#it would've been too much red otherwise imo
dbphantom · 1 year
could not sleep because the mental image of a magical girl holding her beam-firing wand like a grenade launcher would not leave my head so obviously i had to draw my oc doing exactly that
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i am content now.
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dragynkeep · 3 years
…would you like to critique the RWBY prom outfits? If you want, that is?
Hell yeah, I'm always here for outfit critiques.
The biggest issue imo with these prom outfits are that they're all practically the same. I get it, new outfits take time to design and model, but if they can make two whole outfits for Cinder for that same prom arc then I'm certain they could've put a bit more effort in designing cute outfits for the kids.
I'm not gonna talk about the guys' out of RWBYJNR since they're both literally the same tuxedo and there's nothing to say about them. They're boring.
All the girls' dresses are just really similar and unimaginative. Most are in their colours (apart from Yang), but the style is just modern prom dress you get after googling dresses for five minutes. All of them aren't stylised to the girls like the rest of their outfits, so we have Ruby wearing a similar dress to Weiss despite the two having very different tastes and themes.
Don't get me wrong, the dresses are by no means bad or ugly, they're just not that creative.
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You would not believe how annoying it was to find a good screenshot of Ruby's whole outfit. Ignore her glowing skin.
So, this is a cute dress! It's obviously in Ruby's colour and really the only time she's fully in red without her big cape, and the splashes of black are nice and don't take away from the colour. I like that's it's a gradient that goes into a brighter red at the hem where the black trim is. On top of that, the black sash adds some interest around Ruby's waist.
Now, I really don't like the lace that's holding the top of her dress together? It's like the lace on her corset, but that's on a corset, not a fabric dress where it just looks strange. Not only that, but the semi-transparent mesh thing on her chest isn't really suiting with the style.
It just looks too revealing for Ruby? The length of the dress is perfectly fine, but her showing off her chest with the laced up dress and see through mesh underneath is not really a design choice I would attribute to Ruby like it works with Weiss.
I actually saw a dress on Tumblr that I think would really suit Ruby, link to the overall post here!
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It's cute, and I think the covered chest and short sleeves suits Ruby more.
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I mean... it's a dress.
Really, it's a nice dress. The style of it directly ties with her usual dress style compared to Ruby's sudden sexier version, the mesh underneath actually helps to introduce some contrast between her white skin and blindingly white dress, and it is her colour!
But it's just really boring. It's a simple white dress with a black lace thing underneath, there's nothing of interest on the dress, so you just kinda have nothing to look at. It would've been nice if they took more inspiration outfit wise from her V4 alternative dress, except obviously changing the colours.
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I think this is a very regal and flowy type of dress that really suits Weiss!
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This is a really cute dress.
Honestly, with how it's designed, this was the only time I think Blake being in purple rather than straight up black works better, otherwise we'd have the opposite but similar problem that we have with Weiss. The black of her collar, sash and shoes still keeps the colour, and the purple isn't the ugly purple they would use later on in the show.
The lil transparent shirt (What is it with these dresses and transparent tops?) adds a lil' more interest to the top area, and the streamlined design with the slit is a different look from the rest of her team, since they all went in short and puffy out skirts compared to Blake's.
Yes, it's a little plain still, and the bow randomly changing to a teal colour rather than a black like it looks here is a random colour that sticks out a bit too much with Blake's pallete. That said, it's still a nice dress.
Though Blake could've been one of the girls to go in a suit or something? She never wears dresses and prefers more pants and shorts, while still being pretty feminine. Idk, I don't understand the strict gender roles in this show where Jaune got laughed at for simply wearing a dress.
Thought that didn't exist in Remnant but okay.
Since her allusion is Belle, you could easily take inspiration for Blake's dress from Belle's in the Disney movie. Not so much as big and poofy, but the style of the top portion would look really nice.
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Once again, Yang is in my least favourite outfit of the team.
It's just really boring to look at. It's a short dress with a lower neckline. I know it was because they didn't realise until it was too late, but Yang is once again not in her colour. I really wouldn't put her in bright yellow, but a nice cream or maybe pastel yellow would work a bit better with the big mass of yellow hair behind her.
A gradient similar to Ruby's would be really nice on the dress. Have the yellow be more saturated at the bottom to better distribute the colour throughout.
But really, and I've seen a lot of artists do this, put Yang in a qipao. If she's meant to be Chinese, why not take the opportunity to put her in a Chinese style dress? There's so many beautiful designs on them, Yang would look stunning in one.
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Yes, I had to use this picture.
Really, I think this is up there with Blake as my favourite out of all the prom outfits. It's not a hard contest, but this dress is the only time where the overall dress style fits Nora.
The heart shaped top with the pointed bottom looks like a heart, fitting in with Nora's heart motif in her design, along with the puffed out skirt that sells the cute and girly style that Nora uses. The white skirt rather than having it all be pink makes the heart stand out more, and just keeps it from looking too plain like Weiss or Yang's.
I don't know if it's just the weird filter that plays on the Poser era episodes, but I like that the white even has a light pink tint to it.
Really, I would just add accessories and some detail to the dress, as well as change the shoes. All the girls are wearing open heeled shoes.
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Pyrrha, what Carrie nonsense are you wearing-
Okay, the actual dress style is a nice one. I think it really does fit Pyrrha's more mature personality compared to the younger, more girlish style that most of the other girls wear.
The problem is that it's all red and it look ugly because of it. This is way too much of one colour with no detailing or accessories to break it up. You look at it for five seconds and get bored of it, because there's nothing there worth noting.
The only thing that catches your attention is Pyrrha's circlet, but now compared to her fighting gear, the gold is stuck on her head, partially hidden behind her red fringe. You really need to take more of the gold and add it to the actual outfit to better distribute the colour.
Go more for Greek style, like toga, with multiple layers that you can add different colours and designs to so you fit Pyrrha's allusion and make it more interesting and just nice to look at.
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