#it’s alright guys I’ve got my PTSD diagnosis right here
r0seart · 8 months
Might regret this post in the morning but I’m tired of being judged by others for the moral failings of fictional characters I like. It’s my trauma, I get to choose which sick bastard I get to project myself onto.
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Chap. 7: “Friendship questioned”
A.N: And I still hate this AU and this title because it isn’t much related to the topic 🙄
Donahue’s bar was flooded with interns and residents taking some break after their long night shifts and seemed to enjoy these minutes. The fantastic four (as Klaw would call) Elijah, Jackie, Sienna and Landry and the never-separated couple Dan and Imelda were sat together discussing about the new changes of Edenbrook Hospital that were notified yesterday.
“Could you even imagine? Doing your residency with the most elite diagnostics team in the world?!” Elijah exclaimed.
“Never in my life would’ve thought of this dream.” Landry sighed in a wandered gaze.
“Screw you. This is totally obvious that I am going to be the winner of it.” Jackie put down the shot of tequila raising her eyebrows.
“Someone looks very confident.” Dan replied with a smirk.
“Of course I am not even you scalpel jockeys can stand us.”
“Seriously why didn’t you two sign up for this? Even the surgeons could be part of the fellowship.” Sienna asked.
Imy let a sigh. “Yeah we know but I don’t think we could waste our precious free time plus diagnosing the patients. Scalpel is enough for us. Right sweetie?
Dan kissed the back of her hand gently. “Of course love.”
“Aww you are so cute.”
“Yuck get a room you two already. It’s getting enough disgust in here.” Jackie admitted and everyone shared a laugh.
“What about Klaw? Do you know if she has signed up?” Landry asked curiously. She had mentioned before that she wanted to work with Ethan Ramsey closely and he was also felt in debt for saving his life from that man Miles in their first day of work.
“Hm. I don’t know but I think she had. She would never miss this rare opportunity.” Everyone nodded in agreement.
“Well you’re wrong.” A voice made them to turn their gazes to the tired and not so amused face of Klaw with Bryce accompanying her.
“What?!” Everyone said in unison shocked except from Jackie who snorted.
“See? I told you scalpels cannot handle the diagnosis!”
“You either are stupid for real or you have a reason that you didn’t want this.” Eiljah admitted and a sudden wave of relief was seen in Landry’s face in which Dan noticed it.
“But Klaw... why did you change your mind?” Imy asked in confusion but her expression let her that something had happened and she looked at Bryce for some answers but he mouthed.
“I’m going to the bathroom I’ll... catch up with you.”
While she was nodding Bryce gave her a knowing glance in which she replied silently with a reassuring smile.
I’ll be fine.
When she made herself disappear to the corner so her friends wouldn’t see her, she texted to Reggie.
Now. We need to talk.
Thankfully he saw the message and carefully after serving the drinks to the guys he went in the same dark room where his other friend was waiting.
“What now?” He crossed his arms.
“Care to explain your friendship with Ethan Ramsey?” She arched her left eyebrow.
He let an exhale knowing that she wouldn’t forget this despite her busy schedule in hospital.
“Fine. I’ll say this quickly... Ethan and I have known each other for ten years since he came for the first time in Boston after university. He wasn’t alone though. He was with Simon and they both needed a strong drink after their first day as interns. It was also my first week in Boston and I wanted to have a good job so I bought this bar and let me tell you-” He motioned with his index finger the surroundings. “- it wasn’t like this. It was rebuilt again thanks to them who offered their money’s to help me and we’re like partners of this bar and after that Simon decided to name it ‘Donahue’.” He chuckled. “Weird name huh?”
Reggie wanted to ease the tension that was appearing in Klaw’s face but that didn’t change it.
“When were you going to tell me?”
“Klaw I seriously didn’t know you would come here. I really wanted to tell you but I just didn’t know how. Look... if you are worried about your involvement with the Mercy Park Crew I won’t tell anything to Ethan.”
“It’s not about that Reggie. I’m just upset because I thought I could trust you and the contrary. Because we’re friends right?” She hesitated at first before saying. “And about Vaug-“
“Do not try mention his name!” He glared at her giving some cold chills down her spine. She knew his anger but despite of that she wanted to try again.
“Vaughn wants to talk to you.”
“I don’t want to talk with a gangster and a criminal who left his family for his own pleasures!” He hissed. “My uncle is devastated and auntie too and I’m not going to let him to enter to our lives ever again!”
She sighed. “I know but he told me-.”
“You should go back to your friends.” He cut her off without giving a second glance.
“Go.” He said courtly. “They’ll suspect and you don’t want this, right?” She only nodded when he narrowed his eyebrows. “You go first and I’ll come after two minutes.”
Klaw did as he said. She truly wanted the two cousins to talk about their misunderstandings and solve them to be united again. But it was clearly that this would take a long time given the fact that Reggie was a hot-tempered guy even though it didn’t look from the outside to other people.
Bryce had told his friends about the tragic death of Dolores and now they could understand why Klaw didn’t want to participate in the competition. But this wasn’t the thing he worried about.
Strong arms had been looping her maybe for a couple of minutes but for her it looked like an eternity sleeping.
She blinked her eyes slowly while trying to comprehend what happened.
Oh she thought. Yes- she forgot to drink her usual pills and ran with a fake excuse to her attending to go to the locker room.
And after drinking them her body twisted in a quick motion until feeling someone calling her name.
Definitely it was a man and at first she got worried if he was the one she was thinking about.
But instead she was met with green scrubs and she could recognise that megawatt smile everywhere.
“Look who’s waken up.”
“Yeah scalpel jockey in the flesh.”
“What’re you doing here?” She murmured slowly.
“Uhm helping and carrying you? Because you were about to knock your head in the ground and your skull would be opened?” She giggled. He was so good at making her feel better. “Now will you tell me why’s in your locker an inhibitor bar?”
She gulped hardly trying to think of an excuse. “It’s- for calmness.”
What a great lie to say him.
“Klaw... you can trust me.” To prove it he caressed her cheek softly letting his thumb linger. Bryce Lahela had feelings for this girl like no one else and seeing her in this state- he wanted to be her saviour. “Look... I’ve seen you avoiding us in many occasions and not interacting with us at all. You refused first to play with me. Second you haven’t given any answer to Sienna about moving together and the third you’ve been pulling your leg all of this week in many surgeries just so you can’t meet us. And now this?” He shook his head. “There’s clearly something wrong with you.”
From the look of his eyes Klaw saw the sincerity and the kindness of him that never thought to come out given the fact that he was always cheerful and flirty all the time. That’s when she started to trust him and thought he wasn’t kind of manipulating person to be. But of course she couldn’t tell him the whole truth even if she wanted to.
“I...” she gulped nervously before inhaling sharply. “I suffer from PTSD Bryce.” That’s when her tears started to drop off her cheeks despite many of her attempts not to.
His grip on her tightened and pulled her in a comforting hug while she was sobbing. Bryce had never seen her in such a devastating situation because she looked strong and capable of everything but clearly this was the contrary.
“Shh... it’s alright Klaw... I’m here.”
“I’m sorry Bryce I-“
“You don’t need to apologise to me.” He frowned his eyebrows. “It’s me who should say that. I’ve asked too much for this, have I?”
“No, you moron. Of course you haven’t.” She scolded him with a slap on his arm. “You were worried about me and there’s nothing to apologise to.”
He sighed. “Does anyone else know this?”
“Only Dan and Imy.”
“Why don’t you tell the others?”
“I’m not ready Bryce I mean... I don’t want to seem like fragile and my friendship to be built because everyone feels sorry about me. And that is really disgusting.”
He laughed revealing his shining teeth. “Well they will know it one day and you won’t escape from that.”
“If you don’t tell them of course.” She jumped from his lap to head to the door. He caught her wrist.
“Whoa hold on where do you think you’re going miss? You just fainted in front of my eyes and I am going to let you go? No way.”
“I have to go back to NICU. Ethan is waiting for me.” The last words fell from her mouth unexpectedly and that’s when Bryce grinned clearly amused.
“Well well someone calls her attending by his name. Hm was he good on his office?”
She laughed loudly. “Bryce what the hell you’re saying? I was talking about Dolores Hudson’s son, Ethan.” And when her smile faded she whispered. “She died today leaving alone the little tadpole and I’m looking after him with Dr. Ramsey.”
His smile faltered too and felt in regret saying it.
Great Bryce you made her upset.
“I’m sorry Klaw. Uhm... you can go now.” He opened the door to let her go first gently but before she left he felt a kiss on his cheek and a soft voice whispering to his ear.
“Thank you for everything scalpel king.”
Not later she joined her friends who were now looking at her with concerns. Suddenly Sienna got up from her seat and hugged her tightly.
“I’m so sorry dolphin.” She whispered sweetly like she was. It was about Dolores. “Please don’t mind our reactions about your decision.”
“It’s okay Sienna. I’m fine.” Her friend assured but she made a face like she wasn’t convinced. “I really am dolphin.” She rubbed her back.
“If you say so.”
“Klaw we’re sorry too.” Elijah said. “I mean damn. That was really heartbreaking and I’m feeling goosebumps now.”
“I can’t imagine what it feels like to grieve for your first patient so sorry from me too.” Jackie said sadly.
“Guys can you please stop this emotional conversation? We have to celebrate for your competition. Right Bryce?” Klaw smiled at him.
“Hell yeah we are fucking doing it!” He stood up letting his feet up the chair to raise a toast. “We surgeons wish you medical interns a very pleasant time with grumps like Ramsey and Mirani and sweets like Delarosa and Tennant. May the best wins! Cheers!”
“Cheers!” Everyone sipped their drinks in one gulp until Ines and Zaid joined them. Ines congratulated them with a hug whereas Zaid with his glaring face to surgeons Bryce and Dan said that even if one of the interns won they wouldn’t merit that.
“Ethan come on it will be just a meeting.” She pleaded to him. “It won’t kill you.”
“I said no Harper.”
“It is a great opportunity for all of us to renew the project we have with the Banner Health.”
“I still can’t believe that you want us to schmooze in all of their luxurious, idiotic and ridiculous things only for our hospital. Why didn’t you bring Simon for this? He clearly has a much better poker face than I do.”
She leaned closer to him to tie his collar. “Well I would but since the Banner Health Representatives are interested on your research then why don’t we use this opportunity? Besides even Naveen would agree on that.” She gave him a lightly kiss while caressing his broad shoulders. “Come on let’s hit ‘em before we are late.”
Harper was a such in a good mood today that asked himself if she would’ve stayed the same if she knew the real reason why Naveen gave up his position two weeks ago.
“I came up with a decision.”
“What’s wrong Naveen? You called us in such a hurry. Everything okay?” Simon asked worriedly when he saw also Ethan standing with crossed arms behind the chief clearly disapproving.
Ethan knew this and just before they would enter the diagnostics office they debated whether or not to tell everyone about his health condition that was deteriorating day by day and still none of them had arrived into a conclusion what this illness was.
“The main position of this team will be held by Dr. Ramsey.”
“What?!” The shock was evident in all of the team’s faces. Simon was eyeing to Ethan if he knew something about this but instead he was met with a shrug.
“Please doctors calm down.”
Clearly the one who couldn’t calm down herself was Dr. June Hirata who wanted nothing more than the position of the diagnostics which had worked for it ten years and seeing that the jerk doctor take it- made her blood boiled.
“But Dr. Banerji...” Dr. Baz Mirani spoke up frantically. “I’m not saying Ethan isn’t a good doctor but... may I ask why?”
“Ah Baz. I really appreciate your concern but I thought as an old man sometimes I need to rest y’know... I’ve come to an age that everything can happen and the retirement will be the best for me.”
“Are you sick?” Edgar asked in suspicion in which Ethan felt his jaw tightened and again Naveen responded with a smile.
“My dear Edgar. If I were sick I would’ve been now at one of your operation theatres right?”
“Goodness Naveen don’t even say that!” He scolded.
“Well I guess I have to congratulate you my pal.” Simon got up and pulled Ethan in a tightly hug. “I have to say that you saved me from a big responsibility so thanks a lot Naveen!” Even though he wanted to lighten up the strange moment they were experiencing his thoughts were a fog.
“Ha. Very funny Simon.”
Naveen chuckled to them. “And also I’ve told Harper that she will be the Chief of Medicine... if that’s okay to you.”
“Absolutely Naveen.” Everyone agreed but Ethan didn’t say anything at first. His mentor challenged him with an eyebrow and he nodded in half-agreement.
“Well then doctors if you don’t have anything else to say- have a nice day!”
Ethan really wanted to tell Harper and Simon about it but he made a promise to his mentor to not bring up this conversation ever again.
“I’m really going to miss being a neurosurgeon y’know. It’s just a strange feeling not to touch the scalpel while wearing your mask and gloves to open the skull. Now the only thing that I can touch are papers. Unbelievable.” She chuckled while Ethan was driving his car. “Ethan?”
She raised her eyebrow seeing that he wasn’t paying attention to her. In these days Ethan had been acting differently since she was announced as the Chief. Surely there was no surgery that could stop her from meeting him or giving some slyly glances when they had crossed their ways. He looked deep in thought and if that was a reason behind of it, Harper would be delighted to know it if was about their relationship.
And Ethan Ramsey was thinking about a certain woman. The piercing brown eyes who had appeared multiple times in his dreams. He gripped tightly the steer trying to forget that rare smile she gave him when they were looking after little Ethan Hudson.
After making their coffees from his machine that no one in the hospital knew about it he was waiting for the other while checking his watch. He smirked at the thought of his secret. In the quiet NICU room were heard soft steps of his intern who gave him a rare smile he had never seen before.
“Am I late?”
“No you were just eight minutes late.”
She giggled and teased him. “You’ve been counting the minutes. Wow.”
“Just sit down and take it.”
He handed her the coffee packed in a plastic container just like one those of Starbucks. When she sipped it she felt another kind of taste and let out content moan.
“This isn’t Edenbrook’s coffee. It’s clearly a cappuccino.”
He shook his head before sipping. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Liar. This is exactly the same coffee I do in my apartment and it’s originally from Brazil. It’s the same taste and you-“ she pointed her finger to him. “- can’t deny it.”
Instead of answering her he replayed again the moment when she moved her tongue before saying the letter ‘L’.
Ethan get hold of yourself.
He sighed in defeat revealing his secret. “This is from my private coffee machine.” She clapped her hands in victory while whispering ‘yes’ to herself whereas he scoffed. “As soon as I got the office I vowed never to drink that caffeinated dishwasher again. No one knows it so...”
“I won’t tell a soul.” She said before laughing quietly and holding her hand to stop it but when she saw the warning gaze of her attending she pursed her lips. “Okay sorry.”
“Uh, yes Harper what were you saying?”
“You took us into the wrong road.”
He took a look of the signs which were leading them to Boston Common instead of the baseball stadium so he shifted his direction to the right one.
They arrived at the local bar where the baseball game was playing. Ironic to Ethan was that the two squads would always choose blue and red uniforms to play. While he was ordering two drinks to the bartender Harper got an emergency call from the hospital and that’s when he didn’t want to deal this by his own.
Jesus Christ what else are you bringing to me now huh?
Apparently his bragging on his mind was stopped when in the corner of his eyes a young woman in her sportswear appeared with her hair tied up, drinking a bit of cigarette. He almost could feel her perfume. That perfume who was standing next to him two weeks ago and his observation skills never failed him. It was indeed that kind of smell that he wanted to forget but it seemed to be inevitable.
After she texted Bryce on her phone she glanced up to see the tall figure standing in a stool enjoying his casual scotch. Her breath hitched when she realized her cigarette was still on her fingers and luckily she found the nearest bin to throw it. She didn’t want another embarrasment in front of him as she moved closer.
God damnit. How is possible that there’s not a single day without seeing him?
“Someone’s date didn’t go as well as expected huh?” She said playfully as if to break the ice but she knew that a man like him wouldn’t bring his girlfriend here. But Klaw wasn’t sure why she was enjoying this little teasing.
“Did you enjoy your smoke?” That’s where she rolled her eyes meaning that he saw it and Ethan curled the corner of his lips. “About the answer of your question no- I’m not in a date. I’m here to renew the contract between Edenbrook and Banner Health Rep and this drink was for Harper but she had to go back to hospital for an emergency case.”
“Oh I see.” She bit her lower lip nervously. The Banner surname. Such familiarity to her. But she didn’t want to think about it because she knew exactly who was behind of that great company. His words interrupted her thoughts.
“And what about you?”
“I’m trying to spend this miraculously day off with my friends. We saw a baseball game in which I had absolutely no idea how it was played and the funny thing was that I was cheering about the blue ones but then I did the same for the red ones clapping like a fool.” She giggled. “I’m literally stupid.”
“Glad that you are aware of it.”
“Hey.” She smacked his arm. “I’m not the only stupid here by the way.” She smiled while when he furrowed his eyebrows. “You clearly are staying here in this bar thinking ‘damn how am I going to survive those pesky and petulant rich people in front of me’ and trying to avoid them but you can’t do that because the deals with Edenbrook are in your hands. Am I correct?”
“Not always.” She gave him an incredulous look. “Okay you caught me. They’re trying to butter me up with lobster, fine wine and all the ridiculous luxuries they can afford.” He sighed. “It’s terrible. And I’m not a man for... schmoozing.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yeeeah I’m almost believing it.” But she did actually. It was just one of her ways to not express herself and it was clearly a rule she lived with for a long time now.
“As much as it humiliates me to ask a favour of an intern... would you... join me upstairs?”
Did he just ask me to... what? But what if I meet his uncle? No. It’s not possible for him to be there. Whatever happens put a poker face... no one knows you.
He sensed her hesitation and added. “I won’t keep you much longer. I just don’t think I’ll survive much longer on my own.”
“Did I say no?” She smiled again and got up from her seat.
He smiled aback. “Follow me then.”
The box suite had a magnificent view of the stadium and a part of Boston Highway. Surely this thing wasn’t foreign to Klaw. Being with rich people. She knew how they used their strategies to attract doctors like Ethan Ramsey or anyone else. But she wasn’t worried about that. She took a brief look at the guests of the room and luckily was no sign of his uncle.
“If you are going to give me lectures about how to behave in front of them don’t.” To prove it she took two glasses of wines before he would say it.
“Then I’m waiting to see what gems are you going to reveal to them Rookie.”
“Watch and learn Dr. Ramsey.” She clinked her glass with his.
“Don’t be such confident. I’ve seen many doctors changing their priorities to be part of these things and don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.”
“Got it Sir.” She winked and maybe that was a bit unprofessional but that came naturally to her and unexpectedly he didn’t even seem to be bothered. Klaw could feel her guilt building up in herself for not telling the truth to her attending what actually happened before arriving at NICU but her thoughts were interrupted until-
“Ethan, Ethan there you are!” A chirping voice was heard in the middle of the crowd now approaching them with an amusing face.
“Smile a bit Dr. Ramsey.” She muttered.
“I am Dr. Craig.” He muttered back.
“Yes from what I’m seeing now you have a very good poker face.” She mocked.
He scoffed. “I am a doctor not an actor for god’s sakes!” Their voices were now barely a whisper as the representatives were coming closer and closer.
“Then you should be.” And both shared a quick glance.
His, a worried and a troubled one.
Hers, a reassuring and a supportive glance.
He seriously didn’t expect their conversation to go flow and in such a quick way thanks to an intern. They finally managed to renew the contract and she didn’t let them escape without her request for better rates on cardiac services. This was one of the biggest achievements they’ve had and a smirk appeared on her face while turning to his gaze back.
“Okay you don’t need to say it.” He raised his hand averting her.
“The future of medicine?”
“Stop it.”
“One of the most promising doctors?”
“I shouldn’t have brought you here.”
“But you wouldn’t have won without me Dr. Ramsey. Now we’re double trouble.”
He scoffed. “I think you are the real trouble here Rookie. Besides I couldn’t introduce you as a colossal pain in my ass, could I?”
“Ha. Ha.” She mocked him while rolling her eyes.
Both of them took their seats to enjoy the last part of the game there. When she thought everything was back to normal that question came back as if slapped her face.
“Why haven’t you signed up for the competition?”
So Klaw how are you going to respond now to your mentor huh? Another lie you want to create? And you pretend that he’s a liar. Fuck it.
“As my bestie said: ‘Scalpel is enough for me.’ So I’m not going to waste that little free time in diagnosing.”
“Then why in your application was written that you wanted to be under my wing? Care to explain?”
“It was just a bingo.” She shrugged. “I mean I didn’t know with who I wanted to work so I just picked your name since I’ve read your book.”
He huffed. “You are very smart Craig but when it comes to lies you are very subtle.”
She closed her eyes for a moment while bringing back that fidgety of her fingers- and indicator that she was worried about something. “I don’t want to ruin my friendship because I know if I enter to this competition we will start to have rivalries and in the end we will never talk to each other. I’ve been thinking all of this time Dr. Ramsey, believe me. It’s not easy when you just find out that someone will dump you to get their spot on his or her place. It’s like an animalistic fight for territory but this is between people and this takes to a much cruelty and I don’t want to be part of this. I don’t want to have my friendship questioned.”
Ethan listened attentively to her reasoning and her how her logic had been analysing all of the pros and cons of being part of the competition. She clearly wasn’t a clueless intern. She was an adult who seemed to have been through a lot in her life.
“Remarkably wise outlook for an intern.” He admitted and she watched him in surprise. “Even my friends did the same when they started their residencies and now they’re apart from their rivalries and they’ve put boundaries to each other. So you’re smart to value your allies.”
She smiled while shaking her head in disbelief. “You just called me smart two times.”
He warned her. “And if you tell anyone I said that, I will disavow that entirely.”
“Duly noted.”
First, their meeting in London.
Second, their interaction with little Ethan.
And this was the third.
What else they would keep to each other?
In the interns new apartment another friend of theirs joined them surprisingly with her husky dog. Sienna was the most excited one as she pulled her in crush hug leaving Klaw breathless.
“What a day, what a game!” Elijah said happily.
Jackie shook her head in disbelief. “I still can’t believe Landry’s advice to the manager got the Nighthawks to come back and win.”
“Well I wouldn’t say it was all me.” Landry grinned triumphantly. “All I did was examine the evidence and diagnose the problem. Which is why you can all kiss that diagnostic team position goodbye.”
“Ha. Dream on, buddy. I’ll give you a run for your money!”
While they were laughing Sienna and Klaw were curled up in a couch patting Jonah’s furry.
“Why did you name him Jonah?”
“I don’t know it just came out naturally. And I’m glad I put that name too. Sienna...”
“Yes?” She asked, her encouraging smile always evident on her face.
Before Klaw would talk about her proposition to move to this apartment her phone rang.
Who in the goddamn hell calls in this hour?
She excused herself while going to the balcony and shut the glass door carefully. “Hello?”
“Good evening Miss Craig! I-I’m terribly sorry that I’m calling in such lateness!” She recognised this voice. It was the receptionist of the apartment where she was staying.
“Yes Billy. Tell me.”
“Uhm there’s a package that came from postal service ma’am and it’s from Greece.”
“From Greece? Who sent this?”
“Let me check ma’am...” she heard some ruffles and scratches. “It’s from Ms. Zelda Ahmad. The location is Athens. What should I do with it?”
Her heart wrenched when she heard her aunt’s name in such a long time. The last meeting with her was when she buried her parents and her brother and went immediately to Los Angeles. To go to that inevitable and dangerous path which seemed to never have ended for her.
“Uhm ma’am are you there?” Billy asked when he didn’t hear anything from the owner and thought to ask her again. “What should I do with the package?”
“Keep it.” She said courtly. “I’ll be there as soon as possible to take it.”
“As you wish ma’am.”
She ended abruptly the call remembering why her aunt had sent her a package. After that Sienna opened the glass door sensing her friend’s troubled mind. “Is everything okay Klaw?”
“Oh, yes Sienna. No worries but can you guys keep Jonah for a minute?”
“Yeah sure but- where are you going?”
“There’s something that I’ve should done before.” She didn’t know how she created that line and Sienna gave her a smile which she did aback. Still not knowing the reason behind of that.
If her friends would’ve known how fast she came to their apartment... clearly they didn’t know that a black muscled Porsche parked in an underground garage was everything that a girl like Klaw Craig would need. She was thankful for this vehicle to have not only the best speed but also the best acceleration to drift a bit where there were no cops patrolling.
She took the package from Billy to jump onto the elevator, her foot tapping nervously to open it. She was afraid of what her aunt could’ve sent her because it had been four years with her absence and thought for a moment of those rare calls on the phone were really something or not.
Klaw didn’t want to open the door while her breath was hitching.
“Oh come on Klaw you can do this. It’s just a package and nothing else.” She scolded herself.
She unlocked the door rapidly and headed to her suite, tossing it to the bed. Her lips twitched several times while eating the insides of her cheeks anxiously. She didn’t know why felt afraid to open it because as much as she could remember she asked Zelda if there was something that her grandma liked such as ornaments or something that she could keep it too to her home. At least reminding bits of her memory.
When she dug the knife inside of it there were some books that she read while she was younger in her years and in the end of it...
She gasped.
The end revealed some medical files with the logo of Edenbrook Hospital. It were clearly her grandmother’s.
Her eyes widened. Now she remembered. She asked Zelda that she needed to see everything that was related to her grandmother’s illness- the treatment, the surgery appointment and the doctor’s name who did the operation. Zelda had said in that time she didn’t remember exactly where she put them because apparently her sister (Klaw’s mother) Marilyn obligated her to not show anything to Klaw.
Upon the files there was a card with some words scribbled.
To my gummy bear niece.
She laughed because she dearly missed the way her aunt called her then started to open it slowly.
Agapití [Dear] Helena,
When you were younger you were always our precious niece that I, Andreas and Mama DD ever wanted. I can’t say how lucky and how proud I am that you’re now a grown woman and an independent one. You know what many other things I could’ve written to you now but I’ll just keep it short. We love you so much and I want to apologise for lying at you at first when you requested Mama DD’s files. Your mother told me to keep them away because she knew your hot temper and you would do everything to find justice. Now no one is stopping you. Here’s everything you need to know which I hope they’ll be helpful. You can continue on your quest my darling. Because I’m waiting and believe me... Mari is waiting too.
xoxo, Z
When she opened the file was the patients name and the condition of her illness altogether with the treatment in which she already knew. But the surgery appointment was nowhere to be found.
“Fuck it!” She shouted while searching for other files. “But if there was a surgery appointment then surely one of them must be on the list of the Diagnostics Team.”
Dr. Banerji’s name wasn’t on the list. The same thing was with Simon but he had told her in the 2011 he was doing some practices in New Mexico and came back after two weeks.
The only names remained were:
Dr. Akash Mirani
Dr. June Hirata
Dr. Kenji Hirata
“Who the hell are these people?” She frowned in annoyance.
Dr. Harper Emery
“Dr. Emery was in Diagnostics Team too? So she knows what has happened to Daisy.” She seethed angrily given the fact that she was a well-respected neurosurgeon. She scoffed. “Even you aren’t perfect as anyone can think Harper Emery.”
True. Nobody was perfect and neither was the last name.
Her eyes landed to the first letter...to the second, to the third until it revealed the full name with the doctor’s title.
Dr. Ethan Ramsey
She stayed still while a chill was running down her spine. Her lips trembled threatening to be welled up in tears. She saw the name again and shook her head in disbelief. Maybe she wasn’t looking properly. Maybe she needed glasses to see better. Maybe...
“No, no... it can’t be... it can’t be.” She said frantically.
She was panting hardly trying to collect herself.
She felt every emotion in one second and couldn’t understand what she was feeling. Relief? Happiness? Anger? Rage? Betray? Fear?
What she knew now was that she had a newly profound change.
Even though she had some bits of good memories with him it seemed like they were vanished.
A change that coursed down her body and made her to look into the mirror on the wall as she remembered some few words.
Competition makes them stronger.
And now she knew exactly what to do. If she wins it she would reach to the truth.
And a new confidence was now appearing even in her voice now.
“Ethan Ramsey... be prepared to see this Rookie being your closest ally.”
She smirked devilishly because if Klaw Helena Craig wanted something... she definitely would take it.
And there was still time before all zeros lined up.
Part 8: TBA*
Ps: please before you think what’s going to happen in the next part interact with this post.
from now on only the graduation of high school in june is much more important for me now... and also sorry for not replying to your supportive messages and for this post too... i don’t feel like I’m ready... but i truly appreciate them...
until then... stay safe folks...
bye. ❤️ K
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