#remember !! pranks are supposed to be funny!!! not hurtful!!!!!
hakusins · 6 months
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cw // piercings
April Fools !! Thought of making a Top! version of my main bottom oc, eri
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ericshoney · 3 months
Mean Prank ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: Your brothers ask you to be in a car video, only to prank you by being really mean.
Warnings: Usual swearing, being mean (for the prank), crying.
Nick, Matt and Chris were home in Boston for a while, which you were very happy about. They were there to help you with some school work and let you rant about stuff they would understand more than your parents. They were also there for you to joke around with.
Which resulted in a small prank war.
It started with you and Chris pranking Nick whilst he was asleep. You both put fake birds around his bedroom, much like the one Matt and Chris pranked him with in their earlier YouTube career.
Nick was pissed, so he wanted to get you back. This continued until all of you had something against the other. That was until you pranked all three of them at once. The guys then stepped up their game.
"So what's the prank?" Chris asked.
"We're gonna pretend to film a car video, she's been wanting to do one for a while, but we're going to be really mean to her to see how she reacts." Nick replied, reminding him on the prank.
"Will she get upset?" Matt questioned.
"We'll see if she notices it's a prank or not. If it goes too far we'll stop." Nick answered.
Matt and Chris both nodded as Nick went to find you. All of you then headed to the car, going to the guys usual car park to start the prank. You sat on your phone for a bit while they set up the camera and whilst you were distracted, it gave them the chance to start.
"Kid, get off your phone it's so rude." Chris started.
"I was waiting till we started to film." You mentioned, placing your phone down.
"The camera is all set." Matt said.
You nodded as Nick intro the video, you gave a small wave as he said you were here and what the topic was about.
"Today we have our little sister Y/n here! And today's topic, yes there is a topic, is about sibling fights and disagreements." He said.
"Will be fun." You said.
"Yeah cause you caused most of them." Matt mumbled.
"What?" You called.
"Well your the youngest, always thinking you can get your own way." He responded.
"Fuck off." You grumbled, a small smile on your face, thinking he was joking. Which he was, but held the laugh in for the prank.
"I remember when this motherfucker was born. I had a day planned with mum and she had to ruin it by being born early." Nick mentioned.
"You remember that one time she broke a Wii remote and tried to blame Trevor?" Chris called.
"Or that one time she stole your favourite hoodie and blamed Justin." Matt added.
"What is this, pick on Y/n video?" You called.
"Shut up." Nick replied.
The guys continued, their comments getting ruder and meaner. What broke you was Chris throwing an empty Pepsi can in the back, which hit your shoulder. You sighed and got out the car, walking across the car park.
"Kid get back in the car!" Matt shouted.
"No! Fuck off!" You shouted back.
The three shared a look, whilst also watching you. They noticed how you just went and sat by the store which was closed.
"We better tell her it's a prank." Chris said, making his brothers nod.
The three of them got out and came over to you quickly, Matt holding the camera. As they got closer, they noticed you were crying, but as you saw the camera, you covered it up.
"Sweetheart, it was a prank." Nick said softly.
"Real funny." You muttered.
"We're sorry kid, it's supposed to be a harmless prank. We didn't mean to hurt your feelings, we love you so much." Matt said.
“Why say all that stuff?” You asked quietly.
“We didn’t mean it, bub. It was all for a prank. We’re so sorry.” Chris said.
“We’ll make it up to you. Tomorrow we’ll take you out all day and do whatever you want, deal?” Nick suggested, holding his hand out. You smiled a bit and nodded, shaking his hand.
The guys smiled as they ended the video and you all went back to the car. Each of them saying sorry for the bad prank and knew they had to make it up to you.
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blues824 · 10 months
Hello again bestie coming back with the yandere pic request but for sebek feel free to do what you want to go feral bestie❤️.
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The things I would let this man do to and for me…
Warning: This is a Yandere fic. I do not condone this behavior in real life.
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Sebek Zigvolt
There was little time until he got in.
You were panting, out of breath from running back to your dormitory, and you immediately started barricading your front door. You knew it wouldn’t be enough, however, so you used whatever energy you have left to sprint to your room, where you further barricaded yourself into it.
“Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?!” A shout came from outside, scaring you out of your wits and making more tears fall from your eyes. 
Why couldn’t he just LEAVE YOU ALONE?!
He already hurt your friends, you remember seeing Ace coughing up blood because of what he had done. Deuce had a blackened eye. Epel and Jack didn’t look much better. Of course, this was not without struggle. They did manage to deal some damage, but not enough to get him to stop chasing after you.
“Darling, there you are!”
Shit, you forgot about the window!
He was standing on a broom to float, and even though you sat on the opposite side of the room, you could see the figurative delusional hearts in his eyes. Quickly, he used his fist to punch out the glass pane of the window, and he quickly got into your room.
However, what he saw only made him angrier. He saw the armchair, the table, and the nightstand pressed against the door, and he immediately knew what you were trying to do.
“Y/N, were you trying to hide from me? Trying to keep me from you?! Well, you should’ve known that it wasn’t going to work!” He got closer and closer, shouting, making you curl up further and further into yourself.
You knew this wasn’t the Sebek that you had grown to care for. He was under the influence of a potion. A few students thought it would be a funny idea to prank the knight and get him to follow you around like a puppy. However, he went total psycho and possessive.
Earlier today, you sought out your friends to ask for their help in getting you away from him until the potion wore off. However, he managed to find you in Heartslabyul, where you were hiding out, and he lashed out and beat your friends to a pulp. 
Jack fought bravely, managing to scratch him and punch Sebek in the nose, which broke something, as blood dripped from his nostrils. However, he lost in the end, but you ran while the fight was going on. You jumped into a random mirror and it just so happened to be yours.
And that’s kind of where you are now. You would have to personally murder those students later, but right now you have to deal with a yandere and angry Sebek. 
“Darling, why are you cowering before me? I would never hurt you. I’m supposed to be your knight in shining armor…” He kneeled before, taking your wrists into his hands and making you reveal your face to him.
You were praying to whatever being resided in the heavens that Lilia had a club meeting and could hear what was going on in your room. You peered into the half-fae’s eyes, and his lips were closing in on yours.
“Remember that you will always belong to me, and only me, Y/N,” You tried to push him away, but he kissed you with the force of a cannon ball, even as you wiggled and squirmed beneath him.
Once he pulled away, his eyes were glowing a bright green, and he had a smirk on his face.
“Why are you doing this?!” You screamed at him.
“Because you somehow managed to make me fall in love with you: a human who won’t live for very long. I need to be there for every moment… to savor it until I join you in the stars. Then, I’ll still be obsessed with you because you are a mystery to me.”
Usually, something like this would make your heart flutter and you flustered, but right now it just filled you with a sense of dread. You had the entire confession planned out, and it would have been simple and normal, and he probably would have shouted his feelings for you.
But now, with him whispering, it felt wrong.
Really wrong.
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nb-octopus-writes · 1 month
once you're in the hive, the other bees assume you're supposed to be there
Chapter 2: The Morning After
Wordcount: 3K
Virgil wakes up to the sound of birds singing, and he doesn't recognize the room he's in. Even before he opens his eyes he knows it's not his bedroom, and this isn't his bed. The sunlight is coming from the wrong direction, and this isn't his blanket. It's the wrong texture, the wrong weight.
Where did he fall asleep last night?
He doesn't remember. It's too early for remembering, for discerning the difference between dreams and memories.
But he's awake now—he's sure he's awake now, not dreaming—and this is not his bed, is not his blanket.
Virgil opens his eyes. He's on a couch, with a throw pillow under his head and a quilt on top of him. The room is dim, barely illuminated by the morning light coming in through the gaps in the blinds, but Virgil can see another couch across the room, with a person-shaped lump under another blanket.
Slowly, Virgil sits up and looks around. He sees an armchair, in which is yet another person, splayed out in a position that does not look comfortable, and yet, apparently, sound asleep.
There are three more people asleep on the floor between Virgil’s couch and the other couch, mostly on top of some kind of mats on the floor, and more or less covered with more blankets.
Virgil picks his way across the sleeping-people-and-bedding-strewn floor, and slips out the door into the rest of the house.
Last night is coming back to him, now. He remembers the party wrapping up, and Princey explaining that anyone too drunk or tired to drive home safely, or who just didn't want to try to travel after midnight, could spend the night.
Virgil hadn't wanted to stay, but apparently Remus had forgotten to take Virgil’s wants into consideration, and had vanished with his husband behind closed doors some time prior, leaving him stranded. So, Virgil had laid claim to one of the couches, taken the pool noodles out of his costume, and made the best of it.
The couch had been pretty comfortable, actually. It was not the worst sleepover he'd ever had, despite the impromptu-ness of it.
Remus probably isn't awake yet. It's early, and Remus has never been a morning person even when he didn't have an exciting night. Which means that Virgil’s going to be stuck here for another few hours at least. Fabulous. Hopefully Remus's twin and the other hosts don't mind him hanging around until Remus gets his lazy ass out of bed to drive him home.
Virgil finds a bathroom and uses it, and then considers going back to the couch and trying to get some more sleep.
He doesn't want to.
The couch is comfortable, but it isn't his bed, and that isn't his bedroom, and there are at least five other people in there and he's no longer exhausted enough to not care about falling asleep with five fucking strangers in the room with him, not to mention however many other people are in the rest of the house. Sure, they're all asleep right now, probably, but if he goes back to sleep, there's every chance they'll wake up before him, and he doesn't know them, doesn't know what they'd think would be a funny prank to play on the guy who fell asleep at a party, and–
He's spiraling. Virgil is spiraling and he needs to stop before he has a panic attack in a stranger's bathroom. He takes a deep breath, looks at the sink and the water that's been running over his hands for a minute now. He considers splashing some water on his face, but he doesn't actually want to do that, so instead he takes some soap (he doesn't remember if he soaped up already, but it won't hurt to do it twice) and finishes washing his hands.
He'll be okay.
He was asleep here already, in a room full of strangers, and no-one did anything. Sure, they were all too passed out to do anything, but still. No-one had played any pranks on him while he slept.
And he's awake now. He can wait until Remus gets up, and then he can make Remus take him home, and he can lock the door and take a nap in his own fucking bed, alone.
He'll be okay.
Virgil exits the bathroom, and doesn't go back to the room he'd slept in. He wanders in the other direction instead, and soon comes to the main room that had been the epicenter of the party.
To his surprise, he's not the only one there.
“Good morning, Virgil,” greets a man who Virgil is pretty sure he has never seen before in his life.
“Good morning,” Virgil replies automatically, his brain whirling, trying to figure out how this man knows his name. Not from work, Virgil doesn't introduce himself to customers and he “lost” his nametag ages ago.
He tries to scrutinize the man without being obvious. He has glasses with simple black frames, nothing particularly memorable or eye-catching about them. He's wearing a polo shirt and a tie, at early o'clock in the morning, while also still wearing what are clearly pajama pants.
The pants are patterned with—Virgil squints—are those beakers? They are. And microscopes, and atoms. Okay, dude's definitely a nerd then, noted.
That's why Virgil didn't recognize him, he had a box on his head last night! Granted, Virgil probably wouldn't recognize ninety percent of the people at the party if he saw them again out of costume—ninety-nine, if he's being perfectly honest, and it only isn't higher because he already knew Remus and Janus, and he might be capable of recognizing Princey and Calico now, at least in the context of this house—but he'd never even seen this guy's face.
He'd introduced himself to Virgil. Nobody else had done that. “Hello, I am—” Virgil can't remember what he'd said his name was— “I am dressed as a robot.” (It had been pretty obvious he was dressed as a robot.)
And Virgil had responded in kind, “I'm Virgil, I'm a spider.”
That was how he knew Virgil’s name. Good, mystery solved. What was his name though? Virgil isn't very good with names. That particular bit of the memory is nothing but static and an impression of the man's tone.
Princey had called him Nerdbot, and Calculator Watch and Encyclopedia Brain and half a dozen other nicknames that aren't coming to mind now, so him coming back and striking up a conversation hadn't been much help on the ‘remembering names’ front.
“Are you hungry?” Nerdbot asks, interrupting Virgil’s thoughts. “There's cereal, and toast, and coffee. We had not anticipated anyone but myself being up this early, but there will also be pancakes and scrambled eggs in an hour or two.”
Virgil blinks. “You're making us breakfast?”
“Of course,” Nerdbot replies impassively. “It would not be very hospitable to send guests away hungry. If you would prefer, there are also leftovers of most of the hors d'oeuvres served last evening.”
Virgil has never been to a party that included breakfast before. “I– cereal?”
“Certainly,” Nerdbot says, and gestures for Virgil to follow him into the next room. It's a kitchen, and Nerdbot opens a cabinet and takes out an entire stack of cereal bowls. “If you wouldn't mind setting these on the table out there, I would appreciate it,” he says, handing the bowls to Virgil.
Virgil takes the bowls back out to the main room and puts them on the snack table, which is otherwise mostly bare. The paper tablecloth is gone, and all the food's been put away, but there's still the stack of cups that had been beside the punch bowls, and some water bottles. Virgil snags one and slips it into his hoodie pocket.
Nerdbot comes out of the kitchen behind him and sets several cereal boxes on the table beside the bowls. “Might as well start getting it set up now,” he explains. “Take your pick, I'll be right back.” And he disappears back into the kitchen.
Dang, they've even got name brand cereal. Virgil usually gets the off-brand stuff, because it's cheaper and doesn't taste very different. He pours himself a bowl of lucky charms.
Nerdbot returns with a jug of milk and a handful of spoons. “Would you like juice?” he asks. “We have orange, apple, and a blend that is primarily peach. There is also chocolate milk, if you would prefer.”
Virgil shook his head. “Water’s fine.”
“Very well.” Nerdbot picks up one of the bottles and places it beside Virgil’s bowl, then returns to his seat.
Virgil adds milk to his cereal, takes the second water bottle, and looks around to see where to sit. There aren't any chairs at the snack table, but there are several around the edges of the room, along with a couple stools and the armchair Nerdbot is sitting in. He's got a mug and a plate of toast on the side table beside him, and one of the dining chairs is on the other side, so Virgil decides to sit there.
They eat together in awkward silence. Neither attempts to make conversation.
When Virgil finishes his cereal, he asks, “Where should I put my dishes?”
Nerdbot looks up. “Oh, you can put them in the dishwasher,” he says. “Please rinse your bowl first.”
Virgil does. There's plenty of room in the dishwasher, and he's not sure how they like to load it, and there aren't any other bowls yet to extrapolate from, so he just makes his best guess. The spoon at least is easy. There are several pieces of silverware already in the caddy, handles upward, and Virgil’s spoon joins them.
He returns to the main room.
He sits back down in the dining chair.
He doesn't know what to do now.
Nerdbot finishes his own breakfast, gathers his dishes, and takes them into the kitchen, snagging the milk jug on the way. When he returns, he doesn't sit back down. Instead, he starts taking down one of the purple and orange streamers crisscrossing the ceiling and walls.
“Would you like help?” Virgil offers. Nerdbot glances over his shoulder at him, then nods.
“Much appreciated,” he says with a smile.
Together, they take down all the decorations in this room, throwing away the streamers and piling the more reusable decorations on the small table beside the armchair. When that's done, Nerdbot asks Virgil to help him move the snack table.
“We put it here to make space, but as the majority of the partygoers went home last night, it can go back to its usual location,” he explains, going to one end. Virgil mirrors him on the other end, and they lift.
There had been just enough room to walk between the table and the wall, so you could reach the food on the far side without reaching across the whole table. Careful not to tip anything off, they move the table another foot or so out.
“That looks about right,” Nerdbot says, eyeing the table thoughtfully. He grabs the nearest dining chair and puts it in place, testing that it can be pulled all the way back without hitting the wall. Satisfied, he starts moving the rest of the chairs back.
“Does it matter which ones go where?” Virgil asks. The chairs are a mix of two sets, four of them wooden with white-painted slats and legs, and five made of twisty black metal, with padded seats and backs.
“No,” Nerdbot says, so Virgil just puts the chairs in randomly. Three go on each of the long sides of the table, and one each at either end. The chair Virgil had breakfasted in, which is one of the metal ones, remains where it is.
“Thank you. You have been very helpful,” Nerdbot tells him, and Virgil smiles. Okay, so overall it hadn't been as awkweird a morning as he'd been expecting.
Nerdbot considers the table for a few more moments. “We could add the stools, to squeeze a few more people in,” he muses. “Still, it would be too tight to fit everyone even so.” He turns to Virgil. “Do you think we should get out the extra leaf?”
“Uh.” Virgil hadn't expected to be consulted! “How many people are there?” Counting Virgil there were six in the room where he'd slept, and then he knows Janus and Remus are still here somewhere, plus–
“Fifteen,” Nerdbot says, and doesn't even need to count first. “With the additional leaf, we can seat twelve easily enough, though the corners are a little tight. If we're willing to brush elbows, we can squeeze in a fifth person on each side, for a total of fourteen, which leaves only one person unseated.”
“I can sit out,” Virgil volunteers. He does not want to be squeezed in with a tableful of mostly strangers, thanks much. “I already ate, and that sounds crowded.”
“Hm. I would not want you to feel excluded,” Nerdbot says, eyeing the seating arrangement. “But you're right, it is a tight fit, especially considering the number of people present who talk with their hands. I would also dislike for a glass of juice to be upset into someone's lap.” He sighs. “Again.”
“Does everyone need to eat together?” Virgil asks. 
Nerdbot turns to him, eyebrows raised. “You're right,” he says. “We had not planned a specific breakfast time, and people will be waking at various points, not all together. It is entirely probable that at least three people will be not dining at any given point, in which case we would merely require twelve settings.” He nods decisively. “Excellent. Will you assist me in adding the leaf?”
“Where is it?”
“Under the stairs, with the holiday and seasonal items,” Nerdbot says, walking off. Virgil follows him.
They have to shift a couple boxes to get at the extra leaf, but they get it out, and between the two of them they add it to the table, and then add stools at the resulting gaps.
The inactive silence which follows is less awkward than the one before. Virgil plays a game on his phone.
After a bit, a few more people show up. Nerdbot greets them and offers breakfast. “There is cereal and toast available now,” he tells them, “and we will be making scrambled eggs and pancakes shortly.”
One person takes him up on the cereal, but the others decide to wait for hot food. Nerdbot offers them coffee as well, which they gratefully accept.
The fourth person to arrive is Calico, who is still dressed as a cat. He's a gray cat now, in a simple onesie, instead of the more elaborate costume from last night.
He hugs Nerdbot from behind, mumbling a sleepy “Good morning” into his shoulder blades.
Nerdbot's face softens. “Good morning, love,” he answers fondly. “Did you sleep well?”
“Mm-hm,” Calico says, still hugging him. 
“Do you want to get started on the pancakes?” Nerdbot asks.
Calico yawns. “Okay,” he says. He doesn't let go of Nerdbot. Nerdbot pats his hands with an extremely affectionate smile, and slowly, Calico releases him.
Nerdbot turns around and kisses him, and Virgil looks back at the game on his phone because privacy. They probably don't want to be stared at while they kiss in their own dining room.
He glances up again after several seconds of silence, and they're still kissing, frozen in place like a pair of statues. The Lovers, or whatever. Virgil returns to his game.
Eventually, he hears Calico say, “You took the decorations down,” and he looks up. They're hugging now, Calico wrapped up in Nerdbot's arms. He's pouting a little.
“I did,” Nerdbot confirms. “As we agreed previously, the season for Halloween is All Of October. It is November first, and therefore no longer Halloween time. Furthermore, while some guests remain, the party has ended, and there is no more need for party decorations.”
Calico pouts harder, and Nerdbot kisses him again, much more briefly this time.
“After breakfast, I will assist you in putting up more decorations,” he says. “You will note that I did not remove any general fall decor, only the specific Halloween items.”
This room had mostly been Halloween and party, though. There was a cross-stitched leafy picture on the wall, but they'd taken most everything else down. Maybe some of the little stuffed jack-o-lanterns should have stayed out? Pumpkins were definitely general fall, but jack-o-lanterns were specifically Halloween, right?
Well, they're just on the table, not packed away. If he wants to, Calico can put them back easily enough.
Calico hums a little, squeezing Nerdbot. “Okay,” he says. “I'll get started on the pancakes. Will you make the eggs?”
“Of course,” Nerdbot says, and they head into the kitchen.
While they're cooking, Virgil is surprised by the appearance of someone else he recognizes.
“Hey, it’s my favorite barista!” greets the man who is, as always, wearing sunglasses.
Virgil grins. “What are you doing up before noon, you chronic insomniac?” he returns.
“Looking for coffee, obviously. What are my options today?”
“There's sugar and cream,” Virgil says, since Nerdbot had offered those. “I doubt there's a milk steamer or flavored syrups, but our host is an excellent cook, so if he likes you enough to let you raid his spice cabinet I'm sure there's cinnamon and ginger, so you could attempt an approximation of pumpkin spice.”
Remy grins at him and saunters into the kitchen. He comes back a few moments later not with dry spices but with a bottle of creamer, which he pours generously into a mug before adding coffee.
He plops himself down in Nerdbot's armchair and makes casual conversation with Virgil, who doesn't have to tell him he can't talk now, he's working and there are other customers.
It's nice.
Chapter 3: A Series of Unintended Events
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sophsicle · 4 months
I've seen several posts floating around about the prank being used more for drama in fandom and that it wasnt really that big of a deal. And I know that canonically remus wrote it off but I seem to remember in choices exploring remus being upset for a bit. Do you think in general it's true that it's out of proportion?
I just know that I've seen some great and well thought out answers from you and curious your thoughts.
Hope youre having good weekend ❤️❤️
Hello! So, i find the idea of something being used by writers "just for the drama" *derogatory* inherently funny. because. as a writer you should be looking for ways to create drama, that is basically your number one job. In canon the prank is a big deal, it just isn't a big deal for Remus and Sirius because JKR wasn't trying to do anything with them. It was a big deal for James and Snape.
now. personally. I think that making the Prank matter, adds really interesting emotional dynamics to the marauders. If you are writing Wolfstar, it provides excellent foreshadowing for the distrust that we see in the war, and it also showcases a darker side to Sirius's character, something that is very interesting to explore generally, but also if you are writing Regulus as well. Sirius is always seen as the "good" brother, but the Prank really complicates that narrative because it shows that Sirius can be selfish, thoughtless and amoral in the same ways that Regulus can.
basically I think, realistically, if Sirius and Remus are supposed to have any kind of believable relationship at all, it doesn't make sense to me that the Prank wouldn't be traumatic for them both. and i have gone on separate rants about how to me, the most sacred thing to James Potter is his boys and how devastating it is for him to realize that Sirius is capable of violating that.
ANYWAY absolutely not blown out of proportion, in fact, make it bloodier i say! Make it messier! Drive the knife in more! why would you waste such a beautiful opportunity to make all our favourite lil guys hurt so bad.
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gotham--fc · 11 months
Pumpkin Carving Gone Wrong - An Emily Sonnett Imagine
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Hello I'm back! The first of 2 (two!!) Halloween fics. I know most of you voted jflem for this but the idea I had just fit Sonnett I really had no choice
Summary: Basically what the title says. Sonnett and R try to carve pumpkins and it all goes awry
TW: Blood mention
Y/N loves Halloween. It’s arguably her most favourite holiday of the year, the costumes, the candy, the whole vibe, she loves it. It’s great for her that her girlfriend, one Emily Sonnett, loves Halloween too. Halloween provides such a great atmosphere for pranking and scaring their friends, so naturally, Sonnett gets really into Halloween.
“You still wanna carve pumpkins this weekend babe?” Y/N asks.
“Of course I do, I wanna carve something funny on mine.”
“Like what?” Y/N asks. She walks over to where Sonnett is frying up a tortilla.
“It’s a surprise,” Sonnett says.
No matter how much Y/N asks, Sonnett won’t tell. As curious as she is, she knows her girlfriend is twice as stubborn and won’t say a word until she wants to. So Y/N knows she has to wait until this weekend to know what Sonnett is planning on carving onto her pumpkin.
Finally, when the weekend arrives, Y/N is doubly excited. Not only does she get to carve a pumpkin, which she loves, she also gets to finally find out what her girlfriend is planning. They go to the store and pick out two pumpkins, one each. Y/N’s is fairly normally pumpkin shaped, but Sonnett picked the most disformed, oddly shaped one they had. Typical.
They get home and start carving. Y/N splits her focus between her own pumpkin and trying to decipher what Sonnett is carving. Then Sonnett looks up and notices Y/N’s interest.
“Hey! Focus on your own pumpkin,” Sonnett says, “Let me work in peace.”
“I just wanna know what you’re carving!”
“You’ll find out when I’m done!”
“Please,” Y/N whines, “Just tell me!”
Y/N leans over and tries to look at the front of Sonnett’s pumpkin. Sonnett laughs and pushes Y/N away. They struggle for a few moments before a sharp pain makes Y/N stop. She looks down and notices her own knife, which she set down before trying to look at Sonnett’s pumpkin was closer than she remembered, and that she accidentally dropped her hand on top of it. She sees a few inches long slice down her thumb and blood beginning to drip from the cut.
“Oh shit.”
“What? Did you mess up your pumpkin?” Sonnett asks. She looks over when Y/N doesn’t respond and her face pales when she sees the cut.
“Oh fuck.”
Sonnett scrambles to her feet and returns with a large amount of paper towel which she presses to Y/N’s hand. It’s entirely too much for how large the cut actually is, but Y/N doesn’t have time to say anything about it until Sonnett starts panic rambling.
“What do we do? Does it hurt? Do you feel dizzy? Do we need to go to the hospital? We should go to the hospital. We definitely should because it probably needs stitches and you could bleed out and oh god what if you bleed out–”
“Emily Sonnett!” Y/N says loudly. Sonnett’s head snaps to Y/N. “Take a deep breath. I’m not bleeding out.” Y/N looks down at the paper towel which is slowly turning red. “I probably need stitches, but I am not bleeding out. Calm down.”
“Okay. Okay. So what do we… What do we do?”
One long hospital trip and five stitches later, they’re on their way back home. Sonnett stayed with Y/N the whole time they waited for a doctor and the whole time they put the stitches in, even if she gagged a little when they were putting them in. They come back and see the pumpkins still waiting on the kitchen floor.
“Will you tell me now what you were carving?” Y/N asks.
“I suppose since you were willing to cut your own thumb off to know,” Sonnett says, “I was gonna do a ghost and then say it was Rose because she’s so pale.”
Y/N laughs, she can’t help it.
“Honestly, stitches and all, it was worth it to make you tell me before you were finished.”
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kiwinatorwaffles · 7 months
hermit species headcanons: volume… 2!
i made this post two years ago when i was fresh to the series and was just getting to know the hermits. a lot has changed since then, but a lot has also stayed the same! my headcanons are getting refined every single time i talk about them, so chances are, this list won't even be accurate to my thoughts a year later.
with that being said, let's get started! click the cut to read them all
bdubs: glare! small, hates the dark, is a feral creature, will never let go of the moss. he and pungance were born from the same tree in the same patch of moss so they are brothers LMAO
beef: vampire! but not a full one. he was bitten by a bat and gained two vampiric traits exactly: fangs and sensitive skin. beef thinks his tendency to get sunburnt easily is just something in his code or a genetic condition. he never got it checked.
cub: alien shapeshifter! his original form is this shapeless void blob, and he can only copy how other beings look like. his forms were taken from two astronauts he saw in space, an old man and a young man. his void form can be seen slightly on his inner arm, where there is just a sliver of night sky hanging out
cleo: zombie (duh) cleo was permakilled by a witch's curse but when faced with the pearly gates they were like. nah. i'd rather be down there. and just straight up left and came back as a zombie. that's how she met joe. because he was sitting on top of her tombstone eating a sandwich
doc: originally a fae, but now he's super fucked up? what can i even say. he was a fae who got super interested in the sciences and started experimenting on himself just for the hell of it. there was that whole dinnerbone cyborg arm thing but he also managed to make himself a centaur form that he uses for extra storage and height. nobody knows where the creeper came from. was it from his dad's side? did he give it to himself? not even stress, his cousin, can tell you how he came to be. what the hermits DO know however is that he can steal pronouns by asking for them
etho: redstone deity! etho was an ancient builder who was executed for witchcraft upon his discovery of redstone. he was resurrected by the universe as a second chance and to spread his knowledge to the world. you can read more from my fic here ehehehehe
false: human! yes she is 100% human. i just thought it would be funny if such an awesome and skilled fighter was just some normal ass human with a bit of social anxiety
gem: forest spirit! she has nature powers and can change parts of her body to reflect parts of nature. she's a deer? an elf? nope! only sometimes. she can mix and match whatever traits she wants on any given day. but be careful of those deer legs and horns. they Hurt
grian: red macaw avian! he has bird feathers covering his ears, parrot wings, and bird talons! he is also able to mimic voices perfectly (which he uses to play pranks and swear in other hermits’ voices) and is a Hollow Boned Menace. he carries a lot of bird tendencies, like being a piece of shit or preening his friends’ hair when it’s too messy (which is always). in start of seasons, he has x lock away usage of his wings to keep himself from an unfair advantage. he also has stolen powers from the watchers, which he can use to change his wing colors or view the entire map from afar.
npg: ????????????? he’s supposed to be a robot, but he has wings and flies sideways?????? he’s somehow even more fucked up than robot grian. not even grian is sure of what he created tbh. he just knows he did NOT give npg those conure wings to begin with.
ariana griande: galah avian! she is grian's cousin who is a pop star. she has never actually been on hermitcraft before -- that was grian cosplaying as her.
hypno: human warlock! he accidentally made a pact when he replaced his tooth with a piece of cursed gold. jokes on his patron though, his faulty human memory can't even remember how he got his powers! he has lots of inscriptions as tattoos written in galactic just all over his body that he completely forgot how to read at this point and is immortal. maybe that's a bit bad for his sense of self-preservation
impulse: demon/imp! he used to be a gargoyle that dispensed candy, but a wizard passing by granted him life and well. now he's here! demons are actually underworld spirits that punish permadead players who have been genuinely horrible to the players around them, but impulse wanted to build houses and play with redstone instead of stirring the torture soup. so when he met skizz he decided hanging out with the players was the best thing to do. he also used to have larger horns and wings but his time on the surface has made his wings very tiny and unusable without the help of an elytra. skizz always teases him for this.
iskall: cyborg! the hermits don't know if he was fully human before the cyborgification. me, personally? i think it would be funny if she was actually built to protect a village but had too much of a personality so the villages just let him go have fun with the players. not sure if i want to adhere to that though
jevin: slime! certain slimes have evolved to be more like players. jevin is from the blue variety (that's his gender)
joe hills: ???????? void-born universe being??? joe is actually the oldest living being in the universe. he was just popped out of void (even predating the void gods) and spent all this time just doing whatever fuckall was around to do. he looks like a normal human being but just Slightly to the left, like his a bit-too-many teeth or slight lean when he stands. other than that, he acts like any other human!
joel: human mage! he actually only has powers of illusion that changes only how he looks. he Really wanted to be an orc but the spell couldnt last forever (as his fae wife lizzie found out after marriage). every day he wishes he had as much swag as shrek did. more on the headcanon here
keralis: weird fucking eldritch cryptid being? except he looks exactly like a human. nothing weird about him, nope. just don't look too closely at his eyes. he promises that he blinks like a normal person and not with his pupils.
mumbo: robot! with a core heart and stretchy limbs, he runs mainly on the consumption of redstone and occasionally typical foodstuffs. he had a creator before the days of hermitcraft (who originally built him as a war machine but something went deeply sideways during construction) that taught him all there is to know about redstone and the outside world. he also inherited the british accent and mustache from his creator. his creator did want him to be free and wiped mumbo's memory of his creation before setting him off into the overworld and letting him roam free. now he's just a silly guy!
grumbot: robot! he was first built to give suggestions on what to do with the mayoral elections but then he developed actual attachments to his horribly neglectant dads </3 but it's alright! he now chills with renbob and goatman up in the hermitheus
pearl: moon spirit! she was the moon from a player's hardcore world. the player used to talk to the moon for fun, but suddenly disappeared from the world one day. now feeling lonely, pearl took a humanoid form and descended to find where her player went, but she ended up discovering the joys of being a player herself. contrary to popular belief, she had no influence on the season 8 moon.
ren: weredog! can shapeshift into a dog form, which he usually uses to either run fast or play fetch. he’s also more prone to change when the moon is larger…. except he just becomes a hyperactive dog who chases his tail all night and is deeply embarrassed by it. he also probably has rabies, but everyone whom he has bitten probably already had something deeply wrong with them to begin with anyway
renbob: human...? he's related to ren from the human side, or at least that what he tells people. but he might as well be 50% weed by now
scar: human(?) wizard! he can fly, subtly change his physical appearance, cast spells, and do all sorts of magical shenanigans! he also can read galactic fluently, which is how he learned that hypno enchanted himself with loyalty at some point. jellie is his beloved familiar. also he's a capitalist. nobody knows where that came from
skizz: angel! why are there angels in minecraft, you might ask? some people are satisfied with their lives and let themselves permadie. skizz, after being born randomly from an angel statue (i wonder if it’s related to the other statue guy) was supposed to be one of the angels who helped escort players to the pearly gates, but he met impulse while his demon clan was taking a field trip to heaven. the two immediately became besties and skizz begged the universe to let him join the players. the universe begrudgingly agreed and now he's here! he hides his many other halos as ring tattoos on his arms as well
stress: fae! she's got fairy powers, magical swag, an affinity for flowers, and will beat you up if you assume she's the resident server cleric.
tango: ex-blazeborn! he saw some yummy packed ice and ate it, which extinguished his internal flame. his blazeborn tribe felt bad for him but knew it would be dangerous if he stayed, so tango just left for the overworld instead. he tries to convince people that he is 100% a human and not suspicious at all because he's embarrassed of having to explain that he lost most of his powers due to eating some yummy ice cream. a more detailed post about my headcanon can be found here
tfc: human! the only non-human aspect of him is a prosthetic leg. contrary to popular belief, he did not lose that leg while mining. it was after fighting a horde of skeletons. (he won)
wels: human. he's just a human. nobody believes him when he tells them because they've seen him accidentally level a building while sparring before. but nope. he's just a human. and a very fucked up one at that
hels: ???? techncially has the traits of wels, beef, and etho????? is there a species for evil clones created by copying machines or
xb: guardian! he was a guardian made to guard the magical treasures of ancient builders, but he got bored of staying in the same spot for centuries and his creators never returning. hypno casted a spell of bipedelity on xb, so now he can walk on land! i wrote a fic about it here too
xisuma: voidwalker! created by the young void gods, he was made from a fucking mspaint file where the void gods dicked around with the program and made a deeply fucked up being (him) on accident. he has no mouth, his hands are as black as the void, and his voice is terrifying without a modulator, which is why he wears a helmet. more about it in my fic here
evil x: also a voidwalker, but this time the void gods pressed random on a picrew and sent him out into an alternate dimension. he grew up in super england until x fished him out of the void. this little rascal has red scleras, ram horns, and a devil tail. he doesn't need to sleep, so he gets all his energy from eating, which is convenient because his sharp teeth can crunch anything and he can digest everything. his hair acts like an enderchest with a portal to the void, where he keeps snacks and various trinkets.
zedaph: human, but he’s not sane. i mean look at this guy. look at what he’s doing. nobody knows how he became so deeply fucked up but he's truly just Like That. he gave himself sheep features once on accident though
worm man: surprisingly, human. he's lucky to have stayed human for this long with his brother's insane experiments. accurate to popular belief, he has no superpowers.
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mysticovo · 10 months
Hiya! Could you do a Rise!Donnie reverse hurt/comfort fic?It could be about anything,I just feel like that silly goose needs a hug or something.✨🌕
I studied code because I wanted you
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was falling in and out of sleep. The sound of a keyboard filled the almost silent room. Soon the noise switched to tinkering, then back to typing every few moments. The relaxed breathing slowly became strained. A few angered mumbles drifted through the air.
I opened my eyes to a room bathed in purple. My face resting on something green and scaley. I originally came to the lair for a study date with my boyfriend, Don. Eventually it evolved to me on his lap cuddling him. I suppose I fell asleep in the process of it.
He was probably running updates on Shelldon or fixing whatever his brothers must’ve broken, again.I shifted my head to the side to gaze down at what he was working on. It was a…smart..toaster? I feel like it was used in another pranking war by the others.
He took of the case and was focusing on fixing the very, very damaged internal machinery. Specifically the heaters and power source. While also untangling the wires. It wasn’t working as he planned. He slammed down the screwdriver in his hand and slapped the other over his eyes.
“Dee?” I asked. He jumped once i said something, “ Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah of course I am”, he replied. His voice was wavering. The hand around his eyes tightened while the hand on his desk drifted to my back and hugged me closer to him. His entire body was shaking and his breathing became heavier. I sat up to fully look at him. It seemed as if he was on the verge of tears. “Oh Don”, I sighed out. That…might’ve been the final straw before he broke into tears. Donnie shoved his face into my top and threw an arm around my neck. I hugged him closer to my chest and laid my head on top of his. The sobs were a muffled mess and it was all I could hear. We sat there for a while. I don’t know for how long but it felt like hours…
A muffled noise came from Donatello. I looked down at him as he shifted his head to the side.
“What was that?” I asked him softly, I didn’t want to overstimulate him when he was already upset.
He sat back up and brought back that mask he usually had, the bad boy one of course.
“Never mind…I’m fine”, He mumbled back as he rubbed the last few tears out of his eyes.
“Donnie…you can’t just say you’re fine when you just broke down like that..” I at him again and brought a hand to his cheek/beak. He was avoiding my eyes. He was..hiding something. “You can tell me anything.”
“I just-“, He sighed and looked down at our laps,”-I’m the tech guy. I’m the smart one. It’s all I’m good for….if I can’t do this simple fix and be that, why would any of you need me..”. Tears had welled back up in his eyes, his voice was wavering again and it seemed like he was holding the cries back. He was…trembling.
“Don, none of us could ever think that-”, I paused, hugging him again and rubbing my thumb against his beak,”-Plus you’re more than that. Why even made you think that we wouldn’t need or want you?” I started to wipe away the tears in his eyes.
“You see everything my brothers do and are. Raphael is strong, everyone thinks Leo is funny and the face of the group and Mikey’s the creative one. I’m nothing like them..”, He mumbled it again, his gaze softened as he looked into mine.
“Donnie, I wouldn’t want you any other way. Preferably nothing like your brothers….no offense to them though.” I sort of laughed when I said it, I didn’t mean to though. I didn’t really expect him to laugh as well. More of a chuckle maybe? At least it was boosting his mood.
“You’re still funny at times, I love it when you make a science related joke that almost nobody gets. I sometimes get them though. You’re strong as well, it doesn’t matter if it’s with some tech or not. Remember that time you swung an entire giant drill with just a Bo stick? How is that not strong? What about all the battle shells, the turtle tank and all of the other tech you’ve made? You wouldn’t be able to without some creativity. I know you say you’re not like them but you are in your own special way. And I love that..I love you..”. I smiled at him, he had an expression on his face that was sort of hard to make out. I think it was a bit surprised, but somewhat happy? I gently and softly kissed him on his beak, right next to his mouth but not on it.
“I…love you as well…”. He mumbled it again. It was a hard thing for him to vocalize.
“please don’t ever think like that again. Now…do you wanna go back to cuddling? Maybe you can ramble as we do…”, I smiled at him and pressed my forehead against his.
“I’d..I’d like that..” He smiled back and hugged me, moving to grab his forgotten screwdriver.
“Want to hear some facts about uranium?”
~~~~~~~~~~~ The title is from Rat by Penelope Scott. I hope you liked this moon anonnie! Sorry it took so long! It’s been sitting in my school notebook for a while and has sort of become an inside joke from one line. Points to whoever guesses it. 💜🐢💜
(⌒▽⌒) Bai my mystic deers!!
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the-roo-too · 1 year
hi! idk if youre taking requests or not but if you are can i get a fluff alphabet with danielle from new jeans? thank you in advance if youre able to <3
i’m always taking requests pls feed me i’m starved
the bae fic is in the works i promise
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candy -> mo jihye ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- danielle is a little ray of sunshine, she doesn’t adore something particular about you, she adores you <33
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- is hair a body part? she loves to play with your hair! <3 like making braids etc. if you have shorter hair she just likes to brush her hand through it 🫶 (don’t go all ‘what if i don’t have hair’ on me pls i’m failing chemistry)
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- she is taller than you because god said so. therefore, danielle will fight (throw a pillow at you) if you don’t let her be the big spoon. conclusions? she’s the big spoon
dates (what’s her ideal date)- okay but take dani to a park and just sit on a bench while watching the birds and clouds <33 she’s deffo big on taking you out and naming the shapes of the clouds 🫶
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- i actually don’t know how to explain this one, you just feel her all i guess? like, danielle is very open and i wanna say she has big emotions but i don’t know if y’all know what i mean 😭
family (does she want one)- 100% yes. dani wants a family but she wants to have one after newjeans and whatever you’re doing. she thinks if you’re both taking the responsibility of creating a family, you should be able to give it all of yourself :((
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- omg yes 🤭🤭 and she likes walking around and swinging your hands too!!! dani likes if you go on short walks with her in her free moments and you just talk and hold hands :((
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- she would cry 💔 my girl would freeze for a second before having a breakdown, what she’d supposed to do? it fortunately would only take her like two minutes before she’d actually help you
jokes (does she like to joke around)- a little humour is healthy for the both of you 😚 but danielle would never pull any of those ‘break-up’ pranks on you >:(( she wouldn’t want to hurt her bby </3 so the members are legally allowed to kick ur butt if you do a prank like that on her 👹
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- very gentle 🤭🤭 she deffo wants to hold hands when you kiss :(( omg kissing in the rain with dani 🥹🥹
love (what’s her love language)- dani the typa girl to make you lunches 🫶 you work with her? girlie has two lunchboxes always packed so you can eat together :(( you don’t work with her? you get a kiss when she leaves in the morning and she puts your personalised lunchbox on the table with a little cute note 🤭
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- it’s kinda cliché, but remembering how the two of you first met makes danielle go all soft :(( it’s funny because you mostly remember how in awe she was (you didn’t even knew you were the cause!) and she just remembers how cute you looked that day <33
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- okay, hear me out ☝️ you’re laying face to face on your sides, you have your arms wrapped around danielle while she lets you lean your head on her arm, draping the other one over you 🤭
oddity (what’s a quirky thing about her)- i genuinely believe she listens to everything you say and takes it seriously. remember that one time during your third date when you suddenly mentioned you really like frogs? well, guess who just got you a froggie terrarium
pet names (what does she like to call you)- sunshine! that’s deffo your contact name tbh. ‘my sunshine ☀️’ 🤭🤭🤭
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- ima be honest, she just like to cuddle. put on a cool movie and cuddle with dani 🫡 w a t c h l i t t l e m e r m a i d w i t h h e r 👹
rush (does she rush into things)- no, absolutely not. well, most of the time. dani really does thing things though but… when it comes to you, she can get impulsive 🫡
secrets (how open is she with you)- being open is very important in a relationship, her words not mine. she does keep a couple secrets but it’s mostly surprises or work related stuff, really
time (how long did it take for her to confess)- three dates, danielle initially thought she’d hold on longer but you were just too cute for her to resist! she was in love the moment you stepped into her life
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- she asks who dimmed her sunshine 😭 she probably offers some cuddles to help, or ice cream! while i don’t think she’d really fight someone (but i can see some exceptions), her members definitely would protect you too
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- of course. she’s more afraid of the people she’ll meet rather than the ones online :(( maybe because it would show how little ‘fans’ are real
warrior (how often do you fight)- fight? with danielle? unless it’s her throwing a pillow at you because say you wanna be the big spoon this time, there is no fighting. it’s just not allowed legally
x-ray (is she able to read you)- duh, of course! she knows your needs better than you yourself do. she’s like a mom in that sense <33
yes (how would she propose to you)- a huge romantic! she’d get her members to help her distract you and get everything ready. i feel like danielle would propose somewhere sappy, like where the two of you first met
zen (what makes her feel calm)- doing domestic thing with you is just what dani needs to make her day better 😭 that and cute lil walks through the park (while holding hands ofc)! doing things so close to earth is just so precious to her :((
part of [the fluff series]
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zishu-arts · 4 months
1. What's ur fav avm ep? Or generally ava ep
2. What's ur fav short?
3. And favorite character? Why is that your favorite character?
4. Do u kin anyone? Why?
5. What are your thoughts on King Orange? Personally, I do love the character but I wanna see some controversy. He was forgiven too easily. Do you think that he's affected by immense guilt of his actions? Pls go in detail as much as you wish
6. What are your favorite (hc or not) relationships? Doesn't need to be romantic. Do you have thoughts on relationships between characters that haven't interacted? Or some hc on characters that did (example: I love the hc on Purple and Red hanging out so often that Red goes to visit Purple for advice on PRANKS out of all things)
If I think of something more, I'll send it through!!
1). i dont think i can pick a favorite since there's so many but i love rewatching Lush Caves, Ultimate Minecart Race, The Chef, The Ultimate Weapon (and honestly just the entire KO arc lmfao). For AVA its gotta be The Showdown it's just SOOO GOOD the animation, the concepts, the plot, ahhhh
2). hard once again, but Music Lesson is so goddamn funny
3). THE DARK LORD THE DARK LORD THE DARK LORD (red is my second favorite tho). okay so, honestly it's just the amount of potential and trauma i could give him. i love his character and lore like, the idea of the Mission Code. what does it mean that you've been created for the sole purpose to destroy, and what does it mean that the person you're made to destory become your best friend? like, the existance of that code brings up so much potential and you could literally take it in so many ways. and like, just the story of cho and dark being two people who were coded for a purpose and run away. what...happens to that purpose? what are you supposed to do now? it's very "what am i if not a weapon?" "yourself. isn't that a wonderful person to be?" (i also dont remember where this quote is from). and also, i look at this little bastard and i think ah yes, he is a goddamn maniac. absolutely insane. i can make him as unhinged as possible and i think that's amazing.
i also think it's great that it's so easy for me to just do whatever i want with him like he's some dress up doll. i've got a genderbent version of him. i've got him with ADHD. i've got him with autism. i've got him trans. he's depressd. he has anxiety. he's in love. there's no saving him.
i also like that like. he's dead. he might not be dead. who fucking knows? and he's such an interesting character, is he evil, is he nice, does he care, what does he like? i want to know everything about him and i want to squish him like a little ball
(i alos like that he's very easy to self project into)
4). hmmmm honestly? i only ever kinned like one character (yuki from horimiya) so im not too familiar with actually kinning. if i had to pick, probably red, mostly cause i see him as a hyper possibly ADHD guy who's always running head first into situations without a thought and think damn he's jus tlike me fr
5). KO/MANGO TALK LETS GO !! you're def right, he was forigven too soon, but i like to think or hope that they at least had a bit of bonding. okay well first off i want to start off with: i see a lot of content where we view mango as like around 20 years old which i want to immedately have on the table: what do you mean 20 years old. he's got a goddamn kid that seems to be maybe 8-10, he's got to be at least reaching 40 by the time we actually see him in AVM. and no, 40 is not too old, they can still do backflips and fight ppl (as long as mango maintained a healthy lifestyle with daily exercise, healthy diet, and good sleep).
i love the fact that he went evil because he lost his son, and that he got lost in his anger and started hurting everyone around him. although i do think his and purple's relationship could do with A LOTT of work. their trust was broken over and over again (mostly on purple's end) and im not sure mango particularily remembers how to treat a child well. and did mango ever like,,,yk,,,properly grieve for his son? for all we know, he went home the same day he lost gold, punched his wall a lot, then went straight to working on the staff. now that he doesn't have that drive anymore, i think that's all going to catch up to him. he really needs to properly grieve and mourn and recover before he goes about doing anything else.
he can, in fact however, be a good person/father as long as he's got that under the belt. (which you could def see that he was pretty swag when he still had gold). i personally see him as a raspy and gruff guy so he's also a man of very few words. that also means he probably has a buttload of communcation issues that is gonna affect his relationship with other people. he has got A LOT to work on
i also want to mention how i don't particulary enjoy the "overprotective father that trails their child everywhere". i don't think a lot of people view mano this way either, but i just want it on the table that even though mango would definitely be protective of purple, he won't be weird about it
6). ohhhh okay okay if you've read my fics you know i am in love with the "siblings victim & dark" as well as "siblings chosen and second". i feel like vic and dark are both insane and enable the worst, unhinged parts of each other. and then chosen and second are pretty much polar opposites with "doesn't say a word + yapper"
i also love it when CC treat red as like the youngest hyper sibling bc he really does give off that energy. also I AGREE WITH YOU purple and red together were so cute it was so unexpected but i love that
i also really really really want to see dark and purple interact with each other. mostly because they're probably the two most least likely characters to ever see each other. but i like the idea of dark terrorizing purple and it works because purple the whole time is like 'holy fuck this is that terrorist holy fuck shit oml'
i also want to see purple and mango interact with alan. im not sure if they ever did? but id like to imagine one day alan logs onto his computer and sees these two random sticks on his screen and is like who the fuck are you guys
(my guy desperately needs a VPN)
i ADORE blue + yellow. both in a platonic and romantic sense. they're like skater girl + nerd girl to me. they're so goddamn adorable and i'm very obsessed with seeing them. they hold hands. they're polar opposites. they're always together. they're the duo that if you just see one of them it seems wrong. if one of them is missing, you automatically ask the other one where they are, because they no doubt would know. gods they're so entwined with each other
thanks for the ask !!
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otts-the-verminqueen · 5 months
It was supposed to be a prank, but Aiden had made a horrible mistake. Ashlyn had fallen asleep, and to poke at her, he had snuck up and went, “Boo!” Now, Aiden was doubled over on the floor, groaning in pain and feeling like he was about to puke after taking a particularly harsh kick straight to the gut. 
It wasn’t Ashlyn’s fault. Aiden was aware of that. This was entirely on him and he knew he probably shouldn’t have done it. When Ashlyn called him stupid, he definitely felt he was deserving of the title.
Ashlyn glared at him. “Nothing’s broken, right?”
At least she still asked. He half expected her to just ignore him and roll over to go back to sleep. “I’ll be fine,” he choked out, giving her a smile. She just rolled her eyes in response, shaking her head.
The group had gathered at Ashlyn’s house for ‘sleepover’ in the graveyard again, seeing as the weather was nice. Of course, it was really just more of an excuse to have a longer meeting discussing some ideas and theories about the phantom dimension and such. They just called it a sleepover as a good cover for their actual intentions.
“You know, we’re supposed to be getting some rest before midnight. You could at least not bother us with your shenanigans until later tomorrow morning,” Tyler grumbled, glaring at him as he handed a blanket over to Logan, who was already curled up in his tire.
“That’s just what he does,” Logan said, shrugging as he curled into the blanket. “Although Tyler is right. You should be more focused on getting some sleep, not bothering Ashlyn.” He took his glasses off and tucked them into his glasses case, setting it on the floor of the bus next to the tire. Ben and Taylor had already fallen asleep on a couple seats further toward the back of the bus about an hour before.
Aiden took a deep breath and slowly relaxed. He no longer felt sick. He slowly stood up, still rubbing the spot she’d kicked. It’d likely be bruised, but he deserved it. “Sorry,” he said, looking at where Ashlyn had rolled over to face away from him.
“It’s fine. Just don’t do that again. You’re lucky I didn’t kick you hard enough to actually make you sick,” Ashlyn muttered. “Now go lay down. We’re supposed to be getting sleep, remember?”
“Yeah, I know,” he said as he laid down on the seat across from hers. He stared up at the ceiling, sighing. It was still funny, at least, even if he did get hurt.
I hope you all enjoyed this little snippet fic! It was just a random idea I had in my head and I didn't think I'd be able to turn it into a full fic that I could put on AO3, so here it is.
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abiiors · 2 years
im back again!
could u try to do a thing where reader tries to attempt the gaslighting thing from tiktok on matty
- esp with the like "do you ever wish you were tall" or "have you ever thought of trying to make actual music", or something like that
maybe even confuse him abt if u actually are a thing or not to the point he gets extremely jealous n clingy
Look at him!!! He’s so soft and pretty, how am I supposed to be mean to him? 😭😭 But for you, I’m going to give this a try…
I hope you like it ❤️
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Can I come over later?
His text from a few hours ago is still fresh in your mind. The excitement about him coming over has since doubled, tripled because you have a plan forming in your head. 
An evil plan brewing more like…
You can’t help but laugh giddily as you put on your nicest dress possible, as you scour Pinterest for the best “sultry makeup inspo”. You can’t help but laugh as the doorbell rings. 
This has to be strategically executed, it absolutely needs to be perfect. You have to greet him exactly like usual, with a smile and a kiss.
He raises an eyebrow when he comes in, eyes you from head to toe appreciatively and then pulls you in for another kiss. 
‘You look gorgeous, baby…’
You blush, shyly say a thank you, but the confused look on his face is back. 
‘I thought we were just going to stay in today?’
‘Well…yea, we are. I just thought I’d go out with Nick after you’ve left?’ You deserve an Oscar for the performance you’ve been putting on so far or at least an Emmy. 
His eyes narrow at the mention of another man’s name. ‘Who’s Nick?’ he tries to be all cool and nonchalant but you can already see the cogs of his brain working overtime trying to place that name. 
Nothing’s going to occur to him, however. Because Nick isn’t a real person, he’s only a prompt for this prank. You let him mull that over in his head for a bit as you make your way to the kitchen. It doesn’t escape your notice how he follows you like a puppy. 
‘Oh, Nick?’ you try to look at him through innocent doe eyes.
‘Yea, do I know him?’
‘Oh well, I don’t know. He runs that bakery in town, remember? I always talk about how much I love their brownies,’ you prod on. Even sigh wistfully for dramatic effect. 
Matty, however, looks like he’s swallowed sour milk. 
‘And what are you doing with him?’ 
You shrug in response, turn around to grab some mugs from the shelf. You even make sure to stand on your toes to grab them from the highest shelf. It wouldn’t hurt if he sees how good your ass looks in these jeans…
‘He said the bakery was going to be closed today,’ you fiddle with the mugs, try to find the right ones, stall time so you won’t have to look at him during this part. ‘I asked him if he could teach me how to bake, so that’s what we’re doing today.’
You turn back to him and smile cheerfully. 
‘So is he teaching a class?’ he asks hopefully, ‘like with multiple other people?’
‘Oh, no,’ you smile excitedly, ‘this is a special one-on-one.’
‘A special one-on-one?’ his jaw hangs open slightly as if he can’t believe what you’re trying to imply. For a moment you wonder if you’re going too far but this is just starting to get funny.
You click your tongue, ‘you know what I mean…’
There’s a beat of silence when you’re both silent. He’s trying to figure out what to say and you’re trying to hold the laughter in.
‘Baby, I could teach you how to bake,’ he grumbles, ‘Fuck, youtube could teach you that.’
‘Yea but he’s a professional,’ you laugh and press a chaste little kiss to his cheek. ‘Besides, do you even know how to make brownies?’
‘It’s not like it’s rocket science,’ he rolls his eyes. ‘And what’s so good about this guy anyway?’ 
‘He’s French,’ you answer as if that explains everything. Matty can make of that whatever he wants to.
You turn around, put the kettle on and start walking away to get some snacks but he’s not about to let you… Not so fast.
In one smooth movement, he hooks two fingers in the back pocket of your jeans and pulls you flush against his chest.
‘I don’t know what you’re trying to pull but you didn’t seriously think you were going to a special session with this dickhead, did you?’
The possessiveness in his voice sends shivers down your spine and makes your mouth go dry. 
‘Especially not looking like that.’
His mouth hovers just above your ear and you know he felt that shiver just now. 
‘No?’ you try to sound confused but it just comes out breathy.
‘Yea, no French asshole is about to get one-on-one time with my girl,’ he declares. And just like that he’s back to being annoyed and huffy.
Your already-weakening resolve breaks instantly as you turn to hide your face in his chest and burst out into a fit of giggles. 
‘Oh god, you really…you really fell for it,’ you try to get the words out between giggles and he frowns. 
‘What do you mean?’
‘You,’ you jab a finger in his chest, ‘Matty Healy who is almost chronically online doesn’t know what a TikTok trend is?’
You look at his face, see him go through all five phases of grief at once. You can feel the tears running down your cheeks, smudging your eye makeup but his face is just too funny. 
‘You’re an asshole,’ he mutters but holds onto your waist just as tightly 
‘Grouch,’ you tease as you stand on your toes once again and start peppering kisses all over his face. ‘Would it help if I say the clothes and the makeup are for you?’
‘Whatever,’ he rolls his eyes, looks at a random spot on the wall but he hasn’t exactly pulled away from you. If anything, he’s leaning into them. 
‘And would it help if I say Nick’s not a real person?’
‘He’s not?’ Of course, that piques his interest but he’s quick to put the annoyed mask back in place, ‘I mean, yea sure. Why do I care?’
‘You really don’t care?’ you pout, press a feathery kiss on his jaw. To his credit, he manages not to close his eyes and sigh at the kiss. 
‘Are you mad at me?’ you look at him through your eyelashes and even make your lip wobble for the added effect. 
That’s the trick that does it. He stops focusing on the wall and looks back at you again. 
‘This is so unfair!’ he grumbles. ‘I can’t even stay mad at you.’
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mythica0 · 3 months
Something nicer
🎂:The Loud House
🍫: Luanne
Summary: it’s April fools day again! Luanne’s favorite holiday! But after a talk with a friend a bit ago; she decides to go a different route this year.
A/N: the friend I’m mentioning is my OC Mary who is Luanne’s BFF.i know it’s nowhere near April fools day but I wanted to make this anyway. Also I added prank stuff that doesn’t exist because I can <3. hope you enjoy!
Something Nicer
‘April Fools is tommorow! I’m so excited!’ Luanne thought, bouncing on her heels. She’s been preparing for months!- she can’t wait to see the look on her family’s faces when they get pranked so hard!!
She was just about to go pick where she was going to place each prank- but then, she remembered a conversation with her friend Mary from a few weeks ago.
“So, April fools day is coming up.” She said, cautiously at the lunch table one day at school.
“I know! I already have all the supplies ready! I’m so excited I could practically burst!!”
“I know, and I’m so happy for you! I know you love pranks and April fools day and I love that for you… but-“
She sighed and resigned herself. Luanne looked wide-eyed at her friend, tilting her head slightly in confusion.
“I’ve wanted to tell you this for a while now- don’t you think your pranks are a bit… mean?”
“I mean- of course they’re a little mean! Wouldn’t be much of a prank if you didn’t cause a little chaos!”
“That’s not what I mean- it’s just- a lot of your pranks are physically harmful, or, or cause property damage- that’s not very funny- it’s just mean. Pranks are supposed to be confusing and maybe a bit irritating, not painful or distressing.”
“Hmm. I’ve never thought about that. I love my family! I don’t want to hurt them… but… that’s the only way I know how to prank! I don’t want to give up my favorite holiday….” Luanne seemed disheartened, and looked down at the table.
“Well, some of your pranks are okay! How about you give me some prank examples you’ve pulled and I’ll tell you if they’re okay or if they’re too much.”
“Alright! Um- the time I wrapped my entire house with wrapping paper!”
“That’s okay! No one was hurt, and while it might’ve been annoying to clean up, nothing was damaged.”
“Hmm.. the time I poured bleach on Lucy’s clothes to turn them white!”
“Did you buy her a replacement? If so, that’s okay. If not- just do that in the future.”
“Okay! The time I put oil on the floor so someone would slip into the oven and left raccoons in there!”
“Nope. Too far. Whoever fell victim to that was probably covered in scratches and very sore from crashing into an oven. The idea of a slippery floor isn’t a bad one though!”
“Oo! That one time I cut holes in the floor boards so someone would fall through into jello!”
“Did you pay for the damage to the floors? Did you make sure the wood wouldn’t cut anyone?”
“No one was hurt! And the place was abandoned- no one lived or went there.
“Then that’s alright!” That conversation went on for a bit, and eventually Luanne asked Mary what she should do about this year. She already had her supplies and half of them might hurt people!
Mary made it clear that she’s not really an expert on pranks, but that it might be a good idea to lean into something else that she enjoyed that doesn’t cause pain. Luanne said she’d think about it and then moved on.
“I should probably do that… I can’t believe I’ve been being a bully to my family for so long!” She whispered to herself. She decided to look through her prank supplies and see if she could scrounge up anything that wasn’t painful or harsh.
Lucky for her, she had forgotten that the day of that conversation she had ran to the store to get some more… friendly pranks.
With new , nicer supplies in hand, she went home to start set up.
“Alright guys. We’re pretty much outta options. Nothing we’ve tried is working!” Lincoln spoke at a sibling meeting later that afternoon.
“We still have the option of sedating her.” Lisa piped from the other side of the room, holding an ominous looking needle in her hands.
“No, Lisa- we tried that remember? She just set up early! It’s like she always knows our plan!”
“It’s not the best plan- but I think I have an idea.” Lana raised her hand.
“Maybe if we pretend it doesn’t bother us, she’ll stop? Yes it means we’ll have to endure this year and maybe next year too, but maybe she’ll get bored!”
“Good idea Lana! Alright guys, looks like that’s our best plan. We’re just going to have to endure.” A collective sigh went up in the room, but no direct protests.
Luanne woke up and stretched, getting down off her bed quietly. ‘This is going to be great! I can’t wait to see what everyone thinks!! Maybe they won’t be mad at me!’
She giggled a little and went to her secret hideout where she had monitors to watch the chaos, carful to avoid springing her own pranks.
This was going to be fun.
Later that day, when everyone woke up they steeled themselves. They had to act like nothing was bothering them, even though they were dreading every second of today.
The first prank of the day happened when Lisa stepped out of her room only to be met with a bucket full of cool water.
‘And it begins. You are not bothered, you are not bothered.’
“Ahh. A classic. I wonder what metal this bucket is made out of?”
Luanne lifted an eyebrow in her hideout. “No reaction? That’s odd… but hey, maybe they’ll still like my big twist!”
The next victim was Lori, who woke up to find her favorite formal dress painted and decorated with the text “APRIL FOOLS!” In macaroni attached to it. She wanted to yell, but breathed in and instead commented on the Clever decoration before moving the shirt to the side and continuing.
All of the family gathered in the living room: this wasn’t their first rodeo, they knew Luanne had a big dramatic something that was going to happen in three… two… one-
“Hello family!” Right on cue, Luanne’s monitor dropped from the ceiling, showing her smiling face In her classic jester chair.
“I have some lovely surprises waiting for you today! This year is a little different than my other April fools day plans.. but I would hate to spoil the surprise!”
Everyone was so shocked that they forgot they were supposed to be acting like they didn’t care. She said different. Usually she says more intense or something like that. But never different. They looked to eachother with concern.
“Have fun! I know I will! Muahhahaha!” Luanne’s monitor slipped back into the ceiling.
“What? Just cause I’m not being too intense anymore doesn’t mean I can’t still lean into the “pranking evil genius” role! Geez.” Luanne spoke to mister coconuts.
The family was nervous now. How were they supposed to act nonchalant when Luanne just dropped that bombshell on them! But, they went about their day anyway.
The next prank brought upon the knowledge of the twist. Lola stepped into the kitchen, only to trigger a trip wire that pulled her into the air, stuck in place. She pepared for a punch to the gut or a mouse trap or something- but instead was met with giggles. Her own giggles.
“ whaahahat thehehe?” She looked up to see feathers swirling along her sides and underarms. “Eehee! Thahahat tihihihickles!”
The monitor dropped down again.
“Thats the point! I see you’ve found the twist!”
The family gasped. “So that’s what you meant by different? Tickling?”
“Yup! I thought about it- and this way- no one gets hurt!”
“Eheehahaha! Wehehell ihihis thihihis thihihing gohohona lehehet mehehe dohohown!”
“Yup! It will after about 5 minutes. Enjoy!” Luanne giggled and winked at her.
The next victim was Lincoln.
After the twist was discovered , the family forgot all about their plan and turned the day into a game. Lincoln ran outside, only to slip on one thing into some pillows on a tree, which then caused a strange glitter-like substance to fall on him.
The next thing he knew, his whole torso was bursting with ticklish shockwaves, causing him to burst into laughter and clutch his stomach. This action caused the glitter to get on his hands and arms- starting to tickle them,too.
“Poor, ticklish Lincoln. I see you found my giggle glitter! Isn’t it wonderful?” Another screen popped down from the tree.
Lincoln was belly laughing and kicking his feet in ticklish glee. “Hahahahaaa thahahat tihihihickles sohohoho muhuhuch ahahaha!!”
“Good! Cause there’s more where that came from! Muahaha!”
Meanwhile, Lucy went into her room and hid in her coffin. ‘I’ll be safe in here.’ She thought, only to be startled by a bunch of soft, pillow-like robotic hands reaching towards her. ‘Oooor not..’ then the hands made contact, squeezing and poking Lucy gently. “Pfftahaha! Dahahang ihihit luahahahanne!”
“Oh! I’m so glad you found my little poking pillow hands! Do you like them?”
“Wahahahahat? Nohohoho wahahahay!”
“Don’t lie to me~ you totally do.”
“S-shuhuhut uhuhup!” Lucy flushed, which was very noticeable on her pale face that she then covered up.
This went on and on(with some normal pranks in there too- Leni got a pie in the face)
Lisa got trapped in a machine that trapped her in laughter for 10 minutes.
Lynn’s shoes had automatic feathers in them
Lana fell in peanut butter which caused Charles to lick it off her
Luna found another giggle glitter prank.
Lori ran into some robot bugs(where did Luanne get all these robots?)
Lenny’s belt started to vibrate on her belly
So on, so forth
At dinner, Luanne left her hideout, making her way to the house. When she opened the door, her family all greeted her at her table- but instead of glaring or mumbling about revenge.. they were smiling. ‘Perfect.’ Thought Luanne. ‘This might just be my best April fools day ever.’
“Hey, there’s our little prankster! Care for some tacos?” Their dad spoke, finishing setting the table.
Luanne smiled brightly. “Absolutely!”
They are together and laughed and talked like any other day of the year, and after dinner was over Luanne pulled something out of her pocket and walked up to Lori.
“Hey Lori, I wanted to give you this.” In her hands was a folded dress, exactly alike to the one that Luanne had *ahem*.. decorated.
“You- you got me another one?” Lori seemed surprised.
Luanne hesitated and looked down. “Yeah.. to replace the one I ruined.”
“Y’know Luanne? I don’t know why you switched it up this year, but I’m glad you did. This years April fools has actually been…. Fun. The most fun April fools I’ve ever had. Thank you.” Luanne teared up a bit and the two embraced each other, followed by the rest of the family shortly after.
“I could tell you why I changed it up!” She reached towards the table for a leftover tortilla shell. “I think I’m ready to taco bout it! Hahaha!”
Luanne smiled and felt so warm and happy.
‘I’m glad too, Lori. I’m so happy I did something nicer’
———THE END————————————————
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yeetus-feetus · 9 months
i miss when joker was silly and goofy and occasionally teamed up with batman. I hate how joker is now is cold and calculating and serious. You've just turned him into a mirror of batman. He's not funny anymore, he's pure nightmare fuel.
I think it started happening because of the killing joke and death in the family. And slowly slowly he's been morphing into something else since then.
Remember the early comics and all the cartoons on TV where joker pulled elaborate tricks and pranks and crazy plots because he wanted Batman's attention. Where he was a real clown and he made explosive balloon animals and his hands were somehow always prop hands and the were all kinds of odd things hiding in his sleeves, when he lived up to his name and made fun jokes. When he had oversized hammers and and the most captivating mouse-traps set up just for batsy.
I liked that joker. I liked the fun and exciting back and forth, where the joker never 'won' anything because he only wanted Batman. Because batman and joker are nothing without each other. Because when they teamed up with mutual enemies it was always so fun to watch.
I hate the joker now. I hate what he did to Jason. I hate how serious he is. I hate that he's not a fun little freak anymore. I hate that he's always hurting batman in ways that aren't funny, that tear him and his family apart. I hate the Joker, because he's not the joker anymore, he's just another needlessly violent criminal. I hate the way modern media has watered down the fantasy of DC and tried to make everything more realistic.
Comics weren't made for realism. Realism ruined comics. Because comics are supposed to be an escape from reality, where anything wonderful and outrageous can happen. Where a man dressed as a bat is a hero and an alien from space has Lazer eyes and can't touch green rocks. Where we have stupidly named things like 'bat-bucket' and 'battery' and fuckin condiment king- Krypton Krypto Kryptonite, Smallville and Metropolis because we can't think of better words and it's funny and it's part of the bit.
Realism ruined comics. Because now Batman isn't batman and joker isn't Joker and everything's just too serious and complicated and redemption doesn't exist.
The old comics taught us even bad guys can be good, the old comics taught us that anyone can be redeemed if you give them a chance and they choose to be good.
Now it's only punish punish punish and clowns that aren't really clowns and altering your son's brain without his consent and the world's ending but this time we can't save it, this time it's not fun and easy peasy, this time all you feel is dread and despair, a sense of impeding doom and there's no hope or love for us left.
I want the old joker back.
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4aceclover · 7 months
Shadow house Shirley and Rum Headcannons
(This is implying if they did pass the debut also spoilers for the characters and the story)
"Happiness was right in front of me if only I had opened my heart up sooner"
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Speaks in the first person whenever she's alone with Rum
Because of Shirley's lively and mischievous personality she absolutely loves to pull pranks on the other shadows and also makes herself look like a victim of the older shadows it's her way of getting back at their dolls for hurting Rum
Unlike Louise who only sees Lou as her face Shirley loves Rum for who she is her shy, timid personality makes her want to hug her no matter what
The only person she actively lets get away with hugging and touching Rum is Emilico because she understands that those two are good friends and she trusts Kate
She sees John as like a big brother figure and he sees her in the same way he actually finds her pranks to be quite funny
Compliments Shawn for how intelligent he is and tells him to take good care of his master because she sees John as being hopeless
She's like MaryRose in the sense that she remembers that she was a morph which is why after they pass the debut she tells Rum that she wants to do a mirror impression with her
She's the one who puts her accessories and does her hair in a mirrored style to Rum so that way anytime they're out and about they can't say that they're breaking Shadow house rules since Rum is technically copying everything she's doing
In reality by doing the mirror impression she actively is defying Shadow house but she makes it seem like she's not because that's how mischievous she is
She gives Rum her lavender bow back because she knows for a fact that that lavender bow on her finger didn't belong to her in the first place
Because her soot power allows her to transform by wearing the soot she admits from herself she takes a great interest in learning sewing so she can make other people's outfits to make the transformation look more believable
She also never told the shadows house that she developed her soot power because she doesn't want to that's a Secret between her and Rum
Whenever she's outside her room she never admits any soot showing how she never lets her emotions get the better of her but when she's in her room her power is so high that she makes soot scalactites meaning she's on par with Kate with how much so she can create
She doesn't like Barbie but she doesn't mind Barbara, this is because from her own experience she knows that the living doll doesn't defy the actual Shadow mistress/master their representing
She knows for a fact that Barbara has a crush on rum which is why she purposely lets them dance together whenever she gets the chance
She gets super jealous when other people try to get close to Rum because she wants to keep her for herself
Because of her sewing skills she likes to dress up Rum like a baby doll in all different types of colors
She'll take off Rum's portrait whenever they're outside of her room on purpose so that way the two can talk to each other even when they're not supposed to be and will take the blame for whenever Rum is about to get in trouble and blame it on Edward since people genuinely don't believe that she's a mischievous person because instead of Rum making faces to represent her Mistresses personality surely actually copies Rum's shy personality in order to keep the shadows house unaware about her true intentions
Likes hanging out with a living dolls more than she likes hanging out the shadows
Even though her soot power is physical at first the more and more she practices it with rum the more becomes the third type of soot power in the sense of it can mess with other shadows and it's all thanks to Rum gaining soot from other Shadow Masters and giving it to her mistress to try for herself
When Shirley eats another person's soot she's able to transform into them even if she's never seen the shadow themselves and after a long time of improving her power she can also use another person's slip power if she's so desires allowing her to gain all three types of powers physical mental and the unspoken type
This makes her one of the strongest shadows Shadow house has to offer but they have no idea about that because she never lets them know so she's never gets to take the special lessons because she doesn't want to
She lets Rum where her clothes because she thinks she looks beautiful in them
Doesn't like to see Rum be treated as nothing more than a mere face
Will transform into the bow on rum's finger to follow her when she has to do morning cleaning
Thinks Louise is developing a crush on rum but at the same time she thinks everyone is because that's how highly she thinks of her living doll
Enjoys dancing with MaryRose but will actively take Rum's portrait off there since it's a private space for a few minutes before the other dolls can get there
Studying can be quite hard for her since she's as smart as rum but doesn't have the same memory so rum tends to remember things for her
Loves to admire the plants sometimes we'll even draw them if she finds the time and will take some back to her room to continue making outfits for Rum based off those flowers
After learning that the research team makes perfumes based off of the flowers in the greenery she tries her hardest to learn how to do that too
Her favorite instrument is a harp and she learns sheet music pretty quickly
She likes the fact that Patrick is a bit more gentle with Rum than any other Shadow she's seen
During the debut Ricky tells surely not to worry because he's sure Rum will come and save her, well after they pass the debut she thanks him for telling her that because in her eyes he was actively looking out for her "darling Rum" and takes him calling her (scary because of her silence) as a compliment
Purposefully uses her transformation power to sneak into the kitchen and grab different types of food for Rum to eat
Doesn't like Sarah but enjoys Mia's company (she won't admit it but Sarah sometimes scares her)
Her mistress gives her cute compliments and pet names, even when they're outside of her room she calls her that on purpose as a way to differentiate her the Shadow from her living doll
Always gets nervous whenever her mistress has her take off her portrait while they're outside of her room
Thanks to Emilico she's able to speak with her finger more often something surely tends to copy whenever they're outside of their room
Sleeps in her Mistresses bed more often than normal (Shirley tells her to come sleep in her bed because she doesn't like being separated from her)
Thanks to Shirley she's able to make friends with other shadows and living dolls
Secretly touch starved which is why she likes it when her mistress or her friends hold her in the way that they do
The youngest out of the entire debut class so everyone feels an immense amount responsibility to protect her
Always gets nervous around Barbie because of Mistresses Barbara interest in her
Gets flustered whenever John compliments her whether it's in public or in private
Patrick loves spending time with her and enjoys talking about flowers with her and was horrified to find out that mistress Shirley was in a trap with poisonous flowers surrounding her
Louise actively teaches her how to stay physically healthy and she lets Louise use her soot power on her on purpose so that way whenever she needs to act confident she can
Cry's tears of joy whenever Shirley tells her just how much she loves her
Get super embarrassed whenever she wears an outfit her mistress makes her
When she drank the coffee and was back under the brainwashing of the house she was surprised to have her mistress tell her to put on her outfit and when they looked in the mirror together she called herself her "Mistresses face" which terrified her Shirley's fear and worry for her is what helped her break out of the brainwashing
Collect soot from other shadows whenever she starts cleaning in order to bring them back to her mistress
The only person who knows about their secret is Kate that's because she told Emilico
Likes it when Emilico worries about her
When her patients is pushed to her breaking point her personality becomes the exact opposite of her normal personality or Shirley's. Instead of being incredibly mischievous and playful, or shy and nervous, she becomes angry and sarcastic rolling her eyes and getting pissed off at the smallest thing something surely definitely enjoys because it allows her to see a different side to her living doll but it scares everyone else
Because of how shy and timid she is as a living doll everyone assumes that her mistress must be the same and she gets nervous when her mistress decides to use that to their advantage
At first when she did the mirroring act with Shirley before they left their room she was worried she wouldn't be able to handle it so when surely decided to have them communicate with their hands more and made things much easier
After Shirley gave her the lavender bow she was of course terrified by that prospect but when she put it back on her finger she remembered who originally gave her the idea to do that in the first place and she was able to gain her memories of the outside world back much quicker than Emilio did
Because of her photographic memory she's able to remember a lot of things even under the influence of the brainwashing including the form mistress takes whenever she spies on her
Isn't used to compliments so when she was called the super living doll room because of how smart she is she was blushing out of her mind
Is good friends with Maggie a person on her team but surprisingly Doug has also taken a good interest in her and so has Oliver and Susanna
Because of Shirley actively getting mad at the twins for what their dolls did to Rum, whenever they have their daily cleaning the Bell twins sometimes will treat her better and over time actively try to become our friends once they realize just how nice Rum really is
Her innocence and pure Heart combined with her adorable face makes her attractive and easy to approach to many shadows and living dolls, but the one person SHE actively goes to however outside of her friends is Barbara
Her and her mistress are Dorothy's favorites they don't know it but Dorothy really enjoys them… she was the one who picked them out during the selection after all
Dorothy purposefully sent them a gift which was a pet morph the other adults knew about it too but they don't know why she sent it to them out of everyone else to begin with
Shirley doesn't want to become an adult because she knows she'll lose rum if she does and rum doesn't want to lose surely either
They're on good terms with Lulu and Lorelei mistress (Lorelei actively likes Rum and Lulu thinks it's cute because their personalities are so similar yet so different, same thing goes for Candy and Stella)
Matilda finds rum quite adorable and loves to tease her about how cute she is
Candy and Stella are also good friends with them. Candy tries to help Rum become more confident and Stella always hides behind rum and Shirley whenever candy gets angry at her
Has a crush on everyone in her debut class especially emilico
Actively tries to show Shawn what she's capable of, after he complimented her saying that she has guts she wants to show him more of that as a way to prove it to herself
Blushes whenever Ricky pets are on the head even if he's copying his master, and she enjoys when Ricky actively looks out for her so she tries to do the same for him
Always gets nervous whenever Louise talks about how beautiful Lou is but when they're alone Lou makes it clear that she thinks Rum is prettier not because of any makeup she wears but because of her genuine kindness and she never lets her emotions stop her from trying to improve
She gets her rejoicing party coffee sent to her personally because the last time they gave it to her she pretended to choke on it making it seem like the Starbearers were actively trying to hurt her, this was a part of Shirley's plan to get the coffee so she can grow stronger by drinking it since it has some of the Lord grandfather soot in it
Rarely wears makeup even when they're outside of her room she only wears it in front of Barbara or Louise
Sometimes will act like a veiled doll thanks to one of the outfits mistress Shirley made for her in order to find out more information for her team
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solarisrasa · 2 years
Two Feet, More or Less
A bit of Malec Smut feat. poorly planned pranks with shrinking potions.
Rated M for obvious reasons. Includes a brief touch of dysphoria/body discomfort.
 When Jace asked about the shrinking potion, amidst a hundred questions about the contents of his apothecary, Magnus hadn’t given it much thought. He’d only stressed the importance of ensuring one also had growth potion on hand, just in case. The ensuing conversation about the dangers of growing one      specific    part of the body didn’t bear repeating anyhow.
 When he noticed the innocent little bottle of gray liquid was a little emptier than he remembered, he sighed and made a note to double-check Sherman’s well being. He never thought that Jace would use it on his own      parabatai.  
 Alexander, notably supposed to be in a meeting, threw open the apothecary door with a murderous expression. Magnus, not a man often cowed and      never    on the receiving end of his darlings full temper, started.
 “No. Don’t- don’t you-” but Magnus could see that his anger was already fading and it made his heart clench. Alec never could stay mad when they were in the same room, not unless it was      serious.    It was an affliction they both shared.
 It occurred to him, watching as Alec’s angry expression smoothed into simple exasperation that the face he so loved was at least two feet lower than it should’ve been.      Oh. Jace.  
 “Darling, you’re a little,” Magnus was trying not to smile, especially as Alexander stalked over to him and it became clearer, but he failed, “well, little.”
 “I’m going to kill Jace.”
 Magnus was a strong man but he couldn’t let that one go, “Well, when you can reach him again.”
 Alexander’s glare had not dulled, if anything the new angle made it appear sharper.
 “I’m sorry, Alexander, but you have to admit it’s a little funny.”
 “Magnus.      Clary    is taller than me right now.      Clary.    ”
 Magnus grinned, “I’m sure she enjoyed that.”
 “Yes, everyone took pictures. I feel ridiculous and so out of sorts it’s not…” Alec bit his lip and some of the humor went out of things as Magnus watched him shift uncomfortably before stepping with far more care than normal to get closer.
 “By everyone?”
 Alec cleared his throat, “Alright, not      everyone.    Jace didn’t want to actually hurt me or my-don’t you dare- my standing. No one important saw me. Just family, and Simon. And Underhill but he honestly just looked frightened.”
 Magnus laughed, concern easing a bit, “He probably thought it was a sex thing gone wrong or something and is worried what Lorenzo’s going to ask from him.” He gave Alec a gentle look, noting the distance that remained between them, “Are you alright?”
 Alec looked down, and like this Magnus truly couldn’t see enough of his expression to know what he was thinking. He raised his hand, ready to snap the growth potion up and draft a very pointed speech for Jace about boundaries, when Alexander spoke.
 “I’m alright. I don’t think I’d like most people seeing me like this and I wouldn’t have chosen it myself but,” Alec took a deep breath and closed the steps between them before looking up, “there is one benefit I didn’t think of.”
 Magnus’ breath caught as he looked down at his husband. Like this Alec would fold into his arms in a way his taller self didn’t, like this he could surround him completely if he wanted. He loved Alexander as he was and he didn’t think he’d like Alec to be so much shorter for long, but right now?
 He opened his arms and Alec stepped into his hold, hands tightening in the fabric of Magnus’ linen shirt just under his shoulder blades. Magnus melted a little, feeling how Alec pressed his cheek against his heartbeat and relaxed.
 “How long until it wears off on it’s own?”
 Magnus hummed and curved his arm to card through Alexander’s hair, “Given how much Jace used, not more than a couple hours.”
 Alec’s shoulders tightened and Magnus started to pull away but his husband’s grip tightened, “Can we, uh, can we just go to bed early?”
 “You don’t want the growth potion?” Magnus checked, leaning away enough to see more of Alec’s expression. He looked a little embarrassed but certain as he shook his head.
 “Alright. Then allow me.”
 Magnus moved quickly and scooped Alexander into his arms. He’d carried him before, short distances or when he was injured, but this was different. Alec was solid but he was lighter, smaller and Magnus didn’t need as much aid, both from Alexander himself and his magic. By the hitch of Alec’s breath and the way his husband curled into him, those differences didn’t go amiss.
 He didn’t say anything about it but they had barely made it into the living room before Alec was leaning up to press open-mouthed kisses against his collarbone, tugging the loose neckline of his shirt out of the way. Magnus shivered, prepared to continue to the bedroom until Alec laved his tongue over Magnus’ pulse point, using Magnus’ shoulders to pull himself close.
 He groaned and moved them so Alec was pressed tightly against one of the pillars, his legs wrapped around Magnus’ hips. It was a position they’d been in before, but with several key differences. For one, Alec didn’t have to duck awkwardly to kiss him or bite at his throat and his heels brushed new places on Magnus’ body. The thing that took the low heat in Magnus’ blood and burst it into an inferno though, was how Magnus’ body blanketed Alexander’s fully. The potion had reduced all of his proportions and he fit snugly between the wall and Magnus.
 “Alexander.” Magnus breathed, tilting his head as his husband worried marks over his throat. His fingers flexed against Alec’s hips and he adjusted them so the angle gave them both more friction. Alec made a strangled noise and thrust against him with a loud groan.
 “You’re...fuck.” Alec mumbled, biting at his collarbone again, “You’re so      big.”  
 And oh, but didn’t that twist into something hungry and      alive    in Magnus’ stomach.
 “Do you want more?”
 “Please. Like this Magnus, just like this.”
 Magnus was happy to oblige, snapping away most of their clothes to rut against his husband, letting his cock drag against Alec’s thighs, his cock. Alec was panting into the searing kisses Magnus dropped against his lips, sucking at his tongue and moaning as Magnus used his hold to move Alec’s hips.
 Magnus couldn’t force himself to let go of Alec, especially after he snapped away their underwear and could see the way his fingers fit into the curve of his hips. He was mesmerized by the way that Alec’s body surged against his at the slightest guiding pressure of his grip and the way that Alexander flushed and moaned.
 “Magnus, please. I-I want...you’re      so    much bigger.”
 He was right, Magnus thought, half-delirious. Like all of him Alec’s cock was smaller, still beautiful and still proportionate but beside Magnus’ it was clear how Magnus might feel inside his husband.
 “Hush love, I’ll give you what you want.” His magic rushed to his aid, both to ease the strain on his arms from holding Alexander and to tease over his hole. Alec made a noise like a wounded animal and tried to push back into the feeling. The brick facade at his back stopped part of the motion and Magnus’ firm hold stopped the rest, leaving Alec to make desperate sounds into Magnus’ throat as he returned his mouth to the hot skin there.
 Magnus guided his magic to open him quickly but not so rapidly that the sweet burn of it didn’t leave Alec half-begging for more. As soon as he was confident it wouldn’t hurt Alexander, Magnus lifted him higher, relishing the way that Alec’s legs spread around him and tightened in anticipation. He slid into the tight heat of his love’s body and watched as Alec’s mouth fell open around a choked breath.
 “Gods.” Magnus moaned, pressing his forehead to Alexander’s hair and listening to his husband sigh happily as they adjusted. Without his magic, Magnus was certain they would’ve fallen by now.
 Magnus rolled his hips and Alexander clutched at his shoulders. As he drew back and snapped his hips Alec chased the feeling of fullness, “Please, Magnus, fuck...fuck I was right...you’re-”
 Magnus snapped his hips forward and immediately had to pause to get ahold of himself. The movement alone had bounced Alec and that was...it was a lot.
 “You’re so big like this.” Alec whispered to him, sounded awed and overwhelmed and what little control Magnus had clung to snapped.
 He lifted Alec high enough that he could fuck into him properly, leaving Alec to cling around his shoulders, heels scrabbled at his back as he set a filthy pace, listening to the sound of their bodies meeting and Alec trying to speak nonsense as Magnus fucked him.
 The drag of Alec’s cock against his stomach added a point of heat between them and with a simple clench of Alec’s body as his nails dug into Magnus’ shoulders, Alec came between them, nearly sobbing out Magnus’ name.
 It took only seconds for Magnus to follow after, overwhelmed by the hot clutch of Alec’s body and the trembling of his husband in his arms.
 After Magnus laid him down in their bed and cleaned him, first with magic, and then with a warm cloth, too soothe more than anything since the majority of the mess was gone. He didn’t say anything for a long while, letting Alec lay with his eyes shut. When he finished and Alexander still didn’t open them, though he was certainly awake, he climbed into bed and summoned a light snack and water.
 “Are you hungry?”
 “A little” Alec didn’t look.
 “I don’t-” Alec shifted against their sheets, “I don’t want to see myself.”
 Magnus didn’t know what to say in the moment. Had Alec not wanted them to take things as far as they had? Magnus      knew    he was uncomfortable he shouldn’t’ve-
 “I loved being surrounded by you like that, but I don’t want to look at myself and see. I don’t think I could handle it right now. It’ll make me feel like...not me? Does that make sense?”
 Magnus touched the tips of his fingers lightly to Alec’s cheek and smiled gently, he should’ve thought about that, he supposed.
 “You feel wrong-bodied when you see yourself right now?” Alec nodded, “That’s perfectly understandable Alexander. Let me help you eat a little and then we can sleep. You’ll be set to rights when we wake.”
 Alec gave him a smile that could’ve melted stone and Magnus pressed a kiss to it, helpless.
 In the morning light Magnus found himself curled against all six plus feet of his husband and he hummed happily. Alexander dropped a kiss on his forehead.
 “You won’t want me to do that again will you?”
 Magnus scoffed, opening his eyes to meet Alexander’s hazel gaze, “I’d love you at five foot nothing as much as I love you now, but no. I prefer you as yourself, comfortable with me naked and tall enough to make shower sex difficult.”
 Alec gave him a playful glare, “I don’t know why you insist on trying ridiculous positions when there’s water involved.”
 Magnus smacked a kiss to his cheek and slid out of bed with a wink, “Adventure, love! Don’t worry, I’ll spare you this morning, we had plenty of adventure yesterday.”
 Alec smiled at him where he had relaxed back into golden pillows, “If there’s anything else in your potion stash you’re thinking about “adventuring” with, please don’t let Jace be the one to deliver them.”
 Magnus rolled his eyes, but paused to give Alexander a long look.
 “You sure you’re okay?”
 Alec seemed to sink further into their bed, happy and soft in the warm light of mid-morning, “I’m sure. Thank you for taking care of me.”
 “Always.” Magnus blew him a kiss and watched him purse his lips to mock catch it.
 “Go, shower. I’m going to lay here and be grateful for my body.”
 Magnus grinned, “Well...if you join me we could be grateful for it together?”
 “Magnus! You promised!”
 “Now, now. Alexander, I never said I wouldn’t try. Besides, not everything requires crazy positions and I’m feeling like a breakfast appetizer.”
 Alec’s scandalized expression made him laugh the whole way into the shower, though not as hard as the disgruntled but expectant look he got when Alec joined him a moment later.
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