#I usually wear it down. with sunglasses to keep the ‘curtain bangs’ from getting in my eyes
daydadahlias · 10 months
what’s your hair look like?
Why are you going to try and steal it from me
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diyunho · 4 years
The Joker x Reader - “Ashes”
After The Joker’s daughter accidentally drowned, his relationship with Y/N fell apart: they were guilty of failing to protect what they loved, blaming each other and themselves to the point of no return. The sole palpable proof of Emma existence is her ashes encapsulated in glass pendants her parents wear and that’s hardly a memento able to help in such a difficult situation. Ashes are not meant to bring people together.
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“Happy Birthday, Pumpkin Pie,” The Joker grumbles. “Here’s Charlie: I thought you would like to see him,” he places the purple hippo on Emma’s headstone.
Today his daughter would have been 4 years old. Instead of the usual party filled with laughter and presents he’s at “Eternal Peace” cemetery early in the morning for a different kind of festivity.
J never celebrated birthdays before yet once she showed up in his life the anniversary got a fresh new meaning: Y/N ensured that The King of Gotham was aware of how lucky they both were to have her. And he did learn to care about that tiny being he created who first called him something similar to “dada”, then a cute “da’y” and finally the word he craved to hear every single day until she was gone: “daddy.”
Being a father thought him a couple of things, but the most important was quite stunning: the index finger from his right hand wasn’t only meant for using a trigger; it was also his child’s soother.
Emma would keep it prisoner when she slept from an early age; of course all babies do it although in this case it didn’t go away once she got older.
And he misses that…
A lot.
Actually, he would give up on a robbery or anything that involves him holding a gun if she could clutch to his finger one more time.
That’s how much he misses The Princess.
“Sir, sorry to interrupt,” Frost gets him out of trance. “There’s movement at the South gate. We have to go…”
J snatches the plush animal and follows Jonny on a path behind the crypts when a woman walking on the alley leading to Emma’s grave catches his attention: although she has a red wig and sunglasses on, her disguise doesn’t fool him. It’s Y/N.
She’s carrying a small cake and intensely stares at the pavement, unaware of her surroundings.
The Joker can’t really tell what she’s doing once in front of the tomb, nevertheless he guesses she’s singing “Happy Birthday” while wiping the tears strolling down her cheeks.
He didn’t see Y/N in about 4 months. They went to the cabin by Moon Lake after Emma’s drowning and things were so rough he left immediately. She never followed, called or texted.
J didn’t either.
Why bother? They were guilty of failing to protect what they loved, blaming each other and themselves to the point of no return.
Today is extremely difficult to deal with, especially since the catalyst binding them vanished forever.
The sole palpable proof of Emma existence is her ashes encapsulated in glass pendants her parents wear and that’s hardly a memento able to help in such a difficult situation.
Ashes are not meant to bring people together.
After 2 Hours
“Hi,” The King of Gotham drags his feet on the porch and takes a sit on the chair next to yours.
“Hi…” you whisper, surprised to spot him after such a long absence.
Complete silence, then he utters:
“I’m here for the cake,” he points at the sweet treat resting on the wood table: vanilla- strawberry combo, your daughter’s favorite.
“Are you?”
“Yeah, I crave the taste…”
You lean over and cut two slices, sharing Emma’s birthday cake with her dad. It’s really painful to swallow the morsels knowing your baby can’t; it seems J is in the same boat.
“I can’t make anybody happy…” The Clown mumbles under his breath and the randomness of his statement makes you wonder what’s going on in his mind.
“Me neither… Sweet Pea was happy, wasn’t she? She was a happy kid…”
The Joker moves his plate towards you, hissing:
“She was and she would still be with us if instead of flirting you would have watched her!”  
“… … W- what?!...” you glare at him, astonished he has the nerve to pop up and hurt you in such a manner. “Since when talking to somebody is flirting?! Where were you, huh? Where were you??? In your goddamn office plotting more schemes in order to get more money because nothing is enough!” you raise your voice and burst out crying in the next second. “She was ours to protect, the only treasure that mattered! I just… I just took my eyes off her for a few moments, I had no idea my baby was drowning in that pool …” you keep sobbing at the horrible memory, heartbroken. “I could have save her…Why didn’t I…?…”
The Joker can’t understand what you’re saying anymore, yet he doesn’t reply to your accusations or remorseful confessions.
How could he?
He’s equally responsible for Emma’s demise but it’s easier to attack her mother.
You abruptly get up and rush inside the cottage, abandoning J to his own demons. He doesn’t know if he should bail or stay, thus he continues to gaze at the lake numb to everything.
Still… The quietness is becoming unbearable so he finally gathers the strength to stand up and search for you.
“Y/N?...” he shouts. “Where are you?”
Silly question since the cabin is a little area with a kitchen/living room combo, one bedroom and bathroom: easy to find what you’re looking for.
No response but the shower is on which queues him Y/N must be there.
The Joker approaches the bathtub, unwilling to remove the curtain and talk to you face to face.
“It was my fault too…” he admits a fact that tormented him since the accident. “I should have kept an eye on her… I couldn’t predict she’ll sneak out to play by the swimming pool… I would give away a fortune if I could fix it… Do you believe me?...”
You sniffle and cover your mouth, trying to avoid his trap: if you engage, he will probably bite more and that’s the last thing you need.
“I have Charlie in the car; I thought you might want him tonight,” J reveals the true purpose of his visit. ���Drop him off tomorrow at 3pm, I’ll be at the warehouse on 17Th Street. You can’t have the toy, it belongs in her room…”
You hear his steps receding and gasp for air, completely crushed by despair: the agony of grief is stronger than any consolation a stupid purple hippo could offer.
But it was Emma’s favorite and The Joker is willing to share a token of what you both lost; now that you think about it… you really missed Charlie…
Next Day, 2:05pm
“Where’s everybody?” you mutter whilst entering the code at the gates. Usually there are at least 8 henchmen guarding the fence and no sign of them so far. You drive up the unpaved alley, curiously checking out the landscape: same trees, bushes and trucks you’re familiar with, except you can’t discern a single goon patrolling the perimeter.
You honk to get the crew’s assistance without any success and you wonder if The Joker tricked you; I mean, you should have seen it coming: he is probably attempting one of his convoluted strategies to punish you for the tragic past.
You stop in front of the building, intrigued to notice it appears deserted.
Suddenly, a powerful blast shakes the ground and you watch part of the roof collapsing on the north side; a few windows shatter also.
You jump out of the car, totally confused at the strange occurrence.
“Hello?” you yell. “J???”
There’s smoke coming out of the opened metal door and you hesitantly walk in the warehouse, coughing at the suffocating odor.
“J?...” you scream. “J!!!!!”
A faint knock in the distance prompts your attention.
“J??” you run towards the source of the noise only to find him under rubble next to the south entrance. “Oh my God!” you kneel by his feet buried under bricks. “What happened?!” The Queen frantically removes debris as he groans in pain.
“Explosives, that’s what happened. Shit, I think I fucked up my legs!”
“Where are the guys??!!” you inquire, managing to free his feet enough for him to move.
“I gave them the day off,” The Joker’s explanation puzzles Y/N. “Hurry up, please!! Another detonation will follow shortly!”
“Jesus Christ!” you quicken the pace and push the last bricks out of the way. “Can you stand?”
J rolls on his side, unable to comply.
“No, you’ll have to haul me out of here!”
“Come on!” you place your hands under his underarms and start pulling. “The exit is right there!”
You huff while straining to get to safety as The Clown aims to aid by lifting his body off the ground as much as he can.
“Behind the truck!” he urges once you’re out of the premises and you barely have time to hide behind the vehicle when a second bang levels half of the construction.
“This didn’t go according to plan,” J admits in a low tone, panting a storm after the ordeal.
You asses his wounds, pressing on the ankle and he immediately growls.
“The bone’s fractured,” you wipe your sweaty forehead.  “What plan?”
“It’s actually your fault for all of this; I told you to swing by at 3 o’clock. You’re early!”
“You were supposed to come when I told you then boom! Before you reached the building it would go up in flames: you would flip thinking that I’m dead and then I’ll show up and ask you to come back home. You would be so excited to see I’m alive you couldn’t refuse. Yet you ruined everything: you appeared out of nowhere, I panicked and messed up: you know I’m not good with this stuff!!”
You can’t even process the plot he’s throwing your way.
“What kind of plan…”
“I just told you I’m not good at this stuff,” he interrupts. “You know I’m not.”
You touch your chest, baffled at the ridiculous story.
“My pendant!” you exclaim when you realize the chain is not around your neck anymore. “It’s gone!” Y/N desperately searches the grass. “My baby, where’s my baby?” you part the green lawn on the verge of crying. “I can’t find my pendant! Maybe I dropped it the building,” you whimper and prepare to flee when J grabs your jeans, firmly holding on.
“Don’t go; the poles might cave in and whatever is left standing will squash you!!”
You don’t comprehend why he’s so worked up and his plea catches you off guard:
“Don’t go! I’ll give you half my ashes, ok?”
The Queen debates on The King’s proposal, conflicted by his candid offer.
After all, if ashes tear people apart, how come they can’t bring them back together?
You can also follow me on Ao3 and wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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wftc141 · 3 years
Blackwatch Chapter 9: The Everlasting Spark
8:20 AM, Local Time
Rome, Italy
Embassy of the United States
November, 2018
Whenever he had free time, Genji would use that chance to meditate. Find a spare room in the Embassy and sit on the carpet floor to immerse himself away from the noise. He needed to pinpoint the very spot to be in the full state of calm. Silence was also vital and he was glad the rooms were also soundproof and privacy screens were provided.
During the previous months, Blackwatch had been dormant for some time and no missions were assigned. NATO had been managing their duties using their alternative and they've been making progress so far. So far, no new attacks were reported since the Null Sector siege in Rome.
Genji had been meditating for a long time as a way to cope in hopes of ensuring his past doesn't catch up to him. It was hard for him back then as a SAT officer after that defining moment years ago. Genji's eyes were shut, shrouded by the shadow of his hood. His breathing movement eased to follow the rhythm of his heartbeat. Genji tried to clear his mind of negative thoughts and painful memories pierced into his brain. Everything around him was dark and silence surrounded him, leaving him immersed in his own void. He felt alone. Shunned. Isolated to the point where the concept of humanity doesn't exist.
Suddenly, Genji heard a rumble from beside him and his eyes opened in a flash. He turned around and noticed his phone on the floor vibrating towards him. Lowering his breathing rate, Genji reached over to his phone and tapped the dial without checking the ID.
"Hello?" He answered
"Hey, Genji. It's me."
Genji's head perked up and he straightened up. He recognized that voice.
"Angela?" He said. Suddenly, his words were stuck in his throat. "Hi. How are you?"
"I'm good, thanks for asking. Just wanted to let you know that I've just landed in Italy."
Genji cocked his head.
"You're in Rome?" He said.
"Yep," Angela replied. Genji could hear her smile through her voice. "Me and my team are getting stationed here with Fareeha's unit for a couple of weeks and since I'm not booked as of right now, I was wondering if we could have lunch together? I've found a nice place where we could grab some Italian cuisine."
Usually, Angela doesn't ask anybody out for lunch while on her days off, instead retreating to her office to have some overdue coffee and a paid meal to keep her up. Genji was one of the few people to witness it, apart from her other friends.
"Where's this coming from?" Genji asked.
"Oh it's just that we haven't seen each other in person for a while and I thought maybe we could do some catching up while we're at it."
Was it normal for good friends of the opposite sex to invite each other to have a meal together, Genji thought. Even as a former Yakuza, he never had any experience with dating women of his type and most were merely escorts for his fellow Yakuza. Friends were never in his dictionary and Angela happened to be the only female friend he had in his life thanks to her intervention and he owed her for it. Her sudden lunch proposal was definitely odd but it wasn't a bad thing.
"If you're busy, then we can try tomo-"
"I would be more than glad to join you today." Genji said.
"Excellent! How's 12 at noon?"
"I'll be there."
"Great! I'll send you the address later. Looking forward to seeing you, Genji!"
The call ended and left Genji back to his own silence. Genji simply sighed and as he got up, he wondered what to wear on his day out.
9:00 AM, Local Time
Rome, Italy
Via Margutta
Another day has passed during Ray's time off and it has been tedious for most of the occasion. Ray stared at the ceiling of his bedroom with the pale light blocked off by the curtains. It has been two months since their last Blackwatch operation and there has been nothing new for them for quite some time. Everybody else was either out throwing a vacation or visiting friends. He wasn't the type to relax elsewhere since he was more set on working on the battlefield.
Ray missed the taste of beer after drinking with Marvel a few days before he left to see a friend of his in London. His mouth was dry and he had just woken up a few hours later than he usually does. Ray let out a grunt as he heaved himself out of the sheets and stepped onto the wooden floorboards, aiming for the bathroom.
Once inside, Ray turned his sink on and began brushing his teeth. After finishing up with his mouth, Ray splashed the cold water onto his face and rubbed his nose. The ice cold sensation felt nostalgic. Finishing up, Ray leaned onto the basin and glanced up at the mirror, facing his reflection. His reflection's eyes were dead straight into Ray's. Some drops of water streamed down the mirror, one sliding past his right eye.
Then the visions flashed before him. The sounds of gunfire and the looming closing of mortars and rockets. Sand and blood coating him as the screams of his teammates from afar and nearby filled his ears.
By the time the visions blinked away, Ray found himself breathing heavily and alone with the tap still running down the sink and the drops fading away.
11:40 AM, Local Time
Rome, Italy
Before stepping towards the door, Genji took one last look at himself in the mirror. The scars that practically cover his face were in full view. The particular ones running across the bridge of his nose and his left eye were also exposed now that he ditched the hoodie in favor of a grey coat over his dress shirt. He checked his watch poking from his sleeve: 11:40. Should be enough time for Genji to find the address of the restaurant Angela sent him. Genji slipped on his shoes and left the apartment.
Now on the streets, Genji made his way through the walkway past the shops and cafes nearby. The leaves on the road slid and swept off as the cold breeze blew past him. As he reached the main road, Genji found himself getting looks from others. Most were either disgusted or intimidated by him because of his scars. He couldn't say he blamed them. Anyone would reel back from seeing Genji's scars in public and it wasn't a first for him. Genji paid no attention to the glares and continued his walk.
Shortly, he arrived at the restaurant near the river where the crowds flowed from left to right as well as the sight of the river in front. The restaurant itself felt like it was revisiting the past while also showing its own twist in the modern time. Genji went inside and looked around the crowded tables before noticing the distinct platinum blonde hair on the other side.
Genji approached the table where Angela was. She was still just as pretty as the last time they met in person. Angela's lean arms were laid crossed on the table near the menu which she hasn't opened yet. Her coat was draped behind her over the chair. The blue shirt she was wearing tucked into her skinny jeans goes well with her, if not, makes her look professional.
Once Genji closed in on her table, Angela's corner of her eye caught him and her smile grew as she stood up from her chair to approach him. Genji couldn't help but smile too after noticing hers.
"Genji! So glad to see you!" Angela said as she pulled Genji into a hug.
"You too, Angela," he replied, returning her hug. The scent of perfume filled his nostrils. "Thanks for inviting me."
The two broke off the hug and both looked up at each other. Genji noticed something different about Angela's hair.
"I see you've cut your hair." He said.
"Yes, I did," Angela replied, touching the ends of her shortened hair. Her side bangs swept to her right eye were kept. "Figured I wanted to go for something fresh and practical. You like it?"
"It fits you."
Her smile remained as she fiddled with the locks. "Thanks."
Genji wasn't aware he was staring at her for quite some time before the two realized they were still standing and took their seats hastily. To be precise, Genji wasn't the only one staring.
"Anyways," Angela said as she sat down. Genji removed his coat and hung it behind his chair. "I haven't ordered anything yet apart from some coffee since I haven't had my morning caffeine today and I wanted to wait for you before we figure out what we wanna eat."
"That's really considerate of you. I appreciate that." Genji replied.
"You're welcome. Speaking of consideration," Angela handed him a second menu, similar to the one she was reading from. "I hear this place has some really delicious food."
Genji opened the leather folder and inside were the list of foods with photos beside it and quite a list. There was also an English translation next to the Italian words. Glancing up from the menu, Genji looked at Angela as she continued on about Italian cuisine before chuckling mid-sentence over a bad joke she made.
There was something sweet about the way Angela laughed, especially whenever she made jokes that normal people wouldn't laugh except for Genji. Her angelic-like presence and the way she expressed herself would turn Genji into a different person. A normal person.
Maybe it was because he owed her for saving him from his death that day.
11:52 AM, Local Time
Paris, France
The sound of leaves rustling from above to the wind and the fountain splashing into the river fill the uninterrupted silence.
Amélie Lacroix watched over the river floating to the side as streams of water from the fountain tap clashed with the quintess river pelted with dry leaves. The air was cold so she opted for a wool cashmere coat over her black turtleneck with a skirt and boots accompanied by tights and sunglasses and leather gloves as final touches.
She watched as a handful of couples from a distance passed her eyes, holding hands and talking among each other. She missed the feeling of a warm hand and the steps they took in every walk. Amélie couldn't forget her memories with Gérard Lacroix, her late husband.
He was killed here two years ago in a bombing attack at the facility that used to be Blackwatch's headquarters where he was stationed while Amélie was on a mission. Every year, she would come to Paris to see his burial grave and visit this very park where she found her purpose. The place where she and Gérard met as an assassin.
"I knew I would find you here."
Amélie turned to her left where the voice came from and noticed Gabriel approaching her before stopping a few feet away from her. Like her, he was in winter clothes with a puffer coat over his sport fleece zipped up to his neck and a beanie to brace the cold. Amélie didn't react and looked away from Gabriel.
"You're here because we have a job?" Amélie asked.
Gabriel shook his head. "Just checking in to see how you were doing because of what today is. Mind if I sit with you?"
"I don't see why I should."
Gabriel reached the bench and sat beside Amélie. He let out an exhale and icy air puffed out from his mouth.
"And here I thought you would be in LA to talk things out with your family." Amélie guessed.
Gabriel scoffed. "No, it's a waste of energy."
"How are the others?"
Gabriel slumped back onto the bench, sighing. Another cloud of air streamed out of his lips. "Far as I know, they're doing alright. Genji, Moira and Ray are still in Rome with Jack, Marvel just left for London to see a pilot friend of his, Fio's in the Bahamas, Sombra and McCree… I have no idea where those two are."
Amélie said nothing and looked ahead. Gabriel glanced at her before looking away. Even when her sunglasses conceal her emotion, Gabriel could tell that she was still in mourning.
"Still thinking about Gérard?" He said without looking at her.
Amélie's silence and her frown answered Gabriel's question.
"I miss him too," Gabriel's eyes fell onto the ground. "He was a good friend of mine. And a damn good leader too."
Amélie's willingful commitment to staying silent was telling Gabriel everything she couldn't tell him with her words.
"You know what happened to Gérard wasn't your fault, right?" He said. "I don't understand why you keep carrying that weight around."
A pause filled their gap. Shortly, Amélie lifted her hand to remove her sunglasses. Gabriel took one look at her eyes and he recognized it immediately. It was the eyes of sorrow and guilt.
"I brought him into my life and he died because of what I was," Amélie said, softly. "I could've said that I was a ballet dancer or just… never met him. Gérard would've still been alive if it wasn't for me."
"That's bullshit and you know it." Gabriel said firmly as he faced Amélie. His eyes were showing anger but not at her. "You didn't kill Gérard; Antonio Bartalotti did. We lost our staff to the bombing thanks to that bastard and he's out there as an innocent man, running his business while smuggling weapons and terrorists across Europe under our noses. And because of his connections with the government, we can't go after him."
"You know I find the idea of revenge pointless."
"I don't see why when he's the one who killed your husband."
"And I know killing him won't bring him back," Amélie fired back. "The second I kill Antonio, my husband is still dead. The only person who saw me as a human being rather than a killing machine is gone. Nothing will change that."
Gabriel went silent. Amélie was right and he knew it. She never felt the desire of remorse when she learned of who killed her husband. She only felt guilt and thought this was her past catching up to her, refusing to let her go. The concept of someone going after the person who killed their loved ones felt unsatisfying, let alone useless. Gabriel sighed in defeat and leaned forward.
"Amélie, I'm just asking you to stop beating yourself up," Gabriel said. "You gotta stop carrying that burden of yours, otherwise it's gonna manifest into something you can't control and the effect isn't gonna be pretty. I've seen it before and it's been haunting me ever since."
Amélie didn't respond but Gabriel could see her understanding his point silently. Gabriel looked away from her and faced forward. The two didn't speak for a while and watched over the park as people continued to pass by their sight.
"I can see why you like this park." Gabriel said.
Amélie nodded without glancing back at him. Silence. Gabriel took his beanie off to scratch his scalp. The cold wind blew at his head as the warmth from the beanie dissolved.
Gabriel heard Amélie call his name as he put his beanie on and glanced at her. Although she was still staring forward, a faint smile grew from her face.
"Thanks. For that pep talk." She said.
Gabriel simply smiled and looked away.
"You're welcome." Gabriel replied.
The two stayed seated and basked in the cold yet bright sunlight, overlooking the breeze over the winter trees below.
12:15 PM, Local Time
Rome, Italy
It has been a while since they received the food they've ordered and so far, Genji's lunch with Angela has been eventful and enjoyable. The two have been talking for a while and it was clear they get each other. Angela would talk about work and often add in some personal moments outside of work, such as her strange encounter at a cafe while on a coffee run with her Chinese nurse friend.
Genji would sometimes laugh at the unfortunate moments and feel bad at the same time but those were the moments where he would get the chance to smile and act like a normal person, especially with someone he felt comfortable with.
Then, Angela would get into the serious and sensitive parts about her job as a field doctor handling heavily wounded patients and balancing some sense of levity, especially about the air strikes the US keeps sending in. Angela herself wasn't into the nature of war as much as any normal person was, considering she was a pacifist and most of the time, she could get critical about how President Trump and his office handled the war.
She would often apologise for going too much in depth about her job and Genji would assure her he was fine. He always appreciated how concerned she felt whenever she believed she stepped out of the line when talking about her job.
"Anyways," Angela said, after finishing her story about a patient hit by an air strike. She rested her crossed arms on the table after twirling the locks of her hair, leaning in front of the table. "We're getting shipped off in a few weeks. Don't know where but it's probably gonna be in another war-torn country. On the bright side, Dr. Winston Hayward is joining the team."
Genji's head perked up after hearing a familiar name.
"Winston Hayward? You mean the scientist who used to work for DARPA? I never thought he would get involved in humanitarian work."
Angela nodded. "It was a surprise for me too. He served as a medic in the army before DARPA picked him up. He was interested in my work for a while and offered the team a helping hand."
Genji nodded as he took a sip from his glass of water.
"How about you, Genji?" Angela asked. "How's work going for you?"
Genji's smile faltered. He wasn't sure how to answer that. He told her he was working for NATO but he didn't tell her he was working as a covert operative taking part in possibly illegal missions. Genji wasn't sure how she would feel if he told her he maimed a crime lord with his own karambit. He set his glass on the table and sighed, looking away from her.
"I'm alright," Genji said. "There were good days and bad days."
Angela didn't prod him any further about his work. Part of Genji was thankful but the other half lamented that he couldn't confide in her about what he really does. Angela then noticed a few people staring at Genji, with some whispering to each other. She was quick to pick up on the fact that they were staring at him because of the scars on his face. Genji was also trying his best to ignore the judging looks. Angela couldn't help but feel pity for him.
"I-I'm sorry, Genji. I should have picked a more private place." She said softly, feeling guilty.
"It's okay," he assured. "I feel more comfortable showing my face like this when I'm with you because...you don't see me as a monster like others do."
"That's because you're not. I know it's difficult but the scars you have does not define who you are."
"I know. But what happened still haunts me to this day. I can't outrun it."
Angela looked at him, recognizing that look and the voice. The same as the one he had when he was in the middle of recovery.
"Are the nightmares coming back?" She asked.
Genji looked up at Angela, who gave him an assuring look. He took a deep sigh as he held his hands.
"Every time I look in the mirror," Genji said. "I see my brother instead of myself. Every time I try to sleep, I see the Shimada elders order my brother to kill me. Every night, I would wake up, drenched in cold sweat and I would sit on the floor in the dark making sure the clan doesn't go after me because of what I've become."
"Are you still meditating?" Angela asked.
A weak nod came from Genji. "Always, but it's not enough to push those nightmares back. I couldn't remember how long I fought but I remember every cut my brother gave all over me and every hit I made until my limbs gave up. I still remember how it felt too."
Genji wasn't aware his hands were balled into trembling fists. This wasn't the first time he told Angela about his condition but any time he talked about, it would trigger the trauma in his mental state. Then, Genji felt contact with one of his fists. He glanced up and noticed Angela's hand holding his right fist and the shaking stopped.
"I know how painful it is to carry that trauma for a long time, Genji," she said. "I understand how you feel. I carried a lot of pain when I was a kid and it was agonizing for me to face the reality. But I made it through and I want to help people like me. That's why I became a doctor for a reason."
Genji's fists began to unroll and laid flat on the table as Angela's hands held his.
"I know you'll make it through this, Genji. I've been with you for a long time to know that you're strong. But if you ever need help and you can't find someone you feel comfortable with, I'm here for you and I'll help you in any way possible."
Genji looked up at her. Her soothing voice bordered on the lines of angelic. Genji felt a sense of relief and calm being able to talk out his deep issues with his first and close friend. He smiled in return of her assuring words.
"I'll keep that in mind," Genji softly said, looking back at his hands. "Thanks."
"You're more than welcome." Angela replied, smiling back.
The two didn't move for a brief moment as the idle chatter around them drowned out their thoughts. Genji then looked down to his plate and noticed something.
"You know," he said. "We've been talking for quite a while and not once have we touched our food."
Angela blinked before looking down and realizing what he meant.
"Oh my, you're right about that." She said.
Genji couldn't help but chuckle. "Didn't expect that we would talk more than we've eaten."
They both laughed, easing any sense of tension between one another before they got back to eating their meal. They still talked as much as they ate but they drifted towards a more lighthearted path. Angela still had more tales to tell and Genji's smile never faltered since then.
12:46 PM, Local Time
Rome, Italy
Embassy of the United States
Jack Morrison took a sip of his coffee as he read over the mission reports from Blackwatch as well as the dossiers of their operatives. He had just finished reading Genji's dossier and moved on to Ray's. Some of the operatives' backgrounds involved their former lives as career criminals before getting hired by NATO. Others were former military and conducted significant operations early on. Jack didn't expect Gabriel to even consider hiring criminals to work under his hand. Not that he ever played by the rules.
A sudden knock from his office door cut through his thoughts.
"Come in." Jack said.
He heard the door open and footsteps follow through. Jack looked up from the dossiers and noticed it was the team leader of the Valorant Protocol, Brimstone. His Valorant tag hung in front of his sky blue shirt hugging his shoulders. His right hand was also holding a Manila folder.
Jack set the files aside and drank his coffee. "I take it Chechnya was a success?"
Brimstone placed the folder next to Jack's among the pile. "Like a walk in the park. No one suspected we were there, no bodies were dropped and the CIA have the American terrorist in their custody."
Jack grunted in approval as he placed his mug on the desk. "Good job as always, Brimstone. Get you and your team some rest. You all deserve it."
With that said, Jack went back to continuing his reading on Ray's dossier. As he read the file, the footsteps in front of him stopped.
"I got something to ask, Jack," Brimstone said. "Do you trust Blackwatch?"
Jack stopped reading. He knew there was going to be a time where Brimstone would inquire about Blackwatch. Brimstone was not just the team leader - he co-founded this unit with Jack and he was well aware of Blackwatch's existence for a while. Sighing, the commander set his hands on the desk, interlocking his fingers.
"Yes. I do. But the thing is… I believe Blackwatch should not be operational anymore."
"Why's that?" Brimstone asked.
"The world is changing and trustworthy allies are the key to stabilizing a nation. We're making significant progress for NATO and the UN with the Valorant Protocol and we've managed to earn trust from other countries. Blackwatch however… could be a compromise to our goal."
"So we're their replacement?"
"Precisely. The higher ups may need Blackwatch but I want to prove to them that it should be shut down. We've been solving most of NATO and the UN's problems diplomatically and I don't want a black ops kill unit ruining our chances in bringing peace to all nations if they can't trust us."
Brimstone had nothing else to say about Blackwatch and turned away for the door. As he heard the door close, Jack looked back down to the files before going for another sip of his black coffee. Truth be, as much as he believed in Blackwatch's cause, Jack found their methods risky and the risks they make would only drive other countries apart should they ever find out about what they've been doing. He could only hope for Gabriel to understand that but it would take a miracle to convince him.
11:00 PM, Local Time
The convoy of trucks drove through the terrain over the tracks engraved between the trees. The headlights shone down the road as the only light source in the desolate forest of Zambia. A Talon strike team was deployed into the country to meet a potential partner for their organization. For air support, an Mi-24 Hind was sent in to accompany them as their eyes in the skies.
Inside the trucks stamped with the signature 'T' insignia on the side, Talon soldiers glued to the seats bobbed up and down as the truck went through uneven terrain. They were all sporting Talon-issued uniforms under their plate carriers and pads covering most of their vital areas, as well as M50 gas masks fitted under their helmets with NODs attached.
Everybody else wore the same masks except for Captain Cuerva, the strike team's commanding officer in the leading truck. Apart from his uniform and gear, he had a red beret bearing the 'T' flash and a jet black neck gaiter. He was as merciless as people say and a force to be reckoned with whenever he led his team during his missions, especially with Mauga, the squad's titan. This was also a rare occasion for Cuerva to get in the field to personally oversee the operation whenever there were complications.
Shortly, the trucks arrived at the riverside village where the gate was guarded by AK47-wielding militants. Because they were expecting them, the militants opened the gate and silently let the trucks in while the Hind hovered above them. As the trucks drove down the path, they were met with glares from several militants from outposts and on the sidewalk. Most of the locals were nowhere to be seen with empty markets and shops.
Once the trucks reached the plaza next to the main hut, the trucks came to a complete stop and shortly, Talon soldiers hopped out one by one and landed on the pale mud. There, the soldiers gathered into their positions and faced the militants while several turned to the hut where their partner would be in. Mauga stood in front of his men, knowing his size and weapon would ensure support and maximum damage. Cuerva was the last to get out and without a word, he headed up the stairs leading to the hut and signaled for both Mazzei and Doubleday to escort him.
As he ignored the condescending glares from the militants, Cuerva and his men went inside and found the office of the militant's leader. Inside the office accompanied by a straw backdrop, the successor of the Macaba militia Kwame Macaba glared at the Captain, knowing who he was. His guards watched with caution running in their eyes as Cuerva stood by the doorway with his escorts. Their begrudging glares reflected onto the unnerving visors of their gas masks. Cuerva paid no attention to them and sat down on the couch across Kwame's before pulling down his neck gaiter.
"Sorry for the sudden visit, Mr. Macaba," Cuerva said. "I understand that you're still dealing with the loss of your brothers but we have a proposal that you may find beneficial to your operations."
Cuerva stared at the man of Talon's interest. Youngest brother of the family, forced to take control of the militia after the death of his brothers a few months back. Knowing him, his family would be hiding upstairs.
"Our leader received a call from you saying that you do not wish to be part of our cause or accept our money that we offered you." Cuerva continued.
"We will not be accepting your blood money or an alliance with you." Kwame growled.
Cuerva chuckled. "Seems like we haven't convinced you well enough. First off, we're not here to negotiate money. We're more than that. Consider us partners looking to help spread your influence across Africa and strengthen your army because you will need it."
"You best leave now if you know what's good for you."
"I'm afraid that's not going to happen. And you might as well watch what you say or there will be consequences for you and your family. Wouldn't want to end up like your brothers, yes?"
Tensions were raised. Kwame's hand clenched into a fist as he glared at Cuerva, clearly taking offence to what he said. Mazzei and Doubleday remained cautious as they eyed the militants, knowing they could open fire at any minute. A smirk curved from the corner of his lip.
"I've read that your brothers were killed trying to take control of Africa and the first thing they did was going after the people running the country," Cuerva said. "That was a bold and ambitious move - a naive one if you get my gist."
Kwame was itching to lunge at him at any moment but he would've done so by now if it weren't for the Talon soldiers watching him.
"And I also found it funny about how your brothers died. Dede Macaba went out of his way to use a child as a bargaining chip before the military shot him dead. I mean, talk about being a 'warrior' who'd rather die a coward than fight as a man. And Arno? Let's just say he failed before he even started."
Kwame gritted his teeth as his fists shook and Cuerva was more than glad to see his face contort into hate.
"You dare speak ill of my family's sacrifices?!" Kwame hissed.
"Oh I dare because I'm the one holding you and your people's lives in my hands," Cuerva said smugly. "I'm just trying to negotiate peacefully here and you're making this very difficult. All Talon wants is an alliance with you and your militia. You see, we believe humanity can only evolve through everlasting conflict. We're gathering organisations who are willing to contribute in making sure the human race grows stronger through war and terror."
Kwame's expression doesn't change, still glaring at the Captain.
"Talon can make you the most powerful man in Africa," Cuerva continued. "We'll provide your militia with better weapons, gear, training and materials for your operations. We can give you all of that with just a flick of a pen and with all the funding from us, you could achieve everything your brothers had been longing for. All you have to do is shake my hand and we can cut you a deal."
Cuerva then outstretched his hand to Kwame. Without a second thought, Kwame smacked it away as if it was a fly. Cuerva was unfazed by his rude gesture.
"The reason why I refused in the first place was because you and Talon are not soldiers, not warriors… you are terrorists who kill for money and sport. My people will never be part of that."
Cuerva stared at him for a moment before sighing and leaning back.
"Very well then," He then reached for his comms. "Negotiations failed. Prepare to clean house."
Shortly, gunfire erupted from outside surprising Kwame and his guards. Talon soldiers posted outside were under orders from HQ to kill the militia whenever the negotiation didn't work out. Kwame was quick to realize what Cuerva ordered and attempted to reach for his holster. Cuerva beat him to it and he shot the leader in the head before he could even touch the gun. Blood sprayed onto the floor and as soon as Kwame went limp, Mazzei and Doubleday took out the guards with ease and smooth synchronization.
Glancing at the stream of smoke oozing from the suppressor, Cuervo got up from the couch and approached Kwame's body. He stared at the dead leader with eyes of disappointment.
"Such a shame, Mr. Macaba," Cuerva said. "We would've had potential working together. Oh well, only fools would go for someone who's useless."
Cuerva then turned away to the doorway.
"Take care of the family." He ordered as he walked off.
"Yes, sir." Both Mazzei and Doubleday complied.
The two went past Cuerva and headed the opposite direction of him to find the rest of Kwame's family, checking their mags as they moved out. As the heavy footsteps faded out, Cuerva walked down the corridor and for the front entrance.
"Akuma 1, you are cleared hot," Cuerva said. "Send those bastards a message."
The sounds of the MG outside raining down from above accompanied the melody of the gunfire below. Walking out of the hut, Cuerva watched as his men moved from several spots in the dark hunting down the militants.
He already noticed several bodies of the militants in front of him as well as several buildings and markets left on fire. The rockets from the chopper then hit the village with immense velocity and obliterated almost everything in sight to ensure no survivors while also avoiding Cuerva's smell of burnt wood and straws filled his nostrils as he watched the flames light up the dark sky and burning wood melt into the river. Screams from afar filled the air of silence, drowned by the gunfire slowly catching up to them.
The Captain simply pulled out a cigar from his pocket, lit it with a match and watched the village burn to the ground. The embers before him sparked brighter like fireworks, making Talon's mark on their steps to the glory of never-ending conflict.
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post-itpenny · 5 years
Far too Young to Die
Some Mafia AU, just a warning this one gets intense.
Tagging @grotesquegabby and @clownsgobeepbeep
There was a servant waiting at the end of the hall for Vespers. The same one that delivered a message last time. They walked by each other. Vespers feeling a hand slip into his coat pocket before they parted.
The sign of a rabbit, this time with writing on it.
It was late evening and Amaranthus had been put to bed. Maggie having quitely retreated to the library to read when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Pierre stood over her looking down with his usual frown but there was a new coldness to it. Not that Maggie could blame him, she was unsure why the bodyguard was so attached to Ama but he had a right to be mad at her too.
She was brought before William who had been sitting in the parlor musing over a slip of paper.
“Evening sir,” Maggie quietly greeted.
William looked up at her with an arched eyebrow. Demure wasn’t her usual behavior but apparently even Maggie understood when she was on thin ice.
William held up the slip of paper, “this had been delivered earlier this evening to the gate security. Perhaps it will be of interest to you.”
Maggie took the paper, noting the rabbit stamped at the top:
Time: 6:10 pm
Status: Awake/ Stable
Pulse: 80 (high)
Recommend: Observation
Maggie gave a sigh as her shoulders relaxed a little. “Magpie is awake and the Rabbit wants to keep her a little longer.”
William nodded, watching Maggie as if he was expecting something.
Maggie folded up the letter and tucked it into her pocket, going to stand by the fire. “I’ll have to wait till they release her then I guess. If the messenger comes by again, can we pass on a note that her dog is here with me? She’s probably worried.”
William gave a nod, “of course.”
With Maggie’s back to them she did not see either William or Pierre give sighs of relief. Apparently she was serious in keeping her promise not to sneak out again.
At that moment a servant came running into the room. A note waving in their hand with the stamp of a rabbit clearly visible.
Maggie snatched the note before either William or Pierre could.
As she read, Maggie’s face turned white, gripping the note so tightly the paper nearly tore to shreds between her fingers.
Maggie took two steps back, seeming to trip over her feet as she collapsed to the floor.
At 6:10 pm, Magpie opened her eyes.
It took a moment to recall what had exactly happened. She felt dizzy and heavy at the same time, desiring to close her eyes again. But slowly her last memories clicked back into place.
She had been chasing the sisters when she turned around to find Jack of all people with a gun pressed against her skull.
“You bastard,” she hissed.
Jack chuckled, “not the worst thing they’ve called me Starshine. Can’t lie I’m gonna miss you but this is rather personal.”
The shot was not from Jack but another direction, hitting her under the ribs. Magpie hissed as another bullet buried itself in her shoulder. Jack pushed her to the ground, crying out as he apparently got hit as well. In the haze of pain Magpie made a quick assessment:
Shots from behind, so the street.
Which meant at least a 6-7 yard distance.
So whoever it was had terrible aim.
So not a hired hand.
The sound of screeching tires confirmed her suspicions. She and Jack were still for a moment, it was getting too hard to think between the pain and blood loss. Jack must have determined the coast was clear as he sat up and pulled out a phone…
Now here she was, wherever this was.
Magpie looked up at the stony ceiling, a damp chill filled the air. So underground?
She felt sluggish, turning her head to the right and spotting the image of a rabbit stamped into the wall.
Ah, so The Warren then. Magpie sighed with relief knowing she was in a safe space. She became aware of the bandages wrapped around her body, perhaps she was still under pain meds, that would explain a lot.
She sighed again and turned her head to the left to find Jack awake and looking at her.
“Moooorning,” he giggled.
Magpie shrieked, attempting to jump out of her bed and falling back in both pain and vertigo.
A curtain was pulled back. The Rabbit sighed with a shake of her head as she forced Magpie lie down. “You will pop your stitches, calm down before I restrain you.”
Magpie glared, Jack giggling again.
“Sssalways so cute when mad.”
Guess she wasn’t the only one on pain medicine.
The Rabbit frowned, checking a clipboard at the foot of Jack’s bed.
“Ah, I see you refused medication at first. No wonder you haven’t slept it off yet.”
Jack cheekily grinned up at the doctor, Magpie rolling her eyes. Still as stubborn as ever apparently.
The doctor turned to Magpie to check her pulse and bandages, “you will stay calm or I’m serious about the restraints. We’re too full to move you anywhere else.”
Magpie wanted to argue but the doctor was gone again. Magpie laid back in her bed. Floating through waves of drowsy dizziness. The pain down to a dull ache. She could slip off to sleep like this, that is except for the man in the bed next to her still giggling.
“What’s so funny?”
Jack grinned, “this issss the closssest I’ve had you in b-bed with me in years.”
Magpie turned bright red. “Get your mind out of the gutter Jack. This is as close as you get.”
Jack sighed, slowly rolling to his side and looking at her. “I missed you ssso much my Queen of Hearts. Can you b-blame me?”
Magpie flinched at the old nickname and looked away. Of all the people to share a hospital room with.
Magpie looked back to him. “You were going to kill me yes? Why save me then?”
Jack slowly shook his head. “W-Wasn’t part of the deal. I got you if I let the freaks run free.”
Magpie launched herself at him, a nurse running in to pull her off but not before Magpie could hit him as hard as she could in his stitches.
Jack screamed in pain, Magpie was spitting curses as she was belted to the bed.
The Rabbit came rushing back in, whacking Magpie upside the read with her clipboard. “I don’t care how bad you want to kill him you will not do it here! Now behave yourself or I’ll have them drug you up till you sleep for a week!”
Magpie was fuming, glaring at the ceiling with such intensity Jack mildly wondered if she was trying to set it on fire with her thoughts.
Ah, there was his Starshine.
“I suppose I deserve that,” Jack cringed as he settled back into his own bed. The attack apparently having sobered him up. “But believe me I had no idea how bad those two were.”
“You never think anything through,” Magpie hissed, “you haven’t changed.”
“You’re right, afterall I still love you.”
They were both silent for a time after that. Each caught in a backlash of memories involving the other.
Finally, Magpie was first to break the diligence. “You were going to kill me.”
“You’re too much,” Jack confessed, “if I can’t have you no one can.”
“That… that’s so wrong, you’re a terrible person Jack.”
“Heh, you already said that once.”
“Yes but this is beyond the last time. Who hired you, I’m owed at least that.”
“It was all anonymous, but considering they know you so well and wanted me dead too, I bet we can figure it out.”
Magpie pondered his words, the answer clicking and sending a dreadful feeling to the pit of her stomach. “You really think-“
“None of this would happen if you had stayed with me. You know I would have taken in the Little Red too. We could have been a family.”
“Jack please don’t-“
He was hovering over her, Magpie strapped to her bed and unable to do more than squirm.
And then he kissed her.
Vespers was sitting in the small club with his sister. Across the room was a tall gentleman wearing sunglasses.
“Who the hell wears sunglasses inside a dark club?” Juno questioned, “how pretentious can you get?”
“Careful Juni,” Vespers hummed with a sip of his drink. “You’re gonna max out your vocabulary if you keep using big words like that.”
Juno glared, punching his shoulder, “so you gonna go talk to him or not?”
Vespers looked away with a slight blush, “guy’s not my type.”
“Bullshit, now go hookup with him.”
“Look the guy looks like an asshole but he’s a cute one I’ll admit. You don’t go get him, someone else will.”
Indeed as they spoke a girl danced her way over to him, Vespers cringing as she laughed at something the guy said.
At that moment the bartender slipped them a piece of paper. The sign of a rabbit stamped on it.
Vespers read the note quickly before jumping up with a shout. Running out the door of the club with Juno close behind.
The kiss was slow but sudden, and just as intense as she remembered. Just as perfect.
When it was good it was the best, her time with him. Jack had been the only guy to make Magpie feel special, like a person capable of more than her job. Saying things like how the were far too young too die. With her he felt like he could keep going forever. She felt the same. When it was good it was good...
But when it was bad…
“Stop,” Magpie mumbled. Turning her head away with a frown. “Just stop.”
Jack sat back, an unidentifiable look in his eyes.
“Starshine I-“
Someone was screaming.
From the end of the hall a door was bursting open and someone was screaming.
There was a terrific crash as more people started screaming. Jack quickly undid Magpie’s restraints and stepped out into the hall.
Faline was gouging into someone’s shoulder with a butcher knife.
On instinct, Jack and Magpie both reached for a gun that were not on their person’s. Jack ran over to a nearby set of drawers and pulled out a scalpel to pass to Magpie.
Faline was fighting off a nurse who was trying to hold her back. Throwing the man over her shoulder as she turned back to the victim she had pinned to the floor.
There was a whizzing sound. Faline looking up as a scalpel flew through the air and into her eye.
The redhead stood up with a scream. Falling back as Zilla snaked around her sister and charged down the hallway.
Jack passed Magpie a few syringes as he picked up a chair to toss at the beast of a woman running at them.
Zilla’s chest exploded, falling to the floor as Faline screamed and escaped back up the elevator shaft from which she came.
Magpie and Jack shuddered in unison, turning around to find Dr. Adeline with eyes full of raw fury and a death grip on a shotgun.
“Dylan and Kole! Drag that thing to autopsy!” Adeline barked, “Someone go check on Mathew upstairs. Lucy prep whoever that is on the floor for surgery. I think that bitch nicked an artery judging by the blood.”
She threw down the gun in disgust before turning to Jack.
“Molly come help this one, he busted a couple stitches. Then send word to their people. They’re going to want to know about this.”
The nurse named Molly pulled Magpie and Jack back into their room. Magpie gingerly laid back down as her body radiated pain. Noticing the spots of blood coming up through Jack’s bandages.
“Don’t bother with that sweetheart,” Jack insisted as the nurse prepped the local anesthetic.
The nurse arched an eyebrow, “you sure?”
Jack insisted, Magpie rolling her eyes. He never changed.
Jack cringed as the nurse redid his stitches. Magpie letting him squeeze her hand.
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What If...
...Lily Fell In Love With Sirius?
Warnings: Swearing and drinking
      It was a normal day for Miss Lily Evans. The birds sang out her window, the sun rose in the east, the brooms were flying around. The great game of Quidditch was being played. Slytherin V.S. Gryffindor. Lily could careless about the game she was more interested in the book she had her nose in all day. Every once in a while she would look up to see the score. Gryffindor winning like always. She had a feeling she was being watched as James flow by with quaffle in hand. Lily looked around and met the gaze of Severus Snape. He blushed and turned his attention back to the game. Lily smiled with a look back to her book.      
     Unknowingly to her, there was someone else looking at her. James Potter, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. James thought him scoring would get her attention but it didn’t. He stared at her, daydreaming, till a bludger came flying right in front of his face. Almost grazing his nose. With the sudden realization, of being in the middle of a flying sport with balls trying to kill him. James flew off to get the quaffle which was in the hands of a Slytherin.  
      Back at the Gryffindor Common Room, a party broke out, seeing that the Gryffindor team creamed the Slytherins. Lily never took part in the parties. She could always be found in a dark corner or in her dorm with a book reading. She never really liked parties, James, on the other hand, loved parties. He could be found in the middle of the dance floor or being the idiot everyone was laughing at. Sirius always had a girl on his arm, or lips or both, loving the party. Remus liked to party but he was always the first to go to bed and made sure the boys got to their dorm. Peter was weird he would try and get a girl every time but he would always end up drinking alone. Most Gryffindors drank Fire Whiskey. Lily sat up in her dorm on her bed reading. She kept yawning, her eyes got heavy. So she put her book down and went to sleep.
    Meanwhile downstairs, some Gryffindors were playing a muggle game called Truth or Dare. James in the middle of the couch with Peter on his right and Alice on his left. Frank sat next to Alice on the arm of the couch. Sirius sat in an armchair next to the fireplace. 
“Sirius, truth or Dare?” James asked with a slur.
 “Dare” Sirius said laughing a deep chuckle that made all the girls swoon, even the blonde girl on his lap. She was leaving kisses down his neck causing him to chuckle even more.
 “Okay, I dare you to write a love letter to Evans, and give it to her.”
 “Is that all? James, that isn’t very risky.” Sirius’ chuckle echoed off the walls of the common room.
 “Yes, really. She will hate you, just as much as she doesn’t want to date me” James said laughing and slurring. 
“Okay, Okay.”
Sirius wrote the letter and went upstairs into the girls’ dorm with the help of Alice. He placed it in the book he saw her reading earlier. He looked over at her, she looked so peaceful. Her hair laid on her face, so he pushed it behind her. Lily moved slightly in her sleep. Sirius hoped he didn’t wake her. He took a sharp inhale of air. Not moving or breathing, Sirius watched her snuggle against her pillow. He slowly exhaled. Sirius just looked at her beautiful face, he finally understood why James liked her so much. He impulsive leaned down and kissed her forehead and went back downstairs to the party. Most Gryffindors were passed out, from the over-consumption of alcohol. The few that were left wouldn’t remember the dare James gave Sirius, let alone what they had for dinner. Sirius rejoined the game with a smile on his face. 
“What you smiling at Sirius?” Remus asked with a drink of water in his hand as he leaned against the fireplace wall. Remus came down when Sirius was in Lily dorm. Remus usually checked on his best friends when they drank. 
“Nothing, Remus nothing at all….but anyway James, Truth or Dare?” The blonde jumped back into Sirius’ lap and continued what she was doing before he left. Her kisses didn’t have the same effect like they did before. Sirius would keep losing focus in the game. He would zone out till someone hit his arm or something. The game continued till everyone passed out. Remus checked on them again to see them passed out. James on the floor, Peter in a corner, Sirius in the chair next to the fireplace. The blonde must have gone upstairs because she was nowhere to be seen. Frank and Alice shared the couch. As he always did he picked up his best friend and carried them to their dorm. Remus went to bed after he brushed his teeth and got changed.
   Remus was the first of the boys to wake up. He took a shower, went to his trunk when heard moans from Peter’s bed. Remus got dressed and pulled the curtains open on the windows. Then Peter’s, James’ and Sirius’ beds. Their beds got filled with bright sunlight waking up the sleeping boys. They groaned and moaned.
 “Remus, why do you hate us?” Sirius asked from under his pillow.
 “I don’t hate you guys, if I did I would have left you in the Great Hall in nothing but your boxers. With your clothes locked in a trunk and me with your wand and the key.”
 “Okay, so you don’t hate us. But who knew you had an evil mind like that?” James said from under his sheets.
 “Haha. Nobody, it’s my little secret”. Remus whispered. Then he shouted. “ Get Up Ladies, we have class!!” More groaning and moaning came from the boys. 
“There is no need to shout Remus.” Sirius said putting his index figure on Remus’ lips shhing him.
 Remus smirked, “I won’t shout if you shower, get dressed and go to class.” 
“Okay  I’ll go do that” Sirius said leaving for the bathroom in a zombie-like state. James rolled out of bed, landing on the floor with a bang. 
Remus said as he was looking in his trunk for his book “James?” 
“Yeah?” James muffled.
 “You okay?”
 “Your head?”
 “Just peachy.” Remus smiled thinking of his friend lying face down on the floor. Peter finally sat up, trying not to fall back down. You could tell he was dizzy. Sirius came out with only a towel around his hips. His hair dripping wet, his ripped torso glistened in the sunlight.
 Remus looked toward the bathroom and yelled “Put on a shirt or at least your boxers.” As he threw Sirius a shirt. Sirius really wasn’t paying attention and the shirt hit the side of his head.
 “Can we please close some of these curtains, Remus?” Sirius asked squinting at the window. 
“Yes as soon as you are dressed.”
 James crawled on his hands and knees across the wood floor to the tiled bathroom. Sirius got dressed, James came out of the bathroom as a very dizzy Peter went in, leaning against the wall the whole way there. Sirius dressed in his robes. His red and gold tie hung loosely around his neck. His white dress shirt was untucked with some of the buttons undone. His black robe hung loosely around his shoulders. He wore black converse high tops. No sweater vest like he was supposed to wear. James got dressed. His white shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. His black glasses hung on to the tip of his nose. The red/gold tie hung loosely around his neck, the black robe draped over his shoulders. James slipped on his black dress shoes. Remus looked perfect minus the fact he didn’t tuck in his shirt or that he wasn’t wearing the vest. Peter dressed sloppily. Peter didn’t tie his tie, his robe was hung on his shoulders. His shirt wasn’t tucked in, his shoes weren’t tied. Peter’s pants kept falling off his ass. 
They were about to head out of their messy dorm when Sirius said “Guys, wait…” 
Sirius jogged over to his bedside table as his curly brown hair bounced behind him. He grabbed his favorite pair of sunglasses.
 “Okay, now we can go.” He said as he put them on, heading back toward the door to go downstairs.
        As Remus was getting up, Lily had already taken a shower and did her hair and makeup. Lily got up from the chair in front of the mirror, to open the curtains on the windows and the girls' beds. No one moved or made a sound. So she walked over to the door and slammed it shut, sounding a loud bang around the dorm. Cassidy sat up dizzy, Alice fell out of bed onto the floor with yet another bang, Alex groaned and moaned then she threw a pillow at Lily. Lily easily caught it laughing hysterically. She continued to laugh as she slide down the door bringing her knees to her chest with the pillow in-between. Alex hid under her other pillow trying to block out Lily’s laughing and the bright sunlight. Cassidy tried to glare at Lily but she didn’t know which one to glare at. Alice just moaned and groaned from the floor. 
“Come on girls it’s time to get up and get to class.” Lily said smiling and giggling. 
“Lily stop laughing or I swear to God I will hex you.” Alex threatened from under her pillow. 
“Ohh come on Alex, You would do the same thing to me.” 
“True but….” Alex slowly dozed off.
 “Uhh What?!?” Alex sat up with her black hair a slight mess. Her blue eyes glassy and slightly dull unlike her normal bright blues.
 “Go take a shower before I through you in clothes and all.” Lily said.
 “I’m working on it.” Alex complained.
 “Alice, hun, are you okay?”
 “I’m just fruity.” Lily smiled at her best friend.
       Alex came out dressed in her robes with a loose tie, sleeves rolled up, some to buttons unbuttoned, shirt untucked with black converse. Alice slowly got up and went into the bathroom. Cassidy’s chocolate brown hair was up in a ponytail but it was a bit of a mess. Her brown eyes looked fogy almost like they were frosted over. Alex did her hair in a slight wave, with light makeup. She put her dark blue diamond nose stud in and flopped on to her bed. Alice came out dressed perfectly. Cassidy slowly walked into the bathroom to take her shower. Cassidy put her glasses on which helped with the fuzzy vision but she still saw double. Alice did a very simple look with her makeup. When Cassidy came out, looking normal, Alice braided her hair as Lily did her makeup. The girls grabbed their bags and books, headed for the door to go downstairs.
 “Wait, wait.” Alex said running over to her bedside table and grabbed her black sunglasses. Cassidy almost went without her glasses.
 “Are we good?”
“Yeah, we’re good.” Cassidy and Alex said. The girls were headed downstairs when the ran into the boys as they were leaving their side of the tower. 
“Alex, looking hot as always” Sirius said with his sunglasses down just so you could see his smoky gray eyes.
 “In your dreams, Black.” Alex snared pulling down her glasses, to see her blue eyes then she prowled down the stairs to the Common Room.
 “Hey, Lily-pad!” James said happily.
 “What do you want slim ball?” Lily asked appallingly. 
“Go out with me?” James asked with his sparkling brown eyes filling with hope. 
“No, I would rather date a squid.” Lily said as she turned whipping her red hair in James’ face. 
“She totally wants me.” James said jogging down the stairs after Lily. 
Remus sighed “If only he would accept she doesn’t want to date him”
 “I couldn’t agree with you more, Moony.” Sirius said as he patted Remus’ back. The three boys sighed as the jogged to catch up with their overly in love best friend before he would do something stupid…..again.
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waldos-writing · 8 years
The Dig Initiative: Chapter 19
I Am Lawrence DuVang
“I found the cream, but I don’t know which one of those containers is sugar,” said Joe at the kitchen counter. He had on a dark suit, his light hair neatly parted to the side. Very clean, very put together. There was a ceramic mug in each hand. “I dunno. You take it with sugar? I feel like you did, but I forgot your last Starbucks order. It’s a lot, boss, you know? Lot to remember.”
The mugs had long trails of steam after them as Joe carefully carried each from the kitchen to the little dinette they used for breakfast. He smiled pleasantly as he set them down on corkboard coasters, cheap little things the family had used when they didn’t care or didn’t need to impress at a dinner party. The curtains were open. A thin morning light strained in through the light fog.
“I don’t think it was sugar. I think it was just the cream. You know what, though? Felicity will tell me. She’s got a lot of that stored away for me. Girl is a godsend, if you know what I mean.”
Joe was freshly showered with a neat shaven face. He looked good; better than he had in a long time, actually. Certainly better than he did when he was driving, but perhaps the uniform and the job made him look a little less, in a way. If anything, he felt good, and it showed. He had a big easy grin as he sat down and took one of the coffee cups in his hands, holding it beneath his nose to enjoy the aroma.
“You can tell me if you use sugar, but, honestly, maybe you want to cut back a little. Maybe you want to drink it black. I like it black, you know, but I had to get it just right. Keeps everyone calm. I go in there, right, and I order a black coffee and some schmuck is going to go ‘Hey! You never take it black! You like it super sweet! Who are you!’ and then the whole thing starts to fall apart.”
As he leaned back in his chair, two of the legs lifting off the ground. Joe hummed and watched the wind pick away at the tiny buds on the trees. Summer couldn’t come fast enough, he usually said. Get the whole gloomy winter months out of the way. But now that it was coming, Joe decided to sit back and enjoy what he had while he had it.
“I don’t mind if it falls apart, if I’m honest, which I am, given all that’s happened. No, you’re right, I wasn’t honest then, but I had to get everything set into place and you were doing such a good job, you know? You put it all into action. You got my people up and running. And Altamira is just churning them out like stamps. Couldn’t be prouder.
“But, now this is a big but, but if everything does decide to go to shit, you know what? I’m ready. Oh it’s been time and a half since I had a good big brawl over something and I’m feeling the itch. You know what that is? You ever been in a fight? Boss?”
Lawrence DuVang sat in the chair across the table, pinned to the armrests by the kitchen knives that were stuck in each hand. He blinked with black-bruised eyes, trying hard not to shift too much in the uncomfortable seat. It did not help that both of his feet were amputated and were resting on the floor beside him like a pair of pink shoes.
It had been over two weeks since he’d come home and taken care of his family. They were rotting away in their rooms while Joe did his work around the house, collecting items he thought were either important or interesting, and taking pieces off Lawrence he felt the same about. Lawrence couldn’t remember what Joe really looked like anymore or when the power shift occured.
One moment he was leaving his bedroom, ready to eat a bullet, and the next Joe was holding him and telling him it was going to be alright, that he would make it better. Sounded so reassuring then until Joe had him locked away in the bathroom and told him it was for his own good. Said he needed to wash and shave and Joe was going to help him. They had stood naked in front of the mirror, Lawrence shaving his face with a shaky hand that moved on its own while Joe did the same. They cut each other’s hair, went over every mole and scar on Lawrence’s body and did quick work to mimic them on the driver. They didn’t match, not enough, and Joe scalped Lawrence’s ear in one swipe, tossing it into the sink without another word. It hurt. Lawrence didn’t scream or flinch, but it hurt. God it hurt. He wanted to slap his head and hold the wound and scream and scream, but he didn’t. Or couldn’t. Still hurt.
It was a kind of hazy list of tasks as they spent the day in that bathroom, a day in the study practicing handwriting, a day in the yard when he thought about running and Joe took away his left foot, a day lying shivering on the couch and screaming and screaming until Joe took away the right one. Joe asked about everything. Everything. How many times he peed in a day, where was his favorite place to eat lunch, what order he put his socks on, did he only pick his nose in the morning or the evening or when he was sitting on the toilet, which app did he like to open when he was bored in the afternoon, which pen he liked best from his desk, how often did he lose his keys, how often did he skip a meal, how often did he masturbate in a day or a week or a month and to what and with or without headphones, what gum did he chew, what gum did he chew when that gum wasn’t available, what gum did he hate, what did he do with the wrappers, what did he do with the rest of his garbage, why didn’t he like to recycle, why didn’t he like to wear sunglasses, how did he like his shoes and when did he buy new ones and how often did he leave a lace untied just because? Joe knew a surprising number of those answers already and when Lawrence didn’t cooperate or match with whatever knowledge Joe had, he’d slice another part of him or kick him to the ground or lock him in his son’s room, his wife’s room, his daughter’s room. When Joe was gone, all the old hurts came back. It was too much. He was fed pieces of his family over the week as Joe smiled. Too much.
“Why?” he croaked, but Joe just pushed another slimy bit of skin and fat into Lawrence’s mouth.
“Oh, it’s been a long, long time since I’ve done anything really hard,” said Joe, smiling across the table. He sipped the coffee without wincing this time. “I’ve had it pretty slick while I was your driver, boss. I had to push you around a little, of course. Hijacked your cognitive what-how every now and again. Dig Initiative. Not even sly, that Felicity. She thought it was funny and sometimes I like to indulge. Because damn if she isn’t the best.”
Lawrence moaned, drooling down his chin. He wanted to vomit, but that seemed like too much effort. Everything was screaming, his skin, his skull, his eyes. His body was fire and he wondered how much longer he could take it.
“A while, boss.” Joe looked him right in the eye, not with that fake easy-going face, but sharp and dangerous and knowing. Lawrence’s heart raced as Joe kept that stare, set down his coffee, and stood up. “I know you. I know you inside and out. I look like you, I dress like you.” Joe dropped his voice, changed it a little and when he spoke, made it sound like it was coming from Lawrence’s mouth. “I talk like you. But I am not you. Not yet.”
“You can’t,” Lawrence muttered, licking his lips. He started to cry again. They were just little tears, almost nothing, but he held his breath anyway. His lip started to shake and then his shoulders and then it tugged at his hands. His legs swung from the chair without feet to steady him against the floor. “You can’t do this.”
“I can do anything, boss,” said Joe. He was back again with the smile and his own voice. He started to come closer, a genial prowl. “You’re in no position to tell me I can’t do anything. Nobody is. You’re just a man. And I’m your god.”
Joe brushed Lawrence’s cheek as he passed, humming again some old used-up song. As he did, he placed a little vial on the table, something he had found buried in Lawrence’s sock drawer. It was empty, but he recognized it, somehow. He remembered little blank moments with his family and when he tucked it away in his pocket before dinner or in a glass of orange juice for his kids.
“What is that?” Lawrence asked, trying hard not to cry anymore, trying to swallow.
“You know,” Joe whispered in his remaining ear. His breath was hot and coffee stained. “I was hoping for an oracle. But we didn’t need the family anyways. One less person I have to lie to when I go out there to take the world.”
Joe dragged his tongue across his lips, slowly, sensually, before he shoved Lawrence into the table. He was unable to catch himself as the chair banged against the wood and tipped to the left. He crashed to the ground.
“Listen, boss.” Joe kicked away one of Lawrence’s detached feet. “This has been fun, you know? Real fun. Brings me back to the first day they finally got it right at Montemille. Premier dieu. I knew I had to become. Always knew it. Obviously there was all that power and I had to survive the trial to evolve and take it. Hey, nothing comes easy. Nothing comes free. And why would we want it to, y’know? And now.”
Joe stomped down on the chair, which shattered under his foot. Lawrence screamed. His arm was fractured but free, so he tried to claw his way out to anywhere, just away, even a few feet, an inch, anything, but it was wasted effort.
“Now I get to put everyone else through it. It’s only fair. I will only play fair, even if I make the rules and I remake the world because nobody else understood that the real Father was already here and ready to take them into his arms. It’s going to be beautiful! You don’t even know yet. It’s going to the greatest day in history. Or…it’s going to be the end of history, and that’ll be great too. And you! Let me tell you why this all….”
Lawrence closed his eyes. He didn’t care about the anger hovering over him. He slipped into the dark, falling further and further from his old body. Drums beat his ears, loud and as comforting as a heartbeat. That too started to slowly drift away. He just needed to fall. It was so easy. Almost below the water, almost free, almost there. It was okay. He smelled a familiar perfume and a slender pale hand stroked his neck. Someone was shouting over him, but it was so far away, so far away, muffled by the distance. It was okay. The woman’s hand gently brushed his cheek. He turned to kiss Elaine.
“God, I missed you,” he said against her. She laughed, beautiful full laughter like he had never heard. His angel. His salvation.
“It’s okay,” she said, brushing his eyes with her thumbs and kissing them closed; one and then the other. It was. It was okay.
Lawrence embraced her and disappeared in the dark.
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