#it was either hyunjin or someone else by this point
jinhyun · 2 years
also i just realized, why didnt yn ask HAN to be her model lOLOLLLL
you mean besides from the fact that he wouldn't have shut up and stayed still to save his life? 💀
lmao no but fr i know it's not that serious but i'll clear it up anyway bc i get why it could've been a bit confusing ksñaks
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so it was kinda implied here that everyone but the dance majors had class at that time (like she had also considered innie, han, and even changbin and chan lol), hence why she went straight to cherry and also meaning the only other option was hyunjin, so... yeh 😬
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hwajin · 1 year
☆°. — silly boyfie things | skz
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genre: fluff
pairing: skz x gn!reader
note: i haven't posted headcanons in ages and this was SO much fun to fabricate omg hope you like it 🫶🫶
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he would FIGHT with you over the check after you went out for dinner. like literally FIGHT and not budge when you propose to pay yourself, because you feel bad that he always, always pays for the both of you. you think you smarted him out when you invited him for dinner calling for you to pay but he has his wallet ready the moment you finish your food, telling the waiter the bill is shared and having his money out faster than you can look — it nearly enrages you every time, but he tells you he genuinely enjoys paying, doesn't mind it and wants to do it, so you have no chance other than letting it go (even if reluctantly).
he's so annoying he thinks it's PEAK commedy to say "no" to every single favour you ask him only to do it seconds later. OR saying no and waiting, actually not doing said favour and waiting for you to get annoyed until he'd nudge and end up doing it after all. giggles as if he's the funniest mf like he enjoys seeing you being annoyed so much. acts like this in front of friends and in public in general as well, ALSO cringes sm when you show him affection whenever on a get together though the moment the two of you are alone he literally won't be able to keep his hands off you. like he pretends to be so disgusted when you even as much as touch him in public, and the moment you're alone behind closed doors he's slouching onto you like a koala.
omg you can't tell me that he didn't invent the "no you hang up first" 😭 like you'd be coming to the end of a conversation (often while he's on tour or smth tho he literally needs to hear your voice every single day so he calls you like whenever he has a minute even of free time) and at some point he's like "aight hang up 🥰" and you play along and hit him with the "no you do 😆😝" and the quarelling goes back and forth (jokingly on your side, in ALLLL seriousness on his) and at some point you say goodbye for real and hang up AND YOU CAN BET THIS FUCKER CALLS BACK like all pouty and actually slightly upset that you had the audacity to hang up??? and you're like someone has to at some point we can't have an endless phone convo??? and he's like why not do YOU NOT LOVE ME???? yeah you get it.
bro this man NEEDS him to be your lockscreen on your phone. like it's an actual need of his or else he's gonna cease to exist he thinks. like you're obviously his wallpaper (both on his lock AND homescreen) so when he catches a glimpse of your phone and you dare to have just a random pinterest pic as your lockscreen, one you've chosen mindlessly altogether he RIOTSSSS. pouts as if his life is depending on it, clutches his heart as if it's gonna stop any minute, gasps and side-eyes you as if you straight up cheated on him. takes a selfie RIGHT that moment (it takes him a while because he both can't decide whether he wants it to be cute or sexy, and because he wants to look good either way) and sets it as your lockscreen instantly. checks like daily to see if you've changed it (if you did to tease him he LITERALLY is moments from breaking up with you).
he sends you pics of ugly looking animals with a 'you' attached to the message. like even if it has no resemblence with you altogether. like it'll be a fish, a whale, a bird, a funny looking dog and their all attached with 'you'. and like he finds it so funny even if you never react to it, in fact finds it SO hilarious that at some point he will send you pics of literally ANYTHING he sees ever — like furniture, tools, random fucking street lamps, you name it — with a 'you' attached to it and CACKLES as if he invented comedy himself. the bright side to it, he takes this to the romantic level and shoots pretty pics of flowers and sends them with the same 'you' attached to it, or pics of the sky, or of a particularly bright star. so maybe it's not that annoying after all.
he causes his friends to tease you because he literally can't shut up about you. like every single thing you do he even slightly adores (which is, every single thing period, tbh) is being reported to his friends because he's just so in love with you he has to get the words out or he'll combust :((. like you'd maybe get him a little gift, smth small about stuff he's interested in lately, or these "i saw this and thought of you" gifts and he presents said gift to his friends as if it's an artifact of love itself, and the next time you're over they're going at you, teasing the shit out of you because tbh, they've teased felix so much already for talking their ears off that they need another victim. you basically never stop blushing when around them, hearing constantly just how much your bf talks about you when you're not around (and you'd lie saying you don't like it).
bro just straight up leaves you on read except when your text contains something of advantage to him 😭😭. like you haven't seen him in a while and want to catch up a bit? he reads the message and responds like 5 hours later ("we've seen each other yesterday, you can't possibly miss me enough to talk again"). or when you send him random tiktoks or shitposts — opens and reads them and then doesn't ever bother to even leave a like 😭. though the moment you hit him with a text like "running to the supermarket, you want anything?" he's responding the same second and you grow salty every time, wondering why you put up texting him in the first place.
pretends to be jealous like a LOT. like the first time he'd be actually jealous, going fresh into the relationship with insecurities still gnawing at you and him and when he confesses you reassure him, making sure he understands there will never be an occassion on which he needs to be remotefully jealous, even. and after that he simply pretends to be, for shits and giggles and to piss you off. like you talk to the barista for your order? how could you even look their direction omg. you send a quick text to a friend while out with him? how dare he's not the single most important thing in your life rn. you tell him about a dream that didn't involve him? breaking up with you this very instant. can't stop himself from giggling at his one if a kind humour while watching you grow annoyed every time anew.
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@happycandynoelle @es-kay-zee @jeyelleohe @angelwonie @lix-ables @yvniek4ng @ppiri-bahng @bintificreads @svintsandghosts @llunapastell @sensitiveandhungry @minniesvenus @junebug032 @noellllslut
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jinnie-ret · 1 year
scarred knees and insecurities
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Stray Kids x Ninth Member!reader
genre: hurt/comfort
content warnings: insecurities, heat exhaustion, mean online comments
word count: 2.7k
summary: when the old scars from your youth, become fresh wounds in your adulthood, the boys are there to pick up the pieces.
100 followers special!!! Thank you so much for all your support so far, I hope you enjoy this imagine! I personally share this same insecurity and although I have played it up more for this imagine, I hope that nothing said will offend anyone, I've just written it from my perspective.
As always, asks are open! Let me know what you want to read next! Enjoy! :)
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"Annyeong, Stay!" Y/N greeted the fans as she started streaming on YouTube. She was currently in one of the practice rooms at JYP, ready to dance for stays as she normally did when she went live. She was relaxed in some casual clothes, a big t-shirt and some shorts too.
"What song shall I dance to first?" Y/N grinned at the camera as she read the comments.
"Oh- who said WAP?!" Y/N laughed and shook her head, "Stays you can't be talking like that!"
She got up and started dancing, not to WAP, but to their new song Social Path. Anyways, they weren't allowed to play music outside of their company anymore, so it only felt right.
Finishing the dance, Y/N panted lightly, crouched over with her hands on her knees. As she took a sip of water, sat with her knees bent in front of the camera, certain comments started catching her eyes, no matter how much she tried to act normal and answer questions.
What's wrong with her knees
Ew but why do they look like that
Their knees look so old and wrinkly
Y/N needs to get that checked out it looks so unnatural
Just another reason why she's ugly
Of course, there were actual questions, with Stays giving song recommendations and asking Y/N about what she had been doing recently, but she couldn't help but catch sight of the mean comments. She shifted her body so that her knees were off screen, maybe then the harsh words would lessen.
Look, she's hiding them because she's realised how disgusting she is
Y/N bit her lip and cleared her throat, but decided she didn't want to force herself to sit there in front of millions of fans when she was trying not to let her thoughts spiral.
"I'm feeling kinda tired guys so I'm going to end the live now, bye!" Y/N blew a kiss like always at the camera and sighed as she ended the live.
She had thought about it a couple of times, she wasn't all too fond of the way her knees looked either. But it always felt different and hurt more when someone else points out your insecurities. Her knees had visible scars on them from how clumsy she was as a child. You could see them stick out yet they were healed over and so had blended in with her skin tone. The other thing was that often she'd find after kneeling down or having pressure on her knees, there'd be a redness or slight colour change to them.
Absentmindedly scratching over the bumps of her scars, Y/N looked up when she heard a slight tap on the door.
It was Hyunjin.
"Why did you end your live early? I was enjoying watching you dance," he pouted at her, clearly in a playful mood as he flopped down beside her in the practice room.
"Don't know, guess I just felt tired," Y/N shrugged. She wasn't tired really, just currently feeling low in her mood.
She jolted as he put his head in her lap, in attempt to look up at her face.
"You're acting all quiet, Y/Nnie," Hyunjin commented, hand stroking her knee comfortingly as he knew this was one of her tells when she wasn't feeling too happy.
Yet this action didn't have the same effect as normal. Y/N moved his hand off of her legs and did a fake shiver.
"It's cold in here..." Y/N rubbed her bare legs, hiding her knees before standing once Hyunjin had removed himself from her.
"I've got some spare clothes, it's in my bag in the other room, come on," Hyunjin patted her on the head gently, before resting his hand against her back as he guided her out of the room.
He wasn't silly. He could tell that Y/N wasn't quite feeling herself at the moment, and the best thing him or any of the other boys could do was treat her gently, that's what she always needed when it came to things like this.
A few days later, Stray Kids were set to do a photoshoot on the beach, perfect for a hot day. Well, as long as they didn't get too hot...
Y/N scanned the clothes that were on the rack in the dressing room with her stylist. She smiled as she caught sight of a beautiful white and blue dress, it fitting their cute casual concept perfectly.
"Oh, Y/N we won't be needing that one today, we've got a better option instead," the stylist fanned her own face, feeling the heat too as she passed over a small pile of clothes to Y/N. It consisted of a heavy pair of jeans, alongside a baby tee with a cute graphic of a heart on it. Now that, she could get behind, she thought the tee was adorable, but the heavy jeans? It was such a hot day.
"But everyone else is wearing shorts, wouldn't it be better if I did too-" Y/N began, before the stylist sympathetically patted her hand, yet it came across as being more condescending than anything.
"Honey, we're just doing what the fans will like best, like wearing jeans instead of anything more revealing, you know, because of your knees," she said, before turning around and sorting through other clothes so that Y/N could change.
What she hated the most was how the stylist's words trailed off into a whisper, like she was ashamed, like Y/N should be ashamed of her body. The company were aware of the comments that had been made online, and just after Y/N was building herself back up and ignoring the thing she can't change, this happened.
Dejectedly, she put on her assigned outfit, and left to head outside in the sweltering heat to join the boys.
"Y/Nnie come stand with me!" Felix dragged her next to him happily. The boys had noticed her mood get better the past few days but being the sunshine he is, he noticed that she was once again in the same low mindset.
"Y/N, aren't you... too hot in that?" Changbin rested a hand on her shoulder as he looked at the heavy jeans she was wearing, fabric slumped over at the top of her trainers.
"No, no, this is fine, it was picked especially for me," Y/N lightly smiled, trying to paint her face to seem content when really she was already sweating, causing a makeup artist to run over and quickly powder her face. Y/N couldn't hide the slight truth in her words, and she was silly to think the small bitterness didn't come through in her tone.
"Okay, just be careful, it's too hot to be wearing those, seriously..." Changbin nodded before returning to where he was previously stood, clearly not happy with the situation his younger member had been put in.
Felix side hugged her before they did their group photos first, the others expressing their confusion for the clothes she was wearing.
"Y/N! You must be so hot!" Han audibly gasped, and all she could do was shrug at him, not really having the words to respond, feeling too hot and overwhelmed at the moment to really think.
"Solo photos now!" the director called out, and one by one they posed, Y/N being the last one to head up, as they were going in age order. As Jeongin stepped up for his turn, Y/N scanned around her for some water she could have, seeing black spots enter her vision slowly.
"Here. Drink, or you'll be too tired to even stand," Seungmin appeared with a bottle of water in front of her, sarcasm coming across through his words as he didn't seem to realise how bad she really was feeling, and that she was too tired to stand.
"Thanks, Seungminnie," she mumbled, drinking it quickly as he nodded and walked away, going to change out of his clothes.
"Yah, you'll choke if you keep this up," Lee Know took the bottle from her hands as he crouched down next to her.
"Just thirsty," Y/N fanned herself as she leant back in her chair.
"You sure that's it? Looks like something else is going on too," Lee Know took one of her hands gently, rubbing a thumb across her knuckles.
"Y/Nnie it's your turn!" Jeongin happily walked over, informing his fellow member yet taking away the chance of gaining more information from his other.
Lee Know sighed as Y/N stood up, standing at the beach bar setup first.
Her movements were slow, yet she was sure it looked casual enough to not seem like she was on the verge of wanting to collapse from the heat. Little did she know, a certain leader had been diligently watching her the whole time. He had inquired about the outfit to the stylists and was annoyed when they said Y/N picked it herself. He knew that wasn't the truth.
"Y/N, turn your head to the left a bit! To the left, turn your head to the left," the director frustratedly said through the megaphone, catching the attention of all the members who were now watching.
But Y/N couldn't really hear what was happening around her. She was more focused on trying to stand up straight right now, panting lightly as she did so.
"The director is being a bit harsh..." Hyunjin whispered to Jeongin, who nodded back in response.
"But she's not acting herself either, look," Jeongin nodded towards the girl, who couldn't seem to keep her head up straight.
"Channie hyung, something is wrong with Y/Nnie," Felix said to his fellow Australian member, frowning as he watched the girl.
"I know. As soon as she's done with her photos I'm going to ask-" Chan turned his head away for one second as he spoke to Felix.
One second.
One second he stopped watching over her, and now she was on her knees, leant against the fake bar as she pulled at the collar of her t-shirt for some air.
Gasps rang out from around the room as both Stray Kids and the staff rushed to help Y/N.
"I knew there was something wrong," Chan shook his head as he started patting Y/N's face with a wet towel provided by the staff.
"Y/N, can you hear us?" Changbin hovered around them, concerned at the state she was in.
It all sounded so muffled to Y/N. She had felt that she had been moved into a position where she was laying down, felt slight relief from the cooler feeling on her face, but her eyes were still resting shut. She managed to let out a groan in response, which offered a light sense of peace before they realised they needed to do more.
"We need to get her inside in an air conditioned room or something!" Chan commanded the staff, as he lifted her up after they nodded and he laid her down on a sofa, the other members following through.
"She needs to get out of these jeans, who's big idea was that?" Seungmin huffed, irritated.
"Let me," a female staff member gestured for the boys to turn away as she and another stylist quickly changed Y/N out of her jeans and into some shorts, letting the boys know they could turn around once more.
They had a fan pointed at Y/N as they tried to get her to sip from some water.
"Come on, Y/Nnie, just slow sips, yeah?" Hyunjin held the bottle with a straw to Y/N's face, a hand under her chin tilting her head ever so slightly so water wouldn't spill down her.
Lee Know tied her hair back, soothingly stroking it back before he gathered it all out of the way.
Y/N's eyes opened wide, feeling a bit better as she had cooled down now. But she saw that her knees were exposed and being in the vulnerable state she was, she grabbed a blanket and covered her knees, her mind going 100 mph and all it could think was that the boys thought she was disgusting.
"No, you don't need a blanket, Y/Nnie, you're too hot right now, that won't help," Han grabbed her hands and held them against her stomach lightly, feeling concerned when her eyes became glossy with tears.
Y/N shook her head, not yet finding the words to explain what she was feeling.
"What's the matter, sweetheart?" Chan's voice broke through all of her thoughts, the oldest member being someone she could always rely on.
"They're ugly," she mumbled, eyes darting back and forth between her legs and Han's hands holding onto her own.
"What are?" Felix asked confused, looking back and forth between the boys as they all seemed to be catching onto why you had been feeling a bit low the last couple of days.
"My knees. Got scars on them. They're disgusting. Don't want you to have to see them," Y/N rushed out, feeling the grip round her hands tighten ever so slightly and a hand brush through her hair soothingly.
"Now why would you say something so stupid?" Lee Know sighed, hating how she was thinking.
"Don't call her stupid," Hyunjin whacked Lee Know on the shoulder.
"It's fine, it's silly really. B-but Stays didn't like it so why would you?" Y/N bit her lip, still unable to make eye contact with the boys.
"Y/Nnie, look at me," Chan sat in front of her, and reluctantly she looked at their leader. "Is this why you were put in that outfit?" his tone dropped lower, despising how one of his members had been put in such a position for something out of their control.
"The company agreed too... I didn't want to wear it but I guess it was for the best..." Y/N said unsurely, not really knowing how to explain the situation.
"Not when you nearly passed out from the heat!" Changbin exclaimed.
"Y/N, there is nothing wrong with you, okay? Nothing about you is disgusting. They're just from when you were a kid, right? You can't control that," Chan said softly as he rubbed her shoulder soothingly.
"I just hate how they look and then when Stays started pointing it out it made me remember how much I hate them," Y/N frowned and looked at her knees distastefully.
"They're not real Stays if they're making horrible comments like that," Seungmin pointed out, as the rest of the boys nodded in agreement.
"Plus if people are always staring at your knees, that's kind of weird," Jeongin laughed, which brought a smile to Y/N's face.
"I guess so," Y/N nodded, the grin still there.
"Aw there's that smile," Changbin cooed, squishing her cheeks together.
"Hyung, she's not a baby," Han laughed at Changbin's antics.
"But, Y/N, just know, it's okay to have insecurities, we all have them, it doesn't make you weird or mean that there is something wrong with you. But this is not the way things should have happened, please talk to us next time. I know it was the company that decided for you today, and trust me, I will be having words with them about this... but please don't obsess over this, yeah?" Chan hugged her to him, resting his head on hers as he talked to her, wanting her to know that they were a safe space for her.
"Okay, okay, I'll try," Y/N nodded as she relaxed against Chan.
"Good. And just know, whatever type of scars you have, it doesn't define you, and they're certainly not ugly. Everyone has some, whether they're visible or not," Changbin patted her knee, being slightly more serious in contrast to him babying her ten seconds ago.
"Woah, hyung, that was deep," Hyunjin clapped.
"Our Changbinnie is so good," Han said in a high pitched voice, causing the older member of 3RACHA to jokingly raise his fist at his dongsaeng.
"Thanks guys, I mean it," Y/N said sincerely with a relaxed smile to the rest of the boys who weren't caught up in the chaos. Let's be honest, it wouldn't be Stray Kids without any chaos, it just wouldn't be right.
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daceydeath · 10 days
Try Again?
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Pairing: Chan x F Reader Word Count: 2K Genre: Hurt/Comfort Warnings: Swearing
A part two of Why
You needed time to think the scandal was growing and you needed to be sure that you believed Chan or whether you should walk away for good
It had been almost twenty four hours since you had asked Chis to leave your apartment and the first seven, you predicted of many, bouquets of flowers had already arrived at your door. Although you conceded not all of them were from him, one had been from Felix, you were still not sure what to do. You knew about articles on Dispatch titled "Stray Kids Bang Chan Caught Kissing Mystery Woman" and "Stray Kids Bang Chan Takes Advantage of Fan". There were dozens of smaller articles of Chan with the whore sitting on his lap and all of them made your heart break a little more. You believed him but somewhere in the back of your mind you knew that there was always a chance he was lying to you to keep what he already had from slipping through his fingers.
Your phone rang for the twenty eighth time only this time it wasn't Chan or his manager it was Changbin and you knew at least he would tell you the truth, probably. There was little for him to lose, you would remain friends with the other guys whatever happened, you just wouldn't be able to see Chan again. Ever.
"I'm so sorry we didn't stop her" Changbin blurted loudly as soon as you answered the call "Shit we knew she was going to cause a problem as soon as Hyunjin spotted her following us".
"Bin, start from the beginning" you mumbled your voice scratchy from crying. You felt too listless to bother trying to piece information together.
"Hyunjin spotted her while we were filming and she seemed to be following us, when we finished and went out to the bar she popped up again and we knew she was going to cause some kind of issue, the psycho ones always do. But none of us guessed she was going to launch herself at Chan hyung and try to kiss him let alone sit in his lap. She was on him for like 15 seconds before security grabbed her and kicked her out" Changbin prattled before taking his first breath, you understood now why he was a rapper with the ability to speak so clearly but almost so fast you couldn't follow him.
"You were drunk Bin, Chan told me you all were" you sighed sitting on the floor in your lounge unable to even bring yourself to sit on the couch you had been sitting on when he had told you.
"Not that drunk! sure we were all a bit worse for wear but not so much that we didn't panic the moment she jumped hyung" he defended knowing that you knew he rarely got plastered unless he was somewhere that Stay wouldn't see him.
"So a sasaeng followed you around all day and then to the bar and you all did nothing until she decided to sit in Chan's lap and try to kiss him? That's the story you are going with?" you sniffled you had already run out of tears so an almost miserable apathy was all you could manage at that point.
"I'm not lying to you" Changbin's pretty much shouted down the phone frustration evident in his voice "Fuck I have no stake in what happens between you and hyung but I would prefer than neither of you get hurt by bullshit that was caused by someone else".
You stayed silent, your shaky breath probably the only thing he could hear as the moments dragged on before you hung up adding him to the growing list of people you were blocking as the day wore on. You were too tired to deal with this now and no matter what anyone thought you had to protect yourself first.
Another two days passed and another two of the boys had joined your blocked list for not getting the message and blowing up your phone, the list now stood at four members and three managers, you had just hoped that the others would get the hint and either contact you sparingly or just leave you alone until you were ready to deal with it. The articles kept coming, the whore had been sure to give out as much information as she could making the story grow exponentially and Stay were getting angry that the members were being crucified with no evidence to back the claims up. You were now seeing the situation for what it was and to quote Changbin it was just 'bullshit'.
"Holy shit bug are you ok? Everyone is so worried since you just disappeared" Felix asked as he stepped into your apartment with Hyunjin and Minho on his heels. You had invited them over so you could ask them exactly what happened and how Chan was doing, hoping you could finally either tell him that you believed him or to never contact you again.
"I'm better, I just needed some time" you smiled, accepting his tight hug and letting them sit where they wanted "Can I get you anything?".
"No, we brought you coffee though, to perhaps help" Minho offered, placing an iced latte down on your coffee table.
"Thanks Min" you smiled as genuinely as you could. All of the members had been so kind to you after they met you and found out you were with Chan and Minho was no exception to that even though it took him longer to come around.
"Three shots with vanilla syrup" he smiled in return and waited for you to sit down.
"I didn't want to call you and tell you over the phone" Hyunjin started nervously "I wanted to be able to tell you the truth and you be able to see it".
"That's more than I deserve Hyunnie, I've been quite the bitch over the past few days" you felt the skin of your face burning in shame at your admission.
"You were hurt, you had every right to feel what you were feeling" Felix interjected his normally cheerful bright smile replaced with a small shy one.
"We had been filming a Skz Talker" Hyunjin sighed watching you take a sip of the coffee "This girl was following us, but always off camera and only when we were in public, I noticed her after one of the managers was grumbling about her. She seemed fairly harmless just taking pictures and filming us, which isn't as bad as some of the shit they do, so I ignored her".
"Hyunjin pointed her out to a couple of us so I saw her and I'm pretty sure Seung and Innie did too but I'm not totally sure. But she honestly didn't seem as bad as some of the others do so we were probably not cautious enough about her which is on all of us, the managers included" Minho frowned, his eyes sadder than you had seen them in a while.
"When we went to dinner I don't think she was there and then the little bar we went to after that was so small there can't have been more than twenty other people in, including the staff" Felix added cautiously "but granted I hadn't seen her until it happened".
"We had a few drinks, Channie hyung was tipsy and barely at that, and she just appeared and wandered over like she was a friend. He didn't even see her until he sat on him and he was too stunned to even do anything about it, when he didn't react she grabbed his shirt and kissed him which he shut down immediately" Hyunjin continued slowly letting the information sink in. "He just about shoved her to the floor though, once we all yelled and the managers grabbed her Chan hyung just started cursing her out for being a psycho and disgusting, I think Minho hyung called her an whore because he is savage when he wants to be"
"An attention seeking whore but yeah semantics really" Minho confirmed, shrugging casually.
"We were all shocked and Channie hyung just broke down after it all happened and kept saying he needed to see you, he had to tell you but by the time we got back into Seoul and he got here it had already become a scandal" Felix pouted looking like he was the one who had messed up.
"Thank you all for telling me" you smiled halfheartedly, sipping your coffee again.
"Have you eaten today?" Minho asked seriously, looking at you sympathetically.
"I'll order something for dinner in a little while" you nodded your body feeling drained "I promise".
"Are you going to talk to hyung? He's losing his mind over this, not even the rumors and bad press over you not talking to him" Felix questioned as sweetly as he could.
"I'll call him" you again nodded as they all got up to leave, letting you walk them to the door.
"I swear that's the truth" Hyunjin took your hand to squeeze it "Hyung would rather give up his career than lose you".
"I would never allow that Hyunnie" you squeezed his hand back before they walked out and you shut the door behind them. You knew they hadn't lied to you and you also knew that Chan probably hadn't eaten or slept since it happened which made you feel so guilty that you felt your throat tighten. Taking a deep breath you unblocked his number and waited to see if anything happened, opening your food app you ordered something to arrive in an hour knowing that you would forget about it otherwise. Five minutes after the boys left your phone rang, Chan's picture filling your screen and making your heart clench.
"Baby girl?" He whispered his voice croaky "Baby girl please talk to me".
"Hi Channie" you answered him, your voice shaking.
"Oh shit, baby girl I'm so sorry. I've missed you so much and I'm sorry I fucked everything up and broke your heart but I'll do anything, absolutely anything to get another chance. Please. I love you so fucking much I can't breathe without you". He rambled, his voice turning thick as you imagined tears springing into his eyes.
"Channie, you don't need another chance, you didn't lose the first chance" you explained "I spoke to Hyunjin he told me everything and I'm so sorry I doubted you. I should have known you would never do that to me. I should have trusted you more but I was so scared that you might not love me anymore and I already knew you were too good for me so.... I'm sorry Channie".
"No, no, no you have nothing to be sorry for" Chan interrupted "I'm coming round I don't want this conversation to be over the phone. Is that ok?"
"The doors open Channie" you smiled as he hung up and you imagined him rushing around to get to your apartment.
When he arrived you almost cried looking at how tired and wrecked he looked, heavy bags under his eyes, his hair a mess and his cheeks pale. He didn't say a word, just pulled you into his arms holding you so tight that you thought he might not let you go again.
"I love you, I'll leave Stray Kids, I'll quit music, I'll announce we're together whatever you want me to do to prove I mean it" he breathed into your hair his lips pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
"You will do none of those things Channie" you softly protested your voice muffled against his chest "But maybe get more security to stop the insane people getting so close to you?".
"I will definitely do that baby girl" he sighed, his hold on you relaxing slightly "can we try this again?".
"We never broke up Channie I just needed some time, I didn't leave you I just needed space" you whispered "I know I was a bitch and went about it the wrong way. I should have told you what I needed instead of just shutting you out but I still love you very much".
Chan let go of you tilting your face to look at him, his smile so bright that it was almost blinding before he crashed his lips into yours, the emotion behind the kiss a promise that it would never happen again, that his heart and soul belonged to you. Melting against him you knew you would never not trust him again you loved Chan and that was all that mattered.
a/n: I know this took me like a year to finish but I hope you enjoy it all the same. Your likes, comments, reblogs and support means everything to me and I adore you all xx
Taglist (open): @christopher-bangnaldoskzz @armystay89 @damnyouficc @roamingpolar
@tara-skyhold @bakedlilgoonie @krishastumblernow @mrsseals16 @fawnpeaks
@leeknowinggg @tanzen-ist-gold @uno7 @ocean-dreamer-sky-chaser
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 7 months
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Pairing : Boyfriend!Hwang Hyunjin x F!Reader TW : angst ; Hyunjin is just sad (which is honestly relatable) ; reader thinks they're pregnant ; reader might be pregnant ; symptoms of pregnancy ; fluff ending ; Word Count : 2.0k Request : Annony : Can I request and angsty fic Where Hyunjin has just been going through a really rough time and y/n tries her best to be there for him and keeps waiting for the right time to tell him she thinks she’s pregnant. He just keeps crying and he doesn’t know why he’s so sad, but slowly he gets out of it a bit. One morning he wakes up because y/n is having morning sickness and showing other symptoms so she has no choice but to finally open up and tell him everything. They take a test and well…I’ll let you take creative control after this. I’m really excited I’ve thought this request through a lot and I hope you decide to write it
“Hey, you okay?” Your coworker asked as she walked into the breakroom. Your head had been resting against the table, your eyes squeezed tightly shut as you tried to count your breaths. “Feeling dizzy again?” She asked when you didn’t answer her first question, and you gave her weak thumbs up in response. “Maybe you are… you know… the p word.” She whispered, and it’s not like it was a bad word to say, it’s just that you didn’t want anyone else that you worked with to know. 
“I’m too nervous to test…” You mumbled, and she knew exactly why. She was your only confidant at this point, especially since Hyunjin was going through his own personal problems. You didn’t want to stack anything else on top of whatever else was bothering him. All you did know was that, no matter how much you tried to help him or console him, he’d be right back to crying soon after. “Plus, it would be too soon… I don’t want to test too early or anything…” 
To be honest, home life wasn’t really the best right now. It’s not that there were any arguments, there was no fighting, but it was obvious that Hyunjin was stressed about something, and you were mentally stressed about potentially being pregnant, so the last thing you needed was triple the stress for both of you if a test came out positive. Even just thinking about it felt like too much right now.  
“Well you can’t wait forever. I mean… With his job, he gets stressed very easily. What are you gonna do? You can’t just hide potentially important things from him every time he gets upset or stressed out.” You rolled your eyes at your coworkers' sudden nagging, and while you knew that it came from a place of concern and care, you didn’t need that right now. You didn’t need to be parented, you needed someone to just be there for you. 
“He doesn’t get stressed easily, and you make it sound like he’s like this all the time. I’m not hiding things from him either, I’m giving him time to get in the right place mentally before dropping something like this on him.” You quickly defended your boyfriend, silently wishing that you hadn’t told your coworker anything at all. “He’s a good boyfriend, and just because he gets stressed and upset sometimes doesn’t change that.”
“I’m not saying that he’s not a good boyfriend for you… I just feel like you cater to him and his feelings a lot because of his job and your feelings get pushed to the backburner.” She tried to explain, but she couldn’t be further from the truth. 
“I’m not having this conversation right now. I appreciate you caring and trying to look out for me, but my relationship is fine. He’s a great guy… Okay? I have to get back to work now, enjoy your break.” 
Hyunjins moment seemed to last longer and longer. He’d lock himself in his room the moment he walked through the front door and you’d hear him cry for hours until things went silent, and the only reason things got quiet is because he’d cry himself to sleep. There was nothing you could do to help him because he wouldn’t even talk to you about it, and a part of you wondered if he’d ever get out of the funk he was in. 
With the time that passed, the symptoms only grew stronger. Your headaches were getting worse, the nausea was almost unbearable, even your boobs hurt. You wanted to excuse it as reading into the symptoms too much, you thought that your mind was playing tricks on you. You wanted to find any reason you could to hold off on testing until Hyunjin got better because you didn’t want to be alone when you found out, no matter what the result was. 
When Hyunjin was around, you tried to hide the symptoms from him. If you started feeling sick, you’d quickly go off to the bathroom and turn on the sink, hoping that you wouldn’t actually start throwing up. The tiredness that you felt was written off as working too many hours and being on your feet too long. Luckily he was none the wiser to the soreness in your breasts because you hadn’t been with him in any physical way since he had been in his funk. You missed him, and you wanted to blame the potentially surging hormones for the tears that would be shed when you’d lay in the same bed beside him at night without a single kiss or those three words that would make you feel like he did still love you. 
The longer it lasted, the more you would think about what your coworker had said. No matter how much you tried to get those words out of your head, they would constantly pop up. When you would hear him crying in the room and you’d try to help him, but it was like he was shutting you out. Not only did it feel like he was pushing you away, but it felt like you were by yourself. He wasn’t the only one going through something right now, and you wanted so badly to tell him, but for some reason you were trying so hard to protect him that you weren’t even worried about yourself. 
Even still, you didn’t want to give up on him. You loved him, and you truly believed that he just needed time, that he’d get better sooner or later, and no matter what, you’d stick by him, even if it meant pushing your own stresses, your own worries to the side until he got better. 
He was starting to feel better, he really was. It had been a week since the last time he had cried, and while he still doesn’t fully understand himself why things had gotten so bad or why he was so upset, he was thankful that he had you by his side the entire time, even if it didn’t seem that way. He wanted to take you out today, to show you that he appreciated you and everything that you do for him. He wanted to show you that he truly does love you, and that he’s grateful that you didn’t give up on him through this entire thing. 
The bed was already empty, which wasn’t rare as of lately considering he always seemed to sleep in, but one look at the clock on the bedside table made him fully aware that it was too early for even you to be awake. He could have sworn you came to bed last night, that he had felt the warmth of your body beside him underneath the covers. Had you gone to the couch at some point in the middle of the night? Were you finally pulling away? 
Just as he was pushing the comforter off of his body, he heard what sounded like gagging and choking and he never moved so fast in his life. Tripping over his own feet, he rushed into the bathroom to find you doubled over the toilet, sweat beading up on your forehead and spit dribbling down from the corner of your mouth. It’s like you didn’t even realize he was there, or maybe you just didn’t want to acknowledge him as you tried your best to seemingly catch your breath. 
“Baby… What’s wrong?” He whispered, kneeling down beside you to try to get you to look at him, but you only shook your head, pushing yourself up to your feet with the help of the side of the bathtub, leaving him on the floor and even more worried than before. “Are you mad at me? I’m sorry… Do you want me to leave you alone?” 
“No…” You said, your voice slightly raspy, and he could only assume that it was because of getting sick, but you sounded so tired too. He didn’t know how sick you were, he didn’t know what was going on or how long you had been feeling like this, but he wanted to be there for you now, no matter what was wrong. “I think… I might be pregnant…” Your head lowered, as if you were ashamed to be telling him that, although he wasn’t sure why. 
Of course, he wasn’t ready to be told something like that, he was sure that no man was ever truly ready to hear that, but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t ready to step up and be the man that you and his potential child would need. “Okay… Well, I can run to the store and pick up some tests and we can find out if you are…” 
“I… Already have the tests. They’re in my purse…” You admitted and he nodded along slowly, trying not to get too upset that you had potentially been going through this for longer than he thought. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay first. I didn’t want to do this alone…” Alone… He had left you all alone to deal with these worries and these thoughts and these fears. “You… You are okay… Right?” 
His head nodded swiftly, his eyes that were brimming with tears of guilt glistened in the fluorescent lighting of the bathroom. “I am… I’m okay. You’re not alone, I’m here and no matter what happens… I’m going to stay here with you. I love you…” He finally got up off the floor, scrambling to his feet just to stand in front of you, his eyes finally meeting yours for what felt like the first time. “You have nothing to worry about… I’ll always be here… I promise.” 
“Out of the way! Out of the way! Move it! Excuse us! Make room! Pregnant girlfriend coming through!” Hyunjin shouted as he walked with you down the halls of the JYPE building. He was so loud, you were sure that even the people the next floor up could hear him coming, he was like a damn fire truck with its sirens on. You rolled your eyes at the rambunctiousness of it all. “What? I just don’t want anyone to bump into you or anything. I’m trying to keep you and baby Jinnie safe.” 
Your eyebrows arched at the little nickname that he had given the baby, you hadn’t heard him say it before. You had had an ultrasound the day before, and the doctor had asked if you wanted to know the gender of the baby, but you and Hyunjin had both agreed to keeping it a secret until the birth. “Baby Jinnie, huh? Where’d you come up with that name?” You quizzed, wondering if maybe his curiosity had gotten the better of him and he had just asked the doctor what the baby would be on his way out of the exam room. 
“Isn’t that what they do for sons in America? People name the baby boys after their father? He can be little Jinnie Jr. right?” Hyunjin asked, his eyes twinkling as he looked down at you. His arms were wrapped protectively around you as you rode the elevator up to the right floor, and as cute and innocent as he looked right now, you couldn’t help but be a little suspicious. 
“Hmm… A son? Are we having a boy?” His lips were drawn in, turning into a thin line and you could read the guiltiness on his face. He nodded his head slowly, clearly trying to read your reaction after having basically spoiled the surprise. “You just couldn’t wait to find out, could you?” You teased, and he let out a little sigh of relief when he realized that you weren’t angry. How could you be angry though? He wanted to know and you weren’t going to get mad at him for finding out. 
“Maybe we can do like… A baby shower, and a surprise gender reveal for everyone else!” He proposed the idea, and he sounded so excited, there was no way that you could turn him down, plus it sounded like fun. “The guys really want to know whether they’re getting a niece or a nephew, they’re gonna be so happy to find out!” He had been talking so loudly on the elevator, but once the doors slid open, his voice dropped to a whisper, his lips lingering right beside your ear. “This is our secret though, don’t tell them.” 
Perm Tags :
@whatudowhennooneseesyou @duchesskaren @mytherapisttoldmenotto @lovesunshinefelix @moon0fthenight @kurolils @maruskz @hello-2-u-from-me @mrswolfiechan @bunnychangbin
@his-angell @if-spearb @yomomma104 @lanatheawesome @facelesswrittes @grannyindehouse @cutie-wooyo @felixmainacc @syuuji @jiisungllvr @yukichan67
@randomwimp @silentreadersthings @cutiespaghetti @furiousheartpoetry @lixpixstix
@felixluvr915 @wordsofkpop @kayleigh-28 @szkstay @spnwinchestersd @fleatree @yehsehneeah @vampcharxter @iloveksmohsomuch @lvlnijiro @neteyamsmate4life @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @delululi @insertsomethingaboutanimehere @karlitaburrito @laylasbunbunny @chimicurri-a @bandolls
@syuuji @moonlight-the-writer @smutdumpskz @extrhotjne @manuosorioh @yeonjunsfox @jazziwritesthings @itshannjisung
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cheeseceli · 7 months
When their S/o is taller than them
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Pairing: skz!Ot8 × Gn!Reader (individually)
Genre: fluff, reaction
Request: what either skz or bts would be like with a tall s/o? (5’8”) and while I’m here I just want to say I really love your writing and I look forward to reading your fics <3
Warnings: one kill joke in lee know's, not proofread at all, I think that's it.
A/n: thank you so much for the lovely words 🤍 as a (kinda) tall girl I love to think about this lmao. BTS version here !
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Bang Chan
Hugs all the time. He just LOVES how your hugs seem to be different (and better) than anyone else's. Maybe it's because of your height or for the simple fact that you are you but he adores how warm and safe he feels in your arms. His favourite hugs from you are the ones that you either back hug him when he's distracted and put your chin on his shoulder OR when you hug him normally but add a kiss to the crown of his head. He falls more and more in love with you after every hug.
Lee Know
You know he's never gonna admit this but he loves the height difference. Your teasing gets 200% more efficient just because of it (but he'll kill anyone who points out how his ears are getting a little too red). When you guys were just friends but he already had a crush on you, he'd get truly flustered if you got closer than usual, like you were towering him - and he still does, he just likes to pretend he doesn't tbh lmao.
We all agreed that this man would have and love and support a taller s/o to the extreme. He's like your personal cheerleader, always making sure to let you know that you are BEAUTIFUL and he loves every single detail about you - your height included. The first to tell people to shut up if someone ever comments on the height difference with a rude tone. Like, he will NOT accept someone trying to say shit about your relationship, especially when it's something he loves so much.
It doesn't matter if you're one centimeter taller or a whole ruler taller, he's in love and he thinks that your height makes you look ethereal even. If you're up to it, he'll definitely buy you high heels and encourage you to wear them on any occasion that's possible. Finds it kinda fun how he has to tilt his head up in order to kiss you and always ends up giggling over this, even after years of doing it. He's just that enamoured, can you blame him?
Oh he's enjoying this a bit too much. Feel free to reach all the tall shelves for him and open every can/jar. He has the babygirl reputation for a reason lmao. Jokes aside, I think he'd really enjoy a taller s/o, no matter what your height is. Has literally no patience to outsiders "teasing" and making rude comments about this dynamic, he'll quickly shut them up. (Also, get prepared to lift him up if you're strong enough like that video of him with lee know because when I said he's enjoying this I meant it😭)
HE LOVES IT. You can't tell me that he doesn't get all flustered and giddy over the height difference, I won't believe you if you do. One thing that I believe he'd love to do would take mirror pics with you. Like, the way that you can see that you're taller in the picture just makes him smile for some reason (he's whipped). His phone's wallpaper is most definitely a picture of you two like that. I also believe that he thinks it's cute the way he has to tiptoe to kiss your cheek (it is).
You can be the taller one, but he's the one defending you and giving you the royalty treatment all the way. One thing that I think he'd love tho is to steal your clothes. So like, if you left a sweatshirt in his place or something like this, don't expect to have it back so soon. He actually loves how he is just kinda engulfed in your (indirect?) warmth and he has something bringing him closer to you even when you're not near. And he kinda likes to flex that "this is from my partner" lmao.
Other one to get all shy over the height difference but never let you know about it (actually, you'll know. It's just so obviously shown in his face, just don't let him know that lol). But besides the casual flustering state he finds himself on at times, he really doesn't mind it. I'd say he barely notices it. When he does tho, he finds you extremely beautiful, like those ancient greek statues, and even sexy if I may.
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
Moodboard (pics) by @haelyubi
Reblogs and feedback are appreciated!
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roseykat · 9 months
TITLE: Stray Kids and Kinks
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SUMMARY: Stray Kids members and each of their kinks (in my personal opinion). They’d most likely have more than one as well.
WARNING: minors DNI with this post or my blog. I create NSWF SKZ related content and I know I won’t be able to regulate/monitor every single potential interaction with those posts so please do not engage with my work or page whatsoever.
TAGS: smut, discussions around sex, breath play, choking, public sex, slight voyeurism, begging, pictophilia, degradation, use of the names ‘slut’, ‘whore’, ‘fucktoy’, ‘cumslut’, collars, cuckolding, bondage/shibari.
A/N: to the people who were on my main taglist for my works, I’m so sorry because I’ve lost the list I had with everyone’s names on it. I’ll keep trying to search through my documents for them just in case. If I can’t, please message me if you still want to be added, no pressure!
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BANG CHAN - Breath play
He’s adopted breath play techniques to help intensify your orgasms. For example, he’ll have a hand around your throat, squeezing at the sides as you’re about to cum. Then, just as you do, he’ll take his hand away so that more oxygen rushes to your brain as you orgasm hard around his dick. Seeing you cum your brains out from it only made him want to do it more.
But it just so happens that Chan also likes to be choked. He folds whenever you’re on top riding him and you extend a hand down his throat to squeeze. As a result, he’s bound to cum inside you without question. Or maybe when you’re both making out, Chan likes to feel your hand apply that snug restriction around the sides of his neck.
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MINHO - Public Sex
Public sex is a staple aspect of bringing spontaneity into your relationship with Minho and it’s a major turn on for him. Whenever you’re both on the go, there’s always a time where he’s horny. Fucking in a club was the first time either of you had done anything in public - and you’re sure that someone was in one of the stalls watching through the gap in the door of Minho bending you over the sink.
Now, his horizons have expanded to fucking you in a tent when you both go camping, fucking in a room at some pension when you and the other guys go away for a holiday, giving him head underneath the table at a overly crowded restaurant, fucking you against a brick wall down some alleyway as you’re both walking back home because neither of you could wait. The possibilities are endless for him, and so far you haven’t been caught.
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CHANGBIN - Begging
Changbin’s ego inflates whenever you beg him to do something in the bedroom. It not only means that you need him to do whatever it is, but that there’s nobody else in the world who can satisfy you other than him. He just thrives off of it. Begging him to let you cum is his ultimate weak point, but not as much as when you beg him to eat you out.
You could both be fifteen minutes into making out, touching each other, and he would deliberately refrain from doing anything further until he hears you pleading for him to go down on you. Only when he says ‘yes’, he’ll eat you out slowly and delicately, right to the point where you get frustrated and have to beg him again. This time to make you cum.
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HYUNJIN - Pictophilia
Has countless polaroids, pictures, and videos of yours and his naked body. Will take photos of you from behind, you with his cum on your tits or face, videos of his dick visibly disappearing inside your pussy and sliding back out, videos of him making you orgasm that you can see your legs shake in the frame. He likes revisiting those memories and then creating more to see later on.
Sometimes you’ll watch them back together, that’s if Hyunjin doesn’t get all shy about it. He likes watching you, just not himself so much. In the moment, when he’s fucking your brains out, he can be an animal and say ‘how good your pussy feels’, tell you how much ‘you’re creaming around him’. But the minute you both watch it over together, he gets embarrassed hearing himself say those things to you on camera. 
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HAN - Degradation
At first you weren’t sure if you could bring yourself to call Jisung such degrading names when he asked you to. It wasn’t until you really tried and saw how much he enjoyed it. His eyes glass over like he’s suddenly under your control, which he is. Calling him names like ‘whore’, ‘slut’, or ‘fucktoy’ is guaranteed to make him cum even harder.
Pairing that with any type of overstimulation or orgasm control gives you a very needy Jisung who’s brain turns into mush just from hearing those sorts of names. He isn’t too sure why or how degradation works so well for him, how it makes his orgasms feel ten times more stronger than just normal verbal communication during sex. That being said, Jisung, like you’ve told him many times, is a ‘cumslut’ who enjoys just orgasming. So much that if degradation helps him get there, then he’s all for it.
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FELIX - Collar Kink
Each collar is carefully selected by him for you to wear. He cares and stores them the way that he does with his keyboards. His favourites are the ones with metal rings or heart shaped loops at the front so that he can hook his finger in it and bring you closer to whatever it is he’s doing. They’re very personal statements that he takes pride in not only collecting but also creating as well.
Felix customises and curates them especially for you. He selects the leathers from black to pale pinks to deep reds. Some will have studs or multiple metal loops, others will be classic and plain. The point of the matter is that Felix swells inside with excitement every time he gets to fasten or buckle the collar around your neck.
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SEUNGMIN - Cuckolding
This man has a kink for essentially watching you get railed by another man - maybe two sometimes. He doesn’t strike as the type of person to share you, but he compromises when his fantasies come into focus. When he presented you with this peculiar idea to see you have sex with someone other than himself, you were all in it. To test things out, he thought it would be best to invite someone you both know. Someone who would be into the same idea.
That person ended up being Jisung who was a perfect fit for the night and it’s never been awkward since. These types of experiences make having sex with Seungmin even more special and intimate when it’s just the two of you. There’s not another man who makes you cum the way he does - none of the men he’s watched you have sex with.
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Jeongin - Bondage
Jeongin enjoys tying you up, but especially in shibari. An intricate practice of bondage that passes off more as art than something sexual. He’s perfected the craft of skilfully binding your body to create beautiful ties and wraps. His slender and long fingers help with threading multiple lengths of ropes into different loops at the same time. In some cases, shibari is just for people to look at and doesn’t involve sex.
Almost similar to BDSM in some cases. But Jeongin will fuck you in it. There’s a side to him that can be very irrational and heated. The way the rope tightens around your body or the way the patterns contrast with your skin, makes him impulsive. He will involve other sexual practices like BDSM, maybe sensation play, edging, orgasm denying - anything to see you struggle against the rope.
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soobnny · 1 year
winter wind — lee minho.
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trope. best friends to lovers. pining. minho is astronomically down bad.
synopsis. a look into lee minho’s realization that maybe he is eager for the affection of someone else featuring the menaces, seungmin and jisung
word count. 1.5k words
warnings. curse words and nothing else i think
note. this idea just suddenly came to me so please enjoy tsundere minho and this silly little fic
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Lee Minho sighs out in relief when the pair of you finally make it to Chan’s apartment, immediately being greeted by a warmth in sharp contrast to the weather outside.
The winter wind was unforgiving, as it always is, nipping at Minho’s skin and harshly blowing a deep shade of red on his nose and cheeks. It’s a sight that elicits teasing from his friends, and he tries to shut them up right away before you can hear anything.
You’re still by the doorway, struggling to take off your winter boots. With the information that you’re out of earshot, verified by a quick glance your way, only heightens their teasing.
Heavy on Seungmin. He’s the only little fucker that isn’t easily intimidated by Minho’s infamous glare.
“You’re practically naked, hyung.” Minho wants to wipe the smirk off of his face so bad, but Seungmin isn’t technically wrong, only confirmed further upon double checking his appearance from the huge fucking mirror decorating Chan’s living room.
A sweatshirt and some pants — a pretty fucking terrible choice considering the temperature outside.
“It wasn’t that cold.” He dismisses.
His shivering hands and runny nose deeply contradict with his statement, and Seungmin all but laughs at how persistent Minho is at defending his case. Though, he is having an awful time trying to justify his friend’s clothing choice when he knows Minho usually walks to Chan’s place.
Lee Minho is far smarter than a sweatshirt and some pants.
Seungmin, and the rest of the boys, can only share glances in understanding when you come stumbling into the living room wearing almost all of Minho’s outerwear. His favorite puffer jacket is on you, engulfing your entire figure and that scarf sitting on your neck looks awfully like the one Hyunjin had gifted the boy a few birthdays ago.
So you’re the culprit as to why Minho’s quietly made his way to stand by Chan’s heater to catch a glimpse of his normal temperature.
“Coldcoldcoldcold—“ You pause your conversation with yourself when you see the boys all smiling at you in the living room. As if they know something yoh don’t.
“Hi.” You mumble, trying your best to show a smile as you puff out a breath of winter air. They greet you back right away with accompanied squeals and pinches in the cheeks.
The scarf looks adorable covering half your face, and Seungmin has to physically bite back his laughter when you raise your hand and Minho’s (too big for you) gloves greet them. His friend is horrendously in love with you, and it’s so obvious that Seungmin’s dumbfounded as to how you haven’t realized it yourself.
It doesn’t help that Minho is absolutely useless and won’t confess first — refuses to, even. It’s come to the point where Chan, always the one to tell the boys not to meddle, has practically begged the boy to confess.
The boys probably can’t count with all their hands combined the number of times they’ve told him to confess and he outright avoided the question.
Though, despite being the most straightforward in the group, it seems his feelings for you has made him turn a complete 180 (at least when it comes to the part of his brain reserved for romance). They can’t blame the boy though. It might as well be his first time experiencing the overwhelming tides of feelings and everything that comes with it.
Lee Minho has never been the type that was eager for the affection of someone else either. Among the eight boys, they’d say he was the one who didn’t really have the time for intimacy.
And then you came, in the form of the biggest contradiction to everything Minho had established about love.
Now, the poor boy is falling over, pupils dilated as he silently makes his way to stand by your side to ask you — in the softest tone the boys have ever heard from Minho — “you weren’t too cold from outside?”
There’s a faint smile on his face when you shake his head. And the scene playing in front of everyone would perfectly fit in one of the sitcoms they watch together when they’re bored from how fast Minho’s fond smile changes into a look of feign annoyance when he turns his attention to his other friends in conversation.
Perhaps they just aren’t lucky enough to look behind the scenes, to bear witness to his gentle voice and sweet smile and the way he (without a question) stripped himself off of his outwear as you tread against the white blanketed ground minutes earlier.
He simply shrugs his jacket off and slips it on you, dropping the scarf on your neck and tying it to make sure it’s secured on your neck. Quiet scoldings leave his lips as he does so, eyes focused on taking his own gloves off to put on your hands. If he was too much of a coward to hold your hand, he would have to sacrifice his gloves and bear the cold.
He’d take the harsh winter wind over a call in the morning telling him you’d caught a cold from the winter. Nevermind that there’s a higher chance he get sick instead.
The coming scratchy throat and runny nose are nothing compared to the grateful smile you had directed to him and the way you look clad in his clothes. He almost feels guilty for thinking he could get used to that sight, for hoping to be subjected to your beauty everyday for the rest of his life.
Almost. He was nothing if not a boy who was willing do anything just to see you in his clothes again.
Of course, he hides it well. He’s practiced enough from the months of his dawning realization to the present. So, he keeps the abundance of his teasing remarks high in hopes that they continue to work.
He tells you his hat is too big for you that it makes you look silly or how your height matches that of a 12 year old compared to him which is why his clothes are swallowing you whole. And he tells you that the red on his ears are definitely because of the sandpaper wind and not because of the warmth he felt when you hugged him — it shocks him to the point that he had to push you away and you almost fall on your butt because Lee Minho doesn’t think he can hold back the confession bubbling in his throat if you kept holding him like that.
“You seriously need to tell her.” Jisung is the one who breaks Minho out of his reverie.
The boy can’t just catch a break.
Minho had just settled on the couch, watching you intently as you laugh with Hyunjin at one of Seungmin’s jokes, when Jisung decides to add another tally to the number of times they have failed to get him to confess.
The unconscious grin from watching you laugh turns into a scowl as he directs his attention to Jisung.
“No.” He says pointedly. Han Jisung doesn’t need to clarify for Minho to know what he’s talking about.
“I don’t like her like that.” Minho adds as a weak attempt to get the boy to stop trying to meddle but he knows he isn’t being truthful. And he knows Jisung knows too.
“Sure you don’t.” Jisung snickers, playfully nudging the boy’s side. “We’re not blind, you know. We can see the way you look at her… and the way you’re looking for her right now.”
Minho’s heart thumps at being caught. He simply groans in response, begrudgingly grabbing the brownie in Jisung’s hand and shoving the remains down his mouth.
“She’s in the kitchen, by the way.“
“I didn’t ask.”
“But you were thinking it! You are soooo down bad that it’s actually kind of funny now.” Jisung giggles to himself. “You’d do anything for her, wouldn’t you? So stop being a pussy.”
Minho would’ve lunched his friend to the living room ground if not for your voice calling out his name from Chan’s kitchen. Han Jisung is saved another day from Minho’s wrath.
(He’ll thank you later.)
“Min?” He’s quick to give up, and he closes his eyes in surrender because Han fucking Jisung was right, he would do anything for you, and Minho can already hear the boy telling him he told him so.
Perhaps Lee Minho isn’t as immune to love as he thought he was. There’d have to be a new rebranding towards the part of his brain he had thought was repulsed by the idea of romance. Especially when you had introduced to him the feeling of beating hearts and sweaty hands.
So this is what love is. Now, he knows of the fondness he used to think he could only direct to his cats. He knows of the romance he used to laugh at when watching romantic comedies.
And maybe Lee Minho isn’t so opposed to the idea after all. Especially upon walking in to the kitchen and seeing you smile up at him with a new batch of brownies Felix had saved up for you (that you’d happily share with Minho).
Despite the cold, Lee Minho feels warm, and he looks at you like he does with the little things he loves — a small grin tugging on his lips and his eyes focused on you, diluted and relaxed. Genuine.
Perhaps there is time for intimacy, and perhaps he’d have to put an end to that tally and finally fucking confess.
(If he didn’t, the boys will have owed Seungmin a lot of money).
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lixie-phoria · 10 months
[ 3.0 oh... ] BETTER THAN REVENGE !
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57 messages. 35 calls.
57 unread messages. 35 unanswered calls.
yeonjun. your boyfriend. who's in the field in front of you, who's been with you for four years, who's seen your best and worst times, who's always been there for you, who's been ghosting you for an entire week.
7 long days and no contact from him had pushed you to your breaking point. if he wasn't going to speak with you, you would force him to. you're only waiting for half time to roll around because you know you can't wait for the entire match to make your presence known.
it feels strange, sitting there, the game unfolding before your eyes but you're not paying attention. the cheers and shouts are white noise as you get lost in what you're going to say to yeonjun. a small part of you is terrified of the explanation you're going to hear. terrified also because you knew if he lost, you will be on the receiving end of his anger.
your nerves are going haywire because you could see the timer for half time ticking frustratingly fast, every second bringing you closer to the moment you weren't sure you wanted to witness yourself.
when the whistle finally blows and the players step off the field, everyone around you gets up, the noise multiplying as they head out for the break. it's a flurry of movement, and you know you're supposed to be stepping down, but it's difficult when your breath is coming out in short puffs and you can see him right there, gulping down water as his eyes remain trained on someone blocked by the crowd.
probably his coach?
and then you see her.
hair tied up, a bright section of pink standing out against her black locks, and a sickly sweet smile twisting against her lips.
you don't realize what's happening until you see her lean down and peck him on the lips, giggling as he pulls her closer.
hwang yeji.
campus celebrity, part-time model, yeonjun's childhood friend hwang yeji. and she's wearing his jersey, kissing his lips, tangling her fingers in his hair.
you see red as your 'boyfriend' shoves his tongue down someone else's throat and it's sickening. you nearly throw up.
and it appears as though hyunjin sees it at the same time too, because from your periphery you can see him drop his bottle, mouth open in shock as his eyes immediately search for you in the crowd.
you must not have been a pretty sight, because his features immediately twist into a scowl as realization dawns on hims too.
so this is why he's been acting strange.
you don't register what happens after that. you're slumped in your seat, heart racing a hundred miles an hour. you don't even know if you're crying or not. everything feels numb.
you notice when the game resumes and hyunjin playing absolutely dirty. even from a distance you can tell he's livid as he nearly takes down HYBE's defense single handed. you don't think you have ever seen him this angry before, playing as though it was a game of life and death, and when the whistle blows, it's your university that wins, not HYBE.
but your best friend doesn't bother celebrating. he's running out to catch up with you as you hastily let your feet carry you out of the campus.
you can't meet his eyes as he stops you at the entrance. guilt gnaws at your insides. he tried to warn you. he tried to stop you. you should have listened to him. you should not have snapped at him.
"i'm sorry."
"Don't apologize, angel. It's not your fault."
he insists on driving back with you, comforting you to the best he can.
it still feels numb, although the ice is slowing thawing. you can feel the sharp pain of hurt and disbelief working its poison on your system.
"It's just, I can't believe he cheated."
"he's an asshole. i can't believe it either." he envelopes your hands in his warm ones as the taxi drives through the busy streets of Seoul.
yeonjun. your boyfriend. who's been with you for four years, who's seen your best and worst times, who's always been there for you, who's been ghosting you for an entire week. who's been cheating on you for probably more than just this past week.
the reality sinks in.
"I'm going to get back at him for this."
You choose to ignore the surprise in hyunjin's voice as you nod.
"Yeah. He wasted four years of my life, jinnie. He's not going to get away with that."
"But how?"
You hadn't thought that far, but you were determined you would.
Choi Yeonjun had chosen to mess with the wrong person, and you would make his regret it. after all, there was nothing you did better than revenge.
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taglist - @thisisnotjacinta @jiisungllvr @hanjsquokka @abbiestearsricochet @adestayskz @thisrandombitch @adr1an4 @alnex05 @cheesemonky @endlessheadache @tiapatito202278ok @queen-in-the-shadows @heeee24 @chanceonceli @amesification @conwunder @weareapackofstrays @taejun-sunlix @lofasofabread @untilthesunrise @jinnie-ret @darlingz99 @kibs-and-bits @143lix @simp4myself @thisrandomgoofy15 @vixensss @luvkpopp @skz-streamer (unable to tag bold users. please check your settings)
(taglist open! send an ask or reply to the masterlist to be added !)
©lixie-phoria, 2023
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milkteabinniechan · 7 months
◍✧⁠*⁠。Ice Breaker Chapter Three - END
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pairing: bf! bangchan+hyunjin x afab reader
a/n: this is the end! I had so much fun writing this, thank you all for sticking with me on this series :')
warnings: smut, kissing, mmf threesome, blowjob, unprotected sex
donate here if you like what I do 💕 comments and reblogs are always appreciated
Your heart was pounding again. Hyunjin’s eyes were wide from the question. What other games can we play tonight? Chan sat next to you and Hyunjin on the floor. His hands were folded politely in his lap like he didn’t just ask the dirtiest, loaded question ever. He looked so innocent.
“So, Jinnie,” Chan turned his body, “do you want to kiss me now?”
Hyunjin froze. A small squeak slipped out. More silence. That wasn’t a “no.” Chan was thinking the same thing. A smirk crawled across his face.
“You don’t have to,” Chan smiled. That perfect, calming smile. That smile that could encompass you in warmth and love. Acceptance. You could be anything when he smiled at you. You glanced at Hyunjin. A smile began to appear on his face as well. 
You couldn’t help but stare at the two of them. Both so beautiful. Strong and delicate both in their own way. You could feel the words bubbling up in your throat, you couldn’t stop,
“Come on, Hyunjin, he’s a really good kisser.” You spurred. You were powerless now to your own feral needs. Someone else was speaking for you, controlling you. You wanted to rip off their clothes, you wanted their mouths on every inch of your skin. Touching you. Teeth scraping. Clothes tearing. More. More. More.
Hyunjin’s eyes were wild. He looked as if he wanted to leap off of the floor and tackle Chan, tackle both of you. The kiss he gave you still lingered on your mouth. As he leaned forward, Chan followed, mirroring his movements. Chan’s mouth opened first, only slightly, but he was the one to initiate this so it was only right his tongue was the first to slip inside. Hyunjin’s body jerked somewhat at the first contact. He wasn’t expecting the transition to be so smooth, so effortless. You watched with eyes wide at the sight of your boyfriend and your best friend pushing and pulling into each other’s mouths. Your legs squeezed together.
Eventually, their mouths pulled apart from one another, lips puffy and wet, a string of saliva still connecting them for a moment. You could feel your heartbeat in your core now. Soaking your panties you didn’t know how much more you could take. You felt so touch starved you feared the moment anything were to happen, you’d explode at first contact. Chan made glaring eyes at you. He had to know how needy you were, it was written all over your face.
“Sorry for kissing your girl…” Hyunjin whispered. Almost too low a volume that either of you could hardly hear him. 
Chan looked at you for a long while. He lovingly placed a hand on your cheek and you instinctually curled your face into gis open palm. He smiled warmly. You watched his eyes, giving a subtle nod.
“Hyunjinnie… She’s our girl.” Chan growled. His eyes darkened and he stood. “Now then, babygirl, Dare or dare?”
“Dare.” you answered quickly. You knew what you wanted. You wanted both of them. Now. You smiled widely and Hyunjin, then at Chan. Hyunjin was visibly hard through his pants. A long, thick outline generously filled his jeans. 
“Alright,” Chan started, untieing the string around the waistband of his sweatpants. “Do you want me in front or behind, princess?”
You sat up and repositioned yourself on all fours. Your face was pointed toward Hyunjin while your ass was facing Chan. You arched your back and pushed your bottom further out so Chan could see how wet you already were. “I want to taste you.” you whispered. Your eyes were locked onto Hyunjin. “If that's okay?” You paused for a moment, mid-crawl toward him. Chan paused as well, his hands already gripping your ass.
“I…err.” Hyunjin’s cock twitched. “...yes” he hushed. His tone was low but his hands were already on his belt, unhooking and pulling himself free from his jeans.
The euphoric sensation of multiple holes being filled was something you had only read about. You could have never prepared yourself for the thrill. For the absolute exultation you would feel. Somewhere in the noise and movement, Hyunjin had grabbed a handful of your hair, his hips thrusting and rutting into your dripping mouth. The sounds of your full, choking mouth, making his cock pulsate inside of you. Chan periodically smacking your bare ass as he grinds and slides in and out and in and out. You felt as if you would burst from your body and float through the ceiling.
“See, Hyunjin? She’s our girl.” Chan grunted between thrusts. His muscular thighs pushing himself deeper into you. Hyunjin whimpered in response, barely coherent.
“Say it,” Chan demanded, his eyes locking onto Hyunjin.
“She’s our girl,” Hyunjin grunted.
taglist: @staysinbloom @yaorzu-blog @bubblebisk @cotton-candycloudz @beautyinhypnosis @domicaru @doohnut @strawberry31 @slxtmeri @chrizzztopherbang @fun-fanfics
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sp4ceboo · 24 days
beneath a crimson sky masterlist | ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5
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pairing: stray kids ot8 x afab!reader
genre: apocalypse au, dystopian, dark, adventure, action, thriller, fighting, eventual smut, romance
a/n: lil update for yall before i start getting busy
chapter warnings: somewhat vividly described gore, possible lazy editing on my part
chapter word count: 3.2k
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Over the next week with them, you find that the boys’ unwarranted kindness makes it easier to fit yourself into the rhythm that all their hearts beat too, despite the odds.
Each morning you wake up to heat radiating either side of you, indicators of Minho’s back inches behind you and the length of Chan’s thigh pressed against yours through the double layer of your blankets. Jeongin is always the first to wake, and Hyunjin the last - no more late night tears occur with him. You wonder if Minho or Seungmin or even Chan have told him not to be alone with you, just in case.
Changbin, you find, is a little more serious on the exterior than he was when he was a child, though you’re not sure if it’s from being forced to survive or general maturing or even the time he’s spent serving in the army - he was lucky to be on leave when the Pestilence came. One thing you deem as odd is that he seems a little less vigilant of you than you’d expect him to be, but then again, nothing is exactly as you expect it to be. His eyes still hold no recognition for you. Somehow it makes the kindness in them harder to stomach.
You manage to avoid inciting Minho’s protective wrath, garner a few spare smiles from the still wary Jeongin, and crack Jisung’s shell enough to talk briefly about his music production. Best of all, you earn Felix’s friendship. His smiles feel like a trail of crumbs leading you closer and closer to a place where you might have the chance of belonging.
You’re eager to earn their trust, not only because it would give you someone to trust in return, but also because you’re beginning to realise just how close you were to driving yourself crazy when you were on your own. You want to prove you’re useful, if not to them, to yourself.
You want to know that there’s a reason, other than luck, for you to have survived thus far.
So when the opportunity presents itself, you seize it. Changbin is surveying his neat arrangement of cans and bottles in the corner, his lips moving silently as he calculates how much longer they’ll last, when he announces it: you need to go on a supply run. Chan offers to come first, you next, causing Felix to perk up and volunteer too, which leads to Seungmin saying he’ll join as well before a narrow eyed Minho can.
Now, you stand just outside the lab, all your masks pulled up over your faces. You’ve got an empty rucksack over your shoulder and the knife that Minho handed to you, along with a threatening look, stowed safely in your pocket. Absently, you fiddle with the rucksack’s straps, craning your neck to look up at the disturbing, crimson sky.
“We could clear out the convenience store I met you guys at,” you suggest when Changbin doesn’t immediately lead you in a particular direction. “Unless you had anywhere else in mind,” you add hastily.
“The petrol that leaked will all be used up,” Chan points out. “We won’t have that safety measure.”
“It’s close, though,” Seungmin replies, agreeing with you, to your surprise. “We won’t be long.”
“Changbin?” Felix asks.
He shrugs. “I’m the only one who hasn’t been there. You tell me.”
All four of you look over at Chan, who makes a face and gestures for you to lead the way. It doesn’t take long for you to get to the petrol station, just like the first time. You still have to skirt your way around the dead body twenty metres from the lab, you still have to turn the corner round the Korean BBQ shop.
As you do, your eyes widen, because the place looks almost unrecognisable. The electronic sign that would have displayed the petrol prices has been almost fully melted from the fire, which must have caught one of the other pumps so suddenly it exploded - the whole shop front is blackened, the glass blown in. Ironically, it looks like something from a zombie movie.
“Guess I need to be sent to jail for arson,” you mutter.
“Wait, you did this?” Changbin asks.
Felix huffs. “I told you I wasn’t exaggerating.”
You feel heat rising up your neck and shove open the door, careful as you step over the shards of glass littered all over the scorched linoleum floor. There’s several small scuff marks on the floor, too small to be human footprints. Idly, you wonder if any of the feral dogs have learnt to open tin cans as well as survive without their owners.
Cold wind gusts in through the broken door, whistling between the high shelves and ruffling Chan’s hair. Involuntarily, you shiver. It’s strange to see a place that you’d visited so many times reduced to this state: food on the lower shelves has been knocked down, plastic bags ripped open, the contents half eaten and rotting, no doubt the doing of wild animals. A crow flaps by and settles on one of the registers, eyeing you and snapping a beak stained with a type of red you don’t want to think about.
“Grab whatever you can,” Chan instructs once he’s stepped in after Seungmin. “Changbin and I will get the water.”
You nod, wincing as glass crunches beneath your shoes and following Felix and Seungmin deeper into the store, the latter peeling off after a while to pile some tinned vegetables into his bag, the former turning to talk to you.
“Shall we try in the back?” He asks. “When I came through here to look for an exit, it looked like they had a lot of food in storage.”
“Sure,” you answer, pushing open the already ajar door, squinting against the darkness within.
You make it several steps in before the stench hits you. There’s no doubt that something or someone has died in here; the smell of rotting flesh hits you like a punch in the face, and you clap a hand over your face while beside you, Felix retches. The next thing you notice is the trail of blood, as if a body was dragged in here from somewhere else in the store, and your heart plunges.
How could you be so stupid? How could you be so distracted by the burns and glass on the floor and gathering food that you didn’t see the streaks of dried blood, rusty on the ground beneath your feet?
Then comes a jingle, and you catch a quick flash of silver: light, reflected off something fixed to a shadow on the floor, and as your eyes begin to adjust, you realise with a jolt what it is. A metal tag, dangling from what must have once been a lovely blue collar that is now stained almost black with dirt and what you’re beginning to realise is blood. A lot of fucking blood.
The shadow attached to the collar growls.
Felix makes a choked sound, and the wind howls in and pushes the door open more, further illuminating the room and revealing what exactly the dog was feeding on - one of the store workers, long dead from what must have been the illness. The blood staining its muzzle is nothing like the old smears on the floor, not brown but the startling red of the sky.
You curse under your breath as several more growls sound, more dogs appearing from behind the storeroom shelves. The two of you won’t stand a chance fighting against them. These are the dogs that survived without their owners, who probably weren’t even trained properly, who would definitely prefer fresh, still warm meat to the rotting human they dragged into their new home.
Backing away, you fumble for the knife in your pocket. The first dog growls, and you can see the muscles in its haunches bunching, as it prepares to launch itself at you. You are completely and utterly screwed.
Adrenaline rockets through you. A stupid, entirely unhelpful thought shoots through your head: this is what your ancestors felt like before they tamed the wolf. Though not exactly - the one difference is that these dogs are not wild and they don’t have the instincts of a wolf to capably hunt for themselves, which means they’re hungry and you’re food.
Lurching to the side, you scrabble for anything on the shelf to your right, knocking over half the cans with a huge clatter, and launch the first thing your fingers come in contact with at the dog, just the second before it leaps.
The can of cat food glances off its shoulder but hits hard enough that your throat thankfully doesn’t get torn out.
Whirling around, as fast as you can in the seconds remaining before the dog recovers and attacks again, you grab Felix by the arm and shunt him as hard as you can towards the door. He stumbles, cursing, but makes it through and you sprint for the door too.
Felix’s eyes widen. You turn just in time, almost overbalancing in your haste, blindly stabbing out with your knife.
Fortunately, your blade hits home, and you narrowly miss probably losing a leg.
Less fortunately, your calf gets shredded into ribbons.
Agony tears through you, almost brings you to your knees, but your momentum sends you forward, out of the storeroom. Swearing colourfully, Felix catches you and kicks the door shut behind you, and it shakes with the impact of what must be the other dogs hurling themselves against it.
Seungmin hurtles around the corner, closely followed by Changbin and Chan. You grit your teeth, your eyes watery, fighting back the scream that builds in your throat, knowing your nails are biting into Felix’s arms and hurting him but unable to stop yourself. Changbin takes one look at the blood streaming down your leg and strides over, easing you out of Felix’s hold and hooking an arm around your waist so he can keep you upright.
“We need to get out of here,” you gasp. “I don’t know if the door will hold.”
“What happened?” Seungmin demands.
“She saved my life,” Felix replies. “I’ll explain later. Let’s go.”
You attempt to take a step forward, still clutching Changbin’s arm for support, and realise that it’s not such a great idea at all when spots fizzle to life right before your eyes, pain shooting through your leg as if someone’s replaced your shin bone with a hot poker. A stifled sound rips itself from you as you straighten, trying to fight back the wave of nausea that fills you when you glance down.
Blood runs down your legs and collects in your shoe, soaking your sock. The wound is messy, all torn flesh mixed in with shredded cloth, and you can see the puncture marks from the dog’s teeth, neat circles that tear away in long gashes. You sag against Changbin.
“I’ll carry you.” He phrases it like a suggestion, but you get the feeling he’d do it even if you refused.
Mutely, you nod. You’re half certain you’ve gone into shock.
He picks you up with ease, careful not to jostle you as he holds you with one arm under your legs and the other at your back. You tip your head to rest against his shoulder, trying to focus on the firm feel of his chest against your side in a failing attempt to ignore the blaring, insistent pain in your leg.
The brisk pace that Seungmin sets as he walks ahead with Chan while Felix explains means that to keep up, Changbin can’t hold you steady enough to completely avoid jarring your leg; you can’t remember when, but he’s tied a tourniquet for you from his shirt sleeve, tight enough that pulses rather than an onslaught of pain come throbbing down your leg with each step he takes. The distance from the store to the lab stretches far longer than it was on the way there.
“I’ve decided to become a cat person,” Changbin mutters. “Even though I’m allergic.”
You manage a strained laugh, knowing he’s trying to distract you. You already know he’s allergic. When he came over to your house after school, he’d always insist on petting your cat, even when his eyes and nose streamed.
Changbin laughs too, but it’s nothing like his real laugh, just a hollow sound that might have somewhat put you at ease if you didn’t know he was faking it. He twists sideways so he doesn’t bash your feet against the door frame into the lab. Sweat begins to bead on your forehead.
Looking worried, Felix’s face appears beside you, and he pulls off his mask, grabbing your hand tightly and squeezing it, unable to hide the concern roiling in his eyes despite the wavering smile he gives you. His face has paled a little, making his freckles stand out starkly, like brown constellations across a honey sky. They fade as your eyes go blurry.
“I’m sorry I didn’t move sooner,” he says, gnawing at his lip. “If you hadn’t had to push me out the door, you might have gotten out before the dog jumped.”
You force your eyes to focus on him. Over his shoulder, there’s a commotion as Seungmin and Chan enter the lab, no doubt relaying the story. “It’s okay, Felix. I froze up too. Seeing the body… it was awful.”
“Yeah. Yeah it was,” he nods. “Thank you.”
Hyunjin rushes over, his face draining of colour when he sees you. “Oh, shit.”
The others crowd around too, before Changbin orders them away and helps you sit down. Wordless, Minho kneels beside you, a muscle in his jaw feathering as he cuts away the rest of your ruined trouser leg, peeling off the scraps of blood soaked fabric from where they stick to your skin with laser focus. You think you glimpse a hint of concern in his eyes, but the pain has made you dizzy.
Everyone else steers clear, though Felix and Hyunjin send you worried looks, and Chan talks in a low voice with Seungmin and Jeongin. You get the impression that an injury as serious as yours has happened before, and they know to leave Minho alone as he works to clean your leg and bandage it, keeping Changbin’s tourniquet in place.
He doesn’t speak, either to put you at ease or to tell you how bad it is, so you take it as a good sign. Hiding your face in the crook of your elbow, you lie back and grit your teeth. You don’t want to look at your calf. You don’t want to know the damage.
Eventually, he sits back on his heels and cleans his hands on one of the less soiled wet wipes he must have been using to sanitise your calf. Getting up without a word, he turns and searches the rucksacks until he finds what he’s looking for, taking out a few pill packets and popping out two from each before returning to your side and holding them out to you with a freshly opened bottle of water.
“Painkillers,” he informs you. “Probably enough to knock you out for a bit, once they kick in. And antibiotics, since dog bites get infected a lot. Hopefully they’ll work if it transmitted the Pestilence, too.”
He watches you choke them down.
You don’t point out that if antibiotics worked on Pestilence, a lot more people would be alive right now.
Minho bundles up a spare blanket and eases it under your leg, his voice curt. “Keep it elevated. Try not to move too much.”
You blink as he walks off. He doesn’t really have anywhere to walk off to, so he just inserts himself between Jisung and Jeongin, who are sorting through the supplies he, Chan and Changbin managed to grab before you all left, his jaw still clenched.
Chan sits down beside you, a dark expression on his face as he takes in Minho’s handiwork, fiddling with his masks before he stills his hands, shoves the masks into his pocket, and gives you a hard look. You get the feeling that you’re about to be reprimanded, and you don’t really like the idea, but you can’t exactly get up and evade him.
“What you did was stupid.”
Yup, there it is.
“But it was also brave,” he adds, surprising you.
“There’s a fine line between brave and stupid,” you reply dryly.
He huffs a laugh. “That’s true, but I just wanted to thank you. It’s a pretty big deal to get bitten by a dog for some guys you didn’t know a week ago.”
You look at him. Belatedly, you realised that this - Chan saying that he values what you did - is him extending the olive branch. Before, you could tell he was still unsure about you, but there’s a certainty that sparkles in his eyes now, a confidence that fills you with a burst of hope that catches you off guard with its suddenness. There’s a chance that you might have caught the disease and that you might spread it to the others if you have, but he’s willing to take that risk because you are someone he wants to keep around, someone he knows he can trust with his life and with his friends’ lives.
You can feel the painkillers beginning to work, your eyelids drooping and the acute pain of the dog bite being washed away by numbness, but they don’t hold back the startling rush of clarity that clears your head: you didn’t hesitate this time, and you won’t hesitate the next.
“I’d do it again,” you tell Chan, so softly he has to lean forward to hear.
A strange look passes over his face. He gets up but pauses for a moment. “Let’s hope you won’t have to.”
You close your eyes so you don’t have to see him walk away. Your head is fuzzy, and you can no longer feel the sharpness in your calf - it’s turned into a dull ache, weak enough that you could forget it’s there. You don’t want to forget it’s there.
There’s a shuffling sound beside you and you crack your eyes open again. Felix is there, looking like an angel with his blonde hair and freckles and sweet, worried face. Reaching forward, he takes your hand again but says nothing, and you cling to him, suddenly irrationally afraid that they’re going to leave you while you’re sleeping. You try to focus on his face in an attempt to fend off the tidal waves of fatigue crashing over you.
“Felix,” you whisper. “What if I get the disease?”
He squeezes your hand, hard enough for you to wince, but you don’t let go, needing to hear what he says before you give in to sleep.
“You won’t,” he says.
It sounds more like a plea than a promise.
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taglist: @estella-novella@0bticeo@lixies-favorite-cookie@smashleywow@realrintaro @extremechaoswarning @4l17h4 @hyunjinsjeans @insufferablyunbearable @lovemepie67 @needsumcomfypillowstosleep @loumin908 (let me know if you want to be added)
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silentcryracha · 1 year
❍ ‗ Sharing a flight with skz ‗ ❍
Pairings : OT8 X gn reader (Bang Chan x reader, Lee Know x Reader, Changbin x reader, Hyunjin x reader, Han x reader, Felix x reader, Seungmin x reader, IN x reader)
Genre/warnings : none :)
Summary : How I think the Stray Kids members would be like during a flight with their s/o
Word count : 2.5k
A/n : Just a silly little idea that came to my head as someone who's had her fair share of long and shorter/lonely and non flights. Very random but still hope you enjoy!
ps: There could be grammar errors. Please DO NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedbacks if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
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Chan ‗ ❍
Chan would absolutely be all giddy and excited about this vacation, but most of all to be able to spend time with his s/o.
You two would spend a lot of the time talking and discussing the trip, especially on the colture of the place and maybe try to learn a few words of the language!
Also, organization is a key word, for sure. He mentioned how he hates to not have things under control and prepared whenever he has to do something, so. You would probably already have a list, if not a whole routine prepared for each day.
You would also remind yourselves to not overdo it, or else it will become like a work trip. Mentioning work, you also made him promise to leave his job alone and get his mind off of it while you're on vacation.
During the flight you would watch something together, probably lighthearted like a romcom or an animated movie. You would also share earphones to stay even closer to each other, lovebirds
At some point you will have to rest though, and if you're lucky you'll end up hugging and napping quietly together. But If you were to fall asleep before him though, he would try to sneak out his laptop and work on his music, still making sure to have you close. Maybe hugging you to his chest with one arm, or even just reaching out to play absentmindedly with your hair (or ears, you know how he does it). He'd be the type to raise the armrest between you two to be more comfortable.
You would scold him (lovingly ofc) when you wake up but he'd defend himself saying that he had nothing else to do so might as well do something useful. You'd forgive him on the condition that he would get some sleep later :(
Minho ‗ ❍
I'm not a hundred percent sure if his fear of heights also impacts his mood during a flight, but regardless I lowkey think that he would make everything in his power to make the time pass faster. Also most probably would avoid the window seat or keep the lid shut.
He wouldn't be the most talkative in general I think, considering that you were sharing the space with strangers. He would rather sleep or watch something to distract himself, Something that he either has already seen and loves which will keep him entertained, or maybe something new that could get him interested/hooked.
He would absolutely have snacks in his bag regardless of the airline serving food on board. Especially if you had any favorites or happened to be a bit picky with food.
Yes I feel like he would definetly be quieter than usual, but it's okay because you understand him and don't really mind as soon as he's comfortable.
Would definitely let you sleep on him, but wouldn't want to mess with the security belt or make any changes with the seats. Just to be sure. Something that he would do though is trying to make you as comfortable as possible; folding a jacket in a spoecific way to make a pillow, or straight up bringing one with him, would allow you to put your legs over his, make sure that the headrest isn't uncomfortable for your neck and so on.
You, on the other hand, would also try your best to get him to relax and spend the flight peacefully. When the plane does land though, he'd start smiling and be in such an hilariously good mood that you couldn't help but laugh at him, teasing him just a bit for being so previously anxious.
Changbin ‗ ❍
Changbin would make the most of it. Literally. He would be absolutely delighted to enjoy what he essentially considers a few hours of rest. I feel like he's one of those people that would ask for food seconds or multiple refills for drinks, use every single one of the freebies that are offered by the airline like a sleeping mask, blanket, pillow, headphones.
Of course he would have his own stuff too but he would just refused to use them. He'd look at you with his arms behind his head, a raised eyebrow "This flight costed more than my left arm, might as well enjoy it" then he'd smile at you going "Relax, baby"
Would absolutely be knocked out after an hour in the air. I don't know, he just seems someone that values his sleep and even more when he has the chance to take a break. Also because he'd probably get hyperactive as soon as you landed.
He's the type to recline the seat (still respectfully ofc) and literally make his own little improvised bed to have the nap of a lifetime, even better if he has someone to hug.
Other than that though I feel like you would also be talking a lot about the vacation, telling each other the different places that you wanted to visit. The conversation would change direction about ten times though, because you just enjoy each other's company so much that you end up spending hours just chatting and laughing.
Changbin would probably be very phyisical, even in small things. And a gentleman at the same time. For example; Standing up to let you pass whenever you had to get up from your seat, keeping a hand at the small of your back when you walked, always lets you go first when walking/entering a car/going up the stairs.
Hyunjin ‗ ❍
Hyunjin is someone who I imagine would be pretty chill on a plane. He would have to keep himself entertained in some way though, for sure. So if he's not sleeping for most of the time (by choice, I think) he's definetly keeping his mind busy. I truly think that he would despise to get bored.
You would make conversation about your trip and especially the places that you planned on visiting. Museums and touristic places would be at the top of the list. He probably already looked them all up already and has plans on specific photos to take once he gets there.
I think that it would be likely for you two to watch a movie together. Something pretty serious like a drama or a romantic movie. Regardless of the movie being good or bad it would absolutely spark conversation, even more so if the people involved made some pretty questionable things throughout the movie, then the topics could go on for hours.
He would also most probably have a little sketchbook with him and a couple of pencils, just to practice, scribble or try to capture something interesting to him. I imagine him sliding it your way, silently asking you to play silly games, like tic tac toe, the hangman and so on.
If you were also an artist or someone that likes to play around with drawing a bit, I can imagine you two working on different things quietly for a while and then showing it to each other.
I'm not sure of how much of a cuddler he would be in this case, but he would do some small pda especially when it's just the two of you in your seats. Like playing with your hand or fingers, pecking your cheek/head/temple, or playing with your hair.
Overall I think that it would be a super relaxing experience, just really fun and wholesome :'')
Jisung ‗ ❍
Han is another one who is afraid of heights so I think similarly to Minho for the whole seat placement thing. But,,, maybe he would still want to peek at the sky every once in a while. Maybe.
He is also someone who would be pretty quiet and reserved in these type of 'public' places, but he'd instantly get way more relax when he is seated next to whoever he's with.
You would have some casual conversation about your trip but mostly I think that he would be someone that just wants to relax as much as possible. He wouldn't want to be 'tied' to busy schedules or too many planned things, he'd go 'with the flow'. But again you would definetly talk about how happy you are to be together and be able to have some fun in a new place.
Could go from very talkative to a comfortable silence. You could easily do two different things but still interact once in a while, for example you could be reading a book and he could be watching a movie (I think something intense? Like a drama or a thriller/horror movie) and suddenly you'd hear him gasp softly at a plot twist and when you look up he would be looking at you with an overdramatic expression, making you laugh.
Very likely to share earphones or a playlist to listen to the same things at the same time, again while doing different things or maybe playing a game together.
He would definetly be the person to get a coffe refill, get hyperactive for a solid twenty minutes and then fall asleep on you suddenly. He seems to have a thing for laying on people's laps so he could do that, even better if you played gently with his hair or stroked his arm to give that bit of extra comfort. He would definitely do the same for you though, "Of course baby, come here" the unprovoked english (he totally does that, fight me) would make you laugh before he held you in his arms :')
Felix ‗ ❍
One thing that's assured with him is physical contact. I genuinely think that you would constantly be all over each other no matter what you're doing.
But not in a gross/cheesy way like making out and stuff like that, I mean like sleeping on each other, playing with your hands, random small kisses or nuzzling, or simply involuntarily leaning closer or bumping onto each other when you're laughing. Just... touch.
I also think that you would come prepared with things to spend your time with. Like previously downloading games, music, videos and so on. Mainly to listen to/watch together. Doesn't have to be a movie necessarily, it could also be a sepcific youtube video about a topic that you're both interested in, or something along those lines.
He is also someone who I think is gonna be eager to search up places to visit. Photography spots, touristic sites, restaurants, shopping or fashionables streets. He would definetly want to buy something, if anything to have a memory of your vacation.
If you do end up watching something though, I think that he would like something that keeps him in a good mood and maybe have a few laughs over, like an animated movie, a superhero/action movie or a comedy.
Now, nap time would definetly happen and it's gonna be a tangle of limbs that's for sure. Him laying on you or you on him, hugging, heads against each other and all that. Would also definetly raise the armrest to stay closer.
He would definetly keep reminding you how excited he is for this trip, to see new things and places and mainly to spend time with you. I have an half idea that he would lowkey love to match clothing with you, even if in a subtle way, or just to lend you some of his things and maybe you to him? Like a pair of sunglasses, a jacket, jewelery and so on.
His main missions would be spend quality time with you, do lots and lots of photos, buy both you and himself a present and overall enjoy a new place. Cc
Seungmin ‗ ❍
In his case I feel like this trip wouldn't have been planned or chosen for no reason. Wether it was because one of his favoite sports teams were playing a match there, or because maybe that specific period of the year was gonna be special for the country that you were about to visit. Or again, it could be a place that he has already visited when he was a kid, or that he always wanted to visit. Wathever the reason, it must've been something meaningful to him.
This would definelty be a topic of conversation that could get more or less deep depending on the context. Regardless, he would be very excited for the trip and what it would mean to him.
He would also tell you how glas he was that he could share this experience with someone who means a lot to him. "Aw Minnie, so cute" you'd lovingly tease him for being so sweet and he'd roll his eyes trying to hide a smile and the blush of his cheeks.
On the flight itself you wouldn't do anything out of the ordinary. You'd watch a movie or a drama (even better if it's one that you were currently watching) and chill for a couple of hours until it ended or you got bored. You would be both pretty caugh up with the plot so you wouldn't interact much, but you'd definitely be leaning against him comfortably.
After that you would probably sleep for a while, still hugged and maybe sharing a blanket, You'd still try to keep some composure since at the end of the day you weren't in a private place, but other people were around you. I don't see an extreme amount of pda coming from Seungmin in public, if any at all.
After waking you'd ask for a hot drink, could be coffe or something else, but he would definelty ask for an americano. You'd make small talk comfortably and even before you realized it it would be time to land and for your special trip to begin, and for him to make new memories to write down in his diary.
Jeongin ‗ ❍
Innie seems like a person who also enjoys pretty things and having fun. So the destination would have to reflect that. I think that he would like to pick a big metropolitan city where he could find anything and everything.
He looks like the person that would want to make many experiences; from trying new foods, walk around pretty streets, the fashion district, some historical monuments, restaurants and cafés and overall have a relaxing time. He would probably want to take lots of pictures and make some nice memories, but nothing further than that.
You would talk a lot about it during your flight in a generalistic manner, joking around a lot and just having fun. He also seems to be the type to be keeping to himself with strangers and as a result wouldn't be big on pda either. At most he would allow you to lean on him to rest.
With Jeongin I'm not totally sure if he would even be down to watch something in the first place. I see him more as a chilling and listening to music type. He would just close his eyes and enjoy his own playlists to spend the time, or ASMRs if he wanted to simply relax or sleep for a while.
Overall he wouldn't throughtly enjoy the flight itself because he would get bored and pretty annoyed that he can't move around, so I think that his mood would improve a lot when you actually land.
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astroyongie · 6 months
Stray Kids April Reading 2024
note: please take my words with a grain of salt
Love: It does look like Chan was able to get closer to his crush and that things have been developing so far, however there’s still a lot of miscommunication and not enough emotional connection between the two. Chan might be trying too hard as well, and not listening to his crush's need before engaging themselves in a possible relationship. it feels like his crush isn't in a relationship anymore and be might the reason why 
Career: there’s a lot happening in their career, either the preparation of new music, preparations for new tours, ect that is putting Chan in a more complicated position because he lacks some foresight in some situations. he has been having a hard time adjusting to everything that has been happening on his life. he also wants to stay o the same path instead of trying new things like some members have been asking for 
Self: he is doing okay, both physically and mentally. he has been working  a lot on his inner self and on his self worth and trust. At the moment he believes that he is able to conquer anything and despite these initial fears. Chan has also been turning more into faith when it comes to managing his fears of the unknown 
Love: Boy is frustrated as hell. I believe that he is still in a  relationship with their partner but that things haven't been the same since september. they haven't seen each other much outside of their work which also makes things complicated (due to the lack of time). His partner is also putting a lot of red light on Minho’s actions, which makes him hasty in a sense. there’s high chances the relationship won't work 
Career: at least in his work space things have been doing well and more healthy. Minho has been helping his teammates a lot and he has finally found a healthy way to cope with everything while being productive. he is also happy with how things are turning out of the group. he got especially close to the younger members 
Self: I still believe that he suffers a lot with his mental health (and his relationship also doesn't help him at all). he is in a vulnerable position emotionally and he gets easily overwhelmed and sensitive. there’s way too much grief he needs to work on 
Love: single as always, not looking for any relationship at the moment changbin is already battling against his own mind and his own self. He was however a lot of inner turmoils because it feel like he does have a crush on someone but he isn't exploiting it because he understands that he isn't on a good place to engage relationships 
Career: Things are complicated as well. I don't think Changbin has been having the best relationships with his teammates but also with the people he has been working with. That is because his relationships are usually filled with jealousy and sabotaging from other people and it has impacted a lot on his capacity of trusting people around him. I believe at the moment, the environment he is in and the career itself is the most toxic place for Changbin to be which is really sad
Self: without any surprise, hsi mental health hasn't improved. I sense some depressive energy around him, but also more of dark energy and thoughts surrounding him this probably linked to his work , his self worth and an overall burnout). JYP should pay more attention to him and allow him to rest
Love: Okay so lmao this is a huge thing but take it LIGHTLY!. It does seem like Hyunjin and his crush have finally parted ways. To prove his point hyunjin is currently seeing someone else (it looks like this person is an idol as well) and they have been trying to get something out of here. now in my opinion, he doesn't have feelings for this person but that is probably trying to move in by using this person while also showing his crush that “he doesn't need them”
Career: career wise things seem to be going well for him. one a first instance his relationship with the members seem to be going well and also his sponsor has been also to get him another exclusive contract (so there’s chances to see Hyunjin from April-June to travel somewhere for his endorsement or for some type of public appearance). he getting the bag and the connections 
Self: Despite all of it, I think Hyunjin is also in a dark place at the moment. Firstly because he is trying to portray himself as someone he isn't and also because he is using his wealth to protect himself and to create an image that doesn't suit him. but he is hungry for change in his life which is making him take reckless decisions 
Love: the relationship he had in September is finished now. things didn't work well and the co dependency was becoming toxic and his partner took the decision to call it quits. however Han is upset about it and isnt accepting the break up very well (he probably still is in denial about the whole thing as well)
Career: he has been feeling lonely lately. there’s a chance that Hna has been self isolating himself from the members and also has been procrastinating when it comes to work (like for example husband been writing his music or hasn't been contributing a lot artistically speaking) because he just isn't feeling the spark on it lately
Self: Emotionally there’s a lot happening and i think that Han needs to work on his emotions and also let go of things that isn't serving well (and in this same case, accepting that his relationship wasn't going to work no matter what he did). he is probably very dispirited and struggling to push forward 
Love: Listen y’all.. this guy is also in a very new relationship that started very recently. I have no idea who the person is and how the relationship is going exactly because I didn't get much information. All I can say is that Felix seems to have switched his whole personality (this person isn't the type of person i ever thought he would go for) so I wonder if this is an experiment or if in contrary there are really feelings here.
Career: He hasn’t been talking much with his members either, and has kept an introverted self around them mostly because there’s some members he doesn't want to talk with (cough cough). in any case i believe that he is overwhelmed and way too overwork to actually focus on things properly 
Self: Everything that he has been speaking on social media is a simple side of his idol image. It does seem like Felix is refuging in his idol image because it's the only thing that has been protecting him from the reality of his life. his self expression feels pushy and fake and i wonder if his love life, his whale drastic change is due to something hat has happened this last weeks
Love: Seungmin is still dating the same person however it does seem that lately he has been rather moody about his love life. that mostly because he has a sense of extreme jealousy toward his partner and he doesn't know how to deal with it. Instead of communicating he has been lashing out and just is unrealistic with his own thoughts. there’s the need of him to come down from his delusions 
Career: There has been a conflict between him and another member (I couldn't figure out who) which has provoked some tension in the group. although the problem as been fixed by the management team, Seungmin still holds a few grudges that he hasn't processed 
Self: Other than that, he is doing okay emotionally and physically. he is happy with the life he has and despite the stuff that sometimes happen he is able to regulate his emotions well. he just needs sometimes, a little time to figure it out 
Love: still single and still enjoying his life as a boy of his age. Jeongin isn't interested in anyone, he has a lot of flings opportunities and people around him love him easily. honestly he is just a young boy who is living a life of a person single of his age which is actually healthy 
Career: Boyis thriving on his career, he has the good people around him and he has also a good relationship with everyone he works with. his sponsor is also doing wonders when it comes to Joenging’s lifestyle which is a good thing. he is overall happy with his career life 
Self: He has been doubting a little about the honesty of some people around him but he tries to hide it. I think Jeongin is also going through some sensitive stuff and things that make him a little more immature and emotional but this is also linked to his young age and lack of experiences.
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jealousy, jealousy || Hyunjin x f!Reader
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Summary: A guy hitting on you leads to an argument with Hyunjin, which leaves you completely confused, because nothing about that conversation made sense to you. And it takes you a little while, but the two of you eventually manage to work it out.
Word count: 5.2k
Genres: college AU, established relationship, smut
Warnings & Tags: hurt/comfort, jealousy, implied past toxic relationships, smut (vaginal sex), smut with feelings, lowkey sub!hyunjin but it's not super explicit
series masterlist
A/N: this is the same couple as in you're so gorgeous it makes me so mad, but both works can be read independently. Enjoy!
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It’s sometimes hard to fathom how different you and Hyunjin are. You’re night and day, really. He’s famous on campus, loved and admired by the people around him, and you’re anonymous and unnoticed in any crowd you’re a part of. He’s light, joyful, an artistic soul; you’re cynical, a bit of a downer, and you live and breathe numbers. He’s also a people-pleaser, and a bit of an actor, a performer if you will, where you’re honest to a fault and what you see is exactly what you’ll get. He’s the softest soul you’ve ever met, and you’re all sharp edges.
And, well, when you want to support him, you go to see him dance and dazzle a fascinated crowd. When he wants to support you, he comes to see you logic the shit out of someone else at a mathematics olympiad.
Yeah, you’d told him not to come. He had insisted though, and he’d been in the audience, getting his fair share of looks, which you didn’t blame people for. How could you.
You hadn’t gotten much of a chance to speak with him, since your team had been busy from start to finish — which had earned you first place, by the way — and you could only hope that he hadn’t been deathly bored, though that seemed unrealistic. You appreciated the moral support, but you still couldn’t figure out why on earth he would have wanted to come in the first place.
It’s as you’re looking for him in the lobby that you’re approached by a guy that you recognize at first glance. Hyunwoo, if you’re not mistaken, one of your rivals in the competition. He’s smiling wide as he makes his way to you, revealing slightly crooked teeth.
“You were really impressive in there,” he comments, speaking a little too fast — shy, maybe?
“Thanks,” you say, “you weren’t bad either.” And it’s true, he’d been a worthy opponent.
No match for you and your team, sure, but good enough.
His smile widens and he shifts his weight nervously from one foot to the other.
“So, uh, which university do you go to again?”
You answer, but the question has you raising an eyebrow. That's been announced over and over again throughout the competition, so it’s a weird way of making small-talk. Unless he’s stalling for—
“Oh, that’s cool, I’m not that far from there, maybe we could s-see each other at some point?”
Aw, yeah, he’s hitting on you. That sentence came out all in one breath, and he seems very relieved to be done with it. Which, honestly, you find kinda sweet, cute even. You don’t really date within that crowd, didn’t even before Hyunjin — your experiences with men from that field have been… questionable —, so you’re definitely not interested, but you’ll—
“She’s taken,” an icy voice announces from behind you.
Ah, Hyunjin’s found you. You feel him against your back as he wraps you up in a hug in an unusual display of possessiveness. It throws you off a little bit, actually. Not that you mind, you very much don't care, but he tends to avoid being affectionate in public. He likes to keep things private, with much of his life being subject to gossip around your college even without any of that. You crane your neck to look at him. You were just about to tell Hyunwoo that you were taken, and based on the way he’s flushing, cheeks and ears and neck turning bright red, he’s already horribly embarrassed by the situation.
You’re opening your mouth, intent on letting him down gently, when Hyunjin’s eyes flicker over him, taking in his appearance — he’s not exactly looking stylish, but hey, you guys were here to be smart, not look good —, and then he sneers “What makes you think she’d be interested anyway?” with such a disdainful tone that you almost flinch.
Hyunwoo splutters an apology and flees the scene, but you tear yourself from Hyunjin, staring at him in disbelief. You know that he can get agressive when he’s angry, words coming out before he’s truly thought them through, but he’s not cruel. And that was— that felt completely uncalled for to you.
“You were great,” he starts telling you, just as you go “What the hell?”
Confusion flickers on his face. It’s like he doesn't even remember what just happened, and you’re at least as confused as he is.
“He was flirting with you,” he says. In other circumstances, you might have noticed the softness to his voice as he spoke, but you’re not really paying attention to that right now, searching his eyes instead for any discomfort, guilt, whatever — which you're not finding.
“Well that’s not a crime,” you reply, shaking your head. And what you mean by that is that flirting with you is not really deserving of getting your self-esteem crushed by someone who’s as attractive as Hyunjin is. You know all too well what it can do to you to finally gather up the courage to go talk to someone, only to be humiliatingly rejected. It does shit to you that you don’t think Hyunjin would understand.
He takes a step back like you’ve slapped him, folds his arms defensively against his chest.
“So I should be fine with someone flirting with you?” His voice is at a higher pitch than usual, and you don’t know what to make of it. You— What the fuck is happening to this conversation, exactly?
“I was going to tell him I wasn’t interested, and it’s not like he knew I was taken,” you say. You don’t know why you need to point that out. Obviously you weren’t going to entertain that.
“Well I told him first,” Hyunjin says, clearly growing more defensive by the second, and again, you don’t know why.
“Yeah, Hyunjin, but that was completely unnecessary. I mean, it was just—” you search for the right word for a second, don’t find it, “—overkill.”
He’s staring at you, chewing on the inside of his cheek.
“Sorry if I don’t stand by while dudes hit on you,” he finally says, anger — you think? — seeping through in his tone.
“That’s not what this is about,” you say, because it isn’t. What are you doing wrong? What part of what you’re saying isn’t coming across the way you want it to? “My point is that you didn’t have to be so—” Again, you try to pick your words carefully. ‘You didn’t have to be such a dick about it’ is the formulation that comes to mind first, but that’s not something you would call Hyunjin, ever. That’s a line that you refuse to cross. “—mean about it.”
It comes out sounding weirdly insincere, maybe because it’s not as strong as what you’re trying to say, maybe because your sentence has lost its momentum by the time you finish it. Either way, it seems not to reach Hyunjin at all. His jaw’s set, his shoulders tense, and again, you have no clue where this went wrong.
“Fine,” he quips, lips now a straight line. “I guess I’ll just be mean elsewhere.”
And then he turns around and walks away, and okay, the two of you rarely argue, but this is such an unusual way for one of your conflicts to resolve, an almost childish one, and again, what the fuck?
“What happened there?” Seungmin asks, appearing next to you.
Boy, would you like to know.
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“So,” Minho says in the middle of lunch, “what’s the deal with you and Hyunjin?”
You groan. A few days have passed since Seungmin asked you that very same question, and you’re still clueless.
“If I murder him because he’s too depressing to be around, I’ll make you help me hide the body,” Minho adds nonchalantly. He’s also a dance major, which means he’s been around Hyunjin way more than you have these past few days.
“Please stop threatening to kill my boyfriend,” you sigh.
Still, you don’t know what to answer. You and Hyunjin have been texting, you’ve seen each other around campus, but things have been… stiff. Awkward. Things are never awkward between the two of you. You know you’ll have to talk about it but it’s— You just wish you understood what was going on, so you could prepare yourself. As long as you don't, you want to avoid the talk, but without the talk you don’t know what’s going on and—
“I have no fucking clue,” you finally mutter. Seungmin glances up from his food. Usually he doesn’t care much for interpersonal drama, but he seems a little concerned this time.
“Explain,” he says.
Yeah. Maybe laying the facts on the table and trying to figure out a course of action is the best thing to do.
“A guy hit on me at the Maths Olympiad,” you say, “from one of the rival teams. Asked if I’d want to see him around but, you know, he was interested. And then Hyunjin arrived and was all ‘she’s taken’, which is fine, but then he said,” and the words are still clear in your mind, “’what makes you think she’d be interested’. And he looked at the guy like— You know.” Just one glance at Seungmin tells you that he does. You don’t look at Minho, because you doubt he has a clue. “Like he was repulsive or something.”
“So?” Minho says, and you sigh while Seungmin rolls his eyes.
“So it was shitty. The guy didn’t know I had a boyfriend, and having someone like Hyunjin tell him that probably made him feel like shit. It’s not easy for people like us to make the first move. No offense,” you add, nodding at Seungmin, and he grimaces in response. You know he agrees with you, because, well, he made no move whatsoever to get in his current relationship. It’s just this delightful mix of lack of self-confidence, social anxiety, and awkwardness that makes the process so fucking complicated.
You’ve dated more than Seungmin has, but you’d figured out early that people outside your branch of interest found you weird, too passionate about your niche interests, and then that the men within your field were pretty misogynistic for guys complaining about never getting girls, and then you’d stopped dating. So it hasn’t been great on your front either.
Seungmin’s nodding his head. He clearly sees your side of the argument. Minho, on the other hand, has leaned back in his chair, and he goes “Hm.”. So he’s about to tear you apart.
“It sounds like he just got jealous,” Minho says, and you almost laugh.
“Jealous of what?” Outside of the looks, this was a less than five minutes conversation with a guy, during which he made eye contact maybe once. There was no agressive flirting, barely any flirting actually, and certainly no physical contact. You’ve dealt with far worse — actually, you deal with far worse at almost every event you go to with Hyunjin.
Minho shrugs. He clearly has an idea, and he’s clearly not going to tell you.
“Think about it from his perspective. A guy hit on you, and you got annoyed at him for intervening.”
“I don’t care that he intervened,” you snap, “the issue was the way that he—”
“He might not know that,” Minho shrugs. Both you and Seungmin exchange a doubtful look, but it dawns on you that this might not be something Hyunjin would know about. You doubt it would happen to him in that way. You’re well-aware that he’s had shitty dating experiences, but this, that specific way of making someone feel completely undesirable, isn’t one of them as far as you’re aware.
So, as Minho stares at you intently, you sigh.
“Fine. I’ll clear things up.”
He nods, and you can feel his relief immediately. For someone who’s constantly threatening to kill Hyunjin, it’s kinda sweet, how much he cares for his well-being.
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You're still trying to figure out how you're going to broach the subject with Hyunjin when, at eleven that night, there’s a knock on your door. You make your way there cautiously and pick-up the base-ball bat that you keep there — because this could be a psycho, ‘cause who shows up unannounced at 11 pm in the middle of the week —, but one look through the peephole has you putting it back down immediately.
Because when you unlock the door, you’re met with the sight of your shivering boyfriend. It’s pouring outside, so he looks like a drenched cat, soaking wet but still handsome.
“I-I wanted to—”
“Hyunjin, come in, don’t stay out in the cold” you interrupt him, hoping your voice comes off soft instead of demanding. “I’ll get you a change and a towel,” you add once he’s hesitantly made his way inside.
It doesn’t take you long to find a t-shirt and sweat pants he’d left at your place, while he stands awkwardly next to your kitchen counter. When you hand them to him, he thanks you, hesitates a second, then gets into your room to change. It feels a little weird, to see him do that, a weirdness you’re sure he’s felt too, but you suppose it would be just as strange if he didn’t do it, because things have just been— different, these past few days.
You’re waiting for him with the towel when he comes out.
“Come here,” you say gently, reaching for his hair.
You put the towel over his head, rubbing it gently against his scalp. Small droplets of water run down your arms, but you’re not really paying attention. Hyunjin bends to give you an easier access, face coming just inches of yours. His eyes are looking at you almost pleadingly, and you can’t help but notice that they’re slightly puffy, possibly from crying. That’s confusing to you, too — this was one argument, not a particularly intense one either, and in no way relationship-threatening, as far as you’re concerned. You know kissing him won’t fix anything, but you’re not trying to fix things, you’re trying to let him know how much you love him, how much you care about him, how much you’ve missed him.
So you do kiss him. He gasps into you, inhales like a drowned man finally coming to the surface. It’s his turn to get closer, body pressing against yours, and oh, he feels like coming home. Your fingers card through wet hair, pulling on it slightly, and this time it’s another sound he lets out. As tempting as it is to jump him right now, you know you have to put a stop to this if you want to have a productive conversation first — which would be the reasonable thing to do.
Still you can’t resist prolonging the kiss, pulling his lower lip between your teeth in a way that has him whimpering. His hands grab onto your waist with a bruising grip, and you feel his tongue brush against yours, hesitantly at first, like he’s not sure he should, then more daringly, pushing it into your mouth.
You — thankfully? unfortunately? — still have the presence of mind to interrupt the kiss before it gets any more out of hand.
“I’ve missed you,” you tell him softly. You see his eyes go wide. Like he's surprised. Shit, someone must have really done a number on him, huh?
“I’ve missed you too.”
Taking his hand in yours, you gently pull him towards the couch, where the two of you sit, though you don’t break physical contact. Instead, you sling your legs onto his lap and put your chin on his shoulder, not letting go of his hand. Hopefully he knows, that way, hopefully he feels safe, hopefully he can tell how much he means to you and that this— disagreement, or whatever this is, means far less to you than he does.
For a few seconds, he just stays there, unmoving, almost frozen, long black hair still dripping a little onto his shoulders and sticking to his neck, while you rub soothing circles on his skin.
“I’m sorry,” he finally blurts out. He’s not looking at you, instead staring at his hands on his lap.
“About what?” you ask gently, not moving an inch. The two of you had been mad at each other, but you don’t think it warranted this kind of reaction.
“I’m— I didn’t mean to be controlling,” he mumbles. “You can talk to whoever you want to, and it’s— I-I mean, there’s nothing harmful in flirting, and I trust you, and—”
“Hyunjin,” you interrupt him, and this time you take his face in your hands, cradling it. “I don’t care about that.” His eyebrows knit in confusion. “I don’t— I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you being upset if someone’s hitting on me, but more importantly—” You press a kiss to his lips, chaste and brief, then another, then another. “You’re the most important person to me. You know that, right?”
He nods, though the motion is hesitant. You’re well aware, by now, of how sensitive he is to any action that he perceives as a rejection or a form of disinterest. You’ve gotten past a lot of his previous issues, when even you saying you couldn’t make it to one of his shows could make him question things, but some things he remains fragile on.
“I would never do anything to hurt you on purpose. Of course I would shut down someone hitting on me, babe, I just didn’t have the time to do that.”
It seems to soothe him for a few seconds, and a deep sigh leaves him, body briefly relaxing, before he tenses again.
“Then what—” Now there’s a hint of fear in his eyes. “What did I do wrong?”
Okay. You need to handle this carefully. You lean back slightly, going back to holding his hands. The last thing you want is to make him feel like this is a battlefield, which is how you know some of his exes treated their relationship. You want him to feel safe with you, even when you have a disagreement.
“You know, people are constantly saying that you’re out of my league,” you say. His eyes widen, mouth opening to protest it, but you shake your head. You don’t lack self-confidence, but you know no one’s jaw’s dropping when you walk into a room. It doesn’t make you ugly, it just makes you, well, not Hyunjin. You're fine with it. There’s more to you than your looks, and you wouldn’t want people to be interested in you just for that anyway. You’re all too aware that a good half of Hyunjin’s issues in relationships come from that. “I don't care, but I got that before we were together, or—” Hm, this is getting into memories that sting a bit more. “Well, before I met you.”
Hyunjin swallows. It’s his turn to squeeze your hand, and the gentle attempt at comfort makes you smile. It encourages you to keep going, knowing that he’ll probably get it, and if he doesn’t, he’ll definitely try his best.
“Some guys I was, uh, interested in turned out to already be dating.” You shrug one shoulder. It’s not a big deal in and of itself, it’s something that definitely happens, especially if they’re people you run into at college parties. “So, some of their partners felt that had to make it clear to me that I was delusional to think I even had a chance with them. And it wasn’t just to let me know that the dudes were taken, it was to just— humiliate me.”
And it worked, too, at the time. Makes you want to give a hug to your former self, just thinking about it.
“So what I don’t get is why you’d want to do that,” you say, finally looking at Hyunjin again. “I know you, you’re never cruel to people. I wish you were less nice to some of the people around you. So why— why would you do that to a guy who, clearly, wasn’t a threat to you whatsoever?”
You find him staring at you, but he immediately looks away from you, cheeks and ears turning red.
“I’m sorry,” he says for the second time.
“I’m not mad,” you reply patiently. “I’m just trying to understand.”
He clears his throat, and runs a hand through his hair, which have started to dry by now. He opens his mouth, like he's ready to talk. And then he closes it again.
You tilt your head to the side. Okay. This is unexpected.
“It’s not like he wasn’t a threat,” he finally says under his breath.
Wait. Minho had a point? Hyunjin was jealous?
“What are you talking about,” you say more than you ask, trying not to sound like you’re in total disbelief — though you very much are.
“It’s—” He turns his head in the other direction, very much, very clearly blushing now. “He would get what you talk about, you know? What you do in class, your projects, your contests. He’s—” and he lowers his voice even more, muttering the last word like it’s personally offended him “smart.”
You can only stare. You almost want to laugh at what is, to you, an utterly absurd conclusion, but you, thankfully, manage to hold yourself back.
“Hyunjin, babe, do you think I don’t find you smart?”
There’s the hand in the hair again, as he lets out a frustrated sigh.
“No, it’s just— I don’t get it. When you talk about it with Seungmin, or— or when you try to tell me what you’ve been doing, or— you didn’t even want me to come to the Olympiads.”
“Because I thought you’d be deathly bored.”
Somehow, most of the previous tension has evaporated now that the issue's out in the open. You feel impossibly relieved, and you realize how much this had all been weighing you down. Hyunjin seemed to be the same, his hand now coming to casually rest on your thigh. The two of you finally feel like you again.
“Because I wouldn’t understand,” he mumbles.
Ah, precious, dearest darling.
“So, what, do you think I would dump you for a dude who can integrate without a calculator?”
The blank stare Hyunjin gives you almost makes you crack.
“Hyunjin, darling, apple of my eye, light of my life, you might be the best person I know.” You shift on the couch, and it only takes one quick movement for you to be on top of him, legs on either side of his and arms around his neck. His breath hitches, and it makes you grin. “You’re a incredibly talented artist, you see things about the world that I don’t even notice exist, you’re capable of moving in a way that I can't even dream of, you’re kind, you’re loving, and yes, even if you're not the greatest mathematical mind to walk this earth, you’re smart.”
He looks up at you, lips parted, staring like you’re the only person in the world. You’re not the type to say these things much, usually trying to convey it with physical touch and other shows of affection. Right now, though, it seems like he definitely needed to hear them.
“Hyunjin,” you say, again, never getting tired of how his name rolls off your tongue, “I love you. There’s nothing about you that would make me doubt that.” Nor is there anything that should make him doubt that.
You’re not sure if you kiss him or if he kisses you, but you know that the kiss that follows is harsh, urgent, desperate. His hands grab onto your hips, dig into your skin, his mouth bites at yours feverishly, pushing himself up to meet you. Your hands are in his hair, pulling his head back to give yourself better access to his mouth, and you let him take charge of the pace, his tongue dancing with yours tantalizingly.
It makes it even more delightful when you roll your hips against him and feel him suddenly losing control. He grows hard under you in just seconds, and when you pull away his eyes are wide with need.
“Oh, you did miss me,” you can’t help but tease, though your voice is still soft. You feel lighter after the conversation, but it might still not be the time to get too intense.
Hyunjin whines in response, pushing himself up to kiss you again. Fuck, he’s hot.
“I’m gonna take good care of you, baby,” you whisper with a very intentional shift or your hips, straight onto his hard-on.
You get up to get rid of your short and panties, and during that time, Hyunjin pushes his own pants down, cock standing to attention, precum already forming at the tip. Usually, you’d take the occasion to tease him, play with him a little bit, but you know that he’s not going to last long, and you want to give him everything tonight.
So you climb back onto his lap, kiss him again, and your hand makes its way down your body. You’re wet, too, but Hyunjin’s big, and you want to prepare yourself a little. Just as you’re about to insert a finger, a pleased shiver already running down your back, Hyunjin stops you, and you bite your lip to hold back a whimper when he presses his palm against your clit.
“Let me,” he whispers.
“Anything for you, baby,” you reply, though this is for you too, because when Hyunjin’s long finger push inside of you, spreading you open, you throw your head back and a moan escapes you.
Hyunjin works diligently, slowly pumping in and out of you. His thumb comes to brush against your clit, rubs against it with gentle movements, sending pleasure through every fiber of your body. His hands gets coated in your juices as he pushes a second finger inside, then a third. He’s quiet as he does so, but his other hand keeps tightening on your waist, and his cock is growing redder, leaking more and more precum by the second.
You finally wrap your hand around it, returning the favor, and immediately he loses his rhythm, letting out a whimper. He hunches forward, his head coming to rest in the crook of your neck.
“I can’t— I can’t keep going if you do that,” he mumbles, beautiful eyes staring pleadingly at you. Again, there’s that urge to tease him, and again, you resist it.
“Just wanna make you feel good, baby,” you whisper as you give a slow pump around him, only providing light pressure because you don’t want it to be too much just yet. “And you’re already doing so, so good for me, it’s okay to stop now.”
You’re pretty sure you can take him already, but you keep him just there, fingers moving erratically inside you, as you set a slow pace around his cock. Moans and whines keep spilling past his lips as he buries his face in your shoulder, music to your ears, and you start pressing kisses against his neck, teeth grazing against the skin. Hyunjin gets louder — his neck’s always been sensitive, and when your tongue brushes against him just right, his hips jump up into your hand, which seems like the perfect signal.
You grab his wrist to stop his movements, and he takes it out of you, eyes meeting yours once more in expectation.
Hand around his cock to guide it, you let yourself sink onto him with a pleased moan. He always fills you so well, makes you feel so full— Fuck, either he’s a sex god or you’re really fucking whipped, because sex with him always makes you feel so good.
Hyunjin’s head rolls back onto your couch, hair spilling all over it, eyes closing as his mouth falls open. The sight’s perfect, but it’s also lewd, like the sound of your bodies together wasn’t enough for that.
“Mind if I move, babe?”
Okay, yeah, you’re teasing, but he just makes it so tempting for you.
“Yeah, hm, please— please do.”
A brief laughter escapes you at his broken plea and you push up in order to kiss him again, delicious, delicious friction forming between your legs at the movement.
“You’re perfect,” you purr against his mouth.
Then you start moving, hips rocking gently at first, and Hyunjin’s letting out high pitched whimpers. After a few seconds he manages to push himself from his position, head falling between your breasts. He lifts your shirt, which you hadn’t bothered taking off, and his hands come up to cup them, massaging them softly and carefully. A moan you’d been careful to hold back leaves your mouth then, but it’s only when he wraps his mouth around one of your nipples, that they start falling uncontrollably. He glances up at you, and with one look at the sinful sight that is him with one of your breasts in his mouth, you’re gone.
Things get more frantic after that. You start moving quicker, chasing your own release as much as trying to give him his, and Hyunjin wraps both arms around your waist, no longer kissing your breasts. Instead, he buries his head in your neck again, erratic whimpers music to your ears. You hold tightly onto his shoulders, and though you don’t do it on purpose, you suspect you’re going to leave a mark there.
You come before he does, back arching with a loud cry as you do, but you don’t stop moving. You ride your orgasm with him still inside you, rubbing just right against him, then keep going though slower as your legs start shaking under you, but Hyunjin’s mostly too far gone to notice. You go back to kissing his neck, knowing with absolute certainty that if you flick your tongue against him just so—
Hyunjin comes without a warning, surprisingly quiet, mouth opened wide against your shoulder. You feel him spilling inside of you, whole body shaking underneath you. You keep kissing his neck, whispering soft words against him. How good you find him, how perfect, how much you love him.
You collapse onto each other. You rest your head on his chest; his fingers start absent-mindedly tracing patterns on the small of your back. You should move, should clean up, but fuck, you’ve missed him, you’ve missed this, you’ve missed the way his body feels against yours. You’re so lost in the post-orgasm bliss that you almost miss Hyunjin calling your name.
“Hm?” you reply lazily, glancing up at him. He’s purposefully not looking at you.
“I love you too,” he says. You tilt your head. He’s blushing again, like after all that’s just happened, that was the harder thing to admit. “I didn’t say it earlier. I love you.”
You know that. All the same, flowers bloom in your chest and despite feeling tired, your heart finds it in you to start beating faster. You love him. You love him so much you fear it will consume you sometimes.
“I love you more, babe.”
You believe it whole-heartedly when you say it, too. Hyunjin shakes his head, playful pout forming on his lips, and it hits you that he probably feels just the same.
And in that moment, everything in the world is perfect.
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i think this is one of my favorite pieces i've written for this series, so hopefully you liked it too! exploring complex emotions is one of my favorite things to do in writing. i know i've said this in every piece, but please reblog this if you enjoyed it! it boosts my motivation a ton to see people liking my stuff, and so if you like my writing, commenting/reblogging is the best way of making me write more. i'll see you all soon for changbin's piece!
Skz taglist: @lethallyprotected
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taeminsung · 1 year
close to you..
pairing: minho x reader
summary: airports were hard for minho and so was the lack of planning for their trip to paris.
mina’s notes: this is slightly off from the ask and i took this in an extreme comfort direction. please enjoy ♡
trigger warning: anxiety
anon request: Can I request y/n taking care of Minho when he gets air sick on the plane to Paris 💌
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Airports were already hard enough for Minho, but throwing you into the mix made it all the more difficult. It was the first time that you were traveling with the boys, rather than meeting them at their destination and the added level of stress for Minho was rising with each step he took. Minho didn’t mean to beg Chan to let you travel with them but he heard Paris and all logical sense went out the window, as his mind started to show images of how he could spend his down time off with you by his side exploring the city of love. If he had more time to plan, he would have found a way to make it even more special, but instead he settled on at least having the memories with you there. Currently, each step he took filled him with dread and uncertainty.
I’m going to be sick he thought, fingers stretching out to find purchase of whoever was in front of him.
Minho’s fingers tangled in the bottom of the jacket of whoever was slightly to the side of him, hoping that the feeling of someone familiar would calm his racing heart. His eyes stayed glued to the ground as he tracked the shoes of Han, making sure to not deviate too far from him. Feeling fingers wrap around his wrist, he felt the panic bubble even more in his chest as the comfort of the jacket was slowly pulled from him, daring himself to look up just a little, he noticed the familiar sweater paws you had from earlier and watched the way you intertwined his fingers with yours. With a small tug, he felt himself being pulled closer into your side at the same time he felt someone else hover close to his other side. Fear crept up his spine at the thought of someone getting not only this close to him but also to you, since he knew he probably couldn’t protect you in his current state.
It’s just Changbin on your other side, love. We have you, he heard your muffled whisper while your free hand rested on his forearm to continue to guild him.
In that moment, he feels himself relaxing just a little bit from the sound of your voice to the way you somehow knew he needed multiple points of contact in order to ground himself. A tiny muscle pulled at the corner of his lips knowing that you either silently or outwardly asked Changbin to step up to his other side as well, trying to make him feel protected in the madness that was unfolding around them. Some part of him wished that this wasn’t how he acted but some other part of him was telling him it’ll never be better. As if you could read his darkest thoughts, he felt you make quick work in releasing his hand to only have it replaced with your other hand and feel as your newly freed hand found itself on his back, rubbing small circles in comfort.
Minho wanted nothing more than to be closer to you than he currently was.
Finally, after escaping the crowds, making it through security and finding a place to sit, did Minho find himself sighing in relief. Not once did you leave his side, sometimes having to switch sides depending on where more people were walking, and always making sure that there was a member on the vacant side. He really wanted nothing more, as he sat there, than to pull you into his lap and kiss the breath out of you. It was hard for him to explain how safe you made him feel. Sitting silently, he watched as you played with his fingers and talked animatedly with Hyunjin about the museums in Paris and which ones he had to take you with on their days off. That was the other thing he found hard to explain, how you not only made him feel loved by all the little things you did for him, but also for his members. You found a way to connect with all of the members, not just because you were dating Minho but because you genuinely wanted to be friends with them, and when you found interests that you shared with them, you made that into your thing. It never bothered him to know that you were out at museums with Hyunjin or shopping with Jeongin, because he knew at the end of the day you were his and that showed in the times you brought something home for him or shared pictures of your day out with boys.
Watching you now, he really wished that he listened more to when the schedule in Paris would be so that he could have had more time to plan to ask you to be his forever. For now, he settled into the lounge chair more content with the fact you hadn’t left him side or stopped physical contact with him. Too busy in his own head, he didn’t realize that you had turned to face him, conversation with Hyunjin long over, until your reached your hand to run your fingers through your hair did he come back to reality. You ok? You hummed, nails slightly scratching his scalp, which only caused him to melt into your touch even more, eyes fluttering shut. I’m better with you around, he mused adjusting in his seat to rest his head on your shoulder.
What felt like hours seemed to pass before you were gently shaking him to wake up since the flight was boarding. Clinging to you, he couldn’t help the soft smile that formed on his lips as you indulged his clinginess by pulling him tighter to you or holding his hand a bit more firmly than usual. Quickly, he grabbed your bag placing it overhead before sneaking into the window seat, giving you puppy dog eyes as you slid into the middle seat. Glancing past you, he watched as Felix took the seat next to you, whispering something that caused his favorite sound to escape your lips. The melody of your giggle instantly calmed Minho down as he adjusted in his seat, settling in for the long flight, hoping to sleep a bit more after what felt like the longest morning ever.
As always, his dreams were filled with you.
They ranged from memories to future plans to all the small moments in between. It wasn’t until they turned from happy moments to those that weren’t his shining moments with you, the ones that he wished he could take back because of the tears that stained your cheeks. Minho’s eyes snapped open, and he gasped for air, searching for you in the dim light of the cabin. Latching onto your arm, he looked at you with panic in his heart. A million thoughts were running through his head as he felt the back of your hand connect to his forehead. Minho heard the hushed voices of you and Felix as he struggled to focus on anything other than the feeling of your hand on his head, wishing that there were more parts of you touching him. Gripping your wrist, he tugged your hand back to him as you slowly tried to pull it away. Watching as you turned to again speak with Felix before turning your attention fully back on him with a water in your free hand.
Drink, you commanded peeling his finger from your wrist and replacing it with the cold water that seemed to have appeared out of thin air.
Minho’s mind raced back to why he didn’t plan this trip out more. Maybe he could find the time to run a jewelry store with Hyunjin to find something that would be acceptable to show the love he has for you. Deep down he knew that he could probably propose with nothing, and you’d say yes, but in truth, he wanted to give you something that showed not only you but everyone around just how much he loved you. He swore, as you continued to rub his back, to give you not only the world but the entire universe. Minho loved you with his entire being and he was so incredibly thankful for you on this day.
Taking a long drink of water, he placed his forehead on the seat back in front of him, suddenly feeling like his entire world was spinning with the motion and the clouds passing by out of the window. Gulping down as much air as he could without feeling like he would throw up; he hoped that this feeling would pass quickly. Only did his body slightly relax as he felt the slight pressure of your hand resting on his back before rubbing up and down the full length, humming quietly close to his ears. Slowly, he reached out his now free hand to rest on your knee, needing the contact with you to fight off the sick feeling that was taking over his body. Faintly, Minho heard more whispers from those around him, but focused solely on your voice saying, take deep breaths love.
You. He grounded himself in your voice, in your presence, in the way that your hand moved up and down his back slightly applying pressure on the upper parts but being gentler on his lower back. You. He focused on your voice saying things to his members and probably the staff and the way you never for the second left his side. You. His rock, his person, his home. You. The person who would never judge him for his anxiety in airports or the way that he sometimes got sick on planes. You. The one who loved him so unconditionally with no fear of anything. You. His forever love that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with no matter what it took or what people said.
You are doing great, your voice broke through his thoughts, sounding closer than moments before. Carefully, he peaked up at you through his hair, seeing your smiling face caused the remaining sickness to slowly but surely melt away. Minho truly had no idea how much time had passed before he finally leaned back in his seat, not far enough for you to remove your roaming hand, but just enough to look up and see the rest of the members with concern lacing their faces. He’ll be ok, I got him, he heard you say turning back to them causing them all to go back to whatever it was they were doing before the sickness took over him. He would forever be grateful for you and the way you not only could calm him down but also his members, and somehow Chan enough to not be a fussing mom. Pulling you into his side, he took another deep breath, taking in the perfume you applied this morning and the linger scent of your shampoo.
♡ ── thank you for reading! requests are open.    
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lixielovess · 5 months
"and i still dont care, i only care about you and how you feel. if it meant that I'd have to kill everyone in the world except for you and then myself just to prove that i love you, then I'll do so."
hyunjin x fem!chubby!reader
warnings: reader is insecure about her body, implied ED, swearing
genre: angst, fluff
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hyunjin was a childhood friend of yours, you always hung out with him and you enjoyed being around him. but you were always considered the 'ugly' friend by your other friends, sometimes your family and you yourself agreed sometimes.. ofcourse he never did, he thought you were absolutely beautiful, tough he never said it.
when you were in junior high school, you could never be friends with anyone without someone shipping you two, but with you.. everyone always considered it as a joke. like you were a joke, people kept teasing hyunjin about liking you and he always denied it, and you believed him. he was never harsh about it he was genuinely nice, he was always polite with it but it always seemed to hurt you. you loved him, and deep down he knew he liked you aswell.
he was the handsome popular guy and you were just another one of his fangirls who just happened to be one of his friends. though you did have girl friends alot of girls seemed to hate you because you were friends with hyunjin, saying that you only hung out with him to distract yourself from how fugly you actually are. and honestly you thought the same, it was to the point you starved yourself and had to go to the hospital because you didn't eat the normal amount of food a healthy person should eat for about a month, but despite not eating almost anything at all you still looked like that.
and suddenly when you were in highschool in senior year when in the schools garden, he stood infront of you, bouquet in hand looking straight into your eyes "y/n y/l/n i-... i loved you.. i always have.. so please-" you cut him off. "is this some sort of joke..?" he froze up, confused, time seemed to stop as he just stared at you completely confused "what?"
"did one of your friends force you to do this? did you lose a bet? do you think its funny 'confessing' to the ugly chubby girl?" you we're used to it, guys confessing to you, going out with you because it was a dare or a jokey joke. but its happened to you over and over again for too many times to the point where you couldn't tell the difference between that and the real thing... and when someone actually had feelings, that someone being hyunjin, you turned him down because you didn't trust anyone that said they liked you, either way if it was true or not.
"Y/n-" "save it." angry tears welled up in your eyes as he just stared at you in disbelief "listen! please- im not joking! i genuinely do-" you grit your teeth, holding in your tears as you try not to break down sobbing "i thought you were my friend, hyunjin."
"i am! and i want us to be more than that-"
"Liar! you don't like me, i know you don't. you denied it since we were 10 and even until now you still do. feelings don't change overnight. i cant believe i thought you were my friend, never talk to me again you piece of shit" you ran off into somewhere, you dont know where you just walked. a few hours later you somehow arrived home, you waltzed into your room and just locked yourself in there.
days go by and you return to school completely ignoring him, everytime he came to talk to you, you just brushed him off like he was nothing.
your friends still hung out with him, and they brought you along when they hung out with him, but what else could you do? not hang out with your friends who've known you for years..? no. eventually you forgave him and tolerated him, and started hanging out with eachother more and more.
it wasn't until recently when you guys were alone, he took your hand and looked straight into your eyes when he confessed, again. "i.. i just wanted you to know that it wasnt a joke, i genuinely did love you back then and i didn't care about how you looked you were absolutely beautiful regardless. and i still dont care, i only care about you and how you feel. if it meant that I'd have to kill everyone in the world except for you and then myself just to prove that i love you, then I'll do so."
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