#it was a super short book tho so easy to knock out in basically a day!
stevethehairington · 8 months
book three of the year done!!!
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WhatsApp, Part 11. (Steve Rogers x reader)
Description: You’ve never been lucky with guys. You just wanted to catch someone’s eye, to be loved. One day, that’s about to turn completely - with one fake, completely imagined number a guy gave you 
A/N: x
Warnings: Pretty huge angst throughout the chapter. Well. :,) That's that.
Word Count: 2.3 K
Tagging: @missdictatorme, @songforhema, @mikariell95, @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
Read the rest here: Part One  Part Two  Part three  Part four  Part five  Part Six  Part seven  Part eight  Part nine  Part ten
If you like to have your readings in order :):  H E R E  
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Nobody could see that Bucky and Deena will start dating really soon. It was big for her since the first time they saw each other. It was like an instant crush, boom and the next few weeks were only Bucky-filled. You were split about all of that - you were happy for your best friend.
She found someone to click with, someone to just be with, somebody great.
But why Steve was not taking his chances when his best friend was ready in one day. One fucking day. You liked that guy, but your patience was starting to get seriously thin.
After the first date, Deena immediately did a FaceTime group. It was consisting of four people - her, May, Suzie and you. Everyone except Deena was in their comfortable home clothes, everyone was looking terrible in the camera, but for Deena's face with a big smile on it. She was giggling loudly. And she didn't even seem to be even drunk.
Jealousy stroke you at that moment. She was on a date with James and she looked as happy as never before. This was an unseen, a completely new thing in Deena's behavior. She was indeed beautiful like that.
"Okay, you happy face. Start talking!" - You cried out with a sultry smile. You and Steve. Could you be like that if he ever asked you out? At that point, it seemed pointless. Steve was basically the slowest relationship maker in history. But even tho your faith slowly started to fade away, you tried to be optimistic about all of that.
"I'm not going to lie to you, this was one of the... Best fucking dates in my whole life." - She yelled all over the street and she didn't give a crap about people turning after her.
"Really? Come on, details!" - May said and turned her face in the direction of the TV, watching the series she used to every Thursday. It was some endless series, some telenovela or what. But she loved when she could only talk about the things that happened in the last episode and you just listened to her.
"First things first, he's incredibly handsome. He's like the vocabulary definition of a hunk, you should see those rippin' back, shoulders... This is the first guy with long hair that I fuckin' adore!" - Deena exclaimed. That was true, she hated guys who had hair under their earlobes. She found that disgusting. And James must've been really sexy if even Deena found him sexy. - "He's sweet, he's funny, he has manners... Girls. He is behaving so calmly, he is so fucking well raised. I want to meet the woman who raised him up, because she's my hero..." - She kept on talking and talking and your mind slowly kept on fading away as you thought about Steve. You would love to be the one calling, the one who would be screaming somewhere on the street. But you weren't.
Slowly, James became a day-to-day part of your office life. He and Deena were saying they're just friends, but everyone thought something different. Deena had the most lustful look ever, every time James came to the office with a couple of bags full of food for every one of you, everyone in the distance of few meters knew she's thinking about fucking the soul out of him. James made her laugh, they slowly grew closer and closer, having their inside jokes and sometimes you caught them staring in the eyes of each other.
Everyone was smiling when James brought her flowers for the first time. It was a big puget of white roses and they were indeed beautiful. Each of you just sat there and looked at her table with a dreamy look. And if that wasn't enough, James got along with everyone as well. He was a nice, funny and he indeed was handsome. Most of them, he got along with Val.
Without you even knowing, he was looking after you. The slightest things he was asking you about were just ok checks. And why he was doing it? Steve. Of course, it was for his idiot friend Steve.
Bucky was doing a serious super-secret inside job at their place - he was telling Steve everything about you, making him think about you all night long as if your long calls and photos didn't do that job as well.
It was teamwork. Bucky was reminding Steve almost every day of the week and Sam was encouraging him to make the move finally. They even stop to argue for a short amount of time just to work on Steve's mind. They were trying their best shots with Steve at that very moment.
"All I'm saying is she had a beautiful dress on today. You really should've seen them." - Bucky said from eating his bowl of yogurt and cereal. He just came back from Deena's apartment, smelling like hot and steamy sex and sin, his eyes shining like the stars.
"Old man, I think you're shooting the air here. He's not gonna do anythin' about that. He's too shy. He's too nice. Not like you bending that skirt over the first month." - Sam just added, chewing on a mango.
"Sorry, I forgot it's Steve we're talking about here." - Bucky said in answer. It was back and forth for the last few long, long weeks in Steve's perspective. James and Sam could cooperate on a seriously good level when they tried to. That was just the way it was.
"You're not helping. Natasha is very angry with me when I start to spar with her and I'm out of my head because I just see her face in my mind, I don't even take notice on the meetings and Tony is ready to kill me on the spot, I don't seem to do my paperwork well and I don't feel easy in the last... Three weeks. I'm in constant stress an in a carousel of reminders. You got under my skin and I don't find it funny anymore." - Steve just straightaway yelled at the two of them from a moment to moment. Sam and Bucky were scared the hell out. Steve was the calm guy, who tried to find a solution in absolutely every situation.
But now he was on edge. He just snapped. Both of them sat in silence while Steve got into his room and almost broke the door when he shut them with all the force he got in his body.
"I think we stepped too far, Buck. I've never seen Steve acting like that." - Sam said when the quiet between them became unbearable.
"No. Trust me. Things are going just the way they should. This is the thing we've been waiting for the whole time. Give him a few more hours and voilà. The magic's done." - Buck smiled wickedly and continued with eating his cereal. Sam could barely stand still, he was nervous because of what state they were able to get Steve into.
The apartment was deadly silent for the next whole day. Every time Steve got out of his room and met Sam or James in the flat, he just stared them down, took his things, food or whatever and disappeared back in his room again.
Those few days were seriously crucial. Steve was acting like a small child - even Natasha wasn't able to get him out of his room when Steve didn't come to their sparring session. Although you were texting him numerous times, Steve hasn't answered a single one, which made you worried as well.
"Hi, James." - You approached Deena's table nervously. You were spinning with your fingers and Bucky could tell that you're not feeling too good. In the last few days, something was circling through your head. You sighed all the times, you weren't laughing at his dumb questions and jokes, you were just acting weirdly.
"Hey, sunshine. Come and sit with us. You want some plums?" - He gave you one of them and smiled at you happily.
"I have a question." - Your voice sounded sour and quiet. You were just out of your mind. - "Would you mind answering it?"
"I'm an open book. Just ask me." - James smiled at you with his baby blue eyes. Deena knew what topic you are going to pick, so she took all of her papers, stood up, kissed Bucky's cheek and left the table.
"Have I done something... Wrong? You know, have I told Steve anything bad, he didn't like my appearance or my nature? Because... I don't have a single idea about what wrong have I done. I just simply don't." - You said sadly and he could see the tears in your eyes. Steve hadn't text you for five days, which was an unbelievable thing for somebody like him.
"Aaah, baby girl." - Bucky hugged your shoulder to make you smile a bit. - "You're fine. You're more than fine. He's just conflicted at the moment, sometimes it's harder with him. All you need to do now is to have some patience, don't be stressed and have some plums."
"You like those plums a lot, right?" - You tried to joke with a sad done.
"Sweetheart, you have no idea. Plums are a cure for everything." - Bucky answered and started to chew another one. Somehow he always has an endless supply of plums everywhere he went to. And he always got one for everyone.
"Don't you start about those fucking plums. I'm on a plum diet since I'm dating this guy. I've eaten tons of them." - Deena appeared behind James after getting some new paperwork from May. - "I left you the papers I've finished on the table. They should be ok, but you should rework them to how you like the work done."
"Yeah. I'm going to go through them now. Thank you." - You smiled a bit, took two plums from James and hugged him quickly in a friendly matter. He was a sweet, sweet guy.
"Steve, we need to talk." - Bucky knocked on his door with a frown on his face. - "I'm done with your acting as a child phase."
"And I'm done with your brainwashing program. Some things are not as we expect them to be." - Steve hummed through the door. Steve felt like if he was in a tight corner made by Buck and Sam themselves. He wanted her so much, yet those paranoid things were louder and louder in his own head. What if you back out when you'll see who he actually is? Will you freak out? Would you just say no to him? Would you even want to go out?
There were so many questions in the air for him. And he heard them almost every time he saw any part of his own body in the mirror. And that was Bucky's artwork.
"I'll go straight to the things I want to say. That girl is all over you, that girl is now sad in her office because your dumb ass is not showing any sign of interest. Go and call that girl. Take her out." - Bucky told in a firm voice. He was done with Steve at that point. And Steve was done with Bucky's doctrine.
Everyone seemed to be done with everything at that point.
"Can't you see that she doesn't care who the hell you are? You could be even birdbrain and she wouldn't care. You should take your chances as they are and just try it." - Bucky warned him and then left the door, taking his jacket and called Deena that he'll have a sleepover at her place. That left Steve all alone at the flat.
But he knew that Bucky is totally right. He should act on his chances. You were worth all of that.
So he just called your number without any further thinking. You answered after a minute of dialing.
"Hi." - You said a bit coldly. That was his treason for the absence he had. It was numerous days since he heard you, you sounded like a lullaby, so sweetly and lovely.
"Hey. I'm... I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." - Steve said without further dialogue.
"I'm not going to lie. Twenty texts. You made me worried." - That's when it hit his ears. Bucky was totally right, he made you sad. It was all Steve's fault. Your voice was sweet as usual, but it had some bitterness in it. You were angry with him. That was for sure.
"This is not easy for me, okay? I'm really nervous right now." - Steve stuttered and your blood went immediately ice cold. Steve was going to tell you that you're not a thing anymore. That he's done with it.
"You don't have to worry. I think I get what you mean." - You said and your voice broke down. He heard the mourning in it.
"So you don't want to go out with me?" - Steve said in a tight voice, he said it quickly and practically choked it all out.
"Are you serious? Like deadly serious?" - That didn't convince you at all. You were ironical as hell.
"I am completely serious. Let's just go on a date." - He repeated in a completely straight tone. And he knew that this thing will change his life from the basics he thought he knew.
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bangtan-sons · 8 years
fic rec and review: trust your heart if the seas catch fire (taehyung/jungkook)
author: maxx link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4382348 ship: taehyung/jungkook rating: not specified but i would say like nc16 HAHA i know that's not the way books are rated but i forgot how to do it so LOL type: slow burn; alternate universe; angst (to some extent); unrequited love words: 131, 734 summary: "Sometimes I wonder whether you'd be better off without me. Whether you really need me at all." Taehyung has always doubted his necessity to the group, as well as to Jungkook. Usually a knock on the head would suffice to bring him back to his senses. But this time, it seems someone was listening to his request. Now, everything has changed. He's in a world where Jungkook and the rest of the group are still famous, but he isn't. my review: holy moley of all that's alive (that makes no sense BUT IDC) this book was one of the best fanfic i've read so far GURLL i'm crying. ok but to review this book: let's break it down, shall we? firstly, the plot. OH shit it gets goooooood. so without any spoilers, it's basically about how taehyung feels like he's not needed by bts and by jungkook (whom he's in love with, and it's kindof unrequited, i say kindof because it's a bit complicated LOLZ), and he feels very burdensome. he has a bunch of these negative thoughts plaguing him at all times about how he's just very extra (this actlly made me pretty :-( because i realized that even tho the members are really happy and shit all the time in front of us fans, they probably have a lot of these negative thoughts too???? bc expectations and shit???? sighz) everywhere. and as a result BAM some higher power rushes in and BAM shoves him into a parallel universe DUN DUN DUN! in said parallel universe, taehyung finds himself basically being a common peasant, and uncovers that in this world, he's never been a part of bts and he's never even met them before. this makes him go on a magical adventure to force his friendship upon them (it's not actlly magical guys, this isn't a harry potter au) and that's what most of the book is about. however, as this happens, he also starts to realize that perhaps this world isn't as amazing as it seems to be, and finds himself wishing to return to his own world. as we go further into the book, WOWZA we stumble upon another narrative, this time in the perspective of taehyung-from-the-parallel-universe who's found himself thrown into the original universe. so obviously he's like DEFEK when he wakes up in a new world and finds out that he's now a part of bts! so then we follow him as he kindof tries to figure out his way around that world. there's a lot more cool shit that happens, honestly, but i can't say more without spoiling it? i'm already a bit concerned that i'm teetering on the edge of spoilers with the little run-through i've provided here so HAHAHA idk i tried y'all. so ya, this is a really cool plot and sure, it might not seem all that original, like it's just a universe switch-up but i feel like the author really took up this somewhat cliche idea in an original manner and incorporated it into her book? if that makes any sense whatsoever. however, for plot, i think plot movement also plays a large deal and one thing i didn't enjoy as much was the way the book dragged at some points. i think some people might enjoy it because more material to read and on days where i'm feeling particularly trashy I LOVE IT AS WELL but alas, i was reading this while procrastinating studying for my exams so the extra content was not that fun for me. but i felt that the plot started to move along much better as we neared the last quarter of the book so yay! plot: 7/10 secondly, characterization! from the bottom of my teeny heart, i felt like this book REALLY captured the bts members' characters well! this is hard to do without spoiling anything LOL but it's very easy to see the little quirks that the guys have irl be reflected in the book. e.g. biggest example is probably jin, who acts as a confidante for taehyung in the book several times and i feel like he's that kinda person irl too which is really cooL and i liked that!! taehyung's character is also very excitable, spontaneous as all hell (to an extent that screw him over sometimes) and a very, very sweet human BEAN. and for me, characterization is pretty important because i don't like reading fics where the characters are shallow af and it wouldn't make a difference if you were to replace them with a carrot. i think the character arc was really wonderful as well, it was really cool seeing how the people in the story changed as they experienced the events that they did and GAHHHHH IT WAS BEEAUTIFUL I WAS Tearing up forrealz characterization: 7/10 next, we move onto the quality of writing/writing style! this plays A HUGE role in me enjoying a book because i like my fics to have on pointé english and a way of writing that pulls me into the universe and doesn't let me leave. and gosh, this writer did not disappoint. ah, their writing was genuinely so fluid and expressive; good structure, grammar and vocabulary. loved it. (i don't really know what to elaborate on in this section so i'm just leaving it like this lmaoz) quality of writing: 8/10 not quite sure what else i should add to this review so i'll leave my first ever review at that and say that overall, this was a pretty damn good book, highly recommend everyone to read eSPECIally all u taekook shippers HAHAHA hope u liked reading my review and that i didn't sound obnoxious AF (or pretentious or some shit, i just wanted to share my opinions lel). this was also a super long review and idk if people even give enough of a shit to read this so maybe i should just write super short ones that r like mad summarized to 2 lines HAHAH i'll see what happens. have a nice day, people! :)
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