#it’s a little below shoulder length rn I’m trying to grow it out
daydadahlias · 9 months
what’s your hair look like?
Why are you going to try and steal it from me
3 notes · View notes
noonachronicles · 4 years
The Malebranche Pt. 3
Im Changkyun/I.M. X Reader & Lee Jooheon X Reader
Word count: 12k
Warnings: Per usual, there is cursing. This is demon smut. It’s literally smut with demons. This is 18+. There is a lot of unprotected sex. There is come casual exhibitionism/voyeurism. Demon threesome. It gets a little rough (face f**king and choking). I’m not your mom and I’m not the fan fiction police. So just don’t have unprotected sex and don’t fuck demons. Unless you’re being responsible and understand the consequences?? IDK! I don’t want to feel like I’m being held responsible for your actions and I also don’t want to tell you what to do. So there’s your warning.
Genre: Demon AU. Modern Fantasy. Sorta Soulmate AU
A/N: For @nemesyis​. This used to be p*rn with a plot... but it seems I have now lost the plot. Now it's just some good ole fashion d in the p. Enjoy!
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‘Hell is empty, and all the devils are here’. - William Shakespeare
Your hands gripped the banister of the third floor balcony so hard your knuckles were blooming white. Down below in The Red Room the night had already begun. Patrons on the stage with the dancers, dancers on the floor in the laps of patrons. Alcohol was flowing like a river downstream. Bass pumped through the speakers and Jooheon had his rock hard erection pressed against your ass. One of his hands gripped your hip while his lips stayed attached to the curve of your neck sucking a light bruise on your skin.  
“You’re sure they can’t see anything up here?” you asked again.
“I’m sure.” he grinned against you, “If they could, would you ask me to stop?”
You tried to gulp down your urge for honesty, but it was impossible with his hands on you. The inability to lie, you’d found, was one of the few pitfalls of a demon boyfriend. “No.”
“It’s so cute that you continue to pretend to have even an ounce of modesty and restraint. Even after all this time, my little devil.”
The hand that wasn’t on your hip was massaging your exposed breasts. His fingers gently pinching your erect nipples. You weren’t completely naked. Jooheon had only dragged the top of your dress down to your hips. Your bra, you assumed, was somewhere on the ground behind the two of you.
It had been a couple months since your first night with him and you were slowly realizing that he was a fairly insatiable demon and only growing worse it seemed. It wasn’t often you could be found without his hands and mouth all over you. You weren’t one for complaining. In fact your need to be with him and be with him was growing stronger than ever and showed no signs of weakening any time soon.
Your eyes passed over the floor once more for any curious eyes as Jooheon continued to suck on every naked inch of you. No one was looking. Everyone was too busy with their own acts of sin. Though you did notice the top of a familiar head as it moved through the room to the bar. Maybe it was less the top of his head that called for your attention and more the loud gold, barocco jaquard Dolce and Gabbana robe he was wearing.
Changkyun was the only man you knew that was confident enough to pull off something so absurd. You had told him plenty of times that just because something was expensive didn’t mean it was fashionable. He rarely listened. It didn’t hurt your feelings because it wasn’t just you, he didn’t listen to anyone. Instinctually, your teeth dragged over your lip as you watched him. When he spun around and leaned against the bar you could see the white button down shirt and black pants he had under the robe. His tongue moved over his lips and you could see the silver glisten of his tongue ring. Sometimes when you noticed it you could still feel him inside of you.
He had a girl with him, he usually did, a blonde girl you knew you’d never see again. At least you’d never see her with him again anyway. Most of his conquests would come back night after night to try and get his attention once more and eventually give up when they realized he was done with them. You watched as he whispered something to her and she giggled. You rolled your eyes. Then you watched as her pretty little manicured hand moved up between his thighs until she was cupping his dick. There was no reason for it but you could feel the jealousy brewing in your gut.
“Baby,” Jooheon whispered against your ear, “Everything okay?”
“Mmhmm.” you pushed your ass back into him.
His plush lips met your skin once more and you closed your eyes for just a moment. When you opened them back up to the floor your eyes locked with Changkyun. He was smiling but it was more deviant than it was kind. He lifted his drink to his lips for a sip, never moving his eyes from yours.
“Honey…” you said quietly, “Could Kyun...would he be able…”
Jooheon rested his chin on your shoulder and looked down below. “Yes, he can see us.”
“Do you like that?” he asked, you gasped as he dragged his tongue over your hot skin, “Do you want him to watch?”
“Yes.” you answered breathlessly.
Jooheon slipped his hand down your tense arm and pulled your hand from the banister. Finally looking away from Changkyun you watched as Jooheon slipped between you and the banister. There he pressed a kiss against your lips.
When he pulled back he was smiling, “If he’s going to watch, we should give him something beautiful to look at.”
“Like what?” you gulped.
“Like the face you make when you cum for me.” he grinned, his dimple digging into his cheek, and dropped to his knees.
His hand grazed your inner thighs as he reached underneath the skirt of your dress. A whimper passed your lips as his fingers met your dripping pussy. And you lunged forward against the banister when he pushed them inside of you. His head ducked under the skirt of your dress.
When your eyes made it back to the floor Changkyun was still watching. His friend for the evening had her hand in his pants now, working him properly. She was trying to get a kiss or any attention at all really, but his eyes were dark and narrowed in on you. Jaw clenched and lips tight, he looked feral.
Your mouth fell open in pleasure at the feel of Jooheon’s fingers moving inside of you, his mouth sucking on your clit. There had already been so much foreplay that you had been halfway to your orgasm  before he’d even started and his agile fingers were making quick work of the second half. Changkyun’s chest was heaving and it made him look like he was panting. His tongue swiped repeatedly over his mouth, the silver ball of his tongue ring running back and forth across his lip.  After several minutes his lips moved subtly, as if he were speaking under his breath, you could practically hear him urging you to cum. Cum for him, cum for Jooheon, for all three of you.
The blonde girl had moved her face in front of his so you lost him for a moment which you’d found deeply disappointing. Then, like he knew you needed to see him to finish, he grabbed the back of her head and pushed it to the side as he kissed her roughly. All you could see of him was his dark, starved eyes as they bore into you, urging you to completion but that was enough.
“Oh fuck.” You gasped out. Your eyes squeezed shut, thighs tensed around Jooheon’s cheeks and wrist. “That’s it...cu-cumming!”
When you were done you leaned forward against the banister to catch your breath. Having back a few of your senses you looked back down towards the bar but Changkyun and his friend were gone. Jooheon had stepped out from underneath your skirt and moved away for a moment but when he came back he had your bra in hand. It surprised you that he didn’t seem upset. You weren’t sure if it was that you thought he would be or that he should be, but part of you was a little chagrined.
“He thinks he’s in love with you.” Jooheon said quietly as he pulled the zipper of your dress up the length of your back, once you had your bra on. He was leaving soft kisses against your neck, where he’d already left his darkening splotches. Little maroon flags planted all over your body with his name on them so that everyone knew he’d staked his claim.  
“Is that so?” You laughed, “I didn’t think he liked anyone.”
“He doesn’t.” he responded, “He doesn’t like anyone except you. That’s why he assumes it’s love.”
“But you don’t think it is.”
Jooheon shrugged and stepped beside you, leaning against the bannister to get a good look at the floor below. “Demons were angels once. We talked about that, remember? Angels and demons….we’re exactly the same, only demons have fallen. We had our wings replaced with horns as a punitive mark for our sins. We still feel and want for the same things. Angels are just demons that haven’t gotten caught yet.”
“How do you really feel?” you said, amused as you turned your back on the floor below so you could be face to face with Jooheon instead.
“It’s true. Angels are just as capable of selfishness and sin. They can be just as corrupt. Just as angry and violent. They can be cowards, liars, and thieves. The difference is they tuck their more nefarious traits beneath their robes so that everyone thinks them flawless. And just how angels can be like demons, demons are capable of all the things angels are, including love.”
“So you think he does love me?”
“I think it’s been a long time since he’s loved someone. A millennium. Perhaps longer.  He is completely capable of love. However, he’s confusing the fact that he doesn’t hate you with the idea that he loves you. It’s been tearing him apart. I don’t blame him. Who wouldn’t look at you and think they were in love.” he smiled over at you, “Though I might be a little biased.”
Leaning forward you pressed a kiss against his dimple and leaned back against the banister once more. For a minute you observed Jooheon as he observed the club. He looked so neutral as he took in the crowd below. You lifted your hand to the collar of his shirt before letting your fingers slide down his chest. You thought about how it made you feel. Knowing there were other women who wanted Jooheon the way you had him. Neutral was not the emotion you felt being prominent.
“You don’t seem very upset that he thinks he’s in love with me.” you commented as casually as you could manage.  
“It upsets me that he’s hurting.” He reached down and grabbed your hand, pulling it to his mouth to kiss your palm.
“Oh.” You said quietly, he was always surprising you.
Jooheon raised a thoughtful, almost amused, eyebrow and looked over at you. “Do you think I should be more upset?”
You shrugged it off,  “I don’t know.”
“When you say I don’t seem upset, do you mean I don’t seem jealous?” he grinned. You tried to look down at your feet but he grabbed your chin between his fingers and lifted your eyes to his. His eyes were sparkling, amused with the ashamed look on your face and in your eyes. “Do you wish I was more jealous? Would you like me to be more possessive of you?”
You could taste the truth at the back of your throat. “Yes.”
Dropping his hand from your face he laughed lightly, “Do you want to know why I’m not more jealous?”
He stood up straight and reached down to grab your hand. He brought your arm up to the space between you and turned your hand over, palm side up. Your eyes followed his fingers as they moved up your arm from your wrist to your elbow. He pointed to the patch of freckles. Your very own constellation.
“Do you remember I told you about Perseus and Algol?”
You nodded, “Yes.”
“They’re more than just a fancy set of freckles. They mean you’re marked.” He said. “You’re mine.”
He turned his head so you had a good view of this side of his neck. Along his hairline were five freckles that matched yours exactly.
“I’m a bad girlfriend.” You whispered as you brushed your fingertip along his freckles.
“How so?”
“I don’t know every inch of you.” You frowned, “I didn’t even know those were there.”
“You’ll have plenty of time to learn every inch.” He grinned, “I’m not going anywhere.”
“What do they mean exactly?” You asked, “The marks? Why does it mean that we share them? Are you mine as well?”
“Yes. We were destined for one another.” He shrugged, “It means I never have to worry about any other person's intentions with you because no matter what they do or how hard they try, you’ll choose me.”
“So I shouldn’t worry either?”
“You never have to worry.” He smiled, brushing your cheek with his thumb. “Even if I slept with a hundred others, I’ll always belong to you.”
You shook your head, “Okay but...please don’t ever do that.”
Jooheon laughed and wrapped his arms around you, “I won’t. You could do the same and it wouldn’t bother me either. Sex is just sex. What we share is eternal.”
Slipping your arms around his waist you rested your head on his shoulder. After a moment you let out a thoughtful hum. “I think I have an idea. I think I know how to make Changkyun feel better.”
It took a few weeks to figure it all out, but you and Jooheon came up with the perfect plan. Surprises were difficult with Changkyun because he was such a clever and overly suspicious demon. Not to mention you couldn’t lie to him.  Pulling one over on him was nearly impossible. It was also important to be very methodical with him. You couldn’t just come out with your proposal, he’d never agree to it outright. He would have to already be halfway in the scenario for it to work and even then both you and Jooheon had concerns that he’d be too hesitant and back out anyway. 
You knew you had to try, you knew that even if he couldn’t admit it, this was something he wanted. After diligent planning  together, there was some time needed for preparations, and then finally it was time for the execution. You were ready. Well, you were as ready as you were ever going to be.  
On the day the plan was to be set into motion it was raining. Jooheon assured you that it was a good omen and that you shouldn’t worry. The guys didn’t live at The Eighth Circle, contrary to many of the rumors that were told about them. They lived in what you thought was a surprisingly modern, luxury penthouse at the top of the tallest building in the entire city. You’d expected something more vintage, a dark cozy home that was decorated like the club. Regardless of what you expected you were always there. Actually at that point you were there so often with Jooheon that you more or less lived with them. So it was no surprise to Changkyun when he walked down to the open kitchen around midmorning and you were already sitting on one of the stools in front of the island.
As was usual, the morning paper was spread out in front of you while you sipped from your mug of hot coffee. You were in one of Jooheon’s oversized shirts and a pair of shorts so short that for a moment he thought you weren’t wearing any at all. He closed his eyes, willing himself to keep it together. Having you there was often torturous. He would have complained to Jooheon but he was also a glutton for punishment.
Moving into the kitchen he cleared his throat, “Morning.”
He noticed the slight jump you gave at his presence and smirked while he pulled a clean mug from the cupboard.
“Good morning!” You said cheerfully, though not too cheerfully.
It was a tricky balance and you were already nervous. That and you were also a bad actress. All of these winning factors put together had you feeling ready for an absolutely successful quest. That was if a graceless failure was your ultimate intention. Changkyun looked over his shoulder at you curiously but just for a moment before turning back to the coffee pot that he’d emptied into his mug, and started a new batch.
“What’s with you?” he asked, back still turned.
“Nothing, it’s just such a beautiful day and Jooheon is free all afternoon.” you sighed, “I’m just… excited.”
“Oh yeah?” he said sarcastically, pouring sugar and cream into his mug, “You two actually going to do something besides sit around here all day sucking face?”
“That’s not all we do.” you muttered into your coffee. You missed his exaggerated eye roll.
With his first cup of coffee prepared and more brewing in preparation for a second, he finally turned around to look at you. He looked from you through the double story glass curtain wall that overlooked the entire city. A look of suspicion passed over his features.  
“Beautiful day-” his face scrunched in disbelief and he looked back at you, “It looks miserable out there. You’ll definitely be stuck inside all day. And I’ll be stuck with you so... great for everyone.”
You shrugged innocently and looked back down at your paper as he leaned against the counter to shuffle through the sections you weren’t reading. Both of you stayed there quietly, pretending to be reading your bits of paper. In reality you were trying to think of ways to make yourself more appealing. Trying not to come off as awkward you attempted to show off the length of your neck, you sucked on your bottom lip for a bit, and even stretched your arms out releasing a quiet, albeit overly sexual moan. Changkyun clenched his jaw as he stared down at the paper trying his best not to imagine taking you over the counter.
Lucky for both of you Jooheon made his way happily down the stairs. “My two favorite people!”
Changkyun rolled his eyes so hard his head rolled back with them and he groaned loudly. Ignoring his incredibly common reaction, Jooheon made his way to you like a magnet, wrapping his arms around you and planting a kiss against your mouth.  
“I hate it here.” Changkyun muttered to himself.
“If you actually hated it, you’d have left by now.” Jooheon shot back.
Changkyun rolled his eyes again, though less dramatic. “What are you all dressed up for?”
“I have to go out for a bit for business. Finalizing some paperwork details with the new brokerage company.”
“That’s weird. Why would you do it today?” Changkyun turned to prepare his second coffee of the morning, “It’s your day off. Just have them come to the club tomorrow night and do it there.”  
“I just want to get it over with. Shouldn’t take more than an hour.” Jooheon shrugged. “Take good care of my girl for me.”
Turning around to look at the two of you he scoffed, “Yeah, sure.”
“I’ll be back in a bit.” Jooheon said quietly and left a kiss against your temple.
Changkyun faux gagged, and turned back around to finish getting his second coffee ready. After you heard the click of the front door you waited for the right moment. It was quiet between the two of you again. Just the sound of you sipping coffee, Changkyun’s silver spoon clinking against his ceramic mug as he stirred his drink, and the ticking of the clock on the wall. Once you figured a sufficient amount of time had passed you looked up from the paper you were reading. Changkyun had been leaning back against the counter, head tilted slightly as he watched you. When you caught him staring he didn’t even bother to look away.
“What?” you blushed.
He shrugged, “You want something from me.”
“What?” you scoffed, “What makes you think that?”
“I am a demon.” he reminded you, “I always know when someone wants something. Call it a trick of the trade.”
You let out a slow breath, what better time than now. “Okay, yeah. I want your opinion on something.”
Changkyun stepped forward towards the island and leaned against the counter on his elbows. “I am very opinionated.”
He wouldn’t take his eyes off of you and honestly it was making your blood heat up in your veins already. You wanted to look away from him but you knew you had to at least match his level of control and confidence. Jooheon had told you it was the only way this would work.
“I wanted to do something for Jooheon, a sort of thank you for how amazing the last  couple of months have been.”
He groaned, not shying away from letting you know how gross he thought it was. “You want me to tell you what to get your boyfriend?”
“No,” you shook your head, “I already have an idea. I just wanted your opinion on if you think he’ll like it.”
“Okay,” he sighed, “What is it?”
“It’s um...I can’t really explain it. I’d have to show it to you.” you dragged your teeth over your lip, “Do you have some time now?”
He looked you over for a long moment. You could tell he didn’t really want to, but you also knew he had a soft spot for you and that’s why there was any conflict in his decision at all. With a low groan he nodded, “Why not?”
Your face lit up with a smile. “Give me five minutes  and then meet me in the library?”
Not waiting for a response you hurried out of the kitchen and back up the stairs to the bedrooms. Changkyun was admittedly curious about your plan as he waited the five minutes. When he went down the hall to the office space they used as a library, he only found himself that much more intrigued. The curtains were drawn, which they never were. Only the smaller lamps were turned on, not the overhead lighting, and each one had been draped in red and purple fabrics. You had moved the furniture so that the floor was cleared save for a single, armless sitting chair in the center of the room. When he walked inside he found a card on the seat of the chair that said simply for him to sit. He could already feel his pulse quicken in anticipation.
“Ready?” your voice came from somewhere outside of the room.
“I assume so.” he called out and took a deep breath.
The speakers hidden around the room filled the air with a slow tempo rock song. He watched as you slipped into the room and slid the doors shut before turning around to face him. He inhaled deeply at the sight. You changed into one of Jooheon’s button down shirts over your too short shorts. A pair of black thigh high stockings accentuated your legs, and a pair of stilettos adorned your feet. Your hair was on the top of your head in what appeared to be a thoughtless bun, but was what had taken you most of the five minutes you were upstairs.
“Wh-what is this?” he stuttered out.
“Is it too much already?” you asked squirming slightly,  your thighs rubbing together. He almost choked, inhaling too sharply at the view. “I thought the heels were too much, but the stockings feel silly without them. And I would have taken them off but I wanted to make sure that there was enough to take off to keep it interesting, you know?”
“You’re going to dance for him?” Changkyun asked as his mouth started to water more with each step you took towards him. “You’re going to strip?”
“Is it stupid? I know he sees this kind of thing all the time at work, but do you think he’ll like it?” you asked
“Can’t imagine that he’d hate it.” he said with a tense exhale.
“Can I show you some of the stuff the girls at the club showed me?” you asked, “You can tell me if it’s good and what I should change?”
“He did say to take good care of you.” he sighed, “What’s under the shirt?”
“That comes later, Kyunnie.” you grinned as he flushed at the nickname, and stepped around the chair behind him.
You placed your hands on his biceps and dragged your fingers up to his shoulders giving them a gentle squeeze before slipping your hands down his chest. Your lips left little kisses against his neck while you dragged your hands back up his chest enough to unbutton the first few buttons of his shirt.
“I thought we were undressing you.” he said with a gulp.
Pulling his earlobe between your teeth you hissed out a shush and pulled open the red satin dress shirt to reveal his collarbone and shoulders. His eyes fluttered closed as you moved your mouth over his skin. You dragged your teeth over his delicate features before sucking them between your soft lips.
“You’re so sweet, Kyunnie.” you whispered against his ear before pulling away. Your hair brushed against his cheek gently and he inhaled the scent of your shampoo.
Walking around to the front of him you danced slowly to the music. He watched as you hooked your thumbs into the elastic of your shorts and tugged them down little by little with each sway of your hips. As you bent over to step out of the shorts the shirt you were wearing lifted up over your ass and slipped down your back revealing the black lace garter belt you were wearing to hold up your stockings. Without really thinking he reached out and his  fingers ghosted over the matching lace panties you were wearing.
“Are you peeking?” you asked looking back at him with a grin.
Taking your grin as a challenge he moved his hand so he was cupping your ass and he gave it a squeeze. “Just making sure it’s all up to par for our Honey.”
“Should I keep the stockings on or lose them?” you asked standing back up and turning to face him.
“Keep.” he said quickly, “And the shoes.”
With a small nod you stepped in front of  his legs. Pressing your leg between his knees forced his legs open. You moved between them and turned around. Wrapping your hands tight around his thighs you sat in his lap and loosened your hips to the beat of the music that was still playing in the background.
“Is this okay?” You asked sweetly leaning back against his chest, back arched just enough that he had a perfect view down your open shirt.
“It would be better like this…” he said moving his arms around your front. You watched as his fingers made quick work of the few buttons you had done up and he helped you shimmy out of the shirt completely before tossing it to the ground.
“Oh.” You moaned as he moved his hands up your bare torso, his fingers slipped beneath your lace bra and brushed against your nipple. “I think I like that better too.”
Reaching behind you, you slipped your hand behind his neck. He dropped his head down and dragged his teeth over your bare shoulder like you’d done to him earlier.
“What if I did this? Do you think he’ll like this?” You asked, rolling your hips back, ass pressing hard into his lap.
With one last rough squeeze of your breasts he dropped his hands to your hips and he pulled you even deeper, until you felt his building erection rub beneath you, “Push deeper. Can you feel that?”
Your nose pressed into his neck as you gasped, “Yes.”
“Do it like that. Try again.” He demanded.
“Like this?” You asked pressing hard into his lap once more and giving your hips a swirl.
“Fuck.” He cleared his throat, “Yeah. He’ll like that.”
“I was going to try this next…” you said before sliding your body down between his thighs. Your head rested on his lap, neck elongated as you looked up at him. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you to save his lost soul. Then you swirled around so that you were knelt on the ground in front of him.
Eyes wide and innocent, you looked up at him. Your innocence was his favorite lie. He looked down at you wordlessly, waiting for your next move. You placed your hands on his knees and moved them slowly up his black denim clad thighs until they met in the middle where you cupped his bulge in your palms. His dark eyes locked with yours and he wrapped his fingers around your hands. You watched his stoic face as he used your hands to massage himself. After a minute he moved his hands down around your wrists and pulled you up to your feet.
“Try this, he’ll like it.” hands gripping your hips he pulled you forward so that you had one leg on either side of his and he directed you to sit, straddling one single muscular thigh. “Do you know what I want you to do?”
You nodded.
“Then do it.”
With a lick of your lips you started to move your hips back and forth, rubbing yourself against his leg. Your mouth fell open as he started to flex the muscle beneath you. He sat up straight in the chair as you continued grinding down on him. His hands moved up your side and around to the back where he unhooked your bra before dragging it off your shoulders. He pulled you closer wrapping his mouth around one of your breasts.
“Fuck, Kyunnie.” you gasped as he kept himself latched onto your sensitive skin.
One of his hands gripped your hip roughly making sure you didn’t stop what you were doing. Your hands slipped over his shoulder and up into his hair. You tugged at his black locks as you continued to ride his flexing thigh. His hand moved down to your lace covered leg and he squeezed hard.
“Do you want more?” he mumbled against your breast.
“Yes,” You begged instantly, “Please.”
He moved his hand between your tense thighs and brushed his fingers against your clothed cunt. Your hips pumped harder, gaining friction from his hand gave you a renewed energy. He wasn’t quite finished with you yet, moving his abused fingers one step further and slipping them into your panties and then inside of you. Your mouth fell open in a gasp and he captured your bottom lip between his teeth and then let it go.
“Make yourself cum.” he said locking eyes with you.  
You had all the tools you needed to do what you were told. Your hips bucked wildly against his hand and his thigh. Fingers still twisted in his hair you pulled him closer and pressed your mouth to his. He let your tongue into his mouth and you groaned in delight at the feel of his tongue ring massaging you. It wasn’t hard for you to find your climax, you’d been so ready for it since the kitchen earlier. With his digits pumping inside of you, and your clit brushing against the heel of his hand,  you released a gush of orgasm out onto his thigh. Spent,  you leaned your head forward to rest against his shoulder for a moment.
“Do you think he’ll like it?” You asked quietly, thighs still trembling around his wrist.
He pulled his fingers from you slowly, and lifted them to your lips so you could take them into your mouth. “Do I think he’ll like having you nearly naked, humping his thigh, fucking your self on his fingers like a filthy whore?”
“Yes.” You moaned out your reply.
He  looked away from you, as if it was suddenly excruciating to be near you. “If he doesn’t there’s something wrong with him, not you.”
“What do you think he’ll do with me then?” You asked, moving your hands over his chest, his heart was pounding under your touch. “What would you want to do with me, Kyunnie?”
He spread his hands out over your bare back pulling you close enough to get his mouth on you. He sucked tiny splotches all over your skin before pulling back.
It wasn’t fair, he thought. All he had in this world was Jooheon and suddenly Jooheon had you and he was alone. He wished the roles were reversed. He wished you were his. It was agonizing for him to know that you weren’t and never would be. That he was going to be alone forever and have to watch the two of you smother one another with disgusting love in the meantime.
“I’d want to do exactly what I’m thinking about doing now.” muttered against your chest.
“Which is?” Jooheon’s voice came from the entrance of the room.
Changkyun looked over your shoulder at Jooheon and then back to you in a panic, “What is this?”
“Does it matter?” Jooheon asked, coming into the room. “What are you thinking about doing with her?”
With a gulp, Changkyun let himself think for a moment before answering, deciding to just be honest. “I’m thinking about fucking her full of gratitude.”
Jooheon raised an eyebrow, “Well?”
“Well what?” Changkyun asked unsure of what was going on but keeping his grip on your hips regardless.
“It’s rude to make her wait for her gift.”
“Why are you doing this?” Changkyun asked Jooheon.
He shrugged casually, “Because she asked nicely.”
Changkyun finally looked back at you, surprise clear on his face, “You asked for this?”
You nodded, “I missed you. I want you.”
“I- well…”
“Don’t you want me too? Haven’t you been thinking about me? Watching me…” you asked and chewed on your lip. “Just tell me how much you want me, Kyunnie.”
Changkyun lifted his hand to your chin and squeezed. He locked eyes with you, searching for something. “Tell me the truth.”
“I want you. And I want you to want me back.” you said honestly. “It makes me feel good.”
“You’re not a very good girl are you?”
“No. I’m selfish and I’m greedy. I want Jooheon,” you turned your head up to him as he stepped behind you and he cupped your face in his hand before dropping his mouth to yours for a sloppy wet kiss. Your hips started to grind once more on Changkyun’s thigh as Jooheon’s tongue massaged your own. When he pulled back you turned back to face Changkyun, “And I want you too.”
Leaning forward you captured his lips between yours for a kiss. He fell into the kiss for just a moment before pulling away to look up at Jooheon, “You’re okay with this? She’s bound to you.”
“I’m okay with it because she’s bound to me.” Jooheon grinned, “One day you’ll find it for yourself and you’ll understand. I hate to see you suffer in the meantime. So as long as she wants to, I’ll share.”
“What do you think, Kyunnie?” you asked sweetly, but he was sure he could hear poison somewhere buried in your voice, “Would you like that?”
He shrugged, “It wouldn’t exactly be the most fucked up thing I’ve ever done.”
“Good.” you leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his nose before standing up.
Jooheon wrapped his arm around your waist and the both of you looked over your shoulders. With a smile you reached your hand out to Changkyun and after a moment of genuine consideration he took it. The three of you made your way upstairs to the bedroom you and Jooheon shared. It was quiet but not uncomfortable. You were starting to feel a real buzz under your skin as you stepped into the room. Changkyun watched as Jooheon pulled you into his arms. He kissed you rough and deep until you were moaning, your thigh trying to inch its way up his leg.
But he pushed you off of him, “Do whatever he says.”  
You gently kissed each of his dimpled cheeks and then his lips one more. “You’re sure this is okay?”
“Don’t worry about me.” He said giving you one more kiss before pushing your hip gently towards Changkyun.
He looked so shy standing there waiting for you. He was looking to the side, toward the window, and he was holding his hands in front of him. It was a little strange seeing him drop his confident act. It was also obvious that as hard as he pretended not to , he had a lot of respect for Jooheon and seemed almost uncomfortable about using you.
“Kyunnie…” you stepped over to him and lifted your hand up to his neck, “Do you want this? It’s okay if you don’t.”
He let his forehead rest against yours, quiet when he whispered, “I want you.”
Taking his hands you brought him towards the bed where you sunk down into the mattress. Changkyun sat beside you, and he placed his hand on your knee. You watched his fingers as they slowly inched up your thigh until they were lightly pressed against the soaked crotch of your panties. He smiled. He’d done that.
“Does he give you everything you want?” Changkyun asked, leaning in to you with a soft kiss. “Or does he tease you like I would?”
“He gives me everything I want.” You whispered a little shakily as you felt him starting to take back control.
“I should have figured.” He scoffed, “No wonder you’re such a greedy brat. Are you even capable of doing anything for anyone other than yourself?”
He raised an eyebrow, “Prove it.”
Cupping his neck with your hand you pulled him in for a quick kiss before moving off the bed. With your hands on his knees you pushed his legs open and moved yourself between them. He leaned back, heavy lidded eyes boring down into you. You were absolutely vibrating with excitement. This wasn’t something you’d gotten to do with him last time. He’d done so much for you and hadn’t given you the chance to return the favor. You’d have to repay him now.
Your hands were quick to undo the button on his jeans. He lifted his hips just enough that you could drag them down his legs, leaving him in just his black boxer briefs and red satin shirt that was still falling open from when you’d unbuttoned it. His cock was already fully erect, you suspected it probably had been for a while now. Pulling the elastic waistband of his boxer briefs down you watched dick snap up, smacking against his abdomen. His head was angry and red, leaking precum like a sieve.  Your tongue ran over your lips as you took in the vision.  
A shiver moved down his spine as you ran your tongue softly around his tip. Your lips left sweet, gentle kisses down his shaft to the base and then you pressed your tongue against the vein on the underside before dragging it back to the head. He was about to make a snarky comment, demand better from you, but before he could you plunged yourself down onto his cock.
His eyes went wide in shock  but he quickly shook himself out of it. He looked up at Jooheon who was leaning against a tall dresser, watching the two of you very diligently. “...she do this a lot?”
Jooheon answered with only a smug smirk. Just given the sheer size of him it had been difficult for you in the beginning, but he’d trained you well and was proud of his girl. A little annoyed with the lack of attention you gave him a taste of teeth. A gentle drag over his cock as you pulled up. Changkyuns gaze snapped back to you at the feel. You were pleased and he could see it written all over your face.
“Try that shit again.” he muttered darkly.
Happily playing the role of the brat you did exactly that. Looking up to meet his eyes, you made it a point to bare your teeth as you dragged them once again along his sensitive shaft. It was clear by the way he trembled beneath your touch that he liked it despite the attitude he was giving you. What he didn’t like was that you seemed to still think you were in control.
“Angel thinks she’s funny?” he asked, glaring down at you and you matched his gaze, your eyes dancing with amusement.
The suck job had been leisurely so far and you hadn’t taken him all the way yet. You were almost there but you’d still been using your hand around the base. Done playing he grabbed the messy bun at the back of your head in his fist and without any warning slammed your face down on his dick. You gagged harshly around him, nearly throwing up, but you steadied yourself quickly. Jooheon had pushed himself off of the dresser at the action, ready to step in but you held up a hand to him letting him know it was okay. Changkyun did it again and again, lifting his hips to meet your face.
He sounded like a feral animal, grunting and growling while he fucked your face. The only other sound in the room was a disgustingly lewd and wet gurgling sound coming from the back of your throat. Knowing you were okay, Jooheon allowed himself to enjoy the sound in juxtaposition with the gentle taps of raindrops on the window beside him.  
“I’m gonna fucking cum,” he gasped, and looked to Jooheon as if for advice.
Understanding the unasked question he shrugged, “Ask her.”
He eased off a little and looked down at you, “How do you want me?”
You let him pop out of your mouth, wiped the drool from your lips, and said, “Cum in my mouth.”
Completely mesmerized he watched as you dropped your mouth back onto him. He wasn’t fucking your mouth any more, but you went just as hard as if he had been. His mouth had fallen open but he couldn’t think of a thing to say, or a noise to make. Just little gasps of air escaped him. You knew he was close when his thighs clenched beneath your palms. Then his whole body stalled, save for a gentle pulsing of his hips as he unloaded down your throat and filled your mouth. You choked a little at the start but took him well in the end.
Honestly, a little spent, he leaned back on the mattress and looked down at you as you eased back onto your heels and swallowed. You were sure you looked like a mess. You thought to yourself, offhand, that you were glad that you hadn’t done your makeup. Just a little waterproof mascara and a bold red lipstick that was now staining rings around Changkyuns softened dick. Reaching your hand up, you went to wipe the tears from your cheeks but Changkyun bolted upright.
“Wait.” he said urgently, grabbing your wrists.
Frozen in place you waited to see what he wanted next. Loosening his grip on your wrists he dropped your hands into your lap. You watched him as his eyes moved over the mess that he’d made. Strands of hair had been tugged out of an already sloppy bun, making it look like you’d just stood in the center of a tornado. Tears streaked your cheeks, a few stragglers still clung to your lashes. Your mouth was red and your lips swollen. Still Changkyun looked at you like you were the Mona Lisa. His hands cupped your cheeks, brushing away the tears with his thumbs, and he leaned in to kiss you softly. Softer than he’d kissed you any of the other times his lips had met yours.  
He kissed you for a long minute, until his tongue had tasted every inch of your mouth and he pulled back with a sigh, “You’re really beautiful.”
You flushed at the intimate way he said the words. “Thanks…”
Jooheon was biting his bottom lip quite nervously. Changkyun cleared his throat, forcing himself back into the hardened character he often portrayed. “Go get Jooheon. But…don’t speak to him.”
Standing up you groaned at the ache in your knees, but shuffled over to Jooheon regardless. There were suddenly so many things you wanted to say to him, there were questions you’d wanted to ask. Mostly, was he still okay. He gave you a simple, small smile. And you took his hand, walking him back to the bed.
“Good.” Changkyun had been standing up, his pants pulled back up and hanging loose on his hips. He moved his hand to gesture towards the edge of the bed and looked to Jooheon, “Sit. Please.”
“What’s next?” you asked quietly.
“I want you to bend over. Hands on his thighs.” Changkyun commanded.
Already absolutely soaked, the sight of Jooheon sitting on the bed propped up with his hands just slightly behind him could have been enough to get you all the way off. As you thought about it, you were pretty sure you’d pictured him just like that before to jerk off. You couldn’t help it where he was concerned. Certain there was no sexier creature than him. His chest was rising and falling steady as he locked eyes with you, black eyes. Evil eyes that reached through your body and twisted your insides. The act of his eyes meeting yours alone made you moan out and you quickly bit your lip as he smirked like the cocky demon that he had turned out to be.
Still biting your lip, you did as you were told and bent at the waist in front of him. Your fingers wrapped around his thick, meaty thighs and you squeezed. All you could think about was getting on your knees and pulling him into your mouth the way he liked, the way you had just done with Changkyun. With a lick of your lips, you leaned forward for a kiss. His plump, pink lips were too close not to.
Before you could get your lips to his, Changkyun fisted your hair in his hand and pulled your head back so roughly you cried out in genuine pain.
“Don’t kiss him.” He hissed against your neck, ignoring your pained wince. “Don’t speak to him. As far as you're concerned he’s not even there.”
One hand still clutching your hair, the other grabbed your hip. His fingers dug deep into the skin, and pulled you back just enough that you could feel his rock hard dick pressed against your ass.
“Say you understand.” He growled. “This is my turn.”
“It’s just you and me, Kyun.” Eyes still locked on Jooheon, you whimpered as he rolled his hips into you from behind, “It’s just you, baby.”
His lips pressed against the skin of your shoulder with a satisfied hum, “Good. Good girl.”
Much more gently, kindly, he loosened his grip from your hair. His palm moved to the side until it was pressed against your cheek. Turning your face to his, he latched onto your mouth with his lips in an aggressive kiss. His tongue shoving into your mouth with no request, only staking its claim on you. You moaned, loud and deep, against the kiss as he explored.
“Very good.” He said as he pulled back, licking his lips as you gasped out a few breaths. He turned your head back to Jooheon, “Now, only think of me.”
It was then he used his foot to spread your legs until he was happy with your openness. For a moment you stood there, unsure of what he was doing, only feeling his hands palming your ass roughly. Then, just before you were ready to turn your head and complain with impatience, you felt his tongue brush a thick wet stripe along your cunt.
“F-Fuck.” You gasped at the feel as he did it again.
He’d knelt behind you, wanting to devour you. You were more than ready enough to take him, wet and waiting. He didn’t have to go down on you, but preparing you wasn’t the point. He’d missed the taste of you. He missed the soft, warm feel of your pussy surrounding his tongue. He wanted to prove to you and to him he could make you cum again, just like he had the first time.
“Yes...Oh, fuck.” You moaned, you rolled back against his mouth. “It feels so good, baby. You know just what I want, Kyunnie.”
Something about Jooheon being face to face with you as the coils tightened in your gut from another man’s ministrations made the whole thing infinitely hotter. Your skin was burning, moist with sweat already and you hadn’t even been fucked yet. His jaw clenched with every moan, groan, whimper, and whisper that oozed from your mouth.
“Yeah, yes. Yes yes yes. I’m gonna cum.” You whispered sweetly after a few minutes of his tongue dipping inside of you, then pulling out and brushing against your clit. Your nails were digging into the flesh on Jooheon’s thighs so deep that if it weren’t for the protection of his jeans, beads of blood would have gathered on the skin.
“Who…” Changkyun broke away from you for just long enough to ask, “who’s making you cum? Who are you cumming for?”
Keeping your eyes locked on Jooheon you grinned, something sinister making its way through you. “You, Changkyun, I’m cumming for you. Only you.”
A low growl emitted from deep in Jooheon’s chest and you watched his tongue run roughly against the inside of his bottom lip with rage. Finally, you thought, a little jealousy on his part. There was a spark of a flame in your eyes as you leaned forward, not touching him or kissing him, just your lips hovering over his ear as you gasped and moaned. Your hot breath cascading over his skin.
With your ear at his mouth as well he muttered an angered, “You’ll regret this.”
You didn’t care for his threat, too busy circling your orgasm as Changkyun circled your clit with his tongue. Willing to risk getting caught breaking the rules you dragged your bottom lip against Jooheon’s cheek. You were so close, hanging on by a thin strand of hair… and he pulled away. You felt you should have known better than to expect to come easy with him.
“Asshole.” muttered under your breath, but he heard you anyway.
“You’re the one that missed me, angel.” He grinned, rubbing his still hard cock between your thighs. Your slick sex coating him with ease.
You snapped your head to look over your shoulder at him with a glare. Frustrated at his denial you spat out, “If you didn’t miss me, you don’t get to fuck me.”
“Shut up, you little brat.” He sneered and landed a hard smack against your bare ass. “I’ve already admitted I did. Don’t be so sensitive.”
“I thought that’s how you liked me.” You grinned. With a chuckle he slapped you again making you jolt.
“Look ahead.” He commanded, “And remind me...who’s here?”
Your tongue brushed over your lip as you locked eyes with Jooheon once more. “Me and you, Kyunnie. Just me and you.”
“Good.” he muttered before easing inside of you with a wet squelch, and a hiss through his teeth.
Hands gripping your hips roughly he drilled into you, using you like a battering ram into Jooheon’s chest.
“Fuck.” Your mouth dropping open in pleasure, “Oh, your cock… fuck me.”
After several minutes he slowed his pace, hands running up your back lightly. Your body trembled beneath him. The gentle touch of his fingers leaving prickles all over your skin. He moved his hands back down in the same manner until he was holding your hips again.
“Just between the two of us,” he said quietly, “Do you love my cock inside of you?”
“Yes,” you whined as he pushed himself so deep he disappeared inside of you completely. “I love it so much.”
“Do you think Jooheon would love to see it?” He asked, “Do you think he’d like to see me stuffed balls deep in your wet little cunt?”
Looking at Jooheon you watched him snarl at the question. “No.”
“Do you think he likes to watch you cum?”
“Yes,” you groaned.
“But you don’t think he’d like to watch you cum for me?” You shook your head, and he laughed. “Good.”
As if it was a challenge he picked up his pace. Jooheon’s shoulder dug into your chest with every thrust as he kept his hands to himself and you kept yours wrapped around his thighs. Your cheek rubbed gently against the side of his head and his soft hair. It was, in a way, comforting.
“Do you love him?” Changkyun asked quietly. “Do you love Jooheon?”
With a gulp you leaned back and looked at Jooheon. His eyes were different now, normal. They were softer, big and brown and eager as he looked at you, waiting for your answer.
“Why do you hesitate?” Changkyun asked, stilling for a moment inside of you. “Answer me.”
“We haven’t said it yet.” You mumbled, “We haven’t said it to each other.”
The slower pace he took was more agonizing than the faster one. Each thrust inside of you meant the head of his cock rubbing against your gspot. You couldn’t believe this was the conversation you were having when you were seconds from gushing around him.
“Why not?”
“I don’t know.” You lifted one of your hands to cup Jooheon’s neck.
“If he was here what would you say?” Changkyun asked, “Say it like you’d say it to him.”
Your eyes were glistening as you looked at his ethereal face and whispered, “I love you.. I love you. I love you.”
A confession for every thrust Changkyun made. Jooheon pressed his forehead to yours, lifting a hand to cup around your neck as well.
Changkyun laughed at the act of pure intimacy. “At least help her cum, you don’t have to be such a monster.”
Jooheon’s eyes flickered to Changkyun and then he moved his free hand between the two of you. The pad of his thumb rubbed heavy circles against your clit. You cried out in an overstimulated agony, vibrating and pulsing around Changkyun until he was cumming too. He held your hips for a moment to catch his breath.
As Changkyun gently eased himself out of you and stepped away, Jooheon brushed his thumb over your lips and you pressed a kiss to it.
He smiled, his cheek dimpling deeply, “I love you.”
Looking over your shoulder you watched as Changkyun grabbed his clothes off the floor. “Where are you going?”
“Leaving, so you two can do whatever weak shit couples do.”
“Stay.” You grinned and held out your hand to him, “I’m not done with you just yet.”
He scoffed in disbelief, “What?”
“Oh, come on.” You’d turned and sat down on Jooheon’s lap. Grinning over at him you said, “I know you fuck a lot of women, but we both know I’m your favorite.”
Jooheon was peeking over your shoulder at Changkyun, his thumbs playing with the straps of your garterbelt. He watched the younger man as he shuffled his feet uncomfortably, quietly, against the floor. He stared at the shirt in his hands, chewing on the inside of his cheek.
“No...he doesn’t.” Jooheon said with a genuine surprise.
Both you and Changkyun looked at him. You looked at him curiously, where Changkyun was more flabbergasted.
“Doesn’t what?” you asked, “Know that I’m his favorite?”
“Doesn’t fuck a lot of women.” Jooheon sounded confident in the accusation, “I don’t actually think he’s fucked anyone since you.”
You choked out a genuine laugh, “Honey… he’s with a new skank every night. We often hear his conquests through the walls.”
Jooheon looked only at Changkyun. “They might fuck around, handjobs and kissing...but he doesn’t fuck them. Do you?”
Looking between the two of them you felt stunned, and then you realized that Changkyun wasn’t denying any of it. He just stood there, eyes on the ground, jaw clenched.
He shook himself out of it and looked up at you. “What? What do you want me to say?”
“Nothing.” you said quietly. “Come here…”
“No, see this is why this was a bad idea. This is why I shouldn’t have done it.” he shook his head, angry with himself. “I don’t need you to look at me all sad like that. I didn’t need some pity fuck.”
You stood up then and crossed the floor to where he stood. Grabbing his hand you lifted it so he was cupping your cheek. “You know I can’t lie with your hands on me. Right?”
He nodded, a gulp moving down his throat.
“No one here is pity fucking anyone. I told you that I wanted you and I meant it. Now you’re going to come with me back to the bed so that both of you can use me until each of us is satisfied.” you looked at him sternly. “Have I made myself clear?”
He nodded once more and you led him back to the bed and Jooheon. With a bit of renewed pep you bounced onto the mattress and crawled up to the head of the bed. Jooheon looked over at you with a strange sense of adoration, proud of the way you took control and grateful for how good you were while simultaneously being quite deviant.
“If you ask me both of you are far too dressed.” you tutted looking at the pair, “Feel free to get naked and join me at any time, my sexy little demons.”
With his shirt in his hands and pants already falling off his hips, Changkyun climbed up next to you first. You cupped his face with both hands and started to kiss him. His tongue slipped into your mouth and massaged your own, his hand gently placed on your hip. There was a dip in the mattress on your other side and you felt Jooheon’s soft fingers start to drag up your inner thigh. You turned then and grabbed his plump cheeks in your palms and kissed him too.
While you moaned into Jooheon’s mouth, his fingers rubbing circles over your wrecked lace panties, Changkyun dipped his head down, sucking your tit into his mouth. His hand lifted to the other one, and his fingers began to work your nipple until it was pert. You sighed happily as you sunk down into the plush pillows.
“Yes…” you let out a soft chuckle, “This is nice. This is what I wanted.”
Jooheon laughed against your neck before sucking the skin back between his lips. He also slipped two long agile fingers inside of your dripping cunt. He raised a surprised eyebrow, not expecting how tightly you squeezed around him. Changkyun kept his mouth and hands focused on your breasts. You felt absolutely euphoric with one arm around Jooheons’ shoulder and your free hand massaging Changkyuns head. With the extra stimulation it took just a few minutes before you were a gushing mess of orgasm.
You watched as Jooheon pulled away, moving down between your legs. Taking the cue, Changkyun moved up from your chest. He sucked your aching, swollen bottom lip between his in a kiss. His hand slipped over your chest, until it was resting gently against your throat. Jooheon tore the lacy panties you were wearing from your body roughly. Leaving you in just the garter belt and stockings. Gripping your legs he tugged you down the mattress until your legs were on either side of his hips and your back was flat on the mattress. Changkyun stayed where he had been which meant he was hovering over your face now, and his hand was pressed a little harder against your throat because you’d been dragged into it.
You let out something between a moan and a gasp as Jooheon sunk into your, at this point, well used pussy. He had such a girth that even though you were soaked and had already been fucked, there was a satisfying stretch to having him inside of you. You reached your hand down around Changkyun to give him a nice tug. The bed groaned with each and every thrust from Jooheon. He wasn’t always this rough on you, but you knew you had to be punished at least a little for purposely getting him jealous. He pistoned into you fast and hard.
You’d have cried out or screamed for him but Changkyun had slowly been tightening his grip on your throat until you couldn’t so much as breathe. Your mouth had fallen open and he dipped his tongue into your mouth playfully, just barely tasting you, licking your tongue. He did it a few more times until your tongue reached desperately out for his. He grinned down at you, watching your face carefully to make sure you were okay.
“Fuck, baby.” Jooheon groaned, his hands gripped on your thighs so tight it felt like he was rubbing a burn into them. “I’m gonna cum so hard.”
“Aw,” Changkyun cooed mischievously. “You’re gonna like that aren’t you? Your cunt feels so good, I bet he blasts all the way into your throat. Such a good slut.”
You could barely even whimper a response, your knees squeezing around Jooheons’ hips.
Jooheon dropped his hand down and circled your overstimulated clit with his thumb. “Whose pussy is this?”
You would have screamed, you wanted to cry out from the pain and pleasure of it all. Instead your toes curled and tears streaked your cheeks.
“I asked you a question,” he said firmly. You knew he knew why you didn’t respond but he asked again, “Who does this pussy belong to? Say it!”
With an evil smirk Changkyun released your throat and you gasped for air, your next orgasm hit you almost as soon as the fresh air hit your lungs.
“It’s your pussy!” you screamed, “Fuck! It’s yours, Jooheon! I’m yours! My pussy is yours! It’s yours! It’s yours...it’s yours. It’s…”
He’d already stilled inside of you with his orgasm and come down from it, while your body continued to jerk beneath him. You imagined this was your life now. Uncontrollable orgasmic tremors. Changkyun left sweet soft kisses along the red marks along your neck as you came down. Jooheon rubbed his hands over your thighs to ease the muscles. Once your breathing calmed down he grinned down at you.
“You okay?”
You nodded, “Am I dead? Did I die?”
Changkyun chuckled next to your ear and Jooheon laughed outright.
“No, baby, you’re not dead.”
“Are you satisfied now?” Changkyun asked, brushing the hair from your face. You shook your head.
“One more.” The younger demon's eyebrows shot up to his hairline at your words and you looked up at Jooheon, “You know what I want. Then we can be done.”
With a nod of agreement Jooheon slid down onto his stomach, his face between your legs. You only struggled slightly as you lifted yourself to your elbows.
“What are you doing?” Changkyun asked.
You smiled over at him, “Just kneel up here for me.”  
“Y/n…” he said cautiously, “You’re spent, angel.”
“I can handle it.” you argued, “Now please let me suck your dick so it’s ready to go once Honey is done.”
Curious, he moved his way down your body to see what it was exactly that Jooheon was doing.  Jooheon looked over and smirked at the surprise on his face.
“Same time?” Changkyun murmured, his face lighting up as Jooheon nodded, “That little devil.”
“Kyunnie!” you whined loudly and he moved up the bed like you’d asked him to.
He cupped the back of your head with one hand as you directed his half hard cock into your mouth for a nice leisurely blow job. You laughed around his dick as he fixed your hair into a proper ponytail, and moaned when Jooheon had you near ready. After a few minutes he popped up onto his knees.
“We’re ready.”
You released Changkyun from your lips with a loud pop and pulled yourself up onto your knees. You directed Jooheon onto his back and straddled his lap.
“My pussy.” he reminded you softly.
Leaning down you pressed a soft kiss against both of Jooheon’s dimples and then brushed his ear with your lips, “All yours.”
With a deep groan you sunk down onto him, it was a little tense but you knew you could do it, that you wanted it.  Looking over your shoulder you eyed Changkyun who was stroking his fully erect cock.
“I don’t have to tell you what to do, do I?”
“No.” He laughed, “I’m well versed in threesomes, angel.”
He moved behind you then and took a second to spread your cheeks open, appreciating the ass eating Jooheon had done diligently to make sure you were nice and ready for him. Mouth watering at the sight in front of him he let a stream of spit fall from his lips onto his cock. Rubbing it over his tip with his palm he pressed his dick slowly against your asshole. Jooheon was whispering against your ear, urging you to relax for him. Once you had it was easier for him to push inside of you until you were filled to the brim with dick.
“Oh, sweet devil in hell.” you muttered breathlessly.
Now that it was happening you weren’t sure how much you’d actually be able to handle. Neither of them was even moving yet and you were already on the brink. Changkyun moved his hands slowly up your back, leaning into you. His lips pressed softly against the back of your shoulder on one side, while Jooheon kissed the front of your shoulder on the other. Skin blooming all over with beads of sweat and nerves tingling with overstimulation, you couldn’t imagine it got any better than this.
You let out a sigh, “Okay, I’m ready.”
Changkyun started, he eased out slowly and pushed back in with just as much care until you had become accustomed to the feel. It happened faster than either of you expected, but once it did you encouraged Jooheon to move as well. After a few minutes had passed you were begging them both to go deeper, to fuck you faster. Your arms were trembling as you held yourself up over Jooheon. Fingers clutched the blankets on both sides of his head into fistfulls.
Changkyun had his hands on your hips again, pulling you back into his lap. Jooheon had his hands on the backs of your thighs pulling you up onto his dick. You weren’t sure if either of them understood human anatomy because it felt like you were being tugged in two different directions. It didn’t matter enough for you to say anything however, your orgasm was coming hard and fast and you didn’t have the energy for words. It was just illicit moaning and trying to keep breathing. Jooheon and Changkyun came back to back. Being filled to the point of gushing made you feel filthy and sexy.  
Changkyun removed himself first, and helped gently lift you from Jooheon. You collapsed back onto the pillows, aching for sleep. Jooheon climbed up beside you and rested his head against your shoulder.
“Should I run you a bath, love?” he asked kindly.
You shook your head, “I just want to sleep for a bit.”
Changkyun lifted his palm to your cheek and gave you a soft kiss against your lips. “Thank you, angel.”
You grabbed his wrist before he could pull himself away from you, “Stay.”
“No, it’s okay, you guys-”
“Kyunnie…” you sighed, exhausted. “Lay down. You worked hard.”
He crashed down next to you with a groan and laid his head on the shoulder opposite Jooheon. The latter was already breathing softly with sleep. You held his head gently in your arm, and turning your face towards him you pressed a kiss against his sweaty forehead. The clouds outside were pitch black and you listened to the rain as it beat against the windows harder than before. Eyes closed, a smile spread across your face and you whispered to a nearly sleeping Changkyun.
“Told you it was a beautiful day.”
Minhyuk pulled up to The Eighth Circle and put the car in park. In the backseat Jooheon, fingers wrapped around your hand, pulled it to his lips. You blushed lightly as he left a kiss against your knuckles.
“Ohhh-Kay.” Changkyun sighed from the front seat, popping his door open, “I’ll see you two inside.”
Things had been infinitely better between the three of you but witnessing the amount of affection the two of you often shared still wasn’t Changkyun’s cup of tea. Even if he got to fuck you sometimes, you loved Jooheon and all three of you knew that. He was okay with it now. Oftentimes he found  himself genuinely happy for the both of you. It was just hard when he realized, after the two of you had been sleeping together for while, that what he really wanted was deeper than sex. He wanted what you two shared. He wanted to be bonded.
The three of you had been running late but the club didn’t open for another half hour. Still it wasn’t a surprise to anyone that there was already a line at the door. Girls hovered in a swarm around the front as Changkyun tried to get inside. They called out his name, tried to get him to remember them, each and every one of them vying for attention. It was well known at that point that Jooheon was off limits, which meant that there was only one Malebranche Brother left and everyone wanted him. Jooheon and you had thought he might like it, but Changkyun’d started to loathe the attention when he knew that none of them were The One.  
He ducked inside the door, narrowly missing a pair of used panties that had been thrown at his head. Club employees greeted him kindly as they moved around getting things ready for open. Changkyun stopped at the bar first. He made himself an old-fashioned and popped a few cherries into his mouth before making his rounds. He visited each room and meandered around. He did quick check-ins with all of the employees, spoke to security to make sure everything looked good, went backstage to make sure the performers were happy and had everything they needed before curtains. Certain that everything was running smoothly he made his way back to the foyer as doors opened. He watched for just a minute before starting his way up stairs.
The room filled quickly as people started to filter into the different rooms. He’d gotten halfway up the staircase when his legs froze in place. His hand clutched the banister and his eyes closed. He tried taking a deep breath but his chest was tight. There was a twisting in the pit of his stomach and he wasn’t sure how to ease it. It wasn’t like anything he’d ever felt before. He figured it was something he ate. With a gulp he turned his head to look over his shoulder back down at the crowded room below. He tried to find you or Jooheon, hoping one of you could help.  
The twisting started to feel like a tug. It felt as if a rope had been tied tightly around him and was attempting to pull him backwards, back down the stairs. It was an energy he’d never experienced before. A magnet tearing through him. It clicked in his mind then, he’d heard about a sensation just like it once. It was the way Jooheon described the first time he’d seen you. A need so heavy it had made him sick.
With a nervous gulp he turned around completely, his eyes passed over the crowd until they reached a young woman who was just making her way inside. A group of friends surrounded her as she looked around the room in awe, it was clear it was her first time there. She’d been smiling and laughing with her friends while they moved towards the bar. He watched her for a moment as her demeanor changed.
Her smile faded into something a little confused, almost scared. Her bottom lip tucked between her teeth and she squirmed slightly in the tight fabric of her dress. Then her eyes turned to pass over the crowd, like she was searching for someone. Her face turned toward the staircase and their eyes met. Changkyun’s lip curled into a smirk as she looked up at him with big wanton eyes. Finding her smile once more she raised an eyebrow. With a single finger he urged her over and she began to make her way through the crowd towards him. As he moved back down the stairs to meet her he let out a sigh of relief as all of his feelings for you eased away. He’d found what he was looking for.
It was her.
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Wendy Character Info (01/03/2020 Update)
Below the read more is all the information I have compiled about Wendy to this point. Wendy is a work in progress OC and I would love to hear any suggestions you have about her :)
Wendy’s personality and appearance:
I’ve envisioned Wendy as the love child of Wednesday Addams and Robin Buckley. She has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. She is about 5′7 making her a great deal taller than tiny Lydia (only about five foot even). Aesthetic wise she is similar to Lydia but in a less dramatic/proper way. She prefers to wear pants and shirts rather than dresses, her hair is cut about shoulder length and usually tied up in a messy bun or ponytail. She likes to wear makeup and is actually really good at it.
Personality-wise she can seem intimidating until you get to know her, once you do she is the biggest softie. Wendy also is very funny and clever. She sadly does not have dumbass lesbian energy :(
In the relationship, she has all the brain cells when it comes to common sense. Her and Lydia are opposite kinds of smart; Lydia is book smart but Wendy is street smart. Her favorite class is psychology, and she wants to be a child psychologist when she grows up.
Wendy can be just as awkward and timid relationship-wise as Lydia, both are each other’s biggest fans, always cheering the other on. Simply because she is taller she will go to defend Lydia from bullies and assholes, but Lydia will always stand up for her as well..often just in more sneaky ways than Wendy’s bluntness. 
Wendy is the middle child of Mr. and Mrs. Blackwood. She has an older brother named Levi that’s three years older than her and a younger brother named Silas who is the same age as Skye. The Blackwoods are Jewish and welcomingly invite Lydia to participate in their holidays. 
Wendy’s father is a pastry chef and her mother is a lawyer. 
Her family is very supportive of their relationship and is just happy their daughter is happy. They also know about Lydia’s family and is completely on board with that too. 
Information about how they started dating:
When Lydia and Wendy first meet they are a freshman in high school. They’re friendly with one another but not super close because they didn’t have any classes together. Freshman year that got put in the same chemistry class but Wendy liked to sit in the back because she has no interest in chemistry and would rather just doodle mindlessly. 
Wendy gives Lydia her number and the two start talking. Lydia, still upset about what happened at the dance with Claire is taking things slowly at first but the feelings are there. They start hanging out a lot more outside of school and being affectionate with each other in a way that’s more than friends, but still that blurry zone. Like daily Wendy will run up and hug Lydia or they’ll hold hands in the hallway.
During a strange three week period in October of the freshman year, Wendy tried several times to ask Lydia out, but Lydia being the dumbass she is had no clue that’s what she meant (referring to the “I like to eat dinner every night” text post). Eventually, Wendy gets tired of trying to be sly and flirty about it. They’re facing timing each other a few days before Halloween and Lydia still didn’t have a costume. She asks Wendy what she should be and that’s when Wendy says “my girlfriend.” The two started dating and ever since they’ve been pretty happy.
Information about their dynamic:
As I stated earlier Wendy is the smart one™. She is also slightly more confident than Lydia and often initiates them going on dates. Lydia is a hopeless, puppy-love, romantic. She will send paragraphs about what she loves about Wendy and Wendy will struggle to find words to convey anything about Lydia. It took Lydia a while to get used to this especially when she texted Wendy that she loved her for the first time and Wendy sent back “k”  until twenty minutes later when she responded a photo of a reverse uno card. Very on-brand for their joint sense of humor. Wendy can be romantic tho, and is emotionally intuned to Lydia, but she is a little worse at showing it than the very emotional Lydia. 
Lydia being super into photography has used Wendy as a model frequently and taken amazing photos, but the one time Wendy tried to get a picture of Lydia it looked like it was taken by a potato.
As expected Lydia is the one who will lay or lean on Wendy, but not to be fooled, every kiss that they’ve had Lydia literally refused to get on her tiptoes to reach so she just pulled Wendy down.
Random Tidbits:
As stated Lydia is very book smart, and when they have “study dates” it’s usually Lydia who is trying to focus but Wendy keeps trying to distract her and Lydia will eventually give in and give Wendy a kiss or attention.
Both LOVE attention and are not shy to tell each other. Being a middle child Wendy relates to the invisibility Lydia feels. It’s small things sometimes where one will say to the other “Hey I’m lonely rn can we talk, hang out, etc”
Wendy grew up as a dog person and hated cats until she met Lydia’s two cats. Wendy is one of the only people besides Lydia who The Kraken will voluntarily snuggle with. 
They go on really cute dates, but are also down to just lounge around in sweatpants watching cheesy movies in the attic.
Wendy and Lydia are always getting into trouble. Wendy nearly got fired from her job at the icecream shop because Lydia is always around, and when they close they always seem to be goofing off. 
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janovec · 8 years
putting this below the line bc it’s so long lmao
tagged by @ruinsrebuilt​ who is the sweetest sweet and we are also happily married if you don’t follow ash i pity you
i’m tagging @freyja-sonaan @buckcompton @bullrandleman @webgottrash @georgeluz @dustyjumpwingz @johnhalls
sorry to everyone who was already tagged!!!!!
1) Drink: water you know i stay #hydrated
2) Phone Call: my mom
3) Text Message: answers to statistics homework lmao
4) Song Listened To: chariot - gavin degraw
5) Time I Cried: sometime this week in my sleep i think ://
6) Dated Somebody Twice: nah
7) Been Cheated On: no
8) Been Kissed By Someone And Regretted It: eh kind of
9) Lost Someone Special: i’ve lost my grandfather but we were never especially close so it was hard but for kind of different reasons
10) Been Depressed: :(
11) Gotten Drunk And Puked: oye yes multiple times
12) burnt orange
13) indigo
14) grey
15) Made New Friends: yeah
16) Fallen Out Of Love: no
17) Laughed Until You Cried: yes but a lot of those times i was laughing because i was so fucking confused about something so they were also somewhat tears of confusion
18) Found Out Someone Was Gossiping About You: no but i’ve definitely been worried about it
19) Met Someone Who Changed Your Life: i think everyone you meet changes your life in some way, but yes i think i have
20) Found Out Who Your True Friends Are: pretty much yeah. being away from most of my high school friends for a year showed me who really matters and also helped me figure out who i’ve met at college is actually a good friend
21) Kissed Someone On Your Facebook List: not with in the last year  came back to edit this because i realized i did kiss my second ASM for sister act but it was just a peck bc we are friends lmao
22) Facebook Friends: 1,059 sorry i’m trash??
23) Pets: none :((( my parents don’t like pets and i can’t have a pet at school
24) Want To Change Your Name: i don’t like my name a ton but it is a part of what’s made me who i am, because of how i’ve been perceived and also just little things like always growing up w/ people misspelling it and stuff so i don’t think i would ever change it, though i do try to ask people to use my nickname when i can
25) Did I Get For My Birthday: my birthday is tomorrow so we’ll find out!!! i did order myself a stage management clipboard that is supposed to come in tomorrow though so that is kind of like my gift to myself lmao
26) Time I Woke Up: i set an alarm every 15 minutes starting at 7 so i could get up for my class at 8:30 this morning but i just turned them all off and decided to sleep through my class and instead got up at 9:30 for my spanish class instead ://
27) Were You Doing At Midnight: working on statistics hw, having a minor breakdown in my res hall’s cafe lmao
28) Can’t You Wait For: sister act!!!, classes to end, transferring to the music school (fingers crossed)
29) Was The Last Time You Saw Your Mom: like 2 weeks ago
30) Was Something You Wish You Could Change About Your Life: I wish I had an easily attainable career goal
31) Are You Listening To Right Now: my “songs i heard and liked” spotify playlist
32) Gets On Your Nerves: people sharing articles they wrote on the odyssey on facebook when they are just... Bad like i’m all for people writing what they want and sharing their opinions but i read these articles and i’m like.......you have so many grammar errors and did no research why do u do this
33) Talked To A Person Named Tom: like in my life i think i have idk the most recent time i have though haha
34) Is Your Most Visited Website: probably facebook and tumblr
35) Elementary School: washington??
36) High School: whs 
37) College: university of michigan
38) Hair Color: like a reddish light brown???
39) Long/Short Hair: short, a bit above shoulder length
40) Crush: eion bailey and kate mckinnon
41) Do You Like About Yourself: my passion and dedicatoin
42) Piercings: 3 in each ear
43) Blood Type: AB
44) Nickname: aj, alafral, zelski, big mama, baby hands
45) Relationship Status: single yall hmu
46) Zodiac: pisces!!!!!!!!!!!
47) Pronouns: she/her/hers
48) Favorite Show: band of brothers has been for years and always will be lmao. but i also love orange is the new black, but that’s not even near the same level as BoB
49) Tattoos: none yet!! i have lots of plans but i want to do the disney college program and you can’t have any visible ones so the only one i may get before my junior year when i plan to do that is on my ribs i plan to get my zodiac sign and my best friend and gonna get hers too
50) Left/Right Handed: right
51) Surgery: none!! i’ve had lots of scares though and i’ve gonna lots of stitches before and stuff lmao
52) Piercing: traditional ear piercing
53) Best Friend: anna
54) Sport: soccer and dance
55) Vacation: holy shit no clue?? maybe the bahamas?
56) Pair Of Shoes: also don’t know but i remember having like red ruby slippers i loved
57) Eating: nothing (i probably should tho damn)
58) Drinking: water
59) I Am About To: watch my statistics lecture that i missed 
60) Listening To: ultralight beam by kanye west
61) Waiting For: sam to pick me up for rehearsal
62) Want To See: sleep no more on bway!!
63) Want To Get Married: if i ever find someone :/// but yeah one day
64) Career: i don’t have one rn, hope to have some kind of career in theatre production because i’m planning to get a bachelor in theatre arts but fuck i have no fucking clue yall im jus out here like always
65) Hugs/Kisses: honestly i was gonna say hugs but probably kisses, hugs from close friends always top everything but when it’s a hug from someone else i feel far too uncomfortable and kissing is fun lmao
66) Lips/Eyes: eyes
67) Taller/Shorter: i am short so i love anyone taller than me
68) Younger/Older: i feel like i usually like being around people older than me?? but i don’t think one is better
69) Romantic/Spontaneous: i’m a hopeless romantic but definitely spontaneity
70) Nice Arms/Nice Stomach: hm idk i don’t really pay much attention to either?? 
71) Sensitive/Loud: i’m like..both and everyone i like to hang out with are both i don’t think one is better than the other
72) Hookup/Relationship: relationships, i’m okay with like making out with random people but that’s about as far as i’ll go you know
73) Troublemaker/Hesitant: i feel like i lean more towards troublemakers but not necessarily recklesness
74) Kissed A Stranger: yea oops
75) Drank Hard Liquor: .....also yes
76) Lost Glasses/Contact Lenses: don’t need them!!
77) Turned Someone Down: yeah 
78) Canoodling On A First Date: nah
79) Broken Someone’s Heart: ...if i have i didn’t know
80) Had Your Own Heart Broken: somewhat
81) Been Arrested: nope
82) Cried When Someone Died: no
83) Fallen For A Friend: yes
84) Yourself: rarely
85) Miracles: generally no
86) Santa Claus: oye
87) Kisses On A First Date: no
88) Angels: i believe in something like them i think
89) Love At First Sight: not really
90) Best Friend’s Name: abbie her url is nebulaempresse but i’m not gonna tag her in this bc she’ll make fun of me lmao
91) Eye Color: hazel/light brown w/ some greenish which i think is p much hazel
92) Favorite Movie: forrest gump!!!!!
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