#it was sweet seeing him greet them all in the tunnel and bench
bellcza · 6 months
but but but pedri was supposed to play against his first club today
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Valentine's nightmare
2.6k words
Yan! Modern! Pantalone x Modern! Ex-idol! Reader x Yan! Modern! gangster! Childe
Using Childe's actual name
Tw: R18+, use of pet names/ using Sir, sexual themes(just a couple of crumbs), implied drug use, r18, bondage, death threats(implied), blackmail (kinda?), violation, knife play/food play, dub-con(?), allegations.
viewer's discretion is advised.
“I promised; that you and I are going to have a feast on the day of harvest. And we will have our fill of our chalice. A toast to our never ending baptism in sin and flaw. May we douse ourselves of greed's decadence, never again taste the light at the end of the tunnel.” - Scribe
The meet and greet didn't go so smoothly, and you were expecting it. There are loads of questions that come to you about why you left. If you're being honest, your manager told you that'll be your last concert. You couldn't stop crying as you couldn't renew the contract as told by your lawyer.
Tears stained your pillow. You lived alone in a quaint little city you call home. You had posters of when your band first launched. Figurines decorated the acrylic stands with books, magazines or even that odd skull shaped paperweight next to it.
You recount all the terrible 'conspiracy theories' that made your stomach churn. Rumors to incite against you, it started when you climbed up the ranks. Other singers and staff members started to get into accidents. Your other teammates are cautious of you too, and it puzzled everyone.
"Mister fluffkins." Grabbing the stuffed toy next to the bed and hugging it. "Am I really a terrible person?" Rubbing your cheek with it. So silly, thinking a simple toy would answer you. "I guess, I do need some fresh air…" It doesn't hurt to go out once in a while.
So you change out of your clothes and freshen up. You have to say, it does feel nice to be out in the open like any other person. Nearly every store you went into has snippets of your band’s song. So you tried to avoid it to not let the situation get to you.
Lunch time, currently at the park bench eating some Ice cream. You had a couple of rolled cakes from a vending machine, maybe you should give one cake away.
"Hmm, maybe I should call up Childe. It has been a while." At least two months since you've last seen him, you're beginning to miss him.
Without her knowing, some group of thugs noticed her. Thinking it'll be some easy stuff to nab her. "Hey, missy. Need some company?" Sneered one with a baseball bat.
"Uhm… " You tried to ignore them but it only agro them.
"Miss, we'll be good to you.-"
"In what way, gentlemen?" You heard a familiar voice. From behind is Childe, who wrapped an arm around your neck.
"Huh, you're-" the ruffian's lackey seemed to notice Childe.
"The Tartaglia gang from down the lane right? Come here, girlie. Let's get away from these guys and I'll show you around. I'm sure you'll like to look at a beautiful scene instead."
" Wait, Juju. Let's just go-" one tried to pull your harasser away from the scene.
"don't ignore us, pretty boy! " He broke free and tried to punch the ginger haired man.
" Usually, I'd play a bit more. But in this case. Close your eyes and ears, girlie." He ordered before going in, dodging a punch by sidestepping. In comes another punch to the side from the thug. Childe decided to give an uppercut to end the charade in one fell swoop, causing the towering man to tumble over.
"Tell your boss, I'll be looking forward to that discipline of yours." You couldn't see it, but the lackeys know what he meant by discipline. Him beating the fuck out of them.
"Yes, sir! Sorry!" They scurry off, carrying their fallen ally. Childe turns to you and smiles.
"I told you to look away." He says walking over to you. You checked up on him for any hidden injuries, only for him to pull your hands away when you were about to check his shirt.
"Childe, what if you got hurt?" To which he replied with a hearty laugh.
"Awe, that's sweet of you to care so much about me. Pumpkin." You sighed and let go of him, scratching your head. Your ice cream got thrashed on the ground but at least some of your things aren't disturbed.
"Thanks, anyway, Childe." You thanked him
"Nah, no problem." An idea seemed to sparked in his mind and grabbed your hand.
" Oh yeah, ___. Are you free later this Saturday? "
A pit in your stomach made you furrow your brows together. "Childe, you've known me since high school." You sighed, and as usual he tried to ask you out.
" Please, a friend of mine told me to have a date by then. If I bring Tonya instead, he'll make fun of me." He pouted, which is kinda true. There would be one person who would jest that he didn't get a date, and his foster father would just try and set him up with someone's daughter he knows of.
" Please, I'll treat you with some of that (pref. Food) downtown after that!" He bowed his head and put his hands together, you're familiar with that hand gesture since he had mentioned he's friends with a guy from a certain area that's riddled with other gang members.
" Childe… " You sighed before giving your answer.
" Childe! Slow down!" You screeched, holding onto his waist as tightly as possible. A few days have passed, after buying a brand new outfit for Childe's invitation. You felt uneasy about this, especially when you're nearly crying to dear life.
"Haha! Sorry ____, it's the fastest way to get there since you took too long to get ready! " With glee he takes such a thrill in the situation. Especially with you so close to him, he could feel your chest on his back. His heart was pumping in anticipation.
"Childe!" Cold wind hit your face as you closed your eyes and held on for dear life. Zooming past numerous people and a couple of warning signs to slow down. You both were lucky that the Police didn't seem to notice his speed limit.
Infront is a very fancy restaurant, your manager tried to take you to this particular establishment before you left. 'Poison ou Poisson' sounds pretty intimidating to you.
"You didn't tell me that it was this fancy." Now you feel silly wearing a simple dress.
"You're worrying too much, babe. He's understanding." He's never this dismissive to her, it only deepens her concern of this friend of hers.
"But Childe… " you mumbled as he pulled you into the restaurant where many eyes were placed on you from other customers and staff.
Nervous as a squirrel, you fiddle with your hands while Childe talks to the server.
Up came a man clad in black and hints of blues and purples. "Ah, 'Childe', welcome. And who is this lovely lady of yours?" The light lipped man kissed your hand. Velvet-y voice could lull you to sleep if he wanted. Blushing you replied, stuttering mess.
"That name sounds familiar, but nevertheless. It's a lovely name for a woman like yourself" He knows, yet coys with you.
"Th-thank you, sir..?" You noticed that he hasn't batted an eye due to his eyes covered by his lashes.
"Please, just 'Sir' is enough." As much as he would love to tell you his actual name. The bliss of hearing you say sir incites a hidden joy within him.
"Childe, why did you bring her here? I told you; 'come here at this date.' not with a date." The affluent man sighed, but not out of exasperation. Gloved hand partially covered his face before a twisted smile arose, hidden behind it. Overhearing their conversation from mister fluffkins's mic in her room while she's dressing up. So he had to hurry up and rent out the entire place and fill it with his own hand-picked staff so none would be the wiser.
"You told me last time." Childe, pouted. If you had known better, this would be considered an interactive, and elaborate play. Starring you as the protagonists' love interest.
"Gentlemen and Lady, your seats are ready." The waiter says.
" Let's go, you two." 'Sir' gestures for both Childe and you to come with him to the table. The most private table out of the rest.
The meal was silent for the most part, it only feeds your gnawing anxiety as it goes on. Occasionally, you'd see the bifocaled man eyeing you during the conversation while you eat the strawberries off the cake first.
"You liked strawberries, yes?" He said after placing the strawberry from his cake to yours. Childe went away probably to the restrooms.
"Here." He took a piece of his cake and offered his fork to you. You were hesitant with that, looking back at his face. That perturbed smile rests on his face, his eyes ever so slightly open.
"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" His lips pursed a bit, his head tilted to one side. Curious, why you aren't that interested in the fruit nor the cake like you'd usually do.
"N-nothing, it's just that. You remind me of someone, yet at the same time I don't know anyone with your face nor voice." Which is true, but to be honest you pulled that out of your ass.
This thought alone entertained Pantalone, and his fox-like smile returned. "Hmm, maybe we did cross paths once." He pushed the fork gently to your ruby tinted lips.
"But that's no use to think about, try living in the now, little miss." He didn't want to open the wounds, hearing those cries in the night whenever you hugged mister fluffkins. It breaks his heart, he wishes to just pull you into his embrace and murder the bastards that dare whisper terrible things into your ear.
But now you're here, with him. Since he was so insistent with feeding you cake, you opened your mouth. He wondered what that candied lips of yours taste like, he had dreams of it every night.
There's chocolate sauce next to their plate, surely Tartaglia wouldn't mind if Pantalone took a bit of initiative. Dipping the fruit in the dark substance, and feeding it to her. Who hesitantly ate it and got some of the sauce on her lip.
"There's some chocolate.." He pointed at his own lip to where the dip had stained your perfect lips. Of course, you got a napkin and tried to wipe it off, successfully.
He got closer with his own napkin to wipe it off. "Silly, it's over here." There's a strong odor wafting from the napkin as he wipe the stain, inhaling it causing her to feel drowsy.
"Ah… "You hold on to Pantalone's hand, he looked surprised at the notion. "S-sorry but, I need to go now." Eyelids blinking slowly, as if fluttering to sleep. So you stood up and tried to walk away.
"I'm afraid I can't do that, my Rose." He managed to catch you as you nearly fell down. Everything's so dizzy and distant.
"Ajax, you simpleton! You were supposed to meet me alone!" You could hear Childe's faint voice from behind.
"Oh my, she’s cute down there, but even cuter on my lap.” You're awake, but didn't dare to move, all you know is that you're restrained. Hands bound from behind, eyes blindfolded and your mouth gagged.
"You claim to know her personally, but do you really?" Pantalone hummed, a click of something and a couple of thuds. Are they playing a game while you're being held hostage? For what? There are other more wealthy people than you. You're nothing more than a fallen pop star sensation.
"Oh yea? Name that one guy who made her cry every night for four months." Childe seemed pissed as another satisfying click like glass was heard. He tsk'd, he probably missed and lost focus. But your ex-boyfriend from college? The one who left you for that one night hooker?
"Is that it? A toddler could answer that one. Try again, Ajax the lesser." You could have sworn you could hear him snigger at 'Childe'. Making the next player's chance at striking hit something out of frustration.
" Why you-! " Ajax broke something wooden.
“Then if you really know her, why did she get into the entertainment industry?” Pantalone crooned, as calm as you could picture him. He wouldn't dare to make a fool of himself in your presence.
"Oh… ohhhhh." Realization hits the skirmish loving man like a brick, or rather a cue stick from behind his head.
"Indeed, why not show her to just let us love her instead of her needing others' approval." Suddenly Pantalone's footsteps come over to you, caressing your cheek so lovingly. He knows.
"Look at her, so wet." Something tore your top part open like a knife then followed by hands groping you. "Mm." One moaned between your legs, like a starved man. His hands gripped on your thighs when you closed
Whimpers were muffled by a ball gag that they forced on you. Drool dripping down your chin, you could feel someone kissing your neck. "Gods… This is better than I imagined." Groaned what you assumed is Childe or Ajax rather, mouth pressed up to your clothed sex. Embarrassed, you tried to press together your legs to separate him and yourself. But it only pulled him closer, having to kiss and worship you.
"She loves it." The flirtatious man whom you've just met mumbled in your ear, fondling your exposed skin and leaving love marks on your neck from behind. Deft hand cut the underwear off letting Ajax dig in like an actual child getting their favorite meal. Amused as you writhe in a fraction pleasure of what they could do to you on his lap.
"Be a good girl and let us love you." The Regrator teased your ear before rubbing the little nub above your slit, he felt your body squirm against him. Undoing the gag before capturing your lips with his. Your legs stretched and toes curled in delight while it rests on Ajax's shoulder, haggard breaths and sob like whines echoed in the room.
"We have a long night ahead of us, Rose. You'll love it here." He groans when he feels you grinding against his crotch.
All you could do is mumble such nonsensical words, brain turning mush. Just hearing your satisfied indulgence, only pushes them to do more with you. The sweet scent from the incense fills your mind with one thing only.
You did it, you escaped! Laughing and wailing at your new found freedom, laying in wait as you try to flee to your parents' home.
"What..?" You looked at them in disbelief.
"I'm sorry, ____. You need to find a husband, we're not always here for you." Your mother cried while your father looked away at the contract they signed their daughter away for.
Voices echoed in your mind, as bells chimed closer to your inevitable fate had in mind since the day you were born.
"You can't escape from us, darling Rose."
" From this point on, your husbands are going to take good care of you."
The things I do for y'all. Happy Saints and Souls day(s)
Tag: @youyue , @mellowwillowy
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spenciegoob · 4 years
11 Minutes
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A/N: Hi this is lovely based on the song 11 Minutes by Yungblud featuring Halsey, so if you’ve heard that song before, man I’m really sorry for this one. If you haven’t... man I’m really really sorry for this one. Also yes this is really short I’m sorry.
Couple: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral!Reader
Category: Fluff/Angst
Content Warning: death of a major character, car accident, therapy
Word Count: 1.4K
“Spencer, the last two times that I’ve seen you, we’ve sat in silence,” the doctor pointed out, obviously annoyed that her patient, who ironically enough had more PhDs, was wasting their time. “I know it’s hard to start, but the best place to, is from the beginning.”
“Y/N. Their name was Y/N.” This was the first time Doctor Fredricks heard Spencer say anything besides their usual before meeting greetings, and after meetings scheduling. “I heard it all, you know?”
“Heard what, Spencer?”
“Spencer, I promise you I am getting in the car now. You’ll get to see me in 15 minutes,” you laughed into the phone at your very impatient boyfriend.
“Actually, I’ll see you in 17 minutes and 42 seconds give or take traffic patterns and how awful your first attempt at parking is.” It had been exactly 9 days 7 hours 24 minutes and 43 seconds since you last saw Spencer, and he wasn’t the one counting down by the second this time. 
“Hey!” You barked right back. You weren’t the greatest parker in the world, but there was no need to mention it. “I could walk and skip the parking altogether.”
“No,” he whined, growing more impatient by the second. “That’ll take you an hour, and it’s been enough time since I got to see you. Please love bug, I take back the parking comment.”
“Alright, alright, alright. You’re getting off the hook...” you said as you put the key in the engine, but before you turned the car on, you mumbled, “this time.”
“I heard that!” You couldn’t stop the guilty giggle from escaping your throat and into the speaker of the phone. “Did I just hear your car turn on? I’m hanging u-”
“No, sh. I’m putting you on speaker. Don’t worry, doctor. I’m not on my phone while driving.” Of course Spencer would be nervous about you being distracted by anything while driving, he had the statistics lodged in his brain about car accident deaths.
“Did you know that roughly 1.35 mi-”
“Million people in the US die on the road with an average of 3,700 per day? How could I forget?” You cut him off, hearing this rant every time you went to change the station on your car radio.
“You’re on speaker, and I’ve been driving for 2 minutes already. I think I’ll be fine for the next 15, I promise.” You both knew it was ridiculous to stay on the phone as you headed over to his apartment. It was like the two of you couldn’t wait another second without the other, and thankfully modern technology granted you both that.
“It’s dangerous, love bug, and you know it.” Spencer just would not give up, would he? You’ve had your license for over a decade, and yet he held onto the handle next to his window as if he was your mother teaching you to drive for the first time whenever he was in the car with you. “Plus you speed.”
“What can I say? I like to live on the danger side. Plus do you really want to talk about car deaths, or can I yell at you for insulting my driving TWICE now,” you joked, feigning offense to Spencer’s truthful mean comments about your driving.
“I would much rather talk about how much I missed you,” he sweet-talked to you. While it was cute and all, you knew it was just so you would immediately forget about his little backhand driving comments.
“I missed you, too, my love.” Of course it worked. It was Spencer Goddamn Reid.
“How much longer?” The tone of a little boy in a candy shop whose parents just said no to pounds of sugar returned. You smiled and shook your head to yourself.
“According to maps, 13 minutes.” You let your mind wander as you stared out into the road ahead of you. How did you get so lucky with Spencer?
The day you two reached for the same book in a small library that was almost hidden to the street outside was the best day of your life. You and Spencer talked for hours about Emily Dickinson, other authors, composers and personal lives. It felt natural to spend time with him, and if you could, you’d spend every waking moment with him. That day, you hadn't even realized that 5 hours had passed, nor did you realize you never asked for his name in that amount of time.
“Don’t speed, but hurry up...please.”
“Spencer, how am I supposed to do those things at once?” The light turned red before you could run it, adding at least another 30 seconds before you got to see him.
“I’m 11 minutes away. The lights in this city just su-” You never got to finish your sentence, because the car behind you forgot to stop.
Your head shot forward, hitting the top of the steering wheel as your car and the pick up truck coming at you at 40 miles an hour made impact. Your car had involuntarily skidded in the middle of the intersection. Thankfully, however, it wasn’t a busy one.
“Y/N! Y/N, are you okay?!” You hadn’t registered Spencer’s insistent yelling through the speaker in your phone until the ringing in your eyes subsided to a small dull.
“Y-Yeah,” you croaked out. “Some ass just hit me from behind.”
That’s when you looked to the left of you.
They say when people die, they see a white light at the end of a tunnel, but you saw two. You saw two headlights coming in your direction at a speed that you knew was impossible to stop. The weight the truck carried along with the amount of force used to halt the tires in their place made it so that the driver had no choice.
“You know I love you, Spencer. I love you so much.” You stared death in the eyes, it coming in the form of yellow lights and a blaring horn you knew Spencer could hear on the other end.
“Y/N, I-”
“I never got the chance to actually say it back.” Spencer finished recollecting your death, something he only did in the comfort of his home, alone with nothing but the silent sobs that raked through his body.
“Spencer, you don’t have to tell me for me to know that you blame yourself,” Dr. Fredricks spoke calmly, too calm for Spencer’s liking. He had just told her about the worst moment of his life, and she still held the same tone as if she was saying see you next week.
“How could I not?” He started to get more upset by the second, his voice rising in volume and his body leaning forward. “How do I sit here, and not blame myself? I called them that day. I was the one that rushed them. Me, no one else, but me!”
“Were you driving either cars that hit them?” Spencer knew what she was doing. Dr. Fredricks was trying to get him to admit it wasn’t his fault, so instead of giving in, he stayed silent. She sighed before continuing.
“You need closure, Spencer. The wound is still so fresh that it will never start to heal if you don’t let it.” At this, Spencer sat back and fiddled with his fingers.
She was right. He needed to start healing instead of ripping the wound farther across this heart, cutting deeper each time.
“That’s all the time we have for today. You’ve made great progress this week, and I hope that we can follow that pattern next week as well.” Spencer smiled down at his therapist as he stood up to walk out.
“Oh, and Spencer,” Dr. Fredrick called out. He stopped and turned, expecting a reminder he didn’t need for next week’s time.
“Their last words were I love you. Don’t ever forget they meant it.”
Spencer finally let a tear run down his cheek, the first time he cried in front of anyone after your death.
He nodded before walking out onto the busy DC street. As he was walking, Spencer took out his phone, flipping it between hands, contemplating his next move.
‘Closure, Spencer. You need closure.’ He kept repeating in his mind.
Finding a bench, he sat down to search his contacts for the one name he couldn’t bring himself to delete.
Before Spencer could rethink his next move, he made it, pressing the call button. The phone didn’t even ring, it just went straight to voicemail.
‘Hey! Sorry I missed you, I’m probably asleep. Leave a message, but I can’t promise I’ll listen to it. Bye!’
“Hey, love bug.”
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halcyonstorm · 3 years
gift for the lovely @ellepellano for Levihan Xmas in July!! I really enjoyed writing this and hope you enjoy too!
Read on AO3 or Read below the cut! Enjoy <33
Day 1
Levi was not looking forward to summer camp that year. He was going into his senior year of high school and frankly, he felt too old to be attending a summer camp. He had been going since he was a child. It had its ups and downs, and even though Levi disliked most things about being outside, he generally enjoyed himself. What he hated the most, though, were the campers themselves. They were annoying, immature teens (and his mother considered him “mature for his age”). Levi knew it was going to be a hot, dreadful week, but his mother insisted he go, and he couldn’t say no to her. After the long, two-hour car ride down to the campsite, he was ready to get moving. He hopped out of the car, groaning as he stretched his lower back. His mom opened the trunk, allowing Levi to grab his suitcase and sleeping bag. He dragged his suitcase behind him as he trudged down the paved path (about half a mile) to the cabins. His mother carried his sleeping bag on her back and walked beside him. He looked aimlessly towards the sky, the bright green trees forming a canopy over his head, sunlight peeking through the leaves. It was cool in the shade. He wished to have a personal tree canopy to shield him wherever he wanted to go.
“It’s your final year,” She said. “Make the most of it, okay?” She gave him a soft, sweet smile. Levi wanted to be annoyed at her, but she just wanted the best for him. He just wanted to stay home in the cool air-conditioned oasis of his room, reading or playing games on his computer. 
“I’ll try,” he muttered. Once they arrived at his red, worn-down cabin, they stepped inside. The calm of the nature around them was quickly disrupted by the loud chatter and yelps from inside his cabin. Am I sure this is my cabin? He asked himself. He peeked outside before stepping fully inside. Cabin 14. Yup… He found one of the free beds in the corner of the room, throwing his suitcase on top of the bed with a loud grunt. He saw a man he recognized as Erwin from the previous year. They hung out quite a bit last year, so Levi thought maybe he could stick with him if he needed a partner for a game.
“Hey, Levi!” One of the campers called out. He turned to see a tall, dark-blonde man greeting him. He had a shit-eating grin on his big face. It pissed Levi off, making him scowl. “Good to see you back!” 
“Mike,” Levi said under his breath. Mike pulled countless pranks on him last year. He was not looking forward to it again this year. He pointed behind him to the bed next from Levi’s with his thumb.
“Looks like we are bed buddies!” He exclaimed. Levi cringed at the statement. Why did he have to say it like that?
“Leave me alone.” Levi started to grab his sleeping bag from his mom. She gave him a kiss on his cheek.
“Do you need anything else?” She asked, indicating she was going to start heading back to her car. I need you to take me home… He didn’t want her to leave.
“I think I’m fine. Thanks,” Levi replied. His mom pulled him into a tight hug. In the hug, he smelled the fresh scent of her shampoo and a hint of perfume. It reminded him of home, making him yearn for it.
“I’ll see you in six days, okay?” She mumbled into the top of his head before giving him a kiss there. “Have fun, try to enjoy yourself.” Levi nodded.
“Yeah.” She pulled away, squeezing his hand before saying goodbye and exiting his cabin, leaving Levi all alone. 
The first event was mandatory that evening. After Levi ate his mediocre hamburger, he headed to the Main Hall across the bridge from his cabin. Under the bridge was a large, crystal clear lake that flowed throughout the camp grounds, where many campers in the past would canoe or swim. The reflection of the Main Hall was visible in the lake. When Levi looked up at the building from its reflection, he noticed it looked similar to his red cabin but with a better paint job and an awning. When he went inside, he recognized that the floor inside was covered in blue padded mats. In the distance, he saw hanging hoops and tunnels. He wondered what they’d be doing that evening. He found a seat next to a black-haired girl before the camp leader started to speak.
“Welcome campers!” She cheered into the mic. He recognized the girl as Alicia who has been the camp coordinator ever since he began high school. She wore a bright green shirt with the words “Camp Titans ‘21” across her chest. “Who’s excited to be here?” The crowd cheered. Levi kept a visibly monotone face. He wanted to go home. “We are going to start off this trip with a fun obstacle course! The group will be divided into four groups. The goal: reach the end before the other team, run back and tag your teammate. The first team to get through the entire obstacle course will win. We will be staying in these teams for the duration of the camp, so be sure to befriend your teammates! Our cabin counselors will be picking the teams.” Levi took a deep sigh. He was good at running and obstacle courses… He would consider them “fun”. His monotone expression changed into something more… neutral.
Within a few minutes, Levi was put on the blue team out of red, blue, green, and yellow teams. He wasn’t with Mike, thank God. He had a few strong-looking teammates, including Erwin, so he was glad. The black-haired girl he was sitting next to was picked for his team too. 
Levi opened his mouth to speak to her when a hand was placed on his shoulder. Levi tensed, turning his head slowly. It was a girl taller than him, her hair thrown up in a sweaty, messy ponytail. She wore a blue t-shirt and matching shorts. 
“Hey there! Some way to start off the week, huh?” She chirped, her hands placed on her hips. Levi turned his head looking forward.
“Sure,” he replied. He really wasn’t in the mood to talk to her. She seemed too… excited.
“I’m Hange,” she said, tapping his shoulder in such a way that drove Levi up a wall.
“Okay,” he responded, crossing his arms. It was almost his turn to go. Him and Hange were towards the end of the line. Hange being the final person to complete the course. The black haired girl started to run in front of him, and Levi stepped up to the start. 
“Good luck!” Hange said, tapping his shoulder yet again. Levi took a deep, deep breath. Levi got one leg in front of the other, widing his base of support. He bent his knees, holding his hand out for the girl to hit. She ran past him so fast that he only felt the breeze of her passing by before he noticed his legs already running underneath him. 
There were a variety of obstacles in the course: ducks, jumps, hurdles, and judo-crawls. After running for a moment, there were five different sized hurdles, growing progressively taller as he went further. Luckily, he was a hurdle jumper in high school. He knew what he was doing, his one leg jumping over the hurdle while the other leg swung over the side. Once he got past the five hurdles, there was a long tunnel. He dove on his stomach, using his arms to tug him through the tunnel. It was dark, creepy, and yet Levi liked that the most. It was where no one could see him. Once he got out of the tunnel, there were hoops above him in such an order where one would have to swing across them. There were only a few: after all, this was only for fun. And some of the campers were not as fit as Levi. He bent his knees, jumping high. His hands gripped the hoops, his body swinging in all directions as he advanced towards the end of the course. The final part was the ducks. One of the camp counselors would swing a foam bat at the person a few times, the camper had to duck and jump as appropriate. He was successful in dodging the attacks from the brawny counselor, before sprinting down the strip, ready to tag Hange’s hand. She was not paying attention. As he got closer, he saw she was chatting to Alicia, the camp counselor. 
“Hange!” He called out loudly. She looked just in time for him to tag her hand, his hand stinging from the forceful impact. She took off. Levi caught his breath as he walked to the bench.
“Nice, Levi!” Erwin called out, waving him over to where he was sitting. Levi sat next to him. Who else did he know to sit with?
“Thanks,” he muttered. He finally looked up and saw Hange throwing herself across the hanging hoops. She looked like a monkey, swinging herself across the course without a care in the world. He heard her annoying laugh echo throughout the Hall.
“She’s insane,” Levi thought aloud. He couldn’t watch; he thought she’d hurt herself. He didn’t feel like cleaning up her blood off the floor. He wiped his sweaty forehead with the bottom of his shirt.
He looked up and saw Hange pass the finish line, her hands on her knees as she heaved loudly. 
“Congrats to the Blue Team for winning our first competition of Camp 2021!” Alicia cheered. The people sitting down on his team cheered, including Erwin. Levi took a deep sigh, clapping softly. Hange walked over to Levi. 
“You see that?” Hange bragged, folding her arms across her chest, still breathing a bit heavy.
“...Yeah?” Levi responded, standing up to get ready for the next team event. Hange does a strange thing where she shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders. He’s not sure what it means.
“I was tryna act like you,” She laughed. She sounded like she was mocking him, and he hated it. Why was she purposely pissing off? Usually, dorks like her left him alone after he gave him a glare that was scary enough, but she didn’t back off, let alone seem fazed by it. He was extremely annoyed with her.
“Leave me alone,” he snapped before walking away from her. He didn’t like how she was so… pushy? Annoying? Nosy? Wasn’t there a better word?
Day 2
The next morning was a team volleyball game. Their camp teams were too big, though. So, Alicia picked Hange and Mikasa to pick the teams. He hoped, he prayed that Mikasa picked him for her team. He stood in the front of the group. He didn’t care if his team lost; he didn’t wanna be with her. At that moment he remembered she didn’t know his name. How could she call him out if she didn’t--
“You!” Hange called out, pointing straight at him, her eyes piercing into his soul. He scowled, not taking a moment to hide the disappointment on his face. She grinned wide at him.
“This is Levi,” Alicia told Hange. A smug grin grew on her face. Levi felt a chill trickle down his spine. Now that she knew his name, she could piss him off even more than she already was. Levi zoned out while the other members were distributed amongst the two teams. Hange’s team was up first against the first yellow team: Mike’s team. Levi was set up in front of Hange, who was serving first.
“0-0!” She said aloud. 
“Everyone knows the score. The game just started,” Levi muttered under his breath. She let out a huff through her nose, hearing Levi after all. He turned to watch her swing her right arm back and forth to practice her aim. Then, she dropped the ball from her left hand, punting the ball over the net. For someone who was annoying as hell, she was pretty good at athletic activities like this. It was expected though. 
The ball was coming back over the net already, Levi held his hands together, bumping the ball to one of the teammates. He bumped it to Hange, who smacked the ball with the heel of her palm. She was a strong hitter; the ball flew just over the net, hitting the floor before bouncing out of bounds.
“Nice!” Mikasa called out from the crowd. Hange faced her to give her a cheery thumbs up. Hange received the ball from the other team, catching it one hand. 
After a few volleys, Levi was up to serve. He practiced throwing the ball in the air a few times to assess the height. Finally, he threw it in the air, striking it with the heel of his palm. It soared over the net. He heard a gasp come from Hange.
“You are so cool!” She exclaimed. Levi shook his head. She sounded like she was mocking him again. He didn’t respond. She should be focusing on the game.
Day 3
The next evening, Levi was eating with Erwin in the cafeteria. It was late, so the two of them were just having bowls of cereal. Levi didn’t really like cereal, but if he had to choose a favorite, it’d be Life. It was sweet but not too sweet, got soft but not too quickly, and crunchy but not too crunchy. He was having his second bowl that evening after a hot day in the August sun. Now it was cool, the full moon shining light onto the floor of the cafeteria, as well as the lights illuminating the room to be bright. It was nice and quiet until the peaceful calm was interrupted by no other than Hange and her lanky friend.
“Hey, Levi!” She exclaimed, standing at the head of the table. “I brought cards.” Erwin scooted over allowing Hange to sit next to him, face-to-face with Levi. The lanky boy sat next to Levi, facing Erwin.
“This is Moblit,” she introduced him, gesturing towards him. He gave a shy wave. “Erwin, Levi, and me!” She introduced the rest of them. Dork.
“Let’s play BS.” She briefly went over the rules. Each person is handed cards until the deck is completely passed out. Whoever gets the ace of spades goes first, and that card stays face up for the duration of the game. Going in numerical order, each person takes turns putting cards down. Whether you have the card or not, you have to put something in the stack. One can call “BS” if they think the person is lying. If they are lying, the liar gets the whole stack. If the accuser is wrong, they get the deck. The goal is for the player to successfully get rid of all the cards in their hand.
As Hange explained the rules, Levi realized she wasn’t as annoying today. She explained thoroughly and clearly, asking if anyone had questions before they started. He knew how to play, but she was patient with Erwin who didn’t know. He caught himself staring at her and focused on the natural pattern of oak wood on the table instead. After a few minutes of further explanation, everyone was ready to begin.
“Let’s play!”
As it turns out, Hange is an extremely good liar. She ended up winning the first game. When Levi had to call her final card BS, he flipped it and it was the correct card. He had to admit he was a bit impressed. It annoyed him that she kept winning game after game too.
“Let’s play blackjack or something,” Levi suggested, sick of losing.
“Are you a sore loser?” Hange sang, getting closer to his face. He scoffed, leaning back.
“Don’t get so close to me, you four-eyed creep.” He rolled his eyes, standing up. He hated that his heart started to race. It pissed him off. Her teasing pissed him off.
“I’m going to my cabin for the night,” he decided. “Goodnight.” He felt flustered, confused, but most of all: annoyed. All of these emotions were caused by Hange.
Day 4
Day four came fast. It was a cool, breezy morning when Alicia announced there would be a relay later that afternoon. She announced the four teams within the team itself. Each smaller team can win a point for their team, helping their team as a whole pull ahead. Levi was looking forward to that. Halfway through the camp week, the Yellow team was close to the Blue team in points, scoring a 5 and Blue 6. Red had 3, green had 2.
Levi was paired with Mikasa, Reiner, Annie, and not Hange. He was relieved... She exhausted him. The goal of the relay was running 100 meters and passing the baton to each member; a total of one lap around the track. They only had the morning to prepare. Luckily, everyone on his team seemed fast enough. They went to the track to practice. It was starting to warm up. On the other side of the track, he noticed Hange and her messy mop of brown hair, standing with Moblit.
“Levi, do you want to be the first one to go?” Mikasa asked, handing him the baton to begin.
The order was Levi, Annie, Reiner, Mikasa. He was excited to go first and help his team get ahead from the beginning. They practiced handing the baton to one another from behind, practiced sprints, and practiced both together. Whenever he had the chance, his eyes kept wandering across the track.
The relay took place an hour after lunch. Levi threw on his blue camp t-shirt and black shorts. Annie and Mikasa wore theirs as crop tops. Reiner wore his with the sleeves rolled up. Levi’s team was first to go. As he waited for the go-ahead to the relay, he stretched his legs. He caught a glimpse of Hange out of his periphery. She wore her blue shirt with “Zoe” written across her upper back. She was facing Moblit, chatting with him and gesticulating excessively. His eyes wandered lower towards her backside, getting a glimpse of something lower on her body that he should not be staring at. He shook his head, looking away quickly. He hated her. She was annoying.
The sun was beating down on the campers, starting to become too hard to handle. Levi was glad he was going first to get it over with. 
“Hey, Levi!” Hange called out. He was stretching to his toes when she called to him. Hange and Erwin were heading towards him. She wore one of those stupid umbrella hats on her head and had one in her hand. To his disgust, Erwin was wearing one too. With a fucking smile on his face. Levi looked petrified.
“These help with the heat! Put it on!” She smiled wide at him, offering him the umbrella hat in her hand. He reluctantly grabbed it and looked at it in his hands. It was a rainbow pattern, one that was extremely harsh on his eyes. He squinted, putting his hand down. Why didn’t she leave him alone? He had insulted her, making it clear that he wanted nothing to do with her. So, why did she offer him a gift?
“No.” Hange grinned again.
“They really do help,” Erwin chimed in. Levi scrunched his nose at him, feeling betrayed. Don’t encourage her! 
“Attention all relay runners: Would the first team please report to the start? I repeat, would the first team please report to the start?” Levi handed the hat in his hands back to Hange. Her smile faded just enough for Levi to notice.
“I’ll… grab it after our team wins,” Levi said, bargaining with her. He kept questioning his actions. Hange smiled again.
“I bet I’ll beat your time! If I do, I’ll kiss ya!” She called out. He waved his hand at her, then suddenly processed her offer. She’s so annoying… What a disgusting offer.
“Yeah, right. I’d like to see you try.” 
He jumped in the air a few times to warm up his already warm body, bending down to get into position to run. He anxiously anticipated the fire of the gun, beginning the relay. Now he had motivation to run faster: he did not want a kiss from Hange.
“Ready…” The caller yelled. Then, the sound of the gun echoed through the crowd, piercing the silence. Levi was off. His legs started to pump, helping him accelerate forward. He began on the third slot, and he started to pass person four, five… then six. Now, he was in the lead. He was starting to pick up the pace, his opponents falling further and further behind.
“Annie!” He called out. She got into position, leaning her hand back. He handed her the baton, and she went soaring across the track. He stumbled to a stop, his hands resting on his knees. He himself was heaving heavy. The sweltering summer heat didn’t help either.
He felt someone touch his back with a cold and wet hand.
“Here,” Erwin said. “Nice job.” He handed Levi a cold bottle of water. Levi opened the cap, pouring the water down his throat. The cool water stung his sore throat, feeling the water travel down to his stomach.
“Thanks…” he panted. He collapsed to sit on the grass in the center of the field. Hange sat next to him a moment later. She sat quietly, leaning back on her arms with her knees bent in front of her. They were all cheering for blue, of course. They wanted to win. Cheering for Annie, cheering for Reiner. Then, it was Mikasa’s turn. Mike was the yellow team’s anchor. He and Mikasa were close in the race, but Mikasa pulled out the first win for blue.
The final relay came around and it was Hange’s team’s turn. Levi ended up giving in and wore the stupid umbrella hat about halfway through the second relay. The heat is too unbearable, and it actually provides good shelter from the sun, he rationalized.
The shot was fired, and the runners were off. Hange was the final runner; The final person to help the Blue team pull through and win. Moblit was the first runner for Hange’s team. She did some preparation stretches in her spot then got in position. It seemed like Moblit had far to run and he ended up falling behind to third place. Moblit finally reached the 100 meter mark, handing the baton off to Zeke. He got to the next checkpoint pretty quick but still remaining in third place, handing the baton off to Bert. Bert’s long legs helped him pull ahead of the two rival teams. As he approached Hange, she started to run a bit. He handed off the baton successfully and then she was off. She didn’t seem like one to be athletic since she almost passed out during the obstacle course, but she persevered. She extended her legs further than usual and pumped her arms faster, helping her maintain the first place ranking. She pulled through the finish line, earning first place for the Blue team.
She stumbled a little as she halted to a stop, leaning her hands on her knees as she heaved. Levi felt shy showing her he had on the stupid hat, so he took it off. She caught her breath (for the most part) and stood upright. Erwin and Levi were walking over towards her. She started to walk towards them too. She rested her hands on her head, opening her chest, allowing her to catch her breath quicker. When she approached them, she looked at Levi with wide eyes. He felt mesmerized by her glistening brown eyes; he almost forgot about how annoying she was. She had a stupid, stupid grin on her face. Levi thought she looked stupid. She was messy, dirty, sweaty… Why did beautiful cross his mind first? Flowers were beautiful. Christmas lights were beautiful. The full moon was beautiful. What made him think a sweaty, dirty, annoying person was beautiful to him?
Hange placed a hand on his cheek, giving his other cheek a wet, sweaty kiss. Levi was so exasperated that he couldn’t even process it since it happened so quickly. She pulled away and Levi’s face was one of pure shock. She… kissed me? 
“I beat your time, shorty.”
“I… didn’t think you were serious…” Levi stammered. Hange chuckled, winking at him.
“I wouldn’t wanna let you down like that.” 
Levi tried to avoid Hange the rest of the day. While he could avoid her physically, she was still dancing around his head, her kiss replaying over and over. He was restless in his bunk that evening. His heart wouldn’t stop pounding so hard in chest every moment he thought of her.
“You’re so stupid,” he whispered to himself. “Get out of my mind.” 
Day 5
The next day was the “Water Day''. Levi hated that term. Every event that day would take place either in the lake or the pool. The first event was canoeing. Levi was undoubtedly hoping not to be with Hange, but Alicia picked the teams. Apparently, Hange was horrible with canoeing. On the other hand, Levi had canoeed many times in his life.
“I want to face my fears!” she explained. Stupid. And annoying. 
“You should go with Hange in case anything happens,” Alicia told him. Levi passively agreed. They put on their bright orange life vests over their clothes. Hange had to get in the boat first.
“Come on, you’ll be fine. It’s attached to the dock.”
“...Yeah but that’s not the point.”
“What is it?” Levi asked.
“I’m…” She had a frown on her face. This was the first time Levi saw her like this. She always wore a grin. This was unlike her. “I’m fine! Getting in now…” It looked like she was telling herself, “Move your legs, dammit!” 
“Hange,” he said her name calmly. She turned to face him anxiously. “Follow my instructions, okay?” She nodded.
“Bend your knees,” He began. She followed. “Grab that side of the canoe.” He pointed to the edge furthest from her. “Now, put your right leg in, move your right hand to the other side, then get your left foot inside.” She was in the canoe now, she let out a sigh of relief. “Sit at the front of the boat. You’ll be the bowman.” 
“Ooooh! Sounds fancy. I’m up for the challenge!” No, clearly you’re not… Levi untied the strings on the dock, the canoe getting loose. Levi got in the boat the same way but sat towards the back, pushing off the dock with his foot, the boat starting to drift away from the dock. 
“You are the bowman,” he explained. “You have to let me know of any obstacles in the way. Though it is a lake, so I think we’ll be fine. You also have to paddle on the left side. I'll paddle on the right. That’s all you gotta do.” Alicia handed Levi and Hange the paddles. 
“That doesn’t sound too hard! Let’s go!” For someone who almost had a panic attack, she seems pretty excited. Maybe she is juiced up on adrenaline. 
As Levi and Hange paddled further to the center of the lake, he noticed Hange was blabbing less and less. Maybe she was getting anxious again.
“Are you okay?” he asked. He stuck the paddle in the water, pushing the water backwards. She was paddling too, but with much slower strokes.
“Fine,” she answered abruptly. Sounded like a lie, but Levi didn’t press.
“We have to paddle in sync, you know.” 
“Can’t we just go closer to land?” she answered in a snappy tone, her voice a pitch higher than usual.
“Yeah… sure.” Levi started to push his paddle in a “J” motion, starting to turn the boat. He noticed her shoulders were rigid and her paddling strokes stiff.
“Hey, Hange,” he said softly, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. With the small touch, Hange whipped around, the canoe shaking harshly side to side.
“What?” She sneered, now facing him. He could see her eyes were glassy. He was a bit shocked by her tone but wanted to keep her calm. She was clearly scared of being out on the water, so far from land. The last thing he wanted to do was flip the boat. He stopped paddling for a moment. He scooted forward, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Look out there,” He said, pointing past her. In the distance, there were beautiful green mountains of trees, big puffy clouds, and the water was glistening. As she turned, she also blinked, causing the tears to fall from her face. It broke Levi’s heart. All he wanted to do was to cheer her up at that moment.
She looked towards where he was pointing, she gasped softly. If Levi weren’t so close to her, he wouldn’t have heard it. She had finally looked up instead of down at the flowing water around the bow of the canoe.
“It’s funny…” She began. “I haven’t looked up since I got on the boat.” Levi smiled softly. He admired her, admiring the nature around them.
“It’s truly beautiful,” she said softly. Indeed.
Later that evening, Erwin wanted to go to the pool. Levi was hesitant because of all the people that’d be in the pool. Alicia did mention, however, that the pool had a chemical that would darken when someone urinated. So Levi felt safer. He walked with Erwin in his swim trunks and flip flops, a towel folded over his arm. It was a large pool with slides and beach chairs lined up around the perimeter. Levi’s inner child was screaming to go in the pool. Maybe Erwin would want to go. 
The two found a shady spot in the corner of the pool area, laying down their towels and taking off their flip flops. Levi stood up, ready to go in the pool when he noticed a familiar wet mop of hair in the water. Hange. She was with a blonde girl with a short haircut. The blonde pointed behind her towards Levi and Erwin. Hange turned around, smiling and waving to the boys. 
“Hey you two!! Come in!” She waved them over. Erwin jumped in the pool with his knees tucked to his chest, getting Levi soaked before he even entered the pool. Levi sat on the edge of the water, pushing himself in the water. The cool water was refreshing compared to the late afternoon sun.
“This is Nanaba, one of my my cabinmates,” Hange introduced her. Nanaba waved shortly to the two boys. “This is Levi and Erwin.” 
“Nice to meet you!” She chirped. “Nice to meet you.”
“Let’s try out the slides!” Hange suggested with a wide grin. She seemed much happier than earlier. For that, Levi was grateful.
“Aren’t they gonna be filled with slimy kids?” Levi retorted, trying to seem uninterested. He didn’t want to go after some smelly kid.
“Nah, the pool is only open for the older kids today,” Nanaba replied. Levi shrugged.
“Fine.” They all got out of the water, their bathing suits heavy and dripping from the water. Levi walked behind Hange, starting to stare at her as they walked up the stairs to the slide. He purposely averted his eyes to the wet concrete, avoiding the very tempting view in front of him. She looked… different. Maybe since Hange had just been wearing t-shirts or tank tops and shorts he didn’t even think of what she’d look like underneath. He felt flustered. She had tanned skin and more curves than he thought. She wore a white and beige striped bikini, the bottoms high waisted. She looked nice.
They got to the top of the slide. One of the male camp counselors was standing at the top, wearing sunglasses and a whistle around his neck. There were two slides next to each other: a purple and blue one. 
“You’ve gotta go one at a time down each slide,” he explained. “You can go first.” He was talking to Erwin first. He got in the blue one, the one with more turns and twists (to Levi’s surprise), and he got the go-ahead, pushing off and sliding down. About seven seconds later, there was a large splash that came from the pool. “You’re next,” he said to Nanaba. Hange turned to face Levi.
“Which will you do?” She asked softly. Levi thought about it for a minute.
“I’ll do blue.”
“Me too.” Nanaba screamed as she went down the purple slide. 
“You’re up,” The man said. Hange gently patted Levi’s shoulder.
“See you on the flip side.” She chuckled, getting in position for the slide. The man gave her the “okay”, and she slid down the slide.
“Woohoo!!” She echoed through the slide. Levi smiled when he heard her splash into the pool below. When the man noticed, his face quickly turned to a death glare.
“Whenever you’re ready...” the man cowered.
He got in, pushing himself off. It was a basic slide at first, then it started to curve, his body quickly sloshing to one side then the other, it went side to side quickly, a bit upwards, then he was spat out, suddenly colliding with the water. His body submerged, his ears filling with water. He turned his head towards the surface, his hair slicking back as he went above water, gasping for air.
“Wooo!” Hange cheered again with a huge grin. Levi smiled softly at her. It seemed to take her breath away.
“Let’s try the other ones!”
Day 6
The final day of camp had come. Levi hated to admit it, but he wished to stay a little while longer. He was finally starting to have a good time. It was a week to remember.
Early that morning, Alicia gathered the teams together to take photos before the final event, as well as show off some of the photos from the past week. The teams waited in line. It was finally Blue’s turn.
“Let’s get a photo of our winning team!” Alicia cheered. “Tall people in the back, shorties in the front!” Levi rolled his eyes at the comment, reluctantly standing in the front. Hange stood behind him. Levi was the only guy in the front with the rest of the girls.
“That’s you, a shorty,” Hange teased. 
“Shut up, you can’t even see,” he retorted. She laughed.
“Smile!” Levi was naturally smiling for the photo. He wished to make Hange laugh more and more. Alicia snapped the photo.
“Beautiful smiles!” She chirped. Everyone got out of their pose and started heading back towards the cabins. 
“I don’t think I have ever seen you smile,” Hange mentioned to Levi. Levi looked away. 
“It’s nothing special,” Levi replied. Hange chuckled, patting him on the back.
“It is, to me at least…” She said, much less confident than her previous statement. Levi felt his cheeks flush. Hange was pulled away by Moblit to go do an activity across the field, so Levi stuck with Erwin for the rest of that afternoon.
The long awaited bonfire at sunset came fast. He stayed with Erwin, clinging to him like a lost puppy, almost the entire afternoon. They played some ping pong and cornhole to pass the time. He passed Hange and Moblit, who were chatting amongst one another, but he averted his eyes to avoid looking at her. How dare she make his heart ache? She was annoying.
The orange sun was starting to hang low in the sky, the sky turning a dark red. It was something Levi would call “beautiful”. Although he disliked being outdoors, he enjoyed the beauty that sprouted in nature. All the campers were either sitting or standing around the firepit, chatting amongst one another. Erwin and Levi were sitting together on a towel on the slightly damp grass from the rainfall the night before. They were waiting for the bonfire to be lit.
“The weather really cleared up,” Erwin mentioned, leaning back on his palms. Levi agreed. The two boys heard laughing from their left. Levi recognized the laugh almost too easily. He saw Hange and Moblit laughing with each other. Hange was eventually laughing so hard no noise escaped her mouth, her hands resting on her knees. Levi felt himself smile. Her laugh cheered him up. 
Moblit saw him and Erwin, pointing towards them. Hange looked their way and waved. The two started walking over with their towels, laying them down and sitting.
“Hey,” Hange said happily, hugging her knees. “Fuck… I just realized I start school in a few days… At least I got to spend some time away from my parents.”
“I start school in a few days too,” Erwin mentioned. “Levi, what about you?”
“Yeah… same. Where do you go?” he asked. Hange flashed her teeth in her grin as she showed off her sweatshirt.
“Saint Maria High School! It’s my final year there,” Hange replied. Moblit chimed in: “Hange and I go to the same school.” 
“Oh!” Erwin noticed. “I go to Saint Sina! The second sister school. As does Saint Rose…”
“How do we all live so close and haven’t realized?” Levi mentioned. “I go to Rose.” Hange smiled again when she realized Levi went to one of the branch schools. The schools were less than ten minutes away from one another. That must’ve meant Hange and Levi lived close. After all, the camp was for kids in their city.
“Geez…” Moblit sighed. “So, we all live less than twenty minutes from each other and we never met each other?” 
“Seems so…” Levi decided. He took a glance at Hange. She was looking back at him then quickly looked away. 
“I’m gonna go grab some food,” Levi said, standing up. Hange stood too. “Me too!” She brushed off her backside before waving him along. “Let’s go!” 
Moblit and Erwin stayed behind. They had an idea of what was going on between the two, hoping they’d make a move on each other. Levi was grateful for that. They were walking towards the food stand.
“Do you wanna, like,” Levi began, speaking softly. “Hang out sometime… Like, after camp ends?” It seemed like minutes before Hange responded. Levi’s heart was pounding in his chest. She looked at him, her glasses reflecting the crescent moon.
“Are you asking me out?” She asked in a serious tone. After a moment, her cheeks puffed and she laughed softly.
“I guess,” Levi muttered. Hange stopped laughing and gasped.
“Really?” she said. The two gave their orders quickly and waited for them to be prepared.
“...Yeah.” Levi couldn’t believe the shit he was spewing from his mouth. Was he really confessing?
“Well…” She grabbed her tray from the stand. “I’d like that.” Levi grabbed his tray, glancing at her. Her cheeks were flushed red, he wasn’t sure if she was sunburnt or not.
“Me too.” They started to walk back towards their two friends.
“Why did you kiss me?” Levi thought aloud.
“I beat your time, silly,” Hange teased. Levi huffed. They got back to their friends, sitting down. Hange sat a bit closer to Levi than the last time. Levi noticed Erwin and Moblit distanced their towels further away than they were earlier.
You missed. He wanted to say. He didn’t have the guts to say it, though.
“I see…” was all he could muster. Suddenly, the fire grew tall in the firepit; licks of the red and yellow flame dancing in the air. It was beautiful. Levi towards Hange; he noticed her eyes were glowing. 
“You’re beautiful,” Levi said in awe, not realizing he said it aloud. He meant it, too. She looked beautiful in her oversized school sweatshirt and black jean shorts. She looked beautiful with her hair thrown up, her bangs framing her face. She was the most beautiful person. Hange looked towards him, giving him a smile.
“I think I missed when I kissed you,” She chuckled. “Can I try again?” Levi felt his heart start to pound in his chest, begging to escape. He took a deep breath.
“Sure.” She gave him a small smile before leaning in to kiss his lips this time. Levi only realized he was cold when her kiss warmed him up from head-to-toe. She placed her hand on his cheek, gently squishing it. It was chubbier than she thought, and she felt honored to hold him like this. He hadn’t touched her at all besides with his lips. He was too stunned to do anything else. He was leaning back on his hands, his hands gripping the towel beneath them. She pulled away from him, looking a bit breathless.
Maybe she wasn’t so annoying after all.
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
LOVE IS LIKE - Books and Babes
PART 1 Books and Babes | PART 2 >
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Summary: As he travels home to London with his assistant Leah, Henry recalls some moments from his past, including breakups, ladies and that one book that keeps getting into trouble. 
Word count: 2.566
The song: Sweet - Love Is Like Oxygen 
Disclaimer: mentions of one-night-stands, breakups, bullying, hopeless love and weed smoking. Other than that it’s pretty much just comedic fluff 
LOVE IS LIKE... books and babes
‘Love is like oxy-gen,
You get too much,
you get too high..’
Henry mimed along with the music in his earpods, shuffling forward as the line of businessmen moved to the gate that would transport him to the plane taking him back to London Heathrow.
‘Not enough and you're gonna die--’
A short jab in his ribs made him look down at the glowing pink cheeks of his PA. She’d had to make a run for it.
‘Love gets you high-.’
With a quick fumble Henry killed the music, as he was greeted by one heavily panting Leah who pushed his lost book back in his large hands.
‘Found it.’ She smiled with another few long puffs, sweet sweat beading down her brow.
‘Leahhh.’ Henry sighed and shook his head with a laugh. ‘You know you didn’t have to do THAT.’
She chuckled. ‘And have you bother me all flight? Ohhh no, none of that.’
‘Like I’m such a pain.’ Henry winked, shuffling forward now the line before him was slowly funnelling down the long white tunnel into the plane.
‘Sometimes..’ Leah gave him a playfully chastising look before starting to quickly dig down her bag to find her ticket and passport.
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Henry wanted to knock on his brother’s bedroom door, but halted, hearing something peculiar arising from the small confinement his oldest brother was hiding out in. Was that a..girl he heard giggling? Putting his ear flat against the rough oak wood, he listened more closely.
‘Do you like that?’ He heard his brother ask. The girl giggled again.
‘Stop it! Hahaha. Piers! Stop it!’
Henry felt his muscles tighten and he wasn’t quite sure what to do. Was that Ellie? The blond girl that lived a street away? And was Piers...hurting her? His older brother truly was strange now he had full on hit puberty. Frowning, Henry looked down the hallway, his ears now picking up the sound of feet climbing up the stairs.
‘Did you call him for dinner yet?’ Marianne puffed out as she dragged a full basket of dirty laundry up the narrow steps, her face not managing to poke out over the large pile. Henry quickly straightened up and swallowed.
‘Eh..’ With a sharp knock he finally rapped on his brother’s door. ‘Piers! Dinner!’
Inside he could hear the panicked kerfuffle of what may have very well been clothing zipped up, but again Henry couldn’t be sure as he looked back at his mother who now lowered the basket in her arms. One conspicuously raised eyebrow from her was all it took to burn his cheeks a bright pink.
‘I wasn’t listening!’ He squeaked, though Marianne knew better.
‘Sure you did sweetie.’ She winked at him then tilted her head in the direction of Piers’ room. ‘Piers honey, don’t forget about what me and dad told you!’
With a swift swing the door was pulled open and one both terribly embarrassed and terribly annoyed Piers appeared in the door opening. ‘FUCK mom! Did you really have to --’
‘Language young man! ..Especially in front of ladies.’ Marianne looked over the shoulder of her lanky teen son to find the shy expression of one equally embarrassed Ellie.
‘Hello Mrs. Cavill...’ She squeaked before noticing the fiercely blushing young boy next to Marianne. ‘..Henry.’  
Henry felt his chubby cheeks burn even more. Oh why was he like this with girls?
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‘This is not working out...It’s not you, it’s me...’ Her words swam in the back of his head, tumbling around like his brain had turned on the dirty laundry setting of his conscience. Henry felt nauseated, tired and utterly empty as he lay here on the couch of his friend, his hands folded over the phone on his chest. He had thought she was the one. Starry eyed and hair black as night. That smile throwing him off whenever he saw it. She was still the one, right? Why oh why did she not want to work through this? Why did this have to be the end? Why did she have to decide for him how to feel about all this? Why not put in the darn fucking work?!  
Looking to his right he heard the soft snoring of the puppy they had adopted only months ago. His body was all disproportionate with his floppy ears and oversized lanky paws. Henry sighed. At least he still had Kal.
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‘Welcome Mr. Cavill and thank you for travelling with us.’ The pretty asian lady handed him back his boarding pass with a smile that was near inappropriately close to a flirt. Henry didn’t mind though. Mind a kind smile his large paw retrieved the most used book in his life: his passport, and stepped to the side as they checked Leah’s boarding pass as well. Leah did not receive that same flirtatious look, the asian lady barely offering Leah a glance as her eyes already roved on to the next business man who stepped in line.
Leah raised an eyebrow at him and Henry couldn’t help but offer his dear PA an even wider smile to compensate. ‘What’s the matter with you today?’ She asked, chuckling as her legs moved past him to start their way down the white tunnel of led lights and muffled blue carpet.
‘Absolutely nothing dear Leah.’ Henry smiled. Most women came and went in his life, but at least Leah was here to stay. Like Kal she was one of the few who were true friends to him.
In for it through thick and thin.
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‘So what do you think of King Pellenore?’ Young Henry shuffled a little closer to the girl who was sitting on the other edge of the school yard bench. Rosy cheeked and hunched over in his hand-me-down blazer he eyed the sweet red haired girl that seemed to share his fascination with reading. They had worked together on a group project a week ago and he couldn’t help but be interested in her.
Finally she looked up, Anne, her brown eyes skittishly skimming over him before both their ears picked up the sound of a bunch of classmates laughing. Laughing at them. Him. With a small “o” on her mouth the girl quickly grabbed her belongings and rushed inside, leaving Henry alone on the bench, his hands nervously picking at his backpack as the other kids threw him some mean comments.
Fat Cavill. Nerd. Sissy. Fool!
Was he really such a failure with girls?
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‘Kal! OH NO...KAL! Give that back!....naughtyyyy.’ Bent through his cracking knees Henry tried to reach for the book that his dog had snatched from the coffee table. But the pup was quick. With a cheeky side eye he glanced at Henry before sprinting down to the hallway, nails tapping on the slippery tile floor. He was near full grown now, but had antics in abundance - and sharp teeth to grab anything and everything he could drag around. Shoes, socks and his new favourite: books.
Chasing after the Akita, Henry followed him down to the kitchen; the home thankfully anything but large and with a few large steps he had managed to chase the dog into a corner, hands grabbing him by the collar before he pried the slimy book from his maw. ‘Oh well would you look at that..’ Henry sighed and tried to swipe some of the doggy drool off the leather bound cover. He had started to read King Arthur again, but his dog was clearly just as little a fan as his old classmates had been. Though of course the dog was not really being mean: he just thought it was time to go out, play, run, chase squirrels!
‘You are one cheeky bugger, you know that?’ Henry looked down at the Akita who sat down, looking up at him with big puppy eyes. It was hard to stay mad at him for long.
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‘You sure you’re okay with this?’ Charlie settled down in the comfy hotel deck chair, the Californian sun burning down on their heads.
‘Why of course! I mean, I’ll still tease you like any good older brother. But you LOVE her you big Sissywat. Of course you’re going to marry her.’
‘Haa…’ Charlie sighed and looked at the pool where some women were lounging on sunbeds. ‘..well I guess here’s to the last days as a truly single man?’
Henry raised an eyebrow from behind his sunglasses. ‘I really don’t get how people think you’re still single before the ring’s on the finger.’ He sniffled as Charlie shrugged.
‘It’s just a saying, Hen.’
‘Well single or not, you better take good care of her, will you?’
‘Of course! Each and every day, with every make-up stain on my blouse and every cold foot giving me first degree freeze burns beneath the bed sheets.’ Charlie clinked his beer with Henry’s.
‘For better or worse!’ The brothers laughed.
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‘Don’t want to stay for breakfast?’ Henry sat up to see his late-night ladylove squeeze herself back into her skinny jeans. Her round butt cheeks didn’t seem to cooperate and he had to resist from pulling her back into the bed so he could convince her to stay. 
‘No, thanks.’ She inhaled deeply so she could zip up the tight jean fabric. 
‘Will I see you again?’ Henry internally scolded himself for sounding so insecure. 
The woman shot him a confused look. ‘I don’t think I’ll be in London any day soon. It was fun though. Hey,’ She crawled up onto the bed and Henry rolled onto his back in hope she’d at least give him a kiss, her body folding over him. ‘ah there it is.’ With a swift hand movement she retrieved her bra from behind his pillow. ‘Gotta go, my cab is here.’ She pushed herself back off the bed and grabbed her bag. With one last glance and smile she was out the door. ‘Bye Superman!’ 
Henry felt his heart sink. Oh Henry you fool!
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‘OH CRAP!’  The woman in the business class chair next to Henry shot up from her seat, hands pulling a book away from what appeared to be a fallen over drink. ‘Shitshitshit.’ She quickly bit her lip and anxiously started to look around for something to wipe down the mess. Henry killed the music in his ear.
‘Love is like.. --’
‘Oh dammit.’ She scrunched up her nose as she realised how much of the juice had fallen over her book; it was just about ruined, pages soaking up the berry purple colour.
‘Here.!’ Henry sat up and quickly grabbed some tissues from his travel bag; having a slightly messy dog taught you to always be prepared.
‘Thanks.’ The woman breathed, some staff now also joining in to help clean the mess and put the book on a tray before it’d contaminate anything else. It took a good minute before it was all cleaned and gone, the brown haired banana-sock-wearing business woman settling down in her chair with a sigh.
‘You alright?’ Henry asked. It was the first words they shared after a whole hour of flight, her attention first having been preoccupied with her laptop or..reading, which now seemed out of the question.
‘Yea..yea..’ She shook her head and looked at Henry. Mediterranean turquoise eyes hidden behind thick glasses, her low brown-haired ponytail slightly disheveled after being smushed into the seat.
‘Was it a good book?’
‘Yea..just some..old timer. Good ol’ ..King Arthur.’ She hushed the last words as if she felt awkward about admitting she was reading a children’s book.
Henry blinked for a moment as he looked at her, his brain short circuiting before he turned to rummage through his bags again.
‘Oh am I..Is there something on my face?’ She grabbed for her glasses and took them off to look at them with squinting eyes.
‘No no, please. Eh..’ Henry raised the chewed and mauled, but ever loved copy he had bought himself all those years ago. ‘..just..coincidence I guess.’ He reached out his rendition of King Arthur and His Knights to her.
‘Well have you there. Leather bound too!’
‘And absolutely destroyed, also. I think these books just ..beg..to be harmed haha.’
‘You have a dog? Or..’ She pushed her glasses back on her nose and let her finger trace over the large indents.. ‘..bear..perhaps?’
Henry laughed. ‘No no. Just a dog. A large one. But, deep inside still very much a sweet pup.’
‘Apologies.’ A flight attendant halted as the glassed woman turned to look up. ‘We are seeing to the drying of your book. Though I’m afraid we do not have anything to get the stain out.. -’
‘Oh, that’s quite alright. Please.’
‘Could we perhaps offer you a new refreshment?’
‘Some wine would be great. WHITE wine..’ The woman grinned. ‘..less chance of stains.’
The flight attendant nodded, before Henry quickly interjected. ‘I’ll have one as well.’
‘Chardonnay, Sauvignon?’
The woman turned to Henry and with a dapper smile he picked their choosing.
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‘You just gotta be yourself man.’ Henry’s skinny, beanie-hatted friend spoke, inhaling the saturating smoke of his Red Dragon joint. The whole room was some kind of blue, bean bags scattered around the Californian apartment, people lounging and chilling in their daze.
Henry inhaled deeply and felt the wooze of a broken heart and drugs fight an odd battle inside his heavy chest. He felt both extremely relaxed and extremely wrong for being here; shouldn’t he be trying his best to get her back?
‘What if I never find anyone to be with me?’ The chubby boy inside him spoke, unsure blue eyes peering out at the ceiling that seemed to move and dance before him. The whole world had slowed down, but his mind tried its best to keep going.
‘Hey,’ His friend struggled up from his beanbag, making Henry fall to his side. ‘you’re a good guy mate. You hear me? You’re a GOOD guy. And if you’d be gay I’d totally..totally do you.’ His friend burst into a fit of giggles before he cleared his throat and shook his head to clear his mind. ‘No, but really. Don’t change for the girl, ever. Yea? You’re such a good guy.’
Henry wondered if this is what Kal felt like. 
Good boy! Good boy! 
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‘Where’s your book?’ Leah had to speed up to keep up with the light long steps of Henry as they moved through the long airport hall for their connecting flight. Henry smiled and looked over his shoulder.
‘Who said it again? If you love something, let it go?’
Leah frowned and with a few more fast steps got in line with him. ‘You are a handful! You know that Cavill? I ran my lungs out to--’
‘Leah. It’s fine. I gave it to someone who I’m sure will love it even more than I could ever.’
Leah puffed and, from the way her cheeks already burned, Henry decided to slow his pace.
‘And if she doesn’t appreciate it, I can always buy a new one.’
‘She? Did I miss something?’ Leah hoisted up the bag on her shoulder and shook her head. ‘You and your romantic antics.’
‘Incorrigible Cavill.’ Henry mimicked her voice, before smiling down at her. Leah rolled her eyes.
‘You said it first!’
‘One very high man once told me I just have to be myself. So that’s what I’ll do. And who knows..’ he hinted at a Valentine’s day poster they passed by. ‘..Love is like oxygen!’
Go to PART 2 > 
General Tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss @tumblnewby @magdelen69 @thereisa8ella @mary-ann84 @darkbooksarwin @summersong69 @madbaddic7ed @luclittlepond @maroonmolly @just-a-normal-fangirl18 @hell1129-blog @agniavateira​ @tillthelandslide @elinesama @maddyreads14
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19. Denki Kaminari
          Theme: Haunted house
          Kinks: Public sex, slight fear play (if you squint), praise kink
All underaged characters are aged up. Denki is 18+. Don’t come at me unless I send for you.
                                      Play Time at the Haunted House
The ten people ahead of you and Denki waited impatiently for the staff to let them through the festooned tunnel. You gripped Denki's hand tight as you heard the other guests screaming and running out the exit on the other side. Creepy music and sound effects echoed from the tunnel on top of the screaming. Gurgling, groaning, and howling costumed actors terrified the guests already inside. 
"You sure you want to go in, Y/N? We don't have to if you don't want to."
You shake your head. "I'm good, I'm good. Just don't leave me behind."
"Don't worry, babe. I'm not gonna lose you. I'll protect you from the big bad monsters."
Haunted house staff let in a few more people until you and Denki were the next in line. Between the carnival colors of streamers splattered in fake blood, you made out the strobe lights bouncing around the black-painted walls. Clowns with creepy laughter echoed down the plywood walls. Screams followed both before and after. Above it all, eerie organ music twisted the playful themes of a circus into bone-chilling tunes played throughout. You looped both hands around Denki's arms, which made him chuckle.
A moment later, you were admitted. The smell of plastic and chemical fog hit you. Glow in the dark spirals, shapes, and fake blood greeted you as you passed under the tattered streamers. You and Denki rounded a corner where an actor greeted you with a scream and a demonic mask. You were the only one who screamed. The two of you passed into the red, and white corridor past the display of bloodied crates marked PROPS and TNT. Shredded and splattered plastic created a maze where every turn hid a hideous clown, each more terrifying than the last. 
Denki yelled once in a while, but you were the only screaming the most. You didn't care if your nails dug too tightly into his arm; you were scared. The maze gave way to a nurse tent, but proper health care would have been a jarring exhibit in a haunted house. Actors dressed as part-nurses and part-clowns wore white uniforms painted in fake gore. They tore into plastic bodies that shuddered and flailed while guts were being pulled out with glee. You squeezed your eyes shut for the next scene. 
A black-painted hallway painted with glow-in-the-dark symbols and signs telling visitors to TURN BACK and RUN in bold, startling letters. You heard the other guests' screams passing in front of you and the maniacal laughter of actors. Crates and barrels hid the clowns so they could easily jump out and scare you. Chainsaws out on the other side whirred into life, followed by more screaming.
Man-made fog covered the ground as you entered yet another scene. Tombstones, coffins and a mausoleum were painted in those same neon colors alongside black and red streaks. If there was something worse than nurse-clowns, it was clown-zombies. Their plastic and grease-painted faces flashed before your eyes in the strobe lights. The fog hid their movements while the music and screams hid their footsteps.
"I got you, Y/N. Nothing bad is gonna happen to you, I promise." Denki pecked your cheek.
Denki snaked his arm around you and pulled you close to his body. His smirk belied more confidence than he should have. You had the sneaking suspicion he was hiding something.
Even more, fog blinded you in the next scene, which was also the last before the chainsaw-chasers ran you out of the exit. You barely made out which figures were props and which were actors. In the dense fog in the middle, you couldn't even see your hand in front of your face. You felt Denki's hand pull you close. You thought he was preparing you to go through the exit. Instead, he pulled you off to the side. You ducked behind a fake tree. The actors were too preoccupied with the oncoming guests to notice your disappearance. A moment later, Denki pulled you inside an unoccupied shed. From the outside, it looked like a prop. Inside, it looked more like a rough break room for the scare actors to cool off and drink water.
“Denki, what are we doin—”
He didn't give you a chance to finish your sentence before pining you to the nearest wall and kissing you. Denki's hands rubbed your sides up and down before sliding under your shirt. His deft fingers made quick work of the belt on your skirt and pulled it up to your waist.
Your yelps and moans couldn't be overheard by the music and screaming going on outside the shed. Even if they did, nobody would really think about it in a haunted house.
"You're so pretty when you look so helpless." Denki moaned in your ear. His fingers slid into your panties, pulled them aside by the hem, and plunged two fingers inside.
Your inner thighs were already coated with sweat. Your legs clamped around his hand as Denki slid further up into your body. You moaned louder when his thumb grazed against your clit. Your heart was still pounding in your chest from the frightful scenes walking through the haunted house. The thrill of getting caught in the middle of one made your mind go hazy. Your cheeks darkened. The shed held little light except for the strobes that pierced through the smallest cracks. Denki's golden eyes looked into your face as it slowly caved to his advances. You two alone could hear the soft noise of his fingers, reducing you to a puddle.
"You take my fingers so well, baby." Denki licked his lips. "I wonder how well you're going to take my cock?"
"Denki," you sighed as his fingers plunged deeper and rubbed your inner walls faster. You felt warmth spreading in your lower belly and something wet dripping down your thigh. "W-We can't do that here! What if somebody catches us!"
"Just leave that to me."
Denki's words gave you little assurance as he rammed his fingers in and out of your sensitive cunt. You leaned your head into his shoulder and bit down on his jacket. Your muffled groans went unnoticed by the guests outside. You spasmed around his fingers, your hips jutting forward to meet him. Slowly, Denki removed himself. He brought his glistening fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean. You panted for breath.
Meanwhile, Denki worked his belt-buckle, unzipped his fly, and pulled out his turgid member. Denki pulled your panties to the side and aligned himself with your sopping folds. The intrusion was slow as if he was savoring the moment. Denki bottomed out with all of him inside you.
"You feel so good," Denki murmured against the skin of your collar bone and gave it a little nip. "I'm gonna you feel good too."
With that, Denki pulled out slightly then pushed back inside, all the way in. You clapped your hand over your mouth, though the effort was fruitless. Denki repeated the motion, faster and rougher this time. He clamped your legs around his waist, your arms on his shoulders, and braced his own hands against the wall. You moved your hips in tandem with his.
"Just like that, Y/N. Squeeze me just like that." Denki whispered other sweet nothings into your ear as he fucked you against the wall amid the sounds of creepy clown music and screaming.
The fake-horror going on outside the shed made things more tantalizing. You were safe in Denki's embrace, even riding him. Nobody could hear you scream his name or moan when he hit that sweet spot inside you. Denki snapped his hips into you over and over and over again. Your legs clamped around him tighter, and your nails dug into the back of his neck. Sweat began to coat both of you while Denki drove himself as hard as he could.
Sweat wasn't the only thing that made you slick between your legs. You were gushing around him before you officially reached your orgasm. He was stretching you wide like your lives depended on it. You tugged on his hair like spurring a horse to go faster. You could almost taste it.
Denki was happy to oblige you in this matter. He pulled out. Naturally, you whined at his absence, only to be turned around, have your hands forced against the wall, and your legs kicked open. Denki slammed back into you without hesitation. It wasn't like he needed the prep work considering how wet you were right now. You had to keep your hands braced against the wall or collapse from Denki's forceful thrusts. You couldn't clamp your teeth on his shirt or swallow your moans behind your hand in this position.
Denki gripped your hips tight as he plowed into you. The cramped space didn't allow him much room, but it seemed to make you tighter. Your moans spurred him on.
"Good girl, such a good girl for…letting me do this to you. Do, do you think anybody else can hear you moan for me?" Denki slammed his hips moan with a punishing thrust.
You clawed at the walls and bit your lip.
Denki slammed his hips into yours and going at a furious pace. He was determined to see you get off as soon as possible and to have his cum soaking your panties all night. At least until you got home so he'd have an excuse to fill you up again.
"You feel good, Y/N? You're getting tight," said Denki against your ear.
"Y-Yeah." You moaned back.
"Good." He kissed the side of your neck with an open-mouthed kiss. His teeth sank a little into your flesh.
This, this is what sets you off. Denki thrust faster into your body and his teeth on your throat. You clench around him, moaning loudly as you come. Denki follows after. Your inner walls milk him for whatever he's worth. You're in such a haze that you hardly notice when he resets all of your clothing and his. The dense fog hides your tracks as you make it out of the haunted house. You didn't even mind the chainsaw-chasers greeting you at the exit.
Denki sets you down at a picnic table to collect yourself. He leaves a moment to grab a couple of drinks. As you sit there, squirming on the bench, you can still feel Denki inside you, pouring his cum deep into your womb. Your panties are soaked through with the stuff. Out of the corner of your eye, you spy on Denki, chatting with Hitoshi dressed in all stag blacks. Denki passes him a couple bills. As if knowing that you're watching them, the two young men look back. Denki winks and returns with a couple of extra-large Cokes.
"What was that all about?" You ask.
"Who do you think to set up our little rendezvous?" Mischief twinkled in his eyes.
It took you a moment to realize just what exactly Hitoshi arranged for you guys and the risks of helping Denki with one favor.
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iamtaekooked · 5 years
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↳PART 2 | PART 1
➾ AU: Enemies to Lovers! + football player!Jeongguk and Journalist!Reader
➾Pairing: Jeongguk x female reader
➾Genre: Fluff, some angst, some soft smut 
➾Rating: 18+
➾Word count Part 2: 17.0k (bringing out combined total to a whopping 34.3k)
➾Warnings {part 2}: drinking, soft smut (making out, nothing detailed or explicit), swearing.
Jeon Jeongguk is your nemesis whom you carry a strong dislike for. A dislike that borders on hate. He’s cocky, arrogant, narcissistic and loves to think everything revolves around him. When he gets elected as the captain of the football team, you are forced to write a profile on him for the college magazine as is the tradition every time a new captain is selected. But as you follow him around, you come to realize he might not be as bad as you think. Maybe he’s even a little tolerable– and cute. How will you deal with several realizations that dawn on you during the course of your interviews?
A special thank you to @kuzimuzibts @meandyou0901 @ughkive for supporting me through this fic. Without your support and words of encouragement, I couldn’t have done this ❤️ So thank you from the bottom of my heart and I love you guys!
Jimin being the good friend he is, decided to host a small get together at his house. Of course, you are invited and so are 15 other people. Jimin has always been a caring soul, someone who can’t see the people he loves in distress. So when he gets wind that Jeongguk is stressed out he decides to invite everyone Jeongguk is friends with to throw a surprise “party”.
The responsibility of bringing Jeongguk over to his house falls to you because you are apparently his “girlfriend”. Or at least that is how everyone starts referring to you once the picture of you and Jeongguk outside the bus stop with his arms wrapped around your waist circulates on social media. You are sure it was one of the girls who squealed when they saw him walking by.
At first you try your hardest to diffuse the rumors because you are not his girlfriend, but when the whole world around you seems to be pressing it on you, insisting that you are-- you give up and let them have it. It’s not hurting you in any way so who cares?
But Jeongguk on the other hand loves it. He loves it more than football itself, which is a miracle. Everytime someone calls you his girlfriend in front of him, a wide grin appears on his face— the one where his eyes disappear into moon shaped crescents and his pearly whites are on full display— it also happens to be the one that always brings a smile to your face too. If it were up to him he would change your name to ‘girlfriend’, that way he would get to call you that all the time.
So naturally when you go to find him in the gym, all his teammates offer you polite smiles, and nods. Even Jaehyun offers a soft ‘hi’ in greeting.
“Captain!” one of them yells. “Your girlfriend is here” his voice echoes through the almost empty place.
You open your mouth to tell him to stop calling you that but it wouldn’t accomplish anything. They won’t stop.Up until now, no matter how many times you have corrected people, they have just ignored you and continued to refer to you as “Jeongguk’s girlfriend”.
“Cap!” Jaehyun yells this time craning his neck to where Jeongguk is in a corner of the gym lifting weights. “Your girl is here!”
Jeongguk upon hearing that stops bench pressing and jogs over to you with a sweaty figure and heavy breaths.As soon as his eyes find you his lips curve into a smile. “Hey girlfriend” he greets you and lays a soft kiss on your cheeks before wrapping his arms around you.
“I told you not to call me that” you mumble against his shoulder softly— very gently pulling yourself away from his embrace. Somehow you’ve gotten close enough to allow him to hug you and to allow yourself to not go into a state of utter panic. Ever since he told you he likes you there has been a slight shift in your dynamic-- he’s more touchy and you don’t mind it. Sometimes you even let yourself enjoy it because the feeling of his arms around you makes you feel secure-- like there is nothing in the world that could touch you when he’s with you.
Jeon Jeongguk is the kind of man who just by his mere presence has the ability to make someone next to him look-- but most importantly feel like a billion bucks. That is exactly how you feel when he’s with you because like a magnet he ends up drawing all attention on himself and by default on you.
Sometimes you catch yourself smiling when you’re with him and people are pointing at you both and whispering their envy to each other. It makes you feel a surge of emotions which you can’t define but at the bottom of it all it just feels good.
“What else would I call you?” he pouts.
“Oh, I don’t know? My name maybe? The one I’ve had since birth?” you shake your head. “Anyway, I just came because we need some stuff for the interview. I have a few questions”
He quirks an eyebrow and rubs his hands together. “Oooh. But ‘girlfriend’ sounds a million times better. I am just going to call you that”
You rub your forehead in exasperation. “Should we go somewhere more… suitable. I need to ask you a few questions” you ask straight-faced.
He nods. You notice all his teammates sharing a look and roll your eyes because you know what they are thinking-- sex. That’s all they can ever think of. You ignore them as they pat Jeongguk on the shoulder, or give him words of encouragement like “get it” or high five him. You exit the gym first, not in the mood for their stupidity.
Jeongguk catches up to you and falls into step next to you. “Why do you always leave me behind?”
“Because I don’t like your teammates” you deadpan.
“But you like me?” he asks with a hopeful tone before busting out that stupid smile of his.
“Jeongguk” you say warningly.
“Ok sorry. I’ll wait until you’re ready to tell me how much you love me” he winks with a cheeky grin.
“Oh my god” you facepalm.
You hear him snicker and shoot him a dirty look. “Anyway” you try to direct the conversation to serious matters as you take out your recorder one more time as per usual.
“So, you’re back to working on my profile?”
“Unfortunately for me, yes” you say with a small chuckle. “I am not going to let my best friend get dragged into shit by the sports department because of you Jeon”
“Ouch!” he feigns hurt by placing a hand on his chest. “I thought you cared for me” he matches your pace despite being several inches taller than you— which is kind of sweet. But that’s not the point.
“Oh I am sorry” you draw out each word to make sure he didn’t miss the sarcasm in your voice. “Did I make it seem like I did?”
“You’re definitely going to die sad and alone” he muses with a teasing smile.
“I don’t mind that. Now if you’re done, can I continue?”
Go ahead” he offers a soft, gentle smile which makes a pang nervousness rise in your chest.
“So, what does football mean to you?”
“Everything” he doesn’t even hesitate for a single second before answering.
“Care to elaborate?”
“I told you how football is literally the only thing that provides my life with meaning-- exception being you” he glances at you with a small teasing smirk before throwing his hands in the air when he notices you opening your mouth. “I digress. But yes. Playing football is the one thing that gives direction and focus to my life. Without it I would be lost”
You nod deep in thought. “So then, what would you do if you didn’t make it into the football team?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugs. “I’d probably still be in the Eastside struggling with trying to find something that allowed me to focus my energy in productive ways”
“So would you say that football is the reason you wake up every morning?” you look up at him, noticing the glint in his eye and the tiny smile spread across his lips.
He nods. “And you” he adds quickly before looking away with a playful grin he thinks you can’t see.
You slap him gently on the arm. “Jeongguk!”
“I’ll stop” he holds hands up in surrender as he turns to look at you.
You both continue walking, turning left here, turning right there.
“Describe in word one word then how you feel when you play football”
“Euphoria” again it doesn’t take him even a second to answer. It’s like he’s been waiting for someone to ask him-- that’s how quickly he answered.
You look at him in question at which point he begins to elaborate without you having to prompt him.
“It’s like a rush. Whenever I am out in the field I am zoomed in, super focused. It’s like tunnel vision. All I see is the ball, and that touchdown line at the end of the field. That’s all I think about when I play. All the hits, all the pushing and shoving kind of pumps me up because it feels like these are the obstacles I have to overcome to get that ball to the endline and score the point. It’s like a metaphor for life, if you know what I mean”
You nod slowly as you comprehend his words. “Wow”
He shakes his head with a soft chuckle. “Always with the look of surprise”
“I am trying to adjust” you snap.
“Anything else you want to know?”
“I think this is good for now” you stop the recording and pocket the tiny thing. “Also, be ready by 5 tonight. We’re going somewhere”
“Wow, so specific” the sarcasm in his voice doesn’t go amiss.
“Yeah Yeah” you wave him off. “Just be ready by 5pm” you turn but he clasps a hand around your wrist and spins you around to make you face him.
“No. You be ready by 5. You’re crazy if you think I won’t come to pick you up”
“You don’t have to” you feel slightly guilty because one you know he has to drive a long way out to come to your place and second it’s a surprise for him so you should be the one picking him up.
“I want to” he slightly squeezes your wrist.
You regard him noticing how he looks so determined. “Fine”
“Where are we going? Is it a date?!” his eyes widen with a grin.
“No!” your nose scrunches. “It’s not a date Jeon”
“Oh” his lower lip juts out slightly, voice completely deflated.
You are so not whipped for him— that you can’t even see him pouting without feeling bad for him. For a moment you can’t react because his face loses its brightness. But then a sense of urgency builds. You bite your lip in an effort to stop yourself from speaking. But then the more he sulks, the worse it gets.
“Fine! It’s a date” you sigh and lower your gaze to avoid looking at him. But you are sure he’s beaming.
“Yes!” you hear him.
Then you turn around and run from there because you aren’t sure your heart can take it.
> > > > > >
The evening arrives with a flurry of text messages from Jeongguk.
Jeon Jerkguk- I just left the house. I’ll be there in 40-ish minutes depending on traffic. - 4:30 pm Jeon Jerkguk- You know how to get there right? - 4:31 pm Jeon Jerkguk- Of course you do. You’re the smartest person I know 😊- 4:32 pm Jeon Jerkguk- Dress warmly, it's kind of cold out- 4:34 pm Jeon Jerkguk- Don't forget your jacket please Jeon Jerkguk- See you soon girlfriend 😍
You bang your head against the vanity. “No” you groan.
When he acts like this, it makes you speechless. Your chest feels fluttery, waves of chills pass through your skin, your stomach twists in knots, your breath hitches in your throat and warmth envelopes you. Like a normal person, instead of feeling happy you end up feeling stressed because you don’t know how to deal with it. He makes you nervous in a way no one does. There are times when you can’t even look at him because your nerves get the best of you.
It’s mostly because of the way he looks at you with a soft, loving look in his eyes. He doesn’t look at anyone else like that, but when he’s with you-- when he thinks you’re not looking-- you see it in the way the corners of his eyes crinkle very subtly as his lips curve up into a tiny little smile that vanishes when you do look at him. You’ve never seen him act like that before and the fact that it’s because of you makes it hard to deal with.
It’s because he does things for you that he doesn’t do for anyone else--
Like the one time he saw you sitting with a frown on your face in the middle of the lecture and he leaned in towards you.
“What’s wrong?” he had asked
“Nothing” you shook your head at him
“Liar” he whispered as he reached across and placed an index finger on the middle of your forehead. “Then what’s this?” he referred to the frown you were wearing.
You sighed and he pulled his hand away.. “Hoseok has been pestering me to give him the first draft for the profile but I haven’t written anything yet” you mumbled dropping your head between your arms on the table.
“Do you want me to kick his ass?” he had whispered with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“What?” your head shot up as you looked at him. “No”
“Fine. But you’ll tell me if someone really bothers you?” sincerity reflected in his eyes.
“Jeon. Shut up” you had shaken your head at him and he had snickered in response.
Or when he had saved you from getting hurt  
You had been so immersed in giving him a mini lecture about what normal people do when they bump into someone when a cart full of boxes had rolled into your path.
“Y/n!” he yelled and pulled you to the side towards him. “Are you okay?” he had asked in a soft voice which made you lose your train of thoughts.
You simply nodded at him and continued walking.
Or the one time he lent you his umbrella
You were leaving the campus because your classes were over for the day. You cut through the football field because it was the shortest way. But what you didn’t know was that the football team was practicing at the time.
Your mind was so preoccupied with the stress of all the assignments that you didn’t realize Jeongguk was calling out your name. So you continued walking. When you were almost out of the bounds of college, rain started to fall. It pulled you out of your trance and you groaned upon realizing you did not have your umbrella.
You pulled up the hoodie over your head which was starting to get soaked as you felt rain droplets falling on your head. Then suddenly you felt a shadow loom over you and looking back you had found Jeongguk was holding an umbrella over your head.
“You’ll get sick” he said.
“Where did you come from?” you gaped at him.
“Practice” he motioned towards the field and then you saw all the players you had previously missed.
“Why are you here? Go practice. You’ll get in shit” you started walking again when he tugged your wrist to make you stop.
“One, I am the captain so I won’t get in shit. Two, take this or you’ll get wet and then you’ll get sick”
“You care why?” you narrowed your eyes in question.
“Because I just do. Now stop being a stubborn little idiot and take it” he thrusted the umbrella into your hand and jogged away towards the field covering his head with his hands.
A knock sounds on your bedroom door which goes by unnoticed because you are still thinking about Jeongguk.
“Thinking about me?”
Your heart leaps, as you hear a voice behind you but upon turning back you are met with Jeongguk who is offering you his usual grin.
“Holy shit Jeon, you scared me” you exhale loudly as finally the breath that had gotten stuck in your throat passes through.
“I see you’re not ready” he’s leaning against the doorframe, wearing a black denim jacket, his timberlands and a white shirt with black jeans with his hair— that damn long hair or his tied back in a bun at the top of his head. He looks—- nope. You shake your head and turn towards the vanity. He looks whatever— not even a little bit good.
“Wait” your brows furrow in realization as you turn to face him. “How did you get in?”
“Next time don’t leave the front door open” he steps inside the room and flops onto your bed. He lies on his side, propping an elbow up and resting his cheek in the palm of his hand “It could have been a thief, or a serial killer in my stead”
You roll your eyes. “Somehow you’re worse than both of those”
You hear him chuckle and shoot him an unimpressed look. “Why are you in my room?”
“Geez, way to thank me”
“Thank you for what?”
“You know that one time I saved you from that drunk asshole at the restaurant, and now for picking you up” his lips purse into a thin line.
Oh yes. You still haven’t thanked him for it.
“Thanks” you mumble.
“Not good enough” he shakes his head as he straightens up.
“What do you want?” you sigh.
“I want to make up for that one time when you kissed me and I ran out like an asshole” he scoots to the edge of the bed and pulls the chair you are sitting on closer to himself.
“What?” you gawk as you are being dragged towards him.
“Well, you see, I got scared. I didn’t know how to react so I ran off. Not my best moment, but can you blame me?” he leans towards you as he places his hands on the armrests of the chair on either side of you.
You cannot believe he’s bringing it up. That moment is easily one of the worst moments of your life. Maybe it’s even at the top of your list because of how embarrassing it was. Before that moment, you cannot recall another one as mortifying. It’s a memory you want to forget because it still brings about deep feelings of humiliation.
You gulp and look away as your eyes dart across the floor, matching the state of your mind which runs rampant with hundreds of thoughts. You play with your fingers, avoiding his gaze as it rests on you.
Then he leans in, until his lips are close to yours. Your eyes flutter close of their own accord and your breathing picks up pace. “Jeon-”
“Shh” he says, placing a finger on your lips.
You wait for it-- that familiar feeling of euphoria which results from his lips pressing onto yours. You wait for your heartbeat to quicken more than it already is because of his touch.  You wait for your skin to feel like it’s on fire and for your cheeks to feel like they’ll melt from the heat.
But it doesn’t come. Instead what you do feel is his lips pressing softly against your nose. “I won’t kiss you without your permission. Ever”
Your eyes open and you see Jeongguk has resumed his relaxed position as he’s leaning on his elbows once again and offering you a gentle smile. You blink profusely trying to comprehend what happened because this is highly uncharacteristic of Jeongguk. You dwell on it for a few seconds as you keep your focus on him.
On second thought, it’s not uncharacteristic of him. It’s just that you always assumed he wouldn’t ever say something like that.
Maybe you don’t need to teach him how to love you, maybe you need to teach yourself how to love him.
Arriving at Jimin’s house, you find yourself on the receiving end of a puzzled look from Jeongguk. “Isn’t this Jimin’s house?”
You nod. “Put this on” you hand him a blindfold.
“I didn’t know you were kinky like that” he takes the black silk cloth from your hand.
“Remember how I told you, you only have one redeeming quality? You’re losing points here buddy” you remind him.
“Never thought I was gaining any in the first place” he shrugs.
“That’s what you think” you say his own line to him which makes him chuckle.
“So, I did gain points? When? For what?” he eyes you with anticipation.
“You think I’ll tell you? I don’t want to make things worse for myself” you offer a small smile, which you try to suppress.
“Oh come on!” he pouts.
“Again with the pouting” you shake your head at him, biting down on your lip to stop yourself from smiling too much.
“Because I know it works on you” he sticks his tongue out cheekily with a grin.
“I’ve seen it in your eyes. Everytime I pout. You always give in”
“You suck” your lower lip juts out in a pout this time.
“That’s why you like me don’t you?” the already present grin on his face spreads even wider.
You quirk your head to the side to look out of the window. “I don’t like you”
“Then why can't you look at me and say it?” his voice drops a touch, making your cheeks warm up.
“Shut up” you bite back as you glare at him-- although not with the usual contempt.
He starts chuckling and shaking his head. “Oh y/n” he breathes.
“You’re cute” he turns to you with a smile.
“You’re crazy” you open the door from your side and get out of the car.
> > > > > > >
For a football player Jeongguk sure does have shitty balance. But then again you have to give him benefit of the doubt because he is blindfolded. As you help him up the steps you can’t help but admire how he looks-- hair up in a bun once again, as tiny strands fall on either side of his face. Everything about him is unlike a football player except for the bomber jacket he is wearing. It’s like the trademark of college football and it screams “captain”.
“Y/n, will you catch me if I fall?” he muses, following you quietly as you hold his hand and lead him. You hadn’t wanted to, but then he took it upon himself to hold your hand because-
“It’s good practice. I am going to be doing this a lot. So why not get some practice in?” he jokes earning himself a hard slap on the arm. “Ow!” he whines. “What the fuck girlfriend?”
“I swear Jeon, you call me that one more time I will kill you” you say in a firm even voice.
“Anyway” he waves you off quickly. “Will you catch me if I fall?” he muses
“Do I look like I can catch you? You are two times taller than I am” you shake your head at his idiocy.
“Shh” he places a finger on his lips. “Don’t let the feminists hear you” he chuckles, making you snort.
“Did you just laugh at my joke?’ he asks, stepping over the final step of the stairs with your help.
“You’re hallucinating” you deadpan.
You walk towards the front door hand in hand, Jeongguk’s eyes still blindfolded. knock on the door and don’t even have to wait before Jimin is opening the door while flashing his positively bright smile at you. “You came!” he wraps you in a hug and notices yours and Jeongguk’s hands laced together tightly. “Did you finally agree to be his girlfriend?” he whispers
“No you dumbass. He’s blindfolded so I was helping him. Do you want the captain of the football team to break his leg or something?” you frown at him in disbelief. He could be super naive sometimes— or maybe you can be super blind.
“Too bad” he shrugs. “You guys are cute together” he whispers before ushering you and Jeongguk in.
The moment you enter inside, you separate yourself from Jeongguk for much needed space. You find yourself heading towards the tiny bar counter near the kitchen, upon which are laid various types of alcohol-- just what you need, because if you are to survive this party with Jeongguk you need to be slightly buzzed.
Behind you, commotion begins which draws your attention as you turn around.Jeongguk greets his teammates with a wide grin on his face, and then his eyes catch yours and you almost gasp because of the surprise and quickly avert your gaze.
For some reason which you cannot fathom, you look up again to find him hugging one of his teammates but his gaze is directed at you, as he smiles. He lets go of his teammate and for a brief second interacts with him before his eyes flicker back to you.
You need to look away, you should look away but you don’t. Instead, you make eye contact and it lasts for a good four seconds before you realize you really should not be doing that.
Once it gets too overwhelming— the feelings and sensations— you turn towards the alcohol and pour yourself a glass. You chug it before pouring another and then turning around to face the living room where Jeongguk is. He is high fiving and hugging and greeting people and you wonder if it gets exhausting as you sip your drink. You notice the smile on his face for one brief moment, which makes your mouth split into a grin. But then you realize what you’re doing and zip your mouth into a line, schooling your expression into one of boredom.
You look to the other side of the living room and find a young couple busy amongst themselves, detached from the rest of their surroundings. They’re playing with each other’s fingers and they’re talking and laughing, oblivious to everything. You observe them and somehow the image of them translates into one of you and Jeongguk for a brief second. You almost drop the glass in your hand, eyes widening in horror.
Jeongguk quietly slides next to you. “What’s got you that way?”
“Jesus!” you jump. “Can you stop creeping up on me like that?”
“Sorry, love”. The nickname he has for you flows past his lips so naturally and effortlessly. Surprisingly enough you never cared much for it but somehow at this moment, you realize how easily he addresses you like that. It’s a term of endearment not everyone uses. Yet he does, and when it happens you manage to block it out. But right now you hear it loud and clear. You glance at the cup in your hand and attribute your sudden attention to detail to the alcohol. “What were you thinking?” he gazes at you.
“Nothing” you shake your head, eyes flickering to the couple.
Jeongguk glances between you and them breaking out into a grin. “Do you want that?” he questions with a quiet gentleness to his voice which once again manages to catch you off guard.
On the one hand, his softer side makes you want to hug him, while on the other his usual self makes you want to hit him for acting like an idiot. There is no middle ground between the two.
“I am drinking and you’re the one acting drunk” you state with a scoff
“Oh, love” he sighs, and there it is again— that awareness of how easily he calls you ‘love’.
“Why do you call me that?” you question, supplying a sincere look that you hope conveys your curiosity.
“Because you remind me of love and how it’s supposed to be warm, selfless, giving, radiant and innocent” his lips form into that soft, fond smile that always succeeds in making your heart race, just like it is now.
“I remind you of love?” your curiosity piques the more you look at him.
He nods.
“Are you high?” you face scrunches in confusion as you stare at him.
He snickers but somehow his voice comes out laced with disappointment. “Too stubborn to see as always” he turns his head to observe at the couple
You blink, trying your best to understand what he means but all he offers you is a smile, the meaning of which you can’t decipher. Because although he’s smiling, there is something in his eyes-- in the way they are too solemn, the way his smile isn’t reaching his eyes which makes your chest fill with a heavy feeling.
You elect to ignore his comment because you don’t want to engage in whatever this is between you. It’s too overwhelming, this fine line you walk between being frenemies one moment and something more the next. It never helps that Jeongguk always says something that is neither here nor there and is something smack dab in the middle of the spectrum which leaves you feeling even more confused.
“How did you like the surprise?” you put the cup of beer down behind you on the counter and jump up to sit on in.
“It’s nice” he muses as his eyes still rest on the couple. He’s got a faint smile on his face as he leans against the counter, elbows resting on the top.
For a moment it confuses you because you don’t know whether he means the get-together or the two lovebirds immersed in their own world. His eyes are filled with a kind of longing you have never seen in them before. They are solemn yet they twinkle with a hope-- for what you don’t know. But when he’s like this, lost in his own thoughts, disengaged from the world-- that's when you truly see him.
“Just nice?” you question, which catches his attention for a brief second as he glances at you and then goes back to observing the couple.  
“Yeah. Nice” he supplies, still looking like he’s too lost in his thoughts. You follow his gaze and find yourself also looking at the unknown couple.
“Don’t tell me this surprise has got you all sappy”
“Why?” he turns his head towards you. “You don’t like me when I am like this?”
“I don’t like you anyway” you roll your eyes-- but it’s playful.
“Liar” he whispers pulling his lower lip between his teeth, lips curving into a tiny flirty smile.
You clear your throat as it suddenly feels dry. “You seem like you’ve got a lot on your mind”
“Perceptive as always” he chuckles.
“Well, it’s not hard when you’re only like this five percent of the time and the other ninety-five-you fuck around” a corner of your lip tugs into a teasing smile, which he catches.
“I take it back. You wouldn’t be able to see it if it was staring you right in the face” he says with a shake of his head as his head hangs low.
“See what?” a frown decorates your forehead as confusion registers in your mind at his words.
“Everything” he glances at you. “All of it. How do you not see it?”
“See what?” you gesture wildly with your hands because you hate how he’s being so not specific about whatever it is he’s going on about. “Can you be any more vague” you sigh.
He mutters something under his breath, his fist clenched by his side.
“What is going on with you?” you actually feel confused and slightly frustrated. “Can’t you be direct?”
“Can you be more of a fool y/n. How is it that you have a high IQ but a low EQ?” he imitates your sigh-- looking utterly defeated. The fact that he’s talking in circles is beginning to make your head spin.
“Excuse me?” you nudge him hard feeling defensive, letting your feelings escape through your tone.
“Are you really going to make me say it again? Right now?” he dismisses in a soft tone with a shake of his head.
“Yes!” you look at him with wide eyes. “Please say it and spare me this pain of trying to figure out what’s gotten into you”
“Why do you care?” he folds his arms across his chest, giving you that slightly narrow-eyed curious look.
“Because--” you stare at him open-mouthed. “I can’t believe I am saying this but you are much more bearable when you are your usual annoying talkative self. Whatever this is” you wag your finger up and down at him. “I don’t like it”  For whatever reason, it’s true. You don’t like it when he acts all stressed out and withdraws into himself. It irks you because you like him when he’s smiling, and laughing-- way more than you would care to admit.
Then you pick up your beer cup and resume mindless drinking as Jeongguk watches you quietly with a tiny hint of a smile on his mouth. He doesn’t stop you, he doesn’t even blink. All he does is observe you quietly which is worse because it unsettles you. You notice him and suddenly the small sips turn into hugs gulps as you chug the drink and slam the glass on the counter.
He folds his arms across his chest with a faint smile on his lips which doesn’t quite reach his eyes, yet the corners crinkle-- it’s when someone in love silently admires the subject of their affections.
“Stop looking at me like that”
“How much do you hate me?” his voice is quiet, yet that muted smile remains on his lips
“Hate. Pffft” you press your lips in a thin line. “That’s a strong word” a hiccup escapes your chest.
The tiny sound draws Jeongguk’s attention and quickly he turns and pours you a glass of water. It hovers in front of you as you look between him and his outstretched hand. He motions with his head to glass as he looks at you. You drink it and find the cool water soothing the burning sensation in your throat.
“My, my Jeon” you put the glass down. “Aren’t you thoughtful?” an imperceptible smile crosses your lips.
“It’s part of my charm” he shrugs with that snarky quality making its way back into his voice.
You snap and point a finger at him. “That’s what I am talking about. This is much better. Please don’t become all sappy on me. It’s not a good look on you”
He chuckles. “And worrying for me is not a good look on you” he gently taps the tip of your nose with a playful wink.
You snort. “Who said I was worried for you?”
“If this wasn’t your failed attempt at getting me to cheer up then what was it?” he wiggles his eyebrows at you.
“Delusional as always” you pass a shy, flirty smile which he reciprocates as you both quietly look at each other-- and to a third party you would look like two people too blind to see how deep they are in their feelings for one another.
“Right. I am totally delusional are you’re totally not worried about me “he mumbles under his breath.
“Stop saying I am worried about you. Why would I be worried about you?” you fold your arms defensively over your chest shooting him an unimpressed look.
> > > > > >
If there is one thing in the world that can unite you and Jeongguk, it’s UNO. As you sit in a circle— swearing under your breath because you and Jeongguk are losing against Hoseok and Jimin— you can’t help but want to kick whosoever idea this was. That is because you hate losing, and Jeongguk definitely hates losing. But then you got placed into one team because apparently a boyfriend and girlfriend should be together in one team.
And now you’re in a losing situation and both of you are feeling too competitive. From the periphery of your vision you glance at Jeongguk to find his brows knitted in concentration, lower lip pulled between his teeth.
“What do you think?” Jeongguk leans in to whisper against your ear as he turns the cards slightly towards you so you can see them.
“Play the blue one” you eye the discard pile and notice a blue card which serves your turn well.
Jeongguk plays the blue one and you end up with two cards. The game continues on and Jimin and Hoseok also have two cards left. The atmosphere around you is silent as the other teams who had already had their turn watch in anticipation.
“UNO” you yell startling Jeongguk who is right next to you. His eyes widen and a grin teeters to the edges of his lips.
“UNO!” he yells as he realizes he’s only holding one card.
Jimin and Hoseok have vexed looks on their faces as they eye you and Jeongguk. “Damn” Jimin mumbles under his breath as he slams the last two cards on the floor while you and Jeongguk celebrate.
“We won!” he shoots up and you follow as both of you jump up and down holding hands and then he pulls you in for a bear hug.
“Good job y/n” he sways you side to side.
“You too Jeon!” you give a gentle squeeze.
You embrace each other in the middle of the living room— Meanwhile everyone else watches you with wide eyes and raised brows.
“I told you she likes him” Jimin whispers to Hoseok.
“Does she know she likes him?” Hoseok asks a legit question because god knows you can be blind and knowingly stubborn when it comes to admitting your feelings for a certain Jeon Jeongguk.
After that very intense game of UNO ends, Jimin and Hoseok decide it’s a great idea to go out for drinks. It’s actually a very bad idea because you’re already sort of buzzed and so is everyone else because there was more than enough booze at Jimin’s place. But somehow it’s not as fun drinking in the house as it is outside the house-- a logic you cannot understand.
You tried to get out of it-- really tried but then Hoseok threatened to tell Jeongguk about that one time you got drunk in high school and serenaded him thinking he was Zac Efron. It’s the one truly terrifying experience of your life that you like to keep under wraps. Of course it sucks that Hoseok knows all this about you and can use it against you. So when you hear that Jeongguk might become privy to this deepest darkest secret of yours-- of course you don’t want him to know.
At first your immediate response is a very hyperenthusaistic ‘no’ when Hoseok says he’ll tell Jeongguk. You don’t even hesitate for a second before the word slips out of your mouth--albeit very loudly. Then once you have had time to digest your reaction, you can’t help but wonder why you were desperate enough to say no without even a slight hesitation. You dwell on it, and then some more and as you’re all walking towards the nearest pub, you reach this conclusion: it’s because if Jeongguk knows he’ll use it against you, which you simply won't stand for.
You say it like it's a mantra in your head-- quietly walking next to Jeongguk who is too busy talking about football with Hoseok and Jimin to pay attention to how silent you’ve fallen. You repeat it again and again because a small part of you tries to refute that weak reasoning-- almost as if you’re trying to make yourself believe that you don’t want any embarrassing detail of your life made known to Jeongguk because he’ll use it against and not because you’ll simply be too embarrassed if he of all people finds out.
It’s the exact same thing Jimin had said when that desperate no had crossed your lips.
“See? You like him so much you don’t even want him to know about this because you’ll be embarrassed and you don’t want him to think you’re weird. Why can’t you just accept it?” he had said, at which point you had opted to slap him upside the head and settle for a small shut up. After all, there are only finite ways in which one can say ‘no’.
You shake your head as if that will make all these thoughts go away. Then the unthinkable happens as you’re walking to your destination. Jeongguk while still conversing with Hoseok and Jimin, slowly slides his hand into yours, interlocking your fingers and pulls you close to his side. He’s so subtle about it he doesn’t even stop to look at you. He just does it naturally without drawing attention, without uttering a single word and without interrupting his conversation with your best friends.
Your breath gets caught in your throat, and you feel your heart skipping a beat and then a second later it starts hammering-- reminding you that you can’t run away. Sure you can alter your thoughts and your words, but physically you can’t control these reactions Jeongguk incites in you.
You glance up at the man walking next to you. All you can focus on is the warm feeling of his hand against yours and how he’s acting so naturally as if he’s done this--holding your hand thing-- every single day of his life. Small tingles escape from the palm of your hands and travel up your arm and then it spreads to the rest of your body as a chill runs down your spine. As if that’s not enough your lips begin to curve up in a smile, and as you try to bite down on your lip to stop yourself, you feel the tightness stretching your cheeks and you end up giving in despite yourself-- smiling like a fool living in the sweet denial of love.
You gulp hard and then out of nowhere the realization hits you that you haven’t even once tried to wrest your hand from his. You’ve just let it be and walked hand in hand with him like it’s natural for you too. He keeps you close to his side, his grip snug against your hand so that if you wanted to you could slip your hand out easily. You should, you definitely should but you don’t which itself brings about an onslaught of a hundred different thoughts.  
While you are busy having a mental breakdown, you arrive at the pub, to find a long line outside stretching for about half a block.
“I told you we should have made reservations” Hoseok whines.
“Reservations for drinks? Are you crazy bro?” Jimin replies with a shake of his head.
Jeongguk chuckles watching the exchange between your friends all the while holding onto your hand, and you stand quietly next to him hoping they don’t see it.
“It’s chilly” Hoseok suddenly mumbles and then you feel it.
Now that he’s said it, of course you’re feeling it.
Then another unthinkable thing happens. Jeongguk very subtly places your already interlocked hands in his jacket pocket. Once again he doesn’t say a word, doesn’t look at you, or interrupt the conversation. He just does it like he’s done this a million times too. You glance up at him and he’s just looking at Hoseok and Jimin as they bicker with a smile. It’s not the fact that your hand is currently locked in his. It’s not the awareness of the emotions and sensations you’re feeling. What makes your knees go weak and your chest swell with emotion is how quietly he’s doing it. There is something about the way that he’s so natural about it that makes your heart race faster. It doesn’t feel forced. It feels just right-- and that’s what makes you so nervous.
You feel the warmth rise to your cheeks, softly melting into your skin and morphing into heat as it emanates. Even the slight chill in the night air isn’t enough to dull it down. Your breathing becomes faster, your lungs feel like they are being stretched as you try your best to take in air, but none it ever gets down there because you just can't remember how to breathe. You can feel the adrenaline in your veins, your mouth slowly but surely drying as each second passes with your hand shoved enveloped by the warmth of Jeongguk’s hand wrapped around yours.
Jimin’s eyes accidentally fall onto your disappeared hands. He nudges Hoseok who follows his line of sight to find your and Jeongguks’ hands safely tucked in his pocket. Wide smiles plaster themselves onto their lips as they look on, while both of you remain unaware of the two pairs of eyes closely observing you.
“We’ll be here all night long” Jeongguk speaks at which point both Jimin and Hoseok wipe the smiles on their faces and pretend not to have seen anything while nodding along.
“Should we just leave?” Jimin questions.
You’re the first one to nod in agreement-- too enthusiastically in fact which makes Jeongguk utter a soft chuckle as he looks down at you.
“Yeah” he mumbles quietly, as his gaze rests on you taking in how small you look next to him and how much he’ll give anything to keep you by his side-- safe and sound.
It’s been two weeks since you were given the task of writing Jeongguk’s profile and for the thousandth time as you sit to write, your mind draws a blank. How do you begin and where do you begin? The biggest issue for you though is maintaining objectivity because somehow the time you have spent with Jeongguk has made you realize several different things.
1. He’s not as bad as you thought he was, and therefore you can’t really hate him anymore 2. Since you can't hate him anymore, you don’t know what you are supposed to do 3. You feel things around him that you haven’t felt around other people and you are terrified as to what it means.
The library thankfully is empty save for you so you can whine and complain aloud without attracting attention which is what you are busy doing when Jimin walks in. He looks like death-- hair dishevelled and sticking out in different directions, face smeared slightly with dirt along with his shirt, and a shuffling gait as he approaches you.
He falls down limply onto the chair, leaning against the back and his arms fall loosely to the sides. You arch a brow in curiosity as you observe the young boy in front of you who suddenly looks like he’s gained years.
“Wow” you comment, shutting down your laptop, lowkey thankful for the distraction. “You look like shit”
“Blame your damn boyfriend” he mumbles, eyelids half droopy.
“For the last time, he’s not my boyfriend” a muscle in your jaw twitches as you glare at Jimin.
“Whatever it is” he waves you off. “Can’t you just accept it? He’s taking it out on us” Jimin lifts himself off the chair and offers you an impassive, blank look.
“What do you mean?” your face contorts in confusion.
“He’s frustrated. All of us can see it. Hell, the whole fucking college knows except you” he looks at you with the same lifeless gaze.
“Knows what?”
“Jeongguk likes you!” Jimin throws his hands in the air, finally the listless look replaced by some kind of emotion-- mostly frustration.
“No” you shake your head vigorously. “He doesn’t”. Despite him basically having confessed to you that day by the bus stop, you still refuse to believe it.
“Oh for fuck's sake” he groans, hiding his face in his palms.
“We’ve been practicing for four hours straight. All because he’s annoyed you can’t see his feelings and he’s trying to make that frustration go away by distracting himself with football. Or way worse because you refuse to acknowledge his feelings and your own”
“I am dead inside Jimin” you try to lighten the mood but Jimin only supplies a blank look, definitely not impressed. “Sorry” you look away sheepishly.
“Please y/n” please Jimin falls off his chair and onto his knees as he looks at you--pleading with despair.
“Jimin what the hell?” you jump from your seat in surprise as you force him to get up. “Stop”
“You stop. You like him right?” Jimin falls back on his seat with a long sigh.
“I don’t” you avoid his eyes, as yours dart around.
“Fine then. I guess we'll just set him up with Jaehyun’s sister” Jimin pouts with a shrug.
At this your head whips in his direction so fast you end up feeling dizzy. “What?”
“Yeah. Jaehyun has been pestering Jeongguk for months to date his sister because he thinks they’ll make a good couple. Honestly, I think so too because I have met his sister and she is very sweet and has a warm personality. Jeongguk will like her too once he meets her.”
You blink, feeling your energy being drained away and a sense of dread settling into your stomach. The thought of Jeongguk with someone else obviously doesn’t sit well with you because of the sense of urgency that starts to build. You don’t know what for, but it rises out of your stomach and slowly spreads to the rest of your body turning you restless. You look at Jimin, hoping he can see what you’re feeling in your eyes, the way Jeongguk sees it. But all Jimin does is stare at you in a blank fashion, as if he is incapable of expressing himself in any other way.
An image of Jeongguk with another girl passes through your mind and you shut your eyes tight to make it go away because it leaves its mark in your chest in the form of panic. All you feel is panic. Panic because Jeongguk might end up liking Jaehyun’s sister. Because if he likes her then somehow you’ll feel bad and if you feel bad then that means…
“What are you two doing here?”
Jimin turns his head towards the owner of the voice and you look past his shoulder to see the devil walking towards you, with his bag slung over one shoulder, black shirt hanging loosely off his frame, black sweatpants fitting perfectly along the curves of his thighs and to complete the look black boots along with a black baseball cap on his head, with his long hair sticking out of the bottom around his neck.
Damn him and his stupid fucking outfits. He never even tries and yet he has the ability to make your heart flutter.
“Must you always greet me like this y/n?” his lips stretch into a playful smile as he takes off his backpack and sits on the empty chair next to you.
“Must you sit next to me?” you glance at him and quickly open your laptop again to distract yourself.
“ I want to” his smile only widens.
You groan internally because you’re feeling it all over again— the butterflies, the heat seeping into your cheeks, the way your heart starts to beat faster and your breaths hitch in your throat.
“What are you writing?” he leans in towards you his shoulder touching yours. Your eyes widen momentarily at the contact.
“Umm” you clear your throat. “About you”
“I knew you liked me!” He whispers excitedly in your ear
“What!?” you shriek, unable to control the thrumming of your chest.
“Why can’t you just accept it?” he leans in further, nose gently touches the side of your face and your eyes automatically close as he makes you feel so many emotions. Overwhelmed, you push your chair away and run out.
“Y/n!” Jeongguk calls out after you with a grin stuck to his face.
“Why do you always do this?” Jimin shakes his head at him once you are gone.
“It’s fun. Plus it's cute how y/n blushes every time” he says with a playful grin.
“Fucking whipped man” Jimin sighs
Jeongguk leans into the palm of his hand squishing his cheek as he sulks. “I’ve always been whipped. Your best friend just refuses to see it”
“Whatever will happen to you two” Jimin purses his lips and shakes his head like he’s disappointed.
After running out like a damn coward from the library, and leaving all your stuff there like the intelligent person you are-- you end up bumping into Kinsey who is one of your group mates for a project you’re doing in your horrendous Microbiology class. You thought it would be a fun class with getting to wear that white lab coat and conducting experiments but you instead find the class to be so boring it makes you fall asleep.
“Hey Kinsey” you greet with a smile.
“Hey y/n. You remember we’re meeting today for the end of term project right?”
Do you remember that? No. Will you tell her? No.
“Yes I do” you lie with ease.
“We’ll see you in the library then at 6 as decided?”
Holy shit at 6 pm? How the hell are you supposed to get home?. You have half a mind to say no but you realize that your whole grade rides on this project and you end up getting a bad grade, you won’t just screw yourself, you’ll screw everyone else too which isn’t fair. So you agree to meet in the library at six and you are sure that you’ll be late getting home because when in this world ever have group meetings finished on time?
Kinsey leaves you with a lot to think about. However most important at this time though is getting your stuff from the library but you’re too scared to go back. But you have no choice because one you can’t just leave your stuff at the mercy of Park Jimin and Jeon Jeongguk, and two you still have a couple of hours to spare until you meet your group. So you need your stuff. Otherwise without your laptop, and your cell phone which you also left on the table-- you have nothing to do. At the very least you need these two things.
So begrudgingly, hating how the logic makes sense, you trudge back the way you came, and quietly sneak to the second floor, keeping your eyes and ears open in case Jeon Jeongguk appears. He has this bad habit of sneaking up on you when you least expect it.
When you reach the second floor, to your right are the bookshelves and you quickly hide behind one and peek from behind at the tables on the opposite side to you. You catch the sight of the table you were sitting on but it’s empty and none of your stuff is there. One of them took it and you desperately hope it was Jimin and not--
“Looking for this?” you turn around to find Jeongguk holding your bag by the grab handle mid-air, raising a brow at you.
Holy shit.
You reach for your bag but he retreats his arm. “Are you trying to avoid me?”
“No” you shake your head, reaching for the bag again but he steps back.
“Stop doing that and give me my backpack. I have a lot of work to do, unlike you”
“You are avoiding me” he says with a straight face.
“I really need my things Jeon. I am supposed to meet my group at 6 for a project so I need my stuff. Please”
“You’re staying here until after 6?” he stretches his arm and holds your bag out to you.
“Yeah” you nod, taking the bag and putting the straps over your shoulder.
“How will you get home?The bus stops running early today because of the parade”
“I’ll figure something out” you shrug and pivot on your heels, beginning your walk to somewhere you can be alone because lord knows being around Jeongguk is overwhelming and leaves you feeling like you don’t know what to do with yourself.
You had gotten so busy with working on his profile that you kind of put everything else on the back burner— including the one group assignment you had to do as an end of term project.
You and your group mates head out towards the parking lot after finishing because for one all of them drove and second you could take a shortcut through the parking lot to get to the bus stop two blocks down. Had it not been for the stupid spring parade the road wouldn’t be blocked and you wouldn’t have to walk two damn blocks just to catch the other bus.
Your group members even offer to give you a ride home but you refuse because you don’t want to be a burden.
“Bye” you said to Kinsey, and just as you turn around to leave your eyes fall upon none other than Jeongguk who is leaning against the hood of his car— eyes glued to his phone.
“Oh. I get it. Your boyfriend was coming to pick you up” Kinsey says with a suggestive smile on her face.
“No” you shake your head vigorously. “I didn’t even know he was here”
“It’s alright. I get it” she winks as she opens the door. “Have fun”
You open your mouth to protest but she is already settled in the car and starting the engine. Then she drives off into the night leaving you a little shocked.
Once she disappears from your sight you walk over to Jeongguk who doesn’t see you coming.
“What are you doing here at this time of the night?” you stop in front of him catching his attention.
“Oh hey!” he puts his phone away and greets you with that cheeky smile. “I am here to pick you up”
“What? Why?”
“Because it’s..” he glanced at the watch on his wrist. “It’s 10:05 at night and you should not be taking transit. It’s not safe”
“What kind of a guy would I be if I let a girl— a catch like you— take the transit in the middle of the night. My mom didn’t raise me that way” he shakes his head. “Besides, I can’t have some random handsome stranger on the bus steal you away from me” he breaks out into his signature tooth grin, eyes disappearing into moon shaped crescents.
“I don’t know what kinds of movies you have been watching all your life to get that stupid idea in your head. But It’s okay. I am a big girl. I can handle myself” you offer a smile before pivoting with the intention of walking away. However, you forget you are talking to Jeongguk— he doesn’t give up easily.
He tugs you back by the grab handle on top of your backpack.“Y/n wait” You turn around to look at him.
“Please just come. I’ll feel better about it. I really don’t want you taking transit at this time. It’s not safe. I don’t want anything happening to you”
You regard him— how he’s silently pleading with those sparkly eyes of his, how he sounds so concerned and genuine.
“I live forty minutes away. What if you get hungry?”
“I ate. Plus I came prepared with snacks” he looks proud of himself as he cheekily grins at you.
“What if your parents get mad at you?” you fold your arms
“I am a big boy y/n. Besides, I live alone”
“What if the car runs out of gas?” you quirk a brow at him
“The tank is full. I made sure of that when I came here”
“Umm then, what if….” you stumble for another excuse.
“Nope. No more excuses” he wags his finger side to side.
“Okay. But it’ll take you like two hours to get back home because you live on the opposite side of the city and you have practice tomorrow morning. So you’ll need to wake up early which means if you drop me off you will get home late and won’t have enough time to sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep then how will you go into practice tomorrow morning” you ramble out of concern for him.
He waves you off. “My love, I’ll be fine”
“What if you are so tired, you can’t concentrate and then you injure yourself?”
“I won’t injure myself. I’ll get enough sleep. Stop worrying about me”
“I am not worried about you” you scoff, looking away as your pupils shake.
“Okay fine. You’re totally not worried about me. I concede. Will you please just get in so I can drive you home, then get back to my precious bed and get that proper sleep you’re so not worried about?”
You bite your lip in indecision. Then you figured the more you stand here wasting time the later he would get home— not that you care. But you also know refusing wouldn’t be an option for two reasons: one Jeongguk would rather die than let you take the bus and two it might sort of, kind of break his heart if you refused. But you settle on the former being the reason for saying yes, and definitely not the latter.
“Fine. Thank you” your lips stretch into a grateful making him smile as well.
“Anytime my love” and like the gentleman, he is he opens the door for you and you sit in and he drives you home.
Once you’ve reached home, he leans in and pecks you on the cheek. “Good night y/n” his eyes sparkle as the moonlight through the window hits his irises.
“Drive safe Jeon. Good night” you whisper
The next day, you’re in the elevator heading to your class when it stops at one the floors and a bunch of girls get in squishing you. You shuffle as far back as you can and find yourself pinned to a corner.
“Did you hear Jeongguk asked Jihyun out?” one of them says with a dirty scowl on her face.
Your eyes widen as the words register in your head and your heart starts pounding against your chest.
“Jihyun?” one of the girls in the group asks
“Yeah. Jaehyun’s sister” the first girl replies with yet another scowl.
“Wow. I thought he would never date anyone” the second girl.
“A guy like him can’t be single for too long” the other shrugs.
So when Jimin told you that they would set Jeongguk up with Jaehyun’s sister he wasn’t joking. You had taken it too lightly and now Jeongguk is with another girl.
A lump forms in your throat and you try your best to choke it back. But then the tightness builds and you feel the back of your throat constricting and a tiny sob escapes. You slap a hand to your mouth as the two girls look at you. You duck your head low so they can’t see the tears pricking the edge of your eyes.
You press the button for the next floor since the board is right next to you. The elevator bell dings and you push past them, earning glares in response.
The tears you had been trying to hold back fall onto your cheeks one after another and your nose starts to feel stuffy. You keep your head low and avoid eye contact with people around you.
As if your luck couldn’t get any worse you end up bumping your head into someone’s chest—
“Sorry” a familiar voice cuts through the air and you wish that a hole open up in the ground to swallow you whole. “Y/n?”
Jeon frickin Jeongguk makes an appearance at the worst moment.
You try to sidestep him but he tugs your arm to make you stop. “Are you crying?”
“Let me go” you croak, trying to wrest your wrist from his grasp. But he only pulls you towards him. You keep your head low to avoid looking at him.
“Why are you crying?” his soft voice only makes the urge to sob worse.
“It’s none of your business” a muscle in your jaw twitches as you bite through clenched teeth. “Let me go!” you yank your wrist out of his grasp and walk past him to continue on your unknown destination.
“Wait” he pulls at your wrist again. “Did someone say something to you? Do I need to kick someone’s ass because I’ll gladly do it” he’s looking into your eyes with that stupid fucking look-- slight crinkle on his forehead, eyes full of concern that makes you want to melt into a puddle of goo. You look at him, tears falling down your cheeks as you try to decipher exactly what is going through his head. He’s no one. He’s not your boyfriend, he’s not even a friend. To top it all off he’s asked someone else out. So why does he care so much?
You roll your eyes. “Can't you mind your own business?. Besides your girlfriend won’t appreciate seeing you holding onto me like this” you lift the wrist he’s holding and glance at it and then back at him.
“Oh” a look of realization crosses his face, and very subtly a corner of his lips tugs up, but then he’s quick to revert to his usual neutral expression. He lets go of your wrist, and without a word, you pivot on your heels and leave him standing there.
Had you looked back you would have noticed him shaking his head with an affectionate smile that reached his eyes, as he watched your retreating figure.
The last thing-- the very last thing you want is to leave the house. You just want to wallow in your misery which you don’t fully comprehend, or rather refuse to acknowledge the reason for. That’s all you want. But having Jimin and Hoseok and best friend’s makes things difficult. You wish that there was a refund policy for friendships because you would definitely cash in on it when both of them barge into your room and rip the covers off you.
You shoot both of them a glare and lift yourself to pull the covers back and fall back onto the bed again. You clutch onto the covers tightly so they can't take them off you. But two of them are stronger than one of you and you feel the cold draft hitting you when they manage to get the duvet off you again.
“What!” you yell at them.
“Get up!” they say in unison.
“Fuck off!” you yell back
“Stop being a child and get up. The world hasn’t ended. You say you don’t even like him! So why are you acting all butt hurt about it” Hoseok’s firm voice cuts through the silence.
“I am not butthurt” you fold your arms defensively as you frown at him.
“Seriously y/n, if you don’t get up I am going to the very last thing you want” Jimin threatens as he folds his arms across his chest too and pouts at you-- daring you to disobey.
“You are all words” you scowl at him.
“Fine” he pulls his phone out of his pocket. You watch as he dials and then puts the phone next to his ear. “Jeongguk, come over right now”
“Jimin!” you yell and shoot up from the bed and jump on Jimin as he catches you by wrapping one arm around your waist. He extends his arm away from your reach and puts the phone on speaker. “Hang up!” you slap him repeatedly on his back. “Hang the fuck up!”
“What’s going on?” you hear Jeongguk’s voice.
“Hang up Jimin!!” you yell at the top of your lungs.
“Alright. I am coming over” you hear Jeongguk’s voice before the dial tone rings.
You look from the phone to Jimin, who is smiling at you. “Don’t challenge me next time y/n”
Jimin lets go of you and you flop on the bed with a thud. “I hate you” you glance at them both before hiding your face behind your hands.
“We love you too. So, now he’s coming over. Here’s what is going to happen” Hoseok crouches down in front of you and pulls your hands away from your face, holding them tight to your sides as he looks at you. “You’re going to tell him how you feel about him. Don’t dare deny it y/n” he warns.
“But he asked Jihyun-”
“No” Jimin says sternly and shakes his head. “No more excuses”
You look at Jimin and then down at Hoseok. “You guys suck”
“You know you like him. You do” he pauses as he studies you carefully. “Just tell him because he likes you too. A lot. He’s even told you like a million times. Stop breaking his heart”
“What?” your eyes widen as you feel betrayed. “Breaking his heart? When did I-” and then you realize how many times he said he liked you-- directly and indirectly-- and how everytime you brushed him off.
“You know y/n, there is only so much time he will wait for you. If you don’t, he’ll move on and then you’ll regret not saying anything” Jimin speaks as he peers into your eyes.
“Exactly” Hoseok nods.
You groan and fall back onto the bed. “I hate all of this”
Jimin grabs one of your arms and Hoseok grabs the other as they pull you up. “Stop” both of them say in unison again.
“Tell him” Hoseok says a final time before both of them retreat out of your room, giving you plenty to think about.
> > > > > > >
As not promised, Jeongguk shows up. He actually shows up at your place. He always does things he’s not supposed to do like showing up at your place and never does things he’s supposed to do like answer your interview questions. When you hear the front the door open, you quickly run to the door of your room and stand with your back against it, pushing as much as you can because you know Hoseok and Jimin are going to come at any moment to get you.
As expected you hear the sounds of footsteps and whispers outside your door. “She better not have locked it” you hear Hoseok mumble.
You feel the handle digging into the small of your back as Hoseok tries to open the door from the other side. You press your lips together, as the pain gets to you slowly. You try to hold it in but then the door bursts open. You lose your balance since you are pushed away due to the sheer force that is Jimin and fall to the floor on your knees.
“I knew it” Hoseok looks at you accusingly from behind Jimin as he holds open the door. “He’s here”
“Go downstairs and talk to him” Jimin helps you up.
“Do I have to?” you look at him pleadingly.
“Yes. What do you think is going to happen if you tell him?” he says in a firm voice
“I don’t know” you reply. But you imagine Jeongguk could just change his mind and tell you he never liked you, in which case you would be hurt. He could tell you he likes Jihyun now and that he’s forgotten all about you. He could tell you he’s already moved on and then things are awkward between you for the rest of your college life. But more than all of this is just the fact that he’s Jeongguk and you are y/n and your relationship was never supposed to come to this.
You were always supposed to walk that thin line between friends and enemies and nothing more. But then you got to know Jeongguk and how kind he is. You got to know his ambitions and how hard he will work for them. You understood that he’s a human too and he breaks down like everyone else. That understanding changed something — in fact it changed everything.
So is it not natural for you to hesitate? Why can’t everyone understand that?
At being met nothing but silence Jimin shoves you out of your room, his hand resting on the small of your back, until you are downstairs in the living room just to make sure you don’t run away.
They know you too well.
“Go!” Jimin pushes you and you end up stumbling towards Jeongguk who is standing with his back to you, his eyes glued to the football game. When you hit him because you lose your balance he is quick to turn around and steady you.
“Clearly God never blessed you with balance” he chuckles.”How are you always stumbling and falling over?” he steadies you by placing his hands on your arms and holding you in place.
“T-t-th-thanks” you mutter under your breath as he lets go of your arms. You allow your gaze to settle on the floor as you fidget with your hands. You look over your shoulder at Jimin and Hoseok both of whom give an imperceptible shake of their heads as you silently plead. You guess there is no choice.
“Why did you call me over?” Jeongguk turns to Jimin who abandons his defensive stance.
“Y/n has something to tell you” the corners of his mouth upturn in an encouraging smile as he looks from Jeongguk to you.
“You do?” Jeongguk looks at you with crinkled brows.
You stand silent, unable to look at him, unable to think-- powerless to even move a muscle much less your mouth. You can feel all three men looking at you. Jimin gently squeezes your shoulder.
“Well-” you clear your throat as you look at Hoseok who gives you a thumbs up. “Well the thing is” you clear your throat again, swallowing hard because your mouth is dry. “The- the- the thing is that… I--ummm.. I--uhhh. I-- well I ” you glance at Jeongguk who is watching you with nothing but patience.
“She likes you” Hoseok speaks out nowhere. No one asked him--literally no one. This isn’t how you were going to say it.
Your head whips in his direction as you look at him wide-eyed, and a panicked frown decorating your forehead.
“She does huh” Jeongguk muses with a slow understanding nod. You turn to face him. He’s grinning from ear to ear like a child. He steps towards you, to erase the already minimal distance. “I know you do” he says with a low voice, and a tiny smile that reaches his eyes.
“How?” you blink at him in confusion.
“I told you, your eyes always give you away y/n” he speaks in a gentle, calming tone which helps calm your nerves down. “In the hallway that day when you bumped into me, you were crying and when I asked why you told me to mind my own business. But then when I held your wrist you told me my girlfriend wouldn’t like it. The way you looked at me-- heartbroken, hurt, with so much anger and pain in your eyes -- I knew right then and there, my love” he reaches for both of your hands and holds them in his.
“Didn’t you ask Jihyun out?”
“That…” he tilts his head as he turns to look at Hoseok and Jimin pointing at them with his thumb. “It’s not true. It was their plan to get some kind of reaction out of you”
You turn to your best friends with a look of betrayal on your face. “What?”
“Would you have admitted your feelings otherwise?” Hoseok says defensively.
“Our work is done so we will leave,” Jimin says hurriedly already on the move and you open your mouth to chastise them but before you can they run-- as in sprint the fastest you have ever seen them before. Jeongguk chuckles watching them and you just stare at their retreating figures in disbelief.
“Well,” Jeongguk turns to you. “They aren’t wrong”
You bite your lip as you look at him. “I guess I like you”
He chuckles softly. “A guess is better than you denying it”
Silence befalls as both of you avoid each other’s gazes. Jeongguk awkwardly scratches the nape of his neck while you keep your gaze cast on the floor.
“You still like me? Despite me always brushing off your feelings?”
“Love” he nods, his voice an octave lower. “I’ll always love you. I’ll love you even when I hate you. You can break my heart, do whatever you want with it and I’ll still love you” he looks in your eyes, never once blinking.
“You’re absolutely sure?”
He blinks and his lips curve in a faint smile. “ It’s hard not to y/n. You’re amazing. My favourite thing about you is that you don’t even know how perfectly beautiful you are. You don’t see what I see and that’s your charm” he says in a low gentle voice.
“What don’t I see?”
“How loving you has made me calmer, wiser, kinder, easier, and... better” he steps towards you erasing the small amount of distance between you
“What else?” you whisper, feeling your stomach tightening in knots, and a soft quiver settling in between your thighs.
“You don’t see that you have the ability to make a man crazy with desire yet still be naive enough to not know that. It’s absolutely maddening”
“You always make it so--so hard for me, Jeon” you breathe heavily, feeling that quiet resolve to not acknowledge him deep within you break as each second passes. Because the truth is he does make it hard for you to hate him— and maybe the sun is finally coming up and reality is settling in.
“I think I am going to kiss you” his voice cuts through the silence.
You make a non-committal sound catching yourself off guard and to cover it up you clear your throat. You just look at him and hope he can understand that you are okay with it.
He leans in slowly, and wraps your hands around his waist as he pulls you in. “Stop me at anytime” he tilts his head to the side as his nose brushes past yours and then he presses his lips against yours very gently. Your lips tingle at the contact and intuitively your arms tighten around his waist as you pull him in. The gentle movements of his mouth grow stronger once your lips part and you start kissing him back.
He pulls you in further as his hand rests on the back of your head. Your toes curl from the adrenaline and you moan against his mouth. He pulls back as you take a quick breather in which he also manages to chuckle at your reaction.
“Shut up” you mumble against his mouth as you press your lips against his. You feel the heat building in every part of your body. Your face in particular feels very warm and so do your hands. Jeongguk’s lips move against yours and his hands slowly slide down to rest against the small of your back. He slightly pushes you and in you lose all your breath.
Then you’re tugging him by his shirt and jumping up to wrap your legs around his waist. He supports your weight as he starts walking up the stairs like you weigh nothing for him. Somehow this simple action makes you more impatient, makes you want more because it’s just hot?
Jeongguk kicks open your ajar door with his foot and lays you down on the bed without breaking the kiss. He pulls away first as both of you pant against each other’s mouths. “I told you I am a great kisser” he heaves with a soft chuckle.
You bite his lower lip gently. “Is that all you can do?” you tease.
“Are you sure?” he smooths your hair away from your face and then cups your cheeks as he lays a soft peck on your lips.
You nod your affirmation and pull him down again in a kiss. His hands grip your sides, gently stroking up and down which makes heat pool within your stomach. His touch sends shivers down your spine. You feel his fingers under your skin as your shirt rides up.
“Stop teasing” you breathe out.
“Patience babygirl” he grins wolfishly, a tiny mischievous glint in his eyes.
He captures your lips in his once again and then moves down to the crook of your neck as he pulls the sensitive skin between his teeth softly. A laugh escapes your lips as his breath tickles. “That’s going to leave a mark” you giggle.
“That’s the point” he kisses the same spot softly. “I fucking love you”
“Show me then” you whisper.
Jeongguk doesn’t hesitate after you give him consent. His hands never rest in one place as they explore every part of your body. He whispers sweet nothings in your ear as he slides in and out of you, tells how beautiful he thinks you are. He doesn’t for one second let you feel uncomfortable and goes at your pace. He listens to you when you tell him what feels good and does exactly that.
“Jeon” you pant heavily as you pull him down towards you.
“You feel so damn good y/n” he pecks you on the lips as he bucks his hips in and out of you. You claw your fingers against his back giving into the rush he makes you feel. He utters a guttural sound at the contact. He continues his movements as he pushes your hair out of your face, cupping your cheek staring you directly in your eyes. “God you have no idea how beautiful you look right now” he whispers between breaths.
“Fuck” you moan as he bends down to capture your lips in his once more-- drinking in all the ecstasy running through your veins.
He’s gentle, even still as he holds you. His caresses, and touches are so soft they leave goosebumps in their wake. The moans and groans that escape past his lips only help you climax harder because you know he’s feeling good. That in itself is enough to make you come undone. When you do, Jeongguk is right there hovering above you, praising you, gently and softly kissing you as you convulse around him. Then he’s chasing his own high and your name softly passes through his lips and he falls limply on top you, kissing the crook of your neck.
He gathers you up in his arms as he rolls on his back. You cuddle against him, wrapping your arm around his torso, resting your face in the crook of his neck, leaving small feather light pecks. He’s so warm against your skin that it starts to make you feel sleepy.
“Goodnight, baby” he whispers against your forehead as he lays a gentle kiss.
Then you drift off to sleep in his arms-- safe, sound, protected, and loved.
> > > > > > >
The next morning the stupid chiming sound of your phone wakes you up. You crack an eye open and reach for it. Jeongguk’s name appears on the screen and your heart immediately starts beating faster. Last night comes to mind and you remember how he touched you, how your name had passed his lips as he had reached his high. You remember how he showed you he loved you. You remember the sweet smell of cinnamon from his skin, and the soft gentle caresses of his fingers against your skin.
You open the text with a smile.
Jeon Jerguk: breakfast is ready 💕
Curious, you slide to the edge of the bed legs dangling to the floor with the intention of getting up but then you pick your phone and change Jeongguk’s name in your phone to Kookie with a heart beside it. He’s not so much of a jerk anymore.
Then you get up and upon feeling something under your feet, you look to find Jeongguk’s shirt. Your brows furrow. If his shirt is here then what is he wearing?
It turns out he isn't wearing a shirt at all. You gawk stupidly at his back which faces you while he’s making breakfast. You can see the curves of his biceps, the muscles straining in his back as he holds the pan in his hand. The deep line in the middle of his back which stops just above the hem of his jeans. You gulp hard, your fist clenching tighter on the shirt in your hand.
You clear your throat and he turns around. It was a bad idea- a really bad idea because now you can’t stop staring at him even more. It’s funny how abs have been glorified and sexualized so much that they are actually a part of a man’s sexual appeal. Unfortunately you have also fallen into that trap because you just can’t stop staring at that six pack he is sporting
“Y/n” Jeongguk grins noticing where your eyes are lurking.
“Huh?” you blink at him and then throw his shirt at him which hits his face. “Your shirt” you mumble quickly looking away.
“I was kind of hoping you would wear it” a wolffish, playful grin spreads on his mouth. But he takes the shirt and pulls it over his head and then down his torso.
“Uhh… well” you stumble for words avoiding his eyes.
“I am kidding” he starts walking towards you. He cups your cheeks before he’s placing a kiss on your forehead. “Breakfast?” he pulls away with a soft smile.
“You made breakfast?” you stare at him wide eyed, unable to hide your surprise.
“Always with the look of surprise” he says for the thousandth time.
“I just didn’t think…”
“I was hungry” he shrugs, and walks back to the stove.
You’re not surprised. He’s always hungry. There is never a moment when Jeongguk wouldn’t say he’s not hungry.
You take a seat at the island and he comes back with a plate in his hand and he places it in front of you. He leans on the counter on his elbows as he looks at you, making your stomach tighten.
You swallow hard. “French toast?” you again look at him in surprise and yet again he shakes his head.
“You really have to stop being so surprised at everything I do. It’s kind of offensive” he pouts.
“I’ll try my best not to” you take a bite. It’s actually good.
“How is it?” he looks upon you in anticipation.
“Really good” you mumble through a mouthful.
“Yes!” he punches the air
“How many girls have you done this for?” you chuckle.
“I’ll give you an actual reason to be surprised” he purses his lips. “You’re the first”
“You’re telling me-- you-- the captain of the football team, Jeon Jeongguk, have never done this before?” you point to your plate.
“Not just breakfast. Even last night. You’re the first”
“I am what!?” you gawk at him.
“You are the first girl I’ve slept with. Happy?”
He then turns around and gets his own plate, sitting down next to you. You don’t prompt him again regarding the same topic but you do feel special. Then this urge overcomes you and lean towards him and kiss him on the cheek. “You can be cute sometimes Jeon Jeongguk”
His lips spread in a wide grin and he leans in and pecks you on the corner of your mouth. “Happy to return the favor” he turns towards his plate, grabbing his fork and knife.
“So, serious question” you say just as he’s about to take a bite but stops mid-air.
“Anything” his lips tug upwards in a smile.
“What do we do now?”
“We do whatever you want, how ever you want”  he says in a gentle voice
“Okay. I would love to beat around the bush but I think you should know what happened last night, although I don’t regret it-- I just want you to know that I don’t do that. I mean at least not how quickly it happened. I am not like-“
“We’ll jump the base whenever you want to, my love. We’ll do it at your pace. You just tell me what you’re comfortable with and what is a ‘no’ for you. If you ever think I am rushing you just tell me. I don’t want to do this wrong. Especially not with you” the sincerity in his eyes is as clear as day. He’s not looking away, he’s not even blinking. He’s looking straight in your eyes and saying that which forces you to think he’s being honest. If he weren’t his body would have given him away. But he’s firm with his voice and his words.
“Thank you… Kookie” you quickly look away, slightly angling your body away from him out of sheer embarrassment. After all those sweet words, he deserves a sweet name like that doesn’t he?
He’s about to begin eating when a look of realization crosses his face and his hand stops midway to his mouth, toast dropping on the plate. “Wait what did you just call me?” he grabs your arm and spins you so you face him.
“I am just trying it out” you quickly glance at him and then rest your gaze on your lap.
“Wait, say it again” you can hear the smile in his voice. You don’t have to look up to know that he is in fact grinning.
“Kookie” you mumble.
“If I was a girl I would say my heart is going to burst and shit sprinkles all over”
“What?” you chuckle, the laughter bellowing from deep within your chest as it develops into a full bellyache.
“In other words, I love it! Please never call me anything else”
“You’re crazy” you shake your head
“Yeah. But only for you” his smile is so wide his eyes crinkle at the corners.
You haven’t seen Jeongguk all day long because he’s been busy practicing for the friendly game against the rival college team. Even though it’s supposed to be a pre-season game things tend to get intense when the Douglas Royals visit your college.
One would think it was the final game of the season with all the banners decorating the hall, people dressed in the white and red colours of the football team with face paint on. There was barely anything happening in classes because even the professors understood that people wouldn’t be paying attention.
Your phone buzzes and you open it.
Kookie💙: if you go to my locker you’ll find a present there. I’ll see you this evening. ILY❤️
You make a U-turn from the front of the library and head to the locker room because can you say no to Jeongguk- never. Ever since you’ve been with Jeongguk the sports department has been extra nice about you going to the locker room even if it’s empty.
You skip happily to Jeongguk’s spot and find a black box waiting for you. Your heart starts beating fast in anticipation. As you close in, you realize it’s actually bigger than you thought it would be which makes you even more eager.
Unable to contain your curiosity you open the box and find something you had not been expecting with a small note attached to it.
You know you’re my lucky charm right? Wear this to the game this evening and I promise I’ll win it for you.
Yours, Kookie
The whole football field and the bleachers surrounding the field fill up thirty minutes before the kickoff. The team hasn’t arrived on the field and it’s only the cheerleaders doing their thing.
The moment you enter the field all eyes fall on you and whispers reach your ear.
“Isn’t that JK’s girlfriend?”
“Never thought they would get together”
“I am so jealous of her” someone whines and it automatically makes your heart swell with pride— everyone wants him but you got him.
There’s more but you tune it out because you find Hoseok waving at you. You skip down the steps and sit down next to him.
“Did the school spirit vomit all over you?” his nose scrunches when he takes in your appearance— wearing the football jersey with Jeongguk’s name and his number ‘9’ decorating your back and the number ‘9’ painted in white on your cheeks.
You clear your throat. “He left it as a present for me”
“He’s fucking whipped” Hoseok shakes his head as takes a sip of his beer.
“You made it happen so blame yourself” you nudge him teasingly.
The game begins and the whole time your eyes only follow Jeongguk. He almost gets knocked over by one of the players on the other team. But thank the heavens that Jimin is on the team because he manages to tackle the guy before Jeongguk gets thrown down. Your heart after that moment doesn’t stop thumping like it’s lost its ability to calm down.
Jeongguk is a great quarterback. He’s so good at it that you feel your chest swelling with pride on the inside every time he’s shown on the jumbotron on the opposite side of the field from you. So this is what it’s like to be his girlfriend.
The game comes to an end without anyone getting injured and your boyfriend makes it back to you in one piece.
“Yay!” he runs towards you after the game ends and you’re waiting for him outside the locker room. “You wore it”
You roll your eyes. “Of course I wore it”
“It looks good on you. Actually on second thought-- you look hot. Can we go home?”
You slap him on the shoulder. “Shut up. Let’s go eat. I’ll buy since you won and since you played so so so well. I am so proud of you”
“I don’t want food. I want you-- the best dessert ever” he winks.
“You’re disgusting Jeon Jeongguk” you shake your head and slap him on the shoulder.
“Fine” he grins as he drapes an arm over your shoulder. “Only because you’re buying, girlfriend” he kisses the side of your head as you both begin walking.
{2 weeks later}
Jeon Jeongguk is a lot of things, but a patient man is not of those things. Eager to announce your exclusive relationship he ended up instead setting more obstacles in your way because now people were doubting your ability to write his profile. You are supposed to release it in 24 hours and still, you have nothing but a blank page staring back at you.
Of course, it doesn’t help that the updated relationship status Jeongguk tagged you in keeps getting more comments. Your phone keeps buzzing again and again and again which only strengthens your resolve to throw it against a wall. You sigh for the millionth time as you bang your head gently against your closed laptop which is sitting in your lap.
Jeongguk turns to look at you, a look of worry crossing his face. The next time you lower your head you end up hitting his hand as it floats mid air between your face and your poor laptop.
You look at him and groan. “Kookie, I am so stressed out”
He abandons his lax posture against the couch and turns to you, folding one leg under the other and then holding both your hands in his. “Remember that time when I was whining about not wanting to be the captain”
You nod.
“What did you tell me?” he asks with a soft smile
“I told you that things that are worth it take effort and time”
“Exactly. You’ve worked so hard on this. I’ve seen you. I was there every time” he opens his arms and you quickly snuggle against him wrapping your arms around his back. He rests his cheek against the top of your head as he tightens his arms around you. “You can do it”
“How do you always know the right thing to say?” you mumble as you play with the fabric of his shirt.
“Because I love you dumdum” he kisses the top of your head.
“Fine” you pull away and reach for your laptop, dragging it towards yourself while Jeongguk’s arm rests behind you on the sofa and he goes back to watching the game.
You take one look at him-- the way the lights cast shadows on his face, the way his brows are knitted together in concentration as he chews his nails. That is when you know exactly what to say.
> > > > > > >
“Y/N!” you hear Hoseok yelling as he runs into the office. “Holy shit, did you see it?” he looks at you with wide eyes-- enough to make it seem like they’ll pop out any second.
“See what?” your brows crinkle in confusion.
“Oh my god, you have to” he quickly opens up your laptop, turns it towards himself and enters the college website. He navigates to the media page where your profile about Jeongguk is posted titled: Jeon Jeongguk: The Story Untold.
“What is it?” you are very concerned because it is either very good or very bad. You hope its the former not because you care about yourself but because it's Jeongguk. You don’t want his story to receive negative comments and that too because of you-- because of someone he loves.
“It’s doing better than Josh’s profile” Hoseok turns the laptop towards you.
Your mouth opens in surprise and Hoseok watches your reaction with anticipation.There are more than thirty-thousand comments which is crazy because there aren’t even that many students in the college.
“It’s spread beyond the college”
“It's what?” you ogle at him stupidly, unable to control your surprise.
“Yeah! People have shared it on social media. The college is making rounds everywhere. Jeon Jeongguk is the talk of the town right now. Because of you!” he laughs excitedly
You blink profusely unable to comprehend what he’s saying because how can that be when twenty four hours ago you were whining to your boyfriend about it? “I- I- I don’t know what to say”
“Honey!” Hoseok yells out of excitement. “You just wrote the best profile the college has seen in a long while. You have outdone yourself. This isn’t the time for talking, this is a time for celebrating!” Hoseok is smiling so bright and wide that you can’t help but smile as well.
“Holy shit” you giggle as you get up from your chair and hug Hoseok.
He spins you around in his arms further making you giggle.
The door flings open with a thud making you and Hoseok break the hug and turn towards the sound.
“Y/n” Jeongguk stands by the door with the widest grin on his face.
With quick long strides, he walks towards you and captures your lips in a kiss, without saying a single word. All he does is kiss you, and kiss you more, and then some more. You both pull away and you find Jeongguk is positively beaming. Your heart swells with happiness upon seeing him happy.
He cups your cheeks, grin still plastered to his face. “Thank you, my baby doll” he pecks you again.
“What’s going on?”
“Look” he takes out his phone and shows it to you.
It’s an email from a scouting agent which states that one of the teams at the state level is interested in meeting with Jeongguk.
“Oh my god Kookie” your mouth remains agape in surprise. “Holy shit”
“It’s all because of your profile. They saw it, called me and said they are interested”
“That’s amazing!”
You laugh as he wraps his arms around you, lifts you and spins you around in his arms. “I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you so freaking much y/n” he mumbles against your shoulder as he spins you round and round until you both start to feel a little dizzy. He gently sets you down and without unlocking his arms around you.
“I am happy for you” you smile.
“I could kiss you all day long. That’s how happy I am and it’s ten times better because you made it happen” his bright expression softens as he looks into your eyes. “Thank you again”
“It’s all you Kookie. You worked hard. I just told people your story” you stand on your toes and lay a gentle kiss on his nose which makes him scrunch it as he softly chuckles.
“You’re the best thing that has happened to me in a very very very long time” he kisses your forehead in return and wraps you in a bear hug.
“And you are the best decision I have ever made” you wrap your arms around him, feeling everything all at once-- just like every time he is around you. You don’t think these fuzzy feelings will ever fade in Jeongguk’s presence even fifty years down the road when you’re both too old to jump in each others arms. You don’t think you’ll love anyone else like you love him.
And he wouldn’t give his heart away the same way to anyone the way he’s given it to you-- absolutely, completely, utterly and hopelessly.
Just as you are busy hugging the life out of each other, Hoseok clears his throat to draw your attention to him.
“Forgetting about me already?” he pouts.
You and Jeongguk pull away and chuckle. You run up to Hoseok and tackle him in a hug because if it wasn’t for him you wouldn’t be with Jeongguk. If he hadn’t pushed you to do the profile you would have missed out on the best thing in your life.
“Alright” Jeongguk interjects and he pulls you and Hoseok away. “That’s enough”
You shake your head at your crazy boyfriend.
As soon as you are out of Hoseok’s embrace, Jeongguk pulls you in a hug by tugging at your arm and wrapping it around his back. You rest your head against the crook of his neck and he rests his cheek against the top of your head and gently sways back and forth.
“Thanks for loving me” he mumbles in that soft gentle voice that always gets to you. Your heart sinks to your stomach.
“Thanks for teaching me how to love you” you tighten your hold around his waist and give a squeeze. Because had it not been for his kindness, his will to work hard, his gentle presence you would never have known the real Jeon Jeongguk. You would have missed out on the best thing in your life. “I love you”
“I love you more” he lays a gentle kiss on the top of your head as he sways you back and forth in his arms.
A/N: Many thank you’s to you if you go to the end. It’s the longest thing I have ever written in my life and it took a lot of hardwork. So please show this fic love by either clicking that heart or reblogging. Thank you so much for reading it! I would love to know your thoughts as always so please do not hesitate to reach out ❤️
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sombreboy · 4 years
Love Maze »18
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Previous  » Next Series Masterlist ▎ 18+ ▎ pairing: Taehyung x Jungkook ▎ genre: School AU, crack humor, smut, angst, ETL, slow burn, fluff. ▎ word count: 7.7k ▎ ch.warnings: profanity, angst, jealousy, violence, blood, mentions of hospitals, yandere side character is back and he's CRAZY
Co-writer: @velvetwicebang​​​​ ♡♡♡
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The following day was huge, today was the big game that they've prepared for forever! Jungkook headed out early, leaving Jisoo's home to head over to his own to grab his backpack before heading to school for the last morning practice. This afternoon was it; he had to be in his best form to perform well. Kook made his way to the locker room to change, a bit earlier than everybody else. He wanted to warm up properly, and give his all in the last practice. He loved the thought of competition, excited to show off the endless stamina he's spent countless hours building up for.
Taehyung stalled, lingering close to Jungkook like a pest just waiting to pounce on the opportunity to talk to him.. He waited and waited; until the opportunity never came. “Fucking pussy..” Tae self-loathed, watching as everyone else was quickly ushered out of the locker room by Namjoon.
“Tae, come on! You too.” The Captain was stressed, anyone could see that. Deciding it was for the best to not make a fuss, Taehyung obliged and kept to himself. The elder glanced over at Kook a couple times during practice, wondering how he was doing. Maybe he’d be able to get a hold on the younger before the big game tonight. Tae held on to that possibility.
Jungkook wasn't blind, he could tell that Taehyung's eyes were on him more than usual today. It was weird-- he'd been completely ignored for what felt like forever. Maybe he was just imagining things, however... That must be it-- nerves. He shrugged it off, overthinking was the last thing he needed to do today.
Practice went great, Namjoon praised the guys with a lopsided smile-- the stress and worry was evident, but he was confident in his players. He dismissed the members, Jungkook grabbing his water bottle by the bench to chug it down as he wiped his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand as he resumed to head down to the locker room, the other guys not quite there yet as they stayed around to calm Namjoon's pre-game nerves.
Well, except Taehyung.
Taehyung’s quick, determined strides gradually lost their momentum the moment he pushed on the locker room door, nervous to see Jungkook’s face after what took place between them.. Suddenly, his confidence was equivalent to sand in an hourglass as it dropped by the ticking second. There stood the younger, completely unaware of the motive behind Tae’s hesitant, inclosing steps. He tried not to think about what he was unknowingly exposed to yesterday evening, but Taehyung couldn’t just.. ignore the imprinted image of Jungkook‘s lips molded against someone else’s. A girl. Hell, he couldn’t compete with that.. The elder inhaled a deep breath. “Uhm.. can we— can we talk?” His Adam’s apple nervously danced underneath his neck. “Please?”
Four words. It was the first four words Koo had heard from Tae in weeks.
'Can we talk, please?'
Kook swallowed tightly. Now he wanted to talk? Was ignoring him not enough--now he suddenly wants to talk. "No." He says. There was nothing he imagined that he wanted to hear. He couldn't afford to lose focus, and Tae would definitely not help with whatever he had to say. Kook turned his back towards the elder as he began to change, hoping that would be enough to be left alone. Fuck, this wasn't good. Taehyung had slowly already creeped his way into Jungkooks brain.
Taehyung’s self-confidence deflated on the spot, his disappointment instead peering through the cracks. He’s a fucking idiot. W hat else was he expecting Kook to say? Yes? No matter the initial letdown, Tae wasn’t one to give up easily. “Look, Jungkook— I hate not being able to talk to you.” His piercing gaze roamed over the younger’s bare skin, wishing the two dimples on the latter’s lower back were a pair of eyes. Taehyung wanted Jungkook to listen to him, to see his strained efforts to try and fix the deep shit they were in.
He caused it; he had to end it.
“I-I miss us.. you.” The elder glanced down towards the ground, suddenly wishing Jungkook wouldn’t turn around. If he’d just thought about it for a second longer, Tae wouldn’t have broken up with him. It was an impulsive decision— and fuck.. did he regret it.
Jungkook froze as soon as he pulled the hoodie over his torso. He couldn't believe what he just heard.. was it a dream, where his mind was playing tricks on him? The younger took a deep, slow breath to keep himself together, but it was easier said than done. He really wished Tae wouldve said those words earlier... much earlier... Before he went to Jisoo-- fuck... Kook felt his guarded exterior slowly being chipped away with every piercing word coming off the elders lips, and the mere thought of this was terrifying. He felt guilty, for a part of him wanted Tae back too. A big part. "I... I can't. Okay?" He didnt sound so sure. All he knew was that if he didn't keep his guard up; he'd crumble. And today the game was his priority. Jungkook turns on the spot, regretfully as he saw Taehyung's gloom stance. He seemed sincere... and that only made this entire thing so painful. Fuck, he wishes he could just... hug him. "Tae..." the name was unfamiliar on his lips once more, stepping closer to the elder. He looked a bit different than before-- but before he could say anything else, the rest of the boys came rushing down-- however they came to a halt as they saw their two golden boys in a rather tense situation. Taehyung with his head hanging low, and Jungkook looking absolutely distressed through his doe eyes. The very moment Kook heard the guys, he withdrew the hand he had extended, instead using it to grab his backpack and wordlessly walk away, pushing through the doors with his shoulder before heading towards the dining hall without waiting for anybody.
Jungkook missed him too.. and it was fucking terrifying. Why does Taehyung have this strong grasp on him? He shrugged as he went to sit down in his usual spot in the dining room, rubbing his eyes in annoyance, and an attempt to clear his vision. Game. Game. Game.
It didn't go that well.
Taehyung blankly watched the younger scurry out of the crowded room, ignoring his friends’ careful attempts at squeezing an answer out of him.
“You guys okay or..?”
He turned to look at Yoongi, not bothered to include a verbal clarification. The mint-haired male’s flat expression fell. He was visibly struggling to come up with anything remotely comforting as his palm glided over the sweat on his nape.
“Tae, please.. we need you here for the game, alright? Joon’s already stressed out enough, it’s the least we can do.” Yoongi’s never been in love, but it didn’t take a genius to know Taehyung was hurting because of it. He wasn’t aware of what happened between his friends, but he hoped they’d be able to put it off— whatever it was— until later; after they'd secured their anticipated win.
The rest of the day during school was dreadful, Jungkook couldn't stop replaying the simple words that Taehyung had told him this morning. It was confusing, to say the least. Why'd the elder have to put this on him now? Focusing in class was an impossible task, the one thing his mind tunnel visioned on was to win the game. Nothing else. He'd sacrificed way too much of himself to let this be a flop. As classes ended, he had some time to kill before he had to go prepare himself, so he opted to go for his trusted vending machine to get himself his favourite sweet, explosion of chemicals in the form of banana milk. With a straw pressed between his lips, he headed to sit where he usually would outside the building by the stairs, fishing his phone out to open his text conversations. He'd still kept the one from Tae, hovering over it with his thumb before opening the thread. The latest message was the one that ended their relationship, just after the previous text that was a promise of them meeting after class to fulfill their needs.
Kook sighed, shaking his head as he internally scolded himself for even going through this memory again. He wondered why Taehyung suddenly changed his mind.. and part of him knew he had to find out eventually.
The day’s blinding light converted into darkness, the sun’s blazing rays nowhere to be seen as seconds turned into minutes, and minutes progressed into hours. The overfamiliar gymnasium gradually filled up with animated students and proud parents, each one there to support and cheer for their respective team.
Taehyung was hidden away in the locker room along with everyone else, partaking in some last minute stretches before it was time for them to confidently walk out into the lion’s den. Tae was sure tonight was the most packed it’s ever been, the muffled commotion reached his alert ears from where he stood, the faint buzzing swelling to a roar.
Well, it wasn’t that dramatic.. Big crowds tended to spike up the elder’s mild anxiety, but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle.
Taehyung’s hooded eyes were glued on Jungkook, replaying earlier events until it didn’t sit right with him. He wanted to make things right between them— for the game’s sake, and for theirs in the long run.
“Hey, Jung—“
“Jungkook? Hi!” Jisoo greeted with a beaming smile, seeming relieved. “I was dreading coming in here.. didn’t want Yuna to see any naked guys..” The woman awkwardly chuckled, gently withdrawing her hand from the little one’s big, curious eyes.
“Is that a baby?!”
“No, Hoseok, it’s a dog.” Yoongi sassed with a roll of his eyes, following behind their friends to greet the newcomer. Jimin and Hoseok seemed extra infatuated with the chubby little human while Yoongi kept to himself, trying to act unfazed by Yuna’s incoherent babbles. Namjoon and Taehyung however.. Both were wide-eyed.
“Jungkook, who’s this?” Jimin’s plump lips twitched up into a smile, curious about Kook’s friend. Jisoo’s fingers sneakily grazed over the younger’s strong, naked biceps. She tried to be slick, but failed. Jungkook looked extra good in a pair of jersey and shorts..
Meanwhile, Joon and Tae lingered in the corner, watching the situation unfold with narrowed eyes. While Namjoon glared at Jungkook, Taehyung glared at Jisoo.
Jungkook's eyes widened at the surprise, expecting her to be out in the audience rather than... well, in their locker room. It didn't fail to make his lips tug into a toothy grin though, giving Yuna's small nose a little boop of his finger before turning to Jisoo. ''Hey,'' he smiled, noting how Yuna relished in the attention of his hyungs. As they asked him, who the hell this girl was, he took a long second to think. They weren't something, but they also weren't nothing. ''She's my friend,'' he settles with this explanation, ''Lives next door.'' He didn't like to go too much into details, that's all they needed to know.
Jisoo merely agreed in the form of a nod, discreetly confused about where they stood. Now that the question was innocently brought up, it got her thinking.. They’ve kissed, fucked (sometimes more than once on the same day), spent almost every waking day together.. it nearly checked off all of the requirements for a relationship. It was a tricky situation, and alike Jungkook, she barely went into clear details— only useless rambling. “Anyways, I didn’t bring you the fancy sign, I know.” She joked with Kook, turning the locker room into her personal stage as she acted disappointed in herself. “But..” Jisoo looked around, making sure no one was in their point of hearing. “When you guys win, I’ll reward you with whatever you want. You know, to make up for it.” The woman stepped back, her usual smile decorated with the exhilaration of tonight’s possible affair.
Taehyung was fuming... He couldn’t bear to see the two of them together after what he came across the other day.
“They seem close, huh..” Namjoon noted with barely any emotion in his voice, arms securely crossed over his chest. Tae, who stood next to him, simply scoffed. “Yeah, they’re close alright.”
What did Jungkook see in Jisoo, anyway? Sure, she was nice.. caring, compassionate, pretty— all nice qualities. Taehyung only angered himself further. The woman was the perfect person for him. It got Tae wondering why the fuck they haven’t gotten married and birthed ten more perfect kids yet. They were so.. loud with their affection, it was annoying.
“Uhm, I mean, how close?” It was obvious Namjoon was jealous, no matter how hard he tried to play off his feelings.
“I caught them kissing. That’s how close.”
“W-what?” The elder’s hands unknowingly clenched into fists, not believing what he’d just heard.
Is that why Jungkook got so angry that one time..? It had to be.
Jungkook smiled coyly at Jisoo as she stepped back, stretching his back for the final remaining minutes. ''I'll look forward to it. Go get a seat before they're all taken!'' he jokes. But truly, there were a whole lot of people. Before Jisoo left with Yuna, she looked at Jungkook over her shoulder, meeting his eyes with a small smile. He waved vaguely as she disappeared out of view before turning back to his hyungs, not aware of the stares he's getting from Namjoon and Taehyung.
''Alright, let's do this!'' Hoseok chimes, working together with Jimin and Jin to bring the group together into a hug, smushing Tae and Kook together involuntarily, Joon as well in the mess. As if it came naturally, Taehyung’s arm wrapped around Jungkook’s smaller waist as their friends huddled together. While everyone else’s was on each other’s upper backs, Tae’s instincts just had to kick in at the wrong time. By the time he’d noticed, Joon’s body had practically locked him in position. It would’ve been awkward if Tae attempted to squeeze his arm out in the middle of Jin’s hushed ‘poetically powerful’ pregame speech, so he let it be. The taller nervously glanced at Kook from time to time, swallowing down his remaining panic. Taehyung’s bigger hand gently squeezed at Jungkook’s hip, his fingers digging lightly into the fabric of the younger’s Jersey. He missed having him this close... All of this unfolded in the midst of Seokjin’s uplifting words, so it was no surprise when Tae had no idea what his hyung had said by the end of it.
Just like Tae, Jungkook was unable to focus on anything that Jin blabbered about, the one thing he was hyper focused on was the close proximity of the elder. The way his strong hand wrapped around him-- the hand that applied pressure on his hip... It brought back an emotion that he thought he'd finally gotten rid of. Oh how foolish he was. He craned his neck forward, his long curls hiding the expression in his eyes, while his lips barely parted in a quiet sigh. He missed having him this close too...
As the group finally withdrew, giving the boys the much needed space and cheers coming from their hyungs, Jungkook felt like he stayed in Taehyung's arm for a second longer than he planned to, quickly pulling away to roll his tongue inside of his cheek. ''Alright, guys.'' Namjoon announced as he gave every member a pat on the back as they headed out towards the court-- well, until it was Jungkook walking past him. A glare shot his way, but the younger didn't take notice of this, instead fighting his internal battle of trying to suppress his thoughts to focus on the game.
Taehyung quickly followed behind Kook, itching to close the distance between them once again. Now that he’d gotten a taste of what he used to have, it was incredibly hard to pretend to hide his true feelings.. The urge grew more intense when they jogged into the packed court, peers’ blaring shouts of encouragement making Tae want to curl up against his ex-boyfriend’s chest and wake up in a more serene location. The younger’s bed, perhaps.. The thrill that used to overtake him at the thought of tonight’s game was no longer alive. He found the atmosphere suffocating, and the roars annoyingly unbearable. The elder didn’t know why he was extra sensitive to the loud noises, but he figured the constant buzzing in his ear was to blame. The piercing sound had yet to subdue, and it didn’t plan on leaving anytime soon.
Before the major game began, each team was given a few minutes to practice their free throws. Taehyung jumped in line behind the younger, building his confidence to lean towards Jungkook’s ear. “I miss you, and I’m sorry.” He whispered. It was killing him not knowing what to expect.. Did Kook want him back, or not? The elder lingered in that position for a second longer, only moving when the string of players did. E ven then, Tae remained close to Jungkook. He didn’t worry about the audience’s stares from the stands, or the questions that might pop into their heads. The rare moment Taehyung wasn’t so caught up in strangers' wandering eyes, was when he desperately needed to be. If he’d been as attentive as before, he would’ve easily pinpointed a certain devilish glare from the crowd.
Jungkook kept his eyes focused forward, however he was listening to every single word that went into his ear. Tae was way too close, in front of all these people... "Why are you telling me this now?" Kook glanced over his shoulder for a mere second to glare at Taehyung, but just as quickly returned to focus on the line as it moved. If there were ever a worst possible time to discuss their breakup, this was it. But Taehyung seemed desperate. And Jungkook slowly grew too unfocused for his own liking. He'd worked too hard for this game to let it go to waste-- and he didn't want to talk about this. Not now. Before Taehyung could say anything else, Jungkook leaped forward with the basketball in his hand, relieved he was able to remove himself from Taehyung for the moment.
Taehyung momentarily paused his ‘trying to win him back’ speech, piercing eyes glued onto Jungkook until he was caught off guard by the basketball thrown at him. Getting in position, Tae aimed for the net. The elder was surprised he made it, his focus was on anything but the game. He carelessly threw the ball to the person behind him, jogging back to a single line formation. “I’m telling you this now because I should’ve done it a long time ago.” Taehyung resumed, standing a little too close to the younger. “Jungkook, I’m sorry. I-I freaked out over nothing, I didn’t think any of this shit through.” He hesitated after a few seconds, “I still love you, so much.. I don’t want to just.. throw that away..”
Jungkook crossed his arms over his chest, grasping at his own biceps to practically hold himself in place so he wouldn't turn around to look at Taehyung. He felt his emotional walls crack, the emotions seeping through was not what he wanted as he was in front of this many people. He took a deep breath through his nose, shoulders visibly tense as he took a moment before he replied. ''But you did. More than once.'' Kook's focus on breathing slowly brought him back down to earth, building those small walls back up to remain as stoic as possible in front of the audience, taking a short step away from the elder as the line moved once more. He just wanted the game over with at this point.
The elder’s shoulders sank along with his confidence. The last thing Taehyung expected was for Jungkook to give in easily, but he also wasn’t anticipating the latter to be so vigilant. Then again, Tae naively played with his feelings countless times. He knew the younger was only trying to look out for himself— and his bruised heart. Shit.. it hadn’t fully sunk in until now. Taehyung fucked up. Bad. He was starting to doubt there was a solution to their problem. “No, you’re right.” Tae kept his distance, not wanting to make Jungkook uncomfortable. “I did, and fuck do I regret it. I just... I really miss you and—“ The timer in the scoreboard echoed throughout the large gymnasium, cutting Taehyung off mid sentence.
He had a feeling this was going to be a long night..
Jungkook turned to give Taehyung a glance before he headed towards their side of the court with the team, an unnamed emotion in his eyes before it slowly morphed into his focused persona when it came to basketball. As previously mentioned, the younger didn't come here to play around. He was here to win. He's prepared for this match with his entire being.
The teams gathered in each side, Jungkook and the others in a large circle as Namjoons eyes roamed the players. "Okay, this is it. Put your everything into this game.." he paused when his eyes flickered to Jungkook, a hidden glare thrown his way before they go back to the rest, "Let's get it!"
"Let's get it!" The rest of them cheered before getting into respective positions.
Along with Namjoon, Jimin, and Jungkook— Tae was one of the first players sent out into the bustling court. It was during moments like these that he wished he was a benchwarmer. Taehyung lacked his usual spirited determination. The elder’s pregame jitters were fully hidden behind his worrisome exterior, and catching sight of Jisoo silently cheering for Jungkook to do his best in the form of an encouraging fist only provoked Tae’s sullen expression to harden. Turns out he wasn’t the only one who saw, Namjoon was one step ahead of him.
“Jungkook!” Joon shouted, seeing how the younger stalled to get in position, likely because he was drawn to Jisoo’s cute antics. “Hurry up, you can talk to your girlfriend later.” He spat, gaze lowering in response,
Jungkook knew how he felt about the older woman, how could he do that to him? Kook's eyes widen before they squint in confusion, completely caught off guard by Namjoon's sudden words-- that were definitely laced with something. He knew their captain had a crush on her, but he also kind of fucked it up himself. "What? No, she's..." he was interrupted by the buzzer going off, shifting his gaze from his captain to the one thing that he wants to focus on; the damn ball.
Jungkook was doing well as expected, his attacking role perfectly suitable for him. However, whenever his captain got the ball, and he was in a free position to get a perfect throw, he was surprised to see Joon ignore him, glare at him or simply just pass somebody else. What's his problem...
Further into the game it was getting close to half time, and Jungkook was growing frustrated with the way he was being treated like this. He was barely able to play properly when his captain's childish antics kept happening.
"Joon!" The younger hissed as the first break finally rolled in, "Why do you not give me the damn ball? I had several perfect throws!"
“Several perfect throws my ass..” Namjoon spat under his ragged breath, disregarding his empty water bottle before briskly turning around on his feet. He came face to face with Jungkook, the anger in his eyes having yet to subdue. “You were practically out of it throughout most of the game, Kook!” Namjoon’s voice swelled, garnering the attention of a few of their teammates. “You were staring at Jisoo! If I passed you the ball—“ The captain cut himself short, biting down on his tongue to prevent anything he might regret from coming out. “If your girlfriend’s gonna be too much of a distraction, don’t bring her here. We can’t afford to lose this game because of you.”
Jungkooks temper slowly started to build, eyebrows drawn together as he stepped closer to Namjoon, "What's your problem? She's not my girlfriend!" He hissed, huffing through his mouth to move the sweaty bangs out of his eyes. "Are you serious? Lose the game because of me? You're the one who's not letting me get remotely close to the fucking ball!" His eyes were squinted, the obvious flare of his temper burning up too quickly-- the audience murmuring in confusion.
"Hey, calm down" Jimin tries to ease the situation, but they all know the younger's anger was like a rollercoaster.
"No, it's not fair!" Jungkook closed the distance further between him and his captain, making sure only he hears his next words, "Stop acting so childish."
Joon had to scoff. “Yeah, okay. Get away from me, will you?” He harshly shoved Jungkook by the chest, drawing the attention of Taehyung who moved quickly on his feet.
“Namjoon, what the hell— back off.” He stood in between them, momentarily breaking the heavy tension that linked them together.
“Why are you still standing up for him, Tae? You caught them kissing. Jungkook moved the fuck on!”
Taehyung’s facial expression flickered to one of hurt, his clenched fists slowly coming undone as Joon’s eye-opening words began to slowly sink in.
Was it.. was it possible? Jungkook moved.. on?
Namjoon’s chest heaved from a mixture of irritation and exhaustion; not knowing how to come down from it. He’s never been this angry at someone, much less a close friend.
Jungkook clenched his fists hard, the veins in his lower arms prominent. His body slowly moved, as if gradually his anger was fueling him up to pounce Namjoon. But as he took a step, he was held back by Yoongi's hand on his shoulder, out of all people. "You should take a break."
The coach approaches in the same moment, agreeing, "Jeon, you will be dismissed for now. Go take a break."
Jungkook's eyes widened, "No way. I need to play!" He turned to Namjoon, annoyed by the fact that he didnt protest, but simply agreed as well.
A disappointed Huff pushed through the younger's lips, shoving away Yoongi's hand from his shoulder before scuffing past Taehyung to head out, towards the exit to go sit outside on the stairs. He needed some fucking air. U nlike everyone else who brushed off the players’ hostile behavior towards one another, Jisoo stayed behind to watch Jungkook storm out of the gymnasium. Alike everyone else, she saw the small feud unravel between him and Namjoon. It worried her— made her feel like she was to blame. And by the look on Joon’s eyes whilst he stared up at her, the woman knew she had a reason to be alarmed. Jisoo sighed to herself, disappointedly shaking her head before she broke eye contact. Adjusting a fussing Yuna on the baby carrier, she carefully made her way down the bleachers, on the lookout for Jungkook.
“Namjoon, where are you going? Come back here!” The coach called out for him, noting how Joon‘s feet were already moving on their own. Namjoon clenched his jaw, but he listened nonetheless. He wanted to go after Jisoo, but the woman was already out of sight.
“Jungkook..?” After a couple minutes of walking around the unfamiliar hallways, Jisoo finally came across the younger man. He was sat by the stairs out front, relishing in the night’s breeze. She bit down on her lip, wondering if it was for the best if she left him and his thoughts alone.. But she couldn’t, she cared too much. Jisoo didn’t know where they stood in terms of a romantic relationship, but the younger was undoubtedly a friend. The woman cared for him like a mother. “Hey.” She sat down next to him, the faintest of smiles grazing her lips. “Nice job out there— so far. I knew you’d do great.”
Jungkook turned his chin to look at her, his clenched jaw softening at her praise. ''Thank you.. But..'' He sighs as his shoulders sink with his next words, ''I don't think they'll let me play anymore. Namjoon is being an ass... With all rights, I guess.'' His eyes meet Jisoo's, a lopsided smile tugging at his lips, ''He obviously still likes you, so I suppose it's not surprising. But I wonder how he suddenly just... assumed you were my girlfriend or something.'' He ran his long fingers through his damp hair, leaning back on his elbows whilst looking up at the sky. It felt weird, really. He couldn't get the thought of Taehyung out of his mind. ''And Taehyung was acting weird too.''
The sound of Jisoo’s muffled giggle disrupted the small pause of silence, “Kim Namjoon is being an ass? Are you sure we’re talking about the same Joon?” An unknowing smile tugged at the corner of her rosy lips. Temporarily dismissing the hurtful comment he spewed in the past, the dimpled boy couldn’t hurt a fly.. The fond image of Namjoon was soon replaced with Taehyung. Jisoo turned her head towards the younger, curious as to what he meant. “Weird? How.” There was a question that lingered at the tip of her tongue, and if she wasn’t so desperate to receive answers, the woman would’ve done a better job of suppressing her curiosity. “Jungkook... do you love Taehyung?”
Jungkook felt his chest tighten at the question, keeping his eyes fixed on the nothingness of the sky. ''I know I did.'' He let his elbows give in, now laying down on his back fully. ''Then I thought I didn't.'' A nother long pause passed by as he seemed to sink into his own thoughts- ''Fuck, I don't know... He's a constant push and pull.. He kept coming at me at the worst possible moments during the warmup to tell me he misses me-..'' He stopped himself to groan in annoyance, just talking about it made him feel the frustration of his feelings, covering his face with his hands.
Jisoo simply nodded, allowing her fingers to comb through Jungkook’s sweaty hair. “Jungkook-ah, love is not something that can just.. go away.” Looking down at him, she made sure the ground was relatively clean before meeting Kook at his level. The hand that laid closest to him engulfed his significantly bigger one, communicating her empathy in the form of a gentle squeeze. “What made you fall in love with him?” A hint of bitterness lingered behind her otherwise sweet words. However, Jisoo was curious, she guessed some closure would be nice.. Turning her head towards him, the woman broke out into a small grin. She snuggled close to Jungkook’s chest, Yuna’s soft exhales of breaths the only muse throughout the quiet night. “Tell mee~ don’t be annoying.”
Taehyung spent minutes searching around the darkened school— searching for Jungkook. He was fucking worried, it was unlike the younger to storm out of, well, anything. When he was about to walk past the entrance, Tae pressed the brake. It was Jungkook and Jisoo... Laying together, they seemed happy. The elder hid behind the wall, chest tightening into a knot at their close proximity. Why didn’t Jungkook push her away? Why did he move on so quickly.. Taehyung couldn’t stand it, he was practically putting himself through hell by lingering around, waiting for his suspicions to get proven true. With his jaw clenched, Tae walked away. He needed some time alone, time to think. He advanced into the only space that was vacant, the locker room. Sitting down on the bench, Taehyung hid his face in the palm of his hands. “I’m a fucking idiot..”
A long silence followed after Taehyung spoke out loud to himself... Until a soft chuckle echoed in the locker room, a tall stature with wide arms crossed over their chest. ''Yes, you are...'' Their voice was nothing short of hostile, stepping closer to Taehyung before coming to a halt, a piercing stare burning holes into the male. ''Why do you have to keep bothering Jungkookie? He doesn't want you.''
It was Ash.
He'd kept a close eye on Jungkook for a while, watching his relationship with Kim Taehyung go back and forth. Apparently, they were broken up for a bit now, and it was perfect. He'd planned to approach Jungkook after the game, proudly cheering for him in the audience. But the hurdle being the male below him kept trying to come back, bothering his little Kookie, who looked annoyed and upset down on the court. Nothing irked him more.
The intrusive, unforeseen voice pulled Taehyung out of his daze. He quickly looked up, no longer seeing pitch blackness— instead he saw red. What the hell was Ash doing here? He’d been deaf to the inclosing steps, even more surprising the sound of the door opening. How did the other know where to find him? “I didn’t fucking ask for your opinion.” He hissed from anger, the sight of the other male being enough to spike up his alertness. Taehyung stood up from the bench, meeting Ash halfway. “Why are you so goddamn obsessed with Jungkook’s every move? You don’t need to speak for him. If he doesn’t want me, he’ll tell me.”
Ash's shit eating smirk grew, but his eyes were filled with anger fueled further by Taehyung's attitude. He took a slow step closer, arms falling to his sides as he clenched and unclenched his fists. ''I have to look out for him. His entire body language screamed uncomfortable when you were all over him during the game.'' he hissed back every word laced with mocking anger, ''I hate how stubborn you are, just leave him alone if you know what's best for you.''
A scornful, amused chuckle slipped past Taehyung, who further challenged Ash by stepping up to him. “You have to look out for him?” Tae’s broad shoulders vibrated, a lopsided smile beginning to pull at the corner of his lips.
Who did he think he was..
“What, did he order a bodyguard or some shit?”
He forcefully pushed Ash by his shoulders, prompting the latter to widen the space between them. Being close to him made him sick. Every time he looked into his devilish, hollowed face, Taehyung was reminded of that night. The night he gasped for air whilst he ran through the dim streets, praying for nothing but Jungkook’s safety. What kind of desperate psycho would force someone to sleep with him? Just thinking about it angered Tae. “Yeah, whatever. You’re fucking crazy, you know that?” With one last glare his way, Taehyung purposely bumped shoulders as he walked past him. “Jungkook will never love you.” That was the last thing he reminded before aiming towards the door, suddenly missing the crowd’s spirited roars. Anything to not be here with him.
Ash crooked an eyebrow, saying nothing as he turned to watch Taehyung attempt to leave.
No. No fucking way.
The crazed rage burning within Ash's being was taking over. He had to make sure nobody was in his way to reach Jungkook. And Taehyung made a huge mistake by facing away from a guy like this. A man with nothing to lose-- and only one thing in mind.
Get rid of the obstacle.
Ash didn't hesitate as he practically sprinted the few steps forward, triggered by the other males last words. He grabbed Taehyung by his hair, tightly tangled between his fingers as he forcefully dragged him down, not caring about where, so he opted for the nearby sink. Taehyung's head collided with the hard surface, almost knocking him out in one go. "He doesn't have to love me yet." He growled, "all that matters is that he doesn't love you."
Ash tugged at Tae once more, lifting his head up only to bring it back down against the sink again. And again. And again... until there was blood staining the sink to the floor... Ash eventually stopped when he felt Taehyung's body weaken its struggle in his hold, throwing the man on the tiled floor with a thud. Staring down at him, he scoffed as he wiped his hand on his shirt, thankful he decided to wear black today. "Crazy for Jungkookie, maybe..." he mumbled before removing himself from the situation, glancing over at the bloody male before stepping out of the locker room. He hoped to never see this guy again.
Jungkook had poured out his emotions to Jisoo, time flew by quicker than he thought as he realized he should go back. "Jisoo, I gotta go... uh..." he rubbed his nape as he sat back up, "thank you for... listening to me. And cheering for me." He glanced over at Yuna with a fond smile, "and little one too."
“Yeah, no problem.” Jisoo stood up with him, “I should probably head home, she’s out.” The woman reached down to pick up Yuna’s carrier, trying not to make any bothersome movements that’ll wake the sleeping girl. She was in a deep slumber. Her chubby hands were balled up into small fists, and her pouty lips were parted whilst soft huffs snuck past them. Yuna looked absolutely adorable. As both of them took their time strolling through the empty hallways, Jisoo’s eyes widened when they fell upon Namjoon. The man looked.. distressed? It seemed as if he’d been running around the place, unstable gaze flickering between the two.
“Joon? What’s wrong?” The woman furrowed her brows, her caring tone easing Namjoon’s nerves from whatever the hell it was that took a burden on him. Ungluing his sharp glare from Jungkook, it didn’t take much for Joon to give in, gaze softening at the sight of Yuna.
“Uh.. do you know where Taehyung is? Coach told me to look for him, game starts soon.” Naturally, Jisoo turned to look at Kook, confusion swirling within her eyes. “No.. we haven’t seen him. Have you looked long?”
Namjoon answered with a quick nod of his head, naturally thinking of the worst. Did Taehyung leave the school? They needed him there, especially now that it was a close tie.
“We’ll help you look for him, don’t worry.” She supposed it wouldn’t take awfully long, Taehyung had to be around here somewhere.. “Let’s split?” Jisoo’s gaze flickered between both boys, waiting to see what they thought of her last-minute idea.
“Please.” Joon sourly muttered under his breath, wanting nothing more than to divide Jungkook and his noona. They’ve spent more than enough time together, a few minutes on their own shouldn’t be a challenge.
Jungkook felt his chest tighten with worry, and partially in annoyance. Why would Tae out of all people risk the game like this? He wouldn't. "Yeah, I'll check the locker rooms." Kook agreed, waiting for the confirmations of the two before no longer staying around to waste time.
As he headed down to the locker room area, he checked other rooms and bathrooms on the way. Kook clenched his jaw in annoyance; why'd Tae disappear like this? It's a dick move as always, Taehyung is a fucking-- "Taehyung?" He didn't recognize his own voice at first, but it was. Jungkook had pushed through the doors to the locker room, and was met with a bloody mess on the floor. And in the middle of it, an unconscious person. "Taehyung!"
Was that really his voice? It sounded so desperate and hoarse.
He rushed to drop to his knees next to Tae, not bothered in the slightest about the puddle of blood he's sitting in, nor does he care that his hands are stained with the way he grasped the elders body, gently picking him up to hold him close in his arms, cradling his face to get a good look. Leaning in, he placed his ear close to his mouth, relieved when he felt the small huff of air. He's alive. But it was weak. Kook kept holding his ex boyfriend close, using one hand to pick up his phone and text Namjoon.
Instead he texted the group chat.
To: gang gang 🏀 Help! Lockers
As soon as the text was sent he returned to look at Taehyung, every single drop of anger towards the man practically evaporated, and were replaced with everything else. Worry, anxiety, sadness. Love. Jungkook felt as if he would fucking die if Taehyung did. "Tae, please... Hold on." Kook sobbed out, holding the elder close.
Namjoon stayed relatively close to Jisoo, peeking his head inside every door, hallway, janitor’s closet— anywhere that could serve as a hiding spot for Tae. They were desperate, even opting for searching in the girls’ restroom.
Where the hell could he be?
When Joon thought about calling the younger’s cell for the millionth time, his phone’s buzzing chimed in his pockets. “Noona, it’s Kook.”
Quickly, the woman advanced to his side, the brightness of the screen casting a harsh light over their troubled expressions. “Locker room..?” Not stalling any longer, Joon took Jisoo by the hand and led her towards the familiar room with quick strides— “Jungkook, we’re here— holy shit!”
Namjoon’s squeamish heart picked up at the bloody mess in front of him, standing still like a statue until Jisoo’s shaky voice snapped him out of it. “Joon! Call an ambulance. O-oh my god..”
It looked bad. The pile of blood only grew in size, bright in comparison to the color of Taehyung’s skin; ghostly pale. The boy appeared to barely be hanging on. The gushing, scarlet liquid luckily seemed to lose its momentum now that he was turned upwards, but the stream on the dirty floor was a big loss.
“Kook? Why did you text-“ Hoseok’s cheery voice was cut short by a sharp gasp, tightly clasping a hand over his mouth. Jimin and Yoongi shared a look of pure worry, the sound of Namjoon’s nervous stuttering over the phone whilst he gave the person on the other line the information they needed sounded weak compared to their loud breathing. Seokjin rushed to Jungkook’s side, attempting to pull the latter away. “J-Jungkook-ah, it’s best if you let him be, it— it can cause more harm than good.”
Jungkook's vision was blurred by the constant flow of tears, blinking harshly to attempt to regain some grounding. Jin's hand helped to bring Kook back down, however the sight of all the blood only had the younger's anxiety growing, his body reacting without his own say so. He couldn't let go of Taehyung, there was no way.
"Jungkook, you need to let him go." Seokjin repeated, carefully trying to pry the younger's arms open. It wasn't an easy task, but as soon as the ambulance arrived they finally managed to; but only because Jungkook helped to put Tae on the transporter. They put Taehyung in the vehicle, several nurses already working on examining and treating him as another seemed to be making notes about his condition. Jungkook pleaded that he wanted to come with, but was denied. They said he could visit the hospital-- what kind of bullshit was that? The very second the ambulance left, Jungkook hadn't realized his own condition. He was a crying, bloody mess. His legs and outfit was stained with the elders blood, eyes bloodshot and glassy from the constant tears.
Slowly, the group of hyungs approached their youngest, worry and sadness in their eyes. Both for Taehyung and his safety, and for Jungkook. "Hey," Yoongi suddenly said as he wrapped his arms around Kook, not caring about the mess. One by one, every single one of his team had joined in the group hug, holding each other tightly. Jungkook's breathy sobs grew louder, but he had his hyungs keeping him together this time. A large crowd of students, parents, teachers— everyone that was originally there to enjoy an innocent game, gathered around the commotion. The sound of the ambulance’s loud, ear-piercing wail struck them as serious. And it was; people’s heightened gasps emerged at the quick glimpse of a team of nurses run through the halls at the speed of light, transporting a gory Taehyung from one end to the other until he was securely placed in the vehicle.
“What happened?”
“Who was that?”
“It looked serious..”
Muffled talk spread like wildfire, and some aimed their shitty phone camera at the centre of the action.
Yoongi had to hold himself back from freaking the fuck out, instead hugging Jungkook closer, shielding the boy’s frail emotions from unwanted eyes. Had humanity stooped that low? Why in the hell would they point a camera at them..
“Jungkook, your Tae’s strong.. he’ll be okay.” Jimin softly assured, even though he himself wasn’t too sure. Tears welled up in his own glassy eyes, but they didn’t need him breaking down as well. Jungkook was an emotional mess, he needed them the most.
“Come on, w-we’re going to the hospital.” Namjoon said, pulling away from the group hug to dig for his car keys, not caring about the unfinished game.
Jungkooks body felt heavy, unaware of the commotion around them as all he could think about was Taehyung. The moment he saw him on the floor kept replaying in his mind, the uncontrollable quivering of his body only held together thanks to Yoongi and Jimin as the others pulled back, still remaining close around them to serve as a human shield for the cameras. Kook did look like shit after all. But he couldn't bring himself to care.
He just wanted to see Taehyung.
The very second Namjoon said they'd go to the hospital, Jungkooks glassy, reddened eyes looked up at him, his hyungs leading him behind the eldest towards the truck. At a time like this, Namjoons dad truck surely was a blessing.
Jisoo heavily insisted on going, wanting to keep a weak Jungkook company but was reassured that she’d be in the loop on Tae’s condition.
"Noona, we’ll keep you informed.” Namjoon started the car, convincing her to drop it.
The mother had Yuna to take care of, it was late into the night.. it was best if she didn’t throw herself into this stressful situation. It was taking an emotional toll on everyone, especially Jungkook.
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© sombreboy 2020. Do not repost, edit or translate.
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yayeetsonny · 4 years
Done Hiding~Kelley O’Hara x Male Reader
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Hey guys! Here’s an imagine requested by @lovellsstuff​, I hope I did it justice! It’s similar to the moment Kelly shared with her girlfriend after they won the World Cup except with a male reader, enjoy!
Kelley PRO:
As I step on the field for our final game in the World Cup against the Netherlands I can’t help but beam with excitement. The world doesn’t know this but I’m engaged. I’m engaged to my boyfriend Y/N L/N, he plays for Manchester United and the German Men’s National Team. The fact that he plays overseas and so far away makes it hard sometimes but we make it work. We first met at Stanford our freshmen year, and I used to not believe in “love at first sight” but that’s truly what it was and we’ve been together ever since. We’ve kept our relationship out of the public eye because we wanted to protect our private lives. We worry that if the whole world knew that we were together, they would expect more from us both, they would want a front row seat to our relationship.
Now that we’re engaged we’ve had discussions of making our relationship public but we tend to start arguing whenever we try to talk about it. It’s not that we want to argue we just have differing opinions of how we want to do it. Y/N wants to do it soon and in a sort of “flashy style” if you get what I mean, he wants the world to know I’m his and it’s very sweet but I’m a little more hesitant.
Anyways, after the national anthems and coin toss we were able to take our positions on the field and by then I was in the zone and ready to win this game. 
44 minutes later...
In the 44th minute of the game I get involved in a nasty head to head collision with a Netherland’s player. When I hit the turf I immediately grab my forehead because that’s what I hit on the back of her head. I lay there for a moment, dazed wondering how the hell I let this happen. I can’t go out now this is the world cup! I have to play! Tobin comes over right away and kneels beside me, resting her hand on my stomach
“Kel? You okay?”
“I hit my head.”
“I can see that. The medical staff are coming okay?”
And just like she said they appeared and started to try to help me. I stayed down for a few more minutes as they asked me a bunch of questions and checked my head. After they did a quick exam they helped me stand and after arguing with the referee about leaving the game I walked off into the tunnel towards the locker room. Once we were there they did a more thorough exam and determined I was showing signs of a concussion. Soon after they finished up the second half was over and my teammates began entering the locker room.
“Geez Kel, you okay?” Allie asks, patting me on the back.
“I’ve had worse.”
“How’s your head?” JJ asks joining us
“It hurts a lot and they said I’m showing signs of a concussion but it’s okay.”
“Damn Kelley, leave it to you to go down head butting someone.” Alex says, laughing.
“Yeah, you’re ruthless out there squirrel.” Lindsey chimes in
The whole team laughs at that and I can’t help but laugh too, she’s right I do get  pretty crazy out there. After Jill gives her speech and Alex hers, we prepare to head back out. Before I leave the locker room I check my phone to see a text from Y/N
“You okay babe? That looked pretty scary.” He said
“I’m okay, showing signs of a concussion but nothing too serious.” I reply
“Aw that’s too bad but I’m glad you’re okay. See you after you Win this thing. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
After I send the text I put my phone away and join my teammates on the bench.
47 minutes later...
Finally after another 45 minutes and stoppage time the final whistle is blown and we’re world champions again. I sprint onto the field to celebrate with my teammates and am overcome with emotions, in the middle of a group hug on the field I start to cry.
“We did it.”
“We’re world champions.”
After a few more minutes of celebrating as a team we start to make our way to the stands to greet our loved ones. I hop up on a chair when I spot Y/N and I reach out for him, the second I’m able to get a hold on him I bring his head down in a kiss. I don’t care about hiding our relationship anymore, I love him and he loves me. That’s all that matters. I can tell he’s surprised but he kisses me back eagerly
“I’m done hiding.” I say confidently, although I have to shout so he can hear me.
“I love you!”
“I love you too!” 
“Go celebrate with your team! I’ll see you after!”
And with that I take off back to the field to play with confetti, having the time of my life.
Later after things have called down slightly, I sit with Y/N off in the corner of another after party we wound up going to.
“Have you looked a twitter recently?” He asks nervously
“No why?”
“You should.”
So I do and what I see makes me extremely nervous.
Right at the top of my screen I see in big bold letters “World Cup winner Kelley O’Hara dating soccer star Y/N L/N” and my mentions are flooded with people commenting on the moment we shared after the game. I look at Y/N, his eyes are cast at the floor, he probably thinks I regret it and that I’m upset.
“It’s okay, ya know?” I say hoping he’ll look at me, and he does.
“It is. I told you I’m done hiding, I’ll be honest I am nervous but so what if the whole world knows?”
“You’re right. But what about announcing our engagement?”
“We’ll make separate instagram posts next week, our fans are going to freak.” I chuckle
“Yeah they are.”
“Whatever comes our way, I'm ready to handle it, together.” I say taking his hand in mine and staring into the Y/E/C eyes I’ve grown to love so much.
“Together.” He says kissing me passionately
The following week when we announced our engagement, just as predicted our fans went nuts, the majority of them ecstatic for us and we knew we had made the right decision.
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barnesandco · 5 years
Nikah: July
Story Masterlist
Nikah: noun, Arabic, meaning the contract of marriage.
Bucky marries Peter’s former tutor because her student visa’s about to expire and the government isn’t granting her a green card. Can she find a way to permanent residence by marriage, and if so, will it be at the cost of their hearts?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Very mild angst.
A/N: Written under the Arranged/Accidental Marriage trope for @mermaidxatxheart​​ ‘s writing challenge. I don’t know how much you’ll like this one, but bear with me, people. I promise tomorrow’s is going to be worth it.
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The aftermath of tragedy is difficult to navigate. Lost in treacherous seas and the thunderstorm of her trauma, Bucky finds himself drifting away. Distance comes in many shapes and forms, and his manifests itself in the millimeters between his thigh and hers, occasionally brushing together as the subway car moves. The tunnels of the New York Underground zoom past in a blur of black and the reflections of the carriage’s pasty interior, and Bucky wonders how much longer this journey will last.
She hasn’t told him where they’re going, and now sits next to him with one earbud in, humming to a song he doesn’t understand but at this point is very familiar with. The melody to Mere Rashke Qamar rumbles lowly from her throat, only enough for his enhanced ears to enjoy. As if she hasn’t vehemently but secretively insisted that they go out. After the kidnapping, he has been careful. Protective, he would say if he didn’t feel that cowardly was more appropriate. She has been everything but.
Shy smiles replaced by bluntness, those tears he witnessed the night they found her the only ones he has seen since, his wife is now red-hot, flaming, furious. Contradictions and pre-emptive strikes wrapped in silk and fed to her surroundings like cotton candy, sweet and dangerous. The burning anger juxtaposed by cool unforgiveness for the world, she has responded to his efforts at distance by moving closer. Any silence between them is now tender and cautious, a lover’s spring, in spite of the mountains he is trying to put between them.
Such silences are now plentiful, part and parcel of his attempts to salvage their hearts. Let what is left of them after this bushfire regrow, and hopefully, one day, someone else can reside in the forests of their souls, because they evidently cannot reside in each other’s. Yet she is trying.
He dares a brief glance at her to see that she has, again, fallen silent, again. Eyes closed, dark lashes resting on her cheeks. She is trying. The further away he moves, the closer she magnetically gets. It’s a dangerous game, the one they are playing. Her reflection in the window opens its eyes as they arrive at another stop and the next moment is a flurry of motions as Bucky gets yanked out of his seat and onto the platform. A meek apology as she starts walking, still holding his hand. Her unabashed hold on him contrasts strongly with her demeanor on their wedding night.
She stumbles briefly on the front step of the apartment building, action aided by ruthless black ice, and Bucky instinctively reaches forward to grab her arm. Receives a nod in thanks before she once again evades his gaze, but Bucky has seen enough.
The fleeting lightning flash of a moment was enough to unveil the collection of tears pooling in her eyes. Tears that she now fights to bury, exposed from all angles by the mirrors in the elevator. His keys are the only sound in the carpeted hallway, his home deadly silent. 
She brushes past him to grab the bag containing priority items - toiletries and a change of clothes - from amongst the other luggage in his - their - apartment, and Bucky shows her around in the numbing silence of the snow storm outside. Goes to sit on his bed in wait, as the shower starts, the silence weighing heavier on his heart than the wedding ring.
The July sunlight is brutal, but she takes it in her stride like she is the moon, somehow glowing brighter even in the golden summer day. Her hand squeezes his tighter while they weave through the weekend crowds, New York City pulsating with life and smell and sound around them. 
“Where are we going?” “Patience is a virtue,” She answers smugly, and Bucky wants to tell her he knows. By God, he knows. Sometimes, he thinks he knows patience a little to well to appreciate its value. A man who has spent his whole life waiting takes it for granted.
“How much further?” He tries.
“What are you, two?”
“Try a hundred-and-two, sweetheart.” The endearment - his first in weeks - slips off his tongue unbidden, tastes new and familiar at the same time. The tension is heavier than the humidity, but lightens when she recovers from his change of pace.
“Try acting like it,” She quips back, continuing on her way. Mere minutes of gruelling patience pass before they arrive at their apparent destination.
The New York Hall of Science greets them with a gleaming facade and cheery posters announcing the featured exhibits. Bucky is at a loss, confused, bewildered.
“A science museum?” He says, mostly to himself, but she - closely observing his reaction - responds nonetheless.
“Sam told me that Steve told him about your love for science before… well. Everything, I guess,” She explains. “About the Stark exhibit and the fair you went to the last night before shipping out. I thought this would be fun. I’m sorry if I’m overstepping, or you aren’t into this anymore, you aren’t the same person. I just thought-”
“Doll, doll, this is perfect,” He reassures, quelling her sudden nerves. Part of him hates that he can’t read her as well as he thought he could. The other part is still pushing to get away from her. He knows this isn’t sustainable, and yet he insists, when she asks: “You sure?”
“Yeah. I bet it’ll be fun. Come on.”
The first place she takes him to is the planetarium. Constellations have been projected onto the spherical night sky around them, and Bucky’s neck aches after only minutes, trying to count them all. Her hand is the anchor holding him to earth, but for the time that they are inside, he knows nothing else of the world. Her thumb rubbing warmly against the back of his hand is all the worldly feeling he has, his other senses fully consumed by the glimmering stars displayed around them. He’s barely aware of her gaze on him, is sure he must look a fool, but does not care.
“That’s Sirius, right?” He says eventually, pointing at Canis Major. 
“Yeah. Do you have a favorite constellation?” She asks, and Bucky weighs the question.
“I’ve never thought about it,” He answers, looking around again. The planetarium is half-empty, quiet and distant, a spaceship on earth, everyone relishing in the universe around them.
“I like Carina,” She says, directing him towards the constellation she’s referring to. “The ship.” He hums in answer, starting to wander, and after several more minutes of observation, they leave for the next exhibit.
The next one is a continuation of the space theme, this one about the moon landing, a model of the lunar module in the centre of it all. They read the plaques, the screens detailing the journey, the race to the moon, blue glow of the room a calming draught. Until they get to the image of Kennedy delivering his speech on the landing, his comments on the space race, his contributions to pushing space exploration, and Bucky’s breath shortens. She seems to remember, pulling him aside and holding his free hand in hers so they’re nose to nose.
“Hey, hey.” She murmurs softly. “You going to be okay?” Her breath smells like the summer strawberries they had with their pancakes that morning, draws him back in and he sits on a nearby bench, hands slipping out of hers. Clenches them around his knees instead, pushing to breath like he’s trying to resurface, like he’s lifting his head from the snow he’s buried in. She watches anxiously, even when he gets up again, grabs her hand and moves forward. Moves on. The past is in the past.
The end up in an exhibit called the Sultans of Science, showcasing the fundamental contributions of Muslim scientists that created the foundation for modern science. Muslim scientists, their portraits, their acheivements, written proudly all around them. 
“Abū Rayḥān Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Al-Bīrūnī, the Persian man considered to have founded geology,” Bucky reads, marvelling at all the information now accessible that never was before. Wonders if he could have done something like this, without the war in the picture. Without Hydra.
“Ibn Sīnā, father of modern medicine,” She reads from next to him. The man in question stares straight ahead, his portrait not doing justice to the man he must have been. “We read about him in 9th grade bio class in Pakistan,” She tells him, laughing at the school memory, the fleeting glimpse of knowledge made useful like this. Bucky knows she’s a woman of literature, of writing and reading, and this isn’t her element, but to see someone embrace difference in this manner is so gratifying. But then, it’s impossible not to when difference is all you know. Where others see uniqueness as paths diverging, she will see commonality. The one thing we all have in common is that we are different. 
“He was a philosopher too, you know,” She snaps him out of his reverie, still looking at the portrait. “We owe him a lot of scientific development, but he was one of the great thinkers of the Islamic Golden Age. Pioneered neuropsychiatry, considered thought experiments, theology, everything. A true multi-tasker.” Her ring glints in the soft lighting of the museum as she lifts her hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, and Bucky thinks: the only thought experiment he needs is the one where they succeed.
Taglist: @suz-123​ @mermaidxatxheart​ @buckyreaderrecs​ @shield-agent78​ @corneliabarnes​ @readerandcinephileingeneral​ @stevieboyharrington​ @notsomellowmushroom​ @veganfangirl5​ @mood-pancakes​ @lbuck121​ @starnight-charmer​ @redhairedfeistynerd​ @geeksareunique​ @samingtonwilson​ @alyxkbrl​ @marvelrose​
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snarkwrites · 4 years
sprung spring | found you | jacob black [m]
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“You’re kinda small. It’s cute.” + Height Difference Kisses Where One Person Has To Bend Down And The Other Is On Their Tippy Toes + Suck + Being dared to kiss + against a wall/door -
Hey, look... Years ago, I actually STARTED writing in the Twilight fandom. I feel like things have come full circle now, kinda? Idk.. Anyway, just wanted everyone to know that this takes place AFTER the series. Jacob is grown up here. So is the OC omega/imprint. If people bother me enough I miiight be tempted to sit down and come up with an actual story for these two, idek... Enjoy the filth. I blame the recent announcement of the Midnight Sun movie / book... Anyway, yeah.
Oh yeah and just so you know... I kinda took imprinting and alpha x omega bonds and mashed them together. So the oc here is not only Jacob’s imprint but she is also his omega. 
Jacob Black [ alpha ] x ofc, Lily [ omega ] 
Uhh... the usual stuff that goes with a/o.. Meeting a guy at a bar and hooking up. Protected sex, for once -yeah, that’s right, you heard it here guys and dolls, Ash FINALLY remembered that condoms exist.. Biting.
Writer does NOT agree or disagree with hooking up casually. Writer says to make up your own mind about these things. Alcohol warning, btw.
@micolegg​ - just because | @kyleoreillysknee​ - they’re the only person on my Twilight tag list. If you want to be on any of my taglists, once again, go [here] otherwise, you will not be getting tagged.
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( nobody @ me. I had to use this gif. I had to. )
“Okay, if you’re really over the jerk, I dare you to kiss the next guy who walks through the door.” 
Lily scoffed at her best friend’s dare and rolled her eyes, picking at her nails. “No, I believe I’ll pass. Knowing my craptastic luck, it’ll be one of those creepy Cullens or Nelson’s ass.” 
Cassandra’s gaze was fixed intently on the doors that lead into the crowded sports bar and she let out a low whistle. “I mean, if you wanna pass on that, by all means.” she gestured to where Jacob Black stood, tugging off a weathered brown leather jacket to toss at an empty booth. She nudged Lily again so that she’d look up and see the man for herself.
Lily swore sharply and finally tore her gaze off of her phone. “What the hell--” her sentence died on her lips and she swallowed down a baseball sized lump in her throat, blinking. Raising a hand to rub her eyes when blinking didn’t just make him disappear.
“Jacob?” her voice came almost whisper quiet, eyes fixed on him intently. She shook her head, it had to be some kind of hallucination. Jacob had been in Canada since a few weeks before Bella’s wedding. And every letter he sent home to Billy suggested that Canada is where he intended to stay. Or that’s the last thing her father told her when she bothered to ask last month.
So why come back now, she found herself wondering. She didn’t even realize that she’d started to move towards him until she bumped into Jessica’s back, muttering a distracted and quick apology, shoving past her until she caught up to Jacob Black.
Jacob was distracted; entranced by the warm and heavy sweetness of the vanilla scent he’d followed into the bar. Brown eyes darted around and his fists clenched at his sides as he tried to keep himself pulled together. For a split second, he thought he caught sight of Lily, an old neighbor, but when he tried to focus, see if it was really her, she was gone. 
“I’m here, might as well grab a drink.” Jacob mused to himself as he glanced around again, turning and preparing to walk back to the booth he’d left his jacket in. The scent of vanilla permeated the air around him heavily and he felt his skin tightening, his blood almost boiling. His vision started to tunnel and when he turned around fully, he found himself body to body with Lily.
“Jacob, hi.” Lily bit her lip and stared up at him, reaching up to toy with the end of soft long jet black locks. He let his hair grow back, Lily thought to herself distractedly, thank God. She quickly snatched back her hand when she realized what she’d done.
Her feet felt rooted to the floor. Why wasn’t she moving?
She wasn’t the same stammering little mess she’d been back then, damn it. Suddenly, Cassandra’s dare came rushing back and Lily took a deep breath, her eyes locking intently on kissable lips. 
“Fuck it. Yolo.” Lily muttered quietly, molding herself against Jacob, raising to tippy toe, tugging his mouth closer to her own as he bent down to make up for the difference in height. Rough hands dug into her lower back, lifting her off the floor slightly as his mouth crashed against her mouth. Her fingers tangled in his hair, tugging at it so that the kiss deepened and his hand moved up her back, fingers catching in a long jet black braid, raking through it until it tumbled loose down her back. His tongue trailed over the outline of her lips and when she rubbed against him just a little, he groaned, the taste of rum filling his mouth as he deepened the kiss to a point where he knew she had to be getting dizzy and he could feel their breathing sync up, almost as if they were breathing for each other.
The kiss broke, the pair springing apart as Lily took a few deep breaths and raised her hand, smoothing it over her hair, pushing shaggy bangs out of her eyes. Jacob’s mouth opened and closed and his hand raised, dragging through his hair. All he could do was stare at her as everything he’d seen and the scent of her bombarded his brain and dominated every single part of his thoughts. He chuckled, rubbing his chin. “Hi, Lily. So, uh… is this how you greet everyone?”
“No, no.” the word tumbled out, making him laugh, making him flash her that bright and cocky grin of his. When she blurted out what transpired before he walked in, she wanted to kick herself, adding quickly to the end of her explanation, “But I wasn’t gonna do it til Cassandra got me to look up and I saw you walk in. Shit. Fuck. You know what? I’m gonna take this as my cue and go.”
Lily turned abruptly, already halfway back across the bar by the time Jacob processed what she’d basically just admitted. He was on his feet again, shoving through the crowd, deep brown eyes darting around all over as his nose honed in on the scent of her. He found her easily, sitting in the back in a booth with a group of two or three other girls he remembered from La Push High.
He cleared his throat and the girls all surrounding his imprint shared a look and stood abruptly after doing so, making a hasty retreat.
Lily lightly beat her head against the tabletop. “I swear to God, I just want to disappear right now, Cass. He has to think I’m still a huge dork.”
“Actually, no.” Jacob spoke up as he slid into the booth bench beside her, an arm going around the back of it. 
Lily raised her head reluctantly, her cheeks almost an angry red as she stared at him a few seconds. That intense heat was lingering in the air all over again and the spicy scent of him pierced her nostrils as she felt her skin tightening all over again.
The urge to straddle his lap took over before she could stop it and she didn’t even realize that every single dirty little thing on her mind was being broadcast directly to his until he leaned in close and chuckled against the shell of her ear, “Are you okay? You look like you’re burning up right now.”
It clicked into place what was happening and she crossed her legs, clenching them tight beneath the table.  Oh naturally, he’s my Alpha and I make an entire ass of myself… 
Jacob’s gaze shifted to her hands and the way they were almost white knuckle, her palms flat against the wooden tabletop. It happened again, just like earlier when she’d kissed him. Every single noisy thought flooded his brain and the animal side kicked into overdrive.
Yeah, he knew how imprinting worked but this felt… Different. A thousand times more intense. It was imprinting and something different… Something so much more than that. This primal urge to get her alone and lay claim.
When it hit him, his jaw dropped and for a few seconds, he sat there in a daze, staring straight ahead. 
Lily toyed with the wrapping to the straw in her mixed drink after noisily slurping down the last of it and taking a few labored breaths. The way he looked at her just now was… Deeper than any look he’d given her before.
To be fair, she found herself thinking with mild annoyance, before it was all about Bella. 
“Do you dance, Lily?” Jacob leaned in and muttered the question against the shell of her ear as someone put the Halsey version of I Walk The Line on to play in the music box at the front of the bar. He needed her closer. He needed to know she was okay. He needed to feel her body molded against his again because only then could he feel centered.
“Nobody dances in here, Jake.”
“There’s a first time for everything, Lil. C’mon. Unless you’re too tipsy?” he teased her gently, his eyes fixing on the pyramid of shot glasses in front of where she sat and the two empty glasses that contained mixed drinks.
This got his inebriated imprint slash omega on her feet. Between the alcohol in her system and the effects of what he suspected to be her heat setting in, she swayed a good bit. Jacob stood too and pulled her completely against him, his hands drifting down and gripping her ass to hold her in place. Lily looked up, staring deep into dark brown eyes. “I’m not too tipsy for anything, Jacob. I’ll… I’ll have you know, I-I’m perfectly sober right now.” she nuzzled her face against his shirt as soon as she dropped her gaze again and Jacob barely contained the low growl that arose from deep in his chest. His hands splayed across both sides of her ass, fingertips digging in just a little as his nose buried in the crown of her hair and he breathed in the scent of his mate as deep as he possibly could. After a few seconds, he gave a quiet laugh at her words.
“Right.” Jacob continued to snicker quietly to himself, a fond smile tugging his mouth upward as he fixed his gaze on her intently.
Lily’s head raised and she poked out her tongue at him, prompting him to snicker about it. 
“What’s so funny, Jake?” 
… God, is she ever not going to get me hard or distract the living hell out of me?. This is going to take a lot of getting used to, but it’s fine. It’s perfect, actually.. the thought came and went and rather than be dumb and let it slip out, he instead went with, “You’re kinda small. It’s cute,actually.”
“Oh hahahaha. Says the guy who reached man size in what? Seventh grade?” Lily teased gently, trying hard not to think about just how good it felt to be pressed against him like this, but just how many layers of clothing were still between them and how badly she wanted those gone.
“Ninth, actually. And I was not man sized.” Jacob chuckled, a soft gaze down at her. There it was at last, that truly lightweight and give no fucks feeling that came with the imprint bond.
“Y-you are.” Lily muttered, stumbling over the words lightly. With each little step they took, she found herself rubbed right against him and the slick coursed down her inner thighs, coating them. “Y-you were more of a man t-than any of t-those other s-shitheads at our school.”
… I seriously just said that… Ugh, can someone just strike me mute? Before I totally fuck up?... the thought came floating into her mind and Lily muttered a quick apology, giving him a little dirty look when he managed to mis step and stepped on her toes. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry.” Jacob apologized, laughing. He dipped her down and as she came back up, their faces bumped against each other. Just the feel of her lips against his own had him struggling to keep the animal within at bay.
 Lily’s tongue danced over the outline of his lips and his grip on her body tightened as he hauled her up fully, pressing into her so much that she had to lean back, her back meeting the edge of the booth with a soft smack. “It’s...it’s okay.” Lily managed to gasp out between sloppy and rough kisses that seemed to dominate her mouth and set her pulse racing. A throat clearing nearby had the two springing apart momentarily and it served to put the brakes on for the two momentarily. 
“You wanna get outta here, Lily?” Jacob pressed into her heavily, his hands on her hips, his mouth next to her ear. 
… isn’t this a little fast?...
… better too fast than never, besides… haven’t I waited long enough?... his mind was at war with itself and the stronger side, the animal side, that was winning.
Lily found herself staring deep into dark brown eyes and getting lost, just like she used to when they were kids. After a few seconds, it occurred to her that he’d said something and she managed to respond, “Oh god, yeah. Take me home, Jake.”  as she slipped her tongue past his lips all over again, her hands drifting down, tugging almost impatiently at the waistband of his jeans.
Jacob bent at the waist, scooping her up, making quick strides towards the doors of the little sports bar. Once they were outside in the chilled night air, he sat her down on the back of his motorcycle, getting on in front. 
“Hold on tight.”
Lily’s arms slipped around his waist and she pressed herself into him as the motorcycle’s powerful engine roared to life, the motorcycle taking off at a decent speed towards the reservation.
“Your place or mine?” Lily muttered quietly next to his ear as she grazed her lips against. Jacob’s breath caught for a second and he chuckled quietly, shrugging. Lily continued, “Because I’m the only one staying at my place… No interruptions.” her lips dancing right over the rapid pulse in his neck. Jacob bucked a little, feeling himself getting harder and harder. 
The reservation was coming into view and he drove down the dirt road they both lived on, parking his motorcycle beneath the carport next to the little red cabin she lived in. 
Getting off the motorcycle, he scooped her up in his arms again, quick strides up the porch steps, Lily digging around for her house key after climbing out of his arms, reaching out to unlock the door as Jacob lightly kicked it open with his foot, stepping inside the darkened house as he shut the door behind them and locked it. 
Her back pressed against the wooden door with a soft smack and Jacob’s hands were all over her. Her mouth latched onto his neck and chest, anywhere she could reach and when she rose to tiptoe all over again, Jacob chuckled and slid her up his body to sit her down on top of her dining table, his mouth latching onto her mouth and then dancing down her neck. 
As soon as he found the spot where her scent glands were, he could feel the pierce of his fangs at his gums. Lily was rubbing herself against him, her legs wrapped around him, her hands moving down between them and then her fingertips catching in the hem of his tee shirt, starting to pull it upward. The warmth of his breath against her neck felt so fucking good. She gasped and let her head fall to the opposite side, giving his mouth better access.
Jacob pulled away a second or two, eyeing her as she continued to rub against him, shaky fingers catching on the button to his jeans and pulling it free, then lingering down, lowering his zipper slowly. In a daze, he kicked his jeans and underwear free when they pooled at his ankles, a low and primal growl filling the air as his eyes settled on his mate all over again, his tongue trailing slowly over his lips as he gazed down at her. 
“Aren’t you going to do it?” Lily’s voice was a breathy drawl as her fingertips trailed up and down his bare chest and she fixed her eyes on him almost expectantly. She rubbed herself against him with more urgency, her whimpers and moans echoing off the walls of the dining room. Jacob licked his lips and smirking, he lowered his mouth back down to her neck, his teeth scraping against scent glands again.
“You’re sure, right?” his voice came out deeper, sending a jolt racing through her and another wave of slick coating the insides of her thighs. Lily gazed up at him, biting her lip. “I asked for it, didn’t I, Jake?”
“Yeah, but..” he trailed off, unable to finish his words because she took his face in her hands, scooting herself closer to the edge of the table, rubbing against him all over again, more urgently. Jacob’s hand went down to the jagged hem of her crop top, tugging it up and over her head, letting it settle on the table top behind her. He gave a low growl as his eyes roamed over her, his mouth almost watering at the way her scent intensified. Wiping the back of his hand over his mouth, he leaned in again, reaching around, the quiet tear of satin as her bra was torn away breaking the semi-silence between the two as he tugged it free from her body next. And then, he was leaning in, ghosting his mouth down the side of her neck, his tongue trailing over soft skin boldly, his lips latching onto the patch of skin her scent glands lingered beneath. 
This time when he felt his fangs starting to prick through and push to the surface, he didn’t bother fighting it. Instead, he sank his teeth into the sac just below the surface of the patch of skin. Her nails dug into his shoulders and she rocked herself against him, legs clenching his hips tight as she gasped. “Oh, oh wow..” the rush of the bond took over, leaving her to lean into him heavily, clinging to his body. Jacob leaned right back against her heavily, chuckling as he muttered the same against her skin.
The wooden tabletop was cool against her back as she wound up flat against it, Jacob pinning both her hands at either side of her head, his mouth crashing against hers again, muttering against her lips, “Just a second… stay right there.” and raising up, letting go of her hands, bending to pick his jeans off the floor, rifling through the pockets. He tore open the condom wrapper with his teeth, sliding the condom down over his cock before turning back around to face her, stepping back between her legs as he leaned down, his hips pressing into her lower body, his mouth roaming over her neck, littering soft skin with bites and suck marks as he groaned and rutted himself into her, the tip of his cock teasing between her folds and making her whimper out loud, rubbing herself right back against him. As his cock sank deep into her heat, she got louder, Jacob chuckling against her mouth as he pressed into her, going still to let her get used to his size as the knot began to form.
“I think I’m okay.” Lily managed to gasp, rocking her hips against him urgently. Jacob sank his cock in a little deeper, a quiet growl escaping into the kiss as he pulled his mouth away, staring down at her. “You’re sure?”
Lily gritted her teeth as she felt him burying his cock in even deeper. She felt like she was being split in two, stretched and overfilled. Her nails dug into his shoulder and she gasped as she started to really get used to the way he felt buried inside her, trying to rock her hips against him all over again. “Yeah, yeah. Fuck.” she moaned out, “so big.” 
“I’m not hurting you, right?”
“No, fuck no. Feels so..” Lily met the deep and steady drives he made into her tight and dripping cunt with her own thrusts eagerly, “So good. Fuck.”
Jacob slowed to an almost stop, she was so tight around him, it felt too damn good. His fingers dug into her hips and he growled quietly as he slammed her up and down his massive cock, panting next to her ear in quiet and filthy growls, “You’re so tight, fuck. Feels so good to bury my cock in you.” 
Her fingers dug into his shoulders and she moaned louder and louder, the table creaking quietly beneath them and making them both pause and eye the table, then each other. “Maybe we should move this to the couch.” Lily muttered, giving a soft laugh as she caught her breath for a few seconds. Jacob scooped her off the tabletop and went to step out of the dining room and into the living room. Lily’s back met the wall as Jacob’s mouth buried in hers all over again and he started to fuck into her slowly, making her moan and whimper and bite down on his neck as she begged for more. “On second thought, this… Oh fuck it feels so good, baby. So good. Don’t stop.” 
Jacob slipped her legs over his forearms and started to fuck into her harder and faster, feeling her clench around his cock as he slammed into her throbbing G spot again and again. Her nails danced down his back and from the way her mouth kept latching onto his neck, he had no doubt in his mind that tomorrow, he would not be hiding the marks left behind. Then again, neither would she, because he’d definitely left marks of his own. He felt her tense up and chuckling into her mouth he asked quietly, “Are you getting closer, baby girl?”
“So close. So close.” Lily gasped into his lips as he continued to pump in and out of her, the sound of their sloppy kisses and quiet moans and growls breaking any silence in the room. “C’mon, Lily. Let go.” Jacob coaxed as he felt himself getting closer too. “Wanna feel you, princess.” 
“ -oh fuck. Oh yeah, that’s it.” Lily moaned as he slammed against her g spot all over again, and she felt her orgasm shatter through. Her walls clenched his cock and Jacob’s thrusts became erratic, skin smacking loudly against skin as he fucked them through their orgasm, holding her against him and kissing her all over the face as they both tried to catch their breath. He nipped at her ear and muttered quietly, “Are you okay?”
“If you’re going to carry me around a little while, yeah.” Lily teased gently, catching the corner of his mouth with her own as their stomachs both growled noisily. “But I am kinda hungry…”
“Me too.” Jacob chuckled against her mouth, his forehead pressed against hers as he kissed her again, tender and deep.
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the-starsabove-you · 5 years
The Spotlight
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Chapter 20- Michelle, TK and the Fastest Skater.  A/N: Reviews are welcomed! Always love hearing your thoughts and stuff! I’ll be making an updated playlist of this series later and there’s a one shot coming later! Thank you guys for taking the time to read it!  Next chapter is the last All-Stars chapter before everything goes back to normal!  Michelle was strolling through the hallways towards the locker room. Mat’s mother asked if she could take pictures of Mat before the skills challenges started. Mat’s parents were sitting and saving her seat. The morning and afternoon was good, Michelle and Mat were being tourists with Mat’s parents. All of them finding a good place for lunch at a local cafe. Mat’s parents were in awe of how sweet and in awe Mat and Michelle were with each other. Michelle was wearing Mat’s jersey with black jeans and wedges along with a high ponytail. She was very excited to see Mat in the fastest skater challenge. She was rounding the corner and was ready to knock on the door until she bumped into a figure and she would had fallen until the person caught caught her and she was confused but didn’t fall and she saw the figure It was a man with brown hair up to his shoulder, he was wearing an orange jersey that Michelle knew that was the Flyers. Michelle had attended an Islanders and Flyers game once and was amazed by both teams. “Watch where you’re going” The man said and she gave him a look “You should be watching where you’re going” The man narrowed his eyes at her “What are you a fan? How did you get back here? Do I need to call someone to help you to your seat?” “I was allowed back here, I know how to read my ticket and seat number thank you very much. I’m here to see my boyfriend and take pictures of him.. His mom asked me to” “And I was just born yesterday.” The man said and Michelle narrowed her eyes “At least I’m not the one wearing the orange jersey.. Doesn’t fit you anyways” The man broke into a grin “You’re a bonehead” He laughed as he shook his head “Whose your boyfriend?” “Mat Barzal” She said and the man’s eyes widen “Michelle Wilson?” He asked and she nodded and the man looked at her and stuck his hand out “My name is Travis Konecny, my friends call me TK” “Nice to meet you TK” She said and he gave her a look “Woah since when were you my friend?” He asked and she narrowed her eyes playfully “Have I mentioned that I hate you TK?” She said and the man grinned before Michelle sighed “How did you know my name anyways?” “Word around the locker room was that Mat Barzal’s international supermodel girlfriend would be attending the event.. Some of us were actually wondering if it was true. Mat just nodded when a couple of guys asked him. I’ve been sitting next to him for all of this, we’ve become cool” “Is he still in there?” She asked and TK nodded “Should be out soon. I’ve seen pictures of you..” TK said observing her before shaking his head “You’re more pretty in the pictures” He joked and Michelle couldn’t help but laugh “You’re my new enemy. It’s final. The feud of the year.. Michelle vs TK” TK grinned “Does that mean we have to have some sort of social media war? I’m not really on so you would win” “I’ll find the first camera that’s point at me and I’ll express how much I hate you and you’re my sworn enemy” “I can’t wait for this feud to boil over” TK laughed as he grinned at her before sighing “I’m gonna head towards the benches so I could get a nice spot. Mat should be out soon, I’ll make sure I beat your boyfriend and then challenge you for fastest skater” “Oh you’re on.. I could beat Mat in the fastest skater.. I could take you down too.” Michelle joked and TK grinned, amused “Okay Bonehead, I’ll see you later at the club?” He asked and she nodded “We’ll have a drink” “Looking forward to it” TK grinned before bidding her farewell and taking his stick and heading towards the tunnel. Michelle leaned on the wall, waiting for Mat to come through the door. A couple of Hockey Players came through and their eyes widened as they spotted her. She would smile in greetings and they would smile back and some would wave. But Michelle would hear the mutters about her from them. The door opened and out came a man with a green jersey that had a star in the middle. He was tall with brown hair. He did a double take on her before closing the door and making his way towards her “Hi” The man said and Michelle smiled “Hi, Michelle” She said and the man shook her hand “Oh I know who you are. I like your work” He said before clearing his throat “Tyler Seguin, I play for the Dallas Stars” “Nice to meet you Tyler. Thank you” She said and Tyler smirked “Of course.. I had always wondered when I would be meeting you face to face. I just didn’t expect to meet you here” He said and Michelle nodded “I’m here supporting my boyfriend” She said smiling, thinking of Mat and Tyler nodded “Have I also mentioned you're prettier in person? The camera doesn’t lie for sure” Tyler said and Michelle nodded “I’ve been told that” She grinned and Tyler couldn’t help but grin “Glad you know it then, you’re truly beautiful” Before Tyler could keep up with his flirting, someone cleared their throat and Tyler looked back and Michelle looked to see that Mat was standing in the open doorway with another player. Mat looked very unimpressed with Tyler as he was tapping the top of his stick and Tyler grinned “Hey Mat, was just introducing myself to Michelle over here” Tyler said and Mat gave him a look “I see that.” He said and Tyler was just grinning as he nodded “I’ll see you at the benches” He said before looking over and winking at Michelle “Hopefully I get to see you around” Without a word, he strolled off to the benches. Mat literally glaring daggers at him before wrapping an arm around Michelle’s waist and kissing her head “Hey, everything okay?” He asked and she nodded “I just came back here because your mom wanted a picture of you before you go out there” She said and Mat nodded before turning to the player next to him “Michelle, this is Seth Jones. He plays for the Blue Jackets. One of my favorite players too” Mat grinned as Seth nudged him playfully “Oh shut it” He said before shaking Michelle’s hand “Mat’s told me great things about you” He said and Michelle grinned “I hope so, otherwise he’s sleeping on the sofa tonight” “Oh ouch” Mat pretended to be hurt before Seth chuckled “She’s your match, Barzy.” Seth said while both Mat and Michelle blushed. “Was anyone else giving you trouble?” Mat asked and Michelle shook her head “Although, can you hit TK with your stick or something. He called me a bonehead” He said and Mat gave her a look “What did you do to him?” “What I did to him?! You should be asking what he’s done to me!” Michelle said before crossing her arms “He assumed I was a fan sneaking in the back” She said and he grinned “Well aren’t you a fan of me?” He asked and she gave him a look “I’m going to kill you Barzal, Seth is gonna have to escort you to the ER” “Hey I won’t be messing with her” Seth held his hands up and Mat grinned before looking over at the tunnel “Alright, I need to get to the benches soon.” He said before Michelle took out her phone and Mat stood proudly and was smiling at the camera. Michelle ushering Seth into the pictures too and both guys were grinning. “Come on Love birds, I’m sure the parents will be happy to have a picture of you guys too” He said as Mat wrapped an arm around her waist and brought her closer as both smiled widely before Mat leaned forward to kiss Michelle in which Seth snapped a picture and handed the phone to Michelle “Okay Mat, we gotta get going” “Alright, I’ll see you after my thing.” Mat said leaning down to kiss Michelle before the guys were being ushered into the tunnel and Michelle rushed towards the seats and saw Mat’s parents waving at her before Michelle sat beside Mat’s mom “How was it?” Mat’s mom asked and Michelle nodded “It was good! Met some players and was hanging with Mat for a bit” The three of them were watching the introductions of each player coming out and then the fastest skater was happening. Each player being introduced and Mat’s parents and Michelle cheering the loudest for Mat. TK and Mat were skating towards the bench and TK saw Michelle and grinned before turning to Mat to say something in which Mat laughed. Michelle giving TK a look in which TK grinned back. Michelle was clapping for each skater but pretended to boo for TK. Who pretended to look offended as he skated off. Soon Mat was on and Michelle was grinning and he looked over at his parents and her and he smiled softly while the three of them smiled and waved back. Soon the timer went off and Mat was skating as fast as possible. Michelle getting out of her seat and cheering for him as she watched him move with grace. She always loved to watch him skate. Michelle clapped and cheered when Mat went through the finish line. He was in the lead now and Michelle was smiling. She saw Mat was relaxing at the bench as he was watching everyone else go, winking at Michelle when he could. Finally Connor McDavid was up, Michelle looking on nervously but Mat was still relaxed. She watched Connor skating and even his parents were curious and Michelle’s eyes widen when she saw that Connor got to the finish line but didn’t beat Mat’s time and Mat had won. Michelle got out of her seat and was jumping up and down, Mat’s parents joining as they stood up and clapped and they watched the players surrounding Mat and cheering for him as Mat was laughing and smiling. Michelle was smiling widely and she watched as Mat and the other players were walking back to the locker room to make room for the next challenge Michelle was watching the challenges and soon the girls were going to take the ice and have their game. Michelle got a text from Mat for her and his family to come towards the locker room area. Michelle and Mat’s parents met Mat near the locker room and Mat brought Michelle into a tight hug and he lifted her up the ground and spun her around. Michelle grinning and Mat put her down and brought her into a kiss “I knew you would win” She mumbled and Mat smiled “Really?” “I’m always going to cheer for you Mat, no matter what” Mat’s parents smiled as they joined the hug and soon Mat brought them into a room where everyone was hanging out. Some of the players relaxing with their families and others were watching the game with grins. Michelle was sitting on Mat’s lap as they were speaking with Mat’s parents. At the corner of his eye, Mat saw the Tkachuk Brothers looking at Michelle and suddenly Mat became more self-aware. He didn’t know that Michelle would be getting such attention. Sure, Michelle was a famous model but didn’t expect players to just be looking at her. Mat knew TK’s interactions with Michelle were harmless, TK came towards Mat at the bench and told him about the interaction and TK even joked that Michelle was an annoying sister to him. But he got nervous when he walked out the door with Seth and saw Tyler openly flirting with Michelle. He would have been alarmed if Michelle didn’t mention Mat as her boyfriend or if she started flirting back with Tyler. But Mat didn’t worry at all, he was very calm but wanted to tell Tyler off to leave her alone. He had noticed that some of the players were looking at Michelle, but if she wasn’t worrying or saying anything about it.. He had nothing to worry about. He wouldn’t be afraid to punch a guy or two if they started flirting or made her feel uncomfortable. “You’re ready to go?” Michelle said and Mat snapped out of his thoughts and looked at her “Sorry babe, I was lost in thought” He said before Michelle nudging his leg with her own “I said the girls are finishing their game.. Ready for the last challenge before we meet the players at the club?” “Yeah, sorry” Mat said before kissing her cheek and she got up and Mat’s parents smiled “You guys are so cute” His father said his mother nodded in agreement “You guys are a very nice match.. It is nice to see Mat so relaxed and happy with someone and understands his life style” She said and Michelle nodded “Thank you, he’s very special to me and I’m very happy with him. I know with both of us traveling and both of us working, it will be hard at times but we’ll make it” “I know sweetheart” Mat’s mom winked. Mat’s parents and Michelle went back to their seats while Mat hung out with Seth and Auston. TK close by. All of them watching with grins on their faces as players had to shoot the puck from a higher level. Once the event was over. Mat’s parents bid Mat and Michelle a farewell before returning to their hotel room. Mat held Michelle’s hand as everyone was in the garage, some hockey players with their partners and others were just chatting with others. Mat squeezed her hand as he led her towards Seth and TK. Who were chatting until TK saw Michelle “It seems like I couldn’t beat your boyfriend, bonehead. I’ll do it next time for sure” TK greeted and Michelle greeted as they fist bumped each other “Now I gotta kick his ass and I’ll take his fastest skater title” “Oh really?” Mat said with an eyebrow raised and Michelle nodded proudly until Mat grinned and kissed her head “You’re cute” Seth chuckled and he hugged Michelle in greeting before greeting Mat. “Ready to have the night of our lives and party?” “Let’s do this” Michelle grinned as a couple of people started filing into cars. Auston Matthews nodded his head to Michelle in greeting and she smiled back. Michelle and Chris Kreider high fiving and talking about favorite places to eat while they were waiting for cars. Mat’s arm around his girlfriend’s arm. Soon a car came for them and Mat, Michelle and TK piled into the back while Seth went to the front. A majority of the car ride was Michelle and TK bickering as TK would try to wiggle for more room and Michelle pushing him so she could have more room. Mat watching the two with amusement. Mat, Michelle, Seth and TK got out of the car and were walking into the club. Michelle in awe of how big the club was and she was grinning “This is like a Gatsby party” “Lots of people” TK noted and Seth nodded “I like it” “Why?” Mat asked and Michelle turned to him “A lot of people.. Makes some interactions intimate” she whispered and Mat nodded “You’re right” He muttered. The club started getting more busy as hockey players and partners were filing in. Soon the dance floor was crowded with so many people and Michelle grabbed Mat’s hand and led him into the dance floor and they danced in the middle of the dance floor, Mat and Michelle not worrying over anything because of the fact the club was packed. They were young and carefree adults, dancing the night away with each other. Mat kissed Michelle softly and Michelle deepened the kiss and she broke the kiss and looked at him, her eyes half closed “Wanna head back to the hotel now?” He was smirking “I do deserve some kind of prize for winning fastest skater” He said and she narrowed her eyes playfully “Alright, Pretty Boy. Let’s go” They said their goodnights to everyone and retreated back to their hotel room.
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Amnesia (Book one, part seven)(Alec Volturi)
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A week had passed, and Maeryn busted herself to being excited and hopefull to see Alec again. She had even dressed up slightly but wore her long, goldenbrown hair neatly loose. But throughout the day, no Alec. She got ready to close the doors when the bell above the door rang, announcing someone entering. Maeryn turned around and was greeted by the gentle smile of Alec's lips. Maeryn smiled back, trying to not look too happy because he returned. "I hope you don't mind me barging in at closing time?" he asked. Maeyrn blinked her eyes a few times to get out of her dreaming state. "N-no. Ofcourse not." she said quickly, affraid he would dissapear again. Gosh, she sounded like a love sick fool. Alec smiled and walked closer to her, a hand behind his back. "I honestly hope you can forgive my absence this week. I had some errands to run." he said as he pulled his hand from behind his back and showed her a beautifull white rose. Maeryn smiled and took the rose from him.  "You are forgiven. Though, I have to admit it has been quiet this past week." she said as she placed the white rose into the vase with the red rose. Alec couldn't help but to smile as she said this. "Daemon has told me you've wanted to see the castle ever since arriving here." he said as he watched her turn around. "Eh, yes. But sadly the tours are for invited guests only. Believe me, I asked Heidi before but no luck." Maeryn said as she played with her fingers slightly. "Well, how about a private tour? Tonight? Just you and me, I promise." Alec said as he held out his hand for her to take. Maeryn bit her lip and debated it. Daemon and Mauno had warned her many times that the castle was dangerous, and they should know since they worked there, but her curiosity and the fact that she could spend a few hours alone with Alec tempted her to take his hand and accept his offer. And so she did. She gently placed her hand into his, which was cold as ice. Maeryn gasped slightly at the coldness but didn't dare to pull back, as she could feel small sparks travel up her arm making her heartbeat speed up slightly. Alec smiled and gently pulled her out of the cafe and towards the castle. Palazzo dei Priori.
Instead of going to the entrance, Alec led her into an alley. "Do you trust me?" he whispered softly to her, making her knees feel weak. "Yes." she whispered back, unsure if he had heard her. But he had and he gently scooped her into his hard arms and jumped down a small gap at the end of the alley. Maeryn had burried her face into his neck while they fell down and it ended with Alec landing perfectly onto his feet. He gently placed her back down onto her own feet and grabbed her hand once more, making sure that she wouldn't trip on the uneven stone surface. It was quite dark, due it being night and no light was coming through the gap they had just jumped down from. The path beneath their feet continued to slant downward, taking them deeper into the ground. Slowly the hallway turned dark gray instead of black. Maeryn and Alec were in a low, arched tunnel. Long trails of ebony moisture seeped down the gray stones, like they were bleeding ink. Maeryn felt mesmerized by the old castle walls and couldn’t wat to explore even more, but she had trouble concentrating as Alec’s cold hand firmly held onto hers, as if being afraid to lose her. Slowly the temperature got colder and Maeryn had been unaware that she had been shaking slightly until Alec had stopped and turned around. “Are you alright?” he asked gently. “Yeah, I am fine. Let’s continue walking. I am sure that will keep me warm.” She explained which was true, but she was afraid that if she admitted she was cold he would take her back to the café, and that was the last thing she would want. She was finally in the mysterious castle and more importantly she was int the castle with Alec. Alec nodded his head and continued leading her through the tunnel into the castle.  At the end of the tunnel was a grate—the iron bars were rusting, but thick as a human arm. A small door made of thinner, interlaced bars was standing open. Alec ducked through and hurried on to a larger, brighter stone room. The grille slammed shut with a clang, followed by the snap of a lock. On the other side of the long room was a low, heavy wooden door. It was very thick because it, too, stood open. Alec and Maeryn stepped through the door, and Maeryn glanced around in surprise. They were in a brightly lit, unremarkable hallway. The walls were off-white, thefloor carpeted in industrial gray. Common rectangular fluorescent lights were spaced evenly along theceiling. It was warmer here, for which Maeryn was grateful. This hall seemed very benign after the gloom of the ghoulish stone sewers. Alec pulled Maeryn along and the heavy door creaked shut behind them, followed by a bolt sliding home. Maeryn jumped slightly but Alec gave her a reassuring squeeze in her hand. “It’s alright, amore mio. Come on.” He said as he pulled her towards and elevator. Once inside the elevator, Maeryn took a quick glance into the mirror and tried to fix her hair slightly without him noticing. Maeryn looked at him quickly but was surprised by his eyes. Instead of their usual violet colour, they where now a bright burgundy. It slightly frightened her, but they also suited him much better than the violet ones. But to be honest, Maeryn couldn’t care less about his eye colour. The elevator ride was short; Alec and Maeryn stepped out into what looked like a posh office reception area. The walls were paneled in wood, the floors carpeted in thick, deep green. There were no windows, but large,brightly lit paintings of the Tuscan countryside hung everywhere as replacements. Pale leather coucheswere arranged in cozy groupings, and the glossy tables held crystal vases full of vibrantly colored bouquets. The flowers' smell reminded Maeryn of a funeral home. In the middle of the room was a high, polished mahogany counter. Maeryn looked at the woman behind the desk. She was tall, with dark skin and green eyes. Maeryn was sure she had known everyone who lived and worked in Volterra, but she had never met this woman before. Maeryn was afraid that they where busted and that this woman would most likely call the police, but to Maeryn’s surprise the woman behind the desk smiled politely in welcome. "Good evening, Alec," she said. Alec nodded his head. “Gianna.” He said politely as he showed Maeryn some of the many paintings. Alec explained most of the paintings and by whom they where painted, but Maeryn felt like something was off. He was defiantly hiding something. But Alec treated her to another sweet smile and Maeryn's worries where soon soothed as they continued through a set of double doors in the back of the room. Alec showed her all of the castle, almost as if he walked the corridors every single day and knew them very well. Their little tour ended in the garden, where two bushes with roses, one white and one red, where blooming and shining in the moonlight. "These roses look just like the ones you gave me." Maeryn said as she examined the roses. "Well, maybe they are from the exact same bushed." he told her. "It's not polite to steal from a castle garden." Maeryn said playfully while turning to look at him. Alec took a step closer to her and took her hand into his cold one. "Maybe I am not that polite." he said while kissing her hand gently. Maeryn blushed deeply and was gratefull that there wasn't alot of light for him to see her blush. But Alec had seen it. He gently placed a hand onto her cheek to feel her blood rushing through her thin, fragile skin. Skin he could easily pierce with his teeth while her sweet nectar would flow into his mouth and sooth the burning in his throat whenever he was so close to her. But he restrained himself, not wanting to harm this little flower. "May I ask you something, even though it might be impolite?" Maeryn asked softly. Alec smiled gently. "Of course you can, amore mio." he said softly as he lead her towards a bench and took a seat, Maeryn sitting next to him, her hand still in his. "What happened to your eyes? I mean they where violet before and now they are red." she asked bluntly but quickly looked away in shame. It where probably just contacts and she was worrying about nothing. But, to her surprise, Alec sighed and gently stroked her hand with his thumb. "I will tell you, but you have to promise to not tell anyone, not even Agnella or Adolfo." he said softly. Maeryn bit her lip but nodded her head in agreement. "I promise." she said, anxious to his answer. "Do you believe in myths about vampires?" he asked. Maeryn frowned. "Not really. That is why they are called myths, right? Because it doesn't excist?" Maeryn said as she watched her hand in his while his thumb circled on the back of her hand. Alec chuckled softly. "I guess so, in a human's book. But I am affraid some of those myths are true, seeing as I am a living one." Alec explained and looked at her. Maeryn frowned and looked up into his burgundy eyes. She felt like laughing. Him? A vampire? Yeah right. But when she saw the serious look in his eyes, Maeryn knew he spoke the truth. She wasn't sure what to do or, more importantly, what he will do to her. "Hey, it's alright. I promise I won't hurt you. Believe me, if I wanted too I would have done it the first day when I saw you in the cafe." Alec said trying to sooth her as he could hear her heartbeat quicken. Maeryn nodded her head and her heart calmed down slightly. Alec smiled once more and gently kissed the back of her hand. "Honestly, I don't know what has gotten into me lately. But when I first saw you I knew I wanted you for more than just your blood, which smells delicious to be honest." he said as he gave her a playfull smirk. Maeryn blushed slightly and Alec gently pulled her closer to him, resting his other arm around her waist. "I have told you how I feel, now I think it is only fair you tell me what you feel for me. I do hope I haven't misread any signs?" he whispered softly and his cool breath hit her face leaving the smell of his sweet breath on her face. Maeryn but her lip and shook her head. "You haven't." she whispered back. Alec smiled. "Good." he said and his eyes trailed down to her full lips. "May I?" his voice sounded husk and seductive at the same time. Maeryn could no longer anwser so she nodded her head. Alec slowly leand foreward and closed the gap between them by claiming her lips with his own. Maeryn had forgotten how to breath for a moment as his lips guided hers gently into a loving kiss, but he pulled away too soon for her liking. "My appoligies. I am sure you have alot of questions that I need to answer before we continue." he whispered softly as he pulled her hair gently behind her ear. Maeryn nodded her head as air and oxigen filled her lungs and brains and she could think quite straight again. "So, you're a vampire?" Maeryn asked. Alec chuckled. "Yeah. Or so I have been told." Maeryn blushed in shame and looked down. Alec gently made her look up again. "I am sorry. That was rude of me. Go on. I promise I won't laugh." he said, sorrow in his eyes. Maeryn nodded her head. "Alright. So what can you do? As a vampire ofcourse." she added softly and watched as Alec took her hand into his once more.          
“Vampires are one of the four known supernatural species in the world, with the others being vampire-human hybrids, true werewolves, also called Children of the Moon, and shapeshifters. Vampires and Children of the Moon are transformed humans (by venom and infection, respectively); shapeshifters are a human population with gifts of their own; and, occasionally, humans show gifts of their own. The origin of the vampire race remains a mystery. Contrary to popular belief, vampires deviate from those of traditional myth. For example, all vampires have refined and perfected physical features including their scent and voice, allowing us to lure in prey. Our skin is flawless and textured with a marble-like substance much harder and stronger than granite. Due to the crystalline properties of our cells, when a vampire is exposed to sunlight, our body will sparkle like diamonds.” Maeryn giggled softly at the idea of a sparkling Alec. “What is so funny?” he asked curiously. “No nothing. I am sorry for interrupting. Please continue.” Maeryn said as soon as she got her small giggle fit under control. Alec looked at her curiously but continued anyway. “For vampires who feed on human blood, their eyes reflect a deep red, as opposed to those who drink animal blood, whose eyes will reflect a medium gold color. Vampires also possess superhuman powers, such as speed and strength. They also have incredibly keen senses and are able to hear for miles and see in total darkness.” Maeryn was lightly shaken by the fact that Alec’s eyes where read, meaning he feeds on human blood. But she was also very intrested to the rest of his story. “Vampires are indeed immortal unless destroyed. Unable to sleep, we spend all days and nights awake. After transformation, a few vampires show special abilities. I for example have the gift of sensory deprivation. But my sister Jane, the small girl you met in the cafe three weeks ago, has the gift of pain. Usually a prominent personality or physical trait magnified from our human life. Most of us, however, do not have a special gift. Vampires are unharmed by garlic, holy items, or wooden stakes; we have reflections and shadows, and we are able to walk freely in the sunlight without being physically damaged by it.” Alec finished his story.
"I guess that explains alot. Are there many vampires?" Maeryn asked. "There are quite a few, some live in covens and are stationed in one area, and others live in small groups traveling around the globe." Alec explained. "And you?" "I live with the largest coven there is. We are the Volturi, and we actually have been living in this castle for many centuries." he explained. Maeryn was curious to know more about his coven and he could see her curiosity in her eyes. Alec smiled softly and continued explaining.
“The Volturi act as the unofficial royalty in the world of vampires, and we are an incredibly influential coven. We are also considered 'nighttime patrons of the arts' as, because of our inability to sleep, we study the arts at night. The Volturi act as guardians, keeping the secret society of vampires hidden from the human world as needed. My masters often send their agents to travel from Volterra to prevent overzealous covens from exposing vampires through mass eradication of every vampire and any humans present. The coven has existed for over 3000 years, and is the largest coven in existence, followed by the Olympic, the Denali and the Mexican coven. Throughout the centuries, the Volturi have established and enforced a number of laws that all vampires are expected to obey on pain of death. There aren't many of these laws, and they mainly concern the secrecy surrounding the existence of vampires. The laws are not written down; to write them would in itself be an infraction. Instead, the laws are passed by word of mouth from vampire to vampire.”
Maeryn frowned. "Will we get killed now? Because you told me your secret?" Alec gently caressed her cheek. "No, amore mio. My family and I would actually like to invite you to live with us for a while. And after that we can always decide what we will do." Alec said and he kissed her cheek gently. Maeryn nodded her head and smiled gently. "Come on. My family would like to meet you. I promise no harm will come to you." he said as he stood up and held out his hand for her to take. Maeryn smiled and placed her hand into his as he gently pulled her to her feet and led her back into the castle.
Alec and Maeryn returned to the reception where Gianna had been and they went through a set of double doors in the back of the room. On the other side of the wooden doors was a different kind of reception, and at the end of the room the short girl was waiting for them. "I see she hasn't fled yet?" Jane said jokingly as she kissed her brother on both cheeks. "Thankfully, no." Alec said as he pulled Maeryn closer to his body. Jane smiled gently. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you properly. My name is Jane. I am Alec's twin sister." she said as she held out a small hand. Maeryn slowly shook it. "Nice to meet you. My name is Maeryn." she replied. Jane turned her attention back to Alec. "The masters, wives and high guard are awaiting. Aro wanted to make sure not too many people would be in the throneroom as it might give Maeryn an unpleasant feeling." Jane murmered softly to Alec. Alec nodded his head and followed his sister, gently pulling Maeryn along with him.
They ignored the doors at the end of the hall—doors entirely sheathed in gold—stopping halfway down the hall and sliding aside a piece of the paneling to expose a plain wooden door. It wasn't locked. Alec held it open for Jane and Maeryn. It was the same ancient stone as the square, the alley, and the sewers. And it was dark and cold again. The stone antechamber was not large. It opened quickly into a brighter, cavernous room, perfectly round like a huge castle turret, which was probably exactly what it was. Two stories up, long window slits threw thin rectangles of bright sunlight onto the stone floor below. There were no artificial lights. The only furniture in the room were several massive wooden chairs, like thrones, that were spaced unevenly, flush with the curving stone walls. In the very center of the circle, in a slight depression, was another drain. The room was not empty. A handful of people were convened in seemingly relaxed conversation. The murmur of low, smooth voices was a gentle hum in the air. The exquisite faces all turned toward the two vampires and one human as they entered the room. Most of the immortals were dressed in inconspicuous pants and shirts—things that wouldn't stick out at all on the streets below. But the man who spoke first wore one of the long robes. It was pitch-black, and brushed against the floor. For a moment, Maeryn thought his long, jet-black hair was the hood of his cloak. "Jane, Alec, dear ones, you've returned! And you have brought Maeryn. It is so good to properly meet you, my dear." he cried in evident delight. His voice was just a soft sighing. “Master Aro.” Alec said while Jane made her way towards the man and he lightly pecked her lips. Then he returned his attention towards Maeryn and he gave her a reassuring smile, one that a father would give to his daughter and Maeryn immediately relaxed. "My appologies. I am being very rude. My name is Aro and these are my brothers Marcus and Caius." he said pointing to the sad looking man on the left throne and the man with snow white hair on the right. "And the rest of my family. We are so delighted to meet you." he said and smiled like a child in the candyshop. Maeryn felt slightly out of place in this room where every last creature but her was absolutely gorgeous in their own way. "Thank you sir. It is nice to meet you." Maeryn said, trying to be as polite as possible. "Now I am sure Alec has told you all about us. But I am affraid he left out some pieces that I specifically had asked to not tell you. You see my dear, we have met before you came here. I believe you where on a camping trip in the forests of Forks. And a small accident happened and I had my dear Munin take those memories away. No I know you have wondered for a while what has happened that specific evening and as what hopefully will be a small welcome gift to our family, I would like to hand you your memory back. Now if you accept I do hope you consider spending some more time here with us, as a human ofcourse. We will not rush into things that need to rushing." Aro explained. Maeryn's head felt heavy. They knew what had happened that night that she had lost and one of her campsupervisors had dissapeared. She couldn't let this oppertunity slip away. "Thank you. I will glady accept your offer and gift." Maeryn replied. Aro laughed loudly and clapped his hands together as if he was praying. "Munin, if you'd please." Aro asked a man with brown hair, olive skin and red eyes. The man approached Maeryn carefully, affraid that if he moved too fast he would frighten the girl. "This may hurt alittle and I appoligise in advance." he said in his deep voice. Maeryn nodded her head and closed her eyes, waiting for the pain and the memory she so long longed to remember once more. Munin placed his fingers on her temples and gave her her memory of that specific night back. Mearyn screamed as she felt like her head was being burned. Alec helt her gently in his arms as darkness took over and the memory of that night played in her head.
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rune-writes · 4 years
Yellow Flowers of Reunion
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Word count: 3265
Rating: G
Summary: It has been four years since Zack moved to Midgar. When he is having lunch with Aerith and her mother, he is reminded of his home and his parents.
Note: Part 1 of an ongoing Mother’s Day series centering on Zack, Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith. Part 1 is Zack’s story. 
Read on AO3.
It was a spring morning when Zack was sitting on one of the church’s benches, watching Aerith tend to her flower bed. He had sneaked out of morning practice. Thinking he had been making good progress with no one noticing his absence, he almost jumped when his phone beeped just as he reached the sector 5 slums, and he realized that was not the case at all.
Right. Go and have your little date with Aerith. I’ll just be here covering your ass.
Zack couldn’t help the snicker. He could just imagine the frown and resigned sigh on Kunsel’s face. Of course, his friend would have figured out where Zack had disappeared to since early in the morning. Even when he hadn’t even told him about Aerith, Kunsel had somehow known that Zack was seeing a girl. Actually seeing one.  
Anyway, Zack would have to treat his friend to lunch later. He silently promised Kunsel that as he made his way to the Sector 5 Slum’s church.
It had been too early—Aerith hadn’t even gotten to the church yet by the time Zack arrived. So he stood there, looking around, walking around, sat on the bench then crouched by the flower bed. No matter how many times he had been here, he was still amazed real flowers could bloom in a place as barren as Midgar. A miracle. It shouldn’t be odd then, should it, that he had thought of her as an angel when he fell down through the hole in the roof of her church?
Zack stroked his finger down the soft petals of the yellow flowers, a small smile playing across his lips. Where was Aerith? What if he made a surprise visit to her home instead?
Zack jumped up to his feet, the thought of the surprise lining Aerith’s lovely face filling him with glee, when he realized he didn’t know where the girl’s home was.
The thought had barely crossed his mind when the sound of heavy creaking against the wooden floor drew at his attention. Zack looked up to see the double doors slowly opening and Aerith slipped through them, her light blue dress swaying around her. She stopped short when she spotted him. Even in this distance, he could make out the slight widening of her eyes and her mouth opening in a silent gasp.
Well, he didn’t get to see Aerith’s home, but he did get to see Aerith’s surprise. Zack’s lips broke into a huge grin, his hand flying up in an encompassing wave, and her name rolling off his tongue before he could think.
“Ah, right!” Aerith’s sudden outburst broke through his reverie. When Zack looked, she was already looking up at him from her spot by the flowers. “My mom’s inviting you for lunch.”
Zack blinked. “Your…mom?”
Aerith nodded with a smile on her face. “I know you’re busy, and I told her you might not make it, but she still said you should come whenever you can, so…” Aerith let her voice trail off. He noticed the anticipation in her eyes, but Zack’s brain couldn’t quite catch up. He was dumbfounded that Aerith’s mom knew about his existence.
“You’ve…told your mom about me?”
Aerith nodded.
Zack blinked again, and again, letting it slowly register that yes, her mom knew about him. When it finally did, he bit his lower lip, trying to hold back the smile threatening to break free. He wanted to laugh. He wanted to cry. He wanted to jump and dance and pick her up and swing her around. But Zack remained on the bench, finding his gaze fixated on a bit of a crack on the floor by his feet.
“So, can you or can you not make it?”
Zack cleared his throat and took a deep calming breath. “Today?”
“Yes, today.” A hint of exasperation in her voice but all he wanted was to smile. Good thing he had most of the day off. Treating Kunsel to lunch would have to wait for a while longer.
“Sure, I can make it,” he finally replied, and when he met her gaze again, Aerith smiled so sweetly, her eyes crinkling in the process, and he thought he was probably the luckiest guy in the world right now.
Her house wasn’t hard to find, actually. Even if he had gotten lost, Aerith seemed to be quite well-known among her people that if he were to ask for direction, they would probably tell him. Though on the other hand, him dressed as a SOLDIER operative might prompt them to give him false information—judging from the side eyes he had received from some of them.  
Past the train station and into the Sector 5 Slums, through various shops and rundown, densely packed neighborhood, they entered the grassy area between an orphanage and a community center that led to a winding tunnel-of-sort and opened up to the most beautiful scenery Zack had ever witnessed in the entire metropolitan steel city. So much sun; so much greenery. A huge clearing within a wall of rocky outcroppings. Water fell down the face of the cliff on the other side into a stream between a cute little cottage and what seemed to be Aerith’s own personal flower garden.
If he were to describe the place in one word, it would be vibrant.
“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” Aerith asked with a coy smile and a glance up at him.
It was, to the point that it made him speechless with awe. He could only reply with a nod. Aerith giggled at his loss for words.
“Come on,” she said, grabbing his arm and leading him down the short flight of wooden stairs into a small riverbank with makeshift wooden bridges on either side. To his right was the garden beyond, with a plethora of reds and yellows and greens and oranges dotting the vast winding yard as far as his eye could see. Aerith led him to the left, past a mailbox and over the rickety bridge. The water beneath was so clean, and so clear, with water lily leaves scattered on the surface and schools of fish swimming underneath it.
They reached the stone pavement beyond, where rocks were stacked on either side to create more flower beds. Zack spotted roses and daisies and marigolds and even cattails among others. A mixture of various sweet scents teased his nostrils.
When was the last time he was in a place like this? So calm and peaceful and serene. Far from the hustle and bustle of city life on the upper plate, where smoke from factories and vehicle exhaust coiled the atmosphere. It reminded him of his home.
Aerith opened the cottage door and Zack was immediately greeted by the rich smell of stew boiling in the kitchen. He adjusted his eyes to the slight dimness and found himself in circular dining room that probably also served as a living room, with a singular round table and four wooden chairs around it. More flowers lined the walls, in vases or baskets, on tables and cabinets. A small CRT TV nestled in one corner. A staircase led up to a second floor.
“I’m home!” Aerith called.
A reply came from his right, where a woman in a green dress and an apron was stirring the pot of stew on a stove. “Welcome home, Aerith.” She looked over her shoulder with a smile. Her gaze flitted over to Zack and the smile bloomed into a beam. “And you must be Zack.”
To be honest, whenever he had the time to let his mind wander, Zack had conjured countless scenarios of meeting Aerith’s parents in his head. He had wondered what her house looked like, and how her parents would receive him, whether they would accept him or reject him, and what he would do were that to happen.
To be honest, Zack had never thought her mother would be the first one to invite him for lunch.
Zack hastily bowed his head. “I’m Zack,” he said with a light flush to his cheeks. “Thank you for inviting me over.”
He was rewarded with a soft chuckle. Aerith’s mother wiped her hands on her apron as she turned to face him and stepped out of the kitchen area. “Yes, the pleasure’s all mine,” she said. “I’m Elmyra, Aerith’s mother. My daughter’s told me quite a lot about you. I heard how you’ve helped her a lot.”
“Ah, well—” Zack scratched the back of his head with a sheepish grin, “—we help each other a lot I guess. Aerith’s been really kind to me ever since I met her.”
A giggle from his side and he glanced down to find Aerith covering her lips with a finger.
Elmyra smiled. “Well, I’m pleased to meet you, Zack,” she went on. “We’re going to have chicken stew today. Just make yourself at home, okay?”
Zack nodded stiffly.
“And Aerith, you can go ahead and set the table.”
“I’ll help!”
Aerith was heading for a cabinet on another side of the room when she laughed at his interjection. “Stop being so uptight,” she said. “Just put your sword down and take a seat.”
She shushed him with a hiss and Zack had no choice but to back down. He pulled his sword from his back and let it stand against the wall. Aerith gave him an approving nod before making her way to the tableware cabinet.
Zack pursed his lips and resigned himself to follow the mother and daughter. He turned to face the table and took in the small room.
Elmyra had said to make himself at home, but to be honest, it was actually difficult to make himself feel not at home. Aerith’s house had that sort of warm, homey feeling to it. The smell of stew cooking in the kitchen, the tableware cluttering as Aerith pulled them out of its cabinet, and the scent of aging wood mixed in with the various flowers on the tables—they weren’t much, but they did remind him of home. If he shut his eyes, he could just imagine that he was back in Gongaga with his mother cooking in the kitchen while his father worked outside, and as he entered the house, she would turn around with a smile on her face and said, “Welcome home, Zack.”
As Aerith set the table, Zack found his eyes drawn to the set of photographs on a side table by the TV. One was an old photo of a young couple he thought was Elmyra and her husband, smiling in front of the house. The other had probably been taken several years after, and in it was a slightly older Elmyra, holding a little girl around seven or eight, wearing a cute orange shirt with a matching orange skirt, her long brown hair tied to the back. The man from before was nowhere to be found.
“Who gave you permission to look at photos?” her voice piped in from behind him. Aerith bobbed her head around his side and peered into the frame Zack was holding.
“Little Aerith was too cute, I couldn’t resist the temptation,” Zack replied with a grin. “I don’t see your father, though.”
Aerith didn’t answer immediately. She stared at the other photo, her eyes drawn. “He died in the war,” she quietly said.
“Oh—” he caught himself. “I’m sorry—”  
But Aerith only shook her head. “That’s okay,” she replied. She didn’t elaborate, and he didn’t ask anything more, because Elmyra called for them, then, saying their lunch was ready. The smile was back on Aerith’s face, as though Zack hadn’t just broached a sensitive topic. She plucked the photo from his hands and put it back on its place, ushering him to take a seat at the table.
Three bowls of hot steaming stew lay on the table. Having now sat before one of them, the chicken stock smelled even more overpowering than ever before. The broth was thick with potatoes and carrots and a dash of parsley at the top. The chicken thighs looked crispy. It made his mouth water.
“Dig in,” Elmyra said from her seat across from him.
Zack nodded, grabbed the spoon, and scooped the broth with the potatoes and carrots into his open mouth. The taste exploded inside him—so rich and delicious, the vegetables so soft. It warmed him inside out. Zack didn’t remember the last time he ate something so good and he was smiling before he knew it and had already scooped another spoonful of stew.
“It’s good,” he said. The chicken, especially, was so tender and it seemed to melt in his mouth. “It’s really good.”
The smile on Elmyra’s face was so bright as she looked at him. Then she looked at Aerith and nodded at her daughter to enjoy her meal. They started talking, then—about life in Midgar and Zack’s job as a SOLDIER, about the slums and the people living under the steel sky, about Aerith’s days and the flowers she had tended to—and it made him feel warm. This house and the two people living inside it made him feel a sort of warmth he hadn’t felt in years, and when Elmyra asked her next question, Zack found himself pausing.
“Where are you from, Zack?”
“Gongaga,” he replied.
Elmyra blinked in surprise. “That’s a long way from here.”
Zack chuckled, somewhat self-deprecatingly. “That goes for most of us SOLDIERs. I came here when I was thirteen.” That was barely four years ago—a mere boy from a backwater town who had looked up at the stars and dreamed of becoming a hero.
“Have you ever been back home since you came here?” Elmyra asked again.
Zack shook his head. “We don’t get a lot of time off,” he said.
“Your parents must miss you a lot, then.”
It was a simple, innocent statement, one anyone he’d met on the street would probably have said, but it made Zack go still, because unlike other boys who had left their village with the blessings of their families and townspeople to look for jobs in the big city, Zack had gone in the dead of the night, without a word or a letter to his parents. His hand had stopped midway to his mouth, the stew forgotten.
It had been so long since he had any home-cooked meals. All he ever had since he arrived in Midgar were either the cafeteria food they served in the barrack, rations he got on missions, or, if he were up for a splurge, the various restaurants and bars in the upper plate. He had been too preoccupied with his new life that he had never even thought of his home, or his parents, in the years he had been here.
“Do you think I should send them something?” Zack asked Aerith once they were out the door.
They had finished their meal and Zack had bowed and thanked Elmyra for having him. He promised to visit some time, but Elmyra just laughed it off and told him not to worry.
“Who?” Aerith asked.
“My parents.” They walked leisurely down the stone pavement toward the bridge at the other end, waiting for the stew to go down his stomach and he was ready to face whatever wrath his friend would unleash upon him once he returned to Headquarters.
“Hmm, well—” Aerith had a finger to her lips, deep in thoughts. Zack’s gaze flitted over to the flowers just as Aerith said, “Why not flowers? It’s going to be Mother’s Day soon, too.”
Mother’s Day. How could he have forgotten about that? In fact, Zack didn’t remember having sent his parents anything in the past four years.
But, flowers were a great idea. His mother loved flowers. And he would write a letter, too. They weren’t much, but they were a start. He’d write them more letters after this.
“And good thing you’ve got someone with a beautiful flower garden such as this,” Aerith went on, beaming as she spread her arms wide to encompass the entirety of her garden. Zack couldn’t help but laugh at it.
“What sort of flowers do you recommend, then?”
“Well, carnations are best for Mother’s Day—” her eyes turned downcast, “—but sadly I don’t have carnations. You can probably find some in the upper plate, though.”
Zack shook his head. They’d gotten past the first bridge, and instead of taking the stairs up on the right that would lead him back to the Slums, he led Aerith through the other bridge toward her personal garden. A patch near the bridge by the water was filled with the very same flowers he saw in her church.
“What about these?” he asked, crouching down by the yellow flowers. “They’re the ones that grow in your church too, right.”
“Good eye, Zack,” Aerith said, crouching down beside him. She caressed the long yellow petals with a smile. “These flowers mean reunion. They’ll be perfect.” Her bright smile was still plastered on her face when she looked up at him, and it made him want to smile back.
Kunsel was waiting for him in Headquarters with a frown and his arms folded, because Zack had gone out for more than half the day without so much as a notification or any sort of permit and Kunsel had to come up with a half-baked lie whenever someone asked about him. He gave a resigned sigh when Zack promised to buy him lunch, and instead, shifted his focus to the large bouquet of yellow flowers in Zack’s hands.
“Aren’t you supposed to give flowers to the girl and not the other way around?” his friend asked.
“These aren’t for me,” Zack said with a laugh. “They’re for my mom.”
Kunsel stared at him at that, as though he had sprouted two more heads, and Zack laughed. “It’s Mother’s Day,” he said. “Want me to let her know you’re looking for a bouquet too?”
Kunself scoffed. “For one thing, I know it’s Mother’s Day soon and I’ve already prepared something for my mom.”
Zack whistled teasingly.
“For another,” Kunsel went on with a frown, but the frown was only short-lived, and it was replaced by a small smile. “I hope your mom likes it.”
He hadn’t expected Kunsel to say that, and for a split second, Zack was left speechless. Kunsel chuckled, and gave him a pat on the shoulder, before leaving off to who-knew-where. He looked back once, saying, “Don’t forget about that lunch, now!” and disappeared behind a door.
The short quip broke through his trance, and Zack found himself laughing in the empty hall. He had promised. He wouldn’t forget. But now, he would go back to his room, pull out a paper and pen, and write his parents a letter. An apology for leaving town so suddenly and for worrying them, because he wanted to become a SOLDIER so bad, he hadn’t thought his actions through. He hoped his parents were all right, and he wished for their safety and health.
Happy Mother’s Day, he wrote. His pen paused over the paper, biting his lip. But the sight of the yellow flowers beside him brought his mind back to that afternoon in the flower garden where she smiled her bright smile as her green eyes met his. The smile blooming on his face was so instantaneous and instinctive and he saw no problem writing it down.
P.S. I have a girlfriend.
~ END ~
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candideangel · 4 years
5. Watching the fireflies
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Long had he wondered if he would ever see the similar sights again, the sights of Gridania and the city under several tree boughs, a place of beginnings for budding archers, lancers, artisans in animal skin, and much more. It was Angelique’s homeland, and no matter how far it appeared she had gone, she had never forgotten her home, unlike himself and how he sometimes often wished to forget certain parts of his Sharlayan times. His ruby gaze raised to the darkening sky, the soft shades of pinks and purples were giving way to the diamond studded navy sky. It felt so different...so new to him now...foreign even to step into a place he had often visited in previous trips during his studies.
“G’raha?” her voice called out to him, ears suddenly perked forward and attentive. That was when he met those eyes that had entranced him for years and more, the once hardened uncut stones that from time had given them the most sparkling shade of jade. Pure, full of life. The bard’s soft pink lips quirked into a small smile and she shook her head walking over, reaching over and taking hold of his hand. “You were in another world there for a moment. Thought I would accidentally leave you behind.”
The warmth that radiated from her bare palm made his heart practically rise to his throat. G’raha had only felt and known that particular one covered in crystal for decades, it startled him to feel the softest brush from her touch, fingertips slightly calloused from the times with a bowstring but still soft, and gentle, typically gloved except when they were alone together. “My apologies, I suppose I am still overwhelmed with...experiencing an open world with no strings.”
“Oh?” Angelique would reply so simply and a small tilt of her head did give him pause to feel a smile on his own lips, fingers slowly clasping and weaving their joined hands together.
“Yes, but let’s not worry about that. After all, what good would it do if we are to tarry when you had something to show me?”
His nod was given a chuckle in response, soft and in his opinion a little bit cute. With their entwined fingers Angelique would go back to taking the lead through Gridania as he followed in her wake, left to his own thoughts for the moment even as he took in the sights. How much time had changed a once seemingly mammet-like bard who simply walked where she was told, took down what she must, but here she was now standing taller than she had once done, surrounded by loved ones, by friends who had cared about her when he was unable. At times he oft wondered in his dreams and moments of musings if the Crystal Tower had brought their destinies together, pulling them apart and reuniting lost pieces, this time for good. Perhaps it had, but perhaps it had just been their lots in life, but he wouldn’t change it for the entire Star.
Passing through the tunnels, the smell of damp earth reaching his nose, a previous rain must have come through and dampened the soil, but had done little to cool the temperate forest of Gridania. The air around them even at night was still carrying a humidity that made his clothes faintly start clinging to his skin, or at least feel as if he was perspiring. However, gone were the sounds of the Inn being full of evening goers for a meal and excited children probably sent on their way to homes, and now they were surrounded by the soft quiet with only the sounds of nature as their company. There was the rushing water, the creaking of wood as a mill turned, but still Angelique was taking him somewhere through a narrow pass made from the natural rocky cliffs of the city. He would wish to ask her where they were going, but there was something about the natural noise and following her pace that at the time didn’t wish to disturb.
That was when he would hear it, the sound of rushing water of a shallow waterfall hitting the surface of a still pond, churning the waters to keep from becoming stagnant. Turning a corner Angelique would soon stop under a lone lantern in the small clearing and as G’raha saw it he smiled, it was a clearing with a few benches on the side, and indeed a small stretch of waterfall pouring into a small pond below. Though he was curious as to what brought them here. 
“Apakallu Falls if I remember the name precisely, why did we come here?” He finally broke the silence, only to stop when he realized his words, “Not that it isn’t a beautiful space, but...um…” he stammered hoping to recover from a possible blunder, but was silenced when a finger pressed to his lips, halting what was bound to be a stream of words he wouldn’t stop.
“Raha,” she spoke his true name that sent an electric shock down his spine, so intimately spoken that for a moment he feared he’d faint, “I figured since we haven’t really had much time to reconnect...this would be a nice place to do so. Now that the crowds are gone and any young loves may not steal away into the night for a few more bells.”
“Perhaps we are ones to talk.” he quipped, reaching up and taking the hand that had been used to silence him and slowly pressed his lips against Angelique’s knuckles. “...Are we not still young loves using this place to hide away?” He had that amused feeling seeing the flushing cheeks on the blonde knowing he had shot in the weak point. For a moment he idly worried if she would throw him unceremoniously into the pond in front of him.
That was not to be however as they sat together on the edge, side by side, speaking away of memories that had happened, how recently friends reunited with their own loves. There was a pause as Angelique glanced up at the starlit sky now, resting an arm against her propped up knee. “For a moment...I was afraid that...what we had would not end up being the same. Maybe even would have been left to be alone for much longer.” She confessed looking over to G’raha a little, “It would have been painful to watch, seeing all their smiling faces, wrapped in the arms of people that loved them when mine...well...you know.” It startled him that she would speak of the insecurities that must have been bubbling under the surface, but he would look to her shoulders as they came to rest after a deep breath.
“In the end though it ended up becoming all well. Your friends are all back, their loves are happy, you most of all are happy...as well as myself.” G’raha spoke as he looked down at an outstretched finger and watched as a firefly that had started to gather around the falls, landed and was glowing slowly and brilliantly. “You know, even if...even if something had gone wrong, part of me would still find you. I know it would.” he told her as confidence bubbled up in his chest.
“How so?” Angelique asked curiously glancing over at him while he was a bit concentrated on the firefly at his fingertip that didn’t seem all that eager to take back off but flicker lazily.
“Well...allow me to use this as an analogy. Fireflies are able to light themselves upon command. However, a variety of them mean different things, warnings to predators, identification of species, even members of the opposite sex. In some cases even identifying mates.” He stood up carefully, nudging off his boots with his toes until he was barefoot in the grass. “Now, imagine for a moment that we were destined to truly be.” he spoke as he would step into the water that was cooling and brushed against his calves, “Even if our physical bodies were gone or simply just apart, a soul could always resonate in another life. A soul could always act like a beacon, calling out for another much like a firefly’s flicker.” He would outstretch his hand and waited for a moment, the flicker of the firefly would start to become more frequent now, and in response one particular light was seeming to blink a different pattern and the one on G’raha’s fingers soon flitted off, glowing in a similar pattern set and he smiled a little to himself. “...Put simply, I would recognize the color and pattern of your soul anywhere. But...perhaps that is just an overblown reason for saying soulmate.” he chuckled softly and glanced back when he heard the soft shuffle of grass behind him. For a moment he was unsure if he had said something wrong.
“Angelique…” he spoke but again was stopped as the bard raised a hand a little in a gesture of him to halt.
“I would go to the ends of Eorzea to find you too. And Novrandt again for that matter.” Reaching back behind her head she closed her eyes, “Your rich, vibrant hue is like a calling to me.” Words spoken in both seriousness and a jest as fingers would slowly start to pluck out pins that kept her hair into that neat and tidy bun she was often always seen with. “However, enough of those words. This is a new chapter to our story, OUR journey.” For a moment her hair tumbled down like a sheet of pale gold silk before she silently gathered it up to pull it into a ponytail where the tip just idly brushed against the nape of her neck. “I’ve been contemplating changing my look for a while though it isn’t off by much.” she looked at G’raha and smiled, walking over and a fist full of hair pins that she would pocket. 
“Heh, well then…” he would stretch out his arms to her, smiling warmly, “...It’s a good start to a new beginning…” That was when G’raha felt the impact just as a series of splashes disturbed the surface of the water and he felt her strong arms wrap around his torso. Despite the stagger back he would wrap his arms around her waist and bring her as close to his body as possible, closing his eyes as fingers would slide up and brush into her still soft hair, he rest his head down to her crown and nuzzled his nose softly into the roots. A faint scent of lotus and orange blossom filled him as if he was taking in a sweet nectar, and for a moment his vision clouded a little as reality started to settle in again, hot tears threatening to fall from the corners. It reminded him when he woke in the tower, aching, sore but greeted with Angelique’s visage that looked both happy and sad, when all he could manage was that soft “good morning” in a voice that ached for a drink to relieve the dryness. How real it all was now.
Fighting back the urge to release his weakness G’raha pulled back and smiled a little, reaching down and brushed his thumb against Angelique’s cheek, using his index finger to lift her chin up before sealing their new beginning with a kiss while they stood in the water and the fireflies continuing to illuminate their lights all around them and blanketed by the late summer air. This time, there were no doors to break them apart again.
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fnaficsfordays · 4 years
Don’t Play Around
AO3 Link
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1368
Songfic for The Other Side
Two years ago, in that dingy, run-down pub. Two fine, sweet, summery years ago. That was where he’d first laid eyes upon him.
Right here, right now, I put the offer out,
Sitting right down on that bar piano, long fingers pressed on the painted white keys. Light notes slid through the air, winding around the clinks of glasses and bottles. It’d been quite a while since anyone else, let alone a newcomer, had taken the seat that normally belonged to him.
I don’t wanna chase you down, I know you see it
Yet the sharp words of rebuke and demand had never gotten a chance to leave his throat, as he had taken in the stranger’s disposition. Mauve hands as delicate as his own, sliding along the wooden pedals with the gentlest breeze as he’d played. Dark-hued ponytail hanging over his shoulder as he leaned forwards ever so slightly, back stooped so close to the piano. How could Michael have done anything but clap as soon as he was done, to the beauty of seeing and hearing his own song played by someone else?
You run with me, and I can cut you free,
Although, his eyes remained narrowed as their gazes had met, despite his softening frown. Moments had passed until he’d snapped out of his daze enough to extend an arm, grasping the man’s fingers in his own with a firm handshake. His silky smooth touch reflected nothing less than the music he’d played.
Out of the treachery and walls you keep in
Michael barely even remembered the greeting between them- had there been one audible enough at all? All he saw was the grin that had formed on his face, silvery eyes flashing with interest. The pub had all but fallen completely silent, all eyes staring at the two.
So trade that typical, for something colorful
And if it’s crazy, then live a little crazy,
But the moment was over soon enough, after a few questions and short introductions. A half-joking apology for taking his place, and a name. Vincent.
Their interaction had gone by in a blur, yet as a memory it all moved in slow motion. Inquiry about his music? Then his status in the bar? He’d initially thought the tension would linger on as strongly as it started, yet conversation struck up between him and the stranger as quickly as his fingers had moved across the keys.
You can play it sensible, a king of conventional
And then… oh, then. They’d played a song together.
Or you can risk it all and see…
He’d hoped he wasn’t the only one struggling to focus on just the music, unable to stop the fleeting glances he’d given, as much as he tried to stay on track. But the feeling of sitting so close on that small piano bench, barely two inches of space between them, fingers ghosting each other’s skin for a split second before being pulled back to the keys… his heart raced so badly in a way that playing alone never did.
Don’t you wanna get away from the same old part you gotta play,
It simultaneously felt like a few years and a few seconds had passed by the time they were done, the cheers of the customers around them ringing through his ears. He’d barely enough energy to respond to Vincent’s compliments after the chatter had faded back.
‘Cause I got what you need, so come with me and take the ride,
A few more minutes ticked by with a few more questions. Michael had mainly talked about his learning of such skills and the abnormal hue of his skin, while Vincent had… well… more substantial inquiries. He’d little knowledge of just how to respond to his comments, finding his mouth dry every time those silvery irises fell back onto himself. But how was he to form an answer when asked about the minimum pay of his job? Or at being told that someone like himself could find much better?
It’ll take you to the other side!
The subject had been dropped as the night went on. But slowly, customers and chatter had faded out as the skies grew darker, stars shining brighter. Midnight chimed and Michael got ready to slide down the cover over the keys and bid farewell.
‘Cause you can do like you do, or you can do like me,
However, the so-called ‘farewell’ rapidly turned into just a secondary greeting.
Stay in the cage, or you’ll finally take the key!
Vincent had continued their talk as everyone else filtered on out- yet the room had seemed so full, vision tunneling as he found himself unable to look away. He was barely even remembering the conversation at all.
Oh, there, suddenly you’re free to fly!
That man was silky with more than just his fingers. A business card for an orchestra? A neatly-written phone number pushed into his hands? Suddenly Michael faced offers he could never have imagined from within that musty pub he’d played at ever since he was a teenager.
It’ll take you to the other side!
Head, heart, and everything in between sent spinning at his advancements. It was all so far away. Moving out of his apartment, packing a suitcase and essentially running away from where he’d grown up his entire life? All for a sweet-talking, smooth playing stranger?
Is this really how you like to spend your days,
No. The answer had to be no. What other logical choice was there to be made?
Whiskey, misery, and parties you play
Yet the persistence had stayed. Vincent hadn’t given up, not letting his grip on his fingers fade. Or was that his own hand unwilling to let go?
If I were mixed up with you, I’d be the talk of the town
He didn’t know.
Disgraced and disowned, another one of the clowns
Yet with the tiny voice of hope growing louder with each beat of his heart, the slips of paper feeling heavier in his fingers, his thoughts slowing the longer he stared into his eyes...
But you would finally live a little, finally laugh a little,
Just let me give you the freedom to dream a little,
If only...
Wake you up and cure your aching,
To put his curiosity...
Take your walls and start unbreaking,
To rest...
Now that’s a deal that seems worth taking!
Perhaps he could just…
But I guess I’ll leave that up to you…
Say yes.
Don’t you wanna get away to a whole new part you’re gonna play,
Any possible doubt or anxiety dissipated the moment he saw his grin widen. There was no turning back, and for once, Michael had no regrets.
‘Cause I got what you need, so come with me and take the ride,
However, he’d be lying if he’d tried to deny the fierce blush of embarrassment that had flitted across his cheeks as soon as he’d agreed. As well as if he’d claimed his mind hadn’t completely shut down the moment he was being tugged forward by the tie, their lips crashing together.
To the other side!
That was two years ago, and Michael hadn’t set foot back inside that bar since.
So if you do like I do,
And now, he was sitting at a much sleeker bench, pencil lightly tapping against his chin as he stared at his latest composition. It was still late at night, still in a room barely lit up by a single lamp, golden glow against his back. Neat and orderly stacks of chairs and stands dotted the rest of the rehearsal room, the place only almost empty.
So if you do like me,
Next to him, a familiar pair of silvery eyes stared at him softly, that smile not having changed once throughout all the seasons. Nor had his violet-hued fingers, pressed down lightly on the pearl-white keys. One hand lifted up in the corner of his vision, warmly brushing back a stray lock of hair from his face.
Forget the cage, ‘cause we know how to make the key!
“Something on your mind, Mikey~?”
Oh, there, suddenly we’re free to fly!
“Heh… just memories.”
We’re going to the other side!
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