#it was not on porpose tho
pixiefeatherkw3 · 1 year
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Sonadow Prime re-draws!!
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ladylooch · 11 months
It wasn't timo that hit the player that left the ice, and Wilson was mad. Another player hitted him, and timo had just left a board battle. So the player was hit, and he fell forward on timo's chest. Don't know why Wilson did that. It wasn't on porpose.
Oh yes! I remember that now that you said he fell into Timo's chest.
I mean it happens so fast on the ice, so he sees Timo and assumes. That's hockey. It's also kinda Wilson's way, so we can except that from him forever. Pretty on pretty crime tho... tough to see 👀
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paint-n-thinner · 2 years
Illinois? Hehe, DW, bendy is my go to when I have art block, to the point I've drawn the same pose over and over again lol
Felt silly and misspelled mental illness on porpose lmao, no worries tho
And mood, especially with the same pose thing xP
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teethzdelurker · 9 months
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World's Spirited! My @infamous-if mc's band!!!
Rambling warning!
I wanted to do something cute with the band but also show the closeness of them. So i did the only thing i got in mind... Cuddle Pile! Or, well, a looser version of it? This is something i do very often with my group of very close friends, and it always feels like one of the most intimate things we do, so i thought it would fit. Sadly i think my drawing (or atleast the shi**y coloring) doesn't do justice to the scene i had in mind. I was really hoping the picture would give off as cozy and intimate.
Also, just pointing out some details (this is gonna be long):
-I porposely draw August a bit away from the group because i could see them still feeling a bit like an outsider and might think they're still not close enough to them. But the rest of the band ofcourse try to show that's not true, hence Rowan reaching out to grab the back of their hoodie.
-Yes, the one sitting with a laptop is 100% Orion. I know there would NEVER be a chance for him to join in so i like the thought of the band coming to HIM instead so HE is stuck with THEM lmao, cause Ori is part of the band (no matter what he say) and there is no way in hell i'm not including him.
-And about Iris' pajamas, i... don't know why i even put her in pink??? I think i remember Amy saying she dress in all black? But i just couldn't get it out of my mind, so if it's a bit OOC, just imagine it given to her as a gift from the others (with a quip along the lines of so that she'll match with Devyn or something).
-Also, if it isn't obvious, Iris is laying her head on Rowan's thigh. And because i want to show their closeness in more than just them laying on top of eachother, i thought Iris trying to pull the blanket my mc is laying on top of to cover them up is a pretty clever way of showcasing it subtly.
-I previously wanted to draw Iris and Devyn spooning. But one of the point of this drawing is to show that platonics relationship can be just as intimate as a romantic one, and so i want to show they are as comfortable to other members of the band as they are to eachother.
-Also, i was wondering for a bit wether i should draw them doing this in the bus or in the hotel room, but i was too lazy to draw all sorts of furniture to show that it is a hotel room so bus it is! Tho the size of the bus probably doesn't make sense. Too wide and spacey to be true.
-And since this is in the bus... I could only imagine what seven must've feel/look like if they accidentally stumble into this...😈😈😈
I hope you guys like it!
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magpielark · 2 years
It has parrots and other birds in it too
They are Australian birds because of.. um. Me. I am. Thhere .
The clips are all from this video
Uhm song is Fine by Lemon Demon because I like .it
Uh um Australian bird. Facts:
Palm cockatoo drums with stick and we don’t really know why woaoaoaoa
Palm cockatoo says hello naturally (without human interference)
Some people believe black cockatoos herald rain (I think this is true bc cockatoos r smart and can probably sense when and where rain will fall and then they go there. For water n stuff)
Uhm and and budgies can see ultraviolet light so those blue marks on their faces and whatnot shine n stuff and it is probably for mating porposes
Cassowaries can jump rlly high
Cassowaries (like most birds) are integral to the forest -specifically the rainforest- and they help spread seeds across the forest floor so that it has a diverse ecosystem of Trees N Stuff
Cassowaries are unfortunately endangered bc of invasive pigs, fellow cassowaries, crocodiles, and the hunting dogs sent in to get rid of the invasive pigs
Willie wagtails aren’t wagtails, but fantails, the largest I think.
Kookaburras are (loud-) the biggest kingfisher
Cormorants do the silly pose with their wings to dry them (which is kinda obvious)
Wild budgies fight in the dirt. Like wrestle.
Corellas are silly guys teehee
Uhm last fact: I once gave a crow one of my wedges and that was cool (probably shouldn’t have fed the wild bird tho-)
Oki bye bye thank you for readi g Bird Facts and for watching my u,m. “Edit”
(There is also a tiktok version of the edit that is much more of an edit and I like it better but I cannot put it in this post I might rb with it if I can)
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djservo · 2 years
[...] I have zero ideia how money works in the US, but it sounds cheaper than paying a power AND water bill value in a Kindle which is the case where I live ― but it would save me a lot of space bc the place where I keep my books is getting full. Guess I'll finally have to get rid of Dan Brown (Deception Point was such a disappointment!! Dan's characters are there only to serve to the enigmas and such and nothing else, b4 it wouldn't bother me, but nowadays it does; AND IT DID, especially when he inserts a brief story about their past with the porpose of using it to cheap drama ― and I could go on and on) 🫠 There's so much I want to read since I got back into reading last year (especially try to read in english to get better!!), but I've been having so many migraines the last couple of months it's almost impossible to concentrate 🧘‍♀️ But out of the 20 I read in 2022, I can mention A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess (and I feel a bit embarrassed bc Alex does SO MUCH shit but he's such a intriguing character 🤷‍♀️), Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (planning on rereading!!) and Nocturnal by Scott Sigler, as the ones that got stuck in my head the most. I would recommend Nocturnal to anyone without giving any context even tho I think most wouldn’t get as excited as I did 🧍‍♀️ I'm trying to get into Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh bc it was the last one I bought alongside Essex County by Jeff Lemire (made me cwy 🥺🧎🏻‍♀️) but I'm not in the right mindset to deal with Renton, Sick Boy & Company!! But I LOVE that movie so much, and books usually tend to show more. But well, we'll see 🙆‍♀️🧏‍♀️ [...]
part 2 of this lovely novella 💌
Well DAMN a kindle isnt That worth it then scratch everything !! 😮‍💨❌ ugh but yes I feel you about saving space — I have very little restraint when I see a good deal for a book I've been wanting to read or really when it comes to secondhand shopping in general - I'm like, it's secondhand so it's fine!! But No!! I literally do Not have the space for more things!!! I did what I THOUGHT was a big purge of my bookshelf a couple weeks ago but I Still have to stack books on the floor bc I can't fit everything on the shelf... like truly two towering piles 🤦‍♀️ Maybe I'll try not buying any books at all this year, or only buy if I get rid of the same amount I already own ykwim 🤨 I haven't read any Dan Brown but I feel like I always see someone reading him at airports so maybe for my next long trip I'll try one of his 😶‍🌫️ (but not Deception Point, got it 👍) I would've assumed English was your first language, you speak (type?) it so eloquently! I've been doing duolingo since the pandemic but even with my 800+ day streak (yes really) I feel like I've absorbed nothing substantial, certainly not enough to feel comfortable conversationally which is disappointing! I always say I wanna take a language class but this year for real... I'm trying to get on UR level, reading books in other languages n shit! 😤💪 also bc I've been thinking so much about the act of translation and how much can get lost/changed, so I think it'd be a really interesting experience to read a book in it's original language + its translation to compare meanings and whatnot 💭
Oooh I loved A Clockwork Orange when I read it!! I still haven't gotten around to seeing the film, but I remember when I was a kid I'd look up clips on youtube to scar myself bc I thought it was all so freaky and bizarre LOL I read Brave New World in high school when I was like strictly in a David Sedaris phase (oh so smart and sophisticated of me 🙄) so I don't think I really cared for it at the time which is ANNOYING! it'd be cool to reread books I was assigned in school now with more Refined skills of interpretation/concentration — particularly Jane Eyre which I stupidly left until the very last possible second to read and we had this big in-class essay coming up so I crammed the entire 500+ pages in one day and it was such an agonizing yet amazing feat 🫡 and I remember I did actually like it despite the cramming, but I think I'd appreciate/take even more from it if I were to read it now and take my proper time with it 🧘‍♀️ ANYWAY. Will definitely check out Nocturnal at some point this year and will Not read Anything about it!! I love going into things like that - I'm trying to stop reading letterboxd reviews before I watch movies this year too bc I have such a bad habit of it 🤦‍♀️ I try not to read reviews of books either bc I don't want ppl's opinions inadvertently shaping mine while I read, but sometimes I just want to make sure a 3+ hour long movie is worth my time ykwim?? But that's all subjective yada yada fuck it, we ball and go into things blind this year!! 🤾‍♀️ I've been meaning to read Trainspotting too! Coincidentally I always kind of lumped it with A Clockwork Orange + Fight Club with the sort of societal commentary/offbeat characters on the outskirts of society thing. Maybe I'll read both Trainspotting and Fight Club at the same time, watch the film adaptations for them (and A Clockwork Orange finally), then transform overnight into a fake deep edgelord dudebro 🃏
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snowisflesh-blog123 · 3 years
my drug using mother literally locked me out of my bedroom that’s in the bug infested basement my name is basically y/n at this point when is 1D adopting me
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thenixkat · 3 years
The generic pop culture dragon review (4 legs, 2 wings, 1 head) part 2
Toothless the Nightfury from How To train Your Dragon
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5.5/10. The thing about Toothless is that if he were in a different series and kept that slit eye expression, I’d love him. He’s got great wings and a nice sleek silhouette. Unfortunately he doesn’t match the style of the other dragons around him and lacks the spikey goofiness that the rest share in their design. If his spikes were spiker and his eyes were just fucking absurd like a potoo he’d be great.
Lightfury from How to Train Your Dragon
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2/10. Take everything that doesn’t work about Toothless and intensify it. Throw in ‘how do we show that it’s female?’ plus the very annoying trope of ‘females must be paler than their male counterparts’ and that’s this dragon. Unlike Toothless who I’d like if he was in something else, I wouldn’t like this dragon no matter what she was in. The most striking thing about it is how it turns invisible. I’d say if we’re gonna make her smooth and porpose like, shrink her eyes till their beady, give her a big bulging forehead, and make her chunky chunky and also like twice Toothless’ size.
Thoron the Dragon King from Dragons: Fire and Ice
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5/10. Definitely a dragon. I do like the dragon soul gem crystals and each dragon having a different power.  Not a fan of the wings or his colors. Doesn’t scream ‘King of Dragons’ to me. His green markings could pop more, maybe alster the shape of his horns and add green onto them?
Flight of Dragons (All)
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7/10. These guys are so chunky and old school I love them. Their anatomy makes no sense but we get the explanation of why exactly it works. These fuckers are balloons and that’s how they fly.
DORUgamon from Digimon
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6/10. I love dino-dragons with boxy heads. Also its fuzzy but not overly so. The coloring is nice and the claws and gem pop in contrast. And for a digimon the design doesn’t feel cluttered.
Xeno’jiva & Safi’jiva from Monster Hunter World
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7/10 (Xeno) & 4/10 (Safi). The baby form Xeno’jiva looks so damn pretty. Also it looks like it has multiple eyes. I love the crystalline glowy bits and the transparency of the skin. Also the freaky human hands. But the adult form Safi’jiva is such a downgrade. It looks more generic dragon than Fatalis somehow, like I feel like I’ve seen its exact design other places. It keeps nothing from the baby design but the human hands. If it had the constellations on its wings all the time then it’d rank higher.
Shara Ishvalda from Monster Hunter World
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10/10. Look at it? Look at it! Fucking creepy and majestic tree demon sonic laser beam spider hand wing dragon. Just its lovely. Also in its rock armor mode its spider crawls its wing hands at you!
Gogmazios from Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
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8/10. It’s about the stance. Bracing with the massive wingarms is just yes. Also it sweats explosive tar and spits explosive tar. Sticky drippy tar. Its got things stuck to it.
Faffy from Dave the Barbarian
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1/10. I simply do not vibe with this potato.
Discord from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
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5/10. Hmmm, I would like this better in a different art style. It’s very chimeric (tho doesn’t strike me as chaotic) and kind of evokes an eastern dragon. Not a fan of that tooth tho.
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duskooky · 3 years
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Well, I didn’t mean to post this embarrassing and weird artwork even on this platform, but since this got unexpectedly popular (I’m still receiving tons of likes lmao)... why not post this fanart even here? xD
Poor Jeffy, tho... I’m such a nasty person to torture him this way :((
PS: This was made for fun porposes, take this as a joke and not as something nsfw or sexualized, okay? ;3;
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anxiousbunny04 · 4 years
💛📙🌹 owo ~~~ (for Aaron and Page)
Page is usually really calm and can hold her emotions pretty well and even hide it, but if you call her "kid", "child" or "baby" she gets really angry. In her beforelife she wasn't like this tho. She was always treated like a kid, even tho she had to keep two jobs to live, but always hided it for not lose the job.
Aaron usually really calm, but when the full moon is near he can be a little emotional and rude.
Never speak about fantasy books with Page or you will end up get stuck with her talking about the story, the character and other things.
Aaron, even if he doesn't seem, likes rock music, he could speak about it for a lot of time. Same for free climbing or dogs
Page, as everyone know, is terribly shy, so it's a bit difficult for her to try to meet a stranger, but if somehow she manage to know the person a bit better she turn into the ball of cuteness she really is. She never made an enemy on porpose, she isn't able to do it. I don't know how she could act at a party since she never gone to any, but i'm sure she would be always with a person she knows
Aaron prefers to stay alone since his "furry problem", he don't wanna anyone to get scared or hurt, but if you manage to find out about his secret he would at least try to get closer to that person. He don't have time to waste with some assholes so he probably have some enemies. At a party you can find him near to the food but mostly because he's a really big eater
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maleclifestyle · 5 years
What's ur top 10 malec scens?
Oooh malec!
Let's just say that in my eyes Malec is THE perfect relationship so choosing top 10 moments/scenes was pretty hard!
*surprisingly tho their first kiss didn't make it to my top 10*
1. "Take what you need"
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The fist time Alec made a move..? It's just beautiful. And when Magnus said how he feels afterwards is AAAH! (and it's in the books)
2. "First date kiss"
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It's my favourite malec kiss! It says "we're so different and this shouldn't work, but I want it and I'm fighting for it" PERFECTION.
3. "Their first time"
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THE WHOLE THING! From when Alec asked Izzy about it till the cat eyes and the morning after. It warms my heart.
4. "I love you"
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The panic in their eyes forjust thinking of losing the other.
5. "Lorenzo's loft"
The funniest scene in the entire show!
6. "The training scene"
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
7. "You're jealous!"
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The amusement on Alec's face XD
8. "The breackup"
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Don't get me wrong l'd never want them to breakup. But this was full of emotions and I still cry everytime I watch it.
9. "The porposal"
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I was laughing, crying and running all over the room like a mad person!
10. "The wedding"
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bleusarcelle · 7 years
Hey rea!! Do you maybe have some vld fic recs for me? Anything goes, your faves would be nice? Thank you so so much for the trouble, you don't have to if you don't feel like it!!!!
ooooooh dude, you have no idea!! yesterday I was like ‘damn, i wish someone would ask me a rec, i wanna gush over my faves’ and HERE YOU ARE!! 
Not a trouble at all!! I will probably repeat some that I have recced in the past, but bc I’m legit, so damn weak for them and I don’t get tired of re-reading them.
SIN FURTHER ADUO (or however that is said, who cares) ON TO THE FICS:
merry me? by bluebellesie 
ramble: hey, hey you,  *opens trenchcoat* wanna die of sweetness fluff and everything that is good out there? bc I got the fic for you that includes porposal, playful boys in love, christmas, pure rotten domestic fluff and it will FUCKING MELT YOU OK? *ends up in the floor* it’s so fucking good, god.
it was in every word somehow (and i was in return so allowed) by vivahate
ramble: i just, goddamint it man, those quiet peaceful moment between the two and lance being so caring and soft and just surronding keith full of love and support and it’s not fair, my heart, they fucking stomp on it and i fucking thank them kfsdhfkjdshfks
thank you, i miss you, i love you by vogelbiene
ramble: i really really REALLY lovd this one and their narraton. i loved the unspoken words inbetween the actions and what a simple glance could say/scream. it’s like post war i believe? and older pals obvs, and I really enjoyed it so much, so so much.
wildfire by ShatterinSeconds
ramble: THAT INTIMACY THO *FUCKING PACHA MEME* FHSDJKFHSKDJF, keith with his galra marking and Lance just, fucking loving him and appreciating him and just dkghjdkfghdjfk GAH, OK? GAAAAAH.
partners in crime by hiuythn
ramble: this was so damn fucking fun to read, like, just…teenagers being teenagers man. it was really lovely to see. also it has kinda broganes, so its cute. poor shiro lmao. BUT YES, IT WAS REALLY FUN AND CHARMING!
but why is this fear in between the happiness (tell me what to do, tell me what to do) by vivahate
ramble: AW MAN, THIS MOTHER FUCKING FUCKER RIGHT HERE. THIS ONE WAS SO DAMN WELL DONE. It was so damn lovely to see keith being so damn caring and supportive and it has fucking black paladin lance, ok? it’s pretty damn neat. THIS MOTHER FUCKING FUCKER ITS SO DAMN GOOD AND UUUGH AND AAAAH AND GAAAH AND THIS FUCKER — im ok. just read it, it’s really good.
If the wine be sweet I will drink it with him (and if it be bitter I will drink it with him also) by vivahate
gooey by lyssy
ramble: have i told i love caring keith? smitten keith? devoted keith? passionate keith? bc this fucking fic has them all and i love them and the author does such a good job, and it was SMUT BTW SO WARNING, BUT ITS SMUT WITH SO DAMN MANY FEELING SO ITS SO PURE AND HOT AN KJDHGKJDHGKJD GOD.
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mmmmalo · 7 years
wrt "what do the horses represent?", i serioously porpose: why not all these theories? they definitely, imo represent childhood innocence and feminine identity (or at least Maplehoof does), but i think they ALSO embody BOTH Heart AND Void. it was remarked they'r econencted to the Strilonde psyche, but the Strilonde psyche both sides of the Scratch is dominated by Dirk and roxy, whose respective aspects (Heart and Void) come to dominate the lives of their households on either side (cont.)
(pt2) then, we come to Equius, whose final fate we now know to be being thrown into Dirk (a Heart player, like his moirail!)'s kernelsprite along with a Dirk splinter and get turned into Doc Scratch - both iterations of Horuss have their lives (or afterlives) dominated similarly by Heart aspect via Meulin, and then alpha!Dirk's psyche is similarly dominate dby his best friend roxy's wellbeing (cont.)
(pt3) so, i propose that horses in general are a representation of the union between Heart and Void aspects, the most prominent examples of which are in the case of the ectobiological births of Dave and Rose (the creation of 'the Strilonde family' as a thing worth noting), the prototyping of Arquiusprite (who will later become Doc Scratch, and is himself a Strilonde), and also, i'd argue, the apotheoses of roxy and Dirk side by side in the alpha SBURB session (tho im biased wrt the latter)
Not much to add! If there’s info pointing at both Heart/Mind, might as well say the answer is both.
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Redo of Week 12
When looking back on all of my photography ever, i was never strong at portraits. I understood how important and essential they are to the market when hiring a photographer so I just did them anyway when asked to take family or newborn portraits even tho they were not my strong suite, and I didn’t really like to take them that much.
If you would have told me at the beginning of the semester that I felt my strongest pictures were ten PORTRAITS I would have thought you were lying. So here is my porposal for my final portfolio, ten portraits all with different means and reasonings to me. They all very in style which I think shows a diversity I have within my portrait photography. I am far beyond happy with the ten I have choosen and can’t wait to discuss them further!
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eluthfiah · 7 years
I never really make a proposal for my life, till I got realized how many years past by and it's so fast..
Not to mention how old am I, what I've done for whole my life and what next my goal life
I did fail to come my dream college that I aim, and yes I spent my college life with disgraceful I am.. I study with lazyness doing homework in a minute and such thing..
I remember it clearly when I was first year I'll start prepare for lesson with unwilling and yelling how was I feel like I really hate my college life.. I don't want to go to class and yess.. I end up in joining class with some absence of course coz I think it such a waste of youth XOXO I must spent absence every semester 👻
Then I just realized, what I done is wrong and I ve to fix it.. when you're kind of stubborn, I suggest you should know when you should start and stop cause you'll ruin your life when nothing come inside your head and that what I did..
I stopped unnecessary thing and start to find what I like andd I find that thing..
I find my self enjoy organizing thing and I like art even it just for an amateur one Soo I end up to start learning for digital art.. tho its not that good and not that bad.. XOXO I do my best 👻
And it's all happened in my past.. just like slice of movie it happen so fast, I try to settled everything that I can so I can life my live ahaha
And yes I try to make my own proposal live.. I try to write down anything that I want to.. and I have to brave my self..
Ever since Senior high school my teacher repeatedly saying people porpose, god dispose I don't really write down anything that I want..
Well.. it kind a late but it's okay.. better late than never
Luthfiani Elsa
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