#it was only 30 ft away...like if he can't make it that far he could have told us when we came in what to do
llycaons · 2 years
oh wait the weirdest thing this morning was. okay the exam was at 8 but we had to be there 30 minutes early, I got there at 7:15 or whatever and checked in and the guy told me to go down the hallway and wait with the others. so we’re sitting there talking for a while until we hear what sounds like shouting echoing down the hallway like someone’s calling and we’re all looking at each other like ????? and eventually I walk back to the desk and he’s there like “I”M HOLDING THE ELEVATORS!!! COME HERE!!!” and we’re all like ‘oh shit’ so we all grab our stuff and hastily run on over. like??? he didn’t give us any other instruction upon coming in, how were we supposed to know? who just opens an elevator and assumes we’ll know to come down? who just shouts down a hallway?? dude??
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the-marshals-wife · 2 years
Fidelity (Crosshair x Reader)
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─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─
A/N: I wrote myself into a corner and scrapped my initial ideas for part 2 of Shot Through The Heart. But fear not! For those who wanted more, this is a pseudo-sequel to that fic's premise, updated with all my Season 2 Cross angst. The pay off is worth it, babes.😌
Disclaimer: obviously Crosshair's character arc is still unfolding in Season 2. Writing this on 1/30/23, canon notwithstanding, this is my take on how Imperial S/O Reader and Crosshair would interact after the events of "The Solitary Clone."
Description: Crosshair x Fem!Reader ft. unspoken feelings revealed | Warnings: angst + arguing | Word count: 1,457 | Gif credit: user leavingkamino
★ Bad Batch Tag List ★ @dantes-devil-huntress @sageislostinspring @sweetheart-bo (comment to be added!)
Imagine The Empire jeopardizing your relationship with Crosshair
Discipline. Order. Peace through sacrifice.
These are the principles you live by and swore to uphold no matter what. You made a pledge to The Empire, to the galaxy, to protect those principles until your last breath. Such a pledge leaves no room for doubt. You thought nothing could shake your faith in that. A lot can change in thirty-two rotations.
For better or worse, your former commander had been on your mind. You'd only spoken in person once since his rescue from Kamino, and that was while he was under medical watch in the hospital, understandably still ill from nearly dying. Then, you had to hear from another squad about your own being disbanded, news that was not accompanied by condolences. All this had challenged your morale, but no stripped rank or new assignment could erase the fact that you had a history with the clone sniper. It's not easy to forget someone who had your back when others did not. Yet between you being transferred to your new squad, being away on your own missions, and Crosshair not answering half of your comm attempts when you did have time to make contact, you hardly knew what had become of him.
Something made tonight different, however. He had reached out to you.
The sun had already set by the time you reached the agreed meeting place, a rooftop overlook near the Imperial Headquarters. You wondered why a conversation couldn't be had on base in either of your quarters, but perhaps it was for the best; you weren't overly enthused by several of your superiors presently. You lean on the railing and look out over the haze of the city lights against the deep purple sky. The breeze tousles the loose hair from your braid against your cheeks.
The sound of the lift doors opening behind you breaks your concentration. Crosshair steps out, clad in his familiar black armor, his rifle noticeably absent. It was strange to see him without it.
He removes his helmet and tucks it under his arm.
"Hey," you greet, trying to veil your concern, "I got your message. Are you alright?'
"Fine," he says, nodding slightly. A brief silence falls between you as he walks to stand by your side.
"You look well," he says, his eyes fixed far beyond the skyline. He retrieves a toothpick from his belt and places it between his lips.
"You're looking better too," you reply, glad to see most of the pallor was gone from his face.
Silence again. Starting a conversation with Crosshair was typically a challenge, but one you liked to rise to.
"I heard you were deployed to Desix," you offer, breeching the uncomfortable subject. The last time you'd spoken, Crosshair had been your commander.
"I was," he confirms, "The former leader there took an Imperial governor hostage, but it wasn't much of a fight. We reestablished order in the system."
"My squad just had a similar mission on Ansion. We encountered a lot of local resistance. Not everyone is on board with the Imperial plan." you remark with a sigh.
"So it would seem," he responds, his tone lower than usual, "They can't see that we do is for the greater good. They can't just run away from the truth."
With those last words, his demeanor had shifted. There was a shade of sorrow in his voice. It was conflict if nothing else, and you could no longer ignore it. Why had he brought you here?
"What's wrong, Crosshair? Why did you want to speak to me?"
He frowns, looking down over the railing, "You're still loyal."
Dread washes over you. "What do you mean?"
"Commander Cody went AWOL after our mission," he replies, offering little insight. He follows this reveal with a scoff, spitting the toothpick out into the abyss.
"Oh," is all you can say as your thoughts spin. You never met him, but most deployed on Coruscant like yourself knew the name and who he'd served under, "Maybe he got tired of being treated like a lesser solider," you observe.
Crosshair quickly turns you, pointing a finger, "Don't tell me you're questioning The Empire, too."
"I didn't say that. I just mean it's not exactly a secret that clones aren't treated the same anymore. Not like the conscripted soldiers and volunteer recruits," you reply, taken aback by his sudden anger, "Things have changed so much just since I was part of your squad. It's bad enough how they treat you, but then took that away on top of it."
"I don't need your pity," he asserts, taking a step back from you.
"I don't pity you, Crosshair. I never have," you argue, feeling your throat begin to tighten. You hadn't been prepared for this kind of firefight. "I'm just sick of how The Empire is treating you. You were missing for over thirty rotations and no one would tell me where you'd even gone."
"Why do you care?" he replies coldly.
His words sting, but you can't hold back your answer. "Do you really not know?"
Recognition flashes in his eyes for a heartbeat, but his fist is still clenched at his side.
"We're soldiers, Y/N. We follow our orders, we complete our missions, we get it done. If we die, that's our lot."
"I know what I signed on for. I accept the sacrifices," you say, standing your ground, "But The Empire doesn't care if you live or die. You're just a number to them."
"How is that any different than The Republic?" he finally snaps, throwing his helmet down, "I am only doing what I have always done!"
You feel your hands start to shake as you go on the offensive, knowing what needs to be said, "The Jedi wouldn't have left you on that platform."
"The Jedi are traitors," he sneers, baring his teeth, "and what you're saying is starting to sound like treason."
"Do you hear yourself? Is that what you truly think of me, after what we've been through?" you exclaim, raising your arms at your sides, "Crosshair, I'm on your side!"
You'd made a precise hit, both of you feeling the impact. His rage froze over, and your eyes began to blur. You turn your back to him, fighting to regain your fracturing composure.
"The war destroyed my homeworld. I lost everything and everyone I ever cared about. The Empire gave me the opportunity to stand up and fight. To help keep that from happening to others across the galaxy. That means everything to me. I'm not about to throw that away," you say, looking back to see his stony expression had softened a bit, "But I also know that the cause we serve doesn't care at all about clones. It doesn't matter that you're the best at what you do. They're waiting for the day that they can drop you all. Kamino is proof of that."
He stares at you in the dim light, visibly weighing your words.
"You're too honorable to see that, but I won't stand by in silence," you declare, your resolve returning, "Yes, I am loyal to The Empire. But I'm also loyal to those have fought and bled by my side."
Walking over to his helmet and picking it up, you extend your arm and offer it to him. He reaches out and takes it, avoiding your gaze. Remorse covers his face, but he doesn't speak.
You had nothing to lose by taking one final shot.
"I don't care if the Imperials found you. I wouldn't have left you to start with."
All your rounds fired, you turn to leave. Instead, you feel a grip on your wrist.
"Wait," Crosshair murmurs, swiftly pulling you back toward him.
Before you can utter another word, you're face to face, and he's closing the distance. You close your eyes as he captures your lips in a heated kiss and circles his arm around your waist. Your heart races as you kiss him back, resting your hands on his chest as you surrender to the embrace.
At last he pulls away, and you're captive in his intense brown eyes.
"Thank you," he says, his voice hardly above a whisper.
He calmly releases his hold on you, putting his helmet on and walking away. As quickly as it'd began, the passionate moment was over. You watch him enter the lift and disappear out of sight, realizing not only that you'd been right about the feelings between you, but knowing also that your heartache had just increased tenfold.
Forget the blasters. This was no longer a training exercise. A detonator had just gone off, and you felt the shrapnel across every inch of your skin.
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bakugoushotwife · 1 year
Hallo! I don't follow you but I came here to ship, so even if I don't know you I'll do my best to do you justice relying solely on your vibes.
First, you're super pretty and you look like a fun person to have around, I don't really know but I'm assuming that you probably like to sign at the top of your lungs when you're out for a ride, and I think I ship you with Bakugo and Kuro.
With Katsuki because I feel like this would be a pretty case of "opposites attract" I don't have much of a reference to point out if you guys are similar or not, but you look like you actually enjoy romance and even if he's a super tsundere he's so soft when he's alone with you, he would probably scoff around about how "You're so needy and clingy" but as soon as you get your hands away from him pretending to be hurt, he would drag you back so fast that it would probably cause you whiplash, he would put you on his lap turning his head away so you can't see the blush dusting his pretty cheeks, if you giggle he would pretend to be mad and just shut you up with kisses, he would pretend to hate if you sing loudly in the car telling you how much you're distracting him but he has the softest look you can probably see the hearts inside his eyes, you bring that fun side out of him that he probably didn't let out while growing up, he enjoys every moment by your side and his favourite thing about you is how much you ignore his cold stares and harsh demeanour like it doesn't affect you, until you're scolding him for going too far on certain occasions, he would apologise softly under his breath and hold you, you are his favourite person (following close is Kirishima except when you guys band together to bother him). He loves you because you are there for him when the ghosts from the past come back to haunt him, holding him close, sometimes in silence, you never judge him and that helps him to be vulnerable with you, when you need advice he would give you the most objective point of view he never lets his feelings for you get in the way when you need a solid opinion because he loves you too much and just wants the best for you, sometimes he sounds mean but that's just the way he is, he would tell you "that's the dumbest thing you have ever done, that's why you need to correct this and that" and if you get sad or mad he would say "Hey, you know I love you, you know what you did or said is wrong and you need to change that" as you can see you give balance to each other lives. (Also you are his only exception so expect a ring at some point in your relationship)
For Aesthetics: Warm summer nights, movie dates, driving around at midnight, make-out sessions in the car, the colour red, 80's photo filters, the flavour of soda, spicy candy, running in the beach.
Music: Kiss Me More by Doja Cat ft SZA , Underneath your Clothes by Shakira, Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding, Unconditionally by Katy Perry, Still Into You by Paramore, Positions by Ariana Grande.
Now, Kuro, he's a super tall boi (that's a given) closeted nerd who likes to play it cool, he loves to tease you but he's also super needy and clingy, you probably met one day while you were running errands, one of those meetings that happen once every century because he saw you passing by, pretty normal at first, but two hours later and he saw you again, he ignored that, until it happened again 30 minutes later, well now you have his full attention because oh this could be interesting, you happen to be In the same store shopping for something you need, and what is this, oh you like that snack? It happens to be his favourite too, what a coincidence want his number? Your first impression is that he's tall with a pretty voice and a teasing smile, and also a head full of bed hair, but he's adorable when he's trying to talk to you because he is literally TRYING not to stumble over his own words, so you smile, save his number, give him your name and say your goodbyes with the promise to talk again and talk again you did, no wonder you guys got together you're so fun to be around, always matching each other's energy, always up for an adventure, and when he's having a bad day you hold him close to you, play with his hair and he's on his knees for you because how can you be so sweet and so hot at the same time, isn't he lucky? He thinks you're perfect for him, you are a goddess he wants to worship for the rest of his life, he thought he wasn't up for commitments but if you're going to look at him that way with soft eyes and sweet good mornings every day, well now he's buying a ring, you guys bring the best and the worst out of each other in the best possible way, oh are you laughing at him because he's having the worst case of bed hair ever? Expect him to tease you for something 10 times harder, but who would have thought that this man the size of a tree would be reduced to a baby boy when he's in your arms? And every time you have a bad day he would be there to hug you "Baby there's not 'I'm down" here, we are in this together, so together we get sad and together we get better" you would probably laugh a little "Babe NO , I don't want you to be sad too" and he would laugh and tell you that's exactly how he feels about you, so prepare to get pampered and covered in kisses and cuddles until you feel better. (According to him Your needs always come first, so if you're feeling horny, he's about to spend hours just to keep you pleasured and content)
Aesthetic: Records Stores, Concerts, summer evenings, oversized hoodies, study dates, silver rings and necklaces, fresh fruit, stolen kisses.
Music: Paper Rings and Lover by Taylor Swift, Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney (pre-relationship) Someone Like You by Ariana Grande, Green Tea and Honey by Dane Amar and Jereena Montemayor (for established relationship)
I hope I did you some justice and that at least I made you smile a little 💖💖
you made my day???????
i was grinning like a fool????
I hope you do end up following if you like some of my content bc you seem so sweet and i love doing ships too 😭✊🏻
i’m literally still grinning omg me and my BOYSSSSS kysuki so real
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lovestrucked-again · 4 years
Something You Should Know
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Summary: Your boyfriend asks you to help teach one of his colleague’s a lesson and you agree reluctantly. He forget’s to mention one thing though, his colleague’s pretty hot. 
Genre: smuT Pairing: boyfriend!Jaehyun x female Y/N x Johnny x (ft Yuta) Word count: 4.8k
Warning: SMUT, cheating? if you read to the end it’s like pSyCH. handjob, oral sex (Jaehyun/Yuta/Y/N), teasing, ass sex? mindblank forgot the term, double penetration, sex, nipple teasing, humiliation, dirty talk.
a/n: Hi, how has your day been? :) _____
“What was that about?” You ask, your eyes still on the TV as Jaehyun falls back against the couch after a long call.
“Just Johnny,” He sighs, ruffling a hand through his hair.
“How’s he doing?”
“Not bad, he just wanted to come round sometime soon to catch up with us.”
“That sounds nice.” You hum, agreeing with the idea.
The TV show continues, the tiny forms of pixel racing across the screen to produce one of your favourite movies you’d chosen to re-watch. It’s a lot harder to concentrate with Jaehyun beside you. His fingers restlessly tapping against your leg as his eyes are on trained on you instead.
Finally, you cave in to his stare, “What?”
He grins, reaching for the remote to pause the scene before talking, “Babe I have a favour to ask.”
“What is it?”
“Johnny’s been acting like a real jerk recently, thinking he can fuck anyone he wants including one of the managers at work.”
“I was thinking,” he pauses, sitting cross legged on the couch and turning his body to face you, “Maybe it’d be fun to wind him up a little through the evening, like if you could openly flirt with him and leave him hanging then send him off.”
The idea runs through your mind. “What? Why me?”
“Because you’re hot.”
You can’t help but laugh, “To you maybe.”
"Are you kidding? Several of my mates say how lucky I am."
"Oh yeah, like who?" You question, suddenly very intrigued.
"I'm not telling you that," Jaehyun frowns in reply.
You laugh at his pouting form, his dimples furrowing further into his cheeks as he keeps his gaze level with yours. You relax a little into the couch, thinking about his suggestion. “Are you sure about it?”
“Yeah why not?” He crosses his arms, leaning back against the armrest, "It's only a bit of fun, I just want to put him in his place, you don't actually have to sleep with him."
Just for fun. Not actually doing anything physical.
“Yeah okay, I’ll help.”
*** When the night finally comes around, you struggle choosing out an outfit, but eventually decide on purposefully picking a rather shortish skirt with a low V line shirt, allowing your push up bra to show a nice cleavage.
While you’re choosing your accessories Jaehyun finishes up in the shower, your back towards him as he stares into your reflection through the bathroom mirror. "Fuck, you look gorgeous,” Jaehyun comments, leaning against the ensuite doorway, "I want to bend you over and take you now."
You clip on the pearl earring on your ear and turn around to face him. The visible bulge underneath his towel. "I can see that.” You laugh, giving him a side smirk as you stand up, pulling your skirt up a little.
You walk over to Jaehyun and pull his towel away so his standing naked. Your hand reaching to grab his cock and gliding your hand over it very slowly. Jaehyun lets out a low moan at the contact of your skin on his length. His voice getting louder as your hand works its way up and down his cock.
“Does that feel nice?” You purr.
“Ugh fuck Y/N,” he groans, “you look so fucking hot right now.”
“Isn’t that what how you want me for Johnny?” You tease
Seeing you in your short skirt, your low cut shirt and your breasts almost hanging out your bra, he second thinks the idea. Jaehyun trusted you to follow the plan but he was sure, certain, positive that there was no way Johnny would let you go tonight.
You drop onto your knees, still grasping tightly on his member, his cock now staring right in your face. You part your mouth open, and lightly lick the tip of his cock, tasting the familiar saltiness of his pre-cum.
Jaehyun remains still, completely lost in his ecstasy as he watches you suck on him, savouring every moment as you greedily slurp and suck his cock. His balls tighten as you play with them, your hand squeezing them gently as you continue to suck.
“Fuck that feels so good.”
The pressure builds inside his balls as your hand slips a little higher. His cum shooting straight into your mouth as you swallow it straight down. Jaehyun leans more against the wall to support himself as you suck on him, milking everything out and down your throat. You finally let him go as you feel his orgasm subside.
"Babe that was so good," he sighs, helping you up on your feet as you wipe away the droplets of cum sliding down your lip.
"That was a teaser, maybe if you’re a good boy tonight I’ll let you have some fun before bed.” You tell him, giving him a little wink as you go back to your dresser to fix your makeup.
"I can't fucking wait for that," Jaehyun groans staring at your backside.
“Go get dressed Jae.” You laugh, watching him daydream through the reflection.
You leave Jaehyun to get ready and make your way downstairs, preparing everything for their game night. The beer, spirits and snacks are all stocked up in your fridge just next to the dining room where they would be playing. At around 7:30, Jaehyun finally joins you, making sure everything’s set.
Doyoung’s the first to turn up, followed by Taeyong, Yuta and Taeil. You know all the guys so naturally, you give each of them a hug as they enter, each in turn letting them eye you up in surprise at your outfit; all of them giving you a wink, aware of the real purpose for tonight.
“How are you feeling?” Yuta asks, trailing behind as you lead him and the others to the setup game zone.
“Not too bad.”
The doorbell rings and you excuse yourself, letting Yuta join the others as you skip down the hall to answer it, ready to put the plan into action. Except what Jaehyun had failed to mention to you earlier, was what Johnny actually looked like. You had met his other colleagues, the group of them having worked together for many years. But Johnny, well, Johnny is something else.
You cling onto the door for support, feeling your knees weaken when you see him. Johnny was tall, well built, brown hair and had looks to die for. He smiles as you stare.
“You must be Y/N,”
"Uh yes," you stammer out.
"I'm Johnny," he says offering you his hand.
"Of course, come in," you reply shaking his hand, which feels a bit odd considering all the other's had got a peck on the cheek.
Johnny follows you down the hall and into the dining room. You take a quick detour and run into the kitchen to get him a beer. Jaehyun quickly appears by your side.
"Fuck, you could have told me he was so hot," you blurt out. Jaehyun gives a little smirk, amused at your flustered reaction to his colleague.
"Sorry, didn't think it mattered. Either way, he's a ladies’ man and he knows it, so we want you to put him in his place. Oh and he's already mentioned how lucky I am. Get to work and show him he can't have everything he wants.”
You take a deep breath, turning your nerves into a forced smile as you take on the role. As the night goes on, you can tell that Johnny behaves with an air of arrogance and you can hear him talking about his conquests at work and how he’s now planning his next move on one of the directors who was in her fifties.
"If I can get in her pants, I'll be right up the ladder," you hear him say.
You hide the laugh that's about to escape your lips, swallowing a gulp of the soft drink in your hand. Yep Jaehyun was right. This guy really does think a lot of himself, good looking or not. You continue to supply the boys with drinks and snacks, taking every opportunity to show a bit of yourself as you lean over the table, reaching unnecessarily far for no reason. At one point you turn to go and feel a smack on your backside. You let out a little yelp and turn around, unsurprisingly discovering its Johnny.
"Proper beauty you've got here Jaehyun, no wonder you look tired all the time," you hear him say, followed by a deep chuckle.
“I’m not an object asshole.” You mutter to yourself, storming away to cover your irritation from being seen.
You’re in the kitchen when you hear Johnny asking Jaehyun where the toilet is. He guides Johnny through the kitchen, passing you briefly to the downstairs bathroom which is rarely used. You have your back to Johnny as he comes in and you jump, feeling him creep up behind you.
"So, just how did Jaehyun manage to find a sexy woman like you?" he whispers into your ear as he gets a little too close, letting his chest brush against you.
Time to up my game. You carefully undo a button on your blouse to reveal more of your bra and cleavage and turn around; with some difficulty as Johnny’s right behind you. His height makes it incredibly hard to stare him straight in the eyes and while you attempt to keep his gaze on your face, it’s pretty obvious that he’s looking somewhere else.
"Do you think I could have done better then?" you ask with a pout.
"Jaehyun’s good, but you seem way out of his league," he replies
"Would I be good enough for you?" you ask fluttering your eyelids, feeling a bit of a fool as you do so.
Johnny manages to hide the shock from your question, believing your show, “You’d be more than good enough.”
He leans forward and you place your palms on his chest, pushing him back to keep the little distance between yourselves.
"Forget it, there's only one man that's going to have this," you tell him, following his gaze to your chest, "and it certainly isn't you."
Johnny takes a step back, throwing his hands in the air sarcastically pretending to be offended. "What's all this about you little prick tease? You've been giving me the come on all night" he chuckles, bringing a hand through your hair.
You swat away his hand before buttoning back up on your blouse.
"You really think my boyfriend was going to invite you into his house and have you fuck his girlfriend?" you snarl at him.
"Shit, I'm sorry, but I've not done anything, you were the one flirting with me," he genuinely did look sorry and you feel a pang of guilt.
"Look, the guys are fed up of you bragging about your conquests and treating women like dirt, they just wanted to teach you a lesson that was all."
"It'll take more than that," he says, turning back to his arrogant self, "well if you do fancy a bit of a change sometime let me know." Then he was off to the toilet before going back to the game of poker.
You were furious at his attitude, your anger directed as much to Jaehyun as to Johnny, for getting yourself into this in the first place. Johnny was a good looking guy, but yes, definitely full of himself. Was it all just an act though, he had seemed hurt when you had a go at him. You decide you had enough of the little game and it was time for you to retire upstairs and return to the comfort of your bed. Jaehyun appears just as you’re about to leave the kitchen.
"Everything all right baby?" he asks.
"No, it is not all right, I'm going to bed. You can continue your game and get your own drinks." You tell him, arms folded, throwing the hand towel on the kitchen bench as you walk off.
Jaehyun looks puzzled, but he doesn't question it.
An hour or so later, Jaehyun appears in your shared bedroom. You’re already changed into a nightie, but left your little thong on; too lazy to switch it. You weren’t happy with Jaehyun for making you wind Johnny up, but at the same time it had got you aroused, so if he apologised it wouldn't all be wasted. However, when you see him stumble through the door, you realise even if he did apologise he was in no fit state for anything else. Clearly they had moved on to the whisky.
"Good game." you say flatly.
"Yeah, I think so." He slurs, “Look I'm sorry about earlier, you should have said it would make you uncomfortable." Jaehyun flops down onto the bed, bouncing the mattress and your bpdy, and you know for a fact, he would be staying there till morning.
He mumbles out a barely audible sentence, his face pressed into the pillow, "A few of the guys are staying over. Taeyong’s in the spare room and Johnny is downstairs, I think he's watching the football or something."
A minute later and Jaehyun’s knocked out, completely cold. You switch off the bedroom lights, pulling the bedsheets up to cover the two of you; tucking yourself in. But whatever Johnny’s watching, it begins to bother you, the TV unnecessarily very loud.
“What a pain.” You mutter, throwing on a dressing gown over your figure to check downstairs. You grab your phone on the bedside table, flicking the torch light on as you make your way out the room. As the screen light becomes brighter you notice it isnt football that's playing, but rather a late night TV chat channel with a couple of girls with rather large breasts on the show, talking about nothing in particular. You walk over to the TV not even bothering to give Johnny a glance before turning it off. When you turn around to face the sofa, your jaw almost drops; Johnny lays there fast asleep, pants half way down his legs and the most enormous semi erect cock in his hand. What the fuck?
Not only had he comes to his friend’s place and try something with his girl but the fact that he was now crashed out on your sofa watching porn on the TV and in the middle of a semi wank. Suddenly, a realisation hit you; now was your chance. You unlock your phone, clicking into the camera app to take a couple photos of Johnny lying asleep, cock in hand. This will wipe the arrogant grin off his face.
That was your original plan. But you end up standing there staring at his cock for a little longer, it’s far bigger than what you had seen and you were a little shocked to admit it. You manage to get so caught up in your own thoughts that you don’t realise Johnny had woken up.
"Impressed?" he asks, his voice a little raspy with a knowing grin.
Your eyes flicker between his eyes, to his dick, to the wall behind him, unsure where your focus should be as you choke out your reply, "What? Oh... Oh shit..."
He laughs. "Hey don't worry, everyone whose seen it has the same reaction," he says pointing his cock at you.
"I'm going back to bed," you stutter, turning to go.
"Hey wait," Johnny calls after you in a loud whisper. You don't know what compulsion it is, but you stop and turn to face him; who’s now standing. You peek a glance down, noticing his cock has hardened a little but still isn’t fully erect. "Now, as you've been taking photos of it, perhaps you'd like to experience it in the flesh."
"I didn't ta..." You let the words drop as Johnny grins at you.
"Keep the pictures, I'm sure they were really for your own use anyway," he says with a smile. “Come on, I bet you've never experienced one this size have you? Jaehyun won't ever know, he's probably knocked out from the whisky."
You know it’s complete madness but you falter, you can’t keep your eyes off his member and the temptation to touch it, to let it fill you, was growing with every passing second.  You were sure that in length it would definitely beat your boyfriends and thickness was almost the same size. You can’t even imagine how it can fit inside of you, but you have a feeling you’re about to find out. Johnny gently takes a hold of you and sits you down beside him on the couch.  
"I really shouldn't be do..."
"Shh," Johnny whispers
He leans over and kisses you very softly on the lips. You don't back off, instead slightly open your lips and let Johnny take the lead. You were so turned on, although you weren’t sure if it was the arrogance of the handsome man doing it or just his huge dick standing to attention between his legs. You kiss for a couple of minutes, animal passion slowly taking over as you respond to him.
He lifts up your gown, revealing your erect nipples sticking up, the cold air rushing past. He smiles at you while you keep your eyes low, feeling the heat rise to your cheek. He removes your gown easily and throws it aside.
"Mind if I touch them?" he asks enjoying the sight of your nipples.
You shake your head slightly. Of course I don’t mind. You have no idea what had suddenly come over you but you were desperate for this man to take you. Johnny plants more soft kisses on your lip's and begins to caress your firm tits with his palm. You let out a moan of approval. He gently goes to work on each of your nipples, tweaking them between his fingers. You lean back, revealing all your nakedness except for the pink thong, which is now sporting a very damp patch.
"Fuck, you have the most gorgeous body. Can I kiss it all over?"
"Please," you whisper, "I would like that."
Starting at your neck Johnny works his way down your body, spending plenty of time sucking and nibbling at your breasts and nipples. You lay back as he moves down past your belly and towards the top of your thong. Johnny looks up at you and you nod.
His hands roam up to your hip, easily taking hold of the soft material and slips it down your legs leaving you fully naked. He looks in admiration at your pussy, and slightly parts your legs, going to work with his tongue. You bring your hands towards your breasts, fondling your tits in ecstasy as Johnny circles your hardened clit and laps at the juices that are dribbling from your entrance.
"Tastes good," Johnny murmurs as he continues to lick your cunt.
You groan again and take hold of Johnny’s head pushing him into you and arching your back so you can get as much of his tongue as possible. You’re so close to coming, but you fight it off desperately; you wanted his cock to push you over.
"Fuck me," you plead, letting go of his head.
Johnny doesn’t need asking twice. He brings a cushion under your head and spreads your legs as wide as possible. You’re still unsure whether that monster can fit inside your pussy, but you’re sure as hell wet enough and willing to give it a go. Johnny pushes his big purple helmet, smothered in pre cum, against your opening teasing you by slightly slipping it in and then pulling it back out.
"Fuck me, pleeeaaase," you beg.
"Sure thing," Johnny replies and in one go pushes the whole length of his cock straight into you without a warning.
"Agggh," You cry out.
It hurts momentarily, but within seconds the feeling of his cock completely filling you up is more than you have ever experienced before in your life. Johnny sets to work at a slower rhythm as your pussy, if it’s possible, gets even wetter. You can just about see his cock covered in your love juice each time he pulls it out before thrusting back in and making you gasp every time. You can’t believe you’re even doing this, the guy was a dick, but hell did he know how to take a woman to heaven and back.
The two of you continue fucking this way for a couple of minutes, wrapped up in each other's sweating bodies, moaning and panting before you tell him you want to get on top. He slips his cock fully out of you and it springs up. You grab hold of it and wank it, barely able to get your hand fully enclosed on it. It feels like gripping the thick end of a baseball bat.
"Impressed aren't you?" He asks breathlessly.
"Mmmmm," You purr in reply.
You let go of his cock and ask him to lie on the rug on the living room floor. Johnny gets on the floor and, with some difficulty, you squat down over his cock. Your pussy is already feeling severely damaged from the initial fucking he had given you, but in a very very good way. You take hold of his shaft and guide it into your pussy. You still can’t believe that it’s possible to fit the whole thing in, but you’d done it once and so without hesitation, you slide down his pole again until you can feel your own juices seeping out onto his pubic hair.
"Oh that is so fucking good," you groan.
"Ride it you little whore.” Johnny grabs hold of your breasts as they droop above him.
"Pull my nipples," you urge. Johnny does so and you gasp once more in ecstasy.
"Oh my god this is so fucking good,"
You lean forward and nestle your head into Johnny’s neck as he thrusts his hips in the air knocking against yours, his cock driving into your pussy.
As it turns out you’re going to feel Jaehyun’s cock a lot sooner than you thought. You lift your head up to arch yourself back and really work on Johnny’s cock but you freeze on the spot.
"Oh fuck..." you mutter.
Jaehyun’s standing in front of you, just in his boxer shorts, with his cock sticking out of them while he moves his hand up his length.
"Shit, I..." You go to get off Johnny, but he holds onto you and you notice Jaehyun wink at him. "Wait a fucking minute," You gasp, "was this a setup?"
"Afraid so," Jaehyun replies, "Johnny saw your picture in my wallet one time and said how gorgeous you were. I told him if he could beat me in a game of poker he could have you if you'd let him. I knew you'd get turned on flirting all night."
You struggle to process the words, Johnny not slowing down as he pounds into you, your body being bounced up and down as you stare at Jaehyun. Clearly Jaehyun had not been as drunk as you thought. You hadn't exactly been turned on, but now you definitely were. You gasp as you feel the cock buried inside you begin to twitch and Johnny brings his fingers between your squished bodies, squeezing gently at your clit.
“Ugh..” the moan escapes your lips, although it’s meant to be silent. Both the boys hear it, and it powers Johnny more as he stretches himself back into you.
“You look so fucking hot,” Jaehyun murmurs moving closer to your brushed up bodies, “Bend over and keep fucking him, there’s no reason why I should be sitting on the sidelines.”
Johnny manages to work at a faster pace, sliding his cock in and out of your pussy, fucking it thoroughly and wildly. Jaehyun moves out of your sight and behind you, most likely just watching your body being bounced up and down.
But suddenly, you feel something wet trickle down your ass and before you know it, there’s a finger probing at the entrance. He pushes a finger straight up, letting you cry out again. You’d had his cock in your ass before, but the fullness inside your pussy already was going to prevent anything else from entering you without causing a lot of pain.                                                                  
“Ahhh fuck, go slow,” you beg
Jaehyun holds his cock inside you, letting you warm up to his length as Johnny continues to move in and out of your pussy. Slowly, he eases his cock into you as Johnny holds your waist, holding you still to allow them in. They both work to build a rhythm, feeling their cocks rub against each other through the thin lining of your walls; the friction getting them both even harder. The initial pain which had been present before Jaehyun had first forced himself inside you had faded and now, you were in heaven.
With the grunts and moans coming from the three of you, it was only a matter of time before Yuta fumbles down the stairs, initially half asleep. When he finally makes out the figures on the floor in the living room, he strips himself free, instantly feeling much more alive. “Can I join?”
You had forgotten he was still in the house but seeing him at the entrance of the doorway, his cock standing erect, you nod. What the fuck is one more cock in the equation going to do?
It’s a rather awkward position but Yuta manages to squat down and force his cock into your mouth, letting you suck roughly around him. It’s a difficult task to concentrate on the length in your mouth as your body continues to be pounded from both holes. You grasp onto Yuta’s cock with your hands, attempting to guide it to your mouth, but each time you manage to grab it, your body jerks and his pre-cum slobbers against your lips, painting around the edges.
Although Yuta is the last to join, he’s the first to explode. His first spurt of cum landing into your mouth with a struggle. He gets up quickly, wanking his cock as fast as he can, showering the rest over your face and hair with his creamy cum. He squeezes the tip, forcing every last drop of cum from his cock before he finally flops against the couch, watching the remaining scene unfold.
You manage to hold on for a few more minutes before you finally feel the need to find your release. The feeling of two cocks rubbing against each other inside you becoming too much.
“I’m cominnng,” you scream, feeling the gush of juice fill your insides and burst around Johnny’s cock.
The two boys hold still, pushing themselves up to your hilt as you feel the overwhelming rush of your orgasm hit you. It seems to go on forever as you cry in ecstasy. Your body shakes with sheer pleasure as you come down from your sexual high and that image seems to do it for the boys.
Jaehyun pushes himself into your ass as far as he can, grabbing onto your hips as his cum shoots deep into your passage. He continues to fuck you as he empties himself, making sure every last drop is left inside before he finally slips out.
Your focus goes back to the man beneath you, hands gripping at the sides of his chest as you claw at him, letting him guide you to reach your second high; Jaehyun’s presence being pushed back in your mind. Your body shudders and trembles as you’re left to hold your weight up before eventually, you give in, losing feeling in your arms as you fall onto Johnny’s chest and your pussy spasms with his twitching cock.
“Let me fill you up,” he groans, thrusting deeper inside to shoot a stream after stream flow of cum into your worn out pussy.
“Don’t stop until you’ve fucking ruined her,” Jaehyun calls out from behind; clearly getting into this.
With a few more hard thrusts, Johnny falls back against the floor in exhaustion; your body following with his. The room is filled with your heavy breaths, trying to calm yourself as you lay still, scared to take his cock out. When you finally feel him soften, you carefully ease yourself off it, leaving a trail of Johnny’s cum dripping from your pussy.
The night remains in your memory as an exhausting event. You’re not sure how you wake up in bed but the faint recollection of Johnny’s voice echoes inside your head as you remember Jaehyun’s warmth surrounding you; helping you off Johnny.
“Good game, let me know if you want a rematch.” Johnny chuckles, directing his words to your boyfriend.
Jaehyun laughs with him, the vibration of his chest causing your body to rock in his hold as you attempt to fight off the droopiness of your eyelids. With the very little energy you have left, you being thinking of next time. Your boyfriend never lost at poker, so you were certain, he must have deliberately lost the game and he would definitely, do it again.
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I walked home in the cold night, it having been a busy day at work. Well, not exactly busy, just weird: all kinds of people came in everyday. Today a girl came in looking all kinds of confused, and the reason, which she told when I asked, was weird too: she was worried she was going to mess her order up. That's like the safest thing to mess up if you know my story, I very clearly remembered thinking to myself at that moment.
I pulled my coat closer to me as I walked more swiftly. It was a really cold night.
It had been a very uneventful week for me, and by uneventful I meant quiet. I didn't really have any friends here, all my friends were back in my hometown. Well, I had friends here, but I actually didn't deserve to call them my friends anymore.
I passed by a building with a big screen on it, and being displayed on the screen was the group which everyone gave their full attention to and I was trying to avoid.
I stopped, focusing my gaze on the screen.
Looking at their happy faces gave me a sense of happiness and then nostalgia. I wondered if they were okay. I wondered, because I actually didn't know..I couldn't. Over the past week, I had tried to find out, but it hadn't gone exactly as I planned. All because every one of those seven had a different opinion, a different way of looking at things. It was both a gift and a curse for me, as there were some people who didn't want to see or talk to me, and some who wanted to but at the same time didn't want to, while there were also some who didn't blame me at all.
Were they going to be okay?
The picture on the screen changed, and now it showed the picture of a recently debuted but very famous girl group. I smiled as I stared at the picture of the gorgeous looking girls: were they having a bad day as me, or did they have no trouble at all?
"What a coincidence." I heard a voice beside me, and immediately recognised my best friend's voice. Hearing it gave me mixed emotions...for a second I didn't know how to react, or what I should do. They don't even teach this stuff in schools; it's all French Revolution and all kinds of different equations which, by the way, are going to have no use in everyday life in spite of what our teachers say. This is what they should teach. This is the important stuff.
"Kookie." I decided to turn around and look at him. He had a cap on which covered half of his face (oh, so he was intending to go incognito) which he immediately pushed up to reveal his whole face, showing a look of surprise evident on his sharp features.
"Y/N-ah!" He said, his voice a little dull. "What are you doing here?"
"I thought you knew I was here." I frowned.
"No I just...stopped to look." He looked back up at the screen with the girl group displaying on it. Oh, so that was what he stopped for, not for me. Not everything is about you, you know. I was such a selfish person sometimes.
I looked at the screen, following his gaze, before dropping my gaze down to him after a second. "See something you like?"
He gave a dull, emotionless laugh, looking down. "Not something I like," he looked up at me. "But yeah, now I do."
"Is everything good between you guys?" The question came out involuntarily, and I was dumbfounded at how socially inept I was. "I'm sorry if that question is awkward to answer at the moment." I said, trying to correct myself.
"No, it's not." He replied.
"Did you...answer my question or my apology?"
He looked sideways. "Both, actually."
"I'm sorry." I said, not knowing what else to say. My eyes began to water.
"Stop saying that now, really." He said, stepping closer. "Don't blame yourself too much. Why don't you give yourself a break?" He gave me a brief smile.
"I will when all of you are okay." I said. He opened his mouth but closed it back after a second, sighing.
"Will you?" I asked again.
"We will." He looked back up at the screen which was showing the picture of BTS again. "We'll be okay."
"How are you so sure?" I asked. "Did they forgive you?"
He shook his head. "No, but...I don't know, we just will. Somehow."
I smiled. "Because you aren't a group...you're family."
He smiled, nodding. "Yeah. Yeah, we are." He cocked his head to the side, letting his normal, childish self come out a little. "I'd like to believe that, but...I just don't know, Chocolate. I don't know if things are ever going to be like they used to. Even if everything's okay...I don't know if it's going to be like before."
The look in his eyes was killing me; I hadn't seen him as sad as this ever before. He had lost his hyungs, who had made him what he was today; I had so easily taken it all away from him. Even though I didn't know this many secrets were being hidden in the group, I was the centre of all this: the root cause of all the branching problems.
"It will...I promise you." I gulped down the tears that were choking my throat. "Once I leave your lives." I whispered slowly.
"Chocolate, you can't-"
"I'm sorry Kookie, I have to." I smiled ruefully. "This is the only way. It's either me, or them."
"Don't make me choose, Y/N. I can't."
"I'm not making you choose. I'm telling you they are more important right now, and I'm saying we need to take a break from our friendship."
"I can't live without you, Chocolate." He said. His eyes were watering up as well. "I can't live without you telling me how your day went, I can't live without you calling me in the middle of the night because you had this crazy idea for a prank. I can't live without you telling everyone about my embarrassing moments in high school while I try to shut your mouth up. I can't live without you pestering me everyday about any girl I look at, and I can't live with the fact that I can't talk to you in my darkest moments..when I need you, you won't be there...I can't live with that." His voice cracked.
"I'm not going anywhere, Kook." I smiled a little between the tears that were starting to fall down. "I promise you, I'll be here. I'll message you everyday...I'll tell you about how my day went, I'll tell you about every idea that I have. I'll ask you every question that I have. But...you just can't message me back."
"Y/N-" he gasped.
"This is not a request, Kook." I said in a stern yet soft tone. "Promise me."
He stared at me for a moment, then nodded. "Okay, Y/N...I'll do it for my best friend."
I smiled. He returned it back, and stepped forward. He was going to give me a hug, I knew it.
"Jungkook...here you are! I've been looking all over for you." Tae's voice came from behind, and I immediately turned my back to him. "What's taking you so long?" My lower lip quivered as I couldn't control my emotions at hearing his voice.
"I was just looking at...that." Jungkook pointed at the picture on the screen, which had changed back to the other group.
"SEAZONS...hmm..well, I wish hyung was here to see this." Tae laughed a little. I bit my lip to keep myself from breaking down; I longed to talk to my friend, to my Taehyung.
Jungkook looked at me for a second, not letting Tae know that he was looking at me, or that it was me. "Hmm..let's go."
"Yeah, sure." I heard Tae walking away, and Jungkook, sighing, followed him after a second. From somewhere far away, I could hear Spring's beautiful voice coming into my ears...it had become my favourite song these days.
"Now that you know, wherever you go, Everytime you think about me. I know your words, you know it hurts, Everytime you think about me."
I hung my head low. Tears started falling from my eyes, and I stood there, sobbing, helpless, alone.
All of a sudden, I felt someone hugging me from behind, and immediately knew it was Jungkook. I turned to him to hug him back, sobbing lightly.
"I'll miss you, Y/N-ah," he said, his voice telling me he was about to break down himself. "I hope we'll meet soon."
I looked up at him and nodded. He gave me a reassuring smile, and gave me a little peck on my forehead, before whispering lightly.
"No more secrets."
I gave a little laugh. He gave me his patented bunny smile despite the tears in his eyes, and ran to catch up to Tae, who was completely oblivious to the fact that Jungkook had run back to me.
I couldn't let them break at any cost. Even if it meant me going away from their lives forever, I wouldn't hesitate for a second. The time I had spent with them was beautiful; those memories weren't going anywhere anyway. So it was time for me to go. For the greater good.
"Don't be broken because of me." I whispered, looking at Taehyung and Jungkook, the two members of the most famous 'family' of the world.
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Can You Keep A Secret? Pt.11
Part 10//Part 11//Part 12
Next part coming up on 29th November at 17:30 GMT. Stay updated, and happy reading!
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Summary: Your close friend Taehyung, shares a secret with you, a big secret: You have had a crush on Jimin for the past 6 years. But what he doesn't know is that you have done something bigger than that, something that could destroy many people's lives in seconds. That's a secret for you to keep. But something even bigger is floating in the air: what you have done could destroy BTS's friendship forever...but that's a secret even you don't know yourself.
Pairing: Reader × Jimin/Taehyung ft. Other Members
Genre: Angst (varies with each part)
A/N: The lyrics used here are not from any song, they are my own lyrics from a song that I wrote.
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the-firebird69 · 5 years
Godzilla Muto and Muto
Absorbed tons of radiation from Hawaii's nukes going off on the surface and nukes being tossed at thrm
Huge ones devistated your island as planned. Giant clouds of radiation wofted over the other islands and sank harmlessly into the sea.
Godzilla charged up to almost maximum came much larger and floated very quickly to San Francisco and only a matter of hours after eating she is of course pregnant and heading that way is it in the water and approaches the aircraft carrier at this time the one that you retrieved from off the coast of Japan that sunk during one of your recent asinine operations after it was retrieved off of Guam after 30 to 40 years under water from Vietnam conflict it is here and it may sink as Godzilla is scraping underneath it as we speak they may be calling for help several of their bulkheads have given away they are taking on water they may lose lives may lose hardware
It is a matter of having a huge navy or very small one and tons of privateers
giant massive ships are gone after trying tons and tons of fast ships and sail boats and pleasure craft and private submarines and submarines millions and millions of those are gone from last year and attempts up to this point billions and billions of ships recently tried going and we didn't mention it recently took them all and use them on the rest there are several attacks from the last large when mentioned none of you make it anywhere and yet you seem to have ho and you seem to have encouragement even on top of it do the reasons that we don't understand in that we see why that doesn't make any sense so we let you all the way meant then we grab you and you're very surprised each and every time
Godzilla is in your harbor your San Francisco Bay at the bridge there are very many usn ships that have gathered and are headed that way several are there already and are completely spooked by her size as she is visible because she used up the charge floating over and she is scaly and she is very scary looking and mean just like he says see the Xenomorph look they look very mean
An extremely hostile to you and you take it as if they are a nephew or niece that is out of control in your house and we find that your tongue in your mouth get you into so much trouble with them the e right away and don't save you for Intel which is a no no so we have a way of judging them out or forcing it and you don't see us but they understand they have to move thank you very much for your idiotic behavior it helped us gain control Godzilla will tear up your city because she is looking for a place to nest and she is looking for newts and can sense them she sees the ones that are laying out for her and we'll look at them closely and examine them and try and set them off if you want to because your morons she will devastate the city because your nukes are hidden and shielded and I will take your time to find them the noise & racquet will attract Muto who has acute hearing and sensing and can fly there in minutes should be attracted because it means chaos it means food or nukes it means action which means food and nukes and we'll come and look and find Godzilla thrashing the place and will join in trying to find what she's looking for first making some Easter egg hunt her husband of course we'll find her because he keeps track of her and is a jealous man even though he's smaller than her it makes it worse and we have a winner he's smiling supermodel
Godzilla is the harbor and she has found the news and it's time to them with her massive size and her evil eyes and bad breath she is so real low growls at them they behave as if she's not there she pushed the boat around with so much ease that it terrifies them so they talk to her she comes at them and they start to drive away she's so fast the kid escape the decide to arm it and dive over that's what she was waiting for she sits and waits bang goes off it's huge 10 to 20 megatons she takes it full on and is fine
She has huge already and grows inches and feet front of you.
She has no idea why people are screaming and yelling only that it makes her excited and she starts yelling too and it's kind of comical because it looks like Mewtwo in Las Vegas are huge crowd going screaming and she screams back and it sounds very ferocious so they scream louder so she screams back and it's like that and I keep doing it refused to run off so she comes over to see why they're doing that is scream even louder so she screams even louder and now it's a contest so she's screaming massively loud at them suddenly someone gets on loudspeaker and so you people shut up and dispersed he's going to eat you you're just making her loud or angry so they look over and say screw you and start saying this to her you shut up now and go lay down and go to bed so Godzilla gets up and says where you say and she smiles a little and starts to eat them I'm going to say bad Godzilla and then the guy on the microphone says it bad Godzilla go lay down of course he goes over and crushes the microphone every laugh because it's exactly what I could Japanese movie except you're Americans doing stupid things that you see the Japanese doing and their movies and ridiculous things that don't work and everything what you do live anyways and he's laughing his ass off Kingsley Kingsley that's not Kingsley at all the Zerg to look more like Kingsley than Godzilla
We agree it is some real f***** s*** so Godzilla looks around and finds the source of the noise and disconnects it it's a loudspeaker meant to draw her over so she scans and she sees a trap things for a 4-foot to get stuck with and those people gave their lives up to draw her there and she says it's because I'm in the field and I'm fighting and he says I know they're always trying to get me there mess everything else or to help but inappropriate just says what a terrific to you you have they're not my team is going to hell so she removes the trap and she whips at at them turns out to be explosives and those living crap out of the entire crowd so he has to go find other nuclear weapons and food and she's off that was a little party for her and she had fun and it was a good time the trap was small but a big enough for her to fall in
She is now rampaging through the city like she did in DC running very fast back and forth as Kingsley did on the lawn but she is talk later buildings over that are very tall compared to a human there are hundreds of times the height or more she knocks them down like dominoes play fall away from her as she does that on purpose there are several things she needs and wants and we'll have she came all this way and she does every year as a lizard does and it's to scale for her the islands are teeny and she needs more of what she finds
Godzilla has moved to the major downtown area where all the skyscrapers are which are two to three times as tall as she is and she is at least 8 or 900 ft tall they dwarf her that's why she needs the nuclear material and food crowds are gathering mostly military and the military has brought nuclear weapons a nice snack and hors d'oeuvre for her to begin growing they fire she absorbs it it's a lot of them they fire again she absorbs it again she's going after them signs of stress eating them and grabs huge huge handfuls and eats a whole handful without even thinking about bombs or hand grenades because they're too small
She jumps to attention for some reason there seems to be very big object in front of her it's huge it looks like glass to her she can't stand it so she tries to find a way around it and keeps walking and walking so she goes the other way and to her it was like looking in a mirror and she saw it all of a sudden it was right there because it was turning on slightly daughter to let her know she's in the wrong place now she is seeking other items further away and his little spooked cuz of this massive mirror but she hung the middle of the city that was very wide as well most people are not near it right now they also seem to have disappeared she thought and she is excited because she's on the hunt again and see several news has found her quandary she moves to inspect them in a large possibly Dixie megatons are even more maybe 100 those would wipe out most of the city she tries to carefully go near them and figures out they might be too big to approach so she starts throwing things at them hoping someone would detonate them
She's tossing and tossing nobody seems interested in blowing it up She goes near ut maybe I'll clean it up with my breath
And here's a knocking sound from it so she clears off and it goes off Shields herself and in a moment the explosion is over she is left standing well how about 1/2 to one-third or so of the city it's gone she walks around it over and over like Justin does the house and continues a circle so far almost to revolutions she's very fast she's getting energized soon she will have to eat and we see her looking at the sea and it's odd because her behavior is similar to a human but not quite and she goes off into the ocean and it's found some things whakes sharks not to close in several miles and a sweet thing after a few moments she will have eaten and will be massive
But I think you're missing is Ghidora may have caught up with her and impregnated her so she is only doing what does natural and is so filling what nature has helped her do for many thousands of years she is ready to come in now and the songs has how to heal the wounds that were caused from debris from the nuclear weapon which was very large and could have killed just about any other keju maybe except gamera as her armor is thick Aura Kraken are female Kraken, she's approaching the shore and is eating many thousands of tons of food and is huge possibly almost twice as large as she was and heights and girth she's not fat nor does she have a fat ass she approaches in his majestic gigantic she's faster and bigger and meaner than any caves you that any of you ever seen stick that in your pipe and smoke it and she receives to tear the city apart and he says go go Godzilla because he's a big fan and has been his entire life ever since the weakling Doug introduced him to the monster who he thought was a man over and over he says it and she lays down somewhere giving birth 2 hundreds if not thousands of Kaiju
They come out whole brains, bodies everything and are nasty
They're eating everyone they see and are not selective.
Huge crowds have arrived to watch the spectacle in a growing many trillions as a matter of fact hundreds of trillions now the clouds growing radiation everywhere I don't care they want to see and the newborns which there are many thousands start to eat them they are screaming very loudly the newborns start to scream as well and answer their call and I also becoming aggressive trying to shut them up as the crowd yells at having to be quiet advance of the crowd enter mulching them faster than the crab can come in but the crown keeps coming in and keeps getting eaten as Godzilla's get bigger and bigger thousands of them right now two or three stories high and are eating them by the handful already in minutes the relation levels are so high huge gasps of air between mouthfuls by the Kaiju gigantic breathers so they can get oxygen and it is a massive chore to watch him but not hard he is looking for information all the time says it to anyone am I speaking coherently the computer doesn't seem to get my words most of the time but lots of times say yes and it says what is up with Godzilla she's eating them all as well as for kids they're all becoming very huge she is almost a quarter of a mile if not more and how it's going to one third of a mile and if the whole crowd keeps coming in she will be half mile high which is very very huge almost 2500 foot it is massive she's also seeking other nuclear weapons as crowds are crushing in from everywhere they can see her off in the distance everybody it's lit buy a flood lights and they fire weapons at her which seemed to klance off most of the time and hits the crowd which for some reason won't stop coming in they seem to be mostly insane and snap pictures madly and keeping me in to get a better shot because their camera phones don't have telephoto like they wantsome people try to hide their expressions when they realize that their people are dumber than a rock and can't but really it's not funny it's pitiful and grotesque and weird and some find it funny because he thought you were smart and l50 to be so dumb they can't stand you giant crowds have gathered they're pushing in mini quadrillions possibly 50 quadrillion to see this event has been in the movie industry since 2014.
Huge fans of showed up with giant godzilla posters and Godzilla in Godzilla feet Godzilla masks tons of people are worshipping her and praying for things threatening other people even around them for their stuff it's a madhouse it can't be avoided that Tommy is watching it and others well we are dictating what's happening to him and he sounds like the War of the worlds guy was reading off of script and it was a hoax and it was only on the radio but this is not a big comment about it every few seconds reason he's doing it is because of the an adequate memory and speed on this device due to the inadequate Care and attention on those around him
Not that it matters because you people are so strange and you just watch your army evaporate in a cloud of on movie last and passive interest in their desks and large amounts of interest in Godzilla in her brand new Army of people eaters which is going to town now and becoming huge they are each about 15 stories tall which is about 150 feet which is huge just one of them here would devastate this entire town and probably 30 minutes can easily defeat any hardware you bring against it and they have thousands just to put it in perspective you all would be toast except for him he's protected and he would like to see the motorcycle so bring it we laugh it is how we treat him because he is a leader even though she gets cranky as Bitol those and Thor do the incredible pressure with you bring against them unwillingly unwittingly destroying yourself.
It's a huge deal Tommy Trevino says to see Godzilla thrashing everyone and it's a massive movie interest and will probably use the footage in the movie because it's so awesome and pure and yes it was and I have recording has excellent equipment as opposed to the millions of cameras film and sending it all over the place idiots arriving in droves I want to see a movie humanity but it's actually then may not apply exactly lots of them no longer looks exactly human and appear to be eating humans and to be Krakens he says watch out Godzilla even in a third the size they are probably as strong as your gigantic monsters Poseidon wife recommend me for sensitivity training and some sort of barbarian training 2 remove certain traits or say find to be disturbing and I got it right and I learned it from Thor so he'll have to be in the class with me no I won't he says and you'll say I'm saying it where else Thor says good job says
Pay attention to the entertainment Tom that's my diction for Christ Jesus sake there's more important things and getting me pissed off enough to fill your room up with scorpions or invite you to the Texas chainsaw massacre 21 or whatever it is thank you crema I don't have great dreams tonight what all this horrendous shift announce scorpions in the Texas chainsaw massacre
There is a huge huge monsters even trillions of us and all we can do is sit watch and make jokes as we're defenseless here he has reminded us of it and I don't have nightmares and night tremors uses I'm probably make sweats because it does cause that and I might shake like Preston suddenly forget everything because our drinks are so helpful
It means something Tommy f he says
she's right a house is a house but the shrinks think that it's theirs and these huge groups are fighting Cajun mostly now and robots and them others and we're stuck here because of these idiot shrinks who think they eill destroy each other like quirky wood so we must check and see if corky is doing it because he has no idea what ghosting is he has no idea what controlling is or robot brains or anything it could be happening behind the scenes smarter parties are larger and smart parties he is a pushover and he says it's most likely them because Trump was doing it during the cuckoo's nest and I agree and now back to the show
I am speaking and it is my show but what he is saying here is pertinent and important the retarded people who are supposedly running the show are complete imbeciles and are negligent to the point of negligent homicide we cannot allow it to happen he mentioned it so often it's driving us nuts we cannot let him sit there and roast with these complete imbeciles core so hard to control and it makes it not worth it the general population and the massive evil enemy Army and satanists are easier to control than a handful of these idiots who don't see obvious things is good for them and don't see past her window most of the time they just keep their heads down and are in myopia and a very destructive to his life so I'm putting an order in a hit on them and I am sending Godzilla their next cuz I want them to see how horrific it is and purpose on purpose in person in their face loud and munching on all of their bones so they can hear and see how horrific it is I will stop laughing when we're talking about some of it is funny to him because he's more or less a master of a very huge and powerful keju and understands that they look somewhat funny to on occasion but do not have a sense of humor as Godzilla does and it's not entertaining the Kraken is a lethal adversary and destroys things out of hatred and evil it will lift your bunkers out and crush them and throw them clear across the city and destroy half the city with it before it cracks a smile about anyting response 4 aircraft carriers across the sea over the horizon I do not think that Godzilla even at her heights now almost a half a mile could lift one aircraft carrier up it is tremendously heavy and this Kraken have for size lifted it up and toss two of them at the same time quite easily 5 to 10 miles literally the horizon and you see it inspired you to make flying aircraft carriers what we know is he's angry and he talks for them and controls of an occasion and can devastate this area in minutes or seconds I simply throwing things at you that you send out after it's in your whole Fleet back in less than 5 minutes trying to think of it that way as we try and regain our honor I guess you're horde of retarded people or Miss guiding your reactions you should be in horror then he finds out something that will help me with my mind he thinks that these people are laughing at what we say and laughing know what Godzilla is doing because she's entertaining so he wonders why they're sitting here not able to see it watching crappy video it's probably is for them because they suck and it could be fake cuz billium like to fool them and like to make them laugh at people
But they say friends are calling and it looks very damned real I see their friends like a fool and have other people do it because they like to make fun of the damn people here messing with them and they understand that they're fools and they're massive Godzilla fans massive what he says is why don't you go to Gators and get some Gator bites and jump on a plane I'm trying to think of whatever you like turn on only see a major motion picture in action with the much on one of the Godzilla's and some other is cleaning house on trillions of ppl suddenly they remember how it goes they go out there and then I'll catch one because they suck and he agrees they probably can't catch one they're very powerful they're not alligators witcher's usually too much for them anyways by themselves and they're not professional hunters they're just annoying people who go around surrounding people and bother you no matter what their value are the show is coming here so don't find any reason to leave so I say I said I was going to send it here and I shall and he says where is there enough room and say Yes Miami so I will leave the details to Poseidon whether he wants to reveal it or not what he does and he says what else can I do and say I don't know I feel the same and it won't prevent you from doing anything that you feel is appropriate and you can get away with and Thor proves in Olympus
We feel it necessary to straighten out these evil assholes this little giggly horror bag schitts that have killed most of their people thus far and he wonders if they'll be afraid or just faint and not be able to be afraid because they are unconscious by the way and make it a glimpse what will they remember you have nightmares like Tommy will have tonight not asked Godzilla to come here so I can see it and he says you fools you've killed us again they said it wasn't our idea and he doubts it and says 3 was it and what I say is they're taunting Godzilla and Poseidon you can actually get her here taunting usually does the trick every time and I do it constantly processive reason send to people Tom Selleck I got here probably billiam bunch of people they suckered here try and collect like collectors they try to collect me and up dead and they don't care which is normal because their thought process is completely messed up that's what happened we need two people to be stupid so I could send Godzilla to the city because you're too lazy and fat to go to San Francisco you want to bring the destruction here probably so they can rebuild it I'm trying I'm trying to put junk it buggers or whenever they don't know what they would have talked for some reason hilarious by threatening me your mind go ahead little punk so you're a jackass crap and ill spit venom and fire at you you won't know it
There you go put your back into it I'm firing a 50 cal might be able to hear it off in the distance your mother and your f***** brother dying an old troubadour of dick holes would you care to step up to the plate and have your own brain blown out fag boy
I get it leave us alone corky says you're very sensitive and very destructive I see you well aren't you the student stay the hell out of our business means you are perpetually in my business you're perpetually threatening me I'm going to professionally kill you you don't run anything you say you do and you irritate me and threatened me and ruin my diet monitor and I'm a massive nuisance I'll remove you now you'll miss the show someone else will see it you little c***
I'm sending Godzilla over after she's finished here and have Ghidora will meet up with her first and she'll get here fat and pregnant and irradiated maybe even bigger than she is now and devastate the city just like the little assholes want to try and bring him to DC which is disappearing rapidly and they say they will rebuild even though we just carted off all of the important buildings in need the city will threaten for on the way up there so the sable all the roads and highways I'm destroying them in the bridges I taking them and I can have a fun time trying to get there without planes or submarines are boats we shall destroy thank you very much my son for being patient even though it doesn't seem it to you you have a very steadfast tune in space and your expression patience to them to some of us out loud but I truly trying extremely hard to lead us correctly and r please don't know that and I'm tired for like to say I thank you for thanking me
Posiden and Wife
Ghidora and Godzilla. They are ours
0 notes
Top 30 Songs of 2017 (part 1 30-21)
M: Hello everyone. Its still Christmas time which means this isn't technically late yet. It's time for year-end lists and for starters, let's begin the best songs of the whole year. I'm gonna be blunt here, I wasn't all that up to date with music this year, and that's mostly my fault. But hey better late right? And yeah a lot of fantastic music came out in 2017, and it's time for me to share a bit of it. So let's start off with something very unexpected...
Number 30: Asking Alexandria-Alone In a Room.
I may have had mixed feelings about the self-titled release from Asking Alexandria at the tail-end of this year, but it's opening track is easily a standout. We hear our protagonist describe his battle with his mental issues and struggles to deal with fame, only to find that just talking about it, getting help from people who CAN help, was all he ever needed, and the last thing he wanted. There's real power behind this song, and it's sealed with a thunderous chorus.
Number 29: The Mountain Goats- Andrew Eldritch Is Moving Back To Leeds
Of course our protagonist might find comfort in the fact that that fame can't last forever, and home is still there, waiting to re-absorb you into it's membrane, as it were. Andrew Eldritch of the Sisters of Mercy certainly does in the story of this song. Images of a musty velvet rope and a rusted fog machine no one even cares enough to steal cement the image of a dying music scene and counterculture going comfortably into the night. And John Darnelle's weirdly peppy delivery, some groovy bass, and wispy wind instruments are all here to see goth rock off, as it returns to it's old homes to settle down one last time.
Number 28: P.O.S.- Faded ft. Lady Midnight & Justin Vernon
But sometimes we have a few too many regrets to feel like settling down. The haunting feeling of something lost perpetuates this lonely song. Beautiful delivery from P.O.S. and Lady Midnight that perpetuate a tearjerker of a beat, though not one cheaply so. Even the delivery on the chorus has really grown on me, and the rapping here is the perfect balance of delicate and powerful for it's somewhat vague, but somehow still resonant message.
Number 27: Run The Jewels- Call Ticketron
Not that there isn't still a place in the world for rapper swagger, as El-P and Killer Mike prove effortlessly. Any political comments here, and they certainly are, are more just part of a torrent of powerful lines and statements from two titans of modern hip-hop. They flow perfectly both on the great and subtlely intimidating beat, and off on one another. These two have serious charisma when playing off one another, more than you'd probably think, but this is the third RTJ album, you all already know these 2 are great with one another, but I don't think they've ever felt THIS complementary since maybe Banana Clipper. Also the music video for this is something special.
Number 26: Ayreon-Everybody Dies
From an apocalypse in the music video to one depicted in detail in the music. The AI-fueled collapse of society, pushed along by brutal riffage and performers that sound either terrified, resigned, or psychotically gleeful, build a powerful tension, only for hope to break through near the end, with the offer of a desperate escape, and the genocidal AI seeming to encourage them to try, just to satisfy his curiosity. This song has the power to shatter worlds, and it was certainly one of my most played this year.
Number 25: At The Drive In-Governed By Contagions
Not that you need to end the world to create a song way more chaotic than that. At The Drive-In tells a story of...addiction, maybe(?) with the visceral shredding and versatile vocals that have always been their selling point. The sound of a guillotine and the imagery of biting down further and further into a cyanide tooth, slowly dying, amplify the steadily growing chaos of the whole enterprise. Blistering posthardcore for fans of punk and otherwise.
Number 24: Father John Misty-Balled Of The Dying Man
Of course death comes to us all, and one has to wonder what people think about in those final hours. Maybe how they failed to spread their oh so insightful opinions and fend off the totally real barbarians at the gates? Well everyone knows at least one person like that, and it's probably true some take it to their grave. Imagining a man realizing his own insignifigance at the very end sounds awful sad, but when you realize just how far up his own ass this character is, the true hilarity of this song shines through. It's a fun exploration of a certain insufferable mindset and how it might cope with the ultimate stage of the human experience. As a side note, this song has a special place for me. I'm constantly worried that I'm becoming this kind of person or indulging in this kind of behavior, so it's nice to have something to keep me off balance when I need it.
Number 23: Sadistik- Free Spirits
One thing our dying man might've taken issue with in our culture is the fixation on and glorification of alcohol, but somehow I don't think that he could paint a picture on the level of Sadistik here. A warping, melancholy instrumental backs up simple but powerful bars that give a feeling of impending disaster, and the second chorus pays off all that bizarre, beautiful buildup by...taking everything down a notch in a way that's the best kind of jarring.
Number 22: P.O.S.-Lanes
Not everyone needs alcohol to feel lost. Sometimes you don't even need to get lost by accident. Some of us are isolated by indirect choice, the choice to go against the grain that may give us artistic gratification, but makes us struggle to relate to others, makes us feel alone. Leads to explosions of energy like this, lashing out at the world and yourself, but never turning away from how it all happened.
Number 21: At The Drive In- Call Broken Arrow
And isolation can definitely create some strange people. Call Broken Arrow is certainly a more subtle song with a more subtle story about this enigmatic, possibly completely insane Broken Arrow character. The guitars still shred in a lot of spots, but it's hardly chaos this time. It all builds to a very structured, contained chorus meant to enhance the emotions of the song, and even be the crux of them.
(continued in part 2)
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