#but i’ve never realized this exact connection until now
A Family Thing | Yandere Blue Exorcist
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Yukio Okumura has had to limit and expand his definition of family many times on his exorcist journey. His brother was the only constant, which he was fine with. That is until his own demonic half awakened. Now alongside his brother, his identity morphed again like his pointed ears. He did think this might happen but he couldn’t help but connect the dots. But you know who made it easier? (Y/n) Pheles. 
You came to him and Rin on a cloud of strawberry-scented smoke. Literally. Wiping at your suit and tie you explained how the last demon you had fought had made its final stand in a churning pot of strawberry jam. You told them not to think about it too much.
With a smile that blinded them, you told of how you took a long trip around the world to meet the boys Mephisto was so keen on watching stalking. You gushed over them like the older sibling neither of them had. That is until you officially moved onto campus. Where exactly? That was never known for sure. All they could gather was that you were close enough to appear at a moment's notice to pinch their cheeks, ruffle their hair, and coo at them as they did their casual routine. 
He knew it was easy for Rin to lean into you, who openly gave affection to him. Yukio knew he couldn’t react as warmly. Was it his fear? His maturity? He just couldn’t do it. Wouldn’t. He thought you’d grow to love Rin more than him because of this only to be beautifully surprised when you lovingly held him in your arms.
“Hey, I love you both all the same. You’re my ducklings through and through! I’ve decided from this day on!”
Soon he was placed with that familiar ache when you waved goodbye from the window of their dorm on training camps. It was a good ache that affirmed the stringing demand that was creeping up his throat. He couldn’t let you leave them now. 
He can pinpoint the exact moment when this feeling first bloomed in his heart. It was so long ago, if he was anyone else he would have written it off as simply being a child, which he did for awhile, but he knew it was something more. It was back in preschool, Rin had returned to the class after a violent outburst at some kid he later claimed was a bully. While the teacher and other students avoided him like the plague there was one who refused to leave. Following Rin from afar, slowly inching her coloring station toward his–he couldn’t tell anyone why this irked him so. He also couldn’t defend his meddling when he crumpled the flowers left in his twin's cubby. He was his brother, who was she to take that from him?
It was an ugly habit of obsession one he realized he shared with his brother, as Rin mused absentmindedly. 
“Why…don’t we just keep them to ourselves, yeah? That way…they…won’t leave us.”
I mean it’d be bizarre if it weren’t for the two of them. With Rin’s inclination to have you baby him dividing your attention and his own perfectly timed conversations, it was nothing but a game to smother your ringing phone. Silencing it hours in advance so that any alarms or texts from whoever this 'persistent dude’ was. It was a tireless pursuit that seemed to unite him and Rin more than their shared demon heritage. 
It came to a head on a Summers's day watching from afar as you chased Rin with a hose. Yukio was particularly peeved not because he wasn’t on duty for distracting you that day he totally was but because your phone had been ringing off the chain. And whoever this mysterious caller was had caught on, texting you with random excuses about a glitching phone. Every time. He. Deleted. The contact. 
“You think you can keep this up?”
The coy question came from a familiar white terrier with a pink polka-dotted bow. Yukio groaned, harshly pushing up his glasses and biting back a snarl of his own. 
“Do you know who Denji is?”
The terrier's ears flattened and if it was possible its eye furrowed in anger. After a minute of likened frustration, an idea was spawned. Bringing a metaphorical smile to the dog’s face as he birthed a plan only obsessed freaks would concoct. 
“So? Will you help me?”
“Fine. But you can’t keep them to yourself. We won’t let you.”
“Of course not. I could only wish.”
It wasn’t long before there were some changes: a ring on your finger, you carrying that stupid dog around with you, and wearing strangely bright accessories that most certainly weren’t yours. All indicative of the newest addition in your life–a fiance named Mephisto Pheles. The principal and their current guardian: Mephisto Pheles. 
Suddenly Yukio and Rin are subjected to chaotic dinners with you and Mephisto. Days that were previously filled with your voice encouraging them were complimented by Mephisto’s ominous laughing and playful insults. But you were there and you were theirs, a promise you firmly upheld whenever you began an uncomfortable talk about your relationship. 
And even as you reached over your purple-haired husband to wave goodbye, blowing kisses as the limousine revved up, Yukio notes the sound of unsatisfied obsession. Watching the hands that linger around your waist and the caked-up makeup on your neck. He makes the realization that this too was a case of that feeling bubbling to the surface. The obsessive arm around your shoulders, the out-of-place stickers on your things, and the oddly convenient way Mephisto was always at the door, waiting to escort you home. 
It dawns on him how similar they are. Perhaps the string of obsession was a family thing. He didn’t entirely hate that.
“Welcome to the family (Y/n).”
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50stradwife · 1 year
Welcome to my blog!! 🎀💒
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Here I’ll be posting anything related to traditional living, femininity, homemaking, cottagecore, homesteading, Christian living, and all things vintage.
I’ve had tumblr blogs in the past, but I wanted to make this brand new one to find a different community that I connect to.
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Now about me! Mainly my religious journey, but it’s entirely defined who I am, so my apologies in advance 💕🧺
I’ve lived in sin my entire life so far. I am 20 years old, and up until I was 18, I was very far gone. (I’m going to censor certain words so I don’t reach those communities) I was practicing w!tchcraft, p4ganism, even s4tan!sm. My entire family was the exact same way, in fact all of the women in my family all practice w!tchcraft. I was never even exposed to the bible, Jesus, or God. Along with those, I went through all the motions of believing I was a different gender, or interested in the same sex. I am not, and I realize now how much society and just my generation around me had manipulated me to the point I seriously believed I was.
When I was 18 and finally free of my home life, I got my first job, and that’s where I met my now fiancé. He has been a devout christian his entire life, and even though we had such different mindsets when we met, we fell in love and he knew he had to save me. I am forever grateful to God for bringing him to me, and me to him.
I started reading a study Bible, and once I finished that, I went to read the entire Bible start to finish. My entire life changed and I had suddenly felt truly happy for the first time in my life. Before I found God, I struggled with anxiety, depression, and even suspected I had other worse mental disorders because I just felt so sick in the head. I feel none of that now, and it’s all because of Him.
We’ve been together for two years, and this year God blessed us with a welcome surprise, our first child. I’m currently 13 weeks pregnant as I make this post! Just before we found out he proposed, and we are so excited to create a traditional and Godly life for our new family.
I’m still repenting for all of the sins of my past, and I strive to become closer and closer with God every single day. I want my lifestyle to reflect his vision, while also enjoying myself and my newfound femininity. I spent so long thinking I needed to play the same role as a man, and I’ve never felt so free as I do now!
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Sorry sorry sorry for that whole tangent, I doubt anyone actually cares!! I hope I can find likeminded people on here, as I haven’t had much luck anywhere else 💕✝️🌷
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fruity-phrog · 2 years
Dead End Paranormal Park shit I need to talk about and I feel bad for my discord server so:
I was expecting a Barney/Logs kiss to be monumental like the first Lumity or Catradora kiss, or at least something like Troyson or Bubbline. But NOOO, I just get SLAPPED IN THE FACE with it right at the beginning of the first episode.
And on the subject, I distinctly remember thinking “I wonder if they’ll have Barney tell Logs he loves them or smth” as I clicked on the second episode. I WAS NOT PREPARED.
Logs is a non-binary gay person. Don’t even fight me on this I’m right.
I was. So. Fucking. Excited. Watching Norma realize her crush on Badyah. It was literally exactly how I realized my crush on my friend and I was so excited to have those two canon.
I was fucking wrong.
Barney talking about transphobia?! Barney talking about people asking about his binder?! THIS SHOW FUCKIN RULES.
Again, I was very wrong about Badyah and Norma.
Badyah rejecting Norma hurt. So fucking much. The rawness of it all just stung so much.
BUT. I HAVE NEVER HEARD ANYONE SAY THE WORDS “I’m straight” IN A KIDS’ CARTOON. It was astronomical. In shows nowadays, queer rep is so far and few between you don’t have any characters to get rejected. So to see Badyah let down Norma as softly as she did, explaining she’s straight then immediately going into a mini sexuality crisis was amazing. Norma’s tears though. 
Gonna be honest, was worried about the Josh thing for a minute.
Honestly, I wouldn’t even mind Norma x Zagan. I mean, Zagan’s canonically queer, and I can get behind a good height-difference ship. Also, I love the dynamic of “Morally grey but with a heart of gold x literal demon” Buuuuut Zagan being like 1600 comes with its Twilightes-esque issues.
Not Temeluchus and Pugsely acting like exes that still love each other lmao
Norma regretting everything when her connection to Badyah was lost just hit me in the worst way. The exact same thing happened to me about a year ago - I had a straight crush who was also my best friend, I told her I liked her and we...drifted apart. Everything about Norma's regret from the whole thing is so perfectly written, from her staring at photos of her and Badyah to insisting she's over the crush to being so incredibly excited when she thinks Badyah has come round to her house. I've never been able to relate to a character this much before, and adding on to the fact that Norma has social anxiety and can fixate on one thing until it becomes her entire personality...it just hit me so hard.
Am I still allowed to ship Norma and Badyah? They just meant so much to me before that episode. Is it problematic now? Coz it’s either that or aroace hetero-leaning Badyah. 
That whole episode though
The use of the word bi? An entire conversation about how hard it is to come out? The use of the word gay? Norma literally chanting “bi bi bi” like NSWNC?! Screaming, crying.
No, Pauline’s right, Norma’s mum has the best legs.
The coming out scene...shoot me now.
Not Barney being saved by the power of gay 
I called Courtney being an angel from early s1. Suck it.
But we all knew Fingers had issues. I mean seriously. The dude’s got slay though.
Last thing - Gord means the absolute world to me.
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bluemoonpunch · 2 months
Relationship Reading for Choi San and Jung Wooyoung - Tarot Reading
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[This reading covers the relationship dynamic between Choi San and Jung Wooyoung on a subconscious and energetic level. This particular reading can cover romantic, platonic, and familial relationships and is designed to put a connection between two people into perspective, showcasing what is gained from the relationship and what the highest potential of the connection is. I used The Linestrider’s Journey Tarot for this reading. This spread is an original design by me. This reading lasted less than 1 hour.]
Reading Performed: July 4, 2024
Posted: July 13, 2024
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Back in November/December of 2023, I had random hyperfixation on ATEEZ for a solid month or so — I heard Bouncy and it was all downhill from there. My dumb ass, as always, started reading in on their energy and there were some interesting things that came through the first time I watched the MV for Bouncy, and came to find out, I did readings on a couple of the members back in 2018 and some of that same energy was coming through. It was really interesting because I recognized it, saw it so clearly, and then found out I wrote about the exact same imagery years ago. That led to me SPIRALING and basically breaking down the entire group's current state, purpose, past lives, bla bla bla, the whole thing. Like, I was going to write a 50-page report on all of it because it was genuinely fascinating what was coming through and how it was seemingly showing up in their personal development and work now.
Depression and physical health issues hit, so I never did write anything, but I saw some really, really, really interesting stuff for San and Wooyoung that suggests an isolated lifetime centered on healing and protection that stems from issues that arose in a past life where Wooyoung would have been on his own due to necessary soul development that was needed in order to occupy the same space as San on a higher level. Quite literally, it looked like they were just casually fucking around on Earth for centuries, popped out, and realized they couldn’t go where they wanted to go together without Wooyoung’s soul experiencing more development, so they threw him back in on his own in a hyper-compressed incarnation cycle and things just didn't go well.
That lifetime, which was actually an incarnation cycle of three lifetimes back to back, ended up being quite negative and left “scars” on the souls of everyone involved. I really could write a whole other thing about all of this, I have a ridiculous amount of notes on it because out of everyone, they have the most interestingly deep soul connection I have ever seen out of all the readings I have ever done. Like, they are literally here to do nothing else but heal Wooyoung’s soul and balance energy — balancing energy and healing seems to be the group’s collective “purpose,” although they seem to have given themselves this purpose. They are not, as I’ve seen it, “on the roster,” but are to be influential, especially as individuals.
For San and Wooyoung, when I first watched the video I was like, oh they definitely have some vibes together, don’t they? And then I found out that San is a Cancer and Wooyoung is a Sagittarius. I have, FOR YEARSSSS, wanted to analyze a pair made up of a Cancer and Sagittarius because I’ve always found their reflective energies together to be so interesting. You have Cancer, Cardinal Water, Firery Water, boiling water, a spewing geyser, and Sagittarius, Mutable Fire, Watery Fire, flowing fire, an erupting volcano. They’re quite literally the SAME energies, visually they line up, they just erupt from different spaces. Fire and Water are the most difficult elements to balance, but Cancer and Sagittarius have an inherent balance within them between Water and Fire, although it can make them a bit temperamental and sensitive.
To me, it always felt like a Cancer and Sagittarius would simply have to hate each other until there was just one split second where they both happened to “erupt” at the same time, express something from within at the same time, and suddenly they’re like, “oh, you’re me, i’m you” and then it’s just best friends forever. And that’s basically what I saw between them when looking at their energetic connections now within this lifetime.
For the sake of not getting too wild off the bat, I will just focus on what came through in this reading alone, but if anyone is interested, I will GLADLY unload all of what I have for ATEEZ down the line.
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Overall Energy
As expected, Healing and Regeneration are at the head of the overall energy between them. Healing and protection are extremely strong links for them that are rooted in the soul. So deeply rooted that this may feel more instinctual for them at this point than emotional or mental. Healing represents the energy, while Regeneration marks where and how that energy is being used. It gives me the sense of the souls re-expanding after experiencing a few downfalls, especially on Wooyoung’s side where, as I mentioned, he has acquired some pretty deep soul scars from past lifetimes.
Discovery (Mercury in Sagittarius) and the Lunar Eclipse both give this incredible sense of conscious level expansion to match with the expansion of their souls. They could explore spiritual things together, or discuss personal philosophy with each other. This is very focused between the two of them and gives me the sense of them being able to holds a “birs’s eye view” when they ponder things together, as if their vision becomes clearer through the other, allowing them to understand themselves, each other, and the world much easier when they seek it out together.
The Queen of Cups at the end there grounds a lot of this energy into a more physical and conscious place, but still highlights the strong soul connection and suggests tightly woven emotional bonds as well. One of the keywords with this card is “devotion” which suits them well on all levels of connection.
Before we get to the main reading, I just want to point out how INSANE it is that the mirrored state of their souls showed up in this reading so clearly. I really do want to do a deepdive post on them at some point because everything that I’ve seen for them has honestly blown my mind, and their cards here just add to that.
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San’s Projection: Ten of Wands (rev.) Wooyoung’s Projection: Ten of Swords (rev.)
This set marks the energy that San and Wooyoung individually project into their relationship with each other. This is purely an energetic projection and may not reflect emotional or mental connections. Here, San is projecting the reversed Ten of Wands while Wooyoung is projecting the reversed Ten of Swords. These are the “bad 10s” in tarot, both holding quite a lot of pain, frustration and even death in their upright positions. There may be a display here of conflict between the soul and the conscious level aspects as both of these cards essentially are in denial of themselves, but seemingly for the sake of each other.
Tens mark the end, and when reversed, that end is being denied or something isn’t being brought to completion. On San’s end, the focus is on Wands, Fire, energy, and matters of the body, while Wooyoung’s focuses on Swords, Air, thoughts and communication, and matters of the mind. It displays a set dynamic where San is the body and Wooyoung is the mind, which is somewhat similar to what I saw of their souls in a state before they started incarnating on Earth. On a conscious and physical level, this settles more as physical and mental burdens they both share partially being withheld from the other.
Essentially, it’s like the reversed state of these cards came by two hands. For example, if San is feeling physically unwell he may hide it from Wooyoung to not worry him, but Wooyoung may also be someone he wants to be around when he’s not feeling well. Therefore there could be a kind of secret nurturing where sometimes they have to ask each other or very directly express their negative states to each other, and other times they can care for each other without much talking at all. So, in some aspects, they reverse their own cards, and in others, they reverse each other. Either way, they will never get to a breaking point, they will never hit a physical or mental “rock bottom” so long as they have the other to balance them.
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To explain the cards more, the Ten of Wands, when upright, traditionally features someone carrying a lot of sticks (Wands/Fire/Energy) towards a destination that is quite far away in the background of the image. In the Rider-Waite deck, the man in the image is shown to really be struggling, hunched over with his face buried in the sticks as he tries to keep hold of them. In the image in this deck, it’s shown as a young girl who has collapsed on the ground with a bag of sticks on her back as she stares at her destination in the background.
It’s physical overwhelm or overexertion that puts a lot of strain on the body. This card can have a positive side to it as it can suggest that whatever overwhelming or strenuous situation you are in right now may come to an end soon, but when it is reversed, it’s more so allowing yourself to drop those sticks and take a breather. This can be positive as you can catch your breath and regain some energy, but in other situations, reversals here could line up with someone giving up just before they’re about to hit their finish line.
For San, I really feel this in a literal way where there is overexertion on the body, or a tendency to overdo physical activity, especially in a stressed state, and either for Wooyoung’s sake, or with the help of Wooyoung, he pulls that energy down, grounds himself, and sort of tempers his own Fire. It’s making me think of someone who would work out quite hard for hours, and then finish up with a grounding meditation. I will say that San’s soul, where it stems from, is a very high place, his energy is very high frequency and with that, it can be quite hard to hold that energy in the body. A lot of movement or bodily focus is necessary for him to stay grounded, so this may be connected to that as well.
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The Ten of Swords, when upright, traditionally shows a man lying dead on a shoreline with ten swords in his back. In the background, we can see the sky either clearing or gathering in a storm, and the sun either rising or setting in the background. As Swords relate to Air energy, thoughts and communication, logic, and harsh reality, the Ten of Swords marks an undeniable end, one you can’t alleviate or run from. This can have a lot to do with anxiety and depression, as well as negative self-image if you can imagine the swords as your own thoughts and the body as yourself.
As I’ve seen in past explorations with them, both in past lives (and out-of-body lives) and the current lifetime, Wooyoung seems to have quite a bit of mental weight to him, but it’s not necessarily observational, as in it’s not so much that he’s thinking a lot, it’s like he takes in a lot of what is around him, what he hears, what he sees, and he holds onto it. The image of the Ten of Swords here in this deck is more so accurate to what I feel for Wooyoung.
In the image, a deer (I think) is shown to have been shot by many arrows and is twisted in pain. Those arrows could be equated to the words and actions of other people that Wooyoung carries with him. This can reflect his soul state with the soul scarring, as well as his current state where there does seem to be some sensitivity and maybe some personal insecurity to him.
They hide from each other a little bit, they hide this stress from each other, but at the same time it’s kind of impossible to do such a thing when they are so closely linked that you could argue they may be able to read each other's minds. They hide these states from each other, but at the same time, they each help the other to maintain and balance these quite heavy energies and keep them from ever reaching a true breaking point.
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How San Sees Wooyoung: Nine of Cups + Ace of Cups How Wooyoung Sees San: Ace of Pentacles + Nine of Pentacles
This was the most insane part of the reading for me. The mirrored Tens already had me like O.O, and then this shit came out and I was like, what the fuck am I even supposed to do with this??
This set covers how, based on the current state and their projections, they see each other within their relationship. San sees Wooyoung as the Nine of Cups and the Ace of Cups, while Wooyoung sees San as the Nine of Pentacles and Ace of Pentacles. I find it interesting that while they are “hiding” their Tens from each other, they actively acknowledge and seem to praise each other at their peaks with these Nines. What’s even more fun is that in these suits, Cups and Pentacles, the Tens are some of the most positive cards in the deck, and with these Aces here, it almost feels like they look at each other as if they have the ingredients to make the Ten of Pentacles and the Ten of Cups — Ace (1) + Nine.
Here, they also seem to really acknowledge each other as a counterpart, someone they balance with, or someone who has what they are missing. Wooyoung, who may experience a bit more emotional and mental turmoil, looks to San as this space of stability and support, a strong foundation based in Earth energy with the Pentacles. There’s an admiration through the Nine of Pentacles for how independent he is and how well he is able to accomplish what he sets out to do. San, who seems to be a bit more physically oriented for the sake of staying grounded, sees Wooyoung as this flowing energy, seeing him as having more Water to him. A strong, open sensitivity that he finds fulfilling and relaxing. There’s an appreciation here for creativity and fluidity as well.
My favorite thing about this, is that as they acknowledge each other as counterparts through these energies, they are essentially blending Earth and Water energy. Similar to Water and Fire, Water and Earth can be a bit tricky to mix as you can destabilize Earth with Water, or dry out and absorb Water with Earth. In its perfect balance, however, as it is displayed here with these mirrored energies, Water and Earth come together to create clay. Something, energy, that can be shaped and molded at will into anything. Combining that with an element of balance between Divine Masculine energy on San’s side and Divine Feminine energy on Wooyoung’s side, you basically have two people who, when working together, are a magic wand away from being The Magician, a master manifestor.
In other words, anything they create together or work on together where they can focus on each other could be considered magic in the sense that they would have quite a lot of ease in bringing their visions to life while working together.
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Current State of The Relationship: The Lovers Highest Potential: Ten of Pentacles
Here, The Lovers came out to represent the current state of their relationship, while the Ten of Pentacles popped out to showcase the highest potential of their relationship going forward. I put them together because what it looks like to me is that the Lovers represent the soul connection while the Ten of Pentacles represent that soul connection being completely integrated into the physical and conscious levels. They’re already there pretty much, perhaps that’s the significance of the Nines and Aces combos, but this suggests that they’re supposed to get to that higher state and integrate more of those higher aspects.
In one of the many readings I did for them, I did see, especially for San as his soul is quite BIG energetically speaking, that there were multiple stages of soul integration that he would experience in this lifetime that would be marked by alterations of the body — found out a bit later that he did bulk up quite a bit over the last few years, so I assume, especially when it comes to the need to ground into the physical through the actual body, that this is reflective of that. Wooyoung doesn’t have as much to integrate, but his soul is still occupying a much higher state than he is right now on a conscious level. The integration for Wooyoung may be noticeable in drastic changes regarding self-perception, self-esteem, and how he operates or expresses himself artistically.
As this entire lifetime is very self-focused (focused on each other) for the two of them, specifically in the realm of healing Wooyoung and progressing his soul a bit more so that he can join San out of body on a more well-matched level, it makes sense that potentially the Ten of Pentacles here marks, in its entirety, the completion of this lifetime with all that they set out to do being accomplished. The current state of The Lovers implies personal alignment, but in this context, reflects their deep soul unity and recognition of each other as soul counterparts (the term "soulmate" doesn’t quite capture how significant this connection actually is).
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The Lovers, on a soul level, based on the traditional Rider-Waite image, showcases personal inner alignment of the layers of consciousness — conscious, subconscious, unconscious — through the images of Adam, Eve, and the Angel Raphael. Adam represents the conscious mind that looks to Eve, the receptive, intuitive subconscious, who looks to the Higher Self, the higher unconscious mind represented by the Angel.
In addition to that, Adam and Eve stand in as representatives of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine as Eve, the force of Life, stands in front of a flourishing tree and Adam, the force of destruction or deconstruction, stands in front of a burning tree. When they are in balance, Life and Death dance happily, but if Adam looks away from Eve, if the Divine Masculine loses sight of the Divine Feminine, it loses connection to its own soul, stagnates, and becomes destructive toward the surrounding environment. If Eve disconnects from either side, she can become destructive toward herself.
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The Lovers card in this deck here shows San and Wooyoung as these counterparts, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, being in perfect sync with each other, implying that within themselves they hold that personal alignment, and are able to meet each other on all levels. This is what makes soul integration possible for them and is what is fueling the soul healing that Wooyoung is experiencing in this lifetime.
*More readings at bluemoonpunch.com!
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HELLOOOOO would love to know about human incarnate. AND history's flowers. AND 13 for the fic writer questions. goodbye
13) your strengths as an author
i love writing prose. imagery my betrothed. connecting tiny threads into one useless piece is my bit on the side. basic dialogue when ik what theyre gonna talk about, but making it SOUND like them is a wholeeeeee other ordeal. so yeah, i'd say Prose. i like those, and people have said i use good word :)
history’s flowers
so you know the song bouquet by itchiko aoba ? well a good chunk of the song is mainly flowers, so ended up a fic like “crowley and aziraphale through history, but a flower that is mentioned in the song is present in an encounter we see”. like ‘plumeria’—its a ficlet in the garden and a bush of plumerias happens to be nearby or part of the scene ! its mostly chrono, but i tried to keep it as close as possible. not too much has been written yet other than the garden of eden example i gave you, and there’s a lot of flowers, but im gonna dew it all 😌
human incarnate (under cut due 2 length)
okay THIS one’s a bit more complex and infinitely longer. its a reincarnation story ! but of course, not exactly what you might have seen before. now, bit of context, i’ve mever really liked human aus—they are some amazing works out there and i’ve read a good chunk dont get me wrong, but its not exactly something i seek out—im there for the mystical, the immortal dance, etc etc. but one day this story just came up, and i COULDNT let it go. so: human aziraphale and crowley trying to stop the apocalypse but theyre actually an angel/demon duo but reincarnating every few decades. so one day they died (this if ofc plot relevant but if i explain it its ANOTHER long ass paragraph, so lets just say it involves fire and one of my favorite historical events *not alexandria*), and they started incarnating together, some lives never meeting and others meeting once or others changing them entirely, only to eventually truly converge in the present day (like 2008) in time for heaven and hell to realize the trick and the apocalypse on the brink of beginning. easy no memory shtick and stuff, and the appeal is 1) trying to stop armageddon without their respective powers/knowledge, and 2) relearning their love story one life at a time. its the exact balance of Supernatural and Human i would love to read, but never have seen. there might be fic like that out there (and i’d love to read it) but this is hopefully something I can execute nicely. some highlights:
- raising warlock is a such a funnier ordeal becayse they dont have powers to help them out. its a DISASTER
- them figuring out their miracles and their limitations when their powers slowly start tricking back (they're not yet where they're supposed to be, but after heaven and hell's first contact, they arent exactly human anymore, are they?) like warlock's birthday ! its just funny to me..
- crowley and aziraphale's limited contact before armageddon is about. its just a neighborhood crush, nothing more, but then it escalates like THAT ? imagine the guy who curates your flower bouquets you bring to your grandpa's grave (he's not related to you) (and he also happens to be you) and looks kinda pretty ngl is actually your immortal enemy you've been locked in a homoerotic relationship with since the beginning of time. and is a DEMON. of HELL. woah
- hell and heaven don’t really frighten aziraphale and crowley most of the narrative, until the plot ramps up. at first, theyre just Fuckin Weird to them, and seeing a few chapters of them just ridiculing their HEAD OFFICES without knowing just how powerful they can be makes me crack up
- crowley's tattoos (including the snake, which he has NO IDEA where it came from)
- aziraphale's bible and prophecy collection (inherited from his grandpa) (whom he is not related to) (who is also him)
- theyre both trans. one cool thing about this is that aziraphale intentionally chose his name based on the angel who guarded eden, which is HIM. for some odd reason, his name never did fade from the bible editions, and he is still known to this day. Cough Cough Crowley Cough Cough anyway also he and crowley both cycled through some other names before reaching their final ones, which are all names they’ve had in past lices :) because while their past lives have been connected to their old identities in some ways, it wasnt until 2008 where it really became similar. its almost like they knew things were coming…..
- (this trans fact is revealed during the six hours of drinking after adam is delivered <3)
- the bookshop fire
- holding hands at the end of the world
- no stars to run to, because crowley doesnt even know he built that one. but he still fucking loved astronomy anyway!!! he used to want to be an astronaut, you know. before the world tore him down
- aziraphale, on the other hand, never knew what he wanted to be. Good, that he knew, but Good at what?
- all of the fcuking.... scenes.... hittinf anathema, tadfield manor, I JUST!!!!
- some of their cliched past lives being the following: pirate/naval captain, bodysnatcher/cemetery caretaker, brandy spy/allied bookseller, 17th century witches, fugitive/aristocrat, and ofc, present day: struggling florist/bookseller who doesnt really sell any books and lives off of his grandpa's fortunes (again, not related) (who is also him)
- crowley growing up on the velvet underground and aziraphale growing up UNDER A ROCK. queen plagues them both...
and yeah ! its gonna be pretty long, i think. thanks 4 the ask, and happy timezone 💗
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mariamlovesyou · 11 months
salam. i hope you are holding up ok w everything that is going on. i wanted to ask how you deal w being muslim and gay? i don't know anybody like me so it feels like i am a lonely unicorn. feel alienated by both my own community and the LGBT (i live in the west). i feel angry, lost etc. at both communities and i am often reluctant to practice my religion when i hear homophobic remarks etc. somehow i am too resigned to pray and then that feeling goes away and i go back to worshipping, esp when in crisis. i want to wear hijab as well but i realize that's only a response to my anger at westerners and one of the reasons i do not wear hijab is obv to avoid discrimination (i'm passing) in the professional field & also bc i think no gay woman will like me if i wear it. sorry if this question is too much, you don't have to answer, but if you have any experience or advice to share i would be grateful. thank you ❤️
hi angel .. im sorry for the late reply i had to run to an inspection when i got this i really hope u see it even though i dont know that i can offer much i just want to say im here for u.
i hope u are okay, the world is shaky and scary. im really happy u reached out to me and i think if u take anything from this it’s that reaching out is the first step. i wouldn’t say im at all entrenched in any community or fully at peace w who i am, that’s lifelong work, but it does get easier and sometimes u find little blessings in the people who show up. i feel the exact same way you do rn - alienated, angry, lost, at a crossroads. i often feel there’s no space for me anywhere and many lgbt muslims/religious gays in general feel the same especially when we’re young. i’ve also experienced periods where my faith slipped and i felt too defeated and betrayed to practice my religion fully or even in the smallest most private ways (until a few days ago i had not prayed for months since some very distressing things happened to me) but i always find myself coming back to it bc for me personally islam brings me immense comfort and grounds me, even or maybe especially after long periods of not being a “good muslim”. religion is a deeply personal thing no matter what everyone has told and will keep trying to tell u. the question is does it soothe you? does it bring you peace and comfort? away from everyone else’s eyes, do you feel connected to something higher when you take the time to do these designated rituals? i really think that’s the only thing that matters. and you might not have an answer for that rn or for a long time and that’s ok too, no one has everything figured out. stay away as much as you can from ppl u aren’t forced to be around who try to tell you how to be lgbt how to be muslim how you can’t be both etc. they’re just parroting what they think to be true and they don’t realise how draining it can be for others. protect yourself and listen to yourself. be careful what u share with whom. those r the biggest lessons i’ve learned and the only thing that’s helped make the burden feel lighter is finding other people like you and trust me when i tell u they exist!!! u just have to be a little braver and more intentional in seeking them out, if u can do so safely, bc like you they probably feel that they are alone and there’s no one else who will understand. (and when u find them, hear them out, share a little bit, but remember they are there for a sense of shared community, a delicate connection, not as a strict guide on how YOU need to be; only you decide that and that becomes easier w time)
now depending on where u are it may not be feasible to do so - i spent most of my life as an immigrant in qatar, a very small country w a death penalty or best case scenario deportation “solution” for people like us, where the idea of finding community was not only unthinkable but also seemed straight up ridiculous to me. i never tried looking, i wouldnt encourage doing so if ur in a western country that is similarly rigid unless u know what ur doing and have a support network. in this case all i can recommend is to reach out to organisations that sympathise if there are any, and hang on until ur in a safe space. BUT if there is no such threat to ur daily life, i really really urge u to seek out others like u.. and it’s likely you’ll have to look outside ur immediate circle. at first you won’t know where to look, i didn’t, i tried looking through uni, through apps, through meetups, groups specifically run by lgbt people of colour/marginalised lgbt ppl, and it will take time and a lot of trial and error and at times even ‘desperate’ or embarrassing attempts, at least it did for me. i got lucky by finding friends through friends and then friends of friends of friends etc who were like me and while i definitely wouldn’t say i connected w all of them or even liked all of them or that i have a stable network of other lgbt muslims (most of the ones i met live really far away and meetups are extremely rare but whenever i do talk to them it’s really healing) it really does help to know that somewhere not too far, u have someone who understands. so reach out. it’s hard and gruelling and isolating work but that’s the first and main thing to do to combat these unpleasant feelings of loneliness and anger. i wrestle w very complicated and conflicting things on a daily basis that most of my immediate circle couldn’t even begin to understand, so don’t do the mistake of sitting on it forever.
as for other people, gay women, muslims, whoever, i don’t have much experience here w the latter because im mostly focused on sorting myself out first before trying to fully integrate into like, being w other women in that capacity, and maybe im taking a little longer than i’d like but the good that comes out of this is im a lot less concerned about what other people have to say to me abt my identity. if gay women don’t like me bc of my hijab or my religion i really don’t gaf, they’re obviously not meant for me. don’t cater yourself to anyone but yourself, this goes for both sides. u don’t need to appease the gays by shutting down your religion and u don’t need to appease the muslims by believing u are wrong and an abomination. u were created this way, gay and it seems like u have a sort of tether to ur religion, how is that ur fault or something for u to adjust? the right people will come and the wrong ones will make it obvious (inshallah very quickly). and sometimes in our situation we find ourselves loving and deeply caring for people who just really don’t get it. that’s not ur fault either or something to resent! im starting to enjoy thinking of it as a variety. just do ur best to make sure these ppl are looking out for u and genuinely care for ur well-being even if they don’t really “get” you. and if u have no choice in the matter, hold on to the hope that people who DO get you are coming. islam is the connection between you and allah - that’s it. drown out everything else and don’t let noises distract you from that. i personally wear a hijab because it’s a part of who i am and makes me feel more protected (in a spiritual sense, i am of course very aware now that i live in australia that on a social level it can make me more of a target but i have not been threatened yet to the point of where im forced to remove it. u are not a bad muslim for choosing not to wear it, whatever ur reasoning is).
god gave us a tricky life, one can only theorise why, but what i do know is there are very few people on this earth who will understand u completely, even other lgbt muslims, and even fewer who will have ur best interest at heart. inshallah u find those few sooner rather than later, and remember the point is to let others lighten the load because this is a heavy thing to carry all by yourself. even online ppl in the same position will help. u have me 🧡 i am not experienced or developed enough to offer much more beyond this but i hope you can find some clarity and peace and i hope this helps in even a tiny way. i feel for you
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stereogeekspodcast · 3 months
[Transcript] Season 4, Episode 9. Anne Rice's Interview With the Vampire
One of the best shows on television right now is Interview With the Vampire. The Stereo Geeks review the first two seasons and share their hopes for season 3. Spoilers ahead
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Ron: Hello and welcome to a new episode of Stereo Geeks. Today we’re reviewing Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire. 
I’m Ron.
Mon: And I’m Mon.
Ron: We will be discussing both seasons of Interview with the Vampire so beware of spoilers. 
Mon: We have a long connection with the Vampire Chronicles. We heard about them when we became fans of the Aussie band Savage Garden, their name was taken from this series. We decided to give the first book a read and even watched the rightfully panned film adaptation. I’ve gone on to read several more of the books. 
Ron: I did learn from my WWAC colleagues that the movie was a box office success in North America. That’s not what we heard in our part of the world!
Mon: Oh interesting. Let’s call it a critical failure then. 
The books are an… acquired taste. They’ve certainly gone places–they’re weird, and sometimes problematic, but the appeal, for the few of us who’ve read them, has been the expansive, complicated world filled with characters who are not defined by labels. 
When I heard they were adapting the series into a TV show, I’ll admit, I was concerned. What exactly would they adapt? It’s easy to fall into the traps and tropes of a vampire story featuring two male, immortal leads–the film is there as proof. Would the show head the same way?
Season 1 thoughts 
Mon: I started watching the first season from a hyper-critical point of view. I was so immersed in everything that I thought I didn’t like that I clean forgot to enjoy the first few episodes.
In fact, I didn’t relax until you started watching it, Ron. And then I saw the show from a completely different angle–this is not a show that cares about your comfort. It’s a show about larger-than-life, extraordinary characters desperately trying to be normal. But what is normal when you’re an ancient vampire?
Ron: What made you so tense about the show? I remember asking you if I should watch it and you were so unsure!
Mon: The violence, gore, and depravity–these are not stylistic elements that I like to engage in in my entertainment, and Interview has a lot of that. So, I convinced myself that I didn’t like this show. It was a guilty watch, and maybe a guilty pleasure. But I was wrong–it’s not a guilty anything, it’s art; it’s storytelling. Interview is very direct about the pain and suffering these characters face and cause. This show made me realize something about myself, I don’t like being uncomfortable, and these characters make you uncomfortable. Deal with it. And now I’m ok enough to deal with it that we’re doing a whole episode on the show. 
Ron: Okay wow. I also don’t like being uncomfortable or cringey but those were the exact elements that took this show through the stratosphere for me. I loved the first season. I didn’t know what to expect from it but it was a fascinating character study, and an examination of relationships. It wasn’t afraid of being camp and queer because that’s what the people of the time didn’t want to see but Louis and Lestat were shoving the campness in their faces. And it really leaned into the unbearable discomfort of unhappy relationships. 
Ron: The race swap for Louis de Pointe du Lac, played by Jacob Anderson, was a stroke of genius. As was setting the start of the story in the early 1900s. It really complicates the story world and Louis’ relationship with Lestat de Lioncourt, played by Sam Reid.
Mon: You never know what brilliance will emerge from one change, but race-swapping Louis gives the show, at least in the first season, a whole new dynamic. I wrote about why this change elevated the story at Collider.com. We’ve linked to the piece in our show notes. 
Ron: Season 1 took us into Louis’ world. He’s a Black man making his way in a New Orleans that is very white and segregated. He’s still treated like a second class citizen even by the people who are regular patrons at his establishment. But among his own people, he’s terrified of being his true queer self. Lestat gave him a way to transcend the social norms of heterosexuality and race. But then Lestat is the one who becomes such a danger to Louis. We get a few episodes of the two of them just being happy together and then when they find Claudia, played by Bailey Bass in season 1, they’re this happy little family. Of course everything goes to hell. And so much of that is down to the toxic dynamic between Lestat, Louis and Claudia. 
Mon: The main reason the raceswap works, along with setting the story during the Jim Crow era, is that it becomes more than just a vampire story. Now it’s a story about race and discrimination, retribution and justice. Louis is white in the books, has plantation connections, which means he would have had slaves. Even if it was never addressed in the show, how much would we like, let alone, love him, in the show? 
Ron: I’m going to interject here to recommend a very good YouTube video by Princess Weekes about the numerous confederate vampire stories out there. We’ll link to it in the show notes. 
Mon: My favourite thing about the raceswap is that it gives new meaning to Louis and Lestat’s relationship. Suddenly the story isn’t just about lust and longing, it’s about saving and belonging. 
Ron: I am very impressed by the direction they went with for Daniel Molloy, played by Eric Bogosian. He is not afraid to call Louis out for creating this fantasy version of Lestat in his head for his memoirs. He’s also the one who puts into words that Louis and Lestat’s relationship was abusive.
Mon: The role of the interviewer in a story can be such a thankless and boring choice for an actor, and yet, Daniel Molloy, is as much a character in the story as Louis and the rest of the vampires. I was initially concerned with the choice to age-up Daniel that much, but there’s a whole new dimension to his and Louis’ interactions knowing that this is part 2 of their interview, and not their first meeting.
Ron: Speaking of the change to Daniel, I haven’t read the books. How faithful is this series to the books you read?
Mon: The show differs from the books quite a bit. Daniel being older is one thing, and this is, essentially, a re-write of how Louis told his story before. 
Claudia having a two-season arc is only possible because they fill out her role so much. And it’s for the better as well. I don’t remember Antoinette in the books–Lestat did not have a romantic paramour to make Louis jealous, not one I recall, anyway. He was just mean. The timelines are off, which isn’t a bad thing, but it’s hard to keep track of where I am in the adaptation. It’s small fry. The creators are using beats from the books to tell their story, not necessarily the same story as the books. 
Ron: So things like that reveal in the season 1 finale with Louis declaring Armand, his greatest love. That wasn’t in the movie so it was a surprise that got me. Especially since Armand, played by Assad Zaman, had been pretending to be Louis’ housekeeper Rashid all season. What a way to get us excited for season two. 
Mon: I loved that reveal. Did not see it coming. And I especially like that we get a Spaniard of Indian origin. Europeans of colour do not often show up on screen in a significant way. And it made perfect sense too–because, in the books, Louis and Armand are together.
Season 2 thoughts 
Ron: The second season has a very different tone and style than season 1. It’s very focused on the Théâtre des Vampires and there are extensive scenes of the rehearsals and plays the vampires put on. There’s a lot we see of a new character, Santiago, who is played by Ben Daniels.
Mon: Yeah, Season 2 is vicious, and stressful. This show does not ease up. And the tensions within tensions of who’s playing whom are diabolical. Plus, the threads that Daniel, and the viewer, keep trying to pull at about Louis’ story and Armand’s hand in everything that happened to Claudia make this riveting viewing. 
Mon: I don’t remember the Théâtre des Vampires having such a large role in the books, it was probably just one section. This is a significant change in the show, but gives Louis and Claudia the screen time needed to develop their relationship, not to mention we get to see Louis and Armand’s romance grow.
For some reason, I can’t remember Santiago from the books, even though I know he plays an important part in the story. I’ve just blanked him out. The show’s version is super memorable though.
Ron: The expanded world of vampires that we’re introduced to is interesting and grotesque. The first few episodes see Louis and Claudia travelling Europe during World War II looking for vampires and instead they keep running into the worst of humanity, because you know, war. And when they finally meet vampires in Romania, it’s an absolute horror show. They’re starved and near death and being led by this vampire who’s too old and too frail. It’s only in France that the coven finds them and for Claudia especially, this is such an amazing experience because she gets to be with vampires who aren’t abusive, like Lestat, or monsters, like Bruce from season one. But that doesn’t pan out either! By the end of season 2, the vampires are openly admitting to their monstrousness, but it’s just so unfair to Claudia, who got to see so little good in her human and vampiric life. 
Mon: See, this is why I’m so glad you decided to watch the show despite my apprehension. You’re watching this like a character study, which is exactly what it is. I don’t know what I was doing, but I’m so glad I get to chat with you about this show. 
Ron: Gee thanks. I’m super surprised by your apprehension. We’ve had such a long association with this story that I honestly couldn’t wait to see it. I didn’t expect it to be a character study but from the moment Louis appeared on screen, I knew this wasn’t going to be a salacious, surface-level plot about vampires killing people. 
Ron: The first season was really a study of the three main characters and their dynamic. In the second season there isn’t as much Louis but the world became so much richer, that I didn’t mind it as much. Lestat spends most of this season as Dreamstat, this idealized version of the real person in Louis’ head.  
Mon: Dreamstat is a cool nickname. 
Ron: I can’t take credit; the internet named him that. 
Mon: Funny that you felt there wasn’t enough Louis in Season 2. I was surprised at how little Lestat there was. It makes sense, of course, the first book doesn’t have much Lestat, but I didn’t think the show would sideline the main white guy. I’m very cynical. But Lestat taking a step back meant Claudia and Armand took centre stage, and I’m all for that. 
Ron: Delainey Hayles takes over as Claudia in the second season. Excellent choice. The casting change felt surprisingly seamless for me. 
Mon: Absolutely seamless casting. She matched Bass’s energy, but brought so much more anger and pathos. Plus, she spouted so much dialogue in so many different languages. 
Ron: Hayles managed to follow in Bass’ footsteps while making the role completely her own. Her screen time is expanded this season and that is for the betterment of the show. We get a proper sense of just how hard it is to be her, a grown woman trapped in the body of a child for all eternity. What was essentially a selfless act to save a child’s life has turned into a cruel and selfish decision that Louis and Lestat made on Claudia’s behalf. 
Ron: Jacob Anderson is remarkable. I love watching him. He’s so expressive but knows when to hold back. That scene in the 70s when he’s absolutely tearing into Armand, calling him boring, all while this fake blood is plastered on his face, it was so incredible to watch. The loving father-daughter bond between Louis and Claudia, Anderson absolutely sells it. In season two they’re more brother and sister because of Claudia’s insistence on it but one can see that Louis loves her like a daughter. And yet! Louis struggles to deal with the harsher side of being a parent. Learning the truth about what Bruce did to Claudia, Louis sits in his coffin and cries quietly. And the whole time I’m yelling to the screen, to Louis, to go and hug his child. 
Mon: BT dubs, there’s no Bruce in the books. 
Ron: Oh interesting. 
That final two-parter in season 2 when Lestat finally admits to having hurt Louis, and his apology, Anderson’s acting was sublime. Without a single word, just with his expressions, he tells the audience how little he thinks of Lestat’s apology. It’s a masterpiece. 
Mon: He’s stellar. Where’s he been all this time?
Let’s talk about Assad Zaman as well. He’s British of Bangladeshi origin. In Interview, we learn that Armand was originally Arun from India (which Bangladesh would have been part of during that period), sold to slavery and taken to Spain, where Marius found him, renamed him Amadeo, and then turned him into a vampire. He’s so good at playing this tragic character, a reluctant hero and leader, but also so devious. I’m just floored by the layers of his performance. He can convey so much by just sitting in place with his head cocked to one side. 
Ron: Assad was a delight to watch. Even with those contact lenses, you could always tell when Armand was being his true self, when he was hiding something, and when he was truly sorry about something that had gone down. I’m so glad he got such a large role here. It made up for the lack of Lestat. 
Mon: And let’s not forget the Brat Prince himself, Lestat. Sam Reid is so good at stepping away from the spotlight and then stealing it when needed. He plays Lestat’s narcissism so well; he’s cruel and mean and yet he knows how to convey his heart break. In Season 2, he has so little to do and yet he commands the camera so well. 
Ron: I did not know Lestat was called the Brat Prince. What a hilarious name. I feel like Sam Reid had a really tough task. Tom Cruise has such a massive fan base and people still love his Lestat. Even Stuart Townsend got some fans for his performance. But Reid makes Lestat his own. It helps that he has insane chemistry with Jacob Anderson. Their Louis and Lestat are very believable as a couple. Reid does a good job of playing up the charm when Lestat wants something, and he’s downright terrifying when things aren’t going his way. But I like that he can still bring pathos to Lestat. He’s not just over the top—Lestat is trying to live his best life when he no longer understands what living is meant to be. What’s life to an immortal? And somehow Reid manages to make that a relevant existential question for us mortals. 
Ron: Both Bass and Hayles were excellent as Claudia but Hayles got to be a lot of different versions of Claudia. Hayles brings a great deal of rage and frustration to Claudia because she is so much older by season 2, yet she’s still being treated like a child. And that awful show she has to put on for the theatre. I love how committed the actors are to these characters and this story because, after all, vampires aren’t real, and immortality isn’t a problem for us, but they demonstrate the pathos of their characters’ situations to make it seem like reality. 
Mon: Bass and Hayles are stars in the making. I hope they get fantastic opportunities. You don’t bring that level of energy and complexity and only get a season to flaunt it. 
Ron: This show is so unapologetically queer. Straight people? Never heard of them! Well, not really, but the central romantic triangle is these three men from three very different parts of the world. The scene in the finale when Louis declares to Lestat that he’s going to spend his life with Armand, that’s the epitome of queerness in this show. But it really sucks that Louis thinks he can only be with these two awful men. He keeps seesawing between them and they both suck!
Mon: The books are very gay, but sometimes too vague about it, which annoys me. The show is clearer and gayer, which I really like. I was worried about that going in because Anne Rice had a whole homophobe stage of her life–don’t ask me—but she walked it back, I guess, seeing as she and her son had a hand in getting this series off the ground, and the show is not shy about being queer. 
Mon: The Season 2 finale comes down to one thing–this is a love story. It’s about a man, Louis, desperate for love. He’s known it with Lestat and Armand, and they’re both devils, but they’re safe and known devils. It’s cute in the most dramatically violent way. You can’t blame Louis for his poor choices in men—he had to hide his sexuality for a long time and he struggles with being a vampire, at least in the past, so vampires who love him back, even if they’re toxic, is perhaps comforting to him. 
Ron: And then Claudia gets a romance with Madeleine which isn’t in the books, is it? 
Mon: Is it a romance here? Or is it a companionship? Claudia’s an old soul in a child’s body, so can Madeleine love her romantically? I like that they leave it vague. 
Ron: In the book, Madeleine and Claudia had a mother-daughter relationship but that doesn’t work in the show’s story. Claudia wants to be an equal so she wouldn’t have wanted a mother. But it’s so tricky with Claudia being 14 forever—how do they give her a partner who isn’t immediately suspect for wanting to be with a 14 year old. I like how they built up the friendship between Claudia and Madeleine, laid the groundwork for Madeleine understanding what Claudia is, and they only get together after Madeleine is turned into a vampire. It worked for me. Of course, now they’re both dead so… I guess we don’t have to think about it anymore. 
Hopes for season 3
Ron: The show has now been renewed for a third season and it’s set to be following Lestat’s music career. The finale of season 2 sets that up very subtly! I would love to spend more time in that world but I’m worried about where Louis might fit in.
Mon: Lestat starting his rockstar career is going to be wild. But who he’s starting it with is even wilder, because the characters mentioned in the Season 3 summary weren’t in the band in the books.
Mon: The show is now so different from the books, that I can’t predict what a Season 3 will look like. I mean, they mention space in the Season 3 summary. Space! Dude, it’s too soon for this space stuff.
Ron: So I’m trying to avoid all this information about season 3 but space huh?
Mon: Yep, space. Let’s leave it at that.
The fact that Lestat has Akasha’s blood in the past is a huge change in the timeline. Akasha and Enkil are the original vampires, from whom all vampires are born. That’s been retconned, somewhat in recent books, but let’s not get into that. Lestat having Akasha’s blood is the reason he’s virtually unkillable. It explains why he survived Season 1, but this throwaway line in the finale makes it tricky for them to adapt the storylines from Queen of the Damned onwards.
Anyway, back to Louis. Louis’ fate is with Armand or Lestat. In the books, Louis is with Armand. Them breaking up in Season 2 is a big deviation. Who’s he going to end up with finally, especially since Lestat has other lovers from the books who could be introduced. 
Ron: I’d also love to see more of Daniel Molloy. He’s a vampire now. Who turned him? Is it Armand? How does he feel about being an older vampire? I want to see the world through vampire-Daniel’s eyes. And I would really like to explore his relationship with Louis. They’re clearly fond of each other. 
Mon: In the books, Armand turned Daniel. And Louis seems to suggest the same in the finale, but who knows. They’re always surprising us. 
Mon: I’m intrigued by the introduction of the Talamasca in Season 2, and I understand there’s a show coming as well. The Talamasca are a secret society, kinda like the X-Files but for occult creatures. How interesting will that be? I’m not sure. I watched the first season of the other AMC show, Mayfair Witches. That’s also adapted from a series in the same Immortal Universe, and Lestat popped up in the books a couple of times. I could not get into that show at all. Not enough gay people. Hehehehehehe.
Ron: The queerness of Interview is such a highlight for me. It’s hard to watch straight shows now. Haha. 
Mon: But, honestly, I think we’re invested in Interview because Lestat and Louis have been a part of our lives for a really long time, and the creators have made a show that’s not just about them being vampires. It’s about people, and the messiness that comes with it. I didn’t find that in Mayfair. So, what’s the Talamasca show going to have? Lestat’s long-time partner, David Talbot is/was part of the Talamasca. He’s not joined Interview yet, so that’s a possible connection to interest us.
Speaking of David, I don’t know if they’ll be able to introduce him, or if Daniel will take over that role. I say that because Daniel has met Raglan James–the Talamasca dude in the sushi bar in Season 2, and David enters the books when Lestat encounters Raglan. I’ll admit, I’m gutted that Raglan seems to be an old white guy on the show. He’s a body snatcher in the books, and when Lestat meets him, he’s in the body of an Anglo-Indian man. I think, in a way, the creators tried to appease us by making Armand Indian instead. 
All to say, I haven’t a clue what to expect next. There are so many books to be adapted, but Louis’ not in them much, if at all. If they pivot to Lestat being the main character, I worry that they’ll lose the viewers, many of whom have tuned in specifically because Louis is Black and has a certain lived experience. But I want more seasons, and I have hope that the creators will make the right choices in telling the stories needed.
Ron: I want to add that this show has such a fan following. Two podcasts I’ve been listening to did entire series on this show because they became so obsessed with it. I’ve had random people I follow on Twitter regularly calling on more people to watch the show because it is literal perfection. I can’t think of anything I would change. I’m desperate to get my hands on some of the scripts because it’s going to help me become a better a writer. And some of the direction for this second season especially, that scene when the Theatres abduct Louis, Claudia and Madeleine and the background actors are frozen, or rather acting frozen, they really knew how to ratchet up the suspense. 
Mon: This show is literally art–there are screengrabs from this show that are homages to artworks. We need more of that. And we need more shows that effortlessly include queer stories and feature characters from different races and ethnicities. This show has done that for two seasons. It could do so much more if the seasons continue.
Season 1 was about racial dynamics and interpersonal relationships in a world that doesn’t accept queer people. Season 2 was about autonomy, especially bodily autonomy, and monstrosity—what it really means when applied to people, be they vampire or human. The show can examine anything and everything and wrap it around a glorious romance. I’d love to see that. 
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ninas-trashcan · 2 years
Anything for fame.
Hi!! This is my first post so don’t expect top-tier quality!
(Also my grammar sucks I can’t help it)
This is a short little story!
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༉‧₊˚✧‧₊˚✩彡.˚✩ ༉‧₊˚✧‧₊˚✩彡.˚✩ ༉‧₊˚✧‧₊˚✩彡.˚✩ ༉‧₊˚✧‧₊˚✩彡.˚✩ ༉‧₊˚✧‧₊˚✩彡.˚✩ ༉        
        As you and your friends were laughing coming back from a hyped-up party, you checked your watch to realize you were gonna be late for your date. You decided to take a spree since those were faster. You connected to a guy named “Kurt”. He looked kinda suspicious but shrugged it off since you didn’t know how long it would take to connect to another spree. You clicked yes and sat near the front door of your friends house.
        You waited for about 5 minutes when you saw your spree pull up to your friends driveway, you got in and saw cameras which was kinda creepy. “Hey, I’m your spree, the cameras are there for my safety.” “Your heading to ********** right?” “Yup!” You said, “That’s the place!” He started to drive while you gazed out the window. “I’ve got water back there if you need it.” You were feeling a bit thirsty but remembered you brought your water bottle in your bag. “No thanks I’ve brought my own,” Looking around the car you find his phone apparently live streaming? You see stickers around the car saying “KURTSWORLD96″. You smoothed down your skirt and fixed your hair in the rear view mirror, suddenly you realize you’ve gone the wrong way, you think of telling the driver but you get taken a back by the music suddenly blasting. Who did this driver think he is? Blasting a song meant for a 6 year old. “Hey I don’t think we’re going the right way, this isn’t the way to the restaurant-” You get cut off by a punch to face making you black out.
        You wake up in a bedroom, there’s a gaming setup that flashes rainbow colors that makes your head hurt, and your strapped down by what looks like chains to a bed with no bed frame. You gaze around the room still loopy from that punch, you notice a picture frame with the same exact print that you saw in the car. Frantically, you try using your self defense skills to pry the handcuffs but it’s no use. The door suddenly opened and out came the driver you had saw earlier. “What have you done? Why are you doing th-” Your cutoff by him putting his hand over your mouth, he props his phone on a stand showing the livestream, people suddenly start joining the live while sending lewd messenges about what he should do to you. You stare in horror as people send inhuman and gory things, “that’s a pretty good idea,” He points to a message saying that he should fuck you until you pass out. He climbs onto the bed and pins you down, you look in horror as he unzips his pants revealing his hard member, you’ve always had this obsession of sexual fantasies and now you wanted him. He inserted his cock into you as you moaned out in pleasure, ““You like that huh? You dirty slut, say you want me.” He thrusted his cock into you as you groaned in pain and pleasure, you denied obeying him as you wondered what would happen. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled it hard, the pain almost made you immediately burst out in cry, “Say it you wh-whore” “I w-want you!” Your submission made him glee, you felt this knot in your stomach waiting to release. “Baby, promise you’ll never leave me, hm?” He said playfully, ““I wont leave you ever.” you replied back. You finally came and gasped in pleasure, he pulled out of you and wiped the cum with a towel.  “Round 2 in the shower?”
This was rushed and short, it’s like so late at night rn 😭😭
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eilinelsghost · 6 months
2 for the whole Atandil series, 7 for Grief in All Her Guises, and 15 for In These Holy Waters!!
For this fic writers ask game.
2: What scene did you first put down? for the whole Atandil series
Oh gosh, I wish I remembered this! I'm 99% sure it was one of two scenes - neither of which I've published yet. The first option is a scene when Finrod brings the news of Bëor's death to Baran and Belen. But I'm almost certain it was this set of paragraphs (they're a bit repetitive now after where the series ended up going, so they'll need to be rewritten once we get to this exchange):
“I have wrought this pain for thee, have I not?” He rested his hand gently on the other’s shoulder. “Don’t.” Balan shook off the touch, his voice sharp. Finrod let his hand fall back at his side and watched the other with growing concern. “I feared at the time this would prove the self-serving choice, a barter for my own benefit that reckoned in the end too little of the pain that followed for thee.” He shook his head as the other snorted dismissively. “Truly, Balan, twas this fear made me hesitate in Estolad and not, as I think thou surmised, a reticence to face my own desire. On which road lay the lesser damage, when damage must surely follow upon either way? Alas! I did not recognize the danger before me until we were both of us too fast bound to be spared its bite. It was as I told thee then, my reason was a tempest and I knew not how to distinguish my heart’s wish from wisdom’s guidance. Eru forgive me, I chose the former, for I knew it to be thine as well, and less then did I understand the fate of thy people.” “Else thou couldst have spared thyself the wrench of such fleeting creatures.” “Canst thou know me so little? It is not the pain of separation that I regret. Melmenya, that anguish was inescapable well before any decision was made. Whether our parting was to be wrought by my choice or the doom that summons thee hence, I’ve known from our first halting words that I would mourn thee all my lingering days.”
7: Where did the title come from? for Grief in All Her Guises
Hmm I'm once again struggling to remember the exact way this one came about. I'm pretty sure that I wrote Finrod's line to Balan first ("Grief meets us each in her myriad guises, Balan.") because the stargazing segment was the first part of the installment that I wrote. Then when I went back and filled in the rest, I realized that the whole thing was basically a dance through the various kinds of grief and how this laid the groundwork for the connection between these two. So the whole installment, then, ended up being the various guises of grief.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic? for In These Holy Waters
I think the main thing I learned from this one is the same thing I have to keep learning with so many of these: stop fighting what wants to be written with what you think should be written. That's happened on a lot of installments, but it was the most pronounced in this one. The aelthes myth was never supposed to be there, nor was Gildor's song, nor the whole side tangent about Balan hearing the water's music through Finrod's ears. I kept getting annoyed at these for pushing their way in and cluttering the plot, but once I resigned myself to it, it all sort of...clicked. The aelthes myth specifically. The moment that showed up, the whole structure of the installment fell into place and all those disjointed tangents that were annoying me were all of a sudden very deliberate and necessary.
So I guess...trust the process is what I learned most from this one?
Thanks so much for the asks!
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espritbleutee · 1 year
i’m not sure this… whatever it is… will ever reach the right person, but i feel the urge to write it down. i’ve been overthinking a lot, as always; but, surprisingly, an epiphany hit me like a truck and helped me understand something that i wasn’t definitely aware of, until now.
alright, let me clarify the whole thing. unconsciously, since i was 14, i’ve always looked for a specific kind of love: the one that connects two people who apparently are the opposites, who find themselves engaged in an everlasting chase to reach the other one. a complicated love, but passionate and strong enough to make me forget about all the obstacles. in short, a love that looked like the legend of the sun and the moon and their “impossible” relationship.
i’ve always identified myself in the moon for some reason; i love the mystery that dwells in her: there’s some parts of her we don’t know; i love the way she shines through the obscurity of this world, of this universe, of our lives; i love that she goes through phases: sometimes she’s full, sometimes you can only see a small slice, and yet she’s beautiful; i love her existing mainly at night, but, sometimes, she pops up during the day, to assert and remind her presence. i feel like this, and i don’t even know how to explain it better. i see myself as the moon, and i love the moon (but i don’t love myself… i’m still trying, tho, but that’s another story).
what is this premise for? to make understand that i, being the moon, have always looked for my sun: a person who could make me shine, but can also shine on their own; a sort of ray of sunshine for me, a guide through the darkness; a different energy, with different points of view and different experiences. what can i say? at this point, i think i’ve found it, my sun. but… im sorry, i’m not here to talk about this.
a few years ago, when i was looking for my sun, i came across you and i thought i had found it, but i was wrong. i tried to “apply” this metaphor to you, but you’ve never been my sun. i think i understood it right after, but only now i’m finally aware of the reason why you were not it. you’ve never been my sun, because you were my star. we wore the same soul, shared the same dreams, two crossing threads that got too tangled up until they broke. actually, i’ll be more specific. when you look at the night sky, nearby the moon, what do you see? i’ll tell you: the north star, i.e the brightest star that catches your glance just like the moon does. their companionship lasts forever, because they exist in the exact same moment. and just like the north star shares her night sky with the moon, you and i share the same pain, the same way of thinking, the same love language. i know that now: we are the same person, developed in a different way and in two different bodies.
so… that’s right, you could’ve never been my sun, because you were my north star. and i think my metaphor it’s just a different variant of the definition of twin flames.
you know, i feel relieved now: i’ve always felt guilty about mistaking you for my sun and then leaving you behind when i realized you weren’t (i know it’s more complicated than this, but still). but… what if a north star was more suitable to me than a sun, and, at that time, i just wasn’t ready or mature enough to understand it?
i’m not sure this… whatever it is… will ever reach the right person, but i hope it does, because you need to know that i’m sorry and that you weren’t wrong for me, like i’ve possibly made you believe. i was an unstable growing plant who craved more and more water, and you gave it to me just because you wanted to make me happy, but it was too much and i drowned in it. i thought i was ready, but i was not and you were.
i’ve never believed in the “right person, wrong time” theory. i’ve always thought that if you desire something for real you can make it happen. but, now that i’m a grown ass plant (or almost lol) i can see the world in a different way, i can analyze my inner self and see how much i’ve changed, how much i’ve matured, and how stupidly i behaved. i was still unripe and i wasn’t aware of it.
i’m not sure this… whatever it is… will ever reach the right person, but i know all these words will be jealously and secretly kept under the careful gaze of the moon and the north star, that soon after hearing them looked at each other and smiled, because our story is theirs, too.
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taviawrites · 1 year
I actually just saw your ask away post.
At what point did you know you were not attracted to men. I feel like as the years go by, I am less attracted to men sexually. But it is hard for me because I’ve been dating a man for nearly 5 years now…
Thank you for sharing your experience with me.
I have been queer my entire life, but I was socialized to be heterosexual. This forced me to shove down any feelings or realizations I would have about my attraction to women. So, when I entered my early twenties and I started dating I was seeking out relationships with men.
This had more to do with the childhood trauma I had from my dad. The dynamic I had with the first guy I dated was an exact replica of my relationship with him. I was never really attracted to my first boyfriend. It just felt good to be desired and paid attention to. Two things my dad never showcased. It felt good until it got bad. We were together for almost two years until I decided to break up with him for good. After dealing with that I made the choice to go to therapy. I knew I needed to unpack my issues from my upbringing in order to learn boundaries and to unpack why I believed that I deserved to be treated horribly. I didn't want to keep attracting the same dating partners.
Therapy helped me tremendously. It wasn't long after my first relationship that I fell into another long-term relationship. I was more hopeful this time around. My second boyfriend seemed to be different than my previous experience. We had an emotional connection. I was ready to implement all I had learned in therapy. I wanted to experience safe and healthy love. Much like my first relationship, things were good until they weren't. I genuinely loved him, but I was led on. This is when I experienced my first heartbreak. We were together for a year and after he took me home to meet his family, we broke up.
I stayed single for a long while after that. Allowing myself to really feel my emotions and reflect. I did a ton of journaling and spent most of my time in solitude during this period. And when I felt ready to date again I developed more confidence in myself, what I knew I deserved, and I wasn't willing to compromise for anyone.
I had never experienced casual dating and I wanted to explore keeping my options open. This led me to go on many dates with different kinds of men. In the end, I came to the realization that most of them are the same. Lacking emotional depth, self-awareness, and the ability to commit. Most of them were always trying to overcompensate for something that they lacked and it always resulted in them trying to belittle me. Especially because I knew what I wanted.
Throughout the course of my casual dating experience, I realized that my sexual experiences with men were unfulfilling. I felt used the majority of the time. Like I was only valued for my body. I was never able to express my sensuality and if I did was considered unpure or promiscuous. I was only ever able to show up submissive during sexual encounters, making me feel boxed in.
That is when I started to reflect on my sexuality and I thought I might be bisexual. I remember going on this one date with a guy I met at my doctor's office. I was more interested in developing a platonic connection after what I had experienced with casual dating and I felt this was a great opportunity to do so. We had only been on one date and at the end of it he tried to fuck me in his car.
I was disgusted and repelled by his touch. Especially after specifically telling him I didn't want to move things too fast. My boundaries weren't respected. After having that experience I was 100% sure that men gave me the ick. Over and over they had revealed to me that I was never valued as a person. I was always viewed as a sex doll by them and it made me feel gross.
At this point, I figured I was gay.
I started to date women and when I had my first sexual experience with a woman I felt like I had come home to myself.
It felt exactly how I had imagined sex to feel.
Queer sex makes me feel sensual, beautiful and celebrated. I am touched in the exact ways that I desire. I don't feel like an object. I am treated gently and with kindness. I am never shamed for wanting to be dominant. And I am never left feeling like less of myself.
Exploring my sexuality was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I could have easily continued to repeat the cycle, but I trusted my intuition and now I am proud of my queerness.
I lived a straight life for twenty-three years of my life and the lesbian in me was desperately trying to reveal themself.
I am so happy that I ended up here.
It is never too late to explore your sexuality.
You deserve to love and be loved in the ways that resonate with you.
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so seriously one of the hardest things for me right now is like...i completely understand that if i ever hope to have any sort of positive connection with another human being that i need to be able to clearly and concisely communicate what my needs are because that just makes sense and that’s what i expect from others because i’m not a mind reader and neither is anyone else
however !!!
i really cannot emphasize enough how much i have no idea what i’m doing here
and how this isn’t something i’m going to just figure out overnight
or in a couple of therapy sessions
or even after a few good nights of sleep
i’ve had a lifetime of running up against and all over what my actual boundaries and limits were so i have no clue
and i keep trying to just start at zero and work my way up and set the pace for myself, but it feels like that’s not good enough
i feel like if i can’t be the same person i used to be then i’m not going to stop being poked, prodded and prompted to do so until i give in
like already when i go non-verbal nobody can just...let me have that
i’ve said over and over and over again it happens because i get overstimulated
meaning i am being inundated with too much stimuli
i don’t need positive stimuli to counteract that
i need none
zip, zero, cero, zilch, nada, nothing
and then, in my own time, when i’ve had a second to calm down i can maybe be more like my old self
or my new self, whichever is the one people will be least annoyed by, i guess
but that’s the other part of it too where it’s like...the more i go through this process the more i realize the real me is just not someone anyone is going to like or want to be around
i’m way too sensitive, i’m too emotional, i don’t process things quickly enough, i don’t have any hobbies or special interests or really anything interesting at all to ever talk about and the one thing i was good at, being a clown, is just not something i have the energy for anymore
i cannot smile and laugh and rant and rave or whatever it was i used to do all the time
i’m just a big stupid baby who cries every day and feels like every single social interaction i have is akin psychological warfare because i like i don’t know anything anymore and i don’t want to put the burden on anyone else of having to constantly reassure me that everything’s fine because i know how annoying that is, so i try to just sit and process and work through everything on my own but it feels non-stop and like i never get to fully catch my breath
everything is either being overwhelmed or recovering from being overwhelmed and it doesn’t feel like there’s ever any room for me to just....be
i have nothing to offer anyone and i know that shouldn’t really feel like some big loss because it’s not like i really did before anyway, but just...fuck, i’m so tired
i’m trying so hard to get through this process as quickly as i possibly can so that i can give everyone an exact detailed itinerary of how to handle me, but i realize i’m not moving fast enough and i don’t know what else to do about that except just try harder, i guess
i’m going to try to sleep and hopefully feel better tomorrow
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lampmanliveblogs · 2 years
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Amity’s hair is abomination colored. W-which I knew too, I realized it the moment I saw it! I just never commented on it because, uh… Look! Character growth!
So Amity finally got around to telling her dad she doesn’t want to join the Emperor’s Coven. It’s unclear, but I don’t think she told him that she doesn’t want to join ANY coven… which is probably a good idea. We gotta ease into things, it’s a little early to say ”Hey dad, when grow up, I want to become a criminal and overthrow the government.”
It’s a start.
Which is the thing to take away from this scene. We don’t get a conclusion, we get a start. A beginning of things getting better…hopefully.
Like I said before, Alador has not been the most involved with his family, far too busy focusing on his work. Which leaves Odalia, who tries to exert an unhealthy level of control over her kids (well, Ed & Em seem like they do what they want, so maybe it’s mostly Amity). She even tires to control the color of her daughter’s hair.
(side note about Amity’s hair: her natural hair color is brown, like her dad. and now she’s colored her hair purplish-pink like abomination goop. signifying that despite him being very absent, she is still closer to her dad in some ways?)
Amity’s words about Alador not talking to them anymore indicates that things weren’t always like this. That it was at some point over the years that he became busier and more obsessed with his work. Odalia might’ve had something to do with it; we know she is very ambitious and obsessed with status. But of course… the price we pay to be classed as elite is that we become like the others.
Still, Alador is an adult and a parent, he has responsibilities toward his family. Not just to provide for his children, but also to nurture them. He seems to realize some of the errors of his ways and promises to do better. Or at least try to make things better. It’s late and maybe too little… but it’s a start.
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I talked about this place before and what it might mean to revisit it in this episode. And most of it didn’t go anywhere I think. But I want to bring up something
I mentioned the changing seasons before, that it was fall. I wrote something that I then erased and rewrote because it felt a little too grim. I don’t remember the exact thing I wrote, but it was something like ”Fall brings to mind death or dying.”
Which… yeah. Considering the reveal thirty seconds later… I kinda wish I went with that.
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This is beautiful.
It’s not the same thing and Luz is right in that it won’t ever reach the Human Realm. But it eases her mind.
(i guess there’s also the imagery of sending something into the sky and the idea of heaven and all that)
I’m pretty sure that this is the first time Amity has ever drawn a glyph. We saw her use one of Luz’ invisibility spells earlier (correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that was the first time she ever used a glyph?), but this is the first time she’s drawn one. And… it looked about as good as any of the glyphs I could draw (again, just wait until you see my new conspiracy corner).
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My snake daughter!
Vee is hanging out in her regular form I see. Now, I do know she gets another human form at some point, I’ve been spoiled on that much. Which makes sense, I figure it might be a little awkward for her and Camila both if she went back to looking like Luz.
More importantly though, Camila places a flower in a vase. It looks like the same kind of flower that Luz made, but white instead of pink. And that vase looks a lot like the abomination balloon Amity made. Cool detail, showing the connection between them.
There might be some symbolism with that flower, but I don’t know anything about flowers. I know I’m from Sweden, but we can’t all be Carl von Linné.
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And so comes to and end episode fourteen, with Luz & Camila both looking up at the night sky, thinking of what they have lost.
Except the sky in the Demon Realm looks prettier because there is less light pollution.
As per usual, I did my rewatch of the episode and here are some things I either missed or didn’t talk about my first time through:
•Luz actually names the new glyph combo she learned in this episode The Safety Hover… and I somehow didn’t hear it and has been calling it Fall Break instead. Whoops. •Luz asks Hunter if he’s good now. I initially misinterpreted it as meaning ”are you okay/unharmed now?” But no, she was asking if he was a good person now, which is one hundred times funnier. •The book on abomination creation Alador is holding in the first scene between him and Amity is written by Darius, and if you look on the back, it looks like it might be a signed copy. I’m going to headcanon that it’s like an introductory-level book Darius wrote for students that he sent signed to Alador. I mean, why else would Alador have it? •I pointed out that the announcer at the Bonesbororugh Brawl was the leader of the demon hunters who first appeared in Hooty’s Moving Hassle and I pointed out that one of the security guards at the event was the wild witch being arrested in Eda’s Requiem. But the demon standing next to her also made an appearance in Hooty’s Moving Hassle. He was the one tasked with pushing the kids off the cliff. Something he apparently always dreamed of doing. So not really the guy who should be doing security at big events. •Actually, I went back and checked, and the purple-haired wild witch is part of the demon hunters in that episode. •Eda has much better control over her harpy transformation, implying she has either been training or eating a lot more voles since Eclipse Lake. •I really like the music during the tournament/ingredient collection montage. •I obviously didn’t bring it up in the moment, because I was trying to keep things somber, but I am ever so slightly amused by the text in Luz’ event reminder. At: Gravesfield Graveyard. Gravesfield Graveyard. Those words mean basically the same thing. •We also got to see half of Luz’ dad’s face. •I also love the acting in that scene, I don’t give the VA:s the credit they deserve, Sarah-Nicole Robles who plays Luz did an excellent job in that scene. She always does a great job, but this was extra great. The animation was great too, for that matter. •I don’t think I pointed out Alador’s proud smile when he and Amity do their combo attack to restrain War Wrath. •I don’t think I’ve noticed before that Eda grows quite a bit in height when she’s transformed into her harpy form, I only noticed when she transformed back while standing next to Alador. •We got a look at a calendar in the Human Realm. Based on the markings, the anniversary of Camila’s husband’s death is on the 22nd of August. And according to that thing I bought years ago and literally never used until today, the 22nd of August 2020 is a Saturday. Except the day marked is clearly a Tuesday. This means the series can’t take place in 2020, which is what I’ve been thinking. This means that the series actually takes place in 2017, 2023, 2034, 2045, 2048, or 2051. This revelation means some of the dates on my conspiracy corner are wrong.
There is another brief moment I want to acknowledge, mostly because someone pointed it out in the comments. When threatening Wrath, she referred to Luz as her student/child. The reason I didn’t bring it up was because it was pretty much stated in Eda’s Requiem that Eda thinks of Lus* as her child. So hearing Eda say it wasn’t so surprising. The one thing that is kinda notable is that she said it not just in front of Wrath, but also in front of King. And King is not exactly known for keeping his mouth shut. This makes me wonder… if it might be brought up to Luz some time soon that Eda feels that way about her, cause I don’t think she quite realize it yet.
(*did I seriously misspell Luz as Lus? Who am I, the swedish dub?)
(yeah, the swedish dub pronounces Luz as Lus. Which means louse)
Anyways, this was a great episode. The big stand-out moment was of course… that scene. Where Luz told Amity about her dad. Just everything about it was perfect. I loved it and also hated it because it made me feel sad.
We got to see Amity’s dad get involved, and not just in the plot of an episode, but in his daughter’s life. In a positive way too, at least in the end.
As for Luz… while she did eventually open up about the stuff with her dad and why she was so distracted… the underlying issue of her avoiding and not talking about the things that trouble her with the people that love her and want to help wasn’t really addressed. I think this is something that we’ll see a return to in a future episode.
That’s about what I have to say for now. Stay tuned for a little while longer though, because I have some more things I want to show you. As for when I’ll get to the next episode… I’m not sure. I’m going to be working for a few days in a row and I have other stuff to do as well (can you guys believe it’s almost Christmas?? I’m not ready!).
With that said… I’m The Lampman, and until next time, take care of the planet Earth and remember that anything can happen in space!
<--Previous Episode: Any Sport in a Storm
Next Episode: Them's the Breaks, Kid
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blueshinefox · 2 years
Shizuka: through the years
Hello there, everyone! After I fully redesigned Shizuka, it was high time that she got her own timeline, because she hasn't even changed drastically, per se.
You see, Shizuka was first created in 2019 when I was obsessed with Titmouse, Inc as this pretty sparkly fox. As in, she’s my fox character from back in the day until now.
She's still blue and sparkly, and she always will be.
August 29th 2019 - February 10th 2023
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Okay so the first one, I have no idea what to say. Just look at it. Poor creature. She was made to look like an almost exact ripoff of Krystlekmy's OC Krys-Wolf, only a fox and with some black markings and whatnot??? Idk what I was thinking at the time. Shizuka was originally based off of Titmouse, Inc. Of course, this never happened, but this was the very first official design of Shizuka when I first created her in 2019, and stayed like this for a long while.
February 10th 2023 - March 2nd 2023
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I decided to get rid of the black markings on her paws. This design was slightly edited.
March 2nd 2023 - March 5th 2023
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Shizuka’s design was changed slightly and the titmouse marking on her forehead was removed. This one didn’t stay for too long, though.
March 5th 2023 - April 20th 2023
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Shizuka just went into a HUGE revamp. I decided that her last design was too bland, so I also was thinking that her new design should have the color blue in it. I changed her sky blue fur into neon blue fur, her brown eyes into palatinate blue eyes, and her cerulean blue paw pads into sapphire blue paw pads.
April 20th 2023 - May 10th 2024
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Shizuka’s design was changed slightly and the colors were changed. I changed her neon blue fur into luminous vivid cobalt blue fur, and her sapphire blue paw pads into luminous vivid cornflower blue paw pads. That design stayed for a while until I realized how bad it actually was. Overall her design still looks kinda scene, especially her 'hairstyle'.
May 10th 2024 - NOW
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This is Shizuka’s current design. The one I designed just this week. I do not have any plans on changing her for a while, because I’m happy with this design. I've been thinking of redesigning her for a long time though but never got to it. She looks a lot more blue now, a lot sparklier too. Her ear tips, her scene hair, and even her nose, are changed from eerie black to a much more darker black. Her luminous vivid cobalt blue fur was turned into palatinate blue fur, and her palatinate blue eyes were reduced to just blue eyes. Her luminous vivid cornflower blue paw pads are now Bleu de France blue paw pads.
I'm compensating for how blue that they used to be obvs.
BUT YEAH. She was made in 2019 as my ambiguous little fox babe and from then, she's gone through very few changes to become my grown up vixen that she is now :^)
Alright! I’ve shown you here how her design has changed. Many of these designs match the date they were created. Shizuka has always been a character that has truly connected with me, and she has always meant something to me. I’ve officially had her for almost 5 years, and I’ve kept her active for so long. Thank you all for your support, and the fans that I love her as much as I do.
Thanks for looking!!
DeviantArt link: https://www.deviantart.com/xxscenefoxxoxx/art/Shizuka-through-the-years-952479969
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kassiemari · 2 months
U N S A I D T H U R S D A Y ' S D I A R Y
April 18, 2024
Hi, is it weird that I'm still looking at my phone just to see if he messaged already? It's been almost 4 days that he left me hanging
The last time we message we’re okay, i think we’re okay 
We’re casual
Is it weird to ask myself why i'm feeling this, i don't know how im feeling right now because i’ve never been into relationship ever 
I'm going to be in my 30s this year but still No Boyfriend Since Birth, but since im connected to him since May 2022 i considered him as my 1st 
Am i wrong to that, Maybe i guess 
Maybe i'm wrong to consider him when im new to this feeling, i can't explain it i really don't know how im feeling though
There’s so much emotion that i'm feeling right now 
And thinks all about this
Why do i have to feel this when there’s no assurance from him
Why did he did the things im looking for then left me hanging when ive already too deep
Why i'm still holding into him when im hurting still every time you do the things you weren’t before
Why everytime you explain your side for neglecting me i believe HIM
Why im feeling this now
Should I move on?
Why you left me hanging when i've always say that when you change plan inform me so i have the reason to stop myself
Why i still care if what are doing now
Did you get sick? That's why you don't remember me?
Why am I still hoping? Super Silly
“I genuinely love you so much to the point that i stopped messaging you so you could find your happiness, peace and the real person that you wanted”
“I was so afraid of losing you until I realized you really never belonged to me in the first place. Because even though my heart was with you, yours was with everything and everyone else. So instead of being afraid to lose you, i sat back and watched you lose me”
“I'm finally in a place where I know that missing you isn't a sign to try again. It’s a sign that we had a great thing. That’s it, that’s all.”
“Thank you for letting me know you a bit”
Then this friend of mine  message 
“ my heart is so hurt”
“ i want to cry”
I wanted to reply i really wanted to reply 
but i replied to her 
“You can cry but be with someone your comfortable with, because i can't be there now”
Can i have at least 2 weeks to grieve from this and i'll be okay
I should be okay, my friends need me to be strong though
You can't be weak girl
I need to facade my aura for two weeks
I'm not like this, i don't like this, it feels so fragile and weak
I'm going to bounce back from this i promise
Always remember to bounce back when you’re down
Have a great day to us and to our following days
Love Lots
Kassie Mari
April 19, 2024
Hi again, guess what dear, after 3 days of non talking he suddenly texted me last night but i opened just now.
“Hi Love, How are you doing now?”
looks like nothing happened didn't he?
It takes me an hour to replied after reading it
I want to reply “Why are you doing this to me?” but instead i replied “ooh Hi.”
That's exact replied to him
Actually when I saw his message I was hurt again. Is that normal or weird? I don't know so I just set aside the feelings.
Actually we continued texting not until sunday.
APRIL 25, 2024
On this day, it's been 4 days again since we last interacted. It's nothing new but why does he keep doing that to me? I'm still checking my phone.
Back to zero process again so tiring but i can't let go the feelings and i don't know 
It's so sad for me and it's hard for me to let go now, give me a time as I promised 2 weeks, I'm hoping he continues not communicating so I can stop myself from waiting.
My mind is so tired na from that but my heart is still holding on but after 2 weeks of continuing not communicating my mind we’ll get tired too. I know it because I know how to get tired.
I want to say something to him but i just keep my mind and instead write to this
I just want to cry it and feel the hurt but every time i wanna do that i'm thinking others and their rantings to me and saying “thank you for giving strength and listening”
“Thank you for almost 2 yrs that i felt there's someone can heard me out, maybe you get tired of being my ranting buddy, i understand but you know i'm asking why are you doing this to me and keep doing it when i've told you that it keeps hurting me, i cursing myself for letting you entered in my life, i was okay not keeping my hand busy replying to anyone not unless friends or family, you keep and insisting yourself to me when i'm not interested in you but when im starting to fall deep you disattached yourself, i keep understanding you when you always said your too busy, when i said “I Understand don't worry” i really mean it i really do but why you get habit of it? Because I understand in the end? Last March was my last time asking us to separate ways but you said “NO” it was my 5th time asking to stop us because it was your 5th time doing that and this april 6th and 7th time you repeatedly doing that, i'm so tired understanding you i've always asking naman if you change plan and i understand if you do but you insisted to continued and i'm always hoping and keeping that promises’”
“I want to say sorry to you maybe i loaded your mind with my thoughts it was nothing i just want to release some feelings i felt, sorry if i'm not the one you're seeing to because i've expected us too, sorry for holding on you too long, maybe you just pitied me that's why you keep communicating me, but please do me a favor not to do so, so I can move forward”
“You said we’re boyfriend and Girlfriend I felt it on our first year but then it was disappeared, i don't think we have relationship as ariana Grande said “situationship has to end,” Thank you again, Drive Safely and Take Care always”
That’s what wanna say but i can't sait it 
I'm really TIRED of it super but this heart of mine keeps bugging me to check on him, if there's an easiest way to stop all please give it to me now.
I want to be weak for the meantime but do I have a right to do that?
As am i writing this my friend message me on how hard she was feeling on her life on her struggles 
Do I have a right to rest or to be weak if there’s someone else that struggles more than what I'm feeling right now?
I wish I hated you.
Love lots
Kassie Mari
May 02, 2024
hi , it's me again, how’s everyone? Are you having a good day today?
It's been a week already and he continued not to communicate, i guess that’s good for me but why i'm still hurting, just yesterday when im scrolling thru my phone im suddenly view his name 
What's the funny thing I did? Guess what?
Back reading from the start HAHAHAHA
I've even searched for a word that he always says funny. I ended up crying WHY???
I'm asking myself why are you doing that to yourself, you survive your little battle didnt you?
No one knows this but you survive the pain isn't it? 
I want to celebrate it but i cannot, maybe when im fully okay na i have 1 more week to let go all my feelings
I forgot to tell you that last weekend me and my college friend meet again after a year of not seeing each other, and what a happy thing is as if we just saw each other the other day my constant friends, we don't message nor call each other but every time saw each other like a year not happen.
My  one friend is telling us about her love life and wanted our advices, HAHAHAH
Im smiling because we have same scenarios HAHAHA but they know that either they just know that i have someone that i'm talking to but i told them it was end up last year so they did not push thru that 
Tere is in what Gen Z called this ahhhh SITUATIONSHIP hahahah and im bothered that she might go thru the situation im in now its so painful and i don't want our dearest baby girl to feel that, we advised her to ask the guy what his plan and if he stick to a friendly stage and not pursuing to courting she should stop the updating stage because friends don't update each other on what's their day had been to. 
I hope she listens to us. If she's not okay too we just give her a scenario. It might happen and what causes it is just because we experienced that and felt too. 
We’re 10 girlfriends, 6 were with someone already, 1 married, 2 have special person now and im just broken now HAHAHA
I always felt that i'm likable but not likable to pursue. 
I think that’s okay as long as I'm okay?
Remember to be happy always though
Love lots
Kassie Mari
May 09, 2024
Hey, it's me again writing to someone that I can't even send the message but unfortunately, after 2 weeks straight of not communicating guess what? He message me again, 
And look what im doing to myself I FUCKING REPLIED my gosh 
But i hesitated for a while on responding to him but at the end of the day i still replied, HAHAHA funny isn't it? I find it funny too but what can i do even my friend said 
“do reply on him it seem that your set up is like that, even after you little dump him he still message you till the end so what's stopping you when i know you will reply too”
I stunt on that but she was right though i still respond to him even all i've hurt experiences to him 
I don't know myself though on that stage, but the excitement in reading his messages makes my day still
He message me on 7th day of May but i do reply just yesterday and look he respond quickly but i'm still on bubble that he might do what gonna do to me
How are you’s are floating in clouds again (so nice that someone asking you that)
He said “im too stress at work and busy at work, need to pay all my debts on going here in this country”
“ i'm hoping to finished all paying your debts, you will finished that,”
“That’s why i dont bother you anymore” I said (PABEBE AMPOTA), 
“Thank you and you don't bothered to me, i need to pay that thats why im always busy at work” he said
“I don't think you gonna message me after we lost contact” I said
“ i do, why you think that, am sorry its just stressful” him
Me: what stresses you
“We are so far away love and then am always working and not giving you time” He said
Ang ganda ng deputa na to oh!!!! HAHAHAHAHAH 
“I’m still trying to understand you but after you pay all your debt you can breathe a little but How are you now?” my respond to him
“I'm fine, I just got home from working till late, did you eat?” him 
And our conversation continue as if there’s no ranting side from me 
I'm still end of responding on him always, talking to him makes me smile even just how are yous and have you eaten, i don't know too but makes my day
I hoping that we continue na and not communicating makes me paranoid as you read all my writings HAHAHA hay naku 
Even i'm too smart at school but not smart in this era i and still forgive myself because it makes me happy 
Always choose your happiness even at the end you'll suffer
Love lots 
Kassie Mari
May 16, 2024
Hey it’s Thursday so I'm here again to write what I felt for the week that passed already. So HAHAHAH as the last thursday i said that we come back and talk again but after that day I didn't hear and didn't receive any message from him, im hurt really but I don't know after 2 days i decided to blocked him for good, so i cannot receive any message from him that might cause of me replying to him.
I decided to cut off him so can finally move forward, 
I know I’m too STUPID super but what I can do i just fall into him always but i guess that was my last straw to finally decide those things, im happy for me to have the courage to do that and not waiting for his messages thou i still checking my phone because i get used to it it became my habit too we've been almost 2 years it's hard to let go that easily.
Why im so stupid
I don't know why i'm feeling this but i prayed for it
Yes I do pray to feel what having a relationship is but I guess God made me experience also how hurt it is and i don't if I regret what i wished for.
Hoping my next diary would be nice na ,I don't know when i do stop in this thursday diary 
Maybe one day i do stop na this doing, i want remind myself that i'm not this, this is not me, this is my vulnerable side that i don't want my acquaintance know about
Have a great day ahead 
Love lots
Kassie Mari
June 6, 2024
Hey it's me again, did you miss me? HAHAHA i've been busy and keep getting busy so i can't write on thursdays but this is my last thursday diary
Why? Because blocking him helps me a lot, thou i still miss him but not receiving any messages from him stops me from doing that and im fine for the past weeks
It's almost a month since we last talked i guess this is the longest one because it's for good
I still do hope he keeps taking care of himself or if ever he has someone who can surely take care of him it's so good, i keep silently praying for his safety and his debt to be paid because that's the major reason why he’s like that. 
” Thank you again, Drive Safely and Take Care always”
Love lot
Kassie Mari
June 28, 2024
Hellowish, I hope your day today is doing good and fine. I've been so fine and busy these past few weeks due to work and I love it so much. 
It's almost the end of the month and I'm still cut off with him, guess what? I'm not too much checking his profile now congratulations to me though 
I'm not hoping for him to message me but i unblock him na just because im okay na and my disappointed on him were already done na, it doesn't mean na i go getting back at him but i think i can do my normal doing in my phone and not checking his profile nor his facetime.
Thanks for this time i do have time to write this and post it on my page HAHAHA
Arte mo naman mima sino ka ba jan?
That's all my dearest 
Have a fun day today and be good on others out there
Stay kind and beautiful
Love lots 
Kassie Mari
Best Regards,
Kassie Mari
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dfroza · 5 months
“So what is the story? Is the law itself sin? Absolutely not! It is the exact opposite. I would never have known what sin is if it were not for the law.”
only grace can save us, and through faith, the bravery to simply “believe…” it to be True.
Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament is the 7th chapter of the letter of Romans:
My brothers and sisters who are well versed in the law, don’t you realize that a person is subject to the law only as long as he is alive? So, for example, a wife is obligated by the law to her husband until his death; if the husband dies, she is freed from the parts of the law that relate to her marriage. If she is sleeping with another man while her husband is alive, she is rightly labeled an adulteress. But if her husband dies, she is free from the law and can marry another man. In such a case, she is not an adulteress.
My brothers and sisters, in the same way, you have died when it comes to the law because of your connection with the body of the Anointed One. His death—and your death with Him—frees you to belong to the One who was raised from the dead so we can bear fruit for God. As we were living in the flesh, the law could not solve the problem of sin; it only awakened our lust for more and cultivated the fruit of death in our bodily members. But now that we have died to those chains that imprisoned us, we have been released from the law to serve in a new Spirit-empowered life, not the old written code.
So what is the story? Is the law itself sin? Absolutely not! It is the exact opposite. I would never have known what sin is if it were not for the law. For example, I would not have known that desiring something that belongs to my neighbor is sin if the law had not said, “You are not to covet.” Sin took advantage of the commandment to create a constant stream of greed and desire within me; I began to want everything. You see, apart from the law, sin lies dormant. There was a time when I was living without the law, but the commandment came and changed everything: sin came to life, and I died. This commandment was supposed to bring life; but in my experience, it brought death. Sin took advantage of the commandment, tricked me, and exploited it in order to kill me. So hear me out: the law is holy; and its commandments are holy, right, and good.
So did the good law bring about my death? Absolutely not! It was sin that killed me, not the law. It’s the nature of sin to produce death through what is good and exploit the commandments to multiply sin’s vile effects. This is what we know: the law comes from the spiritual realm. My problem is that I am of the fallen human realm, owned by sin, which tries to keep me in its service.
Listen, I can’t explain my actions. Here’s why: I am not able to do the things I want; and at the same time, I do the things I despise. If I am doing the things I have already decided not to do, I am agreeing with the law regarding what is good. But now I am no longer the one acting—I’ve lost control—sin has taken up residence in me and is wreaking havoc. I know that in me, that is, in my fallen human nature, there is nothing good. I can will myself to do something good, but that does not help me carry it out. I can determine that I am going to do good, but I don’t do it; instead, I end up living out the evil that I decided not to do. If I end up doing the exact thing I pledged not to do, I am no longer doing it because sin has taken up residence in me.
Here’s an important principle I’ve discovered: regardless of my desire to do the right thing, it is clear that evil is never far away. For deep down I am in happy agreement with God’s law; but the rest of me does not concur. I see a very different principle at work in my bodily members, and it is at war with my mind; I have become a prisoner in this war to the rule of sin in my body. I am absolutely miserable! Is there anyone who can free me from this body where sin and death reign so supremely? I am thankful to God for the freedom that comes through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One! So on the one hand, I devotedly serve God’s law with my mind; but on the other hand, with my flesh, I serve the principle of sin.
The Letter of Romans, Chapter 7 (The Voice)
A set of notes from The Voice translation:
Grace is no license to sin. As creatures, we are made to serve our Creator. In the absence of truth, we will serve somebody or something. It’s an essential part of our nature. Our only choice is this: whom will we serve? At one time, we all served sin and grew weak under its deadly power over us. Now, through God’s grace, we have become servants of obedience that sets us right with God, each other, and ourselves. We must daily decide whose servant we are and offer Him our hands, our feet, our hearts, our eyes.
God gives Israel the law as part of His covenant promises. The law does a great deal for His people; mainly it sets them apart from all other nations of the world and gives them a blueprint for God’s will. But, according to Paul, the law cannot fix everything that is wrong with this broken world. Although the law is perfectly suited for bringing sin to the surface and exposing it, the law cannot free people from the power of sin and its evil twin, death.
Today’s paired reading from the First Testament is the 18th chapter of the book of Exodus:
Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, the priest of Midian, heard about all that God had done for Moses and His people Israel, and how the Eternal had rescued Israel out of Egypt. Now Moses had sent his wife, Zipporah, and her two sons back to Jethro from Egypt, and Jethro had cared for them in his long absence. Moses had named one son Gershom, because as he said, “I have lived as an outsider in an unfamiliar land.” Moses had named the other son Eliezer, for he said, “My father’s God was my helper, and He rescued me from Pharaoh’s sword.” Jethro (Moses’ father-in-law) brought Zipporah and her two sons into the desert to meet Moses when he and the people of Israel were camped near God’s mountain.
Jethro sent a servant with a message for Moses.
Jethro (to Moses): I, Jethro, your father-in-law, am coming out to see you and I’m bringing your wife and two sons with me.
So Moses went out to meet his father-in-law. When he saw him, he bowed down before Jethro and kissed him. They each asked how the other was doing, and then they went into Moses’ tent.
Moses told Jethro the whole story. He told him everything that the Eternal had done to Pharaoh and the Egyptians on behalf of Israel. He told him about all the misery and tribulations they had run into during their long journey. And then he told how the Eternal had rescued them. Jethro was thrilled to hear of all the kindness the Eternal had shown Israel, especially how He rescued them from the powerful hand of the Egyptians.
Jethro: Praise to the Eternal, for He rescued you from the powerful hand of the Egyptians, from the cruel grip of Pharaoh. He has liberated His people from beneath the harsh hand of their Egyptian masters. Now I know with all my heart that the Eternal is greater than all gods because of the way He delivered His people when Egyptians in their arrogance abused them.
Jethro then took a burnt offering and sacrifices and presented them to God. Aaron and the rest of the Israelite elders gathered to dedicate a meal to God with Moses’ father-in-law.
On the next day, Moses sat and served as judge, settling disputes among the people. Those with grievances surrounded him from sunrise to sundown waiting to present their case. Jethro noticed all Moses was doing for the people.
Jethro: What do you think you are doing? Why are you the only one who is able to judge the disputes of all these people who surround you from sunrise to sundown?
Moses: These people come to me seeking direction from God. When two people are arguing and can’t resolve their differences, they come to me; and I settle the matter between them. This is one way I help God’s people understand His requirements and instructions.
Jethro: What you are doing is not good for you. The responsibility is just too much. You are going to wear yourself out. Not only that, you’re going to wear out the people too. You can’t do it all by yourself. I am going to give you a piece of advice, so listen up and God will be with you. You should represent the people before God, and carry their concerns to Him. Teach them God’s requirements and pass on His laws. Show them the right way to live and the kind of work they should be doing. As for all these other duties you have taken on, choose competent leaders who fear God, love truth, despise dishonesty, and won’t take bribes. After you divide and subdivide all the people into various groups of a thousand, hundred, fifty, and ten, put the men of integrity you selected in charge over the various groups. Let these righteous leaders be ready to judge the people whenever it is necessary. If there is some major problem, they can bring that to you. Otherwise, these select leaders ought to be able to handle the minor problems. This will be much easier for you, and they will help you carry this burden. If you do what I advise and God directs you, then you will be able to handle the pressure. Not only that, but all these people standing around needing help, they will be able to return to their tents at peace.
Moses accepted Jethro’s advice and did all that he said. He chose competent leaders and put them in charge of the community of Israel. He divided and subdivided the nation into groups of a thousand, hundred, fifty, and ten, and he appointed a leader over each group. The righteous leaders judged the people whenever disputes or problems arose. Any major quarrel, they brought to Moses for his judgment; but every minor argument, they judged themselves.
When it was time for Jethro to return to his own land, Moses sent his father-in-law on his way.
The Book of Exodus, Chapter 18 (The Voice)
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for Thursday, may 9 of 2024 with a paired chapter from each Testament (the First & the New) of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons about the living Bread of the Word:
Chodesh tov, chaverim. We read in our Torah portion for this week (Kedoshim): “You shall keep my decrees and my judgments, the pursuit of which man shall live: I am the LORD” (Lev. 18:5). The Kotzker Rebbe advised reading this verse as “You shall keep my decrees and judgments to bring life into them,” meaning that we should bring all our heart, soul, and strength into the teaching of Torah. The commandments nourish the soul as food does the body. Just as we seek to season our food to make it flavorful, so we seek to observe the truth with conviction and joy.
"All things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. Therefore He says: "Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Messiah will give you light. Therefore be very careful how you live – not as unwise but as wise, but redeem the time, because the days are evil" (Eph. 5:13-16).
Amen. “May the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish the work of our hands upon us; yea, establish the work of our hands” (Psalm 90:17).
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Psalm 90:17 reading:
Hebrew page:
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from yesterday’s email by Israel365:
Now this brings up a good question. How should we go about our everyday lives when there are so many ups and downs – When you’re on an emotional rollercoaster between joy and grief? I’m not even talking about the month of Iyar. I’m referring to what happens when you wake up in a great mood, but then you get a fender bender on the way to work—but amazingly, you get a raise at your job! Which, of course, is followed by a phone call that your daughter is home and sick. And some form of this happens day of after day – until you’re all worn down.
The Bible, of course, has words of wisdom that shed light on just how to find your balance because you’re not facing this alone.
The Bible, in Deuteronomy, introduces a prayer called the Shema – which in Jewish liturgy is said during multiple daily prayer services. It’s a beautiful declaration of faith in the Lord as one God that goes as follows:
Its purpose is to announce with complete conviction that God is entirely in charge. There’s no other God except for Him and, it continues, we should always have God’s words on our minds.
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
May 9, 2024
Sitting at the Right Hand of God
“The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.” (Psalm 110:1)
The 110th Psalm is one of the most significant of the so-called Messianic Psalms, prophesying of Christ a thousand years before He came. Its very first verse should completely settle the question as to whether or not the Old Testament teaches that there is only one Person in the Godhead since it recounts an actual conversation between at least two Persons of the Godhead. This first verse is quoted, in whole or in part, at least five times in the New Testament and was even used by Christ Himself (Matthew 22:41-46) to prove His own deity.
Two of the Hebrew names for God are used: “Jehovah said unto Adonai...” The name Jehovah is used again in verses 2-4, and Adonai in verse 5. God, in the person of Adonai, has gone to Earth on a divine mission to save His people but has been repudiated by His enemies on Earth. Accordingly, God, in the person of Jehovah, invites Him back to heaven for a time, where He will be at His right hand until it is time for Him to return to Earth to rule, striking through all opposing “kings in the day of his wrath” (v. 5).
In this coming “day of thy power” (v. 3), “thy people shall be willing.” The word here is actually the word for “free will offerings.” They will be as priests offering their own lives to Him as freewill offerings when they finally recognize Him as their Messiah/King and eternal High Priest (v. 4).
Now, although this prophecy applies specifically to the second coming and the future conversion of Israel, there is a beautiful secondary application used in Scripture for His people right now. “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service” (Romans 12:1). “Seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God” (Colossians 3:1). HMM
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