#it was supposed to just be a one-off april fool's thing but now im attached
hakusins · 6 months
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cw // piercings
April Fools !! Thought of making a Top! version of my main bottom oc, eri
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hayffiebird · 4 years
Taste of Strawberries, Chap. 21
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Hayffie Post-Mockingjay Multi-chapter, Rated M
I hope you like angst on your fanfic sandwish :) Leave a comment and tell me your thoughts!
Also: (spoiler not a spoiler) I included the Capitol anthem from the new THG book “The ballad of songbirds and snakes” but it doesn’t give away the story so it’s safe to read.
Chapter 21 The betrayal
*ring ring*
… What?
*swallows back a sob* Haymitch? Haymitch, it’s me.
Ah. There she is. Long time no princess. What can you want?
I’m sorry. I know I should have called you a long time ago.
Oh, I remember that voice. Effs Trinket needs a shoulder to cry on, huh? So she goes to good ol’ Haymitch. Course. *takes a mouthful of something* It’s too bad mine’re all the way down here then. Both of ‘em.
I can take the train. If I go now I ought to be…
Here in a day. Yeah. And I’m supposed to just welcome you with open arms?
That’s my name.
I really must speak to you. It’s im…
What for? I’m a dead-end drunk, remember?
I’ve never called…
No, that’s right. Your words were much fancier.
I know you’re angry. This is not easy for me either but…
I’m fine, sweetheart. Just fine. Can’t ruin a life that’s already ruined, right? I s’pose you want all your crap back? Yeah, the kids have it. They think you’re gonna come back, you know. “When hell freezes over”, am I right? But you know Peeta. I’ll just tell ‘em to send it over straight away so you never have to set your foot here ever again. Great, huh?
You left me, Haymitch! I didn’t want you to go! I didn’t want it to end!
Could’ve fooled me. *twists the top of another bottle* And don’t you worry your pretty head, sweetheart. You’ll get over it. Trust me. Soon you’re gonna find some nice, wholesome guy who does exactly what he’s told. It’ll be all: “Yes, Euphemia. No, Euphemia. Whatever you say, Eu…”
Don’t call me that! Haymitch, please! Mrs. Q, she… she tried to… I need you! If you care about me at all…
Oh, I cared about you. A lot. More than a lot. Should’ve fucking known better. So why don’t you call Plutarch or Octavia or any other of your friends and just leave me alone. Cause I owe you nothing. Nothing at all.
*sobs* I’m so stupid.
Have a wonderful life, Eff. I’m sure you’re gonna be deliriously happy.
*toot toot*
There was still some broth left. Katniss slipped her flask into a jacket pocket and poured a second mug.
The storm had finally blown itself out, for now anyway, but one look through the window quelled all hope for a hunting day. No point roaming the woods for sustenance when the snow lay waist-deep.
She fed Buttercup her last piece of bacon and carried the mug into the living room.
“I’m going to the bakery.”
Nightmares had made Haymitch kick all the cushions off the couch again. He lay on his side with the knife cradled against his chest like some scary version of a teddy bear.
“There’re scrambled eggs if you want it,” Katniss said. “And some bacon. I left it on the stove.”
She couldn’t set the mug down. Wasn’t enough space on the coffee table and Haymitch grunted at the sound of glass against glass when she tossed the empties in the container by the door.
He muttered something she couldn’t make sense of and pulled his arm up over his eyes to ward off the light from the one lamp. “Drink the broth at least.” She placed the cup at arm’s reach and was gone.
It was almost a month now since Haymitch set up camp on their couch. One day mid-dinner he just staggered into their living room and he hadn’t left since.
He was decent enough to not completely trash the place but still, you didn’t want Haymitch Abernathy for a roommate. He was hard enough to deal with nextdoor.
Katniss couldn’t stand it being at home these days. Haymitch woke both her and Peeta almost every night with the agonized sounds he made in his sleep and daytime was no better.
Their mentor, hollow-eyed and shrunken on the couch – it all reminded her too much of her mother and Katniss fled when she couldn’t help. She kept to the woods as much as possible and if not the woods the bakery or the Hob or Hazelle’s.
Anywhere but home.
When they finally asked him if it wasn’t time he moved back to his own house, they cleaned it for him, Haymitch only shot them a long look, like a dog they had just mistreated and rolled over so he faced the couch.
“She’s there,” that’s all he muttered.
And what could they do? Not tie him up and dump him somewhere. He was their mentor and they already owed him more than they could ever repay.
They had known something was off the moment they got home, the day before Christmas Eve.
They walked up the old pathway, loaded with bags and the first thing they saw when they passed Haymitch’s house was the Christmas tree lying in the snow, still green and frosty and covered with ornaments. Like someone had just thrown it out the door.
And it wasn’t the only thing.
In the ever-growing light they saw the ground littered with items. Towels and bed sheets and bath robes lay in bundles, all frozen stiff. Soggy, old newspapers and magazines too, blown apart by the frisk wind.
Her clothes were everywhere, along with an endless number of bottles and jars and other beauty products half-buried in the snow. They found napkins and slippers, perfume bottles and pillows. Hairbrushes, tea cups, blankets, curtains, shower curtains, even anagrammed towel hangers attached to chunks of the bathroom wall.
The state of his house was even worse, like a twister had gone through it. They asked him about it but Haymitch was a closed book.
Then, of course they found Effie’s note on their kitchen table and it wasn’t hard to piece together what had happened in their short absence.
They wanted to help. Of course they did. Only, how? Wasn’t like they could change what had already happened or say anything to make it better.
Not that Peeta didn’t try to talk to him. Talk at him. Finally Katniss stepped up and said, not unkindly,
“Just leave him be.”
Haymitch had said next to nothing the whole time but when Katniss and Peeta turned to leave he stopped them in their tracks.
“Just so we’re clear,” he said and looked Peeta straight in the eye; a feat considering how intoxicated he was. “You don’t get any ideas ‘bout calling the Capitol, alright. I mean it, boy. This is my wreckage.”
Sun set early this time of year. For the remaining hours, Katniss and Peeta dug for treasures in Haymitch’s garden, until they had to squint in order to see. And even then some of Effie’s belongings would probably not be found until Spring.
They brought it all back to their house. Silently, Peeta filled the sink with hot water and suds and washed the plates and glasses and tea cups while Katniss stood at the ready with a towel, both of them deep in thought.
Back in District 4, when Peeta gathered her in bed, he had teased her about their cosy, up-coming Christmas. Painted her pictures of Effie plaguing both her and Haymitch with her bright holiday spirit and bringing them gifts – wrapped in regular wrappings so she didn’t technically break Haymitch’s rule of “no Christmas presents.”
Dinner at the Hob would follow where Effie would spend about two thirds of it clucking over Haymitch’s table manners and Haymitch stating he should just hire her voice to cut his turkey for him and “we’re not doing this again, that’s for sure”, all the while not quite able to keep his hands to himself.
“And then they’ll top the evening with a see-through excuse like ‘I’m gonna go get a bottle’ or ‘I am simply exhausted. Do you mind if we call it a night?’,” Peeta finished and grinned at Katniss who squirmed like a worm in hot ashes.
It just felt good to make fun of their mentor being happy for once. Happy with Effie.
Now, everything was in ruins and tomorrow would be just like any other day, with Haymitch drunk and getting drunker.
Not that Christmas had ever been a busy affair in the Victor’s Village. They had dinner and that was pretty much it. A slightly fancier one, perhaps, with about a 50% chance of Haymitch joining. He only ever showed up last New Year’s because of Effie.
Because of Effie. That phrase applied for many aspects of Haymitch’s life, didn’t it? He’d deny it but just the fact she got him to even consider drying out pretty much said everything.
“Maybe we should call her,” Peeta wondered, not sure himself.
“But you heard him,” Katniss said. “This is none of our business. And they’ll come around, eventually.”
They were both so used to their mentor and escort’s antics. Those stubborn, old fools were always at each other’s throat and through and through they found a way back to one other. Back at each other’s side.
This too would pass, surely? Sooner or later, one of them would swallow their pride and pick up the phone.
And while Katniss and Peeta waited for that call they stored Effie’s things for safe-keeping, well out of Haymitch’s sight and stopped asking questions.
But February rolled to a close with dark days and even darker nights. Life in Twelve was just one storm after another and people were forced to seek shelter at the Hob so as not to get lost in them. The vixen’s cry echoed in the night and Katniss and Peeta stored up on candle sticks for the blackouts.
March came with the deceiving breath of spring only to bury the district in a second winter. Hazelle’s kids put her on bed rest after a sprained ankle. Brooks gushed in plentiful streams under the ice and an apple-cheeked Katniss returned from the woods, game bag loaded with wild turkey.
April arrived with warmer weather. Tiny greens peeked in people’s gardens and the patches of last year’s grass grew bigger for each day. Water dropped down every icicle and town’s kids and Seam kids alike melted snow in water barrels to make the spring come faster.
Everyone kept busy. It was a time of change, of rebirth. Winter was finally over and it had a rejuvenating effect on everyone.
Well, almost everyone.
Effie’s name was never mentioned and yet she was ever present. If an outsider walked past and saw Haymitch on the couch he might think “same old, same old”. But Katniss and Peeta were family and they knew him better than that.
Haymitch had never been an easy person to deal with and definitely not a happy-go-lucky one. But every once in a while, if he had a couple hours of dreamless sleep it was like he got an energy boost.
That’s when he got up, checked on the geese, helped Peeta in the bakery, maybe just had a hot meal down at the Hob before he returned to his bottles.
Now, it was like he didn’t care about anything anymore. He just lay on the couch, drinking and God help the one who bothered him. He only ever left for the bathroom breaks or when his liquor ran out.
But even that came to an end.
It happened when Haymitch staggered into the Hob on a Sunday morning.
“Usual,” he slurred and tossed handfuls of money on Ripper’s bar counter.
“Sorry, Haymitch. You’re too early,” she said. “The train doesn’t arrive until Monday. We’re all out now.”
“Usual!” Haymitch repeated, louder this time like she was slow. Sighs rose from around the tables.
“It’s Sunday,” Ripper told him patiently. “Come back tomorrow and I’ll get your bottles. I can’t sell it to you now because we’re out.”
She couldn’t make him understand. Each time she tried Haymitch only got surlier. “Wha’s the problem?” he whined. “I have money. Wha’s the problem?”
He scared some of the little kids eating breakfast with their parents. The temperature in the diner seemed to have dropped twenty degrees and finally a gray-haired old man muttered, loud enough for Haymitch to hear it,
“Who’d have thought we’d ever wish for that fancy sow to come back?”
That’s when Haymitch wielded his knife. He was so drunk it was pathetic but for Ripper that was it! She kicked him out and told him either he left his knife at home or he would have to get someone else to buy him his liquor.
From then on, Katniss and Peeta stocked up his supplies and Haymitch found even fewer reasons to get up.
What for?
Maybe it would have been better, Katniss thought. Less cruel, if he never got those precious few months with Effie. Because losing her, losing her altogether and not just as a lover, seemed to have opened a crack in his rock bottom and pushed him down that hole as well.
And Effie, how was she doing?
May. God, he hated May. Ever since he turned twelve, the month right before the Hunger Games was nothing but a ticking clock. Even now, years after the war had ended, there were still times when he started awake, thinking,
Reaping day’s almost here!
He couldn’t sleep. While he marinated his liver a bug had detoured in to the house and was now buzzing about in the window.
The sound unnerved him because the bloody thing just wouldn’t give up! It bumped and thumped against the glass over and over again, yearning for freedom.
It was Peeta’s damn fault. He always opened a window when it rained.
Finally he couldn’t take it anymore.
“Alright, alright,” Haymitch growled and swung his legs off of the couch.
It was a wasp. Not the tracker jacker kind, just a regular one. It crawled along the window sill, flew into the glass once more and wiggled it’s antennae in irritation.
“Out with you now,” Haymitch muttered as he struggled with the window hooks. “Be free.” And watched the bug disappear.
The night air felt balmy against his skin. He took his time unscrewing the lid on the silver hip flask. The geese were quiet for a change but the mockingjays were still up, frisky and begging for company. He ran his hand through his wild beard and drank the flask dry. It didn’t take long.
He was just looking for something to fill it up with when he heard the sound. One even his soaked brain could place.
A phone. Ringing.
His mind jumped to Effie and he could’ve kicked himself for it. He resisted the desire to slam the window shut and closed it before he returned to the couch. The coffee table held nothing but empties. They clinked under his fingertips until he found one with some in it. He lifted it to his lips and greeted the burn with a sigh of relief.
Outside, the ringing continued. Even with the window closed, there was no escaping it.
It’s not her. Why’d she call now? No reason for her to call now.
After what felt like 10 years, the phone silenced. The knot in his stomach eased somewhat and after he promised himself to tear the phone out the wall as soon as the sun rose he walked over to the cabinet and peeked inside.
“Thank you, kids,” he mumbled at the welcomed sight. He grabbed same bottles at random and brought them back to the couch. But before he got the chance to flop down on his ass-print the phone went off again.
“Oh, fuck me,” he wheezed.
Who called him at three in the morning? No, strike that. Who called him, period?
Sweat trickled down his sides in never-ending streams. The sound played on his nerve strings like a violin. It was the wasp all over again because the caller, whoever it was, didn’t give up. Refused to stop until he did something about it.
A hundred whispered insults spilled over Haymitch’s lips as he pulled on his shoes.
He hadn’t seen the inside of his house in months. The last time he was here had been a fucking nightmare. Broken furniture, broken everything.
The long, hard signals cut through the stillness like a knife.
It’s not her.
He picked up the phone and the blare of music nearly ripped her ear drum. He held the thing a meter away.
“Hello?” someone called. “Helloo?”
He brought the phone closer.
“Who is this?”
“Well, hi to you too!” the person laughed. It was a woman’s voice. One he recognized, only he couldn’t quite place it. From the Capitol at least. “How’s the bachelor’s life treating you, Haycock?” the stranger woman asked. When he didn’t answer she went on, “It’s me, Gloria! Gloria Highgrass. We met at Octavia’s birthday party, remember? Yellow dress. Good-for-nothing cousin by my side.”
Haymitch drew a silent sigh. Of course.
“Where you’ve been hiding, hm?” she asked. ”Haven’t seen you in a while. Finally tired of your afternoon delight?”
“Why don’t you go fuck yourself.”
“Oh,” Gloria chuckled. “You kiss your bottle with that mouth? What would Effie said?”
Her words drew giggles. Clearly, they had an audience and he was just about to slam the phone down when she said,
“I just saw her, that little cock-warmer of yours. And between you and me: I don’t blame you for leaving. What a mess, haha! You screwed her up good, Haycock! She’s so unfuckable now! Well done, sir. Well done.”
And her brilliant laughter hammered his head.
“Do you know we all placed bets on how long the two of you would last? It’s true! You cost me a fortune, Haycock! You guys stuck it out way longer than I thought. And then my useless cousin told me about your little scene at the train station. ‘Get your shit together’ and all that. God, I wish I was there!”
She had a sip of something and then rallied on,
”You wanna know what I think? I think she planned the whole thing. So you’d never leave her. Too bad she forgot that district scum scurry off like cockroaches once the light’s on. Well, she’s paying for it now, isn’t she? How’d she tell you? Before or after you cleared out?”
It was a wonder the phone didn’t break in Haymitch’s fist. He could hardly breathe, that’s how furious he was. But he refused to give this woman the satisfaction of him losing his temper.
“Hey, lady,” he said, in a very measured voice. “If you know something about Effie, spit it out. Or else you can just stop wasting my time and go back to your pathetic little life.”
That finally silenced her. For about three seconds.
”You don’t know?” she said. “You kidding me? He doesn’t know!”
And everyone on the other end broke down in hysterical laughter. Gloria contained hers just long enough to say,
”Come back to the Capitol, Haycock! See for yourself!”
And she slammed the phone in his ear.
He couldn’t stand another second in this place. Her things may be gone but he still felt Effie’s presence in every corner of the house. Like fumes slowly killing you.
He didn’t realize how much his hands trembled until he was back on the couch. He balled them into fists.
The nerve of that woman! “Come see for yourself.” The hell’s that supposed to mean?
He needed a drink. He wiped his sweaty palms on his pants and tipped the first bottle he found in to his mouth, again and again until he came up choking.
The liquor numbed his worries like they numbed everything else.
“You screwed her up good.” Yeah, that’s likely. He didn’t fancy himself being important enough to lose even a minute’s sleep over.
Maybe so. But you’re not the only bad thing that’s happened to her. Remember?
“She’s fine,” he told the empty room. “Just fine.” Probably thrived now that she didn’t have to deal with him anymore. That low-life Gloria Highgrass was just fucking with his head. She wanted to cause a spectacle, get some gossip material, that’s all.
If Effie was in any kind of need all she had to do was pick up the phone and call him.
Besides, wasn’t like she kept in touch to see how he was fairing. It was damn clear she didn’t want anything to do with him anymore. And if she didn’t care, why should he?
Yeah, he thought and reached for the next bottle. Let her deal with her own demons.
If Haymitch thought he was the only one up he was wrong. Katniss slept a deep slumber for once but all the creaks and groans coming from the floorboards downstairs finally wormed their way into Peeta’s dreams until he flinched awake.
The room burned with morning light. Peeta’s heart pounded in his chest but he remained still so as not to disturb Katniss while he listened to the sounds below.
It wasn’t the first time Haymitch “ghosted the halls”. Peeta remembered it especially well from their train rides together and back at the penthouse during the Games.
Sometimes it seemed like Haymitch just couldn’t stand to remain in the same place, locked inside his own head. And that’s when he stalked from room to room, aimlessly. Like a bear in a cage. Well, a bear with a bottle in its paw.
No, it wasn’t the first time but it was the first time in a while. And he used to go to bed with the sun so what was he still doing up?
At least with Haymitch on the couch, you knew where you had him. Finally Peeta carefully extracted himself from Katniss and slipped out of bed, just to check on him. That wouldn’t be a first either.
He reached the foot of the stairs just as Haymitch returned in to the living room, surprisingly sober. Sobered up. He sunk down on the couch, elbows on his knees. He never noticed Peeta. His eyes were squarely focused on something in his hands.
Peeta couldn’t tell what it was at first but then Haymitch shifted it over and the penny suddenly dropped.
It was a paper goose. The paper goose. He knew it well because it used to sit on the window sill back in his studio. Haymitch must have ventured inside and stumbled upon it by co-incidence.
Effie’s paper goose. Well, Haymitch’s really since she gave it to him.
Peeta remembered the day she made it. It was the summer Haymitch had brought her here after the over-dose.
She had one of her good days and joined them for breakfast in the studio. He painted, Katniss ate cheese buns, Haymitch doodled a horrible caricature of Effie and in exchange she made him this little origami creature.
A good day in an ocean of bad ones.
Shortly after, the night terrors sent her in a down-ward spiral again and just to keep her from clocking out Haymitch said he thought about getting some geese. What’d she think?
The idea probably originated from Chaff. Eleven’s victor loved everything made from the bird. Roast goose and buttered potatoes, corned goose hash, fried eggs with mushrooms.
Those were the dishes he ordered at the training centre before the third Quarter Quell and if memory didn’t deceive Peeta he even told Caesar Flickerman after he was crowned victor, that he liked to raise geese once he returned to District Eleven.
Now he never really got that idea off the table. Instead, Haymitch did. Well, sort of. None of his birds had ever wound up on a plate.
In any case, Peeta bet the whole ”let’s go to Eleven” adventure wasn’t motivated by some great desire to buy geese. That’s just what Haymitch had her believe. Because for whatever reason Effie lived up a little whenever she got to plan things. It gave her a sense of control.
It was slick how he played it. Made her think “This will be good for Haymitch” when really it was “good for Effie”. Something to keep her mind occupied. His own way to try and coax her out of her depression.
A hundred memories drenched up by one paper bird. That’s what Peeta witnessed this very moment. Haymitch could have crushed it easily. Just made a fist and tossed it on the fire. He tossed everything else that even vaguely reminded him of her.
He didn’t. The way he held it, you’d think it was one of his goslings and he had a look on his face that would not have been there, had he known someone was watching.
“Morning,” Katniss yawned as she walked in to the kitchen, hours later. Peeta stood by the stove, quietly pouring hot water through the tea leaves. She reached for the jug of orange juice to set it on the table. “Where’s Haymitch at? I didn’t see him.”
“On the train.”
Katniss stopped, eyebrows lifted.
“You sure?”
In answer, he pointed at the table and she discovered the note, jotted down on a scrap of paper.
I’m gonna go see Effie. Call her and tell her I’m coming, OK? Thanks.
“You talked to her? What’d she say? What?” she asked at the look on Peeta’s face.
“I tried, for about an hour,” he said. “I can’t get through. The phone’s disconnected.”
Gem of Panem Mighty city Through the ages, you shine anew
Intertwined with their laughter, the Capitol anthem echoed around the deserted city. Morning light stretched their shadows into four giants as they walked down the street, arm-in-arm. Their makeup was smeared, the flowers in their outfits drooping. All evidence of what a smash hit the night had been!
We humbly kneel To your ideal And pledge our love to you!
Coriana’s voice rose highest of them all, the only member in their quartet who could hit all the high notes, drunk or sober, but they all joined in just as merrily with the voice they had.
Gem of Panem Heart of justice Wisdom crowns your marble brow
It felt good, comforting, to chant the age old verses of their childhood. The real anthem of Panem. The politically correct atrocity Paylor whipped together didn’t hold a candle to it!
You give us light You reunite To you we make our vow
Tipsy to say the least, Priscilla wobbled dangerously in her sky-high heels but each time she careened to far to the left, they steered her right again with many giggles and “Oopsy-daisy!”
Gem of Panem Seat of power Strength in peacetime, shield in strife
“Oh, this is my favorite part!” warbled Imogen who couldn’t carry a tune with a gun to her head.
Protect our land With armored hand Our Capitol, our…
Lancer gasped, mid-through the final crescendo. Linked with the others he almost toppled them over at sudden halt.
“My gracious!” he said. “It’s Haymitch Abernathy!”
Up ahead, a man had just appeared round a corner. Ruffled clothes, hair hanging forward, everything about him completely out of place here. He paid them no attention but it was him, without a doubt. The drunken traitor of District 12.
“You heard about him and Effie Trinket, right?” Imogen asked in a loud whisper.
“Of course we heard,” said Coriana. “The whole town knows.”
“Ugh. Just look at him.” Priscilla wrinkled her nose. “At least on television he dressed decently. Disgusting!”
“She’s the one who’s disgusting,” Lancer said and pursed his lips. “He’s district. What did you expect? But a Capitolian really should know better.”
“I would jump off a cliff if it was me!”
“It could never be you, Imogen, the very thought!” said Coriana. “What’s he doing here again? Flaunting himself on our streets after what he did. What they did!”
If Haymitch heard them he didn’t show it and he didn’t change his course. When they remained shoulder to shoulder, gawking at him he sawed right through them like they were a flock of pigeons and they jumped apart with furious cries.
“You should be ashamed of yourself!” Priscilla shouted to his back. “I really think you should!”
Those four weren’t the only ones who questioned what Haymitch was doing in the Capitol. Had there been one positive consequence of him and Effie breaking up it was that he would never have to see this place again.
Well, the joke’s on him.
She’s not back on pills, he told himself as he kicked a squashed ice cream cup far up the street. She promised she wouldn’t go down that road again.
The train ride was hell on earth. Throughout the long hours he failed to quiet his mind, to shake off his worries over Glorias’s words and why he couldn’t get a call through to Effie. Just thinking about their impending reunion made him sick, until he finally caved in to the bottles in his duffel.
Ironically, the one thing that stopped him from drinking himself completely senseless was the paper goose, now hitching a ride in his pocket. It helped him focus.
Walking the deserted avenues, through glitter and serpentines left from some party only reminded him of the first time he came here unannounced.
Little Ms. Hypocrite. She was one to talk about having someone almost die in your arms.
But she’s not back on pills.
The brightness of the sun reflected in the candy buildings, the lush public gardens alive with bird song, the bounty flowerbeds, the gushing fountains. It was like the Capitol mocked him with its splendor. Days like this were Effie’s favourites.
And there her building was. He saw it over the roof tops, windows reflecting bits of the blue sky. With a grimace, Haymitch slowed his steps like he’d run out of gas. Fuck it. He needed a drink. One more or less, what did it matter? He wasn’t going to stay here long anyway.
He was still struggling to close the zipper as he entered her street, her curb. He pulled the straps over his shoulder, about to give the door a knock.
And he just stared. Dumb-founded, for half a minute or more. Gaped at her front door, like the gaggle of fools he passed earlier.
No, no this can’t be right, he thought, unable to take in what his eyes were telling him. It’s gotta be a mistake.
The name plate on Effie’s door was gone. The window shutters were all closed. He turned the handle. It wouldn’t budge. He rang the bell. He knocked, pounded rather. No one opened. The place was completely dead.
But it made no sense! Effie had lived in this apartment almost all her life!
He walked over to the windows, shielded his eyes from the sunlight as he tried to peer through the shutters for any movements inside. 
He returned to the door, raised his hand for another knock.
“She’s not here,” a voice rung out.
He turned at the sound. On the other side of the road, just across from him, stood an old lady. The same dry twig of a woman he’d seen twice before. At least twice.
“Mr. Abernathy,” she said. The sun glinted off the gem stones in her wrinkled cheeks. Her mouth was pressed into a thin line. “Didn’t think I would ever see you here again.”
He crossed the road.
“The hell’s going on here? Where’s Effie?”
The woman’s pale green eyes pierced his. She had to lift her chin to do it. Just like Sae she barely cleared his shoulders but that’s where the similarities ended. Because this woman’s eyes held none of her warmth or gaiety.
And yet, behind the frost he noticed that same sadness he’d seen there before. Only not for him.
“I warned her”, she said. “I told her from the very beginning not to get involved with someone like you. A man who would give her nothing but heartache. But she never heeded my advice. She didn’t want to listen.”
“Here’s an idea,” Haymitch cut her off. “How ‘bout you quit playing games with me and tell me what you know.”
“I blame myself,” the woman continued, unfazed by the interruption. “I insisted she applied for an escortship. If she became an architect like she first wanted, she wouldn’t be where she is now. Maybe none of us would.”
“Who are you?” Haymitch demanded. “What’s your name?”
“Mrs. Quinlan.”
Quinlan? He had definitely heard that name before. Nothing Games related, at least he didn’t think so. No, Effie had mentioned her at some point. Yeah, at the hospital, after her rescue. She asked if she was still alive. If she was safe.
Mrs. Q.
“You’re Eff’s landlady.”
The woman shook her head.
“Not anymore.”
“Because you kicked her out.”
“She’s beyond my help,” Mrs. Quinlan said. “Euphemia was a good girl, Mr. Abernathy. A good daughter. I have wept blood for her sake but I never gave up on her. Even after the war. She got one last chance to make amends. To build up a life for herself that she could be proud of. And she went and threw it all away the moment she decided to keep your young.”
Haymitch heard the words, loud and clear, but it was like he couldn’t absorb them. Make sense of what she just said.
It was like when he was little and broke his arm, falling down a tree. They all saw it was broken but it didn’t hurt. Not straight away. Like the shock was so great nothing registered.
“’Keep my young?’ he rasped. Heat rose up his throat and face until it burned. “What do you mean ‘keep my young’?”
For the first time, a flicker of surprise registered on Mrs. Quinlan’s face.
“Where is she?” He didn’t think his voice would carry at all. Instead it echoed around the buildings. “If not here, where’s she staying?”
“Go home, Mr Abernathy,” she said. “You have done enough damage as it is.”
“If you don’t want me to wake the entire neighborhood, you tell me where she is!”
Sleepy heads already poked out windows at the commotion. There were murmurs, curious looks thrown their way. Mrs. Quinlan’s lips pressed into the same tight line.
“She moved in with Caesar Flickerman’s daughter. I assume I don’t have to tell you which one.”
The bearded dragon slumped on her favorite spot in the vivarium - a gnarled old tree root and basked in the warm rays slanting through the windows.
When they first got her she fitted in your pocket. Now they had to use both hands to carry her properly. Sandy yellow and with a look on her face like “you’re all beneath me” you’d think she was the distant cousin of a certain District 12 cat but it was only an illusion.
“Hey, you,” June said and slipped a hand inside the enclosure, knuckles down, fingers outstretched in an inviting gesture. The reptile crawled down the root and over to her. June gave her a soft scratch under the spiky chin and the animal climbed up her palm.
Annabel sat by the secretary desk, her tea long cold and forgotten, but when June passed, she took the time petting their dragon before she returned to her letter. She eyed what she’d just written, critically and gave a deep sigh.
“They won’t even…”
“They will,” said June. She had settled on the couch with the dragon on her lap. The animal closed her eyes under the soft strokes.
It had been a quiet, docile morning with just the occasional car passing by and the gentle scratch of pen against paper.
“The crates should arrive today,” said June and reached for her own cup of tea.
Right on cue the bell rang.
“Speaking of the devil,” said Annabel. She set the pen down and slowly and painfully flexed her fingers.
It rang again, on her way through the hallway.
“Coming!” She pulled her hair back in a hasty pony tail. A shadow moved behind the frosted glass. She took the chain off the door.
And came face to face with the victor of District 12.
”Mr. Abernathy,” she said, eyebrows lifted. “I…”
He didn’t let her finish.
”Effie,” he said. His face was a deep red. “She here?”
“Bel?” June’s voice fluttered in from the living room.
“Is she here?” Haymitch repeated, the fury behind the words only barely contained. “Never mind that. I know she is.”
“She’s here, Mr. Abernathy,” said Annabel.
That’s all he needed. He pushed past her.
“Eff?” he called as he stalked into the living room. June had risen, face white as paper. The dragon’s tail flailed between her cupped hands at the sudden alarm.
Annabel had followed inside and he turned on her again.
“I know all about it,” he spat. She could smell the hard liquor fumes on him. June quickly set the reptile back in the safety of the vivarium. “I know she’s pregnant so don’t try and lie to me!”
“I’m not lying to you.”
“Where is she?”
“She’s resting.”
“Well, go and wake her up!”
“Mr. Abernathy,” she said, voice suddenly firm. “You will not shout in my house.”
“I don’t care! She thought she can just have my kid and never tell me? Who the hell does she think she is!? I wanna talk to her. Give her a piece of my mind!”
“Not until you’ve calmed down!”
“The hell with you! I’ll go find her myself.”
He turned for the door but she was right at his heel.
“Stop it!” June cried when Haymitch shoved Annabel’s hand off of him. The tea cup knocked over and crashed against the floor. The dragon ran frantically around in its cage. “Stop!”
“Get your fucking hands off me!”
“Haymitch, what are you doing!?”
Her cry made them all turn. Flushed and out of breath from the rush and alarm Effie stood in the doorway, a robe carelessly thrown over her nightdress. Her eyes locked on his, for the first time in months and the words choked in his throat. It was like the rest of the room and everyone in it just disappeared. Everyone but Effie.
And through the blood pounding in his head he could make only one coherent thought.
What have I done to her?
“I’ll be in the back if you need anything,” Annabel said as she swept up the last of the broken cup. A spitting mad June had already retreated to their bedroom, carrying the dragon with her and now Annabel went as well, leaving Haymitch and Effie to talk in private.
Not that Haymitch looked like he’d ever speak again. He hunkered in the armchair with his arms crossed over his chest. Effie sat on the couch but they could just as well be light years apart.
“Who told you?” she asked in a hushed voice.
”Does it matter?” He wasn’t yelling now. Wouldn’t even look at her. He seemed to have aged ten years in the past half hour.
“No,” said Effie. “No, I suppose not.”
She had a blanket draped over herself. Like that was going to hide anything.
“I thought you were on the pill?”
“I was.”
“Time and money you could’ve saved, clearly,” he said through gritted teeth. “And the whole Capitol knows I’m the father?”
“Yes,” she said quietly. “I wanted to tell you.”
“So why didn’t you? If you have my kid rolling around in your tummy I deserve to know about it, don’t you think?”
When she didn’t answer straight away his eyes darted to her face. And his insides contracted all over again as cold panic flooded his limbs.
“What, Eff?”
”It’s...” Her voice faltered. “We’re not...”
“We’re what?”
He saw his own anxiety mirrored in her eyes. She placed her hand against her stomach and his throat closed up. Because he knew the truth before she said it.
No! No, I don’t wanna hear it!
”It’s two,” she said. “Haymitch, I’m so sorry you had to find out this way. I didn’t…”
But Haymitch had already heaved himself to his feet. He wanted to throw up. He would throw up.
“I can’t do this.”
”Wait,” she said but he didn’t look at her. Couldn’t look at her and her big stomach.
”I need some air.”
“Good afternoon, Mathilda,” Mr. Bumble smiled when he crossed her door. His elegant, twirled up mustache was dyed a dusk pink today, the same color as the lap dog, freezing at his feet.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Bumble,” Mrs. Quinlan said, hoping he would pick up on the very inappropriate use of her first name.
He didn’t.
“I’d stay and chat,” he said, “but Helga is waiting for us.” And he gave his bouquet of blue roses a little wave. “It’s our anniversary, you know! 25 years!”
“How wonderful. Give her my best,” Mrs. Quinlan said mechanically as he trotted off down the street. If Helga was home or even remembered what day it was, she would eat up her hat.
She dropped the key in to her handbag and crossed the road, mindful of any ice patches hidden under the fresh snow.
The door was locked but that she only expected. So she slipped her hand into her handbag and got out different set of keys. Normally she took pride in not using them but the girl had sounded very off on the phone. Sad.
“Euphemia?” she said as she stepped inside. The flat was dark but she turned the lights on as she went. She knew her way around this apartment, almost as well as her own. “Euphemia, where are you?”
She heard noises from the master bedroom. Retches that led her straight for the adjoined bathroom.
Effie’s nightgown clung to her with sweat. Slumped down on her knees, she clutched the toilet seat as she threw up. Tears and perspiration rolled down her face from the ordeal.
She didn’t hear anyone come in. That way she never saw the complete and utter shock on Mrs. Quinlan’s face. But she quickly composed herself again.
Effie looked up, startled.
“Oh”, she groaned. She was pale as a sheet, her eyes wet and red. “Mrs. Q, now’s… not a good time.”
And she disappeared inside the bowl again as the next wave rolled in.
Mrs. Quinlan didn’t say anything. She just pulled up a stool and seated herself. She gathered Effie’s hair with one hand and held it back from her face until the worst was over.
When Effie grew still, head heavy against her arms, just heaving breaths of both exhaustion and relief Mrs. Quinlan reached for a towel.
“Here,” she said and soaked it under the faucet. “Clean yourself.”
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Q,” Effie mumbled and dabbed her mouth with it. She felt Mrs. Quinlan’s eyes on her and tried to elude them by wiping the tears off her cheeks. “I am not quite myself today.” 
“Must be something I ate.”
“Euphemia, look at me, please.”
With an enormous effort, Effie lifted her head. She swallowed and swallowed. The color of her face had returned, from barely holding it together.
“Are you with child?”
Those words did it. It was like a dam broke. Effie buried her face against her babysitter’s lap and now they came. All those pent-up tears she hadn’t been able to shed since that awful day with Haymitch on the train station.
Mrs. Quinlan’s face was taut as a string.
”There now,” she murmured and stroked Effie’s hair. ”You will be alright. It’s going to be just fine.”
Effie soaked Mrs. Quinlan’s skirt with her sobs and it was like she was little again.
She’d been four or five and accidentally knocked over a vase. Everything in Mrs. Quinlan’s apartment was either ancient or valuable or both and little Effie stared in horror at the broken pierces. Finally she ran off and hid.
For the next half-hour Mrs. Quinlan had to go from room to room and from closet to closet, peer inside the cupboards and behind every thick curtain, calling her name. When she finally found her in the laundry basket Effie was so terror-struck she burst in to a wail of tears.
But Mrs. Q just scoped her up, pulled a dirty child sock off the side of her dress and carried her into the living room. With her skinny arms linked around Mrs. Q’s neck Effie sniveled and whimpered the entire time, her little body racked with sobs.
Mrs. Q. wrapped her in one of her own shawls that smelled of perfume and to the rhythm of the creaky old rocking chair, she hummed her to sleep with a Capitol lullaby.
She had never felt so safe.
“Why don’t you take a shower, Euphemia,” Mrs. Quinlan said once Effie’s sobs had subsided a little. She patted her hand between her own icy ones. “And then you and I will have a cup of nice, hot tea.”
“Oh, that is awfully sweet, mrs. Q, but I think I rather,” she started to object but Mrs. Quinlan only waved a finger in the air.
“It will do you some good,” she said. “Tea at my place, four o’clock.”
Effie had avoided Mrs. Quinlan’s flat for the past almost two years. She had spent a great deal of her childhood in the company of her landlady when mother and father couldn’t or wouldn’t take their daughter with them to one of their events.
But these days there was only one subject Mrs. Q wanted to discuss when they met and Effie found herself coming up with excuses. Because it didn’t matter how many times she tried to change the subject, Mrs. Q always steered the conversation back on the same sole topic.
Haymitch Abernathy.
Effie never talked about her and Haymitch’s relationship. Not with Mrs. Q or anyone else. But living just across the road, Mrs. Quinlan seemed to know everything anyway.
She didn’t approve. She never liked the gruff and unrefined victor of District 12 and nothing could change her mind.
She just didn’t understand. How could she? No one in the Capitol did.
“How far along are you?” she asked and poured them tea from the plump china pot. Effie tried to breathe through her nose. Just thinking about ingesting something made her queasy.
“Nine weeks.”
“Have you told him yet? Are you sure it’s his?”
“Mrs. Quinlan,” said Effie tiredly. “We’ve been through this. I’m sorry, but it’s private and really no one else’s business.”
“So, I take that as a yes,” she said mildly.
Exhausted, Effie’s eyes wandered longingly to the snow-specked window beyond Mrs. Q.
“He should have taken precautions,” the old woman said. “The situation he puts you in.”
”It wasn’t his fault,” said Effie. ”It just… happened.”
Mrs. Quinlan poured cream into her cup but Effie didn’t touch it. All she really wanted was to lie down.
There were cookies rounded up on the silvery cake stand. The frosting wasn’t like Peeta’s. Not nearly as nice but looking at them only reminded her of those lazy days in District 12 and Haymitch, teasing her for having such a sweet-tooth.
”Drink now,” said Mrs. Quinlan. “Add a little honey. Or would you rather I put some ginger in? It helps with the nausea.”
“No, it’s OK.”
Effie lifted the cup just to humor her. She was about to take a sip when the warm scent curled into her nose. A crease appeared between her eyebrows.
Mrs. Quinlan didn’t like surprises. Her routines had been virtually unchanged for the past decades. She washed her hands with the same kind of rose soap, combed her hair with the ivory comb that had survived two wars and she always drank jasmine tea.
This wasn’t jasmine tea. Effie should know. After all those tea parties at this very table, the flowery aroma was forever ingrained in her memory. She took another tentative sniff of the strange and unfamiliar fragrance.
It had a faint minty quality but not quite like the mint tea in District 12. She doubted she ever had it in the Capitol either. And yet the smell tugged at her, tried to tell her something.
Her eyes flitted to Mrs. Quinlan. The old woman stirred her own cup in slow, precise circles. The silver spoon rasped the bottom of the china. A cup she had yet to touch.
And a wave of dread flushed Effie’s face when the name surfaced.
”It’s pennyroyal.”
Mrs. Quinlan looked her in the eye. Her face was as hard and unyielding as the gems in her cheeks.
”You should never have let him into your bed.”
The beverage scalded Effie’s hands when she pushed back from the table. She stared at Mrs. Quinlan, eyes wide in terror.
”It’s for your own good, Euphemia. Nobody ever needs to know. It will be like it never happened.”
Effie didn’t stay to hear the rest. She fled the room, didn’t bother with her coat just bolted for the door. Her hands shook so badly she couldn’t work the locks and one terrible moment she thought herself trapped.
Footsteps approached or she imagined they did and a shriek escaped her lips. Then the door flew open and she staggered out into the sleet.
Blood pounded her ears as she locked her front door, fled into her bedroom and locked that door as well. She was shaking all over and slumped rather than sat down on the bed, hand clamped over her mouth.
I didn’t drink it. I never drank it.
Her vision was so blurred it took her three efforts to dial the right number. Her hand found her tummy and she tried to draw slow, deep breaths to calm the erratic beating of her heart.
”It’s OK,” she whispered to the unborn baby in her belly. ”It’s OK. You’re OK.”
So many signals just came and went, her hopes faltered with each one. Until,
A sob slipped between her lips at the sound of his voice. She couldn’t help it. Her palm remained against her bump that wasn’t even a bump yet. Just a slight swelling beneath her dress. It made her feel stronger.
”Haymitch?” She fought to keep her voice steady. ”Haymitch, it’s me.”
“Ah, there she is,” he said with the nasty edge that sometimes crept into his voice when he drank, especially now under these circumstances. “Long time no princess. What can you want?”
“I’m sorry. I know I should have called you a long time ago.”
“Oh, I remember that voice. Effs Trinket needs a shoulder to cry on, huh? So she goes to good ol’ Haymitch. Course.” She heard him take a swig from a bottle. “It’s too bad mine’re all the way down here, then. Both of ‘em.”
“I can take the train.” Tears threatened to spill over her lashes but she held them back. Didn’t want to break down in to a blubbering mess. ”If I go now I ought to be…”
“Here in a day. Yeah. And I’m supposed to just welcome you with open arms?”
“That’s my name.”
“I really must speak to you. It’s im…”
“What for?” he cut her off. “I’m a dead-end drunk, remember?”
“I’ve never called…”
“No, that’s right. Your words were much fancier.”
A wave of despair rose up within Effie. It was like a physical pain.
“I know you’re angry,” she said. ”This is not easy for me either but…”
“I’m fine, sweetheart. Just fine. Can’t ruin a life that’s already ruined, right? I s’pose you want all your crap back? Yeah, the kids have it. They think you’re gonna come back, you know. ‘When hell freezes over’, am I right? But you know Peeta. I’ll just tell ‘em to send it over straight away so you never have to set your foot here ever again. Great, huh?”
“You left me, Haymitch!” Effie cried and her voice broke. “I didn’t want you to go! I didn’t want it to end!”
“Could’ve fooled me.” He twisted the top of another bottle. “And don’t you worry your pretty head, sweetheart. You’ll get over it. Trust me. Soon you’re gonna find some nice, wholesome guy who does exactly what he’s told. It’ll be all: ‘Yes, Euphemia. No, Euphemia. Whatever you say, Eu…’”
“Don’t call me that!” she cried at the sound of Mrs. Quinlan’s name for her. “Haymitch, please!” She didn’t care that she begged now, hand clutched against her stomach like she could somehow protect it that way. ”Mrs. Q, she… she tried to… I need you! If you care about me at all…”
“Oh, I cared about you,” Haymitch said. “A lot. More than a lot. Should’ve fucking known better. So why don’t you call Plutarch or Octavia or any other of your friends and just leave me alone. Cause I owe you nothing. Nothing at all.”
Tears rolled down Effie’s face and she abandoned all efforts to try and stop them.
“I’m so stupid.”
“Have a wonderful life, Eff. I’m sure you’re gonna be deliriously happy.”
And she was left with just the flat audio tone.
Author’s note: I don’t know who I feel the most sorry for. Haymitch or Effie. How about you? And hayffie twins are on the way!
What did you think of Mathilda Quinlan? I face claim Geraldine Chaplin for her, the way she looked when she played Aurora in “The Orphanage”.
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