#it’s my first post here I’m nervious
yuushiiblog · 11 months
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okay, I really laugh with his phrase
meanwhile Sanan, who looks like this 90% of the plot:
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but I'm also temped by his alluring appearance so I can't judge Chizuru
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kaito-is-baby · 4 years
saimota hcs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, please?
Yes!!! Absolutely!!! I love you!!! SAIMOTA BEST BABIES I love them so much they are a big comfort ship for me and I love you for sending me this request, enjoy it as much as I do! ♡
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• When one of them can't sleep (usually shuichi) they use a star projector and cuddle watching the star on the ceiling 
 • It was Shuichi who gifted the projector to Kaito for their 5 month anniversary
• If the one who can't sleep is Kaito and the stars fail Shuichi always manages to make him fall sleep just by telling him some stories about his work, crimes and detectives, it's a very dull topic for Kaito but he also loves Shuichi's voice and it makes him relax a lot
• At least once per month is obligatory to watch guardians of the galaxy, superheroes and space, it's Kaito's dream. Shuichi already knows the dialogue of the whole film and tries to get distracted playing with Kaito's hair or kissing his neck/chest while they're watching the movie
•The first time Shuichi saw Kaito with his hair down he almost died, his boyfriend was so handsome!!
•Again with Kaito's hair, Shuichi loves his goatee and finds it so cute, he usually plays with it
• Kaito is always trying to make Shuichi feel more confident because he knows his boyfriend is amazing, he just needs to know he is amazing
• Also carrying him, Kaito is always carrying Shuichi on his arms, he is very light and huggable, he can't help it
• And if something scary is near them, Kaito is holding onto Shuichi's hand like it's his life saver
• Shuichi of course doesn't mind, he is usually the one to be reassured and spoiled on the relationship so he loves to be the one taking care of Kaito sometimes
• Shuichi has a very good voice, and the 3rd chapter ritual proves it, Kaito loves to hear him sing and always asks him to sing him something, Shuichi doesn't really feel very confident about his voice but Kaito encourages him about it, as always
• When Shuichi's obvious anxiety attacks Kaito is always there to help him, cuddling, caressing him and trying to help him in anything he can
•Shuichi trains with Kaito so he doesn't get bored but he prefers when Kaito does push-ups with he sitting on his back than when they both have to do it, Shuichi isn't the best exercising
•But Kaito doesn't mind, even if sometimes he does train alone or with Shuichi as a weight he usually prefer Shuichi training with him, Kaito is a little worried because if he doesn't take care of Shuichi's health probably he will just forget about it and never exercise so Kaito tries to force him onto training together to keep him healthy
•Kaito gives Shuichi a lot of stupid pet names
• None of them know how to cook but they are trying, usually they end up getting take out or going out to eat
• Kaito was very nervious when he introduced Shuichi to his family but he discovered soon that he had nothing to worry about
• Shuichi gets super well along with Kaito's grandparents, they adore him because he is very very polite
• Shuichi has a lot of nightmares and Kaito tries to make him feel better being super sleepy because... Kaito is a very heavy sleeper, almost nothing wakes him up so even if he tries to wake up and make Shuichi feel safe it's a very difficult thing for him
I'm going to stop here because I feel like this post is going to be super long but I love my babies and I will probably make a second part or something with all of my Saimota headcanons
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sad-boy-mono · 3 years
Character and Relationship Backstory and an update from me
Hey y'all! I have an update on where I've been at the end of this post for those of y'all who have been following Highschool Casualties and are wondering where I went, but if you've just stumbled across this I don't want to throw a long and random explination at ya!
Haven’t read the main story yet?
Heres the Tumblr Masterpost and the Ao3 link!
The characters
Damien Haas
16, sophomore in high school. Hardcore musical theater kid from grades 4-8. Loves to sing and shit. Got quite a few bigger roles early on. Things got busy freshman year, so he had to put things on hold.
(Favorite musical is probably falsettos or something idk I'm not a theater kid.)
(That's a lie, I'm just a bad theater kid XP)
Fucking loves superhero movies and shit because haha irony.
Favorite class is Drama, least favorite is math. Because math is hard and temporary but Shakespeare is forever.
Has an irrational fear of doctors, dentists, and needles due to some surgical mishaps that occurred when he was young. Also has a fear of the ocean.
Deals with anxiety and frequent panic attacks.
Shayne Topp
15, sophomore in high school. Really fucking loves football, but not on the team. He wanted to be, but he use to be friends with some of the people on the football team. And they... weren't the best to say the least. They were bad influences and caused Shayne to do bad things. He's no longer friends with them, but still goes to the games with Courtney and Damien to cheer on Courtny's brothers who are on the team.
Favorite class is probably woodworking, least favorite is math. Because math is hard and temporary but birdhouses are forever.
(Though he's actually really good at math, like he has the capability to take honors and do well. It just isn't fun.)
Doesn't know how to ride a bike and can't swim. Deep water freaks him out.
Has a huge fear of hurting other (because haha irony) and always puts his friends before himself.
Courtney Miller
14, freshman in high school. Loves writing and art. Has a lot of sketchbooks, but most of them are half filled. At this point she just collects cool sketchbooks.
Also love film/acting/drama but has a lot of anxiety around performing, so she ends up being on her school's tech crew. She's really good at editing, and has a passion for behind the scenes work around productions.
Favorite musical is Heathers.
Favorite class is her painting and art history class, least favorite is math. Because math is hard and temporary but art is forever.
Struggls a lot with school. Doesn't have many friends outside of Shayne and Damien, even when it comes to her tech crew. Generally on bad terms with "friends" (bullies) from middle school.
Doesn't enjoy the other people in her class. A few of them are former (or current) bullies from middle school.
Damien and Shayne
Met in the first grade, became friends in a very first-grader-like manner.
Shayne: Hey I like your pokemon shirt
Damien: Oh thanks, you wanna play with trucks?
Shayne: Yeah sure.
They’ve been best friends ever since.
They had a bit of a falling out from mid 7th through 8th grade because of the guys Shayne hung out with. They were your average middle school douchbags but a lil worse.
Things got sorted the summer following 8th grade.
When they started high school, Shayne’s older brother would pick Damien up and give him a ride to school every morning; even though Damien was in walking distance.
But a month-ish before their freshman year, Shayne’s family ended up moving closer to Damien’s, because a tree fell through Shayne’s house during a terrible storm that hit their town. Even though it hypothetically could've been fixed, the house was old so they took it as a sign to just move.
Shayne is the only person who knows about Damien's anxiety outside of his family, and is who Damien goes to when he's having heighted anxiety or a panic attack.
They also bond over their fear of water strangly often.
Shayne and Courtney
Courtney’s family moved across the street from Shayne’s family when Courtney was in the 7th grade and Shayne was in the 8th. And after the initial family intoductions when the Millers first moved in, Shayne never talked to Courtney. Until about a month later, when he was home alone and Courtney knocked at his door.
After Shayne asked 'what's up?' Courtney asked if they could be friends.
“Do you know how to play smash?” Shayne asked.
Courtney sighed and let out a defeated ‘no’ and began walking away from the door.
“Ok, I’m gonna teach you how to play.”
They would hang out quite a bit until Shayne moved, but they still talked a lot.
Shayne later found out that Courtney would go door to door asking for friends. Shayne was the first and only person who had actually said yes.
Most people mistake them for siblings and when they find out they aren’t related, they assume they’re dating.
Shayne treats Courtney like a little sister and is very protective of her.
Shayne was fucking LIVID when he found out Courtney was being bullied. As much as he wanted to fight them, Courtney talked him down from doing so.
He still did the whole 'don't fuck with Courtney or I will fucking kill you' big brother thing. It did the trick for a while. When you're a very athletic 15 year old, it's easy to intimidate people that are younger than you.
Courtney hasn't told him about... the current bullies though.
Courtney and Damien
Met through Shayne. He made a group chat with the 3 of them that Shayne named “Operation Friendship”. Since Shayne and Damien weren't on speaking terms when Shayne and Courtney became friends they never had a chance to meet.
But they didn’t meet in person until Courtney’s first day of high school, where the 3 of them had their first class together, conveniently...
Anytime they play video games, a conversation along this happens.
"Courtney where did you learn to play this game?"
"Explains why you suck"
(Shayne) "HEY!"
Hey! Thank you so much for reading! It's been awhile hasn't it. Yeah, I'm sorry. My life has been all over the place for the past few months and I've been struggling to find the motivation to write. I don't want to specifics because it's not only very personal, but a long story.
But to summerize why I sorta dissapeared, I had a lot of personal issues going on with both school and home and as my mental health was on this steady, but consistent, decline, it was at its very lowest in December. My home issues had reached their peak, and with the end of the quarter coming up after Xmas break and my weeks worth of late work coming back to bite me, I was too stressed to work on anything I found enjoyable without losing motivation immidiently.
Things didn't start getting better for me until some time early in semester 2 of my year. My school was transitioning back into fully in person with covid rates at their lowest in my area and things were finally feeling consistant again, but I was still getting my bearings. School still felt draining, though much less than before, and I didn't have much energy to work on things I was passionate about. I don't think I even made a new document for chapter 6 until mid-ish March.
I'm very nervious about coming back to this story after so long for many reason. First being, although I am feeling better mentally, things feel very off with writing this story. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of passion to write this story and want to see it to completion, I've just had a fluxuating interest in smosh aswell. I enjoy the channel, just not as much as I use to. And my hyperfixation on Smosh was a big drive for me writing the story. Second being that I have so much writers block around the sixth chapter of this story, and I'm worried that as soon as I try to work on it, that block will make me lose my motivation again and I'll put it off for another 6 months.
This "chapter" (idk what else I'd call this) has probably been fully finished in my drafts for about a month now, and I've been putting off posting it because of those listed anxieties, but I really want to continue writing this story so I hope you enjoyed!
Also sorry if this explination was all over the place, I just got my first covid vaccine today and am feeling kinda bleh.
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chocoships · 4 years
First I wanna say that english isn't my first language do I'm sorry for any errors that may appear. Anyway, you once mention the idea of 'Regular Anti with Siren!Chase' And I always was curious about that because you never elaborated, so I think it's a good moment to ask you about it. Also I was so insecure and nervious about this that I was thinking this for hours but your post gave me courage and it made me feel a little bit guilty but I know that wasn't your point ^-^
Ah dude, don’t worry about that! English isn’t my first language either, I’ve been here before so it’s all fine.
Anyway yeah, the reverse Siren au was just a little something that I discussed with a friend. We were simply throwing ideas at each others when we came up with it, so it’s not actually that developed. So far what I’m sure of is that Chase is a mermaid (merman?) instead of a siren, so that means that he doesn’t have the entrancing singing voice that Siren!Anti has... but boy does he make up for that by being a little bastard.
Anti’s role on the other hand is still to be fully decided on. I like to imagine him as a lonely guy working/living alone on his boat, which makes him a perfect target for Chase to pester. But my friend also introduced the idea of Anti maybe being a pirate? With his own crew and all that, and I gotta say that this is a pretty cool idea.
But anyway, Anti and Chase’s dynamic in this version of the au is a lot less ominous and dangerous for the human part of it. At the beginning it’s basically just Chase spotting Anti’s boat and deciding to mess around with its occupant, maybe perhaps obtaining a nice snack in the process? >:)c But Anti is just like “what the fuck, no???” when he sees this weird fish man trying to lure him in the water. And then after a looong session of bickering Chase decides that this guy on the boat is interesting, so he’s going to stick around until he either get bored of it or if the human find a way to get rid of him.
This whole thing could be summarized as “mild annoyance to lovers”
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np-c · 6 years
Fanon as canon
(sry for bad writing, that’s gonna be some gramatic wrong shit but i NEED to say this -aahhh this is hard, sorry)
That’s not a message to antis (fuck them) but massage to pro-shippers. In our fandom we have some weird shit that we all agreed is canon? Its all because bakudeku started as enemies..? rivals? definetly not friends? Because Bakugo told Deku to go to kill himself.
That was a first episode; we didn’t know a shit except we need to protect Izuku at all costs bc he’s so adorable and just need protection. But then there is started some weird west shit where people completly ignoring what’s going on on the screen cuz no one noticed Izuku’s reaction on these words.
Well, you see, I came in fandom after wonderful villain!deku au’s and now i think its the dumbest thing fandom ever made so i was low-key shipping bakudeku. And one of the reasons why i started to watch this show was ‘cuz I wanted to see how really abusive this ship is. I wanted a proof. For my favorite kind fo AU and for my probably OTP.
But then I finally saw that scene, goddamn I laughed so fucking hard OMG. Pls rewatch it, PLEASE REWATCH IT WITH YOUR OPENED EYES.
Was it just me or Izuku’s first reaction was a desire to say “well fuck you too”???
Was he upset? Obviously, his notebook was thrown into window. But what else? He was angry. He wasn’t scared before Katsuki glared at him. He wasn’t crying (his usual reaction at everything). After that, he just said that Katchan was stupid to say that.
That was the moment when villain!deku died to me. But so did a big part of bakudeku fandom cuz they are so good people who can’t do anything wrong so when they do, they need to apologise и этот момент во всех фанфиках написан как по методичке And so need Bakugo BECAUSE HE BULLIED MIDORIYA FOR TEN YEARS or something like that apparently (funny thing but i figured that russian just doesn’t have an equal translation; well we have a lot of childish nouns and a lot of verbs so we can translate ‘he was bullied’ but we can’t translate ‘that guy is bully’ without it sounded stupid and childish THE FUNNIER THING: the closiest that i heard used is ‘provoker’ :D i just found that very hillarious dontmindme)
Well, the question is: was Midoriya really get bullied? I saw enough animes to think it was not the case. Or it was nothing really serious and just words. And look me in the eyes and tell me that this guy gave fuck about what people told him. Especially in middle school. He was one with his dreams against the world, even against his own mother (and i need to write another post why i hate Inko Midoriya and probably why I’ll never be accepted in your world of saints). He was quirkless and people laughed at his dreams. His mother didn’t believe in him. But Katsuki? He just wanted get rid of him.
Big bad Katsuki, right? Because you never ever in your lives met people who you thought was weird, who made you feel weird. That could be your friends sometimes or your friend’s friend or just that one classmate - you have never been in such a situation, right? I’m not saying his actions are fine - nah, he was an asshole kid, but i can understand why. Actually, if you read manga, it was said literally: Katsuki doesn’t see a problem in a bit of violence. He was raised that way, he’s angry kid, with not so family-friendly quirk (probably). But he knows when to step back, he follows rules, he’s a good student and he wouldn’t let his ‘friends’ smoke nearby bc he doesn’t want to get into trouble. His dreams (plans) are too big, he works so hard for them to happen. He might be an asshole but he’s responsible asshole за то и любим
So, some stupid kid who thinks he’s better then Katsuki (btw go rewatch their first fight but without this ‘we need to protect Deku’ bullshit in your mind and listen to their dialog - it’s a gold of comedy misunderstandings honestly) that kid thinks that he’s, being a loser (he WAS loser, smart ofc but still yeah it’s not good call him that but ffs), quirkless, can achive something for what Katsuki worked so hard. Most of you would’ve hate this kid too, don’t lie to yourselves.
But would he risk his dreams to hurt him?
Yeah, there’re moments from times when they were what? four? that frame where ‘he became bad after he got his quirk’? i honestly think it was a plothole but just imho :D Asshole violent little brat but i really would’ve love to know the whole story bc wtf. It’s probably my problem after being here too long so i automatically looking for bad things and it’s not like kids never fight. I don’t believe it was something drastically and IT IS the most drastic thing that i found in their history.
And after all... intresting point: Deku still thinks that Katsuki is amazing (even when he’s an asshole) and don’t you fucking dare call him a masochist ‘cuz he’s not. He would fight him.
He wanted to fight him when Katchan said that stupid thing (that you all so love to overthink). He fought him when they were little. He fought him in villain vs heroes lesson without that much of a second thought. Yeah, he’s nervous around him at first bc Katsuki is loud and literally explosive and yeah, from that all you can think he’s scared of him, but is he? Izuku is nervous kid in general. He always was just a nobody for his classmates and it’s not like he was naturally talanted at anything (quite opposite) and his only parental figure is Inko (she’s wonderful woman, okay? but not the greatest mother and also nervous wreck). It was his first days in UA, Class 1-A was just introduced, we didn’t know anybody, and it’s some new test already - ofc he would be nervious.
So, anyway, if Katsuki didn’t abuse him physically, he obviously did that emotionally bc... we need a scape goat and we already hate Bakugo and he told Izuku to kill himself so that’s enough. Or bc he’s the only guy from Izuku’s chilhood who’s name we know, so we can blame him - he’s important to story, right? probably bc every story need an almost-villain so we can hate him altogether. Or maybe bc it was not Bakugo, but a whole atmosphere: his classmates, teachers, his ‘I’m sorry, I’m so sorry’ mother. First of all, probably genes.
Second of all, ask yourself a question: can one stupid Izuku’s words Bakugo Katsuki break Midoriya Izuku? To the point where we call that’s a trauma, where Katsuki’s usual harsh vocabulary becomes a crime, where we write suicidal fanfics and they don’t sound stupid?
Except they does because Izuku isn’t suicidal, not even fucking close. He doesn’t have a trauma. He is just a nervous kid and - actually - he isn’t fucking weak (strong in spirit or smth like that). Funny thing: when i first watch their exam right before summer camp arc, when they started talking that great speak about impassable wall, I actually thought that can be said about Izuku :D He’s not easy to break and he easily ignores people’s opinions when he needs.  He’s self-destractive, not suicidal. Different things, guys. I’m pretty sure even if he did thought about that ‘way out’, he never made this an option. Yeah, you actually can seriosly consider this as your ‘way out’ and then think that nope, not for you.
So, after all this FUCKING TEXT WALL OMYGOD, let’s get back to the point that I didn’t even stated in first place.
Why Katsuki need to apologise? 
I’m sure at some point Katsuki hated Deku (bc Deku looked down at him whatever it was or wasn’t thruth - for Katsuki it was) and at some point Deku couldn’t leave him alone. He called him names (name ‘Deku’ was made before Deku happened to be quirkless, some people forget about that), but so did everyone and don’t make Katsuki the most evil one - unlike most, he had reasons and he’s an angry kid and Izuku was a bad guy in Katsuki’s story who wanted to destroy him while hiding behind his innocence smile - what a fucking story with a plot-twist it could’ve been, if it was Katsuki’s POV- 
Katsuki didn’t ruin Izuku’s life, not even close. You can say, he ruined his childhood, but I would risk to say that was mutual (Greetings, Inferiority Complex!). Really, can I start to say that Izuku need to apologise to Katsuki bc he didn’t even try to understant his friend?
So, Bakugo is a bully bc we never saw an angry teenager and bc Izuku is innocent and it’s just them two in the world and Izuku is the only one who was hurt no, really, no jokes here, I think Katsuki is a lot more emotionally damaged then Izuku ever was and because we have a really dumb headcanons that we forgot were just our thought ебаное слово, вечно забываю как пишется and interpretations.
So we agreed that Katsuki beat Izuku bc he was quirkless and helpless (seems like EXACTLY THE REASON WHY HE WOULD DO THIS R I G H T) and called him names (definitely not bc he felt threatened by someone who’s supposed to be just a nobody). 
Okay, that sounds bad so I rephrase it:
Why Katsuki should apologise to someone who he saw as a threat when he for so much reasons shouldn’t?
Not so simple anymore, hah?
Can sound dumb but ambivalent feelings is a thing. And that’s the only reason I can find to explain why Katsuki was the only one of the whole class who didn’t laughed when they’ve been told Deku’s trying get into UA. Because shitty nerd had a chance? Because shitty nerd thought that he stand the same ground as Bakugo and it wasn’t funny anymore? Because stop looking down at me?
Bakugo Katsuki is the best fucking character I’ve ever met. He’s so real. So complex.
And when you picture him as a bully or just a bad guy or abusive, you’re killing him as a character. I don’t like saying that 16y.o. are just kids, but he is AND he’s trying his best. He doesn’t understand all things and he has never met a proper rivals before and he’s definitely not a social person (and nope, you can’t change a character so deal with it and learn to see through this). And let him learn.
He may or may not look back one day and see what a little piece of shit he was, but I don’t think he would say something. He’s a man of action after all.
And I definitely think that would be unnecessary and would look forced bc Izuku doesn’t need this. Izuku isn’t a victim, and when you picture him as one, you’re killing him as a character.
(it should’ve been ended right after ‘OMG TEXT WALL’ but here we fucking are; does someone read this?
i really hope this shit is readable; if not, it’s not about my shitty english that much, but my writing, ehh)
You have headcanons - good. You figured them in a way to fill a gap in the story - great. But for the love of characters, don’t fucking pretend them to be a canon.
But really, is it just me or does first chapter look weird? It’s fctually just funny how so many people seems stuck in FIRST CHAPTER when we are close to second hundred. I’m not saying ‘heeeey character development’. I’m asking: is first chapter a really good reason to make assumptions?
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stefano-and-obscura · 6 years
This is NOT Okay: Bullying someone over fanfiction and over what their friends said.
Unfortunately it has come to my attention that a mutual of mine was being harassed both on here and on AO3 because of her Stefano Valentini Randomness Stories, and this sad, pathetic waste of space below tried to JUSTIFY it. What they put is absolutely sickening. [I wound up using strong language in my responses, so I am sorry you have to read those words.]
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More under the cut because this is getting long
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Look, my friend didn't tell me she was called "basement dweller," and I don't care who did it. That person's ass is grass whether you like it or not. She didn't complain to me about it. I found it myself and acted
If your friend didn't tell you, that meant you actually read it and you saw who REALLY called her a basement dweller, which makes it all the more fucking pathetic you're harassing someone JUST because of what a fan of theirs told your friend!! Where's the justification for THAT?? You just wanted an excuse to hate on someone who wrote what you didn't like, and instead of being the LOGICAL person and confronting the one who insulted your friend you went after the person who had nothing to do with it.
Your friend brought that on herself; she commented something rude, someone else defended the author, and your idiotic little rat brain decides to go after the author???????
That's like me going after YOUR FRIEND because of YOUR BEHAVIOR.  I feel so, so sorry that your friend has to put up with a fucking overly goddamn worthless piece of shit like you who thinks its okay to bully others because "MAH FWENDS!" How fucking old are you???????
I'm gonna get this straight once and for all: we did NOT tell her to delete her story. We did not just choose to target her because she was who she was. We just found a crappy story and left our comments.We are just as entitled to our opinions. 
From the comments I saw when she linked me I saw you fucking assholes DID tell her to delete her story!! You're just fucking lucky she deleted the whole damn thing because she didn't want to deal with drama anymore, but you are lying through your teeth. You CHOSE to target her because "lolz shitteh storie!" which itself is an EXTREMELY shitty reason to harass someone in the first place and tell therm to delete something they're working on.  You're a sick fuck, you all are, because if you think its justifiable to harass people based on how badly their story is written you don't deserve the privilege of being online at all.
You can leave your shitty opinion WITHOUT harassing the author, doncha know?? There's CONSTRUCTIVE criticism (which nobody there used) that your dumb fucking asses could have used instead of "THIS SUCKS DELETE YOUR STORY DELETE IT NOW" like a bunch of enraged toddlers who are pissy that they can't get what they want.
Instead of ignoring us and deleting them, she turned it into drama. So, immediately, by that alone, that in turn caused her white knights to do what they have been doing.
This just in: Apparently people CANNOT offer their own reason for doing the way it does without "turning it into drama".  You bastards were the ones who turned it into drama by harassing her still, people defending themselves against hateful comments (aka "DELETE YOUR SHITTY STORY") is NOT causing drama. You got pissy because she told you off and gave her reason, so you decided to bully her all because "wahh my fee fees hurt!"
And yes, she could use a little bit of real world. Everyone gets depressed, everyone gets anxious. She's not special. Everyone gets a little fragile here and there,
You're one of the stupidest motherfuckers to ever stupid.
Because of her fragile mental health due to her condition, the poor girl deals with enough ‘real world’ shit at home. There’s a reason that people come online, to escape that, and sorry, bullying is not ‘real world’. It is something that happens in the real world, but its not normal and should never be okay to do at all, not even online. (Where it can get worse than real world bullying because smug rat bastards like yourself think you can hide behind a wall of anonymity until someone dies from it, in which case you’re held responsible)
You have NO understanding of mental illnesses! There's a difference between "I'm feeling sad! I'm feeling nervious!" AND A DEBILITATING MENTAL ILLNESS THAT PEOPLE HAVE TO BE ON MEDICATION FOR.
One of your friends being "sad" is NOT the same as someone struggling with depression! One of your friends feeling nervous sometimes is NOT the same as someone dealing with near-crippling anxiety!
Nobody takes medicine for being just sad and just nervous, and everyone gets a little fragile here and there??????? There's a big fucking difference from being at a low point AND HAVING YOUR MENTAL ILLNESS AFFECT YOU SO BADLY THAT YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT, AND THERE'S A REASON WHY MOST OF THE PEOPLE WHO COMMIT SUICIDE ARE STRUGGLING WITH MENTAL ILLNESSES.
With you and your friends' fucking harassment YOU COULD HAVE BULLIED THIS GIRL TO SELF HARM and frankly I wouldn't be surprised if you already did, ALL OVER A STORY YOU HATED AND SOMEONE ELSE'S COMMENT.
How many people have you done this to? How many people did you indirectly kill because you bullied them to self harm and suicide?
and no. Saying a bad story is bad is not bullying. It is not. You're just calling it bullying because she said it was. You're just functioning on her vocabulary.
HMMMMM apparently telling someone to delete their story over and over, spamming her and leaving other hateful shit isn't bullying?? You're fucking delusional.  You outright admitted to it that she had to get hurt.  You planned this, you and the rest of the sick fucks in your pack decided to BULLY her over something so incredibly stupid.
And you know what? All of my friends have medically diagnosed problems too, not just "depression" and "anxiety."
And you know what?????? Everyone experiences mental illnesses differently, some worse than others! And goody goody, your friend has BPD?? So does my mother, who, because of her BPD, has physically and emotionally hurt me, other people and herself, and she attempted SUICIDE because it got that bad!
Meanwhile judging from YOUR attitude and lack of understanding (or plain ignorance) towards mental illness, either your friend has VERY mild, manageable BPD or your friend doesn't have BPD at all! None of your friends do, or if they DO, they either have it under control or they know what kind of shitty bitch you are and keep it hidden from you because they know you'll treat them like absolute trash otherwise.
YOUR ACTIONS have only worsened the girl's mental state, and you don't  care at all because "Ha ha my friends handle it better/don't have anything so YOU should be able to do the same by my neurotypical standards uwu"
I'm not a white knight. I'm her best friend.
You may be her "friend" (Which I doubt because unless you're hiding that side from her, ,who wants to be friends with something like you?) but you still white-knighted by jumping in where your ass didn't belong. Not only that but you went after the WRONG PERSON, IF YOU ACTUALLY DID IT BECAUSE OF THE BASEMENT DWELLER INSULT!!
Judging from the fact you KNEW it wasn't her who called your friend a basement dweller (which is a stupid fucking thing to get offended over unless you're 12)  You didn't attack her for the basement dweller thing at all, did you??
You saw an opportunity to attack her because of her shitty story (as if you didn't already do the whole "DELETE YOUR STORY IT SUCKS" bit) and find a way to justify it.
It was never about the basement dweller thing, as far as I see. If it really was why did you bother attacking her some more instead of going after the person who made the comment?????? You said so yourself, your friend didn't tell you, you saw it!
And no, if she can't just delete comments and not cry over them for hours, I'm sorry. She has no business writing fanfiction. I repeat, she has NO BUSINESS writing fanfiction.
I'm sorry but if you can't dislike someone's story without harassing them and bullying them for hours, I'm sorry, you have no business being online. I REPEAT, you have NO BUSINESS BEING ONLINE.
Yeah, her writing isn't exactly my favorite either, but guess what?? She can improve at writing!! You? You'll always be a sad, unwanted worthless shitty waste of egg and sperm.
I am not bullying the girl.
And I’m totally not typing this sentence online and posting it to a website called tumblr! 
I am criticizing her writing and her method of grabbing fans by lying to them, pandering to them, and forcing them to bend to her every will.
“This sucks delete your story!” isn’t criticizing, dumbass. 
Grabbing fans by lying to them and pandering them, and forcing them to bend to her will? I call bullshit on all of that! 
First let’s address the pandering accusation.  You have FANS, you write content the FANS WANT.  As a FANFIC AUTHOR, I mean that’s basically your job, its not pandering, its supply and demand. If that was true then everyone writing Stefano Valentini fanfic because people like Stefano are now fan panderers!
Also, how the fuck does she lie to them?????? I don’t fucking see it!! 
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-She actually does write these in second person, signifying the READER is the one in it. (I dislike those stories a lot for obvious reasons, is that your beef with it too?)
-Its not in chronological order either
She’s not lying to them, and HOW is she fan-pandering if there ISN’T any fan pandering????? All I see is stuff SHE wants to write, and lemme guess its only “fan pandering” because of second person perspective?? That’s bullshit. 
Manipulation? I’ll believe it when I see it, bitch.
She is manipulative and dangerous. I would even advise you to stay away from her because you're giving in to her. That is all I'm gonna say.
“She is manipulative and dangerous, I would even advise you to stay away from her!” Cries the idiotic bully-bitch who’s been harassing the user over a STORY and claiming its for a “basement dweller” comment that she didn’t even write herself.  
Yeah, I’m TOTALLY gonna listen to a person who bullies others!! 
You’re the only manipulative and dangerous one here.  You said you didn’t care if she gets hurt, that she needs a bit of ‘real world’.  People like you are the ones who cause people to commit suicide, or cause those people to turn into murderers because they lost the value for their own lives as well as others, because believe it or not, SpaceUndies, your actions DO have consequences!! 
I only know this because I've known people like this.
Are you seriously fucking 12? You're not the only one who's dealt with people like this!
I've had internet access since late 2012, you honestly don't fucking thing I've encountered a lot of dangerous, manipulative people???????  I'm really good at picking out manipulative people based on several behavioral patterns I've observed in the ones I met (and including a guardian of mine who's warped me so badly as a child that I still am suffering from her actions to this day) and I can tell you FLAT OUT that, as far as I am seeing right now in front of me, the only manipulative bastard is you.
You're unhealthily obsessed with harassing people and claiming "uM SOMEONE ELSE CALLED MY FRIEND A BASEMENT DWELLER" and white-knighting because "I'm sticking up for a friend!"
I've dealt with enough useless wastes of human DNA like yourself to know which ones need to be kept away from the internet and other people, and you're one of them.
Ignoring the fact that Basement Dweller isn't even a viable insult to any degree and is in no way harmful, I can only imagine how much you fly off the loop when something a tad more different happens.
You're dangerous and you need to have your psych evaluated. First it starts with hurting people online, then real life bullying, an then you'll be kidnapping and murdering people for minor infractions.
They would threaten themselves and their own lives just to get attention. She is doing the same.
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That is where I got you, bitch.
She never threatened her own safety, at all.  I just mentioned that-because if your stupid little incompetent ass bothered to read, I said she COULD do that, because that's what people with fragile mental health DO!  They're more prone to self harm and suicide due to BULLYING which you said she needed some of.
Also, this goes to prove how much of an idiotic bastard you are. 
"Hurr durr if someone I don't like is having issues and does say about self harm THEY FAKIN'!"
Guess what? Your friend SUPPOSEDLY has BPD.  I bet that every time they get on the verge of self harm THEY'RE FAKING. Do you think the same too, or are they somehow magically the exception??
 I would say get out while you still can. But hey, if you just think I'm a bitch for defending my BPD friend, so be it. At least she can change and adapt to life. Like I said, I don't protect because they ask me to. I do it because I want to.
You're a bitch because you're BULLYING someone! Sorry tootsie-pop but bullying is not the same as defending, NOT TO MENTION you're "defending" her from the WRONG PERSON.  You fucking ADMITTED that you saw everything and YOU ADMITTED you didn't care who sent that message! You're not even bullying her for the basement dweller comment, you're just bullying this girl because you hated the story.
Also what does your BPD friend have to do with it?? She didn't even come to you about this which shows she wasn't upset! Her BPD HAD NO PART IN THIS, you're just using that as a "HA HA GOTCHA" card against someone with another mental condition.   Because of your SHITTINESS towards symptoms and conditions and claiming "EVERYONE gets like that sometimes!" I actually, truly, honestly do believe your friend DOESN'T have BPD at all, you're just lying through your teeth, because otherwise you would have known about the whole "Mental illness symptoms are FAR DIFFERENT from regular mood stuff!"
Your friend can adapt and change in life?? What a coinky-dink, so can the author!! I mean she has to in order to survive with her condition, but that doesn't mean she HAS to put that guard up 24/7, ESPECIALLY online where most real world bullshit shouldn't have to happen.
Your logic never lines up and it doesn't make sense. You KNEW she had fragile mental health but you kept pushing her to the FUCKING BRINK because you could, like any other evil bastard who just wants to watch people suffer.
You don't care for your friend at all, judging from the above, you're only using her as a pathetic excuse. You just wanted a reason to hurt someone over a little story you personally hated. You don't care about other peoples' mental health, you truly don't care if blood is spilled over it because "They deserved it because SOMEONE DIFFERENT called my friend a meanie word that little kids use :( "
You never experienced online bullying, but for this alone and the fact you knowingly bullied someone with fragile mental health because "she deserved it", I hope you experience it.   I honestly do hope that, for as long as you continue being online, you get some "real world" from other people no matter what you do and what you say. I want you to go through as much bullshit as you put this girl through, and when you go to other people about your issues, they laugh in your face and tell you the same thing you've said above.
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thats-so-riley · 3 years
My first tattoo!
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Hi Everyone!
Ill start by apologizing for the LONG POST! I'm new here and looking for some advice Please.
I am in the process of getting my first tattoo. Im 37, so I've come this far with out one, but its always been something I've thought about and I think its time!
I'm looking for some advice on the design. I know what I like, so just seeing if anyone more creative than me can help with suggestions to try and pull them all together
These were the pieces I really liked and used as references, and wanted to kind of take elements of ( excuse the size if they are too big )
The things I really liked from the reference pics.
-The Ladies face with the tiger headdress
-I really like the Geo designs, and want to use that as a background or to surround the main piece
-I really like the skin breaks that seperate the patterns.
This piece is going to go onto my upper thigh ( if that helps )
So my first step was chatting to an artist. I've sent him these references and he got quite excited to help me do the piece. after about 3 weeks, he had a cancellation for me to come in and do just the design ( what i suggested we start with as im pretty nervious to rush this )
I visited him this week, and we sat down for about 1.5 hours putting the piece together. I will attach where we are below! I feel its starting to come together, but its not gripping me. Thats why i need some advice from you guys!
Any comments on how to better put this together if anyone has cool suggestions!?
Look forward to your replies!!
submitted by /u/Vivid_Possible6614 [link] [comments]
from Welcome to /r/tattoo! https://ift.tt/3jBnuvo
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allie-horikawa · 7 years
Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu Episode 6 *Spoilers*
Okay, I know you all are excited to seeing the cameo with our beloved TouDan’s, and a great part of you are like “OMG, Mikazuki” or “Geez, Izuminokami is too hot” and sh*t like that. I was excited too, BUT I want to foucus in more important things.
Firts of all, I want to do an analysis of the whole episode step by step.
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If my memory still works, we never got to see the process of repairing in Hanamaru and to be honest I think this was way too cool, It seems to be quite easy but so damn hard at the same time. Now I’m more curious of how does it works.
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Okay, this is way too much technology for me, but it still being cool.I know that most of you guys don’t really like Katsugeki’s Horikawa but I love him better that Hanamaru’s Horikawa although I love Hanamar’s too, okay, let’s just say that I love Horikawa in general, so I’ll be willing to foucus on him a little more than the others. Here we are reminded that he’s still being a newbie, so he is nervious while the Kuda-gitsune’s do their job. Tsurumaru and Mutsunokami seems to be too used of this revisions that they rather foucus on Kunihiro sorry, I really like calling him Kunihiro instead of Horikawa whoms is obviously worried as hell. I really enjoyed to see Tsurumaru talking to kunihiro as the knew each other already. Now, when he mentions thet he knows that Kunihiro was kane-san’s partner I was hoping him or even Mutsunokami to tell that Kane-san has been talking about Kunihiro and waiting for him to come it obviously it did not turn to be that way and it was a little bit disappointing for both of us, Kunihiro and me. Anyway I think it was really thoughtful of Mutsunokami anf Tsurumaru to take the time to explain Kunihiro the way things worked after they get back to the citadel
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Then here we have Yagen, altought he wasn´t really talking with the group he was still with them, this means they started to get attached to each other, rigth?
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Now we get to the part that everyones talks about sorry, as an asexual I don’t quite understand why everyone is so excited about it yet again, we can see that Kane-san is not thinking obut himself, the first thing he said after his awake was an apology and then asked for Tonbokiri. It’s obviously that he isn´t so refielved about knowing that history hasn’t changed.
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Then we have this guy, I know you’ll want to kill me after saying this but I don’t really like him. Yes, I also know that you guys really love jiji, but since last episode I’ve got this feeling that he’s up to something and the fact that he asked the Saniwa if there were any plans of changing the 2nd unit... well I have my suspicions...
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Now, when the other finally can meet up with Kane-san.. it was quite heartbraking. He seems to act normal but Mutsunokami and Kunihiro know best. I’ve startet to realize that Kunihiro talks without really thinking about it, so he ask Kane-san if he feels gulty althought it’s obvious that he won’t admit it. Mutsunokami in the other hand... well his eyes say everything
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Now, this part really made me laugh... There´s a lot of kuda-guitsune’s, I thought that they migth be arguing about something really important, and their talk ended to be about deep fried tofu...
In the other hand, we can now see that Konnosuke has get attached to the second unit too. Just look at his expression, he really thinks that his guys are way better than the first unit.
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Cameo!!!! look at my precious tantous and Ichi-nii
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Then, back to Kunihiro I’ll never get used of him how long has he been like this, just staring at his food without eating? It was uplifting to see Tsurumaru taking care of him in a very subtle way. I’d dare to say that everyone has forgotten it was Kunihiro’s first mission but Tsurumaru and Kane-san, no one has stopped to ask Kunihiro how he felt about the job but Tsurumaru seems to really wanting Kunihiro to express himself and his worries, it’s nice to see this side of Tsurumaru. Kunihiro seems to be like an open book, and, when he’s given the chance, stops looking after others and let all his worries out. He seems to be really hurt by the fact that Kane-san doesn’t want his help or even having him around I think I’ve already said this on someother post, but I Think about them as brothes so, please don’t get wrong my words
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And again, the eyes say everything
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C’mon guys, just figth and get over it.
Well, not literally, but why Kane-san can´t just talk with his team about how his feeling so they all can get over it together? If he keeps this attitude it’s going to be troublesome.
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Why is Yagen alone? I thoght that the tantous and Ichi-nii would be with him. Anyway, Honebami did bring him food and a really weird question. It might be an inocent question but, again, I have my suspicions.
I almost  forget to mention the way Yagen talks to Honebami about the 2nd unit. It was so... I don’t even have words. If you guys remember the 2nd episode you would know that Yagen seemed to be refusing to talk with the others, I’d say that he didn´t even wanted to befiend them, but now... he really trust them, he knows now that he can rely on them, and that makes my heart melt
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Damn it, this is what I’ve been waiting for the whole week. My baby is safe :’)
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Kunihiro apologizing for not being strong enough, yeah, I was expecting this too tbh. What I wasn’t expecting was Tonbokiri apologizing for the same reason.
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Now, I was expecting this scene to be shown
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Kane-san went to see jiji. That was a surprise, that obviously means that everyone thinks jiji knows best. But I still don’t like him
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Am I the only one who thinks that Kane-san looks younger here? for the first time since ever we see him loosing the control of his emotions. It’s the first time that we see him allowing himself to express that he feels lost and helpless, at least with his facial expression, which speaks louder than his words. I believe that making him look younger was the right thing.
I always tell my friends that Kane-san ressembles an older version of Kunihiro (physically talking) and now, watching him like this, with all these emotions going trough him, he really looks younger, I can really see Kunihiro on his face, I can see Kunihiro in his eyes
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So he is the new member of the first unit. I knew it wasn’t just an innocent question
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OMG, now, wasn´t expecting THAT
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blschaos3000-blog · 5 years
Its 12:09 am dark
Welcome to “8 Questions with…..”
One of the coolest things about reviewing films is discovering new faces that you have never seen before. Be it behind the camera like Paul Raschid,Aislinn Clarke or Liam Gavin or in front of it like Brittany Ashworth,Mike Ferguson or our next guest,the charming and delightful Kelly Goudie. I recently reviewed “The Baylock Residence” and noted that while the film wasn’t that strong,the performances of Kelly and her co-star Sarah Wynne Kordas were outstanding. I knew I wanted to interview Kelly but I also knew I hadn’t written the best review so I was a bit nervious when I made contact with Kelly.  I was very upfront with who I was and told her about the review before I asked her if we could chat. Not only was Kelly very gracious and understanding,she also said yes to being interviewed as well. I’m so happy because I really think she is a strong actress and has what it takes to move to the next level. She is a bright,energetic,fearless and straight talking while also having one of the most charming voices I have heard in a long time. As you can tell,I’m pretty happy to introduce Kelly to you all here…so I’m going to quit babbling and start asking some questions!!!
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 Please introduce yourself and tell about your current project.
Hi, my name is Kelly Goudie and I played Patrica Woodhouse in The Baylock Residence. The Baylock Residence is a low budget and by low budget I mean no budget horror film. It’s set at the end of 1940s and has a paranormal mystery vibe.
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When you did you know you wanted to be an actress? How did you start your journey?
For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to act. I was a bit of a lone wolf as a child, so I spend a lot of time making up stories and pretending to be different people. Like most people, my first ever performance was a school play (Noah’s Arc and my role was ‘Zebra 2’) Originally I didn’t even have a speaking part as the youngest kids where always just part of the ensemble cast, I begged my teacher for a line, eventually she cracked and after that I had the performance bug! I knew I just wanted to act. I think if I’m completely honest, I was kind of a sad kid. So drama was a way to express how I was feeling when I wasn’t brave enough to do it as myself.
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What steps do you in becoming your character?
This really depends on the role, obviously knowing the text inside out is a good place to start knowing what relationships your character has with others. I try and box away as much of myself as possible. I spend a lot of time alone figuring what’s my motivation. I use method techniques too whilst on set so if our characters hate each other I will avoid you like the plague.
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What are you strengths as an actress? What areas do you feel you need more experience?
I love submerging myself in a character and really throwing myself into a role. I love taking on demanding roles which usually leave me feeling pretty drained. It’s hard because if your playing an intense role, your mind knows that you are just playing a character but your body goes through all the stress and motions. I would like to get better at keeping myself safe emotionally whilst taking on those characters.
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Your first two films have been in horror…..so,what scares you?
Good question! When I was younger everything scared me. I was so easily triggered, seriously! Even Cruella Deville from 101 Dalmatians was terrifying to me. Now, thankfully I’m braver! I’m a bit of a horror movie freak, it takes a lot to scare me. I love gore. My absolute favourite is French gore horror. But what really scares me is when I have sleep paralysis. I go through spells of having this and I always have home invasion dreams- they are horrific.
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What roles do you want to tackle next? Can you see yourself as a leading lady in a romantic-comedy?
I love comedy- that’s actually my safe space so I would love to do more of that! I would love to be the leading lady- especially as I think female roles have changed a lot in the past few years and have become more realistic and showing women as strong humans, we aren’t just sat around waiting to be saved anymore. I really want to do something gritty. Maybe a crime drama? Like Luther? I love binge watching those kind of dark shows, something that you can really sink your teeth into so if I was cast in one if those that would be amazing!
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What was the experience like shooting “The Baylock Experience”? What was it like seeing yourself on the cover of the DVD?
We filmed the main bulk of the film in about 2 weeks. Lots of early starts and late finishs. The house was freezing as it had been sitting empty for years and was due to be knocked down after we had filmed. There was definitely a strange feeling in the house, nobody really liked being left in any rooms alone. It was such a learning experience for us all, having no budget we had to cheat a few bits and come up with interesting ways to film things. Seeing my face on the DVD cover was really something! On low budget films distributors tend to use their own images on the cover as there are no big names to sell the film so I was really proud to see little old me on the cover!
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Is there a supportive indie film community in the UK? Have you ever had to work with someone who was struggling with their lines and if so,how do you help them?
I think like in any field, there are those who are supportive and those who are not. I think you have to chose who to listen to.
I have worked with people who have really struggled with lines- on those situations its all about taking the pressure off them, if your in front of the camera you are able to cut, then just have them take a few minutes to gather their thoughts and start again. Its happened on stage too when an actor has forgotten their lines and you see that look of panic flash through their eyes. But it’s ok, if you know your characters motives well enough you will get through it, they are what hold the text together.
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With a growing career and being engaged (congratulations!),how do you handle balancing your personal life with your professional one?
Thank you! I’ll be honest it’s a struggle! Myself and my partner both work hard in our respective fields and we understand that sometimes our work may take the lead. We both fully support each other which makes it easy. He knows how much acting means to me and he pushes me to be the best version of myself both in my work and personal life. He’s a good one.
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(photograph by Austen Blakemore Photography) 
Would you like to perform live theater in the future?
YES! Live performance in my opinion is the best. The whole experience of it. There is nothing like performing live being part of dimensional experience. Being able to invoke feelings and feed off of that energy just helps create a more emotive performance I think.
How do you handle it if a part you have auditioned for doesn’t go your way?
I move on, in this industry and actually just life in general you have to have a thick skin. It’s hard getting knocked back but you can’t just stay on the ground. Sure, I allow myself to feel sad about it if I need to, but then it’s time to put my big girl pants on and try again.
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Are there any roles you would refuse to do if the subject matter bothered you?
There are things I struggle to watch but I think if they are vital to the story and where portrayed in an honest manner then I would do them but sometimes I think things are included unnecessarily for shock value. As long as its authentic then I’m down.
The cheetah and I are flying over to watch your latest film but we are a day early and now you are playing tour guide,what are we doing?
 I’ll be honest if you come to mine we’re sitting in our pyjamas watching films on the sofa whilst eating cheese. But since you’ve come all the way from America I guess we should leave the house! You can’t come to Nottingham without going to the Major Oak and a walk around Sherwood Forest, the home of Robin Hood! We will go to the pub on the way home and have a huge Sunday roast and then end the evening binge watching some of those gritty crime dramas that I want to be in!
  I like to thank Kelly for taking the time to chat with me here. She is quite a peach and I really feel her roles are only going to get better and better. This is why I love doing this interview series because this is where is you are going to hear about the next big thing!! You can follow Kelly through her various social media sites and see what she is doing next:
You can follow Kelly on her InstaGram page. She also has a channel on YouTube which I highly recommend. She is starting to post new videos now. Kelly has a Spotlight page as well. She also has a IMDb page.
I also like to give a special shout out to Austen Blakemore who took that incredible Red Riding Hood shot. I would tell any actors who are in need of headshots and other pictures,you really need to look him up. You can find Austen at his website Austen Blakemore Photography.
As always,thank you for your continued support and please feel free to drop a comment below!! 8 Questions with…………actress Kelly Goudie Its 12:09 am dark Welcome to "8 Questions with....." One of the coolest things about reviewing films is discovering new faces that you have never seen before.
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karworlds-blog · 4 years
ok no one follows me here so i’m gonna express myself here that i’m nervious to post the first chapter of my fic tomorrow ‘cause i’m afraid that nobody likes it... well... i’m gonna finish the editing, we’ll see what happens hshaha if only one person reads it i’m happy hahahahs
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miamibeerscene · 7 years
Brew Review – Purple Drank by Coppertail Brewing @coppertail
There’s a little known musical genre I’m fond of called Chopped and Screwed. It’s a method of remixing wherein the track, usually hip hop or R&B, is slowed down dramatically and cut in (or ‘Chopped’) on itself, allowing key notes or phrases to be repeated. 
Take, for example, Alexander O’Neal’s If You Were Here Tonight. Listen to the original, then to the Chopped and Screwed version. This will give you an idea of the genre. 
The ‘Screwed’ part is actually a reference to the late Houston DJ Screw, who originated the style in the early 90’s. DJ Screw, otherwise known as Robert Earl Davis, Jr., found that showing down the music a great deal lent a heavy, sedated air to the song.
This worked really well with the drug of choice making the rounds in Houston at that time, Purple Drank. This drink, known as sizzurp, dirty Sprite, drank, etc., is basically prescription-level cough syrup – containing codeine and promethazine – mixed in a soda, usually Sprite or similar. A Jolly Rancher candy was sometimes added as well.
Those two drugs are sedatives in the nervious system, making them a perfect and lethal accompaniment to the new slowed down style of music. They supress coughing and pain, to be sure, but in larger doses can shut down breathing altogether. This, alongside other drugs, is what finally took the life of DJ Screw in 2000.
So that’s a lengthy and dark intro to the decidedly safer and more legal Purple Drank (Berliner Weisse, 3.5% ABV) being brewed by Coppertail Brewing in Tampa.
The beer, an almost quintessential example of the Florida Weisse style, is a classic weisse with a tart, face-puckering amount of tartness in an extremely light, almost buoyant brew. It’s a beer where the yeast is allowed to shine, and shine it does.
The purple color in this particular drank comes from a copious amount of boysenberry thrown into the mix. The berries bring the color, as well as a light fruity flaor to add to the lemon-forward citrus qualities of the Berliner. They help out the tang a bit as well, but this isn’t a beer that really needed help there.
Not going to lie, I had a pint while floating in my pool on a hot Florida day, and it was absolutely perfect. Perfect, I tell you. Light, fruity, and delicious.
Coppertail has been releasing bottles of Purple Drank periodically, but it’s not totally widespread as of yet. It’s easier to find it on tap, and worth the find.
At least the legal one is.
Drink Florida Craft, Dave @floridabeerblog [email protected]
The post Brew Review – Purple Drank by Coppertail Brewing @coppertail appeared first on Miami Beer Scene.
from Brew Review – Purple Drank by Coppertail Brewing @coppertail
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janiklandre-blog · 7 years
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
10:04 a.m. day started sunny, but clouds predicted, temp to fall again and then rise again - yesterday morning on the subway I got into talking with a young man - showed him how my smart phone goes to Contandino, wherever that may be, for weather - he showed me, slide over and get New York! And so I learn in small increments - Cathy taught me to text, Jane Sammon showed me to out in contacts - now I would like to change my message for voice mail - I dislike all those giving you the number you cslled, Jane has a long and personal one, also I would like to change my ring tone to a less generic one - and alas Igor was moved to Queens, and I struggle with the ipad and I'm getting nowhere - it is a snail's progress - also Molly had no time last week, I hope she'll come tomorrow - so at last I would find out how to access the blog she has set up - just now I once again added a dozen names Bcc one by one - never know in the end to whom I have I have sent this - want to let Gesine who has been posting for me in Germany - but then again she uses wordpress and Molly used Tumblet - it all is dreadfully, dreadfully confusing - and yes, if only Ken still lived - and yes if only my learning had not become so slow - obviously if I could this myself - would save my wonderful helpers their time - oh well - and so, in 1937, both of us stateless, I have no idea what document my mother showed to get into Czechoslovsakia - her Czech practically non existent - she did speak French, Francophile she was - we must have stayed a few nights with her desar friends the Rosners who all perished later - and then she took me to Troppau/Opava where her parents then lived by the Oder river, fertile soil, access to a garden, my grandfather a great gardener, growing most of their food, they had geese, chickens - pigs were very useful but I don't think they had one - they were tenents in a very simple house - and there my mother left me - and I was told that every night I would cry - my Koeln, my Koeln, I so loved Koeln, my dear friend Helga - why oh why did we have to leave - little explanation given - my mother later saying - she was so good in Koeln, now she is a fresh little rebel. She was a walking encyclopedia but her friends had rejected Freud's teachings - big mistake. At 5 Hitler had turned me into a rebel - as today countless children are turned into early rebels by the misery a terrible emprire brings to them. o.k. so much is saved in drafts, Last night I wrote more than I had planned - L.P. with whom I had lunch asked a bit incredulously - do you read what you write before you send it - as incredulously when I was teaching E.S.L. people asked, do you make lesson plans - well you could call my style spontaneity, improvisiation - and then again you could call - just plain unbelievable and why should I read this crap. (she still is reading it.) Well, why don't I act and behave like the proper German lady my mother tried hard to make out of me. Hitler! The gestapo - secret police - came to search our apartment in Koeln - I was five - my mother had suitcases packed and as soon as they left the house we were on our way to the railroad station and headed for Prague - not sure how many km - but a good seven hours by train - and my mother must have been very nervious about the border - while in 1918 her family in Oderberg - now a Czech name - had gone to bed as citizens of the austro Hungarian empire, they woke up citizens of Czechoslovakia - Masaryk's country, a wonderful country - only alas they ever learned Czech - my grandmother spoke a mountain dialect called ponashemo - which would translate into, the way we speak, that must have been Slovak. My grandfather lost a job he loved - locomotive engineer - they came to survive on bare subsistence. In Vienna my Ph.D. mother scored one of the rarest teaching post - at the Hayes Gymnasium - the director aghast she was a Czech citizen, five socialist friends offered to marry her, she liked Fritz Jerusalem best, but not the name so she married Karl Spitz in a Jewish fashion, after a year all he had to say was I divorce thee. By then she had met my father but could not marry him because that would make her lose her job that kept both of them - but then she did marry him when she followed him to Koeln, but after she signed off Jewish in early 1933 both she and I became stateless. Enough to make a weirdo out of me who has been winging things in life - and feel sorry for people who spend nights doing lesson plans and who spend days on writing a letter Yes, those empires - Hitler said his would last 1000 years - it lasted for the first 13 years of my life - and while I can feign being a lady I can also be a gutter snipe - and many hold it against me that I am not sweet and even tempered and at all times the nice and quiet Marianne - who - and I shall name her here, Martha Hennessy, the grand daughter of Dorothy Day said to me: I will talk to you when you are the sweet Marianne I love - she too has not studied enough Freud - and I must forgive her because she has no idea how hurtful she is and how she has ruined a good friendship with C.B. - I will always like her - but my feelings are changed forever. I am not alone to write in the style I am writing - many writers describe what some call "automatic writing" - what I write, writes itself -and now I think I will head for the Polish church - where I came to sit at a round table - with Chinese. They encouraged me to get more of the tons of free food - all from Poland - on the stage - they were ready to hire a truck - I took a heavy jar of baked red cabbage, not yet opened, raspberry marmalade, petit beurre - the Chinese grab tons everywhere - perhaps they find ways to sell it - who knows - they did have some trouble with the Chinese labels. My dark Prague humor is a great help - I see absurdity everywhere and try to laugh about it - have learned only very few share my humor - it's the humor of the suppressed. Czech marionettes are playing nearby, I would love to see them, perhaps I should check, if they are here already perhaps I could go tonight alone. I do meet lovely Czechs on such occasions - wonderful people - alas all in all I have no contact with Czechs - I am not a Czech - my accent is German and there are a good number of Germans in my life, we do have a common language - and those my age - we lived through the war. Of course those in good circumstances did become ladies - have often trouble understanding me - would never ever send out what I do - rude, they tell me, recently: never would I publish what YOU write - oh well - they were in the Hitler youth - I was not - I was in the streets playing with the Czech kids. Proletarians - that my socialist mother idealized - but much preferred the aristocrats and lauded their values. All confusing So, it is 11 - my witching hour - though the Poles begin to serve lunch 12.15, 12.25 - they are not Germans. My polish neighbor here, using two names, Barbara and Halina, first too me there. She had been offered my apartment facing the Bowery but had waited for the quiet apartment to the back - I would die she said, if I could not sleep with an open window. She had finished medical studies in Poland but had not gotten American certification and was a research assistsnt at the cancer hospital - lover her work, lived way beyong her means, one day her boss dropped dead, end of job, she buried in debt - ended up in this here house, the first day she said to me: let's study radiology, we will make good money as radiologists - not my plan. She loved taking me to the church - she was one of many Poles who admire  Germans. And then - she had a severe stroke and ended miserably, her sweet brother taking care of her - she died before signing some important paper for him - I trried to help him but he was evicted. He told me I restored his belief in humanity. Sweet man. Alas almost all Poles are anti-Semites - I try being Jana Landre. Most Catholics also.. Horrible noise in the hallway, I'll go out and see what they are doing - and head for the Polish church on East 7th street and sit with the Chinese - only 4 at a table for 7 - the Poles are not keen on an English speaker. The Chinesetalk to me in Chinese. o.k.nread and all, here I go to send - please be forgiving    Marianne
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