#it’ll probably turn into Jet and Sokka both crushing on Zuko
ssreeder · 2 years
Hi ssreeder!!!
As always I’ll begin with telling you how much I’m in love with LIAB and RIA!!! Those two are so perfect I wouldn’t change ANYTHING. Because I think if they got even better than they are now I’d really die or the pleasure of reading them. I’m sorry I don’t gather the willpower and courage to comment often enough. I’m not super literate or eloquent while or after reading a chapter and I never know what to say about it when I think about it. I’m just always impatient to see the next chapter and whichever length it is, it always will take top priority on my mind’s reading queue. Whatever I plan to read next or I am currently reading, the new chapter will always get in first place! (Should it even be a +50k words chapter!!!) You inspire me to draw so much! And your comments about them are always so enormously generous and sweet. Thank you so much!!! I can’t stress it enough.
Anyway, I’d be delighted to have a little sneak peek of #5 Blue Spirit Alone, if you will.
Thank you once again and have a wonderful day!!!!
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Listen here! you could leave a comment that is just you rubbing your face across the keyboard and I’d love it!! No pressure though I love chatting with you in the discord & seeing your AMAZING art.
I would eat it with a spoon and fork it’s so amazing, if I had half your talent I’d be drawing angsty art all over the place lol.
Ughhhhh you ask me about WIP??? Haha (when I say WIP I mean random ass notes that have no real structure behind them yet…)
So Blue spirit alone is an angsty idea I had that I will probably never actually write but…
Iroh dies after getting struck by azulas lightning which pretty much sends Zuko into a self destructive spiral and he uses his BS persona to wreck havoc on the FN because he is so angry.
He meets Jet as the BS, and of course Jet is like let’s be besties and come with me to BSS & somehow Zuko ends up going with him and that’s where they run into Sokka and it’s just a mess and lots of Dai Ali creepy vibes and miscommunication and angst and three boys that can’t figure it out and maybe someone dies but maybe someone doesn’t and yeah.
Like I said it’s an idea I haven’t given MUCH thought but it’s in my notes and I like writing Jet & I like angst so there you go.
Thanks for asking!! Which I was better at explaining things hahaha
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A Cup of Tea for Your Jealousy? (Sokka x Reader)
Author’s Note: And here’s fic number two! I decided to go with a Sokka x reader this time since I love my boy Sokka. I have a couple more Sokka and Zuko fics in the work, and I will be writing some Marvel (Peter Parker) and Umbrella Academy (Five & Ben). And now my asks are open! I know I don’t have many followers at the moment but it is open for anyone who would like to request anything or just drop in to chat a bit! Thanks so much!
Summary: An AU where the gaang decides to visit Jet after the war since he almost died trying to protect Aang. Sokka doesn’t like the idea of the reader being around Jet too much.
A Cup of Tea for Your Jealousy?
Sokka x Reader
Word Count: 4,184
Warnings: A little bit of angst? mainly fluff
You sit across from Sokka and Zuko on Appa. Katara and Toph sit next to you while Aang is seated at the reigns.
“Are you serious? We’re going to visit Jet?” Sokka groans, running a hand over his face in annoyance. You roll your eyes.
“For the last time, Sokka, it’s time we forgive him. I mean, we forgave Zuko, didn’t we? And he, arguably, did worse things to us than Jet did,” You say. 
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that, for my sake,” Zuko pipes up, a half-scowl on his face. You feel the heat rise to your cheeks in embarrassment, you honestly forgot he was sitting there since you were so focused on Sokka.
“Sorry, Zuko, no hard feelings.” You shoot him some finger guns and he just rolls his eyes at you. Katara sighs from next to you.
“I hate to agree, but (Y/n)’s right. He did betray our trust, which was rude, but he also went out of his way to help us in Ba Sing Se.” Katara points out, shrugging her shoulders.
“Not to mention, he did almost die for us.” You cross your arms and stare expectantly at Sokka, a single eyebrow raised waiting for his response.
“Fine! But I’m still not happy about this,” Sokka mumbles the last part of his sentence under his breath and you furrow your brows. 
“Sorry, what was that last part? I didn’t catch what you said.” You put a finger to the tip of your ear, pushing your head out dramatically. 
“Nothing,” Sokka huffs, turning his body around to look forward. You pinch the bridge of your nose in annoyance and exhale loudly. Katara leans over.
“I think he said that he doesn’t like the way Jet looks at you, but don’t quote me on that. I could be wrong,” She whispers, but there’s a small smile on her face. She knows about your crush on her brother, and as bewildered as she was at the thought of anyone liking her brother, she gave you her blessing and is now pushing you to tell him about your feelings. The problem is, you’re never going to do that. There’s no way he likes you back.
You blush at the comment, wishing that he might’ve said that but it’s probably just Katara’s ploy to get you to confess to him. 
“Yeah, right,” You chuckle, looking down at your hands in your lap. 
“No, she’s right. I heard it,” Toph leans over, a mischievous smirk evident on her face. Now you really don’t believe them. Not that Toph doesn’t have good hearing, because it’s quite the opposite, but her smirk always means trouble.
A while later, you finally land in Ba Sing Se where Jet has been holing up with the rest of his freedom fighters. Everyone climbs off of Appa. Once you hit the ground you begin to stretch out your sore limbs from the ride over here.
“You guys have fun seeing that Jet guy. I’m going to go visit my uncle at his tea shop,” Zuko tells you guys, awkwardly shifting weight in his legs.
“What? Why don’t you stay?” You whine, giving him your signature pout. You were good friends with Zuko, so this didn’t surprise him in the least. 
“Nice try, (Y/n), but Jet doesn’t like me very much. Last time we saw each other he tried to get me arrested for being a firebender until I flipped the tables on him and got him arrested instead.” Zuko crosses his arms. You let a small breath out.
“That’s right...yeah, you can go visit Iroh. Tell him we say hi!” You grin, waving to Zuko as he makes his way to his uncle’s place. 
“I think I’m gonna go with Zuko to go see the tea man. He might be able to give me some...words of wisdom, or something. It’ll be nice to stay somewhere in Ba Sing Se that I don’t completely despise. Besides, I don’t even know this Jet guy that well. I was there for the day leading up to his almost-death but that doesn’t mean much for me. I’ll see you guys whenever you’re ready to leave,” Toph says. She turns to walk away and you blink a couple of times before calling out to her as she goes.
“Alright! Bye Toph, we’ll call for you and Zuko when we’re leaving!” You wave. You think you hear her throw back a ‘yeah, whatever’ as she walks off but you can’t be sure.
You turn back around to see a sulking Sokka standing by Appa. You raise an eyebrow at Katara and she shrugs, motioning for you to go talk to him. You make your way over.
“I still can’t believe we’re here,” Sokka mumbles, arms crossed as he leans against Appa’s leg. You giggle as a layer of Appa’s fur sticks to him.
“Sure, Sokka. By the way, it’s shedding season, so you might want to get that washed before you strut around in Appa hair.” You pat his shoulder and turn around, making your way with Katara into a small stone home that you knew to be the freedom fighter’s home. 
“(Y/n)!” Smellerbee punches you in the shoulder upon your arrival. You laugh and rub your shoulder, pretending that it didn’t hurt as much as it did.
“Hey, Smellerbee. Longshot.” You nod to the pair respectively. Longshot nods back, a small smile on his face. 
“C’mon, Jet’s this way.” Smellerbee pulls you and Katara toward a back room where you see Jet laying in bed but sitting up, a wide smile on his face as he sees you and Katara arrive. 
“Look who it is! My two favorite girls.” Jet flashes both of you his signature grin, a piece of wheat sticking out of his mouth. You roll your eyes at his comment.
“Hi, Jet,” You say, giving him a small smile. You walk over and give him a short hug, just long enough for a hello but not too long to mean anything else. Katara does the same.
“How have you been?” Katara asks. Jet looks down at his bandaged torso and shrugs.
“Fine, I guess. A few broken bones, a few cracked ribs, you know, the usual.” He tries his best to grin, but you see it falter. This activates your mom mode. 
“Is there anything we can do to help?” You offer, your eyes softening at his weakened state. You feel in debt to him since he almost died helping Aang, so the least you could do was help him out now.
“I’d actually love a-” Jet’s cut off by Sokka bursting through the door.
“Well, well, well! Look who it is! Good ‘ole Jet, my man. How are you?” Sokka strides in, a tuft of Appa fur still sitting on his shoulder. You pluck it off as he walks past you to give Jet a pat on the head. You know he’s playing up his attitude for you.
“Um, I’m fine-”
“Great! Well, you hear that, guys? He’s fine! Who would’ve known! We can go now,” Sokka grabs your hand and tries to lead you out but you break out of his grip, trying not to blush at the contact while still holding your ground. 
“We’re not leaving, Sokka. We just got here,” You glare at him, turning back around to face Jet, “now, what were you saying?”
Jet’s face lights up.
“I was saying I’d love a cup of tea if you’d make me one.” His smile widens as he catches your eye and winks at you. You feel your face heat up and you nod silently before turning around and making your way to the kitchen. You feel Sokka’s presence behind you as you leave.
“Now you’re making him tea? What’s going on?” He pouts, leaning on the counter beside you. You don’t know what’s gotten into him.
“He’s bedridden and he wants tea. I simply offered to help,” You say briskly, setting the teapot on the burner as you work.
“How long are we staying here?” He groans.
“A few days at least, Sokka. What is up with you right now? Why are you so adamant about leaving?” You frown at him, stopping with the tea for just a moment.
“I just...I don’t know, I don’t like Jet. That’s all,” He lies, looking down at the ground. You grit your teeth and decide to not press the subject. He’ll tell you the real reason if he wants to.
“Yes, well, you’re going to have to suck it up for a few days while we’re here. Then you can continue to not like Jet once we’re gone,” You mutter, finishing the tea. You pour two cups out and pick them up.
“Oh, thanks! Don’t mind if I do-” He goes to pick a teacup from your hand, but you yank it back from him.
“Nope! This one’s mine. Sorry, only nice people get tea.” You scrunch your nose at him. You walk back to Jet’s room and place the tea on his bedside table, taking a seat next to Katara on the foot of the bed as you turn to face Jet. He smiles.
“Thanks, (Y/n/n), you’re the best,” Jet hums as he takes a sip of the tea. You fight off a blush at the nickname. 
Do you like Jet? No, absolutely not. But you can’t help it that you blush whenever people give you any sort of affection. You’re just not used to it, that’s all. 
“I do try.” You chuckle, taking a sip of your tea. 
“Well, I’m going to head to bed since we got here pretty late. I’ll see you two in the morning,” Katara says and gets up. She offers you and Jet both a smile before walking out of the room. You hear a small scuffle outside and two voices until Sokka is suddenly pushed into the room.
“Were you eavesdropping?” You narrow your eyes at him. He straightens up and you see a tint of pink cross his face at the question.
“Uh, no. Just...checking out the house.” He rubs the back of his neck nervously. You glare at him.
“I suggest you check it out somewhere else. I’m getting sick of your behavior right now.” You grimace, throwing an apologetic glance at Jet before shooing an embarrassed Sokka out of the room.
“It’s not your fault, you know. Some guys are like that when they have a crush on a girl,” Jet snorts, setting his tea down. You feel the heat rise to your cheeks again.
“Oh, no. Sokka doesn’t have a crush on me, we’re just best friends,” You laugh nervously, fiddling with your teacup. 
“Whatever you say. I mean, I did say ‘some guys’ so maybe I wasn’t referring to him.” Jet chuckles. You look up at him, wide-eyed. 
“Uhm, haha, yeah. I’ve gotta go to bed now, but...I’ll see you in the morning?” You get up, taking both your teacups. 
“See you in the morning.” He winks at you again and you give him a short smile before walking out of the room. Your face turns sour once you’re out of sight.
What is up with all of his flirting?
The next morning, you roll out of bed and stretch. You trudge downstairs to find Sokka already in the kitchen looking rather chipper. This is unusual considering he hates getting up early.
“Sokka?” You mumble, heading over to the teapot to brew a fresh cup of tea to wake yourself up. Sokka turns around, two cups of tea already in his hand.
“No need, (Y/n), I already brewed us some tea. Here you go, just how you like it,” Sokka says as he hands you a hot cup of tea. You look at him quizzically before taking a sip and sitting down.
“You’re acting weird this morning. What’s wrong?” You take another tentative sip of your tea.
“Wrong? What? Nothing’s wrong, (Y/n), don’t be so paranoid. I’m great. More than great, actually.” Sokka grins widely and finishes his tea. You set yours down on the table.
“Do you know if Jet is up?” You hum, looking over toward his door. From the corner of your eye, you see Sokka’s large smile twitch at the corners.
“Nope, no clue. I’m sure he’s still sleeping. We can get in some quality time before he wakes up, right?” Sokka’s features turn from a painful smile to slightly pleading puppy dog eyes. You’re tempted to say yes when a loud ‘ow’ resonates from Jet’s room. You immediately stand and head his way.
“Jet?” You ask, knocking on the door.
“Come in,” A voice says from inside. You open the door to see Jet leaning against the wall with a pained face. You gasp and go to his side immediately, helping him back into bed as painlessly as possible.
“What were you trying to do?” You ask, inspecting him for any new injuries. Luckily, you don’t find any. 
“I was going to try and brew us a morning cup of tea. I didn’t realize you were already awake, sorry,” Jet’s voice sounds sheepish for once. You smile. 
“It’s okay. Here, I’ll go make you a cup. I already had one this morning.” You get up and make your way to the kitchen again, brushing past a fuming Sokka.
“He’s doing this on purpose,” Sokka hisses as you pass. 
“What happened to being great, hm, Sokka?” You hum, busying yourself around the kitchen. You hear a door slam and you assume he has walked out of the house. At least he won’t bother you with his sour attitude anymore.
A few moments later, you hear shouting in Jet’s room. Confused, you take the teapot off the burner and go to figure out what’s happening. You open the door to see Sokka and Jet engaged in a heated argument.
“Ladies!” You yell, effectively breaking up the argument. The boys go silent, glaring at each other.
“He started it,” Sokka breathes out at last. You narrow your eyes at him.
“What are you two even fighting about?”
“Nothing,” They chime in unison, still glaring at each other.
“Sokka. Outside. Now.” You point to the door with authority, marching outside of it and the house. He follows behind you and you can feel the ‘lost puppy’ vibes radiating off of him. Once the door to the house is closed, you spin around and fix your glare on Sokka. He curls into himself.
“Sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up at him like that,” He mutters, clearly not liking your upset attitude being directed at him. You pinch the bridge of your nose and sigh heavily. 
“You’re right, you shouldn’t have. And why’s that? Because he’s bedridden from almost dying for us!” You growl, not even trying to contain your anger as you rant to Sokka. He lowers his eyes to the ground.
“Yeah, I get that, but it doesn’t excuse what he said,” Sokka huffs, a look of annoyance crossing his face.
“And what would that be?” You cross your arms, looking at Sokka expectantly. He’s silent for a moment as he shifts weight from foot to foot. 
“He made a comment about you that got under my skin,” He murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper. Your features soften slightly at this.
“What’d he say?” You ask, still slightly angry but not as much as before. You’re not quite sure who your anger should be directed at now.
“He said it’s fun to toy with you.” He raises his eyes to look at you. Your eyebrows raise and your eyes go wide as the information sinks in.
“To...toy with me?” You question, brows furrowing. You try to make sense of the phrase, not knowing the context of which it was spoken.
“Yeah, like...like leading you on so you’ll do things for him. Acting as if he likes you because he knows you like him so you’ll obey his every command like some kind of-- like some kind of servant! And you’re spending all of your time with him, too, so that just proves his point. You and I used to hang out all of the time and now these past couple of days all you do is hang out with him and it’s not fair.” Sokka pouts. You frown at the news he just dropped on you.
“Well, for one, this is only our second day here and we got here late last night so it hasn’t even been a couple of days for me to completely ignore you for him. Two...you think I like him? He thinks I like him? Gross! I’ve only been helping him out because he’s bedridden for our sake! I can’t believe he said that about me!” You fume, directing your rage at Jet instead of Sokka now. 
That unbelievable prick.
“Wait, you don’t like him?” Sokka asks. He zoned in on that one fact instead of anything else you said.
“No, of course not. I pitied him,” You say. 
“Yes!” He pumps his fist in the air.
“Uh, I mean...that’s cool, I guess.”
“....Right.” You look at him skeptically.
“So if you don’t like Jet, then who do you like?”
“...No one.”
“Really? No one? I can tell when you’re lying, (Y/n/n),” he scoffs.
“It’s really not that big of a deal--”
“Is it Zuko?”
“Ew, no!” You scrunch up your nose at the thought of liking Zuko. I mean, he’s kind of cute but he’s not Sokka. And he’s kinda rude.
“Then who is it?” 
“Why are you pressuring me to--”
“Because I need to know who to hate!” Sokka blurts out, clamping a hand over his mouth as soon as the words leave him.
“...And why would you hate the person I like?”
“Uhm….No reason,”
“Would you happen to have a crush on me, Sokka?” You muse, a small smile creeping its way onto your face. 
“Pfft, what? No….” He trails off, a tint of pink dusting his cheeks.
“You do, don’t you?” Your small smile starts to break into a wider grin.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He shakes his head in complete denial. You figure there’s only one way to get him to tell the truth.
“Well, it’s okay if you do. You know, I like you, too.” You smile and turn to walk back into the house when he slides in front of you.
“You like me back?” His eyes are wide as he searches your face for answers.
“Aha! You do have a crush on me.” You smirk triumphantly. His face falls.
“Please tell me you didn’t just say that so you could get the truth out of me,” He murmurs. Your smirk drops as you reach for his hand.
“No, of course not, Sokka. I really do like you, and I’d never play such a cruel trick on you,” You coo, intertwining your fingers with his. He looks down at your hand and a smile starts to spread on his face.
“You’re perfect.” He looks up at you, his eyes shining bright as they look into yours. You want to lean in and kiss him but you’re not sure if it’s too early for that, so you opt out this time.
“Aww, no you are. Come on, let’s go show Jet who’s boss,” You giggle, leading Sokka back into the house and pulling him into Jet’s room. Jet watches you walk in, a smirk on his face since he thinks you just got onto Sokka.
“Hey, babe. Back already?” There’s a mischievous glint in his eye that you’re surprised you didn’t catch before.
“First of all, gross. Never call me that again. Second of all, I don’t like you, Jet. You’re stupid to even think that I could. Besides,” you hold up your hand which is currently in Sokka’s tight grip, “I like someone else. A lot.”
Sokka’s cheeks gain another hint of blush as you say this and he glares at Jet with a triumphant smirk resting on his face. 
“So then why did you obey my every command, huh?” Jet raises an eyebrow, clearly not convinced.
“Because I pitied you. You’re pitiful sitting here in your bed all day every day without being able to do anything yourself so I decided to be nice. But now my pity is gone, and so are we. Goodbye, Jet, we’re leaving. Now,” You growl. 
“Really? You’re leaving? I don’t believe you. A moment ago you were groveling at my feet, ready to help me at any given moment. I could’ve said for you to get on your--” Jet doesn’t get to finish as Sokka takes two large strides and punches him in the face mid-sentence. 
“You don’t get to finish that sentence. Treat (Y/n) with the respect she deserves.” Sokka grabs Jet by the collar, raising him to where his face is only inches from his fist again.
“Sokka, that’s enough. Thank you.” You pull him back over to you and he releases his grip on Jet. Jet looks angry, but you’re honestly proud of Sokka for standing up for you, even though you could have done it yourself. It’s nice seeing him have you back.
“No one talks to my girl that way,” He huffs, his hand finding yours again.
“Your girl, hm?” You giggle, pecking his cheek. His face flushes again and you can’t stop smiling. You love making him blush.
“Is that okay?” He asks, looking over at you.
“More than,” You squeeze his hand before turning back to Jet, “we’re leaving now. I never want to see your face again, so don’t bother trying to find us. We came back here because I thought you had changed after you almost died for us, but it seems that you’re still the same manipulative piece of trash you were before the war ended. Good to know,” You hiss, abruptly turning on your heel before walking out of the room with Sokka in tow still holding your hand. You ignore Jet’s protests as you leave.
“That was hot, I could kiss you right now,” Sokka admits once you’re out of the house again. You’re the one to blush this time as you feel the heat rise to your cheeks.
“Really?” You giggle.
“Really.” Sokka turns you around to face him, his face only a few inches from yours. You see his eyes flicker from your gaze to his lips and you do the same.
He reaches up with one hand to brush his knuckles across your cheekbone as the other cups your face. You all-but melt in his hands.
“Then what are you waiting for?” You whisper, not being able to break away from the intensity of his gaze.
Without any hesitance, he leans in and connects your lips. Your eyes flutter shut as you lean into his hand cupping your cheek, your own hands finding their way around his neck. You stay like this for a few moments, relishing in each other’s embrace, before you finally have to pull away for air.
“That was the most amazing kiss ever,” Sokka breathes out, a goofy grin painting his face. You giggle.
“I was just about to say the same,” You murmur, leaning in for another peck on his lips. 
“Holy crap, I told you so!” You hear a shout from behind you. You and Sokka jump, breaking away from each other, as you look to see the owner of the voice. Toph and Zuko are standing behind you guys, eyes wide as they catch you guys making out.
“How did you even know!? You can’t see them!” Zuko gestures to you two.
“I see with my feet, you dunderhead! They were clearly in a kissing embrace.” Toph punches him in the shoulder. Zuko groans in annoyance. 
“What are you two doing back here?” You ask sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck. 
“Aang and Katara heard arguing earlier and figured that we’d probably be leaving soon. They called for us,” Zuko answers.
“That we did.” Katara appears with Aang from behind Toph and Zuko. You’re fairly certain that she’s smirking the most out of everyone.
“Well! I guess we can go home now!” Sokka slings an arm around your shoulder, walking over to Appa and helping you up onto the saddle before climbing in himself. Everyone chuckles and starts to climb in after you two.
“You know, Sokka,” You murmur once the two of you are sitting alone at the back of the saddle, “this trip may have been a slight disaster on the Jet front, but I’m glad we took it because without it we wouldn’t be together.”
“I guess you’re right,” Sokka looks off into the distance while he thinks, “maybe this trip wasn’t so bad, after all. I did end up with the girl in the end.” 
He gives you a cheesy wink and you laugh.
“Ending up with you was all I ever wanted.” 
“You read my mind.”
And at this moment, you know that this trip was the right move, no matter how awful it may have seemed in the moment.
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