#it was still wednesday for me too! but i was asleep lol i'm old and chronically eepy :'))
stabbyfoxandrew · 1 year
It’s still Wednesday where I am, so I’m submitting this! Mafia restaurant AU for WIP Wednesday, por favor 🙏🏻- @neil-jostenminyard
WIP Wednesday (9/6) | Mafia Restaurant AU
So Neil spends the next few minutes chopping and slicing and dicing and, hell, he might even Julienne the carrots. He’s not really sure what the techniques are called, he’s never applied them to anything that didn’t bleed. But regardless, he finishes in what he assumes is record time and hears the whir of a blender behind him. 
Then a squawk from Kevin, who’s taken up sentry at the kitchen door.
“What is it?” Neil asks, his head snapping up. 
Kevin turns around with a look on his face. “Is that fucking Andrew Minyard out there?” 
Fuck. That headache is back in full force. “Yes. It’s him.”
“Perhaps we should’ve just killed them,” Jean mutters without looking up. And Neil resents that. He wouldn’t kill the best exy goalie in the world. It would be… Well, not blasphemous. But close. Kevin gives Jean a look then turns back to Neil.
“Why didn’t you say it was Andrew Minyard?!” he whisper-shouts.
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hislittleraincloud · 4 months
DirecTor: *sweat-drenched and sore, tries to sneak in as quietly as he can*
AB Wednesday: *turns on the light with a click*
DirecTor: *jumps* Heeey. There. Kiddo. How goes it?
ABW: Hey there, author. It goes quite fine. *takes out her phone, taps the screen, turns it to me* But care to explain to me what I'm seeing here?
DirecTor: *squints* That's uh...that's the Lords of Acid.
ABW: ...I know. I'm asking about the scene behind Gigi. *taps her little black-nailed fingertip on the screen over my disabled Weeble ass gesturing to the crowd to show me their pussies*
DirecTor: Well uh...see...uh — I was...there.
ABW: ...I know. But how did that happen?
DirecTor: *swallows* Well. I was seated sort of off to the side near the stage entrance and when Gigi called for people to come up on stage for 'Pussy (Round)', the dancer pointed to me. Probably because of my shirt.
ABW: *purses lips, and I can't tell if it's out of anger or irritance* Well, it is an attention-grabber.
DirecTor: Yeah, tell me about it. I got a lot of grins and comments on the way to the venue and then at the venue. I'm on a shitload of peoples' clouds. How'd you get that video anyway?
ABW: *clicks it off after she sees Praga Khan giving me a hug at the end of the song* I have my sources.
DirecTor: ...
ABW: ...
DirecTor: It was Fester, wasn't it.
ABW: ...Perhaps.
So...somewhere in this world more than a few people have pics and video of my thicc ass embarrassing myself behind Gigi Ricci (the current vocalist for the Lords). Face reveal!:
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This is actually a screencap from a video I took of myself listening to the White Girl Drama next to me before the shows started. I wanted to stick an icepick into my brain to escape her blathering. She was with her friend and they were both dressed as Coop Voodoo U devil women, full-on red body paint and all. But because of their drama, they left before the Lords even got to 'Voodoo U' (and it was on the set list). Like...the yappy one had fallen asleep at her table at one point and her friend looked a little concerned. I asked her if she was okay and she said yes, but...she didn't look ok 😬
I'm so tired. I'm too old for this shit, but it was worth it because it seems that every time I go out and do something like this, people gravitate towards me. I got to shake Praga Khan's hand (he turned to me before the song and shook my hand after I climbed the short stairs w my cane...I was shocked to have even been invited onto the stage by his dancer ETA: WIFE, I learned it was Inja, Praga Khan's wife 💀), and then he hugged me after the song was done. He's so little and frail 😳 But very sweet. I haven't let anyone touch me bc of COVID, but he was the exception. The man is a legend, and the Lords still have it.
Gigi was topless! She didn't have any X tape taped over her nips tonight, unlike during the Philly show (the vids I posted).
I did have to leave a little early (they weren't done yet) because I wanted to beat the crowd to BART and I didn't want to get stranded late in the damn Tenderloin. I made a friend...of course he is a cultured, older European (Dutch, LOL). He was sitting alone before everything started and looked a little lost (his friends didn't show up). He too needed to leave early bc he lives in San Jose and also had to catch BART back. We chatted quite a bit and stuck together during the show.
Anyway. I guess time will tell re: if I get sick. I shouldn't, bc I don't think my gear slipped and the venue was not packed...it was a comfortable half-packed hall, so people could actually socially distance themselves, or dance and move around. The crowd was pretty geriatric (like me), but there were quite a few younger Millennials there too. I really should have a headache from all the headbanging, but I don't (and interestingly enough, my voice isn't hoarse either, despite loads of screaming). My feet and legs are dead tho. I'll probably be bedridden for a couple of days.
ETA: The dogs were all asleep when I got back, and my old boy was fine. I love it when they're well behaved. Someone was trying to get their dog into the venue (when I arrived at the hall, there was a short line of people waiting to get in). I don't know if they succeeded, but I didn't see the dog in there, so. It was a small, white fluffy dog with a 'service dog' leash on it. Even if it was a real service dog (and I don't think it was), why would you bring the poor thing to a freaking Lords of Acid concert? It's not a goddamn orchestal symphony. The Lords are LOUD. I kept thinking how horrible it would be for my baby had I brought her. Too loud! She's used to loud Lords of Acid since I sometimes play the Afterburn soundtracks when we go out in her little front pack, but not THAT loud. Damn, people. That's just cruel.
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unrequited-words · 2 years
03/08/23 Wednesday 9:49 p.m.
Two beers in. I made this simple pasta mini shells, premade taco meat I made yesterday, a jar of pasta sauce, Parm cheese in the shaker plastic can (romano, maybe), and mozzarella cheese. It's nice.
the beer is helping me forget. Baby is still up. An hour of OT tomorrow. I'd love to do more but I'm not wanting to wake up from 7-9 a.m. from extra hours and five bonus points per hour. If I am awake ... maybe?
Yeah, fuck that.
This last week was so hard. I took Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday off from being sick.
Of fucking course zod gave me shit. All I do is work. Haven't had a real vacation since I gave birth.,.. if you call that abfucking vacation? I had 713 points paid and now I am around 113 give or take. It's all paid. Damn,this pasta is good. I took a bite, lol
On Microsoft teams, my boss messaged me and he said I bonused for February fiscal month. 506.93 I think? I didn't I'd bonus at all due to quality.
Idk, guys... I still believe in God, I'm just scared for the future. Maybe it's supposed to be this way. I support a family of five between 38-39 a year. Inflation fucking sucks. Politics suck.
Rent went up so starting April it's 1300 plus the rest of our expenses, if I keep doing what I do for work we can make it on one salary for now.
I was nominated for an acclaim award for being big hearted at work, and if I win (doubt it) I will get a gift card (50/100.00) and either crumbl cookies. I've never had them.
I've been wanting to make chocolate chip cookies from scratch. We get the kids Saturday. If I pack everything Friday night and on Saturday work from 7:00-9:00 am, and we leave around 10:00-10:30 it isn't so bad. Round trip is 6 hours, but with the baby it feels longer.
We get the kids for a week and I know my son will fucking test me. He always foes. He doesn't fucking listen at FUCKING ALL! He is on his fucking tablet and on the spectrum. It's manageable but Jesus fuck yes this is me venting. It's difficult. Their mom is dofficult. Doesn't allow them to go and play or have sleepovers. She's a fucking trainwreck. she's rather chase dick than be a mom, honestly
If me and Zod ever split up I wouldn't chase dick I'm too old, and with a kid dating is exhausting. No thanks. I'm good.
It was a slow work day. I didn't do too bad. I'm tired. 10:06 pm and maybe in the next hour I can pass out. I hope Astrid goes to bed before modnight. Last night I fell asleep between midnight and 1:00. Slept through my alarm, oh well.
Maybe I'm buzzed but damn this pasta I made sure is yummy, lol. 🍝
I may have another beer but that's pushing it. Tomorrow sometime I need to wash the sheets for the other bed, and make a list before we leave Saturday. Maybe another trip to the grocery store?
My ex sent my birth certificate through the mail and I pray to fucking god it isn't lost. It has thos weird tracking number starting with 70, when normally USPS tracking starts with 98 ... The reason I know is I work with ups, USPS, FedEx, and DHL when customers order.
I'm very oaranoid. I need it to go to the DMV, otherwise if it's lost I get to spend a cool 54.00 fucking dollars requesting a new one.
The other bedroom is closed with all her toys. If she gets out of bed she has nothing to play with. She's watching Peppa Pig. It's cute. It isn't as annoying as that fuck Calliou. God, I need adult froends. I'm drowning in toddler bullshit, 😂
Welcome to my Ted Talk
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faccal · 6 months
WIP Wednesday Thursday Tuesday
Thank you to the awesome @simonxriley for tagging me, I'm so sorry I haven't done it sooner. I get overwhelmed and also forget lol.
I'm gonna tag @tokillamockingbird427 @alidravana and anyone else who wants to do this! I'm not sure who else to tag.
I feel terrible because anytime I'm tagged for one of these I'm always working on smut lmao. I do have a few non smutty things I was working on, so I'll have to dig through those.
The Last of Us AU (I'll come up with a better title later)
Peri’s father’s alarm blaring from the other room startles her awake, eyes blinking out the sun shining through her purple curtains. Pushing herself into a sitting position, she slips on her slippers. She stands with a sigh, trotting out her door and down the hall to her father’s, banging on his door. “Alarm!” She shouts, hitting a few more times. “Dad! Alarm!” She shouts louder, hoping she woke him up without upsetting him too much. She hears her brothers rustling around in their rooms, chuckling to herself when she hears one of them trip and fall. Without checking on them, she jogs down the stairs. Making her way into the kitchen, she washes her hands before grabbing the supplies she’ll need. Before long she has a few pans of scrambled eggs going, tossing in different herbs to add a bit more flavor to their bland texture. Bacon sizzles on the back burners, orange juice already poured into glasses and waiting for her family on the table. “Mornin’ Pear.” Hector, her older brother by three years, kisses her cheek, wrapping his arms around her from the side in a quick hug. Grabbing some plates from the cupboard, he helps her fill each plate with their food, setting them in their spots as Julien and their father finally come down the stairs. “Took you old men long enough.” She teases, giggling at her father’s playful glare. “I need my beauty sleep.” He grumbles, the wrinkles around his eyes much more defined in the morning light filtering through their kitchen blinds. He grunts when Julien accidentally bumps into him, her younger twin still half asleep apparently. “Watch out kiddo, your pop needs his coffee.” He takes the cup Hector hands him, thanking him as his son goes to get his own cup. “Hey, you forgot the pancake mix yesterday.” She smiles, turning to face her father only to frown. She grabs his orange juice from his spot to hold out to him expectantly, giving his coffee cup a dirty look. “And you need your vitamin C mister. It’s good for you and won’t give you headaches.” She tilts her head, a small smirk playing on her lips, her eyes unwavering in their demand. She knows her father can’t say no, he can never say no to her big brown eyes. Her father offers his own stern look, only to sigh, grumbling to himself as he sets his coffee down for the OJ, face scrunching up at the first sip. “This is disgusting.” “Shush, it makes your body happy.” She joins her brother’s at the table, saying a small prayer before digging in. “Is uncle Eli joining us? Peri made more than enough.” Some stray eggs fall from Hector’s lips as he speaks, her brother’s lengthening hair cascading around his face and neck. He reminds her of those Hollywood actors from their dads older movies. “Ew!” Julien shrieks, batting at his arms. “You’re an animal!” He cries, resorting to his napkin for assistance, scrubbing his arms violently. Hector laughs, throwing his head back, mouth still full of food and Peri wonders how he hasn’t choked. “Chew your damn food, Hector.” Their dad plops down in his own chair, sighing heavily. “Yeah, Eli should be here soon. He and I have a lot of work to do today.” A frown almost immediately dampens Peri’s face, her sad doe eyes searching her father’s. “Don’t tell me you have to work all day, it’s your birthday!” She huffs, frustrated at the look her father gives her. It’s not fair, you were supposed to have it off!
There's way more to it, but what little extra I had here Tumblr couldn't handle so it's cut off at a weird point.
I've always wanted to give Rorke a family, and these kids are also in two other WIPs of mine. I'm gonna whump this poor old bastard so hard.
Thank you so much for tagging me! I'm so glad to have something that isn't NSFW related for once.
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fuckinorangecat · 1 year
diary 25/09/2023
HELLO again. I have to write about the rest of last week so lemme do that real quick.
I was instantly invited to eat out for dinner on wednesday after my escapades in Osaka. Glad to know people appreciate my wonderful self as much as I do (For all purposes this is a joke). It was scheduled to happen on the wednesday. But with a great stroke of luck, I got sick the day before on the tuesday!!! Great news. It was very strange at least, everything just hurt. I'm pretty sure it was some form of covid or influenza because there was an outbreak at school. On the day of beckoning it got 500 times worse, tuesday was just the starter. Idk how I survived that day but I'm pretty sure I had some lessons which required my most genki self but I managed. I still went to the dinner too, it was a pleasant taiwanese in my town so it was local. Although by the end of the night I'm pretty sure I died. I got straight home and the muscle pain got way worse, I slept at 8pm and woke up in cold sweat at midnight to the weirdest phenomenon. I physically couldn't get up. I had the craziest headache and heaviness that I can't even begin to describe. It was like an invisible weight made up of all my stress and fears. Genuinely one of the worst feelings I've ever suffered. It got much better the next day and I was able to do my lessons fine. Kids always ask what shampoo I use or my hair routine. I love them as this validates my being immensely. On the weekend I got invited out by the geography teacher in my school. We get along cause we're both around the same age, I'm 24, he's 25. Although interestingly, he didn't speak any English and I no Japanese. We used google translate all night and drank forever lol. We first went to a izakaya with an open grill. Dude in front cooked all our food in front of us, was cool as hell. I had cartilage for the first time, like in yakitori form. Opinion? Try it once, never again. It wasn't even bad, just anything and everything is better. Oh yeah, on the way to the Izakaya I was spotted by some cute students who showed me from a distance that they were holding hands. I was like WOAAAH Couple!!! So fuckin' cute. YOUTH. I told the geography teacher and he explained there was a growth in student couples because of sports day. DOUBLE CUTE. Love the kids. After eating and drinking a bunch we went to a american styled bar. Super cool, apparently it opened in the 80s so it's fucking old. We ate pizza, fish and chips and carbonara. Strangely great bar food, well not the pizza it just kept falling apart. "Master" as the japanese call the bar's owner and I spoke the whole night. Of course they always ask about ex-girlfriends. He shared with me his escapades in America, of course including his sex stories with american women. Amazing. I told him my age and he instantly showed me his daughter who was the same age. The pictures he chose were interesting because she had about two pieces of clothing on, wonderfully liberal I suppose. More than I expected in the Japanese countryside. BUT ANYWAY We finish up the night, drunken say goodbye to my geography teacher, and walked home where i instantly fell asleep. oh yeah we exchanged instagram with the fuckin bar master lol, amazing.
I then spent my sunday bingeing sex education (it's good), which made me depressed and think about a certain someone I won't ever share with another human soul and then I went to sleep. I was depressed today because of it but then I magically became better? I attributed it initially to covid/influenza but I then read something that just made me feel better. I refuse to elaborate.
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I'm super angsty so how about a one shot of like, when Libby starts developing feelings for Lee at the very beginning and her trying to distance herself from him for a while because like she seems to believe he'd be better without her sadly and him not realising why and being sad but then she realises it's not helping either of them and he doesn't find out why she did it but it's cute and they're friends again at the end please and thanks lol
Ahahahahahahahahahahaha I can’t write short things so here’s a case study of their relationship loosely (?) based on this ask whoops I have important assignments to do but nope here I am
“He’s cute, don’t you think?” Zoe asked, leaning in conspiratorily. “In a puppy kind of way. One look at him and your heart just fuckin’ melts. I want to cuddle him so hard.”
Libby gave her a concerned look. “You know he’s sixteen and I’m an adult, right? I think it might be illegal for me to answer that question.”
Zoe rolled her eyes and laughed. “Okay, you got me there. Say in two or three years, when he’s not jailbait anymore, would you agree that he’s schnuggle material?”
Libby wrinkled her nose in mild disgust. “Is that some sort of euphemism? I hear you use it a lot and Evan’s face gets really red whenever you do...”
“What? No!” Zoe’s face was a mixture of horror, confusion, and mild amusement. “No, it’s like snuggling, but not. It’s more warm and fuzzy than snuggles, so we call it schnuggles. It’s a Murphy family trademark.”
“Somehow, I’m still not convinced.”
“You’re the worst. And don’t think I don’t see how you’re trying to avoid the question.”
Sighing in defeat, Libby looked across the room to the corner where Lee was sitting alone, face partially buried in a book. His leg tapped consistently and the end of one of the strings of his hoodie was stuck between his teeth. Despite the nervous fidgeting, he still turned the pages of his book without a problem, and his eyes showed quite clearly that he was far, far away from the rest of them. 
Zoe was right. There was something undeniably endearing about Lee Paige, but Libby just couldn’t put a finger on what. If it was his big, dark blue eyes, the way his floppy hair always looked soft, the naturally sweet, boyish way his face was put together, or something else entirely. 
Two years later, Libby still can’t figure out what it is. His eating habits have improved, so there’s now a glow to his skin that hadn’t been there when she’d met him. He’s become more comfortable with laughing louder and smiling with teeth. His mindset still wasn’t always positive, but he could at least be honest with his friends about when it was bad. There were still days that he couldn’t, of course, like two weeks previously when he’d had a panic attack while helping Libby study for her upcoming finals.
She’d never dealt with a panic attack before. Alana going into sensory overload or her mother sobbing uncontrollably after waking from a nightmare, sure, but this was uncharted territory. She’d heard enough from Evan and other kids with anxiety to know that telling someone to take deep breaths only made it worse. So, instead of trying to make Lee calm down, she’d wrapped a blanket around his shoulders, dimmed the lights in her living room, held his hand loosely, and hummed the lullabies her dad had sung to her as a kid. Eventually, his distress had left him be but drained him of energy, so Libby had to call Annaliese and explain why her barely eighteen-year-old son was going to be spending the night with a girl who was nearly twenty-two.
Lee ended up asleep on her couch, wrapped in the same blanket she’d given him at the start of it all. Libby had dragged a sleeping bag out of her closet and slept on the floor next to the couch. When she woke up the next morning, the first thing she saw was Lee. As she made that first, cat-like stretch of the day, her hand accidentally brushed his hair. It really was quite soft. She spent several long moments playing absently with his hair before realizing what she was doing and bolting into the bathroom.
They’d spoken over breakfast at the cafe down the street from her apartment. She walked him to his car and hugged him before he got in. For all intents and purposes, Lee and Libby had parted on the exact same terms they had been on when they met up the previous evening.
Still, they hadn’t spoken since. Libby had tried texting him, had even typed out messages and been a millimeter away from hitting send, but her mind always conjured the feeling of his hair between her fingers right as she went to make a decision.
I can’t have a crush on Lee. He’s young, inexperienced, wracked with insecurities - and this is all assuming he’d like me back. He’s still got so much growing to do, and I’d try to convince him to do it my way whether I meant to or not. I can’t do that to him.
With that in mind, Libby went back to hanging closer to Alana, even if it made her the third wheel to the mush fest that was her cousin and Zoe. Lee went back to hanging on to Jared. Ben made a friend. Finals came and went. Libby got her credential. It worked out alright.
“Hypothetically, which two team members would be the ultimate power couple?” Jared read. They were doing a lighthearted Q&A for the You Will Be Found YouTube channel and most of the questions had been similar to this. “So I guess we’re excluding the actual couples we’ve got here, then.” The rest of the gang nodded in agreement. “Alright, since this is purely hypothetical and not at all bound by reality, I’m gonna go straight out and say Alana and me.”
“Was that a lesbian pun or a pan pun?” Zoe asked. “Because there’s nothing straight going on between the two of you.”
“Yes,” Jared replied, not looking at her. “Either way, Team Autism for the win. Everyone else can go home.”
Zoe snorted and poked him with her foot. “Well, I’m formally nominating Libby and Lee.”
“Ooh, I’m with her on that,” Alana agreed.
Libby looked down at her hands. She did not want to know where Lee was looking.
Jared turned and gave Alana a look that was both annoyed and betrayed. “You’re with Zoe on everything,” he whined. “What am I, chopped liver?”
“You’re a dick,” Connor corrected. “And I’m with Zo and Lon on this one. Hypothetical Lee and Lib would kick Brangelina’s ass.”
“Enough from you, Wednesday,” Jared decided grumpily. “Is anyone on my side?”
“I nominate Lee and me,” Ben decided. It was one of the few times he’d opted to participate in a video and a single of perhaps a handful of occasions when he’d spoken unprompted.
Jared groaned and threw his hands into the air in surrender. “Alright, alright, Leeb wins. I’ll set the wedding for labor day 2017.”
Zoe frowned. “Leeb is a shit ship name, Kleinman.”
“I didn’t ask for this!”
The comments of the video were widely people either debating ship names for Lee and Libby or cheering on the fact that there were others who ‘saw the obvious romantic tension’ between the two of them. Libby felt mildly sick to her stomach.
“He was kidding about us getting married, right?” Lee asked, coming into the kitchen and startling Libby from her thoughts.
She laughed. “Oh, yeah. He loves you way too much to hitch you to me of all people. The internet will be disappointed, but you’ll be safe.”
Lee shrugged. “I can definitely think of worse things than you.”
“I appreciate the compliment, but you’re allowed to have the bar a bit higher than that.” She laughed as she took a sip of coffee.
“I think the bar is right where it needs to be.”
Libby smiled and set down her now-empty mug in the sink. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.”
“I need you to know that you didn’t do anything wrong. I’ve been crappy lately and none of it’s on you. If you can swing it, I’d like to go back to where we were. If not, I totally understand and I’ll respect it. Any and all the space you want, you can have.”
Lee gave her an amused smile that lit up his sweet, boyish face in a way that made Libby’s heart melt.
“Did you miss the part where I said I missed you, too?”
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