#im so sorry i keep drawing my son i love my boy ok
hakusins · 6 months
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cw // piercings
April Fools !! Thought of making a Top! version of my main bottom oc, eri
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jane-lynndrake-t · 28 days
On hiatus until the 23rd!!
Hi! I am Janet Lynn (edit) Drake, but I prefer Jan or Jane!
In my head, I'm 23, but in body? I've become 42 :/
I have a son that I don't remember, a dead husband I dont recall marrying, and a bunch of existential dread :)
I'm currently at Z and Owens' safe house in New Zealand while we prepare for our journey back to Gotham.
They're teaching me some things about their lives as assassins.
Feel free to chat with me while I piece together the past 20 years of my life!
ps. If you know me as Cathy; you don't!
This is an rp blog for Janet Drake from DC Comics
Ask questions! Help Miss Drake in solving some mysteries!
This is my first time making an rp blog so apologies in advance.
House Rules, General Questions, and a Masterlist ahead!
House rules:
Do not repost.
Do not feed into ai.
Keep questions sfw pls
This blog was created to be a chill creative space so please don’t bring in real life tragedies into it
No batcest im begging
I probably won't respond to asks about shipping thoughts in general, sorry! (There will be an exploration about Jan and Jack’s marriage)
Hospital arc (the prologue)
Homeward arc (current arc)
Who's Janet Drake?
The stepping stone in the rite of passage of becoming a hero. And yet, not enough to even be a fridged character.
A mother to a boy, but not the hero.
Ok.. and who is cathy??
It's mostly just picking fun at DC for getting her name SO wrong in an issue where Jack is supposed to be grieving her. Catherine?? Really?? Another mans wife and the mother of a completely different kid??
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But there is an in-universe reason, so if you're interested, ask away!
But why Lynn and not Drake???
Miss maam is missing some time in her memories, so she doesnt fully remember her time as Mrs. Drake. Maiden name Lynn it is!
What does she remember last????
She'd love to answer that question herself ;)
AND why Jane/Jan?????
Bc the rest of the drakes have shortened nicknames. Theres a precedent and it should be FOLLOWED
Bruh, why do this??????
Because Miss Drake deserves better 😭 bestie deserves an actual character and interests so I wanted to see what vibes with her. Also I'm more motivated to practice drawing if I have a reason in mind.
Yes, this is also to help me out in improving my art, haaaaaaaaa
Can I send OOC asks?
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so yea im here again to bother (anonymously bc thats the only true way to communicate to ppl amirite) so let's pretend rgg writers didn't pull an asshole move on him and he lives and now hes like. a side character or whatever u can catch him to chat whatever the point is hes alive AND THE QUESTION IS: do you think he keeps appearance aoki-style clean and tidy or he goes back to masato-style emo swag? or is he gonna be the most cursed mix of these both cause i can't decide what to draw and probably im gonna just sketch it all slap it on one sheet and post but i've been hit by sudden interest about what my fellow aoki fan thinks?
my heart wants him to go back to his e-boy swag ways in this purely hypothetical timeline but honestly im not sure, it's somethin i ask myself a lot also: it's beyond just aesthetics and the sort that make up masato arakawa and ryo aoki, so i can't confidently say one thing or another
if you dont care bout aimless ramblin uhh skip the Read More cause i could just wrap up this ask here :)
heh. you care about my aimless ramblings :]
'ryo aoki' represents 'the paragon of japanese men' yk: clean shaven, conservative haircut, neat and tidy (glasses are just bonus points for 'yeah he looks smart') etc etc. that's not to say ryo aoki was purely a facade or persona, masato obviously had to harbor some puritan ideology beforehand in order to pursue his career as passionately as he did (though spite and a need for love and attention are strong, he probably wouldn't have been as effective in his position if he didn't believe what he was preaching to an extent)
im rambling about all of this cause without the need to keep up that 'perfect image' anymore and being ready to start over, aoki would be free to present however he wants without worrying about his image. would he still like to be seen as immaculate ? would he be ok with that more rugged look again ? a part of me doubts it since that was 'the lowest point' of his life, so why go back to it
that's not to mention how preppy was his aesthetic from birth to his 20's, though now i ask if that was his choice or if that's how masumi thought to present him to look like a regular civilian (not saying masumi was being a control freak over him obvi, im just saying did urge masato towards that kind of style yk. it's just a things parents do, and considering masumi is aware the yakuza lifestyle isn't something to aspire to i'm sure he wanted his son to appear as detached from it as he could--but now this is turning into a ramble about masumi SORRY)
plus, by 47/48, i think he would have outgrown the gritty-yet-flashy aesthetic. if anythin, maybe he'd just dress like masumi did during his 20's- not exactly the same, but something similar
assuming he wouldn't be in jail in this timeline and he was Just Chilling, i also have to ask if he'd want to restart his political career but genuinely this time and pursuing things that would actually benefit japanese society. that's tiptoeing into greater speculations tho but it's somethin' to consider if you want to ask 'what would aoki be like in LaD8'
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buckys-bitchhh · 3 years
Okayy Request #2 lol sorry
Can I request a TFATWS!Bucky x Reader where reader is Steve’s sister and she is Bucky’s wife (she’s also a supersoldier) and when their son Steve who is 3-5 years old wants to do something dangerous, reader says no but Bucky goes behind her back and little steve gets hurt doing it and goes to the hospital (broken bone) and when they get home reader gives Bucky silent treatment. Angst with fluffy ending💝
Prompts #59 and #67
hiii bestie thank you again for sending sooo many great requests! I feel like I say this with all of them but I really love these two prompts paired together! Once again, any feedback would be greatly appreciated (:
im sorry this took me literally 3 or 4 months to writing! But here it is now and I truly hope everyone who reads it, enjoys it!
☝🏼lastly do not repost, copy or translate my works nor post them anywhere else. minors and ageless blogs do not interact with my blog or my fics. 18+ only.
Good Cop, Bad Cop
Word count: 3.3k+
Prompt #59: stop ignoring me. Its driving me crazy."
Prompt #67: "please don't give me the silent treatment, I need to hear your voice."
Steve Rogers was never a topic to avoid or brush over in your household. You and Bucky have always made sure your son remembered his Uncle Steve, your brother. A little over 4 years ago you and Bucky had your son and named him Steven Greyson Barnes. Little Steve did get to meet his uncle and I think we can all guess who his favorite Avenger was. He loved spending time with his uncle whether it was playing Baseball in the yard or sitting down together to sketch. But after they defeated Thanos, Steve had to go into hiding which meant you and Bucky were trying to find the right time to re-introduce them. When Little Steve asks about your brother and when Uncle Steve is coming back, you both look at him and tell him that Uncle Steve is doing an important mission on the moon.
So, when Steve passed down the shield to Sam, your little boy was beyond excited his entire family was superheroes.
Sam ended up inviting all of you to come to Louisiana, so you and your little family made the road trip down there. Was the drive long? yes. But let's be honest, if you took a plane Bucky would have set off the alarms while going through TSA and you knew that would draw unwanted attention. Besides, you would get to cherish the memories of a road trip, butttt keeping a five-year old entertained was harder than you thought. Movies worked for a bit but with movies comes snacks, and with snacks comes drinks, and with drinks means more bathroom breaks. So, then you resorted to I Spy and Disney sing-a-longs, even getting Bucky to sing a few. Once that stopped working Little Steve was getting antsy.
“Mama are we there yet?” He would ask.
“Uh we have a few more hours Bub, you ok?” You ask looking back and checking on him.
“I need to go potty.” He replies as Bucky parks the car at a rest stop.
“Alright, you and Mama head to the bathrooms and I’ll grab more snacks?” Bucky asks turning to the both of you.
“M&MS PLEASE!” Little Steve all but yells out excitedly, bringing small smiles to the both of your faces.
“Can you just grab some chips, please” You ask before giving him a small kiss and then getting out of the car.
“Whatever you want Mama Bear.” He says watching you help Little Steve out of the car.
You all handle your business and meet back up at the car. Little Steve running right into his dad’s arms and Bucky scoops him right up. You looked at your son and saw he was the perfect mix of you and Bucky.
Bucky is putting Little Steve back into the car as you go into the trunk to grab a blanket for him, hoping he would fall asleep for a bit. You go to get into the driver's seat until someone stops you.
“And what do you think you’re doing Mrs. Barnes?” Bucky asks you.
“I’m driving Mr. Barnes” you say with a smirk. You love your husband and how much of a gentleman he is, but he needed rest and you knew he wasn’t going to take it.
“No, you’re not.” He replies.
“Hun, you need sleep, or at least take a nap.” You answer not moving from your spot. He goes to speak up, but you cut him off and he then narrows his eyes at you.
“Buck it’s a 20-hour drive and you barely slept last night.” You say as he gives you a questioning look. “You were tossing and turning last night.” You add as he wraps his arms around your waist. He kisses your forehead and apologizes for keeping you awake.
“Bub you know it doesn’t bother me; it lets me know my old man didn’t croak in his sleep.” You reply giggling and push him towards the passenger side of the car.
“You asshole..” He mumbles while smiling.
You get into the car and hand Little Stevie the blanket but as you’re about to put the car into reverse you hear him speak up.
“Papa can you sit back here with me?” He asks with a little yawn.
“I’d love to buddy!” Bucky says has he switches from the passenger seat to the backseat. After everyone settles in, Bucky puts on a movie for Little Stevie, and you get back on the road. They were talking for a little while but after about an hour it got really quiet. You looked in the rearview mirror and you swore your heart was going to melt. Your boys were fast asleep, Bucky leaning against the car seat while holding Little Stevie’s hand.
You made sure no one was in front of you or next to you on the road before quickly snapping a picture of the two.
You drove for about 5 more hours and the boys slept the entire time up until a few minutes ago. You heard whimpering from the backseat and when you checked the rearview mirror you saw Little Stevie with tears in his eyes. Bucky tried calming him down, but more tears just fell down his face. Luckily there happened to be another rest stop so you pulled in and as soon as you put the car in park, you jumped out. One of the things your boys had in common? Nightmares. Bucky got out of the car to stand near the door, and you unbuckled Little Stevie and pulled him into your lap. You rubbed his head as Bucky rubbed his back trying to calm him down.
After about 10 minutes you both finally got him to calm down, but you figured it was a bad one because as soon as you moved to get out of the car, he clung onto you tighter. With Bucky’s help you somehow managed to get out of the car with Little Stevie in your arms.
“Hey Bub, I’m going to give you to Papa ok? Mama has to go to the bathroom, but I’ll be out here as soon as you come out ok?” You say handing him over to Bucky. He whimpers but clings onto Bucky. You all go your separate ways, but you make sure to be back at the car before they are, just like you promised. You put him back in his car seat but hold his hand as you turn to Bucky, and he pulls you in for a hug.
“Are you ok to drive the rest of the way?” You ask looking up at him.
“Of course, love, it’s only a few more hours.” Bucky replies as he lets you go. You let go of Stevie’s hand to close the door and get in on the other side. Bucky follows you around the car and opens the back door for you.
By the time you pulled into Sam’s driveway, Little Stevie was back to his old self and swinging his legs excitedly. Bucky parked while you unbuckled and let your son out of his car seat. You both exited the car to Sam, Sarah and the boys making their way outside. Little Steve ran straight into Sam’s arms while Aj, and Cass ran straight to you. Everyone greets each other before making your way into the house. The boys went to go play in the other room, you and Sarah caught up in the kitchen, Sam helped Bucky unload the car and moved everything into the guest house. It wasn’t huge but you didn’t mind, it was actually quite cozy, it was more of a mother-in-law suite, but it was perfect for you and your little family.
The rest of the night was very chill, you helped Sarah make dinner and later on in the night you all went outside to have a small bonfire.
The next few days were going well, Bucky was helping Sam with something on the boat and the boys hung out on the dock with them.
The little ones were all taking turns holding the shield when you and Sara came down to bring them lunch. Little Steve was trying to hold the big shield in his tiny hands, barely being able to lift.
“Look mommy I’m like Uncle Steve!” He says with a big smile.
“Aw Bub you look so cool! But why don’t you put it down, I don’t want you to get hurt.” You reply trying not to break his little heart. Aj extends his hands and waits for Stevie to hand it to him, which he does while pouting. Cass tried to distract him with other things on the boat.
Hearing other voices, Sam and Bucky come onto the side of the boat that faces the dock.
“Of course, you two come out as soon as you smell food.” Sara says teasing.
“Excuse me, we are working real hard trying to catch tonight’s dinner.” Sam answers sassily.
“No offense Sam but I think that requires you to take the boat away from the dock and a little farther into the ocean.” You butt in and Sara is trying to hold back her laugh.
“Wow, all the hard work we are putting in and look how underappreciated we are.” Bucky replies sarcastically as you raise your eyebrow at him.
“Oh really? It seems like we brought too much food. Sara didn’t you say there was a rather good-looking man who owns a boat a little farther down?” You ask turning to Sara.
“You know what, you’re right!” Sara says going along with you and then pulls you in the other direction.
“Pump your breaks.” You hear Sam call out, stopping you and Sara stop where you are trying to not laugh.
“Alright alright! C’mon boys time for lunch!” You call out to the kids as you set out the plates for them.
Cass and Aj came over first and you noticed Little Stevie hanging back while looking at the shield.
“Stevie, c’mon bud! leave it alone and come eat.” You say as you watch him come over with a heavy sigh.
Bucky watched and looked over confused but didn’t want to question anything in front of the boys. After lunch the kids went back to playing at the front of the boat and Sam went to show Sara something down near the engine.
“What was that?” Bucky asked and wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
“What was what?” You also ask as you wrap your arm around his torso.
“You wouldn’t let Stevie touch the shield.” He says.
“Oh. Yea well he was playing with it earlier and he was barely lifting it, I don’t want him to get hurt.” You answer looking up at him.
“Mama that’s how he learns, even though we both want to, we can’t protect him from everything.” Bucky replies pulling you closer to him.
“I know I know it’s just.. maybe in a year or two we can show it to him again.” You answer laying your head on his shoulder. Bucky didn’t really say anything afterwards both of you enjoying the time in each other’s arms.
Until out of the corner of your eye, you see a small tug on Sam’s line and then you see it again and again before lightly tapping Bucky on the chest. Bucky then calls out to Sam to get back out here on the deck.
Later on, and after Sam pulled his line from the water only to find a small fish on the line, you and Sara were just chatting on the back of the boat. Little to your knowledge Bucky was talking to Little Stevie. Watching Little Stevie look at the shield with sad eyes, Bucky couldn’t take it anymore. He pulls Little Stevie to the side and kneels down.
“So, Bubba, why don’t you take the shield to the front of the boat! It will be our little secret.” Bucky says holding out his pinky finger. Little Stevie squeals before wrapping his little pinky finger around his dads.
Little did anyone know things were about to take a turn for the worst.
Cass and Aj were confused because they remember earlier you said no but it didn’t take long for them to go back to fishing when small tugs were felt on their fishing pole.
Little Stevie managed to keep the Shield out of your sight, but you could see him running back and forth. You could hear him making noises and would turn every few seconds to check on him.
Stevie was getting tired and with his arms in the arm holders of the shield he tried to lower it as he was walking. But he tripped over the bottom of the shield and when he fell, his arm twisted the opposite way.
You heard the thump and Sara stopped mid-sentence. You turned in his direction to not see him anywhere and you got up. Not even a second later you heard him wail and start to cry. Everyone rushing over and once you got to him, your heart shattered.
Your poor baby laid out on the ground, tears running down his face, and his arm twisted at an angle it shouldn’t be.
Sara took Cass and Aj onto the other side of the boat to give everyone space.
Fighting back your own tears you sit down near his head and start running your fingers through his hair. You turn to Sam and Bucky for them to already be bent down trying to remove his arm from the Shield with minimal amounts of pain.
“Mama!!” Little Steve yells wanting to be in your arms.
“Your okay baby, Mama is here. Papa and Uncle Sam are going to try to help you alright? Just keep looking at Mama, Bub.” You say as his eyes kept bouncing from yours to the men trying to maneuver his arm.
“Buck any way we try to move his arm it is going to hurt him. Y/n you keep him focused on you, Buck try to hold him down, and I’ll get his arm out of the Shield.” Sam says trying to get his arm out as soon as possible so you all could get to the hospital.
You look up at Bucky and he had this look in his eyes that you couldn’t understand. You were about to ask him when Sam counted down and everyone did their own jobs.
Finally in the car, Stevie hadn’t stopped crying and refused to leave your lap. You put the seatbelt around the both of you and tried to calm him down.
“Hey Bubba, can you tell me what happened?” You see Bucky snap his neck in the direction of the two of you.
“B-but I p-pinky promised Papa.” Little Stevie said in between tears.
“Stevie, you gotta tell Mama, Papa won’t be mad.” You answered and looked up at Bucky, but he had his head in his hands.
“A-after you s-say no, P-pa-pa say I can p-play with the shield.” Little Steve says hiccupping.
“He say it’s o-our secret” He adds on as more tears fall down his face.
“Hey it’s okay, it’s okay! Mama isn’t mad. Did you fall and twist your arm?” You ask still looking in Bucky’s direction as he wouldn’t make eye contact.
“Yea the s-shield was heavy.” He says in between sniffles.
You guys pulled into the front of the hospital and got out as Sam went to go park. Little Stevie wanted his Papa so you both switched.
“Sugar..” He looked at you like a kicked puppy.
“No” You reply as you did not want to fight in front of your son and with his arm being broken, you needed to get inside and get inside fast. You turn and walk through the entrance and straight to the front desk.
You filled out paperwork and then they took Stevie back to get X-rays as you and Bucky were waiting in the Pediatric Waiting Room.
You sat there looking straight ahead and bouncing your leg while fighting back tears. Bucky was doing the same except he was looking straight at you.
“..Honey..” Bucky tries for the last time as his voice cracks.
“Please don’t give me the silent treatment, I need to hear your voice.” Bucky whispers.
You never liked to talk things out when you were anger, you did not want to say things you did not mean.
Bucky then grabs your hand within his and you let out a shaky breath. You look at him before getting up and heading to the vending machines.
You barely made it over there before you started bawling. You felt like it was your fault your son was hurt. You thought maybe if you paid more attention to him you wouldn’t be in this situation. But with Bucky going behind your back like that, it hurt.
One part of you was hurt your husband would go behind your back and undermine you, and the other part felt like you always played good cop, bad cop.
You constantly being the bad cop, and Bucky being the good cop.
You wipe your eyes as you hear someone clear their throat. You turn to see Bucky waiting down the hall waiting outside a door, as the nurse notified you that Steve was in a room and the doctor would be in there shortly.
You didn’t look at Bucky as you approached the door until you felt him grab your arm to stop you.
“Y/n, I’m sorry! I didn’t think he would get hurt; I wasn’t trying to get him to lie to you.” Bucky says looking into your eyes. You couldn’t find the words to say without tears welling up in your eyes again and quite frankly you didn’t want to argue in the middle of the hospital.
You look away from your husband before opening the door to go check on your son. Bucky wiped the tears that fell down his face and then follows you inside.
The doctor came in and showed you where Stevie’s arm was broken, and he would need a cast. Stevie sat on your lap as Bucky and Sam tried to distract him as the cast was being put on.
After it was finish, you were signing discharge paperwork as Bucky and Sam took a sleeping Stevie to the car.
Once you all got back to the house you said goodnight and went your separate way from Sam.
Bucky carried Stevie into where you were staying and tucked him into bed, as you watched from the door. You walked over and kissed Stevie on the forehead before the both of you made your way out of the room.
You went to get a glass of water as Bucky watched you from the opposite side of the kitchen.
After you were done you put the glass in the sink and tried to leave the kitchen.
“Stop ignoring me. Its driving me… crazy.” Bucky says as his voice cracks at the end.
“Bucky… our son got hurt and I-I couldn’t do anything to help him.” You respond with your lip quivering.
“I feel like I have to play the bad cop all the time! Why couldn’t you back me up just this one time, Buck?” You add on as Bucky makes his way over to you.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Your right, I should have backed you up. It’s my fault he got hurt, alright?” He says pulling you close to him. You reach up and wipe the tear falling down his cheek.
“Buck.. you didn’t know he was going to fall, it’s not your fault.” You say leaning your head on his chest.
“You were right, we can’t protect him from everything.” You add on as it was Bucky stayed silent.
“Yes but you were right, I should have backed you. If we don't agree we need to talk it out. And I’ll make sure to play the bad cop too.” Bucky tried to attempt at a joke. You giggle and shake your head.
“C’mon lemme see that smile, pretty girl.” Bucky says looking down at you. You smile up at him as he kisses your forehead.
“I love you, Mr. Barnes.”
“I love you, Mrs. Barnes.”
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milliumizoomi · 3 years
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Pairings: A! KiriTodoBakuDeku x O! Black Fem! Reader
Synopsis: You, your friends and all your pups went out and it took a turn none of you were expecting.
Warnings: Mentions of massive injury, Angst, Cursing.
GO BACK ⇢ Part 5 ⇢ UP NEXT
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They ran.
That’s all they could really do. Running and frantically searching for you, the villain and rescuing citizens as well. This was one of those days that people would be terrified. It was horrible. People screaming, children crying and what made it worst of all.. is the place all of this is happening.
It was a pro hero’s job to protect citizens so they would get used to sights like these. But with the lingering thought in their mind that all of this devastation was happening in the place that no one say coming made their skin crawl.
“HELP..! PLEASE!! PLEASE HELP ME!” A citizen cried, stuck under rubble with blood streaming down her face. Midoriya flew over there as fast as he could and managed to safely get her out. “Hey! Ok I got you ok! Please keep your eyes open if you can!” He stated to her as her body was becoming heavier and heavier by the minute. While other pros who were more of rescuers came and took the woman from Midoriya, the other men ran forward, doing their best to save all the citizens that needed help while still in search of you.
A couple minutes pass and at the moment, all four of the heroes were helping citizens evacuate the area. At this time they were in the middle of the carnival where the Ferris wheel is located. “WHERE THE HELL IS Y/N AND THAT DAMN VILLAIN!” Bakugou yelled in frustration. It had been a couple minutes since anyone had detected anything from the villain. They have been stressing severely after the incident with the pups. They were thinking the worst.
“Bakubabe calm down.. you know that we’re all on edge about this situation and—“ Just before Kirishima could finish his sentence, a pound explosion and a bloodcurdling screaming was heard. And somebody in the crowd recognized the scream. The boys did too.
“Y/N?!” The mystery person said. They pushed through the crowd. “SO IT IS HER!!” Kirishima yelled, extremely panicked. The person made their way to where the heroes were. “IS THAT MY DAUGHTER?!” your mother screamed while crying. Your father came up behind her comforting her as she screamed. “BOYS! WHERE.IS.MY.DAUGHTER!!” Your father yelled as well, seeing red. The boys froze. They were not expecting to see their parents in law at a time like this. “Wait sir let me explain..” Todoroki started, wanting to avoid the unnecessary argument and also to avoid the lingering eyes on them.
The media knew nothing of you. They didn’t know you were connected to some of the most powerful heroes in society. So that meant not even the citizens knew. You were kept secret, to avoid villains trying to target you and now the pups. “But can we talk about it in private?” Todoroki continued, not wanting to talk about it in the setting where the citizens are within an earshot.
Your parents nodded and shakily walked to a corner. The boys then explained what they know and how the situation happened. Your parents were shaken. They never expected this to happen. “WELL PLEASE GO AHEAD! PLEASE SAVE HER!” Your mother cried. The boys nodded and bid farewell and took off.
“The bastard is gonna pay if there’s on mark on her..” Bakugou growled as he propelled himself faster in the air with his quirk. “Oh most definitely..” Todoroki said with a feral tone.
As they are nearing the area the explosion was, there was another one. And then the same voice was heard.
Your voice.
You screamed, “DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT TO ME BUT I WILL NOT LET YO BITCHASS TOUCH MY FAMILY!!” The boys froze. That was you..? “You got guts going up to me.. but that’s a pretty little quirk you got there” the villain laughed at you. “I’m gonna have fun killing you..” the villain continued as he charged at you.
“WE GOTTA GO!” Midoriya screamed. The boys finally reached the area. The other heroes were dealing with other villains in the area. It was said that this villain the boys are going after was the strongest there. As they finally reached the area, their eyes widened at what they saw.
You stood in the middle of a lot of rubble all battered and beat up. The alpha marks that littered your neck were stained with blood. Your clothes were tattered and your hair was all frizzy. The boys looked over to the side where they saw your two friends laying there unconscious.
You were protecting them.
And it looks like there was a struggle. You were stumbling over your own feet at times. No wonder you quirk disabled in the air with the pups inside. You had the overexerted yourself. “Oh.. we’ll look what we have here..!” The villain cackled evilly. This alerted you as you shakily turned around to have your eyes be met with your alphas. “A..alp-“ you said weakly. You were so weak it’s the only thing you could get out before the villain grabbed you by your throat.
“I’d advise you stay back before I pop this one open!” He said menacingly. The boys saw red. As far as they were concerned, he was the reason you were hanging onto your life, he was reason their pups may have trauma from this experience, he was the reason their family may never be the same. “You.. MOTHERFUCKER!!”Bakugou screamed as he charged at the villain. “YOU DID THIS! YOU DIRTY ASS BITCH!!” Kirishima yelled behind, charging at the villain as well. “WE’LL KILL YOU!!” Midoriya said, doing the same as Kirishima and Bakugou. “THIS WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN!!” Todoroki screamed, following suit.
They all charged at the villain with the intent to kill him. They didn’t hold back at all. In a state of shock, the villain dropped you. Before you could hit the ground, Midoriya was quick to swoop in and grab your body. “I’m so sorry we didn’t come sooner my love.. we’ll finish this in a second then get you the help you need...ok?” He said. You nodded weakly and smiled letting him know you were ok. He set you on the ground, near your friends then went back to the fight. You managed to crawl closer to your friends’ unconscious bodies to put their heads in your lap. You sat up against the rubble and tried to relaxed your body but all you could feel was pain.
As the boys were still fighting the villain, debris flying all over the place, the villain began to speak. “WHY ARE YOU SO WORKED UP OVER A LOWLY OMEGA?!” He cried, obviously loosing the fight. “THATS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!” Todoroki yelled angrily. “AND DONT YOU DARE CALL HER LOWLY!!” Midoriya chimed in. “YOU’VE RUINED SO MANY LIVES TODAY AND HAVE THE AUDACITY TO ASK THAT YOU SON OF A BITCH?!” Bakugou continued, still beating the crap out of the villain. “YOU GOT SOME GUTS ASKING US THAT RIGHT NOW!” Kirishima added.
As this was happening, you heard a cry. It had to be enhanced by a quirk because it was a pup’s voice. Your eyes widened. “AMI! LITTLE PUP IS THAT YOU?!” You screamed. “MAMA!” She screamed back. That was your quirk.
Voice Adaptation.
You could basically do anything with your voice, whether it be making a shield, the orbs your pups were flying in or just sending messages, you could do it and apparently so can your pup. “Pup huh..” the villain groaned. He then slithered his way out of the boys and said, “LET’S SEE IF YOU’LL BE SO TOUGH WHEN I KILL THAT USELESS LITTLE DOG!” He screamed and started making his way to where the pups were. You were enraged and terrified. First of all, he just called your pup a useless dog and he’s now targeting your babies. “NO PLEASE, I’M BEGGING YOU!” You pleaded. The boys already took off after the villain, while terrified. ‘I have to do something I can’t just sit here!’ You thought to yourself wearily. After a few moments, your eyes then widened, finally getting a plan.
‘MOM?! MOM CAN YOU HEAR ME?!’ You said, sending a message to your mom through your mind with the use of your quirk. ‘Y/N?! SWEETHEART YOU’RE OK?!’ She replied. ‘I’LL BE FINE! BUT I NEED YOUR HELP! AND PLEASE CARRY DAD!’ You told her hastily. She sensed the urgency in your voice and said ‘I’LL BE RIGHT THERE!’ You slumped down and waited. A couple seconds later your mother and father appeared in front of you. “WHAT’S WRONG?!” Your mother screamed worriedly. “I can’t explain it right now but dad can you please pick up my friends and mom can you teleport all of us outside to where the ambulances are?!” You begged. Your parents looked at you, then each other then got stern looks. “Let’s go!” Your dad said as he picked up your two friends.
As this was happening, the boys was still in pursuit of the slimy squid like villain. “YEAH HELLO?! WERE IN PURSUIT! THE VILLIAN JUST STARTED TO RUN AWAY AND HE’S HEADING TO THE AMBULANCES! EVACUATE ALL THE CITIZENS IMMEDIATELY!!” Midoriya yelled into the communication device he had. “WE HAVE TO GET ALL THE PEOPLE OUT OF THERE! BUT WE HAVE TO GO BACK FOR Y—“ Kirishima started but was cut off by something.
It was your voice. You were talking to them.
‘Hello..! Alphas can you hear me?’ Your voice said in their head. ‘We’re here baby, we’re here! We’re coming back for you ok?!’ Todoroki communicated back to you. ‘No! Don’t! I’m fine’ you stated. ‘What the hell do you mean you’re fine?! With those injuries you could pass out at any moment!’ Bakugou says back. ‘Im serious! Keep going after the villain! My parents are here and their taking me to the ambulances!’ You told them sternly. ‘NO BABY WAI—‘ and before Midoriya could finish his sentence, your quirk cut off. All the alphas look at each other, decided if they should go back or not. “I have a bad feeling about this..” Kirishima says wearily, still chasing the villain. “OH LOOKS LIKE WERE HERE~” the villain laughs, drawing the boys out of their thoughts.
“FUCK!” Bakugou yelled. The boys watched as you teleported with your parents to the ambulances. They said a few things to you as you nodded your head. They left with the heroes that were directing them away.
For some reason, their stomachs were twisting. They had a lingering feeling that somethings wasn’t right.
You were looking around, silently begging to see your pups. The villain then charged at you but you managed to jump away in the split second if time you had left. “Y/N! GET OUT OF HERE!” Todoroki yelled. They didn’t wanna see you get hurt. You were so focused on finding the pups that you didn’t even hear him.
“THERE YOU ARE!” The villain said, alerting you and the boys. You looked over at him and saw that Ami, along with her three brother, Katsuo, Haru, and Izuko standing there in the care of a pro hero. “And looks like she’s got siblings.. Oh this is gonna be great!” The villain cackled. He charged at them. “NO!” The boys yelled in togetherness. They all ran after the villain. “DON’T LET HIM GET TO THEM! GET THEM OUT OF HERE!” Kirishima yelled, alerting the heroes. “HAHA I GOT YOU NOW!” The villain cried menacingly as he appeared infront of the wide eyed pups. He swung his tentacle as herd as he could and brung it down.
He hit something. But he didn’t hear crying. He opened his eyes to see you standing there, with a victorious smirk on your face, blood seeping out of the corner of your face and mouth. You looked up at him and said “I—.. I told you I wouldn’t.. let you touch... my family..—“ Your voice came out weak and hoarse. This was the breaking point to all those attacks you had to endure before. You had heard a loud crack and pop on impact. And it would be an understatement to say it hurt a lot. You knew that you were at your limit. “Y/N!!” Everyone who knew you cried out. The villain retracted his tentacle. “M-mama?!” Your pups cried, clawing at your legs. They looked up at you teary eyed. “M’ok babies, mommy’s gonna be just fi..—” you started weakly. Your vison started to get blurry. And darkness was the only thing you could see. “Get.. get them away.. don’t wanna fall.. on th..” you started to get out. You knew you were going to faint so you didn’t wanna fall on your pups. Your body began to fall. Before you hit the ground, you felt somebody catch you. By the way they held you, you knew it was one of your alphas. You could hear muffled screams. Your body soon went limp in the arms of whomever was holding you as you could do nothing but welcome the darkness.
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©Property of Miashimaa. Please don’t rectify, repost or modify without my permission. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated.
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takahero · 3 years
in honour of finishing inkspell, here are some basta observations I picked up along the way. also, inkspell spoilers warning! i also have MANY MANY thoughts so i’d love to hear what you guys think to some of the questions raised
“He hadn’t changed: the same thin face, the same way of narrowing his eyes, and there was an amulet dangling around his neck to ward off the bad luck that Basta thought lurked under every ladder, behind every bush.” — pg.138
“Basta’s left hand was bandaged, Elinor noticed when he took his fingers away from her mouth.” — pg.139
“‘I’d have been here much sooner, believe you me, but they put me in jail for a while on account of something that happened years ago. No sooner was Capricorn gone than all the people who’d been too scared to open their mouths suddenly felt very brave.’” — pg.140 (see they never tell us WHY he was in prison, do they? the possibilities are endless. we know he committed atrocious things, like arson, but imagine if he got put in jail for something completely different…LOL)
“‘You wouldn’t believe how often I’ve told him there’s nothing to be ashamed of in going to jail, particularly when your prisons here are so much more comfortable than our dungeons at home.’” — pg.140 (OHHHTMGOD MEME IDEA)
“Basta flung his arm so roughly round Orpheus’ neck that his glasses slipped down his nose.” — pg.141
“‘Hold your tongue, Basta!’ Mortola interrupted him abruptly. ‘You’ve always liked the sound of your own voice.’” — pg.141
“‘Well, Silvertongue, I’m sorry it’s taken some time,’ he said in his soft, cat-like voice.” — pg.180
“‘My son always said revenge was a dish best eaten cold,’ observed Mortola.” — pg.181 (question. did basta find out about mortola’s true identity between inkheart & inkspell? do u think he realised it when mortola cried when capricorn died?)
“Basta passed a finger over his throat and winked at him.” — pg.186 (wink 2 LMAO)
“Basta bent down and picked up a rusty helmet lying at his feet. ‘What do you expect me to say?’ he growled, throwing the helmet back into the grass with a gloomy expression, and giving it a kick that sent it clattering against the wall. ‘Of course it’s our castle. Didn’t you see the figure of the goat on the wall there? Even the carved devils are still standing, though they wear ivy crowns now — and look, there’s one of the eyes that Slasher liked to paint on the stones.’” — pg.190
“‘So Basta was right after all. He’s dead, here and in the other world too.’” — pg.191 (interesting….so Basta knew Mortola’s plan wouldn’t work? he just wanted a ride home?)
“‘I’d really like to know what happened!’ he muttered. ‘I always said Capricorn wasn’t here, but what about the others?…What are we going to do if they’re all gone?’ Basta sounded like a boy afraid of the dark. ‘Do you want us to live in a cave like brownies until the wolves find us? Have you forgotten the wolves? And the Night-Mares, the fire-elves, all the other creatures crawling around the place…I for one haven’t forgotten them, but you would come back to this accursed spot where there are ghosts lurking behind every tree!’ He reached for the amulet dangling around his neck, but Mortola did not deign to look at him.
“‘Oh, be quiet!’ she said, so sharply that Basta flinched.” — pg.192
“‘You’re going to leave them here?’ That was Basta’s voice.” — pg.193 (at first I was like oh so he has a heart….but then he was mean to resa straight after this 🙄)
“‘Sorry, but he must have overlooked me, shut up in that cage as I was,’ purred Basta in his catlike voice.” — pg.377
“‘Wasn’t it Mortola who had you put in the cage to be fed to the Shadow?’ Basta just shrugged his shoulders and flung back his silver-grey cloak. Of course, he had his knife. A brand new one, it seemed, finer than any he’d ever had in the other world, and undoubtedly just as sharp.
“‘Yes, not very nice of her,’ he said as his fingers caressed the handle of the knife. ‘But she’s really sorry.’” — pg.377 (okay so it SOUNDS like he threatened/made some kind of bargain with his knife, but I strongly doubt that considering how afraid he seems of her?? i know he’s technically working for the adderhead but even by the end of the book, it seems he is far closer to mortola than adderhead. what is their relationship? or does he sincerely think she’s sorry/has deluded himself into believing such? UGH SO MANY QUESTIONS)
“Basta had always liked describing his own and other people’s abominable deeds in detail.” — pg.378
“‘But we’re not going to shoot you.’ Basta came a little closer to Fenoglio, his face as intent as that of a stalking cat.” — pg.378 …. living for all the cat references tbh
“‘He wants you to crawl on your belly to him, that’s what our noble lord and master likes. But never mind, he pays well!’” — pg.378 (yes basta all abt getting that bread LMAOOOO)
“He slowly drew the knife from his belt. Its blade was long and slightly curved.” — pg.379
“‘Hey Basta, I know you like the sound of your own voice.’” — pg.379 (AHAHAHAHA HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE CALLED OUT BASTA ON THIS NOW? IVE LOST TRACK)
“With a regretful sigh, Basta put the knife back in his belt. ‘Yes, very well, you’re right,’ he said in surly tones. ‘I need to take my time with this sort of thing. Questioning people is an art, a real art.’” — pg.380 (LMAOOOOOOO HE IS SUCH A DRAMA QUEEN)
“Basta. The same thin face, the same twisted smile. Only the clothes were different. Basta was no longer wearing his white shirt and black suit with the flower in his buttonhole. No, Basta now wore the Adderhead’s silvery grey, and he had a sword at his side. With a knife in his belt too, of course. But he was holding a dead chicken in his left hand.” — pg. 455
“‘Yes, they are!’ purred Basta. ‘The little witch, and the fire-eater into the bargain. It was well worth the wait. Even though I’ll probably never get that damned flour out of my lungs again.’” — pg.455 (ok….so who’s gonna draw basta sitting amongst the flour AAHHAHA)
“‘Servant? Who’s a servant here? Just listen to him. As bold as if he’d never felt my knife! Have you forgotten how you screamed when it cut your face?’” — pg.457 … don’t call basta a servant…..noted
“‘Oh, don’t look so disbelieving, little witch, I still can’t read and I don’t intend to learn, but there are enough fools around the place who can, even in this world.’” —pg. 457 (i wonder how much capricorn influenced basta’s views on reading. because capricorn said that he learnt how to read from a maid, right? so basta certainly wouldn’t have trash-talked reading in front of him. and even after living in OUR world for nine years, I’m still surprised that he never attempted to learn, given how dependent we are on it. anyway my headcanon is that he secretly wants to, but doesn’t want to give others the satisfaction of knowing they have something he doesn’t. also nobody he knows would be willing to teach him (unless he threatened them) bc of his obviously violent and short-tempered nature…and learning requires so much patience. still, though, would love a fic of basta being taught how to read in secret and having some kind of positive interaction)
“‘You’re even more talkative than you used to be, Basta.’ Dustfinger’s voice sounded as if he found this tedious.” — pg.458 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH IM DYING. honestly the animosity between them was just. A+++
“Basta was in an even worse state. He was sitting close to Mortola, his face so red and swollen that Meggie almost failed to recognise him. But he had escaped death once again. Perhaps the good-luck charms he always wore worked after all.” — pg.526
“The sunlight falling into the room made Basta’s face look like a boiled lobster.” — pg.575 
“Basta put his hand to the amulet hanging around his neck. It was not a rabbit’s paw, as he had worn in Capricorn’s service, but something that looked suspiciously like a human finger-bone.” — pg.581 (THIS STILL IRKS ME SO MUCH)
“The Piper straightened his back, as ready to attack as the viper on his master’s coat of arms…He was a good head taller than Basta.” — pg.582 WHY DO I KEEP FORGETTING HES NOT TALL LMFAO
“The two men were standing so close that the blade of Basta’s knife wouldn’t have fitted between them.” — pg.582 HAHAHAJAHAAJAHAHHAAHAHAHAH PKESJENE I LOVE THIS SO MUCH … IMAGINE BASTA SQUARING UP W HIS NOSE JUST SMACK BANG IN THE MIDDLE OF PIPER’S CHEST OR SOMETHING
“The Piper struck Basta in the face so hard that his head hit the door frame. Blood ran down his burned cheek in a trail of red. He wiped it away with the back of his hand. ‘Take care to avoid dark corridors, Piper!’ he whispered. ‘You don’t have a nose any more, but one can always find something else to cut off.’” — pg.582-583 THIS SCENE WAS SIMPLY……CHEF’S KISS
are you serious is he dead??? WHAT. okay I knew dustfinger’s love for farid would be the end of him and basta being the instrument to rip that away from him was totally heartrending. i WISH it had been more climactic? like dustfinger unleashing his fury and fighting basta, blind with anger and grief. THE DIALOGUE POTENTIAL BETWEEN THEM AS THEY FINALLY TALK ONE-ON-ONE, and then some revisiting of the scene where dustfinger has the opportunity to kill basta but AGAIN withholds because killing is not in his nature….THEN MO IN SHINING ARMOUR SWOOPS IN TO DO THE JOB
now, off to inkdeath!
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ochako999 · 3 years
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from SEASON 4 EVE PARTY!!! she is wondering why isnt he wearing a shirt underneath smh
funfact i love zeon-schmid studen-master relationship the most but its so goddang hard to draw an old man cryyyyyyy keep reading for me simping and crying over them all bc i barely have energy to finish my sketches so i’ll just upload SOME of them here
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OK LMAO soorry i didnt write it in english bc i thought it would be funnier if i use my language LOLOLOL basically its just EXOS but Highschool AU, and if you know the original  plot, then you know what I mean............... only in Gakuran.....
again, sorry for the bad, random art styles bc i was just drawing whatever the hell came  into my mind...and i needed quick scribbs scribbs before my body gone tired or lost inspo.... and thats how i make sketches AHAHHA
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above was drawn right after i finished chapter 11 or 12(a month ago??) and i cried like a bitch it was so wholesome and sadddd i wanted to punch Zeon for being  a punk but then again he was smol boi who just lost his family........ and daddy Schmid didnt know how to raise and heal himb. bUT I SCREAMED when he saved his adopted son from dying after the battle with papa Shufraken hnhsnhdndhsndhsndh
I was ultra sobbing when I watched a Synergy raid cutscene where Kaya said “Zeon doesnt know how to enjoy music, maybe bc his wound is too deep.” I SOBS MAAANN poor mc-kun....
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...man i just cant believe my ideas went canon it was NUTZ i was so sos so so happy, and yes, Schmid is my number one in my party. I grow him. I just love him so much man.......
ngl when he went separate ways in chapter 16(cmiiw?) (the one where Neomi released Forbidden Consequence) HE WAS SO ILL bc he just saved his son UGH, and i have a bad feeling ab him in later chapters..........
I finished chp18 actually, but I havent played anything after the season 4 update........ to many new character and new fatecores and AU its so hard to catch up _(:’‘<  7  )L_ I just hope hes ok. He approved Iris and asked her to take care of him in his stead AAA IM SOFT
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Now that Seo-A came in and becomes his 2nd studen but we havent know HOW did she do that- and how did they met???? so I’m really looking forward it :(
Master’s footsteps combo has become my favorite phrase in the entire game beCAusE the obvious reason of Him and his kids being unbearably wholeSoMEE AS HECK
PLS PRAY FOR ME I want to finish my sketches of them one day WAAAAA
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what have I created?
idk if yall like this, but they just exist not i guess :/
ok the the first one is Royalty AU
first things first, when I say Royalty AU, I don't mean the classic shit we've all become accustomed to. Im talking about the good old Chinese royalty! And I want to emphasize that these guys will/should be dressed in century appropriate attire. As someone thats read a handful of 'marinette, princess of china' fics from the ML Fandom, I've noticed a common trend. Marinette wouldn't be in the culturally appropriate clothes, always ballgowns. Not that there's something wrong with it, its just most of if not all these fic are set in China, so I'd expect Chinese royalty to dress as THERE dress code calls for. And since this AU takes place far in the past like, it won't make sense for any of the characters to be in royal clothing that wasn't from there region. I'm not trying to white knight/gatekeeping. Im Guyanese not Chinese. But since JTTW and Monkie Kid take place in China, it's only right. In my opinion that it. You don't have to outright agree with me.
With out of the way, it's time for that good old AU crack
- Wukong is the king of the Flower Fruit kingdom(or a different one if you'd like, again I'm only familiar with what western culture has taught me, but I'll try my hardest) 
- he’s single but rumor has it he used to/still is dating the Vigilante/thief The Six Eared Macaque
- *chants ShadowPeach violently* 
- no one know whether it true or not
- On of his wanders around the kingdom he finds an abandoned baby in a basket. 
- and no shit sherlock it's fucking baby Xiaotian 
- I think we all know where this is going because i'm a simp for Monkey Dad & Monkie Son shenanigans
- Xiaotian becomes prince
Shit, ill be referring to Xiaotian as Mk from now on, I mentioned this before in a fic I wrote for lmk that Mk's a nickname for Xiaotian for some reason- wait i don't have to explain my self to you people!
- Sun loves his son
- MK is treated differently by staff and others because he's not blood related to the king
- no one mistreats MK per say, because there King loved his adopted son, but words are said behind his back
- Sometimes MK hears what’s said, and he feels as if he won't live up to his dad’s legacy.
- He meets Mei during a festival
- Mei is from a noble family, that wouldn't mind if they got a connection into the royal family.
- but it becomes hella clear to Mei’s family very fast that the two are just friends, and will always will be. but hey there daughter is bffs with the prince so that's a plus.       
- the Demon Bull Family is rules a kingdom as well, I dont/am not creative enough to think of a name I leave that to you.
- It's a common misconception that DBK is a tyrant, when he’s not. 
- most of the time...
- they have been at war with the Monkey King for some time now and settled for a peace agreement.
- that agreement being there sons to marry
- oooo original i know
- MK and Red Son are roughly the same age, Mk being 20 and RS 22
- RS is revolted/disgusted at the idea of being wed to the Monkey Kings child, even more so when he realizes MK is adopted,
- but, that all changes the second he meets MK while he meets him by accident when he gets kinda lost in the palace when he and his parents go to discuss the arrangements.
- the second he looks at MK, he's instantly in love. MK less so, he's nervous and honestly kinda bummed he's not marrying someone he loves but it's for the good of his ppl, and he'll do anything for them.
- RS isn't even aware that MK is Suns adopted son until MK walks him back to the meeting room.
"Oh There you are MK! I was about to have a servant go fetch you!" Sun Wukong says, gesturing for his boy to come sit with him.
"S-sorry for keeping you waiting I got caught up in my lessons with Mr. Tang" MK responds, sitting next to his father. Red Son looked gobsmacked. The beautiful young man he had bumped into, was the prince of this land? Damn, life truly blessed him. Or cursed him depending on how you looked at it.
- the two are left alone in a separate room for a while.
- And MK straight up tells RS why he's agreeing to this union.
"Look Red Son. I've dreamed about meeting my one true love for a while. And I would give almost anything for that dram to be real. But I wouldn't ever dare give up my people, for as there price they mean more to me. I'm doing this for them, no other reason" MK says, his back straight and hands folded neatly in his lap. The look in his eyes was a mix of sadness, but that was drowned out by loyalty and determination. It just made Red Son fall for him even harder. Clearing his throat Red spoke.
"I understand, for im doing this for the betterment of my people to. But I propose a wager"
"A wager?"
"Yes, if i can make you fall in love with me by years end, before our marriage, we can live together like in the fairy tales from far away. But if I fail, in a years time afterwards you will be permitted to find your own path in life" Red Son stated. MK took a moment to process what was happening.
"So, if you succeed in making me fall in love with you, before our marriage we can live happily ever after?" Red Son nodded in response, letting the younger continue.
"And if I shouldn't fall for you, in a years time after our union, im free to leave?" Red Son nodded once more.
"So, what do you say?"
In the end, your free to choose their fate, should Red Son win the hart of Mk? Will he fail? Or will he let him go, and let him travel the country, after all Mk's a free spirit and keeping him trapped in a big house is like keeping a cannery trapped in a cage only for its song, only for it to dul. Or will the unthinkable happen and will both boys find their freedom? together or appart? I don't know, because that's all up to you 😉
personally, I’m partial to where MK and Red Son both find freedom together. Like they straight up run away together to somewhere far away and just live out there lives together. 
this could also be genderbent thing as well. MK or Red as their respective counterparts. Again it doesn't have to be, but it’s whatever bro. im just spitting out the idea. 
Also, there is a main side plot that they fight the WBS throughout the year as well, along with other shenanigans you wanna throw in.
The second is a My Hero Academia/BNH/MHA AU
truth be told i'm not a big fan of MHA i think it to over hyped(this is also coming from the same person that’s a Fairy Tail fan lol), and the fandom i don't even know how to describe that mess, but I will admit not the whole of its toxic since every fandom has some toxic members, some even more so. 
I just sometimes find myself enjoying MHA AUs like the Fullmetal Alchemist, Danny Phantom, Evil!Deuk AU and several others. 
to make it clear I don't see this AU taking place the same time as the main plot of the actual Anime/Manga. This could be either like 6-10 years before or after the plot idk bro. But i’ll do this after the main story plot of MHA, so keep that in mind ya? another thing, the gang is still in China, the top hero school in the world just so happens to be in Japan, and it’s only ever mentioned by Sun wukong and other pro heros. So MK never attended AU. in short it’s only ever mention/ reference.  
- Mk was considered Quirkless as a kid. 
- he was just a late blumer, i swear  
- Mai’s Quirk is called Dragon. 
- it pretty much works the same way as it does in the show(duh)
- Tang’s got a knowledge Quirk, 
- my man can retain information and he’s basically an archive of information drawback being his personality lol 
- Piggsy is a Animal that gained a Quirk
- in cannon to my current knowledge, there are two other characters that can confirm animals can become sentient. the characters being Fumikage Tokoyami, & Nezu the principal at the school UA.  
- Sandy is just Conner Kent, aka he like superman but can't fly, or shoot lasers from his eyes. And blue.  
I have two scenarios for Macaque and Wukong  
*- The first one is that, Sun Wukong & Macaque are brothers. twins to be exact. 
- they where legit people, but have mutation quirks that made them too like monkeys. 
- the added powers were just a boues. 
- Sun and Mac are close growing up, like there brothers but also best friends.
- the draw back to there quirks could honestly be whatever you want bro idk, same with the others tbh. Personally I like to think Sun just has lack of motivation, and Macaque needs to draw on other people's energy.
- Sun is a hero, Monkey KIng and Mac is a villain Six Eared.
- Sun was always treated has the golden child in the family, Mac always resented that, but there shitty up bring didn’t stop the two from being good brothers to one another.
- soon tho the resentment became hatred when Sun was able to attend UA in Japan, while Mac didn't.
- Mac be angy 
- so he became a villain, and joined the Chinese branch of the LOV(league of villains)
- Sun doesn't know this till he finds out during the all out war during the main story. and by that time he’s a full on hero with is own agency(The Flower Fruit agency)    
- when the hero's ultimately win and Mac is arrested 
- This ultimately hurts Sun a lot, his brother was in jail now, arrested for his involvement and wrong doings, he knew nothing about this! this brother, his blood. A bad guy? why? he hadn't seen his brother since he left for UA, he hadn’t seen him when he came home, and started his agency. 
- this just puts Sun into a funk so he’s not as active as he used to be, and he starts thinking he might need a successor 
*- The second one is that they were two separate people that had similar quirks and both attended UA but Sun ended up in the hero corse. so 1A.
- Both Macaque and Sun have similar quirks, Sun’s is obviously more light based while Macaque’s is more shadow based(this applies to the first one as well)    
- Macaque was placed in class 1B, U.A.’s High's Heroics Department, I believe, you can correct me. 
- In cannon Class 1A and 1B both went to the training camp. I can see the teachers pinning Sun and Macaque against each other to hone their skills. 
- And because of that they become great friends    
- In fact when they graduate they both co-found there hero agency together in China and are a duo.
- But due to Monkey King’s popularity and Six Eared's association with shadows(people sometimes saying he has more of a villains quirk than a heros) the public see’s Macaque as Sun’s sidekick when thats far from the truth. 
- now it’s up to you whether you think that Wukong and Macaque would be in a relationship together, but knowing how cooked we all are, ShadowPeach is a thing here more than likely. 
- If you do or don’t support/ like the ShadowPeach aspect, the two would be living together regardless since its more cost efficient. 
- They my be heroes but living costs are expensive!   
- I would imagine there would have been a huge fight/argument between the two in privet of course, at there home.(or in there shared office if you want the extra angst of the other people they work with hearing them fight)   
- If the two are dating, then this would either lead to an out right breakup, or Macaque just up and leaving with Wukong thinking he’ll come back once he’s cooled off. But after a week, with no sign of his partner, or him answering texts or calls, not even coming into work. Wukong gets worried that something might have happened to him. so there wouldn't be a confirmation if they were still a thing or not. 
- But Wukong remains hopeful, despite the nagging at the back of his head, and gut telling him to go find Macaque, or atleast make a public statement, or even just tell another pro hero about it.   
- on the not so shippy side, Macaque and Wukong still have there argument, and much like the ShadowPeach esc side, Macaque up and leaves, and isn't seen for weeks. the only difference here is that when Wukong comes home one night to there flat, most if not all of Macaques stuff is gone. 
- where as if this was the ShadowPeach side, Macaque leaves all of his possession in the flat he and wukong share. for the simple reason being, he still loves him and wants to go back, but Macaque being Macaque can’t bring himself to do it, especially after seeing just how hurt Wukong looked when he yelled at him just before he left.  
- in other words, ANGST DIALED UP TO A 10 BABY  
- in either case, its a news report that confirms Wukong's suspicions that he desperately didn’t want to believe, and that is Macaque turning into a villain.
- much like if the two were brothers, Wukong just can’t take it and is no longer as active as he once was, and is thinking about, either A) Retirement  B) Saying, “Fuck Society, Be Gay Do Crime” and join Macaque as a villain himself, or C) find a successor, and a way to bring Macaque back to there side, but most importantly, back to him.    
- also extra points if you're after people's hearts and want to make them suffer;  - If there dating, Wukong curle’s up in the bed he and Macaque shared, holding/wearing something of great value to Macaque and just crying himself to sleep, where as Macaque is getting wasted on alcohol, as he stumbles out of the bar he’s in, he either see’s something that reminds him of Wukong or while he’s trying to put his wallet back into his pocket, a photo of them on their first date fall’s out. and Macaque just cries in a nearby alley way. And it’s there where he gets indoctrinated into the League.
       - If there just friends, macaque heads to the nearest forest and just levels it, where as Wukong just gets engrossed into his work, trying not to think about it. you could add you own spin on this, again i'm just spitballing.             
- NOW BACK TO MK! :D     
- Obviously MK is a huge Monkey King fan     
- at Twenty MK has come to terms he's quirkless (HE’S NOT)
-for ANGST reasons MKs fokes kicked him out at this realization at 13.
- he works at Piggsy's Noodle shop, and has been since he was 14.
- don't need a quirk to drive or cook!
- the boy lives a content life with his new family, till DBK happens :D
- DBK runs a Mafia(in conjunction with TLOV) and has been in jail for like 5 years thanks to Monkey King, PIF and RS brake him out one night when MK's out making a late night delivery since Piggsy had the bright idea to go 24/7 service!
- one thing leads to another and Mk somehow manifest what looks like the Monkey King's staff, but its not, it’s MKs powers, it just so happens to be the same power the Monkey King has. And it practically goes down the same way in the pilot. 
- but unlike the pilot Mk and Mei go straight to the FF Agency, after making a panicked call to Pigsy and Tang.
- one way or another Mk are lead into Wukongs office. Mei being forced to stay in the lobby.
- they have there convo, butterfly monkey squishing included.
- "And so, I want you do be my success-" BOOM 💥
- from there they rush downstairs and see that the lobby has been infiltrated by the DB fam, and you know fight.
- once the DB family seems like there down, PIF wisks them away. Much to Monkey King’s displeasure.
From there stuff kind plays out like cannon, the calabash ep is just a conjoint quirk the Demon bros have. As for EP9, ill have to script that one out myself lol. I'll get onto it as soon as my will to commit stabs me in the face. Till then have a dancing Kermit the frog.
Now if you'll excuse me, am about to Kermit a felony :D
(For legal reasons thats a joke)
Psst @writingamongther0ses its done
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morkyun · 4 years
I already sent this ask on your writing blog but I see that your asks functions is turned on here again so!! Assign a trope and a member to your moots 💛
omgg I already apologized for this situation but again, I'm so sorry you had to come to my side blog to leave this ask sjdjs you're so pure by doing this 💕💕💗💝💗 so *stretch arms* im ready 😌
I wanted to do moots x monsta x at first but I'm gonna do something different this time 👀👀
@valentines-jae [mark, meet-cute!au]
and there she was, at nine in the morning taking the subway to college. it was such a blessing to not live too far away from her school. taking a deep sigh, the doors open to let some passengers step down of the subway. closing her eyes, listening to the music on one of her earphones, suddenly a loud groan was enough to take her out of her mind. looking forward, she saw a boy in casual clothes and a bucket hat being smashed by the doors.
holding a giggle, she saw how the stranger looked at her with a pink tint on his cheeks, obvious embarrassment showing on his face. it was matter of seconds until the doors opened again and the boy stumbled backwards until he was sitting again on his previous seat.
not leaving his eyes from the girl, she smiled covering her mouth with her hand, she always found cute when strangers were trapped between the subway doors because of their expressions.
"you ok?" asked the girl getting close to him. the boy smiled and nodded.
"yeah, that was embarrassing, huh?" his shy smile made the girl giggle not averting her eyes from his.
"don't worry, that happens more frequent than you can imagine." her voice echoed in his ears, making him flash a huge smile. it wasn't soft like the girls he used to listen to everyday, and it was something that he loved. it was so soothing and soft, something he could feel with the tips of his fingers.
"I'm sorry you need to see that everyday." her eyes sparkled as she giggled.
"don't worry, I haven't seen such cool people being smashed by the doors, guess that's a universal thing, huh?" she said on a rather playful tone, which made him feel at ease. nodding with his smile still plastered on his face, he thought how he liked her voice...
"I really like your voice." he pointed, consequence of the sudden adrenaline of the situation. he didn't noticed what he just said, opening his eyes when he saw the blush covering the girl cheeks. both of them started to giggle, and somehow, something switched between them.
both their cheeks got so blushed of the immense chemistry between them, and, little did they know that, the boy lost his stop and now he needed to ask her about directions. just an excuse to spend the day with that dazzling and beautiful smile.
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@sarah-simps [jooheon, coworkers!au]
"come on! everybody will know we're missing there!" she said, licking her lips.
"I'm sorry! I swear I'm doing my best!" he replied closing his eyes groaning loudly enough to rumble on the room. "I'm almost there." he said again with a smile looking at her.
"HA!! I WON!" letting a squeak, she got up from her place cleaning the ice cream from the corner of her lips.
"hey that's not fair!!" jooheon pouted with the last bit of his ice cream on his mouth. "you cheated!"
"no I didn't!"
"SARAH, JOOHEON, WHERE ARE YOU?" the voice of their coworker from outside the room shouted loudly for them to listen. getting on their feet, they got put of the janitors room, because yes, this is what they did on a daily basis.
there was this time where they found each other on said room to see who could beat each other on eating or drink fastly, and whoever that won, needed to pay for the food they used.
this day, they decided to play with ice cream, which resulted on both of them with brain freeze but, it was totally worth it.
"I'll beat you next time." he whispered getting his wallet out, not happy to do so.
"aww, honey, you'll do better next time... but not today, so pay! loser!" she said with a triumphant smile ready to take some customers orders.
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@kyunsies [changkyun, historical!au]
he's so cute. that's what all her friends said whenever they saw him walking past the window of her home.
changkyun. that was his name. a boy who used to come around her house every thursday to visit his parents in order to take care of his younger siblings. she didn't knew much about him, only that he was a couple of years older and that he was a foreigner, but that's all, and that second one was pretty obvious considering he had feline eyes, comparing to everyone's round ones.
he got all the girls of town sighing, wishing to have a single second to talk to him. but he was quite reserved.
the girl on her side, preferred to admire him from a far, constantly seeing her friends getting rejected by him, but in the sweetest way. he always said he wasn't ready for a relationship and, considering the amount of girls behind his back, it was quite understandable.
her friends used to go to her house every thursday to bake some cookies to sell on fridays and then going shopping on saturday. it was something that became like a ritual with the passing time, but now it seemed like they only came to her house to admire the said boy.
"I'll go get more sugar. please try not to drool too much over him." the girl said looking how her friends almost ignored him. if it wasn't for the low "mhm's", she would've thought she was speaking to the void.
with a smile, shaking her head, she took her straw hat and got out of the house. without much though, she got to the store pretty quickly. greeting the old man who was in charge of the place, her eyes traveled through the aisles trying to find the sugar.
she was deep in thought, when she felt a strong grip on her legs, trapping her on the spot. gasping loudly, she lowered her face looking at a girl with cute pigtails smiling at her.
"mom!" the little girl said hiding her face on the older girl's legs.
squating in front of the kid, the girl was about to ask if she was lost, when a pair of legs appeared behind the little girl's frame.
"it looks like you found my little sister, or should I say, she found you?" that voice. the girl raised her head looking directly at that boy. that same boy that used to take away every other girls breaths.
"looks like it." she said with a smile, looking back at the little girl.
"I'm sorry she called you mom. she gets pretty attached when she sees pretty girls."
the older girl blushed getting up on her place. "pretty, huh?"
"yeah," the boy said again taking her little sister on his arms. "and she never misses..." with a huge smile, his eyes flew to hers once again, and for the first time, she could see his charming smile two cute dimples showing on his cheeks.
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@imnameimss [wonho, motorcyclist!au]
"he'll be here on ten minutes, I need to get my makeup done!" the girl said, panicking.
"come on, let me do your eyeliner! I swear I'll do it better than last time!" her friend, who just came over to her house, got closer to the girl touching her shoulders.
"ok, but you better do it better and not make me look like cleopatra!" the second girl laughed, taking the eyeliner from her hands, starting to draw on her face.
after a few minutes, she was ready. "now put some lipstick and you're done."
letting out a sigh, the asian girl smiled at her reflection applying some lipstick on her lips, when she heard her phone ring. with a huge smile, she saw it was him.
"come down love, I'm here." he said, his voice soft and, she could swear he had a huge smile on his face as well as her.
"I'll be there in a minute." after saying that, she got her leather jacket and bag from the bed and said goodbye to her friend.
with quick steps, she got to the reception of the building, looking at the man infront of her, laying back on his motorcycle, crossing his arms making the muscles to look prominent under the jacket.
"you look gorgeous." he sweet talked, kissing her cheek.
"when do I not?" with a soft giggle, she got on the motorcycle after the boy, circling the boy's waist with her arms.
tonight it was about them. school was just a month away from being over and she was sure she was going to spend her life with him. but feeling the cold breeze on her face, made her appreaciate the moment, holding tighter his body, causing a smirk on the boy's face.
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@kyunswifey [changkyun, soulmates!au]
"a purple flower!" his parents screamt looking at the pretty purple cocoon lying on their son's hands.
the rule of their world was that, when you met your soulmate, the flower could bloom entirely. said flower could appear on the most random places, and apparently, changkyun found it on his jacket after getting back from school.
it was easy to lose the cocoon, that's why he rushed to his house and showed it to his parents, who helped him finding a perfect capsule for he little item.
he was sixteen when he got it, but now that he was twenty two and almost all his friends had found their soulmates, he slowly started to think that love wasn't for him and that his soulmate simply got lost of found someone else, but that was almost impossible as his cocoon was still shining on purple and ready to open.
sighing, he got up from bed ready to do his daily run around the block where he lived. he put on his shoes and opened the door closing it behind him. putting his hoodie over his head, he took a deep breath before starting to stretch his legs.
it was common to be found the streets alone, but not today. he was following his normal route, when he noticed what it seemed like two people fighting. at first, he thought of just running past them, but a loud whimper stopped him from keeping his way.
it was a girl's voice.
following the sound, he found himself minutes later running away with the girls hand on his. her hand felt cold, but somewhere deep in his heart, felt so right holding it.
getting to a convenience store, they got inside ready to buy some water bottles and to make the girl calm down after such adrenaline rush.
"hey," he said looking at her, noticing the glossy eyes she had. she must be so scared yet. "you know how to get back home? you want help or something?" he asked getting his breath back to normal.
the girl nodded crossing his arms around her on some kind of protective shield. "yeah, I just need to call my roommate..."
after a few minutes of getting their breaths back, and of them growing more comfortable with each other somehow, there was time to say goodbye, now that her roommate was outside the store on an uber.
"well, it was my pleasure to meet you..."
"changkyun. the name's changkyun." the girl nodded giving her name too.
late that night, when he was able to go back to his house, he lied on his bed thinking about what just happened that night. sighing deeply, his head turned to his side, looking at the flower... flower?!
"god..." he gasped getting up on his feet running out of his apartment again. without noticing if he had put the right shoes or a thick jacket, he started running where to the convenience store, just to find the girl there, on her pijamas looking anxiously at the close sign of the store. smiling, feeling his heart beat strong inside his ribcage, he approached to her.
"hey... you..."
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@lex-iiiii [changkyun, exes to lovers!au]
"I just don't get how he did that to me..."
"once again, you just didn't tried to listen to him. running away from your problems doesn't do any good, and you can notice now that you're heartbroken over the wrong thing!" her friend said sitting infront of her, drinking from her coffee.
"how are you so sure he didn't cheated on me!? I saw him!"
"no, you just saw a glimpse of him talking with another girl and suddenly though your best option was to run away and break up with him, without even telling him!!"
"whatever... it's not like he cares. if he cared he'd be banging his fist on your door day and night to talk to me."
"what are you talking about? of course he does! but you're too caught up in your thoughts, that you haven't noticed." the friend said again with a stressful expression. "please just talk to him, it's been three days! you're damaging the relationship that was just blooming!"
and after her listening to her friend, she was sure she needed to talk to him. but how?
when it was time to get back to home, the door was loudly opened, getting the attention of all of the customers and staff inside the store.
"changkyun?" the girl asked watching his, boyfriend? ex? panting and trying to regain his breath after what it seemed to be running from miles away.
"I need to talk to you," he said looking intently at her eyes. "please..."
"I don't know..." she said closing her eyes tightly, scared of hearing the worst.
the boy took her by the shoulders making her snap her eyes open. "please, let me remind you how much I love you and, if you still take me back, I'd love to express on every way possible how much I missed you these three days..." he said and smiled breathlessly. "damn, that sounds like I can't live without you, which is true, but that's our secret." he winked, getting a smile from her.
"ok, I'm all ears."
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@hyunubear [shownu, royalty!au]
knock, knock.
"I told my maids not to bother." the girl said standing from her bed letting her book on the nightstand.
rushing to the door, she opened the door, opening her eyes in shock of not expecting him to be there.
"princess." he said bowing slightly his head at her. his clothes were pretty basic for someone who worked as the princess bodyguard.
"what are you doing here?" she said nervously closing her arms infront of her chest.
"I saw light from under the door," he said looking at the candles lit up inside of the room. "I know you can't sleep when you get stressed or anxious, want some company?"
his voice, tender and deep, like if they were about to share the darkest secret of the kingdom.
"hyunwoo," the girl said rubbing her temples. "it's past midnight, shouldn't you be guarding?"
the boy smiled. "how better could I take care of the princess than being with her?"
a loud sigh was heard from her side, taking a step back, she opened the door wider for him to come in.
he, gladly, got inside and sat on the bed. they were long time friends, and he used to act all tough infront of her parents, the king and queen, but when they were alone, it was like they traveled back in time when they were just friends not caring about the kingdom issues.
"I've been thinking out my fate as next queen, when are my parents going to introduce the man I'm supposed to marry?" she said sitting beside him. putting her head on his shoulder, he started to rub her back.
"I don't know what's in store for you, what's your destiny, but one thing's clear," he whispered, looking down. "I'm gonna be here protecting you, no matter what."
the girl separated from him, only to find his eyes already on her figure. hyunwoo was sure there wasn't better time than when she was like this, vulnerable and with that hopeful look on her face that made her eyes spark. it reminded him, not of the powerful princess, but of his best friend.
"please never leave my side..." she said lowly, getting slowly closer to him, engulfing him into a hug.
"never, my lady."
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@uh0paque [wonho, haters to lovers!au]
"I don't care if you two don't get along, that's how you two were arranged, please behave like the grown ups you are."
grown ups. yeah sure.
"there's no way I'm sharing the same air as you, how am I even supposed to share a whole room?" his voice sounded desperate, as if they had some kind of illness.
"shut up, it's not like I adore your face either." spitting the words, both of them scoffed getting into the room.
finding each other smashing the other trying to get into the room first, there was a noticeable thing inside the room, something they couldn't believe it was.
"fuck no."
"shut up dickhead, it's not like I'm gonna sleep on the floor either."
yeah. there was one bed.
"this has to be a nightmare."
"just for you to know, I'm not sleeping on the floor." hoseok said before getting out of the room. it was just one day. just one day. he kept on repeating to himself.
late that night, he returned to the room, opening the door with the key, finding the other person sitting on the bed on deep thought.
"hey," he said loudly for them to listen. "what are you thinking about?"
"mind your business."
after several not-too-kind words to each other, hoseok found himself lying on the floor with some thin blankets covering his body.
seeing his body quivering in coldness, it was hard to concentrate on even sleeping comfortably. "get up here dumbass."
"no!" the boy denied gripping the blankets tighter to his body, which didn't helped much. proud getting the best of him instead of accepting he wasn't willing to lose his comfort lying on the cold floor.
"stop being so stubborn and get up here!" sending a whispered scream, the boy huffed getting up in his place to lie down in bed beside his partner, but not too close.
"your body keeps trembling." pointing it out, hoseok knitted his brows.
"sorry, I was almost freezing down there." he said looking at his hands.
with a deep sigh and extending a hand infront of him, they made hoseok tilt his head.
"give me your hands! I can't be spelling everything to you." if it wasn't for the lack of light, you could be able to see the pink blush on their cheeks.
hoseok gave his hands, hesitating. wrapping their hands around his, he could feel the warmth quickly running through his skin, making it shiver. "you're warm..." he said with a little pout.
after a few minutes, he could feel them drift to sleep. hoseok smiled at the view. with a warm heart and warm body, he cuddled into his pillow and found his dreams quickly than expected.
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@moongaera [jongho, childhood friends!au]
"I didn't expected you to be here so soon!" the boy said out of breath, getting to the girl side.
"why would i be late? this is our tree of all times after all." she said touching the grass at her side, signaling for him to sit beside her.
and he did so. they've been friends since they have memory, but because of him pursuing his dreams as a well-known idol and she studying abroad, they lost complete contact until this day.
their families wanted to do a gathering for christmas, considering both families always got along pretty well.
"I missed you so much when you were gone for the first moths." he said looking at his hands on his lap. she smiled nodding.
"I missed you too when I got down the plane. I thought about how you and I would be together, but we had different dreams and decided to went for them..."
"you did your best, considering we, indeed, have different dreams." he smiled. "I'm so proud of you. I've always been, I hope you understand how much I've been hoping for this day to come just so I can see your clumsy ass again." he said getting hit instantly by his best friend.
"shut up, you love this clumsy ass."
both of them laughed loudly, and it felt so right to be together again. letting a loud sigh, the girl looked up to the sky with a smile still painted on her face.
"I just wish that, in the afterlife we can find each other."
the boy smiled brightly and nodded. "we will, I'll look for you until we can get together for eternity. I promise."
intertwining his pinky with hers, they promised, to look for each other until the end of times.
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@chaotichae [hyungwon, barista!au]
there was him again, getting your order once again with that damned smile and that damned sparkling eyes and...
ah... how you wished to have his number. you found yourself pacing on your bedroom every night trying to find ways of talking to him, but everything you had planned seemed too complicated when you were infront of him.
by now, he knew your usual order and, you didn't know if you either feel flattered or stupid because it's always he'd knew your order, damn, you went to that cafe almost everyday just to see his cute face.
you were doomed. oh so doomed.
and then you though, that you should stop seeking him. you were afraid you were behaving like a psycho and instead of trying to seem friendly, you were acting a little bit too much invested in who he was.
so you stopped visiting the cafe. today it was a whole month before the last time you've visited the place and your legs tickled, wanting to run away to the coffee shop. but just when you were about to do so, your friends or work always distracted you to do so.
today you were on your way on getting off from your work, when unconsciously, your legs moved for their own, and without you could even notice, you were standing infront of the shop.
hitting yourself mentally, you shake your head ready to walk away, when the door opened shocking you.
"hey!" he called and you couldn't help but almost trip on your feet trying to back away from your reality, but he was there! infront of you. "it's been a while, I've missed seeing you around." he said taking his apron and glasses off. you could barely register his words.
"I- uh, I've been busy and... yeah, I've missed you too." oh god, someone take me away from here. aliens, where are you when needed?
he flashed a big smile and held out a hand. "wait here." in matter of seconds, he was back without his typical uniform and you opened your eyes tilting your head.
"my turn is over so... I was thinking we could talk, like normal people and not like, barista and client." he said scratching the back of his neck, making you feel hot on your cheeks.
"y-yeah! I'd love that!"
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p1nkwitch · 3 years
✓ and # with Edith and Jonah!
✓: waking up either adorably confused or painfully scared
#: shaky hands
I'm going to use the Edith from the world turned upside down fic mixed with a mother’s love, i hope you don't mind!
Edith loves her child, her little miracle is the one thing that she can safely say that she loves more than anything in this world.
A new life, a new shot of keeping her son safe, this time for real. When her husband… Well, when he can't deal with her precious Jonah due to remembering their first life, she leaves, she ends things, picks up her child and goes.
James and her talk, of course they do, she did love him, but this time she wanted to keep Jonah safe and happy. So breaking up was for the best. To give him a happy childhood, his ex husband was ok with not interacting with him, even if… her boy wondered why his dad did not come to see him for his birthdays or special occasions.
And it broke her heart, but they both knew he could not deal with him and she did not want him to hurt the boy in any way. So they kept their agreement.
And things are well, they are ok for a long, long time. Her boy is happy, has Barnabas and Jonathan as friends and the three seem inseparable. Edith is just glad that everything is finally well, that this time their lives can be better.
It seems that the world likes to prove her wrong, likes to make her worry.
His son’s friends suddenly dislike him and she thinks about it, has an inkling as to why, that she does not want to consider. Because that means that maybe one day Jonah will recall too and she doesn't know what to do then.
He is unhappy and she knows, but she can't get him new friends, can't explain why they were mad at him without giving more about a life that was. So she keeps an eye on him and hopes for the best.
The best comes, with one Peter Fairchild whom her son suddenly starts to talk about a lot, how quiet and annoying he is, how he never seems to talk with anyone-
Jonah talks about him like a puzzle piece and slowly it turns into him speaking about him far more nicely, how he brings him cookies, how he makes funny comments under his breath-
It makes her unbelievably fond of this boy for bringing her son his joy back. That's why she makes such an effort when he invites him for a sleepover, her Jonah was nervous and she wanted to help.
The boy is a delight and she can see Jonah look at him with a smile and laugh at his antics, it warms her heart, but also… something sort of tries to click on her brain, something she was missing.
She recalled very little of her time after her “death” but… she thinks Jonah came to talk to her grave and he… brought someone along too. She just can't remember much of it. Too weak and hungry for her childs terror of the end.
Things go well, until-
Jonah becomes ill, so, so ill all of a sudden. It reminds her too much of when he fell to the lake and that awful winter, it brings her to tears. He is in bed shaking, pale and out of it. The doctors said that he will be fine, that is not deadly-
But she fears.
She fears and ponders about sacrifices, about keeping her child alive again. Makes the calculations about their neighbours and their kids and waits to see spiders, to see them lead her to the place she needs to go.
Edith will not lose him, never. She will do whatever is necessary to keep her son alive. Whatever sacrifice must be done to achieve it she will do it.
Her hands shake a lot, but she keeps him close and sings the lullaby she sang to him all those years ago, praying its enough, hoping that nothing bad will happen to him. She brushes his sweaty hair away and hears him mumble that he doesn't want to die, the pure ache at hearing him say that makes her shed her own tears.
“No, no you will be fine my little dragon, i swear, i will protect you this time”
He curls up around her and she weeps again for her child, wanting nothing more than to keep him safe and happy.
Jonah wakes up for moments, but he is very out of it, the confused face makes her want to wrap him up in blankets and never let anything bad happen to him.
“Mom, mom im sorry, please im so sorry-”
“Shhh, there is nothing to be sorry about dear” Yet he keeps saying it and she talks to him, tells him stories to keep him preoccupied. Those seem to calm him down enough, she knows he is not really listening, but his cute little face pokes out of the sheets and looks at her mesmerized and its enough.
Enough for now to keep him away from whatever terrible things haunt him in his sleepy hours. His hands reach out to her and hold her own while brushing his little fingers softly on her.
“I'm sorry, you are very pretty mom” She smiles albeit confusedly at him.
“Thank you?”
“Mm sorry i get mad when people say i look too much like you… you are pretty and nice” Her heart is being squeezed and she imagines another life, where she can see those words haunting the boy.
“Its ok my little prince, you are very handsome” He makes a few nonsensical sounds.
“Pretty and nice and you love me lots, I love you mom, I'm sorry I'm not good…” She kisses his forehead.
“Oh Jonah you are everything I have ever wanted, my little firebug I love you, you are so good. And even if you weren't… i'm not that good either, i would love you no matter what” Her boy squeezes her hand and she lays next to him while holding him close.
“Sleep ok? I will be here, always” He nods and she ignores any wet spots on her neck, she merely draws shapes on his back and hums along until his breathing slows down and he sleeps.
Edith is not a good person, not by a long shot. She is aware that she would hurt people for her child, is willing to do it. How silly of her boy to think that she was ever good.
It breaks, the illness that is, she was relieved, so so, relieved.
However the worst is yet to come.
Jonah starts to act more irrational, twitchy, closed off, quiet-
She doesn't know what to do, he also eats so little it makes her fearful of watching him waste away. Peter seems to be doing his best to keep him company, whenever she asks. He looks sort of sad, but says that the boy shares his food with him and sticks around all the time. That at the very least lets her know that someone is looking over him.
Then he comes back one day from his sleepover without saying a word and everything goes downhill.
He is at the hospital, refusing to speak, to explain himself-
He is a shadow of her bright curious child and it makes her mad, at whatever force there is out there that caused this, that caused him to be like this. Was it her? Did she do something? His teachers, classmates-
Peter doesn't know, she asks him once when he comes to wait and that-
That also makes her sad, because Jonah rejects him yet the boy comes back every day, sits and waits for the moment he will say yes.
The name Peter sounds more familiar and the niggling sensation of knowing him comes back.
Still his little face shows guilt and fear and she wants to shake him for answers, but she takes a breath and smiles at him. He is just as worried as her.
She thinks she will kill Mister Sims and his partner, she very much wants to. For now she has to conform with a punch in the face. Still she will get their downfall one way or another.
Jonah wakes up.
Confused and… he doesn't know, her son who remembered his life doesn't know anymore. She is between sad and happy that he can let it go, if that's what caused him all this pain.
Still she chooses to lay in the hospital bed next to him, while he looks confused, sad and scared. That makes her brush his hair out of his face and reassures him with whispered words about everything going to be better from now on, that she will be there always.
Jonah looks at her with bleary eyes, still more or less out of it, but its ok, her little gift will be ok now. His face scrunches up adorably and she pokes his nose. She missed this, missed him.
“Mom?” He is still sleepy and she won't begrudge him that.
“Yes firebug?”
“I love you” Her heart swells and she scoops him closer to her holding him while he cries against her again. She will protect his tiny life with her dying breath.
Edith Lenore Magnus loves her son with her whole heart.
He lets the tears fall, a last cleansing of a life that was and he cant recall anymore.
She hums and he sniffles before wiping his tears and letting her calm him down until he falls asleep between her arms.
Peter Lukas.
That was it.
Jonah had called him his husband while she was in her coffin, she remembers now.
She sees the two of them sleeping, while cuddling on the couch, and thinks that she would love to finally be able to be at his wedding this time around.
The boy has proven to love her son so much it's astounding. Even if Simon says that their relationship was rather torrid most of the time, he can see this time around they were far better with each other.
She agrees and hopes this is a better life for all of them.
She sees a spider on the wall and ponders, ultimately she picks up a piece of paper and the arachnid walks on it camly while she sets it free outside.
Perhaps the first time around it was a manipulation, maybe it still is, but the spiders had helped her along to keep her Jonah alive in both lives.
She will not begrudge them at all.
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cosmosrival · 4 years
Rico besides Kama what do you think about the other indian servants?????
AHHHHHHHHHH THIS IS GOING TO GET SOOOO LONG!!!! i have a different view of the indo fam as a whole. i call them the indo fam but i mean the found family trope!!!! theyre like a group of college students sharing a dorm if that makes sense, since their servant selves are obviously different from their initial myths/human vessels!!!
OK SO. RECENTLY, i have an oomf that found books about arjuna that summarize his exploits in the mahabharata(I DONT HAVE THE STRENGTH TO READ IT ALL IM SO SORRY) and also talk about him in a more philosphical manner such as his states of mind during each event etc and i’ve been meaning to read said book because im genuinely interested in arjuna now!!! and i’d like to know more about this indo prince because from what i’ve seen, he is portrayed in a rather bad light(?) in FGO which i find extremely !!!!!!!!!!! and incrdibley !!!!!!! strange !!!!!!! the mahabharata’s conflicts can be put in a mostly grey area where there’s no good nor bad, its not black and white. so seeing arjuna get bashed because of the way his conflict with karna was written is... hm. let’s say that im REALLY starting to understand arjuna fans that dislike seeing him get mischaracterized so much. OTHER THAN THAT, his design is adorable, his travel outfit is my favourite because he deserves to relax and have some fun!!! fgo making him a chuuni is cute and his VAs little moans are cute cute cute!!!!!!!!!!! (mash grabs my shoulder and forces me to sit down) i think that arjuna deserves better and im really happy to see him have fun in his travel costume voicelines. i think we should take arjun on a date!!! he’s a great lover, we’d have the best time!! OH ALSO, kama seeing him as the student council president in their interlude makes me SOOOOOOO HAPPY its unreal, i think it fits him very very well, the seitokaichou who was elected because of everyone’s hopes and recommended by teachers because he’s suuuch a good student but because of that, the pressure to be good is constantly towering over his head and everytime he looks out the window he wishes he could ditch class and skip a day just because he felt like going to the arcade and be a bad student.......just this once........i think hes very very cute...... i want him to cook for me. HAVE YO U READ HIS BOND 4 VOICELINE ?mmmmmggg i want him to get embarrassed everytime i praise him for having such a muscular waistline. AUG
ANEWAYS i also have quite the thoughts about karna, his characterization in the game is linked to arjuna’s and thats fine but i think that forgetting how much of a little sassy bastard he can get was a mistake! did you know that in apocrypha’s german dub on netflix, when jeanne calls his name like “You’re Karna, aren’t you ? The son of the Indian Sun God !” HES LIKE “So ?” AND THAT WAS SOOOO BITCHY OF HIM, i think that karna is a good boy in fgo but the fact that he was such a fighty old man in the mahabharata shouldnt be forgotten and is a charm trait. I MEAN ???? HE THREW HANDS WITH AN 18 YEAR OLD(ARJUN) WHILE BEIN LIKE... THIRTY TWO. WHATS WITH THIS ANNOYING OLD MAN !!!!! knowing these little facts about him made me like him so much more actually !! i think karna being so nice is adorable!! but the little bitchy energy u can find in his voicelines is also very charming!! i think karna looking at me emotionless as i ask him to lend me his notes for the nth time that week and then saying “...Mn.” when i thank him is cute!!! his voiceline towards things he dislikes is interesting to me. karna seeming aloof and mean bc he doesnt know how to communicate but is actually nice underneath...... hey... thats a little delinquentcore........ i wouldnt say yankii but hes like... hes like... u know hes the handsome quiet one of the group of yankiis... u know the one...? hey where are you going
ganesha is also a character im deeply interested in but i havent played CCC so i dont know that many details about jinako herself !! my brain goes HMMMMMM it seems lord ganesha is trans in fgo ! (since kama used to be a male god originally as well!!) ganesha uses all pronouns!!! and ganesha is also special to me because they share similar traits with kama when it comes to their characterization AND mischaracterizations. ganesha isnt JUST jinako. theres a part of a god in the servant mix!!! and jinako HERSELF is actually a pretty sad character imo. the whole otaku/neet thing is obviously a facade and her true wish being that she wants to redo her whole life is also proof of how much she hates what shes become, yet at the same time, she doesnt know what else she could do. but anyways, i prefer looking at servants from a lore POV so i think that ganesha should still be considered a god and be adressed as such!! i like seeing people portray ganesha as jinako but i prefer it when a certain lavish more godly side of them is put forward. a side of jinako that managed to move on a little bit if that makes sense ? that got more serious. and became someone else entierly despite sharing similarities. needless to say their bond with karna makes me happy since he shows them respect as you should towards a god!! its a bit different from their bond in CCC... like they matured somewhat!! anyway ganesha is the one who taught everyone else in the indo fam about video games and technology and i will NEVER shut up.
ashwatthama..... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM %_’(’ç_”’è_ç(è_’”545656455456545453£¨¨µ¨µMµ¨++°=)=)°+ goodness. jesus christ on earth. my love story with him makes me so embarrassed. when he got revealed i instantly fell in love with him despite knowing JACK SHIT ABOUT HIM but since i was the only one in my friend group who was hardcore into fgo at the time, i kept my love for him to myself and just... (looks away)(i drop my wallet full of picturses of him) quietly adored his everything in silence. WELL, ree having an intense crush on yankii type characters isnt new, its been my favourite trope for ages (gyarus go in hand with them!!) and im still very attached to it so thats what made me love him in the first place!!!! BUT THEN. I GOT INTO HIS MAHABHARATAN LORE. And OHHHHHHHHH BABY.......... (im twirling my hair) so theres this 7ft tall war criminal..........<3<33<3(mash leans in and informs me that the convention of geneva didnt exist at the time) SO THERES THIS 7 FTTALL IMMORTALMAN.......<233 gOD he makes me absolutely CRAZY9909840385%£%%£%%µ%µ%µ the love i have for this character is immense and whenever im sad i remember that pako exists and has a tablet and can draw and i suddenly feel so much better. ok im gonna stop horny posting a little bit. but hes my wife. AND WHAT I LOVE ABOUT HIS PORTRAYAL IN FGO IS THAT, they actually made him a good boy despite his initial roughness and misdeeds ???!!! HELLO?? ashwatthama wishing for a redemption ark is my favourite thing and his righteousness that was born because of his regrets is a very interesting drivepoint to me !!! hes a gorgeous character and im buying a ticket plane as we speak right now so i can go find him in northern india. i’ll find him. GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME !!!!!GET OFF ME !!!
miss lakshimi makes me very sad! because every female servant in the indo fam is an already known face. (... would sita count.) and lakshi being a jeanneface is a waste. well, she’s still very pretty and her lore is also quite interesting!! i havent looked into it fully yet but i think she should be kissed on the mouth. her bad luck makes me slip on a banana peel whenevr i get close to her to kiss her and i hit my head on the pavement and pass away- 
parvati is on a tough spot for me atm. i genuinely love thinking of her as the way the indian goddess herself is portrayed because thats where the fun lies for me in her character. especially when shes involved with other indian servants, thats a given!! i would like to see parvati grow, suffer and heal. because branding her as an “all-knowing mom” is easy, but every single parent makes mistakes if you follow that logic. also, since shes the sakura servant “thats closest to her initial personality”, she’s got some of the most Repulsive fans ive Ever witnessed in fandom spaces and lets say that im trying to work my way out of this hellhole and find things to like about parvati without the fandom’s influence. needless to say, im going to keep looking into her mythos and her lore by myself at my own pace and keep doing my own thing in my little corner. 
rama shouldve been a jock. THE RAMAYANA IS OLDER THAN THE MAHABHARATA, WHY IS.....Hrm well him being summoned as his baby version gives me hope for a future rama alt perhaps??? but i think that he shouldve been a total jock and he shouldve been huge with a huge red lion-like mane for his hair and a teethy grin and big biceps and intense love for his wife. SPEAKING OF SITA, her charm point is her purity but i wish.... that their artist still hadnt drawn them like That, im not a fan of lily servants and i think purity = being young is a bit of an annoying excuse!!! rama and sita looking similar is because of their shared history which is fine but... rolls my eyes............. rama shouldve been 6ft tall and sita shouldve been a milf to match...... anyways i doubt ravana would be added as a servant but i’d love to have a ramayana centric event!! where all indo servants have their own lore centric role to play!!! oh thatd be a dream.... but i have learned to not expect much from a fanservice game so im jus gonna draw my own stuff! (strikes a pose!) (mashu claps!)
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In this hell Daryl Dixon X Reader part 1/??
Hey guys! This is my first ever story that I have published/ might ever publish? This story Is following the survivors from season one, and the reader of course. 
I do apologise in advance if its not the greatest, but I hope you guys like it :)
Warnings- Talk of Abuse, Abuse, Swearing, Blood, Gore (its the walking dead so I Guess that's a part of it :))
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It has been two months now... Two months since the world had gone to shit, two months since my brother Shane kicked down my door and shoved me into a car with a woman who would turn out to be my best friend and her son who was like a nephew to me.
Since the outbreak had hit, we have found other survivors, now we are a group. We work together to continue to live to continue to exist.
I never thought that I’d be in this predicament. I laugh out of spite as I look down at the two little sticks in my hand, two blue lines on one and a plus on the other.
I hear a twig snap and turn around to see a walker snarling and slowly stumbling my way.
Shoving the tests into my jacket pocket, and wipe my tears before walking towards it. The snarls get louder and greedier as I get closer.
“Oh shut up.” I say as I kick the walker in the stomach and watch it fall down, stomping on its head, hearing the crunch of it’s skull between the earth and my boot. The sound making me sick.
The walk back to camp was quiet, all I could hear was the crunch of fallen leaves under my shoes.
My mind was wandering.
How could I let this happen? How stupid could i be? It’s the fucking apocalypse! In what way is this okay?!
I see the RV and Dale standing up top, keeping watch as he was when I left. His attention snapped towards me as I walked out of the tree-line.
“Hey Dale, it’s just me.” “I was wondering where you ran off to.” “Just went for a little stroll. I ran into a walker, about 5 clicks south east.” “What?! Are you okay?” “I’m fine Dale, I put it down. They seem to be getting closer.” “We will keep an eye on it. You’ll have to tell Shane.” “I will, do you know where he is?” “He went down to the quarry to get water.” “Okay, I’ll y’all to him when he gets back, do you know where Lori is?” “I don’t, try her tent though.” “Will do, thanks Dale.”
I made my way through the camp and around the fire pit. I found myself standing outside of the blue and cream coloured tent and took a deep breath.
"Lori?" I heard a rustle and the door was pulled aside, revealing her familiar brown eyes.
"Oh, hey sweetheart, come in." She smiled "Where's Carl?" I asked. "He is with Sophia and Carol, I just finished cutting his hair. Why?"
I softly smiled, then the tears started flowing. Lori ran over and hugged me, sitting us both down on her cot. "Shhh,  honey what's wrong?" She asked rubbing soft circles on my back. “Lori, I messed up.” I said between sniffles. “What? What do you mean?”
I stood up and paced before her. I could feel her eyes on me.
“(Y/n) you’re worrying me, what’s going on?”
I reached into my pocket and handed her the two tests. The silence was deafening, it felt like hours until Lori spoke up.
“How?” “I don’t know. I made sure we used protection, and we always do.” “What made you suspect this?” “I’ve been feeling off, not to mention I’m late. I’ve never been late.” “How are you feeling?” “All I want to do is cry. I’m terrified.” I softly cried. “Come here.”
She opened her arms and pulled me close, softy rocking me.
“You’ll be okay, it’s all going to be okay.” “What if it’s not?” “What’s done is done. There’s no point in thinking the worst. You have to be positive. You have to deal with this now.”
I sat quietly with her, so many thoughts rushing through my head.
“I didn’t know you were seeing anyone.” She softly joked. “It’s Daryl’s isn’t it?” I nodded my head and laid back. “How’d you know?” “I’ve noticed small changes lately between the two of you.” “What do you mean?” “If anyone goes near you or gets too close he glares.” “That’s just him.” “No honey..You need to tell him.” “I know, I just don’t want him to hate me.” “Oh honey..." She sighed. "I-I don't know what to do.." "Just tell him, it’s never an easy thing to do.” "I know.” “And you have to tell Shane.” “I almost forgot about Shane for a minute.” “Don’t tell him that. I don’t know how his ego would take it.”
We both laughed.
“Thank you.” “What for honey?” “The advice, listening.” “Look, im here for you. Your family now.” “Thank you." I hugged her. “I remember telling Rick I was Pregnant with Carl. I was worried for nothing.” "How did he die?" "Rick?" I nodded. "He was shot on duty, Shane was with him when it happened. He was comatose when everything happened. Shane went to get Rick before he came and got us and he was gone.” "I'm so sorry Lori." I whispered hugging her once more. "It's ok." She smiled weakly.
We were both startled by the sound of a blaring car alarm.
"What is that?" I asked "I don't know, let's go and see." We ran outside and to the R.V. "Dale! What is that?!"I yelled up to him. "A stolen car Is my guess." He answered
I nodded and looked towards where the source of the noise was coming from. It was a red Dodge Challenger that pulled up, only for Glenn to jump out, smiling as if he had just won the lottery.
"Holy crap, turn that damn thing off!" "I don't know how!" "Pop the hood, please." "My sister, Andrea" Amy began "Pop the damn hood!" "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!" "Is she alright?" "Yeah, yeah, she's ok, she's ok!" "Why aren't they with you?" I asked "Why isn't she with you? Where is she?" "She's ok?" "Yes! Yeah fine, everybody is..well Merle, not so much..." "Are you crazy? Driving this squealing bastard up here? You trying to draw every walker for miles?" Shane snapped. "Shane.." I tried "I think we're ok." Dale said "You call being stupid ok?" He asked dale in disbelief. "The alarm was echoing all over these hills. It'd be hard to pinpoint the source....." Shane glared at him. "I'm not arguing, I'm just saying.. And It wouldn't hurt you to think more carefully next time, would it?" He scolded Glenn. "Sorry...got a cool car" he smiled sheepishly. A truck pulled up behind the car. And everyone got out.
"Amy" "Andrea!" Amy sobbed as they ran to each other and hugging as if they were dying tomorrow. "Papa! Daddy!" Morales's kids ran up to him as did his wife. I looked at Lori who was now with Carl talking to him, tears in both of their eyes . "You are a welcome sight" dale laughed hugging morales. "I thought we had lost you folks for sure!" He exclaimed. "How did y'all get out of there anyway?" Shane asked. "A new guy.. He got us out." Glenn said. "What do you mean new guy?" I asked "New guy?" Shane asked "Yeah, crazy vato just got into town.." Morales said. "Hey, helicopter boy! Come say hello." He called out to the truck. A man dressed in a police uniform emerged. "The guys a cop, just like you.."
I looked at Shane's face and he looked stunned.
Carl had ran past me and Lori following in pursuit. The man started to cry and he ran to Carl. "Dad! Dad!" They all hugged sobbing.
I started to cry, for the reunion of a family, that was thought to be impossible.
Later on that night I was lying on my cot, staring at the tarp. My tent door opened and Shane put his head  in. "Come on. Foods getting cold." "I'm not hungry." I sighed. "What? You're always hungry." He laughed. "Shut up." I smiled and smacked his arm.
I sat up making room for him to sit next to me. "Any way what's up. You seem different. More weird.” He asked sitting with me. “So, I need you to Promise me that you won't be mad.” "What’s going on?” “Shane.” “Okay, I promise?" He asked. "Shane... I'm scared" "What why? Walkers can't come near us.." "They’re getting close though, I ran into one earlier today. I’m okay, I wasn’t hurt. But It's not that." He nodded. "I’ll do another perimeter check first thing in the morning. What is it? "I'm pregnant." I blurted out. He tensed up. "Shane." "No... Just be quiet.." He whispered. "You promi-“ "I don’t care. I’m mad. You're 18! So who is it? Please don't be Glenn."
I shook my head.
"Ok please be Glenn." “It’s not Glenn.” He sighed. “By the way im 22.” “Still too young.” “Shane-“ “Who is the father?” “Look it’s not a big-“ “I’m only asking you one more time, before I go out and ask everyone in the camp if they’ve slept with you.” “Daryl.” I sighed softly. “I can’t hear you.” “Daryl is.” I said more confident. “Are you kidding?” “What? no.” “When did this start?” “Shane, I-“ “When did this start?” He asked raising his voice slightly. “About 6 weeks.” “How?” “What?” “How did it start?” “Shane this isn’t any of your business.” “It’s is. How did it start?” “Merle was being a creep and Daryl told him to leave me alone and then he and I started talking. He is really sweet.” “He isn’t-“ “Shane, shut up. You asked and I’m telling you. Anyway. The next day was the same as every other day. Daryl being Daryl and keeping to himself, I tried to talk to him and he was weary. After a week he was a little more talkative and then one night we ran into each other and one thing led to another. For a while there it was only hook ups, and then after a few weeks we connected. He still is weary and doesn’t really talk much.” "(Y/n)! he is like twice your age!" "Not even." "I don't care" “How is this any different than you and mrs Cooper?” He stayed silent.
"Just please Shane.. Don't do anything.." "I don’t like this.." “You don’t have to. Can I show you something?" "I guess..." I stood up and grabbed my jacket, bringing out the two tests. "Is that?" “Yeah, I didn’t want to just ‘guess’ I was pregnant.” "Wow..how far along do you think?" "3 or 4 weeks." I said. "Who knows?" "Only you and Lori..." “I’m not happy with this, but I love you. And if this is what you want I can’t stand in your way. Make sure you eat.”
Shane left the tent and I laid back down. After about an hour of hearing thunder rumbling I fell asleep.
I woke up, and I watched the shadow of the leaves dancing in the wind on the roof of my tent above me. Sighing, I sit up and stretch. I pull on my worn jeans and slip my boots on over my socks.
Walking out of the tent and looking around everyone else seemed to be awake, Rick was the only one asleep... I don't blame him "Hello (Y/N) ." "Morning Dale." I smiled. I climbed atop the R.v. He looked over and smiled. “Sleep well? We missed you at dinner last night.” “Yeah, I wasn’t really hungry.” “Whatever you and Shane spoke about last night he was a bit hot headed when he returned to the fire.” “Yeah. I wouldn’t doubt it. We got into an argument.” “Are you okay?” “Yeah I’m good.” “As long as you’re alright.” I smiled. “Hey Dale.” "Yeah?" "I can trust you with anything right?" "Yeah.. Why?" “I want you to know because you’re really important to me.” “Go on” "I'm pregnant." "What was that?” "I'm pregnant, Roughly 3-4 weeks. I’m telling you because i respect you a lot and you’re a father figure to me. Thank you.” “You’re pregnant? That’s great! I mean it’s not the greatest timing but a baby is a blessing.” “Really?” “Yes! Irva and I were going to have a baby. We lost it though. Didn’t want to try again.” “I’m so sorry you went through that Dale.” “I just want to say thank you for trusting me enough to tell me, your secret is safe with me.”
We shared a quick hug before I walked towards the ladder. "I should probably start getting things ready." "Don't do anything too exhausting." He smiled. "I'll try" I laughed.
Once I touched the ground I walked over towards Carol. "Hey honey." She smiled at me, the faint outlines of bruises on her arms. I smiled softly back. "Hey Carol..do you need any help?" "Sure honey." She smiled I grabbed one of the baskets and started to hang up clothing. After about half an hour Rick emerged from the Grimes’ tent. We all greeted him. "They're still a little damp. But the sun'll have them dry in no time." Carol said to him. "You washed my clothes?" "Well, best we could, scrubbing on a washboard ain't half as good as my old Maytag back home." "Yeah or the laundromats" I said softly, making Carol laugh and Rick smile. "That's very kind. Thank you."
I finished up with the laundry and walked over to where Glenn was standing watching his precious car get torn up. "It's a shame... I'd love to have that car." I said aloud. "It's nice isn't it?" "Yeah." I smiled. Shane came back in the jeep with the huge containers of water. He got out. "Water's here y'all, just a reminder to boil before use." He yelled out.
It wasn’t long until we heard a scream. "Mom!" "Carl?" "Dad!" We all ran towards the screaming. "Baby!" "Mom!" "Mommy!" "Rick!" Morales threw rick a weapon as we all made our way through the trees. "Carl!" "Carl!" "Mom!" "Carl! Baby!" "Mom!" "I've got him, I've got him." Lori hugged Carl. And Sophia hugged Carol. I followed behind the guys and saw a walker eating a deer.
Amy and Andrea both stood next to me. I've grown close to everyone in the group, well with the exception of Ed... And I've been accepting Merle.
All of the guys started to bash the hell out of the walker. Amy and Andrea hugged each other. When finally the head came off. "It's the first one we've had up here. The first one this close. They never come this far up the mountain." Dale said. "Well, they're running out of food in the city, that's what." Jim said A branch snapped and everyone was alert. "Oh Jesus." Dale sighed. "Son of a bitch... That's my deer!" I heard the familiar voice of Daryl call out. I tensed up and smiled.
"Look at it, all gnawed on by this... Filthy, disease bearing, motherless poxy bastard!" He exclaimed kicking its body. "Calm down, son. That's not helping." Dale interrupted "What do you know about it old man?, why don't you take that stupid hat and go back to On Golden Pond?" Daryl then sighed. "I've been tracking this deer for miles." He said pulling out every arrow. "I was gonna drag it back to camp, cook us up some venison., do you think we could cut around this chewed up part right here?" "I would not risk that." "That's a damn shame, well, I got some squirrel, about a dozen or so. That'll have to do."
The smell of the walker was travelling to my nostril and I started to feel nauseous. The decapitated head started to move, Turning around i ran to the closest shrub, collapsing to my knees and vomiting. "Oh my god.." I heard Amy say behind me. "Come on people, what the hell?" Daryl asked using an arrow on its head.
I felt some one up behind me holding my hair back and rubbing my back. "Sweetie it's ok, let it all out." Lori soothed. It just kept coming and coming. By now everyone was around me. "What's wrong? Ain't ever seen a walker die before?" Daryl sneered. "Are you ok?" Amy asked. "What happened to her?" After a few minutes it was safe to get up. I wiped my mouth. "Sorry." I managed to get out. "It's ok, but are you?" Andrea asked.
All of the men left leaving just me, Lori, Amy, Andrea, Jacqui and carol, as well as Miranda. "Guys-." I looked over at Lori when she started to speak.
"(Y/n) is pregnant..." "I'm 3 or 4 weeks along." "I thought you were, I just didn't want to bring it up honey, you’ve got all the symptoms.." Carol sighed. "Oh my god, you're having a baby." Amy squeaked quietly. "Yeah." "Congratulations." They all said and hugged me. “This is crazy. You know that right?” Andrea asked “Yeah, can you guys please not say anything to anyone..." "We won't. " We walked back over and stood under the shelter of the R.V.
"Merle! Merle! Get your ugly ass out here! I got us some squirrel! Lets stew 'em up." "Daryl, just slow up a bit, I need to talk to you." Shane called. "About what?" "About Merle. There was a... There was a problem in Atlanta" "He dead?" "We're not sure." "He either is or he ain't!" "No easy way to say this, so, I'll just say it." Rick said "Who are you?" "Rick grimes" "Rick grimes, you got something you want to tell me?" "Your brother was a danger to us all, so I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked to a piece of metal. He's still there. "Hold on, let me process this. You're saying you hand cuffed my brother to a roof? And you left him there?!" "Yeah.” I knew what he was thinking so I pushed Rick out of the way as Daryl threw the chain of squirrels, hitting me with full force. Shane tackled him to the ground. Lori ran over to me as did Andrea and Amy, helping me and bringing me back to the R.v. "Are you ok?" Lori asked. I nodded my head watching Daryl. He pulled a knife out.
"Watch out for the knife." Rick pushed daryl back, getting Shane to put him into a head lock. "You'd best let me go!" "Nah, I think it's better if I don't." "Choke holding's illegal." "Yeah, you can file a complaint." Shane said not letting go. "Come on man, we'll keep this up all day." "I'd like to have a calm discussion on this topic. Do you think we can manage that?" Daryl glared at him. "Do you think we can manage that?" Rick asked once again. They let him go.
"What I did was not on a whim. Your brother does not work and play well with others." "It's not Rick’s fault." We all looked at T-dog. "I had the key, I dropped it." "You couldn't  pick it up?!" "Well I dropped it down a drain." "Dary-" "Just shut up!" "If its supposed to make me feel Better, it dont" "Maybe this will. Look, I chained the door to the roof, so the geeks couldn't Get at him, with a pad lock." "It's gotta count for something." "Daryl.." I tried "Not now!" He snapped. We were all silent. "Hell with all y'all!" He looked at Rick and then T-dog.
"Just tell me where he is, so I can go get him." "He'll show you, isn't that right." Lori said "I'm going back." Rick said making Lori go to Carl. After half an hour Rick was ready and he was having a  discussion with Shane. "I need to talk to you." I told him. "Not now." Daryl replied "Yes now!, I've been waiting to talk and now that you're leaving again I thought I should tell you." "I'm not interested in what ya have to say! I'm getting my brother back." "Thanks." I said with a scoff "Wh-" "Just go! Your brother is more important." I sighed walking away.
After another 10minutes they got in and left. "You didn't tell him did you?" I looked at Dale. "No, he didn't give me a chance." I sighed. "(Y/n)!, we need your help!" I saw the girls starting to take the washing down to quarry. "Duty calls." "Go ." He smiled at me.
I ran to catch up. I grabbed a basket and went down with them. Once we reached the quarry I saw Shane with Carl across with a net, Shane started yelling and splashing around  making Carl laugh. I was walking with Jacqui and Andrea with more clothes from Carols wagon to the water. "I'm beginning to question the division of labour here." Jacqui said. We continued to wash the clothes. "Can someone explain to me how the women wound up doing all the Hattie McDaniel work?" "The world ended. Didn't you get the memo?" Amy said making us giggle I looked to carol who looked over to Ed. "It's just the way it is" she said. "I do miss my Maytag.” Carol sighed. "I miss my Benz, my sat-nav" Andrea piped up "I miss my coffee maker, with that dual-drip filter and built-in grinder, honey." "I miss my computer, and texting." Amy sighed. "I miss hot water..." I stated. "We hear you honey." Jacqui said. "I miss my vibrator." Andrea confessed. "Oh!" Jacqui said. "Oh my god!" Amy laughed. "Me too" Carol said. Making us all laugh loudly. "What's so funny?" Ed asked "Just swapping war stories, Ed." "Yeah" "Problem, Ed?" "Not that concerns you" "And you ought to focus on your work. This ain't no comedy club." He said toward carol. "Ed, we’re just having a little laugh to brighten things up a bit, something you obviously don't know how to do." I said bitterly. "You shut your mouth." He said to me.
I turned around and continued washing. He stayed there for what felt like forever until Andrea spoke up. "Ed, tell you what... You don't like how your laundry is done, you are welcome to pitch in and do it yourself. Here." She threw it at him. And he threw it back. "Oh!" "Ain't my job missy." "Andrea don't." "No Andrea." I backed Amy up. "What is your job, ed? Sitting on your ass smoking cigarettes" "It sure as hell ain't listening to some uppity smart-mouthed bitch." "And ours isn't listening to a halfwit asshole such as your self." I answered him. "I've told you before shut up! Now come on let's go!" He said towards Carol. "I don't think she needs to go anywhere with you Ed." Andrea said to him. "It's none of your business, come on now, you heard me." "Carol." We all asked. "Andrea, please, it doesn't matter..." She said "Carol yes it does." "No honey" she whispered. "Hey don't think I won't knock you on your ass, just cos you are come college educated cooze, all right." He said to Andrea. "You'd have to get through me first." I warned. He looked at carol. "Now you come on now, or you gonna regret it later." He said to Carol. "So she can show up with fresh bruises later, Ed? Yeah we've seen them." Jacqui spoke up. "Stay out of this." He chuckled. "Now come on! You know what, this ain't none of y'all's business." "No, I've stayed outta this for too long, and now it is my business." I said. "You don't wanna keep prodding the bull here, ok? Now I am done talking, come on." He grabbed carol. "No, no carol, you don't" "You don't tell me what?! I’ll tell you what!" He slapped her and Andrea pushed him. His grip had tightened. All of us yelling at him. "Get off her!" "Come here! Come here!" He kept yelling. We finally got her away from him. "ED!" I yelled at him. He looked at me and I hit him square in the jaw. Making him slap me harder than he had hit Carol, I fell to the ground.
He was dragged away, and I saw Shane being the one who dragged him away. "Are you okay?" Amy asked. "I'm fine, look after carol." "Get off me!" Ed yelled at Shane. I looked over to see Shane throwing punch after punch. "Shane!" "Shane! Stop! Just stop!" "Shane!! Stop it!" "Stop!" He stopped. "You put up your hands on your wife, your little girl, my sister or anybody else in this camp I will not stop next time. Do you hear me? Do you hear me? I'll beat you to death ed!" Shane punched  him one last time. Carol ran to ed after and kept apologising.
"Are you sure you’re ok?" Jacqui and Amy asked. "I'm fine just a busted lip and bloody nose. I grew up with Shane, i’ll be fine." I said getting up.
We all packed up the things and Carol got Ed into the car, she drove him and the laundry up to camp, the rest of us decided to walk. "Thank you." Andrea spoke. "For what?" I asked. "For helping me stand up to him." "I actually can't believe you hit him." Amy laughed "I know.. Neither can I.” I laughed “I just hope that the baby is alright." Jacqui said looking down. "It'll be fine." We made it back to the camp after 10 minutes.
I made eye contact with Lori who rushed over as soon as she seen the blood. "What happened?!" "Lori! Calm down I copped a hit off of ed after he copped one off of me. It’s only a busted lip and a bloody nose." "He deserved it." "Shane almost killed him." "I wouldn't blame him." "Look I'm going to go and lie down, I'm tired." "Ok honey." "(Y/n)!" I looked over to Shane. "Are you ok?" "God! I'm fine." "Ok, just tell me other wise." "Will do!" I went to my tent and fell asleep. I woke up to Lori shaking me. "Dinner is ready." I nodded and sat up. "Sounds good, what are we having?" "Fish, Amy and Andrea caught them." "Ok, let's go." I smiled.
We walked towards the campfire and sat down. I ate some of my food and laughed along with everyone's jokes and their stories. "(Y/n), what was Shane like growing up?" Jacqui asked, "Here we go." Shane laughed. "He was the type of brother that would do anything for his little sister, including tea parties and dress ups, oh and the make-up and hair do's oh and this one -" "Ok enough of that." Shane cut me off. "I was going to say this one time I fell out of the tree in our backyard, I would’ve been about 12, I broke my arm and Shane was in the hospital with me, he bought me chocolates and balloons and a flower, that happened to be dead." Everyone awed. "And where do you think you're going?" Andrea asked Amy as Amy stood up. "I'm going to go and pee.. So much for being discreet around here." We all laughed. I started to play with my food, not feeling well, and the fact that daryl probably hates me right now. "(Y/n)?" "Huh? What?" I asked. "I said are you ok?" morales asked "Oh, I'm-"
I was cut off by a loud scream, both Andrea and I looked over to where Amy was, now being eaten alive by a walker. Everyone started running and yelling, grabbing weapons. Carl was with Lori, and Sophia with Carol. I grabbed my knife and started to help with killing the walkers. One was coming up behind Shane, so I ran up behind it and stabbed it with my knife. "(Y/n/n)! Get in the RV now!" Shane scolded. "No! Shane I am helping." I said killing another walker. "I am not risking your life! So get inside!" He stated killing one also. "No Shane! And that's final!" I said as I killed more and more walkers. I dropped my knife, a walker cornering me ,and everyone was pretty much out of ammo, when all of a sudden an arrow went through the walkers head, making it fall on me. I pushed it off of me. There were then gunshots and soon after the walkers were dead, I heard a snarl turning around, I seen one behind me, an arrow lodging itself through its eye, I stood frozen. I felt two hands on my shoulders. "Are you ok?" Daryl asked. I started to function properly again and I hugged him. “I needed you and you weren't here." I whispered "I was trying to get Merle.” "And how did that work out for you? I don’t see him anywhere!” I pushed him off me. “What is wrong with ya?” He snapped. I scoffed. “What is wrong with me? The group was just attacked and you went out on a rescue mission. I get that he is your brother, and I respect that. If it was Shane I would go back as well. Daryl we just lost our people.” “They might be your people, they sure as shit ain’t mine.” “Merle is a trigger happy idiot, he only cares for himself! He doesn't care for you!" "He is the only one that has ever cared for me he’s the only family i'll ever have!" He yelled. "You know what you're an ass!" I said pushing him backwards.
 I walked away, and I sat with Andrea who was sitting over Amy's body. "I'm so sorry." I whispered, rubbing circles on her back. "It's not your fault." "I'll give you some time. If you need me, im here.” "Thank you." She whispered hugging me.
 I got up and walked over to Shane. “You were an idiot out there! I told you to get to safety. What were you thinking?”
 “Shane, if I didn’t help, we could’ve lost a lot more of our people.”
 “I don’t care, we could’ve lost you.” "I know, but it should've been me not them, they were all good people Shane." "Don't say that." He scolded me as I hugged him. "They all were good people, we lost them, and If I lost my baby sister Id never." "What?" "Never be able to cope." "Shane?" "Yeah?" "You scared me the earlier today." "When?" "At the quarry." "I'm sorry." "I know."
He hugged me close as he looked around for anymore possible threats. 
After we were given the clear, we all sat down and grieved for our lost ones. After a few hours the sun was rising. I got up when I saw Daryl walking toward me. I tried to walk off when he grabbed my arm, pulling me over to him.
 "What's wrong with you Lately?” "Nothing that you can do about it anyway." "Honestly why are you being a bitch?" I know that what he said wasn't bad, but it hurt like hell, hormones of being pregnant I guess.
Normally I would take being called a bitch into my stride. I saw Jacqui looking at me, she started to walk over.
"Dixon, treat her with more respect! She doesn't deserve this." She said walking away with me. “Mind ya own business. Stuck up-”
Before I could process what was happening my hand collided with his face.
Everyone’s faces were shocked when I turned around. "I guess you and merle are more alike Thani thought Daryl." I said to him grabbing Jacqui's hand and walking away. "Why would you do that?" She asked. "Because you definitely don't deserve to be spoken to like that.” I looked back and saw him walking to help everyone else. "Sit down honey, we will do this." I nodded and sat down.
"Why do we all get stuck with doing work, you don't have to do anything?" Jim asked. "Jim, shut up" Shane snapped. He did as told and continued working. Lori came over to me and started talking.
"Still haven't told him yet?" "No." "Honey." "I know. It’s just hard." I looked over to where he was, angrily shoving the pick-axe into the dead skulls, to make sure, sweat on his forehead. “A walker got him!" Jacqui called out.
 I looked over to Jim and Jacqui, everyone rushing over to where they were. I pushed everyone out of the way and he held the shovel tighter to protect himself. Someone pushed me behind them protectively, coming face to face with a pair of angel wings. "Show us." Daryl said, still making sure I was there.
After a minute of arguing Shane ripped Jim's shirt up, revealing the gruesome bite. Lori sat down with Jim as the rest of us moved away and started talking.
 "We should put a pick-axe through his skull and the dead girls and be done with it." Daryl stated. "For the love of god, the mans still alive." T-dog whispered. "Only a matter of time." Daryl replied loudly, making  us look at Jim. "How long does it have to kill you?" Glenn asked quietly "I've never seen a survivor of a bite before, have you?" Jacqui asked. I shook my head. "I'm not going to take a chance." Daryl said turning around, "No Daryl, if we do that, that's our humanity gone and I am not-" "You're not what?" Daryl asked suspiciously. "Nothing, I don't feel too good." I said backing up.
 My breath hitched in my throat and I turned around and ran. I didn't get far as I dropped to my knees, heaving and gagging. "Oh shit!" I heard Shane, shortly after the sound of footsteps came close and someone was kneeling beside me. "Are you ok?" Shane asked me. I shook my head in response. After what seemed like forever I finally got all of the contents of my stomach out. I reached out for Shane and he helped me up slowly. I turned around and saw everyone staring at me. The girls all knew and so did Dale and Shane. Daryl looked at me and sighed.
 "We're you bit?" He asked aloud from a distance making sure everyone could hear. "No, It's just the smell, it's getting to me, and I didn't eat much." I covered up. "Daryl, if she was bit, she'd have a fever." "Shane, I need to tell him.” He nodded in response. "Daryl! Come here.” Daryl nodded.
 We walked over to where my tent is. “What? I need to get rid of ‘em.” He motioned to the bodies. “What I am about to tell you is really important. I really, really like you Daryl.”
“Get on with it, we don’t have all day.” He rolled his eyes, with his arms crossed. “Daryl, I’m pregnant.” Breathed out.
“Na, you ain’t.” “I am, I took two tests.” “It ain’t mine. It’s probably T-dogs. You two are close.”
“Are you being serious?”
“We always used condoms. It ain’t mine.”
“Daryl. It’s your baby. I’ve only been with you. Condoms can break.”
He shook his head.
“We have been together every second night if not every night, since we started this thing between us, there is no way that this isn’t your baby.”
He stormed off, grabbing his crossbow.
 I stood there alone, watching him walk away and start loading corpses into his truck. I waited until he was out of sight, until I made my way back to the others.
"Are you alright?" Lori asked as I rejoined what was left of our small group. “I told him. He is mad, thinks I slept with T-dog.” "You should've said something." "I tried. Numerous times." "Don't stress, it isn't good for the baby." She said hugging me.
I heard a branch snap.
 "I think we should deal with this right now!" I heard daryl yell, coming out of the woods raising his crossbow at Jim. Rick raised his gun a Daryl's head. "We don't kill the living." "Says the one with a gun to my head." "Daryl, put it down. Please." I whispered the last part softly touching his arm, making him slowly lower the crossbow, looking at me out of the corner of his eye. Rick lowered his gun and I saw Daryl glare at him. "Come with me." Rick looked at Jim. "Where are you taking me?" "Somewhere safe" Rick said taking him to the RV.
 After about an hour Amy woke up. Andrea had shot her at least five minutes after she awoke. I watched her wrap her own sister up in a white sheet. "(Y/n)?" I heard Rick ask. "Yeah?" "I need you to stay here and watch Jim as we bury the others." "Yeah, I'll do it." "No you aren't!" I head both Daryl and Shane protest. I looked at them both. "Why not?" I challenged. I saw Shane back up a bit. "What if he turns, and you get bit." Daryl snapped. “Look im an adult, not that you’d care at this point, regarding our previous conversation Dixon. I won't, because i'll have this." I said pulling my knife out of my boot. Daryl shot Rick a glare. "If she gets hurt I'm going to stomp your ass." He threatened leaving. Shane looked at him and walked away. "Go, I'll watch him." I smiled Rick thanked me before joining his wife and son. I climbed up into the RV and saw Carol sitting there looking after him.
 "You can go, it’s my turn to look over him." I smiled weakly. "Are you sure? I-" "Carol, you have to bury your husband. Sophia needs you honey." I hugged her. "I-ill be back soon." Carol stuttered with tears slowly running down her face. I nodded and sat down. "How are you going to do it?" Jim asked coughing "Do what?" "End this" "Jim. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." I smiled dampening a cloth and wiping the sweat off of his head. "Thank you." He panted. "Would you like a drink?" "Please." I got up and went to the refrigerator grabbing the bottle of water that had been placed in there. I walked back to Jim. He couldn't hold the bottle still he was shaking that bad. "Here, I'll help." I steadied the bottle to his mouth and he drank. I pulled the bottle away and done the cap up. "I- I never got to say congratulations." He said with a weak and tired smile. "Thanks." I whispered. He went to smile but he started to cough, I handed him the red bucket that he had become far to familiar with. Blood was coming up with each cough. After a few minutes he stopped. "I'm sorry you have to look over me." "Jim, please stop saying sorry." He nodded his head. I heard a voice outside of the RV and looked out of the window. I saw almost everyone walking back. Jacqui came in and sat down next to me.
"It's my watch honey." She stated. "Are-" "Just go, I'm surprised that you put up with me that long." Jim softly laughed. "Honestly Jim! You make me sound horrible." I said amused. He smiled at me and I smiled back. "I'm going to see you soon okay?" I asked. He nodded his head. I slowly walked out of the RV. I went to my tent and entered it.
I laid down on my sleeping bag and looked at the tarp that lay above. I heard footsteps outside of my tent, followed by Daryl entering and laying next to me. He pulled me close and I rested my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry for snapping earlier." He spoke. "I'm sorry for not telling you when I was originally going to." “When was that?” "You were angry at everyone for leaving merle on that Roof, I tried To tell you then.”
The tent was quiet, I could only hear Daryls breath, and my own. “Im 3-4 weeks along-” "It's been decided. We're heading to the CDC" he cut me off. "Rick or Shane's idea?" "Ricks" "I bet Shane wasn't happy about that." I laughed.
 The silence was too much, I lifted my head and kissed his lips softly, him kissing back. The kiss slowly turned into a heated make out session. "(Y/n)! We're leaving in 20!" Shane called out interrupting us. I pulled away. "Cock-block" Daryl groaned. I softly laughed. I got my back pack and daryl got his crossbow and his bag. "I'll put our things with Merle's bike in the truck." Daryl said taking my bag. I sighed as I started to take our tent apart. "Here, let me help you." I looked up to see Lori. "Thanks." "You should be doing the light stuff." "I'm fine with this honestly." “If you say so." She said.
 I looked over to see Shane walk over. "Ok ladies, this is a mans job." He said pulling the tent apart. Lori scoffed and left. After 5 minutes Shane looked at me.
 "And that is how you pack away a tent." "Nice job. Now take it to the RV with the other tents." I smiled sweetly. He rolled his eyes as he grabbed it and started to walk away. I walked to where the rest of the group was.
 "Now, everyone stay on channel 40, but keep the chatter down. Jim will stay in the RV with Jacqui, so he is in good hands. Questions?" Rick asked I shook my head but morales stood up, his family joining. "We're not going." I looked at him shocked. "What?" I asked in disbelief. "Heading the opposite way, we've got family in Birmingham." He finished. "You won't make it alone." Rick said. "We'll take our chances." "That's a lot of pressure to hold on yourself." "We can handle it." Miranda said with a soft smile. "I really think-" "I've got to do what's best for my family." Morales spoke Rick nodded his head. "I understand. Channel 40 ... If you change your mind." He softly smiled back. Morales nodded. We all said our goodbyes and they got into the van. After a while they where out of sight. "Is everyone ready to go?" "Yeah." "Yep." "Sure." We all piled into out vehicles. The RV pulled out onto the road, Rick following behind in the Cherokee, then T-dog in the church van, Daryl and myself and then Shane following in his jeep..... 
The journey so far has been silent, we’ve been on the road for about 20 minutes.
I put my head on the window and sighed. "What's wrong with ya?" Daryl asked "Nothing." "Bullshit." “Im just tired?” “It ain’t that.”
“It’s not important.” "Fine." We sat in silence for at least another 5 minutes, when everyone in front of us had started to pull up. "What the hell?" Daryl started. We both got out and gathered around the front of the RV. "What happened?" I asked "It's the hose, it's completely shot." Dale sighed. "I thought you fixed it earlier." I commented. "Yeah, didn't you jury-rig it or something?" Rick asked. "It's not holding, I was going to strip the cube van." "Shit." Shane sighed. "There's got to be a gas station, or an abandoned car between here and the highway." Rick sighed. We all traded wary looks. "Glenn, Dale, it shouldn't take us long." Rick stated. "I'll go this time." Shane piped up. "You sure?" "Yeah, you stay with your family." Shane said putting some things in his jeep. I looked at Daryl. "Shane!" I called after him. He turned around. "What?" "Be safe" He nodded. I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Your brother is the toughest son of a bitch there is." I heard Rick say removing his hand. "You don't say" I chuckled. "I never knew that Shane had a sister." I sighed. "Well, I wasn't the best person to be related to, I was 14 when our parents died, I was in Shane's custody , Shane and I got into a huge fight causing Shane to move out. He left me with my fathers brother who was an alcoholic, he was an abusive drunk, I almost died a few times, so I-I ran away, Shane doesn't know about our uncle. I stole from a gas station, that at the time earlier in the same week a someone tried to hold it up, so they had a few police men stationed there. I refused to tell them who my family was, because I at the time I was on my own, I mean Shane was alive, I thought he hated me, my uncle was a drunk who would get me into more trouble, my parents were dead and if they Weren't they'd be disappointed. It turns out, my cousin worked at the station and he called our grandmother, she took me in and helped me through everything, she had gotten me a job at the bakery that she worked at, she swore she'd never tell Shane about any of this, she kept to her word and didn't, after 6 years of living with her on the out skirts of King County, she had passed, and I re-united with my brother at our grams funeral. When the outbreak hit he showed up at our grandmothers house with Lori and Carl. For quite a chunk of our lives, Shane and I lost contact. Which is why you haven’t heard about me.” By the time I had finished everyone was standing with us listening. "Sorry." I whispered. "Don't be." "What were you two fighting about?" Dale asked. Memories came flooding back. "I-I- dont remember." I lied pushing past people.
I was waiting, for two and a half hours.
I was at the movies with a friend, it had finished at 7.15pm. I was 14, Shane was meant to pick me up. So at 9.20 I decided to walk home, it was a twenty minute drive from home to the cinema, he should’ve been here by now. It was 9.55 by the time I got home.
Shane was no where to be seen.
I sat on the bottom step, watching the front door, waiting for my brother to walk in. Surely he had a good reason to not be there when he said he would. After an hour of waiting, Shane still wasn’t home. I stood up, and got a glass of water to take with me to bed. I hear the door open and I walked over to see Shane walk in with three women, Barely dressed, caked faces.
The girls were giggling, Shane was plastered. They ignored me and made their way up the stairs and into the master room. The next day the girls left, and Shane walked out, pleased with himself. "What was that a new record?" I asked sourly. "What's up your ass?" He scoffed. “You forgot about me again.”
 “No I didn’t.” “The movie finished at 7.15 last night and I waited until 9.20 for you.”
“I had plans.”
 “I could see that.”
 “You got home, it’s not a big deal.”
 “To you it might not be. But it is to me Shane, you promised. Mom and dad can’t come pick me up because you forgot.” “So what? You’re okay. You’re grown. Deal with it.” “Shane-“ “I can’t fucking do this. Im not your father, I don’t want you.” Shane grabbed a coat and left. This time he didn’t come back.
I walked to the truck, grabbed my bag and pulled out my water bottle, taking a sip. "What are ya doing?" Daryl asked. I offered my bottle to him, for him to shake his head. I put the bottle back. “I was thirsty.” I responded.
 “Are you okay?” "Sure." I said shoving my bag back into the truck. I tried to push past but he blocked me. "Don't start." He said. “Start what?”
 “Being a bitch.” “You gonna hit me like ed hit me, knock me on my ass? Go on, take your shot." I slightly raised my voice. Pure anger went through his eyes. "When did he hit you?!" He said raising his voice only that the two of us could hear. “It doesn’t matter, im okay.”  I replied, softly pushing him out of the way. I walked to where T-dog and Jacqui were sitting. "You alright, I saw you two talking.” Jacqui asked. “Yeah im good.” "I'm sorry." T-dog said "About?" "Your past." "Don't be, that's why it's in the past, we gotta keep, keeping on.” They both smiled. "(Y/n)!" I turned my head and saw Lori, signalling for me to goto her. "I'll talk to you guys later." I smiled.
I walked to the Cherokee and stood with her. "Hey, is everything okay?" "Yeah it's fine, word of advice.." "Yeah." "Fit in as much sex before you start growing bigger, trust me." She whispered I laughed causing everyones attention to land on us. "Don't make me laugh, I doubt we will be even sleeping next to each other." "Why?" "I don’t think this is something he wants.” "Daryl loves you, I can see it in his eyes." I looked over to where Daryl was, talking with Rick about whatever. I heard a rustle in a bush and grabbed my knife. Lori heard it too, pushing the kids behind her. I looked to where Daryl was with Rick and they were still talking, so were the others. "(Y/n). Don't."
I ignored Lori's protests and started walking. I saw a squirrel, torn to shreds on the ground, and saw a walker eating another one. I quietly snuck up behind it and as it turned around I shoved the knife into its skull, blood now all over my knife and a little bit on my shirt.
I heard a twig snap behind me and I turned around, running into a hard chest. "You shouldn't be alone out here." "Daryl you scared the shit out of me.” “I don’t want you out here alone.” “Daryl. I’m not a doll.” I snapped.     Moving around him and heading back to the cars, he grabs my waist and pull me into him, kissing me hard, dropping his crossbow. I kissed back with just as much force. He licked my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I parted my mouth and our tongues fought for dominance. My hands slipped under his vest and ran over his chest. He held me close, not letting me go. We were interrupted by a snapping twig. There was a walker, it was coming toward us. He walked in front of me and grabbed the crossbow, shooting it in the eye. "We should go back." I whispered. "Yeah." He nodded. He grabbed my hand and we walked back to the others.
"Are you okay?" Lori asked as soon as she saw me. "Yeah, I'm fine. We just talked." "Are you going to use my advice?" "To be honest. We kind of tried that then, until a walker ruined it. My sex drive is on high and I just." "I know, I was exactly like that when i was pregnant with Carl." I saw Shane pull up in the jeep, getting out and handing the hose to dale. Glenn and dale started to work on the hose. "It will only take me a few minutes." Dale said looking back to everyone. "Everyone, let's get ready to head out, as soon as the RV is fixed we are moving out." Shane called. Shane made his was to his jeep, passing the RV door. It opened, Rick carrying Jim.
 "What is going on?" Shane asked Rick. "Rick?" I asked "He doesn't want to go any further." Rick said regretting it. Rick carried Jim to a tree and set him down against it. "Are we just going to leave him here?" Glenn asked "No! We can't. It isn't right!" I protested. "Please just go." Jim sighed softly. We all stood there, looking at Jim. "He wants to die peacefully." Andrea spoke up. We all looked at her. Rick got out a bottle of water and placed it beside Jim. "What the hell man?!" Daryl asked. "He's made his decision, I can't force him, I can't force anyone of you." "What's the point of going to the CDC then? we're close." Shane said. "I think it's still the right plan." Rick argued softly "He can't take the bouncing around in that thing, look at him." Carol sighed. We all looked at him. Shane focused on Rick. "We're really just walking away? I don't want to live with that." Shane said. "Shouldn't we.. You know?" T-dog asked. Rick cut him down with a glare.
Andrea kneeled and kissed Jim's forehead, she stood back up and turned away. Glenn stood forward. "Hang in there bro." Dale follows. "Good luck." "I really wish that we weren't doing this, but it is what you want and I respect that.” I said kneeling and kissing his forehead, and wiping his hair away from his eyes. I stood up and walked to the pick up. Daryl looked at Jim and nodded coldly, the followed me to the truck. The others followed with their goodbyes. The RV pulled out slowly, all of us following pursuit. Looking out of the window I share one last smile at Jim. Series Masterlist   Next Part
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lunanight2012 · 4 years
A Whole New World Chapter 1 Part 1
{Y/N} = Your Name
{E/C} = Eye Color
{H/L} = Hair Length
{H/C} = Hair Color
{S/C} = Skin Color
{N/N} = Nickname
{L/N} = Last Name
1 year later
(1st person pov)
A whole year has passed since I came to this world and you know what. I love it!
Harry and I have been paired together, and well. We kinda have a thing. I have long since gotten rid of my old clothes and became a full fledged pirate. Oh and Harry and I live together in his apartment.
He's become my best friend, I've never had a best friend so this was nice.
"{Y/N}! Hello? Ya coming?" Harry exclaimed from the hall.
"I'm comin!" I exclaimed, getting my bandana and tying it around my head, keeping my {H/C} {H/L} out of my face.
I headed out of the bedroom and over to where Harry was waiting for me at the door. I smirked, a very mischievous idea coming to mind. I grabbed his hook from him and bolted out the door, giggling like crazy.
"Get back 'ere!" Harry shouted, chasing after me, though I could hear the laughter in his voice.
I laughed as I dodged residents in the market, making my way towards Ursula's Chip Shop. 
Making it inside I placed his hook on the sword check barrel, placing my sword inside before I scampered off towards Uma.
"Bout time Ya showed up… where's Harry?" Uma questioned as I got on my apron to help out at the shop. 
I didn't even answer, just gestured at the door as Harry ran through, grabbing his hook off the barrel and placing his sword in the barrel.
"Ye little brat!" Harry exclaimed, though it was easy to see he wasn't angry, with that goofy smile on his face.
Yea I may or may not do this to him regularly, i perked up as Uma started to swear at the tv.
I walked over to the tiny television and watched with Harry, Uma, and Gil.
I held Harry's left hand, we just stood there watching a limo pull up to the Auradon school and there they were. A bunch of scary idiots, Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay. Harry knew how much I wanted to get all the kids off the Isle, but we were Uma's crew so to Uma we wanted to get off the Isle ourselves.
Harry squeezed my hand, knowing what we were seeing was really bugging me.
"Uma! Imma take {Y/N} to the beach. She's not doin good." Harry explained untying my apron and dragging me out of the shop and down to the small littered beach.
"Come on {N/N} what's wrong? I know ye don't like that they got chosen to go to Auradon but what's really botherin ya?" Harry asked me, crossing his arms over his chest. 
I stared at the ground, not saying anything. I just wanted to tell him I like as more than a friend but I'm scared.
"I just feel horrible that those jerks get to go to Auradon and you guys don't. Why can't you guys have a nice life with those goody two shoes. I mean heck there's a lot of gorgeous girls in Auradon. I mean have you seen Prince Ben's girlfriend? What was her name???" I rambled on, trying to remember Aurora's daughter's name.
Harry lifted an eyebrow but went along with it. "Audrey? Yea she's alright. I ain't really the princess type if ye haven't noticed {N/N}." Harry stated, showing off his hook.
I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck. Suddenly a clinking bottle drew us away. Of course Captain Hook would find us here on this spot of the beach.
"Boy! Where the hell have ye been!! And who is this pretty thing?" Hook held out his hook, brushing some of my hair back. 
I cringed and backed away, only for him to grab my wrist with his non-hook hand, rather tightly might I add.
"Where do ye think yer goin? Yer coming with me!" Hook exclaime, a VERY creepy grin on his face.
Harry grabbed his fathers hand and ripped it off my wrist, pulling me behind him and glaring at his dad.
"She's mine pops. Fuck off and be pissed somewhere else!" And as soon as those words left Harry's mouth a loud smack could be heard, followed by me gasping.
Yeah, Captain Hook bitch slapped his son across the face. "How dare you talk to me like that you lowly punk! You sir are coming with me." Hook grabbed Harry's left wrist and dragged him away. 
Harry turned back to me, mouthing ‘get back to Umas now’
I whimpered, watching helplessly as harry was dragged away by Hook ‘im sorry’
~back at Ursula's Chip Shop~
I walked back into the shop, head hung low, trying to not cry.
"Where the hell have you bee- where's Harry?" Uma asked looking around.
"His father tried to take me away, so Harry stepped in and his father slapped him and took him away, it's all my fault…" I explained, a sadness to my tone.
Uma dropped whatever she was holding. "Dammit! That bastard is an abusive fuck! {Y/N} go find some bandages, and some needle and thread. Gil, go boil some water! It is gonna be a long day." Uma ordered.
I nodded and ran towards the stalls. Stealing everything Uma asked of me. Running back towards the Chip Shop all I could think of was what was gonna happen to Harry. Is he gonna be ok? This is all my fault. If we had just stayed at the shop-
"{Y/N}! Did you find everything?" Uma exclaimed, drawing me out of my mental breakdown.
I nodded and handed her everything. She nodded in approval and placed them behind the counter in a safe place.
And so while we waited for Harry to return, I helped out Uma at the Shop. It was a rough time helping out without Harry. Mostly because grown men were hitting on me and ugh!! I just want Harry to come back safe and sound.
2 hours later~~~~
I groaned as I held my head, tired of the drunken whistles and catcalls coming from the older male customers. And yes I've been grabbed a couple of times already. My butt, my wrists, my waist… need I go on?
I slumped against the bar as Uma pushed a plate towards me, with fish and eggs and oh!
Harry came in right then, his hook on his belt, hugging his right arm. I ran to him, tears in my eyes.
"Harry!!! I'm so glad you're back!! Wait what's wrong with your arm?" I asked, about to hug him but stopped as I noticed blood dripping down to the floor from his right arm.
"Dad fucked up my arm" Harry explained, wincing as he walked over to the bar.
Uma saw Harry and ran over to him. "I swear to Poseidon, I will kill that fucker dad of yours once and for all for what he's done to you! The bastard doesn't deserve to live!" Uma raged, her shell necklace glowing from beneath her shirt, trying to unleash umas anger, but to no avail.
Uma took Harry over behind the bar counter and got out the medical supplies and, Gil and I’s help, stitched the slice on his arm back up and created a sling for his arm. Uma ordered me to take harry home and make sure the cut didn’t get infected.
I sniffed as I eyed Harry’s arm, seeing blood splotches blooming beneath the white of the sling.
“Harry?” I whispered, he hummed, wincing as he turned to look at me “why did you do that for me? Protect me from your dad? It only caused you harm” he stopped walking, stared at me for a moment, that’s when I finally noticed his face, littered with bruises and cuts, his lip busted and scabbed, a blackening eye.
“I” he started, closing his eyes, taking a deep breath, “I care about yeh lassie, I couldn’t let him do tha’ ta yeh, not on my watch”
I felt my eyes tear up. "N-no- no one has ever cared about me that much." I whispered, rubbing the tears from my {E/C} eyes.
Harry was surprised by that. "Really? Now tha' is surprisin'. Yer very special, don' ever let anyone tell ya differently." Harry stated, pulling me to his chest, I began to cry.
We stood like this for only a moment longer before people started noticing us. Harry grabbed my hand with his good one and we ran to the apartment. Ducking, jumping, squeezing past all the people in the marketplace was a task but we were both laughing by the time we got to the apartment.
I placed my palm on the door to open it, slightly wincing. But hey what can you expect from permanent scars on both of my palms, that still hurt even after a year.
Harry frowned. "Scars hurtin?" He asked me once we were inside.
"Yea. But it's alright." I smiled as I closed the door behind Harry.
"Let meh see 'em." He stated, holding out his good hand. 
I sighed and placed both of my hands in his hand. He pulled my hands up to his face and kissed them. My face turning bright red.
He smirked. "Ok lass. Now I've waited a year but I've got two questions for ye." Harry stated, sitting down on our rundown couch.
"Ok." I remarked, raising an eyebrow.
"First off. You mentioned you had an affinity for water. What do ye mean by that?" Harry asked me.
I sighed, sitting on the stool across from him. 
"Alright, guess I should expect this. When I was very young, really my entire life, my mom didn't really like me. And now that I think about it, no one in my family liked me. I never got what I wanted for my birthday. My mom kept me inside as much as possible. But when I was young, on rainy days I would sneak out to the backyard and sit on a big log that laid in the back of our backyard and would just giggle as the rain wouldn't touch me but would lightly swirl around me. Of course when my mom saw me she'd scream bloody murder and drag me back inside. Granted the minute she would grab me the rain would hit me. As I got older I learned that being "special" was not something people should know. I needed to keep it locked away. But that didn't make my relationship with my family any better. Actually 6 months before I arrived here I was kicked out of my parents house. I was only 14. I have my own small apartment. Actually, your apartment here is bigger than the one I had back on my world. And I had to lie about my age to get a job, AND I'm still in High School. So yea. Maybe coming here was the world's way of saying I needed a fresh start." I rambled on.
Harry chuckled. "Outside of this barrier is magic. And now I understand why you and Uma get along like sisters." Harry stated, leaning back.
"Har. You said you had two questions. What is the second question?" I asked, becoming curious.
"O-oh… *swallows* Well lass. Ye know I really like ye. And I was wonderin' would ye want to be meh gurl?" Harry asked, his face heating up.
I blushed but smiled, getting up and sitting next to Harry's good side. 
"I like you too harry, and yes i'll be yer gurl" I mocked his accent with a big smile on my face.
Harry smiled and leaned closer to my face. I smirked and grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. Harry hummed into the kiss, pushing his passion into it. I felt his good hand cup my cheek. After a moment we broke apart, our breaths ragged.
I brushed his cheek with my thumb. "Well, you just had the honor of being my first kiss!" I giggled with a blush.
Harry smirkes. "Well I'm very much honored lassie~!" Harry winked at me. My face turned bright red in embarrassment.
I looked over at the cracked clock. 12:30pm.
Good thing it's saturday… wait it's thursday!
"Harry we've missed half of school. But with how hurt you are we'll skip today." I stated, standing up. Harry shrugged “eh, missing school is a good thing ‘ere remember? If every vk went to school everyday we would lose all our rep”
"I'm going to grab us some food from the mart. I'll be right back." I said smiling down at him. 
Before Harry could say anything I nicked his hook and left the apartment. Tying my bandana around my head I headed out to the market. Holding Harry's hook in my {dominant} hand.
I got to the market, scouring the stalls, I spotted a stall with semi-fresh fruit. Waiting till the owner wasn't looking, I snuck over and stole two apples, and two peaches. 
"Hey! What do you think your doing missy?" 
I smirked, hiding the fruit in my bag and holding up the hook. 
"What did ye say?" I asked, mimicking Harry's voice.
The stall owner held up their hands. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't realize you were one of Uma's crew! Please t-take this." The owner handed me a bag of money.
I smirked. "Thank ye very much. Uma will be very happy." I thanked and left. Of course I hit a few stands too, getting eggs, fabrics, and even some potatoes that didn't look too bad.
As I walked back into the apartment I began to sing a song from my world. 
"I need another story. Something to get off my chest. My life is kind of boring. Need something that I can confess." I sing as I set the fruit in a basket that was on the cracked kitchen counter.
"'Til all my sleeves are stained red. From all the truth that I've said. Come by it honestly I swear. Thought you saw me wink, no. I've been on the brink, so." I twirled, putting the eggs in the fridge.
Harry watched me with his brow raised, clearly confused by me.
"Tell me what you want to hear! Something that will light those ears! Sick of all the insincere! So I'm gunna give all my secrets away!" I sang smiling like an idiot.
"Lass. Whatcha singin? Never hear'd that song before." Harry questioned, taking his hook back.
"Its a song from my world." I explained, something I hadn't noticed was that the gold ring around my pupils was getting bigger, slowly covering up my {E/C} eyes.
"Hmm sounds interestin'. Although I much prefer yer voice over everythin'." Harry stated, pulling me close.
I giggled. "Come on Harry. If your feeling well enough to cuddle then you can come with me while I take the money I got to Uma." I stated, holding up the bag of money.
"How'd ya get that?" 
"The stall owners saw yer hook and got scared shitless." I admitted, smiling.
Harry smirked and pulled me close, kissing my head. "I love ye so much lass!" He said into my hair.
I giggled. "Come on my pirate. Let's go see Uma." I smiled.
We left the apartment and headed for Uma's place. The Chip Shop to be exact.
As we get closer I hear singing. 
"What's my name? What's my name?" 
"Not again." I groan.
"Hmm? What's up lass?" Harry asked, curious.
"Uma's singing her what's my name song again." I explained standing outside of the shop. Harry's eyes dilated and he almost seemed like a different person.
He walked right into the shop and started singing. Great. I walked in after him. Not paying any attention to Uma, Harry, or the crew. I sat with my back facing them and ordered a plate of fish. Gil was sitting next to me, clearly too busy eating his eggs to participate in the singing. 
"Gil. Why do you eat so much eggs? Don't you get sick of them?" I asked him as my food arrived.
"No! I gotta eat lots to be like my dad!" He said with his mouth full.
I rolled my eyes, then I noticed that Gil's blonde hair was getting in his eyes. I stole a brown bandana off of a patron and handed it to him. 
"Here Gil. Use this. It'll help you match with the rest of the crew, and you'll be able to eat, walk, fight, talk, etc without having your hair in your eyes." I smiled.
Gil smiled and proceeded to tie the bandana around his head. As he did this I smiled, eating my fish.
"So how is Harry? I heard his dad did that to him. Glad my dad isn't that abusive." Gil stated. His hair looking more "piratey".
I nodded, glancing over my shoulder for a second to see Uma giving the crew commands on how to do the moves properly to her song.
"It's my fault he got hurt tho. His dad saw me and Harry protected me." I explained, sighing a bit.
I pulled on my necklace. This was something I had from my world. The only family member that cared about me was my grandma. But she died when I was 6. The necklace was from her. I never understood why the charm was important,  I can't read the engraving on it, but it was a large coin shaped charm that was smaller than the size of my palm on a sturdy string necklace.. But I don't take it off. The engraving on it was something I gave up on decoding when I was 12.
"{Y/N}?" Gil asked, getting me out of my thoughts.
"Yes Gil?" I asked.
"Why are you playing with your necklace?" He asked me with a slight tilt to his head.
"Oh. This was a gift from my grandma, she was the last person to ever actually care about me in my world. I can't understand the engraving though." I admitted, feeling the text again.
"Oh? Maybe Harry can help. He's really good at deciphering stuff." Gil stated eating another egg.
 "Oh? He never told me that." I said as I looked over at Harry and Uma who were chatting about work and stuff. "I'm not going to bother him with it though." I muttered, before looking back at Gil.
"How have you been today Gil? I haven't seen you all day." I asked, tucking my necklace back under my shirt.
"Been fine. My brothers were jerks today. I got a couple of bruises on my back from them. But I managed to get this bandanna from a stall today! Thank you for helping me!" Gil exclaimed with an innocent smile.
This child doesn't deserve to be on this wretched island.
"Your brothers' are horrible. They are just AHHHHHH--!" I screamed, gripping my head as my eyes turned golden, such a bad headache.
"{Y/N}!!" Harry exclaimed, rushing over to me. 
I groaned. "I-I'm fine. Bad headache." I groaned out, looking up at Harry.
"Yer eyes, ther' golden." Harry exclaimed, amazed.
I frowned and rubbed at my eyes. Why are they fully golden? That never happens. I groaned again and squinted up at Harry, Gil, and Uma. When did I get on the ground.
"How'd I get down here?" I asked, the headache finally disappearing.
Gil's face got closer to mine. "Her eyes are back to normal!" Gil exclaimed.
Of course more crew members started gathering around. And I became flustered.
"I-I'm f-fine." I stuttered, my face turning red from embarrassment.
"Alright everyone back to work!" Uma commanded.
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gingerwritess · 5 years
"Person A is pregnant but finds out just before Person B has to gone on a six month long trip. When Person B returns Person A surprises them with their growing baby bump hilarity and confusion ensues" Maybe this one for Elliot and dad!Loki? have a great day sweetcheeks
combined with this request from @mylovelycrazyworld
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summary: well…Elliot wanted a sibling. it’s about time he got one.
warnings: pregnancy stuff, a tiny hint of angst, missing Loki, fluff, and lots of Elliot silliness
a/n: FIRST OF ALL I AM SO PROUD OF THIS so i hope you e n j o y
sorry, second, i got waaay too carried away with this and suddenly its like a part of a wholeass story and yeah we’re gonna move this little storyline right along.
third i accidentally posted this before it was done a couple weeks ago so if you read it that time, i’m so sorry, this one is done and much better.
i’m also so sorry i’ve been gone lately. it’s been a crazy hectic last couple weeks so i haven’t had much time to sit down and finish writing anything! thanks for sticking around :)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Of course Loki had to leave this week, of all weeks.
Elliot’s taking the separation fairly well; Loki had left for Asgard with a kiss on the forehead, a tight hug, and a pretty serious request.
“You’ll take care of your mother for me while I’m away, won’t you?”
The little boy had promised, naturally, trying to look as serious and grown-up as he could, and even offered his hand to Loki for a handshake when he went in for a hug goodbye. Loki’s jaw had dropped in shock; then he pushed Elliot’s hand out of the way and swooped him up laughing into his arms for a tight, chaotic, firm hug.
So now you have a protective five year old fussing over you all day long, which is honestly worse than having a protective 1000+ year old fussing over you. He tries to do everything he sees Loki doing, everything he’s supposed to do to “take care of his mother:” like holding your hand in every possible situation, running up behind you and hugging the back of your legs, he’s even kissed your forehead at one point.
Loki’s trained him well.
But morning four of Loki being gone brings an unexpected turn. Elliot has been sleeping in your bed with you, wanting to keep you company—but mostly just missing the clone that Loki normally lets Elliot cuddle up with every night. This Tuesday morning, he’s laying across your stomach, happily sucking a thumb and drooling onto your shirt—well, technically it’s Loki’s.
It would’ve been nice to wake up and see his chubby little face all squished up with sleep, but you’re brutally shaken from your rest by a lurching stomach—you’re going to throw up, right now. You try to push Elliot off you as gently as you can, already retching as you shove him one last time, a little harder than you meant to, and he groggily sits up.
“Whasgoin’on?” He rubs the sleep from his eyes, but you’re already sprawled on the tiles in the adjacent bathroom floor, emptying the contents of your stomach into the toilet. “Mom! No, mom, what’s wrong?!”
“S-stay—stay back,” you cough and wave him away just as before another retch doubles you over, chest heaving when it finally simmers down. “Just give me a second, okay? You don’t want to see this, bud.”
“But are you okay? You got really sick!” He rushes up behind you and starts rubbing your back with a cool little hand. “Ew, you smell kinda funny.”
“Gee, thanks, kiddo.”
“I’m just sayin’!” He holds his nose with one hand, using the other to wrap around your waist and lean into your side. “What does dad do to help you when you’re sick?”
You pull yourself up and over to lean back against the wall, trying to catch your breath and running a hand through Elliot’s curls. “Uses his magic stuff to make me feel better…cuddles with me, just like you’re doing.” You smile weakly down at the little boy, and he quickly lays his little hands on your stomach. “No no no, don’t try it, it’s okay! I feel better!”
“Aw, man.” He sadly retracts his sparking hands—thank god—and nestles back into your side. “I’m getting gooder at my magic, ya know. Dad’s teachin’ me real good.”
“I don’t doubt it, Elliot,” you assure him with a light squeeze of a hug. “But you probably shouldn’t test out any of your magic on people, okay?”
He nods seriously, patting your stomach gently. “Good idea. I gotta be careful with your tummy now, too.”
“Don’t worry, buddy, this is just a bug. I’m already feeling better.”
Elliot shakes his head and crawls onto your lap, leaning down to put his ear to your stomach—what in the world? He listens for a moment and suddenly the wheels in your brain start turning: oh my god. This couldn’t mean…?
The little boy sits up again and feels your stomach one more time, focusing hard on something. “Nope, s’not a bug,” he smiles and gives your belly another gentle pat. “It’s just my baby tryna say hi.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Six pregnancy tests later, there’s no doubt about it. How Elliot figured it out before you even had a hunch, you have no idea, but the little piece of plastic drops from your hand when you flop face-first onto the bed, mind swirling.
This isn’t a surprise.
Elliot had asked. Loki and you had talked, agreed; this is what you want. But really, baby?
Loki doesn’t get back for another four months. Pregnancies are hard; you’re not going to pretend they aren’t, and to not have your husband here to help you through it…this is going to be much different than when you were pregnant with Elliot.
You glance once more at the last test: positive as ever.
Pregnant. Again.
Sighing audibly, you roll over on the bed and grab Loki’s pillow, hugging it to your chest and breathing deeply, eyes drifting shut.
“We’re gonna be fine,” you whisper, your voice serving more to soothe your own racing mind than anything, “we’re gonna have another baby, and we’re gonna be fine.”
You bury your face in the pillow, hugging it tighter. It smells like Loki—heavenly.
That’ll have to do for the next four months.
* * * *
“What does dad wanna name the baby?”
The plastic fork scrapes against Elliot’s plate in grating anticipation of your answer. He’s picking at his lunch; his appetite hasn’t been quite so bottomless with Loki having been gone for so long.
For yours, on the other hand, the exact opposite is true.
“Dad…doesn’t know yet.” You rip another chunk of bread from the entire baguette in your hand and dip it in butter. This baby seems to have an appetite for seven and a particular fondness for carbs.
“That’s ok,” Elliot nods thoughtfully. “Names are hard to come up with. I think it should be…blueberry! Cause I love blueberries so much and I love my baby—”
“No, no, I meant…” you struggle to swallow your mouthful of bread and hold up a finger. “Dad doesn’t know that we’re having a baby yet.”
“Why not?”
…yeah, that’s a good question. You probably should’ve called Loki a good while ago, when you’d found out you’re expecting—I mean, it’s his kid too.
But telling Loki he’s going to have a second child just seems like something you don’t do over the phone.
“I don’t want to miss his reaction,” you answer honestly, shoving another chunk of baguette in your mouth. “I wanna sh-uprise ‘im when ‘e gets home.”
Translation: I’m terrified.
Elliot eagerly claps his hands together, the fork falling to the table with a clatter. “That’s a good idea!” He squeals, jumping up to run over and climb into your lap, laying his little hands on your belly. “Dad’s gonna be so excited to meet Blueberry, he’s gonna cry—”
“We are not naming this baby after a fruit. Sorry, kiddo.”
* * * *
An agonising two more months pass, lonely and chock-full of horrid cravings, mood swings, aches and pains and puking nearly every single morning…this baby already seems to hate you.
Elliot’s been a little trooper the past four months.
Hugs whenever you need them, plenty of crayon drawings of your family so you “don’t miss dad too much,” peace and quiet when you fall asleep at the table again, even a few attempted breakfasts in bed. He’s been so sweet and helpful when you know he misses his dad more than anything, so today you drag yourself out of bed, throw up once for good measure, and tell him to get ready for an ice cream trip.
Loki was supposed to be home a week ago, but you can’t let yourself think about that.
Driving with your little bump of a belly is starting to get really uncomfortable, but you make it alright to the little ice cream parlour that Elliot claims makes the best cotton candy ice cream of all time.
“I miss my dad,” Elliot pipes up while you’re sitting in silence, a faint bluish tint to his skin due to the coldness of the ice cream. “He shouldn’t hafta leave ever again.”
“Same here, kiddo, I’m sorry.” You lay a hand on your belly and try to give Elliot a reassuring smile. “This little monster misses him too, but they’re just glad that they have an awesome big brother to take care of them!”
That brings a halfhearted smile to the little boy’s face, and he goes back to licking his ice cream cone, watching you with reddish eyes deep in thought.
“Y’know, dad loves you, mom.” Elliot reaches over to take your hand in his tiny, sticky one, much to your surprise. “He loves you a whole lot, I know it, and he’s not gonna be angry that we’re havin’ another baby.”
Your jaw drops.
What the hell??
Your son, who is apparently getting some kind of crazy read on your thoughts right now, leans over the table and plants a sticky blue kiss to the back of your hand—just like he’s seen Loki do countless times. “Don’t be ‘fraid of him, he’s gonna be so super excited.”
Part of you kind of wants to run away screaming, but maybe mothers shouldn’t do that to their children, so you just gape like a dying fish at the strange little mini-Loki in front of you.
“I’m…I uh…” your mouth opens and closes a few times while your brain tries to catch up. “I’m not…I’m not scared of dad, Elliot, what makes you say that?”
You’re not…right?
Elliot licks his ice cream cone again, catching a drip down his arm. “Nah, you’re ‘voiding your ‘sponsibilities.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re scared to tell dad about Blueberry, right? I heard you in my dream, you told me dad was gonna be upset and get scared to have two kids.”
You swallow hard, trying to find the lie in his innocent statement. “But he—no, he won’t be upset, he wants another kid, he told me.”
This kid is ripping you to shreds, covered in blue and pink melted ice cream.
“S’what you told me,” Elliot shrugs. “Said dad’s gonna like one of us better.”
…you’ve got to pee again.
A blessed escape, cause if Elliot says one more word about Loki or this baby, you’re pretty sure your hormonal self is going to break down in tears.
“I’ll—I’ll be right back,” you choke, scooting your chair back with a loud scrape and pulling yourself to your feet. “Are you okay to stay here? I’ll only be a couple minutes right over there, no talking to strangers, you know the rules.”
Elliot nods, looking worried as you swipe at your eyes and set down your cup of ice cream with shaking hands. “You okay, mom?”
“Fine, fine, I’ll be right back,” You mutter and rush off to the bathroom.
You certainly didn’t look fine, but Elliot shrugs to himself and goes back to his ice cream, keeping a wary eye on the other people in the shop.
“Did your mother just leave you out here all alone?”
Elliot spins around in his chair at the voice, dropping his ice cream cone to the floor and bringing his hands up ready to fight whoever is approaching him—Loki’s taught him enough to fend for himself.
But when he whirls around, he immediately lowers his hands and jumps out of his chair—it’s Loki.
“DAD!” Elliot scrambles out of the chair and bolts into Loki’s waiting arms, knocking him over with the force of his hug. “Dad, dad, you’re home! You’re home!!”
“That I am,” Loki laughs, hugging the little boy tightly to his chest. “I missed you so much, Elliot, so much.”
“Hey!” Elliot points a little finger into Loki’s chest, suddenly serious. “Don’t you ever leave us again, ‘kay??”
“Of course, I’m so sorry I had to—”
“Pinky promise??” Elliot shoves his little finger in Loki’s face, and the god chuckles, extending his own to seal the promise.
“Pinky promise. Hopefully.”
Satisfied with the agreement, Elliot jumps off his dad and rushes back to the table, frowning at the sticky mess that’s left of his ice cream on the floor. “You owe me an ice cream, dad, look whatcha made me do.”
“My sincerest apologies, young man,” Loki chuckles, swooping the kid up in his arms for another squirming hug, trying to sneak a few tickling kisses somewhere on his face. “Where is your mother?”
You come out of the bathroom just in time to hear Elliot answer “hidin’ from you, I think,” and you stop dead in the middle of the shop when you see your husband smiling wide and holding Elliot in his arms.
“Elliot! No I’m not!” You shake yourself out of your shocked daze, running over to the two of them and nearly knocking them over when you throw your arms around Loki’s neck.
Immediately setting Elliot back on the ground, Loki breathes your name and draws you into the tightest embrace he can manage, his arms clutching you so close you have to plant your hands on his chest and gently push him away to keep him from hurting your belly.
He doesn’t seem to notice, but Elliot sure does.
Loki’s hands cradle your face as he pulls away and just stares at you for a moment, trying to decide if words could even begin to describe how happy he is to be with you again.
“I missed…oh, come here.”
He laughs with watering eyes and pulls you close, pressing his lips to yours over and over until neither of you can breathe, half laughing, half teary-eyed because he’s here, you’re all here, together finally.
“That was—mmph—too long,” you laugh around Loki’s relentless lips, keeping a hand to his chest to keep him from your baby bump.
Elliot bounces on the balls of his feet, glad to see his parents so happy again, but sticks a hand between you both to cover your belly. “Careful, dad, don’t hurt my b—”
“ELLIOT!” You cut him off with a nervous chuckle, shooting him a pointed look—shh!
The little boy claps a hand over his mouth, eyes wide. “Sorry.”
“What for?” Loki asks with a breathless laugh, his hand cradling the back of your head to keep you pressed against him.
“Nothing, nothing,” you assure him, kissing him again. “Oh my god, I’m so glad you’re home, Loki. Tell us everything!”
He holds you away from him for a moment with his hands on your shoulders, looking you up and down with a dopey grin on his face—you’re really glad you wore a too-big shirt today, it covers your beginning baby bump pretty well.
“You look incredible,” he murmurs, shaking his head in disbelief—he missed you. His eyes fall on your chest and linger for a half a second longer; your breasts seem…bigger than when he left.
Trust me, he would know.
But he shakes it away and pulls up a chair, and the three of you launch into a detailed retelling of everything you’ve missed over the past four months.
“Well, everything went wrong the moment I stepped foot in Asgard.” He leans forward, eager to tell his story. “There had been an attempt on the relics, and rumours of more to come, so we had to—what’s so funny?”
Elliot’s covering his mouth with a sticky hand, desperately trying to muffle the giggle-fit overcoming him as he looks at you: you’re clutching your stomach with an extremely pained grimace, trying to get comfortable in the little metal chair.
“Nothin’…” he snorts and quickly looks away from you when you glare at him. “What happened next, dad?”
“Okay…” Loki shoots you a confused glance and you quickly grin back, trying not to look like there’s a tiny human laying directly on your bladder right now.
How’s that working out for you?
“Are you alright, my love? You look like you’re in pain.”
“Just a stomachache!” Your gritted laughter is nervous but hopefully convincing enough.
“Are you sure? Just tell me, darling, I can disspell the sickness in less than a second—Elliot!” He whirls around in his chair to glare halfheartedly at the little boy giggling again. “Your mother is in pain, why are you smiling??”
“‘Cause I know something you don’t know,” Elliot sings, clapping his hands with glee and wiggling around in his seat. “Mhm, I’ve got a secret, ‘n I’m not tellin’—”
“Elliot. That’s enough.”
You reach over and pull the little guy into your lap, clamping both hands over his mouth and smiling sweetly at your husband—who just looks very confused. And a little worried.
He’s made it pretty clear that there would be no secrets in this little family of yours.
“Our son…has a secret?” Speaking to you, not Elliot, he raises an eyebrow and it’s not exactly amused. “Care to enlighten me, wife?”
“Don’t worry, Loki, it’s not a secret,” you sooth, tapping Elliot’s mouth twice before letting him go again. “It’s more of…a surprise, really.”
Elliot clasps his hand behind his back and rocks forward on his toes, excited eyes darting back and forth between you and Loki.
“I don’t like surprises.”
“But you’re really gonna like this one,” Elliot promises, sending an overly dramatic attempt of a wink your way.
Letting out a dismayed groan, you drop your forehead to your hand. “Elliot, please stop…”
Loki crosses his arms, already looking a little on the defensive side with lips tightly pressed together—this is exactly why you didn’t want to tell him. Way to go, kid.
“If you have something to tell me, tell me now.”
“I—can I tell you at home? Later?”
The god sighs, not able to help feeling as if the joy of your reunion had been let out faster than the air in a deflating balloon—now he’s worried, feeling excluded, almost offended.
Secrets. Never a good idea within a family.
“Don’t worry, snowflake,” you chirp with feigned nonchalance. “You’re gonna love this surprise.”
Your fingers cross under the table.
* * * *
Loki doesn’t bring it up the rest of the day.
You’d guessed he would mention it again at least during dinner, try to pry the information from you, but he smiled and listened to Elliot talk about his loose tooth, eating his food apparently unbothered.
Your knee hasn’t stopped nervously bouncing since you sat down.
Maybe he knows? If Elliot felt it, Loki certainly could. The kid’s voice is still echoing through your mind as you get Elliot ready for bed:
“You told me dad was gonna be upset and get scared to have two kids.”
Okay, maybe you’re a little worried that Loki’s past may hinder his enthusiasm for a second child, but you’ve never even admitted to yourself that he would be upset or scared. But the more you think about it, the more sense it makes: he would be terrified.
Favouring one child over another? That would be Loki’s worst nightmare, yet he hadn’t brought that up when Elliot first asked for a sibling. He’d happily agreed to have a second kid, kissing away your concerns…
Hugging your arms around yourself, you stare at his back from the doorway. His hair is lazy, pulled into a mindless knot on the top of his head; he looks relaxed, doing dishes. At peace with his life.
His life with his wife and his one son.
Did he lie to you?
Had he looked you in the eye, said “I want another baby,” and lied?
God of lies, you keep letting yourself forget.
Your mind goes berserk right there in the kitchen, convincing you that he lied to you, that this baby is unwanted, that he only said that he wanted another baby to keep you happy, that no, he didn’t ever want children, he just wanted to fuck you, that everything he’s ever said to you is a lie—
“Your thoughts are deafening, my love.”
You jump with a start as his voice interrupts your destructive train of thought. “Were you listening?” You immediately ask, voice venomous. “Loki, did you listen?”
He turns around and dries off his hands, leaning back against the counter with a sad smile. “Of course not, out of respect for your secret. I trust you to tell me.”
You stare at him, unmoving and unsure, and he pushes himself away from the counter to take a few tentative steps toward you. “Let’s go to bed,” he murmurs, sensing your troubled mind. “You need rest, then you can tell me this secret when you are ready.”
Nodding slowly, you let him take your hand and lead you to the bedroom, keeping your mouth firmly shut. He shuts the door behind you and you walk straight to the bed, laying down and turning your back on him to avoid this as long as possible.
“Don’t you want to change first?” Loki laughs, and the mattress dips as he climbs on next to you, laying right against your body and pulling you back into him. “Those pants can’t be comfortable, let me get them off of you.”
You shake your head—horny, lying bastard.
“…would you like me to draw you a bath?” He’s trying a gentler approach now, noticing your apprehension and holding you closer.
Another shake of the head.
“Why won’t you talk to me?”
Your hand subconsciously falls to your little baby bump, but Loki’s follows right after to cover your own hand with his.
You’re sick of this—just tell him.
You slip your hand out from under his, grab his wrist, and press it to your belly. His breath catches in his throat, you can hear it, and his cold hand gently runs across the swell of your stomach.
“What is this?”
Just say it.
“I’m pregnant.”
He sits straight up behind you and you screw your eyes shut—he’s going to leave now, right?
But he doesn’t leave; instead cold hands grip your waist and pull you onto your back, catching the hem of your shirt and promptly ripping it from your body.
He looms over you, knees on either side of your body as he stares down at you. His eyes are wide and a distracted hand rubs over his mouth, trying to process this.
“How long have you known?” His voice is barely a breath.
“…four months.”
“You didn’t tell me?”
The hurt on his beautiful face is a sucker punch to the gut—you idiot, of course he wouldn’t be upset. This is Loki we’re talking about, your husband, the father of your child—children.
“I’m so sorry,” you apologise quietly, avoiding his gaze. “I didn’t…I thought you-you would be upset.”
He breathes a laugh and carefully runs his fingertips down your sides, trying to memorise the sight of you carrying his child…again.
“Why would I ever be upset, my love? I can’t believe you’re this pregnant and you didn’t tell me—”
“Elliot said something,” you anxiously cut him off. “It was stupid, really, I’m stupid for believing it…” you take a breath and ramble on. “He said he had a dream you got upset about having two kids cause you might like one more than the other.”
Loki pauses his kissing down your torso, freezing with his hand splayed across your baby bump. “How did he…”
“I dunno. He was freaking me out, Loki, he started telling me things I wasn’t even thinking yet.”
“That’s my boy,” the god laughs, resting his forehead on your stomach as your brow knits in concern.
Carding your fingers through his hair, you nudge Loki’s head up to look at you. “This doesn’t worry you?”
“Our son turns blue when he touches something cold.” He presses his lips to your stomach again, eyes tightly shut. “I’m afraid your family isn’t exactly the epitome of human normalcy.”
“Yeah, but Loki, was he right?”
“That I’m scared?” He trails his lips up your baby bump, over your chest and coming to rest firmly over your mouth. “My love…I am terrified.”
Your arms wind around his neck and pull him back down to your lips—maybe if you keep kissing him, he won’t be able to see the disappointment in your eyes.
It works for a little bit, and you nearly lose yourself completely when he starts gently nipping at your lips and moving to tend to your neck; he’s making you drunk on him with the flip of a switch.
It’s too easy for him.
“Loki.” Your hands curl tighter in his hair.
“Then why did you tell me you wanted another kid?”
The god pauses, moving from your collarbone back to your face to frown down at you. His fingers are cold along your jaw. “Because I do want another kid.”
“But you’re terrified.”
“And you’re not?”
That makes your mouth snap shut, eyes darting around the room to avoid his piercing gaze. Of course you’re nervous, it’s not like you have any better ideas of how to raise a child—and you’re the one carrying it, for god’s sake.
“I don’t think I need to say more.” Loki smiles, soft and edging closer to the sad end of the spectrum. “I’m always scared. Of you, of my son…and now my second child.”
You still can’t look at him. Shame, maybe.
“I’m terrified of you, did you know that?” He’s kissing you again, lazy lips soft along the outline of your own, up and down your jaw. “Terrified of you, our future, our children. I could lose you in seconds.”
“That’s optimistic.” You try for a cracked smile.
Cool lips meet yours, firm as his hand traces over your baby bump. “It’s realistic, actually. Keeps me honest with myself.”
“We’re not leaving you, if that’s what you’re scared of.”
“But I don’t deserve for you to stay.”
Here we go again.
“Why do you always do this??” You force a playful smile onto your face and sit up, a hand on Loki’s chest pushing him off of you onto the bed. “There you go hating yourself again, sheesh.”
Grateful for the change in subject, you roll over halfway on top of him and mold your lips to his—his, parted slightly in surprise. Your hands cradle his face, stroking through his hair and over his cheekbones as you pour every ounce of adoration you possess for him into the kiss.
Then it really clicks, just how much you missed him.
Maybe that’s why you feel this…disconnect.
Within seconds his shirt is off too, your hands scouring every inch of his skin you can reach, Loki’s breathing becoming shallower as he fumbles with belts and tries to hold your face to his at the same time.
“Missed you,” he whispers hoarsely, giving up on the belt and falling into you, shaking hands holding your neck and waist in a death grip. “My family, I missed you both, and this new one—”
His voice cracks and he moves down, littering every inch of you with kisses that come to rest on the swell of your stomach as his hands hold tight to your hips.
“I’m beyond excited.” It’s nothing more than a whisper. “Terrified, scared out of my mind, but I am so, so happy our family is growing.”
“You sure?” You tangle your fingers in his hair and tip his head up to smile down at him.
“Do I need to prove it?”
God, you missed him.
You grab hold of his face and pull him up, smashing your lips to his.  “I wouldn’t mind if you did.”
So he does.
At least, he tries, until a yell for dad echoes down the hall.
“Good to see nothing has changed,” Loki sighs, pressing one last kiss to the inside of your thigh. “Don’t you go anywhere, we’re not done here.”
You throw a pillow at him with a laugh as he winks and slips out the door.
Elliot is awake, as expected, sitting in his bed clutching the blankets to his chest, a strangely bright smile on his little face. “Hey dad!”
Loki raises an eyebrow. “Hey…”
“You awake?”
“I am now, clearly.” He sits on the edge of the bed and plants a kiss on the top of Elliot’s head. “Why did you call for me?”
The little boy shrugs. “Just wonderin’.”
“…if I was awake?”
They stare at each other for a second—
—Loki confused and battling with the fact that he just had to leave you on the bed to come take care of this kid, and Elliot scrunching his nose up in the biggest grin at his dad, just happy to see him.
“I’m…going to go back to bed now.” Loki points at the door, giving his son a strange look. “Unless you have literally anything else to tell me? Redeem my coming in here?”
“Nope!” Elliot throws his arms out in a request for a hug.
…that Loki all too happily delivers.
“Oh! Did mom tell you the secret yet?” He whispers, squeezing Loki tighter with arms thrown around his neck.
“She did,” Loki chuckles. “Are you excited?”
“I can’t wait! We’re gonna be bestest friends and I’m naming it Blueberry cause I love blueberries and I love my baby so I’m gonna—”
Loki shakes his head with a laugh. “Blueberry Lokason. A name for the ages, without a doubt.”
Elliot beams at his father’s approval and Loki ruffles a hand through his curly hair. “Come on, go to sleep. You shouldn’t be awake right now.”
“Well you guys woke me up…” he grumbles, flopping down on his pillow.
Not again. Loki freezes, face twisting in worry—you hadn’t even started. If that was too loud, then by the end of the night the whole neighbourhood is going to be awake. “Were we being too loud?”
“Nah.” A little smile spreads over the kid’s face. “Mom’s just happy, real happy, and it woke me up.”
“You…you can feel that?”
“Yup. Just like you.” He nuzzles deeper into his pillow. “Thought’ya might wanna know, dad, ‘case you forgot.”
With a face as precious as that, Loki doesn’t have the heart to tell him that’s not just like him…that’s not exactly how his access to the mind works, but the last thing Elliot needs is another reason to believe he’s unusual.
“In case I forgot what, Elliot?” He smiles and kisses the boy’s forehead, running a hand through his hair.
“How to tell when mom’s happy!” He opens his eyes and rolls onto his back, grinning up at Loki. “I almost forgotted too, she’s been sad so long. S’why I woke up!”
“Well.” Loki’s heart twists painfully in his chest. “Thank you. I think I remember now.”
“I gotcha covered, daddy.”
“Go to sleep, little giant.”
* * * * * * * *
The walk down the hall back to the room leaves Loki wondering.
He…felt it.
The kid could tell you were pregnant before you even knew, he could tell that you were nervous to tell Loki, he knew that Loki was scared before he’d admitted it to you…now he felt that you were happy? Strong enough to wake him up?
Apparently Elliot can do a lot more than just turn blue.
The thought of that is terrifying.
All Loki can think of as his hand rests hesitantly on the doorknob is what he’s done. What he’s passed on to this child, unwillingly taking another life down with his own curses.
Elliot’s life is going to be full of pain, if this is what he is capable of. It’s bad enough that he has no control over the shifting of his skin, no thanks to the fruitless attempts Loki has made to figure out how to help him, but now…
Loki starts when you open the door.
“What’d he need?”
You’re smiling—happy, Loki can tell this time. He silently thanks Elliot for the reminder.
“A hug.” He quickly smiles back. “Wanted to know if I was awake…the usual midnight Elliot inquiries.”
“Can I get one?”
You hold your arms out and grin, giddy and irresistibly bright, and Loki steps forward to sweep you into his arms.
“I’ll give you a bit extra, too,” he chuckles, peppering your neck with light kisses as he walks you backward towards the bed. Your knees hit the edge and you fall onto the mattress, grabbing him behind the neck to bring him down with you.
An arm by your head to keep him hovering over you, Loki pauses, just smiling down at you as a few lingering laughs leave your lips.
“Are you happy, my love?”
Cold fingers run down your cheek and he leans down, brushing his lips against yours.
“Of course I am,” you mumble, tangling your fingers in his hair to keep him close. “You’re home, I’ve got the best little kid sleeping down the hall, and we’ve got another one on the way.” Another peck on the lips. “I’m way past happy, snowflake.”
“Good,” he whispers, and decides that’s going to be enough for him.
That’ll be enough for all four of you.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
hope you enjoyed, feel free to send me ideas!
loki tags: @bluediamond007 @himitoshi @drakesfiance @destiel1597 @dangertoozmanykids101 @archy3001 @jcalpha1 @yzssie @skullvieplu @forthesnakeofdragons @skulliebythesea @wegingerangelica @storiesfrommirkwood @agarwaeneth @adaliamalfoy @laurfangirl424 @paradisaicsam @fitzsimmons-is-forever @ladylokimischief @katelinwrites @tarynkauai @polaristrange @loavesofmeat @canadian-ravenpuff-multishipper @lou-makes-me-strong @holyn0vak @chocolatealmondmillk @swtnrholland @kenzieam @jessiejunebug  @catticas @the-republic-and-face-of-texas @doralupin01 @whitewitchdown @atomiccharmer @falconfeather23435 @babygirlicecream @avengrcs @vethrvolnir2 @bookgirlunicorn @wabisabigrl @myhealingstar @khaleesi-marvel @ei77777 @spacecrumbs @scarlettrosella @rocks-are-pretty-odd @confessionsofastrugglingteen  @easilydistractedwriter @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @fluffyllamaswearinghats @milktearose @lcyouinhell @h0tshotholland @dontmesswithmemundane @southsidesarcasticwriter @helnik-s @lilith-akemi @fire-in-her-veinz @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mischievousbellerina @kcd15 @mellowgirl01 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @allthingzhiddleston @scorpionchild81 @lokixme @vast-ish @blue-automne @galaxycharmed @devilbat @kangaroobunny @end-up-well @planetariumx @sarcsep @mrfandomtastic @amaru163 @im-way-too-many-fandoms @caswinchester2000 @kybaeza @little-scintilla @vintagesunshinebitch @adefectivedetective
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Objection!: Chapter 11
Chapter title: Sidebar
A/n:  Let me tell you how fucking hard this chapter was to write. I HAD TO REWRITE the court section multiple times because my OCD brain wants it to be as accurate as possible and I still think it's not but whatever. Prinxiety is slowly growing more on me, and im very excited for where they are going cause babies. MMmm Damian, Remus, and Val are my fave characters oops. Anyway! If you have an comments to spare... :)
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words: 5020
summary: Roman, against many wishes, wants to return to work and Patton has had enough
pairings: Eventual logicality, eventual prinxiety, platonic demus, romantic remile
warnings: Murder mention, child murder, Law and Courtroom, swearing, blood, hospital, LIAM, unwelcome actions, kissing, children in court
Ao3 Link  
“Damian please be careful!” Roman hears a familiar voice warn down the hall. He pauses the TV, expectantly sitting up as the rushed patter of feet draw near. After a few more moments of waiting, Roman watches as the door slowly slides open. He peers over his bed to reveal a small Damian struggling to push open the door. His little fingers barely pushing the crack open, his chest puffed in an attempt to be strong.
“Nnng got it!” Damian cheers finally getting through, a triumphant look on his face. He looks down the hall waving to an unknown figure. “Look papi! I got it!” He tells the figure, presumably Virgil. Roman has to laugh delighted at Damian. He's very familiar with the phrase bouncing off the walls and no one came close. But Damian? He was really pushing the line.
“Good job Dee” Virgil appears a moment later, doubling over huffing for air. He walks into the room picking up his son in the process. “Sorry Ro, he really wanted to see you” Virgil apologizes, cradling his squirmy son. The boy examines his surroundings, trying his hardest to figure out a way out of his father's grasp. He doesn't have to wait long, however.  
“Nonsense!” Roman declares, he adjusts his own position to better suit the young boy. “Come here” He ushers, Virgil gives him a doubtful look before placing Damian on the bed. He wastes no time making his way into Roman's arms, embracing the judge in a hug. Roman swallows the deep pain he feels, hoping the scrunching of his face looks more like excitement. Damian pulls away, sitting cross-legged on the bed opposite Roman.
“How are you feeling?” Virgil asks, his own arms folded in front of him. He looks around the room, his eyes fixated on the monitor. Though he doesn't understand most of what's displayed, the steady beating of Roman's heart does ease Virgil.
“Better, I'm going to work this morning” Roman responds not looking up. He plays chopsticks with Damian, letting him win almost every time. Virgil jerks his head towards Roman, his mouth failing to produce words. With no response, Roman turns his head towards Virgil. “What? The doctor cleared me, Im Gucci to go” He insists, the awful phrasing aside Virgil didn't believe it.
“You can't possibly be serious” Virgil gapes, his voice in a soft whisper as to not alert his oblivious son. Roman ‘loses’ another game of chopsticks, snapping his fingers in defeat. Damian giggles, falling back onto the soft cushioned bed. To their credit, hospital beds were quite comfortable.
“I am, the doctor informed and briefed Joan, so their prepared. There will be a nurse on standby” Roman hope the preparation eases Virgil because whether or not the anxious man wanted it he was going back to work. “I'll be ok Virge” He assures, his focus still on entertaining Damian. Roman was ready to go back to work, after two days of wallowing in the stupid hospital room. It was not a fun place, the walls were frigid, nothing drawing Roman out. Nothing made him feel comfortable, or safe, just...observed.
“Sorry to interrupt, but the car is ready when you are Judge Reial” A nurse pops her head in, Roman smiles at her thankfully, she disappears a moment after.
“Wait! You're leaving now?!” Virgil cries, ignoring the very dramatic undertones. Roman shrugs as Damian ‘helps’ him pack some things away. “Im wondering if you're really stupid” Roman shuts his bag closed. He doesn't mean to startle Damian, he gives him an apologetic look his demeanor softening. Virgil sighs, taking a moment to collect himself. “Im sorry Ro, obviously I didn't mean that...I'm just saying…”
“I got it, I know what you're saying” Roman nods, unable to meet the detective's eyes “And I'm saying, Im fine” He seethes. Damian grows bored of the cryptic talk and stands on the bed, he waddles over to where Virgil stands. Outstretching his arms in a request to be carried, Virgil obliges enveloping his son in a protective hug. Roman finishes packing, sliding his legs out from under the sheets. “I have to...get ready so…” He mumbles looking down at his sad gown. Virgil nods.
“I'll go check you out” He takes Damian with him out of the room, towards the front desk. His head bowed down to avoid witnessing the horrors that take place in this building. He sees enough during work, he didn't need to see anymore.
He checks Roman out pretty quickly but hangs behind for a while longer, gracing the judge with enough time to change. Once at least fifteen minutes have passed he returns, knocking politely before receiving the all-clear.
“RoRo!” Damian throws his hands in the air upon seeing the judge again. Virgil has to admit, he still looks good. Jeans, a red shirt and a jean jacket really fit the judge. Plus, in Virgil's...professional opinion, it was nice to see him in something other than a gown. The scars on Roman's face framed him perfectly, weird, Virgil didn't think they could do that.
“Virge, my eyes are up here” Roman teases watching the detectives gaze. Virgil's eyes shoot up meeting Romans. He coughs, hoisting Damian a little tighter.
“I know, they were just too ugly to look at” Virgil retorts turning around, Roman mocks a gasp. Damian giggles into his hands as the three of them walk towards the front door. “Dee, would you like to ride with Roman?” Virgil asks his son, seeing as they have two cars. Damian, without a second thought, nods practically jumping into Roman's arms. Virgil helps them into the car before waving them off and making his way to his own car.
Before driving off he allowed the silent humming of the engine and the drowned out voices of the news reporters to embrace him. Cradling him in a steady routine, beating rhythmically as they eased his breathing. He took this moment to himself, clean slate. It was just him, it's just you.
“I do love coffee” Patton smiles, sniffing his freshly brewed cup. Logan watches the tiny tip of his nose scrunching as it does so. He pays the cashier working the cart this morning before leading Patton back towards the main foyer. “I do wish we could stay out here, it's the perfect fall weather. The leaves are changing, it's chilly but not too chilly and the sky is just…” Patton sighs marveling at the vibrant blue color. “It's perfect” He decides, Logan eyes the familiar twinkle in Patton's eyes. It really is, he thinks.
“It's eloquent I suppose” Logan responds, taking his own look at the sky, he bundles up tighter. Patton laughs taking a sip of his coffee, Logan makes a mental note to stop looking at his lips. “I understand the appeal, it is quite pleasant” A gust of wind passes through them, a shiver chilling the bones of Logan's spine. “But yes...chilly” He shivers, Patton smiles linking his arms with Logans. He seizes the palms of his hands currently buried in gloves in his pocket growing sweaty. Patton thinks nothing of it, he continues admiring the environment. As they keep walking, Logan eases, slowly melting into the gesture.
The walk from the coffee cart/courtyard back to the courthouse is a lengthy one. Logan is silently grateful for this, he's not sure what it is but just walking through the path, having a fruitful discussion with Patton, a delectable coffee in his hands. But it's perfect. A small gasp from Patton pulls his attention back.
“Oh, you should see how excited the twins are for Halloween!” Patton remembers. “It's their first Halloween” Logan ponders this for a moment, his face showing the thinking process. “They were too little the last couple of years, we almost went last year but…” Logan nods remembering the incident that had occurred in Patton's neighborhood.
“Well it seems exciting” Logan admits, he wouldn't know, however. His parents never allowed him to go, and he never had any real desire too.
“You should join us!” Patton offers, Logan's heart picks up speed. “It would be fun, we could take them around the neighborhood, get some candy, and then just watch some good movies” Logan listens, it sounds wonderful. He almost longs for that kind of perfect night every night. Logan's face must not have conveyed the same feeling as Patton's next words fell out “You don't have to of course, just an offer and I'm sure the kids would love having you around”
“No Patton, I would very much appreciate that” He rushes not wanting to miss his window or miss a chance at seeing Patton's face light up. “I don't have to...dress up, do I?” He cautions, Patton shakes his head.
“Of course not, I usually wear something simple. A witch hat, little cat ears...but no you don't have to” he smiles. They continue on their way reaching the main foyer. Patton unlinks his arm from Logan much to the lawyer's disappointment. He struggles to remove his jacket, Logan removes his briskly hanging it on the coathanger.
“Here let me” he extends, Patton sighs resigned allowing Logan to help with his coat. He folds it neatly before placing it next to his own.
“Thanks!” Logan gives a short nod.
“Roman, I'm not going to tell you again!” Both lawyers turn their focus to the noise. Virgil stumbles in after a very annoyed looking Roman. “You have to be more careful, you're injuries are still fresh” He reminds, Roman groans throwing his head back.
“Ugh! I know, you keep telling me” Roman moans, as he removes his coat Patton and Logan see a bundled up Damian. Patton awes as Roman handles the boy carefully. The pair make their way to join the others.
“If it isn't your royal highness and his knight in sulking armor” Logan teases, Patton stifles a laugh waving a quick hello to Damian. Roman and Virgil share the same expression towards Logan. “I must ask, what are you doing here Roman?” Logan inquires. Virgil throws his hands up.
“Thank you! See? Logan...agrees?” He questions, Logan shrugs ultimately agreeing with the sentiment of concern Virgil feels. “You shouldn't be here, you should be resting! Getting better!” Virgil shouts, Patton shushes him still watching a very sleepy Damian. Roman rolls his eyes turning sharply towards Virgil. Patton breathes through his teeth, extending his arms towards the young boy. Roman eyes him confused. Patton gives him a sweet smile before Roman finally understands.
“Oh my god, here take him” He huffs handing Damian over delicately. Patton smiles cuddling the young boy, Logan watches. “Now you” Roman turns back to a rather fuming Virgil. “Need to stop, I am fine!” He affirms, Virgil laughs dryly. Patton begins dancing softly in place, humming quietly to Damian, a much-appreciated gesture. Virgil makes a mental note to thank him for that, Damian, much like his father can get stressed or anxious when people fight or are loud.
“Too loud” Damian moans staring at Roman and his father. Patton nods sympathetic, he shares a glance with Logan. “They won't stop” He complains, Patton takes a deep breath eyeing the front desk.
“Im going to go check in” Patton decides, telling the squabbling pair. Virgil nods, shooting his own apologetic look to his son. Patton, promptly followed by Logan, makes his way to the front desk still cradling a sleepy Damian. “Good morning Jen” He greets the receptionist, she gives him a half-hearted smile. Logan works on checking both the lawyers and the judge in, making sure to gain visitors pass for Damian and Virgil.
“I wish it was Mister Hart” She sighs, leaning her head against her chin as she works on the computer. Patton and Logan glance at one another, then back at Jenny. She cocks her head wanting to speak but finds herself pointing instead. “I really am sorry Patton, we tried to keep him away but…” Patton follows her point, his breath seizing as his gaze falls onto Liam. He stands only a few feet away, chatting up some officers. At this point, Patton has no more fight in him, the texts, the visits, even the slightly creepy gifts...Patton can't keep doing it anymore.
“Pat? Are you alright?” Logan questions softly, Patton's eyes glaze over. The only feeling of warmth coming from the now snoring child in his arms. His stomach aches, a nervous tug pulling at him. “Patton?” Logan tries again, he makes a point to keep his own voice steady. His own frustration and anger wanting to overwhelm him, to control him. Patton inhales, hoping the cool air frosting his lungs will jolt him back to life.
“Im ok” He responds finally. Logan looks for a sign of whether it was an honest statement or not, finding the blank expression quite hard to analyze. Patton returns his focus back to Logan, his face immediately gaining color. “For now, Im ok” He tells him, Damian shuffles in his arms causing the lawyer to coo at the young boy.
“So tell me, what are the twins dressing up as? For Halloween I mean” Logan questions, Patton looks up at him a slight widening of the eyes. He bites back a flustered smirk nodding.
“Well Valerie wanted to be a princess warrior and Remus wanted to be either a pickle or a duke” Patton explains, Logan smiles at Remus’s request.  “So I used an old princes dress we had and some new fabrics to make Valerie's costume, finished it last night” He grins, Logan nods. “Then I used some other costumes and some new material to make a duke outfit for Remus. It's very poofy and green of course” Patton finishes
“Of course” Logan agrees, Pattons chest burns. He continues talking as they return to the now silent Roman and Virgil, fully aware of the intent to distract Patton, Logan had. He was grateful nonetheless, and it worked. Unaware to either that Liam was watching, a sea of envy pooling his stomach.
“Come in” Patton calls out to the door after a soft knock was heard. The door creaks open in the way that Patton was so used to. Logan's head appears causing a slight giggle to escape Patton. “Hiya Lo, what's up?”
“I uh…” Logan begins, he remains in his position not furthering himself into the room. Patton cocks his head closing his laptop.
“Lo?” Patton asks, Logan takes a deep breath before stepping into the room.
“I brought you a dog” He blurts, and sure enough he had. He lifts his arms to reveal a cubby dog. “This is Kevin, my corgi” Logan informs, Patton squeals at the animal. “Patton are you alright?”
“Yes!! Of course, I'm alright!!” He squeals in delight, he moves around his desk towards the dog. He extends his arms “May I?” He wonders, Logan nods handing over his dog into the lawyer's excited arms. “Oh hello, I love you” He admits as soon as the soft fur tickles his arms. Logan breathes a sigh of relief at the lawyer's smile. “Oh, Lo, he's wonderful” Patton insists, Logan steps forward, petting Kevin's head in Patton's arms.
“I sure like to think so” he coos at the dog, Kevin really had squirmed his way into Logan's heart. “I had Reeve pick him up on the way here,” Logan tells, its true. After the morning the pair had had, Logan wanted to do something. Directly or indirectly, he wanted for some godforsaken reason, to cheer Patton up. So, dogs.
“Oh, I love him, Logan!” Patton cuddles the corgi, showering it with soft kisses. Logan gestures to the seat, Patton nods. They sit opposite one another, Patton still obsessing over the small animal. As if remembering Logan is still present, he brings his focus back to the lawyer. “Hi” He smiles, rubbing the corgi's belly softly.
“Hello” Logan responds, Patton adjusts his own glasses. “Are you ready for today?” Logan inquires, inspecting the office he's been in so many times. Whether to work on cases or just visit Patton, he knows this office.
“I think so” Patton receives a delighted lick from the corgi, causing him to giggle. Logan could listen to that sound forever “I'm a little nervous about George's testimony ...If I'm being honest” he confesses.
“What changed?” Logan sits back in his chair, folding his arms in front of him. Patton buries his chin slightly in Kevin who wants nothing more than to remain in this position licking away at the sweet man's face.
“I don't know…” Logan gives him a doubtful glance “I dont” he insists letting out a soft laugh. His phone buzzes causing him to slam it over, Logan leans forward.
“Everything alright?”
“That text is most likely, ninety-nine percent from Liam” Patton guesses, Logan gives him a tired smile.
“I do-” Logan begins quickly interrupted by Patton. Kevin yelps, scrunching his tiny nose.
“Not like him, I know” Patton finishes “You, Virgil and Roman should start a club” Patton jokes, Logan bites his bottom lip. It was a childish thing to do, and mostly for the joke but they had had a group chat a while back called ‘The Liam Hate Club’. It was inactive but they had it. He scratches the dog once more before carefully handing it back to Logan. “Im sorry, I love the little dude but...I should get back to work” He admits
“Yes, I suppose I should as well” Logan sighs resigned, he wants to stay but overstepping boundaries is not his thing. “I will see you in court,” he says his goodbyes, much as he has done before. He nods before leaving, Patton leans back in his share smiling softly.
“See you in court Lo” He mutters softly reopening his laptop. Typing away ignoring the incessant buzzing from his phone. As he does so, one thing, one image, one thought keeps running through his mind. Logan
“Mister Tolentino you ma-” Roman pauses eyeing the detective who now stands alarmingly close to him. At first, he found it sweet but now Virgil was annoying him. Constantly checking in, examining his every move, always having something to say about everything. “Detective Tormine, do I have to remove you from my court?” Roman practically seethes, the jury watches as the two shares silent communication.
“You might bitch, you might” Remy mutters softly for only him and Patton to hear. The lawyer turns and gives him a stifled laugh, Remy nods in return leaning in his chair.
“Can we please continue?” Logan begs. Roman jerks his head towards the impatient lawyer nodding.
“Yes, lets” Roman decides, he uses his gavel to point to Logan “You may proceed mister Tolentino” He assures, Logan, smiles standing from his bench.
“The people call George Hoff to the stand” He announces, Remy and Virgil joined by Joan stand making their way to where Geroge sits. The detectives assisted by the bailiff lead George over to the witness stand, securing his handcuffs in place. Patton hated the sight but it was the only way he was allowed to have George testify. Joan swears him in and Logan goes through the usual. “Mister Hoff, where were you on the night of the first murder, July fifteenth?” Logan inquires, George remains still.
“I was at home with my wife and children” He responds, Logan had forgotten how cold his voice could sound. The way it kept perfect pitch.
“And the night of the second murder, July twenty-first?” Logan continues, Patton listens intently. Someway, somehow, sometime Patton will slip up and Logan will catch it, so he has to stay on his feet.
“I was at work” George answers, Logan hadn't noticed but his eyes were fixated on Patton. They hadn't moved or blinked once.
“Where do you work mister Hoff?” Patton goes on, his questions feel flat, boring. Logan has to wonder why what will these do for the case?
“I work as a nurse at Florida's home for the elderly, and also work part-time as a behavioral therapist” George explains, Logan nods. He really was a model citizen, Logan's eyes grow wide. A model citizen, Pattons trying to weasel the jury, show that he's not a murderer. And he was assisting with that.  
“Mister Hoff what are your work hours?” Logan requests, Georges ponders for a moment.
“Typically from five am to late in the night” Logan nods scribbling something down.
“So, would you say you're at work most of the day?” Logan implies, Patton scoffs softly.
“Objection, leading the witness” He claims, Logan bites his lower lip
“Sustained, mister Tolentino” Roman warns, Logan takes a deep breath.
“Mister Hoff, where would you say you are most of the day?” Logan tries again, hoping George catches on. The man isn’t stupid, he's quite smart actually but these things are meant to trick clients, catch them in a lie.
“Work, mostly”
“Do they keep records of when you check-in?” Logan inquires, George nods.
“You check-in and my boss will check in every hour to see if we’re still working, then check out” George describes “We have records on records of when we are at work, and security cameras of course” Pattons good, Logan can tell he prepared his client.
“Did you kill those people George?” Logan asks point-blank, the jury erupts into small gasps. Patton himself is taken aback by this. Remy and Virgil lean forward, every time they have asked this question they've gotten one answer, always the same; yes.
“No, I did not” He admits, something shatters around the man. His shoulders fall, his face grows increasingly red, his eyes...were they always so tired? Patton takes a prideful breath.
“Then how do you explain how your blood was all over the crime scenes?” Logan remembers. “Because as you can see here…” He pauses allowing Reeve to set up a stand with Logan's evidence. “Your DNA results, and the crime scene with your blood and fingerprints-”
“Objection! Badgering the witness” Patton cries, Logan wasn't letting him answer. Roman nods.
“Sustained, mister Tolentino” Roman advises. Logan yawns, he's not sure where it came from but he’s exhausted. “Mister Tolentino, is everything alright?” Roman questions, a growing concern, the lawyer is always...ok. Patton recognizes something but takes a breath, he’ll check in on Logan during a recess period.
“Yes, mister Hoff please answer” Logan assures, rushing away from the problem.
“I...am not sure how to answer sir” George concedes “I don't know how my DNA ended up on the crime scene, or why I confessed.” Wait no, Logan can hear alarm bells going off. “I-
“No further questions your honor” Logan decides “For now” He shuts his eyes in regret, Roman slowly bangs his gavel, confusion riddling his face.
“Uh...ok...mister Hart would you like to cross-examine the witness?” Roman inquires still staring at Logan. Patton looks over to the lawyer, Logan returns the look, nothing out of the ordinary.
“Not this time, thank you” Patton concludes, Roman scrunches his brow. Patton had examined the jury, though some had biases, they were still not opposed to either side, Patton didn't want to mess with that.
“Mister Tolentino, you may call your second witness” Roman gives permission, Logan nods looking towards the audience. The detectives resume George to his previous position making sure his cuffs are secure.
“The people call Annie Hoff” Patton's heart shatter, he knows exactly who that is. He hears a small seize next to him, George inhales his breath a cold shiver ran through him. Patton stands a calm fury inside him.
“What did you just say?” Patton baffles, everyone turns to the lawyer, a frozen fiery passion on him.
“I-“ Logan begins
“Sidebar” Patton states, no one moves, too afraid.
“Patton-“ Logan tries
“No, sidebar” he decides, Roman glances between them. He takes a moment before ushering them to his stand. They both make their way over, Remy and Virgil glance at one another. “Patton…?” The lawyer takes a breath before turning to Logan.
“How dare you call a child to the stand?” He seethes in an angry whisper. Logan keeps his composure, feeling a stab as Patton stares back with nothing but...hate. “She's only five years old! How dare you put her through this!” Patton cries, his voice keeping quiet.
“Patton she witnessed a lot of suspicious behavior from her father, I have to” Logan pleads. Patton laughs bitterly. “You would do the same!” He argues, oops.
“Never, would I ever put a child on the stand to testify against their father!” Patton exclaims, this catches Virgil. Annie Hoff, he looks to his left seeing a woman holding a small girl. As if on cue, he and Patton share the same emotion.
“I sincerely doubt that I was just doing what I needed to prove tha-
“Remus, Valerie and Damian,” Patton says simply, Logan exhales sharply, what a fool. “I thought so. Roman, I apologize but I'm requesting we hold off until tomorrow” He turns to the judge, Roman nods giving him a sad smile. Logan wants to say something but Patton walks away. His feelings final.
“Court adjourned!” Roman calls out
The room felt so much smaller than before, the walls closing in on Patton, the way his chair could barely move. He wanted nothing more than to go home but he had so much work to do and it wasn't easy. He almost missed the rasping knock on his door, but it continued, longing for a response.
“Logan?” Patton hopes softly, he feels awful about his outburst in court and wanted nothing more than to apologize. The door creaks open, Patton sighs.
“You'd like that wouldn't you?” Liam trips in, shutting the door behind him. Patton's shoulders tense as the man looks around his room. “Wow, barely changed in here...besides..” he looks to a small corner of the room, a play mat is placed with remnants of the twin's toys.
“Liam” Patton identifies. Liam makes his way further into the room. “Im busy” He makes sure to choose his words carefully.
“Oh that sounds familiar” Liam jokes dryly, he makes his way to where Patton sits. Patton remains calm, taking a deep breath. “You working late, I would come to visit you…” He leans in, peering over Patton's shoulder.
“And yell at me if I recall” Patton shrugs, Liam scoffs. He feels his warm breath right next to his ear, no-no. Liam's arms carefully make their way around Patton, resting his head on Patton's shoulder. “Liam…” Patton mumbles softly.
“Sometimes I would do this…” He whispers, kissing Patton on the neck. Patton loathes how much he longed for this, something like this. The warmth, the feeling of safety, of being there with someone he loves. Except...he didn't want this...not with Liam. A certain person in mind? Someone to hold him, it's sad, Patton knows.
“Liam stop…” Patton decides, although not a lot of effort is put into his objection. He is exhausted. Liam rests his head again, tightening his grip. Now it hurts, and now Patton can smell the breath of the horrible man who's decided he has any right to touch Patton. “Of course you're drunk!” He scoffs pushing Liam off of him, actually quite proud of his resilience. Any other time, he wouldn't be able to, but he's grown.  
“I am lightly tips- tip..” Liam stops “What's the word again?” Patton might have laughed, had he not been incredibly uncomfortable.
“You should go” Patton holds up a finger “No, actually you will go” He demands. Liam grunts he moves away followed by Patton ushering him out the door.
“Goodbye Pat-” Patton decides not to let him finish his sentence, shutting the door promptly.
“Toodaloo” He whispers a farewell, going back to his desk. He's not sure how it happened, but the moment his back sunk into the chair it just came out. It started softly, like a light patter of rain, then it grew. Until Patton sat alone in the dark, sobbing.
“Reeve you can go home if you want” Logan assures the young intern. Reeve, appropriately yawns, simply shakes his head.
“That's alright sir, I enjoy...learning and hanging out with Kevin” He answers, cuddling the corgi, much to the dog's delight. They continue in silence, Logan typing away at his keyboard, Reeve studying over his books, as Kevin begs for a hint of attention from the pair. They had fallen into such a routine, the careful knock on the door scared the two of them.
“Hello?” Logan calls out, slightly closing his laptop. The door creaks open, a very exhausted Patton stands there, holding files delicately. Logan closes the laptop completely now. “Patton, I was hoping you would...come to talk to me” He cautions, glancing towards Reeve.
“I was hoping I could speak to you” Patton's voice is so soft, so...Logan's alarm bells are ringing. He finally notices the deep red eyes and the soft cracks in his words.
“Of course” Logan decides, Reeve makes his presence known, the dog barking.
“It's more of a...private matter” He eyes Reeve, the young intern pops up. “Apologies Reeve”
“No, of course, mister Tolentino, I will see you tomorrow” Reeve bids farewell, handing, knowingly, the dog to Patton. It's a wonderful source of comfort. He gathers his things before ducking out.
“Goodbye, Reeve!” Both lawyers shout in unison. Logan turns his attention back towards Patton. “Patton, I ju-
“I want to build a case against Liam” He proposes bluntly. Words could not describe the relief Logan felt.
“Come in” he invites, Patton nods, closing the door behind him as he sits. Patton takes a deep breath, placing his files on the table, Logan looks them over.
“These are...Liam's files and...other stuff I've collected and Virgils collected over the years” Patton mumbles, he's in no state, but he's come here. He's come here, asked Logan for help, and Logan was going to everything he could.
“Let's get started”
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kinktae · 5 years
no idea if anyone has said this yet but i feel like kiri only told jk she wanted him to spite y/n and that she has no desire to get back together w him 🤭
bitchin 8 asks because i suck
spring2787 said: Pls tell me my son didn't do that to her in bitchin 8.... Ahhh.. Jeon Jungkook.. You dumb brat... 🥺
Anonymous said: You’re such an amazing writer, like damn you have SO MANY PEOPLE invested in your stories that you now have 1247294 people ganging up on jungkook and forming protection squads for y/n 🤣🤣 I’m so excited for what’s to come !!!!
cheeky-kookie said: Hey bb just me dropping in to give my opinion on the Bitchin' Chapter because I havent done it yet & you know how whipped I am. JK did a big uh-oh and fucked up. Hes confused. Kiri came and it's what he wanted forever. My theory is that it probably didnt feel like what he wanted after the fact and that's why he met up with MC. ALSO, the MC is upset (understandably) but she cant blame him bc she has given him no hint that there could be something there. Overall, good chapter :) Still whipped.
Anonymous said: I "kombucha girl"-ed to y/n telling jk she would never fall for him but I've decided it's what she (bitchin!jk) deserves 😤😤
unknowntalesx said: oh my god that anon went off 😂😂 nd the other anon has a good point! he might be very confused and wanted to see if y/n had feelings but alas the dirty dickin was still dirtyyy, oh meathead, i lovE bitchin
yourdelights said: watching everyone freak out over bitchin makes me very glad that i decided to wait and read it all after it's finished. i'll still end up suffering, i'm sure, but i'll get all the suffering done in one shot. like ripping off a bandaid after wetting it first.
Anonymous said: Lmaooo I'm over here sipping on my tea, waiting for Yara to wear her black latex suit and give little Jungkook a visit.. Honey, you've got a big storm comin 🍵🍵
Anonymous said: I feel like Kiri is going to cheat on him again and THEN he'll finally have the big revelation that oc was the right girl for him all along
Anonymous said: the real question is: is kiri going to use what happened and jk “cheating” on y/n with her to hurt y/n 😶👀
yourdelights said: watching everyone freak out over bitchin makes me very glad that i decided to wait and read it all after it's finished. i'll still end up suffering, i'm sure, but i'll get all the suffering done in one shot. like ripping off a bandaid after wetting it first.
Anonymous said: Lmaooo I'm over here sipping on my tea, waiting for Yara to wear her black latex suit and give little Jungkook a visit.. Honey, you've got a big storm comin 🍵🍵
Anonymous said: I feel like Kiri is going to cheat on him again and THEN he'll finally have the big revelation that oc was the right girl for him all along
Anonymous said: the real question is: is kiri going to use what happened and jk “cheating” on y/n with her to hurt y/n 😶👀
Anonymous said: rose i really hope u know that we want to y/n to have an least a moment with taehyung in this goddamn fic called bitchin
Anonymous said: thank god we just ship y/n with tae in this house right
Anonymous said: we are going to beat jk’s ass after all that shit he did with y/n 😤 meanwhile i wanna say a very important thing: taehyung WOULD NEVER do that lmao bye
Anonymous said: Me after reading about what Jungkook did to OC in bitchin08: I hate to say it, I hope I don’t sound ridiculous, I don’t know who this man is. I mean, he could be walking down the street for little bitches who don’t know how to process their feeling and need to get their shit together before a pissed off best friend come to chop their dicks off because he couldn’t keep it in his pants, and I wouldn’t know a thing. Sorry to this man
anonbebe97me said: Please, for the love of God, update Bitchin’ soon. I literally felt it so bad when he admitted what he did. My entire heart collapsed. I cannot even. Your writing is so good- I genuinely laughed during so many moments in this series and you might be my favorite writer. Seriously, I love you
Anonymous said: bitchin’ is legit the best thing ive ever read
Anonymous said: Same anon who has a (metaphorical) hole in her chest now...This fic is written so beautifully and I feel like I didn’t express that in the previous ask... it’s too good and damn why I did I have to get emotionally attached to these characters because now I’m genuinely Devo 😪 but still looking forward to what comes next (whenever it comes :))
Anonymous said: So I was putting off Bitchin 8 for a little bit because I didn’t know if I could handle it. I don’t know why a fictional story has me so effed up, but it does. So tonight I read it and OMG now I’m all angsty and upset! Why do you do that to us? Suchhhhh a good fic and amazing writing, but whyyyyyyy must you make us feel this way. This boy needs to get his shit together and just love her already. My heart can’t take it. 🤦🏻‍♀️❤️
madjammil said: I am waiting with bated breath for part 9 of Bitchin'! Part 8 had me all distraught 😭
Anonymous said: Will Y/n fight Jungkook? 🤧😂
cuteipat said: Should I prepare tissues or not?
toomuchdaegu said: art 9 dropping on my birthday, that is very much adequate
sydney--chan said: Your new mobile theme looks really good babie 🥺🥺 I cant wait to get my heart stomped on again during bitchin' 9!!! You're the only person I'll allow to do that to me HEHE hope ur doing well luv u ❤❤❤
wallbitjch said: Bijj stop teasing us 😤😭 huuhu but thankyousomuch ok 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘💕 bitchin foreva
Anonymous said: fanservice is gonna be yara x tae i KNOW IT
Anonymous said: Fuck Jungkook. Stan Yara.
Anonymous said: YOU MADE ME FALL IN LOVE WITH BITCHIN' KOOKIE OMG until chap 8. 🤡 You nice keep going.
Anonymous said: so, either taeyara shit happens or y/ntae shit happens... bro lowkey kinda wanna have y/ntae just to piss jk the fuck off man like fuck u jungkook
Anonymous said: I can’t wait for this Bitchin update. You better heal my heart. After last time, I shouldn’t trust you, but I’m placing my heart in your hands once again. Don’t hurt me. Jk you’re the best. I love you.
Anonymous said: When I say I'm not ready for pt. 9 of bitchin' I mean, FUCKKKKKKKKK NO I DON'T WANNA CRY STILL CRYING OVER PT. 8 😫
Anonymous said: It's a shame to do this while i'm drunk but i just want you to know that i love you and i will probably Fall asleep when you Will post pt 9 of bitchin' but i really really love the way your posts and your writing make me smile, giggle and dmkdldldldldlldldldldl scream when theres no Word to descrinw how i feel. I love you, please, have a great night know that you maks my heart boom boom 🥺🥺🥺💜💜💜
cheeky-kookie said: I re read Bitchin' 8 and almost cried because Jungkooks heart was breaking slowly I just- Hes an idiot but he cares for MC
Anonymous said: if kiri doesn’t drop dead in this chapter imma take matters into my own hands 😡 also chop off jungkook’s dick, he doesn’t deserve it
paolaa9700 said: Don’t gonna lie, I hate you for making me wait for the new chapter of Bitching until 4am (in my country). But you think I’m gonna stay awake until that hour just for that? Well you are right cause I’m gonna freaking wait. I’m already so nervous oh my god, oh my god! I can’t put in words how nervous and happy Im 😂
Anonymous said: mskjxjsmksksdkdjndlskxjbfbjc i just read pt.8 of bitchin and eye- fuck why did you do that to me? 😭 (also i think i’m new here, but i just want to say i’ve been reading your work for almost an entire year and it never ceases to amaze me! 💗)
tinievmin said: YOUR NEW THEME IS SO CUTE OMG!!! Also, I’m so excited for bitchin’ pt 9 but I’m terRIFIED THAT ILL STILL BE MAD AT JK ))):
rebekahoofblog said: im READY for pt 9, got my reminder SET. bitchin makes me wanna draw jungkook until i pass out boutta make more fanart i love ur writing the most 💞💞have an amazing day
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