a better person.” /  “Many people know the seven deadly sins... but few people can name - let alone even know about - the 'seven virtues': chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility. ...But you don’t see John tattooing those on people.” / John is... he’s done some horrible things. Committed heinous acts. But knowing the life he had to endure as a child when the Duncans adopted him... I hate so many of the things he’s done, but... part of me can’t help feeling sorry for him, too.” / “Underneath all those layers of ‘jackass’, way, waaaay deep down... I think there’s a lot of hurt and pain in John.”
The Whitetails: “Jacob acts like having feelings, friends, caring for things and people makes you weak. It’s just the opposite... having things to fight for - people to fight for - is a strength. More than just a ‘purpose’ - it’s a blessing.” / (angry) Jacob turning me into a weapon of destruction... he’s going to pay for that. / Forcing Bliss on animals to turn them into Judges... it’s wrong on multiple levels. / “I’m ‘weak’, Jacob? I’ll show you what a ‘weak’ person can do.”
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steves-on-a-plane · 4 years
Cordonians On Set: Brothers, Actors & Allies.
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Words: 3426  Pairing: Maxwell Beaumont x MC/Riley Brooks Timeline: The Royal Heir Book 2 Chapter 12 Summary: You and your friends are on the set of your husband’s big movie when you start to realize Maxwell’s made more than a few “minor” tweaks to the events. Mostly notably he’s made himself the star of nearly every scene. Your father-in-law Barthelemy isn't helping matters much either. Can you help smooth things out between the brother’s Beaumont and bring Maxwell’s head down from the clouds? Author’s Note: Basically I read Chapter 12 this weekend and was less that thrilled about it. (My MC is married to Maxwell.) So I tried to fix it. I know it’s a bit on the longer side for a one shot, but hopefully it’s worth the read. 
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“Wow!” You gasped as you stepped out into the soundstage with the rest of your friends. It was the first day of shooting the movie based on Maxwell’s memoir and you’d all been granted access to watch the filming. The first set you’d been taken to was an impressively accurate recreation of the Cordonian Castle’s ballroom. You, Hanna, Drake and even Liam were stunned by the craftsmanship and detail that had gone into creating the set. Maxwell and Bertrand would have also been impressed if their attention hadn’t been captured by a familiar figure standing in the center of the faux ballroom. It was their father, Barthelemy Beaumont.
“Ah, King Liam, Duchess [Y/N]! My two sons!” Barthelemy greeted everyone with a practiced smile.
You adjusted your grip of the princess in your arms. It had become a bit of a nervous habit at this point to make sure that your daughter was snuggled close to you around people you didn’t trust. Sure, technically Barthelemy was family, but he didn’t quite feel it. You hadn’t mentioned this aloud to anyone but there was just something about your father-in-law that felt off to you. Maybe it was the fact that all of Cordonia had acted like he was dead until a few months ago. It might have been the way he always seemed treated Bertrand as if he were still a child.
“Father? What are you doing here?” Bertrand asked the question you really wanted an answer to yourself.
“I know I arrived a bit early,” Barthelemy sighed dramatically. “But the crew was very accommodating of Maxwell Beaumont’s father!” There it was again, that gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach. Barthelemy had name dropped Maxwell and didn’t seem the least bit apologetic. You wanted to call him out on it, but you looked at Maxwell who was positively elated that his father was there. You decided to take a page from Bertrand’s book and offered your father-in-law a stoic but slightly critical remark instead.
“I think he means what are you doing in LA.” You commented.
“I wanted to show my support to my sons!” You fought back the urge to scoff as he continued on. “To see the set of Maxwell’s movie firsthand and to offer my assistance to Bertrand once again. Whether that be with House Beaumont duties or lending a hand with Bartie. I still regret that you had to shoulder so much in my absence. This is a chance to make amends.”
“I assure you, I have everything well under control.” Bertrand replied coldly. It was the sort of calm displeased tone you were used to Bertrand using with you back when you were vying for King Liam’s hand. The tone that implied Bertrand was upset but willing to forge ahead.
“Are you certain?” His father frowned. “I would…” But Bertrand wasn’t hearing another word on the matter.
“I said I don’t need your help!” The Duke of Ramsford hissed indignantly. For anyone else it would have been upsetting enough to see them snap at their parent like that, but for Bertrand? It was practically shouting. It was worse than the time you almost used a dessert fork during the salad course.
“Well I…” Barthelemy took a beat to compose himself. Much like the rest of you, he wasn’t used to Bertrand lose his temper.
“Come on Dad, let me help you find a good seat!” Maxwell suggested. He guided his father away to a collection of chairs slightly offstage. You weren’t sure if Maxwell finally decided to intervene for his father’s benefit or his brothers. The others moved off to find their seats too. You reached out and touched Bertrand’s arm causing him to stop and look back at you.
“Bertrand, are you okay?” You questioned.
“Just as I told my father, I’m fine.” He grumbled. He was still irritated, but clearly not with you.
“Actually, what you told him was that you didn’t need his help. And honestly, you seem pretty not fine, to me.”
“Pardon me if I’m offended by my father following me to the far side of the earth to tell me that I can’t handle my affairs.” Bertrand cast a forlorn look in his father’s direction. You sympathized with Bertrand because you knew how import family and the legacy of House Beaumont were to him. All Bertrand had ever wanted was to build something that would make his father proud. And all Barthelemy did was criticize him. “Maxwell and I got along perfectly fine without him all this time.” He added still seething with anger.
“Maxwell seems pretty happy to have him here.” You said, not able to think of anything else to comfort him. You both watched as Maxwell sat next to his father and animatedly told the story about how he convinced you to come to Cordonia in the first place.
“He was rather young when our father got sick.” Bertrand recalled.
“Let’s let Maxwell and Barthelemy have their moment, they can sit up front together and we’ll sit in the back. We’ll blame it on Maxine. We can say that she should sit in the back so she doesn’t make too much noise. I’ll even let you hold your favorite niece slash Heir to the Cordonian Throne.”
“Very well.” Bertrand agreed. He held out his arms expectantly. You passed your daughter off to him the two of you claimed two open seats in the back row.
With everyone seated and the set cleared, the actors arrived and took their places. The first scene filmed was your debut at the masquerade ball. You watched as quietly as possible from behind the cameras. Truth be told you weren’t entirely interested in watching the filming. You all knew from the book reading awhile back that Maxwell had stretched the truth in some instances when it came to his novel and you certainly weren’t expecting the Hollywood adaptation to get much more factual. It also didn’t help that the actress cast to play you appeared to be a weirdly dedicated method actress with little regard for personal space. You’d mostly come to LA to support your husband and to meet the mysterious former Queen of Rivala.
While everyone else was focused on the actors in front of them, you were still thinking about Bertrand, Maxwell and Barthelemy. Things couldn’t go on much longer the way they’d been since Bertrand’s wedding. You wondered if Maxwell could sense the tension that Barthelemy had brought into the family by behaving the way he did; he must have. Maxwell was carefree and optimistic, but he wasn’t stupid. He had to know that on some level Barthelemy was toxic. After all wasn’t he part of the reason House Beaumont had needed Bertrand’s saving in the first place?
“That’s it?” You heard Bertrand remark suddenly. “Aren’t I in this scene?” He asked, looking directly at the back of Maxwell’s head. Maxwell turned and looked back at his brother.
“Well, you weren’t actually there when [Y/N] was introduced at court.” He reminded his brother.
“No.” Bertrand frowned. “That can’t be true. I wouldn’t have missed such an occasion.”
“I’m afraid it is.” You told Bertrand regrettably. “I didn’t even meet you until after the Masquerade was almost over and then you, Max and I all went to bed early. Our first real conversation was the next morning in the car ride to the Derby.”
“I remember now.” Bertrand sighed. “I was working on House finances that evening.”
“Don’t worry.” Maxwell smiled. “I’m sure you’re in some scenes coming up later.” Maxwell turned back around while the director ordered everyone to reset and shoot the scene again. As if she could sense her Uncle’s discomfort, little Maxine reached out and wrapped her had around one of Bertrand’s fingers. For a minute at least, this managed to crack through his mask and Bertrand smirked. He wrapped the rest of his fingers around her tiny hand.
As the day went on the filming moved to shoot the night of Anton Severus’s attack. The same night you were officially recognized as the Duchess of Valtoria. The scene started out much the same as everyone remembered. The actors were placed around the ballroom set all listening to the actor who portrayed King Liam give a rousing speech and welcome you as Cordonia’s newest Duchess. The creative liberties started when the Maxwell character stepped forward to thank Liam instead of you. It felt out of place because, well why on earth would Maxwell be giving a thank you speech in that moment?
Then the lights on the set flicked off before turning back on. There was a loud pop. The Drake character had a line about there being “More fancy fireworks for the fancy party.” And then the Maxwell character was ordering the guards to usher King Liam to safety. He had a corny line about it being “time to unleash the kraken!” before confronting an extra who pointed a gun in his direction. The Drake character then sprinted in out of nowhere and knocked Maxwell to the ground. You didn’t pay attention to what happened next. You looked away from the train wreck of a scene until the director called out for everyone to take a break.
“That was just how I envisioned it when I was writing this scene!” The real Maxwell announced proudly.
“Maxwell, that’s not at all what happened.” You told him. “I knew you made a few minor tweaks here and there in the story but you kind of made everything about you.” Maxwell seemed to take what you said to heart. He looked at the set and back at you. Maybe he had changed things too much.
“I thought it was very heroic!” Barthelemy announced. You wanted to comment that no one had asked what he thought, but you remembered Bertrand seated next to you. You imagined what advice he might give you and, in your head, you recalled Bertrand’s best lecturing voice.
“You’re not just a scrappy waitress from New York, Lady [Y/N]! You’re a Duchess. The Duchess of Valtoria, and a Duchess can’t be seen shouting and ranting to her Father-In-Law on some backlot in the middle of Los Angeles.”
So, you let the subject drop for the moment. There would be plenty of time for you to speak to Maxwell later when the two of you were alone in your hotel room. The director motioned for everyone to follow him to the next set so that production could continue. As Maxwell and Barthelemy lead the charge to the new set, you and Bertrand wandered slightly behind everyone else. Hana hung back too. She had been reading the troubled expressions on your face since the last scene.
“I heard the director say that the next scene is the Beaumont Bash.” She told you. “I’m sure there’s not much Maxwell could have changed there. I remember it being a pretty crazy party.”
“Ah yes, that’s when I was first introduced to the Champagne Sword Trick.” You recalled fondly. “Or as it’s better known now, the champagne and the closest weapon to Maxwell trick. I guess it will be fun to see the actors attempt that.”
“Yeah.” Hana nodded with a smile. “Plus, Bertrand I remember you being there that night, so you’ll finally see your character in action!”
“Thank you for reminding me, Lady Hana.” Bertrand smirked. “I do seem to remember having a lot of fun that night.”
“How about you let me hold Maxine for this one?” She offered. “Then the two of you can sit upfront next to Maxwell.”
Bertrand was less enthusiastic about being in close proximity to Barthelemy again, but he did want a good view of the Beaumont Bash. You were also not happy about being near him again, your urge to call him out on his behavior was still strong. However, you let Hana take Maxine and float off to the back row of chairs. You sat next to Maxwell who was taking to his father about what a fantastic success the Beaumont Bash had been that year. Bertrand sat on your other side and quietly commented what a good job the set designers had done.
“It almost feels like home.” He whispered to you.
You agreed that the set was yet another remarkable recreation, this time of the Ramsford Estate. As the filming begins the actors playing you and Maxwell were positioned at the top of the staircase. When the director called “Action!” Your character welcomed everyone to the Beaumont Bash. While the Maxwell character leapt up onto the banister. He shouted his own line of welcome before effortlessly sliding down the bannister and uncorking a bottle of champagne with a sword. It seemed more dramatic and coordinated than anything the real Maxwell could do, but that was the magic of the movies.
As champagne spilled from the bottle in the Maxwell character’s hands, horses were led onto the set with acrobats riding atop them. Some background music began to play and extras dressed as waiters and servants walked the set with trays of drinks and Hors d'oeuvres. The cameras gather footage of all the actors mingling and partying before a door onset opens. A new actor you haven’t met yet steps into frame with a scowl on his face.
“Did I miss the sabering of the champagne?” The actor sighed. “Not for the third year in a row.” The actor looked dramatically into a nearby camera as it wheeled in for a close-up. “If only my dukely duties didn’t keep me so indisposed. I hardly have time for anyone or anything of late.”
It didn’t register with you at first, but this actor was meant to be portraying Bertrand. He wasn’t by any means a bad actor, but they way he’d been written was awful. This version of Bertrand almost felt like he’d been written as a parody, a joke.  You wanted answers from Maxwell and you wanted to comfort Bertrand, but you couldn’t take your eyes off the set when the Bertrand character uttered his next line.
“I wish I could be as fun and carefree as my wonderful younger brother, Maxwell.” The camera held on the Bertrand character moping for a few more seconds before the director ended the scene. He ordered everyone to take their lunch, promising they would return to the scene again after the break. While the actors and crew dispersed around you, it seemed the real Bertrand couldn’t hold his tongue any longer.
“Maxwell is that really how you see me?” He asked his brother looking genuinely hurt. “As some sort of fun deprived sad sack?”  
“What?” Maxwell looked shocked, as if he hadn’t predicted this reaction from him at all. “It’s just…you weren’t there for some things. Liam’s bachelor party, a lot of [Y/N]’s debut, a lot of Bartie’s first…”
“Is this meant to be comforting?” Bertrand huffed.
“Yeah.” Maxwell struggled. “I mean you had House Beaumont stuff to do. I get it. And I’m sure Bartie and Savanah get it.” That was when you decided to step in.
“Maxwell, I don’t think you’re being fair to Bertrand.” You told him. “He didn’t willingly miss any part of Bartie’s life. In fact you and Savanah decided on your own to keep Bartie a secret for so long so it’s hardly fair to throw that back in his face now.”
“I wasn’t trying too…” Maxwell started to say but he could tell that you weren’t finished.
“I’ve been trying to keep quiet today because I wanted to make sure that today was about you, but you made sure of that on your own.” You said. “Not including your brother in events that he wasn’t there is fine. What’s not fine is rewriting everyone else’s lives to make yourself out to be the hero in every single situation. Drake didn’t run across a ballroom to take a bullet for you so that you looked like some big action star. He jumped in front of gun for me because he happened to be the closest person and I was in real danger. Bertrand didn’t mope around and complain through the entire Beaumont Bash either! I remember him laughing and having fun with us.”
“Now, [Y/N] I think…” Barthelemy tried to jump in.
“I think I wasn’t talking to you.” You huffed, not looking away from Maxwell. “Maxwell, your brother has always supported you. Think of all the times he thought you’d wasted family money on things like Jet skis. Lesser people might had kicked you out or cut you off, but Bertrand never did that. Instead he worked harder to manage the house. He sacrificed so many things for himself to keep you happy and to keep House Beaumont in good standing. He has stood by every questionable decision you’ve made since I’ve known you. He stood by you when you told him you brough back a New York waitress as the hopeful future queen. He stood by you when you then told him that you fell in love with said waitress and she was no longer going to marry the King.” You breathed out and sucked in another deep breath. You hadn’t expected so many words to come flowing out of your mouth.
“And lastly, I love you Maxwell. I love that you’re a carefree, optimistic, lovable guy. You don’t need to invent some other version of you where you’re a suave action hero just to impress people. The people closest to you already love you just the way that you are. So I don’t care what you have to do, I’ll pay for the re-writes myself if I have to, but you fix this script so that we all get to see the Maxwell and Bertrand Beaumont that we know and love. Because the rest of the world deserves to see who you really are too.”
“Well, that was certainly some speech, [Y/N]. I had no idea my daughter in law was such a peacemaker.” Barthelemy said. You couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not.
“Maxwell and Bertrand are my family.” You told him, your tone just a hint icy.
“I’m going to check on Hana and Maxine.” Maxwell decided. He placed a gently kiss on your forehead before adding, after that I’m going to talk to the writers and see what we can do about the script. With Maxwell gone Barthelemy mumbled something about joining the others for lunch. You were about to do the same when Bertrand called out to you.
“[Y/N] wait,” You turned back to him. Bertrand’s expression was blank and unreadable. “Thank you, for speaking with Maxwell.”
“Bertrand, I know you don’t need me to defend you.” You added. “But I also know from your courtship with Savanah that sometimes you’re not the best at articulating your feelings. I’ve been boiling about Maxwell’s behavior all day and I was going to wait until we were back in our hotel room to say something but that last scene…it sent me over the edge for some reason. You worked hard and took care of Maxwell most of his life. He should give you more credit.”
“Be that as it may, perhaps it’s time to admit that I have taken on too much between Duchy Ramsford, my family and my duties to the crown.” Bertrand explained.
“Bertrand, I know I didn’t grow up in Cordonia and I don’t know every apple related historical moment,” You smirked. “But I’ve seen quite a bit of recent history and I know that you single handedly pulled House Beaumont and your Duchy from the brink of financial ruin. No other Cordonian is as dedicated to their Kingdom and if anyone can juggle a family and a Duchy it’s you. But it is okay to ask for help sometimes too. Asking for help isn’t admitting defeat. It’s adding in allies to the battle.”
“How could I ever be defeated with the great Duchess [Y/N] Beaumont of Valtoria, formerly New York, as my ally?” Bertrand questioned.
“Exactly.” You smiled.
“For the record, [Y/N], I am eternally pleased that you chose to marry Maxwell.” Bertrand confessed. “While I am glad to have you as an ally on the battlefield, I’m much happier to call you my sister.”
“Right back at you. I meant what I said Bertrand, you’re family and I’m happy to help you in any way I can.” You assured him. “Now I have an important question for you, what is the royal protocol for eating with plastic utensils?”
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nezzfiction · 5 years
ENMY Chapter 91 - Fourth Crusade (Part Three)
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Chapter Synopsis: The Kingdom of Vacuo faces its most daunting challenge since its conception. Salem has launched the Fourth Crusade. Reinforcements from the Atlesian Fleet are deployed, but still too far away to make a difference.
While the death of Vacuo’s ruler and the capital’s inevitable destruction marches down its predetermined course of fate, there are still those who stubbornly refuse to submit. This is the story of those who make forge their own destiny.
Series Synopsis: Team RWBY is disbanded, and Yang must find herself new allies. For her, that might very well be yesterday’s enemies. Joining up with the likes of Emerald, Mercury, and Neo, the four will comprise Team Enemy(ENMY).
Links to read the series: Ao3 or FF.net
Or hit the jump below
Fourth Crusade (Part Three)
We don’t believe in accomplishing the impossible.
Until the time comes when we no longer have a choice.
Then we move the mountains and skies.
Then we move Heaven and Hell.
I always wondered where I went wrong that fateful day.
Raven was angrier than any time I’d ever known her. Qrow and Tai also.
I should have said something—done something. There was a point where I was afraid they might start fighting each other.
Me, afraid…
Some team leader I was.
Raven said Temujin was going to die and all her old friends faced the same danger, or worse.
She wanted to leave.
Qrow and Tai called her selfish and irresponsible.
And as I stared down at Yang cradled in my arms, I agreed.
But part of me wanted her to stay for my own selfish reasons.
And that was the last day STRQ Team would ever be together.
I was their leader, and when they needed me to lead them most, I failed.
I watched my team tear itself apart in front of me, and didn’t lift a finger to stop it.
It’s only now, I know what I should have done.
What we should have done.
We all wanted the same thing, but bringing that truth to the surface is always difficult. I guess that’s the same for everyone.
I have this thing… this ability.
With it, I can see people’s dreams, even walk through them. I can glimpse what they wish for the most.
There was never stopping Raven from leaving for Vacuo. She wanted our support, our understanding. Even though, she pretends not to care what we think. It broke her heart when none of us took her side.
Qrow wanted to help the Faunus cause too, but Ozpin and even Shepherd asked him not to interfere. He wanted to stop Raven from leaving more than any of us—and he blamed himself more than any of us. Qrow saw himself as a failure, when all he wanted to do was watch out for his big sister for once.
Tai loved Raven, but love can turn to hate so quickly. I don’t think he’ll ever forgive her for abandoning him and Yang. All he wanted was for us to stay together as a team. He wanted us to stay one big, happy family.
He probably wished for that more than I did.
I wanted to be with Raven above everything else.
She was my partner, my best friend, my…
I loved her.
I’d dream forever about how that day could have ended differently. We all did.
The right word or the right sentence. Raven stopping at the front door. Her turning back, and deciding to stay in Patch. Still a sister to her brother. Still a mother to Yang. A member of STRQ Team forever.
And always the one by my side.
But that’s all they were.
We can get lost in them if we’re not careful, or worse, they can be taken advantage of.
And we can’t stop having them, either.
I think a big part of a lot of us is we wish we could want less. Feel less of that hurt when we don’t get what we so sorely need.
But I also think that’s a part of what makes the human soul—our dreams.
That’s why the only thing we can try to do is bring them to life with our own hands.
I searched a long time for the answer to that day, to what we should have done.
And after all this, I finally know.
It’s a bit late.
But I found a way to make our dreams come true.
All it will take is a little bit of luck,
A little bit of determination,
And just a little bit of courage.
X  X X  X  X
“Thank you for lending me your help, Knives,” Summer spoke to the girl, whose body she currently possessed.
You don’t have to thank me, the small voice replied.
You’re helping me save Temujin.
And I was the one, who reached out to you in the first place.
“Yeah. But without your Semblance, none of this would be possible. So I felt like I should say thank you one more time.”
……You’re welcome, Knives replied shyly. But you should save your thanks for if we actually manage to change the future.
“True enough.”
Summer grinned inwardly.
“Such a good girl.”
The small thought made her dig her feet deeper into the stone floor. Summer tightened her grip around the daggers stopping Camlann’s claymore from running her through to Temujin. The Grimm knight’s strength and stamina were practically limitless, but still, the little girl managed to hold on.
Temujin was behind, straining her Semblance. Gravity, atmospheric pressure, even the chemicals in the air bent to her will. And still, Camlann withstood the hostile environment collapsing around it. Its massive body pushing forward one step at a time, inching its blade closer to its mortal enemy’s neck.
The stalemate brought the world around them to a halt. A density filled the throne room of the Hanging Gardens.
Meanwhile, Blake and Adam watched the war of attrition from a distance. The dark-haired girl showing a particularly conflicted expression.
“It seems Titan’s death affects me more than I realize. Else, I’d never find myself hesitating to such degree. Or is it the freshness of this new vessel?” the Witch’s speech fell from Blake’s lips. “My apologies for letting this drag on.”
Blake brandished Gambol Shroud and pointed its barrel between Summer and Temujin. She knew a simple pull of the trigger would be enough. The two couldn’t afford to divert their attentions elsewhere. They were completely vulnerable.
Still, when the Witch willed her finger to squeeze, it would not.
“……Blake,” she said to herself, like lecturing a child. “How long do you plan to resist? Temujin’s suffering only prolongs until her Semblance inevitably exhausts. We are performing a mercy.”
The Witch sighed, paying no attention to the rest of her body, which was now trembling uncontrollably.
“The past will not repeat itself. Titan destroyed my previous vessel. Salem is no more. You are the Witch now. Do you understand? You will kill who I want you to kill.”
Blake’s arm shook so hard, the gun almost fell out of her hands. But no matter how much the host fought, the sights of her weapon eventually tracked back to Temujin. The trigger was now being pulled. Only a few more ounces of pressure, and it would all be over.
The Witch sighed.
“Unbelievable. Your stubbornness is frustrating, but admirable. I’ve chosen a very good vessel this time around.”
Blake let her arm drop to the side.
“Adam,” she snapped.
But nothing happened.
“Adam.” Blake ordered more firmly.
When she turned around, she saw the young man had stabbed his sword through his own leg. Blood trickled freely from the wound. Adam collapsed to one knee.
“…Truly inconceivable,” the Witch mocked in awe. “Blake, I can more or less understand. But you, Adam. Temujin treated you like a disgrace when you grew beyond her control. She hated you for stealing Blake away.”
“She…! Could have ended me whenever she wanted…! Even now!” Adam answered with pained breaths. “Temujin has always put our people above all else…! This is the least I can do!!!”
“A noble sentiment. You are hereby ordered to consume Bane.”
The Witch’s command sent a lump down Adam’s throat. He knew what the action entailed, but despite his inner protests, his hand went to the pocket of his coat. A polished shard of obsidian quality drew shakily between his fingers.
The Bane would rob Adam of his reason. Only a beast would be left, a beast driven by nothing but his baser instincts. A hound that would follow the Witch’s orders to its letter.
With his last trace of sanity, he looked to Temujin. He didn’t know what to expect.
There was only warmth in the old Faunus’ eyes. An understanding and acceptance of what would come next. She bore no ill will towards him. A pre-conditioned forgiveness transcended the wordless stare.
Adam felt tears swell, right before his whole world reeled back into nothingness. Only the sharp cuts of crystal on his gums could be felt. And then, rage rushed out from the pits.
The berserker ripped the sword from his leg, no thought spared to worsening the wound. On the contrary, once the blade was free, the opening in the muscle tissue closed rapidly. Bane increased his healing factor, as well as cause Adam’s features to grow more bestial. His Aura began to overflow like a broken faucet.
The young man’s katana was returned to its sheath and his body lowered into his signature iaido stance.
At the same time, Camlann abruptly changed the angle of its sword. Displacing the blade up, the Grimm pressed close to Knives’ significantly smaller body and swiped its elbow in an upper cut motion. The girl’s guard broke, her daggers sent flying in different directions.
Not giving her a chance to draw replacements, Camlann brought the point of its toe to her midsection. Knives’ was able to bring her hands to catch it in time, but the kick sent her flying to the roof.
Summer was out of the way. Adam had a clear line of sight on Temujin, and Camlann was ready to follow through.
Knives’ Semblance flashed a future coming to fruition. The veil draped over events yet to happen was being lifted. A familiar blade piercing Temujin.
You have to stop them! Knives cried from within.
“This… will have lasting consequences.”
“Alright, Knives.”
As Summer’s feet met the ceiling, a burst of silvery Aura enveloped her.
The moment Adam launched his attack, a ghostly afterimage appeared in his way. Its figure obscured by a white, misty cloak. Beneath its cape, a pair of chakrams flew out. The cyclic blades caught Adam’s with perfect timing, putting a stop to it, while almost breaking the katana itself.
As quickly as the apparition appeared, so too did it evaporate.
“If I wasn’t used to seeing Raven’s techniques, that could have gone a lot worse,” Summer thought to herself.
At the same time, Camlann attempted to cleave through Temujin, but a triple strike from a descending Knives forced the claymore into the floor just short. With the weapon imbedded, the little girl landed on its spine, trapping the weapon deeper into the foundation.
“Temujin!” Summer shouted.
There was a slight reluctance, but the elder dismissed it. The activating of her Semblance increased the gravity of Camlann’s arm, holding it firmly in place.
Knives expelled a short breath. Just as the host and its possessor were about to let relief sink in, a small fluctuation in their connection occurred. Almost like the two personalities were being ripped from one another.
What is this? Why is this happening?!
“I used my own Semblance with your body,” Summer answered. “It was too much to force through our connection, and you might wake up soon.”
I can’t! We need you to fight!
“It’s alright, our bond should hold for now. Also, we managed to buy enough time!”
Just then, Blake’s ears twitched in the direction of the throne room’s entrance.
“Hmph. Unwanted guests of the most annoying variety,” she said without a hint of worry. “Adam.”
The berserk swordsman moved next to her, and together, they disappeared in a tuft of black smoke.
The instant they were gone, a man with short blond hair appeared at the entrance door. With him, flew a bird which quickly turned into a human upon landing.
The moment they passed through the archway together, Blake and Adam reappeared just above. Their blades poised and ready. Gravity guiding their ambush towards unsuspecting prey.
“Sanctuary!” Summer called.
Though the voice was Knives’, Taiyang reacted to the keyword and the authority of its tone like it was second nature. The man planted his feet. A solid stance rooted his core to the earth. As he channeled his Aura through his immediate surroundings, Chinese trigrams interposed the floor. The tattoos of his Semblance’s activation appeared all over his skin, as well as on Qrow’s.
Blake and Adam’s swords struck the pair’s necks, but only managed to cause sparks to fly, as if they connected with solid steel wall.
“Yellow Jacket!” Summer gave the following order.
Qrow and Taiyang moved. While Blake blinked out of harm’s way, the blonde martial artist circled Adam. Ducking below a wide-arcing slash, Taiyang took the swordsman’s back, putting him in a body lock.
With Adam’s limbs trapped, unable to defend himself, Qrow leveled his sword and thrust. The young man’s abdominal was pierced clean through. Qrow’s blade only stopping when it met Taiyang’s body.
As the old partners finished their combo, Knives shared another Precognition with Summer. The prediction of the future shifted slightly for a moment before returning to its course. In the changed timeline, the manner in which Temujin was killed was different, but it was a deviation nonetheless.
We can do it! Changing the future is still possible!
“Yes, but the price might be too much.” Summer said doubtfully.
What do you need?
“…More. More than what I’ve already asked.”
Then, take it!
“ If I do, the damage will be irreparable. It will be the worst-case scenario.”
I don’t care!
Please! Temujin is everything to Mouse and me. If there’s a price to pay for even one chance at saving her, I’ll pay it! I don’t care what it takes!
“…I understand,” Summer acknowledged with a solemnness. “It’s probably why I was able to bond with you.”
There was movement beneath her feet. Then, Camlann freed its blade from being stuck in the ground. And with a speed that belied the Grimm’s mass, swung its claymore at the girl who once stood on it.
Just as the edge cleaved the side of Knives’ arm, the visage trailed away. Dissipated, like a mere mirage. Only a sliver of wisp left behind, before that was gone too.
A light ring from a wind chime could be heard. It was both gentle, but piercing. And like a ghost, a figure in a bright-white cape landed next to Qrow and Taiyang. A disturbing likeness to one they knew so dearly was shining through.
“Hey, guys. Did you miss me?” Knives addressed the two.
They could see the girl’s irises shimmer silver under the familiar hood. A ceaseless discharge of power flowed from them, like a force trying to break through. It was causing cracks to develop in her pupils.
“Summer? Is that really you?” Qrow murmured in disbelief.
“It is,” Summer nodded.  She brandished a faint image of her chakrams—a pair of circular blades. Their diameter was the length of her legs, decorated like wreaths of thorns and roses.
“Shrike,” she ordered, before taking off at a run.
Qrow matched his movements to her. Taiyang conjured tattooed characters to blanket both their skins.
The dashing pair flanked Camlann with light-footed maneuvers. Countless strikes rang out from the knight’s armor. Because they were reinforced by Taiyang’s Semblance, their attacks cut deeper grooves than they would otherwise.
If the situation continued, the Grimm might have been brought down by a thousand small wounds. But Blake realized what was happening, and intervened.
She appeared at the Grimm’s side. Her fast bladework danced in Summer’s mirror opposite. A lightning chain exchange between light and dark rippled the air. Every collision made the atmosphere scream with the clashing elements.
“You’re killing her,” Blake commented. “You’re forcing your Semblance through whatever connection you have, and it’s killing her.”
The Witch observed the fissures in Knives’ eyes, like flaws growing in shattering glass.
“No!” Temujin yelled. “Summer! Stop using Knives this instant!”
Summer realized the Witch’s words weren’t meant to taunt her, but to incite Temujin.
“This is what she wants!” she cried out. “Knives decided this herself!”
“I don’t care!” Temujin protested. “I won’t let either of you put her life in danger any longer…”
“She will not die on my behalf!”
But it was too late. Temujin activated her Semblance and emptied the air around Knives of oxygen. The girl could only keep what breath was still in her lungs and retreat, or risk losing consciousness.
“Finally,” Blake smirked.
The Witch immediately double teamed her assault with Camlann. A flurry of vicious strikes cut Qrow’s Aura to ribbons, and almost did the same with his flesh. But the veteran Huntsman backed off just as his defenses were giving out. The tattoos across his and Summer’s skin pulsed with a yellow burn.
As soon as Summer was out of Temujin’s territory, she parted her held breath.
Qrow unfolded his sword into its scythe form. He swung it around once to generate momentum. On the second return, Taiyang leapt onto its edge.
A fiery sonic boom lit the chamber as the fighter was catapulted at Camlann. The once glowing tattoos on his comrades reappeared on his skin. The damages they took transferred to him, awakening the strength that was previously dormant.
Blake tried to intercept, but her attack only seemed to amplify Taiyang’s strength, as he blew passed her.
Camlann stabbed its sword-arm into the ground. It dug it in like an anchor to withstand the oncoming force. The Grimm’s shield went up, large enough to cover its whole body.
Taiyang pulled his elbow back in preparation. When he reached the optimum distance, his hand thrusted out. A firm stance was taken at a zero-point distance.
For a brief moment, the world came to a strenuous halt.
And then, Taiyang’s palm connected with Camlann’s aegis. The martial artist interposed trigram formations onto the bony surface, and the characters erupted.
An explosion of fire sundered the Grimm’s shell off its wielder’s body, and with it, a number of scales from Camlann’s armor. The previous attacks from Qrow and Summer’s Shrike combo set up enough damage for the bone to rupture.
Taiyang had to concentrate a majority of his Aura into the blow, but the result was irrefutable. He was about to finish the Grimm off, when Blake almost severed his arm with both her blades.
A low chime resounded, and Taiyang was shifted back to his comrades’ side with Summer’s hand wrapped around his.
“Honestly, must I do everything?” the Witch rolled her eyes and scowled.
She drew a number of Bane shards from her pouch, and knocked them to the back of her throat. Taking so much of the substance led to a thick mist engulfing her body. Only a pair of haunting amber spheres with thin slits was visible through the fog.
Suddenly, nine shadows of giant cats erupted from the clouds. Their yellow eyes mimicked their original, as they pounced at Summer, Qrow, and Taiyang from different directions. The attack not only distracted them, but obscured their vision. And it was there, Blake found her opening.
“A bit underhanded. But one shouldn’t really concern themselves with foul play when carrying out one’s destiny.”
Blake’s actual body turned to the wounded Camlann, and reached out.
“And so, the wheels of fate resume their turn.”
Summer and Knives shared another vision of the future. This one, more vivid than the others. Its events overlapped the present with exact likeness.
With a callous motion, Blake grasped the base of Camlann’s sword-arm, and ripped it from its shoulder.
“GRAAAAHHHHH!!!!” the monster wailed in pain.
The Witch paid the creature no mind, as she held the Grimm’s torn limb weightlessly in her hand. Within the same breath, she threw it with a flick of her shoulder.
The point of the sword made-javelin, soared towards its target with frightening speed.
“Ah…” Temujin exhaled.
“So, this is how my story ends.”
X  X X  X  X
The moment she closed her eye, Temujin felt a symphony of echoes cascade around her.
“All I wanted was for Raven to stay.”
“Vacuo will not die!”
“Where is Temujin?!”
“I have to get back to Cinder!”
“Is Yang alright?”
“Blake’s here! I need to see her!”
“The world will start over.”
“How will the Strongest survive now?”
Her conscious slipped deeper into the darkness. Her corporeal sense homed in to the figure floating before her. A woman cloaked in ghostly white whispered.
“I know your dreams, too.”
Summer’s smile could barely be gleaned beneath her hood.
“You do, do you?” Temujin questioned.
“Temujin, the fabled Fang of Vacuo and Great Khan. Hero of the Third Crusade and Savior of the Faunus people.”
“I am a plague and a tyrant. The worst kind. One that is championed by the people.”
“That’s not what you are.”
“I’ve sent countless to their deaths, and have taken the lives of countless more. Do you know what I feel after all of that?”
“Nothing.” Temujin chuckled mockingly, as if to accost herself. “Nothing.”
“That’s not true. You and I know that. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be trying so hard to find a way to die.”
“My death will serve as small recompense, and it is all I can offer.”
“Like I said, I know your dreams—your wish.”
“It hasn’t changed since the day you were reborn in the desert. It hasn’t changed since you were a little girl. And it’s no different from your brother’s, from Raven’s, or from any of your people’s.”
“I was a tyrant, or I was very much close to becoming one.”
“You wanted prosperity. You wished for your people to live free, strong, and with pride. You taught your loved ones to take charge of their own destinies. That’s the opposite of a tyrant.”
“I sacrificed them without regret.”
“You wanted to save them at any cost. And you always regretted…You just never allowed yourself to face it until now.”
Temujin felt something prick her heart. It hurt more than any wound she suffered in battle. It spread and overwhelmed her with a sickening nausea.
Several cries echoed around them. Voices of many she recognized. They were reaching out for her with all they could, with every desperate measure.
“Can you hear them?” Summer asked. “Will you really ignore them?”
“They’re willing to do anything to save you, like you would for them. They don’t care what Grimm they have to face, or fight whatever the Witch brings, or even if an army of immortals stood in their way.”
“They’d break any rule. They’d ignore whatever the fates wished.”
“All of them…idiots,” Temujin worded with a shiver.
“Yes. We all are.”
“I wish I could deny them.”
“You can’t. That’s the nature of wishes. Sometimes they’re the same, sometimes they’re different and they conflict with each other. And they all vary in strength.”
“Your wish to die a noble death?”
“It’s actually pretty weak,” Summer grinned. “There are two especially who are really stubborn and good at fighting yours and fate’s wishes.”
“I wonder who that would be?”
“You can make a guess.”
X  X X  X  X
Temujin opened her eye to the sound of shattering glass. Somethings or someones had broken through the windows of the throne room. And a pair of familiar figures rushed into her field of vision. Their outstretched hands trying to stop Camlann’s sword from piercing her.
The worry on their faces was something she felt guilty about cherishing. It was a sight she would engrave into her memory for the rest of her life.
Not bad for the last thing I’ll ever see.
X  X X  X  X
Summer and Knives watched the prediction play out, and then diverge into two clear paths. The culmination of all their efforts led to this single crossroad.
Summer activated her Semblance along with her Maiden’s Inheritance. The consequences of forcing her abilities through a proxy would exact an unbearable price. But a price Knives would have paid a hundred times over.
Her shade flickered to Raven’s side. Summer’s hands grasped the sword at her waist and cast the Grimm sleeping within to a deep slumber.
That should nullify Salem’s contract for a little bit.
Now, do what you need to do.
X  X X  X  X
Raven and Yang launched themselves from Ilia’s airship, through the windows of the throne room. They watched the claymore fly towards Temujin in slow motion. The mother and daughter willing everything to reaching the elder woman in time.
They were close enough to see the peaceful expression on Temujin’s face. The expression of one that accepted their fate as sealed. A spirit of resignation.
But they would never allow such a thing.
As Temujin opened her eye once more to see them rush to her aid, she could tell what they were thinking without them saying a word.
The Grimm blade pierced its mark and blood was spilt. Yang and Raven caught its edge with their barehands, and ripped it away before it could bore any deeper into Temujin’s skull. The monstrous arm was flung to a nearby wall, while the two caught the old Faunus on each side.
“Temujin! Speak to me! Don’t you dare die on me, you old bat!!!” Raven shouted desperately.
“Hey!” Yang also cried with tears in her eyes. “Come on! You don’t get to die just like that! This is bullshit! Wake the hell up, grandma!!!”
There was only silence.
“Mmm…!” Temujin grumbled incoherently for a moment. “Damn it.”
She lifted her hand to check what used to be her remaining eye.
“Bastard took the other one.”
“You stupid, old bitch!” Raven pressed her head into Temujin’s chest, sobbing uncontrollably. “Who gives a fucking damn about your eye! You’re still alive!”
“I give a damn. It was my last one…”
“Well…! At least you can’t make fun of how I look right now.”
“Yes. But I don’t think I’ll ever forget how you and Yang had the same sniveling noses when you thought I was going to die.”
“You’re the worst!” Yang said with tearful laughter.
“You really are,” Raven agreed.
Raven and Yang turned to the source of sarcastic applause. Their tempers instantly flaring with unquenchable hate.
“Bravo,” the Witch ended with one more clap. “I do love theater.”
“Salem…” Yang snarled.
“Oh, no. Not Salem,” Blake corrected. “Salem is no more. I am the Witch now. Not merely a host, but the legitimate article.”
The girl smirked, and gave a flick of her wrist. A dark grimoire appeared aloft in her hand.
“And with it, comes all my immortal capabilities. I’m sure you must understand what that means, Raven.”
The swordswoman only glared silently.
“You are now outmatched. And in the process, failed to stop me from taking Miss Belladonna’s body,” the Witch glowered. “You, as well, Yang Xiao Long. You failed your former partner and lover. Like mother, like daughter, I suppose. Tradition as old as rhyme.”
“We’ll see if you’re still singing that same tune, when I rip you out of Blake like the leech you are!!” Yang roared. “I’ll save her!”
“Oh, I’m sure you believe that, dear. But then again, how will you save this girl when you can’t even save yourself?”
Blake’s nine clones assembled beside the original. From the grimoire, a number of emblems flew from its pages, and engraved themselves into the replications. Each lent a certain special characteristic to its wielder.
Blake’s shadows then, leapt to attack. Multiple unique Semblances were activated in tandem. Every one of them with an ability previously recorded in the Witch’s grimoire.
“Nightingale!” Summer called out.
Raven’s body moved almost of its own accord. The blade of a katana grew from the underside of her wrist, like an extension of her forearm. She moved in concert with her partner. Traces of Summer’s Aura within her soul sang in harmony with her beloved’s.
The pair’s figures blinked in and out intermittently across the throne room, parrying the various strikes of Blake’s clones. A melodious song weaved through the wind of their every step. A lethal duet they had not performed in years, but a rhythm they comfortably fell into.
In the meantime, Taiyang snapped to a responsibility only he could fulfill. He rushed to Temujin’s side, dodging the apparitions of the Witch along the way, while protected by Summer and Raven.
Once he reached the elder, Taiyang laid his palm across her bleeding eye socket. The glowing characters of his Semblance transposed onto her. The blood stopped and the wound cauterized.
“She’ll be fine for now,” he said to a worried Yang. “Right now, we need to—”
His words were cut short, as Adam’s blade was barely blocked by Yang’s gauntlet. A slash that would have otherwise cleared Taiyang’s neck.
“Damn…! Could you give a girl a break?!”
Adam only frothed at the mouth, not seeming to understand anything.
“You no longer have the resources to fight, Yang Xiao Long,” all of Blake’s clones said at once. “Your soul is spent.”
“That’s fine, though!” Summer interrupted. Her pair of rose chakrams fending of the rapid flourishes of Gambol Shroud. “Our team will take it from here.”
“Hmph. The illustrious STRQ Team. A shadow of an exaggerated legend. It wasn’t so long ago you were at bitter odds with one another. Do you truly expect to work under such faulty pretenses?”
As soon as the call went out, Summer withdrew to conserve Knives’ strength, and Raven and Qrow dashed shoulder to shoulder.
“Still remember how to do this, little brother?”
“I can take the lead if you’re feeling forgetful.”
“Just make sure you keep up.”
As the Branwens flew to their targets, they left a trail of black feathers in their wake. Raven saw the Death in their enemies. Thin red threads outlined the fatal flaws in Adam and Blake’s bodies, guiding her blade. Her movements, in turn, paved the path for Qrow’s.
The younger sibling’s Reaper Semblance synchronized with his sister’s. Each fall of Raven’s attack was followed by Qrow’s scythe. The lethal one-two combo decimated the shadows of the Witch. But as her clones fell one after another, the main body only paid attention to Camlann’s sword-arm embedded in the wall.
Blake ripped it from its spot, turning it over in inspection. She then, paid the wounded Grimm with a pitiful look. The knight was still on one knee, leaning on its broken shield for support.
“Do not worry, Camlann. Your wish will be fulfilled yet.”
Blake held out the dismembered limb towards its owner. Dark tendrils sprouted, connecting the two with an eerie Magic. The grotesque sinew pulsated and crunched, until the knight’s body was devoured into the sword. A new cursed artifact was born.
“Hm,” Blake marveled, holding the claymore upright. “This may be one of my finest works yet.”
Dark lightning traveled up and down the artifact’s edge. An ominous bloody glow irradiated its hilt to its ridge. One test swing made the wind roar with a murderous storm.
Who first?
Perhaps, Yang Xiao Long?
Temujin would also make a fine test.
The Witch loosened and retightened her grip on the new version of Camlann. She also rechecked the control over her body.
The assimilation is progressing smoothly.
Enough of it seems complete, in that Blake can no longer interfere.
The girl bolted for where Yang and Temujin rested.
“Summer!” Raven shouted upon noticing.
“Don’t worry,” Summer whispered within her. “We won’t let anything happen to either of them. We’re with you.”
Raven stopped in her tracks, and felt a familiar Magic swell within her. It was an ability she used only a handful of times. Like the Magic Ozpin granted her and her brother, which let them transform into birds, Salem granted Raven something as well.
It was in no small way one of the reasons Temujin was able to overcome the Third Crusade and go blow for blow against the previous Spring Maiden.
“Onimaru!” Summer called.
Raven’s form warped and twisted. The core of her soul was drawn out from within, while her physical body retracted in its opposite. The purest derivative of her Semblance and personality was borne in the shape of an Odachi.
Raven’s alternate form shone with the deepest black steel. A thick, viscous smog drifted along its spine, like oil floating in water. Simply keeping still, its ink painted the canvas of the atmosphere. Beautiful, ceremonial threads of crimson decorated its handle, while tassels weaved from its end like a tail.
At the same time, Summer’s figure blinked in Blake’s path with a low ring. Raven’s sword form flew to her partner’s grasp. As the two made contact, their wills and strengths became one. The braids of the Odachi wrapped Summer’s arm, fusing their Auras.
A rush of chaotic energy exploded from the godly blades meeting each other. Camlann’s wrath electrified the air around them. Raven’s brushstroke reaped death with each breath.
“I can’t believe you’re here, Summ.”
“Really? I can,” Summer replied to the echoes of the sword.
“How did you know this was going to happen?”
“Cause I knew we could make it. Because I knew this was what we wished for.”
A shockwave caused the pillars in the room to crumble slightly. Blake and Summer traded blows with their greatswords an immeasurable amount of times. Each exchange rippled the fabric of reality, bringing forth influences from the Never Realm.
The lightning from Camlann intertwined with the fiery ink of Raven’s calligraphy. Summer felt her hand guided by her partner’s embedded technique. A devastating horizontal slash and reverse was performed like the flight of a swallow’s return. Meanwhile, Blake thrust Camlann with a force culminated from the wrath of thousands of fallen Crusaders.
The roof tore open and the combination of thunder and brush streaks scarred the sky.
“This is what should have been,” Summer said. “This is what we should have done all those years ago.”
In spite of the clash of cataclysmic proportions, or perhaps because the situation demanded the partners’ inner hearts to unite, Summer and Raven’s inner thoughts were shared.
“We should never have left you alone.”
“It’s not your fault, Summ. I made my choice to leave the team. I needed to save Temujin.”
“And I’m saying we should have gone with you. It doesn’t matter the reasons. We all wanted the same thing in our own ways.”
“But it’s today we do it right.”
As Summer finished the thought, Raven realized what she meant. A warmth she hadn’t felt for so long brimmed like a mad joy.
Taiyang, Qrow, and Summer were here with her. STRQ Team was reunited, here in Vacuo. Together, they were saving her home and helping her protect Temujin. It was like a dream come true.
“…I love you, Summ.”
“Hehe! I love you, too!”
“Hey, Tai? You get the feeling we’re missing something important?” Qrow appeared.
“Dunno,” Taiyang shrugged. “But I’ll tell ya, I haven’t enjoyed a fight like this in a long while!”
Synchronizing their assault with their leader, the two men joined their teammates on each side. The complete onslaught of STRQ Team became an overwhelming contest against the Witch, who’s hands were failing to keep up.
It was then, Blake felt heat tickle just above her shoulder. She ducked the sneak attack, vanishing to an empty space of the chamber. The fist of a blazing gold narrowly missed her.
“Damn it! If I wasn’t running so low on fumes, I would’ve gotten you!” Yang complained.
In the break from her opponents, Blake made a quiet assessment of her situation. Temujin was barely hanging on to her life. STRQ Team were a formidable threat, but they were approaching their limits, especially with Summer possessing Knives. And Yang was in the worst condition of them all.
On the Witch’s side, her only ally in Adam was overdosed on Bane and crippled by fatal injuries. Her strength, complimented by Camlann’s artifact, could overwhelm STRQ Team over time. The problem was the newness of her vessel.
Blake was strong. The Witch had been preparing her body for some time now, but the demise of “Salem” came earlier than expected. Contrary to her earlier bluff, the young Faunus wasn’t completely capable of harnessing all her Magic yet. If the battle continued, she would risk the same long-term damages Knives was accruing from Summer’s possession. It was too early for the Witch to sacrifice her new vessel. That is, unless the benefit outweighed the penalty.
And then, there was still the previous host trying to break control.
“…Yang!” Blake cried.
“You have to end me!”
Yang recognized the tone as her former partner’s. There was no questioning it. Whether the Witch was letting the personality surface on purpose didn’t matter.
“No.” Yang shook her head. “I’m not killing you, Blake. Not ever.”
“Please…! You have to!”
“Did you really just expect me to say, ‘Sure! No problem’?” she flashed a confident smile. “I’m going to save you no matter what.”
“…Really? After all that’s happened?”
“You’ll never stop being important to me. Things change, but that never will. I’m coming for you.”
Yang lowered into a fighting stance. The engines of her Ember Celica gave a violent sputter before firing its afterburners. Red painted her eyes.
It wasn’t just Yang, but STRQ Team also readied to resume their desperate battle. Haggard or not, they held the same unwavering determination as the younger. The idea of taking Blake’s life never crossed their minds.
“Hm,” the Witch remarked with amusement. “I can use that. If you’re not willing to destroy this body to defeat me, then I won’t have to worry about—”
The young girl’s ears perked at hearing the familiar voice. It felt like her heart suddenly stopped beating, and her breath was taken away. The Witch couldn’t force the body to move the way she wanted.
“Blake, you promised me, right?” Ilia approached. “You remember? You still in there?”
“…Illy. D-don’t…!” Blake staggered back, clutching her head. “Don’t come near me…!”
“Blake,” Ilia stepped closer. “It’s time to come home. It’s time to come back to me. I’m right here.”
“Stop! I can’t hold her back!”
“Yes. You can.”
“She’s too strong!”
“You’re stronger!”
Ilia was now close enough, and grasping Blake’s hands. The sword of Camlann fell to the side.
“I love you, Blake.”
The lines in the girl’s face knitted with anguish, while the black in her eyes warped. Two souls within the body warred for influence. The yellow glow in her irises shimmered with change. Then, in a tone that was completely genuine,
“I love you, too, Illy. I haven’t forgotten our promise,” Blake nodded tearfully.
Her soft expression hardened, as she turned to her former partner. A quiet determination burned there.
“Yeah, Blake. I promise I’ll bring you back to Ilia.”
“……Thank you.”
“I’ll see you soon.”
Blake smiled, and returned to Ilia with a meaningful look. She leaned in to leave a soft kiss on her lips, before stepping firmly away.
“It’ll be a little longer, I think,” she said apologetically.
“Don’t keep me waiting too long,” Ilia replied with a sorrowful grin.
“I’ll try not to.”
A thick black smog swirled Blake’s body, and engulfed the entire throne room for a moment. When it dissipated, the girl was gone.
Ilia looked to Yang.
It was no secret she harbored a lot of resentment towards her. But it was in this moment, the two completely understood one another. The determination to save the same cherished person was a bond a long time coming. A wordless vow was shared.
“So,” Yang started awkwardly. “Does that mean we’re friends now?”
And just as quick as the understanding formed, so too did it break as Ilia clicked her tongue with annoyance.
“Not on your life, Xiao Long.”
“—Not until you get Blake back for me.”
X  X X  X  X
Summer’s strength abruptly left her and her grip on Raven with a sudden jolt. Her small body went limp, like it was struck with instant paralysis.
Raven dropped to her human form and caught her.
“Summer! Summer, what’s wrong?!”
The misty visage of the woman evaporated to reveal Knives heaving heavy breaths. Her sweating chest raised and fell, like her tiny body had just been freed from carrying an impossible burden. The Silver in her irises pale—before cracking open completely.
“Summer…” Temujin groaned. “What have you done…?”
“It’s the price for channeling my Semblance and the Maiden’s Inheritance,” Summer’s voice came distantly from Knives’ lips. “It’s supposed to be impossible under any other circumstance. But Knives is a very exceptional girl, Temujin. You should be proud.”
“She’ll be blind from now on. Her Semblance is gone, too.”
“Knives understood what it would take from the beginning and the risks that would come with me possessing her. And she did it, anyway. If you want to blame me, I’m fine with that.”
“Knives…” Temujin wept. “Knives, why for someone like me?”
“The same reason you would do anything for her.”
“Damn it…! Stupid girl!”
“Love and stupid go together a lot,” Summer gave a small, deprecating chuckle. “Raven?”
“Yeah,” the woman clutched the girl’s hand, while she stared blankly into nothing. “I’m here, Summ. We’re all here.”
“Sorry, I kinda sprung all this without warning. I’m sure you all have questions.”
“Only about a thousand of them, but what’s new?” Raven gave a stifled chuckle.
“I missed you. All of you. But like all things that are too good to be true—”
“They don’t last.”
“Nope. No, they don’t.”
Summer sat up with painful effort. Although she was blind, she seemed to sense where everyone was, as she turned to each as she spoke.
“Qrow, Ruby needs as much training as possible before the final battle. It’s only half, but she needs to learn how to use the Maiden’s Inheritance too.”
“Seriously? You appear out of nowhere, possessing some girl, and that’s all you have to say to me?”
“Your leader’s orders are absolute.”
“Heh!” Qrow wiped his eyes. “Haven’t heard that for way too long.”
“And don’t forget to give Yang the Relic.”
“How do you—never mind. Of course, you know.”
“Tai, once I leave Knives’ body, I won’t be able to regulate her Aura. Use your Semblance to keep her from dying.”
“Yeah, alright,” Taiyang sighed. “You got it. Leader’s orders.”
Summer produced Raven’s old sword, and handed it to its rightful owner.
“The Grimm inside it will wake once I leave Knives. Once it does, your contract with the Witch continues.”
“I figured as much,” Raven answered bitterly, as she took the sword. A familiar dread bound her soul to the accursed weapon once again.
“We’ll talk more when the time is right,” Summer promised all of them. “I’m not supposed to be here in the first place, so I’ll hold off on hearing all your complaints for the moment!”
The rest of STRQ Team chuckled at their leader’s words.
“And, Yang?”
Yang swallowed hard as she stepped towards her.
“I’ll see you and Ruby in Menagerie.”
“………Alright, mom…” she answered uneasily. Yang tried to control the emotion rising in her throat, but it only made her hiccup painfully.
“I’m so proud of how far you’ve come. Just a little bit longer now. I know you can do it.”
“……Alright, mom.”
Summer smiled fondly. The edges of her lips then, relaxed and her eyelids drifted close. Summer’s presence receded, and the original host of the body became its only occupant.
“Well,” Raven nonchalantly stood with a huff. “That didn’t go as terribly as it could have gone.”
“You mean, us being a Team again?” Taiyang clarified.
“Mostly because Summer was here. You two bozos were extras.”
“Of course,” Qrow rolled his eyes. “Would it kill you to just say something nice to us once in a while?”
Raven opened her mouth, and then closed it.
“…Thank you. Both of you. For coming.”
Taiyang and Qrow blinked with surprise, before breaking into embarrassed smiles.
“Oh god,” Taiyang massaged the back of his neck. “I feel old.”
“You, too, huh?” Qrow chuckled.
The three shared a quiet moment together. A small rewrite of history. The day STRQ Team disbanded was overwritten with today’s reunion, no matter how brief.
“Qrow, Tai,” Raven spoke. “You look better. Less drunk and depressed than I’ve seen in a long time. Make sure whoever’s looking after your sorry asses keeps doing it.”
““Uh huh…”” they both groaned, looking away.
“And just in case you idiots get any dumb ideas, know that we’re still enemies after this. The same goes for you too, Yang.”
“I know, mom,” the daughter rolled her eyes. “I’m coming for you too, you know. Blake’s not the only one I’m dragging back home.”
“…Don’t get cocky. Well, then. I guess I’ll see you all on the full moon.”
Raven turned and was about to leave, when she stopped.
“Take care of yourself, you old prune.”
“As much as a blind woman can,” Temujin waved vaguely.
“And don’t,” she paused. “Don’t do something stupid like trying to kill yourself again! Or I swear, I’ll stop you just so I can kill you myself.”
“Oh ho ho! Who taught you to speak that way?”
“……I really thought I lost you this time.”
“……I’m sorry, Raven.”
“The most stubborn old woman in Remnant apologizing. This really is the end for Vacuo.”
Raven drew her blade, and sliced open a portal.
“Get out of here, while you still can.”
X  X X  X  X
With the battle in the Hanging Gardens finished, Yang made her way to the throne room’s balcony.
Dusk was now setting in, as she saw smoke stacks rising from the North, West, and South. The armies of Grimm were still launching their endless assault on the capital despite their master’s retreat. From the looks of it, it was only a matter of time before they broke through the Walls and Vacuo was lost.
“Really can’t catch a break,” Yang sighed into the wind.
She basked in the somber moment, while Qrow joined her side.
“How are ya, kiddo?”
“Are we talking physically, mentally, or emotionally? Not that the answer isn’t the same for all of the above…”
“I hear that.”
“How’s Knives and Temujin?”
“Your dad’s making sure they’re stable until medical teams arrive.”
Yang paused.
“……And Adam?”
“The Bane’s taken its toll, but he’ll live.”
“Ilia bringing the airship around yet?”
“Soon enough. You sure you still wanna do this, kid? Don’t know how much good you can do in your condition.”
“The war goes on,” Yang gave a tired shrug. “My team’s still out there. And I need to make sure there’s something here when the Atlesian Fleet arrives. I can’t just let Vacuo fall like this. Not after everything.”
“Yeah, I figured as much. You know, we might actually die before we see Summer again at this rate,” Qrow commented, while observing the continuous swarms of Grimm in the distance.
“Since when is anything in life guaranteed?”
Qrow reached in his pocket, and pulled out a chess piece.
“Ozpin wanted you to have this.”
“The Relic from Beacon’s exam?” she cocked her head. The Maiden Inheritance within her resonated with the object’s appearance. “What…is it?”
“It’s a memento from the Old One. Titan’s last gift to the Children of Remnant.”
“It’s not going to take over my body, is it?”
“I will admit, it’s similar to the cane Ozpin left. But no, you’re not going to be the next vessel for anybody. Titan’s gone. I’m pretty sure, as a Maiden, you felt that.”
“Yeah…” Yang took the chess piece in her hand and examined it.
Without a second thought, she channeled her Aura through, and felt something funnel back. A wealth of information flooded her brain, or more accurately, an insight. Her very concept of the world shifted ever so slightly, but nonetheless significantly.
“Yang?” Qrow checked.
“I think… I just learned Magic,” Yang muttered in disbelief.
“Kind of. I can’t…use it exactly, cause I’ve never done it before but…” Yang was in the process of organizing her newfound thoughts. “They’re more like instructions, but not?”
“Anything in there to help us out at all?”
“One specific thing, as a matter of fact. But I need some time.”
Yang tapped her in-ear communications.
“Em! Minerva! Nai! How long will the Walls hold out the Grimm?”
“Yang?! I guess from the sounds of it, Temujin hasn’t bit the dust!” Emerald replied.
“Wait, what do you mean? Temujin was in danger?” Minerva questioned in surprise.
“We can talk about that piece of drama later,” Yang cut them off. “How are the Walls?”
“We are holding defenses here in the Northern theater,” Minerva answered.
“We are somehow also managing the Southern Walls,” Nai checked in.
“Looks like the West is where it’s gonna fold,” Emerald said. “Bean’s doubling down over here. There’s more Grimm being committed to this sector. It’s probably gonna hold for another hour, maybe two tops. Then, we’re fucked up the ass.”
“Damn it! That’s not enough time!”
Yang slammed her fist on the guardrail. Her mind was quickly thinking of ways to prolong the battle. Minerva and Nai could move to assist Emerald, but they would take too much time. Their respective areas could also fall in their absence.
They needed more. More time, more people than they had, more resources, but any resemblance of anything like that was still too far away.
They needed a miracle.
Yang’s radio suddenly crackled, followed by a voice from one she didn’t expect to hear.
“Do not lose heart,” Cinder’s words resounded confidently from the other end.
“Immediate reinforcements are inbound.”
0 notes
shatteredskies042 · 6 years
NaNo Day 18
“My island is far from stuffy, Cole,” she responded smoothly, watching the male descend the stairs.
“And you are?” he asked, looking to Michael and assessing his defensively postured form.
“Michael Haghn,” the soldier introduced, glancing at Allyson quickly. “I’m her new partner,” he explained. “And yourself?”
“Cole Hammond, I’m in charge around here,” he responded, offering his hand for Michael to shake. “We also help out Allyson when she needs a hand, mostly with things around the Institute of hers,” he added as the two shook hands. “And we keep tabs on who comes through town or the area. It’s hard to slip by us,” Cole said proudly. “I do apologize for Anthony’s behavior, some of us take the territorial aspect a bit too far.”
“And, pardon my asking,” Michael said delicately, “what exactly are you?” he asked curiously.
“You didn’t explain us?” Cole asked Allyson, looking at her for a moment.
“I’m letting him learn,” she responded, “I could have gone to the library and given him a waist high stack of books to read but it’s not the same as coming out and meeting the players.”
“Fair enough,” the silver haired male agreed, looking back at the soldier. “We’re werewolves, as in, everyone on this property and the lands around can turn into wolves and run around.”
Michael nodded slowly, absorbing the information, “can I hazard a few guesses?” he asked.
“Of course, guess away.”
“Then I’d say that some of the traits from the other, wolf sides, you have, carry over. Things like territorialism, maybe enhanced senses and physical abilities,” Michael said, looking at Cole.
The werewolf grinned slightly, impressed, “not bad. Not everything carries over, you don’t see me cocking my legs up and scratching behind my ear,” he smiled and shrugged. “But in a nutshell, yes, most things carry between our two forms.”
“So how does the hierarchy work around here?” Michael asked.
“Quite simple,” Cole promised, “there’s the alpha, who you’re looking at, and they call the shots. The alpha’s mate is also fairly important too. Below that is the beta, who is essentially my lieutenant, best way of explaining it,” he said, before eying Michael carefully. “You were ex-military, right? Military, cop, something like that,” he stated.
“How can you tell?” Michael asked.
“You have that pseudo-gray man look. Just enough so you have everything you need, but you can still blend into whatever crowd you choose. Your stance, posture, and I can smell the metal of a gun on you,” Cole stated, looking at Ally, “you’ve got good taste.”
The blonde smirked, and waved him off, “I got lucky.”
“Takes a decent bit of training to pick that up,” Michael stated, “where’d you get yours?”
Cole waved them to the living room, encouraging them to sit. This time, Michael joined Allyson on a couch and Cole took an overstuffed chair. “My father was alpha before me, and he thought I needed to learn a bit more about discipline and how to work with others. So, he got me to join the Army,” he stated. “I was stationed in Saudi Arabia before the missiles started falling from the sky, and later ended up being part of the advance once we got our act together.”
“As part of the crew that took out a lot of missile batteries, you’re welcome,” Michael grinned confidently.
“Snake eater type, huh?” Cole raised an eyebrow, “ended up being part of the offensive that took Hamadan Air Base, took it without blowing a single hole in the tarmac so the Air Force could use it,” he said proudly. “My unit was slated to move into Tehran when we got there, but the Ayatollah skipped town and peace was declared before we got into position.”  
“Yeah, he skipped town on our watch,” Michael said sadly. “Towards the end a lot of Special Forces types inserted into Tehran to take out strategic targets we couldn’t hit with aircraft. We almost had that bastard then, but he got to their airport and hid behind a wall of tanks and civilians when he made his escape,” he remembered.
“Until the Russians caught him in Chechnya,” Cole nodded, “it was a mess. Glad I missed Korea, though.”
“Not just the Russians,” Michael smiled cryptically. “I was in Korea,” he said, “almost didn’t make it out of that one.”
“Not a lot of guys did,” Cole said quietly. “Horrible thing.” He looked at Allyson with a slight smile, “your new partner has a sign of approval from me.”
“Gee, thanks dad,” Ally shot back with a smirk.
“He’s not some rear-echelon nut, and you need somebody capable to watch your back,” Cole told Ally, “he’ll do fine.” He then looked at Michael, “make sure Ally gives you my number, I’m more than happy to help you or lend some hands to help you out around the Institute or around town.”
Michael nodded thankfully, “I appreciate it. And it’d be nice to have somebody beat me up in training that isn’t Ally,” he noted, with a side glance at the blonde.
“I only cut your ankle,” she reminded him.
“She gets a bit rough sometimes,” Cole agreed.
“Okay, let’s go,” she said good naturedly to Michael as she stood, “I feel ganged up on,” she winked at Cole. “It was a pleasure,” she told the werewolf as she made for the door with Michael hot on her heels.
“Remember, we have the pre-Thanksgiving game,” he called out as the two left the large house.
Once they were back in the Jeep and heading back to the Institute, Michael looked at the blonde. “You known Cole a while?” he asked the blonde.
“Like with Scarlet, I’ve known the family and the pack long before him,” the blonde said. “They moved in just after I found and moved into the Institute. They helped me through a tough time until they moved to the mainland. They still help me if I need something replaced in the Institute or a bunch of bodies for something,” she told him. “We have a good relationship,” she promised with a smile. “As for now,” she leaned her head back as she drove, “we’re going back then we’re going to portal somewhere.”
Michael simply nodded as they drove through the woods and returned to the island and her home. Once inside, they left the Jeep and Ally opened a portal. He stepped through, and could have almost sworn they only went outside. The scenery was incredibly similar to the Institute, forest and gentle rolling hills, and a grassland around a massive complex. Ally waved him towards the building, and the closer they got, the more Michael realized that the building dwarfed the Institute. “This is?” Michael asked, hopefully getting Allyson to fill in the blanks.
“Enara Fortress,” she responded as they approached the dark walls. “The building is actually called a Bastion, a remnant of the last big war between Heaven and Hell. There’s no more than a dozen left in any good condition around the world, and about half of those are either buried underground or underwater,” she explained. “Enara, specifically, was a demonic fortress, as evidenced by the walls,” she explained as they drew closer. “Blackstone. Super hard rock scorched by the fires of Hell and tougher than concrete. These forts are hard to assault, and taking them boiled down to brutal wars of attrition until the angels could open the gates,” she added.
“So, fly over the walls and get the gates down?” Michael surmised the strategy.
“Essentially, but the walls and gates are swarming with things that would love to kill you,” she smirked. “The only two still in use are in Eastern Europe, one inhabited by a really powerful clan of vampires, and the other is host by one of the last groups of dragons in the world.”
“There should be three more,” Michael noted.
“There is,” Ally nodded, looking at the soldier, “nobody knows where they are. The documents from that time are hard to get your hands on, as they’re only in Heaven and Hell respectively, and even then they’re not accurate to the world today,” she explained while they reached the gates. Ally raised her voice, shouting at the guards then, “it’s Allyson, Rani is expecting us!” she shouted over at the dark armored guards.
“One moment,” a voice shouted back, before the great gates creaked open.
“Not creepy at all,” Michael muttered as they advanced through the crack in the gates. He carefully eyed the guards on the other side of the gates, three flanking the pair on each side. He inspected the armor and deduced that he would need to score headshots to put them down. Hopefully it would not be needed, but he would rather be prepared for a fight than not.
“You guys can relax,” Ally urged, looking at the guards. “He’s with me, there’s no need for the third degree,” she promised them.
“We’re not going to let any strangers into the grounds without scrutiny, or without taking their weapons,” one of the guards said, before another set of doors opened from the Fortress itself, the great gates closing behind him.
“Allyson, you know the rules,” a blonde male stated, stepping down the stairs gracefully. He wore the same carapace armor that the guards did, but with extra silver piping along the edges and without a helmet. “Visitors to the Queen have to be thoroughly screened.”
“And he’s with me,” the blonde promised, “he doesn’t even know who the Queen is, and he won’t make a move against her. So, call the dogs down Alkir, before things get messy.”
“Were it just you, I would, but your human doesn’t scare me,” the blonde man stated, his accent a high, almost royal and pompous sound.
“Looks can be deceiving,” Michael promised, looking at the pikes of the three guards closest to him.
“True, but humanity isn’t,” he responded threateningly. “Surrender your weapons.”
“He does this,” Ally said, loud enough so they could all hear. “Gets a power trip out of it.”
“How about this then,” Michael looked around, then at Alkir. “You and me, mano y mano, you win, I surrender any weapons I might be carrying, and you prove yourself right.” The soldier grinned, “I win, I keep my weapons and the satisfaction.”
Word Count: 35100
0 notes
EP 16: "Bitterness Breeds Bitterness" - Pat
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Well, that was definitely some kind of something, huh?
The bitter 'I got outplayed so I'l just gonna spill everything’ speech is a hallowed tradition of Tumblr Survivor that’s been around for as long as I can remember. It’s gotten to the point where you almost NEED to gameplan for it. Personally, I’m thoroughly /*shocked*/ that it came from Jakey, who has already taken the personal attack route with me and others, and who enjoyed Naonka enough as a character to use her as an icon.
Anyway, I’m not upset by it half as much as some are. I think I’m pretty well-documented as being someone who never puts any stock in those speeches because, in my eyes, they’re not part of the game. And they can be so easily manipulated to serve others’ purposes. So I’d be a pretty big hypocrite to lend this one much stock, either. But I feel like there are a few things I do have to straighten out from that speech, in no specific order.
1. Wes isn’t “wiping my ass.” He’s the one who’s been taking me to account, probably more than anybody else in the game. Wes and I both have the same end goal, but our means of going about it are very different. I daresay I’d have an easier time of it without him acting as the voice of reason and dissent. Just because I was willing to take a risk to keep him safe doesn’t mean he’s a lackey. Far from it. Sorry you didn’t have any allies who cared enough to stick their necks out for you this round, Jake.
2. Kait isn’t “letting her game be run by a man.” Congratulations, you deduced that Kait and I have a strong partnership. But that’s the key word that you seem to be missing: PARTNER. Kait and I have discussed every decision we’ve made together. As a unit. I’m not telling her what to do, she’s not telling me what to do. If anything, this vote was exceptionally difficult because for the first time so far this game, our interests didn’t align. I think it says a lot about a strong partnership when both parties are willing to take risks to help each other out. Sorry your only strong ally wasn’t able to prevent voting you out this round, but that’s so far from anyone else’s problem but yours that it’s laughable. If your social game were stronger, you wouldn’t have had this issue.
3. Yes, I’ll fully admit to putting my game between Kait and Lydia. You got that part right, and that won’t be an easy decision when they do definitively split. But until they do… it’s gotten me farther than your strategy of putting your game between a rock and a hard place.
4. If I were running things, or if everyone were doing what I said, you’d have been out of this game four rounds ago. Slow your fucking roll.
And that’s the last bit of electronic ink I’ll be spilling on that.
Next order of business: reassure Jimmy and Jenn. I know the latter isn’t too pleased with me, and I need to rectify that whether she decides to come for me or not. I think I underestimated how emotionally some people are choosing to play this game and, for my money, no winner title is worth causing permanent damage to any friendship. I think it’s pretty telling that the game in which I got furthest is also a game with one of the tightest casts in the community. Moves were made because they were necessary, but not with malice or anger. Whereas you look at a season like, say, Sri Lanka… I don’t think they’re all that close, and that’s WITH the advantage of having tight duos prior to the game. Why aren’t they tight? The game got too needlessly contentious.
Anyway, I digress. My point is that bitterness breeds bitterness. I’m not about that life, and I hope I’m sitting in the final three so I can treat Jakey with kindness in a way that I don’t recall him treating anyone.
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honestly thank god for the “day off” because i feel like just about all of us were at our wits end last night and especially with the ugly shit jake said when he left, i could definitely use a day to just relax a bit and search for this jewel thing when i have time.
i didn’t make a confessional leading up to that vote last night because i was too busy like focusing on the task at hand, which ended up getting away from me anyways because people just can’t keep their shit together.
Plan A was to vote MJ under the guise that we were all voting Jake end of story done. i don’t think it necessarily would’ve gone off without a hitch but i think we had the opportunity to do it and it got squandered because mj was telling jake he was gonna use his vote reveal on jenn, then telling lydia he was gonna use it on me. meanwhile i’m sitting here like why in the world is he telling all of this shit to lydia???? she really trying to replicate her animal crossing game and sit her ass in the middle of everyone again and lemme tell you i’m not about to let that happen again. i want to be in that position and i want people to be too afraid to do anything about it etc.
some highlights from yesterday - lying to mj’s face on call then turning around the entire conversation and watchign alyssa edwards videos on youtube, telling jake on call that i want to save him and don’t want him to leave (all true), but my hands are tied esp knowing that there was a plot to get me out last round started by mj (which was then confirmed by not only him, but jack later on after lydia and pat both told me), jack calling me immediately after and me accidentally telling him that wes is after the maslaysia fam so then jack IMMEDIATELY jumps into making this big ass convoluted plan to vote wes out this round which completely messes up ALL OF THE PLANS THAT WE HAD MADE, then he calls the COMPLETE maslaysia chat and then we’re sitting there talking in the jimmy’s angels chat like ………….what are we supposed to say there’s no way we’re voting wes. anyway i told pat about this and literally told him not to leak, which then of course he leaks immediately to wes and lydia so thats cool i love a good trusting partnership. we got it shut down p quickly and just told jack we wanted to still vote jake. sdgklsd idk I DONT KNOW
this happened later last night
[2/9/2017 8:00:02 PM] mj ultra . _/: Also, on a more serious note: I’m gonna be watching IASIP for the rest of the night and just kinda of, take a step back and reset my mind.
I know we weren’t in the same page, at all, this round. Mostly my fault. Hopefully you give me the chance to talk things through tomorrow.
Thanks for not voting me out [2/9/2017 8:00:29 PM] kait ~~/: yeah i was gonna say i think we both need t just like [2/9/2017 8:00:33 PM] kait ~~/: sit back and talk things out tomorrow [2/9/2017 8:00:38 PM] kait ~~/: thanks for not voting me out either [2/9/2017 8:00:50 PM] mj ultra . _/: LSHSKDJDJ [2/9/2017 8:00:54 PM] mj ultra . _/: Why are we like this… [2/9/2017 8:00:56 PM] mj ultra . _/: LDJSKDHSJDHDJD [2/9/2017 8:01:01 PM] kait ~~/: ;) [2/9/2017 8:01:12 PM] mj ultra . _/: “Thanks for not voting me out!” “Thanks for not voting me out… either!” [2/9/2017 8:01:25 PM] mj ultra . _/: There will never be another MJ/Kait… know that.
tfw you both know damn well the other was trying to get each other out last round and both failed miserably so you still gotta pretend to be best friends!! jk he still my buddy regardless of waht happesnjkgd but still
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Drunk Lydia is my favorite Lydia
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I think this format of Touchy Subjects in this game is a shame. Because of the way answers have to be given, there’s a very real chance that we won’t be getting what people are really thinking. And strategy is nice, but when you can’t answer two names it’s going to be a crapshoot full of throwaway names winning rounds and someone fluking into a win.
That said, here’s what I REALLY think:
Which player has absolutely no idea what’s going on? Jimmy. Possibly by choice? He seems like the type who thrives on social game far more than strategic.
Who is always left out of plans until the last minute? Would’ve said Steffen until this round… and actually, still will. Would’ve said Jimmy took the crown this round but he wasn’t even filled in. Which was not great.
Who here is hands down the biggest threat to win? Oh god. This is anyone’s game. I think people are saying me, but are you really such a big threat if everyone knows it and everyone will be gunning to take you down?
Out of everyone left, who least fits the category of “all star”? Based on past placements, me by a country mile. Still amazed that I was cast, even as an alternate, let alone that I got so far.
Who is the rudest person in the game? Each person will have a different answer to this. Personally, I’ve seen such limited amounts of rudeness from anyone left. Just a lot of tension and frustration boiling over. MJ by default, I guess, for being the only person left in the game who was involved in that ugly Logan vote.
Which player did not live up to your expectations? Jenn, unfortunately. Love her to death but our strategic talk has been so limited.
Which player do the hosts like the least? After the bitching I’ve done about this challenge and my obnoxiously long confessionals, I’d say me.
Which player does the Viewing Lounge likes the most? The VL always loves an underdog. But who’s the underdog? Steffen? Any of Malaysia? I’m inclined to say MJ because he seems almost like a lone wolf at this point.
Even though we’re only at Final 9, who here has zero chance of winning the game? Nobody. We’re all here, we all have paths to the end and to win. Some paths are more fraught with complications than others.
Who is the most manipulative? Either me or Kait. I bet Lydia gets a few votes here, too.
Who does not deserve to be here? Nobody. If you’re able to make final 9 of an all-star game, you absolutely deserve to be here.
If you could not win the game, who would you most like to see win? Kait, Lydia, Wes. Any of those three and I’d be over the moon. A Steffen win would make me happy too.
Who do you sometimes confuse with a piece of cardboard because they are so bland and boring? Heh. Me. I’m already frequently called a saltine, so just take off the salt and I fit this.
Who will never wake up and play the game? Jimmy… because he’s asleep when a lot of things are going on. :P Nah. I think he’s playing the best way he knows how, but he’s either not about the strategy game or doesn’t know how to segue into it.
Who is most likely to have an idol? I’m thinking MJ, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Wes had something.
Who is your best friend in the game? Kait. Sorry, Lydia and Wes, she beat you out by a hair. Y'all are still some of my favourite people.
Who will never win an immunity challenge? JACK. No, probably me. With this track record of no flash games (i.e., my one strong suit) I’m typically competitive but not the best.
Out of everyone left, who is the biggest fan of Benjamin “Coach” Wade? Um duh. Coach for life. Only person in the entire community who could fight me on this is Ari.
Which player is the most likely to have recently watched a Scooby Doo marathon? Steffen or Lydia, I think. No particular reason beyond personality.
Which player is too honest for their own good? Me. It’s what caused this whole mess this round. I couldn’t lie to anyone. The leaking put everyone I’m close to in a state of panic, and I still regret it.
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I love you Lydia!!!!!!!!
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I just enjoy this.
[2017-01-31 11:07:41 PM] Owen (Myanmar Host): gg jenn/jimmy/kait! [2017-02-07 10:14:03 PM] carson (tibet host): kait, jenn, jimmy? [2017-02-07 10:14:04 PM] carson (tibet host): good job [2017-02-09 10:43:02 PM] jakey: FUCK THE MALAY-CULT!!!!!!111 gg jenn jimmy kait
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[ x ]
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[09:50:43 PM] kait ~~/: I've been sitting here freaking because Lydia is so calm [09:51:14 PM] mj ultra . _/: isn't acceptance the last stage of grief
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