#it’s 2 in the afternoon why are you already tipsy lol
formulafics · 10 months
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uswnt-keeper · 4 years
We'll Just Go To Hawaii Instead (Alex Morgan x reader)
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Prompt from @nessa-olivas
Sorry it's not proof read! I also got a few requests so sorry these are coming kinda late! I'm in exam season so I've been studying a lot. I hope you enjoy!
Prompt: Hi i got a uswnt imagine request ! Lol you know how alex got banned from Disney? Can you do an imagine of the whole team getting banned with her on how it all happened ? Reader can be dating any player of your choice. Please and thank you 😊
"Al!" Y/N called from the couch.
"Yeah babe!" Alex called back, she had been making morning smoothies for them in the kitchen.
"Come 'ere," Y/N yelled, "I have an idea for where we should go."
Y/N and Alex has been dating for the better part of two years now, but they hadn't found an ounce of time to go on a vacation together.
With the money they had saved together and a slightly extended offseason, they decided on their first day off, they'd look for a destination to spend their extra days.
Alex walked into the living room where Y/N was sat, right leg folded over her left, laptop resting on her lap as she scrolled through whatever website she was on.
Alex always found everything Y/N did adorable, and right now she would tell you the way she bit her lip in concentration had her hear skipping a few beats.
"Come," Y/N said again, patting a spot next to her on the couch.
Alex followed instruction, plopping down next to her girlfriend and handing her a smoothie, which Y/N thanked her for.
"So what's the plan?" Alex asked sipping her smoothie. Although she didn't want to leave the work up to Y/N, she wanted to go somewhere that Y/N enjoyed the most.
Y/N turned the computer to Alex and as soon as she saw what it said her blood ran cold, "We can't go there," she said quickly.
"What! Why?" Y/N asked almost upset, "I've never been, I really want to go," she jutted out her lip in a attempt to pout.
"We just can't," Alex said, not wanting to relive the whole scenario, yet feeling guilty for not being able to take her girlfriend where she wanted.
Y/N's eyes narrowed, "It would only be like a one or two day thing and we could drive, we could stay here, not hotel fees," she negotiated.
"Y/N, I said we can't, and we won't, that's it, end of discussion," Alex said sternly.
Y/N stayed quiet, analyzing her for a moment before a smirk was plastered on her face, "Why do you really not want to go?"
Alex looked at her and saw the look, rolling her eyes, "I don't want to talk about it. It's embarrassing. I'm surprised you don't already know.
"Oh, so if I ask, say.... Ali and Ash, they wouldn't know?" Y/N teased and Alex's eyes widened.
"No! No! You can't ask them!" She said, frantically, putting her hand over Y/N mouth as if she was going to ask them then and there.
"Why not? What about the national team girls? I'm sure they'd tell me," she said, voice muffled behind Alex's hand as she pulled out her phone.
"NO!" She said grabbed Y/N's wrist as the girl smirks at her, knowing she won, "I'll tell you why."
Alex removed her hands from her girlfriends mouth and wrist. Y/N turned her body, crossing her legs like a toddler and facing her girlfriend on the couch.
"Story time," she sang and Alex rolled her eyes.
"I thought I would never have to explain this but here we go..."
2 years ago...
The USWNT has been to Orlando for a while. The older girls decided some team bonding was definitely needed as some of the youngsters and vets had yet to make a move on each other.
It had been a warm afternoon in the off-season and the girls all decided that going to Disney land was a fantastic idea.
At some point someone had mentioned that alcohol was going to be needed if they wanted to make it through the entire park without getting bored. So, after some pre gaming and hidden booze in a few bags, the girls were in, despite the nervous demeanor of some of the shy players. It was clear the Alyssa, Tierna, Becky, Chris, and AD were a lot more sensible and decided to be the sober ones of the group.
Anyway, it was really rowdy at first, the group travelled around laughing way too easily at stupid things and eventually found themselves in a semi private area where nobody seemed to be. They had passed all the rides and exhibitions and were now secluded.
As the sun went down and the sound of people grew quieter and quieter and the sound of the girls grew louder and louder.
The girls had lost complete track of time and were too focused on the dance competition going on between Sonnett, Crystal, and Rose. Half the girls were tipsy and somehow Kelley and Alex had managed to get completely drunk.
"HEY!" There was a loud voice that came from the shadows and the girls mouths had snapped shut.
A man appeared, he looked big, probably security, Alex wasn't paying much attention to that though.
"What are you all doing here?! It's way past hours!" He shouted and the women looked at their phones realizing that they managed to dance and sing their way into the early hours of the next morning.
"We promise sir, it's not what we intended!" Ash said pointedly, smiling at the officer in a slightly tipsy state.
"Are you drunk?" He asked, reaching over to his dispatch device, "I got what looks to be about 20 women, some intoxicated, seems to be a 10-59."
"I have no idea what that means," Sonnett said with a giggle, "but that walkie talkie thing is pretty cool, I had one as a kid," she said walking over to the officer and poking it.
"WOAH! I wanna see!" Lindsey said excitedly, going and doing the same.
Chris and Alyssa pulled the girls away, pleading with the officer to let them go, without charges.
The man started to round up the girls and Alex wasn't having any of it. Being the most drunk next to a swaying Kelley she resisted the mans hold almost immediately.
"Hey man!" She said pulling her arm out of his grip, he looked at her angrily and grabbed her arm again, pulling her towards her friends as they told her to comply.
Present day...
"I don't remember much after that, but from what Chris told me, Kelley and I challenged him to a Beyblade duel for some reason."
By now Y/N was laid down flat absolutely balling over the abomination that was that story.
"That the most chaotic thing I've ever heard in my entire life!" She said through tears of laughter.
"It's not funny! I got banned from all Disney parks, and so did everyone else! Minus like T, Chris, and some others who weren't drunk."
"Jesus Alex, what the fuck were you thinking?" Y/N had now sat up, wiping away the tears that trickled down her cheeks.
"I don't think I was," Alex admitted, "but no, we can't go to Disney Land I'm sorry," Alex hung her head in shame.
Y/N put her hand on Alex's cheeks softly and lifted her head up, still feeling giggles rising in her chest again, she planted a soft kiss on her girlfriends lips, "it's okay baby, we'll just go to Hawaii instead."
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instigare · 4 years
Event Report: Wake Up, Girls! FINAL TOUR -HOME- ~PART III KADODE~ Kumamoto
This is an event report from 5th Jan 2019 archived from my Wordpress blog. You’ve probably already read it. I’ll add photos later.
Writing this on the plane back to Tokyo from what I would consider a treasure-filled three days in Kumamoto. I will never forget this weekend and I genuinely dread having to go to school tomorrow.
My flight to Kumamoto was on the day of the live itself, a 0710 flight from Haneda Airport bound to arrive in Kumamoto Airport at 0910. My plan was to head straight to bed as soon as I got home since I’d have to wake up at 3 AM to get to the airport in time. Much to my dismay, the blend of excitement over finally being able to go see Yoppi at Kumamoto, and the anxiety over the fact that if I’m unable to wake up in time I won’t be able to go see that, had me awake all night and I ultimately gave up trying to go to sleep at around 2 AM. Made myself some fried eggs (Yoppi’s favourite food her mom would make her, from her song Watashi no Ki), got ready, and headed to the airport without a second of sleep. Unsurprisingly, I was already dying when I got to the airport but for some reason I just couldn’t close my eyes. Afraid I wouldn’t be able to get any sleep in-flight, I asked some friends over what to do in order to die in the flight immediately.
The answer was simple: down a can of Strong Zero.
Thus, I grabbed a 500ml can of Apple flavoured Strong Zero (青りんご for 青山) at the nearest convenience store, and downed it in one go right before boarding the plane. Little did I know, turns out that was the same amount of alcohol as three cans of beer. I was so dizzy I bumped into people while boarding the flight, and while I did die when I got to my seat, I felt so nauseated and needed to go to the bathroom so often I basically only got 45 minutes of sleep.
I only recovered after arriving at the venue. What a terrible experience. Never doing that again.
In order to fully enjoy Kumamoto, I decided my only option was to go the ultimate TO route and buy 48 tickets in order to maximise my chance of getting front row. I was completely expecting to not be able to sell the extras, but I did! Thank god. Had to go around turning those tickets into money as soon as I got to the venue. I was still a bit tipsy, and one of the buyers even asked me if I was ok and was genuinely worried. WUGners sure are nice.
Thanks to Surname and Dalmo, I didn’t have to worry about buppan either. They helped me get what I want earlier on. God bless.
Finally, it was time to enter the venue.
Since most of the songs were the same, I’m not gunna write both separately, but I will mention when something is Afternoon or Night exclusive.
My seats were:
Floor 1, Row 3, Seat 31 for Afternoon
Floor 1, Row 6, Seat 19 for Night
Since there was no Row 1, afternoon was basically second row. It was two seats away from the aisle which kinda sucked, but at least I was super close. As for Night, it was right next to the left aisle, which turns out to be the best thing to ever happen, which I will talk about later on.
The live started with a message from Katayama Minami and Nanase Yoshino, both talking to each other about Kumamoto. Nanase offers to give Katayama recommendations for places to eat at. Katayama, surprised at how much Nanase knows about Kumamoto, asks where she got all this info from. Turns out Nanase knows someone from Kumamoto, who goes by “Aoyama Yoshino”. The conversation cuts into a phone call between Nanase and Aoyama, but for some reason Aoyama sounded more like Guri than herself… talking with her mouth full, and being completely uncaring of the conversation. They then continue on talking about how they should visit historical places in Kumamoto and how it’s important for everyone to visit Kurokawa Onsen and Hitoyoshi Onsen (LOL). Nanase then talks about how since this is the first WUG live in Kumamoto, she wished more people could come and see Kumamoto earlier. Katayama then ensures Nanase that it’s not too late, and since it’s KADODE, they still have plenty of chances to show everyone how great of a place it is. “KADODE is not a harbinger of end times, but rather a gate that leads to a new path.” Suddenly, they get another voice message from Aoyama, telling them to shower themselves in Kumamoto cuisine, breathe Kumamoto’s freshest air, and to not forget a single second they spend there, and to definitely come visit again, in the sleepiest, most uncaring Guri voice possible. Katayama then asks Nanase if they could come visit Kumamoto one more time even after the live is over. Nanase agrees, to not visit just as friends, but as family.
“Ikuzo, Ganbappe, Wake Up, Girls!”
All of a sudden, Oota-san’s voice appears out of nowhere, screaming his otaku screams, to which everyone laughs their arse off. He shills how Yoppi is back in Kumamoto and how happy she is over it. He asks if we got ready for the live by eating Yoppi’s favourite Kumamoto foods. He does a spot check on us, and he shills some goods, mentioning how “that specific WUGner” wearing the tour T-shirt, parka, and the windbreaker is wearing the perfect armour. Finally, he asks us if we brought with us our love for WUG, to which the crowd screams as loud as possible.
We then hear random rambling from WUG backstage. I don’t particularly remember what they were saying, but it was pretty random. They do the “Ikuzo, Ganbappe, Wake Up, Girls!” ritual real quick, after which Oota-san comes back to scream at us about how WUG-chan is all fired up. We start chanting “Wake Up, Girls! Wake Up, Girls! Wake Up, Girls!”
They show up in sillhouettes behind the stage curtains. The curtains fall with a bang, and we’re greeted with WUG themselves, wearing the 暴君 outfit, ready to perform their first song.
M01. 少女交響曲
That was so unexpected. Now it makes sense why they ended all of the Part II Lives with this song. They were trying to connect it together with Part III. Pretty cool if you think about it. Also, Yoppi was holding back tears with the biggest smile on her face. People in the back probably didn’t notice but being so up close it was really obvious how teary eyed she was. It must be so overwhelming for her. Kumamoto Shimin Kaikan. The biggest hall in all of Kumamoto. A place she has so many memories at. She’s finally standing there as WUG, looking at a sold out venue. It’s so amazing and I’m so thankful and happy for her. I almost cried looking at her.
M02. 素顔でKISS ME
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Source: 初!熊本!あいり (2019 01 08)
Is it just me or did I never notice how people mix during the first instrumental? It was so loud and it was amazing and I wish I knew about it before lmfao.
MC1. Introductions
They introduce themselves and talk about how they’re all glad that they’re performing in Kumamoto. Mayushii tells everyone how if you start your year by screaming UWAAAAH, good things will happen this year, to which everyone screams, and then tells us that she made it up on the spot. BAMBOOZLED. Kayatan talks about how tasty dagojiru is during both sessions, and Yoppi talks about how we were all turned into vegetables during the start of Afternoon because of how nevous she was. She then tells us about how recently she had a dream where she was at Kumamoto stop and they were doing their introductions and when she welcomed everyone to Kumamoto, she was greeted with booing. She knows that it would never happen, but it got her even more nervous, and it made her feel like she was in hell. The audience was filled with laughter it was so funny. We then scream that we love her, to which Yoppi responds with how there will never be another chance again so everyone should boo at her. Wihtout hesitation, the entire audience starts booing at her. I will never forget this moment. I boo’d Yoppi at a WUG live in her hometown.
M03. 7 Girls War
HOLY SHIT. I didn’t think it would actually happen but everyone screamed 「熊本おかえり!よっぴー」 for Yoppi’s part, and the way Yoppi’s face brightened up hearing it, it was beautiful. God bless. I furicopied my heart out for this song as I always do.
M04. 言の葉 青葉
Beautiful. Is there anything more to say about this song? All I can do is just stand there and watch how gorgeous they are and how wonderful their singing is, while furicopying, of course.
M03. 7 Senses
Not many people did 「熊本おかえり!よっぴー」 for Yoppi’s part for this song, but when everyone screamed 「まゆしぃ!」 after Mayushii’s 「よ!」, Mayushii’s face brightened up too because there was never a Mayushii call in either 7GW or 7 Senses, but WUGners actually made it happen. WUGners truly are awesome, and it’s wonderful how obvious the girls make it when showing how happy they are. Oh yeah, Yoppi and Aichan did the USA dance in between too.
M04. 雫の冠
Beautiful. Is there anything more to say about this song? All I can do is just stand there and watch how gorgeous they are and how wonderful their singing is, while furicopying, of course.
Only at Night, after 雫の冠, does Mayushii quickly mention that it’s now time for the Tie-up corner. Did she probably forget to in the afternoon?
M05. 僕らのフロンティア
I have been waiting for this song for so long. It’s one of my favourite WUG songs and it gives me the motivation to do pretty much anything. I furicopied so hard to this. One thing I don’t like about the live version is how everyone screams HAI during the instrumental before the chorus. I really appreciate the serene feel of the song and that call is really irritating. A movement against it is building up on Twitter though, which gives me hope for the future.
M06. One In A Billion
The calls for this song are so much fun because of how short but impactful they are. Screaming ONE IN A BILLION with WUG is always fun. This song is so good.
M05. One In A Billion
I actually didn’t even notice they skipped 僕らのフロンティア when they opened with this song! I was way too immersed into how good this song is.
M06. 恋?で愛?で暴君です!
Finally! I get to see this song again. It’s the song that got me into WUG and I love it so much. Fun fact, during Yoppi solo event, a certain something happened and it became a normality for Yoppi oshis to scream よしのー instead of オレモー for this song, and it made me really happy that a lot of people finally got the memo and did it too, or maybe my renban and I were just really loud with the よしのー calls. I was also really confused as to why they wore this outfit during Afternoon but never properly performed it, but at least we still got it at Night. Still wish I could see it twice...
MC2. Outfit Talk
They talk about how long it’s been since they last wore the Renai Boukun outfit and take their time to appreciate how cute of an outfit it is. In the Afternoon, they actually forget they last wore it in Shanghai and say Los Angeles multiple times and then correct themselves later. After this little exchange, everyone but Yoppi gets ready to leave but she quickly stops Mayushii and Nanamin, asking them to stay. With that, we enter the Kumamoto special corner.
They start by asking asking everyone if anything comes to mind seeing these three specific people. That’s simple. If you’ve watched that Yonayona stream you’d know that these three are WUG’s チーム西日本. Yoppi being from Kumamoto, Mayushii from Osaka, and Nanamin from Tokushima. According to Yoppi, they’re also known as 飛行機組. Ever since before they debuted, until even after all their training camps and the Wonfes introduction, for those two years, these three were be the ones that would have to take the plane to Tokyo for events and training. At Night, Mayushii mentions that she still has the purikura they took together, which Nanamin remembered, but Yoppi, unsurprisingly didn’t, but later screamed “YES YES YES I REMEMBER”, in fact it was supposedly Yoppi’s idea to take it as チーム西日本. But these three aren’t the only ones that had to finally leave their homes behind for their dreams. Their kouhais had to as well. And since there might never be a chance again for them to do so, they perform their next song.
M07. カケル×カケル(チーム西日本)
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Source: 7日だけどあけおめ@まゆ
The HAIs and claps were INSANE. Everyone was SO HYPED. RGR’s best song… performed by WUG? Unheard of! Some people even yettaiga’d! It was awesome. Yoppi did Mocchi, Mayushii did Hayamari, and Nanamin did Acchan. It was pretty well thought out, leader did leader, centre did centre, and Nanami did Nanami lmao. At Night, some people did some gachikoi call during the opening instrumental which I couldn’t quite catch, but it was fucking awesome as well. Furicopied so hard, screamed so loud, and clapped excessively. I was dead by the end of it, and I’m sure everyone else was too.
"I'm no longer afraid."
After that energetic performance, Mayushii talks about how they always end up having to follow along with Yoppi’s antics, and sarcastically mentions how she’s everyone’s beloved leader. Yoppi butts in with an “of course I am”. They ask if we saw カケル×カケル coming and if we were surprised. No fucking shit we were god fuck that was amazing. Yoppi talks about how the lyrics of the song has elements that really speak to her and that she’s been wanting to perform it herself, so she took her chance and did so. They then cut into the reading live section, mentioning how this song talks about “home” a lot.
Yoppi: Everyone, welcome to Kumamoto! How did all of you get here? By plane? By train? By walking? Thank you all for coming, whether near or far. The story we are about to tell you is about three girls with hometowns, just like all of you.
Nanamin: Yoppi, who are you talking to?
Mayushii: Talking to yourself?
Nanamin: You’re always like that.
Yoppi: No I’m not. Anyway, the three of us, standing here like this, feels really nostalgic doesn’t it. Here in Haneda Airport.
Nanamin: I wonder if that restaurant is still there! The one we always went to!
Mayushii: That bibimbap place?
Nanamin: Yeah!
Mayushii: If I recall correctly, it was upstairs. I know the way without even looking at the map.
Nanamin: I know right?
Yoppi: We sure did go there often.
Nanamin: We’re here!
Mayushii: That was fast.
Yoppi: My favourite bibimbap is gone!
Mayushii: You’re right!
Nanamin: Eh? I wanted to eat that too…
Yoppi: That nostalgic taste… not being able to eat it again...
Mayushii: But that smaller sized regular bibimbap is still there.
Mayushii: I can’t believe it’s been this five years since then.
Nanamin: It feels like it was just the other day.
Yoppi: During our training camps, we would regularly do airport rushes!
Mayushii: We would often run down staircases carrying up our luggage.
Yoppi: Yeah! That really stressed my body out!
Nanamin: Running while screaming over how we won’t make it.
Yoppi: And didn’t we often study for our tests?
Mayushii: Yeah!
Nanamin: Yeah!
Mayushii: If you think about it, we were at that age when entrance exams were right around the corner. Our centre exams were at the exact same time too.
Yoppi: I’d read out questions to you too.
Mayushii: Yeah, you didn’t understand the questions but you’d read them out regardless.
Yoppi: Yeah. We’d even talk about our school teachers.
Mayushii: And often hearing complaints about teachers I don’t even know!
Yoppi: Yeah! Nanamin and Mayushii did this a lot.
Nanamin: Yoppi, you’d do it too! You’d often talk about your choir teacher!
Yoppi: No I didn’t! (Shut up, she’s here today)
Mayushii: She did.
Yoppi: And Mayushii, didn’t you often study in the plane too?
Mayushii: Yeah I did. I’d listen to music while doing so though.
Nanamin: Music?
Mayushii: Yeah, in-flight radio. The anisong section had a personality I really liked! Not to mention, i☆Ris songs would play sometimes too.
Yoppi: I used to listen to §Rainbow so much! I’m getting flashbacks from back then all of a sudden… YUU-CHAAAAN!
Mayushii: What about you Nanamin? Did you listen to anything while on the plane?
Nanamin: Hmm.. let me think…
Yoppi: It was quite a while ago.
Mayushii: She was probably asleep.
Yoppi: You’re right, this is Nanamin we’re talking about.
Nanamin: Oh yeah! Yuzu!
Mayushii: Oh, you were awake.
Nanamin: Is that so strange?!
Yoppi: Speaking of, who was it that-
Mayushii: Ah! The last flight to Kumamoto is leaving soon!
Yoppi: Eh?!
Nanamin: It’s already this late?
Mayushii: Yoshino, dash! Speaking of, I need to leave soon too.
Nanamin: Me too.
Mayushii: Let’s go.
Nanamin: Yeah.
Mayushii: Alright, see you next week!
Nanamin: See you Yoppi!
Yoppi: You guys too! Bye!
Yoppi: I separate with them at baggage checking. The sounds of the airplanes echoed quietly. I headed to the gate. Five years ago, the feelings I felt in this place, were happiness and confusion around finally being able to go home. What I feel in this place now, are happiness and loneliness. But strangely, despite that loneliness, I find myself smiling, and that’s probably because I realised I have a place to call home. Kumamoto, the place I was born and raised, the place my friends and family built for my heart to call home. While it feels like a far away place, under this vast blue sky that these airplanes fly, it’s in a very close place. I’m no longer afraid.
Nanamin and Mayushii leaves the stage, and Yoppi gets into position.
Yoshino's Letter
After that energetic performance, Yoppi talks about how in the Afternoon they did a reading live, but for Night, she wrote a letter to everyone, which she wrote at 3AM the night before. She’s super awkward before starting to read the letter and it’s so cute, you could tell she was really nervous.
With a slow, piano-only version of the Polaris instrumental playing in the background, Yoppi begins reciting her letter.
Everyone, how are you? I’m fine. The Kumamoto stop is finally here. My first gaisen (凱旋). Are you all enjoying it? Did you eat all the delicious food? Have you fallen in love with Kumamoto? This city that you all came to love, this city where I was born and raised...
I used to hate it.
I’m sure there are plenty of people that know about this. All the frustration that built up ever since I started these activities, all the way until I moved to Tokyo, I can still remember vividly. An everyday life of succumbing to unfairness, and most of it was because I lived in Kumamoto. I was always extremely busy back then, and I never noticed just how many people were working hard for me. The resentment just kept building up, and before I knew it, everytime I’d come back to Kumamoto Airport after work, “I’m back… again…” was all that would come to mind.
In front of WUGners, I always wanted to remain cheerful and fun. So, I would throw all my pointless frustrations at my mother, and made her shed plenty of tears. All that she would do for me, from driving me around, to the bento she would ready for me every morning. I would never thank her, and all that would come out of my mouth were curses. I caused her so much trouble.
I’m so sorry.
Present day, four years have passed since I moved to Tokyo. I can’t get used to it at all. I don’t know any good restaurants. The train system is extremely difficult. For that, I am so thankful for Kumamoto that not only do most train stations only have one platform, but that I know where to get the best monja, which I told everyone about, and I know where to get the best pasta too, but I’ll keep this one a secret. I think to myself that these things exist in Kumamoto, and it makes me glad.
The pointless feelings I held, the frustrations, disappeared as the pointless feelings they were. That was my move to Tokyo.
What should have been obvious was never obvious to me. I terribly regret having ever hated this place that was always by my side. I have a place to come back to, a HOME. I will never, ever forget that.
But that’s not all, I have another HOME that I hold dear to me, and that’s Wake Up, Girls! Nanase Yoshino, who helped fulfill the dream I’ve had since primary school. The members, who are not only my greatest rivals, but my greatest companions. The pleasant staff, who supported us to where we are today. And the greatest family one could ever wish for, WUGners. Thank you all for showing me sceneries I would have never been able to see on my own. Thank you for showing me so many different HOMEs. Thank you for raising me up to where I am now.
Thank you, so, so much.
I don't want to regret a single second until March. I want to show as much gratitude as my heart can handle. I hope that every moment we spend together can be like treasure to you.
If I write any further, I won’t have anything to say in the final MC.
Finally, thank you all for coming all the way to my beloved Kumamoto.
5th of January, 2019. Aoyama Yoshino.
Pin drop silence. Not a single light could be seen. Yoppi’s eyes were glistering with the tears she was holding back. Faint sobs could be heard from around the audience area, mine included.
After reading the letter, Yoppi tells us about how you should never hate your own home, and that we should hold dear everything that brought us to where we are now. She then introduces the next song, while expressing her gratitude.
I cried so much while she read the letter. While she writes about Kumamoto, it’s extremely similar to my hometown of Kagoshima, which is incidentally right next to Kumamoto, and it echoed in my heart so vibrantly. Every single word she said, I could relate to. Being able to stand in front of so many people, and even her own friends and family who were there as guests, and recite this letter, she really is a strong person. I respect her so much.
M08. わたしの樹
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Source: お正月明けはよぴの日@かやたん (2019 01 06)
Yoppi sings alone in front of her mic. Visuals of Kumamoto play in the background. Rivers, birds, trees, temples, occassionally pictures of Yoppi herself. I couldn’t take it. People normally talk about how something “made them cry”, but they don’t actually cry, they teared up, or their heart felt heavy, feelings like that. But I actually cried. I don’t know how many years it’s been since I cried like this. I’m asthmatic, and I was actually having trouble breathing. Just thinking about how Yoppi is finally getting to sing Watashi no Ki, a song that she poured her love for Kumamoto and her childhood into, in Shimin Kaikan, a venue in Kumamoto where she holds so many memories, it must be overwhelming for her. She was tearing up as she sang it, and in the night session, she actually choked on her own words and started sobbing. It was actually so painful. I couldn’t hold back my tears at all. The screams from the crowd… 「頑張れ!」「よっぴー!」... everyone started waving their penlights blue as well. She quickly got a hold of herself, and continued singing, but stronger than any song I have ever heard her sing in my life. It was Yoppi at her maximum potential. I’m sobbing just typing this. The images are so vivid in my head. Blurry, but vivid. What I saw in that moment was an angel. An angel named Aoyama Yoshino, and it was at that moment that I realised, I am so glad to be born a Yoppi oshi. The clapping after that god tier performance only got louder and louder. That was the second longest applause at any WUG venue I’ve been to, only topped by Morioka’s special corner.
A slower, lighter version of the TUNAGO instrumental played while they showed pictures of Yoppi. From her childhood, all the way to her time in WUG. Pictures of her as a baby, pictures of her school life, pictures of her performances from when she was younger, off shots of pictures she’s posted on her blog, off shots from WUG events, all pictures we have never ever seen before. After that, handwritten messages from each member to Yoppi were shown. I don’t remember the details, but they were from heart to heart and it was beautiful.
The screen goes blank, and they come back on stage wearing the new Memorial outfit.
They changed up this song completely! They use umbrellas instead, with the princess umbrella being pink with a golden rod while everyone else’s were white. The dance was changed as well to match this. Parts where they would pass the stick around turned into them passing the umbrella around while the princess walked under it with the current holder. It felt so fresh, and I’m so glad I got to see Princess Yoshino one last time. Also, at Night, she shouts “みんな、笑って!” to get everyone to smile because everyone was soaked in tears after that special corner. I thought that was really nice of her. God bless her.
M10. 16歳のアガペー
THE SCREAMS WHEN THIS SONG CAME OUT. This is one of my favourite WUG songs. Holy shit, screaming YOPPPPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII at Kumamoto felt SO BLOODY GOOD. What’s cool was that a lot of people read between the lines and screamed Yoppi too even if she weren’t their oshi, which was extremely thoughtful. I can’t say this enough but god bless WUGners. I furicopied like there was no tomorrow and even did all the spins. At Night, there was an Aichanfag that screamed AICHAAAAN during her solo, but we’re used to that at this point.
MC4. New Outfit, New Song
They talk about their outfit and how while we’ve seen it before but this is the first time they’re showing it to everyone. Everyone screams for them to spin. In the Afternoon, Myu takes one for the team and does her ballet spin for us. She then mentions how she is the princess for the day to which Yoppi gets angry and calls her names, to which Myu responds with “I don’t want my princess status stolen by anyone else” in the most ojousama voice she can put out. After that exchange, Mayushii starts shilling some other event goods, and then starts explaining the outfit and MEMORIAL. She talks about how there are four new songs each by a different composer from MONACA and that they will be performing one of those for us today. Yoppi then tells us to try and guess who the composer is.
And the name of the song is...
M11. 言葉の結晶
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Source: お正月明けはよぴの日@かやたん
In the Afternoon, there was a group of Monaca oshis sitting by us, and as soon as the first beat dropped, one of them screamed “恵一!!!” which was fucking hilarious. How the hell did they know with that little information? Regardless, this song, the entire performance was amazing. It was so different from anything WUG has ever done before. The song had so many elements that just make you go holy shit, and the dance seemed so sophisticated it’s surprising how they managed to pull off dancing the entire thing while singing. It really felt like this was the product of six years of their hard work, and to think this is the first song they unveil. How mind blowing will the next three be?! I’m not going to explain anything else about the song in case people don’t want to be spoilt. The one complaint I have is that during the instrumental part everyone at the back starts clapping which was pretty annoying when I’m trying to enjoy the new song. A lot of other people feel the same way, including Minyami.
MC5. Last Spurt
They ask us how the new song is, to which everyone responds with loud screams of approval. They talk about how difficult the song is, and how it’s much much harder than any other song they’ve ever done. They then tell us that this song was composed by Hirokawa Keiichi, and the group of Monaca oshis sat near us screamed because they were right lmao.
Mayushii then tells us that it’s now time for the last spurt, and that it’s going to be a hell of a ride.
M12. Beyond the Bottom
I’m sure you all know this but this is my favourite WUG song. The lyrics strike my heart so hard and everytime I see this song live I just can’t wave my penlight. I can’t help but stand there and gaze at them, appreciating their powerful voices and goddess tier performance. Also, I never had the chance to talk about this so I’ll talk about it now. The dance for this song has a lot of elements of them “pulling each other up”. I don’t really know how to explain because I’m not very familiar with storytelling through dance, but the biggest example is when they sing “change your mind, my friend”, the six members singing behind the one singing that line stand diagonally two by two and pull each other to each others positions. I feel like the diagonality expresses vertical positioning, one being on top of the other, and them pulling each other to each others position symbolises how they sacrifice each other to pull the other up. I think it’s really cool, and I’ll think about talking about the song lyrics and dance in more detail some other time.
M13. タチアガレ!
It’s tachiagare. It’s been performed so much and everyone and their mom has seen it there’s nothing to talk about, other than the fact that Yoppi’s solo felt a lot more powerful than usual.
You wouldn’t think that a slow song like this would be performed after the likes of Beyond the Bottom and タチアガレ. But believe me when I tell you that this song is just as powerful, at least from the context of a WUGner. Although TUNAGO was the theme for 4th Live Tour and the Solo Event Tour, I think it was extremely fitting for today too. In this Final Tour, we’re connecting each member’s roots together, and carving the path to SSA. It was extremely apt for them to perform this song at Kumamoto, which serves as an important point for this tour, being the first stop of Part III, as well as Yoppi herself, as the path she’s walked for the past six years has finally connected and materialised itself to her first performance in her hometown as WUG, and that while it may be the final tour, it’s only the beginning of her story.
Also, I can’t believe I remembered the steps of the「手を繋ごう」part. I haven’t seen this song since… WUG 4th Omiya I think, which was the first proper WUG live I’ve been to. Memories from those times flashed in my head and it just felt really emotional.
After they performed TUNAGO, they said their thanks, and left the stage. Wait! I didn’t get my moneys worth yet! WAKE UP, GIRLS! WAKE UP, GIRLS! WAKE UP, GIRLS!
After what feels like hours of chanting “WAKE UP, GIRLS!”, they finally come back on stage. This time wearing the awesome KADODE shirts with the lovely SHIFT skirts.
E01. Polaris
I was wondering why they didn’t perform this. So glad they it happened in the encore. Sitting so close to the stage, I could clearly see Mayushii’s face light up like the stars of Polaris when everyone switches their penlight to red during her solo. Yoppi also gave my renban and I a LOT of responses during this song in both afternoon and night.
E02. 地下鉄ラビリンス
FINALLY. THIS SONG IS SOOOOO FUN. WE SCREAMED SOOOO HARD. THE UH HAIS WERE INSANE. Fun fact, during the 「ぜんぜんぜん 乗�����めないよ」 part, a lot of people screamed 「オレモー!」 because it was a running meme that day over how many people missed their flights and a couple of people actually spent upwards of 70k yen just to get flights on day to make it to the live. In the middle of the song, Aichan, Myu, and Mayushii legit RUN to the second floor, while the remaining four stay on stage and do call and response for the “rap” part. They said the line, and we repeat the line. It was super fun! After that, the remaining four also walk past the aisles. This is where I got what is probably one of my best responses ever. I was sixth row aisle seat for Night, and thanks to whatever stroke of luck, Yoppi passed by that aisle. She spotted me, waved towards me from the fourth row, kept waving at me, and at sixth row she waved at me from literally 5 cm away, and kept waving at me until the seventh row, after which she gave other people waves. I got the longest wave ever, holy shit. My renban was so frustrated he wanted to switch places with me for when they walk back. Yoppi didn’t even look at him! GET FUCKED IDIOT. Yappari Yoppi loves me.
MC5. Final Messages (Afternoon)
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Source: 夢だね(虎>ω<)美海 (2019 01 09)
They talked about 地下鉄ラビリンス and then shilled some announcements, and continued on to their final messages one by one.
Myu talks about how it was her first time on the second floor during this tour, and how even people not her oshis changed their penlight colour to orange for her, and that made her really happy. While she talks about how the entire year of 2018 she spent thinking about WUG and WUGners, someone from the audience screams オレモー! to which she responds wiith オレモ and continues to talk about how she’s so glad that she was able to come to Kumamoto.
Nanamin talks about how the little things that make her realise she’s in Kumamoto, like the changes in dialect, help her enjoy Kumamoto a lot. She talks about how performing songs like Kotonoha Aoba, TUNAGO, and HIGAWARI PRINCESS in Kumamoto made her happy considering the fact that those were songs that were mainly based in Tohoku but they were able to connect (繋ぐ) those songs together all the way to Kumamoto, and make tons of new memories.
Minyami talks about how she can’t believe it’s already 2019, and how during the new years vacation they didn’t do any practice and instead everyone (almost) went back to their hometowns, and Yoppi bothered her at her home, and how when they thought about how WUGners will be going all the way to Kumamoto while thinking about WUG in their respective homes made them feel really glad. She then casually mentions how the number of people in blue were a lot more than usual (you’re damn right they were), to which Yoppi responds with “you don’t know that, maybe they’re wearing the 継続して欲しいにゃん shirts” (which was actually true). She then finishes with how it’s their first time in Kumamoto and how warm Yoppi’s home is.
Mayushii talks about how Part III has finally begun, and that the theme of the live is to get people to feel what HOME is like, and especially Kumamoto, where the corners were thought up by Yoppi and you can feel Yoppi’s love towards her home a lot. She then talks about how WUG might be based in Sendai, each part of the FINAL TOUR is in various different places, and they want these places to all feel like they’re our homes as we go to each stop.
Aichan talks about how it’s her first time in Kumamoto, and that while she lived in Sendai, she always thought of Kumamoto as an extremely far away place. Now that she’s finally here, she feels like it’s a lot closer than she thought and that she was able to understand that there’s lots of things that she can do for the place, and even though she’s physically far away, everyone’s hearts are still connected. She finishes by expressing how glad she is that her first experience in Kumamoto was with WUGners.
Kayatan talks about how Yoppi was originally the one to bring up the idea of going to everyone’s hometowns for a tour. In response, Yoppi tilts her head, making Kaya go “right?”. Yoppi then finally remembers and mentions how long of a time ago that was. Kayatan then talks about how when Yoppi came to Iwate for the Morioka live, she was really happy over how Yoppi experienced Iwate a lot, and because of that she was determined to experience Kumamoto to its fullest when she’s finally here. She then talks about the reason that she’s able to work so hard today was not only thanks to WUGners, but thanks to Yoppi as well.
Yoppi talks about how everyone says such nice things and how happy she is over that. She talks about how the moment she joined WUG she’s wanted to perform with everyone at Kumamoto, and how the earthquake that happened two years ago made her feel even stronger about this. She wants the context of WUG to not be exclusive to Tohoku, but rather it should be spread to all sorts of different places, and so being able to perform so many different WUG songs in Kumamoto makes her extremely happy, and how glad she is that one of her biggest dreams have finally been fulfilled. She then expresses her surprise that she is standing in 市民会館. She talks about how this was the place she performed a really mundane role in some random music concour during her primary school. She talks about how surprised she is over it and how when she was told that they were gunna perform at Kumamoto she imagined it would be a much smaller venue and had all these different halls in mind that she would love to go to but when she was told it would be 市民会館 her jaws literally dropped. She believed that there was no way that it would be full but WUGners proved her wrong. She expressed her thanks, and then mentions how there is still one more wish she wanted granted. What brought her to where she is today, is choir, and that she wants to perform a choir with everyone. She throws a tantrum over it and everyone responds with “really? Do we really have to?” and casually gets into formation. They then perform that one song they didn’t perform despite having worn the outfit, in acapella.
E03. 恋?で愛?で暴君です!(合唱)
It was BEAUTIFUL. It was only the chorus part that was performed, but it was so mindblowingly amazing I wish they performed it in full. I really wish I had the linguistic ability to describe it to you but it’s impossible to put into words. They really are talented.
Yoppi then talks about how happy she is that her dream was finally fulfilled and it gave her a huge smile on her face. Wait, smile? SMILE?! IT’S HERE.
MC5. Final Messages (Night)
They talked about 地下鉄ラビリンス and then shilled some announcements. They announce the title of their Final live, 「想い出のパレード」, and talk about how they thought of the title together during their uchiage and it really made them think about how difficult of a language Japanese is, and how they looked up all sorts of different kanjis and turned into chuunis. After this, they continued on to their final messages one by one.
Myu talks about how this Kumamoto live ended up a huge success thanks to Yoppi’s hard work. How Yoppi can honestly express herself from the bottom of her heart really made her believe that Yoppi truly is the leader of WUG. She then talks about how difficult the new song is to perform but be prepared for there are three more new songs and they fully convey how much WUG has grown as a unit.
Nanamin talks about how she cried listening to Yoppi recite her letter, and during わたしの樹 when all seven of them sing at the end, she cried so much that she lost her sight (I was too focused on Yoppi to even notice this orz). Listening to Yoppi talk about her mother, she remembered how much she wants to see her own mother and talk to her about today. While Yoppi might be the leader of 底辺ズ, if Yoppi were really 底辺 she wouldn’t be a part of 底辺ズ, and that they aren’t really 底辺ズ! (This made so little sense we were all laughing so hard). Myu then mentions how Nanamin called Yoppi haphazard (行き当たりばったり) in her message during the interlude, to which Nanamin added that if anything that’s Yoppi’s strong point. Finally, she says that thanks to today she was reminded of how much she loves Yoppi.
Minyami starts by talking about how she wants to talk about Yoppi but if she did she’d end up in tears. In fact, she was already about to bawl as she said that. Yoppi also makes a crying face at her, and they both start crying while looking at each other. Minyami says she really wants to talk about her, to which Yoppi responds with a go ahead. According to Minyami, people that can speak their weaknesses are really strong, which is why she thinks that Yoppi is really strong. Being able to recite that letter and even going as far as to telling everyone about her nightmare where she gets boo’d by everyone, Yoppi just blurts out all of that. But if it were Minyami, she would never do it. Yoppi being able to speak her heart like that really makes Minyami glad that she’s the leader. She then talks about how Minyami’s mother is in the audience right now and she’s probably crying as well. Her mother always said that she wanted to go to a live outside of Kanto after seeing everyone elses mothers come from all over Japan to see their daughters perform in Kanto, so she went out of her way to come to Kumamoto. She talks about how being able to feel family ties like that is all thanks to Yoppi, and the fact that so many people came all the way to Kumamoto to see them perform is thanks to Yoppi as well.
Mayushii talks about how after hearing everyone else talk about Yoppi, it made her want to talk about her too, but she won’t, because it would end up really long. Yoppi sarcastically mentions to her that there’s time, so she does anyway. She talks about how Yoppi has troubled her quite a lot, but it’s only because Yoppi trusts her a lot. She talks about how Yoppi always talks about how much she doesn’t understand herself, but she’s probably the one that understands herself the best. She’s able to turn all her weaknesses into weapons, but she does it all unconciously, and how unfair that is. She talks about how close to a miracle it is that she’s able to do these things and get people to follow along with her, and that their trusts and bonds were built thanks to Yoppi in a way as well. So while everyone makes fun of her by calling her a klutz, she;s still the leader. She then says she’ll talk about her more later. Finally, she says that the 門 (gate) of 門出 (kadode) is not a gateway to the end, but rather a doorway to new beginnings.
Aichan talks about how she’s glad that her first live, and first job of 2019 was at Kumamoto. She talks how she learnt a lot from Yoppi today, that you only realise the good things about your hometown after you leave. She also talks about how when Yoppi was talking about her negatives, Aichan thought about how she would never say it like she did. She talks about how it’s difficult for anyone to talk about their weaknesses, and that Yoppi is really strong for being able to do that and that everyone is following her as a leader because of this. (I’m going to be honest, it really felt like Aichan was pulling this shit out of her ass, I felt no love in it and I have no idea why. For one though, Aichan didn’t look at Yoppi once while she was talking about her. It’s just so weird…)
Kayatan starts puzzled as to what about Yoppi she should talk about, and that there’s so much she wants to talk about and she wants to talk about it with Yoppi herself. She then talks to Yoppi about how back then she would often share hotel rooms but recently because they’re all in single rooms now they haven’t really had deep conversations much. She talks about how she was able to feel Yoppi a lot today, and how because Yoppi was the leader, she never had to work as much (sarcastically). Minyami then reminds her that during the first couple of days as WUG, for a very short period of time Kaya was made the interim leader, after which Kaya adds that that position was taken away by Yoppi (sarcastically). She makes fun of Yoppi a lot like this, and then talked about all of the good qualities Yoppi has that makes her a great leader.
Finally, Yoppi. Thanks to Animate Times, the (partial) transcription of Yoppis final MC is documented, so I’ll just translate that while adding the extra undocumented stuff in. Before she started talking though, Mayushii forcefully brought Yoppi to the centre of the stage.
Did you all have fun at my hometown of Kumamoto? Your’re all so loud! Everyone’s so wonderful, they say so much nice stuff about me, but it’s not true. I just can’t hide anything! Whatever it may be about, I want everyone to hear it. But, despite that, there’s still a feeling behind my head of not wanting to say anything (laughs). There hasn’t been any recently, but during watashikais and stuff the more you oshi me the colder my behaviour will be towards you (which explains EVERYTHING, Yoppi never hated me feelsgoodman). Everyone was being tested!
But today, I wanted to properly convey my feelings, which is why I wrote that letter. During the first 2~3 years as WUG, I would always think to myself that I will never come back to Kumamoto. I always regretted being born here, and I would even attack my mother asking her why she would birth me here, and thinking about it now I regret it a lot. But, after leaving Kumamoto did I realise how warm everyone was, and how pointless of a thing I’ve done. I want all of you to feel the warmth of Kumamoto, and impart it to future generations.
I’m! So glad to have met all of you! (audience screams オレモー) You all say such nice stuff to me but I too have something I want to say (言いたいことがあるんだよ)! 好き好き大好きめっちゃ好き! (Yeah, she said めっちゃ instead of やっぱ lol)
Standing here, I am reminded of my childhood when I was chasing my dreams, and finally having my dreams fulfilled, standing here with the members that I love, and the staff that are sobbing at the back there, turn the audience lights on! I can’t see everyone’s faces! (apparently according to some people on twitter the staff were laughing their ass off when this happened) Being surrounded by so many people and having my dreams fulfilled, I am extremely extremely happy!
Part III has finally begun, and we’ll be going at it with all our hearts, so everyone! Please live!!! Thank you all so much for today!
She then remembers that she forgot to talk about something, and starts talking about how this hall is a 聖地 to her, and that if this place didn’t exist she would never have been able to become a seiyuu, which is why she wants to fulfill her final dream of doing a choir with everyone here. They repeat the Afternoon process of exchanging words of unmotivation but ultimately get into position and start singing.
E03. 言の葉 青葉(合唱)
This brought back memories of the special corner at Morioka. It was so beautiful. I’m glad they picked this song, as it means so much as a WUGner, and it means so much to them as WUG too. As they said during their MC, being able to take all these songs that were originally written with Tohoku in mind, and bring it to such far away places and still be able to increase its sentimental value is an extremely wonderful thing. Thank you, WUG.
After this Yoppi talks about how glad she is that she could finally sing this song, as a choir, at Kumamoto, and it put a huge smile on her face. Wait… smile? Masaka...
E04. 笑顔!極上!スマイル!
*fast claps*
They say their thanks, Nanamin waves at me in the Afternoon, and they leave the stage. At Night, before leaving, Mayushii says that Osaka’s next, and asks if everyone is ready. As someone not going to Osaka, I remained quiet as everyone around me screamed. FeelsBadMan.
V02. Post-Live Video Message
With a music box version of Kotoba no Kesshou playing in the background, a small video message from WUG played. In Afternoon, it was them saying how their gunna put in their all for Night, and at Night it was them thanking everyone for coming to Kumamoto, and since Osaka is next, everyone should get ready.
After the live was over and everyone was getting their stuff ready, I screamed with all my heart.
Everyone screamed, and a lot of people screamed back 「オレモー!」which was awesome. A lot of people screamed 「WUG最高!」 afterwards too and every time someone screamed the crowd roared. We found our way out of the hall, back into reality.
And that was the end. Thank you WUG. Thank you Yoppi. Thank you for showing me what is most likely the most beautiful stage I will ever see in my life. I will never forget this day. 5th of January 2019 will forever be marked on my calendar as the turning point of my life. I’m so glad to be born a Yoppi oshi. I have been saying since the end of November that now is the best time to be a Yoppi oshi, and this live only further strengthened my opinion. I can’t wait to be back in Kumamoto, and I hope the next time I’m back it’s for Yoppi Solo Live. I will always, always support you Yoppi. You’re the only one that matters. Ganbappe!
Firstly, I want to say my thanks for Kumamoto ☆
Yoppi, Mayushii, and me, the three of us Team Nishi Nihon performed Kakeru x Kakeru!
Our debut felt exactly like the lyrics of this song…
But honestly, this song reminds me less of our past time, but makes us think about the present and what’s to come
It makes me feel sympathy, that’s the kind of lyrics they are (´-`).。oO
I wonder if Ranga-chan feels the same way??
Everytime I listen to this song I feel like hugging Ranga-chan with all my heart!
That’s the kind of song Kakeru x Kakeru is to me (*^^*)
The reading live written by Mayushii is our story from 5, 6 years ago.
We would go to Tokyo every week by plane, and we would always head to Haneda Airport together on our way back.
Since we’ve all moved to Tokyo now, it felt really nostalgic and that made me happy! ◎
WUG based in Tohoku, and the three of us from West Japan ^^
Kumamoto, Tokushima, and Osaka tomorrow as well
With the three of us, I’m sure we can bring WUG to West Japan with all our hearts!!
And that makes me really proud (^ν^)
Source: 大阪行き新幹線Nanaminn
And the first event of 2019 was, WUG Tour Kumamoto!
It’s been a while since we last wore the Boukun outfit!
Also, we wore the new outfit that is being used in the cover art of our Best album that comes out on the 23rd of January for the first time ♪
How was it?
It uses a lot of lace and it’s so cute 💕
Patches and chokers too 💕
With that said, Kumamoto is our leader Aoyama Yoshino’s hometown ☆
She would always talk about how much she wants to go to Kumamoto with everyone! ♪
Her feeling of wanting to make it a success really echoed within us, and made me want to be as supportive as possible.
Everytime I sing the「祈り捧げるよ」part of BTB, what I’m thinking at that moment is different, but today, I prayed for Yoppi, who moved to Tokyo all the way from Kumamoto and is working hard everyday, to have all her future dreams come true ☆
There are people that are already working despite it being right after New Year’s, but came today instead of resting a little bit more!
Everyone, thank you so much!
Yoppi, otsukaresama! ☆
Source: お正月明けはよぴの日@かやたん
Ohayoppi---! It’s me, Aoyama Yoshino. How are you all? Tokyo’s really cold today!
This time, there only one thing I want to talk about! Den! HOME Tour Part 3 KAKODE has finally started!! Den! And the first stop, Kumamoto is finally done~~!!! Including the preparation period, I was sooooo nervous. Thanks to that, I see such weird first dreams. Lmao. But thanks to all of you! It was a success!!! Yay!!! 🎉🎉🎉
It’s finally calmed down a bit so I can write down my thoughts, but just the thought of everyone walking the streets of Kumamoto has me all excited! It makes me want to boast about everything I saw, and I’m sure Kumamoto WUGners feel the same way! ☺️☺️
Things I never would have guessed leaving an impression on people, makes me so glad 🙆‍♀
Something as normal as the taste of dagojiru, which is as normal as that feeling of entering your bed when you’re sleepy. It made me so surprised.
And this! Everyone was wondering what this was at the conbini and it made me so surprised. Is this only sold in Kumamoto? They show that Rakunou Mothers commercial so often on TV!
(Sorry for the sudden selfie)
And with that came the Kumamoto live! 🐻 Since the setlist is a secret for now, I’ll talk about the special corner.
In Kumamoto, Yoppi, Nanamin, and Mayushii formed チーム西日本 (Team West Japan) and covered カケル×カケル by our kouhai unit, Run Girls, Run! Ever since I head this song for the first time, I’ve been wanting to sing it in West Japan. I did the Mocchi part, since we’re both the leader~~◎ There’s a uniqueness to her singing and I love it. Fufu.
We might not be able to meet for some time
I hold my empty hands tight saying
Wait for me, don’t forget me
These lyrics pierced straight into my heart.
After that, in the afternoon we did a チーム西日本 reading live written by Mayushii, and at night I read everyone a letter.
After which, I sang my solo song わたしの樹, which was written with my hometown in mind.
I am glad to have been able to sing this song at Kumamoto.
I am so glad to have been able to sing it as all seven of us.
WUG-chan all talked about how I’m so strong, but in reality I am so weak, but being able to turn these weaknesses into a weapon was all thanks to WUG. On the other hand, everyone being able to hide their weaknesses is stronger! It’s wonderful!!
I am always of no help to anyone, I really am haphazard, I leave my actions to my emotions, and whatever I can’t do I immediately pass to someone else.
But, I was able to grow stronger thanks to WUG! Thank you for making me stronger.
(Yoppi doing gachikoi, talking about how she loves everyone and the reason she was born was to meet everyone, and that she wants to walk her life with every- wait, she already is, and it’s fate.)
All of our feelings will be conveyed during this tour! Get ready!
And then, our new song 「言葉の結晶」
P-Professor Hirokawa~~~ Explosion~~~~!!!! The deeper you read into Tadano-sensei’s lyrics, the more complex it gets, but it’s the truth. It was the first time in my life having to erase my feelings and record and perform like this. This song has a lot of messages, and I want to do my best and improve the performance for this song until I’m happy with it.
There is a short version uploaded right now, but please listen to the full version! Although, currently you can only hear the full version at a live!!!!! ◎
Also, this time, I called all my elementary, middle, and high school friends. What all these friends have in common, is that they supported me in fulfilling my dream, and I’m so glad I was able to finally show them that my dream was fulfilled! This was how I showed my gratitude.
The person that wrote the final message in the background video for わたしの樹 came too! 😭✨ I cried so much… I layed down and cried lol.
Kumamoto ended with the staff, and me, crying our hearts out. A lot of things that could only have been done in Kumamoto have been fulfilled, and it was all thanks to everyone!!! Thank you so much!!!
After that, we did an uchiage with all the staff and the members. Everyone kept saying: basashi is great, karashi renkon is great, taipien is great, amakusa daio is great, akagyu is great… they kept saying how tasty all of Kumamoto’s cuisine were and seeing that made me sooooo happy!! I had a huge smile on my face that screamed “Right? Right? Eat more!”, and I probably said that out loud too lol.
Seeing WUG-chan eat like this after so long made me so happy!
Did you all get to eat good food too? Did you all have fun?
I’m so proud, to have been born here, and be able to meet all of you. I’m glad.
Source: 今週の総括・*・:≡( ε:)よぴ237。
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wewillwriteyou · 6 years
Friends Will Be Friends || Chapter 1
A few elements from the main plot: A very special group of friends: early days, drama, laughter, booze, success, rock stars life, girl power, friendship, love, sex, music, misunderstandings, some more drama, family. Pairings in the tags
Summary Chapter 1: Introduction of some of the main characters (Melissa, Roger). We don’t wanna give away to much, just read it lol
Word count: 2.3K
Warnings: mention of alcohol, a little bit of swearing and angst (blink and you won’t see it)
A/N: We’re sooo excited to share with you the first chapter of our story. Please feel free to comment below and let us know what you think. If you need more information, click on the link at the beginning of this post. If you want to be tagged, our tag list is always open 💕
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Giggles. That’s the thing that woke Mel that Saturday. Well, that and almost every other Saturday morning of the year, actually.  She slowly got up from the bed, rubbing her eyes and walked towards the source of the noise, which she already knew it to be some floozy girl sitting on the kitchen counter. And there she was, in fact, legs dangling on the counter and sitting on a stool right in front of her, Mel’s brother, Roger, the reason for the girl’s presence.
She was all giggly and flirty, while not so subtly caressing Roger’s arm and thanking him for the previous night and for the impromptu breakfast he had so kindly made for her. Meanwhile, Roger was literally on another planet: he was nodding along with what the girl was saying, barely paying attention and writing something on a scrambled piece of paper.
They were too busy to notice that Mel had made her way into the room and was now standing on the other side of the counter, preparing some coffee to go. She gazed at her brother, giving him a look that said I wish I woke up one Saturday not feeling like we live in a bed and breakfast for one-night-stands. He scrolled his shoulders and kept on writing. That was their way of saying ‘Good morning’.
They performed that same routine since Mel had started uni and moved in with him and his roommate. They grew up in a small city in Cornwall and since Roger moved to London to study biology, it seemed a logical decision for Mel to attend university in London as well. She was into Physics so her high school professor encouraged her to submit for a scholarship at the Imperial and that’s exactly where she ended up.
From where she was standing, Mel noticed a mass of wavy brown hair lying on the couch, feet on the coffee table and book on the lap, trying his best to concentrate on his reading. That was Brian, the third roomer of the apartment. He studied Physics as well but was almost four years ahead of her. He was one of Roger’s best friends and co-founder of a band named Smile, which the two of them had formed a few years before: Roger played the drums, while Brian was on the guitar. They had struggled for a while to find a new singer since their former one left, but eventually another friend of Roger’s, Freddie, joined and things started to work out okay again. The only thing missing was a bass player, but they were working on that.
“I think I should go, thanks again for last night Rog” the girl smirked at Roger “Give me a call sometime”
He smirked back at her as she went toward the door, but Mel knew he would not have called her. That’s just how Roger was like different girl every weekend, sometimes two, one incredible night of passion and then they would never hear from him again. Mel could not understand how those girls put up with him being such a jerk. Although she might have understood why they fell for him at first: he was actually handsome and he was in a band, so that did half of the work.
“Just when I think you could have changed and actually cared about that girl enough to make her breakfast, you ruthlessly shrug her off like that” she teased him.
Roger ruffled her hair passing behind her “There’s no hope for me, little sister” he said jokingly “and also, Brian made breakfast. Thanks mate, by the way”
Brian flipped him off without even lifting his eyes from the book, then added “What time do you get off work tonight Mel?”
“I have a shift from 9 am to 1 pm and then from 2 pm to 7 pm. As usual. Why you ask?” she said, already picturing the answer.
“Do you have any plans after that?” Brian said casually.
“Why. Do. You. Ask?” she repeated more forcefully.
“Well,” he said cautiously “we’re playing at the Riz tonight and you know it’s always kinda… well, it’s not popular, we were wondering if you wanted to come see us. You know, so that we have at least one person in the audience”
Mel snorted “No Bri, you know I hate that place: there are only middle-aged men that make unflattering comments to every young girl who enters the bar”
She didn’t have to look at him, she knew he was making puppy eyes at her, so she sighed “Fine! If – and I say if – my afternoon shift doesn’t kill me, I’ll try to stop by…”
Brian joyfully thanked her, and she excused herself to go get ready for her job.
She worked on Fridays, Saturdays and basically anytime she could at a local shop called Biba: they stored famous and expensive clothing, which she could only admire the beauty of, not being an expert on the subject. It was just a small job to make some extra money and help out Roger with the rent.
As she walked through the doors she was welcomed by her co-workers Mary and Chelsea: all three of them were hired on the same day and had been working there since summer. They often chitchatted during breaks but weren’t properly friends, well Mary and Chelsea were, but Mel never hung out with them outside of work, which was why she was surprised when Mary asked her
“What are you doing tonight?”
“I kinda promised a friend I would quickly stop by the bar where they’re playing, before heading home. But I have all the intention to blow them off in favor of sitting in front of the telly, watching Coronation Street” she answered, already picturing the warmth of the blanket and cup of tea in her hands. “You doing anything special?”
The two girls exchanged a look and Chelsea said:
“Well… a friend of ours is throwing a party near Ealing’s main building and he asked everyone to spread the buzz. Apparently, someone challenged him to gather the biggest number of people he could. There will be music and, hopefully, a lot of alcohol. You interested?”
She almost denied the offer, but she had to admit she was actually pretty tempted and then realized she hadn’t been to a party in a bit.
“I’m in” she finally said with a smile.
The three of them worked peacefully till closing hour and then headed to the party together. She had to admit they were quite good company and they seemed to get along pretty well.
The party was held in the exhibitions area in the Design department of Ealing College, which was unused at that time; Mary and Chelsea knew their way around since they both studied design there. The place was not that crowded but there must have been at least three hundred people, mostly students and half of them was already tipsy due to the pints of beer that were being distributed at the entrance. The girls grabbed one each and dove into the crowd, making their way towards the dance platform.
They chatted for a bit, laughing and starting to feel the alcohol inebriating their mind as they begin to feel the rhythm of the music. While they were dancing Mel felt someone passing behind her to reach Chelsea, grabbing her by the waist and almost making her spill her drink.
“Oh my God Tom I almost spilled all of this on the girls” Chelsea screamed.
He apologized quickly, gave her a kiss and offered to get rid of their empty glasses.
“Are you okay?” Mel asked, seeing the annoyed look on her face.
“No… Yeah… I’m sorry about Tom, he’s – well he’s my boyfriend but we’ve been through a rough time and I didn’t expect him to be here.” she said and thought I hoped he wouldn’t be here.
Chelsea didn’t exactly know how or when it had started but for the last couple of weeks, things between her and Tom had been… different. They had been together for almost three years and known each other since grade school, but all of a sudden, they were unable to communicate with each other without fighting. That’s why she had hoped to have fun that night, trying not to think about the fact that she was considering the idea of breaking up.
“Don’t worry doll, we’re gonna make sure you have fun tonight.” Mary said “C’mon, let’s dance” and she dragged both of them on the dancing floor.
They danced a couple of songs, then the band announced the end of their set, so the girls decided to go for another drink.
“Go find a place we can sit, I’ll go get the drinks” Mel offered, and she made her way to the counter and ordered three more pints. She thanked the bartender and fumbled to keep all of them in her hands when suddenly someone bumped into her back and she lost grip of one of the glasses, pouring the drink on the floor and on the shirt of a guy next to her at the counter.
“Hey would you mind looking where you’re going?” she furiously said. But the person who hit her was already mixed with the crowd.
“What a jackass”
Mel turned around to meet the eyes of the person who just spoke and realized that was the guy she had spilled the beer on.
Her eyes widened as she said “I am so sorry for your shirt”
She grabbed some towels from the counter and added “Here let me help you”
“Don’t worry I was headed home anyway. My band just finished the set so that’s a wrap for tonight” he said jokingly
She grinned “Wait you were playing just now? You guys were good! What do you play?”
“I’m the bassist” he said smiling “It’s very kind of you, but I know we’re not that good” he chuckled.
“Well my brother’s in a band and they replace the bassist almost every two months because they’re all shitty and I was there every time… So trust me when I say that you are actually pretty good”
He flushed and quickly answered “Well in this case, thank you”
They were standing really close, while she was dabbing the towel on his shirt and when she looked up he was looking at her.
He smiled at her and she could feel her cheeks flush bright red, as she smiled back, thinking he had the most handsome smile she had ever seen.
She was brought back to reality by the new band coming up on stage and making the crowd cheer.
“I should go find my friends” she said picking up the pints
His smile vanished and he tried to hide the disappointment “Sure, I think I’ll head home anyway”
She saw him smiling slightly before she turned on her heels and headed towards the tables. She was still smiling when she sat beside Mary.
“How come you only have two?” she asked.
“Oh, well I didn’t feel like drinking another one all by myself” she shrugged her shoulders, restraining a smile.
“What are you all smiley about?” Chelsea asked smirking.
Mel couldn’t help but picture his smile again and chuckled “It’s nothing, I think a drank too much of that stuff, I feel all tipsy” before realizing she hadn’t even asked him what his name was.
Chelsea was not at all convinced, but she decided not to investigate.
She was startled by hand over her shoulder and when she looked up she saw Tom, who said: “We need to talk”
She got up, already knowing how this would have ended up, but decided to confront him once and for all.
“I’m all ears” she said when they distanced themselves enough from the crowd
“What’s going on Chel? You’ve been avoiding me for weeks”
“I’m not avoiding you… I just – I just need a bit of time”
“What for? Don’t you trust me enough to tell me what’s bothering you?”
It was always like that with Tom. Everything was about him. She was so sick of that.
“No, Tom, it’s not you” she snorted “I just think I need a bit of time to sort things out”
“What does that even mean? Are you telling me you want to break up?”
“NO! I didn’t say that! Christ Tom, you are always pushing my buttons!” she yelled, scoffing and rubbing her forehead. She continued calmer “Look, I love you, but you can’t deny we’ve been fighting a lot recently and seem to have lost the ability to communicate properly.”
He looked her dead serious in the eyes and she cautiously carried on “Don’t you think we need a break? I don’t mean breaking up.” She quickly added seeing the look on his face “I just think – carrying on with our lives trying to sort things on our own and then maybe-”
“Maybe what Chelsea?” he blurted out “Are you suggesting we see other people? Oh fuck, is there someone else?” he said running his hands in his hair “Please tell me it’s not John” he added pointing an accusatory finger at her.
“What? No Tom no! We are roommates but he’s my best friend and yours too by the way.” She replied, hurt by his insinuation.
“Tom there is no-one okay? I just want to be by myself for a while, God why can’t you understand that!”
“Well maybe you should stay on your own forever” he spat out “I’m done with this shit. Call me when you’re back being yourself Chel”
He said that with a poisonous tone however she couldn’t help but think he was right. He left, and she felt tears stinging her eyes. She had to get out of there: she bolted through the crowd excused herself with the girls and rushed out in the hallway before they could catch her.
All she wanted to do was scream from the top of her lungs she had had enough. As she walked rapidly towards the apartment where she hoped to find John’s comforting arms, tears started to stream down her face.
Chapters: | next ⤑
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unfinished fic meme
I got tagged by @kimium in a writing meme!
“Rules: post your favorite parts of 3-5 fics that have been sitting abandoned in your drafts for ages. (for extra shame, throw in when you last worked on each thing.) tag 5 other writers to reflect on their life choices.”
I don’t think I have anyone else to tag, lol. So if you want to participate, just say I tagged you!
Most of my unfinished work here are things I haven’t looked at in a long, long time. I don’t even recall where I intended for some of them to go. Here are some brief previews of that unfinished work (under the cut because they’re long):
1. The one where I basically wanted to write that scene from Finding Nemo except with Leo and Odin instead (blood tw)
Leo’s heart stopped. He froze.
Leo only had a split-second to register the sight before him, but that was unmistakably Odin, slung over the ruffian’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes, horribly limp. Parts of his blond hair had been dyed shockingly red with blood, and though Leo couldn’t see his face, Odin looked awfully pale. Fat drops of crimson dripped from Odin’s hair to the floor, trailing behind him.
Dead, Leo thought before anything else. He’d dead.
He didn’t know that, not for sure, but Leo was already raising his arm again on instinct. He yelled something intelligible as he fired off the shot, some words he didn’t even recognize himself, too focused on the sudden overwhelming flood of grief and anger in his chest for self-awareness.
At the sound of his voice, Odin’s head jerked up, his eyes wide. In that same moment, Leo fire his spell.
Shocked, Leo froze.
Odin did not.
With the element of surprise apparently on his side as well, Odin twisted out of his captor’s grasp, landing flat on the floor just before Leo’s spell made contact with the ruffian’s back. With a strangled cry, the ruffian hit the floor and didn’t get up. Odin pushed himself to all fours, surprised written all over his features.
“My lord!” Odin cried, sitting up. “I hadn’t expected you so soon! It must be fate’s will that we have crossed paths like this. Are you all right?”
Leo’s mouth opened and closed like a fish. Blood sluggishly trickled from a thin cut on Odin’s forehead. There was a bruise on his cheek and another just above his eyebrow. He looked dirty and worse for wear, but unmistakably, he was alive. His wounds were much more superficial than Leo had initially registered.
Still, Leo’s hands shook. He breathed in and steadied himself.
“Lord Leo?” Odin said, a little more hesitantly.
Instinctively, Leo said, “I’m fine.” He looked at Odin, who was still very much alive. “Are you all right? Can you fight?”
“Of course!” Odin was all energy and focus, same as always. He leaped to his feet and barely wobbled. “I was merely looking for a proper opportunity before I staged my surprise attack! It seems you took care of that before me though.” He flashed a smile. “As expected of my lord.”
Leo barely resisted the urge to sigh.
(Notes: I wrote 3K of this like a year ago and could probably finish it with a handful of paragraphs. I just didn’t love it, I guess. There was something about it that made me not finish. Maybe the tone or the plot not feeling as strong as I wanted it to be? I’m not sure. I still really like the concept though, lol.)
2. The Modern Trio travel between Nohr and Ylisse via water all the time (like Inuyasha) and Inigo and Owain have a fight about going out and acting their age sometimes (maybe have shown some of this before?) (alcohol/getting drunk mention)
(snippet 1)
“You just want to go out without me,” Inigo said tearfully. “You even got Severa to go with you! You both lied to me!”
Owain bit the inside of his cheek. “Sometimes we don’t want to have to play rock-paper-scissors over who has to take your drunk self home that night.”
“Excuse me,” Inigo squawked, indignant. “I don’t get drunk every time.”
“You do,” Owain told him matter-of-factly. “And that’s fine. Have fun. But you get smashed, and then one of us has to take you home and…”
He felt his face grow warm.
“Oh, I saw,” Inigo said knowingly. “Sometimes you want other people to take you home.”
Owain looked determinedly toward the castle. They were crossing the bridge.
When Owain didn’t say anything else, Inigo said, “I’m not a child, you know. Even if I’m a bit tipsy, you don’t have to fight over who takes me home. You don’t have to take me home at all. I’m an adult.”
For all of Inigo’s whining all afternoon, this was the first time he’d sounded truly serious. He might have meant his complaints before, but he clearly meant this way more.
Owain’s frown deepened. They neared the end of the bridge. The two guards stationed at the castle gate nodded solemnly at their approach, and Owain and Inigo nodded back. They didn’t speak again until they passed the gate.
“You are an adult,” Owain agreed. “But I would feel like a bad friend if I didn’t make sure you got home safe, especially when I know that if we go out, you’re going to get drunk—"
“Not every time!”
“It is every time, and sometimes—”
“You make me sound like the worst version of myself.”
“It’s not bad! It can just be—”
Inigo scoffed.
Owain spotted a flash of blond hair in the distance. He got ready.
After a beat, Inigo started, “Am I really—”
But Owain was already jumping into action. He pointed the other way.
“Ah!” he said loudly. “Lord Xander! I didn’t see you there!”
Inigo instantly straightened and looked around wildly. Owain booked it in the other direction.
(snippet 2)
“So,” Niles said, suddenly slinking out from around the corner like a cat, “men who look like they could snap you over their knees are ‘the dream,’ are they?”
For the second time that day, Owain choked on air. Under Niles’s even gaze, Owain cursed Inigo’s big mouth and recovered as quickly as he could. It was a bit of a struggle.
“An eavesdropper, eh?” he hedged. He tried to gauge Niles’s reaction, but he was a hard man to read. “You didn’t have anything else to do but listen in on private conversations then, I see.”
“Given the volume with which Inigo likes to shout from the rooftops,” Niles said, “I wouldn’t particularly call it eavesdropping.”
(This one I like the concept for but I guess didn’t finish because it’s a version of the Trio I don’t think I’ve ever written before. Or at least rarely dabble into outside of the privacy of my own head/a close friend. I don’t like going out or getting drunk or anything, but a lot of people my age do and I kind of wanted to show that side of modern life where you go to clubs and maybe have a casual hookup sometimes. I often write the Trio as people who don’t have many (or any) romantic relationships before meeting Whoever I Ship Them With In X Fic, but part of me wants to change that default sometimes. I do think about modern Odin who has no problem meeting dudes in bars and having a brief fling or doing other, wilder stuff that his friends (especially in Nohr) maybe don’t always know about. I thought it would be a neat exercise, and I still think about it. The Modern Trio having their own lives that the Nohrians aren’t privy to and are maybe curious/romantically jealous over when they find out? Also I like the idea of characters having “types” (just like real life people do sometimes) and other characters who are romantically interested in them do hear about it (as seen above, lol.). This fic was leaning to be leo/odin/niles or at least niles/odin, I think. It’s been on my computer for at least 5 months. I just really like this concept in general but I guess I’m a little embarrassed because it’s so different from what I normally write. Maybe I’ll go back to it, one way or another, someday? Also Inigo and Odin do make up, yes.)
3. The college AU Severa/Owain fic where Severa propositions Owain about getting it on (Nothing actually happens, it’s all talking)
“I can get your character sheet drawn up in no time,” Owain continued. “In fact, I think I have some extras—"
“We should have sex,” Severa said.
Owain, suddenly red-faced and wide-eyed, choked on his never-ending list of nerdy suggestions about why he thought Severa had appeared outside his window. He looked at her in disbelief. Severa took the opportunity to roughly shove Owain’s upper body back through the window and crawled in after him.
He stumbled back, too surprised to protest, and Severa fell to the floor in an ungraceful heap. She plucked a leaf from her hair with a pout, grateful to finally be on solid ground again and hoping Owain’s mother hadn’t noticed Severa sitting in the tree outside her son’s room for the past several minutes.
“Uh, I don’t,” Owain stuttered as Severa climbed to her feet. “I mean, you—”
“Seriously?” Severa said, cocking her hip in a way she hoped was sexy.
What was she talking about? She was definitely sexy, childishly climbing trees or not. So what if she’d been too embarrassed to knock on Owain’s front door and risk the chance of one of his parents answering when Severa had come with a request like this? Nobody else knew that.
She continued, “That’s all you have to say?”
Owain sputtered out several more unintelligible phrases until he finally said, “You don’t… feel obligated or something, right?”
The tips of his ears were very, very red.  
Severa crossed her arms, scowling. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing!” Owain held up his hands defensively, looking like he was regretting his words already. “I just meant—You don’t. Like. This isn’t a peer pressure thing, right?”
“What are we, fifteen?”
Owain stared. Severa’s scowl deepened.
“No,” she said. “It’s not a ‘peer-pressure’ thing or whatever.”
She used air quotes.
“Okay,” Owain said slowly. “Then… why do you want to…”
He couldn’t even say the words have sex. Severa was suddenly very doubtful she had come to the right person at all. But who else was she supposed to go to about this? Lucina? Kjelle? Inigo?
Absolutely not. Owain would have to do.
He’d always put up with her enough that she’d thought… Well, maybe he wouldn’t say no outright.
Not that things were off to a great start already.
Feigning indifference, Severa shrugged and looked at the wall beside Owain’s head. “Do I need a reason?”
“Yes,” Owain said bluntly. His hands were still raised. As though just realizing this, they fell to his side.
Severa couldn’t help but make a face. She didn’t want to explain herself. She didn’t want to say anything about what she was thinking or why she wanted to have sex, as sudden as it must have seemed to Owain. But she knew it wouldn’t have exactly have been fair of her to ask without him at least knowing something.
Because the thing of it was—
Embarrassing, she mentally chided herself with a grimace.
The thing of it was that at twenty-one years old, Severa was still a virgin.
There was nothing wrong with being a virgin. Severa knew that. Logically, she knew that.
But it was hard to convince herself that it was true.
(This one is also a modern au exploring a lot of pressures that young adults might feel when comparing their own experiences to people around them.Severa goes on to explain a lot of her reasoning to the reader about why she’s propositioning Owain, but it was getting really long so I didn’t include that here. Mostly it was about controlling the experience of your first time and when you want to have it. I never got to the actual sex part, lol. It would definitely be awkward and slow if I did. Purposely, of course. Also Severa has always lowkey liked Owain like that.)
4. The AU where royals and their retainers have a telepathic link
Niles stands at his side, impassive as any proper retainer should be at public events, and Leo does his best to appear the same when Odin’s voice rings through his mind, laughing and giddy with the exhilaration of a fight.
That was so cool! That explosion was like BOOM! And that fire! Like pfft! I wish somebody else was around to see that. Oh well, I can describe it for everyone later.
Odin’s inner voice never sounds the same as his speaking voice. Not unless he knows Leo is listening and wants to put on a show. Odin’s inner voice lacks the extravagant dressings he layers upon his words aloud. Occasionally, Odin still narrates in his mind, still writes long novels with every adjective and made up noun under the sun. But more often than not Leo finds Odin’s inner voice to be much freer and more easily understandable than he would have first expected before he’d experienced Odin’s thoughts firsthand.  
Odin, Leo projects, pretending he is paying more attention to Xander’s speech than he really is. Some of us are trying to focus on our own missions.
Not that attending a meeting is a mission, per say, but it’s an important duty nonetheless. It gets the point across, anyway.
Oops! Odin accidentally projects more than Niles ever did, even after having years to get used to it. Now that he knows Leo can hear him, Odin makes it a point to use his narrative speech instead. My sincerest apologies, my lord! I’m afraid I was overcome for a moment, my mental barrier weakened through some villain’s curse. But fret not! My mental shield—
Odin, Leo projects, aiming for serious and fearing his true feelings may betray him. He knows there is no curse or attack, though there may have been minutes ago. Odin is simply too excited and eager to share, just as he always is. Leo is trying very hard not to be distracted right now, but it’s difficult when Odin’s bluff and bravado are still somehow more interesting than running the same tactical drills Leo has run a hundred times over already, necessary as they may be.
Leo also knows Niles should be hearing their exchange as well. Niles’ face betrays nothing. If Leo didn’t know any better, he could have mistaken Nile’s tiny exhale of breath as one not so amused at all. But Leo always knows.
(Note: I’d definitely rewrite this now if I ever started it again, but the core concept is still a little neat, I think.)
I have a few other fics, but they’re not that old just yet. These are all about 6 months or more old. Maybe one day I’ll finish them? Or at least use their core concepts again, lol. I hope you enjoyed these snippets anyway! 
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noheroes-allowed · 5 years
philly 11.10
it’s always sunny :)
fuck being away from Ithaca messes with my brain. like I forget all about school and get out of the campus bubble. and realize that I really did not make college fun for myself.
I love chinatown. I was really insecure speaking chinese because they could probably tell I’m not fluent. but I still loved it. I felt proud when I could answer back to them. I also completely splurged on bakery items when I said I would try to control myself. all the cash I had in my wallet has just been going to bakery food. dinner was nice too. I wish I had more duck though. like I wish I could’ve bought a whole ass duck. but it would’ve been impractical because it would’ve been too much. I got tofu and fish instead. it was pretty good and when they brought out the bowl I thought it was too much but I practically finished it. oops.
fuck I’m so tired. I’m gonna finish this tomorrow.
back. we bought a mango smoothie and a passion fruit drink. I kept thinking the mango was going to taste like peach for some reason. I wish we put less vodka in the smoothie bc I kinda liked it. I wish we left earlier too. but I guess if we left earlier we wouldn’t have met tom and berry? idk. it worked out though bc we snuck onto the balcony. also when tom and berry came into the kitchen my face was hella red. and I didn’t want them to see how tipsy I was so I didn’t talk to them besides pointing out the wine opener in the sink. even though I thought berry was cute oops
lmao laughing at myself for going I’m not rich and then changing my mind in like .2 seconds and spending $55. it’s ok though bc I’ve been wearing it the past two days oops. everyone was so young at the concert too. like a lot of them looked like high schoolers. there were so many people already there. like I think they were lined up since the afternoon bc there was a tiny crowd in the background of the bon iver poster photo I took in front of union transfer. lmao I really thought this was the concert I would be front row in but I couldn’t have been more wrong. I felt bad squeezing through people already there oof. I wish we bought vip.
but I’m so glad we snuck onto the balcony. ryan and stella were nice. lmao ryan was trying to give me advice on school and I was just like oops looks like I can never escape. he had good intentions though and his advice was good about cs minor and masters. I think they said they’d been dating for four years. he’s meche and she’s nursing. they bought us hard apple cider but it spilled. sad.
charlie burg was good. I listened to a couple of his songs on spotify and liked his vibe. but spotify only said he would be at the boston show so I didn’t expect him to be there. he’s 21 and lanky. I’m listening to his stuff now and like his first album over his third so far.
JEREMY. omfg the concert was so fucking short. jeremy why would you do this to me. I’m sad he didn’t play every day. SO fucking close but he chose to play circles instead. which is funny that I’m a little jealous about bc circles was like in my top 3 over the summer. also prepping for the concert made me love wildfire and better off. and fucking oh mexico. some of my videos didn’t turn out well bc the lighting was off but at least I have audio. can’t believe he touched their hands. can’t believe that girl got to hold his mic. gah. I screamed so fucking hard and slammed the railing with my hands so fucking much. I apologize retroactively to ryan and stella for being annoying lmao.
fuckkk last sunday was so fun. like there was just so much fun in the span of such a short time.
I’m so happy my friend knocked on their door. I wanted to drink wine with them since they got back to the airbnb but I didn’t think they would be so welcoming. I ate two of their oreos and one of my pastries. we played mario party and I came in last. I played as boo again like that one time over the summer. and then they kept calling me boo and it was so funny. I tried doing math and calculating expected values of the dice each character had but I was too drunk and couldn’t add lmao. it was really fun when I won mini games and tom was like how is boo winning. I bet she lied about not playing before. I stole tom’s coins with a special object. the extra bad luck space redistributed 30 coins from me and I said it was like socialism. my friend said something and then berry said no you’re perfect. so wholesome. and then later she was like oh I can fit my hand in a pringles can but I thought everyone could do that. but berry tried and was like yeah I can eventually. it’s like sex. and then in my mind I was like haha that’s not wholesome. they spent like $60 something on their airbnb and had a bigger room than us. and we said it was unfair and they asked how much we spent and she said $7 and they were like bitch wtf. omg
also I was kinda bummed when the game ended and tom said he would take a shot and then go to bed. and then me and berry were conspiring by the door to get the other two to hang out more. ahh. we got orange juice but it was moldy lmao. there’s orange juice downstairs in the fridge. would you tell on us if we drank it. how would you even tell like leave a note. ahh. berry was ready to go to a corner store to get soda but I hate soda so he was gonna get juice. the place had a latino owner apparently or something so me and tom were like oops looks like we can’t go. in reality though I just didn’t want to get dressed lol.
tom and berry say I fit my personality well. or I’m very sure about my personality. I don’t remember how they worded it but. they also said I would survive a horror movie. they asked if I had a bf and I said I didn’t but I was trying lol. and then I was like wait no I’m not even trying. and they were like one day you’re gonna get a guy who appreciates you. who is gonna like your personality and go up to you and think you’re cute. and you’re not even gonna need to try. bc not trying ends up better than why you do and try too hard. I said my acne doesn’t help and tom was like I didn’t even notice your acne. which hm. we were drunk but they were nice. berry went outside for a smoke and he smelled like cigarettes and I kinda like it. for some reason I’ve been liking that smell recently. tom was really tall when we hugged lmao how does it feel to have such a smaller person hug you. like it’ll just feel like a scrawny child. idk I’m glad we all met.
the city that does sleep.
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netpanty88-blog · 5 years
Nantucket Guide Part 2: Where to Eat + What to Do
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If you haven't already, check out Part 1 where I go over where to stay and how to get to Nantucket. It has a lot of helpful things to note if you're planning a trip. Outside of where to stay, my second most-asked question was about my favorite places to eat, closely followed with what to do when you're there.  So today we're talking about just that! I do have to admit that there are lots of places I haven't been to because I get stuck in my routines. But I have been around enough to make some good recommendations! If there's something I left out, please let me know in the comments below.
Where to Eat:
Breakfast: --Fog Island/Keepers: As of this season, Fog Island (the BEST breakfast on the island) is now under the same roof as Keepers (which is an amazing dinner spot). With that, their location right in the heart of downtown moved to a mid-island. The best part about Fog Island was how convenient it is for those staying in town without a car. It is still 100% worth it to Uber out. Their food is SO GOOD. --Black-Eyed Susans: This is the only breakfast place downtown that I've been to! It's good, but it can get busy. They don't take reservations and the place is small but it is a good spot for breakfast if you're staying in town. One thing to note is that they don't take credit cards. --Bartlett Farms: Now this is a great grab-and-go breakfast sandwich. It's a full grocery store but they have a counter where you can get a delicious breakfast bagels and muffins (and whatever else you want)! Grab it and head to the beach for a great way to start your day.
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--Downyflake: This is a little more inland as well but very accessible via bike. This is a "local" spot with great donuts! Lunch: --Provisions: This is my favorite place for sandwiches on the island. UGH so good. I also have a really happy memory of first talking about our wedding plans here. I'll forever look back and smile about it. They are always busy but they are worth the wait. The sandwiches are delish and it's also cash only!
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--Oath Pizza: If you're craving pizza, this place is good! It's at the end of the Straight Wharf. It's quick and easy and a good place if you need something along those lines. --Brotherhood of Thieves: This is right next door to my favorite hotel (21 Broad) and I think we stumbled in during one of our first visits to the island. The food is great and the lobster roll is awesome. It's right downtown so it's super easy to get to! Dinner:
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--Nautilus: This is the bessssttttt place and one we didn't even know about until last year! We came before the season started and a lot of places weren't quite open yet. We got a recommendation to try this place for dinner and, wow, it does not disappoint. It's like a seafood fusion tapas restaurant with great food and great drinks. It's small and they just started taking reservations but they fill up fast! If you can't make it on the list, stop by and try to grab a spot at the bar. It's the best way to do it! --Cru: Definitely more of a "scene" but its a great setting for lunch, dinner or drinks. It's on the pricey end, but they have great seafood. It's right on the dock by all these massive yachts, so it's fun to stop by on a nice night. It's a very preppy, beachy vibe; great for some pictures! --Club Car: This is another restaurant where you really go for the vibe. We've only been here once and I don't remember much about the food, but I do remember the setting. I think it's more of a shared plate dinner with some exotic food, but I was a little tipsy when I was there. The drinks are sooo good and the bar is set in an old cable car, hence the name. I should probably go back haha. --Island Kitchen: This is another great spot for dinner or lunch. Their food is very fresh and they have a rotating menu. It's more mid-island so you'll need to catch an Uber/Taxi out there. BUT it is a great spot to eat late night dinner and then walk across the street to the Chicken Box (which is the local bar on the island).
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--Millies: This is the farthest of them all. It's wayyyy outside of downtown but worth the hike! If you don't have a car and don't want to Uber out there, the public buses cost $2 and drop you off right at the door to the restaurant. Millies is a Mexican/seafood fusion place that is very casual and a favorite local spot! It's also a great place to catch the sunset at Madaket Beach (or go to the beach then to Millies). If you find you can't make it out, they do have a food truck at Cisco Brewery so you can get your fix!
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--Galley Beach: This is one of the most expensive places for dinner but it's a stunning location. It's kind of a trade off lol. The best is to go early and grab a drink at their beach bar, watch the sunset and enjoy some great cocktails before going in for your reservation to enjoy the open air dinner. It's a great one-two-punch to make for a special (and expensive) night! Just make sure to get a reservation before you go. They close often for weddings! Dessert:
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--Juice Bar: If there is only one thing you do on the island, please make sure it's Juice Bar! It's a homemade ice cream shop that honestly has the BEST ice cream I've ever had. Andrew and I will go at least once every day while we're there, no matter the weather. UGH it's just so good. Their waffle cones will have you blacking out from a mile away. It's cash only but they have an ATM on site. --Aunt Leah's Fudge: This is a little shop near the wharf that has some really good fudge. The peanut butter chocolate is worth all the weight you might gain eating it. So good. It's a little grab and go shop with lots of great goodies but make sure to try the fudge before you go! What to Do: Beaches: There are so many great beaches on the island you really can't go wrong. I probably shouldn't even include this section because I really only go to Cisco. We have been to some others, but like I said, I love my routines lol. There are also two great beaches that I'm moving down to the lighthouse section since they're more related to that than anything else. 
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--Cisco Beach: This is Andrew's and my favorite place on the island. I don't know what it is about Cisco but every time we go we have the best weather. It's never super crowded other than the surfers and the dogs, but I'm totally down for watching both! I'm also a big fan because it's a 20-25 minute bike ride (all on a bike path) from town. Also great for a stop at the brewery before or after the beach on your way going out or coming back! --Tom Nevers Beach: We've only walked this beach once but it was huge and not crowded. That's probably because it's so far out. I remember the water being really calm and getting to see all the sea lions pop their heads out!
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--Siasconset Beach: This was one of our first stops in Nantucket when we had a car! 'Sconset is really far so you'll ideally want to rent a car to get to this part of the island. If you do, I promise it's worth it! Is such a beautiful little town with the most amazing flowers (when in bloom) and stunning houses. The beach is right next to town and a great place to spend the afternoon!
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--Madaket Beach: This is a great family-friendly beach that is the ideal spot to watch the sunset if the weather is right. It's right next to Millies, so if you're going out you might as well stop by for dinner or lunch. Again, you can take the bus or cab out there since it is super far away.  Lighthouses:
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--Brant Point: This is the quintessential lighthouse on Nantucket. It's the cutest little white lighthouse with a very large American flag on it, AND -- the best part -- it's really close to downtown. It's totally walkable or via bike. The beach itself is very rocky and not great for swimming. Andrew and I will visit between our hotel check out and our flight, take a towel, play some cards, and wave to the ferries as they come in.
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--Great Point Light: Very much unlike Brant Point, this lighthouse is only accessible via 4-wheeled car with a beach permit and is at the very tip of the island. If you can swing it, rent a Jeep Wrangler for your trip and head down the beach to the lighthouse. The lighthouse is on protected land so you still need to walk some, but it is a really fun full beach/lighthouse day activity! You feel like you're on the edge of the world.  --Sankaty Head Lighthouse: This (I think) is the prettiest lighthouse on the island. It's iconic because it can been seen from many different places in Nantucket. You'll need a car to get out there, and prepare for it to be windy, but it is a lot of fun! It's a great thing to do if you plan on heading to 'Sconset for the day. The bluff walk takes you almost right to it! Museums: 
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--Whaling Museum: Andrew and I went here during our last trip because it was rainy. That's why I suggest this as the perfect rainy day activity on the island! It's a really well done and informative museum and teaches a lot about the origin of Nantucket. They have some crazy stories to tell and it's worth a stop! --Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum: This is a very small museum but really interesting (at least to me) because I love the lightship baskets. They have some really special ones on display and take you through the origin and popularity of the lighthouse basket in today's culture. Extras + Shopping:
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--Cisco Brewery: This is a must. There is no excuse to not get out there. They have a free shuttle service from downtown and it's super easy to pop on a bike and head over. It takes about 15 minutes via bike from downtown. It is the best place to be on a nice summer day, enjoying some live music, great drinks, good company and awesome food trucks. The brewery has three houses: one for liquor, another for wine and the last for beer so there is really something for everyone. Kids and dogs are welcome too! Just the best place to be!! My ideal day there is spent with a bloody mary (or two) in hand and a lobster roll form the Nantucket Lobster Trap.
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--Sailing: There is a really great sailing excursion on the island that takes you out for an hour and a half sail around the harbor. The Captain, Jim, is awesome and it's such a fun way to see and experience the island. You can book per person ($60-80) or book a private sail for up to 14 people! --'Sconset Bluff Walk: You'll need to drive out there, but make sure to take a stroll on the bluff walk. It's a little path that takes you through Sconset and past some of the most beautiful homes!
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--Shopping: Like all places, there are some really great stores downtown. Some you've heard of like Vineyard Vines, Ralph Lauren and Southern Tide, but there are a ton of great local stores I suggest you check out. My favorite thing to do is pop in and out of every store and see what catches my eye. The little stores that are filled with cute Nantucket items or beachy clothes are my favorite ones to stop in! Make sure to walk down and around Main Street but also by the wharf (on both sides)! There are more shops there than you would think. All are so cute and really special.  ---- WHEW that was a long one!! But I hope this helps. If you haven't already,  check out Part 1 of this guide where I cover how to get to the island and where to stay!! If you have any other questions, please let me know down below. I'm happy to help answer!
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Source: http://www.coveringbases.com/2019/05/nantucket-guide-part-2-where-to-eat.html
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Chesca's Current Status
I wish that every weekend could be as inspiring and motivating as the ones I have when I go to Toronto.
this weekend started off pretty serious and sad. Friday afternoon I had to talk to my parents about everything that happened with me after Reading Week. That meant explaining to them a bit of what happened between Thavi and i and the people who I thought would have helped me get through the break up, but ended up making the whole situation worse. I had to tell them how low my self esteem and motivation to do anything was. How I thought that I deserved to be feeling these things and the anxiety that I developed because of thavi and his actions. It wasn’t a pretty conversation and of course it had to happen at McDonalds.
After they left I met up with Jack and Jose for this party their friends were throwing. It was pretty fun and I got pretty drunk. During the party this guy I I’ve frequently been seeing messaged me if I wanted to go to Phil’s that night. Of course I said yes, even though I wasn’t expecting to go out. They got to Waterloo around midnight (they're from Toronto) and we got into the club around 12:40ish, so enough time to have fun. At this point I was already pretty tipsy and borderline drunk. We got drinks right when we got in and started dancing. I wanted to dance with him, him being Jacob. He brought one of his friends down and we coincidentally met his friends cousin at Phil’s. At one point they were all talking and I was dancing behind Jacob and drunk chesca wasn’t having the lack of attention, so I went and had fun myself and danced on the poles. I had so much fun by myself! I danced with some girls and kept an eye on Jacob but didn’t care so much, since he was with his friend and found girls to dance with. Couldn’t be salty or be like possessive since we are just like fwb anyway. Later on in the night I had to use the washroom, I was pretty wasted, the night is pretty blurry at this point. Someone stopped me on the way to the washroom and said “hey chesca” I couldn’t recognize who it was at first and then I realized it was thavi. I was like oh hi… thavi?! And then kept walking lol by the time it got to like 2AM I was pretty gone and my phone was gonna die. I started looking for my coat check ticket and I couldn’t find it. Also at this point I couldn’t find Jacob or his friend and I was like totally wasted. So I called a cab to take me home, Jacob joined me after and he was pretty drunk. We had our fun that night and he left with his friend in the morning.
I was supposed to go with them but I was pretty hung over and feeling drunk still when he woke up at 9am. So I actually got a ride to Toronto from Jack and his friend. Felt pretty queasy on the drive there. I hadn’t eaten all day and by the time I did eat it was like 5pm. I was supposed to meet with Sylvia earlier in the afternoon but she made plans with other friends prior too, so I met up with King and we went to dim sum, like we did when we went on our first date. We were supposed to go to the harbour front but the place we planned was busy since a jays game had just ended. It was nice to see him and catch up. After I met with sylvia and we commuted back to her house, which took almost 2 hrs from downtown. We had really good talks, she told me what happened with her and josh and her break up and the crazy drama behind it. We ended up talking till like 3AM that day. It felt like the old times and I missed having sylvia around to talk with and have quality conversations with.
We ended up getting up at 11:30am and eating lunch at her house. After we got ready we headed to PMALL! It was like a 30 min walk from her house. We got bbt, ate some good “street food” and we bought new phone cases! I got this nice sparkly one! I haven’t gotten a new case in awhile and I enjoy how new it makes my phone feel! I ended up leaving her at 5 because this guy who I had befriended from the Alex and Will concert wanted to meet up. It was supposed to be a group of us but everyone bailed but him. He said he was downtown and wanted to grab dinner. Our plans was to meet up after 7. That time comes around and I don’t hear from him so I decided to just walk around Chinatown and grab cheap buns at one of those Asian bakeries and read my book. I still don’t know what happened to him. I got back to my friends place around 9:30 and just stayed there, making my Spotify playlists and listening to music. Went to bed pretty late too.
I didn’t wake up till like 1PM. I’m pretty sure I experienced my first sleep paralysis situation that night because I had a very vivid dream where I couldn’t move anything but I was conscious. It was a really weird and scary experience. When I finally had control off my body I just forced myself to go back to sleep. I had the weirdest sensation while I was like frozen. It felt like a really strong presence was like hugging me like I’m on my side and they’re hugging me from the back, but it was like a squeezing feeling. I dont know it was weird.
Anyways woke up, and got ready to go get food with Celene. We ate in Chinatown and walked to the eaton centre and spent time at sephora and walking downtown. Commenting on cute guys that passed us and having quality girl time. I’ve never really spent summers in Toronto and after this weekend, I look forward to the adventures I’ll be having there in the next few months. I found a carpool for 9PM so I was just kind of chilling until then. Out of the blue this guy I had matched on tindr like 2.5 years ago (the same time I matched with Billy) 
 ---side story--- 
So this guy, his name is Patrick (lol so many Filipino's names patrick) I remember him specifically because the summer of 2015, when I went on a whole bunch of tindr dates, I matched up with him and Billy at the same time. I was leaving toronto and it was supposed to be my last tindr adventure and then when school started I was just gonna focus on school, work, and all the extracurriculars I was a part of. I ended up going with billy because our talks on the phone the week leading up to our first meet up were really good. Obviously we started dating and then patrick just ended up being another guy that I became friends with on social media. 
Anyways he messaged me, we hadn’t talked in awhile. We were supposed to meet up that weekend I went for the Alex and Will concert but man went too hard at the gym and had to cancel. I like how he asked me to dinner too. He was just like “have dinner with me!” Not even asking just stating it. I liked his confidence. I wasn’t expecting for this to pan out to be honest since the last two times we were supposed to hangout he flopped, for good reasons though, but I just felt like I wasn’t supposed to meet this guy for some reason. We met up around where my carpool was supposed to pick me up and we went to this really nice izakaya place. I honestly felt like a bum, like I was wearing a shirt dress and a hat because I was heading home and my hair was starting to get greasy.
So since my break up with thavi, I haven’t really felt romantically attracted to any guys. I’ve honestly just been using them to fulfill needs and have fun. I think I am also subconsciously not letting myself get emotionally attached because my heart is still healing and I don't think I can take another disappointment. That and no one really peaked my interest in like a relationship way, since my standards went up pretty high after all the drama that happened with thavi. The night before too I was thinking about deleting tindr and just letting God bring me a man when He thought I was ready. After meeting this guy though and hanging out with him I found myself getting nervous, a bit self conscious, and like I felt little flutters in my stomach. He actually had me feeling something, and in turn it got me acting different from myself. I felt like I really wanted to give him a good first impression, and not like just be half there. I even put my phone away and didn’t rely on it. I honestly haven’t genuinely laughed that much in awhile, my cheeks actually hurt. I didn’t feel like I had to force myself to like this guy, he made it easy. He was such a gentleman and our conversation didn’t lack, I didn’t have to push for it to continue and he had so much energy and things to talk about. It was refreshing. He ended up staying with me until my carpool. I was actually genuinely sad that the date had ended and it felt like the time went by super fast. Two hours felt like 30 mins.
Even though we didn’t meeting up till now, we’ve followed each other on social media and seeing his updates and posts about his life and personally hearing the successes he achieved in the span of 2.5 years really motivated me to get my life around and focus on those life goals and bucket list things I set aside in the 2.5 years I’ve been dating and absorbed in the guys I was in relationships with. unlike all the dates I’ve gone on the past 2 months this one I feel like it may go somewhere, but I’m trying not expecting anything. Just gonna see how it goes the next few weeks, while focusing on the things I told my parents I would be doing. He just kind of restored my faith in guys, that there are still good ones out there. He has hit a lot of my main criteria points so far too! 1. He’s older (25) 2. He can carry a conversation 3. His energy is pretty equal to mine 4. He is very career driven 5. He was funny and interesting to hang with 6. He’s Filipino so that’s a plus 7. He dresses well and looked like he tried to look nice for our meet up. 8. He also encouraged me to continue to strive for my goals and even offered advice!
After I just had this feeling that I know there was a reason why the other times didn’t work out with meeting up with him. Gods timing is perfect and he’ll bring people and take people out of our lives at the right time. I think this was the right time to have met him to be honest.
So yea after our meet up or date whatever you call it, I carpooled home, and got back around 10:30pm. I dont know why I wanted to document this weekend. I guess it was one of first weekends where I didn’t feel like escaping, I just wanted to go to have fun. My main reason was to be with sylvia as she helped me out a lot with my break up so I wanted to show her the same support. She’s doing a lot better then I was 2 weeks into the break up that’s for sure. Anyways imma end it here, I have work at 8am and it’s 3:30am 😅
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