#it was like my worst fear cuz im always scared of cars next to me merging into my lane nd hitting me and it happened
hey-hey-chan · 6 years
Thunderstorms - Jeongin
UHHH , a quick ass drabble cuz there’s a thunderstorm at my house rn and im a lil ,, scared ;-; 
P.S. Written at 1-2am :’)
It was 1am and my eyes were still wide open. I was laying in the pitch black room, home alone because of my parents outing with their friends. 
I saw a flicker of light at my window again, making me tense at the known sound coming after it. I waited a few moments until I heard the rumble of the sky which shook my bed. I squirmed in my bed, trying to not freak out over the simple thunderstorm.
“It’s just a storm, it means nothing. You’re inside, not in a car. You’re safe.” I whispered to myself while clenching my hands together. I felt my heart pounding uncontrollably in my chest and I was unable to calm myself down.
I sat up in my bed and wiped the falling tears away, feeling pathetic at my irrational fear.
It had all started once I was coming home from a road trip, and a storm had randomly sprung up when I was on the road. I wasn’t even the one driving, yet I could still feel the fear of crashing or the thought of my father spinning out of control. Never again did I go out during a storm. 
Suddenly, I felt a buzz at my thigh, making me wonder who was up so late. I looked down at my phone, hoping it would cause some sort of distraction for the pounding rain outside my door. 
"A text from Jeongin? This late?” I muttered to myself. 
Jeongin was my boyfriend of 2 weeks now, and even though our relationship was new, our friendship was not. We had lived somewhat in the same area, him being over one block from me, and we were somewhat close friends. Our bond solidified when we were stuck in the worst science class, but it made a blossoming romance. 
I clicked on his snap and saw that he sent me a simple meme. I almost snorted at the message, baffled at our cringy relationship, yet I saw another flash appear and thunder soon followed after. 
I felt the thunder shake all around me, making me drop my phone in fright. I crawled under the covers once again and tried to calm my heavy heart. 
“Calm down, calm down,” I whispered to myself, though my words carried no weight. This was the first time I was ever alone in a thunderstorm, so I really had no idea how to calm myself down. 
In the midst of my mental breakdown, I felt my phone buzz again, and again. 
I grew frustrated at the boy who was texting me while I was in this state, but I heard my ringtone and knew I had to pick up or else the boy wouldn’t stop. 
“Yo.” He said, his voice light and excited. 
“What do you want?” I asked pathetically, trying to hid my sniffles.
“Why wouldn’t you respond to my meme? I thought we made a promise to always respond to memes.” I could almost hear his pout over the phone, which made me pout as well. 
“Sorry I got distracted by something else,” I lied miserably, but the boy was unusually dense, so I could get away with hiding my feelings. 
“Hmm, well, you should go to sleep anyways, it’s late.” His voice turned soft and made me melt at his concern, even though I probably wasn’t going to sleep for a long time. I felt him shift in his bed and I knew the boy was getting tired with his groggy voice and all. 
“Hm, yeah, I was getting ready to sleep and had to spit out my toothpaste, that’s why I couldn’t respond.” I lied again. I almost never lie to the boy, but sometimes it was better he didn’t know these things. He was still young at heart and was new to the whole boyfriend thing.
“Good, loser, so-” 
Suddenly, I felt the familiar rumble of thunder startle me and I squealed and flew back to my bed.
“Y/n? Y/n? Why did you scream?” I could hear the chuckle in his voice, yet all I could think of was escaping the thunderstorm. 
I felt tears flood my cheeks as it was late- I was sensitive. And I wasn’t crying because of the storm itself, but rather Jeongin’s lack of empathy towards my fear. I rubbed my eyes rolled onto my face to hide my sniffles in my puffy pillow. “Y/n??” He asked again, making me want to throw my phone across the room. “Wait... are you scared of the storm?” He asked hesitantly. 
“Yes I am. But I’ll be fine, go to sleep.” I muttered into the phone that fell nicely nice to my mouth. Like I expected, I heard the boy chuckle and creak in his bed. 
“Oh gosh you’re really scared of storms? Why I love them? They’re so fun to listen to!” 
The worst thing about being afraid of storms is having people tell you have cool and beautiful they are. Like I didn’t ask for their opinion on invalidating my fears. 
“Yeah whatever, I’m hanging up soon.” He chuckled, knowing I wouldn’t just hang up on him randomly.
“What? Do I need to come over to your house and make you feel better?” I could tell with his voice infliction that he was joking, yet I would feel a lot better with his presence. But I knew I couldn’t ask that.
“No, I’m fine. It happens all the time and I just plug in my earbuds, I’m fine.” Wow, just say I’m fine once more and he’ll get it. Jeongin snorted and I could feel him nod over the phone call.
“Ok, goodnight, y/n.” I felt myself soften at his voice, but the anxiety in my heart still weighed heavily on my mind. 
“Night.” I whispered back, hanging up the phone quickly so he wouldn’t have to hear me make a fool of myself. I tossed my phone to the other side of my bed so I wasn’t distracted, but I found myself still uneasy with the pounding rain.
My thoughts were discarded as I heard my doorbell echo throughout my house. I immediately shot from my bed and checked who it was, as I wasn’t expecting my parents to come home so early. And to ring the bell since they had keys.
As I peered out the little eye hole, I saw a soaking wet Jeongin. I quickly opened the door, shaking my shock off so I could help the poor boy.
“Jeongin what are you doing here?” He stepped into my house as I handed him a towel out of instinct. He patted himself down and shut the door. 
“Uhhh, I don’t know, maybe my girlfriend was upset so I went to comfort her? That’s what boyfriends are supposed to do, right?” He asked with a slight smile. He took off his baseball cap and shook out his hair, making me flinch away from the wetness. 
“I didn’t think you would come.” I spoke truthfully. I’d been friends with Jeongin for a long time, and he was the type of guy who would do anything for his friends... but you had to tell him straight up to do something. The boy couldn’t take hints. 
Jeongin snorted and started taking off his shoes. “I know, I’m getting better at picking up hints when you’re upset.” Suddenly, he took my hand and led me to my room. “Now, you’re gonna get some sleep because I really want to sleep.” He said bluntly, making me chuckle and feel guilty at the same time. 
“Here, throw this on so you don’t have to sleep in wet clothes.” I went to my older brother’s room who was out in college and tossed him a t-shirt and sweats. 
“A v-neck? Wow you just wanna see some skin.” The boy teased, making me blush and throw a pillow at him. He grunted in surprise which made me feel better. 
“Shut up.” I muttered into my pillow, my fear slowly disintegrating with Jeongin’s presence. Jeongin chuckled and stepped out from the bathroom looking snazzy in his new clothes. He jumped on the bed and then stared at me with a cheeky grin.
“Well, it’s night time... we’re home alone... no parents.” The boy wiggled his eyebrows at me, scooting closer to my lips. I snorted and shoved the boy away, which made him fall onto my pillows. 
“Shut up you creep.” I scooted further from the boy and separated us with a pillow, making sure he kept his distance. Jeongin gasped and set his watch on the side of my bed. 
“Oh c’mon, we’re dating y/n,” he whined, but I kept up my cold facade. I hummed and ignored the boy.
“So what? A girl needs her space.” I teased, but I knew he would respect my wishes and stayed far away from me. 
“Ok ok, I will stay away from you. Tell me if my breathing bothers you so I can just sleep on the ground instead.” He muttered and rolled onto his side. I smiled slightly, but wouldn’t let him see it. 
Out of nowhere, the bed shook from the thunder and I immediately, out of instinct, threw myself into the arms of Jeongin. I heard him released a surprised “oof” at my contact, but he caught me nonetheless. 
“Woah, are you ok?” I knew I was shaking, but I didn’t care. 
“Ugh, I told you I was scared of thunderstorms.” I complained into his chest. I knew the boy was surprised at the close contact since we never showed any skinship or had any cuddle sessions, but there was always a first for everything.
“You’re like my dog, you’re shaking so badly.” At that comment, I pulled away from his chest and glared at him.
“Did you just call me a bitch?” I raised a brow. He scooted closer to my face.
“No, my dog is a boy.” I snorted at his response, the thunderstorm almost completely forgotten. I returned to his chest, comfortably snuggling next to him. I could feel the pounding of his steady heart beat which soothed mine.
I then felt him pat the back of my head, smoothing down my hair. 
“Is this better?” He asked shyly, making me chuckle. I grabbed his hand and put it on my lower back.
“Here, this is what my mom does when I get scared during storms. She would rub my back in small circles, like this.” I added. I felt him hum in response and did as I told. I felt myself calming down already at his soft and uneasy touch, but he soon got used to it. 
Since it was 2am by now, I felt myself drifting off into sleep. 
“I love you so much.” I heard him whisper before I drift off into dreamland, which made me dream of only good things. 
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Questions For Zodiac sings
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What’s up guys hello how are you? Welcome to your favorite podcast 
For today’s episode, we are gonna answer  the questions for the zodiac signs,
okay in TikTok there's a guy who asks questions his name is Brennan I really don't know if I'm pronouncing his name right I'm sorry, well the thing is you have to do a duet to answer them and I think it's really funny, okay he has a series of questions for all the signs of the zodiac, I don't really know if I believe in the zodiac or not but I think it's funny, plus most of the time they always have something good to throw you off, I really don't like to classify myself as an Aries, Leo, Gemini or any sign, I don't even know who or what I am, so today I'm going to answer all the questions.
So let's get started. 
Aries  March 21- April 20
Are you really a Control Freak? Kinda
Besides your self who is your favorite leader? Ellon Musk  Period 
When do you feel the most alive? okay four things car, night, cool music, friends yeah PERIODT 
Why are you jumping into relationships? This question is not for me. I've never been in a relationship
Best kissers? I don’t think I am, I’m on average 
Favorite color red? No
Lucky Number 9? I don’t have lucky number
How rich do you want to be? I really don’t want to be rich I just want to have a decent life, but I want to save the world so I think a lot.
Would you be a great president? No
What big secret are you keeping? I don’t have a big secret, sometimes the people are more boring that every one thing 
Okay, guys, this was the question for the Aries. I think I'm 50 percent, Aries.
Leo july 23- Agust 22
How stubborn are you? omg like a 100 percent I really am stubborn
The biggest heart? No 
Prefer to be around other people? yes
who are you most jealous of? nobody really
Favorite color purple? No
Like being treated as royalty? if who doesn't?
Most attracted to Aries? kinda 
Who’s your favorite comedian? i don’t have one 
How do you react when someone ignores you?
It depends on the form and the case but I guess I get angry because it's rude or if it's in the form of relationship I think I'm still trying
How loud i your roar?
okay I think I'm 60 percent Leo I don't know if this is good or bad because a lot of people say it's the most hated sign
Okay next 
Gamini may 21-June 20
Social butterfly?
I think it's when you go from place to place all the time and mix with all kinds of people so if I'm a social butterfly
Always changing your mind? cuz I have issues bro, I’m not stable, I don’t have emotional intelligence and I know cuz I made the test for know it
How well do you handle stress? I think I’m in the average 
two personalities? I have about a thousand, I think I'm going to name them, I think i have a problem 
Last important decision? make this episode and wake up 
Is your mind always racing with thoughts? yea but I’m trying to do yoga cuz maybe in the future that can be a problem 
favorite color yellow? No
slow to commit to relationships? no
What’s your IQ? I don’t know I think is low and I hate then 
How flirty are you? like a 9 I’m sorry mom 
 i think I’m a 70 percent Gemini 
so next
Sagittarius Nov 23 - Dec 21
ask a lot of questions? sometimes
how energetic are you? i think a lot
good at giving advice? I'm the worst. I can give general advice like how to take care of yourself, drink water, but in specific problems I can't do it.
Too generous? no really
How optimist are you? 5 I'm very realistic but I think anything is possible
Can you make people laugh?On a scale of one to ten, I'd say an eight
Reaction when someone lies to you?I can't remember the last time I discovered a lie, but I guess I get angry
Fav color blue? omg yess i really love blue but in blue clothes I think I look great. I don't know. Blue is my color.
The most intelligent zodiac sing? idk 
Been mistaken as rude? no 
I'm just gonna say I love the color blue
aquarius jan 20- feb 19
Are you shy and quiet? No
Hard to trust other people?
no but i think that is a problem
The best listeners? i can listen but im not the best 
friends first? no 
hate being alone? i enjoy being alone
How do you help people?in any way possible
fav color black? no
Reaction when someone disagrees? I get stressed out
How many times have you broken a promise? I don't remember making a promise to anyone except myself, and I'm not going to break it.
How often do you just lose it? idk
Libra sep 23- oct 22
Are you a peacekeeper? kinda 
how charming are you? four of 10
What is your motto? You can do everything 
Admit when you’re wrong? its super hard for me
Talk someone out of something dumb?yeah
Make big plans? yeah because i really want a good life and for that i need big plans
Living your best life? im trying
fav color pink? no but its one of my favorites 
Why are you indecisive? I really don't think that I'm indecisive
What do you daydream about? collage, my crush, and be independent
 Cancer june 21- july 22
How persuasive are you? I'm not persuasive. I'd like to be.
How much do you like art? 100% i really love music, movies, films, paint but I'm not good at creating it, so I think it's better to catch it
Are you insecure? kinda but im trying to fix it
How emotional are you? a lot 
How big is your imagination? not a lot
Favorite place to go with friends? State fair 
Favorite family member? im 
Fav color white? no 
Favorite tv show? euphoria 
How moody are you? 4 of ten 
 Virgo Aug 23- Sep 22
How sensitive are you? 8-10
Afraid to speak in front of people? no 
Get mad when people don’t follow rules? sometimes
Why do you worry so much? because i have issues
What do you do to stay healthy? I exercise 30 minutes a day, try to sleep early and drink lots of water
Hate asking for help? I don't hate it but it scares me
Favorite animal? I think the chicken is the best animal in the world because you don't need to kill it to survive like cows or pigs, I love the egg and it can be your best friend forever having a give and take relationship for life, I think it's beautiful
Fav color gray? no
You talk to your self? Yes, and that's a problem, which is why I created this podcast
How clean is your room? 4- 10
scorpio oct 23- nov 22
Why are you so stubborn? because you have to fight for what you want to have 
Are you a “True friend”? yeah
How brave are you? 7- 10
What are you most passionate about? help people
How secretive are you? As a two, I hate secrets because they give me worries and I like to be in complete peace 
What pokemon would you be? pikachu
Need to be right all the time? people think that, but the truth is that I like to give my opinion and talk when I know about it, I don't like to talk about things I don't know because they can cause problems, so yeah i need it
Fav color red? no
Scale 1-10 how much of a joker are you? 6 Always tell the truth? no but I’m not a liar 
Taurus April 21 may 20
How patient are you? 2
Are you practical? yeah super and that’s why i don’t have a lot of patience 
Do you like drees up? sometimes
How responsible are you? 8
Scale 1-10 do you like to cook?  8 I love cooking, following recipes but I don't like how I cook, the taste of my dishes is horrible
Are you opposed to change? no im pro-change, change is always good and some ways
Good at minding your own business? I hate drama, getting into trouble that's not mine, I hate that kind of stress so I try to stay away from places where I'm not called, its for my mental health
Fav color green? no
Easy to make money? no really but i have some ideas 
Most reliable zodiac sign? idk
Capricorn dec 22 jan 19
How disciplined are you? like a 7
Are you a “know it all”? no, but that’s my goal 
Are you a family person? no 
Would you be a good manager? no but i can try it
Is tradition important to you? no really 
Do you expect the worst? sometimes 
Coke or pepsi products? coke but i like pepsi too
fav color brown? no
Fav music Genre? pop and rap
Do you learn from your mistakes? sometimes 
pices feb 20 march 20
are you a compassionate person? yeah
hate to be criticized? if it's not constructive to hate it
why are you always sad? im not sad always im neutral
what are you most fearful of? losing an arm or a leg, an eye, having one of those kinds of accidents, I think it's for brave people to be able to overcome that and I'm not that brave person I'd rather die Do you play any instruments? no i wish 
favorite season?fall I love it with all my being, it's cold and hot at the same time, hallowen, the sky is always beautiful, pumpkins, the color of the leaves I don't know if I could live in one season it would be fall
the wisest zodiac sing? idk
fav color purple? no
sleep all the time? no i hat sleep
do you trust everyone? no really
okay friends these were the questions for the zodiac signs, i really liked answering the questions, i'm going to post the profile of the person who created these tiktoks in case you want to make them, all the information is on my twitter, i really liked this episode i really don't like to classify myself and i think i have something from everyone, in the end we are all the same, we all have insecurities, good things and bad, so see you guys in the next episode hugs and kisses
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the-real-anywolf · 7 years
Choose Your Own Ending
Alright, so for shits and gigs Any and I started texting as Dean and Cas while I was crazy white girl wasted. And Any thought let's post it on our blog and get our readers to write the narrative of what happens next. So let's do this! Reblog this craziness with your narrative, and we’ll reblog it with the corresponding texts between Dean and Cas after your narrative. So on and so forth. No word length requirement or anything, let's choose your own ending this bitch!
Cas: Hello Dean, I heard you are drunk. Do you need assistance to get home to the bunker?
Dean: Nah cas man I'm still drinking but thanks fir pretty texting me. 
You should vine drunk text with me? 
Come not vine 
Fuck you autocorrect you were supposed to have my back l!!
Cas: I'm confused. You want me to come or you want to text me while inebriated?
Dean: Lolol come drink with me cas! 
I'm at a place called bam bam's im peeyyy sure it's a gay bar 
Like all the couples are two dudes or two chicks 
Why do people hate gay people I mean it doesn't make sense
Cas: Humans have always been inclined to fear what they don't understand. Other humans are brave though and decide to love instead of hate. The nice voice on my phone says I can be with you in thirty minutes.
Dean: You're the fucking best man I ever tell you that? The fucking best
Cas: Thank you, Dean. Although I'm not sure why you said that.
Dean: Cuz you deserve yo hear it cas I don't tell you enough 
Oh man a guy asked my drunk ass to dance lol
Cas: What guy?
Dean: No idea some guy. Might have said yes if I wasn't there sheets to the fucking wind I don't think I could stand if I tried
Cas: I see. I thought you're only interested in women.
Dean: Supposed to be but can you keep a secret
Cas: Of course.
Dean: I think dudes are hot too I think about it sometimes 
What it would be like to fuck a guy
Cas: Is that something you want to try at some point?
Dean: I don't know it scares me too
Cas: Why does it scare you?
Dean: Not supposed to
Cas: It sounds like you don't apply the same rules you have for others to yourself
Dean: Right? It's okay for others but I can't because you gotta be tough Dean. Big boys don't cry over scraping their goddamn knees. Quit your crying. You know who cries? Babies. Shut up Dean men are supposed to be men not girls. 
After so many years of that cas I kinda hate that the bigoted words of a dead man still makes me a terrified child
Cas: But you aren't a child anymore, Dean. You are a man that makes his own decisions, has his own life. You are brave and strong and you saved the world a few times. You should do what feels right in your heart. You should do things that makes you happy because there is no one in the world, who I believe, deserves it more than you do, Dean.
Dean: I deserve to get my sick sucked by a blue eyed twink? lol Dick not sick lol
Cas: I only understood half of that, but sure – you should do whatever makes you happy. 
What is a twink?
Dean: I was laughing that you casicslly implied that I deserve to have sex with a dude 
A twink is a like younger dude, smaller frame, at least if you go by queer as folk 
Don't tell Sammy I've watched it
Cas: Of course I won't tell him. So you like men who are smaller than you with blue eyes?
Dean: Maybe
Cas: What else do you find attractive?
Dean: I like nice lips
Cas: Aren't all lips nice?
Dean: Nah man some are like thin and not soft 
Nice lips means better kissers usually 
You have nice lips You probably are really good at kissing
Cas: I don't know. I lack the experience. But thank you. 
I think you have nice lips, too.
Dean: Some people are naturally good at it 
And thanks. Been told a time or two I know my way around a French kiss
Cas: How can a kiss be french?
Dean: Lolol sometimes I forget you're an angel 
It's when you use you tongue when you kiss
Cas: I wasn't aware there was an expression for that. Kissing is nice.
Dean: Right? I mean if I had to choose between kissing and sex I'd seriously contemplate it for a minute before choosing sex lolol
Cas: Good that you never have to choose. You can always have both. I would like to experience that again. 
Preferably without being tortured and stabbed to death afterwards.
Dean: Fuck man yeah sex is supposed to not end in death usually 
You haven't fucked anyone since that bitch?
Cas: No. To be honest I lost interest in it after that experience.
Dean: I'm not surprised but I promise normal sex ends good usually
Cas: I'm not good at this, getting to know people. And I don't want to do it with someone I don't know. And since I'm not human. It's not ideal.
Dean: I get that. Anyone you do actually know you want to do it with?
Cas: Yes. But that person isn't an option.
Dean: Why not?
Cas: Because I don't want to do anything that could risk the friendship I have with that person. I can't lose them. It's not an option.
Dean: I get that man, sex fucks shit up 
That's why I don't fuck people I actually care about 
Not anymore
Cas: It's probably a wise decision. It would make it so much worse to lose that person, once you would know how nice it is to be with them. So now you see why I can't have sexual intercourse with anyone. I don't want to do it with someone I don't know. But I'm also not brave enough to do it with someone I have feelings for.
Dean: Man that's fucked cas but I get it 
I had a sex dream about you once 
Fuck man I must be drunk telling you shit like that 
Sorry ignore me 
How far out are you now
Cas: Ten minutes. Don't worry, Dean. I'm aware that dreams are nothing humans have control over. I know it doesn't mean anything.
Dean: I've thought about it but like I said, I care about you so no sex for us 
Which sucks cuz I bet you're fucking good in the sack too 
Fuck tell me to stop texting you
Cas: Does that mean you would have sex with me if you didn't care about me?
Dean: Weird huh? Maybe if I ever got the balls to pick up a guy?��If you and I didn't know each other, yeah. I'd probably hit on you
Cas: I would have let you.
Dean: You said you wouldn't bang someone you don't know lol
Cas: If you and I didn't know each other, I'm sure I would be a different person today. And you were always the only person who I would make an exception for.
Dean: Would work wouldn't it? You could get laid with me since you won't hook up with who you have a thing for. I'd get to see if I even like it. Too bad we're friends huh?
Cas: Yes. It's too bad. Five minutes.
Dean: Well if you ever change your mind 
Fuck it right? 
You only live once? Well, more than that for us
Cas: I thought you wouldn't have sex with someone you cared for?
Dean: I shouldn't Doesn't mean I don't want to
Cas: I understand that feeling more than you think. But Dean, you're not an option for me.
Dean: Yeah I am! You know me!
Cas: Yes, I do. But listen to me, Dean. You are not an option.
Dean: Sorry man I'm assuming you'd find me attractive you probably don't lol
Cas: You're infuriatingly dense when you're inebriated. 
Don't make me say it, Dean.
Dean: Why you scared cas? Am I the person you don't want to lose friendship to
Cas: Yes.
Dean: If we just had sex who's to say we'd stop being friends 
We kept it casual then there'd be no loss of friendship
Cas: It wouldn't be casual for me.
Dean: Alright then
Cas: I'm sorry. I never wanted to tell you this.
Dean: It's fine cas. I don't get it but it's fine
Cas: I have feelings for you.
Dean: No I mean I got that. I don't get why you do
Cas: You really have to ask, after everything we've been through together? After everything you've done for me? After all the times you saved me, opened my eyes, taught me how to live?
Dean: Cas I'm the worst person you could develop feelings for 
For all those good things I've done just as many bad things
Cas: Dean, I can't change the way I feel and no matter how you see yourself and how much guilt you carry on your shoulders, it won't change the way I see you. I'm in the parking lot. I hope you still want me as your friend, knowing this. I never wanted to make you uncomfortable. I'm not expecting anything. I never did.
Dean: You're my best friend that won't ever change. Get your ass in here and let's drink till we can't feel feelings anymore
Cas: I’ll be there in a minute.
Dean: I'm at the bar.
(Five minutes later)
Dean: Cas you bailing?
Cas: I don’t know. I can’t seem to leave the car.
Dean: I'm not gonna bite you
Cas: I’m not afraid of you biting me, Dean.
Dean: What are you scared of then?
Cas: I’m not sure. Mostly of myself. It’s hard to explain.
Dean: Want me to come to you?
Cas: I’m indecisive. Talking like this is somehow easier.
Dean: Right? I'm way more honest in texts And when I'm ducked up
Cas: I’m afraid when I see you now that I would do something stupid.
Dean: That's what alcohols for Let's not think about that shit 
Come have a shot with me and I'll dare you to buy a drink for someone and you'll just do it to shut me up but then you'll laugh and take more shots
Cas: My grace isn’t at its best at the moment. I could get intoxicated, too.
Dean: Hell yeah even better 
Let's get stupid and then you'll not feel as weird about telling me 
You're a hilarious drunk
Cas: What if I try to kiss you? People do stupid things when they are intoxicated.
Dean: You've never tried to kiss me before. And fuck it if you do
Cas: I intended to drive you home. I can’t do that when I’m inebriated, too. How would we get home?
Dean: There's a motel a block over well just grab a room for the night. Get your ass in here
Cas: Alright.
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