#it’s COMPLETELY APPROPRIATE for them to experience a natural consequence!!!!!!
throwaway-yandere · 9 months
𝗖𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 [Yandere!Dottore/Reader]
a/n: this fic is 100% dedicated to @leftdestiny-posts and they would know just how much they had inspired me in this fic once they finished reading it HAHAHAHAH. P.S.: the classical songs mentioned are actual songs. Yes, the title is half a joke. Here's the spotify playlist if you're curious.
Unreliable Synopsis: You cannot remember your past, but your doctor has been with you every step of the way— and he's more than willing to spend some time with you outside the hospital. Still... did you always have pure white hair?
CW: yandere themes, light body horror, manipulation, its dottore, c'mon LOL.
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Concert II "Tristezza Di Fine Anno", performed by the Morespoke Philharmonic with their conductor, Lady Columbina, began nearly an hour ago. And you had the fortune of hearing their songs for yourself.
The well-dressed crowd filled the seats, behaving in what was appropriate for their high station. It was fully booked. The music overwhelmingly masked anyone's breaths, if they had one to start with. Her program can be felt deep in the audience's bones. Rattling them in each sforzando before it lulls down through the sound of her handpicked musicians— with Lady Columbina as the lonesome soloist when the moment calls for it.
"This piece, Symphony No. 5 in C-Sharp Minor, is not Columbina's own making, she had failed to mention that," your company hummed. "This was by another composer who hid behind the name Safed. They were a self-fulling prophecy. Do you wish to know what they said about this piece?"
You said nothing as Zandik— Lord Dottore— stroked your unnaturally "white" hair.
"They said that nobody understood the piece and that they wish they could conduct the first performance five centuries after their death."
Zandik smiled.
"What say you? Do you think those words are true?"
Your company was a tall and thin man with artificially pale-ish skin and wavy blue hair. His eyes were reportedly bloodshot crimson, although you had not received proof of that in this lifetime. But, you were drawn to his deep ocean-like colors, and that was enough to keep you mildly complacent to his strange remarks.
Zandik is surprisingly a considerate man, but he must've brought you with him for a reason. He told you himself that the reason he brought you out of your prison-like hospital room was a mere experiment on his behalf. Paradigm-shifting consequences of his strange social experiments with you are likely to occur, and he cares not for its ethical debates. He won't ask for rhetorics; these to him are tangible outcomes and no questions will be entertained.
All except his.
"I think… "
The composition had a serene, slightly asymmetrical feel to it. You were certain this was Lady Columbina's creative liberties at play. Something about it did not capture its true authenticities. The show purported to narrate three stories: the first concerned a judge who had to find a loved one guilty; the second concerned a prince who drove their beloved into despair; and the final was a tale of a knight who disregarded his obligation to defend a loved one.
But it felt incomplete. As if there was a missing piece— a secret fourth act hiding between the notes and stage.
"A person can't completely mourn for something they would never experience," you told him. "But even so, if I were Safed, I'd feel like my effort would've been a waste."
His eyes remained trained on your hair as you spoke. Zandik seems to dislike it. Unlike his cells mixed with engineered nanomaterials, yours are uniquely… "natural". His hair has a color intensity, whereas yours was the presence of every color— as physics explained it.
"Something they would never experience…" Zandik repeated, tasting the words on his tongue— a smirk etched on his face as though it tasted like bitter irony.
You continued.
"I have a hunch that Safed put everything they worked hard on all their pieces because Lady Columbina wouldn't have performed it otherwise. Since all the songs on the concert's program are marketed as underappreciated compositions, I would… um… infer that they also questioned their works and ultimately themselves if it all had worth in the end. Hopeless for the lack of attention, they probably thought there's more hope if they lived in another generation."
You wanted to say, though you're not sure where this negativity came from, that they probably despised how their well-crafted works were ignored and their sloppy yet significantly more popular compositions angered them.
But you're not Safed. You don't want to put words in their mouth.
".... Hmm, an acceptable hypothesis— a decent one, even," whatever monotonous response Zandik wished to convey, his voice betrayed his grand satisfaction. "Yet I won't give you any confirmation."
"I know."
Zandik laughed.
"The next piece is Norn's Adagio for Strings Op. 11, before the closing Symphony No. 6, better known as Pathétique Symphony, in B Minor Op. 74."
You tilted your head innocently. "Pathetic?"
"Another piece by Safed. It's a Fontaine-translated title. It's originally named pateticheskaya, which meant passionate or emotional, not at all pitiable."
He crossed his arms, insulted as though he was the one who came up with the original title.
"Roughly half a millennium past, the masses attributed Safed's demise to the strains of their final composition, the so-called Pathétique, a mere nine days preceding their exit from this mortal coil. The prevailing narrative spouts a tale of a tragic surrender to the clutches of undiagnosed clinical depression. I find such simplicity in analysis rather pedestrian, wouldn't you agree?"
You took a while to process his inquiry before hesitantly nodding.
"I… I think so."
Zandik smiled.
It's hard to tell if it's genuine, especially when such a protruding mask hides his eyes. Should its existence vanish, you aren't certain you'd see a soul within his pupils either.
"Safed hated this piece, believing it should be cast aside and forgotten. They were living in the woodlands when they wrote it— and when they decided to live with their benefactor, it was suddenly difficult to tear them away from their work."
You nodded to cue that you were still listening.
"They have an incredibly deep connection with their works. One might say they see in tunes rather than color."
You nodded again.
"Your inclination towards a perpetual affirmation of propositions, presumably to veil any potential lacunae in your cognitive purview, does not escape me. It is, if I may be so bold, your agreement that conceals your specter of unfamiliarity, right?"
You rarely understand a word he says when he is in this passionate state. You just nod as if you knew.
"Adorable," Zandik chuckled.
His voice was chillingly low yet… comforting. 
"Your sincerity constitutes an enchanting facet of your comportment."
He had to be teasing you.
"Although…" Zandik grabbed a few locks of your hair as though it was slimy and unpleasant— quickly retracting them with a disapproving tilt. "You could stand to utilize more (h/c) hair dyes. How is it conceivable that it has returned to white yet again?"
You opened your mouth but Zandik raised a finger.
"No. I am the scholar here. Do not answer."
You giggled. "Understood, Doctor."
He grinned, inadvertently showing off his pointed canines.
"What a good test subject you are, my dear (Y/n)."
Whether good was a subjective or objective assessment or not was up to interpretation.
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The mid-concert intermission began, allowing Lady Columbina's pressured musicians a 20-minute sigh of relief. Zandik ushered you to the back where the Lady Harbinger reposed on a white sofa, her cheek brushing a visibly soft and cloud-like pillow. The bright backstage lighting made her seem ethereal.
She looked like heaven, but Zandik would argue that "(Y/n)" is the true epitome of the word.
"Greetings. As expected, you'd initiate conversation at the earliest convenience." She cooed. "You look younger today, Doctor."
"You know very well that I do not take that as a compliment, Columbina." Zandik scoffed. "How many times will we rehearse this canned script until it is a learned lesson?"
"Perhaps it shall end on the day you refrain yourself from recreating… perspectives."
"Since my encounter with the Dendro Archon, I have not revisited that notion."
Columbina's gentle smile dropped coldly. "You know that your segments are not what I am referring to."
You looked back and forth between the two. Each of them was a distinctively unique person and it's a challenge to take your eyes away from the other.
Hence, when you felt Lady Columbina's eyes on you, you shook and straightened yourself before bowing stiffly.
"G-Greetings, Lady Columbina!!!"
Her gentle smile resurfaced.
"Greetings to you as well, dear Safed."
You blinked.
Dottore clicked his tongue, and Columbina laughed softly.
"Apologies, I meant to say (Y/n)— that is the name you go by in this era of humanity, right?"
You'd rightfully claim that between the three of you, you were the most human. Zandik has his clones, Columbina's origins are of strict secrecy, and you are a mere amnesiac patient. But the way she addressed you was sounding awful like stripping you away with that sense of humane identity.
"Yes? I guess?"
Columbina delightedly buzzed in your reply. "(Y/n)— truly a lovely name. That must mean that you're very healthy! It warms my heart to hear that name again. The other ones had terribly dull names, but if the Doctor had given you this title, then it must mean his research is finally drawing to a close."
Her remarks made little sense. You know little about yourself and trust only the Doctor's judgment. Should you trust her words, then it must mean (Y/n) isn't your real name…
But… that doesn't seem right either. 
"Not quite, the name deserves no celebration," Dottore replied happily. "I merely ran out of translations. Bianco, Wit, Bái— what else is there? Ancient Natlan?"
"Scientists truly make for terrible poets— Why not try Inazuman?" Columbina offered.
Those words must have had a heavy weight to them because Zandik pondered for much longer than expected.
"Hmm. I'll keep that in mind," Zandik muttered. "Although it is preferable it does not have to reach that point."
"May I ask why did you bring them here?" Columbina asked.
"It's a bit of an unconventional experiment, but I've been exploring how to elicit positive associations with certain stimuli. Exposing them to music as I accompany them should cause them to associate the emotional response it elicits with being around me." Dottore hummed. "It would be asinine to put them in a chaotic yet controlled environment such as a theme park. While a racing heart may be effective, I shouldn't risk a (Y/n)'s well-being by subjecting them to roller coasters."
"Are you sure you're not the scared one?" You asked cheekily. Zandik rolled his eyes.
She shook her head.
"What a roundabout way of saying you're taking them out on a concert date…"
Columbina looked at you once more.
"Oh, but (Y/n), you appear unwell, my dear…" she pointed at stage left. "Why don't you fix yourself up in the nearest restroom?"
Dottore raised an eyebrow, which made you want to decline Columbina.
"I'm r-really okay, Lady Colum—"
"I insist."
Columbina smiled wider. Her laced mask cast a gloomy shade on her visage.
You had no other choice.
"O… Okay."
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The halls that led to the restroom were mostly empty. Perhaps it was due to Lady Columbina's performance that made them patiently await the next song.
But there was one young man you encountered along the way. He had blonde half-way braided hair and purple-ish eyes. You paid him no mind as he circled a small rectangular paper, likely the concert's ticket, between his fingers. However, within a second, that paper vanished.
You stopped in your tracks and looked at him curiously, wondering if your eyes played tricks. He laughed, noting your attention.
"Ah! Sorry," he cheerfully gestured a small wave. "Didn't mean to practice in public."
The blonde man approached you with a smile.
"You're #9805, right?"
Immediately, you both got on the wrong foot.
Your nose scrunched, "I prefer (Y/n)."
The man flinched. "Oh, yikes! I'm not making the best first impression— nice to meet you (Y/n)! I have something for you."
You thought he was handing you his concert ticket for a moment but when you took a good look, it was a grayscale brochure.
And a white tulip…
"Needless to say, I'm something of a—"
"Magician, but an astute guess nonetheless!" He laughed sheepishly. "I was waiting for you, I thought you wouldn't go to the restroom."
So, did Lady Columbina plan this?
You caressed the binding and skimmed through the pages. "What's this for?"
"Father said you might be interested in its contents," the young man said. "That's all."
You blinked.
"... Are you saying you missed out most of the concert just to hand me this?"
He laughed awkwardly again. "My dear sister says I have a habit of missing a hint of romanticism when it counts, so I guess today's just one of those moments."
"Did you not like the music?" You scoffed, temper rising.
"Did you hate the composition? Did you not understand the e-emotion behind the chords? Don't you understand just how d-disrespectful that was?!"
"Woah, woah, I didn't say any of that." His eyes widened.
He didn't expect your voice to crack.
"I'm so sorry if you're offended— are you one of the original composers?"
You took a deep breath.
… Why were you mad?
… Why did it feel like those songs mean more to you than meets the eye?
"Sorry, I just…" You shook your head. "I guess I'm not feeling well. Oh, no, I'm so SO sorry…"
An unknown part of you thrived to hear him praise the music. That same part pitied the composer who worked day and night to perfect their piece. It's an ugly voice, but it was sincere.
… What was wrong with you? Why did you suddenly lash out? What was going on?
"Oh, well there's no need to be sorry then." The blonde man took his hat off and bowed.
"Farewell, Mx. (Y/n)!" He grinned. "The greatest magician in all Teyvat will take his leave. Thank you for your time!"
With the sway of his dark cape, he disappeared.
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You entered the restroom to wash your face. It didn't do much to soothe your nerves. The lingering dread for your strange emotional mood swing remained.
To distract yourself, you read through the article.
The Enigmatic Legacy of Composer Safed
In the annals of musical history, few figures emerge as enigmatic and hauntingly captivating as the orchestral composer, Safed. Born five centuries ago amidst the ancient woodlands of Sumeru, this ethereal musician seemingly materialized from Vanarama with no familial relations.
Huh… So it's about the one who wrote the previous compositions earlier.
No wonder that blonde man asked if you were one of the composers. He was being a smartass.
A Fiery Finale: The Pathétique Symphony
Legend has it that in their final act of emotional expression, Safed penned the "Pathétique Symphony," a composition so emotionally charged that, overwhelmed with disdain for their creation, they purportedly set ablaze their woodland home. Seeking solace and escape, Safed accepted the benevolent offer of a city-dwelling benefactor.
Safed… burned down their house?
No, that's not how you remembered that.
No. No. No. No. No.
That's not what happened. "Safed" didn't burn their house down.
Suddenly, you stilled. Your thoughts ran wild, but your inner rationale tried to force them to a halt. This peak in anxiety did not make sense.
… Why would an amnesiac like you know what happened?
A Swansong: Il Dottore's Beneficence
Their benefactor, now celebrated as our Lord Harbinger, Il Dottore, welcomed Safed into the city's heart. It was here that the truth unfolded: Safed had been grappling with hearing loss for years, an affliction that fueled their artistic brilliance yet cloaked them in a muffled world. They were unaware of their disability, yet thrived in their field.
Before you began to read the final paragraph in Safed's brochure, you hurriedly went back to Dottore and the composer's vintage photographed portraits.
After seeing their face, you dropped the brochure in the restroom's sink.
You saw their face.
You saw YOUR face and Zandik's.
But not quite. That was you, but at the same time, it wasn't. Zandik looked stiff in those photos with "you", likely a product of the time since Kamera photography was used only in rare formalities that required a bit of dress up. But the "you" you saw was sickly way beyond the formal costumes. They had (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair, but yours were all white. 
Safed… That's the Sumeru translation for white, isn't it?
Bianco, Wit, Bái— they're all translations for "white", aren't they? And if Dottore and Columbina's earlier conversations were to go by, the one after you would be named Shiro.
The one… after you?
"Tut tut."
You trembled at the familiar sound.
You slowly turned your head around and there he was, leaning against the restroom door.
"You were in the restroom for too long. It appears my suspicions were not unfounded."
Without waiting for a response, he approached with large strides. His gloved hands seized your stressed shoulders. The grip tightened harshly as he forced you to meet his intense gaze. Blood trailed from the corner of your mouth, and your anxiety heightened. He angrily bared his sharp teeth as he watched it stain his gloves.
And yet Zandik looks…
And distressed.
He pressed his earpiece.
"Test Subject #9805 exhibits troubling symptoms. Hematemesis suggests a severe physiological response. Persistent manifestations of albinism in ocular and follicular pigmentation indicate underlying deformities. Immediate isolation is warranted for the researcher and subject's well-being."
His hand was cold. Skin imbued with silver nanomaterials after several operations, reminiscent of the age-old philosophical question: "Is it still the same ship if you gradually replace all of its parts?" 
Then Zandik did something unexpected.
He dropped his hold and you prepared yourself by shutting your eyes as he swung his arm.
To hug you.
"I'm sorry, I have failed you again, (Y/n)," Zandik muttered. "I should not have raised my expectations."
"W… What? Why are you putting me in isolation?" You asked, rattled. "What have I done?! I just— I didn't do anything wrong! What did I—"
He shifted, dragging your arm to hug him back as though you were a little girl's doll. Zandik rested his head on your shoulder, shaking slightly.
"In your innocence, no fault lies. I thought I had accomplished what I had set out to do, and met unfulfilled expectations" Zandik gritted his teeth, voice somber. "Despite centuries of refinement, it appears that I still have room for improvement in perfecting the process… I was right. This deserves no celebration."
The doctor laughed sadly.
"When will I ever be proven wrong?" He asked himself as he wiped the blood off the corner of your lips.
He pulled away, pecking your forehead.
"I'm sorry."
Those were not the words you expected from his mouth, and yet you heard it more than once. I'm sorry. It does not fit his character, nor does the tender yet cold hug he had given prior.
You're scared. You're terrified. You know what was bound to come. You know what awaits you. White walls. Silence. Separation.
Far from a choice. Far from negotiable.
There's no amnesty.
And yet, the words flowed from you naturally.
"... I forgive you."
You have no idea why you said what you said. There's no certainty that you believed your own words. Zandik's lip twitched downward.
"You should not," Zandik croaked. "Why? Why must you always forgive and accept my selfishness? Do you derive satisfaction in seeing me in this state?!"
You opened your mouth to answer but were stopped abruptly as he grabbed your hair.
Zandik had always favored you compared to other patients. You know this very well. He's an evil man and the list of actions he had done that had harmed you in the name of science is at least two pages long upon your awakening. Yet, you were sure he liked you enough for he told you of his new exciting experiments. He scolded you when you left his research institute for fresh air. And he would hold your hand whenever you dreaded those thick injections.
You just didn't know he had it in him to fold from his intimidating facade just to kiss you like a desperate man. 
Breathless under his control, he softly pressed his lips against yours. His lips were chapped and cold, and he took you in gently as though he'd break you. Zandik, as strange as it was, still seemed to prioritize your comfort over his needs. Normally, this tension would've made him so short-tempered. But this will be your last interaction. The doctor tasted your blood in his mouth, and he was nauseous at the thought of hurting you more. But he stopped. Even though he wishes to force all his pent-up desires onto you. Even though he wanted to love you thoroughly that you'd forget your name again.
Zandik whimpered quietly as he pulled away— sounding like a dog that would not sleep that night. What was left in between was a thin disappearing line of saliva and blood that quickly broke off.
The doctor should be happy he finally got to have a proper date with you after 9805 failed attempts. 
But he's not content.
He was about to lean in for the second time but stopped himself. Selfish. To think he nearly saw you two finally walking down the aisle. Why was he always so selfish when it came to you? But those rhetorics mattered not in your head.
You were silenced. You were held.
You were loved.
"No." Zandik breathed in, laughing humorlessly. "No— I am the scholar here. Don't answer."
And you will be disposed of.
"Take them away." He spoke to his men calmly. They had entered long enough to witness what he had done. The men did not hesitate to grab you, thinking Dottore thought you no more than a mere toy.
But calm was deceptive. It does not convey the distress that chokes him.
Maybe in the 9806's trial… he'll have you as he always wanted.
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The Fatuus that escorted you in was gentle. A silent guide. The expression on her face was clear that she wanted to extend her apologies as well but mustn't.
You already have a white tulip in hand.
Arlecchino already sended her regards in advance.
When she opened the door by tapping a card against the lock, she bowed her head. You let yourself enter without a fight. The room was pure white with the rest of the furniture matching the drapes. But Dottore didn't just provide the necessities. There were books, sketch pads, and other recreational materials.
As you were about to approach the center, something was off on both sides.
You looked to your left.
Two clear mirrors divided your room from the others. There's a sign on the left wall. Code #4135.
You stood, shocked, grieving at the sight of your predecessor. They were a mirror of you but with a different name— and an even worse state.
One had made a slight sound coming off their skin— rotting slightly. There's a tube connected to their mouth and you could see yourself— you could see them dripping. They had your face. Their hair and eyes were white. The nose was gone, leaving a gaping hole. Their neck was cricked back at an unnatural angle. You don't know if they're still breathing. They're still bleeding. They must've bitten off their tongue.
There's a lone white blanket that covers the rest of them.
You think they might be dead.
You think "you" might've died more than once.
You jolted at the sound coming from the wall behind you. Upon seeing their body, you froze.
Code #032.
They were but a head. You wish you could only focus on that aspect, but you looked lower and your hair raised. They cannot feel the same, for they were almost only a spine left. The rest of them were their skeletal frame, guided by thin lines one can barely call flesh.
Their head banged against the mirror. The thought that the sound was what made you flinch earlier made you unwell.
They seem to be telling you something. Their breath fogged up the glass and their thinned white hair splayed across your view. Their mouth said something urgently you couldn't comprehend because their tongue was paper-like in size.
#032 was shaking. Their pain grew vivid in every movement that the room was starting to spin. You sensed their turmoil.
They looked like death.
You all looked like death itself, both the pretty and ugly ends of it.
"Don't." You whispered, begging as you knelt to their level. "You don't have to speak."
You laughed deprecatingly.
"We're not the scholar here. He is."
In every syllable, you saw the outline of their esophagus strain. The nerves were blueish purple. The little skin they have left on their cheeks is sunken. Their lips were gnawed, likely as a response to the pain they'd gone through previously. Fists of bone tapped against the glass, and you quivered, imagining their pain.
You were not afraid of them. You only mourned their anguish. In fact, you feel at ease to be in the presence of yourself from the past.
It reminded you of what "Safed" had allegedly spoken years ago.
Nobody understood the pieces you made and you wished you could conduct the first performance five centuries after your first death.
And now, here you are.
Seeing two "people" who do understand you.
And they share your face.
"Pathetically", the only one that can understand you is yourself.
You're all flies trapped in a web that the predator refuses to wrap and consume out of pity. Compared to the others, you looked fine.
But your lungs were blistering.
Despite their deathly ill and mutilated bodies, you were the one bound to die soon enough.
His experiments worked.
You love him.
You love Zandik.
And how tragic it was that the person who learned how to love him was doomed to perish.
In your last minutes, you recalled something vital:
As an outsider, your body was not meant for this world, but after encountering the woodland creatures and Zandik, it became tremendously difficult to part ways with it.
You coughed up yet again with a gentle smile on your face. Maybe you're not dying…
Maybe you're just returning home, for every atom in your multiple bodies was once part of the galaxy.
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You are (Y/n) (L/n).
And you were not from Teyvat.
Much like the rest of the descenders, you have a quirk about you that sets you apart from the norm. For the travelers the world reveres today, it was their distinct determination and questionable age that was remarkable. Yours slightly titters to an inhuman level.
You can "clone" yourself.
Zandik and the "original" you wouldn't phrase it in that manner, but it's the easiest way to describe your talents.
"So, it is cloning." Zandik paused. "Mind letting me in on the science behind the process?"
He was an ordinary student when you both met. Far from a doctor, but at least he was a registered scholar in the Akademiya. Zandik didn't have an eloquent tongue as he does in the present, yet his curiosity burned all the same.
Which is why, back then, you thought his questions were cute.
Not dangerous.
"It's not that I can make copies of myself without consequences," you humored with a grin. "I'm just making… fragments of myself. Segments, if you prefer to call it that. It's a common ability for the people back in my world. None of us do it excessively— especially since we're kind of an invasive species." 
Zandik raised an eyebrow, "is that a commendable trait?"
"My kind says so. Whether good is a subjective or objective assessment or not is up to interpretation." You answered noncommittedly. "I don't think that's right. Our soul splits apart until we're just… empty. We lose some memories in the process."
"But functioning?"
"In a sense, yeah, but we lose a part of ourselves like memories and well, hair color, I guess." You nodded. "Why are you so curious?"
"Since you have rejected my confession, I want to try my hand at seducing a copy of yours instead," Zandik said. You couldn't tell whether he was joking with his naturally piercing red eyes. "Until then, you are not allowed to asexually reproduce without my authorization. Understood?"
You laughed. Unaware of his arsonist crimes, you willingly indulged his words.
"I owe you my ears, so it's only right that I'll listen to your commands, Zandik."
"Good." Zandik grinned, shark-like.
"What a good test subject you are, (Y/n)."
Centuries later, that closing sentence will continue to remain true.
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Since then, his life has changed. Multiplied, even. Upon studying your genetic makeup, he found ways to duplicate himself as well. Despite his feats in science, Zandik remained unhappy.
Deep down, all the Harbingers pity the Doctor who cannot save his most loved one. That includes both Columbina and Arlecchino.
No one protests even when harmful orders are given; everything appears fine until the symptoms are felt. Because the organism— the astral descender— has no nerves or voice, he continues to assume that the patient is not in pain.
The patient needs peace but because they are not to speak, they remain silent, and the need persists.
The patient wants to eat and breathe fresh air, but because such desires might hurt the feelings of the doctor who thinks he has done everything needed, the patient remains quiet, contemplating desires out of fear of reprimand.
The original (Y/n) (L/n) suffers in silence. In a white room only accessible by a man who continues to nurse his unrequited love: Zandik.
No one else can enter this room.
He won't allow it. Only he can be obsessed with you.
The thought of you haunts him like a smiling reflection upon window panes— like a gift of a Trojan horse with nothing but your echoing laughter and hospital monitor beeps inside. Your thin limbs were marching clock hands with rusted gears that miraculously function till the end of time.
What is immortality for if every day was a death loop?
It is such a lonely concept…
You ought to be thankful that he's willing to be your eternal company.
"I endeavored to elicit a reciprocation of my sentiments from the latest subject. Regrettably, their discovery of my antecedent experiments transpired prematurely. Nevertheless, as asserted several times, it remains but a temporal inevitability until an iteration of yourself succumbs to having an interest towards me." Dottore hummed.
He held your feet.
He held Test Subject #01's feet.
If you spoke up, he would've bragged about how he was right. How people do love your songs. But no one knows if you can't or won't answer him. This one-sided conversation is the punishment for his hubris.
He took out a sharp knife and cut off one of your toes. You no longer feel any pain as you bleed into his hands. What a kind man the doctor is, for he blocked all your pain receptors years ago. It's a good thing you regenerate quickly.
That's what he loved and hated about you.
You only gave and gave.
But you never ran out of soul. You never ran your heart fully dry— and that left you ill. Zandik could never let you go.
You're already a part of him.
Hence, he must not make clones of exaggerated memories. He wanted your perfect yet healthy replica.
Praise be the white corpuscles extracted from your veins which had brought him new life. You were the reason for his research. You were the breath that gave his segments life. You were his muse, much like he was yours.
"Fear not, (Y/n)," he reassured with a measured tone. "Upon my mastery of the arts, I intend to reinstate your autonomy and awareness. Perhaps then, you shall find the organic inclination to reciprocate affection toward me by the 9806's trial. Until then…"
In other words, give him more time and he'll reinvent love.
He leaned his forehead against yours.
"I'm so, so sorry."
And ultimately, he'll reinvent YOU.
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"Can I have another piece of your scalp?"
"Do you not understand the weight of this research or must I expound on it further in another three-hour presentation?"
"Alternatively, you could start by saying that you're sorry," you raised an eyebrow. "I'm still not over the fact you randomly cut a piece of my ear when I was asleep, doctor. You know, I heard from the aranaras that white tulips are given to someone when they ask for forgiveness."
Zandik smirked.
"Regrettably, it seems that such an occurrence is unlikely to transpire. Do not expect such words and gifts from me."
You smiled.
"We'll see, we'll see."
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Taglist (pls notify if you wish to be on the taglist for the last two): @average-yandere-enjoyer @pix-stuff @sagekun @vennnnn-diagram @dilucragnidvr @tnsophiaonly @lsleepysimpl
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
In light of OceangateGate, by show of hands, who still wants Elon Musk to send them to Mars?
I mean, this whole thing (like I kept saying in tags) is both grimly fascinating and utterly predictable. Because there's this whole culture that you could and should do absolutely anything anywhere on earth, if you're able to pay for it, and at the same time that the companies offering these experiences can do absolutely everything to cut corners and make profits while placing people in incredibly dangerous situations. Whether it's the mountain adventure companies who take tens of thousands of dollars to shunt total novices up Mount Everest, or this, it's just like... MAYBE YOU SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO MAKE EVERYTHING INTO A HYPER-CAPITALIST COMMODITY JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE RICH AND/OR WANT TO TAKE MORE MONEY FROM RICH PEOPLE! MAYBE!
Within 48 hours of this story breaking, we have learned that:
The sub is not tested or certified by literally any regulatory agency, because "innovation can't wait for rules"
The sub is built of fucking camping store gear and a video game joystick, they did not pay for appropriately certified parts for the depths they wanted to go, and the company fired the guy who pointed it out, rather than dealing with any of the issues he raised
The CEO (one of those now missing on the sub) gave an interview talking about how "at some point, safety is just waste"
In 2018, a literal group of esteemed submersible experts wrote to this guy about how his plans were bad and he should feel bad; he ignored it
The sub does not have basic safety equipment, a readily available backup vehicle, an acoustic beacon, etc, and has gone missing several times before; it is only luck that they found it those times
You can't get out of the fucking thing by yourself even if it is on the surface
It used Elon Musk's Starlink satellites for communication and cited SpaceX as a private adventure tourism model (as noted, you know, the rockets that keep literally blowing up)
You have to sign an enormous waiver (after paying $250,000 a head) acknowledging this entire thing is completely unregulated and you may very well die
Which it looks like these poor schmucks either have or are soon going to, either by imploding instantly at great depth (the merciful option) or slowly suffocating in a freezing coffin in the dark (the absolute hell option)
Like?!?! How was this not COMPLETELY predictable?
You know, the most famous case of Man vs. Nature technological hubris in history
I mean. This is the ultimate outcome and perfect encapsulation of the "no rules no regulations ever, everything including the most dangerous things are crassly commodified for money, everyone is an expert and/or experience is irrelevant, safety rules only exist to hamper innovation and disrupt The Free Market, costs should be cut on everything for more profits, and this should all continue regardless of the consequences or the impact on the other people then required to endanger themselves to rescue them" late-stage capitalist hellscape we are living in. And maybe I shouldn't have laughed, but uh, I laughed:
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silviakundera · 3 months
Ok, upon request my thoughts on Bad Buddy, a good queer romance drama that doesn't get much if any international exposure outside the circle of Thai BL fans. Full spoilers.
after consuming literally dozens of BB videos, the best trailer to the drama imo is actually the talented samyvids' "Just My Type" songvid. Perfectly captures the setup.
* the hook: 2 boys raised by their feuding families to be rivals end up attending a university that has a childish Jets vs Sharksesque historic rivalry between the science/engineering vs artistic/architecture majors. Despite these 2 barriers, the boys stumble into a secret bromance and then into love. Secondary couple here is f/f, though it's basically just soft girls meet cute then getting together (no conflict).
* Comedic and light-hearted drama that doesn't take itself too seriously, while also swerving into the appropriate amount of angst for its set up.
* This '20-something bros in love' dynamic reminds me vividly of what a lot of SPN J2 RPF and Hockey RPF has tried to capture. The 2 leads feel like your prototypical good natured university bros and falling in love never changes that. Friends AND Lovers is a challenging dynamic to capture imo but Bad Buddy succeeds
* It helps the Bros In Love vibes that the actors look less primped & polished than many other asian BL productions. They seem like guys you could have actually had in your classes in uni.
* If you welcome the drama's tone and just vibe with it, I think it successfully executes 4 popular romance tropes:
- rivals to friends to lovers
- forbidden (hidden) love
- fall first vs fall harder
- golden retriever bounding around paw cleaning cat
* If you are going to sell me on a modern day romeo & juliet esque queer rom-com, without the bloodshed, then you BETTER put your money where you mouth is and make their love actually forbidden.
* Thankfully, Bad Buddy understood the assignment. It's not just a misunderstanding. Their parents truly do have a feud and they truly are forbidden to even be friends, forget a romantic relationship. 2 kids obligated to be enemies since birth, bound by this twisted shared experience that no one else understands.
* Pran falling first, with enough time to comprehend how cruelly impossible they are. Pat falling late, fast, and hard - too impulsive to consider the consequences and wearing his heart on his sleeve.
* Both characters won me over quickly:  cautious & restrained Pran who likes order, chaotic Pat who craves his attention
* Love that the dramatic tension & hiding in all the early episodes isn't revealed to be pointless. If there was no consequence, then it removes the poignancy of its classic rooftop kiss scene. Prans' fears must be justified in order for the angst to stand up in a rewatch. Pran's friends DO reject him at first. Their parents DO refuse to accept the relationship, including his mom considering this a personal betrayal.
* Prans' fears are painfully rational and everything he is scared of does have to be confronted. But that also gives romantic weight to his decision to give in to the feelings and accept the consequences.
* In the way that scifi authors will try to explore sociopolitical topics through allusions & metaphor, and that Hunger Games author keeps writing dystopian YA whenever she gets heated about politics, Bad Buddy does a good job imo of using the feuding families setup to address the reality of existing in a homophobic and transphobic society while being queer -- demonstrating it in a way that straight cis people can relate to. And approaching from this angle allows the production to tell that story with a certain emotional distance for queer viewers who have experienced such struggles.
* The bittersweet ending sells me completely on this drama. Closeted but not. Open but not entirely. Accepting that you can't change the world and make all your family & friends & coworkers accept your truth... but refusing to abandon them OR your truth. It's a decision so many queer people have made over the years, in different countries and decades. And it's tinged with hope.
* Let's acknowledge that indeed there is tons of product placement in this series. Sometimes to hilarious ends. But frankly, without this sponsorship the series would not exist. So I'm very grateful to suffer through the marketing that helped fund it.
* Available streaming in multiple places, including YouTube.
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Oh Seung Min (Xdinary Heroes) Kissing Style Tarot Reading
All readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Before requesting, read the pinned post and appropriate linked post
Tarot readings are my hobby - I’m not obligated to accept any of the requests nor to complete them, it’s my choice, not duty
Waiting time is long, even several months
If you can’t wait, please, seek other tarot reader
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck(s): Goddesses and Sirens Oracle, Wild Mystic Oracle, Dark Wood Tarot, Moon Oracle, Deep, Dark & Dangerous Oracle
Spread: Kissing Style
O.de’s Kissing
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Oh Seung Min
Stage Name: O.de
Group: Xdinary Heroes
DOB: 11.06.2002
Sun Sign: Gemini
Chinese Sign: Water Horse
Life Path Number: 3
Zodiac Tarot Card: VI The Lovers
Personality Tarot Card: XII The Hanged Man
Soul Tarot Card: III The Empress
Masterpost: Xdinary Heroes
Ko-fi - Voluntary Tip for Readings
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Oh Seung Min
O.de (Xdinary Heroes)
Spread / Question: Kissing Style Deck(s): Goddesses and Sirens Oracle, Wild Mystic Oracle, Dark Wood Tarot, Moon Oracle, Deep, Dark & Dangerous Oracle
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Goddesses and Sirens Oracle
Hathor (Contentment)
Wild Mystic Oracle
Salamander (Grow)
Shark (Fear)
Dark Wood Tarot
5 of Cups
10 of Pentacles
Page of Wands
V The Hierophant
Moon Oracle
Earth Full Moon (Flower - Achievement)
Deep, Dark & Dangerous Oracle
31. Erinyes (Vengeance)
2. Selkie (Freedom)
Seung Min is a highly sensual kisser. He’s so well connected with his physical body and his skin and lips are so sensitive to the touch that he can pick on every single tiny signal his lover sends when they kiss. Seung Min loses his better judgement when it comes to kissing and focuses his full attention to feel and sense, to be in the moment when he’s kissing his lover. Nothing else exists for him, he fully dives into the deep and passionate kiss, exploring the depths of his lover’s mouth and reaching their very soul in consequence. It feels mesmerising, dangerous even like Seung Min was luring them to slip into the unknown, inviting, yet risky.
Seung Min is likely to attack his lover from behind, jump scaring them when he puts his arms around them suddenly and his lips leach onto their neck or his teeth nip onto the sensitive skin. He loves how it instantly increases the pulse rate of his lover, he will make sure to latch his lips to the neck vein to feel the pulse or he might caress it with his fingertips while nibbling on his lover’s ears and whispering seductive invitations. Seung Min emerges from the depths like a shark, tasting, grasping his lover and pulling them into his embrace only to devour them with his love and kisses. He’s the feasting type of kisser, always seems so hungry for more kisses, for more intensive experience.
Seung Min never holds himself back when kissing, it’s his way to express his true authentic self. While he might seem a bit reserved or secretive sometimes, all his masks and shields drop when he mingles his hot breath with the breath of his lover. Kissing means freedom to him, he becomes daring and adventurous, he’s restless and changes angles and body parts to kiss often to drive his lover crazy. It’s very likely for Seung Min to use his kissing skills as his final argument in a quarrel with his lover. It’s his way to overpower them, how to show them what’s actually important; not the petty issues they were fighting about, only passion is important. It’s his way of revenge for hurtful words that have been said - to suck them out of his lover’s throat and melt them and dissolve them in the heat of his desire.
Seung Min is for sure the dominant one when it comes to kissing. Giving up his control would ruin his plans and take away the power he embeds into his kisses. He’s the one setting the rules here, he decides when the tempo slows down or quickens, he controls when his lover is allowed to catch their breath.
I have included the picture of the pulled cards in this reading for a specific reason. It’s not a good quality but can you see the 10 of Pentacles there? The tree with an opening in it, a gate to another world? The shape of it is a bit suggestive, isn’t it? Not a perfect depiction but the hint is there. As I have mentioned before, Seung Min is a highly sensual and daring kisser. Sometimes, not always, but sometimes he’s likely to literally explore his lover's body with kisses entirely, kiss them all the way down and dive like a shark into the deep waters. Gemini sign is known for being very skilled with their tongue so I dare to say Seung Min’s lover might find this habit of his very pleasing.
Let’s finish this up on a less naughty note. Seung Min’s kisses are in fact healing. Whatever sorrow or worries were bothering his lover, Seung Min’s breath melts them and blows them away as soon as his lips touch theirs. It’s like when they were missing something vital and crucial in their life, like if their limb was missing but they couldn’t name what they lack. Then Seung Min kisses them and suddenly the last piece of puzzle comes to its place, this is it, this is what was missing the whole time and now it’s there and it makes them feel whole and regenerated. Seung Min’s kisses have this power in them as he puts all his inner fire into them, his life force channels through his kisses into his lover, making them feel contented and grateful. Seung Min seems to be indeed a powerful kisser.
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Despite the fact I have written a lot about Xdinary Heroes already, I don't stan them. I would truly appreciate if you could tell me whether it sounds remotely accurate or not. 😊 Thank you!
Thank you for reading!
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promiseiwillwrite · 8 months
Bad Stuff
Disclaimer: This post is about some Really Rough experiences I had here on Tumblr while I was trying to come out from under the Rock. I was trying to reach out and interact in a community where I didn't know the established rules of etiquette, and I learned them the hard way. They had major consequences for me and my path as a witch, and I am just now sorting this shit out and trying to repair the damage. I was gatekept and treated cruelly for making mistakes, and I didn't know any better. The culture on Tumblr is very different from the culture in which I was raised, (80s and 90s Kentucky) so it was quite difficult to adjust. So read at your own risk.
One of the first things that happened was that I became accidentally involved in a flame war with a person who called me "ableist" before I knew what that even was. It sent me into a 6 month depression where I did a LOT of internal work and thought deeply about how I perceive humans with different levels of intelligence. I adjusted my views about human validity surrounding intelligence, and I solidified my observation that the human who called me out was being exceptionally Mean and Shitty about it to me and a bunch of other people. They were right that me calling anyone "stupid" or "an idiot" is ableist use of language. However, they were Very Wrong in their approach and assumptions about me. I DO care about people, and my views ARE something I actively seek to adjust in the face of new information. I also have Moral OCD, so I self-punished harshly in the face of this new information, for a Lifetime of thinking badly of other humans for various reasons connected to their perceived level of intelligence. I did eventually bring it back around, however and realize that no difference in level of intelligence, real or perceived was any excuse for being mean and shitty to others. Calling out bad behavior is important, but you can do that without being mean or shitty. And it turns out that how I really feel is that I have a problem with people choosing to be mean and shitty, and not with their level of intelligence. I had just Falsely correlated the two things, and now I do not.
Not long after that, I experienced the Discourse on Lillith for the first time. I had never worked with Lillith. It didn't apply to me at all. But I could see how some humans, for whom this entity had been an important part of their practice and lived experience, finding out for the first time that this entity was closed might have had some thoughts and feelings about that. I did not engage in Any of these conversations. I didn't have a dog in the fight. But I felt very bad for people who had been working with this entity for years who were being called appropriative. What do you DO about something like that? What if you've called Lillith your Patron for a Decade, and then a bunch of people tell you you are Completely Wrong and Out of Bounds? I can't imagine that is something where you can just go, "Oh, My bad." and stop. Plus, there were a lot of people being VERY MEAN about it.
It was about this time that I realized some very important adjacent things about the way I was raised, and the stories I had been told about my Native American Heritage. According to what my Grandmother said, my Great Grandmother was the daughter of a Choctaw Chief. I had been raised with great pride in that heritage. But I had been raised as a White Girl. I've never been to a reservation. I've never known anything of the culture of the tribe, or anything but stories of my Great Grandmother. So when my mother incorporated Native American traditions/practices into her religious beliefs and practices, it seemed right and natural. We went to Native American Gatherings, invitation only events two states away. I helped build a medicine wheel on Black Mountain. I talked with Grandmother Joy Earthwalker about what it meant to be a Beaver person... A builder and a Story Teller. I was still a punk-ass little white freak girl, but this was a part of my life and my belief system... Until I encountered the Lillith discourse and thought Deeply about appropriation for the first time.
And standing in the Forest out on the peninsula in Washington, I very painfully decided that in all honesty, I had no right to that part of my practice. The thing that had resonated so strongly with me was the connection to the land, and plants and animals. I had no idea how I was going to give all that up. It was SO deeply fundamental to the core of my being. But if that part of my belief was Stolen and Harmful to an oppressed people I decided I would rather die than be that way. And I guess I did... When I gave it all up I was depressed for months. It took a lot of talking with people to come to the conclusion that animist perspectives did not have to be "Native American", but were instead present in paradigms all over the world, Many of which were decidedly open. So I didn't have to give up connection to the land, and plants and animals. I just stopped thinking of it as a Native American way, and started thinking of it as My way. My observations. My connections. And I felt better eventually.
But not before I ran into the most painful discourse of all. The folks who were bashing godspouses got to me the worst. I have had a very intimate relationship with my patron since I was 10 years old. Because of my Plural Internal Architecture, I interacted with my Patron Deity on a very personal level, and as a part of myself. I understood that this deity was a deity, AND ALSO a part of me. And it was confusing as hell. And it was very different, necessarily, from the experiences that many people described, but also similar in some ways. Over the course of my relationship with my Patron, the interactions changed immensely with time. They were a psychological outpicturing of me trying to make sense of my life and my environment, which was often very poor. The relationship at times was incredibly unhealthy, because I was unhealthy. I was a product of that environment, and my thoughts and beliefs were full of distortions that were the product of abuse and neglect. However, my relationship with my Patron was, many times, the most positive, most consistent, predictable, safe relationship in my life. The relationship I had with Him saved my life, and kept pointing me out of my depressions. He Always tried to make my life better. Always tried to Ease my suffering. Always tried to help me to be a better, more resilient being.
And then the antis told me that I shouldn't have an unhealthy parasocial relationship with a god, because why would a god, who in my patron's case and in their eyes wasn't even a god, want to have anything like that with an insignificant human person. They told me wanting it was disgusting and disrespectful. It was projecting what I wanted onto a deity figure. Just Mental Illness, and nothing real.
They spoke to me in words of doubt that I had said to myself a thousand times, that were so much more damning coming from an external source. They used that word, that my Abuser often used against me, to label even the smallest transgressions (breathing wrong, moving my eyes at the wrong time) as Morally Wrong.
I backed away from the relationship in Horror. What had I DONE? I was Horrible. I was disrespectful, I was dishonoring my patron with some distorted, self-created obsessive idea of a relationship born in some massive lack of discretion. Nothing I had thought or done or felt in the last 30 years was Real, AND it was wrong. I broke it. I broke it Badly, believing these motherfuckers and their words that parroted the worst things that crawled around in my mind.
Nevermind that Loki is a trash panda of a god, and a slut, and a freaky little guy, and that None of this would shock, amaze or even put him off.
And I haven't successfully repaired it yet. Loki is still there. He is still trying. I still want it, but I Deeply mistrust that. I feel like everything I want is hurtful somehow. Thanks Moral OCD. I hate it.
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bulldyke-rider · 2 years
“harsh on the younger one on behalf of the older one” what do you mean by this? I’m genuinely asking as I’m an only child with no siblings and all my family lives overseas, so I don’t really know squat about parental dynamics with siblings. Had a very isolated upbringing. And I’ve been thinking about whether I would want kids one day or not, lately.
So like, it's really hard for small kids to deal with the age appropriate behaviors of even younger kids. And like, the adults in your life usually tell you to just get over it because "she's/he's younger". But that's very frustrating and unsatisfying to hear as a kid.
It's especially bad when they're allowed to do things to you that you aren't allowed to do to them even when it makes perfect sense because you're more developed mentally and you actually do know better and they actually don't. Because even though you know better, you aren't developed enough to understand why it's okay for your sibling to do it but not you.
Idk if you've seen the clips of sesame street where Elmo is getting really mad at Zoe because she has a pet rock. But the explanation is that Elmo is 5 and Zoe is 3, and they're written to function as a sibling relationship. Zoe is younger than Elmo and acting younger than Elmo, and it's totally normal for her to do that. Elmo is bothered by it, and it's totally normal for him to be bothered by it.
So with the idea in mind that I experienced being the frustrated and confused older sibling, I would be more understanding of my older child and less understanding of my younger child just based on my life experience. So even though I full well know that what's annoying to a 5 year old is a 3 year old's natural behavior, I would subconsciously end up parenting in a way that goes against the younger kid's nature. I would end up punishing completely normal behavior which isn't good for a developing mind.
And then if you combine that with my mom using my sister to basically emotionally abuse me, there's a nerve in there that would be hit by seeing my younger kid bother my older kid and face no consequences. Even though normal behavior isn't even a quarter as bad as how I was treated.
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
I wrote all those posts (Cinder is polite, Cinder's speech patterns) yesterday once again on archetypal blindness with Cinder and what amounts to the typical fandom flanderisation with characters. Tangentially to that topic is like when the headcanon went around and gained traction that Cinder couldn't read. Because she was abused and enslaved so when would she ever become literate? Notice that this is again on theme of 'feral woman' - unkempt, lack of manners, inability to read, a collection of traits that run counter to her actual character and canonical facts we know to be true (she went to Beacon, Salem is her master, Salem canonically 'teaches' her), but again you've got an archetypal grouping going on here (and some gendered stereotypes at play as I was saying).
I made brief reference to this in another post but there has been a resurgence of interest in female villains specifically of the feral woman variety. Cinder is an interesting study because historically two categories of acceptable female villain archetypes have been assigned to her: the cold sexy calculating femme fatale, and now the feral woman archetype. There are a collection of traits in her character that can align with those at different times, but they ignore the context of her character and generally flatten her. Why does this matter? Because I think the memetic nature of fandom makes it so that fanon predominates interpretation before canon and it basically defeats the point of engaging with canon at all.
That we've seen this archetypal shift over time accompanying the narrative shifts her character has gone through is actually its own interesting study; I would say that part of what has reformed Cinder on Tumblr has been this archetypal shift itself that people have begun to accept (though the fact that it's tonally not really appropriate is another matter, canon tone is not a concern with archetypal trends in my experience). I also know of some major blogs that have encouraged this type of interpretation of her, most fanart and most posts I've seen about her generally come from either of these archetypal angles. Archetypes are powerful. Jung wrote about them for a reason, even if psychoanalysis doesn't hold up now the way it did then; fitting people and characters into schema, particularly in group settings like fandom, is an easy pattern to fall into. Ironically.
What's interesting is that right now you can actually see the holdover of the femme fatale in some parts of fandom because the changes on Tumblr are not happening everywhere - so the femme fatale and other sexualised/objectified female villain archetypes are held in tension with the current feral woman archetypes of Tumblr, and both are kind of happening at the same time. I think that the feral woman is also partly an expression of sexuality, just in a different way - if female sexuality is suppressed under the proper performance of femininity, female sexuality can be expressed through the feral woman who is usually of voracious appetite. The irony is that, again, the feral woman archetype can become its own boxed in set of expectations. The problem is once you associate female sexuality with villainy, it's going to have thematic consequences that may be unintended. This is why I think 'true' romance can play a major role in Cinder's redemption arc and have positive consequences for, well, sexuality, and not leave the 'sexy' archetype she played as something, well, completely associating sexuality with villainy.
What does this all say? I don't mean to condescend to anybody. I think the memetic function of fandom and flanderisation of characters clearly has some purpose, otherwise it wouldn't be a thing we see over and over again. It's partly related to prosocial behaviours and building community over finding things compelling. It's also partly knowing how to say the right things and making sure other people also know you believe the right things about xyz character. This is where fandom and canon interpretation get messy. Because it's not like I'm exactly making friends myself.
It's interesting how powerful the role of archetypes are, though, in that they can even transcend canon and colour interpretation to the point that it's almost unrecognisable as what it was originally, and in others can give you the thematic key to the story. The subconscious way we interact with storytelling is really diminished now, mostly because of conscious narrative cynicism, but in this case can really explain fandom behaviour.
Does it matter? Let people have fun. That's the refrain I always encounter. Well, it's not fun for me and I don't like venturing out beyond my blog, and you're supposed to write and create the things you want to see. So I try to write and create the things I want to see. I think that much is obvious. But it does get kind of lonely and frankly it does get kind of boring seeing the same character repackaged across fandoms and seeing stuff that so obviously ignores Cinder's actual character (... or Jaune).
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superbloverwhispers · 1 month
Carlsbad Emergency Roof Repair: Restoring Safety and Security to Your Home
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Quality Repairs and Replacements
Once the inspection is complete, the roofing contractor will provide you with a detailed report outlining the recommended repairs or replacements. They will use high-quality materials and employ industry-standard techniques to restore your roof's integrity. Working with professionals ensures that the repairs are done correctly, minimizing the risk of future problems.
Safety Precautions
Roof repair can be dangerous, especially during emergencies when there may be additional hazards such as strong winds or unstable structures. Professional roofing contractors prioritize safety by adhering to strict safety guidelines and using appropriate equipment. They have the necessary training to handle emergencies effectively without putting anyone at risk.
Choosing the Right Roofing Company
With numerous roofing companies in Carlsbad, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your emergency roof repair needs. Here are some factors to consider when making your decision:
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desertcartindias · 2 months
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Complete your look with our fashionable hair accessories. From hairbands and clips to scrunchies and pins, we've got quite a few alternatives to add a touch of beauty on your coiffure. Perfect for any occasion, our add-ons assist you effortlessly elevate your hair sport.
Shop the Best Hair Care Products for Women on Desertcart India
Discover the great hair care merchandise for girls at Desertcart India. With our numerous range of outstanding products, you could create a customized hair care recurring that suits your precise needs. Shop now and revel in stunning, healthful hair each day.
Why Choose Desertcart India?
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Transform your hair care ordinary with Desert cart India. Explore our collection today and find the right hair products for women. 
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nexgencomposites · 3 months
Experience Excellence That Redefines Industry Standards with Our Superior Composite Pipes for Enhanced Durability and Performance
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Constructed from a blend of materials like fiberglass, resin, and other reinforcing fibers, offers several advantages over conventional metal and plastic pipes. They are known for their high solidarity to weight proportion, consumption obstruction, and adaptability, making them ideal for many applications including water conveyance, compound handling, and oil and gas transportation. As a chief Composite Pipe Manufacturer in Rajasthan, Nexgen Composite invests heavily in delivering pipes that meet and surpass industry guidelines.
Advantages of Composite Pipes
1. The Benefits of Composite Pipes Upgraded Durability: Composite lines are intended to endure brutal natural circumstances, including outrageous temperatures and substance openness. Because of this, they are a dependable option for a variety of industrial applications.
2. Corrosion Resistance: Also, unlike metal lines, composite lines do not require power hence they are likely to have a longer life span, and there is a minimal need for maintenance.
 3. Lightweight and Flexible: The composite pipes are precise and serve as light pipes by which they are easy to transport and install and the versatility of the pipes makes it possible to run and install them in many systems.
 4. Cost-Effective: Composite pipes are one of the economic solutions for organizations since they are long-lasting and rarely require maintenance.
 5. High Strength: The material type that is used in the composite pipes also makes it appropriate for use where high pressure is expected because of the very high tensile strength of the fibers used for reinforcing the pipe.
Applications of Composite Pipes
Uses for Composite Pipes are versatile and can be used for the following purposes
Water Distribution: Due to their ability to resist corrosion and degradation they can be applied on potable water and wastewater handling systems.
 Chemical Processing: This feature gives the carriers the balance needed to protect themselves from the terrific agencies of aggressive chemicals when transporting inflammable products.
 Oil and Gas: For these reasons, composite pipes are ideal for the transfer of oil, gas, and other hydrocarbons because are made to withstand high pressures.
 Agriculture: Due to their flexibility and their relatively light weight we find it useful in irrigation systems.
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Nexgen Composite: Commitment to Excellence
Excellence Nexgen Composite is Rajasthan’s composite pipes manufacturing company, aiming to give unprecedented standards of products. Many of our personnel ensure they continually upgrade their knowledge to enhance the manufacturing process so that our Composite Pipe Manufacturer in Rajasthan are the best performing and most reliable. By picking Nexgen Composite, you are putting resources into quality, toughness, and greatness.
FAQs about Composite Pipe Manufacturer in Rajasthan
1. What distinguishes composite pipes from conventional metal pipes?
Composite lines offer predominant consumption opposition, upgraded sturdiness, and high solidarity to weight proportion, making them more dependable and savvy for different modern applications.
2. How does Nexgen Composite guarantee the nature of its composite pipes?
Nexgen Composite works on the principle of quality composite pipes manufacturing and being a Rajasthan-based composite pipes manufacturing company, we make sure to follow quality and testing techniques during production.
3. What businesses can profit from utilizing composite pipes?
Consequently, they do not corrode, have long life spans, and are flexible; these pipes may be applied to the agricultural industry, chemical processing industry, oil and gas supply industries, and water supply industries.
It is critical to select the right materials for your clients to maintain the duration and sturdiness of your completed project. Nexgen Composite IT Solution, being one of the leading firms involved in the manufacturing of composite pipes situated in Rajasthan, aims at delivering excellent quality composite pipes that are appropriate with new benchmarks in the respective field. Most companies that offer their products will guarantee the quality of their products and so will we. That’s why Nexgen Composite can be trusted for quality and will bring your projects to the next level with our superior composite pipes
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vadania-alcide · 4 months
Preventing Accidents: The Importance of Furniture Anchors for Baby Proofing
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Understanding the Risks
Accidents involving furniture tipping over pose a significant risk to young children in households worldwide. According to recent studies, such accidents are among the leading causes of injuries to infants and toddlers, often resulting in serious harm or even fatalities. The vulnerability of young children to these accidents cannot be overstated. Their natural curiosity and inclination to explore their surroundings frequently lead them to climb or pull on furniture, unaware of the potential dangers.
Statistics reveal a startling reality: every year, thousands of children are rushed to emergency rooms due to injuries caused by furniture tipping over. Tragically, some of these incidents prove fatal, highlighting the urgent need for effective preventative measures. The majority of these accidents occur in the comfort of our own homes, where we least expect harm to befall our loved ones. From toppling dressers to falling bookshelves, the hazards are diverse and often unforeseen.
Moreover, the consequences of these accidents extend beyond physical injuries. The emotional toll on families who experience such tragedies is profound and long-lasting. Parents are left grappling with guilt and anguish, wondering if more could have been done to protect their child. It’s a sobering reminder of the importance of proactive safety measures in the home.
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Introducing Furniture Anchors
When it comes to creating a safe environment for our little ones, every precaution counts. This is where furniture anchors step in as silent guardians, offering a robust defense against potential accidents.
Furniture anchors, like the ones we offer, are specially designed to prevent tip-over incidents, which are unfortunately all too common in households with young children. These anchors serve as a sturdy connection between your furniture and the wall, ensuring that even the most curious explorers can’t accidentally topple heavy bookcases or dressers.
Our furniture anchors are crafted with durability and reliability in mind. Made from high-quality stainless steel, they boast superior strength and corrosion resistance, providing long-lasting protection for your family. Unlike flimsy plastic alternatives, our anchors are built to withstand the test of time and keep your furniture securely in place.
But it’s not just about strength; it’s also about versatility. Our furniture anchors are designed to work with various types of furniture, from bookshelves to cabinets to wardrobes. Whether you’re securing a tall dresser in the nursery or anchoring a bookcase in the living room, our anchors offer a versatile solution to fit your needs.
In addition to their practicality, our furniture anchors are easy to install. With simple instructions and included hardware, you can have them set up in minutes, giving you peace of mind knowing that your home is a safer place for your little ones to explore.
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 Installation and Usage Guide
Installing furniture anchors is a straightforward process that can be completed with basic tools and a few simple steps. Follow these guidelines to ensure proper installation and usage:
1. **Assessment**: Begin by assessing the furniture you wish to secure. Identify the best anchoring points on both the furniture piece and the wall.
2. **Preparation**: Gather the necessary tools and hardware included with the furniture anchors kit. You will typically need a screwdriver and possibly a drill driver for certain installations.
3. **Positioning**: Place the furniture anchor straps around the designated anchoring points on the furniture and mark the corresponding spots on the wall.
4. **Drilling**: Use a drill to create pilot holes in the marked spots on the wall. Be sure to use the appropriate drill bit size for the screws provided with the anchors.
5. **Anchoring**: Secure the straps to the wall using the provided screws and plastic anchors. Ensure that the straps are taut and securely fastened to both the furniture and the wall.
6. **Testing**: Once installed, give the furniture a gentle tug to ensure that it is firmly anchored. Periodically check the anchors to ensure they remain secure over time.
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In conclusion, investing in furniture anchors for baby proofing is a crucial step in creating a safe and secure environment for your little ones. By understanding the risks associated with furniture tipping and taking proactive measures to prevent accidents, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of injuries in your home. With easy installation and reliable performance, furniture anchors offer peace of mind to parents and caregivers, knowing that their children are protected from potential hazards. Remember, safety should always be a priority, and using furniture anchors is a simple yet effective way to safeguard your family’s well-being.
Product link:https://vadania.com/product/30-set-furniture-anchors/
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wigmedical · 4 months
Exploring Prospects within the Medical Wig Sector
The growing recognition of the diverse factors and consequences of hair loss, including chemotherapy, alopecia, and other causes, has led to a significant rise in the demand for medical prostheses in recent years. Medical prostheses provide a crucial solution for persons facing the physiological and psychological difficulties associated with alopecia. These essential items instill confidence, comfort, and a sense of normalcy. As an increasing number of enterprises recognize the importance of this sector, they are attempting to enter the medical wig industry. However, in order to thrive in this specialized industry, appropriate education and training are indispensable.
The Critical Nature of Certification
Courses for medical prosthesis certification are crucial in equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve success in the field. These courses surpass the provision of theoretical knowledge by imparting practical insights and hands-on experience that are essential for comprehending the distinct requirements of clients who are experiencing hair loss. Aspired professionals acquire the requisite knowledge and abilities to provide exceptional cranial prosthetics and empathetic care by enrolling in medical prosthesis certification programs.
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Comprehensive Curriculum for Training
Wig Medical is a prominent provider of certification courses for medical wigs. Wig Medical is an organization that places emphasis on medical-related hair loss and cranial prosthetics. Our mission is to furnish entrepreneurs with the necessary expertise and capabilities to flourish in this domain. A variety of subjects are encompassed in their extensive training program, such as the customization of hairpieces, analysis of the epidermis, corrective fitting methods, and consultations with clients. By engaging in interactive sessions and analyzing real-life case studies, pupils acquire indispensable knowledge regarding the intricate nature of medical prosthesis provision.
Practical Experience
An attribute that sets medical wig certification training apart is its strong focus on practical application. A practical understanding of cranial prosthetics necessitates expertise in a variety of techniques and applications. By providing students with the opportunity to work directly with clients, medical wig certification courses ensure that they acquire the skills necessary to accommodate a variety of preferences and requirements. By assisting professionals in the selection of appropriate hairpieces and guaranteeing a comfortable fit, practical training equips them with the ability to provide customized solutions with assurance and compassion.
Practically Navigating Scenarios
Within the medical prosthesis industry, each client's trajectory is distinct, thereby introducing a multitude of obstacles and factors to be taken into account. By exposing them to realistic situations, Medical Wig certification classes equip students with the necessary problem-solving skills and adaptability to succeed in the industry. These courses enable professionals to approach every client interaction with sensitivity and expertise, whether it involves addressing concerns regarding hair texture, colour matching, or managing specific medical requirements.
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Arrangements for Success
Individuals who successfully complete certification training for medical wigs possess the necessary knowledge, abilities, and self-assurance to commence a rewarding professional trajectory within the field. Certified professionals possess extensive knowledge of cranial prosthetics and medical-related hair loss. Their expertise enables them to significantly improve the quality of life for individuals whose hair is thinning as a result of treatment or illness. Whether operating autonomously or in a healthcare environment, they fulfil an indispensable function in augmenting the well-being of their clientele.
Medical wig certification programs provide ambitious practitioners with the means to gain access to promising prospects within the rapidly expanding domain of cranial prosthetics and hair loss associated with medical conditions. By virtue of their extensive education, practical engagement, and emphasis on authentic situations, individuals are adequately equipped to effectively provide individualized resolutions and empathetic healthcare. Wig Medical provides individuals desiring to effect significant change in the lives of others with the necessary education and certification to succeed in the medical wig industry. Today, for more information regarding their courses and offerings, please visit wigmedical.com.
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hudsonmckenzie · 5 months
Are you making these mistakes while hiring London immigration lawyers?
Moving abroad, whether for employment or simply to be near your family, is not a simple task. Would you like to relocate from London to another nation? Relocating requires a lot of labor, such as gathering resources from the ground up and completing a ton of paperwork until the very last minute to arrive at your destination. In certain situations, there may be additional tasks involved. When moving from London to any other place, the majority of people make blunders like doing everything themselves and squandering time and money. When relocating abroad, you require excellent assistance from someone who is familiar with all the paperwork and requirements you can encounter during the immigration process. Therefore, it would be best to engage professionals if you are moving because it is a difficult task that involves a lot of paperwork.
Consequently, bear in mind that the solicitor you choose to represent you in court should be an expert in immigration-related issues when you make the decision to work with a professional. Making a decision without taking specialization into account could get you into problems, and if it doesn't, you'll definitely waste time. Even if there are other attorneys who may assist you with your immigration issue, we advise you to look solely at specialized immigration solicitors in London because they are knowledgeable and have a thorough understanding of the legal system, allowing them to investigate your case swiftly.
When choosing to hire an immigration solicitor, exercise caution in your selection. Given that they are all immigration experts, what does it mean to make an informed decision? Yes, they are all experts, but do they also possess subject-matter expertise? This is where you would need to compare at least four or five different solicitors, as you would want them to respond to all of your inquiries before choosing the best fit. Therefore, before selecting one, shortlist four or five immigration attorneys. Make an appointment with each of them so that you can interview them and have a general sense of their degree of experience and demeanor. When you ask a question as a customer, they should be prepared with all the answers. If they delay answering, it's possible that they're trying to get you to answer them later. They are not the proper person for you or your immigration issues specialist, so you should remove their name from the list immediately. So, don't give up on finding one of the knowledgeable London immigration lawyers.
It is undoubtedly expensive to immigrate to another nation, and one of the costs you will incur during the process is hiring an immigration lawyer. Therefore, it is best to have a list of all potential costs ready, including the fees for your immigration attorney, the nature of your application, and additional paperwork. It helps to have a potential budget on hand when you begin the procedure. Knowing the approximate total cost will help you to rest till the procedure is finished. You will need to exercise patience as it may take many months for your application to be granted.
Stay in constant contact with your solicitor. They can have important questions about your application, so never put yourself out of their reach and make sure you answer their inquiries in a correct and appropriate manner. Thus, to ensure that your application is approved, communicate effectively.
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courierduniablog · 6 months
Top 10 Tips for Send Medicines from India to Canada by Courier
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Send India to Canada Medicine Courier  involves several considerations to ensure a smooth and legal process. . Whether you are sending essential medications to a loved one or shipping pharmaceutical products commercially, adhering to regulations and best practices is crucial. Here are ten essential tips to help you successfully navigate this process:
1. Understand Legal Regulations:   
Familiarize yourself with both Indian and US laws regarding the shipment of medicines. Different countries have varying restrictions on the types of medicines that can be imported, quantities allowed, and documentation required. For Canada, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates pharmaceutical imports, and compliance is essential to avoid legal issues.
2. Check Medicine Eligibility: 
Not all Medicines courier to Canada are eligible for international shipping. Certain medications may be classified as controlled substances or require special handling due to their nature. Confirm if the medicines you intend to send are permitted for import into Canada and comply with FDA guidelines.
3. Choose Reliable International Medicine Courier Services: 
Select a reputable International Medicine Courier from India with experience in shipping pharmaceutical products internationally. Ensure they offer tracking services, insurance options, and have a good track record of handling medical shipments securely and efficiently.
4. Consult a Healthcare Professional: 
Seek advice from a healthcare professional or pharmacist regarding the medicines being sent. They can provide information on dosage, storage conditions, and any special handling requirements during transit. Proper packaging and labeling are crucial to maintain medication efficacy.
5. Complete Documentation: 
Prepare all necessary documents accurately. This may include a prescription from a licensed medical practitioner, a detailed list of medications being shipped (including generic names), invoices, and customs declaration forms. Incomplete or inaccurate documentation can lead to delays or rejection at customs.
6. Follow Packaging Guidelines: 
Package medicines securely to prevent damage during transit. Use appropriate cushioning materials, sturdy boxes, and temperature-controlled packaging if needed, especially for sensitive medications like insulin or vaccines. Label packages clearly with sender and recipient details.
7. Declare Contents Truthfully: 
Declare the contents of the shipment truthfully and accurately on customs forms. Attempting to conceal or misrepresent medication contents can result in confiscation, fines, or legal consequences. Compliance with customs regulations is paramount for successful delivery.
8. Consider Customs Duties and Taxes: 
Be aware of potential customs duties, taxes, and import fees applicable to pharmaceutical imports in Canada. These costs vary based on the declared value of the shipment and the nature of the products. Factor these costs into your shipping budgetary considerations.
9. Use Secure and Tracked Shipping Methods: 
Shipping methods that offer end-to-end tracking and secure handling. Track your shipment regularly and stay updated on its progress. This helps in addressing any issues promptly and ensures timely delivery to the recipient.
10. Communicate with Recipient:
Notify the recipient in the United States about the expected delivery time frame from International Courier in India, and any tracking information. Advise them to be available to receive the package and to follow any local regulations or procedures for receiving international shipments of medicines. In conclusion, sending courier medicines from India to Canada requires careful planning, adherence to legal requirements, and collaboration with reliable courier services. By following these top 10 tips, you can navigate the process smoothly, ensuring the safe and lawful delivery of essential medications to their intended recipients. Always prioritize transparency, compliance, and proper documentation to avoid delays or complications during transit.
FAQs about Sending Courier Medicines from India to Canada 
1. Can I send all types of medicines from India to Canada via International courier?  
No, not all medicines can be sent internationally. Certain medications may be restricted or prohibited, especially controlled substances. It's essential to check with regulatory authorities and courier services for eligibility. 
2. What are the key documents required for shipping medicines to Canada?  
Important documents include prescriptions from a licensed medical practitioner, detailed lists of medicines (including generic names), invoices, and customs declaration forms.
3. How should I package medicines for international courier? 
Package medicines securely using sturdy boxes, cushioning materials, and temperature-controlled packaging if necessary. Effective packaging is crucial to minimize the risk of damage during transit. 
4. Are there special handling requirements for shipping medicines?   
Yes, certain medicines may require special handling due to their nature or storage conditions. Follow guidelines provided by healthcare professionals and regulatory agencies. 
5. What are the customs duties and taxes I need to consider?   
Be aware of potential customs duties, taxes, and import fees applicable to pharmaceutical imports in Canada. Incorporate these expenses into your shipping budgetary planning. 
6. Can I track my medicine shipment during transit?   
Yes, reputable courier services offer tracking options for shipments. Utilize tracking services to monitor your shipment's progress and receive timely updates.
7. Is insurance available for pharmaceutical shipments?   
Some courier services offer insurance options for added protection against unforeseen circumstances during transit. Inquire about insurance coverage when shipping medicines. 
8. What should I do if my shipment is delayed or held at customs? 
Stay in communication with your courier service and recipient. Address any issues promptly by providing necessary documentation or information requested by customs authorities.
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parentlove · 7 months
Empowering Kids: Strategies for Building Confidence and Independence
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Empowering children to become confident and independent individuals is a crucial aspect of parenting. This guide offers practical strategies for fostering self-assurance and independence in kids, laying the foundation for a resilient and self-reliant future.
Cultivating a Positive Self-Image:
Encouraging Self-Expression:
Foster an environment where children feel free to express themselves. Encourage their thoughts, ideas, and emotions, validating their unique identity and building a positive self-image.
Celebrating Achievements, Big and Small:
Acknowledge and celebrate every achievement, regardless of size. Whether it's tying shoelaces, completing a puzzle, or mastering a new skill, recognizing their efforts fosters a sense of accomplishment and boosts confidence.
Positive Affirmations:
Introduce positive affirmations. Help children develop a positive inner dialogue by incorporating affirmations into daily routines. Encourage them to repeat phrases that emphasize their strengths and capabilities.
Promoting Decision-Making Skills:
Offering Choices:
Provide opportunities for decision-making. From selecting snacks to choosing weekend activities, offering age-appropriate choices empowers children, instilling a sense of autonomy and responsibility.
Problem-Solving Discussions:
Engage in problem-solving discussions. When faced with challenges, involve children in finding solutions. This collaborative approach teaches critical thinking and decision-making skills.
Allowing Consequences:
Permit natural consequences when appropriate. Allowing children to experience the outcomes of their choices teaches responsibility and resilience. Discuss the lessons learned from both positive and challenging consequences.
Building Independence in Daily Tasks:
Life Skills Education:
Teach essential life skills. From basic hygiene routines to household chores, educating children on these skills builds independence and a sense of capability.
Gradual Responsibility Increase:
Gradually increase responsibilities. As children grow, expand their responsibilities. This incremental approach helps them develop a sense of independence at a pace aligned with their capabilities.
Encouraging Self-Care:
Promote self-care habits. Teach the importance of taking care of oneself physically and emotionally. This includes getting adequate sleep, expressing emotions healthily, and understanding personal well-being.
Fostering Resilience and Perseverance:
Embracing Challenges:
Encourage a positive attitude toward challenges. Teach children that setbacks are opportunities for growth. Embracing challenges fosters resilience and a belief in their ability to overcome obstacles.
Praising Effort, Not Just Results:
Focus on effort, not just outcomes. Acknowledge the hard work and determination put into tasks, emphasizing that the process is just as important as the end result.
Modeling Resilient Behavior:
Be a role model for resilience. Demonstrate how to handle setbacks, manage stress, and persevere in the face of difficulties. Children often emulate the behavior they observe in their caregivers.
Encouraging Healthy Peer Relationships:
Social Skills Development:
Support social skills development. Facilitate opportunities for positive social interactions, teaching children effective communication, empathy, and cooperation.
Teaching Conflict Resolution:
Teach conflict resolution skills. Equip children with the ability to navigate disagreements peacefully, fostering healthy relationships and a sense of independence in managing interpersonal challenges.
Promoting Inclusivity:
Instill values of inclusivity and acceptance. Encourage children to embrace diversity and appreciate differences, creating an environment where everyone feels valued and included.
Empowering kids to be confident and independent involves a combination of positive reinforcement, decision-making opportunities, building life skills, fostering resilience, and promoting healthy social relationships. By implementing these strategies, parents can contribute to the development of self-assured and independent individuals who approach life with confidence and resilience.
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webchargers6 · 9 months
The Importance of Affordable Website Hosting Packages
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In order for your brand to provide the audience with high-quality services, you must have reliable and Affordable Website Hosting Packages. Better performance and increased security are only two benefits of using hosting for a variety of applications, including blogs, websites, virtual marketplaces, and systems.
One of the most frequent queries regarding the significance of a quality hosting provider arises while starting a website or blog. Ultimately, excellent hosting is essential to any online project because it will store the data and make it accessible to users worldwide.
Stated differently, hosting bears the responsibility of guaranteeing that the virtual address is accessible to the whole public.
The assurance that, while visiting the website, all the content will be accessible for the clients to peruse the portions they desire is a huge benefit of having it.
We discuss the significance of hosting and how it affects a website's functionality in this post.
What makes a website good?
Why spend money on the functionality of your website?
What is the relationship between websites and hosting?
What benefits come with quality hosting services?
What effect does hosting a website have on SEO?
2022's Top Web Hosting Providers
How do I pick the best hosting company?
What determines a good website?
Indeed, certain attributes could differ based on the persona, or your ideal client, and naturally, the impact of the industry the business operates in. All websites must have a very basic checklist of components, though. They are listed in the following order:
From the website's initial development phase to its infrastructure and affordable website hosting packages. performance needs to be improved. Speed has a big impact on SEO, and a lot of factors play a part in that, including page size, hostinpòg, and image optimization.
Secure pages are prioritized by Google. Consequently, the higher the likelihood that your website may be compromised, the higher the probability that it will drop in search engine rankings. Given that the healing process can be protracted, it is therefore ideal to avoid that from occurring.
Superior websites put the requirements of their users first rather than emphasizing their products. Users' attention is piqued and maintained by fresh, high-quality material, which encourages them to tell their friends and family about the website.
With the capabilities of our Web Chargers, you can meet your needs for site hosting and content marketing!
On-page SEO
A collection of methods known as search engine optimization (SEO) tries to raise a website's ranking in search engines like Google. It would be a waste of time and effort to get affordable website hosting packages without taking appropriate SEO tactics into account.
Conversion optimization
When a visitor completes a task on the website, such as providing contact information or making a purchase of a good or service, this is known as a conversion. Getting customers to the site only serves to frustrate them if they get lost en route. Using traffic much more effectively is the essence of optimizing a website for conversion. Conversion points are judiciously positioned throughout an optimized website to achieve this.
Why invest in your website’s performance?
The degree of visitor interaction increases with the page's performance. Therefore, you will undoubtedly make more money the more you invest in the site's speed and efficiency.
You should understand that performance is critical to your success online. The audience will leave your website and never return in a matter of seconds, therefore you will need to capture their interest.
So, users will undoubtedly quit the site if it takes a lengthy time to load.
That's not where it ends. Search engine ranking is also influenced by the site's performance. After all, a website that loads slowly will measure visitor experience metrics poorly, which will affect the site's ranking.
Check out some advantages that a well-performing website might provide for certain businesses:
A well-performing website contributes to leveling the playing field with rivals.
Additionally, it succeeds in boosting revenue, branding, and brand credibility.
When a website is search engine optimized, it increases the company's visibility.
In summary, underperforming websites have the potential to destroy your company!
What is the connection between hosting and websites?
The network environment known as website hosting is where website files and data are kept so they may be accessed online. In other words, a file that is made available on a server can be found by visitors from the domain registration. View the most prevalent forms of affordable website hosting packages:
The most popular type of hosting, shared hosting is advised for multiple websites. It is, after all, a more reasonably priced service with a wider range of resources.
Free hosting: Certain companies provide a free service that is best suited for smaller, more ambitious projects.
Virtual Private Server is referred to as VPS. For bigger projects, this hosting is the most advised hosting for larger projects.
Maintaining a website with high performance and activity is the purpose of affordable website hosting packages. The most typical elements to comprehend are:
Because there are frequent updates in the computer sector and many online entrepreneurs may not be familiar with troubleshooting bugs and similar issues, support is crucial.
The term "uptime" describes how long a website is operational. Certain organizations maintain a 99.9% uptime rate, which is crucial to ensure that users can access your content and are not left unhappy.
Everyone, even Google, is searching for security. Selecting a safe service with an SSL security certificate is crucial.
What are the advantages of good hosting services?
These are a few of the main advantages of a top-notch web hosting provider!
Better site performance
You won't have to worry about loading times with top-notch hosting. Remember that user engagement increases with the performance of the website.
Quicker response time
According to Google, a website's speed is one of the most important variables that affects its positioning. People demand answers right away since they make decisions so swiftly these days.
Therefore, if it takes too long for customers to find the answers they need on your website, they will go elsewhere and probably go for them from your rivals. A very short response time is guaranteed by good hosting.
Speed ​​for e-commerce and blog
Your blog or e-commerce procedures can be optimized with hosting, which will improve your website's speed and performance as well as save you time, and money, and finally increase your profit margins.
Exceptional technical support
If you operate a website and sell goods or services, you are well aware of how crucial it is to provide customer service. Your affordable website hosting package provider will function as an extension of your technical staff if you lack the necessary in-house technological expertise.
Domain-associated email addresses
You will be able to build your own unique domain email address when you use a hosting service provider.
Improved website security
Since the hosting service provider is where all of the site's files are kept, their security is the foundation of every website. Multiple security layers will be present on a high-quality host.
What is the impact of website hosting on SEO?
Everything that search engines need, including security and performance. When it comes to where a website appears in search results, website hosting is crucial. The following are some contributing factors:
everything that search engines need, including security and performance. When it comes to where a website appears in search results, website hosting is crucial. The following are some contributing factors:
Important components of search results are security, including secure servers, website unavailability, and the usage of security certificates.
Performance: When files load faster than your competitors' websites and your site has slower loading times than theirs, you will have an SEO benefit.
Better UX results in a higher conversion rate, more sales, and a positive user experience; Google also finds these indicators to be highly positive.
Hosting undoubtedly has an impact on the site's ranking in the search engine results.
Hosting undoubtedly has an impact on the site's ranking in the search engine results.
Lastly, remember that there are numerous high-quality website hosting providers. To choose the finest plan that will suit your needs and profile the best, you must have a clear understanding of what you need. Ensure that the hosting you receive offers a quick, safe, and round-the-clock service like Web Chargers.
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