#it’s about how the writers are afriad to actually paint their characters as bad instead of excusing everything they do
showtoonzfan · 1 year
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1. If the show was trying to make the point that Stolas and Blitz’s actions affect those around them negatively, you’d think the writing itself wouldn’t side with them while doing so and actually take the time to dive into the other side without being biased. Octavia was literally told to cut Stolas slack simply because he’s “trying”, Moxxie was given the “tough love” route, not even getting an apology but instead a toxic explanation of how Blitz is only rough on him because he’s trying to toughen him up, we have yet to see Verosika, someone who was hurt by Blitz and yet the show treats her like the antagonist and barley cares to focus more on her individually, Stella could have been someone who was affected by Stolas’s cheating like they set up in season 1, but instead is a one note evil bitch making him look like the one in the right, and I highly doubt Fizz or Barbie will stay mad at Blitz forever. The show sides with both of them constantly and I’m not even going to explain how Stolas is a sexual predator because you should already know why. It’s obvious unless you’re a Stolitz shipper who sees all of his harassment as “cute flirting”.
2. I don’t think y’all understand, but by making Stolas and Blitz sympathetic, having them innocent at birth, showing they’re traumatized and describing them as “sweet” while also wanting you to like them, root for them and side with them…….that’s making them good deep down and manipulating your audience into believing that they’re good people. And Blitz almost never has a reason behind his actions. I’ll give Stolas this, his terrible actions make sense because he’s unhappy, unsatisfied and stuck in marriage he doesn’t like, but Blitz just pushes people away and is an asshole because…..why? Because he hates himself? Because he’s lonely? Because he’s a dick??? He may be a 3 dimensional character, but that doesn’t automatically make his character good or make sense-
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