#it was very unintentional but now we gotta see it to full circle and all that
wolfythewitch · 1 year
Just wanna mention that I know I've been drawing a lot of angst and stuff, just cause I find it easier to draw than fluff lmao, but Wilbur will heal in time. That's like an absolute guarantee, even when Phil dies and even with everything he's been through. I won't let him just hurt forever. He'll be happy again
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qvid-pro-qvo · 4 years
to navigate when you’re lost.
a long car rides with you piece. derek morgan, emily prentiss, spencer reid, & bau!gender neutral reader. 
word count: 1590
rating: e for everyone, because every team has some growing pains along the way (no trigger warnings). 
It’s Morgan who realizes it first, and you’re ashamed to say it’s… partially your fault. Not entirely, because they handed you the map to begin with, and fully expected you to have a geography or cartography specialty hidden in your file.
But the rest of it? The getting lost? Yeah. That’s all you, you’re pretty sure.
You’d just started to really get in a groove with the rest of the team, too. More and more, black-and-white words on paper about each of the men and women you got to see on a day-to-day turned into full-color portraits, with each member lighting up like neon signs as you started to really, truly get to know them.
They’d started joking with you, too, at the very least. Which was definitely a step in the right direction. It’d been the evidence of the adjustment period, and you had thought you were making strides towards full integration. 
But now, in this damn car, you’re lost, and you’re the reason the four of you are lost, and Morgan realizes it first. Which definitely throws a wrench in the whole “smooth transition” thing. He heaves out a sigh with both his hands on the wheel, glances over at you with your brow furrowed and your finger on a point somewhere west of a river you were supposed to following, and lifts a hand to rub it over his face. His sunglasses end up on top of his head, so you feel every piece of his stare. It’s not a glare. Not quite yet.
You have a feeling it’ll get there eventually, though.
“We’re lost,” he says, and you can’t help but feel your hackles rise a bit. Because you know that yes, you don’t exactly know where the three of you are, but you also know that you’re still on an actual road, so. It’s gotta be on the map somewhere.
“We’re just taking a detour,” you try to say, but Derek’s eyes hit you again and you shrink a little into the seat, just a little. Not enough to look anything more than a readjustment, you’re sure.
“One wrong turn and we’re on gravel,” he points out, and you let out a sigh.
“Like you could do any better?” It’s sharper than you wanted it to be, but Derek doesn’t shy away from it, just looks back out ahead at the landscape. It’s desert, wide and open, and you feel yourself suffocate a little at the cloud of dirt you can see in the rearview. “Sorry, but… okay, look, it’s fine. We’ll be fine, but I don’t know what made me the map expert in this car when we have someone who makes geographical profiles for fun in the backseat.”
“You’re shotgun,” Prentiss says from the backseat, piping in because she can, the smirk on her face definitely showing how much fun she’s having with this. “Shotgun navigates.”
Your jaw clenches, and once more you fan out the map with remarkable ability, considering no paper cuts have been acquired yet. Your eyes scan the damn thing, the grids blurring just a little, to find which highway is the one you’re cruising down at breakneck pace. “Well, if I had known that, I wouldn’t have sat shotgun.”
“I’m just saying that I swear I’ve seen that damn cactus three times now,” Morgan points out, as the SUV zips one with a particularly odd shape. “I think we’re going in circles.”
“We’re going in a straight line,” Reid returns, “so really that cactus just looks like a cactus.” That earns him the real glare from Morgan, and you’re suddenly sure that if Spencer was in the front seat he’d also get a thump on the head.
“Shut it, boy genius, and do us all a favor. Take the map.”
“I’m not gonna take the map,” Reid says, and you turn in your seat to give him a pleading look.
“Reid, come on, please. Let me resign as navigator and step away with dignity.” He seems to almost consider it, which means that your puppy-dog eyes have advanced a level or two, but it doesn’t finish the job.
“I’m not gonna take the map.” All of a sudden, he has three pairs of eyes on him, even Morgan’s which earns him a smack on the shoulder from you. He just looks among the three of you with indignation. “Look, I always navigate, and I don’t want to navigate this time, I was having a perfectly fine time in the backseat –”
“So just because you don’t want to navigate you’re gonna leave us stranded in the middle of the desert?” It’s Prentiss again, and her voice is so deadpan that Reid looks at her with a furrowed brow. She lets out a soft sigh, shaking her head. There’s the smallest quirk of her lips when you glance over, showing how much she’s teasing. “I don’t know, Reid, seems pretty selfish.”
The look he gives her is an open-mouthed one. “Just because the rest of you don’t know how to read a map –”
Morgan’s voice interrupts easily. “I know how to read a map, but I’m driving the damn car, Reid.”
“When you know you’re the best navigator and the destination is in the middle of a desert –” Emily tries.
“I was re-reading the case files!”
On and on they begin to go, with Morgan continuing conversations by looking in the rearview mirror, Prentiss’s eyes getting wider and wider and more and more amazed, and Reid’s voice hitting that particular pitch it does when he’s flustered. It begins a vicious cycle, and each time it goes around again your eyes just gaze at the map, trying to find new meanings in lines you’ve scanned a million times.
Your eyes scan the border, almost defaulting to that position. You wish, more than anything, that exactly where your car is would appear on the thing, but that luxury is not available to you. So the tuning out of the rest of the team happens as your eyes scan the damn map.
At first, it’s a normal recognition of numbers and letters marking out grid points. It’s the cycle you’ve fallen into over the whole trip, and you hope to find new meaning in what you see. There’s nothing new, of course, and you start gazing out the window to catch an exit sign when you glance down again. And that’s when you see it, and it hits you like a truck, makes you start laughing hysterically, loud enough to interrupt Prentiss’s cry of “excuse me.”
You sound hysterical. Bonkers, mad, senile. All of those words describe the sound that comes out of your mouth, a half-cackle, half-wheeze, half-gasp for air as you fall back against the seatback.
“Oh, you’ve gotta be shitting me.”
There’s a silence that falls over the cabin, three pairs of eyes turning to gaze at you. Well, relative silence. Your laugh is sustaining, pitch heightening, tears falling just a little.
“Were – oh, fuck me.”
There’s silence. All you can hear is tires on worn highway. The scratch of dirt and pebbles as they catch underneath the vehicle.
“What,” Prentiss states.
Your voice finally comes together for a coherent statement, after a few more seconds of struggle. “Were any of you going to tell me this map isn’t even for this damn state?”
When you start cackling again you feel the map get snatched out of your hands. There are the furious sounds of folding and re-folding as you struggle to pull yourself together, and Reid’s hands soon join Prentiss’s in finding the first part of the fold-out so their eyes can scan the words with horror. Morgan’s driving comes to a near-sudden halt, and he pulls off onto the shoulder to pause.
Your laughter is finally dying down, only so you can breathe a little bit – it’s the simultaneous realization that it is not all your fault and that it is all of your faults that had broken you so completely. When the situation is confirmed by Morgan, who just holds the map with disgust, you’re calmed down enough that you can start functioning again.
“I’ll – I’ll call Hotch,” you offer, and you reach for your phone. “Let him know that we’re, uh, running behind.”
“No,” Morgan and Prentiss say simultaneously, and their heads are shaking.
“I do not need that disapproval right now,” Morgan explains.
You can’t help your little huff, an unintentional mirror of his tone earlier. “Well. Do you have another plan?” you retort.
There’s silence while plans brew. The shoulder of the highway sits on your right, three brains on overdrive on your left. You just lean against the window, looking amongst the three of them as best as you can with your seatbelt still on.
“I’ll… call Garcia?” Reid offers next, and there’s a noise of assent from Emily as he pulls out his phone.
“Four profilers and we can’t even read the words on the first fucking page,” Morgan scoffs, and there’s chuckles from the rest of the crew. The tension is gone, leaking from the space like there’s a cracked window, leaving nothing but exhaustion and tired eyes, a half-full tank of gas and a sudden U-turn as Garcia begins navigating the four of you to the right spot.
And when the four of you arrive one more hour later at the right spot, neutrality the weapon of choice as you approach the waiting officers, you can’t help the curl of your lips as you fall into step next to them.
Derek did call you a profiler, after all.
tag list:  @genevievedarcygranger // @quillvine // @falcon-arrows // @afuckingshituniverse // @sercyan // @sparklingkeylimepie // @alexxcorona113 // @mandyandy22 // @thedeaddrop // @angelsbabey // @lolychu // @icyprincess // @gabbygabbie // @cevanswhre // @roses-and-grasses // @baadmaxx // @ssaic-jareau // @mooneylupinblack // @rachelxwayne // @dilaudidwinchester // @stylesboy // @grandpascurtains // @softbibxtch // @winterscaptain // @hurricanejjareau // @averyhotchner // @crazyshannonigans // @chelseyjoyce
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avengerscompound · 4 years
Catch and Release - 7
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Catch and Release: A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Word Count:  2414
Rating:  E
Square filled:  @star-spangled-bingo​ - "It just slipped out."
Warnings:  Smut (Bisexual MMF, vaginal fingering, oral sex, double vaginal penetration) 
Synopsis: When you overexert yourself on a mission with Steve and Bucky, the boys admit to having fantasies that involve you.  Fantasies that you share.  But with one Super Soldier needs intimacy and the other is still dealing with being touch starved, exploring those desires without anyone catching feelings is a little tricky.
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Landing the Catch
It was a little over a week before either Steve or Bucky brought up sex again.  You had started to think that that was that.  Which would have been fine, of course.  The whole thing had gone on far longer than the usual trying out a threesome thing would normally have gone on for.  Not that it wasn’t fun either.  Bucky and Steve were good and as you still had no actual romantic prospects, filling your dry spell with your extremely hot friends was perfect.
You had spent a little time just hanging out with them, both alone and in the group, just to make sure the wires in your own head didn’t get crossed regarding who they were to you.  Pining over two men you couldn’t have was not how you wanted this to end.
It was the day you’d rejoined the group for regular training that they brought it back up with you.  Everyone had finished and headed out and you’d sat down against the wall downing the last of your water as you massaged your aching thighs.
Steve approached you and crouched down in front of you.  “You okay?  Didn’t push yourself too hard?”  He asked.
“Maybe a little.  I’m okay though.  Just a little sore.”  You said.
He began to massage your thighs and you closed your eyes and just enjoyed the feeling of his large hands working out the tension in your legs.  You let out a soft moan.  It was completely unintentional, but the way he was kneading your aching flesh felt so very good and it just slipped out.
Steve chuckled softly.  “I gotta say… I love those sounds you make.”
He spoke just over a whisper.  His voice a soft, gravelly rumble.  It reverberated right through you and made you shiver slightly.  “Well, what can I say, Steve?  You’re really good at getting me to make them.”
He smiled a little and looked back over his shoulder before turning his attention back to you.  “Do you want to come by tonight? See if I can’t draw some more out of you?”
“Steve…”  You said, seriously.  As much as you liked the offer, there was something about the fact this was at work and 10 minutes ago he had been in full Cap mode and Bucky wasn’t here.  It felt wrong.  Like he was crossing a line that shouldn’t be crossed.
He took his hands away immediately and his whole stance changed.  “I’m sorry.  Sorry.  I thought… I thought…”
“No,” you said putting your hand on his.  “You thought right.  But this is work and … does Bucky even know you’re asking?”
“Oh,” Steve said, relaxing a little.  “Yeah.  He’s over there.”
You looked where he was pointing and say Bucky lurking in the shadows.  He raised his hand and smiled at you.
“Sorry I made you uncomfortable,” Steve said, genuinely.  “You know… I would never intentionally link what we’ve been doing with work.  You’re one of our closest friends.  There are no conditions on that or work.”
“Yeah.  I do know.  But… in the future, maybe ask me… completely separate.  Is that okay?”  You said.
He nodded.  “Of course.  Here, let me help you up.”
He offered you his hands and pulled you to your feet.  “I’ll be around at about 7.30.”  You said as you headed to the elevator.
Steve smiled and gave a short nod.  “Looking forward to it.”
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When you went up to meet Steve and Bucky you had showered and dressed in a light dress with simple but pretty matching underwear.  There was a different feeling to everything this time.  The three of you ate sitting on the couch, and it was a lot more casual.  You’d experienced both the slightly formal dinner party and the more relaxed hang with them before without the sex.  No one was one thing all the time after all.  But the way it had relaxed spoke to you.  It was like previously they were overthinking everything.  Whereas now, they’d relaxed into the idea.
There was a lot more touching.  Steve and Bucky cuddled together.  They touched your leg, both just casual pats, but more intimate teasing too.  They played with your hands and played footsie with you.  When the meal was done, the touching became more.  They kissed each other and beckoned you in to join them.
You climbed over their laps and Steve curled his arm around you, letting you relax your weight against him.  He cradled your jaw as Bucky ran his hands up your legs.  “We’ve been thinking,” Steve whispered, as his lips ghosted over the shell of your ear.  “You really gave us something amazing.  Something I never thought I’d get to do.  I was okay with that of course.  I’ve never been the most sexual person, but Bucky really brought that out in me.  And then you… you were so patient with us.  If there’s anything you want to try…?”
You hummed and took a ragged breath and the cool steel of Bucky’s metal fingers crept up to the apex of your thigh.  “I wanted it too.”  You said.  “I talked you into it.”
Bucky chuckled and skimmed his fingers over your panties.  “That you did.”
“Still… we want to make sure you get everything you want too.”  Steve said.
“I’ll… I’ll think about it,” you gasped as Bucky’s fingers slipped under the elastic of your panties and between your folds.  “I’ve just been enjoying the ride.”
“I bet you have, you dirty girl,” Bucky teased as his fingers slid over your clit.  You moaned and lifted your hips.
“We had something, if you’re out of ideas,” Steve said.  “It might be asking a lot though.”
You leaned into Steve and kissed his neck as you slipped you hand down between the two of you and began to massage his dick.  “What is it?”
“Well,” he growled softly.  “Do you think you could take us both at the same time?”
Your breath caught and Bucky’s finger pushed inside of you and curled, stroking over your inner walls.  “I don’t know… we can try though.”
“Don't worry, darlin’,” Bucky cooed, adding a second finger to join the first.  “We’ll take it so slow you’ll be beggin’ for it.”
He pulled his hand away and Steve stood, lifting you bridal style and carrying you to their room.  He placed you on the bed and as you kicked your shoes off, he pulled your panties down.
Bucky crawled up the bed next to you and the two of you began to kiss.  It was one but graphic.  Your tongues circled together and dipped into the other’s mouth. He cradled you with one arm while his free hand teased and massages your breasts.
Steve kissed his way up the insides of your thighs and when he reached your cunt he placed a large, sloppy kiss over it, his tongue swirling around, and tasting all of you.
It wasn't long until he went from large and unfocused lapping all over, to sucking and nipping at your clit as he worked a single finger inside you.  You moaned into Bucky’s mouth and clenched around Steve’s finger.  One finger became two and Bucky sat up breaking the kiss and grabbing the lube from the bedside table.  As he squeezed it onto his fingers, Steve’s moved inside of you.  In the brief time you’d had a sexual relationship with Steve, he’d learned to play your body like an instrument.  He knew all the places to touch, and when and how hard.  His fingers pressed into your g-spot and he corkscrewed his wrist.  You bucked up hard and cried out as a jolt of pure pleasure shot right up your spine.
Steve sat up and watched you, as his fingers stroked over that sweet spot inside you against and again.  Your whole body shuddered and your legs trembled as an orgasm built inside you and pressed down, threatening to break.
One of Bucky’s fingers joined Steve’s two, adding to the stretch and creating a burn in your entrance.  He moved easily thanks to the way the lube mixed with your own fluids.  You dripped for them.   It ran down Steve’s wrist in rivulets as you tipped closer and closer to your climax.
“Fuck!  Fuck!  I’m gonna come.”  You babbled, your hands opening and closing in the sheets.
“Mmm?”  Steve hummed.  “Does this help?”
He twisted his wrist.  The way his fingers rubbed against Bucky’s stretched you wider, and his knuckles ground on your g-spot.  You bucked up wildly and your muscles clenched as a current tore through you and you came, gushing on their hands.
Your orgasm hadn’t even ended when Bucky added another finger.  Your cunt stretched and burned as it clenched and spasmed.  There was pain, but it blended with the pleasure, creating something new and good.
They kept pumping them in and out and curling them inside you and you came again, arching off the bed.  “Fuck!”  You cried as you fisted the sheets in your hands.
Steve pulled his hand free and grabbed the lube, squeezing it onto Bucky’s hand, adding to the mix.  Bucky pulled his hand out and folded his fingers on themselves before pushing four of his back into you.  It felt like even more than the two of them together.  Your cunt stretched around his knuckles making you moan and pant as your body adjusted to him.  Steve leaned down and kissed your neck slowly, sucking on your skin hard enough to mark you.  He began to rub your clit, his fingers flying back and forth over the swollen bundle of nerves.
You came again.  It tore through you and made you scream and shudder around Bucky’s fingers. As you came back down, Bucky pulled his fingers free and Steve brought his lips to your ear.  “What do you think, sweetheart?  I don’t think we’d be bigger than that.”
“Mm…” you hummed.  You were already feeling fuzzy, but you wanted nothing more than both their dicks inside you, stretching you and pounding into you as they chased their own release.  “Yeah, I want to do it.”
They both stood and Bucky took Steve’s hand and pulled him into a deep kiss.  As they kissed they shed themselves of their clothes, exposing their muscular forms and their hard, throbbing cocks.  You took the time to remove the rest of your clothes too.  
Bucky moved onto the bed beside you and the two of you began to kiss again.  Steve grabbed a condom and tore it open, watching the two of you, as Bucky grabbed your thigh and pulled it over his hip.  Steve rolled the condom down onto Bucky’s cock and then grabbed the lube.  He slicked Bucky’s cock, coating it liberally as he pumped his fist up and down Bucky’s shaft and teased the head of his cock up and down your aching cunt.
Bucky rolled onto his back, pulling you on top of him, so you were straddling your waist.  You rolled your hips, rocking back on forth on his cock as the two of you kissed hungrily.  Steve guided Bucky inside of you, slowly letting his cock fill and stretch you.  You both moaned and you pulled back breaking the kiss.  “You ready for us, darlin’?”  He growled as he rolled his hips up into you.
“Mm… I want it so bad.”  You groaned.
Steve grabbed a condom and sheathed himself, he positioned himself behind you as he slicked his cock and pressed the head of his cock up against your entrance.  He slowly sunk into you, letting your cunt adjust to the size of both of them.  You moaned and buried your face in Bucky’s neck.  Steve ran his hands down your back as Bucky held you close.  “That’s a girl.  Feels so fucking good, baby.  You like us both inside you?”  He whispered against your ear.
You moaned again and rolled your hips, wanted more from them, wanting everything.  Steve started to thrust as Bucky rutted up under you.  Everything felt good, but soft focus, like you were slightly high.
As Steve kept thrusting you felt your orgasm building, it swirled through your and pressed down in your core.  You squeezed your cunt around their cocks, making them groan loudly and their hands tighten on your back.
Steve pulled back and slipped from you, his cock slapped your ass as he thrust forward again and you squeaked in surprise.
“What the hell, Steve?”  Bucky groaned.
“Yeah, Steve.  I didn’t give you ass clearance.”  You said and Bucky burst out laughing, which made you start laughing too.
“It just slipped out,” Steve said, as he lined himself up and slid back in again.
You and Bucky completely broke down into laughter and Steve spanked your ass playful and then pinched Bucky’s hip.  “Focus.  I know you were both close then.”
“Oooh.  Steve’s bossy.”  You said.
“You didn’t already know that?”  Bucky said.
You started laughing again, but Steve began to thrust.  He went hard and fast and leaned forward wrapping his arm around you, slipping it between you and Bucky and rubbing your clit fast.  “Fuck!”  You gasped as your body clenched and shuddered in response.  Lightning ran through your veins, making your skin prickle and sweat bead on your skin.  “Oh god.  Fuck… there.  Right there.  Gonna…”
“Right there with you.”  Bucky groaned as he tried to match Steve’s pace.
Your body seized up and you cried out as you came, clenching around their cocks.  Bucky had not been kidding.  As your orgasm crashed through you, he jerked up and spilled inside you.
“Oh god.’  Steve groaned.  “Feel good.  Can feel you, Buck.”
“Yeah, Stevie.  Love it.”  Bucky groaned.  “Come with me.”
Steve jerked forward, slamming into your full and aching cunt and came.
“Holy shit.”  Bucky groaned as you both rolled off him and lay panting beside him.  Steve leaned over and kissed him lovingly, humming gently.
“You can say that again.”  You sighed.
Steve broke the kiss with Bucky and looked at you smiling a soft, contented smile.  He reached over and ran his fingers over your stomach.  “You okay?  Wasn’t too much?”
You nodded.  “Yeah, Steve.  You have a very satisfied customer.”
Steve chuckled and relaxed into the bed.  You considered getting up and dressing.  You didn’t want to repeat the last lot of awkwardness, but first, you’d just enjoy the high.  And if they wanted a second round… well, that might not be too bad either.
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
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**For this first time, Jimin’s “lifestyle” clashes with yours...what happens when work makes him miss one of the most monumental moments in your career!? **
1.2 K sneak peek-
Jimin’s whipped and in his feels and so is the OC
Jimin’s still fucking perfect though...and a freak..but we all know this!
Things are starting to get just as much angsty as sexy…and the OC’s lowkey freaking out a little....
SLIGHT daddy kink, mentioned twice
Jimin couldn't hide the smile on his face if he wanted too, grinning from ear to ear as he watched you sway in his direction. Suddenly the nervousness he felt flooding through his body the entire drive over here disappeared, all that mattered in this moment was you. “Fuck..” Swept past his lips almost breathless as he pulled his blacked out aviators off hanging them in the neckline of his black V-neck.  The sun and the slight breeze was damn sure working in your favor, giving Jimin his own little runway show so it seemed. In his eyes you always looked good…”cute and fuckable” in his words, but due to your work schedules and obviously your previous arrangement which was essentially a booty call! It was rare he got to see you all dolled up like this, in your heels, hair and makeup done, skin tight midi dress that clung to every curve that Jimin’s committed to memory. Sitting on the hood of his challenger in the parking lot, distressed dark wash jeans that gave you no choice but to stare at those sinfully thick thighs of his! The minute you were in arms length he grabbed you, pulling your body into his which you fit like a glove, spreading his legs just enough to trap you in between them. Nuzzling your nose in the crook of his neck, a sigh of contentment leaving both of your lips at the contact. Giving yourself a moment to take in the scent of his cologne mixed with his natural aroma which you loved a little too much, even for your own liking! Hands slowly soothing up his back only to get tangled in his thick mane of hair, raking your nails down the nape.
“Hi baby…” Rolled off his tongue and into you hair, physically able to hear the smile in his voice, palms soothing up your ass, gently kenading his fingers into your skin through the fabric of your dress “God, I love how you feel…so soft and just...mine...mmm” A low moan fell from your lips at that, instantly feeling almost lightheaded. The things this man could do to you, hands coming up to find their home on your waist, not trusting himself where they currently sat!  Leaving a couple kisses up the side of his neck, pulling back to admire the faint outline from your lipgloss, the sun accentuating the gold reflexes from the glitter. Bringing your forhead up to rest against his, lashes touching in the procces, you look too damn tempting right now, espeically considring the two of you were outside of your work, but fuck. The idea of bending you over the hood of his car sounds painfully appealing, leaning down to let his lips capture yours nothing subtle about it Jimin kissed you with force. His tongue clashing clashing against yours, volleying it against his teasingly as if you’d really fight him for dominance, A growl leaving his lips once he realises too, pulling back to sink his teeth into your bottom lip, hand coming up to make firm contact with our ass until you knead out into his mouth. Soothing his palm over your cheek, which made you ultimately give in,Jimin moaned once given free reign of your mouth. Suddenly switching up the pace, his actions becoming more delicate as he tangled his fingers in your hair.
“Soooo...there's a reason I asked you to meet me for lunch…”
Smiling against his lips before pulling away, a slight hum leaving his lips as he cocked his head to the side, brow quirked in curiously. Rubbing slow soothing circles up your sides “ I found out it was confirmed almost 2 weeks ago….but things  between us were still so new, and up in the air,so I didnt wanna make things weird by brining it up right away...” Palming your hands up his shoulders nervously,unintentionally fluttering your eyes away from him until you felt his index finger flick your chin. Silently demanding your undivided attention, and clearly you weren’t one to deny Jimin of any of his desires!
God your face was so damn hot, why were you so nervous for this!? It’s a GOOD thing Y/N breathe ..”Babbyy…” Slipplied from his lips catiously “Are youuuu like...preg-” Jimin didint even let the word fully slip past his tonuge before you were almost ready to fight!
“NO! GOD NO! That’s the last thing I need right now” Just the thought of it alone had your blood presure rising, eyes almost bucking out of there sockets which only had Jimin cackling. At least he found this humerous....heart damn near thumping out of your chest!
“Well shit, if it’s not that it can’t be that deep, your a big girl...I know you prefer to swallow but spit it out…” Gazing back at you with the cheekiest grin on his lips, reaching up to playfully pinch his nipple, alright maybe it wasn’t so playful. And neather was the hiss that left his throat, so damn sinful! A second away from saying fuck lunch and just dropping to your knees! Since that wasn’t an option you despertly tried to pretend as if you didnt hear the whine that just rolled off his tonuge!
“Oh fuck you! Okay, Okay, well... I have my first official show ...as in it’s booked, sponsered, the full nine” Nose scrunching in tentatively, not quite sure how he’ll react or if he’ll even care but you should no better, this is Jimin were talking about here!
This man's face lit up immediately, those big puppy dog eyes of his gazing down at you with nothing but fondness “Oh my god baby!!!” Squeezing you into his arms, kissing you hard enough to knock the wind out of you before picking you up. Twirling you around in his arms ”I’m so damn proud of you…” Something about hearing Jimin say that you a second away from tears...you didn't have family around to say it so he was the closest thing you’d had in years. The first person in lords knows when to mean enough to you to make that phrase hold weight!
“Thank you..” Exhaled from your body shakingly, the grip you help around his waist tightened. As if he could read your mind Jimin switched gears,  wanting to pull you out of that headspace. Ducking down to kiss up the side of your neck in between words.
“Soo you know this means I’m coming over tonight , and were having realy ,really kinky sex right? All night...high,nasty,sex! I’m talking like, on top of your dining room table next to the carry out..spread wide open on your fucking stairs. However and wherever I want you , I’m having you, daddy’s in full control, I know how much my baby can reallyyy take” Jimin was litterally moaning in your ear, and ya what know, dick sounds more appealing than food right now! “Fuck,and your gonna take it, over and over again until you know how proud I am... god I’m gonna fuck you soo damn good!” Sinking his teeth into the patch of skin behind your ear since he knew your hair would cover the mark he was currently leaving behind “..bescause you deserve it...” 
“Mmm,that a promise?” Brow quirked slightly purposely challenging him, as you nibbled on the side of his ear, words coming out breathier than intended..
“Damn right it is, you already know how long I last when I’m high, I just can’t wait to see how long baby last before she's begging daddy to tap out...” A low whine leaving your throat, reclining your neck to give his tongue more access.
“But wait...”Pulling back suddenly, clearly perplexed, and considering the current conversation so where you “Whyyyy... were you nervous to tell me about that??Baby it’s what you’ve been waiting for” Mhhmm, It’s what you've been working towards since  you got your promotion 8 months ago!
“Umm..well…” There the nerves go again “I also wanted to invite you, as my date....I-I’m not trying to rush things and introduce you as my man but. I just, I don’t know, I really want you there, and not just hiding in the damn corner somewhere…I wanted you by my side...if your comfortable with that”  fidgeting with the rings on your fingers slightly, feeling like complete puddy in his grasp, suddenly questioning if you were 17 again!
Jimin’s damn near melted at that, eyes beaming, the smile that spread across his face instantly eliminated any uncertainty you had prior!  He’s been the one up with you as of late, at all hours of the night, just chillin on the couch. Smoking while your creating,editing, destroying, having mental breakdowns..the full nine!
Pulling your forward lightly by the chain around your neck, leaning in for one more lingering kiss before responding. “That’s why you were nervous?! Are you fucking serious Y/n of course, I’d go!” Tone indicating he was actually somewhat offended that you thought otherwise. “I’d be more pissed if I wasn’t at least invited...when is it?”
“Monnnn-day???” Tone hopefully, maybe too hopeful especially  once you took in the look on Jimin’s face looking like someone just stole his damn bike! “What-what's..wrong?” You are very tentative at this point...almost scared to know the answer.
A deep exhale left his body at that, recling his neck slightly, raking his fingers though his hair “I-fuck...I was going to tell you at lunch, that I gotta leave tomorrow morning...” Pausing to read your body language , your mouth forming an unintentional “O” not sure what else to say! “I’m, not set to be back until...  Tuesday….” Slowly dropping his gaze away from ours, Jimin literally felt naesous right now. Your body tensing under his hold and what made it even worse is he could feel it “Baby I’m so-”
“No, no it’s cool, it was supid anyway, were not even official yet so I can't be offended that you can’t go..you have a job too...I understand” Bullshit, nothing but bullshit, not even sounding remotely convincing as your voice wavered in your throat, like a leaf in the wind. “I-umm..I should probably get inside and prep-” Attempting to pull away but Jimin was always one step ahead of you.
“You still haven’t even eaten lu-”
“It’s fine, I’ll like grab grub hub or something..” Still trying to pull away, is it maybe because your eyes were bruning and even though you weren’t “Official” you felt like you’d just been knocked in the gut and wanted to cry?
“Okay...can I atleast pay for it?” Tone a second away from almost begging, of all the times for Jay to come around..it just fucking HAD to be now!!?
“No, no, Jimin it’s fine you don’t need to do that...I’ll ummm, call you when  I get off okay??” Pulling away without a hug or a kiss, and more importantly you didn't make eye contact with him and that hurt more than anything else.
“Y/n!?”- Silence
“Baby!!?” - You could hear the slight plea within his voice but if you turned around he’d see you cry and you weren’t doing that! You told him you could handle this..you told yourself you could handle this!
“Fuck!” Growled from his chest as he raked his fingers through his scalp almost painfully hard.
Jimin knew he warned you, warned you that this wouldn’t alway’s fun, and you’d have to take the good with the bad! But fuck, did he warn himself!!!? Because he literally felt as though he was a second away from throwing up right now! The look on your face once he told you he wouldn't be here was burning through his mind on instant replay, as you walked away from him.
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9noryn · 4 years
New answers!!
From questions asked in the ask-the-incuwives channel in the Seduce Me Discord Server!
From abil:  if your husbands had to stay in the abyssal plains after the events of the war, how would you feel? would you be okay with it?
Noryn would pack up and move with him lmao she's not attached to places, more so people so; of course there has to be a lot of talking and planning together, but she's pretty down to continue making things work from the plains side. She wouldn't have to worry about being found by Angels and get obliterated, big plus. She'd miss her sigil witch brother and her friends in the human world though; but she'll easily think about video calls and gaming and visits. The big make or break would be whether she can get hooked up with high speed internet in the abyssal plains
wait i just realized... the abyssal plains doesn't have internet yet
noryn's not gonna like this one bit; neither would matthew 
two gamers, in a dimension without games
((first order of business is to invent internet and get connected to human world, the first demon world hacker))
Midnight: Noryn starting up a tiktok channel for tiktoks in the Abyssal Plains that only the incubi and the wives see LOL
Midnight: no, she vlogs
Zio: hey demons its ya boi
More under the break!
From tkdigiboy: how would you react if one of the boy's ex-bf/gf or 'playmates'(sex for energy) came to visit or hang. would you let your husband do a one time fling for energy?
noryn's been friends with her exes, and their exes; so as long as things are chill, it's just like meeting anyone else from someone's social circle. it only gets weird if it's like... this person distracts matthew away from noryn a lot or otherwise gets in between her interactions with him
e_e they don't even have to be past lovers, anyone that does that will get on noryn's nerves and make her go on a jealous gifting spree, where in a fit of jealous frustration she buys a bunch of very thoughtful gifts for matthew to give to him later
regarding the one-time fling: emergency sure; but like, consent and all is one time and case specific
like if matthew is blowing up noryn's phone like "iM dY INNg OF SEX STarVaTION AND yOu'RE IN THE HUMAN WORLD" she'd be like ? ?? ? bE SAfe FIRST AND WE CAN TALK LATER
From Kantah: ooh what are the wives' hobbies? :0
Noryn hobbies: being an internet gremlin; tea brewing, drink mixing, bartending/barista; dabbling in potion making
From tkdigiboy: To noryn/zio: how well do you get along with simon and his wife?
pretty well!! though she thinks of simon and simone as mika's pets so whenever she visits mika she likes to try to befriend them and get matthew to play with him :>  simon's a lot less of a rascal when noryn can give him the attention he seeks
From Diva:  how long does it take Noryn to find out Divana’s favorite bubble tea since she cant magically know like usual [cause she’s a collective ton of different personalities]
Diva: Zio wait how long does it take for Noryn to figure out Divana's fav bubble tea after she god damn blue screens
Noryn: -sits there with window xp error noises going off in her brain-
Divana: I think this one died
Zio: poor baby; noryn would probably just blindfold herself and randomly mix ingredients and hope for the best. serving a chaos demon aint easy
Diva: Especially when Noryn Knows Alot of Things™️
From dari_baguls:  Idk if this is more for Zio or Noryn buuuut do you really have the cat stalkings Noryn wears in the game? I cried when I saw Noryn cause I also have the same stalkings and also (at the time) had short hair TvT just wanna know for research purposes
i do have them irl! Her outfit is based off of what i wore when the game was being made
She’d look like this in present day
Tumblr media
Gotta refresh noryn’s design cause it’s very undergrad student vs her now working bartending professional :9
From Diva:  Oh no Noryn and Divana in the same room fucking around with potions
Zio: POTIONS POTIONS POTIONS in carrie's kitchen no less
Diva: Many things went wrong that day
Diva: M a n y
Noryn: "can i come over to make sum poshuns" 
Carrie: "Of course,you dork"
Noryn: "Also Divana will help" 
Read at 3:45 pm
Noryn: "henlo? carrie u ther"
From tkdigiboy: Question to zio and kary: how do you 2 handle your husbands when their doing their usual routine towards eachother
Karygurl: Start making bets, make popcorn :D
Zio: when sam and matthew bicker; noryn stands aside and lets them get through their system if it's between them specifically; otherwise she's a participant in the bickering LOL they're a lot like rascally friends, and noryn is also a shit starter 
Zio: i headcanon that iri or twila like to occasionally stir the pot, like drop a small [controversial hot take] and watch the boys mcfreakin lose it
sam, matthew and noryn are all competitive casual gamers shit's going down there's no allegiances
From ☁bunny☁: jumpin in here: for all of the incuwives creators, especially zio n kary, how do you guys feel about people writing about ur ocs in their own stories? or drawing them? im writing my own interpretation of the story with my self insert and i love carrie and noryn dearly and would love to include them (and the other incuwives) but id only wanna do it if its cool with their creators first !
Karygurl: I mean please do!! I bookmark and save EVERYTHING that has even a tiny whiff of Carrie in it, I'm honored anyone would want to include her in anything ever
Zio: im flattered if your inspired to write in or draw my characters!! let me know if you want to collab too
Zio: do it do it; shout outs and cameos give me life
Karygurl: SAME Zio
Zio: plus if there's no story conflict, im down to adopt new dynamics/lore/etc from what people create
From Mari: What kind of things would you do to make your husband laugh?
To laugh? noryn would be an utter fool lmao and tell him an embarrassing story about herself (she's had a whopping 9 lives worth, there's no end to headass decisions and shenanigans when it comes to her); something like 
Noryn: "Babe have you seen our dog" 
Matthew, pouty but still hanging in there: "Huh? She's in the other room, right?" 
Noryn: "Now watch this. Bijo, cuddle attack!!" 
Distant pitpattering on the tile gets closer until Bijo, the apron wearing shibe, gets ready to jump with a soft woof
Bijo full-body slams into noryn
oh my god, noryn would do unintentional slapstick when trying to show matthew some new trick or skill
tkdigiboy to zio: pet peeve with matthew
probably him being a touch too open-minded and overly generous with his time to the point that he wears himself super super thin and tired. he's kind of that extreme of being too self-sacrificing? 
Noryn reminds him that he doesn't owe everyone he comes in contact with that kind of life-changing attention and focus, especially if those people take advantage of his kindness.
Noryn is very much "i have limited time and energy in this one body, I focus on saving the one person I can" whereas Matthew is the "I want to brighten everyone's day, and give them what I didn't have or give them something only I can provide"
While they have similar tastes and interests, their perspectives help the other grow into a healthier, better person.
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vickyvicarious · 7 years
max and the breakfast club (bmw 3)
bullymagnet week, day three: detention.
follows on the heels of day one and day two so read those first.
Somehow, he thought school jail in Mayview would be… more than this.
Max has been in detention for ten minutes by this point, and he can feel himself actually getting bored. Life lately has been so full of terror and nonsense that he had a little trouble recognizing the feeling at first but, yup, that’s what it is. Boredom.
Oh, for sure, the room does appear to have a population startlingly similar to the characters in The Breakfast Club, at least if you’re willing to consider Max the brain. Which, well, he has one, and that’s more than can be said for most of the rest of this town, so the comparison sort of holds. Johnny is obviously the rebel, so there’s another match. Granted, the jock is a ghost, but he has been pretty quiet, just like the recluse and the beauty (actual students Max does not recognize), so at least that’s something.
Actually, even Johnny has been quiet, busy scribbling away at a piece of paper in front of him. Garcia snoozes behind the desk, the other kids are quiet, Max taps on the desk and half-heartedly considers doing homework to live up to his role here. Nope, he quickly decides, he’s never gonna be that invested in any kid of bit, let alone an unintentional one that Mayview apparently generates on its own. Besides, none of the cool stuff he’s heard was in the movie is actually happening. This detention is basically like all detentions. It definitely does not live up to the hype Starchman gave it.
Sighing, Max drops his chin into his hand. He’s got nearly an hour left to go, the only book in his bag is flipping The Hobbit which got him into this mess in the first place, and after everything he doesn’t even have his hat back. This whole day (except lunch) has been a bust.
Well. Crawling through the improbably-large vents with Johnny was kinda fun, but that’s probably just his adrenaline addiction talking. None of that to be found here, anyway. Might as well take a page from Garcia’s book and nap his way through what he can of this –
Just as Max’s eyes slide shut, a paper airplane hits his head. It actually lodges itself in his ear, sending him bolt upright with an undignified yelp that has everyone turning around to look at him.
“Heheh, um,” Max grins at them, airplane crumpled in his fist under the desk. “I sneezed?”
“Do that on your own time,” Garcia yawns, subsiding back into a pile on his desk. The pretty girl two desks ahead of Max takes a minute to inspect her long hair, presumably for boogers, before wrinkling her nose at him and returning to texting under the table. The jock ghost goes back to flexing each individual chest muscle. The recluse in the back lets her bangs fall back down to cover her face completely, and Max catches a glimpse of an earbud.
Two desks to Max’s right, Johnny is back to dutiful scribbling, complete with furrowed eyebrows and the tip of his tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth. He’s fooling no one.
Glaring at Johnny, Max slowly unfolds the airplane, setting it on the desk in front of him. It reads:
Do you wanna ice cream
Underneath, there’s boxes to check either ‘yes’, ‘nah I’m a weirdo or maybe lactose intolerant’, or ‘only if it’s floating’.
Max blinks. He looks up, but Johnny is completely absorbed in his fake studying even though he is pretty obviously just drawing squiggles, so he ends up just reading the note again a few more times in confusion.
Why would the ice cream be floating, he finally writes back, then as an afterthought makes a new box for ‘is this for another time or are you saying you have ice cream on your person???’ and checks it.
Folding the paper up into a square, he balances it on his thumb and flicks it back, aiming for Johnny’s eyeball. Sadly, the shot falls short, ending up lost in the row of desks between them. Johnny sits upright, staring at it with unnecessary focus. Slowly stretching out a foot, the bully gradually slides down in his seat until his hair is level with his desktop, in an effort to get the note without actually getting up. It’s… not exactly what Max was going for, but the sight’s pretty amusing nonetheless, and he can’t help smirking as Johnny strains only two inches away from the edge of the paper.
Eventually, Johnny catches the note with the tip of his toe and drags it back swiftly, picking it up before hunching intently over it. Max continues to watch with interest, because even though Johnny’s hunched too low to really see his expression, he kinda looks like he’s getting red again.
The returning note would have hit Max in the face if not for his excellent reflexes. As it is, he hurts himself trying to instinctively catch it with both hands, and has to take a minute to breathe through his teeth. He really misses PK. The little guy must’ve gotten full or something, since it wandered off and hasn’t yet returned. Honestly, that’s not much of a problem anymore since the cast does its job, except for when Max forgets he’s injured… which he tends to do way more often than anyone with his amount of parkour experience can justify.
Johnny looks almost concerned. It’s weird, but also a little disappointing because if he were blushing he definitely isn’t anymore. Not that Max has any special reason to care if he’s blushing or not, but. Uh.
Do I look like the kinda dingus who carries ice cream around everywhere, I meant taking it from you scream in the back, Johnny has written under Max’s checkmark with what looks to Max’s eyes like classic defenserence. Also, he’s circled the part about floating ice cream and written WE KNOW underneath all ominously, with wiggly letters and everything.
Since Max has no idea what Johnny knows about floating ice cream (or what anyone could know about something like that, to be honest), he just flat out ignores that bit – but he can’t help turning in his seat to look at Recluse in the back. Yeah, that girl actually does have a cooler under her desk. Okay, weird.
Just because I let you draw on my cast and crawled through the ceiling with you, doesn’t mean I want to bully anyone, Johnny. You know, maybe it’s something to do with them beating me up and breaking my stuff, but I don’t actually like bullies.
So maybe Max’s note back is a little harsh, but, uh, at least it’s the truth. Getting invited to join in on bullying really bothers Max. Sure, Johnny is kind of endearing with his love for his friends and his cheerful enjoyment of violence. He doesn’t seem to really have anything against any of the people he bullies, so much as he just enjoys wreaking havoc, and Max kinda gets that to an extent. Plus fighting with him is… almost fun, sometimes.
But still. Max has been bullied before. He’s not a fan of the institution.
Two seats over, Johnny’s eyes get very very wide and he starts blinking rapidly. His cheeks are flushing red again, but along with what looks weirdly like hurt on his face his fist is clenching around the note and, oh boy now he’s baring his teeth. He looks like he can’t decide whether to murder Max or cry, which. Wow. He knew Johnny liked him more after hitball, but –
He reaches into his bag, but all his notebooks are in his locker; all that’s in there now is metal junk and that dumb book. Fishing through his pockets luckily reveals a gum wrapper that has seen better days and at least two wash cycles, but at least there’s no gum in it.
Maybe some other time though, Max quickly scribbles onto it, before rolling it up and pelting it at Johnny’s face. He definitely doesn’t want to admit that he feels guilty for calling a bully a bully, that’s not what this is, it’s just. Gotta encourage interpersonal growth or whatever. That’s all.
Upon reading the latest note, Johnny’s anger dissolves off his face in favor of a very wide, very wobbly grin. He looks up to meet Max’s gaze for a second, flushes, and then props his elbow up on the back of his chair as he glances around the classroom, like he’s trying to look all cool and unconcerned.
It’s… kind of adorable?
Who knew Johnny was such a dork when it came to trying to make friends.
Max is still marveling at this revelation, when he spots a flash of a familiar blue inside Johnny’s open jacket. Widening his eyes, he has to resort to gesticulating wildly to get the other boy’s attention since he’s out of paper and throwing a magnet would probably wake Garcia up.
As soon as Johnny notices Max’s charades, any hint of him ever being something like innocent or adorable slips away in favor of a grin made of pure evil and possibly shark teeth implants.
‘Oh, this?’ He pantomimes in very fake surprise, before reaching into his jacket and taking out MAX’S HAT. Far from returning it, even though that was the whole reason they both ended up here, he pretends like he’s never even seen it before. Johnny silently oohs and ahhs over every inch of it, before turning it around backwards and planting it on his own head.
Max’s hands hit the desk, hard.
Johnny puts his hands behind his head, silently pretending to whistle.
“SHHHHHH,” the ghost jock says, “Some of us are trying to serve our time peacefully, man.”
Both Max and Johnny shush him right back with extreme violence, then the girl shushes them, then the weirdo in the back starts hissing, and finally Garcia wakes up with a loud “SNNMRF.”
“No talking in detention,” he intones menacingly… then meets Max’s eyes. “Ugh, you.”
“Mr. Garcia, I need my hat back,” Max says daringly, arm straight up in the air. “Or I don’t know what kind of weird stuff I might start saying.”
Blackmail is a filthy, filthy business, but by golly does it feel good. He almost gets why Suzy is so dedicated to the craft. Garcia blanches, and instantly orders Johnny to return Max’s hat. The bully does so with an impressed look on his face, darting intrigued glances between the teacher and Max, but he doesn’t care.
He’s too busy pulling his hat on, adjusting it to maximum comfort level. His head, which Ollie kind of had a point about feeling naked without it, is finally back to normal and it feels good. He almost wishes he’d thought about using his blackmail on Garcia sooner, though he’s not sure Starchman would have cared.
Max shoots Johnny a triumphant grin, tapping the brim of his cap with two fingers.
The bully stares at him for several seconds, eyes wide and not appearing to breathe, before dropping his face flat to the desk with a thunk. He puts his arms over his ears and doesn’t move once for the rest of detention.
It takes almost half an hour to let out, but even stuck back in the same silent torture as he was before the first note flew his way, Max somehow feels anything but bored.
Instead, he puts his hands behind his head and silently pretends to whistle.
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