#it was a great place to shop
bunclover · 9 months
well that explains why right stuf has been decreasing its weekly specials
one less anime shop on the internet to go to
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job applications: this is entry level! anyone can apply!
job applications: ...as long as you've done at least six months of highly specific work, or have this exact degree, or if you kissed a chicken during the last moon of 2012-
#im back in the trenches bois its Not Looking Great#gonna apply to this stupid thing anyway but#it looks like stockin grocery store shelves is the way im gonna go#unless i get Very lucky or manage to bullshit my way into this job#college isn't necessary but Man a lot of places want you to attend. no <3#but noooo instead i have to like. work. till i die. and never make enough money to live comfortably. sigh#sometimes i think to myself 'i should make video essays on youtube and see if that goes anywhere'#and sometimes i think 'i should scribble up things that people would buy and make a shop'#and sometimes i think 'what if i killed someone with a stick. would that be fucked up or what'#absolutely unprompted#AGHHHHHHHH THE BOXES WE AS HUMANITY HAVE LOCKED OURSELVES INTO IM GONNA LOSE IT#i was born to be a handsome decoration / weird little artist for eccentric wealthy people#i was meant to drape myself across a beautiful philanthropist woman's lap and doodle lil animals for her#while she rambles and feeds me grapes#yk. if i did make a shop i could have an extra section for small crochet things#coasters. small hand warmers. tiny shapes. simple cat toys. that sorta thing. quick and easy stuff#i could make them w/ specific colors so that they're subtle fandom themed#i literally have a coaster in damian's robin colors... a black/red SB square...#hm. thinking#oh shit i gotta work on that new commission sheet#OH NO. I FORGOR SOMETHING I SHOULD NOT HAVE FORGOR. I HAVE MADE A LITTLE FUCKY WUCKY#excuse me everyone i have something to finish
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communistkenobi · 5 months
crazy that there are security guards in literally every store now
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thelaurenshippen · 4 months
I don't know if this is a seattle thing (I don't remember seeing many/any in LA) but I have been to multiple coffee shop + motorcycle shop combos and every time all I can think is........the AU potentials....
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adriancatrin · 1 year
i wanna talk about iroh’s “four seasons” and why it’s used as the musical motif for sokka & yue
i’ve seen a few different videos/theories about why this song is used for sokka & yue, but none of them matched my personal thoughts, so i figure i’ll just share them. it’s a stretch in regards to what the writers were probably intending, i admit, but it’s how i’ve always interpreted it
winter, spring, summer and fall (x2)
four seasons, four loves
four seasons, for love
the lyrics have Always reminded me of the japanese idiom 一期一会 (ichi-go ichi-e), which is usually translated to something like “one season, one meeting” or “for this time only.” it’s like a reminder that every moment happens only once, and you should cherish the moment and the memory, for it cannot be repeated.
the analogy: four seasons is to one season as four loves is to one meeting
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why have iroh sing the song first?
the idiom is heavily tied to japanese tea ceremonies; the fire nation is partially inspired by japanese culture, and iroh is characterized by tea. also it’s just the kind of sentiment iroh would appreciate.
and then we have sokka and yue, whose relationship is brief but unforgettable. within a span of what i assume is a few weeks, they meet, fall in love, and then tragically part
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one could look at what happened to them as only a tragedy, and i imagine sokka probably does for a little while, but in time i feel he would learn to love and cherish the time he had with yue for what it was—that he would simply be glad for having met her and having gotten to know her. and of course he’ll always love the moon for its reminder of the time they had together.
it reminds me a lot of that post by @/starpeace:
the love was there. it didn’t change anything. it didn’t save anyone. there were just too many forces against it. but it still matters that the love was there
one season, one meeting—it doesn’t matter that it was just for a short period of time. this one of sokka’s many seasons will always have been for his love for yue
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tennessoui · 7 months
about to get my wisdom teeth out which really feels like a rite of passage I should have had years ago when I could miss school and my parents would make me mushy nutritious food and pick me up and sign all the forms for me instead of being all grown up and stopping by Whole Foods on the way home to purchase applesauce before going back to work armed with gauze pads and Advil ☠️
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gaytobymeres · 2 months
no one:
someone from yorkshire: im from yorkshire
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anonwyvern · 21 days
Had to get a new hotel due to safety concerns with my old one (no I don’t want to be stabbed) and they put me in the swankiest hotel downtown that has valet service and seriously transports you to the 1920’s era.
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skypiea · 6 months
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Current non-pierce earring collection
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gemgirl28 · 5 months
I love that so many fics are coffee/tea shop aus.
In a world of mobile orders, of reducing human interaction as much as possible to get your precious caffeine and get out, I think it’s easy to forget just how many lovely things happen in them.
Like the two women in the corner, catching up after a busy holiday season.
Or the young couple, on one of their first dates.
The baristas, smiling even after a long day on their feet.
The mom in line ahead of you, patiently helping their toddler make a choice of treat.
The guy behind you, who tips as much as his black coffee costs.
I guess this is just a reminder for myself the next time I feel a coffee/tea shop au is too cheesy, that there’s a lot of love to be found in them.
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herbaklava · 5 months
Since we’re encouraging people to start going to their local libraries (which is amazing), can we also encourage people to start hanging out at their local MALLS again??
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oceandiagonale · 2 years
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you know what I’ll post these doodles here too about the secret isekai romance fantasy au that lives in my head that I can’t draw but I think about a lot
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hoochieblues · 6 months
If you're partial to quaint ghost stories and tales of strange places, highly recommended. Also, Adam Scovell's short film inspired by the locations is lovely:
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anonymusbosch · 1 year
replacing "kink at pride" discourse with "kink at the bougie-ass smoothie shop hawking acai smoothies for like $14 and hanging up a poster for Pride as if that's anything." if a place has pride posters up then you should get AT LEAST a 10% discount for wearing one of those puppy masks or having freaky transgender sex in the store
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jewishcissiekj · 2 days
can't take the Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire book too seriously because of course as Vi is arriving she has to go through all the famous locations on Batuu and describe the drinks at Oga's Cantina in excruciating detail and it feels like she has a checklist of things to go through and say because SHE DOES. BECAUSE THIS BOOK IS AN AD. FOR GALAXY'S EDGE. IT HAS TO DESCRIBE EVERYTHING THERE. BECAUSE THEY'RE TRYING TO SELL A PRODUCT.
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spookyradluka · 11 days
So in Michigan when I get back my step dad is hooking me up with a higher paying job
And super close to my moms new house to a women’s domestic violence resource center that provided me free sexual trauma therapy when I was a teen that takes volunteers for most of their programs (that don’t require certification, like I won’t be able to give people therapy until I get my degree I want)
I am super super excited to get back to being hands on and helping women and supporting an amazing local organization that helped me so much. I can’t wait to give back to them
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