#it’s like. when i imagine current c!sam i imagine the warden
apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
thinking about whether i subconsciously started associating c!sam with iron/cold metals because of his aversion to c!hannah and the age-old belief of fae being harmed by iron, or if it’s just one of those wack ass coincidences the dsmp seems to be full of
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cdroloisms · 3 years
as of yet unnamed ghost!dream au
here’s some of a ghost!dream au that i’ve been working on for the last few days!! it’s been Fun - definitely one of my favorite current aus, along w/ vegas team 2.0 and others. it’s a really ,, bittersweet c!sam + c!dream centric au that’s equal parts fluffy and messed up, and my goal is to (somehow) wrangle this mess into some sort of happy ending 
anyway, i hope you all enjoy!! definitely look out for more of this in the future, and a future name change when i get around to thinking of one that Fits lmao 
tw: blood, violence, implied torture, abuse, description of dead bodies, unhealthy relationships, emotional distress, unhealthy coping mechanisms, grief, death, dehumanization
Sam woke up to fifty pounds of fur smacking him in the face.
He startled, stumbled to awareness as he struggled to breathe from the newfound weight on his chest. It took a few moments for his vision to clear up enough to see what was right in front of him, but his lips quirked up in a small smile as Fran sat, self-satisfied, with her paws pressed against his collarbones, looking for all the world like she was priding herself in her win.
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up." He ran a hand through the fur on her head, got a bark in return. The smile dropped, however, when his brain - still foggy with sleep - began to drag itself into awareness, bringing with it a whole slew of unpleasant memories that largely made him want to crawl back under the covers for another week, please.
Fran barked again, headbutted him insistently, and he pushed away the thoughts with a bleary shake of his head. As much as he wanted to avoid his responsibilities, experience had taught him otherwise, and what was he without his duty, now?
He was halfway through the process of putting on his armor when he realized, hands falling from the straps they had been readjusting, lips pulled into a thin line.
Fran barked again, probably noticing his hesitance, making a point of ramming her head into the backs of his legs again when he stood still for a little too long. Sam stared at his hands for a moment, then another, before going to undo the fastenings of his netherite chestplate and hang it back up on the stand.
He wouldn’t be needing those for a while, would he?
“Hey girl.” He kneeled down to scratch Fran by the ears, smiling softly when she closed her eyes in satisfaction. He usually didn’t have any time to spend with her, not with him needing to check on the prisoner in the morning to make sure he would be ready for Quackity’s visits at noon and his afternoons usually filled with his work at Las Nevadas and on his own bank and keeping the prisoner alive-
Sam breathed out a little too harshly, reaching for the Warden’s communicator he kept tucked in his chest pocket. The same words stared at him in the morning light, clear and damning.
Dream was slain by Quackity using [Warden’s Will].
It had been an accident, in the end. He hadn’t been listening well enough, Quackity’s shouts blending with Dream’s ragged screams making up the same painful two-note song that filled most of his days, when the cell - steadily growing in sound for the past hour, as Quackity (inevitably) became more desperate and the prisoner (inevitably) forwent any attempts at holding back his pain - suddenly went silent.
The quiet itself was enough to raise his hackles, have him reaching for a pearl as he clicked open his communicator; the quiet “Sam?” from Quackity only made them rise more.
By the time he reached the other side, his communicator was already buzzing with the notification he’d known would appear, in the end, and Dream was lying still with a sword shoved through his chest.
Sam hadn’t really reacted, when he first realized. He set upon the task of cleaning up the aftermath much the same way as he approached everything nowadays, quick, efficient, and methodical. He sent Quackity away to wash off the worst of the blood, not bothering to follow him across the lava; it’s not like there was any prisoner that could take advantage of the loosened security, anymore. With the winged man gone, he resigned himself to the job of dealing with the remains of the prisoner.
In the heat of the lava, the body hadn’t even cooled yet, the blood flowing from it- him- whatever, still warm to the touch. Sam eased off the cracked remains of the mask, heart momentarily seizing at the sight of the face underneath it; gaunt, pale, and stretched in memories of pain that it could no longer feel, it- he looked anything but peaceful. His eyes were still blown open in fright, bright green eyes long-dulled, a smattering of freckles over the bridge of his nose and cheekbones thrown in sharp relief from the paleness of his skin. Even with the scars on every visible inch of skin, he looked- young, like a scared kid, expression tortured even in death, and Sam could feel echoes of horror beating against his skull like a heartbeat. With a slightly shaking hand, he closed Dream’s eyes - the man was dead. It was the least he could do.
He must’ve spent a solid few minutes carefully bandaging each cut and gash, still sluggishly weeping blood - not that it meant anything, with him dead, but it felt - necessary, to at least give him this much dignity after death. He was covered in blood, some of it fresh, most of it not, but after wiping away the worst of it from his skin (his hair and clothes had been a lost cause for a long time), he almost looked- human. It wasn’t a perfect image; he was far, far too still to be anything like the Dream that Sam remembered, and there were more bandages than exposed skin, at this point, skin paper-white against the black of the obsidian floor and the air still thick with the smell of blood, but if he squinted a little he could almost imagine that Dream was only sleeping. That nothing had happened.
Nothing had happened.
Or at least- nobody could know what did happen. Not with Dream’s death meaning that the information of the revival book was lost forever, not when his death would open up a whole can of worms that both he and Quackity would be better off not having to deal with for the rest of time, thank you very much. Keeping it all a secret wouldn’t be that hard, all things considered; he could turn away visitors with the excuse of preventing something like Tommy’s death from happening again, and it’s not like anyone was particularly preoccupied with thinking about the conditions of the prisoner. He and Quackity would have to think of a better excuse in the future, but now wasn’t the time. All he had to do was get Dream’s body out of Pandora and away from people’s prying eyes; everything else could come after.
Picking up Dream took less effort than he expected; even though the man was a dead weight, he hardly seemed to weigh anything in Sam’s arms. Making their way out of the prison was much harder, but with a few well-placed enderpearls and the abuse of quite a few guard mechanisms, they were out under the night sky. It was a clear night: the moon nearly full, the stars bright and twinkling; it was the kind of night that Dream loved, once.
He bit back the thought as soon as it came. Dream was dead and those days were gone. There wasn’t any point of thinking about them, now.
He ended up carrying the man to a patch of forest against the beaches behind the prison, burying him without much fanfare and pulling out a piece of cobble to serve as a shoddy headstone. It was a small and lonely grave in the middle of a woods that no one ever visited, the cobblestone dull and easy to miss. Only Sam would know where it was.
He told himself that he didn’t care as he left, tridenting across the bay towards the community portal so he could finally go home and rest. It didn’t matter; hardly anyone had bothered visiting the man when he was alive. What would change with him dead?
Distantly, thunder rumbled.
It was strange, to have nowhere to go, reminded him of the early days when it was just him and Fran exploring and hollowing out the mountain for his base one block of stone at a time. He figured that it was about time that he and Fran went on a proper walk, anyway, and so after a light breakfast they were off - Fran running in front in leaps and bounds, tail a blur as she greeted every tree and rock by the house with the eager overfamiliarity that only a dog could have, Sam staying back and whistling whenever she came a little too close to harassing a fox or chicken or whatever mobs were out in the early morning. Every once in a while, she would run back, shoving her face into his hands as if to check in and say hello, and he would give her a couple assuring pats before she rocketed away again.
He definitely should’ve been doing this more often; a small rock of guilt settled in his gut at the sight of Fran’s clear exhilaration at being outside of the same four walls. Her room was as nice as he could make it - food and water kept in abundance, an assortment of toys scattered all over the floor, her bed covered in a collection of blankets she had claimed for her own - but with everything going on, he really hadn’t had the time to bring her on long walks and play with her as he should have. She looked happier than she’d been in months.
He looked up; Fran was in the process of running back towards him, again, and he opened his arms in anticipation of a flying ball of fur smacking him in the chest once more, when she froze. Paws digging into the grass, her head cocked to the side as her ears swiveled, pointed up and alert at some sound that Sam couldn’t hear. Her muscles tensed, and he stepped closer, hand reaching forward-
“Fran, don’t-”
Fran darted off into the forest, a white streak disappearing in the underbrush, and Sam muffled a yell as he moved to chase her. Her sprint sent fallen leaves flying up into the air, a trail of dust and destruction following her as she dashed deeper into the trees.
“Fran, get back here, what are you doing, stop running!”
Completely ignoring him, Fran continued to run ahead, turning suddenly to the right and sending Sam scrambling in an attempt to follow. Ducking out of sight past a collection of thickets into what appears to be a sunlit grove in the middle of the forest, she gave a sudden, triumphant-sounding bark.
“Fran, you really can’t be running off like this, girl, I don’t even know where we are-”
He froze.
Fran, bright white in the sunlight, was wagging her tail as she panted, tongue lolling out of her mouth, muzzle seemingly split in a wide grin. Her dark eyes looked up at Sam, bright and intelligent, and she barked again when he looked at her as if to ask him if he was proud of her discovery.
Just behind Fran, translucent in the light, stood a figure. They were short - only coming up to Sam’s waist, if that, and wore an oversized light-green hoodie that reached halfway down their hands and khaki shorts. Their hair seemed windswept, blown around by some nonexistent breeze, defying gravity as it floated in a messy halo around their head; they turned towards him, freckled cheeks immediately breaking out in a blinding smile.
He watched, numbly, as the kid stumbled forward, tripping on nothing as they crashed into him, arms immediately going to wrap around his legs tightly. They looked up, shoulders shaking with small giggles, mouth open to show a gap-toothed grin - one that was far, far too familiar.
“Hiya Sam! Didja miss me?” Dream giggled again, still looking up at Sam, and he felt something dark and cold, almost like guilt, rising in his throat as he met his gaze.
Dream’s eyes were pitch black.
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gaecactae · 3 years
Hello cactae! I love your art it's so cute and refresh's from so much angstTM on the server lmao. But I want to ask about you're thoughts on a redemption on c!awsamdude or do you think he actually can be redeemed?
I read your post about warden!sam while back and you quite sympathize with his character. You brought very fair points that sam is deserving to be sympathized, even though sam is also one the people who don't stream his pov when it comes to the corruption arc or at least prison visits but we feel and see through how it's taking effect in other peoples pov's. I'm a c!tommy sympathizer so I'm not quite comfortable viewing c!sam is such light but I would like to hear your thoughts!
I'm sorry this is a long ask, if this is too hard to answer then feel free to skip or delete! :D
Hello fellow Tommy sympathiser! Thank you for kind words and willingness to hear some opinions :D
Ever since I made that post about Sam, I’ve found a lot info about his character and Sam’s opinion!
I guess one of the reasons, although not too valid but I guess still something, why I sympathise with his character that much, is because I look at the plot from the eyes of young adult. I left the teenage state not so long ago, and I begun to see things differently, almost immediately. Especially things connecting to taking responsibility for our actions and how I had to take responsibility for my deeds when I was a teen etc.
About Sam redeeming. I think it is possible! I think we’re all waiting for the climax, when Dream escapes with Technoblade (supposedly) and Sam “gets what he deserves” aka. gets beaten up, one of his canon lives is taken, all of this type of stuff. Which, honestly? I’m sort of hoping for. I’m a huge awesamponk stan as well! Ponk said some time ago, that maybe Sam will win a way to his heart again, someday? Of course from the eyes of a viewer, it may be weird that Ponk, who had his hand taken literally, by Sam, would fall in love with him again. But I believe that Ponk may be Sam’s redemption, literally. So imagining how maybe Ponk would help Sam escape the hollow building that will only contain him at some point, after Dream escapes, maybe he will run away with him, somewhere, where he can get back to form.
I deeply believe it was the prison itself, that corrupted Sam, not the Egg as some may believe. I also don’t think he’s a bad person as well! I don’t want to be seen as an apologist, I don’t really want to be sorry for his actions tbh? Cause some of his actions are flawed, like breaking Prison’s rules along to his own plans or getting manipulated by mr. Quackster; yet still in some situations I saw his point.
You’re gonna hate me for this hfjfndjdj but I did saw his point when Tommy broke into the prison with Ghostbur. I wouldn’t be surprised in the tiniest, if Tommy was killed by Sam, at that current moment, cause he quite literally broke in. I know Tommy had quite valid reason, getting a revenge, but it could have been executed differently! Well, now it’s honestly not that important, cause it’s past, and there’s not much we can do about it, cause it already happened.
So, going back to Sam being sympathised; Sam said himself that his character doesn’t deserve sympathy, cause he’s a cold, corrupted, dangerous motherfucker. Which, alright, I guess? I think I got to the point where I embrace this corrupted side of his. Cause not every character with which we sympathise, must be a good person. Every character in the dsmp is flawed at some point, some people more, some people less, the question is, which side we sympathise with more.
I mean look at people now! It’s so funny to me, and maybe I’m projecting, but I saw so many people turn to Dream out of the blue! Techno is with him now, and suddenly people that were very much against him, sympathise with him! Sort of. All the drawings of Dream in Techno’s cloak, Techno comforting Dream on fanarts, suddenly it’s all a bit softer!
I think I sympathise with Sam’s softer side, from before the prison, hoping he would be back to it someday. I see his character as the troubled, lonely Warden that was stuck in this obsidian block, trapped with Elder Guardians’s noises and Dream’s screams, echoing through the walls, to the point where he just couldn’t take it anymore and went crazy. Would happen to anyone, but he took the Warden’s role. I mean. He sort of knew this job will take him whole, since he put down the first block of it, probably.
But I don’t want to make a wimp out of him by saying that. I don’t want to establish his character as a poor baby boy that needs love and hugsies and all of this! I just think he lost himself. He is a strong man that will hopefully redeem himself from the prison arc, but I don’t know how
And at this point I definitely stop to know what I’m writing and I’m just pouring random words so I hope any of this is comprehensive enough lmao jdjdhhf
Thank you for the ask again!!
Man I love to discuss shit even when I’m just a stupid bitch at some times
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glattandblade · 3 years
We’ll Meet Again (c!Dream x Reader)
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By Author Blade <3
Summary: You finally get to visit Dream in prison, but not with a few obstacles first. (Gender Neutral Reader)
Warnings: Spoilers (a death is mentioned)
Word Count: 1971
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“I really don’t think that’s a good idea.”
You threw your hands up dramatically, turning away from the podium and starting to pace around the room. Your boots clicked against the dark stone as you moved about frantically, starting to get really fed up.
“You’ve said that three times already, Sam.”
“Yeah! Because it’s a terrible idea!”
You squeezed your hands into fists, your nails digging into your palms uncomfortably. You had summoned Sam to the prison, hoping that he would do his damn job and let you in to visit Dream. For the past 10 minutes you’ve been going back and forth with him, trying to convince him to let you in even for a few minutes, but he seemed hellbent on keeping you away, which was starting to piss you off.
“Why is it so bad for me to want to visit him?!” You raised your voice, your anger starting to get the better of you. Sam put a steady hand on his sword, ready to pull it out if you decide to get more aggressive.
“Because! You two were very close and now he's a prisoner. What if you try to pull something and break him out?”
“I’m not an idiot, Sam!”
He rolled his eyes, “I didn’t say that. You’re not getting it.”
You cross your arms, inviting him to explain.
“You’re emotional right now. And stressed. As the warden, I don’t think it’s safe for either of you to see each other. And quite frankly, Dream doesn’t deserve anything that will give him a smidge of hope. Especially after everything he’s done.”
You felt tears starting to prick at your eyes. You understood his job as the warden, but was he really going to be this petty? 
Before you could will yourself to stop, you started to cry. You hung your head, breaking eye contact with Sam.
“I miss him. I really do.” Your words were just whispers, but Sam heard them in the silence of the prison. You wrapped your arms around yourself in hopes to find some comfort. Feelings of anger, loneliness, and embarrassment started to overtake you. Your knees felt weak and for a second you thought you might just collapse onto the floor and cry.
There was a moment of silence that felt way too long before Sam finally spoke,
You looked back up at him, slightly shocked. “Really?”
“Yeah. But you do understand that if you try to pull anything, or even appear slightly suspicious, that I will have to kill you? And that you will be gone for good?”
You began to wipe your eyes, nodding. “I do. I understand.” To be reminded that you were on your last life… honestly, it kind of scared you. But you had to push that fear down. For Dream.
“And you understand that if Dream decides to kill you for any reason, he can, right?”
Your eyes widened, but you nod slowly. You were told about what happened with Tommy, so it wasn’t impossible. The idea of him doing that to you though… You can’t imagine it. You downright refuse to think about it.
“While you’re in the prison, whatever I say, goes. It’s my word above all. Before anything else, though, I’m going to need you to read this book out loud to me and sign it when you’re done…..” 
After God knows how long, you finally made it to the last room. The walk was trepid and harsh, you felt sore, tired, and weak. The potions you drank wore off and, being the only thing you’ve consumed in almost two days, sat heavy in your stomach. The dark atmosphere of the prison didn’t help your mood, either. Every room was covered in obsidian or black stone. You felt completely secluded and alone, and you weren’t even the one locked up. 
You would have loved to chew Sam out for how bullshit it was that he had to weaken you, but currently you weren’t in a position to do so. So you silently sat, brooding, staring at the bubbling lava that was still falling. The heat made your whole body uncomfortably sweaty and the occasional pop of the lava that splashed on you left blisters, but you powered through the pain. Soon you’d be on the other side and it would all be worth it… 
You flinched and groaned as another splash of lava hit your arm.
“How much longer is this going to take?"
“Lava flows very slowly. Just keep facing forward and be patient.”
You grumbled and turned back to the wall of liquid death, resting your arms and head on your knees. 
When the lava finally started to dissipate, you stood up and looked out into the room it revealed. A giant, obsidian room with a smaller cell in the middle… and in that cell, was Dream. He was sitting, his back against the empty wall.
You almost cried when you saw him. When Sam started to speak again, you were barely listening, just staring out past the lava ocean at Dream. He wasn’t facing you, instead staring at something on the other wall. 
“You’re going to have to stand on the bridge and move with it. Once you reach the other side, I’m going to pull it back so you won’t be able to return. Do you understand?”
You turned around to him, “I understand.” And then he flicked a lever. 
The floor beneath you started to jerk forward and you stumbled a little, your heart dropping as you noticed just how much lava once covered the room. This place is absolutely terrifying. You gulp as you try to keep a steady pace with the moving platform, your heart starting to race as you got closer.
You stepped into the smaller room, running up to the row of netherite blocks and leaning onto them. 
Sam’s voice echoed from the other side, “I’m going to drop the lava back down. That will open once the lava stops flowing.” 
You could feel the heat return as the lava began flowing again, which caused the netherite blocks to drop. You fell forward into the room and made your way to where he sat, kneeling in front of him.
He looked you over once and blinked a few times, as if he couldn’t believe it was you.
“(Y/N)?” You nodded, tears escaping your eyes. You reached up and gently removed his cracked mask, setting it aside. His face was littered in scars, old and new, and his hair was long and unkept. Parts of his arms were wrapped in old, dirty bandages. The idea that Sam probably caused those injuries made your blood boil, but you forced that anger down for now. He looked pretty worse for wear, and it made you worry above all else.
You leaned forward, pulling him into a hug. It was sort of awkward considering his wrists and ankles were chained pretty close together, but you managed. His hands rested on your hips and he laid his head down on your shoulder.
“I’ve missed you so much.”
His breathing was shaky against your skin, “I’ve missed you, too. I didn’t think you’d visit.”
You held onto him tighter, “Don’t be an idiot.” 
It was silent for the moment after that as you both revelled in each other’s touch. For that time, everything felt normal. But if you opened your eyes, you’d realize where you were and that safe feeling would be torn away from you.
Dream spoke again before that had to happen, but his words brought very little easement. 
“You should go, (Y/N). It’s dangerous. I… I’m dangerous. You know what happened to Tommy.”
Hearing that shit from Sam was one thing, but from Dream himself? It made your heart sink and your head hurt. 
You shook your head, moving so you could look him in the eyes. “I’m not going to leave you again.” Your fingers reached up and gingerly began to trace the scars on his face, and almost reluctantly, he leaned into your touch. “I already did that once and look at what happened to you…” 
Dream moved his hands from your waist to hold your hand against his cheek. You still rubbed your thumb against it, hoping that he found comfort in the feeling the same way you do. “You can’t fix me, (Y/N).” His voice went quiet, almost as if he was just accepting this himself.
You paused. Honestly, you knew you couldn’t. There was nothing you could do at this point to help him. But you felt like you had to, need to. You already let him down so many times before- and now he was here. Suffering, Hurting, and still causing pain. Because you couldn’t stop him. Because of you failed to-
You hadn’t realized it, but you started shaking, your breathing uneven. Your racing thoughts stopped when you felt Dream place his hands on the sides of your face, leaning forward to press his forehead to yours.
“Breathe, (Y/N). It’s okay.” You listened, taking deep breaths to calm yourself. Once your breathing returned to a semi normal state, Dream continued, “I’ll be fine, alright? Eventually, I’ll get out of here. But in the meantime, you have to stay safe. It’s probably for the best if you stay away from the prison.”
“I can’t do that.” You wanted your words to sound sharp, no room for argument, but your voice was still a little shaky and the tears that returned didn’t help.
“You have to. You could get hurt. You’re on your last life, too.” Being reminded of that for the second time made you anxious again, but you kept taking deep breaths, processing what Dream was saying.
He’s right. He can handle himself. And you need to stay out of harm's way. It would be better with whatever he was planning if he didn’t have to plan for your safety, too. 
You took his wrists and gently moved his hands down to his lap. You took a breath, preparing yourself for your next string of words.
“I love you. And I’m going to make sure everything works out, for the both of us. I’ll listen, I’ll stay out of the way. I won’t visit again. But you have to promise me that you’ll only do what’s necessary, and not hurt anyone else.” You were holding onto the hope that you could help, because hope is all you had at this point. 
To his core, Dream is a liar and a manipulator. He hated lying to you, though. But he would do whatever it took if it ensured your safety.
“I promise, (Y/N).” He leaned in, leaving a quick kiss on your lips. “I love you, too.” You felt tears start to well up in your eyes again as you grabbed onto him for a final hug.
“You have to promise me you’ll be safe, too. I’m not the only one hanging on by a thread.”
He nodded, placing his hands back on your hips. “Of course, I’ve got it all prepared.” You leaned back to give him another kiss, trying your best to cement the feeling of his lips on yours.
Then, you heard Sam’s voice over the speaker, “Okay, okay. You two have had enough time. Go stand in front of the lava, (Y/N).” You audibly sighed, moving to stand up with Dream. He held onto your hand for a second longer, giving it a squeeze that made your heart hurt.
“We’ll see each other again.” He whispered to you, “Just be patient.” 
You nod, giving him a final goodbye kiss until who even knows how long. 
The walk back was thankfully quiet, Sam giving you space to calm yourself as you walked the gauntlet and left the prison. 
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technospotatoes · 3 years
Y’all Should Be C!Sam Apologists And Here’s Why
Hey I’m back on my apologist hill again, none of you are gonna take me down >:) 
This is something I threw together before I give y’all my full analysis post for Las Nevadas Lore (5/22)-- that one is gonna take a bit, so if you’re interested, drop a follow to see when it’s up! (in the meantime you can also take a gander at my other analysis posts as well!)
Some minor content warnings: 
brief mentions of torture and manipulation (not in detail) 
spoilers for Las Nevadas Lore (5/22) 
character death (from previous lore streams) 
Drop a follow, reblog, and enjoy :) 
With the newest installment of Las Nevadas Lore came more precious interactions of Sam and Quackity; and looking closely at their first scene together, Sam has gone through some small, yet fundamental changes. Despite the fact that the two argue like an old married couple, tiny details about their characters manage to poke through. 
Sam: “Well, we haven’t really done anything inherently bad; everything we’ve done, we’ve done it for justice” (27:25) 
Quackity laughs at this remark, implying that he knows that what he’s doing isn’t morally “good” 
Sam doesn’t seem too concerned about whether torturing Dream is a large issue, because it literally affects nobody on the server. Dream is of no threat at the present time, so therefore, he currently holds no risk to any of the characters whether he is alive or dead within the prison. 
Also, Sam knows that Dream is a bad guy, thus fueling his motives-- Sam wants justice from Dream’s actions because he wronged so many people on the server.
This quote also implies that outside of torturing Dream, Sam has no idea of Quackity’s motives or actions (how he’s manipulating people to join Las Nevadas).
Sam: “Are you black mailing [Purpled]? I don’t even know what you’re doing!” (57:26)
this quote supports the previous bullet point. 
Sam explicitly states that he has no idea what Quackity’s plans are, in terms of recruitment. 
I should also mention that it seems like Quackity and Sam’s communication was cut off immediately as Purpled joined the game-- further supplementing the fact that Sam remains in the unknown about how Quackity and Purpled’s interaction went down. (see 58:50) 
I’m not saying that Sam is completely innocent of any actions that he has done, but he has done each with reason. That reason: he literally represents the law. 
Sam: “Well, you’re stressing me out, you’re making me break the law and I’m supposed to be the law.”  (57:09)
Sam actively knows his role as Warden, and even intends to use it outside of the prison. 
You could say he’s pushing excess responsibility on himself to represent the law and such neutrality-- through the way that he protests Quackity’s methods of recruitment. He doesn’t prevent Quackity from going through with his plans, because Sam hasn’t fully “become” the law yet. 
This is a very new role to him, so I imagine he’s trying his best to be an active reminder of the law to those he interacts with, even though it may seem unsuccessful at times. 
Keep in mind, C!Sam has been through some deep puddles. Being manipulated by the Egg, blaming himself for Tommy’s death, allowing Quackity to torture Dream, letting Ghostbur die [I talked about this here]... among many others (just look at his DSMP wiki lol). Having to uphold the role as Warden (and subsequently, peacekeeper) only adds to the overall emotional weight he bears. 
a/n: Most people don’t want to be C!Sam apologists because they’re upset that Ghostbur is dead. Like what lol he was already dead-- we have Wilbur back now WAHOO. Join the Sam apologist club, we have cookies >:D Also, this may not be the best explanation you’ll see on the internet, so if you have questions or comments, feel free to ask! i give u kith *mwah* 
tysm for reading-- hope you enjoyed! <3
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tooomuchtofu · 4 years
c!Dream may have more of a connection to the End than we think (Ranboo and Dream theory /rp)
I’m sure someone has already had this idea but I’ve got to get it down. 
One thing that struck me as interesting about Ranboo’s recent stream was the way he reacted to seeing the contracts he’d changed (that is, the contracts from the prison that Sam was angry about). Both books are titled “Ranboo” in Ender (no idea if there’s an official name for that language or something so I’m just calling it that). As for the contents (also in Ender), I got: “I hereby -ssu-e. Signed: Ranboo”. I did what I could to translate, but it was a bit blurry for me so if anyone else has a more complete translation I’d love to see it. 
It isn’t much. Really, considering how upset he seemed just from seeing the books, hardly anything at all was inside. In fact, just from these, he seems to figure out why he visited the prison (I’m pretty sure Dream wants Ranboo to break him out, due to the way Ranboo talked about the issue. He said (paraphrased) “I really can’t tell Sam why, he’s the prison warden.”) So what tipped him off? I would argue that it’s the fact that the books were written in Ender. 
There’s an interesting pattern when it comes to Ranboo’s enderman half. When he was doing his odd off-camera strip mining, he spoke in chat only in Ender. Multiple server members have spotted him running around in a sort of trance (”sleep walking”), moving grass blocks. Phil managed to snap him out of it one time, and Ranboo had no idea how he’d gotten to where he was, demonstrating that he doesn’t remember these sleep walks. These seem to be the points at which his enderman half is dominant. He’s gone full-on ender, and he doesn’t remember anything from this time afterward. That, combined with the fact that the books being written in Ender seemed to clue him into what happened, leads me to the assumption that Ranboo helps Dream while his ender half is dominant. But why? Decoded Ender messages in chat seem to imply that he’s like the him we know while in this state: he’s talked to Phil and others in a friendly tone, and doesn’t really seem out of the ordinary. 
Do you guys remember that Game Theory about the End? I’m gonna be honest, I haven’t actually watched it, but I’ve got the gist, I think: the Ender Dragon controls the endermen in a hive mind. Endermen were Minecraft’s old builders, the ones who made the mineshafts and stronghold and stuff. When Steve kills the Ender Dragon, he literally Frees the End, freeing the endermen from her control. Going off of that theory, then, Dream would be able to control a half-enderman with the power of an Ender Dragon, would he not? Of course, he would only be controlling half of a single complete consciousness, which is why it’s messy and Ranboo is so messed up and confused. His claims that he is “part of Ranboo” I can imagine to be his method of gaslighting him, in a way, trying to convince him that the control he’s exerting is natural and to mesh his will into Ranboo’s own.
So how did Dream get this power? I’m not sure. One option could be that he killed the Ender Dragon and inherited it. This seems unlikely to me: there’s simply not anything of note I can find to back it up. 
Another reason could be that he is the/an Ender Dragon, or is part Ender Dragon. We know the Dragon has kids, because she’s got an egg. Depending on how you look at it, this could make a lot of sense. Dream has, after all, claimed that his character is “the protector”. Supposedly, he meant of the SMP, although he did claim this during the conversation Techno and Phil were having while planning the Syndicate (shortly after Dream destroyed the End portal), so maybe he’s referring to the End itself, or something in the End. What exactly the goal of the Ender Dragon is is ambiguous, but killing her unlocks a lot of things. She could be guarding the End Cities, or her egg, or maybe even the portal out. Maybe Dream is protecting one or all of those things, much in the way he’s disallowing shulkers and elytras for non-canon reasons. 
My final theory: he’s somehow drawing his power from the Ender Dragon directly. Maybe he made a deal with her, or maybe he’s somehow controlling her? Not sure. Anyway, much like the previous explanation, this affords a canonical reason for why Dream disallows access to the End. This would be a vulnerability, a source of power outside of himself. Not necessarily a sentimental attachment, but a weakness nonetheless. It would be hard to know just how much power Dream draws from the dragon, but it’s probably a lot. Considering the fact that they intend to start a new world at some point in the vaguely near future, this could afford a way to finish the current world- a way to defeat the server’s most consistent villain. Everyone bands together, kills the Dragon, taking Dream’s primary power source, and hops through the portal, ready to start a new dream. I do find this somewhat unlikely, seeing as Dream was ready to permanently destroy the End portal (implying he doesn’t have any lore plans with it), but who knows. 
TL:DR, Ranboo’s enderman half is being controlled by Dream to help him. Maybe Dream is doing this using the power of the Ender Dragon (per Game Theory’s Free the End theory). 
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