#it’s Avery’s favorite place to be especially when they’re laying in bed and he has his arms wrapped around her
rottengurlz · 11 months
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my favorite boydyke
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morfinwen · 3 years
1 for Angela, 2 for Christopher, 3 for Reagan, 4 for Neal, 5 for Lanzo, 6 for Ash, 9 for Connie, 10 for Aidan, 11 for Q, 14 for Nate, 15 for Amanda, 19 for Niner, 20 for Elise, 23 for Julie, 25 for Jerome, 28 for Kayla, 29 for Hannah, 31 for Knife, 33 for Elarin, 37 for Meaghan, 38 for Leah, 40 for Avery, 47 for Ian, and 50 for Lauren, please!
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1. What is Angela's reaction to a minor inconvenience? Such as getting her sweater caught on a door handle?
If it’s minor enough, she’ll barely react at all. If it’s slightly more disruptive, she’ll still only react insofar as is necessary to handle it -- that is, clean up a spill, change her shirt, restack the fallen papers, etc.
Internally, Angie is rarely as calm as she acts. She puts thought into everything she does and always has an idea of where she’s going and what she’ll do next, so even a small inconvenience can throw her plans into disarray. But she learned from a very young age to control her emotional reactions: outbursts made kind people uncomfortable and gave unkind people knowledge of how to hurt her. So she keeps a very close eye on her emotional state at all times and has a list of tried-and-true methods to calm herself down: breathing exercises, a song to hum to soothe herself, little reminders to herself, an imaginary ‘happy place’ she pictures, etc.
Not that a minor inconvenience usually requires an extensive amount of calming down, of course. But enough little things can add up.
2. For Christopher, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, or other?
In the morning, coffee. Usually straight black, or with an ungodly amount of sugar. He always regrets adding the sugar, but sometimes he needs the rush.
In the evenings, tea. Green if it’s close to bedtime, but he always gets a wide variety and is regularly trying out different versions. He has preferences, but he doesn’t feel strongly enough about it to get boxes of specific types. He’ll usually add cream and honey to tea, unless it clashes with the tea’s flavor.
On winter nights, hot chocolate with marshmallows, and whipped cream on special occasions.
3. What does Reagan's safe space look like?
Her safe space is her bedroom, which is small but not cramped, somewhat messy but in a sort of organized fashion -- there might be a few dirty clothes on the floor and a mostly stable stack of clean ones on top of the dresser, but you can see the floor and aren’t likely to trip over anything. Apart from the bed and dresser, there’s a nightstand by the bed, with a lamp and a stack of graphic novels on it from the last time she couldn’t fall asleep for half the night, and an armchair in the corner with her guitar next to it. There’s a couple windows with curtains -- light, gauzy ones to let in the light, with thicker, darker ones she can pull closed to keep out city lights at night if she feels the need.
Usually after work Reagan watches TV or uses the computer in her living area, but if she’s spent too much time around people lately, she’ll go back to her bedroom and play guitar, or lay on the bed and listen to an audiobook, or read one of her graphic novels while she listens to music through headphones.
4. What does Neal consider to be an unforgivable action? Why?
Neal has a hard time with violence or cruelty towards children. If you do anything to hurt a child, or even just yell at them, he’s not going to be comfortable in your presence for a long time, even if you sincerely apologize.
5. Does Lanzo have any nicknames or pet names or other aliases?
Nicknames: Not at present. Honestly he’s not really a nickname kind of guy, though sometimes his names have been long or odd enough that he just accepted people would use a nickname because it’s easier.
Pet names: His third wife Évelyne called him “mon chéri”. His first two wives weren’t close enough to him to have pet names for him, at least not ones he cared for, and his fourth wife wasn’t a pet names kind of woman. Amanda probably isn’t, either.
Aliases: Lanzo has so many aliases. He’s got a notebook where he’s got them all written down -- vampires have excellent memories, but after a couple hundred years, it can be a bit tricky to hunt down the exact memory you want without some kind of nudge. Most of them are variations on family names, but a couple (like Lanzo, for example) are just ones he liked the sound of.
He’s used a few of them more than once. The only one he’ll never use again is Alexander.
6. What kind of books comfort Ash? What books help him heal after a hard day?
Ash has to be in the right mood for poetry. A bad mood is usually the right mood, at least with the right kind of poem (nature ones, mostly). There’s an old, thick hardcover he keeps in his bedside table that’s got a lot of poems he really likes the cadence of, and he’ll often read them aloud to himself before going to bed, almost like meditation.
9. What is Connie's trigger point? What makes him angry, sad, or makes him go off?
Angry: Bad science practices. Violence against others, especially women and children.
Sad: Poor familial relationships. Ostracization from one’s community.
10. What kind of jokes make Aidan laugh?
Aidan’s sense of humor is not sophisticated -- he’ll laugh at just about anything: slapstick, puns, black humor, dirty jokes, etc. Nothing hurtful, though.
11. Does Q enjoy pranks or hate them? Is he likely to fall for a prank?
Q does not like pranks, but he’s learned to tolerate them -- one of the costs of being close with his cousin. He can fall for the more subtle pranks, or ones that rely on knowledge outside of his wheelhouse, but he’s certainly not an easy mark.
He has found enjoyment occasionally in pranking other people. He’s got a latent mean streak that comes out if someone angers him badly enough or over a long enough period, or if he’s been forced to spend too much time with his aunt and uncle recently. So his pranks have usually been a form of revenge, less fun and jokey and more humiliating or painful (though not debilitating or permanent).
14. Is Nate a simple person to please or difficult?
Deceptively difficult. He doesn’t have a lot of interest in expensive or complicated things, but though he may be satisfied with cheaper and simpler, he still has high, exacting standards for those things.
For example, Nate will be much happier if you order a pizza for dinner than if you offer to take him to a five-star “experimental” restaurant, but he has very particular ideas about what is and is not acceptable on a pizza, and a detailed hierarchy of delivery pizza joints. It might almost be easier to go with the fancier options -- at least in that case, his expectations will be lower.
15. What is the first thing people notice about Amanda?
Her green eyes. She’s always been proud of them, since she’s the only one in her immediate family who ahs them, and likes to wear makeup that highlights them or makes them stand out.
19. What does Niner consider to be her lowest point?
As noted here, Niner and Marrow, another werecat, split off from the group they were with when they started a romantic relationship. They were together for about two years, during which time Marrow became increasingly controlling and abusive. After Niner finally reached her breaking point and got out, she spent several weeks effectively on the run, avoiding other people and civilization in general out of pure fear. She’s never been that desperate or scared in her life, and she never wants to feel that way again.
20. Does Elise have a comfort item?
Not anymore, though as a child she had a tiger plushie that she never went to bed without. Bandit the Tiger is still in her house in a box somewhere -- she set him aside after college, hoping to give him to one of her children someday.
23. What is Julie's favorite food and who cooks it best?
Chicken alfredo. Kayla cooks it the best.
Kayla cooks most things the best, especially in the Allwinter household.
25. What are some things Jerome finds difficult to do? Or say?
Jerome doesn’t find it difficult to trust, per se, but it takes him a while to do it, especially with regards to his family’s -- particularly Hannah’s -- safety. Similarly it can take him a long time to warm up to people he thinks he shouldn’t trust or like, even if they don’t do anything that even hints they shouldn’t be trusted.
28. If Kayla was in today's world, what social media platforms would she avoid? Or be prominent on?
She wouldn’t have much of a presence on any social media platform, really. She’d have a Facebook (or something similar), mostly to keep in touch with friends and family, share photos, and to be a part of groups for moms and local organizations and the like. She’d almost never update her status, though.
29. Is Hannah an organized person? Or more laissez-faire?
Hannah isn’t the neatest person, but she does like organization, after a fashion. She color-codes her schoolwork, practices her music in a particular order, eats her meals one food item at a time, etc.
31. Knife has been invited to a masquerade ball. What mask does she wear?
A fox mask, like this one.
33. How does Elarin act around people she doesn't know? Is she shy around strangers or dismissive of them?
Elarin is very, very careful how much of herself she lets show around people she’s unfamiliar with. That includes how much she’s guarding herself. Unless they’re unusually observant, they probably won’t even notice her treating her friends differently.
She’s not naturally a suspicious person, but she was never the most trusting, either, and she’s learned to be much more guarded. Several years post-war, she loosens up. A little.
37. Meaghan has been kidnapped. Who has kidnapped her and how does she escape?
If Meaghan has been kidnapped, it’s almost a guarantee that she’s allowed it to happen somehow. Either she hopes to talk to the person kidnapping her, or it’s part of a bigger plan.
Jedi have a lot of enemies, particularly in her era, though the list of ones that would kidnap her rather than try to kill her is probably considerably shorter.
She could certainly escape on her own if she wanted to, or she might wait for her friends and allies to come for her, depending on the situation.
38. How does Leah unwind after a long day?
A hot meal, around the campfire at one of ‘her’ settlements or at her house in Diamond City with Mac and their boys, followed by a long, hot bath. Then she’ll sit up for a couple hours listening to the radio, or sharing entertaining stories with friends.
After that, it doesn’t matter if she goes straight to bed or has to stay up and keep watch for a few hours. So long as she doesn’t have to get up and shoot something, she unwinds almost as much from watching the stars as she does from a good night’s sleep.
40. Avery's friend has just been mugged. What's her reaction?
It depends on the friend. Someone tries to mug most of her friends, there’s probably not much left for her to do except laugh at the idiot -- assuming they’re even still alive, of course.
If for some reason her friend couldn’t handle the mugger themselves, then Avery will take it upon herself to hunt the mugger down. Considering that this means the mugger targeted someone who couldn’t properly defend themselves, if Avery tracks them down, the consequences will be worse than if the friend had dealt with them on their own. The consequences of hurting one of Avery’s friends are very, very serious.
47. What is Ian's reaction when someone does something nice for him?
Big grin, attempt to hug the person (unless it’s very clear they won’t appreciate it), “Aw, thanks!”
If it’s a big enough gesture, you can actually make him speechless. It’s happened once or twice.
50. How does Lauren sleep at night? Is she a heavy or light sleeper? Does she dream or have nightmares? Does she find it easy to sleep or is she more a night owl?
Lauren rarely has trouble falling or staying asleep. She’s a fairly heavy sleeper, but sufficiently loud thunder or other disruptive noise can wake her. She dreams occasionally, more often when she’s stressed or sick, and has had a couple nightmares in her life, again when she was really stressed or sick. She’s not a night owl, but she’s not a morning person, either.
Thanks for asking!
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prettytoxicrevolver · 4 years
Damage | Jack Avery
Warnings? Angst? Idk this isn’t good I’m sorry 
Requested? Yes! I hope you like it and if you want a part 2 pls let me know! 
Summary: Jack and you have been best friends since kindergarten. You two grow up together and eventually you become the photographer for his band Why Don’t We. During your job, you and Jacks bandmate Daniel get together. After a long time of dating though, Daniel gets jealous when fans continue to ship you and Jack and Jack’s feelings can’t help but resurface.
Word Count: 2,308 (it’s a long one with a lot of exposition) 
Part Two is here
Five Years Old 
“Jack! Come downstairs for your playdate!” Jack comes barreling down the stairs, nearly ramming straight into his mom and she laughs lightly. 
“Momma who's coming over?” He asks and she squats down to talk to him. 
“Momma's best friend has a daughter your age and we think you guys will be best friends.'' Just as she finishes talking, the doorbell rings and Jack goes running again. His mom takes off after him to catch up just as he's opening the door. 
"Hi Jack! Did you get taIIer?" (y/n)'s mom greets Jack warmly and he smiles. 
Jack's mom greets (y/n)'s mom and the two get caught up just long enough for Jack to stare curiously at the other girl. Before the two can get too antsy and run off, (y/n)’s mom introduces (y/n). 
“Jack, this is (y/n), (y/n), this is Jack,” The two wave shyly at each other and the two moms smile fondly at the sight. 
“Why don’t you two go play outside while we catch up?” 
Jack turns around and speeds off, (y/n) close in tow. He swings open the backdoor and straight for the giant play set in the back. The two run around, playing a sort of chase, up and down the slide, before getting tired and settling on the swings. 
“What’s your favorite color?” Jack asks.
“Pink!” (y/n) exclaims. “What about you?” 
The two go back and forth like this and by the end, they’ve decided they’re best friends. When (y/n)’s mom comes to get her a few hours later, she protests, insisting she never wants to leave. The two hug tightly and part with the promise that you'll be over again soon. 
12 Years Old 
"(y/n)! Jack is here!" (y/n)'s mom yells up the stairs. 
Before she can respond, her childhood best friend comes barging into the room. He plops onto her bed, instantly relaxing and she turns from her spot at her desk to look at him. 
"What's up?" She asks.
"How am I supposed to ask Anna to the dance?"  He sighs dramatically and she smiles. She  stands up and lays down next to Jack. 
"Just ask her. She obviously likes you." She responds and he rolls his eyes.
The first school dance of the year was this friday and Jack had been freaking out about asking his crush to go with him for weeks. (y/n) had been trying to convince him forever but he insisted she was going to say no. 
"What if she says no?"
"Then you're sad for a bit and then you get up and party at the dance with me." That cracks a smile and the two are back to their normal activities. 
16 Years Old 
“What do you think we'll be doing ten years from now?” (y/n) asks Jack as she rolls over on his bed to face him. 
“I'll be a famous singer and you'll be a photographer. We'll travel the world together and live out our best lives.” She smiles, and Jack turns back around to continue working on his new song. 
As he works, she takes a few Polaroids of him and judges which ones to keep, add to her portfolio and which ones to give to Jack. Just as she sits back down, Jack's mom comes in and knocks on the door. 
“Dinners ready! (y/n) are you staying the night?” She asks and (y/n) looks over at Jack who nods and she copies the action. 
“Sounds good,” His mom says before disappearing again. 
Ever since Jack and (y/n) hit middle school years, they ended up sleeping over at each others houses. Their moms decided that they trusted the other enough for sleepovers, and soon they became a regularity. 
"We'll always be friends right?" (y/n) asks once the two are settled for bed after dinner.
"Always." He smiles and it goes straight to her heart. 
Present Day
"What do you guys have going on today?" (y/n) asks as the boys gather in the living room to leave.
"Meetings, interviews, more meetings." Daniel says while sitting down next to you and pecking your cheek. "You?" 
"A photoshoot and that's it.'' She tells him and he nods.
"Have fun my love." He says kissing her and standing up again. Jack comes up and kisses the top of (y/n)'s head and tells her to have a good day before leaving with the rest of the guys.
3 years ago (y/n)'s best friend had joined a band and ever since they've taken off. Millions of followers, several eps, an album, and another tour coming up here you were. Her best friend had traveled the world and she fell in love with his band mate. Life seemed perfect.
Ever since Jack had taken off in his career (y/n) hasn't been far behind. At the beginning of the band's career she had taken all of their photos. Overtime other artists and influencers have reached out to her and asked her to take photos for their own profiles. She had begun to take off with Jack by her side. 
That was also how she met Daniel. (y/n) first started staying with the band shortly after they all moved to LA and she picked up a few photography jobs. Daniel and her hit it off right away and three years later they were here. Taking on the world by storm.
The boys seemed to have never ending meeting that was starting to take a toll. Zach looked like he was going fall asleep, Daniel wouldn't stop tapping his pen on the table, Jonah was doodling, Corbyn was on his phone like he was still in high school, and Jack was daydreaming. They were usually better than this in meetings, but it felt like they had been going in circles for days. 
"Last two things," The execs say and an audible sigh can be heard around the room. "Your opener and your photographer. Who do you want?" 
"Wait, we can bring a photographer with us?" Daniel perks up and Jack does the  same. 
"Whoever you want." 
The boys come home that day more excited than ever. (y/n) had just gotten home from her shoot and was flipping through the photos she had taken when they came practically crashing through the front door. The loud noise causes her to jump, and she spins around to see them bounding through the door. 
“(y/n)!!” Jack and Daniel both yell at the same time and she sits up quickly. 
“What’s up?” She asks confused as to what the big commotion has been about. 
“You free for the next few months?” Jack asks.
Once the boys settle enough to explain that they would pay (y/n) to tour with them and take their pictures she practically has the same reaction as they did. She had been wanting to do a tour with an artist for as long as she could remember and now to have this opportunity especially with her best friends was a dream come true. 
We work out the details and (y/n) leaves the house practically screaming inside and out. This was everything to her and she couldn’t believe this was actually going to happen. She was also so excited to travel with her best friends and essentially make great memories for months. 
Two Months Later
“Do you have your laptop?” (y/n)’s mom asks, frantically turning around to look around her near empty apartment. 
“In my backpack,” She tells her. 
“Your chargers? Enough film? Your SD cards? Did you pack enough socks?” She asks and (y/n) sighs. 
“Ma,” She says and her mom smiles. “I got it.” 
“Okay baby I love you,” She says and (y/n) hugs her mom tight and promises to call as much as possible. Just as they let go, (y/n) hears the shrill beep from the boys car and grabs her bags. 
She heads down to the car, where Daniel and Jack meet her. They grab her bags and put them into the trunk before climbing back into the car and diving head first into a summer they would never forget. 
“Are you serious?” She asks. 
“Dead. Come on!” Corbyn begs (y/n) and she rolls her eyes but holds her camera up regardless. 
Her and the boys were stuck in the airport for at least another half an hour and came up with the brilliant idea to snap some photos while they waited for the plane. Corbyn grips his favorite pillow in his arms, offering a pleading look towards (y/n) as he insists it’ll be a perfect photo for his instagram. She relents finally, and kneels down, getting the perfect angle and snaps shot after shot. 
“Flight 247 to Las Vegas now boarding,” The overhead speaker announces and Corbyn and (y/n) spring up. 
Corbyn grabs his stuff and she follows, running over to where she left hers to find it gone. Her heart drops for a second before she hears a whistle. She snaps her head to the side, seeing Jack raising her backpack in his hand and she smiles gratefully before running over with Corbyn just behind her.
“Gonna need this to start the best summer ever,” Jack says, handing the backpack over with a wink and (y/n) sighs. 
When we land in Las Vegas, we head to the hotel first, dropping off our suitcases and getting everything settled. While (y/n) would get her own room, the rest of the boys had to share one way or another. But they were always on the same floor and ran around to hang out with each other in one room. 
“(y/n)! My beautiful!” Daniel yells walking into your room. “Wanna explore?” 
“Would love to.” 
Daniel and (y/n) head out together with a quick message to the groupchat where they would be. They decide to catch an Uber to the venue and dinner somewhere close considering they haven’t eaten since before they had taken off in Los angeles. 
Just as they get to the venue, Daniel takes her hand, carefully intertwining their fingers and leads her around the place. She can’t help it, and takes out her phone and snaps a couple of photos as Daniel walks in front of her and when he hears the familiar click of a camera, he turns around. 
“Oh come on,” Daniel jokes and (y/n) smiles sheepishly. 
“I can’t help it! You look great and the lighting is unique.” 
She gestures for Daniel to move and she plops down, snapping a few photos. When Daniel has had enough, he moves towards the girl and pretends to come at her like he’s gonna tackle her. She falls back and Daniel ends up hovering over her, a wide smile plastered across his perfect features. 
He leans down, placing a light kiss on her lips and (y/n) reciprocates by leaning up to deepen it. Just as she goes to reach her arms around Daniels neck, someone clears their throat. The two separate and Daniel rolls over to sit down next to her. 
“Am I interrupting?” Jack asks walking over. 
“A little,” Daniel says and (y/n) rolls her eyes. She raises a hand and Jack helps her up. 
“What were you guys doing?” He asks once she’s standing. 
“Oh I was just taking some photos of Daniel,” (y/n) explains gesturing to the scene around her and Jack nods. Over the years he had gotten used to spontaneous photoshoots and could practically spot a perfect picture spot as well as she could. 
“By the way, the fans are obsessed with our photos on instagram,” Jack mentions and Daniel tilts his head to the side. By now he’s moved so he has an arm around (y/n)’s waist and is staring curiously at the younger boy. 
“Corbyn wanted to use my camera so I let him take a few photos of me and Jack,” (y/n) explains looking at Daniel. “How bad are the comments though?” 
For the past three months, every time Jack and (y/n) posted a picture together on either one's social media the fans went nuts. They “shipped” Jack and (y/n) like crazy and blatantly ignored (y/n)’s current relationship with Daniel. Some fans really just had no boundaries and Daniel was honestly getting tired, (y/n) was hoping to do damage control, and Jack was hoping his secret crush of 13 years wouldn’t get out. 
“Come on man, did you really have to post the photos? You know how bad the fans have been,” Daniel complains and you turn in his arms. 
“Woah, it’s not Jack’s fault they have no boundaries,” (y/n) says defending her best friend. 
“And you can’t tell me what I can and can’t post,” Jack snaps back. 
“Jack chill,” (y/n) says fully stepping out of Daniels arms to get in between the two boys. 
“What’s your damage?” Daniel asks and Jack takes a step forward causing you to take one back. 
“I think you know exactly what my damage is. Don’t act like you didn’t ask for this.” 
“You had your chance man. Don’t act all high and mighty now,” Daniel says and Jack rolls his eyes. 
“You’re one to talk,” He declares and pushes past Daniel and storms off. (y/n) stares at where Jack walks off for a second, shocked at the random argument that occured before turning towards her boyfriend. 
“What the hell was that?” She asks. 
“Something you don’t want to get into,” He responds before walking away. 
(y/n) stands there for a moment, unsure of what to do or even who to choose. What was that argument even about?
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dinahslances · 7 years
Ultimate relationship tag | Single parent Chaz/Avery
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Chaz because Avery can frustrate him really quickly, especially about leaving. Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Avery because she really wants Bridget. Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Chaz because he’s just done with Avery. Who trashes the house? Avery because she has a temper. Do either of them get physical? No. How often do they argue/disagree? Often about what Avery had done. Who is the first to apologise? Avery because she wants to get on Chaz’s good side.
Who is on top? Chaz. Who is on the bottom? Avery. Who has the strangest desires? None at the moment. Any kinks? Roleplay and rough sex. Who’s dominant in bed? Most of the time, Chaz. Is head ever in the equation? Yes. If so, who is better at performing it? Both have equal amount of experience and neither of them have been with anyone after each other since. Ever had sex in public? Yes. Who moans the most? Avery. Who leaves the most marks? Avery because she can’t control herself. Who screams the loudest? Avery. Who is the more experienced of the two? Both of them have equal amount of experience. Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Make love. Rough or soft? Both. How long do they usually last? They can go all night. Is protection used? No. Does it ever get boring? No. Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? On the football field.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? They have a seven year old daughter named Bridget. They would want two more when they get together. If so, how many children do your muses want/have? They currently have one child together. Who is the favorite parent? Both. The’d both be loving parents. Who is the authoritative parent? Chaz. Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Chaz because he has a soft spot for Bridget. Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Avery, she wants to get on Bridget’s good side. Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Both. Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Both would go if Chaz allowed her to go. Who changes the diapers? Chaz mostly raised Bridge because Avery left when Bridget was a few months old. Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Chaz did all of it once Avery left. Who spends the most time with the children? Chaz did when she was seven now she is determined to spend as much time with him as possible  Who packs their lunch boxes? Chaz, Avery can’t cook. Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Both would together. Who cleans up after the kids? Chaz. Who worries the most? Both would worry a lot about their kids. Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Avery.
Who likes to cuddle? Avery likes to cuddle a lot. Who is the little spoon? Avery. Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Avery did when they were in high school. Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? Avery. How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? Until one of their parents came home from work. Who gives the most kisses? Chaz when they were younger and Avery now because she’d be trying to make up for lost time. What is their favourite non-sexual activity? Chaz watching Avery during cheerleading practice. Where is their favourite place to cuddle? Under the bleachers. Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? Avery. How often do they get time to themselves? Not that often because Chaz worked two jobs and Avery had to take care of Bridget when they were together. Now, still not that often for Chaz because he has to work and take care of Bridget and Avery spends as much time as she can with Bridget.
Who snores? Avery. If both do, who snores the loudest? Do they share a bed or sleep separately? They shared a but but right now they sleep separately. If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Cozying up together with Chaz’s hand on Avery’s stomach when she was pregnant. Who talks in their sleep? Avery. What do they wear to bed? Chaz, probably shirtless and sweats and Avery, in one of Chaz’s shirts and boxers. Are either of your muses insomniacs? Both probably because if their jobs. Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? Neither. Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Limbs around each other. Who wakes up with bed hair? Both. Who wakes up first? Chaz because Avery likes sleeping too much and she’s lazy. Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Chaz because he’s a good cook. What is their favourite sleeping position? Avery’s arm wrapped around his waist and Chaz’s hand on her stomach when she was pregnant. Who hogs the sheets? Chaz, he moves around when he sleeps. Avery sleeps like a dead person. Do they set an alarm each night? Chaz for the most part because of work but when they get together both so that Avery could get Bridget ready. Can a television be found in their bedroom? Yes. Who has nightmares? Avery because of her fears of losing Bridget again.  Who has ridiculous dreams? Avery. Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Chaz. Who makes the bed? Chaz. What time is bed time? Early so that they can get Bridget up early for school. Any routines/rituals before bed? No, they just crash into bed. Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Avery.
Who is the busiest? Chaz because he also has to take care of Bridget but Avery is a nurse so she’s also fairly busy bulling twelve hour shifts. Who rakes in the highest income? Avery because she’s a nurse. Are any of your muses unemployed? No. Who takes the most sick days? Avery because she wants to spend as much time with Bridget as possible. Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Avery because she doesn’t want to leave Bridget, Who sucks up to their boss? Chaz. What are their jobs? Chaz is chef at a restaurant and Avery is a nurse.  Who stresses the most? Avery because the people she deals with are always rude to her. Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? Probably not. Are your muses financially stable? Yes.
Who does the washing? Avery. Who takes out the trash? Chaz. Who does the ironing? Both. Who does the cooking? Chaz. Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Avery. Who is messier? Avery. Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Neither of them. Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Both because of the long work hours. Who forgets to flush the toilet? Neither. Who is the prankster around the house? Neither. Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Chaz since he also has to deal with Bridget so it’s most likely to lose track of them. Who mows the lawn? They have no lawn. Who answers the telephone? Both. Who does the vacuuming? Avery. Who does the groceries? Both of them. Who takes the longest to shower? Avery. Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Avery.
Is money a problem? Yes because they want to give Bridget the best life possible and they had her very young without the support of either of their parents. How many cars do they own? Chaz owns one car and Avery owns one as well. Do they own their home or do they rent? Together they rented and now both of them rent separate apartments. Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Coast. Do they live in the city or in the country? City. Do they enjoy their surroundings? Yeah. What’s their song? I miss you - Adele What do they do when they’re away from each other? Chaz is mostly taking care of Bridget and Avery is finding a way to win back Chaz and Bridget. Where did they first meet? They met high school and shared the same class.  How did they first meet? Chaz’ nearly bumped into her while he was dancing and almost hit her. Who spends the most money when out shopping? Avery. Who’s more likely to flash their assets? Avery. Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? Avery. Any mental issues? Not really. Who’s terrified of bugs? Avery. Who kills the spiders around the house? Chaz. Their favourite place? Their old high school. Who pays the bills? Both. Do they have any fears for their future? Chaz is scared that Avery will up and leave again and Avery is scared she’ll never get to be with Chaz. Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Chaz. Who uses up all of the hot water? Avery. Who’s the tallest? Chaz. Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Both. Who wanders around in their underwear? Avery. Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Avery. What do they tease each other about? Everything. Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Avery with his hats. Do they have mutual friends? Yes. Who crushed first? Chaz. Any alcohol or substance related problems? No. Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Neither. Who swears the most? Avery.
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dinahslances · 7 years
Ultimate relationship tag | Spider-Man Chaz/Avery
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Avery because she has a quick temper. Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Chaz. Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Avery because she is too stubborn. Who trashes the house? Avery because she has a temper. Do either of them get physical? When she becomes Black Siren, they’ve squared off a few times. How often do they argue/disagree? Often when she becomes Black Siren, mostly blaming Chaz for her brother. Who is the first to apologise? Chaz.
Who is on top? Avery, she likes being in charge. Sometimes Chaz. Who is on the bottom? Sometimes Avery, but Chaz mostly. Who has the strangest desires? Avery having sex with Spider-Man. Any kinks? None. Who’s dominant in bed? Both. Is head ever in the equation? Yes. If so, who is better at performing it? Avery because she has more experience. Ever had sex in public? Yes. Who moans the most? Avery. Who leaves the most marks? Avery because she likes it rough. Who screams the loudest? Avery but not too loud because of her scream. Who is the more experienced of the two? Avery. Chaz is still a virgin. Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Make love when she takes his virginity but then fuck when they hate each other. Rough or soft? Both. How long do they usually last? Not too long because Chaz has to go save the New York or he comes home tired. Is protection used? Yes. Does it ever get boring? No. Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? On top of the Empire State building.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? They both want kids. Avery wants to do it right; better than her father. If so, how many children do your muses want/have? They’ll probably two kids. Who is the favorite parent? Both. The’d both be loving parents. Who is the authoritative parent? Chaz. Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Avery because she doesn’t think school is necessary. Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Avery. Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Both. Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Both would but Avery might miss a few because she runs a company. Who changes the diapers? Both. Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Chaz because he’s not even asleep. He’s just coming back from patrolling the city. Who spends the most time with the children? Both try to but Avery travels a lot more because of the company but then Chaz also has a duty to New York. Who packs their lunch boxes? Chaz, Avery can’t cook. Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Both would together. Who cleans up after the kids? Avery. Who worries the most? Both do for sure. Especially because someone might find out Chaz is Spider-Man. Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Avery.
Who likes to cuddle? Chaz likes to cuddle a lot. Who is the little spoon? Avery. Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Avery. Especially thinking about Chaz as Spider-Man. Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? Avery. How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? For as long as possible until Chaz has to leave for unexplained reasons. Who gives the most kisses? Chaz, because he never knows when it’ll be the last.  What is their favourite non-sexual activity? Hanging out and watching netflix. Where is their favourite place to cuddle? In some skyscraper. Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? Avery. How often do they get time to themselves? Not that often between Chaz saving the city and Avery running her company.
Who snores? Avery. If both do, who snores the loudest? Do they share a bed or sleep separately? They’d share a bed. If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Cozying up together. Who talks in their sleep? Chaz. What do they wear to bed? Chaz, probably shirtless and sweats and Avery, probably some expensive sleepwear. Are either of your muses insomniacs? Both probably because if their jobs. Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? Neither. Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Limbs around each other. Who wakes up with bed hair? Both. Who wakes up first? Chaz. Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Chaz because he’s a good cook. What is their favourite sleeping position? Avery’s arm wrapped around his waist and Chaz’s arm under her neck. Who hogs the sheets? Chaz, he moves around when he sleeps. Avery sleeps like a dead person. Do they set an alarm each night? Both but they probably ignore it. Can a television be found in their bedroom? Yes. Who has nightmares? Chaz of what he’s been through. Who has ridiculous dreams? Avery. Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Chaz. Who makes the bed? Chaz. What time is bed time? Early in the morning when Chaz comes back from his vigilante duties. Any routines/rituals before bed? No, they just crash into bed. Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Avery.
Who is the busiest? Chaz because of work, school and vigilante duties. Who rakes in the highest income? Avery, she owns Oscorp. Are any of your muses unemployed? No. Who takes the most sick days? Neither. Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Chaz because of vigilante duties. Who sucks up to their boss? Chaz. Avery is the boss. What are their jobs? Chaz is a student, orphan, photographer and superhero. Avery is a student, orphan, CEO and villain.  Who stresses the most? Chaz because he’s always trying to save everyone. Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? Probably not. Are your muses financially stable? Yes. Avery is definitely financially stable.
Who does the washing? The maid. Who takes out the trash? The maid. Who does the ironing? The maid. Who does the cooking? Chaz or Avery’s chef. Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Avery. Who is messier? Avery. Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Chaz. Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Both because of the long work hours. Who forgets to flush the toilet? Neither. Who is the prankster around the house? Neither. Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Neither. Chaz doesn’t drive and for the most part, Avery has drivers. Who mows the lawn? They have no lawn. Who answers the telephone? Both. Who does the vacuuming? The maid. Who does the groceries? Both of them. Who takes the longest to shower? Avery. Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Avery.
Is money a problem? For Chaz yes, Avery no. How many cars do they own? Chaz doesn’t own any cars. Avery has several cars and planes. Do they own their home or do they rent? Together, they’d own a home or several homes but Chaz currently lives with his aunt and Avery owns her condo. Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Both. Avery would want both to get away. Do they live in the city or in the country? Both but mostly the city. Do they enjoy their surroundings? Yeah. What’s their song? Vindicated - Dashboard Confessional What do they do when they’re away from each other? Chaz, saving the world. Avery, either creating mayhem or working in Oscorp. Where did they first meet? When they were kids in New York. Probably her father’s company party. How did they first meet? Chaz’s father worked for Avery’s father and he was a top scientist so her brother and Chaz played around and were friends. Who spends the most money when out shopping? Avery. Who’s more likely to flash their assets? Avery. Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? Avery. Any mental issues? Not really. Who’s terrified of bugs? Neither. Who kills the spiders around the house? Chaz. Their favourite place? Somewhere they can get away from their problems. Who pays the bills? Both. Do they have any fears for their future? Avery’s scared that she’ll get lost in being Black Siren and she’ll never get to come back. Chaz’s scared he won’t get to save the people he loved. Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Avery. Who uses up all of the hot water? Avery. Who’s the tallest? Chaz. Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Both. Who wanders around in their underwear? Avery. Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Avery. What do they tease each other about? Everything. Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Avery and then would try to dress Chaz in posh clothes. Do they have mutual friends? Yes. Who crushed first? Chaz. Any alcohol or substance related problems? No. Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Neither. Who swears the most? Avery.
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