#it’s infuriating that he thinks he can criticize them without taking an ounce of responsibility for his role
somethingserious · 1 year
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bxoken-heartss · 4 years
PAIN: Cedric Diggory (C.D)
Pairings: Lyra Lestrange (oc) x Cedric Diggory.
Genre: It's a surprise. Trust me I won't disappoint you.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 4.3K+
Prompts used: 2) ‘will you shut up?” 29) ‘Shut up and kiss me’ (Did a bit of changes in the prompts, I hope you don’t mind it. Prompts used in BOLD)
A/N: Hey guys! This is my entry for @wandsandwheezes​ ‘s writing challenge! Congratulations on the 300 FOLLOWERS lovely! Your works are absolutely amazing! So this is my first ever Harry Potter work. So I understand if the work is a little rusty. I don’t really have much to say. I really hope y’all like it and don’t forget to leave this work a heart, a comment or a reblog if you enjoyed it! I have a few works related to my OC, so if you want to know about her, I’ll be more than happy to post more about her! Constructive criticism are always welcome and just tell me your honest opinions on it!!
Here’s a small CyRa (Cedric x Lyra) based moodboard:
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Lyra laid back on the mat beneath her, feeling absolutely peaceful. A soft smile decorates her lips as her eyes fixated on to the night sky which was littered with infinite stars, beside her boyfriend Cedric Diggory who seemingly looked preoccupied with his racing thoughts.
"The stars always have this..unexplained feeling of..calmness...just some kind of mesmerizing charm to it..don't you think so Ced?" Lyra asks, her eyes brimming up with a sense of calmness, her gaze still fixated onto the stars.
"Yeah of course..they're beautiful..they're absolutely spectacular." Cedric pauses uneasily, his gaze nervously shifting between the night sky and Lyra
"Are you alright Ced? You've been awfully quiet the entire time..Are you sick or something?" Lyra asks as she looks at him, her chin resting on her arm.
"NO!" Cedric shouts a bit too loud "I mean no!! Nothing's wrong!! I'm fine! Completely okay!!" Cedric answers a bit too quickly
"Are you sure? You sound extremely nervous..like really nervous..Are you absolutely sure you're okay?" Lyra asks again, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she looks at him.
"I'm fine Lyrie..I'm all fine. I'm just..Maybe I'll let you know after sometime? " Cedric asks, his tone nervous as Lyra nods reluctantly but seemingly understood.
"Okay..yeah I understand. Just talk to me when you're ready..or only if you do want to talk about it. You don't have to talk to me about it if you don't want to." Lyra replies as she squeezes his arm in reassurance.
"Well actually maybe on second thought..can we just go there?" Cedric asks as he points at a spot on the other side of where the two of them sat.
"The moonlight looks absolutely pretty and perfect there..and..it's getting stuffy just sitting here..maybe we should take a small stroll?" Cedric finishes as he lets go of her hand, further confusing the dark haired witch.
"Well of course..if you say so.." Lyra replies, slightly confused and annoyed at his rather odd behavior.
/ / /
The both of them begin walking towards the spot Cedric had suggested. Cedric had been awfully quiet throughout the entire stroll. Cedric kept trailing behind her slowly and practically refused to look at her..
which had unexpectedly infuriated her for some reason. What did she do that he had to completely ignore her and act absolutely abnormal?
She knew he had his personal issues and would come around when he was comfortable. But he was constantly distracted and inattentive the entire day. What was it..that was so huge that bothered him? She wanted to help..but she..didn't know to.
She walks ahead a bit quickly and finally stops in front of a small lake, the moon's reflection beaming onto the lake. She stared at it, her arms crossed not bothering to wait for Cedric to join her. Maybe he just needed some time alone..and maybe after he was done sorting his problems as such. So she just did what she had to do..give him the space and time he needed to clear his thoughts. Lyra sighs as her gaze fixates on to the lake that laid in front of her.
"Lyra..Lyra..?" Cedric calls out from behind her
"You can come to me when you're ready to talk. I don't want to have a one sided conversation without any actual response as such. If you were having a bad day then we could have easily cancelled this and stayed home. You came up with this idea yourself Ced. I would have understood if you told me you weren't feeling great. I wouldn't have complained." Lyra replies, crossing her arms, her gaze still firmly fixated on to the lake.
"Just listen. I know this is going to sound absolutely weird but how many last names do you actually have Lyra?" He asks as Lyra rolls her eyes
"It's..Lyra Cassiopeia Black Lestrange.. So that's two last names..and one mid- -" Lyra pauses for a split second "Wait..why ar- " Lyra begins again,her tone laced with frustration only to be interrupted by Cedric once again.
"Do you perhaps..have the space to fit just one more?" Cedric asks, his tone clearly nervous.
"What in Salazar's na- -" Lyra begins as she turns behind freezing instantly in shock as her gaze fixates onto Cedric, her mouth slightly agape.
He stood on his one knee, a small box in his hand as he awkwardly looked at her. He quickly passes her a small awkward smile with all the leftover courage he could muster up.
"Cedric Diggory..what in Salazar's name are you-- -" Lyra begins halfway, her tone uneasy and nervous
"I'm extremely nervous..please don't question me any further Lyra.." Cedric interrupts her
"Let me just go on with this..Just don't talk. Just listen and nod..okay?" Cedric pleads.
"Don't tell me you're - " Lyra begins again
"Just please..don't interrupt..just let me down with this?" Cedric pleads as Lyra nods awkwardly.
"Well..first things first, I'm not going to go straight to it..but I don't want to drag on with it for too long..there are some things I want to say..but I'm not sure what or where to start with. So just let me finish it and then you can do or say whatever you wish to.
Lyra..the first time I had met you which I don't remember when exactly was it..I mean, I had seen you hanging around with Malfoy, who still can't stand my presence even now. What's his issue with me? I mean sure I'm dating his cousin sister but does he forget the fact that the feelings are mutual? I wonder if he'll ever warm up to me...sounds highly unlikely but I can still hope.
Okay so like I was saying, yeah I thought you were like a part of Malfoy's posse or something..and Malfoy had less than attractive traits…well I admit..maybe at the first glance..I might have perhaps over generalized..but when we actually interacted..it was less of an actual conversation...all I did was help you with your books...but you didn't see it as a kind act..and just rolled your eyes at my actions..when I had asked you if being helpful was a crime, instead of shoving me off your way or..you know, being snarky and walking away without a reply..You stood there and calmly responded to all my sarcastic comments with even more sarcastically snarkier ones...To say, I was awestruck and amazed would be a downright understatement. After that incident as such, I decided to put behind my judgement..and wanted to see the real you..the you behind all that sarcastic gestures, the fake smiles and the hard exterior.
Witty banters with you have always been entertaining because you challenge me in so many ways...and I've enjoyed them thoroughly. I realized that the more you tried to contradict me..the more drawn I was to you.
Well, I remember helping you with your flying lessons..and through that we sort of turned into good friends..or at least acquaintances the bare minimum. Though you learnt flying the hard way..I'm still very SORRY for that sprain! It still bothers me till date.But looking at the bright side..you turned out an excellent flyer and a phenomenal chaser! So you're welcome.
We eventually grew closer..well not really, I used to come and bother you in the library…we'd meet each other in the hallway..I'd wave at you at the Great Hall..we'd engage in small talks here and there..and yet all you did was resist me? How could you do it Lyra? I was..well still am the most appealing person ever..Okay don't glare at me Lyra..I was just stating facts.
Well..you see..You just have such a beautiful personality..like this magnetic aura that automatically gets everyone around you to feel almost instantly safe..and comfortable. You're just mesmerizing. Anyone you know..if they ever felt an ounce of uncertainty about themselves and just feel that maybe no one cares, you shower them with all the love and affection you've had on to them. You make them feel..worthy and deserved.
You're smart, independent, brave, warm hearted, spectacular, amazing and for the plus point..you're super cute and pretty at the same time. I mean..I just want to squeeze your cheeks whenever you're mad...cause it's so evident...when you're annoyed or pissed with someone..but again you're adorable when you're mad..but again, it's fun to get you all agitated and then further fuel that energy to something stea- - Okay I'll stop. Would you stop disintegrating me with your glares? I'm just a baby." Cedric pauses as he catches his breathe.
"No..wait! I'm not done yet!" Cedric counters as Lyra closes her mouth and nods slowly.
"Yeah..so again, like I was saying..after all that effort, you managed to acknowledge my presence and decided to be friends with me! And slowly..we had finally got close..We spent our free afternoon with small picnics filled with the most random sets of goodies, stargazing..I clearly remember the times when you'd point at weird patterns..what were they- -oh yeah constellations! Yeah so you'd show me the stars and explain about their origins as such..and I'd have no clue about it but you always seemed so..interested and enthusiastic about it that I let you ramble on. Your rants about things you were highly informed about as such were really fun.. especially when I didn't know about what in Merlin's name were you even talking about..it was just fun to see you get all excited and geeky about it.
And what else? Oh of course! My extremely spectacular and creative love letters..and how you'd just roll your eyes at them..I'd put my entire heart and EFFORTS on to them…and yet you'd be the only girl who'd SHRUG away my letters...but I'm sure you internally appreciated it. Okay most of them were amazing pick up lines and small weird poems I came up with during the classes but..it was pretty sweet..you're so lucky that I wro- -Lyrieee!! Okay okay..but you have to admit they were good..at least MOST of them..half of them?! Oh come on Ly!! Stop hurting my poor pride." Cedric rants, a playful pout on his lips
"As time went on, I started to feel… something weird around you. Your presence felt necessary and I found a solace in your company...I wanted to be around you, not like in a creepy obsessed way but an aching feeling to just be around you whenever I could..Suddenly your smile seemed more precious, your presence a bit more necessary, your actions..a bit more meaningful.
I started to notice little features of yours I barely never did...like the serious look you have when you read a book with utmost concentration, the way you furrow your eyebrows together when you're thinking hard, the smug look you have throughout the entire Quidditch matches you play, the way your eyes gleam with a brightness when you talk about things you like, the way your gaze shifts quickly whenever you want to ask someone a favor because you hated asking anyone for any types of favors because it made you feel helpless and dependent, the way you roll your eyes whenever people mildly try to prove you wrong especially when you know you're right and they aren't and just that infamous smirk would get my heart fluttering like it had some wings as such. I know that's not really possible..but that's how it felt.
The thing is that I didn't realize that I was slowly starting to fall in love with you..fully and thoroughly. Maybe it was always there..a part of me always fancied the idea and the concept of being with you..but I had no idea it would escalate into such strong feelings..like it has turned into what it is till date.
You made me feel loved, deserved, happy and somehow whole in a way. You showed me that every problem had solutions…and you helped me find the solutions to mine. You corrected me whenever I was wrong, stood beside me,supported me before anyone else did and when no one else would.
Everything started to make sense around you..and that's when I finally realized..oh no! I'm in love with my..best friend! The thought terrified me..The thought that I could potentially call you mine forever or lose everything we've ever had.
I obviously didn't want to admit it to myself and you..because then it would be entirely awkward. I needed you in my life..and if I did tell you that I loved you more than a friend and if you thought our relationship was purely platonic, then it would evidently ruin things between us no matter what. I didn't want my petty feelings as such to come in the way and tear the bond we shared.
But my love for you was..just absolutely evident...it was just the truth and it just wasn't platonic in any sense whatsoever no matter how hard I tried to convince myself. I tried really hard but I couldn't hide it for long.
So after a lot of thinking..by lot I mean a lot. I decided to write a letter to you after the numerous failed attempts to tell you in person how I felt about you because I always chickened out..and that's why I'd talk about the most random things especially when you'd ask me basic things like..how my day went...or how my classes were and I'd awkwardly talk about the weather...and you'd give me a confused look and shrug it off without much questions.
So I finally set up my mind and decided to confess my feelings by writing you a letter.. and then all that drama related to that letter followed by. But when you decided to be the mature one and by that I mean when you very practically yelled out that you had feelings for me..I was..just so flustered,happy and excited and everything! I mean.. I expected a cute speech, roses and chocolates of some sort whilst a confession..but yelling them out too wasn't a bad idea..It was a very.. natural way of confession. So again thank you for that. I don't ever want to think what would have happened if you didn't drag me and force me into that conversation.
So even though there was the brief period of unnecessary- unspoken argument which could have been avoided if I wasn't so afraid to tell you how I truly felt about you! But it was all..at the end of the day for the good…not really. It was terrible not being able to talk to you about everything and anything...but things turned out for the best. It made me realize that..without your presence in my life, there was an evident part of me that was missing.
It was either all I could have ever wanted..or it would be my biggest regret. So back then..my reasons in a way..was understandable.
After we began dating, there was this sort of awkward phase..where we didn't really know how to act with one another. But slowly and carefully..we did get used to it. It was fun..exciting and amazing. Picnic dates, honest love letters and just the love and affection that came out of our relationship, to think all of it was real and not platonic anymore..it was a dream come true. Of course, we've had our ups and downs..but at the end of the day, we had each others' backs and loved each other thoroughly.
And then I graduated off but we stayed in touch through letters and surprise presents. I've grown to love and cherish all of them with all my entire heart! We made up for the distance by meeting up at the holidays and despite the distance, we still could make up time for one another. Thank you for tolerating all my amazing pick up lines, all the flowers I've gotten you, all the very silly things I've done for you…for the record you liked them..well at least most of them at least.
Lyra, you push me off my comfort zones.. speaking of which, I also remember that one time you quite literally pushed me off those stairs. I know it was a mere accident..but considering the fact that you hadn't left my side until my minor sprain had healed..it was kind of like a win- win situation for me.
You bring out the best in me, stayed beside me even after seeing the worst in me...not a lot of people do that. They're quick to leave when things go downhill.. and quick to stay when you're at your best.You stayed even when there were millions of reasons to leave.
We've had a fair share of arguments and disagreements. A lot of them weren't our greatest memories but at the end of the day, we solved them together and sorted out our differences and misunderstandings. We came out stronger than before.
It's just that..Lyra when I'm with you or around you, nothing else really matters to me. I feel so free and comfortable around you and I just..you just mean so much to me! I can do all the most imaginable cliché things but somehow it doesn't feel all awkward and weird...when it's with you.
You aren't just my girlfriend..you're my best friend..it's like finding my soulmate in the form of my best friend..You mean, a lot to me. I don't think I can ever elaborate on how much your presence and your love makes me feel. You bring in the best version of myself and I'm always happy when I'm around you. You complete me..make me feel like maybe I deserve it..
You add meaning and color to my life..and despite your flaws and how much ever you emphasize on it..All I see is a beautiful mess. Well..ten times beautiful inside out and...a tad bit of mess. Just a small bit..your sweet smile makes up for those irrelevant little flaws. So just beauty and perfection with a lot of sass and sarcasm.
I just love you so very much. I want to wake up beside you every single day of my entire life..just spending all my good years and bad ones beside you..maybe have a child or two? Only if you want to..I mean maybe later! I want us to grow old together..and spend our lives together.. forever and ever! And the point is that I can never picture any of this happening with anyone else apart from YOU!
So what I'm trying to say is that, Lyra Cassiopeia Black Lestrange..will you make me the happiest wizard in the ENTIRE wizarding world by getting married to me? Wait..we marry each other..I sounded narcissistic for a split second. Do you want to marry me? Will you marry me? Dear Merlin- -what am I even saying?" Cedric rants out as he breathes heavily.
"Uhm..Lyra? Lyrie….Ly?! Why aren't you replying? Was it that terrible? Is this perhaps not the right time? Why are you tearing up?! Love, are you alright?! Oh dear Merlin! I shouldn't hav- " Cedric begins nervously
"Oh would you do me a favor and shut up for a split second Diggory?" Lyra asks as Cedric stops his incoherent nervous ramble halfway
"You get to ramble out an entire speech, give me less than a minute to comprehend all of it and just continue rambling on and making illogical assumptions?" Lyra asks rhetorically as she quickly wipes a few careless tears that fell on her cheeks.as Cedric remains silent.
"Why?" Lyra asks clearing her throat breaking the short lived silence
"Why as in?" Cedric asks, a bit confused
"Why..do you want to marry me?" Lyra asks barely above a whisper
"YOU'RE asking ME why do I want to marry you?! I prepared an entire written speech and practiced it in front of the mirror...more times than I can count only to forget half of it..but the point is that my speech covered up all the reasons I love you and I just..Lyra..You just matter so much to me and I just thought that it'd be the right time to bring this up...but I guess it wasn't..." Cedric replies as he looks down, a disappointed sigh escapes his lips.
"I- -I-- I'm sorry for making this awkward.. let's just go home.." Cedric replies as he runs his hand through his hair
Lyra walks up to Cedric as she crouches down. She softly lifts his chin with her hand as her gaze fixates onto Cedric.
"Hey it's fine..you don't need to- -" Cedric begins his tone upset, his eyes gleam with a tint of pain.
Lyra rolls her eyes as she presses her lips against his..cupping his cheeks, Cedric's face heating up in the process. Lyra pulls away as she presses her forehead softly against his.
"What..are- -" Cedric whispers, his heart pacing quickly
"Can I at least talk now?" Lyra whispers as he nods softly
"I..well..this..your speech..I'm moved. It's just..I'm not used to this..Okay? Well you see, I'm- -I'm..I'm just awestruck with how much effort you put into it..and all of it.. just for me? No one has done so..much for me." Lyra says as she clears her throat
"Why wouldn't I? You mean so much to me!" Cedric replies.
"Are you absolutely sure you want to marry..me?" Lyra asks softly, her face brimming with a mixture of both doubt and confusion
"Of course I am..I always have and always will love you and ONLY you Lyra. I've never been more sure about anything else." Cedric replies, his eyes brimming with sincerity "I understand if you aren't ready for it.." Cedric adds as he presses her hand in assurance.
"Yes.." Lyra replies a bit too quickly
"It's completely alri- -wait..what?" Cedric asks, his tone laced with confusion.
"I do want to marry you...but only if you're sure..and only if you're ready to tolerate me.."
"More like you tolerating me..but whatever you say love.." Cedric replies chuckling lightly
"But are you like..sure sure? Maybe you don't really want to marry me? Maybe I'm a bit too much for you? Maybe- " Cedric begins again nervously as Lyra shuts him up again with a kiss, a small smile on his nervous face
"Lyra I don't want to force you into getting married as such. It's completely your de---" Cedric begins again as Lyra interrupts him again with a kiss
"Lyra would you - -" Cedric begins again as Lyra presses a kiss onto his lips shutting him up for a brief second
"Don't you get it? Why do you have second thoughts about my answer? I said yes..and when I say yes..I mean it. So the more you try to let in your doubts consume you and ask me if I'm absolutely sure with my decision, I'll keep interrupting you until you decide to finally shut up and accept my answer!" Lyra states as she gives him a firm look.
"Lyra..I love - -" Cedric begins as Lyra presses a kiss onto his lips again, earning a cheeky smirk from Cedric
"Okay...that was impulsive. I'm sorry for that. You can be such a manipulative jerk sometimes you know?" Lyra replies, her cheeks tinted with a bit of pink
"Don't apologize..it was intentional. And again..I'm a manipulative handsome jerk Lyrie.." Cedric replies as he smiles.
Cedric sits down, Lyra following the same as he opens the small black velvet box, a diamond ring inside it. Cedric takes it out as he takes a hold of Lyra's hand softly.
"So I'm guessing you can make space for another last name too?" Cedric asks, his eyes gleaming with joy.
"Well..I don't mind it." Lyra replies as a small shy pout rests on her face, as Cedric's face beams with a bright smile, as she lets out an unconscious smile.
Cedric lets out a shaky breathe as he looks at Lyra one more time, his grip uneasy on her hand.
"You're sure right? Once I- -" Cedric begins as Lyra presses his hand in reassurance.
Cedric nods softly as he slides in the ring onto her finger as Lyra lets out a smile as she stares at the ring. Cedric stands up as he helps her up.
"This..is beautiful. And to think I was annoyed at you for this. I'm sorry I snapped at you..I just didn't know.." Lyra replies looking down
"It wasn't your fault..I was just insensitive. I didn't mean to..I was just really nervous. Really really nervous..But you weren't supposed to..know too. So it's all good." Cedric says as he smiles at her
"It was..good. Really good. I appreciate it. So well I guess..you're stuck with me forever.." Lyra replies
"Well..You're stuck with me too so I guess we're even..I love you."
"I love you too Badger.."
"I love you more Stargirl.."
"I love you the most pretty boy."
"Damn you're absolutely right about the pretty part!" Cedric replies cheekily
"I said petty.."
"No you didn't.."
"Well..whatever. But seriously how many times did you have to rehearse that speech?" Lyra asks curiously
"Oh..let's not go to that now..Literally spent a solid week or two trying to rehearse it in front of the mirror..The confidence I possessed there was..immense. But the moment I had to..say all that in front of you..I lost all of my confidence but somehow I made it through. Pure luck and a bit of practice perhaps." He replies
"It was a rather..unique proposal." Lyra comments
"Oh..well I tried." Cedric admits as he rubs his neck awkwardly
"And also..for the record, I practically love you more" Cedric replies
"You wish you did! I'll hex you right here, right now..and prove you wrong you - -" Lyra begins as Cedric leans down a bit and interrupts her with a kiss.
He pulls away for a split second as his gaze fixes on to Lyra.
"You were saying?" Cedric teases as he looks at now flustered Lyra.
"Shut up and kiss me.." Lyra mumbles as she looks away.
"Gladly.." Cedric cups her face with both his hands as he presses his lips against hers.
A/N: I’ll be a very evil person and tell you that the reason for the title. Well, in accordance to my Harry Potter Fanfic, it follows the same plot line as such (but the only difference is that, this is set in a post Hogwarts time line. So, Cedric does die in the Triwizard but this is kind of like an AU sorta thing which would have happened if Lyra and Cedric had a bit more time together. The original ship in the fanfic is Harry Potter x Lyra. So..I’m sorry?
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paranoidwino · 7 years
Life is Unfair
Darcy/Wanda Fanfiction Rated T for Language.
Link to AO3 in case you wanted to give it some love (juuust because!) 
Novigrad was no more, and this, this was a tragedy. "Just put the bodies into bags, they're identified and there's nothing for you to do here. We'll ship them off as soon as it's morning," they had told her. Darcy swallowed another lump in her throat as she signed 'Tanja Ivanovna Milkovich' on the tiny label. This was so unfair.
As she got to the next body, she froze. This was Pietro Maximoff. This body was not supposed to be here. Shouldn't he be with his sister? Oh God, did his sister even know his body was in a godforsaken morgue in DC instead of an Avenger facility or something?
As she got closer, the lump in Darcy’s throat became tears. He was so young! So young and handsome and this was not the end a hero deserved: in a tiny body bag, all covered in blood and soot.
She made quick work of the other 17 bodies in the morgue, glad that other people were responsible for copying down other names in other morgues. She signed off on seventy nine, which was terrible enough on its own.
She sighed and approached the body of Pietro Maximoff with dejected determination. This was so not in her job description (Thank you, Agent Zombie!), but she was determined to give the young man the proper sendoff he deserved. So she got some tools and started, with the patience and the procedures they had taught her at SHIELD, to extract the last bullets from his body, so that she could clean him a bit and maybe dress him in something decent before signing him off.
However, as she was getting the last of the bullets out, a soft moan interrupted her. She jerked, and looked around. She then stared at the body in her hands. "....Was it you? Pietro?"
She scoffed, it was ridiculous. It could only be a postmortem sound he'd made. Rats were known to continue screaming for hours after you decapitated them.
She shook her head and proceeded with the last extraction.
"...Wan... da"
She jerked again and stared at Pietro intently. Oh. My. God.
The body was breathing.
This man was alive.
"Doctors, doctors, Help!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. She looked at Pietro's face, forced one eye open and said, "You stay with me, got that? Stay with me!"
But he didn't hear her. His eye was wide and unseeing.
The next few hours were  a flurry of doctors and nurses going in and out of the operation room, while Darcy filed the admission forms for ‘Mikhail Petrovich,’  a civilian of Sokovia who was alive god knew how.
Darcy thanked Thor that she hadn't signed anything on Pietro Maximoff’s body bag before starting to clean him up.  Revealing an ex-Hydra operative, newly-reformed Avenger, to a well-meaning but definitely not secure Hospital was like asking for the Dark Elves by parading the Aether in their face.
Not smart, not useful.
What she did need, however, was time, so she filled all of Pietro’s data on someone else's bag and switched their names, in case anyone was tempted to check.
“Miss Lewis?” A tired looking doctor came out of the operation room.
Darcy paled. Oh dear, please no.
“We’ve managed to stabilize him,” and just like that, Darcy felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders.
She wouldn't have been able to forgive herself had she been unable to contact the other Maximoff twin before he died.
“For now,” the doctor added. “Frankly, it's a miracle he made it this far, and he's still critical. Does he have family?”
“Ah yes, I think so.” She made a show of checking Petrovich's information. “A sister, I think.” Inside, she was choking. Critical was bad, very bad.
“She'll need to be informed, we don't know how long the boy has.” The doctor sighed. “What happened today is tragic, and this boy's luck is running out.”
Darcy's hands flew to her mouth in horror without her realizing it.
The girl. She had to reach the Maximoff girl right away
“I'm sorry, Miss Lewis.” The stupidly patient voice of the secretary interrupted her again. She didn't sound sorry, at all. “The Avengers are very busy at the moment and they're not available for comment.” The woman hung up.
Darcy stared, open mouthed, at the tiny phone in the hall.
How dare she!
She quickly redialed the number she'd been given from SHIELD to contact the Avengers in case of emergency, so long ago it felt unreal.
“Avengers Tower.” It was the detached secretary again.
“Yes,” she bit out, trying to compose herself. “I'm Darcy Lewis, I'm calling because-”
“I'm sorry, Miss Lewis.” The woman interrupted her without an ounce of remorse. “The Avengers are very busy and-”
“I KNOW!” She exploded, and the woman shut up in surprise. Darcy charged on, trying to use the shock to her advantage. “Look,  we're all busy, and if you could just take a second to shut up and listen, I need to speak to Wanda Maximoff. It's imperative that I talk to her and-” “Miss Maximoff is unavailable for comment--” this woman, seriously, this woman. "--and Mr Stark would like to add that SHIELD is not welcome to use this channel of contact anymore. Thank you."
"What? NO!" But it was too late, the infuriating woman had hung up.
Darcy wanted to cry, so bad.
She once again swallowed her rage and dialed Jane's number. It was ten in the morning in London, Jane was bound to be up or doing Science! with Ian and Erik, anyway.
"...And I've tried and tried and Jane you can't believe that new assistant is like, so ... It's like Coulson secretly had a daughter and didn't tell anyone." Jane was up, but wasn't being as helpful and sympathetic as Darcy would have liked.
"...Who? Friday?" Huh?
"...Who calls their daughter Friday? Really, Jane?"
"Well, she's Stark's new AI, Darcy, not a real person." This actually explained so much.
"....Oh. Well, JARVIS was so much better, and I mean it. I've tried to get in touch with Maximoff for three days, I haven't slept a wink and the coffee here tastes disgusting, and this new AI is literally blocking me!"
"Why do you need to speak to Wanda, anyways?" Jane looked confused.
Darcy swallowed. She had no qualms about calling the Avengers from the landline at the hospital, she was pretty damn sure the line at Stark Tower was secure. However, Jane and her tiny phone were not protected. She couldn't risk it, not with Jane.
"It's a matter of life and death, Janey, it's super duper important that I contact her yesterday!" she made up on the spot. It was the truth, if a bit stretched.
"O...kay" Jane said slowly. "Wait a minute."
"Jane? Where are you going? Jane! You're not sciencing, are you? Jane?"
"...Who is this?" a pitiful, crying, tiny voice answered instead of Jane.
It was Wanda Maximoff.
Darcy fought the tears of relief and tried to collect her thoughts. "Wanda Maximoff? I'm Darcy Lewis, I don't know if you rem-"
"You work with SHIELD." Wanda said. What was it with people interrupting her lately, huh?
"What? No. Well, no, I mean, yes technically, I did, before the Triskelion in 2014 anyways, but that's not why I'm calling you!" She was talking a mile a minute but this was her chance and she would not be stopped. She took a big breath.
"....Why?" Wanda sounded suspicious and skeptical and okay, weren't Darcy in such a hurry and weren't the matter so time sensitive, she would have understood.
"Listen, it's about your brother."
"You found his body!"  The voice was filled  with hope and desperation at the same time, and Darcy's heart broke just a tiny bit.
"No, I've found him!" she said forcefully. "Wanda, your brother is alive!"
There was silence on the other end of the phone.
"Wanda? Wanda?"
"...That is not funny," she said at last.
"Funny? Wha- No! Please, listen, I'm in DC and your brother needs you here, he's in critical condition!"
"Is this a ploy?" Wanda's voice was quickly escalated in pitch.
But Darcy had had enough.
She strode into Pietro's room, ignoring the nurse's indignant cries , and pressed the video call button while pointing her phone in Pietro's direction.
“Is anyone in the fucking Tower going to listen for one second?!”
She knew she shouldn't have screamed (and the nurse's evil eye promised pain, so much pain), but the shocked gasp on the other end and the crashing sounds coming from the phone told her that she'd reached her objective.
“Where? Where?” Wanda's voice was full of a different kind of urgency now.
“We're at the Holy Mary's Heart Hospital, in DC, and he's critical, Wanda, like, really bad and it's been three days since I started calling and I don't know how long he has left...” Darcy hesitated. Wanda was keeping quiet, holding her breath and Darcy--
The young man was probably not going to make it, and telling the distraught sister that Pietro had been asking for her, even if for only a second? Yeah, no. She was not going there until the girl was here.
“If you can,” she choked in the end, “please come.”
And apparently Maximoff didn't need any further convincing, because she dropped the phone and the next thing Darcy knew, it was Janey on the line.
“Honestly,” Jane huffed. “You could have just told me what it was all about.”
“Jane, I had no idea your line was secure, or that you lived at the Tower! Speaking of! Why? How could you not tell me that?”
“I thought you knew!” Jane defended immediately. “I must have told you... maybe.”
“No Janey, you didn't.” Darcy sighed. No matter, her job was done.
She looked at the still form of Pietro, hooked to so many machines it made her nauseated. The steady beep of one of them didn't reassure her in the slightest: it was supposed to go much, much faster, or at least so she'd been told.
And yet, she couldn't tell anyone, for fear of putting her improbable charge in danger.
She watched him for hours, at a loss, as he slept on thanks to the chemicals in his system.
Life wasn't fair. This man was so young.
The doors of the ICU burst open and Darcy's hand went automatically to her weapon holster. Her trusty taser was charged and ready.
In the back of her mind, she realized she'd fallen asleep on the job. Rookie mistake, and if this went south Coulson would have her head. Possibly detached from her body, too. Damn.
She made herself as tiny as possible from her corner in the room: while the odds of a confrontation were small, she wasn't about to dismiss a threat.
She relaxed, however, when she recognized Agent Barton, because damn, those arms. She didn't let go of her weapon, she knew better.
Behind Barton was the Scarlet Witch.
Darcy's heart sank.
The young woman looked to be on the verge of collapse, or an emotional breakdown, or possibly both; that was possible too. She looked so tiny and alone, wrapped in a red leather jacket that obviously didn't belong to her. She was darting her red, teary eyes all over the ward, scanning room after room in the frantic search of a familiar name, or face.
And aww hell, there was no way Darcy couldn't see the genuine desperation on that cute face; so she made a show of slowly removing the weapon she had kept trained on Barton, but kept it in her hands just in case,  and plastered herself in front of the right door.
Barton's eyes narrowed on her in a second, but to his credit his body didn't twitch. No abortive movement, nothing, he was that good.
“Wanda Maximoff?” Darcy tried really hard to keep her voice low and professional, but the cold tone lasted for like a second before it became an excited whisper; blast it. “He's in there,” she nodded at the door behind her. “He's not awake, now, but when I found him... he was saying your name.”
The woman didn't need further incentive and slid into the room, not caring of the tense atmosphere, but Agent (or was it ex-agent, now?) Barton stayed fixated on her.
They stated at each other for a long time, but in the end it was Darcy who relaxed first. She pocketed her taser and tried to look nonthreatening. All very professional, until she sneezed.
Barton's lips twitched, and Darcy blushed. What did they expect? She wasn't an agent, nope.
“Sorry,” she mumbled sleepily. “It's been a rough couple of days.” Not to mention the lack of sleep, the terrible assistant slash AI and the depressing atmosphere of the hospital ward. And the food sucked. She felt tired and grimy and not at all strong or impressive at the moment.
He snorted, leaning against the wall. “Sounds like it. I’m surprised to see you here, though. What are you doing in here, so far from Foster?”
Darcy drew herself up. “I haven't been with Jane since London, she's got a real  minion now. And to answer your question, I was sent to aid in the Evacuation of Sokovia.  But then they decided to split us to the hospitals to help with the ID of the bodies....”
“Uh uh. Sounds above what you signed for, kid.”
Darcy deflated. “Yes, it so is! I mean, I was all for the helping and even if the training sucked, you have no idea of how much they made us ru.. wait, no you do, but really, Son of Coul gives impressive recruitment speeches,” at this Barton snorted and rolled his eyes, “but seriously, I've had to catalog so many dead bodies and the eyes, man the eyes... Poor people.”
Hawkeye nodded, sympathetic.
He opened his mouth to say something more, but suddenly Darcy's arms were full of tiny and shaking human. She stared bewildered at the thick brown hair under her chin as pale arms squeezed her harder than she would have deemed comfortable.
“Thank you. Thank you,” Wanda babbled. Or at least Darcy thought that’s what she was saying; the girl was very...overwhelmed.
She alternated between shooting looks down at the woman in her arms and at Barton, who despite his exhaustion was trying to suppress laughter. Very carefully, she returned the hug. Wanda leaned into the touch immediately and cried harder. No matter how many calming noises Darcy made, the woman just held on and cried harder.
“Kid, it's going to be alright, you hear?” Bless Agent Arms and his reassuring presence. After a while, Wanda nodded and released her. Darcy made a point of squeezing her shoulder and to smile at her encouragingly.
“Ms...Petrovich?” The head nurse came over, having finally noticed them, with her patented 'I'm a professional' look. She blatantly ignored Darcy. Seriously? She gives a tiny scream in the ward and suddenly she's branded a monster? Really?
Wanda looked very confused, but Barton quickly cottoned on. “Yes, this is her. Sorry, it's been a long flight. We came as soon as we received Ms Lewis's message.” And cue in the awkward smile.
The nurse nodded in understanding and made all the correct noises, but still managed to shoot a venomous look at Darcy.
“I'm sure you'll want to see the Doctor? He'll be here shortly in case you have any questions”, and with that coaxed Wanda towards Pietro's room once again.
“Petrovich?” Barton whispered as soon as they were out of earshot.
“The first name I could think of, Agent Barton.” She hissed back.
“Yeah, I got that. But good job, quick thinking.” Darcy preened at the praise. “And please, Clint is fine,” he grinned.
In the end, call-me-Clint was completely different from the Agent Barton the rookies whispered about at the training facility, but Darcy supposed it was normal, outside of a mission; he was human after all.
They talked about nothings for a while, aware of the comings and goings of the ICU. The Doctor had gone by and so had four different nurses.
Wanda came back almost an hour later. “The doctor said they don't think he's going to make it,” she whispered. “And it's impossible to move him anywhere.” And Darcy could feel the moment her heart broke for the fifth time in six hours. Finding out your brother's alive only to lose him again was a terrible thing. She spread her arms wide and Wanda almost flung herself at her.
Clint muffled a curse. “I'm calling the guys to say I'm going back later, Wanda. I can’t leave you like this, kid--I'll stay here with you a bit longer.” Bless you, Clint Barton, you amazing father figure.
But Wanda shook her head. “No, Clint, you go. They need you at home. I can stay here, with...”
“Darcy,” she supplied helpfully. The girl smiled hesitantly at her and her stomach flopped a bit.
Clint seemed very unhappy with that idea, but after a long conversation that involved a lot more Sokovian words that Darcy could understand (seriously, how many languages could a single person speak, anyway?), he relented and agreed to go back to NYC, with the compromise that Wanda would call every six hours and speak personally to one of the Avengers.
In the end, there was just them, sitting on two tiny chairs in the ICU ward.
Days passed like a blur, but at least Darcy could now take naps, time off to shower and change. They shared a room at a hotel close to the hospital, but Wanda hardly ever used it.
They spent most of their day sitting in the ward, staring at the beeping machines. After a while,  Darcy would initiate small conversation. Wanda never replied.
“You should eat something.” Wanda reached for a cracker, absentmindedly. “No, no, Wanda, more than crackers.” Darcy sighed, and put an apple in her hands. Wanda bit into it mechanically, then noticed It wasn't the usual dry bread thing she used to eat. She didn't complain, though, and finished the rest of her meal in silence.
She then made herself more comfortable on the chair, and shifted a bit closer to Darcy.
Darcy wasn't surprised; she had noticed Wanda was very touch starved. Considering her powers and her past, she wondered if Wanda’s brother and to some extent Clint had been the only ones to hug her and hold her recently.
She resolved to remedy the situation, if a chance presented itself.
The chance presented itself a few minutes later, when Wanda fell asleep right on Darcy's shoulder.
Darcy huffed a laugh and brushed Wanda's hair back from her face. She idly noticed that Wanda had really long lashes and that while sleeping she looked even younger than she was. Darcy pressed a kiss to her forehead and covered her with the stupid black standard issue jacket.
The episode would repeat itself for a few days, and then Wanda started opening up.
She had a very soft voice, and spoke with very broken English, but the accent was pleasant and she was very outspoken about what she believed in. Under the tears burned a low fire and Darcy could see why she and her brother had joined the rebellion, with that kind of determination.  She accompanied her words with wide gestures, and would reach for Darcy every time she tried to explain something she couldn't translate properly.
And then, with the realization that maybe maybe she could see herself and Wanda become something more (and that had come out of nowhere when Wanda had smiled at her her first real smile), Darcy felt extremely guilty.  The woman was losing her brother, literally latching onto whatever kindness Wanda was shown. She was a horrible person for even thinking it.
“And they come, and try to get us, but Pietro is too fast and they run and we run and we escape.” Wanda murmured, talking about an escapade she and Pietro survived when they were just kids.
Darcy smiled. “He sounds like a cool guy.”
Wanda's smile was watery this time. “Yes, the coolest.”
And her face was close, and they were already hugging, side by side on these chair, and Darcy was fighting her guilt--
--and the monitors roared and beeped and alarms sounded from Pietro's room. His heartbeat, which had kept steady for the last five weeks, accelerated quickly and his breathing skyrocketed.
Wanda was at his bedside in a second, and Darcy felt like a horrible, horrible human being for having thought 'Not now!'
But instead of dying, Pietro's eyes opened.
He focused on the crying face of his sister, and smiled. He fell asleep a second later.
In a flash doctors and nurses were in the room and they were pushing the two women out. They bustled and prodded and then looked very seriously at each other. Then, they happily declared it a miracle.
“We have no idea of how this is even possible, Ms Petrovich,” the doctor was all smiles, now that an actual miracle had happened in his ward. “But this sleep is a very good sign. He'll recover, if nothing changes. Spectacularly so, if I may be so bold!”
Wanda's good mood was infectious, and Darcy realized that her facial muscles may never recover from all the smiling. Pietro was extremely good company, too. A bit less serious than her sister, but equally as passionate and protective. She tried to ignore the knowing looks he'd started sending her, because he was clearly still recuperating and it really didn't mean anything.
It was then, as soon as Pietro was declared fit to be moved, that Tony Stark waltzed into the ward and arranged for the young man to be moved to the newly renovated Avengers Training Facility for rehab, and so Darcy's responsibilities were over.
Coulson had been trying to send her somewhere else for a while, and with the excuse to linger around the Maximoff twins now gone, Darcy watched with disappointment as her maybe-more-than-a-crush doggedly followed her brother out of the tiny hospital and disappeared.
“You're moving me? Again?” She wanted to punch something, or tase it, so bad. So, so, bad.
“Yes, Miss Lewis. We've been asked for help and you're the most qualified asset we have for the job.” Coulson was as unflappable as ever.
“Okaaaay, no, wait, it's not okay. I'm not a Field Agent and yet you sent me to Nicaragua and then to Russia and I just got back! Do I need to wave my passport to you?”
“This is a long-term assignment, Ms Lewis, you'll be able to rest there.”
“Excuse me while I can't fathom how you could think long term assignment could be considered a vacation, ever.”
“I'm sure you'll manage. Your flight leaves in four hours.”
The world was unfair, and life was unfair too, Darcy thought as she boarded the plane.
Apparently she was going back to the States. And she even had scored a first class ticket for the trip, which was a first.
She slid in her first class seat, determined to take a quick nap before they left.
And her neighbour for the trip arrived at that precise moment, sitting down and promptly occupying the armrest. Darcy cracked open one eye, ready to fight for the armrest (wasn't this supposed to be first class?) and then the other one, surprised.
Okay, life was unfair, Darcy amended, as Wanda Maximoff squeezed her hand and hooked her arm with hers, but this time, this time, it wasn't so bad.
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